#he's way cooler ofc
bruciemilf · 2 years
Picture this: 6'3 of bulk and attitude, reheated corpse Jason Todd, who went through unconceivable torture, who probably asked Satan " this as hot as you get?", leaning down to whisper " introduce me " to Bruce when meeting Wonder Woman and just hiding behind him like 👉👈
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hookechoes · 1 month
as an adult I think the story about Austin leaving school to go home and have lunch with his mom every day is very cute, but as a kid I would have been like “weak. his bloodline too soft we have to take him out”
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Sword gays showdown, round 4 of bracket three
For Adora:
Finding the sword kicks off the whole show. She transforms into a giant magic lady and is now in charge of saving everyone from the  big bag guys (which she used to be a part of). A bunch of stuff happens, but eventually her identity is now tied to having the sword. She is fully convinced that w/o the sword (and therefore She-Ra) she’s worthless. This culminates in having to destroy the sword or the world ends. She’s super depressed bc her whole self worth was tied to the sword and being she-ra. On the way to save her gf, she turns into way cooler she-ra (her own version of it that is not controlled by the sword which was made by her colonialist ancestors). Her sword is now part of her identity instead of her identity revolving around the sword. 
lesbian chosen one who was given a sword that activated her powers and made her into a living weapon, but she destroyed the sword to save her planet - and then made her own sword with her magic and saved the entire universe
For Ballister:
he could tell when his sword was switched out for a fake, graduated top of his class so we know he's a good fighter, also the scene where he's fighting is hot because he's so confident with a sword in his hand, also he's gay
A canonically gay, disabled, South Asian man takes down the government with his genderqueer shapeshifter sidekick/adopted daughter! He has a swordfight with his ex-boyfriend! in which he defeats about 20 knights singlehandedly! 
top of his knight class this man is a master swordsman
(Movie) He has used a sword since he broke into the Institutes training ground and ended up becoming a knight
He has very divorced vibes with Ambrosius and he uses a sword.
He's a legit knight! So, it's in the fine print.
According to the Nimona movie, Ballister here has been practicing the art of sword fighting since childhood to earn the trust of the city and he was SO CLOSE to becoming a knight. He's also definitely not dating another one of his knight mates (?). Nope. Not at all. This movie is super straight /s I think he also beats an entire army of knights with nothing but his sword and a chaotic good shapshifter so that's pretty cool. He's also south Asian, has a prosthetic arm he made himself and is honestly such a goofy guy (in a good way ofc) if that's anything.
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phas3d · 4 months
You Play Quidditch || Slytherin Boys
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type :: fluff
tw/cw:: none
contains :: draco malfoy, tom riddle, mattheo riddle, theodore nott, lorenzo berkshire
summary :: you play quidditch either alongside them or against them, I automatically thought that you wouldn't be on the same team as them so uh,,, whoops
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Loves the idea of it, the two best Quidditch players are dating
But once he finds out you're better than him, he hates it LMAO
Everyone starts to compare you two and he's so quick to defend himself and say he's better
Makes everything a competition now, he can't stand losing
Who's faster, who can dive better, better broom, cooler tricks, everything is a big competition to him
During his game days, if he's against you - he does not give a fuck
If anything, he's harsher against your team to make SURE he doesn't get embarrassed
If you end up winning against him, then he'll be upset the whole time during your celebration party
But if you lose, oh my god he's bragging and taking shot after shot
Takes so many photos of his win and rubs it in your face every time you make him mad
During your games he's not super loud
But oh my god, he is a KAREN
Always complaining to the ref about how what the other team was a foul or wasn't fair
He has genuinely held back a game by almost an hour just by arguing with the ref
Eventually you did get the point
One whole hour of his yapping,,, for 10 points...
If you ever get hurt from playing, he'll mock you but be worried of course
He'll stay in the hospital wing until you're all better
The nurses have to beg him to leave but all he does is pretend to leave but sneak in during night
He helps you heal and get better since he's been hurt a lot from quidditch
He's kinda like your own physical therapist
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Never liked quidditch because of all of the assholes who play (like his brother)
Often gets teased by the team but it’s ironic
Because the coach has literally BEGGED Tom on their knees to play for the Slytherin house
He’s an amazing seeker, one of the best and way better than Draco
But he’d rather enjoy his own time and not have to deal with teammates, practices, award ceremony’s, etc
He did play in year 3, and he was INSANEE
Literally got the snitch within 4 minutes, the world record for Quidditch… done by some little 14 year old
But he quit after because he thought it was boring, plus Mattheo joined and he didn't want to be around his brother
But once he sees you playing, he sighs and realizes he's gonna have to turn into a soccer mom
Helps your prep for all of your games
Fills up your water bottle, packs your broom, brings deodorant and extra socks, and ofc a shit ton of snacks
He couldn't give less of a shit about coming to your games, but he decides to go to one and only one
But when he does, he gets so irritated with how everyone plays, especially you, so he decides to join the team again
The second he joins, he leaves everyone in the dust and instantly becomes captain as well as Seeker (Draco was pisssssseddddd)
Starts training everyone as if they're preparing for war
Pushes you way harder than all of the others
Although he's a player, he's basically the coach since even the coach isn't as good as him
Overtime, he sees improvement in you and he's proud but won't show it
He supports your sport but won't attend a majority of the games, only practices
Surprisingly, he's pretty nice to your teammates and ends up getting a small soft spot for them all
Brings your whole team water and snacks, but he says it's just cause it's cheaper to buy snacks in bulk
But regardless, if you win your match, he's happy for you and won't do anything special besides maybe give you a small kiss
But if you lose, he'll make sure that you learn from your mistakes and trains your team even harder
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Super conflicted between falling deeper in love or being protective and not allowing you to get hurt
He also plays and he’s a beater, he knows how harsh the players can get
Comes to all of your games and practices to make sure you never get hurt
Runs at full speed if he thinks you’re going to fall
But you always end up saving yourself
Whenever Slytherin goes against your house, he’s always a little bit more gentle on you
But he doesn’t hold back against your teammates
Everyone calls him a wimp for not wanting to hurt you, in retaliation he wacks the shit out of anyone who said that
Soooo embarrassing in the crowd for your games
Definitely goes crazy and buys air horns, party poppers, a megaphone, the whole soccer mom kit
He's one of the Weasleys' number one buyers, since he purchases all of their fireworks
100000000%% DEFINITELY AFFIRMATIVELY CONFIDENTLY, he yells at the ref whenever they fuck up anything
One time the speaker called a foul on you since you stole the opposing team beater's bat and started wacking the opposing team on the head with it
You were 1000% in the wrong. No point in defending yourself
But Mattheo slammed the speaker's head into their desk and removed the foul from your record
Even when a point is rightfully earned by the other team, Mattheo will start booing the ref and convince others to join him
When you win your match, he's super happy for you and gets you a nice filling dinner
But if you lose, he'll just say that the game was rigged and that he'll beat up anyone who mentions the loss
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When you make the team, he’s super duper proud of you
But once he finally realizes that you’re going to be playing and getting hurt, he instantly takes it back
He asks if you’re sure you want to play 24/7
He also plays, he’s the Keeper for Slytherin and is pretty good
Whenever Slytherin goes against your house, he’s shitting bricks
Once the match starts, he avoids you at all cost to make sure he doesn’t hurt you
But when he sees Matt slam a ball into your broom, making you fall from the sky, he instantly rushes to you
He helps you get off your broom and put you on the floor and then continues the match
Everyoneeeeee was booing him but he didn’t give a shit
When he’s watching you play, he’s so annoying omg
Definitely a back-seater
“Why would you do that?!? No go left!!! Oh my god….”
It’s never towards you, but your teammates
After the game ends, he loudly shit talks your teammates even though they're right there
"Bruh number 10 was selling the whole match" while number 10 is already crying on a bench from feeling so guilty
If you win, it's endless praises and a small surprise for you in some shape or form
It might be a milkshake or boba after your game, a promise for a future date, or just a bunch of kissings
But if you lose, don't worry he won't ever blame you
Instead he bullies the shit out of your teammates until they almost cry or burst into tears
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Is on the Quidditch team too but he's a benched player :( He's not super duper good
But he's a back up Keeper for when the main guy gets sick or beaten too badly
So when you make it and you have an important role, he's amazed at how good you are
He does his best to support you and go to all of your games
He realizes that he might never be put on the field for his games, so he decides to quit and instead become a water boy
This makes your team reallyyy like him, and he gets popular with the girls on your team
So much so that it ends up distracting them, making them fuck up practice
So he quits being a water boy and lets Neville do it
He supports you at all of your games and gives you any tips he can since Slytherin is one of the top quidditch teams
Whenever you win, he's so proud you you!!!!
He takes you out to eat and celebrate
Whenever you lose, he shrugs it off and says that it was rigged anyways
Will get you a small gift anyways as a congrats for even playing
Always tells people that you're on the quidditch team to flex that you're cool
One day you get hurt from playing and he's so worried for you
But he calms down and waits all day till you're better
Always proud of you and encourages whatever you choose to do
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headkiss · 2 months
hellooo for the summer asks I was wondering about our boy Eddie and going to the beach with him and feeling insecure about our body, but ofc he’s a sweetie so he makes us feel better 🥹 just some hurt/comfort my love 🫶
thank u so so much for ur request baby!!! ily i hope this is okay <3 | 0.8k of fluff, tw for problems with body image
The sun beams harshly on your shoulders from your spot on the sand, a towel serving as the only cushion beneath you, eyes squinted behind your sunglasses.
