#he's such a genious sometimes
tripably · 8 months
writing a story is like playing labyrinth (the board game)
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chaoticyumelikes · 1 month
Sweet!! I have a request..fanfic! I wasn’t sure which character you write for but I’m leaning towards redson from lmk ( love me a tsundere ) who has a fem partner who’s very shy yet cuddly and wants affection from him since he’s busy with his machines but of course this is making the fire prince flustered since he’s never seen her that way and it gets worse when she says with a cute sad doe eyes “ please kiss me ” and boom. The rest is up to you! Hopefully this was okay!
Redson x shy!reader
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Weeeeeellll opposites do attract but oh boy.
To have fallen in love with you was not easy on the flaming prince. He was of royal status. He couldn't waste his time with peasants much less so when he has the duty to build and conquer to gain the favor of his own parents. But then he meets you, a shy little mortal peasant and he scowls. When he isn't able to hear you he is LOUD and curt.
Your hurt expression does give him pause and he readjusts his temper slightly. A veeeeery tiny fraction. At first.
He does begin to like your presence though. You actually listen to him to all his ramblings, you grow fascinated at his technology and even though you don't understand his more technical terms you edge him on. So he begins to search for you when he has brilliant ideas for new mech. If he has your phone number expect him to call you at odd hours and rant to you about his latest invention and plans all the while on his bed kicking his legs with a huge smile on his face. If you complain about the hour he will get a bit snappy after all why should he respect your weak sleeping schedule. He does take note of it and kiiiinda tries to respect it. When he remembers that is. This man/demon is full of work so he's going to forget what hour and what day it even is. But he does feel fortunate to have you. While his parents treated him as a disappointment you were there fascinated and loving his every invention.
As time passes he drops the "peasant" around you.
MK tired: Stop calling us peasants...
Redson with a greatly offended expression: Excuuuuuse you Noodle Boy! I called you all peasants! *points at you with his hand* They are superior to you. In fact! *he shoos away MK from around you with a disgusted look on his face while gently dusting you off the Noodle Boy's germs off you* Stay away from them, don't bother them, don't look at them, don't infect them with your very presence. Come along dear let's go enjoy civilised company together.
Yeah... He is trying... If you point out he was rude to MK be prepared to chase a flaming Redson after MK on accounts on trying to poison you against him.
You: Please stop trying to hurt MK.
Redson smiling after a while of this repeated topic of conversation: I wouldn't dream of it *secretly presses a button to deploy several robots and weapons to carry out the job*
Invitations to his home and workshop, feel pride my shy human mortal, for you get to see the genious at work! You even try to help out when he vehemently prohibits so. You are his guest and his workshop isn't exactly... Mortal friendly. He will treat you like royalty in return for you caring about him all the while denying it. Point out his blush and he will snap that it's just the heat from the lava. And speaking of this, he will sometimes work without a shirt on and then it's your turn to blame your rosy cheeks on the general heat.
Redson: Excuse me, they asked for no pickles *now threatening the clerk* IS THAT SO HARD FOR YOUR PUNY MORTAL PEASANT BRAIN TO COMPREHEND?!
Yeeeeah he has a temper and it causes problems in his everyday life including you. He will not apologise.... By words I mean. He will leave you trinkets and acts of service. Builds you a robot for protection or build you a super cool (and deadly) vehicle.
Now about trying to show this man physical affection... Will be hard. Redson's not a very touchy person as he is deeply indoctrinated into his noble ways. And nobles do not touch unless a specific protocol is followed. So it has to be introduced in small baby steps.... You know.... Gently.... Like trying to disable a bomb.
He won't hurt you but he will flinch away and give you a look of discomfort and suspicion. Insist and be prepared for a lecture on proper etiquette.
When he FINALLY gets that he loves you... Well his world shatters. He starts to overthink and have panic attacks. How would his parents react (they have known for the longest time)? How would he court you? Should he stick to ancient demon ways to court a human? By formal kidnapping? Should he learn the human peasant ways? Eugh! But should he? Etc, etc.
He begins to shower you in gifts made by him. Super cool armor to protect you that ends up with so many functions and customization that you can't move at how heavy it is. Like I mentioned before a robot buttler, a robot bodyguard, a robot cook.... You know what? Just move in the mansion and you get a robot army. You think he is kidding... He is definitely not. The mansion has room and protection and he will make sure to attend to your every need plus you will stay close to your one only genius. Deny him and he will do as he always does..... Makes even more effort that ends in new explosive failures. One time the Monkey Crew even asked him if he was trying to actively kill you.
