#head looks extra enormous when u add hair from the side
skunkes · 5 months
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bitch-butter · 3 years
(Modern!AU Webgott idea. Longish? Will eventually be called true bluish light. Tell me if this is interesting lol
Rated C for mentions of Joe's poor COVID protocol)
* * *
The blackout curtains that hung over the single window in the somewhat narrow bedroom were intensely effective, shrouding the occupants of the bed in a heavy darkness that even the daylight outside could not permeate. The still potent smell of sex lingered over the room, sweat and saliva and everything else casting a gross and homey aroma over the rumpled sheets and discarded clothing along the floor. Just around the edges of the curtain was a thin, white glow, but beyond that absent suggestion of light the room remained dark and still, as though nobody was there at all.
Pulling in a deep breath, Joe admitted he really shouldn’t have been there.
Shouldn’t have stayed the night, at least, if anything for the sake of his own reputation. He’s not typically one to go full spoons with a stranger (or, practically a stranger) no matter how good the sex had been, and he’s definitely never been one to spend the night somewhere that is not his bed. He’s spent years crafting his bed, has read actual magazine articles about how to create the best, most comfortable space, and after many years of hard work he is lucky enough to have created what many have called the Coziest Place in America. Suffice it to say, he does not like to spend a night in someone else's bed and he doesn’t think he needs to apologize for it.
This bed isn’t the worst, though.
And the guy that came with it wasn’t the worst either, he had to say. Joe had been ready to delete the app that led him to this guy and his bed, but it’s funny what a ‘ping’ on a lonely Friday night after nearly a year of no sex could do. Turns out that celibacy has made him into a fucking cuddler.
He’s not all that sorry about it. Keeping his distance from contact with other humans has handily prevented him from catching COVID thus far, and not everybody in his circle can say the same thing, as Tab had caught it first out of all of them via an ill-timed jaunt to Miami and Lip had had it twice now by virtue of his shoddy lungs and over-eagerness to lend a hand to people in his building. But a year is long, and half a bottle of cold Kim Crawford accomplished a lot at diminishing his capacity to give a shit about anything other than getting some attention on his dick. As long as the guy had sworn he tested negative, which he had, and Joe himself had tested negative, which he was, he saw no reason not to waltz into a total strangers apartment to merrily screw for as long as they both could stand to.
And it turns out this guy can stand a lot.
Joe has to admit at least half the reason he spent the night was that he actually was exhausted by the sheer voracity of their fucking. They oughta hand out medals for this shit, or something.
He finds himself smiling as he lets his mind wander over their earnestly passionate exploits of just a few hours past, and proceeds to let his eyes linger on the form of his companion. Though the room outside the warm enclosure of the blankets is a little cool the guy has one bare leg stretched out along the sheets, pressed up tightly against Joe’s own blanketed legs, with the remaining covers bundled against his chest. Resting mostly sideways on his belly, his face is turned towards Joe in sleep, mashed into the pillows and yet somehow managing to look as effortlessly gorgeous as he had looked in his photos on the app. His body moves with deep breaths, the steady inhale and exhale in combination with the sheltering warmth of the blanket nearly lulling Joe back to sleep.
He needed to get up, at the very least to find his phone and check the time. As carefully as he could he extracted his body from the tangle of covers, stepping lightly onto the carpet with his eyes on the other guy's face all the while, mindful not to disturb him. The night before he hadn’t even bothered to check his messages before passing out, and as such headed straight for the amorphous blob of his pants that rested just a foot away from the bed, crouching and reaching into his back pocket to grab his phone.
He hadn’t told Babe where he was going, as he’d only gathered the stones to go circa 11p.m. and he figured Babe was either asleep or performing his Getting Ready to Fuck routine and wouldn’t want to be disturbed. He almost feels sorry for Babe, who had loved the idea of dating a future doctor until this year when the sexiness of it was side-swiped by the actual danger the position entailed. As such, the Getting Ready to Fuck routine had an extra layer of manic energy to it, and Joe knew better than to try and pull Babe’s attention away from the hours preceding Gene’s rare, rare, rare visits to the apartment.
Even so, the amount of message icons he was presented with was unexpected to say the least.
