#he's usually so warm but he overworks himself so much s o there this might as well happen :')
handgiven · 9 months
[ blanket ] from michael hehe
winter season starters / @audaciiae [ blanket ] for the sender to wrap the receiver in a big, warm blanket
the heating was off in the entire house. some thing or another broke in the system that the angel could not easily solve, and so to make up for it he'd spent the day cooking up some soup for the neighbors and in the pauses using his sweaters, the ones he did not hand out to others, as insulation to wrap around the flowerpots, lest the soil freeze and the roots with it. if all else dies, the roots are a chance for the plant to come to live again. it's alright, he doesn't mind. it's not unlike what he does usually, except maybe for the part where he is really tired, and kind of cold, himself, as the temperature nears freezing point even inside, and as he gifts his coat to the grandmother living in the building over. it's alright, it's what he was made for. it's fine.
except it's not. not really. he doesn't realise how deep the cold reaches inside of him until a familiar sensation of warmth beyond the physical accompanies the slight weight upon his shoulders. he turns his head but doesn't need to, to breathe the other's name, and see it form a cloud of fog upon his lips. he smiles, tired, but grateful. "michael... thank you. i... i was handling it."
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strikersexhaver · 1 year
Neuvillette z Reader | Headcanons
Not the biggest fan of PDA, probably because he already finds it hard to express himself in public due to prying eyes. But once he’s in private with his S/O? He’s much more affectionate
Most he might do in public is hand-holding, however, that depends if the relationship is public or not.
Definitely whispers sweet nothings, or compliments rather than speaking up about it.
He’s most likely a more tamed and quiet lover, in the beginning. Hence that.
He needs time to warm up, plus learning how to express oneself as a human would.
Neuvillette is a busy man, however- he tries to spare a seat for you in the Opera Epiclese when it’s available.
And when it’s all over, he’ll talk to you and take you out on a walk… Most likely going for a meal right after. A man can get hungry after tedious amounts of work.
He does use nicknames such as ‘Ma chérie’ on occasion, or the English version of the nickname. He also might use ‘My sweet’
His hair is luxurious and long, if you could ever so kindly assist him in dealing with it in the mornings he’d be very grateful. (It’s also probably very soft I imagine, silky?)
Also… He probably snores.
Listen, the most stressed out and overworked people will definitely snore.
He cannot particularly feel the sensation of you touching his horns, but enjoys the feeling of being given affection- alongside attention.
His time is sparse so ignoring him, is probably his biggest annoyance.
As for arguments? He may default to being more emotionally unavailable- not being able to understand what or how to deal with it.
Being able to only respond in the calm collected manner as per usual
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copias-sewer-rat · 11 months
hello again! ❤️ inspiration has struck for a new ask (if you’d like to ofc)
would it be possible for you to write the different papas maybe helping a s/o who’s overwhelmed with work, stress, bills or whatever etc. and how they help them relax, calm them?
Thank you! 😘
Sorry this took so long! I myself am very stressed with work so this ask got me pretty hard. I tried to portray different types of behaviours when stressed so I hope you enjoy the little scenarios (they might be a bit angsty if you are feeling down, but it is nothing serious.) Fluff and comfort overall! (THIS IS ALL WORK STRESS RELATED BECAUSE RN THAT IS ALL MY MIND GOES TO SORRY)
Tags: no proof read, gn reader, overworked reader, slight argument but overall fluff and comfort.
- Now that he has been retired for a few years, Primo doesn’t feel that stressed anymore. Nonetheless, he doesn’t have fond memories of the piles of documents piling at his desk when he was Cardinal or even Papa.
- Currently he gets the most stressed when some unexpected plague attacks his dear plants.
- That and when you come to him stressed yourself.
- He sees you entering your shared chambers, dark bags under your puffy eyes (you had probably been crying, he thought) and he gets stressed just from your aura.
- He has seen you like this before, but this is one of those extreme cases when you don’t even speak to him, so he worries a lot.
- He jumps straight to you, grabbing anything that you might be carrying, trying to make you feel lighter somehow.
- When he gets back to you after placing your belongings where you usually leave them, he resorts to the only thing he can think of to know how to help you: yes or no questions.
- You are not speaking right now, but you do make very slow almost unreadable gestures.
- He asks if you want to eat, you nod. He prepares you a plate of the dinner he had made for both of you, still hot and smelling delicious, you eat what you can.
- He offers you various options afterwards. That you vent to him about what got you so stressed, a warm bath or to get wrapped in blankets and sleep as much as you want.
- Whatever you choose the last option is always mandatory, because he knows that that is what relaxes you the most.
- You learned a long time ago that Secondo’s bitter and dry behavior came to flourish mostly when he was stressed, which occurred pretty often.
- Since you got together he had snapped at you a few time because of that, but he promised to work on his issues so you don’t get to suffer because of him.
- He picks up wood work to destress when he has a bit of a break and he hasn’t snapped at you ever since.
- So imagine his surprise when it is you the one that snaps at him.
- You cannot avoid it, you had loads of work and you workmates were being assholes and your boss even more. Everyone shouted at you so you shouted at Secondo.
- He had asked a pretty innocent question about the washing machine, something that he had asked before, but somehow he always forgets and you keep reminding him. But this time it bothered you more that it should. You screamed at him that he was stupid, that he didn’t put any effort into figuring out himself.
- Secondo wasn’t one to get affected by those kinds of comments, but coming from you, his beloved, it definitely pricked his heart in a way he didn’t know it was possible.
- You saw his hurt expression and regretted you actions instantly, breaking into tears in front of him.
- You apologized profusely time and time again, explaining the root of your aggressiveness towards him. That certainly softened him and made him angry at the same time.
- How dared everyone at your job to treat you in such way? You were perfect!
- He told you that there was nothing to forgive, that he understood why you had snapped. However, he made you promise that you would come to him sooner when you started feeling that way, that maybe you could carve something together.
- Later that night Secondo prepares a movie night with your favourite snacks and a marathon of your comfort movies to chill together.
- You definitely fall asleep before the first movie ends and Secondo carries you to your shared bed.
- You were so stressed that you finally shut down. You couldn’t do anything, you felt so incompetent.
- The last day you had spent it under the sheets of your bed, crying all the time, thinking that you didn’t deserve a job. Everything was piling up and you had asked for a couple of free days to drown in your own self pity.
- The break itself was not working, guilt building up for even skipping a day of work, but you could not handle being there anymore.
- Terzo had been worried about you, you were not answering your phone so he decided to visit you in person. He had a spare to you keys so he invited himself in.
- Everything was dark and cold. Being the dramatic ass that he is he imagined the worst possible scenario and called for you. He heard some rustling coming from your bedroom and grabbed a pan from you kitchen to defend himself.
- When he saw your figure curled up in bed between mugs of cold tea and used tissues he run to you, leaving the pan at the edge of the bed where it didn’t make a noise.
- He observed that you were awake so he tried to talk to you. You could do anything but hug his torso as tightly as possible.
- He didn’t say nothing more, he just caressed your greasy hear, tucking it away from you puffy face.
- Terzo sang your favourite Italian songs to calm you down and you did.
- When you felt better, you told him why you were like that, but he didn’t understand much between your hiccups and sniffles, he got the general picture though.
- He prepared a spa session for both of you, with the whole package: face masks, cucumber for your eyes, exfoliating, warm bath with rose petals, manicure and pedicure for both of you and of course a scalp massage that sent you to heaven.
- He definitely knows how to work those fingers to turn you into a puddle.
- The current Papa is always so stressed himself that you don’t want to add your own stress to his own growing pile. You fake a smile every time he asks about your job, but on the inside you are hurting so badly.
- You want to quit, you have wanted to do so for a while. Your job doesn’t bring you any joy and it is the furthest you would find to your dream job.
- Copia doesn’t know this, so when you almost collapse on him due to you overworking yourself, he is so panicked that he debates calling an ambulance.
- You recover yourself quickly and ask for a glass of water which Copia runs to fetch for you.
- He thinks you might have a very serious sickness. When he hands you the tall glass of water (which you down in one go) he sees how pale you look, the bags under your eyes, the shine of your hair is gone and you look thinner.
- He asks what is wrong while putting you on his lap and you break down. You explain everything. How you didn’t want to worry him, how everything had seemed too much lately, how you don’t want your job anymore.
- He listens attentively, but his face is one of concern. He explains that you should not stick with something if it makes you unhappy. Of course every job has bad moments, but if that is all that there is to it, it is not worth it.
- You nod and hug him tightly. Copia runs his hand through your hair, explaining how he will always be there by your side, that you can talk to him about these things, that you are not a burden or a bother.
- You laugh, you had been so blind to that. He is Copia, your Copia. Of course he would have time for you, and you for him. You wanted to do it alone, and the weight became so heavy that you sank down. Fortunately, Copia was always going to be there to pick you up.
- After that you shower together. Copia pays extra attention to all the parts of your body that look extra tense. He rubs and washes with hot water and you do the same for him in such and intimate fashion that you end up hugging under the hot stream.
- After that you eat dinner, talking about anything but work, Copia throwing his typical silly jokes. Those he knows make you laugh no matter what.
- At the end of the night, he carries you to bed and massages you with scented oils, massaging any spot that was still tense even after the shower.
- You fall asleep with your head nested on his neck, inhaling his scent and wondering how lucky you truly were of having him as your other half.
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vikkirosko · 2 years
May I please request female reader s/o taking care of her injured or overworked partner, with Alastor, Husk and Sir Pentious separately please?