When you two finally get together.... You're not able to touch him, even get near him thanks to his fire powers go out of control at how happy he is. Even his parents thought for a second that he had the Samadi fire back.
He is a demon while you're human so it is a relationship that has a learning curve on the both of you. Most intimacy happens behind closed doors. On one hand you have to initiate by verbal statements.... Which due to your shy nature it's hard. Plus he is more often working than not and so you don't want to bother him. But once you do say your piece he will finish his project fast to give you the cuddles you crave.... Well almost, as he is still stiff trying to engage in less formal ways. So be prepared for him to be like a stiff manequin as you're the one that have to whether tell him or put his arms around you to what you find acceptable. Say you want kisses and I hope you're wearing layers of non-inflamable cloth or you may get burned by his embarrassment or even eagerness. He controls it with time thanks to "training" (constant cuddles and kisses). Nonetheless you'll sometimes look like a freaking forge master as he tries to reign in his flames while you try anything new. Every Winter is a blessing, 10 out of 10 cuddles, while every Summer you'll need to crank up the AC or you will die (and yes you are forbidden to deny him affection. It is LAW).
Either way once he gets the hang of it..... Be prepared to have a very clingy boyfriend as he is extremely touch starved. He, formal and set in his ways as he is, WILL include in the daily schedule hours for cuddles and other forms of affection... If you get yourself a minute or micro second late you WILL be scolded. Initiate your best affection or you'll never hear the end of it.
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another-goblin · 5 days
Quantum AU 
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Where Dr. Ratio (quantum Erudition) caught the gaze of Nous and got accepted into the Genius Society, and little Aventurine (quantum Hunt) was rescued by the IPC rescue party after the genocide.
(why Quantum? no reason.  Just that it's as abstract as Imaginary, but different.)
Dr. Ratio:
he's what we'd have if some players' misconceptions about the canon Ratio were true. Science is above all; knowledge and truth are the biggest values;
looks down on less scientifically enclined people, but in a benevolent condescending way: "It's our responsibility to take care of them and save them";
doesn't teach, considers it beneath him. If you can't acquire knowledge by yourself, then you aren't worthy of it;
met Aventurine during a collaboration between his lab and the IPC. They found it mutually beneficial to continue their cooperation on a more personal level. Yep.
actually betrayed Aveturine in Penacony (justified it with "this new knowledge about Stellarons can save billions of lives"). Aventurine knew that he'd do this. Ratio knew that Aventurine knew. Is it even a betrayal if both parties know about it beforehand and count on it?...
would actually die himself for scientific progress (first of course he would make sure there's somebody equally capable to continue his work);
despite doing well, suffers from a severe case of impostor syndrom. You know, his canon passive-aggressive inferiority complex stuff about the Genious Socielty, minus the passive-aggressive part;
tries to avoid useless vanity projects. A lot of his discoveries are legitimately beneficial for humanity. Despite this, he grows more and more dissatisfied with his life because of some artificial principles and limitations he imposed on himself (the way a Genuious Society member is supposed to act in his understanding). Bonus HC - I think that the canon Ratio is quite satisfied with his job. His life seems quite fulfilling - not just helping people with his discoveries but also actually healing people as a doctor, teaching students, and of course his estracurriculum role as a "supposing"character"—basically secretly saving people, the way he did on Herta station;
in terms of appearance - outside of his lab, he pays even less lip service to the "generic modern western IPC" style of clothing than the canon Ratio, just wears this loose toga-like thing traditional to his people. Wears a full laurel wreath.
