#headcanons: spaniel sisters
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Annette collette and danielle
10 Questions Meme
🌟 Drop one of my characters’ names in my inbox and I’ll tell you 10 facts about them 🌟
All three of the girls actually have two names. As detailed in the newspaper strips from well before Scamp's Adventure existed, they parents respectively named them Ruffy, Fluffy and Scooter. Of course, with the humans incapable of understanding anything the dogs decided on, Jim and Darling picked out their own names for the trio: the names we know them by in the sequel. The two older girls in particular took a shine to their human-given names, finding them prettier and preferring to be called by them, and Dani followed suit as she usually does; but any of them will answer to the old names if used. (Note that I generally don't take the comics as canon to my portrayal, but I felt the old names just made sense to include in their own way.)
Ask either Annette or Collette and they'll both tell you that they're the leader of the trio: Collette on account of being the oldest, Annette on account of being the smartest. While this often works itself out since they're commonly on the same wavelength anyway - and when they're not, Annette will step in when she specifically feels like she knows best but otherwise generally be willing to defer to Collette - it does lead to them butting heads on rare occasions. At which point Dani will either try and step in between them (emphasis on try) or sit back with metaphorical popcorn, depending on how serious things are getting.
Essentially, the girls each represent a different one of the body's 'intelligences'. Annette is the head, she prides herself on being the smartest and most logical of the girls; Collette is the heart, the one who follows her emotions before anything else and, beneath her external concern over looks, is a deeply compassionate soul; and Danielle is the gut who acts far more on instinct than common sense. If they listen to each other and take account of all of their perspectives, they can be an almost unstoppable team... more often, however, this doesn't exactly happen as Annette and Collette tend not to respect Dani's perspective as much as they could.
I've said it before, but all three girls need each others' presence to sleep well at night. They're so used to always being together that any time one of them is absent at bedtime it creates a void that they're very aware of. Remove any one of the girls, and the other two will have a restless night: sleeping together is as natural to them as breathing, and any sister missing from that arrangement feels disturbingly wrong. The rare but intense occasions when Annette and Collette fall out with each other so badly that they refuse to share a bed invariably end with none of the girls getting very much sleep for just this reason.
Of the girls, both Annette and Collette of course particularly care about their own appearances, but in different ways and for different reasons. Collette, as the beauty of the trio - particularly apparent from her long flowing "hair" (that is, her ears) and most graceful manner - cares about looks for their own sake; she knows she's pretty, takes pride in keeping that the case which she considers an art in its own right, and will happily spend hours preening in front of Darling's mirror. At first glance it looks like the same could be said of Annette; but really, Annette is less concerned with looking beautiful as she is with looking dignified. She wants to be taken seriously, and wouldn't dream of going out looking at all scruffy as she feels it would undermine that. So while she, too, can take her time in front of the mirror, she's usually quicker to be satisfied and move on that Collette is. Dani meanwhile, though she follows her sisters' lead in this like in most things, is also quick to get bored of admiring their own reflections; she doesn't have the patience to carefully groom her fur, which is why hers always looks just a bit less neat than her sisters, and these are the times when she's more likely to wander off and do her own thing or to brawl with Scamp or the like.
All three girls absolutely adore Angel when she joins their family. Dani most enthusiastically so, as she's ecstatic to have another girl who'll happily scuffle and playfight and roll around in the mud with her, something that she can't get her sisters to do in a million years: she rather idolises Angel, to be quite honest, for how tough and street-smart she is. Annette and Collette aren't quite so exuberant, which is why Angel at first wonders if they really like her; but as she spends more time with them each individually she comes to realise that they both just have their own ways of showing it. Collette is first to do so, she feels for the hardships that Angel's had to face and wants to make sure she feels at home and well cared for, and picks her moment to take the new girl aside and fuss over her. Annette takes her time more, but finds Angel good conversation to talk with about the things that she feels her siblings don't take seriously and appreciates her very different perspective on life.
Naturally, each the trio have their own unique internal dynamics too. Annette and Collette, of course, are so close together that to an observer they can sometimes seem to share a single brain; this isn't the case, and there are times when they can disagree strongly, but they simply know each other so well that they typically accommodate for the other's differences in perspective most of the time without even thinking about it. That said, the rare times when they do argue, because they know each other so well they can quite deliberately hurt each others' feelings badly; at those times, these two closest of sisters may refuse to even be in the same room as each other, and it can take several days for them to make up again.
That said, under normal circumstances it's Annette and Danielle who tend to have the roughest relationship of the trio. They still love each other of course; but Annette has the least tolerance for Dani's more uncouth moments, and a tendency towards making some snide remarks behind her back. On the other side of things, Dani reckons Annette and Collette are both big prisses, and while she will still happily follow them around, isn't above trying to get them involved in her more boisterous definition of fun. Especially Annette since (as seen in the epilogue scene of the first movie) they did used to scuffle together when they were much younger... which naturally is another thing which tries Annette's patience now that she's come to prioritise her dignity. Still, if someone else was making fun of Danielle, Annette would be the first to stand to her defence; she very much has one of those "I can be mean to her, but no-one else can" protective attitudes towards her little sister. And while their arguments can certainly be fierce at times, they're unlikely to last the day.
As for Collette and Danielle... similarly, Dani sees Collette as a bit of a big priss too, but she gives Collette less grief about this; after all, Collette's always been interested in looks and such matters, it's not something that she grew into later like Annette did. And if Collette likewise shares some of Annette's impatience with the younger of their number, she tends to be more reserved about it than Annette is: preferring simply to distance herself from Dani's wilder antics rather than actively protesting them unless they get really outrageous and quickly accepting her back once they're over. This has the effect that, while Collette and Dani possibly understand each other least amongst their trio, they also never really fight between themselves either.
Certain above statements aren't to say that Annette and Collette don't just play like regular dogs too! Both of them will happily join in a game as long as it's clean, and despite her prized dignity Annette isn't above warring with Scamp for the best toys! They just have very particular lines that they draw: most of all they both hate getting muddy and will avoid that at practically all costs. You'll have better luck getting either of them involved in a game that takes place indoors rather than one that involves rolling around in the dirt outside.
#long post#anon#three sisters together [Annette & Collette & Danielle]#headcanons: spaniel sisters#meme response#Thanks for sending this! :D#Sorry if it took me a couple of weeks to answer#I had to think a bit for some of the facts! xD#But I really appreciate getting to talk about these girls more! :D
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this lifetime
✱ a bang chan headcanon
— in every dream and any reality, as long as you're by my side.