Headcanons Evening care
📻 Alastor x fem!Reader 🎙
Alastor was strong enough not to be injured, but sometimes he spent too much time in the radio studio. Every time he came home late, you waited for him, realizing that he was tired and that he might need your support, both moral and physical
From the outside, it might seem that working as a radio host was quite simple, but it wasn't. Alastor cleanly returned late and very tired. His throat could hurt because of constant conversations and you were always waiting for him with hot tea. He could not eat almost all day and you were waiting for him with dinner. He could come just tired and you were always ready to hug him so that he felt warm and caring
Sometimes, when Alastor was preparing for the coming day, he could fall asleep at the table. At such moments, you would come to him, cover him with a blanket and carefully put a pillow under his head. You tried to take care of him in the few ways that were available to you in a given situation, realizing that Alastor spent a lot of effort during the day
Alastor valued your care and often told you about it. He has not felt the care of others since he got to Hell, so the warmth and comfort that you gave him were so important to him. He tried to take care of you in return, in his own unique way, but even that felt warm in your heart
🃏 Husk x fem!Reader 🥃
Husk didn't like to show his weaknesses, especially to you, but he, like others, was tired, especially after a hard day. It wasn't something he managed to hide from you, so every time you saw that he came back tired, you tried to take care of him and make at least his evening a little easier and calmer
Every time he came tired and annoyed, you were ready to listen to him by making him a cup of good tea. You understood that he had problems with alcohol, so you tried to reduce his use to a minimum at least at home
Every time he came home emotionally exhausted, you sat down next to him to listen to him. If he wasn't mentally ready to tell you about what happened to him during the day, then you just hugged him, wanting to give him the warmth and peace that he lacked. At such moments Husk usually just buried his face in your shoulder, feeling how he gradually began to relax
Husk didn't tell you about it, but he really appreciated what you were doing. He wasn't someone who could easily show his emotions, preferring rudeness, even if he didn't want it, especially when it concerned you. But he was still grateful to you for continuing to put up with him and take care of him
🐍Sir Pentious x fem!Reader 🎩
Pentious often found himself in trouble, so there were times when he came home wounded and tired. At first you were scared of his wounds, but over time you got used to it. Every time you took care of him, not wanting him to suffer from pain. Even though you were in Hell, the feeling of pain from the wounds did not disappear anywhere
He often hissed when you washed and treated his wounds. He didn't blame you for it, trying to endure unpleasant sensations, but it didn't always work out. He hoped that he didn't scare you with his hissing, but looking at your soft smile, he calmed down, confident that you weren't afraid of him
When he came tired, he immediately went to you. You hugged him, gently stroking his back and whispering to him that he worked hard today. You tried to cheer him up with words so that his day would not seem as terrible as he felt it when he returned home
Pentious knew that no matter how tired and wounded he was, you were always waiting for him, ready to help, cheer and calm him down. This was one of the reasons why he was so eager to return home. He knew that you would always be there no matter what
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cloudraker · 2 years
Hello :) I saw that requests are open so may I have romantic headcanons TFP Ratchet, Optimus prime, Arcee, Bumblebee, and Ultra Magnus with a female human s/o who is extremely intelligent, 'cause they work in the military as a mission coordinator who carefully plans ideas and strategies towards enemies, and sometimes when the kids have homework and they have a certain misunderstanding in a certain lesson, they ask s/o to help them with it and s/o is more than happy to help. (Hope this wasn't too detailed lol)
No worries, this isn't too detailed at all! The more the better tbh, gives me more to work with :D
Ratchet, Optimus, Arcee, Bumblebee, and Ultra Magnus with a military S/o
Under the cut :)
Swears up and down you're a gift from whatever god is out there listening
He admires your work ethic; while most of the bots (and humans) he works with are usually pretty good about doing what they need to do on time, it's always nice to have somebody on top of things around
Your personality was what drew him in. He's old and he's tired and having somebody that wasn't seconds away from Starting Yet Another Incident was honestly the best way to get in his good books
Though he spends most of his time at base, he's still got plenty to do and can't always help the kids with any homework they have. The first time he caught you helping them was after he had already shooed them off himself, having too much work to do to be of any actual use. Knowing that you were there when he couldn't be was a small comfort that he'd be a bit embarrassed to admit
Ever the hypocrite, he'll chastise you if he thinks you're overworking yourself. Take the opportunity to rope him into resting as well, he needs it more than he probably knows
Like Ratchet, he thinks your work ethic is admirable. As a former archivist, he's picked up some of his own tips and habits for staying on task for longer period of time, and is happy to share them with you
Your willingness to step in and help the children with their homework never fails to make him feel warm inside. To see such a simple act of kindness shouldn't make him so sentimental, but being at war for so long he's had to learn to enjoy the little things
Does his best to take any ideas you have regarding missions into consideration; he values your input greatly and makes it known as often as he can
Depending on if you do field work or not, he might offer (insist) on accompanying you to do your work. It’s a way for the two of you to spend time together as well as be productive
Girlbosses at work
As somebody who’s dedicated to the cause, she absolutely understands where you’re coming from. She’s probably one of the most understanding when work things come up and you’re not able to spend as much time together as you’d like
Like Optimus, she might insist on joining you when you’re doing field work, or she might invite you along when she does patrols
You helping with the kids is something that she takes seriously. Jack is her partner, and she wants what’s best for him. Even when she can’t be there or she doesn’t know enough about a particular subject to be much help with school work, she’s relieved he has you to fall back on
As both a fighter and a scout, she picks up quite a bit of intel when she’s out and about. While she doesn’t report directly to you, she does end up giving you a secondary report if the one you get from your superiors doesn’t have all the information
Is adamant on teaching you some form of hand to hand combat; she knows you’re a military operative and you can handle yourself, but she still worries
Honestly isn’t a huge fan of the amount of paperwork you have to do. He knows it’s necessary, but there’s just sooooo much
Like Arcee, he’s both a scout and a fighter and he also picks up a lot of intel. When making reports or filling in the others in what’s happened, he tries to wait until you’re in the room so you can hear it first hand as well
I feel like he didn’t have a lot of time to get a proper education back in Cybertron (or at least as much as he’d have liked), and isn’t the greatest help when it comes to homework. He really enjoys listening in when you’re helping the kids though! He’s curious and enjoys learning, and the fact that it’s you doing the teaching makes it all the better
Because of how much you know, it’s not uncommon for him to ask questions about seemingly random topics. It could be about something he saw on tv or something he heard somebody else talking about and he is absolutely not using it as an excuse to hear you talk, whatever do you mean?
Might try and recommend you some strategy games that the two of you can play together, seeing it as both a way for you to play together and stay sharp
Ultra Magnus
Power couple if there ever was one
Work ethic is something he views as incredibly important, and when you prove yourself over and over again by being punctual and doing good work, he might as well be head over heels
Admittedly, the idea of being in a relationship during wartime (with an organic, no less) isn’t an idea he ever entertained. However, sometimes exceptions can be made in the form of somebody who understand the importance of getting their reports in on time
As a commander, he’s almost always present when briefings and planning meetings are happening. He’s not afraid to point out any flaws he sees in your plans, and appreciates that you take the criticism in stride and into consideration for next time
Reports sometimes get sent to the both of you depending on the nature of them, and he’s not above reading them with you and considering it a date
The fact that you’re able to juggle your responsibilities as a coordinator and still have time to properly help others with their own work is just the cherry on top
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Might go on a Raihan/Leon asking spree, not gunna apologize for it lol (but I will say if it's too much then I get it and you can ignore/not do however many you want)
But to my request! Could I get Raihan/Leon x reader with a hybrid reader? With s/o being a shiney alohan Vulpix/Ninetails or zorua/zoroark hybrid? (Can't choose sorry! Blue/purple is my favorite color tho)
Can be sfw or nsfw idc, whatever you feel like writing!! Thank you!
hello again, love! shiny ninetails are so pretty!! since i've yet to write about a ninetails hybrid reader, i'll do that!!
Leon is smitten by your elegant appearance. A regal air surrounds you, and the champion is enchanted by it. He often, with your permission, just lets the silky fur of your tails drip through his fingers. It makes his hands go numb if he does it for too long, but he's addicted to the feeling. He'll help you groom your tails, should you let him
The man sleeps very hot, so he loves cuddling you during the summer. He's wrapped around you like a weighted, heated body pillow. It can be too much for you if you're not already running severely cold, but usually you both are fine if there aren't any blankets. Leon keeps away once the weather turns cold, though. He still loves you with his everything!! Just from a bit of a distance when you're out or in bed. Otherwise, he's braving the chill to give you kisses and affections, the dork
The fairy charms of your hybrid nature work wonders on him. You're Babydoll Eyes and soft pout have his resolve crumbling without much of a fight. Luckily, you only use this power when he's overworking himself. He finds it hard to resist your sad face, plus the tempting comfort of your embrace, tails wrapped around him, soft and protective. He's very much whipped for you
Raihan thinks you're absolutely gorgeous, and if you'll let him, he'll show the world how pretty you are. He'll do everything from candid selfies to DIY photoshoots, testing out all those hacks to make at home photos look like they were done in a studio or something similar. Your regal appearance, deity-like, captures the hearts of millions, and seeing all the compliments beneath your photos almost makes Raihan jealous. You're there to kiss his pout away, though
Raihan runs a little cold, so he's hesitant to cuddle you at first. But he does want to cuddle you, shower you in his affections, wrap his long body around you. So Raihan finds a work around that will keep him warm but allow you both to cuddle freely: onesies. He invests in thick, warm onesies of various types and fabrics, some even themed after Pokémon, just so he can not have to worry about getting hypothermia as he lies on top of you at night, wrapped in you tails.
Raihan also loves one particular habit you have because of your hybrid nature. Sometimes, when you accidentally get caught up with fans while out and about, you'll let things go on for a polite amount of time before you show the fans where they need to go in order to get them to leave you both alone. It makes Raihan laugh every single time, and he always teases you, especially if you get flustered about it afterwards. But he never tells you to stop, since because of your habit, he's gotten back a lot of free time during dates
I tried to make them varying, so here we are! Ninetails are gorgeous beings <3
Hope you enjoyed, sweetheart! Have a lovely day!!
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lebenspurpur · 3 years
hi! i’m not sure if you’ve already done this or if it’d make you uncomfortable, but could i please possibly request the slashers with their s/o on their period? like how they’d act about it or what they’d do for their s/o? annnnnd maybe some nsfw if you’re okay with it? thank you so much, make sure you’re not overworking yourself and you’re taking care! ❤️
Thank you! You take care as well, get some water, a snack, grab a blanket and enjoy :)
Slashers with their s/o on their period:
Warnings: undetailed NSFW, blood duh, not proofread oof (my god I never do, do I?)
Michael Myers
Michael doesn't give a shit. This is your problem, not his.
If you're really in pain during that time of the month, he'll get more aware.
He surprisingly doesn't want you to feel pain, doesn't matter because of what.
Now he wants to stop the pain but he doesn't know how. You have to initiate any kind of physical contact.
After you show him how he might heat up a hot water bottle every now and then and worldlessly place it on your stomach.
If he's feeling soft, he'll place his big, warm hands on your belly when he hugs from behind.
He really tries to make you feel better though if you don't feel any pain, he doesn't see any reason to.
Michael adores period sex. It adds to his natural desire for blood. In a way, it gets him hornier than normal sex.
He's probably the most unafraid slasher too. Michael loves your blood, no matter where it comes from.
Michael's pretty dangerous when it comes to sex though, so if you're in pain tell him, because he won't stop while you're at it.
He loves to go down on you. That might be disgusting to some, but to him, the taste of your blood mixed with your juices is the best thing on earth. And imagine him glancing up to you, eyes heavily lidded and chin covered in the red substance.
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent is the absolute sweetest when it comes to your special time of the month.
He knows exactly when it is since he wrote it in his calendar and on the day you start, he'll have pads or tampons ready for you.
Vincent gets Lester to go buy you snacks and he forces Bo to stop being annoying. At the end that's useless anyway, because the second Bo hears the words period, he's gone.
Vince knows how much your hormones can fuck up your emotions so he's always there to provide comfort. If you snap at him, he might feel a bit thrown off but he'll forgive you.
Need a hug? Just tell him. Vincent will be even more tender than he usually is, so careful as not to hurt you.
Vincent isn't disgusted by period blood but he's concerned.
That being said he's skeptical about period sex because he doesn't want to cause even more pain than you're already in.
However, he doesn't say no to fingering or going down on you.
He's fine with only giving and not receiving pleasure for the time of your period. Though he'll be relieved when you offer to repay him.
If you insist on real sex, he'll do it for you but he's so much more tender and sweet and careful. Your pleasure is the only thing important to him, especially on your period.
Bo Sinclair
I am sorry but Bo flees the second he hears period.
When he thinks about it, the only things he remembers are mood swings, no sex, and blood.
Yeah, he's not the most considerate.
It takes a while to make him stay and help you through this time. Maybe after a few years of an ongoing relationship, he'll be willing to try.
The only thing he will do if you ask him to is a message.
Bo is absolutely against sex during your period. He finds it absolutely disgusting.
However, Bo is horny and he has a high sex drive.
At the end of it, he might fuck you. After all, the blood usually eases up during the end and the other symptoms do so as well.
Sex while you're actively bleeding though? Never.
Lester Sinclair
Lester doesn't know a whole lot about periods. His mom died before she could teach him and, unlike his brother Vincent, he doesn't know anything about the human anatomy.
However, that doesn't mean he won't try to help you.
He gets advice from Bo, which he proceeds to ignore because Bo just tells him to leave. Vincent however gives him a clear explanation of how your body works and so he figures out how to help you.
Lester will make sure you're warm, with wrapped blankets around you and hot water bottles on your tummy.
Snacks will always be available and Lester will even feed you if you ask him.
Cuddles are a must. He'll gladly wrap his arms around you, Jonesy lying next to you, cuddled up next to your bodies.
At first, he doesn't even understand that things could be different during your period.
Then it hits him that the pain might make it uncomfortable for you.
Lester is totally down to have sex as long as you're fine with it.
If not, he'll be happy to pleasure himself for the time of your period.
Baby Firefly
Baby knows how shit periods can be. She'll be so understanding and considerate, trying to be the best girlfriend she can be.
Whatever it is you wish, Baby will get it for you.
As a reward, she demands the same though.
If she's on her period, she wants you to show the same consideration she showed you.
If Otis is annoying you, she'll also gladly get him to shut up.
Baby doesn't have a problem with period sex, after all, she has quite the experience with blood.
However, she knows how difficult it can be to be horny and in pain during your period.
She'll gladly not receive any pleasure and only go down on you if it makes you feel good.
Otis Driftwood
He doesn't know shit about periods.
Whenever Baby had her time of the month, he kind of just.. didn't care.
I can see him get high and then have a breakdown because he doesn't know why you're bleeding or how to stop it.
Even if you explain it to him, he won't get it.
He'll give you gifts because he's unsure of what else to do.
He... has way too much experience with kinky things to be disgusted by period sex.
As I said, if he's high, the blood could trigger a panic attack.
He won't do oral though, that's not his thing.
Otis doesn't care if you feel pain, he's a sadist. Unless it's really bad, he doesn't even acknowledge it.
Billy Loomis
He doesn't know a lot about it, but he tries his best.
If you need help in any way, he'll be there for you.
Billy will whine if you make him buy pads. He'll do so anyway because he's a simp.
His advice comes from his male friends, so he'll do the classics, buy chocolates and flowers, and provide many cuddles.