In a rare instance, the group’s schedules have all lined up and given you the same day off, and immediately, that meant packing up Eddie’s van full to the brim with coolers and towels and more people than seats and driving to the beach.
The drive had been a blast, Steve and Eddie arguing steadily over what music to play, Robin egging them on even though she’d dance along to anything. Eddie’s hand had been a comforting weight on your thigh the entire ride.
Now, hours of sun and swims later, hair messy from the wind and water, cooler much emptier than it had been earlier, you’re watching the gang play volleyball (you say this loosely, because there’s no net nor is there an established court).
It’s fun, to be a part of a group of friends this way, to watch such an uncoordinated game where everyone is smiling and having fun despite there being competition involved.
You’re having fun, too, laughing every time Eddie trips or winks at you and says “this one’s for you” before hitting the ball in a random direction. Then, there’s the way Steve calls “mine!” every time the ball comes anywhere near his side of the ‘court,’ even when Robin was even closer, prompting them to start bickering.
So really, it should be all light and easy. A relaxing day at the beach with your favorite people. And it is, until it isn’t.
One second, you’d been smiling at the game, shifting your sunglasses off of your eyes and using them as some sort of headband instead. The next, your eyes were wandering around the beach and noticing everyone else.
Noticing the way the other people around looked. Girls brilliantly tanned in their triangle bikinis, denim shorts fitting them perfectly. Or the guys in their swim trunks and how carefree they look.
You can’t help but see everything they are that you aren’t. Or, that you don’t believe you are.
Things like this creep up on you in funny ways. Like a chill that just passes through, sudden and unavoidable. A simple thought snowballing into a hundred small ones shaped like arrows aiming towards yourself.
You shift to cross your arms over the soft of your exposed stomach, suddenly wishing you’d brought more than a tank top to cover up with.
Eddie snaps you out of your thoughts with a call of “you sure you don’t wanna join, sweetheart?”
You muster a halfhearted smile as you shake your head. “I’m okay.”
The two words are enough to tell Eddie that you aren’t exactly okay at the moment. Your smile not reaching your eyes the way it should, that line between your eyebrows worried the way it shouldn’t.
When you aren’t looking, he signals Argyle over to take his spot in the game and jogs over to you, sitting down next to you and nudging your shoulder with his. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing, Eds. You didn’t have to stop playing,” you say, though you can't deny that the warmth of his arm brushing yours feels nice.
“Hey, look at me,” he urges you gently, his knuckles catching your chin to nudge your face up to his. “It’s just me. You can say it.”
“It’s silly,” you shrug. Eddie pins you with a look that says ‘try me,’ and because he’s the sweet boyfriend he is and because you trust him and love him, you do. “I just- I looked around and just noticed all these people and the way they look and I’m not-”
“Sweetheart,” he stops you, his voice painfully soft. His brown eyes even more so, shining in the late afternoon sun. “You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m not just sayin’ that. I mean, you’ve seen the boners you give me, so…”
“Eddie,” you scrunch your nose and slap his chest lightly, though you’re fighting back a smile.
“I’m serious. Look at me compared to these people, babe. I look different, too. I’m not ripped or anything, and I’m pale as fuck. Like, ghost-level.”
You look at him, the frizzy curls framing his face and the curve of his cupid’s bow, to the tattoos dotting his skin and how his abs are just barely visible beneath the soft of his tummy. The way his cheeks and chest are a little pink from the sun. He’s perfect to you. For you.
“I think you’re pretty, Eds.”
“Well I think you’re fucking pretty, too, sweetheart. That’s my point,” his arm slings itself around your shoulders, tugging you into his side, uncaring of the heat or whether or not you’re sweaty. “Different doesn’t mean bad. It just means different. And I love you and your different, okay?”
You like the way he says it, like it’s a fact, like he’s never once thought otherwise. You like the way he trails his fingertips up and down your arm, too, like it’s an instinct.
And, well, when he dips down to kiss you all sweet and slow and sure, you think it’s the prettiest you’ve ever felt.
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fishsticksloser · 9 months
Hi! Could I request Donnie x gn reader (or female, whatever is more comfortable with you)
Okay so- it was normal day in the lair and Donnie just ran into common room to rumble about his newest invention/project.
After a couple of minutes he noticed that noone was listening to him, everyone ignored his monologue. He went quiet but as soon as he did so, he Heard "will you continue or..?" It was ofc reader. They were so interested and amazed by his imagination that they couldn’t stop listening to him!
After awhile, when he was done with his speech, reader and April had to go, bc you know, school and stuff. BUT before they did, reader remembered something, they came up to Donnie and gave him some materials he said he needed the previous week "OH! I almost forgot! You were rumbling about missing parts to your projects, and how you didn’t have luck nor time to find and get them, so i just thought im gonna get them for you…here!” And donnie just stares at reader with this shining eyes and slight blush
Hope it’s okay <333
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Donnie x gn!reader
Warnings: fluff, slight angst (purely Donnie's feelings nothing bad!), siblings suck, kinda short
A/N: Yes! Cute! Need!
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Donnie was used to being ignored. Truly he was. Still he would often talk about what he was working on to possibly find a solution to an issue, even if no one was listening.
So here he sat, in the living room with everyone else, yapping away about all the modifications he made on the Turtle Tank. Everyone else was doing something. Leo was reading a comic, Mikey was drawing, Splinter was watching tv, while Raph, April, and Casey all played a game. Donnie was tired of no one paying attention so he just stopped talking. No one moved.
"Are you gonna keep going?" He hears you ask. He turned to his right, seeing you sitting on the chair next to the couch. Donnie didn't even remember you coming in. He smiled slightly and continued his rambling, directing it at just you now. Of course he was making it sound so much cooler than it was... This is Donnie after all.
After a few hours of talking about his inventions, April tapped you and said it was time to go. Donnie was a little disappointed, he was finally excited to talk about an invention. He deflated a little, watching you leave. But suddenly you come running back in.
"Oh! Um... You mentioned last week that you were having trouble finding some parts and..." Donnie watched as you opened your back pack and handed him a few of the parts he'd been searching for. "I... I had some extra time and found them for you."
Donnie's cheeks heated up as he watched you run off. He was blushing? Impossible, Donnie doesn't blush. Still the fact that you went out of your way to find the parts he couldn't get his hands on made his heart race a bit.
"Ooooo! Donnie has a crush!" He heard Leo and Mikey laugh and nudge him as they walk by.
Crush? Donnie? Please, that's simply imaginary. Donnie doesn't do crushes.
"And someone's got a crush on Donnie." Raph chuckles, patting Donnie's back as he makes his way to his room.
A crush? You have a crush on Donnie? Why would anyone have a crush on Donnie? Now that's a tall tale, much like dragons but not Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, or Pizzasaurus.
He shakes his head, not wanting to believe it. He stands up and walks to his room, trying to think of other possible solutions. Why would anyone like him? He's a freak. Not even his brothers like listening to his ramblings.
Then Donnie comes to the same conclusion as Mikey and Leo. He has a crush on you, but that doesn't explain your actions towards him... No. He still doesn't believe it.
He refuses.
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billskeis · 6 months
can you pls do like a one bed situation ( enemies to lovers ) with 2007 tom and ofc they do it☺️
ᡣ𐭩 sharing a bed w tom
“what!?” the two of you said simultaneously to then glare daggers into each other. both you and tom groaned in disapproval when the receptionist explained that the room you booked for only contains one bed.
there was no other way around such a situation.
your class was going out for high-school trip to the mountains. for majority of the day, you explored the small town and shops with your girlfriends while tasked with an ‘educational aspect’ of it.
none of the students cared much for it honestly.
strangely, your friend group and tom’s friend group were constantly running into each other. and as much as you and tom hated it, the friends of the two groups didn’t.
the continuous pick-up lines, slight touching, teasing. it drive you nuts.
“ugh, i’m gonna fucking throw up…” you pretended to gag as you watched one of your friends hug a boy with black semi-spiked hair. eyeshadow rings around his eyes that curve into a smile just like his mouth.
cheesy ass hoes.
“lighten up y/n! besides, tom’s been staring at you quite a bit,” emily, your best friend being too loud, you hear a scoff coming from somewhere next to you. “as if, i would rather suck on a horse’s foot than be with y/n” tom rolls his eyes as you cross your arms.
“at least i don’t look like a fucking horse’s foot..”
tom’s mouth gapes at your comment “what the fuck did you call me!?” “you heard me bitch!” this led the two of you to bicker and it almost threatens to become physical.
the two of you literally had to be stopped by emily and the now spiked hair boy who you later found out his name was bill, his twin and clearly more logical and cooler brother.
“they argue like an old couple,” gustav mumbles, “they’re gonna do such great things in the future…” georg adds in.
beforehand, you were each given a room number and a key to the hotel room you would be staying in for a few days. as the teachers and staff declared it a night, all students were to head to their assigned rooms.
as you made your way to the front desk, you see a particular dread-head already there.
you roll your eyes so hard you swear they went to the back of your head, but you’re too tired to fight this guy, having already gotten your hits in a few hours earlier.
“room 483?” you questioned the lady working behind the desk (get it ;D) as she types into the computer, “that can’t be your fucking room,” tom makes a jab at you but you’re clearly not in the mood for it, “and why the fuck not?”
“because that’s my room.”
you drop the keycard on the table.
the both of you then glare at the receptionist who’s already clearly in cold sweats due to the tense and thick atmosphere the air is bringing.