I heard an idea that aventurine is a cheap gem that's sometimes passed off as other more expensive gems, and it reflects the way Aventurine sees himself. So in this AU he might have been assigned a different stone. I know nothing about gems though, so Aventurine it is;
his unique abilities caught the IPC recruiters' attention early on, so he was basically groomed into becoming a loyal follower of the IPC;
grew up feeling much safer about his life (no need to strife to protect himself), but very dedicated to the IPC, therefore Hunt;
got very rich from gambling before all the major casinos figured out that something's off and banned him from playing. Proceeded to increase his fortune many times over through some risky financial stuff. Now owns a famous casino himself;
known for curating and donating to all kinds of child care and resque organizations (bonus HC - the canon Aventurine does the same, but secretly);
was lucky to have some genuinely kind and caring people in his life growing up;
sincerely believes that the IPC are the good guys. Whatever dirty business he has to do, it's for the greater good;
despite all this, has been suffering from cognitive dissonance and doubt for a long time. He heard about the IPC's true role behind the tragedy of his people, but he struggles with accepting it. He's actually very close to breaking out of the IPC indoctrination;
in terms of appearance - no slave brand obvs, slightly taller than canon Aventurine from having enough food available to him growing up. His clothes are much less flashy than the canon Aventurine's but even more expensive.
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fanatical4creation · 7 months
Warning! Biohazard!
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Pestilence!Sans in InvertedVerse!
Hello! I'm here to talk about pestilence, he's so cool :D
Alright now, i didn't do a reference sheet bc 1- they're getting boring to me, 2- there's not much changes to show, all i did was reduce his color palette, buuut if the creator don't like my decision i'll do the og colors.
Alright, it looks like not that many people know him, so you can learn more about him here. But i can give you a summary, but you'll still lose some details.
I don't plan on getting too deep into his backstory in InvertedVerse bc he's just a side character so i don't see any need on doing so. But maybe i change my mind in the future, my mind is a mystery box...
He's a parasite-like being that feeds off the magic of other beings. He is an out-code Sans.
His role is the sickness and he has this passive that slowly makes people sick around him, it's something related to his death from infections and diseases.
Inside InvertedVerse:
Alright now, Pesti is on the Darkside, Nightmare's side, why? That's actually a short story, idk if should say it now, but he does have a important role, so important even that i'm afraid to spoil everything, like, help.
His host ain't Zoo!sans anymore, Zootale is finally in peace from Pestilence, bc Nightmare took him off there for.. uhmmm, a mutual share of favors.
I'm not sure who his new host is, it can't be Nightmare, neither anyone from the darkside, but i have no idea. Maybe because the place he's in now has so many people he just picked up someone random... like... like Anx (it's not a offense to him)! I'm a genious.
He's a side character as i said, he's more of a comic relief than a serious guy with a whole badass arc or somethin', but he's a jester not a clown.
He often spies the residents one of them the Undercop detectives, the detectives have some murder mystery going on, it's quite interesting to watch bc it doesn't happen often, oh yeah that's a big side plot for Invertedverse btw and it's through Pestilence that the audience finds out about it, maybe he even helps finding who's the murderer, who knows?
Also tries to make some "friends" to keep himself entertained until the day of depression happens... (just made out the name)
Sometimes he get into non-physical fights just for fun (idk if that's accurate), one of the fights he picked up was with Wine, the Sans from Fellswap Gold, Pestilence can pierce his skin like a needle and see what's inside, not all of it, but most of it, Wine despises Pestilence.
I have this headcanon that everywhere he goes he touches things to contaminate them like doorknobs, chairs or anything in public places that people often put their hands on, specially bathrooms. Idk i just think it's funny.
Anyway he's a funny little guy doing some funny little things with his funny little "friends" and funny little tricks and puns.
Pestilence (c) @hoshi-tsubasa
Hi, you said you wanted to read 👋😳
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andreabaideas · 9 days
First impression of each DJATS character after reading and watching?
Well interesting!
Let's see :
Book : chill funny one. Nice. Liked him. 8
Show: chill funny one. Nice. Good ethnicity change. Cool looks. Liked him. 8
Book : Annoying but dignified on the end and understandable. 7
Show : Annoying, childish and rancorous. Didn't like the Camila's Affair. Without dignity. 4
Book: seemed rancorous and was later an incel. Didn't get over Karen even after 40 years. 4 .
Show: nice, cute, understandable, a good man there that you could marry happily tbh (Warren is like that too, Eddie IS pathetic, and Billy IS an unfaithfull toxic drunkard, as much as i like him, and IS in LOVE with many people at once...the logic choice for a boyfriend IS Graham, lets be honest). 9.
Book : bossy. Kinda bitchy. Meh. 5
Show: father like figure, nice. I liked him better here. Ethnicity change works too. 8.
