#headcanons artor
starbvund · 2 days
The Council of Vampires
The original intent was to put in place boundaries to ensure a Vampiric War didn't break out. Lessen the probability of two vampires having a territory pissing contest to bring the rest down with them. To ensure a steady supply of food without depleting the stocks.
The council consists of Vampire Lords, one from each major city of Faerün and a few representatives from the other planes. The Lords as a collective make the rules and judgement calls that govern vampiric society. They are presided over by Strahd. Because of his limitations of his prison, they are most often held in Ravenloft or places he can send Rahadin as his voice. Known council members to this blog: Strahd - Dictator Leader, Of the land of Barovia Artor - Lord of Waterdeep Sevatel - Lord of Neverwinter @sevatel Bodhi - Lord of Athkatla until death Cazador - Lord of Baldur's Gate
When a lord of a city dies, their successor becomes the next Lord on the council gaining a vote in all proceedings. Their invite is sent via one of Strahd von Zarovich's raven companions. A time and place for the next convening. Failure to accept the invitation often doesn't pan out well for the vampire in question. Quickly finding themselves in an early, permanent grave. Strahd has the overriding vote and the most power in the council. As a rule they try not to engage him because of his harsh sentences and general demeanor. They convene rarely.
Any violations by vampires who hold territory are swiftly carried out by the council proxies and hired hands. Spawn are considered the jurisdiction of their masters to discipline. Failure to discipline on an extreme violation by one's spawn falls on the master's head. For instance: Inciting a vampire pissing contest/war.
( Jokingly: Jandor Sunstar joins via shitty web connection live from the Hells on an ancient laptop. He's always screaming much to Strahd's delight. )
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apalestar · 9 months
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More vampire related headcanons.
Each vampire lord rules over a territory that they hold. They are territorial in order to keep the peace. It's a unspoken agreement between them stemming back eons to some of the first night walkers. While wars for turf are not unheard of, they are strongly discouraged. The gains often don't outweigh the loses.
Clerics and holy orders tend to notice a vast array of undead going to town on one another. It attracts unwanted attention. As such wars are often conducted by proxy. The Lord of Waterdeep, Artor Morlin, for instance manipulates the local church of Lathandar into murdering any potential rivals in Waterdeep.
For vampire society, the cities are the most prized, but the most perilous. The countryside is safer, but offers less prey for the coven.
Since Cazad*r's demise, Astari*n has taken over the role of territory holder in Baldur's Gate. Only out of the necessity to ensure no other tyrant enters his home.
A few like Strahd and some of the most ancient have instead fled to places like Avernus, Underdark, or the Shadowfell where the sun can't be held over them as a threat.
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llunarum · 1 year
[ teal ]  which fandom has been your favorite to be a part of? which has been the least favorite?
𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸
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Favorite is a tie,, between the da.rk so.uls rpc and the drag.on a.ge rpc honorary mentions to the bla.ck but.ler rpc and the rw.by rpc bc while they were garbage fires i met some of my closest friends in them
Da.rk Sou.ls has a really nice, albeit dead, rpc. Everyone is just having a fun time and talking about their favorites. I really enjoy writing Art.or.ias there when I have the motivation/muse for him, and my mutuals over there are some of the nicest people who really love to share stuff with each other. The only "bad" experience I've had there was when I posted a headcanon about why Artor doesn't like humanity and sb that was a mutual "um actually"-ed me and immediately blocked me after so I couldn't even see their comment except for the little bit in my notifications which was more funny than anything.
Dra.gon A.ge's rpc is very similar. People just having fun with the lore and their protags. I love DA, everyone knows that, it's been my major interest since I was 10 and played Origins so I have a fucking blast on my DA multi. Only downside really is that people can be a lil clique-ish at times, and because I write ocs and canons over there the canons kinda take the main stage which can be a lil annoying but I love the canons I write so it's not too bad.
Least favorite definitely the Castle.vania rpc tbh. It was fun at first with the first season of the show airing, but season 2 everyone started to get really nasty towards each other and if you even liked the show you'd be blocked by a good portion of the community. If you followed the show? The half that hates the show wont look at you and just shittalks, and vice versa. I really liked Castle.vania, I loved writing Adrian and talking to my mutuals there and posting stupid stuff but the cliques and the nasty behavior if you just mentioned the show really put me off of it.
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abysscl · 2 years
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𝙍𝘼𝙄𝙉 -   melancholy at best , introspective , severely misunderstood , pleasure in the subdued , helping in your own way , dreams in poetry , the slowness of falling asleep , refreshing meditation .
𝙎𝙐𝙉 -     sunbleached clothes , futures that are too bright , everything at arm’s length , balancing intensity , blind encouragement , comfort of sleep , distracting sunspots in your vision , necessity of growth .
𝙎𝙏𝙊𝙍𝙈 -     chaos with a purpose , emotions running high , natural comfortable anarchy , high volume , leaving your mark ,  brief flashes of violence , rambling quickly , the intensity of desire .
𝙒𝙄𝙉𝘿 -     running towards instead of away , instinctive motivation , making an impact , knows everyone who knows anyone , playful pranks , mood swings in a split second , collecting old trinkets , uncontrollable focus .