If you snap at him, he'll sulk for a bit.
He immediately thought period meant no sex. You'll have to initiate it if you're interested.
He'll push you away at first, confusedly asking about your period.
Billy isn't the biggest fan of period sex. He just doesn't quite like the idea.
His sex drive is too high to say no, so he'll fuck you anyway but he prefers it when you're not bleeding.
Stu Macher
He will be pretty clingy, trying to be the sweet boyfriend™.
He might forget about your pain over how much of a great boyfriend he is.
Stu will come back to reality when you snap at him and then he suddenly understands that periods aren't cute and wholesome at all.
He learns from that experience.
He's kind of scared now, you just don't know if it's because you're in pain or because you could snap at him again.
Stu is still supportive, he's just way more distant during that time than he used to.
Stu also didn't even think about sex during your period.
The first time he gets horny during your period it suddenly hits him. He can't just go and ask you, can he?
It'll take him a while to openly talk about the subject.
He isn't really disgusted by your blood, he just never considered it?!
Stu prefers normal sex over period sex, that way he has less to think about.
Brahms Heelshire
His mom never told him anything about periods.
He didn't even know they exist.
The first time he sees you bleed he nearly faints from worry.
Brahms needs a lot of explaining to fully understand why your body acts the way it does.
After that, he'll be very timid but supportive with his help.
Cuddles are a daily activity anyway but now he'll be more careful, tenderly caressing your tummy as he snuggles against your skin.
He might even do a few of the chores.
Pro tip: If you act like you're actually dying from how painful it is, he'll be way more compliant.
Sex is one of the first things he worries about, how could it not be.
He's kind of shy about the whole topic so the subject will only come up when he's super horny.
Brahms won't fuck you during this time, he'd probably forget about the blood and then panic when he spots it on his dick.
Oral is a must since Brahms' sex drive is extremely high.
In the beginning, he's against giving oral, but he's too aroused to care anymore after a while.
Thomas Hewitt
Being the queen she is, Luda already taught him a whole lot about female anatomy and periods.
The second he notices your bleeding, he's fully committed to showing all his support.
Thomas is there for you, doesn't matter what you need.
He's tough Y/N, neither your high emotionality nor blood can hurt him.
Tommy is so tender and caring, even more than he usually is.
He is the best slasher out there to care for you during your period.
It takes him a lot of convincing to get him to have sex with you during your period.
He's not disgusted, after all, he's been through worse. He just doesn't want you to be in pain.
You need to get him really, really riled up to get him to give in to his urges instead of ignoring them.
His sexual urges feel like a burden to him, especially during your period.
He needs a lot of time and love to understand that it's just natural and nothing to be ashamed of.
Uh oh.
Feminist Josef™ shows up.
All women are queens and for the time being, he's going to treat you like one.
Home-cooked meals, warm hugs and he'll even wash your hair!
Josef is also really interested in the anatomy of your body and why and how this whole process happens.
I can see him staring at a tampon with a child-like curiosity in his eyes.
"It just... gets bigger when it's inside?! Wow..."
He isn't concerned about sex, his sex drive is pretty low.
If you really want it, he's going to give in but he'll be extra careful.
Josef isn't disgusted by blood, he's mature enough to see it as a normal fluid your body produces.
It kind of boosts his ego, that you want him even during this time of the month.
Amanda Young
Naw, Y/N, she understands immediately.
She's a pretty busy woman but whenever she has time, her support and help are yours.
Sometimes she'll drop little gifts at your door while you're sleeping, having just come home from work.
If she has time, she'll be unnaturally clingy, cuddling up to you way more than usual.
Her temper does clash with your emotionality sometimes but she'll calm down quickly and apologize.
She's fine with no sexual contact for the time of your period.
Amanda is not disgusted by period blood, she just knows how uncomfortable your period can get.
Some soft sex is always in if you want it as well.
She won't do very rough or kinky stuff during this time, you deserve to feel loved, supported, and comfortable.
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finn-writes-stuff · 3 years
In honor of the massive heat wave that went through the pnw, could I request the lords and their S/O going through a terrible heat wave and how their responses would be to the unprecedented heat
Thank you! I always love reading your writing ♡
I know nothing about the climate of Romania, but there is snow in the game, and none of them dress properly for that, so they probably deal with heat the same way.
RE8 Lords x Reader
No specific warnings! Gender-neutral reader
Alcina Dimitrescu
Her dress is definitely made of some expensive, heavy fabric. She may look like she is fit for warmth, but she is not.
She’s run ragged trying to deal with her girls who want to go enjoy the warmth, even as she’s practically melting in the heat.
She wants to cuddle with her partner but she cannot get that close to anyone right now because then she’ll just be hotter.
You’ll hear a lot of complaining and she might drink a bit more wine than usual.
Donna Beneviento
Her outfit will absolutely make her overheat, it’s practically an oven.
The poor thing will try to just push through it, she needs some one to take care of her
Other than Angie, who can’t feel the heat and isn’t particularly observant
Donna is a bit of a hypocrite sometimes, and she’ll make sure you aren’t overheating, even as she isn’t worrying about herself.
Please take care of her, she deserves it
Salvatore Moreau
He goes fully aquatic for a while. He doesn’t have to worry about the heat when he’s at the bottom of the reservoir!
If you can’t do the same though, the cave system he’s half set up in actually keep pretty cool, and he doesn’t completely abandon you, just stays underwater when the heat’s it’s worst
He is stressing about keeping enough water in there though, he doesn’t like it when the water level gets too low
He’s the most well off out of the lords honestly, but that was to be expected.
He’ll offer to let the others swim for a bit if they’d like.
Karl Heisenberg
This man wears layers. Look at his outfit, he's got an undershirt, and a button-up, and then his jacket.
This is cause his factory fluctuates wildly in terms of temperature. Some rooms are warm, some are freezing.
The warm rooms, however, are where he spends most of his time. For example, his workshop. But he can deal with the warmth, he just works in his undershirt.
The problem arrives when suddenly, he cannot work in those conditions. There's actually a good chance that he doesn't register the heatwave until he starts complaining to someone about how warm his workshop is.
No, it's not because you're overworking your machines, it's 'cause there's a fucking heatwave.
He will try to continue working. Please do not let him, he will overheat so much and make himself sick.
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d0llpie · 4 years
You flinch during an argument
Characters: iwaizumi x reader, Kyoutani x reader,  Atsumu x reader
Angst to fluff, slightly suggestive nsfw for Atsumu
A/N: I love these boys sm and they would never hurt a fly let alone their s/o but i need some angst, some of these aren’t really arguments but yk
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Iwaizumi had a long day working with the Japan team, the players had been overworking themselves for the upcoming match meaning Iwaizumi was coming home later and later every night with no notice. Dinner was in the oven staying warm, while you sat on the couch, waiting for your boyfriend to come home. Work had been stressful and you wanted nothing more than to eat a meal with your boyfriend for once and fall asleep in his arms, forgetting all about your day. The door clicked opening signaling Iwaizumi’s return and you got up to greet him at the door. He dropped his bag and placed his shoes by the door before walking into the hallway, “mmm Haji I missed you” you wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face in the crook of his neck, sighing out in exhaustion. “Hey” he replied gruffly, moving past you further into the kitchen. Ouch, you pouted before trailing behind him. “I made us dinner, how was work?” you sat down at the bench watching Iwaizumi take out dinner from the oven, when he didn’t answer you tried again. “That game you mentioned is coming up right?, I might be able to take the day off work to come watch!” he nodded in response, starting to eat his dinner. “Hey are you okay?” you reached out to grab his hand, something small that he usually found endearing and calming just sent him off the edge. He wanted to just crawl in bed with you the second he got home, he didn’t even have the energy to talk and the simple questions you asked only made his tiredness turn to frustration. He snapped his hand back and turned sharply to you, a scowl on his face, ready to yell but the words died in his throat when he watched you flinch back and put your arms up to cover your face. His face softened and he reached out to grab your arm but you moved back instinctively and he felt his stomach drop. You really thought he would hurt you? He wanted to smack himself over the head, he was mad at himself but you took the scowl on his face and furrowed brows as a sign to leave. “Sorry, i-i’m gonna go to bed” before he could stop you, you scurried into your shared bedroom. While you got ready for bed, Iwa was downstairs doing the dishes trying to figure out how to apologize. The thought of you fearing him, or worse, leaving him made his heart break. You were about to get into bed when you heard knocking on your bedroom door. “Baby, can I come in?” you inhaled sharply before opening the door, his heart clenched at your exhausted and sad expression. Cautiously, he brought his hand to lift your chin so you were looking at him, guilt clear in his eyes “I’m sorry I was just so tired and i know that isn’t an excuse, i know it isn’t, but i would never hurt you. Ever. I’m sorry i made you doubt that” He pulled your head against his chest to try and show you how much he loved you and to hide the way his lip was quivering. “You should’ve said you were tired earlier..” you mumbled into his chest, hugging him just as tightly, craving for his touch like you had been earlier, “I know baby, I promise I will tell you next time, now c’mon let’s get some rest” he pressed a kiss to your forehead before lifting you and laying you down on the bed. He wrapped his arm around your waist as one hand stroked your hair, you could feel his heartbeat and you smiled into his chest, finally feeling relaxed. “I love you so much” he squeezed your waist, “love you too haji..” you whispered, drifting to sleep in your boyfriend’s arms. 
“Who is she ‘tsumu?” this wasn’t the first time a news article had tried to make a story out of Atsumu and some random girl but the photo attached this time of some random girl looking far to comfortable next to your boyfriend in some club made your blood boil. “For fuck’s sake i don’t know, she’s probably some fan i don’t even know ‘er name!” He exclaimed angrily, only spurring you on further “Oh really? You look pretty cozy, she might as well be sitting in your lap!” You’d never gotten this heated over stupid rumors like these, you knew Atsumu loved you, maybe it was your own insecurity coming out, the girls long legs and perfect figure only angering you even more. You never payed much mind to ‘tsumu’s fan girls but seeing someone so pretty next to your athlete boyfriend, looking so natural and right only made it hurt that much more. “How am i supposed to believe you weren’t out hooking up with her when i wasn’t even at that party!” you were screaming now, you’d have to apologize to your neighbors later. “Is that what you think!” He slammed his fists against the bench, yelling back louder with an angry scowl on his face. You jumped back as his fist connected with the stone bench and he relaxed his brows. You made to move past him but he caught your wrist. “Wait y/n-” his voice was much softer now but you didn’t meet his gaze. “Do ya really think i care about some random girl when i have you to come home to every night?, I don’t need or want anybody else, I didn’t even recognize her when i saw ‘er picture i swear. “ He was rubbing circles on the top of your hand, one hand now on your waist. “Babe, look at me will ya’, i’ll show you how much i want you n no one else, c’mere” He pulled you into a kiss, it was sloppy and rushed, trying to release all the tension from the fight into it. “Let’s go upstairs m’kay? I love you.” he smirked at you as you nodded. 
Oikawa had texted you, telling you to come to the gym in hopes that you could calm down Kyoutani who was more violent than usual at training. You packed up your things on your desk before heading over to the gym. When you walked inside you saw Yahaba yelling in Kyoutani’s face while he looked just about ready to murder someone. Oikawa was standing behind Iwaizumi who was looking over at you expectantly. Usually once Kyoutani noticed your presence he visibly became more relaxed but he only spared you a glance before glaring at Yahaba. He grabbed him by the collar and lifted Yahaba slightly, pulling back his other fist ready to punch him. You ran over and grabbed his arm but instead of putting his arm down he shoved you off of him and you hit the floor. “Kyoutani,” Iwaizumi scolded him, walking over and yanking Yahaba away from him, he grunted before turning to see you on the floor. His expression quickly dropped and he bent down to help you up but to his horror you flinched back and whimpered. Kyoutani had always felt lucky to have you, you were so patient with him in your relationship and he had no idea what he did to deserve someone like you. He was always scared of losing you but he had never meant to scare you and seeing you so visibly shaken up because of him made him feel completely lost, his chest clenching and throat tightening. “Y/N i-” you stood up and began to walk out of the gym as the team watched silently. “Wow maddog this is-” “Cut it out yahaba” Iwaizumi cut him off gruffly. Kyoutani ran out of the gym and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind tightly. “Kyou, let me go.” You struggled against him but he only held you tighter. “Please, don’t” His voice cracked and you stopped struggling, turning to face him. “Y/n, don’t. Don’t go please.” he was desperate, you’d never seen him like this and it was quite shocking, “Kyou what happened?” you looked him in the eyes, tears forming in his own. “Just, please, i’m sorry i swear, don’t go.” His hold on you felt desperate as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. “I’m not going anywhere but what happened in there?” You brought his face out of your neck and rubbed your thumb against his cheek. “Just let me hold you, i’m sorry, I love you.” Your eyes softened and you nodded before pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose, you could talk later, right now he needed to hold you and know you were there and not leaving him, afterall you were always so patient with him. 
