nun-draws · 2 years
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gjdraws · 1 year
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Daniel san does not pay attention and steps on things that poke and sting, Chozen does not approve.
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llegato · 1 year
feelin sentimental tonight
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As soon as the Oprah interview aired and the factchecking started, the walls were crumbling down. And it was little lies that didn’t have to thrown in there too- why say you got married a few days earlier when the AofC would dispute it etc. Spare and the Netflix doc was a good one-two punch, basically the more they came out and talked in interviews and publications the more lies they told which destroyed their credibility. The Sussexes died of their own hubris.
I think it’s more than hubris. I think they live in a fantasy world. They don’t think they lied. That’s just their reality.
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gildeddlily · 1 year
this is me acting on my star wars brainrot.
I've been a fan of it for like years, but not really. my uncle gifted us the Attack of The Clones DVD when I was like six and my sister and I loved it. Only later when I got my own pc and telephone I watched all the other films, started liking it, went to the cinema to see The Rise of Skywalker and yk all the things a pre-teen can do with restricted phone usage. ten years after watching AOFC for the first time I obsessed over it again, almost for the first time. I spent the last like 5 months watching the films again, then the series (starting with The Mandalorian) and finally The Clone Wars.
now. I've never been a prequel hater. Like, I recognise that it wasn't well written, but the raw plot had a lot of potential. watching The Clone Wars changed my view on everything. now I hate the prequels lol.
the thing is. Anakin's character is shit.
how to explain it.
(disclaimer I'm probably not saying anything new but I have to talk ab it to someone and you're there being pretty so yes. and I absolutely love Anakin.)
In The Phantom Menace we see Darth Vader as a child, specifically a child slave. And just this was enough for the plot, in my opinion. The amount of pain he must have suffered living like that for nine fucking years is massive, and this idea could have become something beautiful to watch. now, my oh-so-rightfully-hated Qui-Gon Jinn, what do you think a child slave (that you've just won in a pod race without telling him) would say to you inviting him to come with you? But ofc, Anakin said he wanted to be a jedi. All right. Let's talk about his mother. She gave her permission to Qui-Gon to take Anakin with him, when the only alternative was making him stay in a planet where he would have been enslaved, again, and lived miserably. Kind of a "this or death" situation.
But Anakin wanted to be a jedi, and she wanted him to be happy. All right. Then the scene with the Jedi Council. (I'm not anti-jedi, but I've seen a lot of people saying that it was Anakin's fault, that what he proved wasn't sane love but obsession- and it's kinda natural? yk, for people who grew up being told to control constantly their emotions and not taught to be deal with them like a normal person (they're repressed alr) it's not strange to end up in a toxic relationship. no one ever said anything ab "yes to relationship, but no to attachment", they just said "you like that girl? boy cm don't get attached". Obi I'm talking with you (I love him so much)) They judge a child slave, who just left his mother, a fucking slave, on his birth(?) planet, who is being judged by a bunch of people he doesn't know in a place he's not familiar with, and with the risk (in his mind) to having to come back in said birth planet, for feeling fear? of course he's scared? Are you actually dumb or don't you realize that you have a child in front of you and not a piece of marble?
And I love the "the Council founds out that Anakin was a slave after years" trope, cause that has to be real. No sane person would say something like that ("fear leads to the dark side" wth man) to someone so traumatized at such an age.
then, a ten years timeskip, and the ex-slave trope gets literally thrown out the window. they didn't talk about it a single time. (don't get me started on Shmi and Cliegg) and yk, I understand it. they had a lot of things to fit in like four hours in total, so I understand.
What I don't understand, is that the hell happened with The Clone Wars series (the film too. that's worse. but in a different way). (this is me judging everything and still loving it)
we got to know the clones as people, and it explains how the clones managed to kill the jedi (and makes it more painful to watch). it was epic. it was shit.