w.count → 0.3k genre → fluff. the kinda-mad-at-myself-for-writing-this type of fluff. warning → none! a.n → somehow ended up talking about this with a friend a couple nights ago and i can't help it. i'm a sucker for domestic chan fluff :( suffer with me, friends!! /j ⋆ see masterlist
you knew exactly what you signed up for when you said yes to your then-boyfriend’s question as he got down on one knee—and so far, in your 5 years of being married to chan, you have regretted nothing.
sure, both your and chan’s dream is to have your own home by the beach—one with a white picket fence, enough to keep your kids safe while still allowing them room to run around and play with your golden retriever puppy. a home, where you would build sandcastles with your youngest son while chan taught his older siblings how to surf, only to end up with a game of sharks where you and the youngest would finally join in. your family home, where you would spend everyday with chan as you grow old, watching each and every sunset, together.
yeah, that might be the dream—but you also didn’t mind living in apartment with chan; right in the middle of a bustling city where chan had built his entire life in.
your home might not be anywhere near the beach, but chan made sure he gets every single piece of furniture you wanted to fill every corner of your cozy, spacious apartment. your puppy might not be a golden retriever, but your cocker spaniel seemed to get along just perfect with your energetic toddlers, running around the playground while you and their baby sister watched the twins run their batteries dry. your routine with chan might not be watching the sunsets, but those late night movie dates in the living room after your kids fall asleep doesn’t sound any less appealing at all.
so, sure—your dreams and reality might not be on the same page. they might consistently be at war with each other, but hey; as long as you’re spending this lifetime of yours with chan,
there’s nothing you’d have to worry about.
©️ astralisortus, 2024. | likes and reblogs are highly appreciated♡
#stray kids fluff#skz fluff#bang chan fluff#stray kids headcanons#skz headcanons#bang chan headcanons#stray kids imagines#skz imagines#bang chan imagines#stray kids scenarios#skz scenarios#bang chan scenarios#stray kids au#skz au#bang chan au#stray kids fanfic#skz fanfic#bang chan fanfic#stray kids x reader#skz x reader#bang chan x reader#stray kids x you#skz x you#bang chan x you#stray kids#skz#bang chan#isa's fics#isa's headcanons
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i need to push my curtis gang w pets agenda so bad
the curtises had a dog (dutifully named doggy by a two year old darry) that was a german shepherd/mountain cur mutt. it was a retired military dog that worked with mr curtis when he was in the military and was just a pup when he was discharged so he adopted it after. y’know that one scene in lady and the tramp where lady is looking over the baby? yeah, that’s doggy and pony. pony fell out of his bed once and a few minutes later the curtis parents walked in and found them cuddled up on the floor. doggy was the most patient dog ever like when soda was a baby and he’d pull on doggy’s ears and tail he’d just sit there patiently. darry used to love going for runs with doggy, or playing fetch. but out of all of them, doggy and ponyboy were attached at the hip until doggy died in the car accident (mrs curtis was surprising me curtis by bringing doggy to pick him up from work)
johnny is basically the honorary animal whisperer of tulsa, especially with cats and dogs. one night when he was out in the lot, this little, rusty colored kitten with the most darling green eyes just came up to him mewling all sad and pitifully, so he shared his dinner with the cat. that cat was then attached to him by the hip. he named it mocha because of its fur. there’s also a springer spaniel/border collie mutt that hangs out in the lot a ton that he named cinnamon. every time he steals from a restaurant or goes dumpster diving just to keep himself fed he makes sure to bring back food for mocha and cinnamon. pony takes care of them after he dies.
i made a few headcanons about this way back in july but dally has a cat he calls ‘lil dal’ and that thing is the meanest, scruffiest, mangiest, most flea ridden cretin to exist on the planet. that cat needs jackson galaxy STAT. he spoils that thing too like he praises it for lashing out at people because he’s a jackass. the only one who can get somewhat close to it is johnny and even then it’ll scratch him if he tries to go near it. he calls it these little russian pet names too but only in private. he loves that cat more than he probably loves any person on the planet
two bit has two mice named mickey and minnie—he got them as a gift for his birthday when he turned thirteen and he loves them to bits (no pun intended)—sometimes he’ll put on plays with them for his little sister. they’re usually unnecessarily dramatic. or violent. or wildly inappropriate. but regardless he still has fun with them and he loves them a lot. he just forgets to feed them sometimes (a lot of times)—his sister will feed them sometimes tho cause she likes critters like that
ohhh steve. i’ve made a few headcanons about this but one day when he’s hanging out in the lot with johnny after being kicked out, this black cat just leaps out of the shadows towards him. it’s this sleek black cat with these icy blue eyes (that later turned green) and he just…kept it as his own. he names her diesel and she hangs out with him at the DX and keeps him entertained. she climbs on the counters and stuff but that’s fine, don’t tell his boss. she’s definitely a customer favorite, even if she’s a bit more reserved and only likes him. until she meets ponyboy, then that cat is all over him. the cat HATES evie too. she swears that thing is jealous of her because whenever her and steve start being romantic or something it’ll hiss and swipe at her. he also has a parakeet named axel (it’s real name is sweet pea but don’t tell anyone) and he usually keeps him at two’s place. he loves that bird a lot.
#the outsiders#ponyboy curtis#sodapop curtis#darry curtis#johnny cade#dallas winston#two bit mathews#steve randle
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Lol dingus is such a good word!!!! I'll be mega short w this bc I have a lot of other curiosities for you but
1 why do you think Igor went from laughing off Sev's 'ooh shut up meathead" stuff to being intimidated? Or whatever you think it was in Gob,,, and um
2 I saw you post Miss Macdonald and I was wondering if you had any rambles abt her :3
Anyway ur my fav lol UMMM bye bye :)
Dingus is!!! MWAH!!! Also ahhhhh your fav [insert Debbie Ryan hair tucking emoji]
I think the change was that Severus finally had that upper hand on Igor that he'd wanted(??) but never quite managed because Igor would just laugh it off. Not even in a malicious way just in a sort of "you're so silly" sort of way. Their dynamic changed. Severus went from being a person he trusted to a person he still trusted but also to one he'd deliberately betrayed to save his own skin! That does something to a weirdly sexual pseudo friendship lmao. I'm not sure if I'm explaining this in exactly the right way but they're just jvnfjbngjb they're so complicated for a bunch of losers honestly
MISSS MARY MACDONALD!!!! The way I literally clapped my hands together and kicked my feet!! Yes I have rambles about her oh my gooood
I don't think about her as much as I should but urgh,, the woman that she is alright??
Mary was born Mary Aileen Macdonald in December 1959 in Scotland to muggle parents. She's the older sister of Michael Macdonald who was born four years after she was. She got her first name from her nan on her mum's side and her middle name from her nan on her dad's side. Growing up her dad was a greengrocer and she wanted to be one just like him. I feel like they could have had an English Cocker Spaniel when Mary was growing up though that might just be based off of the fact that I think that's an animal that represents her well
She was born with vitiligo and is mixed (Caribbean descent on her mother's side and Scottish on her dad's.) She's undoubtedly the prettiest girl in all of Gryffindor and she's known to be a bit boy crazy. I know some people hate this headcanon for her because female characters shouldn't revolve around male characters and I completely agree which is why that's not all she is!!! My girl Mary just falls in love easily and she always throws herself into her relationships. She's definitely got a bit of an insecurity about being loved for her body rather than her mind.