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dootdootwriting · 3 years
Hello! Congratulations on 600+ followers! If it's alright, can I ask for E, G, H, L, N, O, P, V, W, Y, and Z for Diluc? And I am sorry if the formatting of my ask is incorrect. You don't have to make the request if you are too busy or anything, but I do appreciate you taking the time to read this! Thank you and have a good day!
600+ event!!
no worries anon, ur formatting is perfectly fine! (under the cut for length)
e,g,h,l,n,o,p,v,w,y,z of the fluff alphabet with diluc; gn reader; no warnings
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E-Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or rather passive?)
- diluc tends to be more dominant since he has very strong opinions on things sometimes; however, your input is always always listened to and kept in mind whenever he makes a decision that might affect you.
G-Gratitude (how grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?)
- he's very grateful. he knows how difficult it can be since he's at work so often (and since he can also often be in different dangerous situations) and while he's not always the best at expressing emotions he always makes sure to let you know just how much you mean to him.
H-Honesty (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
- diluc is honest to the point of being blunt sometimes,, it's important for him to let you know how he's feeling or he's afraid he'll come off as cold. it'll take him a while to warm up to you but once he's comfortable around you he doesn't like to keep secrets.
L-Love confession (how would they confess to their s/o?)
- he confesses to you late at night, after hours when the angel's share is closed. he told charles he'd clean up, so he did, with you keeping him company. he made a bad joke, you laughed, you made a bad joke in return, and he decided it was time to tell you.
N-Nicknames (what do they call their s/o?)
- diluc is a sucker for the classic nicknames. darling, dear, my love, etc
O-On cloud nine (what are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
- he hides it pretty well actually! he takes some time to himself when he realizes he's in love as it sort of creeps up on him, and then once he does come to terms with it he decides to take it slow and one step at a time. the first step is getting closer to you, so people might notice him being more social than usual, but that's about it.
P-PDA (how are they with PDA? is it fun to them or are they more reserved with their affection?)
- he's more reserved with pda, and to be honest anything so much as a peck on the cheek will have him blushing if you guys are in public. he'll hold your hand but that's about as far as he'll go... he's shy.
V-Value (how important is the relationship to them? What is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?).
- diluc puts a lot of value on your relationship. you mean a lot to him, and he doesn't really like to think about how he would rank you in comparison to the other parts of his life. well, not all of them. he loves you a whole lot more than the knights of favonius!
W-Wild card (a random fluff headcanon?)
- when diluc gets home from work he takes off his coat and lets out the biggest sigh you've ever heard and those are his best hugs
Y- Yearning (how will they cope when they are missing their partner?)
- when you're gone diluc will throw himself into his work. if he can distract himself, maybe he won't miss you so much? wrong. all he can think about is your voice telling him not to overwork himself... archons help him until you get home
Z-Zeal (are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
- so the word zeal for this is a little weird because diluc is not a guy who has much zeal for anything. HOWEVER, he will go to great lengths for the relationship. if he needs to take a week or so off of work to spend time with you, he will do it.
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saksukei · 4 years
ushijima wakatoshi as a boyfriend
part 2 | others; tsukkishima | tanaka | kuroo | oikawa
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best boy pls protect I will cry
he's the cutest!!!
he will literally has no clue about dating but he does what tendou tells him to do
and quiet often he messes up because he really has not done this before and tendou needs to be more specific,,, like when tendou told him to take you out on a date
he did take you out on a date
except,,,, to? the? gym?
but you know he's trying and he's so sweet,,,
but usually dates consist of late night walks where he's listening to you rant about your day,,, watching some disney movies at home,, going out for a hike,, beach dates whenever he's free
which reminds me,,
he gets so shy when you kiss him!! like literally,,,, if you ever pepper his face with kisses he'll get red and be like “thank you for kissing me.”
he loves it when you pat his head
if you're shorter than him and you stand up on like a chair or a sofa and do it, he'll melt omg
and if you're as tall or even taller, he'll get so giddy that you've pat his head because tbh no one has had the balls to do so
he initiates skin ship at the most random times, literally,,,,
his favorite is linking pinkies tho because it's so subtle and cute!! a fuckin simp he is
uses traditional pet names like, ‘darling’ ‘sweetheart’ ‘flower’
if you call him ‘toshi’ or ‘baby’ MY MANS WILL BE LIKE PUTTY IN YOUR HANDS ISTG
he loves working out with you tho and boy does he get shy when you watch his matches
he doesn't show it
but he gets so happy when you cheer for him cause he really loves your support
this man
does not know what the fuck they are
but because he wants to make you happy, he will agree
so everybody thinks ushijima will probably not be an expressive person in a relationship, which, yeah it's true
but I think he'll have the ability to read what's going on in his partner’s mind
like if you're sad,
he'll start cooking dinner without a word, hug you, draw patters on your skin, let you hold him for as long as you want
if you're angry
he'll give you your space until you're ready to talk about it
he geniunely likes the fact that he can let his guard down with you and trust you completely
but it takes some time
he won't open up that easily because he's afraid that something bad might happen and the only thing that's been a constant in his life is volleyball
but when he does,,,, it's so worth it gosh
he'll crack smiles more often and might even let out a hearty laugh oh boy
he'll teach you volleyball
he'll let you playfully fight with him and will let you win,,,, he's also very scared of his strength because he thinks he might break you
It doesn't even matter if you're as strong or ripped as him
my mans is still scared he'll break you, so he is very gentle
he slowly learns how relationships go tho, he hasn't been in one so it takes a while to adjust
fights aren't common
they usually are over him not being able to give time to the relationship or overworking himself
and yeah he does get angry when you say that he needs to take care of himself
because he knows that
but he apologizes right after the fight, saying he'll try to be more careful
also just! run! your! hand! through! his! hair!
he will die
he loves it
so much
also he's so warm,,,, like a literal heater, legit you're set in the winters
does also not get why you simp for his arms, chest and veins
but he does secretly flex ;) bec it makes his s/o happy
also does not know how to take pictures or selfies pls but he'll try,,, he has a very dead instagram account but he only uses it to like pictures of you
all in all, he's super fuzzy and warm,,, best boyfriend would recommend 10/10
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sweetleaf-cafe · 3 years
"Hello hello! I would like to request Louis Amamiya and Default!Male Protagonist (seperate) Mocha biscuits please! <Relationship headcanons please with a human s/o who dearly loves them and had even asked them to drink their blood from their neck at one point if they need it? Many thanks~"
Hi-hi~! Sorry, we don't write for Default!Male Protagonist, as we lack the information to really feel comfortable writing for him. As for writing for Louis, thank you so much for requesting for our best boi!!! He deserves all the love and headpats in the world.
Your mocha and biscuits for Louis Amamiya from Code Vein are served!
Louis Relationship Headcanons
First off, he's going to feel like he doesn't deserve someone as wonderful as you in his life.
But you won't let him get away with saying that and always remind him of all the reasons why you don't care about the notion of whether he "deserves" you or not and love him anyway.
Each time you do, he'll get a tiny bit flustered and shy, and he'll get a warm feeling in his heart.
But at the same time, a pang of worry and guilt will continue to rest in his mind.
Given time, however, he can feel those feelings fade, just a bit.
Louis won't see you as below him, despite you being a human.
Still, he will worry for you, as humans don't have the physical capabilities that a revenant holds.
You'll be able to notice it in his hesitance to bring you along on missions, and when you do, he'll keep a closer eye on you.
If you do prove to be a great fighter or thinker anyway, he'll be a little less cautious.
Still, it won't be able to leave Louis' mind that if something happens and you get severely injured or die, you won't be able to come back.
And if you aren't a fighter, he'll be extremely hesitant to bring you into any potentially dangerous situation.
Louis will also not want to act too overprotective or make you feel like he's controlling you.
So unless you try or want to do something that could end up being really dangerous, he'll only strongly advise caution.
He's afraid of losing you, he's afraid of losing his memories of you.
But each time, you always remind him that you'll stay with him as long as you can and that if he does forget, you'll still be there for him.
When you're back at the base, he'll often be working on something, but will always try to take some time to spend with you.
Sometimes, these moments are just talking about whatever comes to mind.
These conversations can be anything from small bits of chatter to excited rambling over a book.
And the way his eyes light up when he starts talking about a favorite book is literally the most precious thing in the universe and must be protected.
Normally, he's quite calm and speaks in that manner.
But when he's excited over something you can hear it in his voice, he'll speak just a tiny bit faster, Louis will have this adorable smile.
But oftentimes, they'll be rather quiet.
He'll hold or close, sometimes just thinking or even reading a beloved book.
Either way, Louis will cherish any time he gets to spend with you.
When he's around you, everyone nearby can sense the companionship between you both.
He'll always be just a bit softer and gentler with you.
Of course, everyone is going to bring it up, just to tease him. And boy does he get flustered easily...
At first, when Yakumo mentions how he looks happy when you're around, he'll try to brush it off.
But Yakumo can and will leave him a blushing mess.
And if you're nearby and are easy to tease, he'll leave you both incredibly embarrassed.
It really doesn't matter if you're in a relationship or not, Louis will get flustered if people bring up both your... romantic intentions.
Still, he's just adorable when he's flustered, so you don't particularly mind.
If you ever ask him to drink your blood, he'll refuse.
Louis doesn't want to hurt you, moreover, the taste itself is different, addictive.
He doesn't want to risk it if he doesn't have to.
Either way, he really does appreciate the sentiment, and will always let you know how much he does.
If there is a time where he risks joining the lost without your blood or if you tell him you would really like him to, he'll hesitantly drink from you.
But only if you are completely okay with it.
He'll pull you in close to him, more carefully than usual.
The moment that he senses any nervousness, pain, or anything like that, he'll pull away.
He'll be rambling out apologies as he puts an awkward distance between the two of you.
If you don't calm him down, he'll speed walk off as fast as he can without outright running and will probably avoid you for the next few hours.
And of course, Yakumo is going to be groaning in the background.
If you happen to be in a dangerous location, he'll stay close to you, but you can practically hear the gears turning frantically in his head.
If it goes off without a hitch, he'll pay close attention to not drain too much blood from you.
The entire time, you'll be able to feel how tense he is against you, as he's afraid of losing control.
A.K.A. he's afraid of losing you or scaring you away.
Once he's finished, as long as you're in a safe environment, he'll likely want to stay in the same position.
He'll be rather quiet, mulling over what just happened.
Once he's snapped out of it, he'll go to find bandages as well as supplies to make sure it doesn't get infected.
He'll ask to take care of the wound himself, as he was the one who inflicted it.
As Louis does so, he'll thank you for doing that for him.
The first time, afterward, he'll be a little more cautious around you and will be mentally checking in on your wellbeing, making sure there were no aftereffects.
And he won't ever ask you to do so again, but secretly, he really enjoyed the feeling of being so close and doing something so intimate with you.
When it comes to affection, you can really see it in the way he looks out for you.
If he sees something that reminds him of you or knows you'd be interested in, he'd be sure to tell you about it or give it to you.
Each time, you'd find him searching your reactions, looking to see what sorts of things interested you more than others.
Half the time, he wouldn't really do this consciously, even after you start dating.
But either way, he'd be doing it anyway.
And another thing he'll do after you're in a relationship is to generally be touching you in some way.
It makes him feel close to you and reminds him that you're there.
Often, he'll sit closer to you, or even let you use him as a pillow.
Did I mention he's the absolute best pillow one could ask for?
He might be reading something aloud to you, talking, or just thinking and you end up falling asleep on him.
It'll take him a moment to notice, as he's probably wrapped up in what he's doing.
But when he does, his heart is going to melt.
How?!?! How are you so adorable?!?!?
The entire time, he'll be careful not to move, and would definitely sneak a few glances at your sleeping face.
He literally can't help himself.
Louis will also gently stroke your hair.
No matter what it's like, he loves it, and it really calming for him. If he needs to wake you up, it'll be gentle.
He'll probably lightly shake your shoulder and softly call your name a few times.
If you're a deep sleeper, then he'll progressively get more forceful until you're awake.
And if he falls asleep on you, it's probably because he's managed to overwork himself again, and needs the sleep.