“okay—there’s clearly been a mix-up with your card tom because that’s my room.” “uhh i don’t think so kleine, look at my key card.” he drops it onto the table beside yours, the two of you analyze the numbers imprinted onto the plastic.
it’s the same exact goddamn keycard.
you sigh heavily, body achy, all you wanted was to rest, but in no way were you going to share a room with someone you hate down to your core.
“well is there at least two beds??” tom asked, he looks just as tired as you and at this point the bickering needs to come to an end. the both of your bodies are now leaned into the front desk, impatiently waiting for an answer. why the hell is this lady taking so long to answer a yes or no question??
she purses her lips, slowly shaking her head.
“what!?” you both managed to scream out at the same time.
she then explains because the rooms were intended for one student only, the rooms with singular beds were all booked. “are there any other rooms available??” yet again, she shook her head side to side.
you swear you were going to smack her so hard her head was gonna fly off her body even though it wasn’t her fault.
“i can’t fucking believe this, are you kidding me!? can’t even do your job and compensate us for something we paid for!?” you were so angry. you pointed your finger at her and just continued to berate her.
angry and tired, it wasn’t a good combination on you, it led you to become extremely irrational. losing total control of your actions, that was until a hand grabbed yours and squeezed it gently.
“y/n.. please.. can we just check in..? i’ll sleep on the floor—or the couch if there even is one—just, stop.. okay? how’s that sound.” this was a side of toms you’ve never seen of his in the past four years.
it reminded you of how soft and gentle he was when you first met freshman year.
you bit your lip, immediately regretting how you acted. like a douchebag, she was just doing her job. it wasn’t in her intentions to mess the rooms up for you, but you blamed her anyway.
your head hung low, to ashamed to apologize, you just instead slammed your hand on the desk to grab the two keycards and made your way towards the elevator.
tom followed behind after mouthing a ‘sorry’ to the receptionist who acknowledged his apology for you, immediately going back to her job.
as you exit the washroom, you see tom already laying on the floor, using whatever clothes he had packed to form a make-shift bed. he tosses and turns in attempts to get into a comfortable position that would allow him to sleep. you raised your eyebrow at him, what is he doing?
that was until you quietly crept your way to the closet to check for any extra blankets or pillows hotels normally provide to you.
nothing, nada. empty.
i swear to god you’ll never ever book a trip here again, you make a mental note to yourself if you were to ever want to take some time off in the future.
you inhale sharply, and exhale deeply. with every inch of your body, you cannot believe you’re doing this right now, “tom,” you called out. all you heard was a hum from across the room to acknowledge you, “sleep on the bed,” “i’m not gonna make you sleep on the floor y/n—” “well of course i’m not sleeping on the floor, we’re sharing the bed.”
tom sat up so quick in disbelief to what he’s hearing, “a-are you sure..?” “yes, tom, it’s fine.. we’ll just pretend none of this happened in the morning, got it?” he nods at your request and gets up from the floor.
the both of you enter the bed at the same time, the covers were so warm. your lamp was the only light source that lit up the hotel room. turning it off, the only source of light now was the moon that shone dimly through the windows.
you felt at peace, adjusting yourself to slowly drift into sleep.
however that peace was short-lived as you stretched your backside to hit the only other figure that was in the bed with you.
“shitfuck, sorry tom i didn’t mean to—” “to grind your ass on me? yeah right,” you rotate your whole body to now face tom, “okay first of all, don’t be so cocky—woah!” a pair of arms now wrapped around your body and embraced you into a hug.
“god you can’t even imagine how long i’ve been wanting to do this..” hesitantly, you wrap your arms around tom’s neck, taking in his scent. the room is silent, only filled with the heavy breathing that emits from the both of your bodies.
“kleine, i’m so sorry, so sorry for how i acted in the past..” “t-tom.. it’s fine i’m completely over it.” he places kisses all over your cheeks, “no, no it’s not baby lemme make it up to you yea?” he plays with the hem of your shorts, teasing you in wanting to take them off.
“i’m tired tom,” “pleaseplease just let me do this for you okay? you don’t have to do anything i just—just wanna show you how much i’m sorry for making you hate me..”
nodding, tom smiles and kisses you once more this time on the lips. he drags both your shorts and underwear down your legs shortly doing the same with his sweatpants and boxers down to his mid-thigh.
damn, he must be really turned on, the way you felt his hard on rest between your legs.
lining up his dick, tom slowly pushes into you. hissing at the slight burn from tom’s size. he’s always been big, and you’ve done it before, “god.. how long has it been? weeks? months? but you still remember the shape of this dick in you..”
you choke on a moan at you try to retaliate tom, his words embarrass you. but he’s right, ever since the two of you broke up you’ve been abstinent. he makes it sound as though he’s messed with other people. but little did you know, he’s the same. never fucked since the breakup.
“s-shut up..” “you’re right, ‘m sorry this is supposed to be my apology to you,” he thrusts hard and deep despite the awkward position, the both of you in a spooning position he attempts to find a good angle to fuck you in.
body sensitive, your stomach clenches as electricity travels within your core, a string threatening to snap at the way tom drags his dick inside of you, ensuring you feel every inch of him in you.
he’s handsy. his hands roam around and drag across your body. you shiver under his touch. the way his dick hits your g-spot along with the slight pinching and groping felt all over your body. he plays with your chest, runs his hands up and down your stomach. tom holds onto your wrists from time to time for great leverage in the way he fucks himself into you, desperate.
tom leaves open mouth kisses on your neck and shoulder, all you could do was whine and whimper letting him use your body as he pleases. it’s been so long since the two of you fucked so you feel, everything.
“close, i’m getting close meine kleine, tell me you forgive me,” his thrusts become a little faster, clear that he’s chasing his orgasm the same as you, adding more to the heat as you grind your hips on him.
“i-i forgive you tom, fuck! i can’t..” your body convulses as your orgasm washes over your body, clenching onto tom, this quickly leads him to come inside you, unable to pull out with the way you hold onto him so tightly, “fuck! y-y/n..”
riding out the high, tom finally pulls out and slips your bottoms back on, putting on his own right after. he looks up at you but you only hide your face within your hands, embarrassed about the fact that you just fucked your ex-boyfriend after what seems like forever.
but for the plot, am i right?
“i cannot BELIEVE i just did that,” you groaned as tom laughs at you, peeling your hands away from your face. all you can see in the darkness is the glint that lit in tom’s dark brown eyes from the moon and the small reflect of his metal lip piercing that shined from the way his mouth curves into a smile.
“do you regret it??” “no..” “then that’s all that matters,” he places a peck onto your forehead. “one final question,” he chimes in “tom, you already fucked me haven’t you had enough fun??” “yes. but can i just ask?”
“what is it now,” “wanna get back together?”
you said yes.
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legorumii · 1 year
can we have dating hcs for all of the ninja? love ur blog :)) ofc one at a time
" I watch the moon.
Let it run my mood. "
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╰╮Dating Headcanons , The Ninja.
disclaimer ; I have not added Jay since I have already done a Jay dating headcanon, sorry!
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ COLE ࿐ྂ
Overprotective boy ♡ He's literally all over you. He doesn't want anyone to hurt you. He takes care of you. When you're sick or hurting. Baking cake with him ♡ I hc that he's plus-sized. So hugs with him are like hugging a big teddy bear lol. He gives the best kisses. You can't even begin to imagine how nice it is when his lips brush against yours, but still, the way he kisses is perfect. You melt every time. His kisses are soft and gentle, almost like he’s afraid they’ll break you. He gets flustered easily. It’s adorable. He's the type to be mean and rude to everyone else but you. (And ofc the other Ninjas.)
⇢ ˗ˏˋ ZANE ࿐ྂ
Confusing…But he's trying I swear. The best person to go to for cuddles when it's hot. He's like your personal cooler lol. He cooks for you. He calls you cute petnames like, 'love' and 'baby'. Loves kissing your cheeks all the time. He's just too good for this world I tell you. Loves going on picnic dates with you ♡ I have a feeling he's not too much of a PDA kind of guy. He'll do stuff in private. Surprises you with little gifts. His eyes are bright and full of affection as he looks at you.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ KAI࿐ྂ
Oh god… He's such a flirt with you it's insane. Always has his hands on you. Your waist, hips, hands. You name it. He's also overprotective. I hc that his face literally catches on fire when he's super flustered. So Imagine flirting with him and getting him super flustered only for his face to catch on fire LMAOO. He can't cook…or bake. So, you cook for him and he loves it ♡ He seems so happier when he's around you. You just make his day a lot better. He's a clingy mf...He's always clinging to your side or sumthin. You find it cute. His touch is soft and comforting. When he hugs you he smells like charcoal. But in a comforting way lol. He's like a cuddly furnace. It makes you feel safe when he's near… And you don't mind one bit ♡
⇢ ˗ˏˋ NYA࿐ྂ
She's very protective over you. She wants you to feel and be safe. She loves keeping you company, even if she is busy. Loves carrying you. And love your laughs the most. She can't stop thinking about it, how much she loves to hear them and see the smile on her face. How much she adores hearing them when they happen in front of her or around her, or when they're a part of her life. How much she loves making you happy, making you laugh. She gets jealous quite easily, too, which is why she does not like seeing anyone else touch you. Like Zane, she isn't big on PDA. It's kinda hard to get her flustered and when you do make her flustered she won't keep eye contact with you. Loves training with you. Giving you kisses after training ♡ You always tell her when she makes you happy. It makes her day. She's a really good listener. She will listen to anything you say. Please play with her hair, she loves it ♡
⇢ ˗ˏˋ LLOYD࿐ྂ
It'll take you guys a while to date but when you guys do it's cute. He loves cuddling you and watching movies together. You can't help but feel giddy whenever he's around you. He likes to hold your hand or kiss you on the cheek. He's always looking for ways to touch you which is adorable. Your eyes are his favorite thing about you. He's always lost in them ♡ He knows how to make tea. So whenever you are sick, he makes your favorite tea ♡ He's always so patient with you. Loves being close to you. It doesn’t matter if you’re just hanging out, sleeping, or training. If you are upset he’ll be there for you no matter what. He can’t cook but he’s willing to learn with you.