𝙎𝙉𝙊𝙒 -     serene on the surface , cold blooded heart , love it or hate it attitude , good memories , heavy discussions , sharp determination , relentless resolve , not as scary as it seems .
tagged by:  @blxiddiau​ ty ty 🖤 tagging: all of u bc i cant think of specific tags rn 🔫🐺
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Mace Windu Appreciation Week
Mace Windu is so often overlooked or bashed for no reason so let’s give him some much needed love. 
I propose that from March 26 - April 1 we all create some Mace-centric works, fics, art, meta, fanmixes, vids, headcanon posts, whatever.
Tag your works as #Mace Appreciation
Theme suggestion if you want them.
March 26, Day 1: Soft. Even among people who include Mace you rarely see a soft side. So let’s see it.
The alternate theme is comedy, Mace can be the straight-man or not as long as the work is comedic in nature.
March 27, Day 2: Romance. Who do you ship with Mace and what do they do to express their romantic attraction to each other?
The alternate theme is AU, put Mace in whatever AU you want.
March 28, Day 3: Badass. We all know Mace Windu is a grade A, pure baddass so let’s see some work dedicated to it.
The alternate theme is friendship, who is Mace friends with and how is their relationsihp?
March 29, Day 4: After the end. Maul can survive being cut in half and Anakin can survive losing all limbs and burning up everything else so why not have Mace survive his fall. Mace in the rebellion, in hiding, trying to still train others in the way of the force give us your version of Mace’s survival.
The alternate theme is fashion, is Mace fashionable when not in those Jedi robes?
March 30, Day 5: Sexy. Mace is not usually used in sexy artor fic, let’s see him taking some along tim, with a partner, in a pin-up, as long as it’s sexy.
The alternate theme is crossover, Mace interacting with a character from another franchise somehow.
March 31, Day 6: Legacu Mace trained Depa Billaba (Who trained Caleb/Kanan, who trained Ezra) , Echuu Shen-Jon (Who trained Stam Reath, and I’ll include Darrus Jeht. Let’s see him and one of his Padawans or Grand-padawans.
The alternate theme is Mace alone, focusing on introspection and charactiraztion of Mace.
April 1, Day 7:
Free for all! Whatever you want as long as it’s Mace.
I’ll but reblogging anything it that tag and any other nice Mace works I find @mace-windu-appreciationweek
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Mace Windu Appreciation Week
Mace Windu is so often overlooked or bashed for no reason so let’s give him some much needed love.
I propose that from March 26 - April 1 we all create some Mace-centric works, fics, art, meta, fanmixes, vids, headcanon posts, whatever.
Tag your works as #Mace Appreciation
Theme suggestion if you want them.
March 26, Day 1: Soft. Even among people who include Mace you rarely see a soft side. So let’s see it.
The alternate theme is comedy, Mace can be the straight-man or not as long as the work is comedic in nature.
March 27, Day 2: Romance. Who do you ship with Mace and what do they do to express their romantic attraction to each other?
The alternate theme is AU, put Mace in whatever AU you want.
March 28, Day 3: Badass. We all know Mace Windu is a grade A, pure baddass so let’s see some work dedicated to it.
The alternate theme is friendship, who is Mace friends with and how is their relationsihp?
March 29, Day 4: After the end. Maul can survive being cut in half and Anakin can survive losing all limbs and burning up everything else so why not have Mace survive his fall. Mace in the rebellion, in hiding, trying to still train others in the way of the force give us your version of Mace’s survival.
The alternate theme is fashion, is Mace fashionable when not in those Jedi robes?
March 30, Day 5: Sexy. Mace is not usually used in sexy artor fic, let’s see him taking some along tim, with a partner, in a pin-up, as long as it’s sexy.
The alternate theme is crossover, Mace interacting with a character from another franchise somehow.
March 31, Day 6: Legacu Mace trained Depa Billaba (Who trained Caleb/Kanan, who trained Ezra) , Echuu Shen-Jon (Who trained Stam Reath, and I’ll include Darrus Jeht. Let’s see him and one of his Padawans or Grand-padawans.
The alternate theme is Mace alone, focusing on introspection and charactiraztion of Mace.
April 1, Day 7:
Free for all! Whatever you want as long as it’s Mace.
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starbvund · 5 months
Vampire Society and the Council of Elders.
Vampires are led by a council of lords. These lords are in charge of territories of significance, usually major cities. The council membership are usually the older vampires who have acquired quite a bit of power. The council creates the laws and etiquette that all vampires must follow. Breaking these laws incurs the wrath of the council up to and including death.
The council is currently led by Strahd. He is the ultimate person of authority and brings forth a lot of the measures for discussion. As a council they vote on changes to the laws governing vampiric society and have an enforcement arm. Any council member can be removed for breaking the laws, except Strahd. The rest are too respectful or fearful of him to do so.
Thus far these are the known council members. Strahd - Lead, Barovia, Dread domain territory Mrel Alkam - Athkatla @sevatel - Neverwinter Cazador Szarr - Baldur's Gate Artor Morlin - Waterdeep
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starbvund · 8 months
Artor is the most paranoid of mfers you will ever meet. He may call you 'ally' for a number of years, but inevitably he will become suspicious of you too.