As much as he mothers over everyone else, he'll often find himself neglecting his own needs.
So he'll need you to remind him to actually take care of himself.
If you do, then he'll be eternally grateful.
Still, if he does fall asleep on you, he'll actually be pretty quiet.
He might snore ever so slightly and it's actually pretty cute when he does.
Louis also likely gets nightmares.
When he's in a nightmare, he'll thrash around or cry out names in his sleep.
And at worst, he'll cry.
At this point, it is best to wake him up.
Once he's awake, he would thank you and would likely delve back into dark thoughts.
He'll probably either want some space or would be extra clingy.
It really depends on the dream, so it can go either way.
Overall, he's best boi and best bf, 20/10 would recommend.
Literally, who gave him the right to be so precious?!
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hanazou · 3 years
hello,, I’ve been feeling down lately and a loved one of mine recently has passed away...
if you are comfortable with it may I request a scenario of Atsushi and Chuuya comforting their s/o who were grieving over a death of a loved one? ;0 thank you I love your blog 💖💖
𝙘𝙝𝙪𝙪𝙮𝙖 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙜𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙛
Books : Chuuya | Atsushi
Genre : Comfort, romance
Category : Headcanons, short scenario
Shelves : Hardback | Paperback
Warning : Description of grief
Note : I am deeply sorry for your loss. I can’t do emergency requests but I tried to get this one out as fast as I could. I could only do short scenarios of this so I added headcanons, I hope this is alright. Once again, my condolences and please stay strong.
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Chuuya has to ask you a couple of worried questions before it strikes him what you’re dealing with.
He will be on the verge of panicking when he first hears the bad news, worse if you're the one that has to tell him what happened. He instantly undergoes flashbacks from experiencing something like this himself and he fears that your coping with the grief might harm you.
If you can’t afford to talk to him like you usually do, he understands.
He stands/sits next to you, arms crossed, occasionally glancing at you to see if there’s any change in your stance, expression, anything.
He avoids staring at you directly in concern that you'd become pressured by him.
He’s ready to catch you if your legs fail you
Holds the top of your head lightly yet firmly. If you don’t show signs of protesting, he’d slowly pull you closer to his neck.
Getting physically affectionate is his prime card to comfort you, but before anything, he takes off his gloves so he won’t dirty you.
His fingers move kind of unevenly and feel rough, but that’s how you can feel his desire to support you
If you can’t stop crying or on the verge to go on a complete mental breakdown, he immediately collides his body against yours as tight and strong as he could.
If your legs give up, he drops down with you in his arms instead of keeping you standing with his ability and he’ll clutch your face close when you both land on the floor.
If you won’t hug him first, he’ll pull you to him. He forces your face down his shoulder so you’d grieve as much as your heart can empty while his hand brushes your back up and down.
“Cry as long as you need,”
Words, as I’ve once said, isn’t his speciality, but he tries regardless. He wants to make sure that you know you aren’t alone, that you have him with you.
He doesn’t talk as much but his distressed expression stays as long as he’s with you.
“You can take it out on my shoulder, you know,” He hesitates a bit, unsure if he sounds too rough.
If you can’t stop crying, he pats your shoulder, only knowing how to say “There, there” since he thinks it’s better than saying nothing at all. Chuuya thinks you need to hear him being there.
Chuuya squeezes through his tight schedule to make time for you.
He negotiates as best as he could with Mori to give him as much time off as possible.
If it’s impossible to take a week off, he goes full rampage in his job with the thought of you in his head motivating him to finish everything as soon as possible, making a mess where he goes.
If someone gets in his way, Chuuya shouts, "I've got someone more important to see, you punk!" while blasting them away.
He always brings food and drink over and makes sure you eat. He spoon-feeds you if necessary. He isn’t the cleanest but him wiping your face clean makes up for that.
"Come on, babe, you gotta eat," Chuuya says. "They won't like seeing you grieving like this, so eat, yeah? For them?"
If the emotions exhaust you to sleep, he sits against the wall and pulls you to him so you’d sleep against his body, making sure his limbs are around you so you’d never feel the loss of pressure around your body.
If it's cold, he wraps you with a blanket and occasionally touches your fingers to know whether you're staying warm or not.
Since Chuuya’s goal is to make sure you don’t feel alone or abandoned as I’ve mentioned, he does everything to solidify his presence.
He calls often if he has to be away, he sends food delivery, leaves short sticky notes, and sends voice messages.
It’s noticeable he doesn’t know what to say and even more obvious that he wants to keep reaching out to you.
Chuuya tries to strike a light and brief conversation once in a while. He’s disturbed by your uncharacteristic silence, it scares him.
“Do you want some takoyaki?” He’d ask randomly. The anxiety on his face never wavers away.
He does any activity that comes to mind when he stays at your place, but regardless of what he does, he’s never more than three feet away from you.
Always, without fail, kisses you good morning and good night on the forehead regardless he stays at your place or not.
Or if you're not opposed to it, Chuuya wants to take you to his place. He may still have to go to work, but something doesn't feel right about leaving you alone for so long in a place he's not too familiar with. At least in his space, you're constantly reminded you're not alone and that you're there because you're never abandoned.
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Like a strayed ship in a storming ocean, your emotions are the waves storming your damaged vassal of conscience to the point that even looking forward to sunray from the bleak sky of endless cloud sounds mythical, making speaking a heavy chore. You’ve been exhausting yourself to sleep, soaking everything with your tears until it no longer comes out. It’s frustrating, it’s turbulent, so active in making you passive. Your tears run out but not the multiple stabs around your heart. Your voice leaves you but not the intensity or the transparency of hurt on your face.
It feels impossible, fictional, but if it were, then you aren't supposed to have your heart cauterized. It's the reminder of the bitter truth you're grappling against accepting.
If they had to go, why not bring the pain with them? Why do they have to leave you fractured, incomplete, empty, by transcending away while you stay behind, only able to watch them shrink somewhere unreachable?
Why do pieces of you have to be chipped off your already fragile soul, leaving holes in your essence? Why leave many pieces behind, why leave you alone?
“Hey,” A voice zaps your mind back to your head.
You remove your face from your wrinkled, moist, and sweaty palms, everything in front of you foggy from the swelling of your eyes. You still wear your dark clothes, unable to find the heart to change into something new, something brighter, after the sudden tragedy strikes. It was not, and still not is, in your capability to even stand up to eat.
Chuuya’s oddly timid and soft-sounding voice for this week is what makes you feel something other than rocking instability.
Slightly opening your eyes to see him, his figure before you hurts your eyes from how colourful he is. His face appears like a messy mix of vibrant paint, his orange hair, blue eyes and fair skin, and dark clothes sticking out from the stale background behind him.
A pair of silver keys, ones that unlock your door, stand out from his black-gloved hand from beneath his tightened fist. He puts it in his pocket and takes your hands, forcing you to stand and steadies your arms when your knees wobble.
"Have you eaten the lunch I had delivered here?" He pats off the dust from your shoulders and arms, his vibrant face still paining your swollen eyes.
Your eyes roll to the untouched paper bag on the table. You figure Chuuya’s eyes follow because of the stifled sigh he holds in.
"Babe, come on…"
"I can't," is what you try to say, although with your dry throat, it comes out like scorched empty words. "I'm sorry, I know you picked it with great care and thoughts so I'd eat, but I just can't, not when—" You catch a coarse breath. "Not when I'm like this, I can't yet."
"Still don't want to talk about it?" His voice squeezes. "You can't keep it in forever, you know, and you really shouldn't."
With your blurry vision, you figure that his arms extend open. A weak ‘what?’ is all you can hoarsely ask.
“Saying nothing, skipping meals and not drinking.” He says sourly. “Let out your grieve like how it should be done. That's what they'd want too."
Your tears make a reappearance at either a bad or perfect timing, depends on how you tilt your head to see it. They prickle your eyes, some rushing down your face.
“Come here,” Chuuya says, perhaps frowning from the way his voice changed.
Your eyes close slowly before opening again, your puffed eyelids troubling you from keeping your eyes opened. “I don’t think I can,” You sound like an overworked opera singer. “If I hug you, I won’t be able to let go and I might suffocate you without meaning to.”
You think Chuuya makes a sound of annoyance until a force smashes your body forward, lunging your face against him. The brief faint glow of orange earlier helps you process that he used his ability on you to bring you to him. Now his arms trap you in him, your forehead strongly weighted on his shoulder.
“Then suffocate me,” His muffled voice says from behind your head, one of his hands taking your arm to hold his body. “I’m always here.”
Your hands stretch his shirt with your tight clasp as you feel yourself getting lost in the waves. The turbulence crashes out from within you as you incoherently cry on Chuuya’s stable body, him becoming your guaranteer in the midst of the rocking forces that threaten your balance. His rigid arms support your weight as you wail out, ensuring that the waves don’t sweep you away, somewhere unreachable from him. He secures you, letting you explore the storm’s rolling waves while still grounding you safe.
“I’m here,” The soft wind in the storm grazes your ear. “I promise.”
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Atsushi is one of the most sympathetic and empathetic people you could ask for when it comes to comfort you through your grief.
He’s nowhere oblivious to someone who’s hurting. He recognizes what kind of pain you’re going through and it doesn’t take him too long to identify what you’re feeling and the intensity of it although he can’t process it into words.
Atsushi is so worried sick for you that he has trouble thinking straight and his breaths get faster.
He’s really anxious about you feeling left behind or abandoned.
He makes sure that you don’t doubt that your beloved one who has to leave earlier definitely loves you.
It breaks him if you think of things such as disappointing them, unable to fulfil their wishes, etc.
Atsushi can feel your hurt as if it’s his own, and because of his heightened emotional senses, he’s quick to jump in to support you. It’s instinctive.
He’s at first hesitant to touch you, let alone comfort you with his embrace, so he starts with generic sentences like “I’m so sorry” and “You can lean on me” while offering his empty shoulder
It’s challenging for him, but Atsushi is persistent to comfort you with his words before he touches you.
He insists on speaking before holding you around him.
Atsushi validates your feelings by putting his guesses of how you’re currently feeling into words. He’s not the best with words so he’ll struggle to pick his vocabulary, but the things he says are mostly true.
“I’m sorry you have to feel like your heart is becoming stiff,”
“If you feel like everything around you is empty, I’m still here,”
When he does get to the point where he feels that physical touch can help you, Atsushi is very tender.
He starts with wiping your tears away until your cheeks are drier and offers you tissues. He’ll help you blow your nose
He removes the hair sticking to your face and wipes your face until you’re dry
He hugs you like he's the one broken; putting his face on your shoulder, arms hanging from your neck. It's because that he fears that you might get as hopeless as him. He dreads for that for that happen so he holds you with the strongest Affirmation he can give.
"I'm with you, I'll always be," He keeps repeating while he hugs you.
Touches your fingers most of the time and squeezes your hand
Atsushi fights tooth and nail to get several days off to stay with you in your place. He’ll have a whole speech prepared so he can convince Fukuzawa and Kunikida
He’ll spend the morning bargaining with Fukuzawa in his office after giving Kunikida a 15 minute TED talk about how badly he can empathize with your loss and how he’s rock certain you need his company
He asks Kyouka to help him make your food that’s easy to digest for the stomach, like soup and porridge. You can best bet that she’s going to add some tofu to it.
“Kyouka-chan helped me make this fish soup,” Atsushi presents you the bento boxes, unwrapping the cloth. “Let’s eat, okay? You have to keep your stomach filled. I’ll help you.”
If he’s unable to spend the night at your place, Atsushi makes sure to arrive at 6 am sharp every day to check on you, and the earliest he’ll leave is around 8 o’clock
He cleans your place every day diligently and does an excellent job at it. Doing the dishes, cleaning the floor, making sure the sink is clean and ensures the bathroom floor isn’t slippery. He doesn’t want an untaken care living space to worsen your emotional state.
Despite always bringing fresh food, Atsushi makes sure to cook fresh batches of rice to eat with anything he delivers so if you miraculously want to eat something, you’ll have something to consume.
If he has to leave for a while, he surrounds you with plush toys. If you don't have any, he borrows Kyouka's bunny plushies collection and arranges them around you, your pillow, the corner of your bed, and on your blanket.
Atsushi never wants you to forget that your loved one loves you. He does everything in his power to remind you everyday that although they're gone, the love they have for you will eternally stay with you and that nothing can ever change that.
He hugs you while verbally reminding you of that.
His hugs always lasts a long while if you're not uncomfortable with it. He can stay long minutes in that position.
