#he's the chubb king
illiana-mystery · 1 year
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He's so adorably chubby.
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redrose-arrow · 1 year
It’s been a week since I reread The Burning Bridge. Here’s a few things I’m still not over:
Will copying Halt in every manner possible and Halt having to physically move his face out of side to hide his smile. 
the ‘sir’ scene. I, for one, would be willing to call Gilan ‘sir’ every time of the day. 
Gilan literally being Horace’s biggest fan. 
Will’s character development in growing more confident, and Halt and Gilan aiding him in that. also, Horace. 
Gilan is consistent in one thing and one thing only and that’s showing up in KING DUNCAN’S WAR COUNCIL TENT with both the best and the worst new information. 
speaking of, David being so. done. with his son. and looking at Halt. who just shrugs. like yeah, neither dad knows what he’s doing. 
“burn the bridge”
Chubb being an icon during wartime, once again. 
the absolute devastated grief that Gilan and Halt shared when they had to wait for the battles to start and couldn’t just go look for Will. 
everyone thinking Halt is dead and then when Gilan arrives saying “Halt says” everyone going wHAT?!?!?!??!?!?!!?
David saying ‘don’t make me stop you, Halt. we’ve been friends far too long’ - like YEAH THEY HAVE
I think it’s a little sad that Morgarath never knew that Halt didn’t just KNOW the Ranger’s apprentice Morgarath had kidnapped, but that it was HIS apprentice. Imagine the PURE RAGE if Morgarath had found out that HALT’S APPRENTICE OF ALL PEOPLE had burned down the bridge. 
first, Rodney adopting Teacher Mode and letting Horace right up with him. then him adopting Parent Mode when he saw how hurt he was. 
that one final scene that I refuse to think about. 
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rxsewqter · 8 months
weird things my bsf and i have said out of context
bsf: he looks like he's gonna make you bow down and give him his binky me: BOW DOWN TO THY KING, THOU HEATHEN PEASANT. GIVE THY KING CHUBBS HIS BINKY ~~~~ bsf: be simple, straightforward, and absolutely demented. thank you for showing us how to live life, bill. ~~~~ bsf: I AM SO SLICING MY CAKE WITH A SWORD me: YUS ~~~~ me: and the duck walked up to the lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand- bsf: HEY BUM BUM BUM GOT ANY GRAPES ~~~~ bsf: YOU SHOULD SEE WHAT THE JIMIN EFFECT IS me: NO PLEASE MERCY ~~~~
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book-empire · 1 year
Has anyone noticed that Baron Arald has no heir?
After re-reading Ruins of Gorlan from Flanagans Ranger's Apprentice, it struck me at Choosing Day scene. In some way all the Craftmasters have chosen their heirs: Will is following in Halt footsteps and if Horace had stayed at Redmont Castle, he’d be probably part of the Battleschool with Sir Rodney. Alice und Pauline got really close to each other and George became a respected scriber. And, we all know about the competition between Jenny and Chubb.
But the only one who doesn't have an heir is Baron Arald. But why? It's not like he's lonely and abandoned. He has a wife Lady Sandra, and they are completely still in love with each other. At the same time, he has a large fief that has to be ruled by someone else after his death - usually the heir.
In the Middle Ages, the king divided his kingdom into fiefs and gave them to the nobles to govern - as in Araluen. At that time there were two cases: You kept the fief for life, so it belonged to the family and was therefore passed on, or you only got it for a few years. I wouldn’t have noticed the latter in Araluen (correct me if I am wrong).
So, who takes Arald's place after his death?
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trapperskeeper · 1 year
The off-season has been pretty cool so far and I have a lot of thoughts about it, so...
Ranking Dolphins off-season additions
S Tier
Vic Fangio - Defensive Coordinator
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One of the best defensive minds in football and The Godfather of the modern day NFL defense. I mean that literally because I am 90% sure this man is secretly an Italian crime lord or something. He deadass even has an heirloom secret meatball recipe.
Jalen Ramsey - Cornerback
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Stud cornerback who gives major bottom energy playing across from Daddy Xavien? Nuff said.
A Tier
Braxton Berrios - Wide Receiver
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One of several strays we rescued from the Jets. Poor thing's been traumatized by shitty QB play. Fits the classic white slot receiver archetype that every team needs. Bonus points for being a dynamic return man. It's giving Wes Welker, but he fast boi now.