The jedi had bonds with the clones. the clones are slaves, basically, and except for a few episodes, it's a topic that never gets approached. (we love the mistreated Coruscant Guard trope)
Thinking about it, few episodes focused on the clones as people and not characters standing there at Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi's side, and when they do it it's heartbreaking of course (Umbara, Fives, the Domino Squad, Echo's rescue and so on)
So, Anakin is the General of an army of slaves, basically. and it's never talked about. And all right, I get it, they wanted it to be a show for kids too- but than they talked about slavery with the Zygerria Arc (badly too, don't get me started), so why didn't they talked explicitly about what the clones were to the Republic? For a show with so heavy political opinions they shouldn't have avoided it.
and again, the clones aren't the protagonists at the end (clone wars my ass, better be "borderline anakin, his little cute sister (hating on ahsoka is like telling an infant not to cry) and the sassy flirty ex parent-brother") so alr.
but when Anakin becomes Darth Vader he's like the slaver? they made the ex-slave the slaver of million of beings? and this could have been greatly used too, to show how his corruption was deep, deep to the point of making him become the thing he hated the most. but no, it's not really talked about, like always.
his character isn't coherent with his story for like half the script.
so all of this was to say that I hate canon!Anakin and love what Anakin could have been.
I hate canon!Council, and I kind of like what the Councli could have been.
I love Obi. he's just there. hehe. (no, he's kind of a shitty master half the time, but he's not so bad as a brother. brothers can make mistakes they're not invincible but the love is always there alr)
I hate the prequels. I absolutely love every fic written ab it, great vagina I love you (like Tatooine's slave culture, every clones' hc, y'all hc just are)
it's like eleven pm and i should finish my wolffe&fox fic love and kisses I need sleep
(im still gonna watch them and cry over their shitty writing)
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wifemaiden · 2 months
What other fics are you working on?
ehe...^^; honestly too many to name!
mostly i have ones that take place in the world of aludora. some are oneshots and others might turn out with 100k words... but i'm trying to focus on finishing up the works i've already posted before releasing any new multi-chapters! i'm attempting to not post another long story until art of coercion is complete (or almost complete), but there are two quite lengthy ones that i've started writing/planning for.
aofc chapter 4 should be out very shortly, and so should a non-aludora oneshot i've been writing for a friend.
everything else is still in progress!
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queen-of-mandalore · 4 months
Em’s Star Wars rewatch part 3:
The Clone Wars #1 - Christophsis (2x16, 1x16 & the Clone Wars movie)*
2x16: Cat and Mouse
This episode really highlights Anakin’s character - he goes on the offensive, refuses to sit back and not jump into the action, comes up with a reckless and frankly crazy plan, goes against orders and ignores Obi-Wan, and pulls off a miraculous victory.
It also highlights the difference in the portrayal of Anakin and Obi-Wan’s relationship between the show and Attack of the Clones: whilst Obi-Wan is still exasperated by Anakin’s disregard for orders, it seems to come from more of a place of concern and affection than how I perceived it in AofC.
Anakin sees Admiral Trench: ‘… Hello ugly 🤨’ - what an absolute troll lmao
1x16: The Hidden Enemy
What first struck me about this episode was how identical all the clones are. In later seasons it becomes so commonplace to have troopers in various colours and designs that I’d almost forgotten in these early arcs that most don’t have any markings. I love how as the series progresses we see more and more of the clones’ individuality. I also think as the war goes on the clones see themselves more as individuals so their armour becomes a way of showing their individuality.
Slick is such an interesting character because he basically raises the issues that Rex will grapple with much later. When Slick said he was sick of blindly following orders, I was really reminded of Fives’ speech in the Umbara arc.
It’s interesting that Rex doesn’t seem to relate to Slick or acknowledge his motives as being valid - at this point Rex is still ‘the perfect soldier’ and wholly committed and unquestioning to the war and his place in it. We later see him realise it’s not as black and white, first when he meets Cut and his family and then obviously during Umbara. The character development is amazing but you only really notice when you go back and watch the start and see how far he comes.
I love how in-sync Rex and Cody are. You can tell they have known each other their whole lives and trust the other completely. With just one look they created a whole plan and knew exactly what the other was thinking.