Or he sits/lays down next to you in silence, doing absolutely nothing. He's anxious about the quietness himself so his fingers are always near yours.
Words of affirmation randomly comes out. Sometimes he talks about his personal experience to encourage you that everything will be alright, sometimes he tells you the reasons to his belief why your loved one's love for you preserves through all.
He keeps his talks motivational and faithful for the future. Sometimes he'd quote the things Dazai had said to him, filtering out the nonsense if necessary, or the things he always told himself in hope for a brighter tomorrow.
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A breathing doll has been haunting your room for a week. It blinks, it moves, it can be spoonfed, but nobody at a glance would argue that it lives. It’s a doll. Calling it an undead is more generous than calling it a doll because of the existing needs. A doll sits inanimately, breathes at the bare minimum, and is devoid of wants and needs.
It’s the perfect status to illustrate how corpse-like you’ve been living like for this week. Your stone-cold face, just as cold fingers, eyes that barely shift, dried mouth and chapped lips make it a challenge to have you described as something living. To even use the word ‘live’ to describe you is contradictory and to hear the word ‘live’ suffocates your throat and clamps your once functioning heart. The indescribable pain mutes you, paralyzes you, turning you doll-like.
A broken doll, you are, once full, once living and moving until the one you love had to bid life farewell first without warning.
One tireless and loyal white-haired boy frequents you every day, bearing food and water to make sure the living doll in your room doesn’t fade into the cold. Cobwebs would have formed between your arms and your bed if he didn’t clean you off the filth you don’t bathe away, your nerves have been too dormant for you to feel filthy.
A bright white figure shifts around in front of you like a poltergeist. You pay it no mind. This isn't the first or second time you're seeing things that aren't there, or rather, someone who isn't supposed to be here. Your cluelessness to cope with the grave reality seems to have driven your brain on autopilot, it seems that this time it decides to give you a hallucination so you'd have someone to cling to.
A sudden snap startles your eyes to open wider, albeit without focus. Something black was in front of you, it had five branches and moves so... humanly. Like it's real. You trace it back to the white hallucination in front of you and it takes you a while to realise that you aren't hallucinating. The white haired boy who has been frequenting your place is here again today.
"Atsushi..." His name falls emptily through your teeth.
Atsushi’s mouth opens and his lips move in accordance. His face wrinkles to the centre. The inconsistent pressure he applies around your cold hand before holding you as tight as now tells you of how fragile he knows you are.
His mouth opens again familiarly. You shift your eyes to him without any effort to listen through the incoherent sound.
When his lips move for the third time, you figure out he has been calling your name. You blink twice and his chest deflates with a long exhale.
“You’ll pull through,” His hold around your hand boldens as he grit his teeth. “They had to depart first but they did so while loving you. You're loved, they love you. You can use that to push on, their love for you lives on and so do your memories of them.”
He observes you with high intensity as if expecting you to speak. You notice the disappointment when all your eyes do is gaze hollowly through him. You think he breathes in a sob from the sudden squeak he makes.
Your eyes lazily roll to follow your hand Atsushi lifts to put against his face. “I’m with you, I'll always will be. You’re not alone, you’re not alone, you’re not alone.” He chants. “You’re never alone, you’re never alone.”
He brings your hand down against his chest. Something beats inside to hammer you the reminder that it will never stop thrumming. The warmth reminds your nerves of something. It feels contagious, bringing you recollecting something you used to feel often.
“I promise, I promise, I promise,” Atsushi hurriedly says, “I’ll always be here for you.”
Like a mantra, his words deliver the familiar sensation his chest makes you feel to your essence. After your slowed blink, you tilt down your head and tilt back up, repeating that movement until it’s fitted to be called a nod. Atsushi heaves a breath out and pulls your hand to get between his arm and side until your upper body drops against his.
“They watch over you, I promise,” His hand holds your head as you passively breathe on his shirt. "Anytime and anywhere, they're with you, and so am I.” He says airily. "You're never alone and never will be. They're with you and I'm staying forever, you'll never see your side empty, I promise they watch over you, I promise, I promise, I promise,"
Your head tilts to the side, giving more space to breathe. His solid body exudes more of the feeling you don’t realize you crave. It reaches your throat eventually, nourishing you with words you once lost.
"Thank you," You whisper.
A living doll you temporarily are but not forever, and most certainly, a loved human you are for as long as the memory of your beloved and Atsushi keep you close to them.
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© all rights reserved to hanazou. do not repost, modify, or claim any of my works as your own.
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realcube · 4 years
comfort with the haikyuu!! boys hcs 💝
characters: kenma, bokuto, ushijima, tsukishima, akaashi
thanks to anon for the request (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
ALL AGED UP! (no mature themes though) (i just like the post-timeskip domestic dynamics)
tw// hurt! reader, swearing, mentions of death, fluff, angst if you squint
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Kenma Kuzome
bb has cat senses so he can tell when you’re sad
he can also tell bc you do the exact same thing he does when he’s sad, which is cuddle underneath blankets in bed, play animal crossing and blare lo-fi music to conceal your faint sobs
so when he walks into your shared room and notices you wrapped up in blankets on the bed, he does his best to suppress a snicker whicH HE FEELS SO BAD FOR HAVING IN THE FIRST PLACE
like he knows you’re sad but a part of his mind is just like ‘heh, (y/n) burrito.’ like you just look sO FKN CUTE!!
anyway, the first thing he always does when you’re down is approach you on the bed, sneak under the blankets and join to you to become a (y/n) & kenma burrito 
also, he might turn the speaker off depending on how loud the music is lol but if it’s at an okay volume then he’ll just leave it on and vibe with you for a bit as he desperately wracks his brain, trying to come up with something reassuring to say 
you usually comes up with the something basic like, ‘what’s wrong?’ but i mean, you don’t really mind - at least he’s making an effort and you know it must be difficult for him to think of things to say lol
depending on how sad you are, you might just tell him straight-up what happened or you might text him bc you don’t think you’ll be able to choke out an answer without bursting into tears again
then he’ll ask you if you want to be alone and act accordingly 
assuming that you say ‘no’ bc you want his presence, he’ll just recollect on the last time you comforted him while he was down and mimic it tbh
..you always comfort him so well 🥺 and whenever you console him, he always feels so much better so he just thought that maybe if he imitates you, then it’ll work just as well
so he started off by resting his head on your shoulder and whispering kind things in your ear just like you did to him, ‘you know i love you, right?’ , ‘i hope you feel better soon’, ‘do you want me to bring you some food?’
he’ll seriously do everything in his power to make sure that you’re as comfortable as possible 
and he’ll stay as a (y/n) & kenma burrito until you feel better or until the sun rises  ( *^-^)ρ(*╯^╰)
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Kōtarō Bokuto
i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again - he’s such an empath and so overdramatic
so when he comes home from work and you don’t run up to the door to give him hugs & kisses- he’s about to burst into tears himself
emo-mode engaged :(
his hair deflates as he pounces on you and wails, ‘(Y/N)! WHY ARE YOU CRYING?! ARE YOU OKAY?! WHO HURT YOU?!’ (ಥ _ ಥ)
and the bitch dives on you while you are under the blanket, essentially scaring and suffocating you 
‘bokuto, get off me!’ you shrieked, wriggling out of his grip and out from under the blanket
 when he notices you had escaped the blanket with tear-stained cheeks, he felt even worse 
he threw himself into your arms, howling, ‘(Y/N)!! I AM SO SORRY!’
at this point all the blood had rushed to your head and you had kinda forgotten that you were sad for a moment or two
‘bo! you should know you’re own strength by now.’ you muttered, rubbing the underneaths off your puffy eyes
‘I KNOW!’ he wailed once more, burying his face into the crook of your neck
you sighed while rubbing his back, unable to supress a slight giggle, ‘bokuto..’ 
there was ages of silence between the two of you before he pulled away to look you in the eyes and asked, ‘(y/n), why were you crying before i got here?’
you’d explain the issue to him and he’d do everything in his power to solve it because the way he sees it, why should he try console you when he can just fix the variable that’s making you sad in the first place?
like, if you were just fired from your job, he’ll go full karen and he will call corporate to demand for your job back if you don’t stop him
or if your loved one died, he’ll become a fkn medium or study resurrection
or if you’re just stressed from exams/tests, he’ll just be like ‘why do you need to go to uni anyway?’
‘so i can get a qualification.’
‘why do you need that?’
‘so i can apply for a job.’
‘why do you need a job?’
‘so i can make money, so i don’t starve.’
‘you can have my money!’
you couldn’t help but chuckle at how much life-experience bokuto had, yet he will still so naïve; honestly, you couldn’t even tell if he was joking or not. ‘what if we break up?-”
“DON’T SAY THAT!” he gasped, instinctively tightening his grip on you
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Wakatoshi Ushijima
both you and ushijima’s pride did not allow y’all to cry in front of one another 
if you ever had to cry, you’d just run to the bathroom, lock the door, turn on the tap to drown out the sound of your sobs and just let it all out
and if he ever had to cry, he’d just do it in the shower
but like- you both knew when the other one had been crying because of their puffy, damp eyes but you both mutually agreed to not mention it
i mean, up until now y’all had both been able to flourish in the relationship while dealing with emotions on your own so why bother changing?
and if anything, you both felt more comfortable crying to yourselves
 that was, until today
you had cracked under the pressure of your job - you were simply sitting at your desk in the study room, doing some work then it all just came crashing down
ushijima had just stepped out of the shower in his towel and was currently wandering around the house in search of you, to inform you that he ran out of shampoo so it would be greatly appreciated if you were to add it to the shopping list 
but when he entered the study to see you sitting there by your computer, bawling you eyes out..he froze
like he had to do a whole double-take bc he wasn’t sure if he was seeing this correctly
your face was buried in your hands so you didn’t notice him at first but then you heard him awkwardly clear his throat from the doorway and your neck immediately jerked to look at him
it was quite embarrassing for the both of you, ngl
like he was standing there half-naked, staring into your red eyes in hopes that what he saw was just a hallucination
after what felt like hours of deafening silence, ushijima broke it by muttering under his breath, ‘uh, is everything okay?’
‘everything is fine, toshi.’ you replied, forcing a bright smile onto your face as you went back to typing, ‘did you come down here to tell me somethi--’
‘i can tell that there is something wrong.’ he stated, walking towards you while using one had to hold his towel in place and draping the other over your shoulders to pull you into his chest. ‘do you want to tell me?’
you let out a long sigh, resting your cheek against his chest while still staring at the many tabs you had open on your desktop 
but ushijima quickly fixed that by taking your chin in-between his thumb and index finger, then turning your face to look up at him, 
‘work?’ he hummed his assumption
‘yeah.’ you mumbled, quite surprised at how understanding he was being
but then again, ushijima obviously knows what it feels like to be overworked and burnt out too, so he was able to provide a lot of empathy in that sense
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Kei Tsukishima
ok a bit of tsukki slander but i feel like tsukishima would make it worse WEILUBRGBE
wait no well, he doesn’t make it worse but he doesn’t make it better either
like he’ll walk into the living room and see you curled up under a blanket on the couch, lightly sobbing from underneath- and he honestly doesn’t know how to act
this is the first time he’s seen you cry bc usually y’all keep your emotions to yourselves - you’re both v independent like that ( ̄︶ ̄)
anyway, mans thinks he can just tease the sadness out of you 🙄
‘awh, is my little couch goblin feeling sad?’ he said shakily, clearly intimidated by your figure lying on the couch, and you could tell he was nervous per his use of the nickname ‘couch goblin’
‘‘TSUKISHIMA, FUCK OFF!’ you barked, hastily wiping away your tears and clinging to blanket to prevent him from pulling it away, as the last thing you wanted him to see was your weary figure just so he could tease you about it 
‘bitch, i live here.’ he hissed, rubbing the back of his neck - feeling rather conflicted
on one hand, you seemed serious when you asked him to leave; plus, the last thing he wanted to do was make you feel uncomfortable by staying when you’re already sad
but on the other hand, he genuinely wanted to help
he’d feel bad if he were to just leave his s/o in tears when he could’ve done something to make you feel better 
‘do you really want me to go?’ he asked and for a change, not a hint of mockery or sarcasm was found in his voice
there were several moments of silence until you mumbled from under your blanket, ‘no.’ then proceeded to lift up your arm to allow him to crawl under the blanket and join you
he did so, pulling you against his chest so you could sob lightly against his cotton shirt while being engulfed by warm darkness
‘what could’ve possibly went wrong to make the evilest blanket demon cry?’