" Can't stop thinking of
You. "
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all content belongs to @legorumii do not repost or translate on any writing website!
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crithaus · 2 years
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pspspspspsps hey gay people i got some food.
if vax gets cool cosmetic changes after his championship (don't talk to me about how its cuz he died okay shut up shhhh) then his way cooler sister should TOO. the MILEAGE we could get out of pelor's championship man!!! his domains are life, healing, the sun (it sounds way cooler all the stuff pelor can do on the regular dnd wiki and so i continue to cherrypick for my woman mrs de rolo you deserve the world), like that's all cool as shit and vex should show it i believe idk
and she's so pretty anyway i mean slflfls;fs; (plz leave your comments in the tags if you like them, they fuel me, they're the reason I can't fully commit to twitter (along with twitter eating shit throgh a straw ofc ofc))
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gojhoes · 5 months
Bleed Me Dry
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*art from nerdreamer | *divider from benkeibearnever written anything like this before but yolo (also this art is PHENOMENAL)
- contents: sfw, college au, no jujutsu sorcerers/cursed spirits au, jumping on the vampire au train, gojo x reader (ofc), fem!reader, characters in their early 20s, mutual pining - warnings: stalking, bodily fluids, drugs and alcohol. - wc: ~4.3k
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Have you ever met someone and felt that you knew them in the past life?
You'd never much cared for religion, nor did you think much about the possibility of an afterlife. There were too many denominations for a single one to be correct. Not at all worth the millennia of wars waged in the name of someone's God. How was a god supposed to be benevolent and holy when they inspire such violence? Yes, you were a cynic through and through, remaining skeptical of all things damned and divine.
But then you met Satoru Gojo, and all that stubborn disbelief fell to pieces.
It was the weekend before the beginning of your final year of college. You'd been dragged along to some party being thrown by a friend-of-a-friend's-friend to kick off the start of the semester. Shoko, your roommate and impromptu best friend, was crushing hard on one of the boys in some club of hers, and she'd asked you to join her as moral support.
Just like the venue, the party itself was nothing special. In someone's parents' house that was already well on its way to being trashed, the room smelled of marijuana and faintly of unpleasantly scented air freshener. You recognized a few people, as the university that you attended was a rather small private technical school. Everybody seemed to know everybody even if you considered yourself an introvert.
You and Shoko found yourselves sitting around a card table with several others amid a very serious drinking game. Shoko was trying her best, but the poor girl was already three shots in while you sat back and observed.
"Aren't you going to talk to him?" you encouraged, following Shoko's line of sight until it landed on a tall blonde leaning against the wall. He was good-looking with his broad shoulders and neatly groomed hair that complemented the glasses hanging from the bridge of his nose. You could easily see why Shoko was interested in him.
"He's tall," you commented.
Shoko was beaming, her eyes practically heart-shaped while she talked about him. "He goes by Nanami- we were in the same research group last semester. And he plays rugby."
Shoko was a Microbio major carving her path to medical school. If this mystery classmate took the same courses as her, then he must've been smarter than you'd originally given him credit for.
You grinned mischievously. “Go,” you said.
She gaped at you, her brown eyes wide with fear. “I can’t!”
You pushed her bodily with your hand on her back, urging her to go to talk to this Nanami. She stumbled a bit, already tipsy, and shot you a glare.
“Go," you insisted. "I'm going to find food.”
Ignoring Shoko's frustrated groan, you trickled over to the kitchen adjacent to the living room. You couldn't deny that you were bored, but leaving simply was not an option with how obsessed Shoko was with this guy. The kitchen was void of people, but someone had mercifully left out a fruit tray that appeared untouched in comparison to the picked-over coolers of beer. Working as a bartender had diminished your cravings for the stuff, so you avoided it wholly.
Just as you turned to re-enter the living room, you slammed right into something solid, a person, and let out a yelp. Your plate fell to the ground, the carefully chosen grapes bouncing in a thousand different directions. To your dismay, a good portion of them rolled underneath the fridge, out of reach and surely to rot later.
"Shit- I'm so sorry!" you cried, ducking down to immediately retrieve your fallen mess.
The victim of your attack kneeled beside you to help, which was a kind gesture, but it only helped to embarrass you further. You glanced up to apologize again, silently regretting every choice you'd made in your life thus far.
"You didn't have to-"
But the words stopped dead in your throat. Your victim was beautiful, breathtakingly so. Crystalline blue eyes that met yours, snow white hair brushing just above matching eyebrows. Ivory skin and pink lips that looked so soft and perfect it made your mouth go dry.
And then he smiled. "It's okay- I move quietly." He dropped a grape onto the half-crushed plate in your hand while you forced yourself to rise back to your full height. He followed suit, towering over you so much that you had to tilt your head to view his face.
But it wasn’t just his striking features that threw you so much- it was the familiarity, the nostalgia that flowed through you when you properly looked at him. In the moments that followed, you were able only to stare while you tried to recall just where you'd seen him before.
"Oh," he said, plucking the plate from your grasp. He turned and reached behind him to toss it into the trash with ease. His periwinkle button-up stretched across the expanse of his shoulders as he did so. You made yourself look away.
"Um," you cleared your throat. "Thanks."
He chuckled at that and extended his hand for you to shake. You couldn’t help but to notice the delicate nature of his long, pale fingers, reminding you much of a pianist’s. Your hands connected in the briefest handshake you’d ever participated in. His touch was cold, so much so that you couldn’t help but to jerk your hand away when the skin made contact.
Your eyes flicked up to his, illuminated blue in the dim light of the kitchen. You blinked as he held your gaze steadily, unable to shake that feeling that you’d seen him before. You were aware that you were staring at this point, but you were determined to recall this man's identity.
"Satoru," he said greeting. Not familiar, you thought.
You relayed your own name before asking, "Do I know you?"
Satoru tilted his head to the side, smirking as though he was in on some joke that you wouldn’t get. “I never forget a face, and I certainly wouldn’t forget yours.”
Even though the comment made you blush, you hummed. “Smooth. But seriously, weren't you in Dr. Kusakabe's organic chem class, like, last spring?"
"I can assure you that I have never seen you before," Satoru insisted. "Are you sure you just haven't been drinking too much?"
You scoffed at the accusation, a small smile tugging at your lips from his teasing. "No, I haven't been drinking, thank you very much. Somebody's got to keep my friend alive."
You glanced back at the fruit tray and immediately thought of those stupid grapes. "Do you see a broom anywhere?"
"I'm afraid those poor grapes are forever lost," Satoru said mournfully.
You let out a melodramatic sigh, smiling a little when you met his gaze once more.
His lashes fluttered, and then you saw him stiffen as though something suddenly pained him. Small, clammy hands landed on your bare shoulders, and you started, though you knew exactly who the offender was.
“Why are you hiding from me?” Shoko whined, her words slurring.
You pried her hands from your shoulders and peered down at her. She was swaying a little and the smell of liquor on her breath was all but apparent. You suddenly remembered your forgotten promise that you’d stick with her throughout the night, feeling a little guilty at the pouty expression on her face.
“Sorry, Shoko,” you said. “I was just looking for a snack.”
Shoko noticed Satoru then, who had taken a full step away while his fingers fluttered wildly by his side. So peculiar, you thought.
"Oh-" she hiccupped. "Hiii. I didn't see that she was talking to you."
Satoru didn’t reach out to shake her hand, you noticed, opting only to nod his head in greeting as he smiled in a way that didn't quite reach his eyes.
“No trouble,” he said fluidly. He then fixated his gaze back to yours, “If you’ll excuse me.”
He stepped out of the kitchen, and at least Shoko waited until he'd walked away to ask, "who was that?"
You shook your head as you watched him disappear into the throng of people scattered about the living room, stopping only when his white locks were no longer visible.
The next week was spent with thoughts of Satoru scratching at the back of your head. During study breaks, you’d rack your brain trying to figure out where the fuck you knew him from. You were sure that you’d met him in the past; maybe he had been an elementary classmate? Maybe he worked at one of the local grocery stores or the café down the street? The possibilities were endless, but still, the mental search persisted. He even appeared in your dream the very night of the party, standing tall and fair with his back toward you.
Friday night was arguably the busiest at the bar. It was a flurry of drink orders, checking IDs, and straining to hear customers over the cacophony of voices. But you preferred the busy evening shifts– the bustle made the time fly. And it occupied your mind in a way that kept you from thinking about everything else, at least temporarily.
But after the last call for alcohol, a lull finally fell into place, and you began with your housekeeping tasks. Small things such as wiping down the bar and prepping garnishes and the like. Mentally, you’d already clocked out and were at home watching the new episode of your favorite anime. You were distracted, not all the way present, and you had your back to the bar. That’s why you were startled when you turned around to see that Satoru had materialized on the other side.