David Long Jr - Linebacker
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True middle linebacker who hasn't been able to stay on the field for very LONG. Get it? Cause he has injury concerns? ...I'll see myself out.
B Tier
Mike White - Quarterback
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King of having the most generic, white-ass name known to man. Best known for being HIM to the Jets fanbases for like 1 and a half games each season before the crushing reality of being the Jets comes back to bite them in the ass. Decent backup. Probably scored bonus points for having the same name as the Head Coach.
Eric Saubert - Tight End
Stopgap TE who actually knows how to block, so already better than Mike Gesicki. This man is a Durham Smythe clone except slightly faster. You can't fool me. I am familiar with your game.
Malik Reed - Outside Linebacker
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Big man rush quarterback and make it easier for other big men to rush quarterback. Had a lot of previous success under Big Dick Vic in Denver across from Bradley Chubb. Gives me a chub just thinking about it.
Chosen Anderson - Wide Receiver
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Best known for having the most, well... unique wicks known to man, and for being a moderate locker room cancer. A true Florida man. Whether I mean that in a good way or a bad way is up to interpretation. Low risk, high reward signing. Somewhere in a dark room Mike McDaniel is currently pushing his glasses up his nose and cackling at the idea of having 3 sub 4.4 40 WRs at his disposal.
C Tier
DeShon Elliott - Safety
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Best known for making himself public enemy number one to the Dolphins fanbase before he'd even been on the team for a month by being out of pocket about the quarterback position. Better watch those Twitter fingers, bucko. We take mutiny very serious here. Solid player otherwise who will bolster a burgeoning secondary. Would be in B Tier if he wasn't a Twitter antagonist.
Dan Feeney - Center
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Great leader. Great locker room guy. Great mullet. Mid to dog water player. Decent backup center all things considered. He's like the Ryan Fitzpatrick of centers except Fitzy was actually good half the time. Dan Feeney is giving more Fitzception than Fitzmagic.
Kendall Lamb - Offensive Tackle
The most mid of mid tier swing tackles... Which is disturbing because he is currently RT1... Which is disturbing because we have the only left handed quarterback in the NFL and that's his blindside. To this day I have no idea how that concept keeps escaping this team's front office, but you know, whatever. Mediocre right tackles go brrr!!
Dog water
Butch Barry - OLine Coach
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Besides looking like Gollum from Lord of the Rings, this man is best known for being a part of the shit show that was Denver last year. Coached an OLine that hated him and was fired mid-season so... Love that for us.
Best addition of the off-season so far?
Vic Fangio by a country fucking mile.
This is a multifaceted signing with a plethora of advantages. Daddy Vic is a defensive genius. We know he's gonna get the defense right, but in all reality, just his presence will help our offense improve as well.
The one defense Tua has historically had the most trouble with in his career is the Fangio defense. As a rookie he faced him in Denver and had a very rough game. Just this past year he had his worst game against the Chargers and Brandon Staley who is a Fangio disciple.
It makes sense because up until now, he'd only been able to face our previous defense in practice, which relied heavily on man coverage and all-out blitz looks. Fangio's defense is the opposite. He prefers to only send four pass rushers and disguise his looks in the secondary by playing heavy zone coverage and rotating in and out of different looks at the snap forcing the quarterback to methodically read the defense in real time, take his check downs, and slowly march down the field. Accordingly, Tua's been very good against man heavy teams, but has struggled at times against zone heavy teams.
Well, now the man who's defense he's had the most trouble with is in that building. He'll be seeing those looks for months in practice and getting countless reps against it. Fangio can even advise him on the best ways to play his scheme.
11 teams in the NFL run the Fangio defense. That's a third of the league and our offense is about to get the cheat codes directly from the horse's mouth.
But maybe the best thing about Grandpappy Vic is that he's a grizzled old veteran who was a former Head Coach, and when you have a young little cinnamon roll of a Head Coach in Mike McDaniel it is such an advantage to have a seasoned former Head Coach there to advise him and mentor him.
I love Mike McDaniel, but he had his coaching struggles last year. He challenged more plays than any other Head Coach and only won one challenge the entire season. He's struggled immensely with getting the plays in on time to the point where it might have cost us a playoff win. Subbing in different players and personnel packages was a major logistical issue at times. And on top of all of this to keep track of, he's also the offensive playcaller.