Obi-Wan flirting with Ventress!!! Obi-Wan flirting with the enemy will never not be funny, plus Ventress flirting back whilst trying to kill him is kind of iconic, and Anakin is just kind of there waiting for them to stop flirting so they can fight.
The Clone Wars Movie:
Cody leap kicking and punching droids left and right will never not be iconic.
The opening battle scenes are really great and intense. The camera work seems really dynamic as if you are weaving through the battle.
Ahsoka is the perfect padawan for Anakin. She’s just as crazy as he is! I love their banter and how playful they are - they might be in a war but they make it fun!
You really do have to question why the Jedi thought it was okay to bring a literal child into a war but oh well.
Teth! It’s so cool that it appeared again in the last season of The Bad Batch.
The music in this movie slaps.
Padme ONCE AGAIN proving that she is a bad ass.
Honestly this is such a fun movie.
*I’m watching Clone Wars in chronological rather than release order and will be splitting the episodes into arcs.
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xxxcertifiednerdxxx · 3 years
Obi-wan’s glow up b/w The Phantom Menace and Attack of The Clones is unfair. Why couldn’t puberty have made me as pretty as my boi Kenobi??
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yuriniel · 7 years
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[Spoiler] Yukari’s spell cards in AoFC. A scene as seen in the Touhou Station - #8 Winter Comiket SP live stream on Nicovideo (ended) and ZUN was one of the guests. 
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lori-hime · 7 years
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wild-shenanigans · 2 years
Hyped for TOTK!! Wooo
Finally was able to watch the trailer!!
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sanneadeen · 7 years
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Let's celebrate the fact, that Doremy will be a playable character in AoCF! ♡
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stormplush · 7 years
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Im having a heart attack.
YOS. but I am still anxious about touhou 16 news. aaaa ZUN please say something!
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llegato · 2 years
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star of the show!
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tanukifucker91 · 7 years
I'm glad it's not a Comiket release set for AoCF both HM and ULiL were rushed and I'd rather not have a broken game with first day patches like HM so blease tasfro so the right thing for once
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Mace Windu Appreciation Week
Mace Windu is so often overlooked or bashed for no reason so let’s give him some much needed love. 
I propose that from March 26 - April 1 we all create some Mace-centric works, fics, art, meta, fanmixes, vids, headcanon posts, whatever.
Tag your works as #Mace Appreciation
Theme suggestion if you want them.
March 26, Day 1: Soft. Even among people who include Mace you rarely see a soft side. So let’s see it.
The alternate theme is comedy, Mace can be the straight-man or not as long as the work is comedic in nature.
March 27, Day 2: Romance. Who do you ship with Mace and what do they do to express their romantic attraction to each other?
The alternate theme is AU, put Mace in whatever AU you want.
March 28, Day 3: Badass. We all know Mace Windu is a grade A, pure baddass so let’s see some work dedicated to it.
The alternate theme is friendship, who is Mace friends with and how is their relationsihp?
March 29, Day 4: After the end. Maul can survive being cut in half and Anakin can survive losing all limbs and burning up everything else so why not have Mace survive his fall. Mace in the rebellion, in hiding, trying to still train others in the way of the force give us your version of Mace’s survival.
The alternate theme is fashion, is Mace fashionable when not in those Jedi robes?
March 30, Day 5: Sexy. Mace is not usually used in sexy artor fic, let’s see him taking some along tim, with a partner, in a pin-up, as long as it’s sexy.
The alternate theme is crossover, Mace interacting with a character from another franchise somehow.
March 31, Day 6: Legacu Mace trained Depa Billaba (Who trained Caleb/Kanan, who trained Ezra) , Echuu Shen-Jon (Who trained Stam Reath, and I’ll include Darrus Jeht. Let’s see him and one of his Padawans or Grand-padawans.
The alternate theme is Mace alone, focusing on introspection and charactiraztion of Mace.
April 1, Day 7:
Free for all! Whatever you want as long as it’s Mace.
I’ll but reblogging anything it that tag and any other nice Mace works I find @mace-windu-appreciationweek
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