lauraschwalm1 · 2 years
Journey w L. Schwalm as she walks you through some of her psychic traumas and then gives you ways she used to help heal from their effects. She shows you how to heal from psychic trauma on a physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual. This book is a "must read "
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lauraschwalm1 · 9 months
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lauraschwalm1 · 3 years
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The first real ghost buster is Jesus .. ✝️💥🌀💥
#TodaysDailyDose #Spiritualnutrition🥄 🥄 🥄 🥄
The concept of “ghost” implies there is a spiritual existence that is distinct from our physical one that survives the death of our physical body.
In the Genesis creation story, God says, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.”
The Bible makes it abundantly clear that there are spirit beings, both good and evil.
This phrase that’s in Genesis refers to our non -physical characteristics. But , “in our image” refers to the spiritual element of the Godhead.
There is an element to our existence that transcends time and space — our soul.
It is this that is made in God’s image. The spirit is simply the “housing” of the soul, one that gives us our individual identity in the afterlife.
It is this spirit that we call a “ghost” when it is not an integral part of a physical body.
God new our spiritual existence before we are born.
In the Book of Jeremiah, God says to Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.”
How did God “know” Jeremiah prior to his physical existence? The only logical answer is that Jeremiah’s spiritual existence pre-dated his physical one.
The most important thing to God is our spiritual existence.
That is why God sent Jesus and all the other prophets and messengers of God to teach us how vital it is to care for our souls, our spiritual self — because it is that which will last forever.
There are several instances of “ghosts” in scripture. Certainly, the disciples believed in ghosts.
Spirit beings who can connect with and appear in our physical world. The Bible identifies these beings as angels and demons. Angels are spirit beings who are faithful in serving God. Angels are righteous, good, and holy. Demons are fallen angels, angels who rebelled against God. Demons are evil, deceptive, and destructive. According to 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, demons masquerade as “angels of light” and as “servants of righteousness.” Appearing as a “ghost” and impersonating a deceased human being definitely seem to be within the power and abilities that demons possess, but most in the bible who referred themselves as mediums were NOT seen as evil during those times, they were seen as advisors to the kings & queens.
It wasn’t until many of the kings banded all psychics, spiritualist, and astrologers, from giving any advisory, because they created exposure to their deceitful ways. 
side 📝
And as a practicing Christian Metaphysical practitioner I am always coming from a place of love and light. It’s obvious by the messages that come through. —-
In the Old Testament Book of
1 Samuel, King Saul is desperate for divine direction in his war with the Philistines.
But God wouldn’t answer him, so he decided to consult a medium, the witch of Endor. At Saul’s direction, the witch summons the spirit of Samuel, the prophet of God who had recently died. Samuel asks, “Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?”
The ghost of Samuel simply reiterates to Saul what he said when he was alive — that the kingdom of Israel was to be given to his rival David.
Not only that, Saul and his sons were going to be killed in battle the very next day.
The other prominent “ghostly” example is in the New Testament.
Jesus is with Peter, James and John on the Mount of Transfiguration. The spirits of Elijah and Moses appeared and were speaking with Jesus.
This passage implies the spirits of those who have died have a continual identifiable existence, can communicate and can be called into the present from their spiritual home.
“Ghost” is simply our colloquial term for our spiritual selves.
But we all need to take care that our ghosts end up in the kingdom of heaven.
#healtheeffectsofpsychictrauma #GodsGotMe
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lauraschwalm1 · 4 years
Cruel. Willfully causing pain or suffering to others and feeling no concern about it. The reactive nature of cruel people project their own fears out into the world. Their core beliefs become hardened around their hearts until they entirely to get what love feels like. As a polarity to the repressed nature, these people tend to see others as overly sentimental and will take advantage of their good nature. Out of these two patterns— repressive and reactive our current civilization is created. Only those who are no longer victims of their own and others emotions can break the victim abuser/pattern. These people need willing victims in order to rise up in the community. When someone takes a stand anchored in their heart, these abusers are the first to crumble. The psychic soul healing Oracle deck was specifically created for healing the shadow aspect of self. The deck is titled under Transpersonal psychology. Transpersonal psychology is psychology that integrates the spiritual and transcends aspects of the human experience with the framework of modern psychology. These cards are designed for individuals looking for higher meaning in life, And who want to move beyond the limited boundaries of the ego to access and enhance capacity for wisdom creativity unconditional love and compassion. To order your own soul healing oracle deck go to pureenergyhealer.com and The Pure Energy Healer shop on Etsy. #shadowhealing #healtheeffectsofpsychictrauma #lauraschwalm #masterpsychichealer🙌 #mediumknotlessbraids
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