It's a lot to do, and he's still pretty green in some areas. So to have a guy like Vic Fangio there with all his wealth of experience and wisdom for Mike to consult with during important moments is huge. He can also completely govern the defense and take that off his plate as well.
What I wouldn't give to sit in a room with Mike McDaniel and Vic Fangio and just listen to them talk football. An offensive genius and a defensive genius just bouncing shit off of each other.
The moment he signed, Vic Fangio instantly made everyone from the defense, to the offense, to the Head Coach better. Incredible signing. Best signing of the entire NFL off-season imo.
Worst addition?
Butch Barry.
Y'all... Mike Munchak was right there! And the best they could do was this Dobby looking ass motherfucker?
Considering they actually refuse to bring in a legitimate blindside tackle and have a bunch of young guys and journeymen competing there, you'd think they'd actually bring in a legitimate OLine coach to teach them and not one that was tarred and feathered and run out of Denver with a bunch of pitch forks. I mean for fucks sake, they practically threw a party over there when this guy was fired. Hopefully he proves me wrong, but it's not looking good in my eyes.
Four years into Tua's career and he's yet to have an offensive line that wasn't bottom 5 in pass protection. I mean, he's only had serious issues with injuries and now concussions in his career, and our entire season only hinges on him staying healthy and being there to lead this team. In what world would he need a proper blindside tackle? That's ludicrous.
Someone pray for my mans, bruh.
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jabbage · 1 year
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frodothefair · 10 months
Frodo defending his gender nonconforming, possibly trans daughter
Random denizen of Hobbiton: First he lets her run wild with the lads and dress in breeches, and how she is a member of the king's guard in a city of MEN? The name Baggins is certainly in the dust now, if it wasn't already. Frodo: *eyes suddenly cold, half-closed, and his voice excruciatingly, lividly polite* And pray enlighten me, Mrs. Chubb, what business of yours is my daughter's life and choices? And also, may I remind you that my son is an apprentice healer, and fairly soon Dr. Boffin will retire and Samwise-lad will take his place. Surely, you want him to continue to pay special attention to your rheumatism?
(So I imagine Middle Earth does not really have LGBTQ discourse and vocabulary like we do, and it might actually be hard to discern at first, not the least for Galadriel Baggins herself, whether she is simply gender nonconforming or actually trans. But I imagine she uses a male form of address and even male pronouns when she serves as a citadel guard, though not necessarily with her family.)
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chodhound · 1 year
Wandering the Wandle - Part 2
Here's me looking at something:
From Beddington we went to the Grove in Carshalton (https://goo.gl/maps/34uxbuULu88kFpNB7) and looked at the ponds there. En route we observed a Lime bike had been thrown into a Lime Green pool which I thought was worth a photo only to be admonished by a local old lady who clearly thought we should be doing something about the aforementioned bike - we pointed out that we weren't the ones who put it there or indeed the council.
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Still the ponds are very pretty.
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Still the ponds are very pretty.
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There was evidence in the park of the mills that made the Wandle famous:
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And we saw some nature as well and then we walked along the appropriately named Mill Lane and tried to find the former snuff mill.
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From there we looked at the bridge/viaduct of the railway over the Wandle and encountered Wilderness Island(https://goo.gl/maps/YRoMvFNf6jucWktG8) - we had some hijinks pretending to cross the river using a fallen tree in the manner of some brave explorers from something like King Solomon's Mines!
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We carried on our adventure up towards Watercress Park (https://goo.gl/maps/u2gWsFxpktiCLCCt7) - where we met a man have a photoshoot on a bridge (his friend was using a long telephoto lens and complicated flash gun setup) - we didn't get a photo just in case they were famous (we didn't recognize them...)
Then up to the corner of Poulter Park (https://goo.gl/maps/u9KuyJo1xvYnNW6t6)
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We talked about nature and birds and things and I observed that this would be a great place to spot a kingfisher and then a local fisherwoman appeared out of the reeds to tell us that as well as being an angler she was also a keen bird-spotter and whilst we might see a kingfisher at this spot - it was her opinion that we would have more luck further along the river. She did also mention that the river was unusually high because the local waterworks were releasing water (hopefully treated) into the river. We did notice a certain aroma in the air and commented on it - but she thought this was the smell of tyres (whether it was making or burning it wasn't clear).