She is cherry!!! She owns that cherry red colour, she looks gorgeous in it and idk there's just something so cherry about her. She definitely wears cherry chapstick!! Those really cheap ones that smell lowkey super fake lol. Idk if cherry shampoo is a thing but if it is she's totally got it. I think Mary is a midsize queen and she rocks a fairly soft aesthetic that ends up looking a bit edgy because of all the red. She is the number one stealer of boyfriend hoodies/jumpers/jackets etc
During her time at Hogwarts she was sorted into Gryffindor and shared a dorm room with Marlene and Lily. I think she was a pretty average student. She wanted to be better but also she didn't want to devote more time than necessary to boring stuff like school lol. I do think she did really well in divination tho. She dotted all her i's with hearts and she made both M's in Mary and Macdonald into hearts (I made a little doodle to illustrate lol this is from the yearbook thing and I need to correct the D)

I think she's got a complex relationship with her sexuality. I'm kinda liking the idea of asexual Mary ngl. She's over sexualised by her peers and yet she didn't want one bit of it. She falls in love easily but why does everyone think that means she sleeps around?? She's extremely sex-positive and like,, wants sex for girls to be liberated and stigma-free and all that despite her asexuality and I think part of that comes from how people assume things about her and have no problem slutshaming her but they'd never do it to a guy like Sirius who actually slept around a tonne!! At some point, I'll do a fic or something deep-diving into Mary and her relationship with wanting love without it being connected to sex. Might be my first full-on MaryLily fic, who knows, I think they're cute sometimes
Speaking of Mary and girls I think she's so different with crushes on girls than on boys. With boys she's super out there, flirting, touching, batting her lashes etc but with girls she's much more shy and it's much more confusing for her but she's so sweet about it jnvjfnbjg
Just like how she loves loudly she laughs loudly. Her nose scrunches when she laughs. She makes sure all her friends get gifts from her at Christmas, even if it's just a small keychain or something from her dad's shop.
She spends ages getting ready in the morning and she spends ages in the bathroom in general making sure she smells nice, looks nice, the whole shebang. She loves to paint nails and she will offer to pierce your ears with nothing but an ice cube, a needle and a dream lmaooo
I think she was big into photography and she would run around with her muggle camera (that she put stickers and little sticky gems and stuff all over) taking pictures of everyone. Her patronus is a lamb because Mary had a little lamb!!!!
I don't think her dream of becoming a greengrocer stuck around tbh lol. I think she wanted to do something that could help other people and my Mary-as-a-healer dreams are out there but also my girl does not have the grades and she spent SO LONG sobbing in the girl's dorms when she found out she wouldn't be able to become a healer because of her lacking grades. I'm not sure what she ends up doing instead but I'd be so curious if anyone out there has any ideas!!
There's also the fact that Bruce Mulciber Jr and Edmund Avery Jr canonically assaulted her at some point during her time at school (at a time Severus and Lily were still talking so I'm thinking this went down in their fifth year) so there's also just,, that whole can of worms to look into. Igor Karkarov mentions that Mulciber (thought this could both be Junior and Senior) specialised in the Imperius curse though I doubt he'd have gotten away with assaulting anyone with the Imperius curse without being expelled; it just kinda tells you something about the stuff he's capable of/willing to do. I also believe it's actively Mulciber who attacks her and Edmund is more of a bystander?? I'm not entirely sure but that's how I understood it. I wouldn't be surprised if Edmund was the brain behind the whole thing though and cursed her to hang and dangle somewhere embarrassing by having her touch insert object someone would be likely to pick up off the floor or something like that
anyways that was my long ass starter ramble on the lovely Miss Macdonald now have a moodboard jngjbngjb

#🍃 anon#can you tell I've been waiting for an excuse to talk about mary jvnfjbngjb#mary aileen mcdonald#mary mcdonald#asexual mary macdonald#marauders#marauders era#hp marauders#hp#dead gay wizards from the 70s#snapes gang#igor x severus#crownest#igor ivanocvich karkarov#igor karkaroff#igor karkarov#severus bynonai snape#severus snape#anon ask#ask#asks open
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warning(s): gets pretty spicy towards the end, violence, mentions of abortion and an attempted domestic, drinking, old-timey sexuality persecution and strong language.
during series three and four the family rescue a golden cocker spaniel, that looks more of a gingerbread colour. because of this they call it 'delia' after nora. it does in fact go to glasgow with them, then to the us. she dies not long after michael.
nora has moderate nerve damage in her left hand following what happened in 'kingdom come' that was then aggravated when a derry boy (the younger billy boys faction) attempted to nick her handbag and she, attempting to grab it back was slashed there again. fighting through the pain she grabbed the knife, and the boy by his shirt and dragged in into the pub, sitting him down warning him that he'd, "better figure oot who yer mair feart ae, the polis or yer mammy."
in terms of nora generally, but especially her modern! counterpart i associate the song 'hold the girl' by rina sawayama with her.
most of polly's jewellery after she passes goes to rosalin.
speaking of, rosalin is named after one of nora's aunts and rosemary johnson.
three, out of the four gray children have the same godparents, alec and jane which is a regret on nora's behalf as her relationship with sister-in-law jane sours over the years. however, george's godparents were not an option for the rest of them as they are john and esme.
john and nora have an interesting dynamic, not far removed from her own relationship with alec but he's the most stand-offish with her in the beginning. arthur's really the only welcoming shelby, and thomas is ambivalent. (this goes down to a characterisation thing, but john's pretty easy-going with people he already knows, he's a nightmare for people outside of that) he's not used to girls with her temperament, the closest being esme, and sees her as another nuisance his wife's had to take on and just not worth the hassle. nora's not much better, john, unlike his brother's is the embodiment of the 'razor man' he's exactly the type of bloke who'd seek out the glasgow gangs but could hide in plain sight. violent, unpredictable men who go undetected purely because they've got a smile they know how to use, or as nora puts it, "sleekit bastards." they do eventually get closer, he begins jokingly referring to her as 'trouble' and is usually found getting a swift slap on the wrist when he's trying to pinch nora's hogmanay shortbread.
taylor's inn (it's an old irish pub in glasgow called the tolbooth, never been cause it's a bit rough down that end of town but it's called that because it sits right in front of the tolbooth steeple that they used to hang people from, which is what colin jokes carmen would've done to nora and michael had she known nora got knocked-up and even planned to have an abortion).
edith, alec and colin don't take too well to the fact nora stole money from the conks and got herself knocked-up and had it been the case this happened at home, colin wouldn't have let her keep the baby. instead, he would've dragged her up to the mother-and-baby home himself, being catholic and of his time. the only reason they are less sour with her is the years apart. nora last sees colin at sixteen, seventeen for the twins and doesn't see them again with a baby until she's already married to michael and george is six-months-old (colin doesn't even meet the kids until george is almost three and rosie eight-months). he's able to keep his face in front of the shelby's during her argument with polly but he's furious at his daughter, telling her that "ah, cannae staun tae even look at ye right noo hen. yer lucky ah'm still lettin' ye live under ma fuckin' roof." after nora mentions she planned to have an abortion. years later, at michael's twenty-eighth birthday gathering colin makes an off-hand comment about it again. shit hits the the fan and with nora having a drink in her, cracks, kicking him out after the argument turns to carmen's fate. "aye, that's whit tae dae da, hide the bastard wean away and move oan wae yir life, jist like ye did wae ma, mammy." in his drunken state, he attempts to slap her but alec is quick to grab his arm, however nora is quicker in holding a knife to his neck. eventually michael and esme are able to diffuse a hysterical nora blubbering about her mother, taking the switchblade from her grip and alec leads his dad out. their relationship never recovers.
modern!nora's biggest roles in the west end are roxie hart and bonnie parker. she's signed under shelby company limited's talent management branch.
