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dual-mayhem · 1 year ago
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I hope you guys had a good one and stayed safe.
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toosvanholstein · 5 years ago
het hART op de goeie plek hebben
Mijn heARTseat op de mooiste plek die ik me kon voorstellen. Dat is het resultaat van de veiling van de heARTseats. En nog meer dan €90.000 voor het goede doel. Lees alles maar in TOOS&ART. #kunst #art #heartparade #heARTseat
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de happening in het NBC Congrescentrum kan beginnen
Mijn heARTseat geveild voor een heel mooi bedrag en ook nog zo dat ik me absoluut geen mooiere plek voor mijn bank had kunnen wensen! Dat is het resultaat van de veiling van de heARTseats in het Nieuwegeinse NBC Congrescentrum waarvan ik vorige week melding maakte. Die veiling die geld moest opbrengen voor de ontwikkeling  van het medicijn tegen…
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silentcigarette · 3 years ago
Against Doflamingo, Rocinante typically has the advantage in close combat. This only increases with age. It is both their differing fighting styles and their natural physique which lead to this: Rocinante has better built himself for intimate fist fights and grapples, for cracking ribs and dislocating limbs. Doflamingo fights with his legs and Ito Ito, with his agility and cunning.
Whenevee the two intentionally spar or simply go at it, it is typically a game of how well Rocinante can get within reach of his brother, or how quickly Doflamingo can get him onto the ground.
It's always a spectacle for the Donquixote Family to watch, and a major upset for half when Corazon decks their Captain in the face. Most entertaining is when the giants wind up grappling in the dirt, twisting and rolling like snakes until finally one gets a solid hold on the other, the looser potentially eating dirt.
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ask-the-sea-wolf-pirates · 5 years ago
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Some HeartDahl drawings I posted in a server I’m in @ask-heartseatlaw <3 I do have some raunchy sketches too, but tumblr is pg baby now :3
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aejooart · 7 years ago
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ask-pocketlaw · 7 years ago
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Pocket Law: *snickers* Well, this worked out perfectly!
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I like this guy. He could use a friend anyway. ;)
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silentcigarette-archive · 7 years ago
@conquiistador found a heart here
Days and evenings blurred together, a storm of events weathering the lives of the Donquixote Family and all those around them.  A revelation, a reunion. The fate of a sibling left behind over a decade prior finally discovered. More questions were raised than were answered, however, as Rocinante succumbed to the churning sea of emotion crashing over him. The sight of his brother, the unrecognizable sound of a matured voice, paralyzes his throat. Silences him in the way so familiar since that day.
Muteness. More specifically, Selective Mutism. It was often far worse to try and clarify such a difference, to try and explain that it wasn’t him willingly, electively  being mute, but his psych physically crippling his ability to express himself vocally. People refused to believe. Became offeneded and hurt when he could speak to some people or in some situations but not others. That anxiety did this too him. That he’d spent the past decade both growing as a man and learning to live both non-verbally, and learning to free his voice again.
Falling mute before his brother, wheezing and sobbing and drumming his fists on his chest with grief, anger and relief, Rocinante knew he could never tell Doflamingo the truth. That being around him, the one who killed and decapitated Father, and who abandoned Him to his fate alone in North Blue... it silenced his voice completely. Rocinante wasn’t comfortable around him. Wasn’t trusting enough. With their past, and the mission the marine had been given, he may never be.
He may as well be telling his brother I don’t love you enough to speak to you. It didn’t matter if it was true or not. Because it would hurt him. Doflamingo would pull away form him, and there would never be a chance to save him from madness.
Clinging and burring his face in the featherd collar of his new coat, Corazon’s left hand hovers near his lips and softly pulls away in a sign of thanks.
Thank you.
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ask-sortofreallygay-law · 7 years ago
What would you do if Heartseat Law showed up?
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don’t put “seat” in your name if you don’t wanna be sat on @ask-heartseatlaw
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dual-mayhem · 7 years ago
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Here is my heartseatlaw au during the pre 2 year arc.  he covers all his tattoos so that corasan revenge is put on hold.  since to him the tattoos are equivalent to corasan.
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houseoflines · 6 years ago
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silentcigarette · 6 years ago
@bukimorphosis is fetching tea here
Watching the brat scurry off like a rabbit, Corazon nearly trips her he adjusts his sunglasses. Sighing into his cigarette, he frowns and sits himself down to wait for what surely would be tea that was too hot or too cold.
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Gotta find you someone else to latch onto, kid, but it aint like there’s better options passing us daily. 