We asked if she had had any luck today (which I believe is the correct question to ask fisherfolk) - and she replied with a chubb and two barbells which I thought was rather rude and so we bade her good day and continued on our travels.
Next stop was Watermeads Nature Reserve (https://goo.gl/maps/vDVj8crsfLo1tX3N6) - which was given to the National Trust by one of the National Trust's founders Octavia Hill.
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It was rather lovely we saw some Jasmine (shown above) and some Japanese Knotweed (identified with Google Lens but not shown).
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This is a rather splendid Plane tree in the Watermeads Nature reserve. The banks were busy with more fishermen.
Here is a rather funky video of a sluice
We crossed the river at Bishopsford Bridge and on the path there was a small family group having an impromptu gathering - the patriarch of the family was as wide as he was tall but they seemed to be having a nice time - two young girls had set up a stall and attempted to sell us some loom bands - two for the price of one, sirs they cried after us - but we had no change with which to batter with.
On towards Ravensbury Park - lots more fishermen here and some ne'er do wells on their bicycles and smoking recreational cigarettes and drinking cheap lager from cans.
We saw another lovely Heron
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Then we popped into the Surrey Arms for a swift and revitalizing half of ale (for me) and cider (for Andy) - the bar lady on seeing us gave us a piece of blue kitchen roll to wipe our sweaty brows (because it was a warm day). We sat at the bar with the other regulars and watched Magic FM on the TV (Mmm Bop by Hanson - not the greatest song tbh). Upon starting to walk again we both found that we had started to get a little stiff - I think we where probably about halfway through our walk at this point. My ankle was aching slightly and Andy commented on his back - definitely a gentle comment on our progress on life's path.
Andy here professed his plans to run the London Marathon (if he get it in the ballot) - I think I volunteered to run a half to help him with training if he wanted...
Next stop - Morden Hall Park (https://goo.gl/maps/D682mjtGGm6NKfdQ9)
Suddenly it was busy - loads of kids and families having picnics and enjoying running around in the clear Wandle. It was a warm day - probably around 24C and it had been rather warm all week.
There was a bored looking security guard trying to stop kids from jumping from the bridge into the water.
More Snuff Mills!
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More again next time on the thrilling and fast moving action packed instalment of the Wandle Wanderers.
0 notes
whattheabcxyz · 1 year
27-year-old man arrested for suspected DUI after BlueSG car crashes into traffic light at Sengkang
Virtual queue on day 1 of May BTO launch sees wait time of over an hour - HDB says wait time has now been reduced
Migrant worker wins $18,888 at company D&D - good for him!
CPIB investigates Seatrium (formerly Sembcorp Marine) for alleged corruption - company calls for trading halt
46-year-old man jailed 4 days in default of S$1.4K fine for smoking & staying at ECP park shelter without licence - pretty young for a hobo
80-year-old man receives written warning for not returning chopsticks, bowl & plate at Chinatown food complex - hope our r3tarded authorities are f**king happy
34-year-old married man smiles in court while being charged for voyeurism - he also wore some of his victims’ bras & photographed himself in them ...probably should be locked up in an asylum permanently
Lee Hsien Loong tests positive for COVID-19 again - thought the vaccines are supposed to prevent this sort of thing from happening?! LOL
Town councils to raise service & conservancy charges from next month
Up to 30 years’ jail for possession of cannabis with rollout of stricter drug laws - not strict enough if you ask me, thanks to what those idiot "humanitarians” might say
Man allegedly duped Chubb Insurance into paying out over $8.9m in false claims
Singapore: Physiotherapists at TTSH emergency department reduce wait time & staff workload
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^ Bonnacons were mythical medieval creatures with violent & explosive $hit farts
What is eating tons of millipedes on Tuckernuck Island? - it knew to leave the poisonous parts alone!
Canadian tourist bitten by monkey at Bali park despite warnings not to get too close - those monkeys are NOT your friends; too bad she had to learn the hard way!
Theme parks in Malaysia see boost in visitorship from locals & Singaporeans - due to school holidays
Swatch dares Malaysia to confiscate rainbows after raid on Pride watches - LGBTQ agenda & Islam do not mix!