before leaving britain for the us, nora did eventually return to london, with michael to visit eilidh in bethlam but she took gina along to the hospital in fear of what eilidh may say, considering she had met michael once before. the once ethereal, glowing dancer now a shell of former self. her frail hands reaching for comfort in the girl she once proclaimed to love. nora couldn't bare the thought of walking out on her, so they sat for hours and hours before leaving with a solemn embrace. gina had clocked the nature of their relationship immediately.
the underlying theme with michael and nora is that he's very much in control even if she's in charge.
their foreplay is give-and-take. michael isn’t someone who wants to be dominated but he enjoys giving nora the illusion of authority after verbal kickback. similarly, nora’s not one to wrap her submission up in an little bow and simply give it to her husband.
cockwarming - it’s such a meticulous move from nora believing that she’s guiding force in this. she knows it annoys him, stopped in his tracks at his desk and the only thing he can focus on his his wife’s coy smirk and fact her tits have begun grazing against his chest. nora jokes it’s the one and only time she gets his undivided attention.
nora and michael's sex intoxicated in comparison to sober is like night-and-day. drunk, they're a mess. handsy, grabby and giggly - from both parties. it starts innocent enough, nora's tipsy curled into her husband's side
this is more the modern! iteration, but michael does and will snort a line off nora's bare backside.
#peaky blinders#michael gray#oc: nora gray#michael gray imagine#michael gray fic#esme lee#esme shelby#john shelby#arthur shelby#tommy shelby#polly gray#ada shelby
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McSiren Headcanons:
Just some headcanons for Ronald McDonald and The Starbucks Siren.
-The Siren's name is "Astraea Melusine Kyllini".
-Astraea had always enjoyed things like the circus and the carnival. Why else would Siren's Island get its style from?:
-Ronald's a year older than The Siren. While Ronald's birthdy is April 15th, 1945, Astraea's birthday is March 30th, 1946.
-In 1967, Ronald and his friends encountered Astraea when their boat crash landed on Siren's Island. While Ronald and the gang were able to return home, Astraea decided to stay on the island.
-In 1970, Astraea moved to McDonaldland to be with Ronald after the two met again (and fell in love) that spring.
-In 1981 (just 10 years after the introduction of McDonaldland and Starbucks), Ronald and Astraea married.
-Ronald's father is the original (Willard Scott) Ronald McDonald while his mother, Petronelle Folie, ws a pierrette for Coca Cola.
-Meanwhile, Astraea's parents were Mercury Kyllini (Of the Il Giornale Cafe) and the original siren from the 70's named "Melusine". Melusine, meanwhile was a descendant of the original/legendary Melusine and sister to the siren, Allura of "Journey To Atlantis".
-When Melusine had passed away, Astraea took her mother's place as the Starbucks mascot and the queen of Siren's Island in 1987. As a result, Astraea and Ronald's marriage had to be long-distant as the latter had his responsiblities in McDonaldland.
-With Ronald's dog, Sundae, Astraea owns a cocker-spaniel named "Coco".
-In 2014, Ronald and Astraea would finally welcome their first (and only child); a daughter named, "Cherry".
@mcdonaldlands-blog @gl1tchy-4rt @soggyfryshortbread @fragglesesamemuppetz2 @bunnycakez-xoxo
#ronald mcdonald#the starbucks siren#starbucks siren#starbucks mermaid#mcdonaldland#the wacky adventures of ronald mcdonald#mcsiren#mascots#fast food mascots
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Just my ocs and headcanons for the main group
Melody Jones my oc -
Tied with Harry for second oldest at 32
A purple cat that's taller than David (only just enough though)
About 5"6
Autistic & ADHD
Best breakfast cook
Asexual aromantic
Shares David's bed platonically
Introduced David to age-regression
Acts as David's care giver when he regresses
Stims with hand flappies and swaying
Angel Jones my oc -
The newest and youngest member of the house at 4 years old
A blue cocker spaniel puppy that Melody adopted
Loves his "big brothers"
Calls Harry uncle Red
Calls Syd uncle Quack
Often toddles around after Harry following the feline's tail
Loves Syd's stories
Harry Peterson -
Tied with Melody for second oldest at 32
Tallest housemate 6"4
Has a tail
Best at making up a song or story on the spot
Best dinner cook
Second best at acting as a caregiver for David
Sees Melody as a sister
Big dad energy
Married to Sydney
Stims with his tail mainly but also patting with his left hand or stroking someone's hair
Kicks a foot when tickled
Sydney (Syd) Peterson -
Oldest at 36
Has anger issues
Not quite OCD but prefers things a certain way
Absolutely best dessert maker
Married to Harry
Has a playfully bickery friendship with Melody but appreciates her
Not as harsh on David now that Melody lives there but still slips up
Stims with arm flapping and foot stomping
Drag Queen
David Pierson -
Youngest at 22
Moved in to escape his abusive dad
Uses healthy age regression
Sees Melody like a mother
Has a sweet tooth
Only let's Melody call him Dave
Melody keeps his batteries at about 50% charge
A leash 'kid' or holds Melody's/Harry's tail gently (not an actual leash but those wrist ones)
Loves light up sneakers
Prone to night terrors about his dad
Clingy in his sleep
Loves the motion of rocking chairs
Stims with hand flapping, swaying, hand tapping and foot stomping
Pig hybrid (has pig hoof like feet, tusks, a snout and a tail)
"Manny" Gribbleston -
A fully charged David
David pulled him out of the mirror in the kitchen
He works to translate the tome and often corrects the teachers when they visit
Got invited to live in the house with the others and ends up with a bed all his own
Acts like David's older brother
Stims by foot stomping and hand tapping
Pig hybrid (has pig hoof like feet, tusks, a snout and a tail)
Ray Pierson -
Roy's twin brother (so David's uncle)
A widower
Bleaches his hair but the 5 O clock shadow and mustache are still blue
Has a faint Scottish accent that gets thicker when he's annoyed
Truly cares for his nephew
Nothing like Roy
Visits often
In a queerplatonic relationship with Melody
(He may not be mentioned or written about often but this was so people have an idea if his name comes up)
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Age: 43 Birthday: July 26, 1980 Gender & Pronouns: Genderfluid, any pronouns Sexuality: Pansexual Occupation: Nurse and Drag Queen District: University District Face Claim: Lee Pace
Full Bio under a Read More due to some adult themes, please be aware of any trigger warnings!
BIO: TW // Abuse?