You flinched and your eyes went wide as your hand flew to your chest as if to steady yourself. “Oh sh– hey, it’s you! You scared me.”
Satoru raised his hands and grinned wickedly. “Boo.”
Never mind that he hadn’t been anywhere near the bar in the five seconds it’d taken you to do a 360. But your heart rate returned to normal, and you drank in his appearance. Still gorgeous, even in the bar’s poor lighting. He wore a collarless black sweater with sleeves that were too long even for him, and a pair of gray slacks. The neutral tones made his blue eyes appear even brighter, seeming almost to glow.
“Aren’t you going to order something?” you asked teasingly. “It’s past last call, but I’m sure I can make an exception.”
Satoru purred, maintaining that wicked smile from before. “You’re too kind to me.”
“Please, I insist.” You cupped your hands around your mouth and leaned over the bar so that your fingers just barely were brushing the shell of his ear.
“It’s on the house,” you faux-whispered, trying to ignore the way his hair tickled your skin for the briefest of moments before you pulled away.
He swallowed, the first sign of hesitation you’d seen since meeting him. Not that you knew him well, but he otherwise moved so confidently and with such intention that the gesture seemed out of place on him.
“I’m afraid I don’t drink.”
“I can make you something virgin,” you urged, wiggling your eyebrows. You were being unnecessarily insistent, pushing a little hard, but you felt this inexplicable urge to impress him. To serve him...? It was your job, after all, to make drinks that people would enjoy.
And then he replied, his voice firm but not unkind, “I have to decline, but I deeply appreciate your offer.”
You sighed and made a point of overdramatizing your disappointment. “Some other time, then. I’ll get you something good to drink, just you wait.”
An unnamable expression flashed over his features, quickly replaced by another disarming smile. You weren’t sure if it was the dim lighting of the bar, but his pallor seemed more translucent than before, the color blending in with his pale hair. His eyes were nearly glowing, nearly burning and you found yourself trying to differentiate all the shades of blue within his irises before he cleared his throat, and you realized you had been staring.
“Sorry,” you said quickly, cursing the blush that crept high on your cheeks. “I just.. I swear that I’ve seen you before somewhere. It’s kind of driving me crazy.”
Satoru tilted his head in question, a mannerism of his that you’d picked up on. “Is that right?”
Okay, you were definitely into this guy, no doubt about it. How could you not be? He was insanely, unfairly attractive, and though you’d just met (SUPPOSEDLY), you couldn’t help but to feel that you were connected to him in some way. That was a scary thought, one you shoved down before it could fester along with your other delusions.
The bar where you worked was close to campus and being part of a chain, its main demographic for business was students. It was a simple coincidence for Satoru to be there. Maybe that’s where you knew him from- it wasn’t a total impossibility; you'd served thousands of people since starting there.
“When are you off?”
You glanced down at the small watch face adorning your wrist, pretending to squint as anxiety slithered into your gut. Guys had asked you that same question in the past after mistaking good bartending for flirting. Satoru was charming, but he was still a stranger, and it was already well past 2am. But something about him pulled trust out of you like it was nothing. Like he was luring you in, a moth drawn to a flame.
“30 minutes,” you replied truthfully. “Maybe longer, depending on the crowd.”
"I want to take you to a cafe down the street," he said. "It's open all night, and I'm sure you must be starving after such a long shift."
Your stomach tattled on you before you got the chance to respond, growling loudly at the prospect of eating- you'd neglected to do so before coming in almost eight hours ago.
“I couldn't impose-”
He smiled at you as your words trailed off, and that voice in your head telling you to be careful was far too distant as you felt your resolve falter. “I insist.”
So at exactly three o'clock, standing with his hands in his pockets as he leaned against the wall was Satoru. He lifted his head when he heard the door open, smiling once he realized that it was you. You'd be a fool to deny how pretty he was when he looked at you like that.
“Shall we?” you said once you were standing at his side.
“Of course. It’s only a block or two.”
You turned to your right, moving to take the first step of many, when a large hand wrapped itself around your wrist. It couldn't have been colder than 60 degrees Fahrenheit, but even through your sleeve, you could feel the frigid cold of his fingers. You gasped at the sudden touch, flicking your eyes up to his, which were likely wide with alarm.
“Ah, ah,” Satoru said, releasing you from his grasp. “This way.”
You tried not to let show how freaked out that made you, blaming it on how quickly he’d moved to stop you. But he carried on nonchalantly as though it was something he did with everyone- perhaps, he did, if you thought about it. You focused only on following him dutifully and nothing else as he led the way.
"Do you always work nights?" he asked, breaking through the buzz of your overthinking.
You nodded, grateful for him breaking the silence. "My roommate says I'm crazy, but I prefer it. I take classes in the evenings, too, so I'm usually sleeping during the day."
Satoru held the door for you, gesturing widely as you passed over the threshold. You plucked a menu from the pocket by the door, vaguely recognizing the restaurant's logo; it was a simplified portrait of a dryad.
“Oh!” you exclaimed. “I feel like I’ve been here before. Maybe in high school…”
Satoru chuckled. “It’s only been open for about a year. Maybe you should get those false memories checked out.”
You could feel his eyes on the back of your head like two pinpricks of ultraviolet light as you escorted yourself to an open table. He slid gracefully into the booth across from you, folding his legs in a way that couldn't be comfortable under the too-short table. You laid the menu flat as you peered over it.
"What's good here?" you asked.
Swiftly, he replied, "Everything. Plus, you can never go wrong with chicken tenders."
"This is true."
You decided on a ham and Emmental baguette and a glass of cherry juice -they actually had it!-, opting to keep it simple. You noticed that Satoru hadn't grabbed a menu himself, but thought better than to comment on it. Besides, who were you to pry into the specifics of someone else's eating habits?
You slipped the straw dipped in your drink between two fingers, toying with it nervously. "So, what year are you?"
"Ah, I just graduated," Satoru replied, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "And you're a senior, right?"
Your eyebrows knit together as you tilted your head to the side just slightly. "How'd you know?"
Satoru didn't miss a beat. "You had that look about you at the party. And since you're old enough to bartend, I filled in the blanks."
When he put it that way, the logic seemed sound enough for you to safely dismiss it without a second thought.
"Quite the sleuth, are you?" you teased.
Satoru chuckled breathily. Before either of you could ask any more questions, your food magically appeared before you. Neither of you had indicated that this was a date, but you still wanted to at least try and appear well-mannered, so you ignored the urge to fall upon the sandwich.
"Are you sure you don't want some?" you asked, holding the half out to him.
Satoru raised a hand. "No, thank you, I ate not too long ago. Please, go on."
"I just feel bad."
But you figured it would be more rude to continue pestering him, so you decided just to suck it up and eat. You were starving anyway. You sunk your teeth into the sandwich, but you misjudged the force necessary to bite through the thick bread. Sharp pain lanced through your tongue and a familiar tanginess flooded your mouth.
"Fuck," you muttered. "Bit my tongue."
As politely as you could, you brought a napkin to your mouth and spit into it before folding it neatly to hide the blood. “Sorry.”
Satoru's eyes had grown wide as he stared down at the napkin. A muscle twitched in his jaw, and you suddenly grew more embarrassed. Had you really grossed him out that much? It was just a little blood and it wasn't exactly a Michelin star restaurant.
But as though you imagined it, that discomfort morphed into a smile so radiant you forgot he'd been unsettled in the first place. The bleeding stopped, thankfully, and you slowly but steadily made your way through the sandwich. While you ate, you and Satoru passed questions and answers back and forth like a badminton game.
He'd declined your offer to make him a drink and was refusing to eat anything now, but you thought little of it until you watched as he took the smallest sip from his glass of water. He made a face as though it tasted utterly foul. It was city water, after all, but he looked physically unwell after setting the glass back on the table.
“Are you okay?” you asked. “You look a little pale.”
He shook his head, making the stands of his white hair bounce comically. “Just tired. I didn’t expect to be out so late.”
You couldn’t deny the little stab of disappointment that shot through you, though your watch did read a quarter-to-four. Sure, you were off tomorrow, but that didn't mean that Satoru wasn't.
“Oh,” you said. “Well, I’m ready anytime, then.”
The second you place your dishes at the end of the table, Satoru sprung out of his spot in the booth and started for the door. His height must've been the reason he moved so fast, and you had to scramble out of the booth and run to catch up with him. You grabbed your coat from the rack and shrugged it on before following him through the door.
You turned to look at Satoru to somehow gauge the state of his wellbeing, only to catch him staring at you with stormy eyes and parted lips. Weren't you going to ask him something? But then he blinked away the intensity you'd seen, a placid expression replacing it instantly.
“One second," Satoru quickly added. “Wait here.”
He bolted back inside like a bullet from a gun, furiously jangling the bunch of bells that hung above the inside of the door. So, you waited, poking your head through the window to see just what he was doing. He was standing over the table where you'd both been seated just a minute before, but you couldn't see much more than that. He must've forgotten something, or maybe he just wanted to give his compliments to the chef- or something.
"Forgot my wallet," he said in explanation once he'd joined you at your spot by the curb. You nodded as he confirmed your first theory.
Satoru had both of his hands shoved into his pockets precariously as he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet. It seemed childish at first, but that quickly turned to endearment when you realized that he was nervous. "Would you want to do this again sometime?"
You smiled at him, touched by how sweetly he'd worded the question. You reached out to touch him in some way so he knew your next words were sincere, but he stood in a way that would've made it painfully awkward to do so, so you let your arm fall limp at your side.