Rod :
Book : chill awesome and gay/bi. 9
Show: chill awesome . Sexuality non mentioned. 8 ( Its the scripters fault)
Book : feminist brunette tomboy rock star tired of everyone's shit. Not as good friend of Camila as you would think tbh. Did get over with Graham. Tough chick. 8
Show : Barbie Rock star. Feminist. Better friend to Camila at least she seemed to feel genuelly guilty about knowing but non telling Cami. Still in love with Graham. Less tough and nicer. I liked her better I guess? 9.
Book : genious but also insane. Very selfish and a bitch, not very lovable, in fact sometimes you may hate her, charismatic but annoying. Camila wakes her conscience. Doesn't really know what she wants. She's said to have ethereal beauty and essence about her that's intoxicating and IS a beautiful redhead with Big blue eyes. 7.
Show : nicer, less selfish , she's not a bitch she is bitchy, but she isn't one you hate, she IS more like misguided but relatable main character with whimsical energy, Creative, artistic, she wants to be loved and a family aka what Camila have, her conscience wakes Itself, she regaings power and dignity in the end by walking away by herself tbh. Genious, slightly crazy, she also has ethereal beauty and essence about her that's intoxicating and IS a beautiful redhead with Big blue eyes. I loved her. 10.
Book : Hot and a decent dad. I didn't believe a Word he said about anything of the story..He was full of bullshit tbh. I found him unreliable, and a liar . But He was very truly charismatic. His Only reedeming quality was being a good dad apart of being a good musician. Suppossedly adores Camila with cute details like gifts , ice cream...etc But then threats her like crap cheating, falling for another and letting her raise 3 kids mostly by herself (playing with kids and being cute doesn't count, you should do the ugly parts too...Which he didn't do ever, first as a musician then as a composer/ song writer)
Something that bothered me a lot while reading was...If he truly wanted Daisy to find her "Camila" aka her water...why he messed with her??? Why he didn't throw her out the band ? Uh?
Cause he was a Liar!!!! He wanted to have her without the obvious repercussions (and Camila's complaints). Hadn't she left the way she did, prompted by Camila...They would had fallen into the affair hard.
Its just not real and It annoyed me a lot. No man is Schrodinger's cat unfaithfull (like unfaithfull and faithfull at once) , come on!! At least he IS entertaining to read XD . 7'5.
Show : im too biased here cause I love Sam. Hot and moderately decent dad, also a liar , but we saw what he did so...we are ready for his bullshit already XD.
Charismatic as fuck .
His true reedeming qualities are : Sam Claflin, Sam Claflin's singing voice, his fatherhood tiny moments with baby and kid Julia...and did i mention Sam Claflin being a hot rockstar?!...thats It. Whoever casted him did the Lord's job, cause had Billy been played by another actor everyone wouldn't be so in love or rooting for pairings ( Daisily or Camilly) everyone would hate him.
Sam has the talent to make you root for problematic people ( exceptions are in Nightingale and Peaky Blinders... for obvious reasons).
I liked that he relapses, I found It realistic. At least here he Only fuck Up (at the beginning, then he redeems) with one kid, not 3... If the bar for being a good dad consist in being there for the birth and to play a bit with your kid...Then the bar Its more than fucking under the ground, It IS as deep as the metro train!!! . He gets the 9, just because of Sam, excluding my Sam fangirlism... then 7'5 , and being generous, and Its for the relapse and the realistic infidelity approach...
Book : barely there. Super anecdotic. 6.
Show : my God, It was the best thing ever they did...They give her a soul!!! And interests outside Daisy!!! And a cool story. And a girlfriend...10. I couldn't love her more.
Camila...Brace yourself.
Book: Oh boy, I loved her. Patient , saintly, amazing strong traditional wife , awesome Mom. Good wife...not perfect (unfaithfull too and slightly manipulative) but very good overall. I loved her , so chill, strong and bossy. Tiny force to be reckoned with. 9.
Show: they sucked Camila's energy like vampires suck Blood ugh. They bared her of her strenght and made her say the cringiest quotes of the show , half of her dialogues were pure cringe. Camila Morrone Its so talented she Worked with that and made the changes watchable..