Birchwood Boyd was born to a family of hippies, driving around California. Esther and Magnus Boyd liked nothing better than to go exploring, hiking, adventuring- and their old beat-up Volkswagen bus was what they lived off of for years. Their first child and only son was the light of their life, and they named him Birchwood Orion Boyd- though as he grew up, he vastly preferred 'Orion'. He was well-loved, accepted openly as whatever he ever wanted to be, and given the creative freedom to explore just like his parents. For the first few years of his life, it was just adventuring. They lived in Oregon, California, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah. Eventually when their family expanded, it was time to settle down in California. Sunshine Boyd was the second child and just as free-spirited. And then came Berryhill Boyd, the youngest sister. Orion found himself working at a surf shop on the California coast and enjoying life- he even was settling down with his high school sweetheart, Emma. But things turned a bit sour as he and Emma got more and more serious. She was very possessive, judgmental, and would shut him down quickly when he tried to contribute. Because she had a bigger and more lucrative career, she would often complain about his lack of funds and his own career aspirations. So Orion decided to go to nursing school. He was with Emma, even engaged, when his family staged an intervention. They could see how terrible she was being towards their family member- and the things he often talked about doing (going hiking and exploring again on the road, doing drag, even adopting a dog) were things Emma would say point blank would never happen. After she got incredibly possessive and paranoid one day, he spoke up about it. There was a physical altercation and that was when he left for good. After that he did what he'd always wanted and went off adventuring on his own in his car. Finally ending up back in Denver where he and his parents had briefly lived when he was young. Now Orion is a nurse for a pediatrician and a full-fledged drag queen (part time!). When in drag she goes by Celeste, and since leaving Emma, his creative spirit has returned in full force. He's always been pan but can now experiment and experience, and has had a wonderful time hiking, dancing, and taking care of kids at the private practice.
-Orion has a cocker spaniel named Calliope (Callie for short) who he rescued immediately after he broke it off with Emma. Callie went on all his adventures with him and now she's around 6 years old.
-Orion LOVES his family- his sisters and parents are his world and he will openly talk about them to anyone who will listen.
-He actively hikes and camps when he has time off of work and will regularly encourage others to come.
-Orion would give you the shirt off his back- he's a huge softie and loves ghost hunting shows, HGTV, cooking, anything with animals, and learning new things. -He gets a LOT more confident when Orion is 'Celeste'. Sometimes far more flirtatious and open, able to stand up for herself as well.
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mason ‘dipper’ pines is based on dipper from gravity falls. he is a 25 year old human, museum tour guide, and uses he/him pronouns. he has no powers.
penned by HARPER.
face claim: booboo stewart sexuality: heterosexual height: 6'0 eye color: brown hair color: dark brown piercings: n/a tattoos: tons, scattered all over.
positive traits: fiercely-loyal, protective, laid-back ( most of the time ), enthusiastic about the little things, always wanting to see the bigger picture negative traits: defensive, anxiety-riddled, skeptical, quick-tempered, trust-issues to the max likes: conspiracy theories, late night drives, vintage movie posters, dogs, big hoodies, tattoos, thunderstorms, chocolate-chip waffles dislikes: loud noises, triangles, the dark, not being right, the color red, coffee, seafood, khakis, not being able to answer a question phobias: n/a hobbies: podcasting, watching twitch streams, attempting to learn how to cook, going on runs with his dog, researching & tracking it all in his journals aesthetic: well-loved books with cracks in the spine, aged leather, the sound of crickets in a forest, the mossy side of a stone, the glow of amber when light hits it, heavy boots carrying heavier footsteps, a quill on a desk solely for the aesthetic of it, the glow of a laptop screen in a dark room, a dog leash hung on the same rack as his keys
mother: ?? father: ?? uncle(s): stanley pines, ??????? sibling(s): mabel pines ( twin sister ) pet(s): cypher ( brittany spaniel )
▲ dipper pines would be the only one to notice soft green moss growing on a damp stone in the middle of a completely bone dry and lifeless forest. ▲ a hard hit to the chest and an ego-wounding cough that would make the eyes water anytime a beverage stronger than a 5% beer is ingested. ▲ over worried, overprotective, and over observant of his sister and her safety, making one of his sole duties ensuring that none of the town's mysteries get to lay a hand on her. ▲ selectively social, quiet and, often, a stammering mess.... until attempting to convince someone that the moth man is real, that the person his sister is talking to is 5 gnomes in a trench coat and yes, he DID grow up battling a floating yellow triangle wearing a top hat and YES, that is much scarier than it sounds. ▲ dipper is skeptical. of everything. of everyone.... like that street sign. it is tilted just slightly... at least 25 degrees counter clockwise. a ghost must have possessed it. it HAD to have. ▲ got a dog solely to sniff out the clues he wasn't brave enough to sniff himself... literally. ▲ uses tattoos as a way to express himself and tell the story of what he's been through... but simultaneously uses them as a crutch to hide the parts of himself he is ashamed of. ▲ really dislikes coffee but will always order it when working on his journals in the diner just to look official. it will often, always, go cold and he'll never need a refill. ▲ gets ridiculously upset when he doesn't understand something. he believes there is an answer to everything and he will find them, no matter what, which is a mindset that often gets him in trouble. ▲ dipper has these really bad nightmares, and they started when he first went to gravity falls as a kid. he has tried his best to remedy them on his own but... ever since getting to evermore, they've gotten worse. he won't tell anyone about them, not even mabel.
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What are your headcanons for Marcie?
[Pre-Nibiru] -Believes that coffee is the cause and solution to all of her problems -Lesbian-Lesbian-Lesbian -Did visit Gary and Ethan in the hospital after she caused them to fall off the cliff, but didn't give them an apology or the flowers she'd bought; because she walked into their room and found them watching porn--she walked out and never brought it up again -Was brought up watching Star Wars with her dad every time a new one came to theaters--but hates how problematic most of it is; even if she developed her first ever crush on Leia -Never knew her mom because the woman walked out on her and Winslow a week after Marcie was born--which was something she and Fred could have bonded over, if his backstory wasn't a lie -Tried to work tech in the school theater department before and after getting to know Velma, but couldn't stop laughing at how over the top the lead actor was and always misaimed the spotlight -Kept in touch with Velma as often as she could while on the run, but got caught for the last time when Dale Dinkley was being captured by those Nazi Robots and she tried to help him -Knew that, when the end came, it wasn't all Ricky's fault--she'd heard Pericles mention the cobra-larva, heard Ricky screaming--and as such, looked at him instead of the gun muzzles before dying [Post-Nibiru] -Has something of a Gang of her own which includes herself, Doogle McGuiness, Gary and Ethan -After Velma left town, kept getting awful nightmares about the other timeline and didn't know what it meant until a Cocker Spaniel rang her doorbell one night after a really bad one and explained it to her as well as she could -Transferred to Miskatonic University and got an internship under Harlan Ellison himself as a teacher's aid until she could get a degree of her own from Harlan's boyfriend Professor Hatecraft; a BA in English to tide her over until she got a degree she actually liked -Helped the Gang stay on top of problems with their families after she told them about the visit from Nova--because, boy, how they needed it. Daphne couldn't stand all the interactions with her parents and their expectations and was trying to help out sisters that were very suspicious of her; Shaggy and Scooby were slackers that got depressed very easily around the Rogers; Velma...was vaguely okay, but missed her mom and dad in their crazier habits and quirkier personalities; and Fred... Christ, just Fred's everything -Is a Daddy's girl, but not in any sickening kind of way; just talks to her dad and has dinner with him three times a month and actually recognizes him as someone she'll always trust, as well as a tremendously wonderful human being -Got an apartment with Velma when things cooled down a bit, where they settled when Velma wasn't out on a case with Mystery Inc and became, basically, a common-law couple (because neither of them believed in marriage); Marcie got the fridge and loveseat shaded magenta and flamingo respectively, and let Velma choose the décor for everything else -Sleeps at least twenty hours between her back to back days off and is usually pleased to find Velma and the Gang making her breakfast when they're not on a case; Japanese pancakes as a house favorite, and 100% real cacao hot chocolate when they're short on time -Hates glitter more than anything in the world
#sdmi#scooby doo mystery incorporated#marcie fleach#post and pre-nibiru#ask fill#borderline-nsfw#ricky owens#gary cervone#ethan watson#velma/marcie#winslow fleach#mayor fred jones sr.#fred jones jr#daphne blake#shaggy rogers#scooby#nova#harlan ellison#h.p. hatecraft
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🤡,💤, ☂️ (For the Cocker triplets!)