He raised his eyebrows, nearly humming in interest as he noted the time. Jesus Christ, these blackout curtains are really worth their salt if it was nearly noon.
Tapping into his messages, he found a trickle of anxiety rolling down his spine.
FRI AT 11:42PM
Hey where r u?
I gotta talk to you
SAT AT 12:00AM
Are you coming back?? Srs need to talk
Feb 5 12:00AM
Missed call/Mobile
SAT AT 12:02AM
Gene Roe
Hi Joe, it’s Gene. idk if i gave you my number?
Trying to get a hold of you, call/text when you get a chance
SAT AT 12:20AM
C h u c k
Babe is trying to find you
Feb 5 12:30AM
Missed call/Mobile
SAT AT 12:50AM
Speirs Ron
Why am i getting texts at 12:45 at night asking me to find you?
Well, something is fucking happening. And he’s at least 100% sure he wants no fucking part of it because any drama that starts after 11p.m. is the drama of the goddamn devil.
Fighting not to heave an enormous sigh, Joe reluctantly acknowledges that he should pull his clothes on and get out of here if there really is an emergency in the vicinity of his roommate. Looking back over his naked shoulder Joe tries to catch a glance at the guy in the bed, at the length of his bare leg in the semi-darkness, and the angle of his shoulder protruding from the blankets where he curled. He’d happily get back in that bed and go another round or five.
As though alerted to Joe’s presence by the cosmos, his phone begins buzzing in his hand. Huffing in annoyance, he attempts to reject the call at least until he can get out of the room, but throws himself off kilter and bangs his elbow into the bedside table, jostling a glass of water and a pile of paperbacks.
“Shit,” he curses, grasping at his elbow and shooting a glance back to the guy, whose eyes are already open and alerted to the noise.
Damn it.
The guy blinks slowly, bleary, for a moment before pulling his face from his pillows and angling up onto his side. “Hi,” he greets softly, running a hand through his mussed hair.
“Hi,” Joe nods back, grimacing. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
The guy shakes his head, looking for all intents and purposes like he means it. “Not at all,” he sniffs, meeting Joe’s eyes in the darkness with a still-sleepy smile. “What time is it?”
“Oh man, it’s like noon.”
Furrowing his brow, the guy nods back before shooting Joe a wry smile. “We tired ourselves out, huh?”
Joe laughs, seeing his phone light up in his hand with a new message. “Speak for yourself.”
At the interested quirk of the other man’s brow Joe hastily gives a shake of his head and stands. “I’ll get out of your hair quick, no worries, just be a minute.”
The guy frowns, sitting up in the bed to let the blankets pool around his hips, hands coming to rest between his legs. “Oh, well, don’t feel like you have to.”
Joe pauses, pants in hand. “Oh, it’s not -”
“I mean, if you want to go then for sure, but like…” the guy waves a hand, pursing his lips before smiling and coughing out a laugh. “Are you hungry? I have eggs, I can make you something before you go.”
He hesitates, eyes pivoting from the guy, to his phone still in his hand, and back to the guy and his open, expectant face. After a moment, he clears his throat. “You know, I could eat.”
“Yeah, I could, could you?”
The guy smiles, and even in this mostly dark room Joe can see he has dimples and has to hold himself back from practically swooning, cursing his half-drunk self of the night prior for not remembering exactly how attractive this guy was. “I could use some coffee, is what I can use,” he says, stretching his arms over his head, and Joe is treated to the sight of his bare, bitten up chest. Usually he doesn’t take much notice of his partner's body hair, but as he lets his eyes trace over the guy's chest and legs as he moves to stand he finds himself clearing his throat and getting a little warm along his neck.
“Yeah, tell me about it,” he responded distractedly, pulling his eyes away from the luscious sight of the guy's ass as he bends to retrieve his underwear and instead moving to put his own on. After a second thought he pulls on his shirt as well; might do him some good if he finds himself flushing up at just a glimpse of this guy's ass.
As he slips his shirt over his head, the guy turns to him with a bit of a sheepish look on his face. “Can I admit something?” he asks, lips scrunched.
Joe pauses, still grasping the hem of his shirt. “What?”
“I…” he starts, before chuckling somewhat awkwardly. “I don’t totally remember your name...”