"If you ever want to grab a bite, I'll be awake." you answered before the two of you parted ways for good.
All you knew was that you wanted to see him again, wanted to see this strange man you'd met by chance and break past his walls and excessive smiles. And you wanted him to tell you where you'd seen him before- maybe you were delusional, but you had an inkling that he knew exactly what you'd been talking about.
What you didn't know was that Satoru had followed you for the entirety of your walk home, slipping in and out of the shadows as he debated whether to reach for you. Sitting across from you in the booth had been torturous, especially once you'd bitten your tongue. The napkin that now sat in his pocket seemed to burn a hole straight through to the bone. Any of your blood would have long since dried, but it was yours, and for now, it would have to do.
His hand hovered over the doorknob- hadn't anyone taught you to always lock your door? He heard you shuffling around inside, the clinking of drinking glasses and silverware being put away. The mundanity of you tidying your kitchen was a slap in his face. You were still living, still warm-bodied and radiant. Not cursed, as he was, with a full life ahead of you that would end peacefully. There would come a day when you would close your eyes and they would not again open. It would be completely and utterly selfish of him to do something as stupid as tampering with something as precious as your life.
But the urge persisted, as it had for months, inspiring the most selfish ideals he’d ever before been plagued with. And that selfishness was what made him believe that he truly was a monster deserving of his fate. That selfishness made him into who he was.
If he'd never seen you that night just a few short months before, he would've long since left this forsaken city. He wouldn't be trapped here by the longing he felt for you. He wouldn't be such a damned mess, going to parties and putting himself directly into situations he should be avoiding at all costs. All the lies and the hiding started to add up after a while; soon he’d be so deeply intwined in a wreck of a story that would be too much to keep up with. He’d slip up eventually; he always did.
The party had been the absolute last straw. Suguru had advised him not to go, but Satoru was a social creature, and he still enjoyed bantering and foolishness as he had during his waking life. And as was commonplace as of late, anywhere you went, so would Satoru, because that's just the type he was.
He had not planned on getting as close as he did though. Quite literally, you’d been on top of him even if it was for only a second. But it had been enough to break through the delicate semblance of control he’d had hanging by a thread. The sheer pleasure he got from your scent alone was something he’d learned he needed; it was more than a want. Even now, the bits of you he could pick up on through the door had some kind of trancelike effect on him.
But as Satoru turned his back to your apartment, fists clenched by his sides from the sheer amount of effort it took, he admitted to himself that Suguru had been right. He shouldn't have gone, because it sealed the fact that his every moment would be consumed by thoughts of you.
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Confession: I ship Shoko and Nanami SO HARD. They're both water signs, too. I love symbolism and foreshadowing more than anything else in this world.
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feeling like shit rn, can you please write pete teasing his drunk baby and cleaning her up, holding her hair back when she pukes, she's like "i'm a mess, how can you love me" and he's kissing her face, that kind of fluffy shit <3
this is so stinkin cute
Pairing: Boyfriend! Peter x Girlfriend! Reader
Word Count: 843
Warnings: some swearing, and vomiting ofc. but petnames and lots of fluff:))
"carry me to my bed, lay me in a pillow town kiss me on my head and remind me of the way we will not know
i wish i was your girl..."- your girl, lana del rey (unreleased)
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“M’Peter I’m done. No more.” you moaned, your body feeling weak and achey as you leaned against your forehead against the toilet seat.
You felt like you were being punched in the gut, pins and needles pricking your clammy skin as the world began to spin again. The booze was rushing to your head, and you started to regret drinking so much.
Actually, you started regretting it nearly half an hour ago, the cool bathroom tile becoming an secret oasis for you as you heaved up sweet coolers and warm shots of fireball.
“No, no baby you gotta get it all out. You’ll feel so much better.” he cooed from above you, hand holding your hair back, the other stroking your back in small, soothing circles.
You were jealous of how much better he could handle his alcohol. You were jealous of the fact he didn't have the taste of sickly sweet six percent on his teeth, mixed with the taste of faint vomit.
“I’m not feeling better. M’feeling worse. You’re lying.” you stated, groaning as you felt the contents in your stomach roll over like a tidal wave.
“I never lie sweetheart, you know this. Stop being mean.” he laughed, watching as you weakly attempted to reach behind yourself to swat at him. Before you could make another sly comment back, it was too late.
“Oh g-god-” you hiccuped, leaning further towards the toilet bowl as you felt the room start to spin.
“Oh, there she goes. Atta girl, let it all out.” he winced, patting your back as you heaved everything up, feeling as if you'd choke.
“Good girl. See? It’s better.” he said, reaching over to grab the damp cloth he had been using to help clean you up, so you’d stop (attempting) to use the back of your hand as a means of getting the puke off your lips.
“No not better. You’re better.” you moaned, not relaxing your words had made no sense.
“I am better. Now look up for me, good girl.” he smiled as you obeyed, makeup slightly smudged as he wiped the warm facecloth across the lower half of your face. Leaning down, he scattered kisses across your face, leaving you giggly as his lips brushed every inch of skin, tickling your eyelashes.
“I’m a mess, how can you l-love me?” you slurred, hearing the toilet flush before he helped you stumble upwards to stand.
“You’re not a mess. You’re beautiful.” he shoke his head, and you reached for the edge of the counter to help steady yourself.
You felt awful. You knew tomorrow morning would be hell on earth, and you already could predict the amount of tylenol and gravol you’d have to down with lots, and lots of water. It seemed like a chore, so out of reach as you felt yourself being guided towards the bed.
You couldn't even remember whose bed it was. It certainly wasn't yours.
“Do you wanna try and get out of these clothes?” Peter asked, to which you could only nod. Exhaustion washed over your bones, and you felt weak and nimble as thread as you swayed in place.
“I need them off. They’re sticking to me.” you complained, feeling like a rag doll as he moved your limbs to better suit his needs, lifting your arms up to slide your shirt off.
“I wish I was your girl. I wanna be your girlfrienddd.” you blurted out, slouching back on the bed, head pressed against the crisp sheets and you breathed them in. They were coated in the smell of Peter, and a sigh of relief escaped your lips as you realized you were safe in the comfort of his bed.
You could hear his laughter, though it sounded slightly muffled and distant as he unbuttoned your jeans, sliding the deminum down your legs and letting them plop onto the floor with the rest of your garments.
“You are my girlfriend silly. And I wouldn't have it any other way.” he hummed, shuffling you around so you were vertical, head collapsing on the pillow.
“Really? That's so sweet.” you smiled, content with the idea that the two of you were together (despite being a couple for over a year), as you always wanted.
“Lets just stay here. We can stay here all night.”
“We are staying here all night. And all day, most likely. You’re not moving in this condition.”
You smiled. “That means more time to cuddle.” you giggled, and he leaned over to kiss your forehead before turning away.
“W-where are you going? I thought we were going to cuddle, cause you’re my boyfriend and that's what they do!” you pouted, reaching aimsley for his hand in an attempt to keep him from leaving you.
“We will cuddle baby I promise. I’m gonna get some stuff like meds and a bucket okay? I’ll be right back.”
You nodded, letting your hand fall limp against the sheets. Before you could stop them, your eyelid started to droop, the world turning dark as you dozed off into dreamland.
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Sword gays showdown, round 3, bracket three
For Ballister:
he could tell when his sword was switched out for a fake, graduated top of his class so we know he's a good fighter, also the scene where he's fighting is hot because he's so confident with a sword in his hand, also he's gay
A canonically gay, disabled, South Asian man takes down the government with his genderqueer shapeshifter sidekick/adopted daughter! He has a swordfight with his ex-boyfriend! in which he defeats about 20 knights singlehandedly! 
top of his knight class this man is a master swordsman
(Movie) He has used a sword since he broke into the Institutes training ground and ended up becoming a knight
He has very divorced vibes with Ambrosius and he uses a sword.
He's a legit knight! So, it's in the fine print.
According to the Nimona movie, Ballister here has been practicing the art of sword fighting since childhood to earn the trust of the city and he was SO CLOSE to becoming a knight. He's also definitely not dating another one of his knight mates (?). Nope. Not at all. This movie is super straight /s I think he also beats an entire army of knights with nothing but his sword and a chaotic good shapshifter so that's pretty cool. He's also south Asian, has a prosthetic arm he made himself and is honestly such a goofy guy (in a good way ofc) if that's anything.
For Amaya:
Badass super strong disabled lesbian general who can and will take you out. Doesn't need a sword to punch you into next week, but will use one anyway.
She’s married to another sword gay and she’s also disabled so I love her very much 
First deaf character I saw in any cartoon, she's very badass and protects her kingdom's border, later falls in love with an elf warrior princess she once fought. In the new season, they're planning their wedding while trying to navigate political tensions between the elf society and humans. Some of the elves aren't super into the idea of a human marrying one of them, which isn't for homophobic reasons but still (I believe) meant to mirror real world conservatives (really liked a scene with Janai's brother telling Amaya she's fine as a girlfriend for Janai but actually *marrying* her is too controversial and political. Whoever wrote this did a really good job).
She’s currently engaged to another lady, she uses a sword, is a general badass.