Misc. Ask Meme 🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
This is definitely different for each sister. In Annette's case, she's most easily embarrassed by things that she feels threaten her dignity, as something she values highly. Often this is in the form of being embarrassed by her younger siblings' shenanigans even if they're completely harmless - she can feel like what she perceives as Scamp or Dani's immaturity can reflect badly on her - but also can extend to if she's caught doing something that she would otherwise dismiss as childish, such as playing with a toy from when she was a much younger puppy.
For Collette, she certainly feels like there is no bigger embarrassment than being seen dirty or with messy fur. She can take it if she has to, especially if it's in the name of helping others because she has a big heart: but to be seen in those times by someone from outside of the situation? She'd be absolutely mortified to be seen as such.
Danielle, though? Dani's pretty shameless to be honest: it's hard to think of something that would seriously embarrass her, dumb or otherwise, she just takes things in stride.
💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
Most of all, each other. For whatever differences they have in attitudes towards the world, the one consistent thing between the three sisters is just how much they're used to each others' presences. Take any one of them away for long, and the other two will quickly start to feel the void: and at no time is this more true than when it comes to bedtime. Without both of their other two sisters there, any one of them will find it hard to sleep: they've just always been together, sleeping together is as natural to them as breathing, and any sister missing from that arrangement feels disturbingly wrong. The rare but intense occasions when Annette and Collette fall out with each other and refuse to share a bed together invariably end with none of the girls getting very much sleep for this same reason.
☂️ - How do they feel about rain?
Danielle, at least, loves it. No matter how bad the weather, she'll quite happily splash around in it, often with Scamp (and / or Angel post-movie), without a care in the world.
Annette and Collette, in contrast, are... more reserved in their feelings on the subject. Collette doesn't like it at all, having to be out in it she constantly worries about how it's ruining her lovely fur, and even being indoors when it's raining isn't something she likes: she'd rather ignore it and hope it goes away. She will face it if she has to, but she'll never enjoy it.
Annette, likewise, doesn't like to be out in the rain once it gets heavy, getting soaked through feels to her like it takes too heavy a toll on her precious dignity; however she does quite enjoy to watch it from indoors, to sit by the window and listen to it pattering against the glass, secure in the knowledge that it can't reach her.
#captainshub#ooc#meme response#three sisters together [annette & collette & danielle]#headcanons: spaniel sisters#thanks for all the questions from this one! :D#Got me thinking a bit for these! ^^
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My partner and I came up with characters for next gen Star Fox and Star Wolf teams, based on our headcanons. I actually made Star Fox Zero-styled icons for all of them. This is gonna be a longer post, so I'm already sorry. But I really wanna share our babies.
James "Jim" McCloud
Age: 21
Team: Star Fox
Son (surrogate child) of Fox McCloud and Falco Lombardi, and leader of the new Star Fox team. A good friend and brave leader.
Creator: me
Valentine "Val" Hare
Age: 25
Team: Star Fox
Son of Lucy Hare. A shy, modest mechanic with a huge crush on Jim.
Creator: my partner
Skyler "Sky" Monroe
Age: 24
Team: Star Fox
Son of Kool and Katt Monroe. A very cool guy. Flirts with everyone. VERY close with his twin sister (don't separate them!!).
Creator: me
Stella "Star" Monroe
Age: 24
Team: Star Fox
Daughter of Kool and Katt Monroe, and Skyler's twin sister. Very pretty, very flirty. LOVES everything pink. Her brother is her best friend.
Creator: me
Drake Toad
Age: 22
Team: Star Fox
Son of Slippy Toad and an unnamed lizard lady. A hybrid. Big boi. Very skilled pilot, compared to his father.
Creator: my partner
Thika Powalski
Age: 25
Team: Star Wolf
Daughter of Leon Powalski and an unnamed cat who didn't want her. A hybrid, raised by Star Wolf. Leader of the new team. Very skilled at wielding knives. A professional assassin.
Creator: me
Noir "Noa" Bellamy
Age: 27
Team: Star Wolf
A mechanic. Wolf/Sheep hybrid. Nobody knows he's Wolf's son. Took over his late mom's business, fixing ships. Often teases or flirts with Thika, which usually makes her stab him. He doesn't seem to mind.
Creator: my partner
Leander Caroso
Age: 28
Team: Star Wolf
Son of Panther Caroso and an unnamed lioness who abandoned him. Grew up in an orphanage. Went searching for his father and found him, taking his last name. Joined the new Star Wolf. Likes loud music.
Creator: my partner
Charles "Charlie" Grey
Age: 22
Part of the Cornerian Air Force.
Son of Bill Grey and Fay Spaniel. Childhood friends with Jim and his team, but being part of the Air Force doesn't let him spend much time with them anymore. Is often lonely. A great pilot.
Creator: me
Age: 22
Team: Star Wolf
Charlie fell in love with Leander and they started dating. This, and him beginning to dislike his life at the Air Force, made him join team Star Wolf. Changed his name into Bandit. Battling against his old friends is not easy for him.
Creator: me
#star fox#star fox oc#Jim McCloud#Valentine Hare#Skyler Monroe#Stella Monroe#Drake Toad#Thika Powalski#Noir Bellamy#Leander Caroso#Charlie Grey#Bandit#my art#long post
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Pride and Prejudice Dæmons
I reread Pride and Prejudice for the thousandth time this weekend, so have some dæmon headcanons for (almost all of) the characters! Keep in mind all forms have positives and negatives, and some of these characters simply portray certain animal’s characteristics in a negative way. That doesn’t make everybody who has these traits bad.
Elizabeth Bennet: Red Fox
I’m just saying, Elizabeth is basically the OG red fox character. Socially flexible, adaptable, intelligent, just a bit mischievous, confidant... She’s the whole package. In fact, in a world where dæmons existed, I would argue that Elizabeth would be the reason red foxes are such a popular form. At this time period, foxes in Britain were treated like vermin, and you’ll notice in the novel that Elizabeth is not often well-liked due to her sarcastic, unimpressed attitude.
Fitzwilliam Darcy: Friesian horse
Now I know Friesians are a pretty stereotypical horse-girl choice, but I think they fit Darcy well. Horses in general are socially selective, so while they do need and want socialization, they only want it with very specific people. Friesians specifically are dependable, intelligent, and loyal, which are key parts of Darcy's characterization, but being horses are also prone to anxiety and nervousness, which pretty accurately sums up our resident man with social anxiety. Being herd animals, horses are also relatively attentive to social status, which is a trait Darcy struggles with throughout the novel. Also, much like Friesians, Darcy seems intimidating and aloof but is really just a bit vain and shy.