A fair bit of relief surges through him at that, and Joe finds himself huffing out a laugh of his own, and adds another one at the half-embarrassed and half-expectant smile the guy gives him. “Can I admit something back?”
“I don’t remember yours either.”
The guy's eyes widen minutely, before he tips his head back and laughs, nodding gently as he rubs a hand over his face. “Is it bad manners to say that’s a relief?”
“I think it’s alright as long as neither of us care,” Joe said, pushing his hair back, before stepping up to the guy and extending a hand. “I’m Joe.”
The guy grasped his hand in a sure grip. “David,” he replied with a little shake of their hands, before leaning in and pressing a dry kiss to Joe’s cheek. “Nice to meet you.”
Joe turned his face into David’s, catching his lips in a tender, if chaste, kiss. “Nice to meet you.”
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ooh ask day! are you working on any of your own writing at the moment? what excites you about it? is your writing similar to your prompts in any way? or do the prompts fulfill something else for you?
mainly im working on getting my first novel published, which you can read about HERE. otherwise, the sequel, an adult fiction project, and an urban fantasy type YA about a town called florida. in florida. Florida, florida.
Florida project, working title BORDERLINE, is the most in line with my general prompt vibe here. a little cosmic horror, bent reality, just generally odd.
I never write stuff based off the prompts, but I DO write prompts based off my own stuff, very occasionally. for me, writing prompts is like scales for a musician. keeps my brain well oiled.
*still taking asks, no requests please*
anyway, ive been working on Florida project a lot lately. have an excerpt:
Lin O’Leary was born and raised in the town of Florida, Florida, tucked away into a corner of the state’s forgotten coast. All the locals know Florida is a strange place, rumored to stand on a borderline, where the veil is thin and mysterious forces wander alongside the human population. The daughter of Irish and Mexican immigrants, Lin knows you can only find trouble if you go looking for it, and like the rest of Florida’s residents, lives comfortably alongside the supernatural. This is before Momoko Kasahara disappears into thin air, frightening the town of Florida into a new, ultra-cautious existence. Five years after Momo’s disappearance, Lin is seventeen, a highschool dropout now working at a convenience store, her once vibrant town still plagued by fear. The days drag by, mundane as they come in Florida, occasionally punctuated by unpleasant visits from Bo Kasahara, brother to Momo and full time asshole. Then, one fateful late shift, Lin sees the missing Kasahara twin standing in the aisles, gone as quickly as she appeared. Meanwhile, a stranger arrives from California, claiming to be a paranormal investigator hellbent on uncovering the mysteries of Florida, and suddenly Lin is faced with a choice. Be smart and keep her head down, or dive headlong into the strange mist that so often covers Florida, to rescue Momo Kasahara, and return her town to the way she remembers it.
1. 100% humidity feels like breathing underwater.
Florida ate Momoko Kasahara on the most miserable day of the year, and washed her down with a thunderstorm. A lot of other important things happened that day, but Momo’s disappearance overshadowed them all. Momo was the coolest girl in our class. She had shiny black hair that ran down to her waist. She liked to wear a different flavor of lip gloss every day of the week, and could sing in Japanese. I was on my way home from the beach when I saw the police cars in her driveway, and her twin brother sitting on the porch, painted purple in the twilight. 
He shook his head, at me, slow, and all the sound seemed to drain out of the world. The flashing police lights distorted his face, as bright white clouds passed too quickly above us. The whole scene drove a stake of wrongness hard into my chest. Sometimes even now, I dream about it. Bo and I watching each other. The dead silence. The purple light. The too white clouds. And Momo, eaten.  For the first time in my life, I was afraid of my own town. 
My name is Lin O’leary. I live in Florida, Florida, a nothing sort of place crammed into an extra forgotten corner of the state’s already forgotten coast. Some days I can forget about Momo, and everything that happened in the hours before she vanished. Heff says I’m good at keeping my eyes closed, even when they’re open. 
I really wish he were right. 