Singapore: Crypto.com gets major payment institution licence from MAS - good luck to anyone who still dares to get involved with these crypto scammers!
12-year-old girl stabs 9-year-old brother to death - motive unknown
Japan: Kishida’s son to resign as secretary after “inappropriate” behaviour - another nepo baby bites the dust, but daddy will still take care of him, not to worry!!!
Singapore & China ink pact to set up bilateral defence hotline - China cannot be trusted, but apparently our top officials haven’t learned that yet
Singapore: New MRT trains with more space & larger windows to run on North-South & East-West lines from 4 Jun
Shark Tank's Daymond John seeks restraining order against former show contestants - poor Daymond... you never know when these random crazies will turn the tables on you & become nasty
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
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Paul, you really deserve so much better.
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djmordecai · 1 year
Rare Formz - Brand New Funk (official music video)
beats & cuts by @DJMordecai 
lyrics & vocals by Chris Miller 
engineered by James Swisher 
Rare Formz lettering by Brad Bacon 
from 2015's @rareformz6905 Rare Formz - The Album https://rareformz.bandcamp.com/album/... 
a tribute to @djjazzyjeff  & The Fresh Prince ( @WillSmith ) - Brand New Funk 
as well as an homage to our hip-hop heroes. 
shoutout to @TheFoundationhiphop 
Brand New Funk (Get Down!) (Get Down!) Brand New Funk (funky) (Hit It!) Brand New Funk (Get Down!) (Get Down!) Brand New Funk (funky) (Hit It!) Brand New Funk (Get Down!) (Get Down!) Brand New Funk (funky) (Hit It!) Brand New Funk (Get Down!) (Get Down!) Brand New Funk (funky) (Hit It!) 
[Chris Miller - Verse 1] They want that old school rap back and cats want it ASAP so I'mma flip it on niggas, the track be the gym mat I’m at a high demand for rap fans I'm Outstanding like the Gap Band, check soundscans, More money than ever so ain't no margin for error and I've been eatin’ on MC’s since Tougher Than Leather and my peoples got my back, like Africans with Mandela. So you better put them glocks down like you were Heather ‘cause I get high like Dominique smokin’ the chronic leaf and I'm in and out the future like Quantum Leap Come follow me. I flow off old school beats just like Mahogany I'm so ‘90s with the gold chain and rockin’ wallabees I still gangsta boogie Kool G Rap my ass off get stomped out for pressin’ that fast forward Sucka MCs ain’t ready for fastball ‘cause my style intense like you takin’ that crash course 
[Chorus] my DJ [rock the beat] shout out to Marley Marl big ups to Chubb Rock Special Ed and Ice-T Monie Love and Geto Boys Schoolly D and Run-DMC   Spoonie Gee and Rob Base Nice & Smooth all day man. 
[Verse 2] I stayed criminal minded BDP first album, that was ‘87.I was up in project housin’ D.O.C. came with No One Could Do It Better. Then that Paid In Full album had a nigga wantin’ chedda. I freestyle in project hallways all day. Then Sir-Mix-A-Lot had that Posse On Broadway Flow like the incredible letter man. Red said, whateva, man. Big drove the caravan in Maryland. I was a student of the game when I learned from Kane before Meth I was bringin’ the pain like Memphis Bleek, I was comin’ of age I wanted to be Cool J when he walked on stage. He was King Hercules. He walked like a panther. Sun Rise In The East that Jeru Tha Damaja I reminisce like Pete Rock and CL peace to Melle Mel. Shante the illest female 
[Chorus] my DJ: (rock the beat) Shout out to De La Soul Craig G and Pete Nice Whodini, MC Shan Juice Crew, Ice Cube Shock G, Jungle Brothers Black Sheep and Latifah Peace shout to Nicki D 
[Verse 3] Whatchu know ‘bout Milk and Giz? And ain't nobody rock a party like Biz I want to dance like The Kangol Kid Scoob and Scrap Lover, Trouble T-Roy, even DJ Kool Herc even invented the b-boy. Take a look around like Master Ace, Public Enemy got me hype when they said they wanted “BASS!” Flavor Flav was the first hype man, I love British Knights, but really I was a Fila fan. Just somethin’ you wanna hear like Gang Starr and Premier with that flava in your ear. That Craig Mack that’s real Love MC Ren, but when Lyte dropped Paper Thin, cats like Drake wouldn'ta made it back then we had Prince Paul, Large Professor, big Daddy-O can't forget Kurtis Blow them word and real rap shows Parrish and Erick Sermon, Heavy D from Mount Vernon Joeski Love he even did the Pee-Wee Herman 
[Chorus] to my DJ: (rock the beat) shout out to Doug E. Fresh Dana Dane and Slick Rick the whole Get Fresh Crew Steady B, Kool Moe Dee Cold Crush Brothers and Busy Bee Prince Rakeem and UTFO Fat Boys and Chill Rob G. And we out. Yeah, can't forget my DJs, shout out to: DJ Kool Herc DJ Red Alert Paul C Jazzy Jeff Cash Money Grandmaster Flash Mr. Magic DJ Hollywood Jazzy Jay Eddie Cheeba DJ Charlie Chase DJ Chuck Chillout The Masterdon and DJ Davy DMX 
 fresh to death, man.