‘evilest blanket demon’ - that was definitely a new one, and you’d be lying if you said a small snicker didn’t escape your mouth at how monotonously he was able to deliver such a unique nickname
and after years of being in a relationship with tsukki, you’ve learned to find comfort in these nicknames considering they were a big part of how he expressed love 
in his vocabulary, ‘you’re so annoying.’ is equal to ‘i love you’
so him calling you an ‘evil blanket demon’ was, in his eyes, the highest and most sincere form of flattery
you eventually tell him what happened that made you sad and he just listens 
feel free to ramble on about anything/everything that’s worried you for the last few months bc he’s all ears 
he figured that other than make you dinner and hug you, that was the best thing he could do to help bc he was far from a romantic who’s good with words 
if he tries to console you verbally it would probably come out like ‘uh, don’t cry - i understand what you’re going through, i think, but like- cry if you want. this must be tough for you, to be honest.’
so he just listens to what you have to say and occasionally inputs a lil’ ‘mhm’ or ‘yeah’
he’s probably the most patient with you so you could stay sad on the couch for the next few weeks, as long as you’re eating the meals he delivers to you and you’re staying healthy, he’ll just let you mope until you feel better tbh
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Keiji Akaashi
boyfie material right here
i’m hardly an akaashi simp but he’s probably the best at comforting you while you’re sad tbh
because he’s literally been dealing with bokuto and his emo-mode for god-knows how long so he’s very good with reassuring people😌
also, i just know that this man can detect emotions so well- evEN THROUGH TEXT ISTG
he’d text you the usual ‘goodnight ❤’
and you’ll quickly wipe away your tears that were blurring your vision to reply ‘goodnight 💕’ 
then he’ll deadass text back like ‘i’m coming over. what’s wrong?’
HE JUST KNOWS!! don’t question it bc he doesn’t even have a logical answer lol
anyway, he’ll arrive and immediately begin with the reassurance before you even tell him what’s wrong 
‘you’re coping so well, (y/n).’
‘i’m so proud and i love you so much.’
‘is there anything i can do to make you feel better?’
‘would you like a hug?’
‘you’re beautiful, (y/n). i hope you know that.’
‘do you want me to get you ice-cream?’
a king- 👑
also, you weren’t embarrassed to cry in front of him either bc you had seen him cry before 
plus, y’all both established at the very beginning of the relationship that you’d both try be as honest and open with your emotions as possible
so now, you were both sitting beside each other on your bed while sharing a banana split that akaashi made (you put the sprinkles on though so you basically gave it flavour ✨)
akaashi is definitely the therapist friend to so he gives great advice 
but if you don’t want his advice and you’d prefer him to just listen, then he can do that too 
honestly, he’d do basically anything to make you feel better 🥺
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kwonhoshi0 · 4 years
𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐲𝐚, 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢’𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐥𝐥 | h.c
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navigation | requests : open | 10th feb 2021
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pairing : midoriya, bakugou, todoroki x gn!reader [ separate ]
genre : fluffy cloud shit
warnings : being sick/vomit, food, eating, medicine
themes : overworking yourself, concerned friends, exhaustion,
request : hi hello i saw your requests are open as of feb 10. Can I request shouto, Midoria, Katsuki, and Sinshou’s reactions when seeing their s/o or crush come into class a day they are sick so they don’t miss a test and physical examination test? And as soon as their test is over their crush or s/o passes out from exhaustion but passes anyway—they got sick from preparing too hard and worrying about the exams to much? Thank you 💙
note : this got a little long and i got so’s sad and soft over bakugou HELP
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[ midoriya ]
> baby boy is IMMEDIATELY researching ways to make you feel better
> you’ve probably been together for a while
> whether you were together or not he would’ve done anything to make you feel better simp
> as soon as you walk in he’s writing down your symptoms and glances at you so he knows you’re okay
> he’s not mad he’s just worried :((
> ‘you shouldn’t have come in today puppy’ crying hes so soft
> he has a whole plan for as soon as your lesson ends
> the plan probably consists of making sure you have a warm shower giving you ice packs and tissues when you need them
> he’s 100% the kind of boyfriend to pat your back and tell you you’re okay holding your hair back (if you have hair) while you’re throwing up your fuckING LUNGS
-> scenario
> you walk into class as usual but with a flushed face and you look a little grey
> you’re wearing a mask so you don’t get others sick but everyone can still see you’re ill
> you sat down as your friends asked you if you’re feeling okay, lying you sat down feeling overwhelmingly tired
> midoriya pats your arm so you look at him and asks what happened since last night you were in his dorm as usual until you went back to your room and you were okay
> ‘i think i woke up with it, i’m not sure but i’m okay’ you smiled holding back a yawn
> you weren’t really sure how you got sick you just stayed up most of the night studying, and the whole week before that
> ‘pup just please be careful i’ll take care of you after okay?’ you nod at your sweet simp boyfriend
> during the test he noticed you holding your head up with your elbow, surprisingly 2 hours went by pretty fast end he kept checking up on you after he finished a page
> as soon as aizawa told the class to put down their pens midoriya looked at you and was surprised to see you laying on your arm/elbow eyes shut
> it wasn’t too shocking for others since denki and sero were asleep too
> but he got worried and immediately jumped up to check on you
> ‘hey, hey y/n wake up pup’ he shook you a little as aizawa watched like ?? ‘midoriya are they okay?’
> ‘i’m not sure, they’re sick but they shouldn’t have passed out like this’ he replies as you stir in your sleep groaning he sighed in relief
> ‘i’ve seen y/n in the common room at around 4am every night studying, i wake up at that time by accident and they’re always there’ todoroki answered simply
> ‘midoriya take y/n back to the dorms so they can get some sleep please’ aizawa answered before collecting everyone’s tests
> not letting you walk he carries you back, ‘baby please don’t overwork yourself like that, i’m sure you did great and you would’ve done great without all that studying, i’m proud of you but your health matters more’
> before you could whisper a mumbled reply all might walked out from the staff room as you were heading back to the dorms
> ‘oh ! young y/n, young midoriya, are they okay?’ he said quickly as he saw you holding you
> ‘oh all might ! they’re sick so i’m taking them back to the dorms’ all might let you go back soon after laughing about young love
> as soon as you got back he didn’t let you get in bed, he turned on a hot shower and told you to shower while he made food and a hot drink for you, you walked into the bathroom taking off your mask
> before you could get in the shower you felt your mouth watering and you knew you were about to be sick, midoriya walked up to put a hoodie on your bed for you when he heard you groaning
> he opened the door to you vomiting in the toilet and quickly ran forward and moved your hair back ‘let it all out baby, it’s okay you’re doing great’ HES SO FUCKING CUTe he’s just rubbing small circles on your back
> soon afterwards you thanked him for being there which he replied with ‘i’ll always be here silly, now go shower’ while flushing a little red bye the pain
> as soon as you got out you changed into his hoodie which he left out for you and some shorts
> he doesn’t care that you’re sick he still wants to cuddle so you snuggle up into the sheets while he feeds you whatever food he made you constantly kissing your forehead since you refused to let him kiss your lips
> ‘wait.. izuku aren’t you meant to be back in class’
> ‘uhhh..’
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[ bakugou ]
> angy blasty baby just got angrier
> if you’re ill he’d firstly scold you for not being careful
> as much as he cares about his health he doesn’t care when it come to you
> unlike midoriya when he helps you out with showers and food he does it subtly
> he checks on you a lot and makes you shower and eat, he makes you eat with him and makes you take medicine
> ‘dumbass you’ve gotta take your medicine’ he has an alarm on his phone for everytime you’ve got to take your medicine
> ‘take this’ *throws you bottle of water* he makes you finish at least 3-4 bottles a day because that’s the average
> he doesn’t do research because kinda knows how to handle this stuff
> the only thing he does research on is how to treat someone when they’re ill, as much as he acts like he doesn’t care he does a whole fucking lot
> hes a little less angy seeing you ill, you feel a little useless which he reassures you about
> midoriya is a carer wheres bakugou is a ‘get the fuck up’ kind of guy 😭😭😭 he makes you do things with him so you have something to keep you occupied
> unless you’re feeling and looking too ill to get up
> he brings you homework for when you aren’t in class and even does a couple questions writing notes around if you weren’t in class to see how it’s done bruh he’s so fucking cute:(
> for the days the class doesn’t order take out he’s usually cooking so he makes you help him out you wear a mask ofc, this kinds goes with the so you don’t feel useless thing
-> scenario
> you usually walk to class together but today you texted him telling him not to wait and you’ll be there soon because you thought he’d be less angry in the classroom
> boi u were wrong bless your soul says the atheist
> so you step in with your mask on fearing your life and you think for a second maybe you can just sit in your place and he won’t look
> lMAOO this man always notices you
> ‘what’s with the fuckin mask’ he walked in front of your desk while pinging the string of the mask
> ‘i’m ill’ you mumbled as he raised his eyebrow ‘you’re mumbling dumbass’
> before you could answer again aizawa walks in with the tests so he goes back to his seat with his eyebrow raised at you
> he keeps an eye on you, you don’t notice ofc bc he’s always discreet
> he has noticed you being very tired and a little out of it during the day but he didn’t think too much of it
> he watched you slump back in your chair
> you finished early so you decided to close your eyes for a second and as soon as he looks back your head is in your arms and he watches you as you slowly slump into your arms
> he could see you softly breathing, whenever you cuddled together he’d watch you until he fell asleep, moving your hair out of your face and smiling to himself
> his eyes softened seeing you so peaceful but also he got worried, your mask moved to the side a little as you slept and he could see how red your cheeks are and you look a little green
> he got a little surprised when you woke straight up your own eyes widening and you looked a little scared, you jumped up walking over to aizawa and asked him something which he couldn’t quite hear, he nodded before you ran outside
> bakugou had finished so he went to ask if he could check, ‘yes y/n is feeling sick so they went back to the dorms’
> he grabbed your bag and ran after you, he got a little worried seeing you with your hand over your mouth not knowing if you’re crying or not
> you walked into the dorms he got there a couple seconds later running up to your room
> as soon as he saw you in the bathroom hunched over the toilet he pulled back your hair (if you have hair), he massaged your head as you let everything out ‘dumbass you should’ve fuckin told me, i wouldn’t have let you do that stupid exam’
> as soon as you stopped throwing up you said ‘i know that’s why i didn’t say anything’ he only just saw you without your mask and noticed your exhausted expression
> ‘i know you’ve been studying more but how fucking much, teddybear you would’ve passed whether you studied that much or not for fuck sake’ he groaned as he turned on the shower for you grabbing you a towel throwing it to you
> ‘just to make you feel better i’ll sleep, okay mopey?’ you teased as he closed the bathroom door ‘shut up i’m not fuckin mopey!’ he yelled through the door
> as you showered he looked in your closet for clothes when he noticed some of his shirts and jumpers instead of being angry it made him a little proud seeing how much you liked his clothes
> he grabbed his skull shirt it was a little big on you which he loved
> as soon as you finished showering you changed into the clothes he left you and walked downstairs sitting on the counter and bakugou roamed around the kitchen
> he grabbed some medicine from the cupboard and if you hate the medicine he’d mix it with your tea coffee or hot chocolate, ‘alright the medicine is in this so drink it all’
> he noticed you pouting as he handed you the cup ‘why’re you fuckin looking at me like that’
> ‘you’re cute when you pretend not to care’ he groaned hearing this as you giggled and reached forward from the counter and grabbed his hands pulling him towards you, his arms landed around your waist as yours were around his neck, his head on your shoulder as you hunched down a little and you kissed his head
> ‘tch, fuckin drink it before it gets cold’ you couldn’t see this but he was red as fuck and he loved these moments even if he wouldn’t admit it
> he watched as you stared out the open windows drinking your medicine infused drink
> ‘katsuki?’ he quickly shook his head as he caught himself staring at you ‘what dumbass’
> ‘i love you’ you grinned holding your arms out again still sitting on the counter, he rolled his eyes walking forward pressing his head against your chest as you both sighed happily your legs around his torso your head resting on his head
> ‘i love you too teddybear’ he mumbled into your chest
> the moment was soon ruined by denki walking in yelling about how whipped bakugou is for you
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[ todoroki ]
> he has no clue what he’s doing CluELESS BABIE😭😭
> of course he gets sick but he doesn’t know how to handle others being sick so he 100% goes to midoriya and his sister for help
> fuyumi makes him soup and soba to eat with you
> like midoriya he researches a lot about what to do and how to help
> since he’s already quite comfortable with you he gets a little pouty when you refuse to kiss him ‘but y/n i won’t get sick, i’ll make sure i don’t’