2. Cloudy with a chance of hotdogs (haunted).
I was standing in front of the worst building I had ever seen. Slab grey and full of sharp edges, additions had been slapped onto every side until it resembled an impossible puzzle piece. The front windows were crowded with signs for cold beer and hot food, but the glass itself was opaque. It was a convenience store from hell, a collection of stationary parts so nonsensical I was worried it might grow a few new alcoves if I blinked. Above the door, an unintelligible sign in complicated neon cursive flashed electric blue. There was a neon clock too, flickering wildly, just striking twelve.
I must have walked halfway across town, and as far I could tell this was the only place that sold food at all, let alone past three in the morning. Still, I couldn’t bring myself to go inside. My stomach was a mess, and haunted convenience store hot dogs could only make it worse. I fished my phone out of my pocket, but the little service I had was, like the midnight clock above me, barely clinging to existence, my map application nothing more than a collection of beige squares. There was no one around. The sky was intensely dark, a pitch black blanket of clouds. Water hung thick in the air, the night time street so quiet I could almost hear beads of sweat sliding down my already slick face. No, there was nothing for it. I needed directions. 
The bell above the door made a strange, flat sound as I pressed inside. If the building was weird from the outside, that was nothing to its interior. The shelves, tall and numerous, had been arranged like maze walls. The overhead lights were blinding, stark white, and every other tile on the floor was mismatched. Some were squares of carpet. The only thing really visible from the entrance was the register, a fortress made of dark wood and surrounded by lottery advertisements. Behind the counter, a girl was reading something intently. As I got closer, I saw it was the back of a box of oatmeal.
“Hi,” I said, adjusting the duffel bag that had been crushing my left shoulder for an hour. 
The girl nodded, but didn’t look up. She had thin black hair, pin straight and chin length. Her skin was a warm, golden brown. Her shirt said something in miniscule writing, but my glasses were a little foggy, so I would have had to practically press my face to her chest to read it, which didn’t seem like a great first impression.
“Can you help me? I’m looking for the Fahrenheit Motel. I think it’s supposed to be around here.” 
Finally, she glanced at me. 
“It’s just around the corner. See the glasses store across the street? Go straight past that and make the second left, you’ll run right into it.” 
She pointed out the window, and I realized they were one way. 
“Who built this place?” I asked. 
She shrugged. 
“We’ve had a lot of owners. Everyone adds something new.”
There was something off about her. Like we were talking, but mentally she was still 
reading the box of oatmeal. 
“I’m Julien,” I said, sticking out a hand. She raised her eyebrows before taking it. 
“Lin,” she said, with another small nod. 
Her face was round, but her features were knife sharp. I wondered what she looked like angry. Maybe that was a really weird thing to think. 
Not wanting to ask for a second set of directions, I wandered around the store for thirty minutes before returning to the counter with a gallon of chocolate milk and a bag of seaweed flavored potato chips. 
“I can’t believe you have these. I didn’t think you could find them outside of California.”
Instead of replying, Lin held up the chocolate milk. 
“There’s no fridge in your room at the Fahrenheit. You know that right?”
“I was told on the phone… ” I started.
“There’s a fridge, but it’s in the lobby, communal. Kimmy’ll drink this.” She gave the milk a little shake before scanning it. “Just warning you.”
“Thanks,” I said, as she stuffed my things in a smiling shopping bag. 
I paused on my way out.
“Goodnight,” I said, “Or, good morning I guess.” 
Lin stared at me, then glanced at the box of oatmeal and back. 
“Morning,” she said, with a sigh.
I followed Lin’s directions, and wound up at last in front of a long, low building sporting a vacancies sign. Even in low light I could see about a hundred sad looking plastic flamingos had been stuck all over the lawn, the bushes, even the gravel path that led to the front door. I had to pick my way around them on approach. 
There was no one at the front desk. The reception area was lit only by the green blue light coming from an enormous fishtank that didn’t seem to have any fish in it. As I approached the counter, I noticed someone had left the key to my room out for me, next to a scrap of paper bearing the wifi password. I picked up the key, old and brass, then watched the fishtank for a second, before turning around and experiencing heart failure. 
A very old woman with wiry black hair was standing there in her nightgown, arms crossed and frowning at me. She didn’t apologize for nearly sending me to my grave. 
“I’m up. I can check you in properly,” she said, shuffling past me. “I’m Kimmy, but you can call me Miss Kimmy. You got ID?” 