General Amaya is a standard sword lesbian with a cool shield and some funny "lines" example: "This bread is...." *bashes bread on table with no damage to the bread* "Weapons grade"
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barefoothighlander · 1 year
hiii hope your day is going well <3 could you pls do something where ghost and the reader are just starting to see each other? the reader is on the team and ghost finally asked them out on a date. i just wanna see your view on what he’d plan out for the first date. also the night could end with smut 👀 (only if you think it would ofc)
the very first night
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YESS sorry this got me too excited, he'd be so nervous about the date, trying to make it romantic UGH idc what anyone says that man would be so awkward on dates, so cute
warnings: fluff, mdni (18+), unproteted pinv, riding, sex in a car;), two idiots in love tbh
You had been working with the 141 for a little over a year, growing close to them, but mostly Ghost. He avoided you at first, you thought he hated you but it turned out you made him nervous, he had admitted it a while back, saying that being around you gave him butterflies and he didn't understand what those were but he'd like to take you out on a date.
You were more than willing, mostly out of intrigue, most of your interactions were short, he didn't talk a lot and you could never read him behind that mask, you wondered if he wore it off base. You felt drawn to him, always glancing at him during meetings, you found yourself blushing when he'd address you by your real name rather than your call sign.
He had asked you to go on a date on Thursday, you thankfully had the week off to try and settle your anxiety, showering and prepping yourself for the date. He didn't tell you much of what he had planned, honestly you assumed he would take you to some small bar, none the less you got dressed, nervous that this would be the first time he saw you with your hair and makeup done, the bar for your appearance set rather low considering he'd only ever seen you in uniform.
You waited by the door, bouncing your leg in anticipation, around 7 you heard a knock, opening it to see him, he was dressed rather plainly, in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that let you see the full image of the tattoo on his forearm, to your dismay he still wore a mask, but at least the balaclava let you see a little more of him. You beam a smile at him, his arm extending to hold out a small bouquet of flowers.
"I wasn't sure what the protocol was so I asked Soap, he said I should bring flowers"
You soften our gaze, grabbing the flowers and giving them a small sniff,
"They're beautiful Simon, thank you"
You move to place them inside,
"You look great," He says nervously,
"You're not so bad yourself" You giggle, you close your door and he waits for you to walk down the stairs before opening your door to the car,
"Such a gentleman"
He huffs a nervous laugh, moving to settle in his own seat before driving off. You drive for a few minutes, the radio in the car set on some 70's rock station, you wondered if he actually listened to this music or if he just put it on to fill the silence. He parks the car on a dirt road,
"We have to walk from here"
You glance around eyeing the terrain, there's a small path bordered with trees,
"You're not gonna kill me are you?" You joke
"What? No."
You widen your eyes a little at his quick response, walking beside him down the path. You reach your hand to wrap around his bicep, feeling his muscle tense under your touch before he relaxes, your thumb drawing small patterns over the skin ad the two of you make your way to a clearing,
"Here, the ground's a little rough so, watch your step"
You move forward to walk and he grabs your hand, helping you keep balance, your hand fits in his perfectly, he moves with you, his hand moving to pull away but you squeeze it, keeping it to yours. He feels himself relax a little under your grip, directing you to a blanket he had set out. your eyes widen at the sight completely taken aback by the scene. He had laid a blanket for the two of you, a small lantern on top beside a little cooler.
"You did all this?" You say glancing up at him,
He chuckles shyly, "Yea I um, don't do great in restaurants so I figured this might be better"
You swear you feel your heart swell, you walk towards the blanket tugging him behind you as you sit down, you're facing toward a small pond, the sun just dipping below the horizon as it sets, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange.
"Is it alright?"
You look at him with a smile, a soft hand resting on his leg, "It's perfect"
He huffs a small laugh, opening the cooler and pulling out some sandwiches and drinks.
"I'm not a chef by any means but, they're good I swear"
He hands you a sandwich, truth be told he could give you burnt toast and you'd still look at him with hearts in your eyes. You bite into it, pleasantly surprised that it tasted rather good, you nod your head at his waiting face, a crinkle forming beside his eyes as pride fills his chest.
You watch him unwrap his sandwich, moving his hands to his mask apprehensively,
"Oh, I can just-" You say, turning your body to face away from him
"No, it's alright"
He takes a deep breath and removes his mask, your heart skips a beat, he's gorgeous, you'd only ever seen his eyes before and you found them mesmerizing, dark orbs that twinkled in the light, but the rest of him, his dusty blonde hair, his plush lips, a small scar that cut through his eyebrow ending just above his cheekbone. You wanted to stare at him forever but you felt him grow shy under your gaze, pulling your focus back to your food.
You sit in silence as you eat, the air filled with the sound of wind blowing through the tall grass as you watch the colours of the sky change, the cool air settling the heat that roamed under your skin.
"So, um, what do you do outside of work?" He asked,
"Oh, not a whole lot, I like to garden if the weather is right, sometimes I'll go see a movie if there's a good one playing, I caught this late showing of Dracula last week"
He's clinging on to your every word, "I love that movie"
You smile, "What about you, what does the Ghost do in his off-time?"
"The Ghost, I'm not sure, Simon reads a lot though"
"Oh, sorry"
"No it's alright, most people don't know me behind the mask so I get it"
"Well I like the you behind the mask"
His cheeks flush with heat as he smirks, leaning forward to turn the lantern on. You scoot yourself closer to him, leaning your head against his shoulder, he melts into your touch, his cheek resting against your head.
"So what music do you listen to," You ask
"Whatevers on the radio, mostly classic rock" So it was his radio choice You chat about hobbies, wanting to get to know each other better, you learn that he liked bourbon, tea with a lot of sugar, he always wanted a cat but could never justify getting one. Somewhere in the middle the two of you fell back, eyes staring at the stars in the sky, your hand on his chest, fingers skimming over the muscle. In a surge of confidence, you pull yourself up his form, placing a kiss to his lips, pulling back quickly,
"Sorry, I- I don't know what that was"
He stares at you for a moment before his hands move to hold your cheeks, moving in to kiss you, your lips melt into his, they're soft and plush, he pulls back and presses his forehead against yours.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" He huffs and you giggle, moving to kiss him again.
"It's getting late," He says, you nod, "Should probably get home"
He grabs your hand pulling you up as he gathers up the picnic, guiding you back to the car. He throws everything in the trunk before getting into the driver's seat,
"I had a really nice time-" His sentence is cut short as you connect your lips again, this time it's deep, he pushes his tongue past your teeth, swirling it with yours as his hand moves to hold at the small of your back. Your body moves forward, climbing over the centre console to straddle him as you keep your lips to his.
"Are you sure you want to?" He asks breathlessly,
"So badly"
He holds you to him as you begin grinding down, his length hardening against your core.
"Because you know if you're having second thoughts"
You cut him off with another kiss, "Simon please"
And who is he to deny you, reaching to palm at your ass, pressing you down onto him as you moan, you feel the tent in his pants form below you, urging you on.
"I don't have any protection"
"I'm on the pill"
The prospect of being inside you raw excites him as he reaches down to unbutton his pants, your hands roaming over his form, his fingers moving to toy at your clit, your head falling forward against his shoulder as you moan breathlessly against his skin. He pulls your panties to the side as you lift up, allowing him to line himself up, you brace your hands on his shoulders before sinking down.
The stretch of him burns but it feels too good to stop, you inch your way down slowly as he plants kisses to your neck, buttoning out with a grunt from him, getting adjusted to his size before you begin moving up and down. He throws his head back as his hands settle on your hips, just holding you,
"Shit that feels amazing love"
You bounce up and down on him, the stimulation from his pubic hair grazing your clit, as you pull him in for another kiss, it's sloppy as you feel yourself unravel on top of him, his grip tightens on your hips, pulling you down on him harder, chasing his own high. You raise an arm to plant your hand on the roof and he holds your hips up, fucking into you, his hands pull at the top of your dress, letting your breasts fall free as he takes one into his mouth.
"Please, don't stop" You sigh
"I'm not gonna last, where do you want me" He manages through grunts.
"Shit, inside, please need to feel you"
Your words go straight to his cock as his balls tighten, the sensation of him pulsing just enough to bring you over the edge as you cum, head falling forward to rest against his as he spills into you with a string of curses. His arms snake around your back to hold you, placing a kiss to your swollen lips.
"So would you want to do this again sometime?" He huffs and you laugh, chest vibrating against his. The two of you gather yourselves, cleaning up before returning to your original seats, he rests his arm on the console, you grab it with a tender hand and place it on top of your thigh and he smiles to himself. The drive back was quiet, a newfound adoration for classic rock forming in you as you could almost make out him quietly singing along. You arrive back at your house, stepping out of car while Simon's arm finds your waist again, walking you to the door, you reach the top of the steps and he leans down to kiss you as your hands grab at the collar of his shirt.
"Did you want to come in?" You ask
He doesn't even think to answer, he simply snakes an arm under your legs and lifts you up, carrying you into the house as his foot closes the door, your giggles echoing throughout the building.
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cloudraker · 1 year
heyo! I saw ur post and wanted to ask for tfp decepticons with a winged! S/o
preferably with megatron, soundwave or shockwave and knockout! Like how they would react and act around them, or like how they would use reader to their advantage? (Not in a bad way)
Reader has a long wingspan (18 ft) and is bigger than a normal human? Like smaller than Arcee but bigger than average.