> please give this boy forehead kisses at least
> he used his hand to cool you down when you need it
-> scenario
> you walked to class with him as usual and he asked about the mask noticing your scratchy voice
> ‘im a little sick but i need to do this exam’ you replied making him hum back
> ‘have you taken medicine?’ you shook your head ‘y/n theres medicine in the cabinet downstairs, we can go back and get some aizawa sensei will understand’ he took your hand before you shook your head guiding him back to school
> ‘shoto it’s okay, i promise i’ll be okay i’ll get some medicine after the exam baby’ he nodded giving you a small smile
> he made sure to keep an eye on you throughout the exam
> you both finished the exam early, since you studied together a lot he always made you go sleep when he caught you studying late which was a lot more often recently
> he sometimes wakes up randomly at 4-5am same and checks your room to check if you’re safe you don’t really realise until you stay up for a couple nights in a row and he opens your door to you studying
> ‘y/n? what are you doing awake’ he scared you a little, ‘shoto hi i’m studying’ you smiled
> your late night talk usually ends when he whines at you ‘baby it’s late go to sleep’ if you refused he’d grab your books and put them in your bag and tuck you into your bed kissing you softly before going back to sleep himself
> usually those nights would end up in cuddling but the last couple nights you’d both been studying a lot
> anyway you had your head tilted to the side in your hand as your elbow propped you up
> he smiled at your sleepy state until he realised you were genuinely sleeping and since he hadn’t checked on you the last couple nights he got a little worried
> he looked around to see the usual people sleeping as well and you slid down your arm into an even deeper sleep breathing softly moving up a down a little
> ‘aizawa sensai? can i take y/n back to the dorms they’re sick and hasn’t had their medicine’ he explained
> ‘yes todoroki make sure they get sleep as well they look exhausted’
> the boy took both of your test papers handing them to aizawa before he grabbed your bag and picked you up slumping you over his shoulder as everyone cooed at the sight
> he layed you in his bed ‘y/n, love wake up’
> as soon as you woke up he told you to shower and got everything ready for you
> since he didn’t have enough time to go ask fuyumi for help he asked her to send him a recipe and he cooked soup for you making sure to leave a note telling you to come downstairs
> he left the note on top of his shirt and your shorts
> you trudged downstairs and sat down on the island watching him cook, ‘are you feeling better love’ you nodded a little smiling
> he took out some medicine from the cabinet with a little spoon pouring the right amount as the soup cooked behind him
> walking over to you he put the little bottle down moving the spoon to your mouth and grabbed a water bottle to wash the taste out, ‘open up’ you grimaced at the smell scrunching your nose up a little but did as he said
> he moved the spoon into your mouth, you closed your lips around it the taste of the medicine filling your mouth
> you quickly grabbed the water chugging it down as todoroki laughed, before he could say more you slapped your hand over your mouth and ran over to the nearest bin
> his eyes widened as he ran over to you steadying you holding your waist and hair back (agAIN IF YOU HAVE HAIR) he rubbed your stomach up and down ‘it’s okay get it out, you’re doing great’
> as soon as you drank some water you sat back up on the island ‘i think we need different medicine’ todoroki smiled as you nodded at him
> his hands landed on your thighs pulling you closer to him his legs between yours, your legs hung off the counter as he nudged his nose with your own, ‘i’m not kissing you’ you laugh as he pouts at you ‘one, just one i promise that’s it’ you shook your head kissing his cheek
> he pulled away and took some soup with a little spoon blowing on it before bringing it up to your lips and letting you taste it
> your eyes widened as you smiled ‘it tastes exactly like fuyumi’s’ you smile as he beamed at you
> as you ate, todoroki opened the door to the campus postman, he came back in and gave you some flowers and medicine
> you checked the card ‘fuyumi told me you weren’t feeling great, so i thought i’d send some homemade medicine, feel better soon my love - rei’ you showed shoto the card
> his smile got 10x wider reading it
> ‘you make me so happy, even when you feel like a zombie’ he smiled as he fed you the medicine
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A/N :
BROOOOOO i got so fucking sad im so so so so so sad goodbye the pain i’m feeling today
jesus CHRIST
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tag list : @blazedbakugou @todoroki-shoto-is-life @luluwiie
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Pro Heros Comforting an S/O with various chronic illnesses
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All Might/ Yagi Toshinori
For being a chronically ill person, you were a big baby about being sick. Well, for you, there was two types of ‘being sick’. One, the usual, was the everyday upkeep of your body, with the usual minimal discomfort of working a machine with missing or loose parts. On the other hand, another type of ‘sick’ would be you hunched over the toilet, or sweating in bed with a trashcan by your face, or sobbing in the shower because of how shit you feel. 
Today was one of those sick sick days. 
You never admitted to anyone when you were having an especially hard day like today, sometimes not even yourself. In between bouts of puking up the small amount of food you should’ve been able to keep down, you’d convince yourself that it was just because it was stale, or that this was a fluke, or even try telling yourself that you were over reacting. 
So when your boyfriend gently asked if you were feeling okay to be home by yourself, you enthusiastically replied, “of course I am! Go ahead and go to work, I’ll be fine!”
So, he did. 
And you were definately not fine. 
Mere moments after he left, you were hovering over the toilet bowl, heaving up bile. You screamed at your body to just stop, to please just give up, but it couldn’t hear you. Instead, it did what it knew how to do best: be sick.
Finally, it was over, and you found refuge pressed up against the cool tile of the bathroom floor. 
You were a mess of sweat, tears, snot, and puke. 
Thinking of that just made even more tears stream out of your puffy eyes. 
You shakily turned on the shower. Maybe a cold shower will snap you out of it. Your clothes didn’t matter; they’re just pajamas. So, you crawled into the shower, looking for refuge. 
The ice cold water pelted your blanched flesh mercilessly, providing both relief and shock to your system.
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying your best to ignore your cramping abdomen and pay attention to the cool, refreshing liquid rolling down your back. 
In the end, though, you couldn’t focus on either of these things. 
Someone knocked at the bathroom door. By the way the person knocked, light and inquisitive, you knew it had to be him. 
He called out your name.
“Are you okay in there? Something told me to come check on you one more time,” he asked through the door. You opened your mouth, but nothing came out. He knocked again, a little harder this time. 
Still, you didn’t have the strength to respond. You rested your head onto the shower wall weakly. 
The doorknob wiggled noisily before he was in. 
“Oh, honey...” he murmured as he fully understood the situation. He flushed the toilet and opened the window to let in some fresh air. 
“I’m going to open up the shower now, okay?” 
He carefully pulled back the curtain and turned off the water. His heart panged to see you struggling like this. 
Like him.
He took a moment to cradle your cheek in his palm, cooing your name.
“I’m going to get you some fresh clothes. Don’t try standing up by yourself, okay? I’ll be right back,” he instructed gently. You nodded weakly.
He returned with some fresh pajamas and a towel. You shook your head.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” he inquired, stroking your hair. You couldn’t help but begin to cry. It was so humiliating being taken care of. Hell, even needing to be taken care of was degrading. 
You squeaked out tiny words between sobs. He patiently tried his best to understand what had you so upset, but he just couldn’t hear you. 
So, his only chioce was to continue to clean you up. 
Gently, ever so gently, he dried you with the towel as best as he could with your soaked clothes on.
“Pumpkin, I hate to ask you this, but...can I take off these clothes to help you get into new ones? I promise I won’t look.” 
You sobbed pitifully. 
“I...Let me...let me try,” you managed to get out. He nodded.
“I’ll be right outside the door. Knock if you need any help at all,” he assured, kissing you sweetly on the forehead before leaving you alone. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t want him to see you naked; he already had done that. It was just...you didn’t want him to see you like this.
Shakily, you stood up, grabbing the clothes. Your feet stepped out of the tub, only supported on shakey knees.
Knees that gave up on you.
Within an instant, you were collapsed onto the floor. You gasped at the impact, the wind being knocked out of you.
Toshinori was by your side before you could blink. He helped you sit up, asking tenderly if you were in any pain. You shrugged.
He sighed deeply.
“I...I’m so... sorry. You shouldn’t-“ you stammered before he shut you down.
“No. I should. It’s okay for you to need help. I understand. It’s not an inconvenience.”
“...but... your job... your students...”
“They’ll be fine. Right now, let me focus on you,” he asserted. You nodded, allowing him to undress and towel dry you before redressing you.
“Can you stand?” He asked. You thought for a moment before shaking your head. Instantly, the bathroom filled with smoke, and he appeared to you in his much more muscular form in order to carry you.
He being sick himself could never hope to carry you in his skinnier state.
You didn’t care however he looked. It was just that he was there. That he cared.
You were carried bridal style to your bed, and placed down ever so gingerly. Smoke surrounded you once again, cradling you for a moment before dissipating and revealing your boyfriend in his true form.
He leaned against the bed frame, coughing into a tissue.
A pang of guilt hit you, seeing how he’d sacrificed just a tiny bit of himself to keep you comfortable.
You pushed the guilt away, replacing it with warm love.
Instead of apologizing, you murmured a “Thank you.”
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Aizawa Shouta
Today was a good day. Your joints weren’t achey, and you felt good enough to even go to the store with your boyfriend. Usually, he’d go by himself, or do a curb side pickup to save time, but you insisted that you wanted to go.
“Sho, please. I’ll be fine,” you assured him.
“I don’t want you to overwork yourself,” he replied skeptically. He knew your fighting spirit coming through when he saw your determined eyes, so he knew his words were of no use. However, he also was deeply worried about the pain that could show up later on that night.
Those were the hardest on Aizawa. He usually wasn’t home at night, so when he’d come into the bedroom and see the bedsheets strewn across the floor and your pain medications sitting idly on your dresser, the cap on sideways, he’d be instantly racked with guilt. He wanted to be there for you. Even if it meant seeing you in pain. He just wanted to be able to do whatever he possibly could to help alleviate things just a little for you.
Today, though, he relented, and you found yourself at the local grocery store. You chose to not bring your cane, opting to try to pretend that you were a perfectly healthy young person.
Bad idea.
About half way through your shopping trip, you could feel the beginnings of a flare up.
“Sho... Could you help me?”
He instantly took on your weight on one arm.
“Do you need to go home?” He asked quietly as to not stir the other customers. You shook your head.
“I’ll get you something. Hold on.”
And like that, he was gone and you were alone in the bread aisle.
You sighed, rubbing your forehead.
Stupid! You should’ve known better!
It wasn’t long before he was back, riding on a mobility scooter. He stood up, gesturing towards it.
You knew it’d help, but...
“What will people think?” You whimpered before you could even think about it.
He scoffed.
“Geez, baby. I hope you realize that other people’s opinions should never trump your own comfort.”
You nodded, still anxious about how it’d look for someone like you to be using something like that.
“But...what if someone actually needs it?” You ask as you guide yourself into the seat.
“You need it. It’s okay,” he reassured plainly.
That night, you had no pain. All your body was filled with was butterflies as Aizawa gently cuddled you to sleep.
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Sir Nighteye/Mirai Sasaki
You’ve always been sick. It was a part of your identity that you’d come to terms with. Sure, your life was shaped different than everyone else’s, but you didn’t mind much. 
You brewed yourself some tea, breathing in the fresh steam from the kettle. The warm air made its way past your oxygen tube, warming you from the inside out. Today was going to be a good day. You could tell that much by the light rays of sun filtering past the blinds, and the way you weren’t a coughing mess by now. Usually, you were signaled to remember to take your meds and do your treatments by your own sputtering and coughing, but today, things were going a little different so far. 
Your boyfriend came into the kitchen, stretching a little, causing his bones to crack and pop. He retrieved his black coffee from the pot, lightly and lovingly brushing his hand across your upper arm as he moved. 
You instantly tensed up.
“Don’t do that,” you frowned, glaring at him, “it’s too early in the morning to think about that yet.”
He raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence.
“Your quirk. Don’t use it on me.”
He put both hands up, “If you wish for me not to touch you, I won’t.”
“That’s...not what I’m asking for and you know it.”
He allowed himself a tiny smile. He did know that. 
You turned around, moving your attention back to your tea. Mirai stared at you lovingly as he sipped on his drink. 
Two sugar cubes plopped into the tea, honey and lemon being stirred in next. Just how you like it.
Just as you were getting enveloped in the whirlpool you made with your spoon, Mirai broke your train of thought.
“Today’s going to be a good day,” he murmured.
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