Taller and prettier, model like...it doesn't work as It should, as Camila was supposed to be less pretty than Daisy, here they are on the same level physically . Also Cami comes off as less cool and sometimes could come off even as bland. Her character IS now more realistic but IS the scorned wife™ , that here It doesn't really work, her peacefull confident behaviour with the literal quote "I hope I never see you again" as a prove translates as "I am the Queen and the King IS mine suck It Up bitch I won , go away"... I wish they respected her as she was , even with everything that they changed.
Had they kept her just like she was It would've been epic. But It wasn't. 7 . (For Camila Morrone's acting, not for her script).
Lisa and Julia are barely there, so i like them better in the show, as i'm seeing them, I guess? 7-8.
Nicky...i hated both versions, so yeah XD. - 10.
Thats It!!
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agathazinha2009 · 7 months
Bruh sometimes I think about The main team in their teenage hood and their parents. I get in The conclusion(plus some au backstory):
Revvit is a nerd who's only focused on studing the world outside and exploring, he's orphan, no one knows how his parents died, but it was because of a Dinotrux attack, they had to hide inside a cave, but the dinotrux didn't leave any second causing Revvit's parents die for starvation and thirsty, they were Explorers just like revvit.
Click-Clack is Revvit cousin(my au), CC lives with his parents and Revvit(He got adopted by Click-Clack's family) Click-Clack study sometimes, other times He is enjoying partys and hanging with Ace and waldo and exploring his romantic Life. His parents are the best and supportive. (Click-Clack is a normal teenager, rare gem I must say)
Ace, she is a rebel but responsible, her parents are nice but kinda neglectful, sometimes not being nice on their daugher, causing her to rebel herself, going out the ravine with revvit and making friends with Dinotruxes and other wrenchtools.
Waldo, He is the old man in a young body, parent his parents(they're tough) and Waldo is wise beyond his years. Being always the father of the group, and the most responsible.
Dozer, He was raised by his mother, she's is a tough woman, and his father were the Alpha of the herd, so he couldn't takecare of Dozer. Dozer inspired himself on his father, always trying be the strongest, most agile,etc. He was the most loyal and the strongest teenager of the herd.
Skya, she was just a normal Craneosaur of the herd, she was very confident, and proud of herself, popular and all boys had their eyes on her. She was rebel and arrogant some times. But still powerful in a young age. Raised by her mother, father wasn't present.
Ton-Ton was very insecure, and didn't want take any risky risk. Till met the dumps, that helped him get over his insecurity and help him develop his passion for ramps and danger. He's the older of three brothers(four couting Ton-ton), double T parents are neglectful, and He was raised by his mother only, his father was caugh by a T-Trux in a fight(He was trying protect his offsprings).
Ty, wise beyond it's years teenager, but at same rebel, He was genious (Ty is a giftedness in The au), and because of it He couldn't fit in. He was rebel(rarely) and didn't like take any risk.
His mother is a asshole(lol) she is a narcissist(she destroyed some Ty's old relationships, used him and abused his psychological, emotional and physical), when ty hit the puberty, He began to live with it's father, who was absensent(There's a theory Tyrannosaurus used to make a deal of female raise the babys and male raise the teens, so I kinda liked to bring this theory on the au, but ofc males would still be with their offspring) but his father were kind and gold hearted. Being Ty main inspiration and guider.
Random au things, hope you like it lmao.
Btw Ty's mom is the best character I ever created lol, she destroy your Life and gives a shit excuse to disguise her ego.
-Mom why did you told lies about me to my boyfriend? He broke up with me!
-Ty darling, If they can't accept Who you truly are or suspost to be, it's not love, I saved you! Can't you be grateful for once?
The perfect asshole.
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bakawitch · 8 months
I was thinking of drawing some art of the student council in Kakeoh, but I'm not sure what some (like personified obelisk the tormentor) look like, do you have any references for them?