I dug it out of my wallet while she opened a dusty guest book. 
“The reservation is for Julien True,” I said. 
Miss Kimmy glanced at the ID I had just handed her. 
“That’s not what this says.”
“I know. It’s a stage name,” I admitted, “everything else is correct.”
She raised an eyebrow to herself, but didn’t ask any more questions. 
“Now listen,” she said finally, shutting the guest book with a snap. “I’ll be honest, there’s not much to do around here. There’s a bus runs to the state forest during the day, and the beach isn’t going anywhere. If you’re hungry that’s too bad for the most part, unless you feel like walking down to Morton’s.”
“Is that the weird looking building? One way windows?”
“That’s the one. Midnight Morton’s, never closes. This late at night you’ve got Lin at the counter, nice girl.” 
I don’t know what I would have called Lin, but it probably wasn’t ‘nice girl’.
“Thanks,” I said, glancing around for the hallway that led to my room.
I bid Miss Kimmy goodnight and lugged my things to Room 7, at the very end of the dark hall. Inside was simple, but stunningly clean, which I had in no way expected. The bed had a sunken spot in the middle, and there were a lot of paintings of tropical fish on the walls. Home sweet home. I changed into pajamas, and took a huge swig of chocolate milk before glancing at my duffel, still full of equipment. 
It could wait. I was exhausted, sweaty, and more alone than I had ever been in my entire life. 
3. Welcome to my grocery store how may I assist you.
“I want to drop out of high school,” said Roach. 
We were sprawled out on separate tartan sofas, both angled towards the ancient television. It was after midnight, and the only light in the room was coming from the nature channel.
“No you don’t,” I said. “You’re not even in high school.”
Roach was a weird little girl. Eleven years old, she wore oversized thrift store t-shirts, and big chunky glasses, and cut her own hair. I loved her the most in this world.
“Yeah, but when I get there, I want to drop out. You did.”
I sighed. 
“You’re smarter than me. You have to finish school and work in a laboratory anywhere but here. Those are the rules.” 
Roach crossed and uncrossed her skinny legs without arguing. I knew she just wanted to hear me say she was smart. 
We continued to watch the nature channel in silence. A documentary on the arctic ocean was playing, which I found devastatingly boring, but Roach was clearly glued to. I could hear dad snoring upstairs, a pleasant sort of nightly white noise, and tuned out completely until Roach clapped an inch from my face. 
“Jeez,” I started, pushing her hands away.
“You were way out there. It’s freaky.”
I had been practicing my zone out since I was Roach’s age. On my best day, I could have an entire conversation without hearing one word the other person said. Call it a life skill.
“You’re doing it again!” said Roach. “Don’t you have work soon?” 
That snapped me out of it. I looked at my watch. 
“Oh, yeah. Thank you.” 
I rolled off the couch as Roach sat back down with a huff. The arctic documentary was ending, and she picked up the changer to scroll through a long list of similar recordings. Roach loved animals, all of them, even fish that ate your insides, and grubs, and parasitic worms. Especially parasitic worms. 
“Don’t stay up too late okay?” I said, tugging gently on her massive ponytail. Roach got dad’s curly, reddish brown hair. I got mom’s.
I glanced in the hall mirror to see if there was any food on my shirt. Then I stepped into the mosquito ridden, muggy Florida night, and headed to my shift.
You might be thinking: where does a seventeen year old high school dropout work after midnight? And the thrilling answer is: the grocery store, sort of.
You might be thinking: what? 
But that’s Morton’s. 
The sliding doors opened smoothly for me upon arrival, which was always a good omen. I straightened the newsstand and went to look for Barry.
My manager, a small, Dominican man who loved to party, was in the produce section with a woman I assumed was his latest girlfriend. He was chucking the moldiest vegetables into an open trashcan.
“Our fresh produce is a travesty,” I said. “When was the last time someone bought an eggplant here?”
“I’m thinking of moving the veg,” said Barry, “they don’t like the energy in this corner.”
Barry was constantly moving things around the small labyrinth that was Morton’s. At least once a month he would take an hour long stroll from shelf to shelf, while I wrote down what was going where. I made a new map of the store for every big move.