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genoa101 · 1 year
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leagueofleaguesff · 2 years
ILL FL 1st Round Playoff Recap 🏉🏈
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Week 15 has us in the first week of the postseason in the NFL league. Laura hung onto the top seed and Jermaine came out of nowhere to snag the other bye week. The rest of the playoff teams were 8-6 (Demetri, Jermaine, & Professor). The wildcards were both 7-7 as Carla got in with massive points while Johnny backed in to just barely make it over Slick for the final spot.
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First Round saw Demetri VS Carla, as well as, Johnny VS Professor.
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Demetri 🏆 Carla
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Demetri surged in the latter half of the season as Carla had done. She definitely was the queen of points and would need that in her match against him.
Demetri took a gamble on Taysum which initially paid dividends. Home team players Fields and Montgomery came thru as well for Demetri team.
Sanders came up super short for Carla but her team aside did very well for her. A hiccup at Kicker was not enough to hold her back as she took the lead.
Demetri got near duds with Devante- who has been on fire but had a tough matchup with the Pat's D. Chubb has not been himself late, which hurt Demetri too. To make matters worst, Diggs trending down most of Saturdays game slate. Despite the barely double digit scoring for most of his team, Demetri had to count on Packers Def (rival home team defense) to win or lose him this week.
Packers did great, but it wasn't enough to overcome Carla's lead.
Certainly, Mahomes 75 points is what took it over the top. Adding salt to the wound, King Henry and Higgins came thru big time for her.
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Looking at the bench for Demetri, he still would have loss in Carla left her team as is and he played Theilin & Dillon. He would have been 5 points short in a hindsight optimized lineup 🤏
Digging deeper into the wound, even with better outputs of Packers rival players on his fantasy team, in an ironic twist, a former Packer Davante poor point outing is what cost him his season smh 🤦
Carla's bench was so deep it almost didn't matter. Her bench actually could have beaten other playoff teams....thats how awesome her team up h down did 👏
Kudos to Demetri for making it this far and a good season overall. Congratulations to Carla for advancing to the semifinals 🎊
Professor 🏆 Johnny
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Professor doing his usual, made the playoffs once again. Johnny backed into the playoffs with a small point tie break over Ricky to get the last wildcard.
The 3 seed vs the 6th seed was a tight battle. Both of these competitors are waiver wire masters. Always dipping weekly to improve thier team, both gentlemen played snarky bets on players based on trends, matchups, and schemes. Perfect example:
Professor played TE from the Titans. In recent weeks he has been getting a lionshare of targets due to the lack of playmaking ability from thier wide outs. Woods is not a number 1 WR prototype and the rookie has been hurt or inconsistent. This has led the Titans offense to play underneath pass options which is great for TEs with pass catching abilities. He ended up with double digits for Professor in this PPR format.
Johnny gambled on Dobbins who admittedly had no interest in fornthe draft. The play was simple. The Browns Defense is top ten in yards allowed to opposing run offenses. Add the fact the Ravens too lack depth and true playmaker at the WR position. Their team motto to stick the run helped ease Johnnys decision in a trending Dobbins who has produced albeit dealing with injury. He is also doing it with a timeshare with other RBs on the team.