While a member of the vampiric council, he doesn't even trust them. He tolerates them because he must. One of reverence to the senior members age and power. As a pragmatist he also understands a unified council is necessary to keep vampiric society from plunging into utter chaos. And he hates chaos.
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starbvund · 8 months
Muse classes: Rahadin: Paladin, Oath of Conquest Corellon: Whatever form his avatar takes. Usually a ranger or Arcane Archer Artor: Fighter, Eldritch Knight Violet: Bard
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starbvund · 6 months
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Independent, selective, mutuals only multimuse DnD RP blog featuring canon characters from lore. Penned by Bik ( 30s, he/him ). A sideblog that follows back from @apalestar.
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Rules // Main Blog // carrd
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Rahadin ( CoS ): headcanons
Strahd von Zarovich ( CoS ): headcanons
Corellon ( DnD deity ): headcanons
Artor Morlin ( Lord of Waterdeep vampire ): headcanons
Bob Briars ( DnD PC ): headcanons
Halsin ( Archdruid ): headcanons
Lae'zel ( testing )
Cazador ( request only ): headcanons
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Threads: Open // Asks: Open // Tracker // art credit: [1] Current activity: Low
Loudest muses atm: Strahd, Halsin
Replies run on a queue.
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starbvund · 6 months
It's Sinday so I guess some fatherless related headcanons for the muses:
Corellon. They don't engage in the act much. As a god they prefer a metaphysical interaction with their peers. They never really think about sleeping with mortals. Strahd. Nearly any surface in Ravenloft isn't safe. He doesn't care. He's too old by now to care. You wanna go on the chandelier? He's down.
Rahadin. Asexual & aromantic noises.
Artor. He prefers brothels and dalliances to anything long term. Granted he doesn't trust anyone, and his lovers often end up dead because of his paranoia.
Sergei. He's as vanilla as they come. He was raised to be part of the clergy so he's very inexperienced and wants a fairytale type of romance.
Violet. She usually falls for all the toxic red flags thanks to her egotism. The thought of they would never do that to me. Granted she would do it right back too.
Orin. No love, only murder.
Bob. If Grindr were a thing in Faerûn, he'd be sending/asking people for their tractor pics instead of their dick pics.
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abysscl · 2 years
    𝔪𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔣𝔞𝔳𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔰 - 𝔭𝔯𝔢𝔣𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰
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Animal: Wolves are obvious, but really any canine.
Flowers: Forget-me-nots, hydrangeas, and lupine.
Scent: Smoke from bonfires, dog, rainfall.
Coffee: Black.
Tea: None, isn’t a fan of it.
Drink: Stale ale you’ve been saving for the right moment after a hard fight and mission completed.
Alcoholic Beverage: Red wine, honeyed ale.
Food: Any meat roasted over a fire.
Dessert: Honey cakes.
Article of Clothing: The blue cowl that is always shrouding his face or resting around his shoulders
Candy:  Candied fruit.
Left or Right Handed?: Left dominant, but is ambidextrous. The right still has a slight lag compared to the left though.
Sloppy or Neat Writing?: Neat.
Clean or Messy Home?: An organized slight mess.
Shower in Morning or Night?: Shower at night.
Tasks Done Early or Last Minute?: Early, never last minute.
Love Language?: Quality time. Spending time with a loved one is one of the most important things to him. It’s what he looks forward to the most when returning.
Believe in Love at First Sight?: He would like to but doesn’t. Love is something built over time. You can be infatuated at first sight, or be attracted at first sight, but love doesn’t come so easy and quick.
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tagged by: @vilestblood​ ty mwah 🖤 tagging: all i am threatening u all again 🔫🐺
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abysscl · 2 years
Senior Warden/Dragon Age Verse Timeline
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9:18 Dragon - Artorias becomes a knight of the Teryn of Gwaren.
9:24 Dragon - Artorias leaves the service of the Teryn to join the Wardens, surviving his joining.
9:29 Dragon - Promoted to Senior Warden.
9:30 Dragon - Fifth blight begins. Preparations for the battle at Ostagar begin. Artorias’ small group is sent into the Wilds for surveying and reconnaissance, keeping him from being present at the battle.
9:30 Dragon cont. - Resurfaces in Redcliffe helping the residents against the nightly assaults. Rejoining with the other surviving wardens when they show. 
9:31 Dragon - Returns to Weisshaupt to give his report. Joins Orlesian wardens afterwards to help clear remaining darkspawn who haven’t retreated to the deeproads. Eventually ending up at Vigil’s Keep opting to remain there and help deal with the new and odd darkspawn threat to Amaranthine. 
9:32 Dragon - Returns to his other duties marked by his position. 
9:32-40 Dragon - Spent scattered about Thedas tending to various duties.
9:41 Dragon - Events of Inquisition begin. Hearing a (false) calling alongside all his fellow wardens Artorias leaves in search of answers. Assuming it might have to do with the breach in the sky he heads for the ones combating it: the new Inquisition. 
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