“What are you guys up to tonight?” I asked, as Barry followed me to the register, bag of moldy vegetables in hand.
“Dancing,” said his date, with an endearing round of jazz hands, as Barry broke into a stationary samba while he gave me a list of stuff to work on. He treated me to his own enthusiastic jazz hands, and a few notes of a Juan Luis Guerra song as he samba’d in the direction of the door. As it swung shut behind them, I let the intense silence of Morton's wash over me. The fluorescent lights hummed gently. The food sat well behaved in slightly crooked rows. I turned my brain down to its lowest setting, and consulted my list.
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domonthego · 8 years
Patagonia’s dramatic landscapes and beautiful hiking trails have been calling adventurers from around the world for many years. Over the course of our three-week adventure throughout the region we attempted to get exposed to as much of it as possible. One of the highlights of the trip was tackling the W Trek in Torres Del Paine National Park. Considered one of the most popular treks in South America, the W Trek doesn’t require technical climbing experience or require hikers to endure high altitudes. It will, however, test your physical ability, endurance and adventurous spirit. Sounds perfect right? We sure think so.
The 3 to 4 day W Trek gets its name due to the actual shape of the pathway through Torres Del Paine National Park. Trekkers can either start the trek on the west or east side. Taking a look at the map you’ll see that regardless of the direction you decide to go, the path you follow is an outline “W”. Also famous in Torres Del Paine National Park is the 7 to 8 day O Circuit. I bet you can’t guess how it got its name? Ding Ding Ding – That’s right, it circumnavigates the park in the shape of an “O.”
Puerto Natales (Destinations // Puerto Natales) was our pre- and post-base trekking location. We left all but our essentials at our hotel, met up with our W Trek guide, boarded a bus and made our way towards Laguna Amarga – the eastern entrance to Torres Del Paine National Park.
If you missed Destinations // W-Trek, Torres Del Paine National Park Part 1 be sure to check it out to see how the adventure started and how we trekked 30km in two days.
Here is Part 2 of our 4 Day/3Night W-Trek adventure:
// DAY 3 French valley trek
The ferocious sounds of wind and rain pummelling our tent overnight was a nice reminder that we were in Patagonia. Locals will often tell you that you can experience all four seasons in one day – this could not be truer. In addition to being the longest day on the trek, day 3 of the W Trek was definitely the wettest. It’s moments like these that you are thankful you threw the extra money at your fancy outdoor gear to keep you warm and dry. Weather aside, day 3 was definitely my favourite day of the trek. The path has you maneuvering alongside the Paine Massif into the French Valley and is probably the most challenging of all the routes over the course of the W Trek.
After leaving Refugio Los Cuernos we began heading into the valley towards the Refugio Italiano. Trekkers use the Refugio as a bag dumping point to continue their path up the center of the “W” towards the Francés and Británico Lookouts. Upon arrival at the Refugio we were told the weather conditions were too bad and that the trail had been closed after the Francés lookout. Our experienced guide expressed that it didn’t make sense to go further along the path due to the conditions, but a few of us were keen to continue as far as we could go. We were here to tackle the “W” not the “U” – right?
Seven out of sixteen of us (including our experienced guide) decided we would brave the elements and make our way up to the Francés Lookout. After dropping off our bags at the Italian Refugio we headed off. The path became steeper, very slippery and put us in our paces. We passed gorgeous waterfalls, meandered through dense forest and eventually was knee deep in snow. The rain turned to snow and it was like we were in a different world.
Overlooking the French Glacier at the Francés Lookout was fantastic. One of the highlights was witnessing a humongous avalanche in the valley. Our guide pointed out the cracking sounds he heard high into the mountains, which were shortly followed by one of the biggest avalanches he had experienced. It made the strenuous trek to the mirador well worth it. You can sort of make it out behind us in the photo below.
We made our way back down, grabbed our bags and continued along the path. We trekked alongside Lago Skottsberg where we stopped for lunch and pushed forward towards Lago Pehoé. Both of these lakes are a stunning turquoise color and make for a great backdrop as we neared the Paine Massif and our campsite for the evening – Refugio Paine Grande.
To the left you can see the towering Paine Grande and to the right you see the stunning pampas fields along the shores of Lago Pehoé. Definitely a treat for those either using it as a starting point or like us – the last place we stayed on the W Trek.