Both bets paid off initially for Professor & Johnny. Savy these guys🧐
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As we can see on the bench, Professor got screwed by not putting in Stevenson at RB. Problem was he didn't have the info as it was a late game. Combine that with Zonovan low output, that player basically cost him the season. Ouch. Johnny was also eliminated in another Core 4️⃣ league (Sleeper) because of the same player in another tight game. I wonder how many teams were eliminated because of playing him 🤔 He had seemingly took over that position but the Lion's did improve on Defense in that particular area after getting run through earlier in the season.
Other than that costly mistake, Professor made all the right moves. By the end of Sunday, Johnny was in the lead. He pulled Watson in case of a disastrous negative point game from the rookie that could have cost him the season. Sure, a dangerous chance for point adjustments could have wreaked havoc, but luckily for Johnny all ended well.
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While Demetri & Professor face off for 5th place, the final four teams present an interesting take.
The trophy will return to a Williams household as the ladies (Mrs) will face off against each other while the brothers Duke it out in the semifinal family affair. Should be interesting 👀
Brother VS Brother
Sister VS Sister
Williams Week 16 to see who will etch their name in the coveted trophy 🏆 of the ILL FL🏈
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S & K
I am what I am Klangnomad Lyrics We have lyrics for 'I am what I am' by these artists: (Chill Out) Above and Beyond pres. Oceanlab I know you've read So many books You keep a breast of… above & beyond (oceanlab) I know you've read So many books You keep a best of… Above & Beyond ft. Oceanlab I know you've read So many books You keep a breast of… Above & Beyond Presents OceanLab Your splendor is boundless And You etch your name in the… Above & Beyond/Oceanlab I know you've read So many books You keep a breast of… Adrian Belew "Friends seen an` unseen...to you that are ridin` along In y… Albatross Something in the air bends around my firm resolve It's hard… Amateur Transplants … B-Luv I'm a champion, I'm a champion Yea Ybs I'm on a whole… Bacharach & David Ghost on the highway Bird with metal wings Ghost on the high… Bassey shirley I am what I am I am my own special creation So… Chubb Rock Here we go, ha ha Thou shalt not have no other… Coniption Fit First time I saw you, I failed to see The lies… Deathbringer Das menschliche Gefühl, das im Grunde genommen* oberflächlic… Deja Voodoo Spells I Am What I Am Free my soul, I wanna be, What I… Doro Some choose to remember Some choose to forget Some fall to… Douglas Hodge I am what I am I am my own Special Creation So come take a l… Duce Duce I am an Artist, a Student, a Street Scholar The son… Emma Muscat Every time I fall down As soon as I hit the… f.Jones I know momma loved me I reckoned that dad thought I… f.Jones/Hannah/Respect I'm not aware of too many things I know what I… George Hearn I am what I am, I am my own special… Gloria Gaynor It takes a lifetime to become the best that we… Greyhound I am what I am, yes, I'm one of the… Hannah Jones I am what I am I am my own special creation So… Hunter & the Bear Well I don't follow any trend I don't sulk for hours… Hunter and The Bear I find it takes some time to realize This life will… I-Roy O yea ,The darkest hours sometimes be the most fun Cause… Janet Glazener I am what I am I don't want praise I don't… Jerry Herman I am what I am I don't want praise I don't… Jerry Lee Lewis I am what I am I am my own special creation So… Jim & Ingrid Croce Perhaps I'll never show this world all I could be I… John Barrowman I am what I am I am my own special creation. So… Jonas Brother I am what I am I can't help myself And… Karen Mulder I am what I am I am my own special creation So… King Von Bow (what?) (Fivi, let's do it) (Von, heavy on it) What? (No… KMFDM Intimal, obsolete I overslept, arrived too late If nothing i… La Cage aux Folles i am what i am i am my own special creation so… La Cage Aux Folles Cast Ensemble: (Prelude, Reprise) We are what we are and… Leslie Uggams I am what I am I don't want praise I don't… LONDON THEATRE ORCHESTRA AND CAST He thinks that man is me He knew him at a… M.P.D. Limited Maybe I've longed for somebody like you Maybe I've longed fo… Mark Owen