Please tell me if that’s too much for you! And ty! <3 stay safe
Ofc!! And no worries, it's not too much at all :) Thank you sm for requesting <3
TFP Megatron, Soundwave, Shockwave, and Knock Out with a Winged S/o
Under the cut :)
Honestly probably doesn't even notice you're any different at first until you start zipping around
I would say that of the four he's the one that cares the least
That isn't to say he doesn't care at all, far from it! He's got more than a handful of schemes, plots, ploys, etc ready to use when the need should arise
Depending on how you fly and such, he might take your movements into consideration when it comes to his own flight or when training troops. The information gets passed on to Starscream for the latter, but he's still aware of it
He doesn't expect you to be able to keep up with him when he's flying, but he will commend the effort
He does expect your wings to be in peak condition; they're one of your defining features and something that he see as putting you above the rest of your species
If you're at all self conscious about your wings, he scoffs and tells you to take pride in what sets you apart. It's not great advice, but it's something
Enjoys running his fingers through your feathers if you'll let him
Despite being in a relationship, he's still got a job to do. If you're up for it, he'll ask you to do recon or survey areas that need to be scouted in a more subtle way
He's not above using your humanity for the benefit of the Decepticons, but he wouldn't knowingly put you in harms way
Of the four, he's got the easiest time helping you groom your wings due to how thin his digits are
He draws comparisons between you and Laserbeak at times, though he does keep those thoughts to himself
Dude has got plans and ploys in place to test things and ideas
At times it might feel like you're more an experiment than a partner
He's always more than happy to run tests on how far you can fly and how fast, how much weight you can carry and for how long/far
He's also rather interested in your biology, pulling up diagrams of a typical human body and comparing it to yours, trying to figure out why you're different
It might be hard to notice, but he's more careful when it comes to tests. It's one of the few ways he has to show he does actually care about you, and doesn't want to see you hurt if it can be avoided
If there's something you want to train towards physically, you can count on him to come up with the most optimal training program possible
He finds it helpful to have you in the lab and having you zip around and collecting tools for him so he doesn't have to step away from his work
He understands the concept of keeping muscles strong, and makes sure you exercise enough if you're keeping him company in the lab
Knock Out
Dude makes sure you know how pretty your wings are
Makes sure you've got every product you'd ever need to keep them in top condition. Don't ask where he got them from tho
Schedules regular sessions where the two of you just preen and gossip
Also finds it super helpful that you can just fly up and reach the spots he can't and buff them out for him
Absolutely admires the strength you have in your wings. The idea that you have to actually flap them and have enough strength to get yourself off the ground is foreign to him as it's super different for Cybertronians
Not a fan of molting tbh. There's feathers everywhere and guh they're everywhere
Will still (reluctantly) help you deal with it tho
Knock Out makes sure you know he thinks that your wings make you much cooler than other people, and is not above making fun of the Autobots for having 'inferior' humans on their side
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roboenthuser · 7 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could request some fluffy relationship headcanons of Billy Kid with a shy GN reader please?
YEAHH! I gotcha anon, thanks for the request🫂
(ZZZ) Billy kid x shy GN! Reader
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‼️This is going purely off the few character trailers and gameplay clips there are for Billy so I may not get everything right!‼️
•Billy would love to show off to a shy s/o any chance he gets! He thinks it makes him look cooler to you (he ends up forgetting to reload and jumps into fights without ammo, or misses all his shots because he’s too busy looking at you LMAO)
•LOVES to show you off (much to your dismay) in more of a “Look at my s/o! Aren’t they so pretty/handsome!” Way. Definitely tries to build up your confidence a bit but he won’t force it
•Date nights with him would probably consist mostly of cuddling up on the couch/bed, binging shows (mostly starlight knight) at each others homes or going to eat in a secluded part of the city.
•Billy is DEFINITELY going to struggle picking up on behavioral cues from you, he may not be able to tell straight away when something’s wrong so communication is extremely important for him! You’d have to speak up about any issues you have with him or he’s gonna be clueless until it hits him in the face.
•As for physical affection, he LOVES holding you/having some sort of physical contact with you most of the time. Whether it’s a hug, hand holding, cuddling, as long as he’s close to you he’s content. He’s a bit down about his lack of lips in a relationship which means he can’t really kiss you, but alternatively he’ll (gently) touch the lower part of his faceplate/visor to your skin in his own little form of kissing<3
•If you’re not comfortable with PDA that’s okay!!! He respects that, but every once in a while he’ll lightly brush his hand against yours when no one’s looking
•THE TEASING!! He will tease you a bit for your shyness (playfully ofc) if he ever goes too far with his teasing he’s quick to apologize and bring you your favorite snacks/drink :)
•Most likely introduces you to Nicole and Anby, although he probably doesn’t want you too involved in his line of work he would like it if his two best friends met his s/o, he’d be especially happy if you ended up befriending them!
•If you ask nicely he’ll let you borrow his jacket, only for a little while though 💔
•I feel like nicknames would be a big thing for him too, Both for you and himself! His names for you would be cutie, handsome/beautiful, sweetheart, and baby, whereas for himself he would refer to himself as your “Starlight knight”
•Tries to be a gentleman (fails)
Pulling your chair out for you? Whoops he pulled it too far and you fell on the floor.
Need help carrying something? He fumbles and drops it.
He tries!! Doesn’t always succeed but he definitely tries his best!
•Overall a great partner with a shy s/o, he’s definitely not perfect but he’ll learn! You’ll have to help him out but he gets the hang of how to adapt to your shyness eventually❤️
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RAHH!! Hope that was alright for a first HC post, once again thanks for the request anon! Reminder to everyone my request listing and rules are still open, I’ll try to get to everyone’s requests asap! Hope everyone has a lovely day/night!🫶
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gemini-sensei · 28 days
i’ve been thinking of this for a bit-
shy, goth, larusso!reader who’s sam’s younger sister. she’s meek and barely speaks, always having her headphones in and trying to avoid drawing attention to herself. it’s summer break and one day sam throws a pool party, inviting all her friends and anybody else who wanted to come. sam ofc wants reader to join and get out of her shell, even surprising her with a pretty new bikini. it’s thin, black and lacy that barely covers the swell of her fat tits and ass. it sits on her hips perfectly, squishing her large pudgy hips and stomach. reader thinks she’ll die of embarrassment, but sam assures her it’s ok, and that yasmine will probably we wearing something more revealing.
so reader joins everyone outside, failing to ignore the hundreds of eyes on her. the worst offenders are robby, hawk, and demetri who stare like starving wolves seeing a small bunny. they all have a small crush on reader, seeing her on occasion out with sam. they think she’s so cute, all wanting a chance to talk to her without scaring her away. robby, hawk and demetri unfortunately couldn’t stay long and stare, as they had to go and take care of their cocks straining in their swim trunks.
sorry if this was too long!!! i just wanted to get all of my ideas out.
Robby, Hawk, and Demetri stare at her for a few minutes while Reader talks to Sam about going to get changed. Too many people are looking at her and making her uncomfortable, she's made a mistake and needs to go change. But Sam stops her and assures her that everyone is just looking st how great she looks. She walks Reader over to the poolside where Yasmine and Moon are sunning.
The guys are still staring and unable to take their eyes off of her. She sits and her thighs squish together and Hawk wants to slot his cock between them. Her boobs are barely being held in her bikini top and Demetri wants to grope them in his big hands. Robby wants to bend her over the pool chair and fuck her cunt and be a little rough with her. All these thoughts lead them inside to find their own separate place to take care of themselves because they can't walk around the pool with tents in their trunks.
Or they help each other out 👀 crammed into the tiny guest bathroom, fisting each other's cocks. Or Robby and Hawk have Demetri on his knees helping them out with his hand and mouth. It could go many ways if they're doing each other a quick favor, especially if they know they all like her.
Reader could even slip back into the house to get a cool drink or a bag of ice to refill the cooler. She hears something strange coming from the bathroom and goes to make sure whoever is in there is okay. She knocks gently, "H-hey... everything okay in there?"
Demetri's mouth is full of Hawk's cock while hisnhand is wrapped around Robby, who has to put a hand over his own mouth because he's noisy. Hawk calls out, trying to pretend he's alone in there. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. Just a cramp."
Quick thinking is alright. Hawk's pretty good at it. However, his mind is foggy and he was needy. Reader, his crush, being at the door is not helping. It's not helping any of them.
"Oh... well, uh, do you need anything," she asks. She talks so soft, so pretty, so sweet. Her voice just makes them all swoon and want to pull her in there to have a little fun with, but they hold back. "I-I don't know what helps with cramps... do you? ... Or would you rather me leave?"
Hawk wants nothing more than for her to stay, Demetri and Robby similarly want the same, but he answers with, "ai'll be out soon."
"Oh, okay..." she says and walks away.
Robby drops his hand. "What I'd give to have her."
Hawk shoves him. "Like your get so lucky. Shes's mine."
Demetri pulls away and pants. "I'd prefer you two not fight while I suck you off. Besides, you two are too rough for her. I'm the only one who's gonna be gentle with her."
They look down at him and glare.
Robby scoffs. "You wanna be gentle, worry aboutbit later." He then leads Demetri's mouth onto his cock and fucks his throat.
Demetri moans and let's him, trying his best to jack Hawk off at the same time. He's at their mercy at that moment but all he can think about it Reader, so he closes his eyes and thinks of that pretty bikini she is wearing outside at the pool.
They're all thinking of that bikini, the way it hugs her body and barely keeps anything in. Her ass and tits on display with the pretty lacy suit, her belly just so attractive and they all wanna hold it and her sides and squeeze her chub. They're watering at the mouth, hands itching to grab her.
Unfortunately for them, they only have each other to grab and hold on to. Maybe someday, one or all of them could have a little fun with the cute goth LaRusso.
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