If only we could separate you on a raid, Tsuru-san could take care of you both.
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heartsliced · 7 years ago
au where trafalgar law succeeds the heartseat & becomes into the monster he’s capable of being :^) 
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pimsmith · 5 years ago
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Heartseat #pimsmit (bij Artstudio Pim Smit) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2xLDKJIOFY/?igshid=7weqmb7l7sjj
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waywardwiind · 6 years ago
"Yeah, thanks. Sorry, I just..." He sighs. He didn't need to explain. They were all well aware of what had happened to each other. Ven had been throwing himself into his training as often as he could, trying to resharpen his skills. Oddly, his... hadn't dulled much. Perhaps that was due to his backseat (backheart? heartseat?) adventuring. Or maybe the bar had simply been low to begin with. He hoped it was the former.
"I know you guys are there for me! Trust me! But we only just got back together, and..." And he didn't want to bring up the past and spoil it. He'd dreamed of a reunion so many times. For the three of them to be together! To not have to worry! Now that it was here, though... He didn't want to spoil it with talk of that... Could you even call him a man? Whatever the old, corrupted Master was, Ven didn't want to bring him into this. "I just want us to be happy again. You, me... And Aqua!" He finishes. Though, the words sound hollow to him. Passing out wasn't the best way to accomplish that, huh?
... Shifting awkwardly, he sighs. Guess the secret's out, huh? He'll let Terra have his say. The younger keybearer knew he was being a bit ridiculous, but... It wasn't like it was intentional. He wasn't even sure how much sense he was making, but he was trying his best to keep up with his sleep-deprived mind.
@waywardwiind continued from here x
“Ven…” Terra didn’t know what to say. For him, it was an understandable fear. The three of them all had their fears. But that didn’t make Ven’s fear any less real.
“We don’t know if somethings going to happen, but if and when it does we all need to be at the top of our game.” Terra knows that all 3 of them are kinda out of practice. As for what could happen, we don’t know but the best we can do is to be ready for when something does happen.”
“Don’t be sorry. It happened, as long as you promise to come to me or Aqua when you have thoughts like this that keep you from sleeping then everything will be fine”
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silentcigarette-archive · 7 years ago
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Gross Anon Incoming
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For once, they were staying in an actual town. Corazon had rented a room in the only tavern, and although it was dirty and had surely seen countless sinners in its walls, it had a roof and a fire and provided shelter from the near endless storm that had struck North Blue for a week. Rocinante could travel through such conditions and sail, but sheltering Law with his own body and coat only worked so well before he too was no better than a wet blanket. The sea conditions were worsening as well. Sailing in his dingy like that with such strong, fragile cargo...
He’d already put Law through so much pain in this mad quest for life. The least he could do was protect him from some poor weather.
The combination of hot, good food and shelter had slowly been bringing life back to his ailing charge, and after the second day Corazon felt secure enough to venture into the tavern downstairs while Law rested. He too could use a warm drink.
The company he encounters there isn’t nearly so welcome.
With Law’s room shielded in a bubble of silence, Rocinante doesn’t worry as he causes a commotion. Breaking the drunk’s neck and smearing his face into gore. More people die after that. It’s inevitable. At that point its simply a matter of self defense.
The only thing Rocinante feels sorry for, is having to move Law again now. To force him to travel through the storm because he himself was careless.
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akiyamapining · 7 years ago
So I've been going non stop for about nine days. Without sleep. I've been working on trying to finish a few stories my cousin requested from me for his OCs and last night I finally crashed in a recliner in the living room. Just passed out.
I usually never remember any of my dreams, unless they're nightmares. Not even directly after waking up do I remember a good dream. Keeping a Dream Journal would do nothing for me. But crashing after days of no sleep does weird shit to me. And I remember those dreams with vivid detail.
Before I crashed, I had been working while listening to the Best of Game Grumps playlist. And after I crashed the dream was... well I woke up and proceeded to bust a gut, but basically it was @dual-mayhem's (I would tag the ask blog but apparently that blog isn't tagable with my account) Heartseat Law and Luffy sitting on a couch playing video games and there was an odd mashup of things that Dan and Arin have said in various episodes. Luffy was Arin and Law was Dan. Honestly it was the funniest and weirdest shit I ever played witness to.
I've been so affected by Heartseat Law that he's begun appearing in my dreams. Thanks friend, you gave me something I didn't know I needed. Now Dream Luff (who appears often in my Crash Dreams) has a friend.
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