Aww! That would be awesome! I'm glad the au piqued your interest enough for that XD
So these are extremely sketchy, but here are the current season 1 designs for the student council members
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Close ups and lore tidbits below cut
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• Otogi Ryuji - Treasurer of Student Council (Manyuda Kaede/Otogi Ryuji)
Pretty similar to canon Kaede but with a little Duke-ish charm
Also wants to become the student council president
Recommended Risa for the student council
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• Kaminaga Dei - Student Council Member/President of Beautification Council (Ikishima Midari/Yami Malik)
Psycho gun guy who gets really excited about gambling
Huge one-sided crush on Yamiko
Joey's face makes him want to throw up for some reason
Has no loyalty towards Kaibami whatsoever
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• Nosaka Miho - Head of Public Relations (Yumemite Yumemi/Nosaka Miho)
Her signature symbol is a pink strawberry
Will eventually get a boyfriend
Still hates her fans (Yugi is one of them)
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•Ob Bhakta - Secretary of Student Council/Kaibami Seto's Personal Assistant (Igarashi Sayaka/Obelisk the Tormentor)
Hopelessly devoted/in love with Kaibami, gets jealous easily, but keeps it to himself
Comes from a working class family, has really low self-worth
Doesn't gamble a lot but is a borderline genious
Less emotional outwardly than Sayaka
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•Kaibami Seto - President of Student Council (Momobami Kirari/Kaiba Seto)
Dramatic, calculated bitch, not above murder
He introduced the housepet system
Besides his twin he has a younger brother
Will eventually cut his hair
Mommy and daddy issues, my guy's a mess
Weirdly obsessed with Yamiko and his fun sized boyfriend thing
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•Kaibami Eto - Vice President of Student Council (Momobami Ririka/Kisara)
Younger twin, literally named after her brother
Her name sort of sounds like echo because she's basically just an echo of her twin
Sometimes wears the male uniform so people aren't too quick to catch on when her and Seto switch places
Has very little confidence without her mask
Sometimes finds it easier to be Seto rather than herself
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• Dartz Atlan - Student Council Member/Head of Antiques Club (Nishinotoun Yuriko/Dartz)
Has basically the same hairstyle as canon, but a bit shorter and more blond toned
Has heterochromia
All his club members are very loyal to him, loyal enough to fix odds
His club runs a den
Insanely petty
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• Fiona Sheldon - Student Council Member/Leader of the Election Committee (Yomozuki Runa/Fiona the Doll)
Daughter of a British count
Has an extensive doll collection
Enjoys sweets and sewing (mostly dresses and accessories for her dolls)
Legit no one knows wtf is going on inside her head
The Election Committee wears pink sweaters and differently styled bonnet hats
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• Kageyama Risa - Student Council Junior Member (Sumeragi Itsuki/Kageyama Risa)
Still collects nails
Extremely privileged and spoiled but easily manipulated
Has a crush on Otogi
Doesn't have any sisters
Still kind of into witchcraft
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
How about Crimson with an Imp reader who is much bigger then Crimson?
Okay, I like this idea, not sure what you mean by bigger though, that means a lot of things, So I'm gonna take it as taller and thicker built cause that sounds like a fun way to go, but interpret the writing how you envision I suppose, grumpy Mob boss flustered at being so small compared to his partner, let's do this XP
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Crimson with an Imp Reader who is much bigger then him
Ah... Okay then.
Most of Crimson's men are shark demons, which are just generally taller then him for the most part, so he's kinda used to being the physicaliy smallest in the room, but he still feels like he's the strongest since they listen to his every whim after all. You on the other hand were different, whenever your close to him or touch him, he ends up feeling very small and vulnerable, and he refuses to boss you around, Satan knows what happened when he did that with his last partner.
He of course usually keeps his cool, tough as nails demeanor even though he's pretty flustered internally just being around you, even if you've caught him just looking you up and down, for varying reason, awe, attraction, wanting to just nuzzle up to your large form. But you can bet he's not admitting any that. He is very grumpy if you ever pick him up, just pouting and crossing his arms till you set him down, glad his only scars are around his eyes making his blush hard to notice.
Short jokes or teasing him about his height make him even madder, you don't do them often cause of that, but it's cute to see the angry blush. Don't get me wrong tho, he can manage not to be a blushy mess, he eventually adjusts to be able to keep up the composure to turning the teasing back on you, also you can bet he likes to top you when he can :3 Some of the teasing is innocent tho, like laughing when you bump your head on a doorway without your height in mind, or a ceiling fan tassel (Tall struggles I can confirm XP) Which always makes you fire back with you easily reaching the thing he just can't, you love to tease eachother about the height difference essentially. You sometimes recruiting one of his more lighthearted men like Chaz to tag team tease him. He doesn't take teasing sitting down though, if you get a little too bold, he'll sweep your legs right out from under and catch you, kissing you while your too flustered to respond, making you a stammering blushing mess. Which then makes any partner you recruited tease you right back, so hard to find loyal help these days am I right XP And while he allows that, thinking you deserve it a bit for getting too bold with him. If anyone teases you about it out of the blue, or Satan forbid insult you about it for some dumb reason, he'll roast the shit out of them, and probably arrange for them to get shot later if they talk back, Only he's allowed to tease you, or someone can with his approval, otherwise Fuck around and find out suckers. But sometimes? Sometimes he melts, clinging onto you desperately as you hug him in an encompassing embrace, only admitting to himself that you make him feel safe from all the regrets he refuses to agknowledge. Just grateful he still has you.