Jane Bennet: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Beautiful, sweet, social, patient, and bred entirely to be a lovely companion to a wealthy person. Jane is a lady through and through, soft-natured and kind-hearted; she’s never thought a cruel thing about anyone in her life.
Charlotte Lucas: Western Jackdaw
Plain to look at but intelligent and resourceful, jackdaws fit Charlotte's characterization perfectly. She’s perceptive, concerned with social status, ambitious, and adaptable, all of which are jackdaw traits. She’s also empathetic and friendly, which fit these sociable birds well.
Mr. Bingley: Golden Retriever
You know I’m right. There is not a thought in that man’s head the whole book, just happiness and sunshine.
Mrs. Bennet: Pond Olive Mayfly
Her whole purpose in the novel is dedicating herself to the success of her daughters, and she does smashingly well with marrying them off. She is mostly harmless, but she can be irritating. There is also a pretty strong implication in the novel that Mrs. Bennet married Mr. Bennet fast and young, and that she feels a bit like her life basically was over once she was married, and mayflies only live for about two weeks... you can probably read into the symbolism there.
Mr. Bennet: Domestic cat
More of an introvert than the rest of his family, intelligent, a bit aloof despite the fact that he does really love his daughters (especially Elizabeth), intelligent, and enjoyable grumpy and sarcastic, he is a cat person. I picture him with a slightly scruffy tabby that just wants to nap and be left alone.
Lydia Bennet: Unsettled (she’s fifteen), but probably some type of bird (we don’t see enough of her as an adult for me to form a solid opinion)
Lydia is the definition of the pretty bird in the gilded cage. She’s ambitious and competitive, as well as a bit of a show-off, but she never quite manages to grow out of her naiveté. She’s likes pretty forms, or ones that she thinks make her look high-class, though often her dæmon has trouble holding them for too long. She’s flighty and unreliable, and it’s hard for her attention to be held on any one thing for too long, including her dæmon’s settled form.
Kitty Bennet: Unsettled (seventeen), again, we don’t really see her in adulthood
Kitty’s sweet and social, but she’s also quite naïve, gullible, vain, and she likes drama. She isn’t very strong-minded, usually just following along with whatever Lydia’s doing. Much like her sister, she likes to have her dæmon take on pretty forms that she never quite knows what to do with. When she does settle, she will probably be disappointed, having hoped for a flashy, fancy form.
Mary Bennet: Little Owl
Mary is intelligent, but she’s also frequently condescending and socially unaware, though she is communicative. She also very much has Middle Child Syndrome. She’s dutiful and self-sufficient, but she never catches much attention because she’s considered rather plain and uninspired. Mostly she’s just young and wants to be noticed by people, because her parents don’t pay much attention to her. Her dæmon reflects her dutifulness, but also her general selfishness; it’s not that Mary doesn’t love her sisters, but she is a bit envious of them.
Lady Catherine de Bourgh: Brakel Rooster
Opinionated, traditional, obsessed with social standing, vain, and prideful, as well as surprisingly aggressive and territorial, Lady Catherine would absolutely have a chicken dæmon and none of you can convince me otherwise.
Caroline Bingley: Scarlet Darter
Dragonflies are notoriously impressive hunters from a young age, and Caroline is capable, and rather ruthless. Scarlet darters are migratory insects, and like her dæmon, Caroline is always seeking out the most advantageous situation for herself. Dragonflies are also territorial (especially males), and Caroline certainly likes to stake her claim on that which she believes is hers by right.
George Wickham: Stoat
Stoat’s are resourceful, confident, prideful little animals who are capable of manipulating the people around them very successfully. Wickham is unfortunately an example of the ways stoat traits can can negatively affect the people around him. He’s smart, and puts on an attractive front, but he’s concerned first and foremost with himself, and is not afraid to lie, cheat, and ruin the reputation of a young girl to get it.
Emma Woodhouse: Indian Blue Peafowl (male) I know she’s not in P&P but I had to add her
If there was ever a person whose dæmon would fit the form of a peacock, it would be our lovely Miss Woodhouse. Vain, a show-off, judgemental, social (in an interesting way), well-versed in social hierarchy, but ultimately pretty harmless, there really isn’t any other form I can imagine her dæmon settling as. She would probably also appreciated the added “exotic” appearance her dæmon’s form would seem to give her.
#dæmons#pride and prejudice#also fun fact: charlotte lucas is a lesbian#there is textual evidence of this#all the animals are either native to the UK or are animals they would have known about in the early 1800s
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Denki; Family Headcanons
FIC ENTAILS: implied divorce, this is rlly unorganized and probably unwanted but </3 idk, it’s kinda short :>, i love the hc that denki has two moms so i kinda stole it,
structure (??)
denki has two moms (one bio, on co-parent) and his bio dad
his moms have full custody, while his dad has visitation rights
gives of only or youngest child vibes--if he did have a sibling, it’d be an older sister
ms. denki (bio mom)
works in auto mechanics (maybe illegal racing ifykyk)
ms. co-parent (sorry idk)
ceo businesswoman type sheet 😎
mr. denki (bio dad)
i think he’d travel for part of his job (resulting in him w/ visitation rights)
would take denki out to the arcade or smth whenever he comes to japan
random hcs :>
would do that one thing where you go out once a week, hotel every couple months, then a big trip once or twice a year
went to jeju island once and denki tried to go to love land x.x
would call his moms ‘female parentals’ jokingly
in return they call him male adolescent
can be either boardgames or videogames
love classics like doctor mario and twister
lately, they’ve been playing games like street fighter
big sister denki calls him kami or kam-kam
denki says it’s embarrassing but it actually makes him really happy
considers his family his best friends
ms. denki and co-parent will help kids and teens that live on the streets or in bad households (especially if they’re queer)
denki calls them his sibs and makes sure to call or check up on them once in a while
they have a dog (i’m thinking a cocker spaniel)
they probably named it something random like porkchop or pancake
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So this ended up being too big to fit into one post and I have a problem with giving too many descriptions/ideas/etc so I’ll be chopping my AU up into more bitesized pieces. A LOT. After the cut, because if it wasn’t it’d literally destroy your dash. Just be warned that if you open this up there’s like, a whole paragraph for each character mentioned. (or more)
The Tailtwined!AU is based around another AU that I have yet to find a fitting name for, and everything is generally the same story-line (he still goes through regions in the same order, wins Alola’s league, etc) wise except for one crucial plot detail: The night before Ash’s defeat in Sinnoh’s league, the Sandgem town Pokelab burns down with people still inside; though Ash is upset by all of this, the thing he’s most upset about is Gary’s death/disappearance.
Because there should be a reason other than “he went up against Mythical and Legendary Pokemon” because that was such a cop-out for the anime. And also, yay! Angst and death (seriously where did Gary go??)
Also I’ll be cherry-picking stuff from the mangas, anime, and games and shoving them all together but I’ll try and keep it simple and not confuse too many people. The focus is currently on the timeline of Pokemon 2019/Journeys, so all of the characters up to that point that are main/side (that show up in more than one episode or are important in the games) will show up.
Notable information:
TEAM ROCKET IS A BIG. DEAL. Team Rocket has reached across the globe: Police officers that aren’t Officer Jenny or Nanu or people like Looker; Gym leaders like Sabrina and Koga, Elite four members like Will and Karen.