Day 3 Total Distance/Time: 17.5km/8h
Refugio Los Cuernos – Refugio Italiano (5km/2.5h)
Refugio Italiano – French Look Out (2.5km/1.5h)
French LookOut – Refugio Italiani (2.5K/1.5h)
Refugio Italiano – Refugio Piane Grande (7.5km/8h)
// DAY 4: Grey Glacier Trek
When we got out of the tent on our last day of trekking the W Trek in Torres Del Paine, we got a glimpse of the sun rising above Paine Grande. Reason # 1,239,456 why we will always remember the “W” Trek. Finishing the last stroke of the “W” was bittersweet.
Our trek started through the pampas and headed up into the valley. The trail itself was quite easy as we headed to our first break stop – the overlook at Laguna Los Platos. While it’s nothing spectacular, it is one of the many lagoons in Torres Del Paine that are being fed by the melting glaciers on the southern ice field.
Continuing further along the trail you can’t help but notice the presence of Grande Paine. We had amazing weather so were quite lucky to have a constant view of this beauty. Grande Paine is the tallest of the mountains in the Cordillera mountain group.
On our way through the valley we made our final pit stop at Mirador Lago Grey Lookout. In addition to views of Lago Grey, we got to see Grey Glacier. Most trekkers will navigate onward to the Refugio Grey Glacier on this leg of the trek. As we needed to ensure that we made it onto the catamaran back to town, we only trekked to the Grey Glacier Lookout.
Known to be the largest glacier in Torres Del Paine National Park, Grey Glacier is a part of the Southern Patagonian Icefield of Chile and Argentina. Like many glaciers around the world, it’s retreating at a significant rate. While we didn’t get as close to the glacier as we had wanted, standing out on the lookout ledge and having the ice-cold air battering us was a clear sign of the enormity of it. Just look at the pic of the girls – hair blowing all over the place. Reflecting on the glacier, we knew in the back of our minds that without continued education and the taking of responsibility it may some day be gone – such a shame.
After spending time at the lookout we made our way back down to Refugio Paine Grande to pick up our bags. We made our way down the footpath to Lago Pehoé and boarded the Catamarán Hielos Patagónicos. From Lago Pehoé, the thirty-minute catamaran takes you to Pudeto on what is quite literally the most beautiful boat ride I have ever been on.
The boat makes its way in front of and around Torres Del Paine National Park. For all the trekkers like us who went from east to west along the path, it is the first time we got a full view of the park in which we spent the last 4 days trekking. We could visualize for the first time exactly where the “W” was and the perspective was astonishing. Seeing the moody clouds stretch along Las Torres, Los Cuernos and Paine Grande in one view is awe-inspiring.
We met our driver in Pudeto, loaded up our gear and began our 2-hour journey back to Puerto Natales. We made one more pit stop to admire the vista, shortly after which our rearview mirror views of Torres Del Paine began to slowly disappear.
There are not enough descriptive words I could use to construct a sentence that accurately describes how grateful I am to have been able to experience the “W” Trek in Torres Del Paine National Park.
Day 4 Total Distance/Time: 11km/6h
Refugio Paine Grande – Grey Glacier Lookout (5.5km/3h)
Grey Glacier Lookout – Refugio Paine Grande (5.5km/3h)
Patagonia is a special place and what could be described as the epitome of wilderness. Like many other adventure seekers around the world, the “W” Trek, deep in the heart of Patagonia, pulled us in and did not disappoint. I hope after sharing my stories and photos that you are feeling like an adventure is in your future and add this beautiful place to your travel bucket list.
For up to date information on the trek and Torres Del Paine National Park be sure to visit the official Torres Del Paine National Park Website. Happy Hiking!
Massive avalanches, turquoise lakes and one of the most picturesque boat rides I’ve experienced made the last couple of days of the W Trek quite special. Check it out here in Part 2 of my take on the 4-Day/3-Night W Trek in Torres Del Paine National Park, Chile. #Patagonia #WTrek #TorresDelPaine Patagonia’s dramatic landscapes and beautiful hiking trails have been calling adventurers from around the world for many years.
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