Looking at me, through the eye of a needle, Is a… Merle Haggard Things I learned in a hobo jungle Were things they never… N.D. Anderson Dancing, where the cloud touches light At dawn that is where… Nick Jonas I want someone to love me For who I am I want… O.B.I. I am the champion (okay) I am the champion (did it… Oceanlab I know you've read, so many books You keep abreast of… Respect Feat. Hannah Jones I am what I am I am my own special creation So… Sammy Davis What kind of fool am I Who never fell in love It… Shirley Bassey I am what I am I am my own special creation So… Since The Flood Every step I take they'll try, try to bring me… Spiritualized I am the tide that pulls the moon I am the… Steve White Intimal, obsolete I overslept, arrived too late If nothing i… Teatro I am what I am I am my own special… The Hotels We're told that we're all special from a very young… The Itals Jah-man, Jah-man, lead I not in aggravation Jah-man, Jah-man… The M.P.D. Limited I'm counting the stars Wherever you are The sky is so calm L… The Silver Stage Orchestra and Cast He thinks that man is me He knew him at a… The Village People I am, I am, what I am, what I am,… Tom Roble Follow your dreams Follow your dreams I am what I am I do… Various Artists Various Artists Europride Paris '97 I Am What I Am GLORIA GA… Village People I am, I am, what I am, what I am,… Zane Williams If I were an astronaut I'd bring you back a moon…
i am obsessed with this and with you what a beautiful poem you wrote me from the universe
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redrose-arrow · 3 years
okay so the Ranger’s Apprentice Tik Tok parody
Because y’all wanted 19 y/o me finish the thing that 14 y/o me (who was objectively on crack) started. Enjoy :).
Wake up in the morning feelin’ like Will Treaty (hey, what up boy?) Grab my scabbard I’m out the door; I’m gonna save this country (let’s go) Before I leave, have coffee, add a spoonful of honey  Ask questions all of the time, sarcasm ain’t funny
I’m talking arrows on our bows, bows Dressed up in green-grey clothes, clothes Realm-saving from all our foes, foes Trust the cloak, wearing our silver oakleaves Fighting off Morgarath’s thieves Don’t catch us moving unheard and unseen 
Don’t stop, burn the bridge Shenanigans on Nihon-Jan ridge Again, missed my dance Successfully ignored Halt’s glance It’s no lute - a mandola  Think no one likes my speech, no Oh, woah, woah-oh  Oh, woah, woah-oh More dogs, Tug has fun So many wars that I have won Halt he, is a king?! Your bow’s a stick without the string Tick-tock, on the clock But the duty don’t stop, no Oh, whoa, whoa-oh Oh, whoa, whoa-oh
Ain’t got a care in the world, and got plenty of plans Can make an army out nowhere, put a weapon in your hands And now the Skandians are lining up, ‘cause they hear I got Grimsdell Not even two Kalkara could make me say my last farewell
I’m talking royal apprentice out of hand, hand Temujai take the land, land Almost dying in Arridan hot sand, sand Now, now, I’m going ‘till I saved my friend’s crown Or Greybeard Halt shut us down, down Greybeard shut us down, down Grey- Grey- shut us down
Don’t stop, blow up the cave Ignore that time I was a slave Be strong, quick, and wise Don’t steal Chubb’s freshest pies Be thrown off your horse Thirty-three men is a force, oh Oh, whoa, whoa-oh Oh, whoa, whoa-oh Finally, a last name Though it came with quite some fame  I’m shy, a butterfly Climb up and touch the sky Magic, here and there But the thinking don’t stop, no Oh, whoa, whoa-oh Oh, whoa, whoa-oh
Warmweed, you built me up You broke me down  Have no trauma No, I’m healthy Put your hands up Take your clothes off You won’t come far In your undies Coffee, it builds me up Add more honey ‘Cause I’m a Ranger  Yeah I am one With my eyebrow raised Raise your eyebrow Raise your eyebrow
Now, the Gathering don’t start ‘till I walk in 
Don’t stop, make a joke Hide in your magical cloak Again, I’ma fight You know I will be alright Time is running out But the duty don’t stop, no Oh, whoa, whoa-oh Oh, whoa, whoa-oh Grew a beard, it looked weird When I shaved I was cheered Go on adventure Storm a castle just for her My life might be hard But I don’t stop smiling, no Oh, whoa, whoa-oh Oh, woah, woah-oh
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meliora · 7 years
actual footage of kenneth branagh every time he saw a plane comin in dunkirk
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