-People in this AU work a lot like the Wolf Children movie. Not in the fact that they can completely turn into animals, but in the fact that their features contort when they get angry or overly emotional. Most can grow claws and it is actually a sport in Galar for people to train themselves into their more animal-like forms and then fight. Outside of the ring it is frowned upon, but stuff happens.
-People with domestic animals’ features are much more common in this AU, with exotic features being more uncommon/rare. Big Cats and creatures like Wolverines are examples of this.
-Royalty and high ranking trainers like Champions and Elite four members are extremely likely to be non-domestic, but it’s not like common people have never managed to become Champion/E4 before.
Kantonian-based characters:
-Ash himself would be long-furred Birman based, with white ears and tail that are umber-tipped. This is a bit more uncommon to see but by no means the rarest of the domestic breeds. I headcanon that he has dyed it before, probably red to match his clothing, or yellow to twin with Pikachu. (Dying fur is also a statement of mourning if done correctly.)
-Gary and his father, Blue, both have a Russian Blue’s ears and tail: Their fur is quite a deep grayish-blue, but Gary’s is lighter than his father’s. Blue isn’t around in this AU, but I thought I’d mention it anyway. This type of domestic cat would be one of the more rare because it’s a recessive gene; the likelihood of Gary inheriting Blue’s cat breed was very slim but it happened anyway. Gary himself is rather vain when it comes to his fur and he's constantly picking leaves and sticks out of it, making sure it's completely pristine.
-Gary’s Mother (also not in the picture because she wasn’t in the anime/games/etc) and Daisy (Gary’s sister) are short-haired cream tabbies. Daisy is much more prominent in this AU because she’s in the games and manga. She was hit hard by Gary’s disappearance and that made her Professor Oak’s only remaining family.
-Professor Oak himself has solid brown ears/tail, but he was also one of the few “common-folk” who became Champion of Kanto. His fur is normally matted and it is more dull than it used to be, but he still tries to take care of it. He’s just really forgetful and also extremely busy with other things.
-Delia also has Birman features, but her fur is longer than Ash’s. She used to be a Pokemon Trainer in this AU, but she quit when she got pregnant with Ash, and most of her Pokemon went to be with Professor Oak.
-I know we’re taking a huge leap here, but Giovanni’s cat-like are based on a tiger's. His ears are rounded like a tiger’s. Giovanni used to be the pinnacle of attractiveness, but as the years wore on his fur began to fall out. His tail is patchy and discolored despite attempts to keep it clean and tidy, and painful fur-implants didn’t help at all. Whenever Giovanni has to make appearances, he usually makes it so no one can see his tail because his ears are mostly untouched.
-When someone’s soul or aura becomes corrupted, their body is no longer able to regulate hormones needed to keep their fur looking glossy, so it falls out and becomes frazzled/ugly. It is worse for those with a large amount of radiating Aura (think Sir Aaron or Ash or in this case, Giovanni.)
-Instead of Red being Ash’s father in this AU, Red is Delia’s sister. His ears and tail are Calico, and he--like most male Calico cats IRL--can't have biological children. Male calico anthros are just as rare as their real life counterparts. He is the one who defeated Professor Oak and became the next Champion of Kanto.
-Jessie's fur is long and white, but she dyes it completely to match her red/purple hair. She's extremely vain and when not stealing Pokemon or messing with Ash, she's grooming her tail or getting someone else to do it for her.
-James is similar to Jessie in the fact that he dyes his fur to match his hair, but he comes from a rich and higher-calibre family so he's a white tiger anthro. His family usually exclusively marries other white tiger anthros. His fur is constantly messy and it drives Jessie and Meowth insane.
-Misty has a Spaniel's ears and tail, perfect for swimming. Her ears and tail are tri-colored with white, brown, and black. She's still Cerulean City's gym leader, and she still tries to keep in touch with Ash the best she can but he ignores her calls most of the time. Brock and her are always hanging out when she's not busy with the gym.
-Brock is the visualization of a scruffy village dog. He has a long brown tail with fur as wild as you'd like to imagine, and his ears are floppy and brown with the tips being white. That's not a good look for a healthcare professional, so he straightens the fur without too much issue.
-Tracey, though he doesn’t have a super big part of the main story, has a Great Pyrenese’s ears and tail. Because his fur is white and he’s an artist, there’s always a large array of colors displayed on his coat.
#Pokeani#Pokemon#AU#tailtwined!AU#ash ketchum#kanto#pokemon giovanni#team rocket#trainer blue#professor oak#gary oak
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Do you have a head canon for Nico? For some reason, I see him having a sibling or cousin he’s out too. And if he had siblings, I also imagine those siblings had kids and he was their uncle that he’s close too. Your thoughts? Just curious.
Ooh I like this ask.
I believe he has quite a big family. My biggest headcanon is he has an older sister (who is the ultimate badass) and he goes to her for everything. She knows every little detail about him and for some off reason, she is the only person he can fully open up too without fear of judgement.
She knows he is gay, she knows about Levi, has the best advice but doesn't sugarcoat it. She gets straight to the point and will call Nico out on his bullshit. When she found out him and Levi broke up, she sure as hell gave him a talking to, but ultimately knows that it isn't just him at fault and Levi contributed just as much to the break up.
She tells him that he needs to think about this all, spend some time with himself and learn that it is okay to speak about feelings, even if he has grown up in a place where they weren't always accepted. And he does, because he loves his big sister, and she knows so much.
I don't think he is as close with his other siblings though. I'm sure he has nieces and newphews here and there, but he is never any good with them. He just kind of panics. Babies scare him.
I think he isn't so much of a sporty type, but he does like to partake in sports. Just doesn't necessarily throw himselfs fully into them as he was always interested in the medical side of things. That is why he has an interest in sports medicine.
He's a dog person, in my mind. He would have a big dog, one that is super cuddly and affectionate.
He's a big dumbass. Nico Kim has the biggest dumbass energy I've ever seen and I am here for it.
He's clumsy as hell. At the hospital, at work, when he has to focus hard on things, it isn't so bad. But the amount of mugs he dropped, or the amount of times he has whacked his shin iff the coffee table at home proves different. He also always trips on his rug, but never moves it. It looks too cool.
Gonna deviate a little bit here and talk a little more about his family-
I also think that as much as his parents may be strict, they only want the best for him. They want him to do well so he can provide for himself and not have to struggle. They love all their kids equally, and Nico may not see that, but they do. And they are so proud of Nico. But, again, they don't know how to say it, something which they have passed on to most of their kids.
I really think they would be accepting of Nico. Something in my head just tells me they would be. Sure, it isn't exactly 'normal' to them, considering they grew up in a time where being gay was not allowed. But either way, they love and support Nico and if he's happy, then they are happy.
Plus, they kind of had a feeling. No one is ever that close with their best friend through high school unless there is something else deep down.
I definitely think the Kim clan had a dog growing up. Something excitable and full of energy, like a border collie, or a labrador, or maybe a spaniel, that was spoiled rotten.
So yeah, I have quite a few random headcanons. I wanna hear everyone elses, too!!
#ask#asks#answered#nico kim#i think i may have blabbered a bit but#you get the point#i have a lot of headcanons for my boy
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