(Also thanks to my boyfriend @aveismaschine for the "encompassing embrace" alliteration, true genious dear) Overall it's a pretty wholesome relationship, filled with teasing and one upping flustering the other, along with genuine sweet moments that come with any good relationship, or at least that's my spin on it, thanks for the idea Anon.
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f1-disaster-bi · 2 months
Lando napping while the dragons hide him from George is genious 😂 would he also lie on one of the dragons to sunbath? What would visiters from other cities think if they see lando like that? 🫶🏼
They take their duty of playing 'hide Lando' so so so seriously. Even Vesper won't rat Lando out to George, and she is George's dragon.
I can absolutely see him doing that with maybe Magnus and Aurelia cause I could see them letting Lando on their back when he is younger, which is so strange cause normally they only accept their rider but Lando is dragon cat nip
People would definitely find it weird to see Lando just chilling with dragons, especially if it's before Egg hatches because that means that Lando doesn't have a dragon and just randomly hides with them or plays with them because that isn't really done.
When he's younger, people just brush it off as him being weird or start more rumours about things like "he does that because he doesn't have one"
When he's older, people are used to it and when strangers visit and see it and make comments, everyone shrugs because "Yeah thats Lando, he just does that sometimes", and "Yeah that's his hatchling sleeping on him with he naps of Ricciardo's dragon Magnus. His name is Egg"
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Hello there! It has been way too long since i updated you guys on how i've been doing, and i've probably only got myself to blame on this one. But i have FANtastic news to share! (get it? Cus i'm fan? Genious, i know.) I finally managed to get a job! And a decent one this time, no more cleaning mediocre school halls for me! (Horrayyy!)
So this entire hiatus hasnt been for nothing, i've been very hard at work finally being able to persue the thing i love the most, writting! Now i can officially call myself a journalist instead of an amature blogger. The self-improvement sure is real, love to see it. Sadly, I am constantly restricted from putting my heart and soul onto the paper in favor of transmitting what could be classified as useless information to whoever is bored enough to watch the news. And that constant restrain has made me miss the days of the good ol' Fan blog, so i guess you could say that's the reason i'm here. I've missed writting whatever i want to without the need to always double or triple check my work, its fun to not worry if every single word i type fits into my current streams of thought and stuff like that. But you don't wanna hear about all of that do you? You wanna hear about the funny stories! The authentic work experience i have gained! Atleast i hope so, because if not then youre probably in the wrong blog. But if that IS what you came here for, bluckle up bukaroo because im about to tell all about the working woes and friendly foes!
First off the job aplication process was VERY off-putting, my 2 future bosses took care of the interview and they asked... odd questions. They were also always a little too...rude. But thats ok! Nothing that i havent already handled. On the job i have met some interesting personalities such as suitcase! (I was given permission to state her name, duh) suitcase is very kind and funny, but she also has social anxiety, which is weird considering she is one of the few reporters we have, the type that usually goes out, interviews others and deals with harsh weather conditions for some reason. Suitcase is always busy going from one place to another so she can grab the needed fotage, and since im normally the one who writtes her scripts, i get to go with her sometimes! The news channel utilises this totally not ominous and cramped mini-van to cary all of the needed equipment and people. Surprisingly enough, my supervisor is the one who drives the van! She's quite chill, her voice is so smooth that i have to stop myself from yawning when i'm around her. Dont get on her bad side though, i once saw her almost yell at our make-up artist. Speaking of that, they both have some weird relationship going on, i genuinely have no idea if they are friends or enemies and at this point i am too scared to ask suitcase about it.
Working there is pretty chill, i tecnically dont need to phisically be there but hey, a bit more of social interaction wouldnt hurt. Besides, i wouldnt have met suitcase if i only sent my scripts via e-mail! So its a win-win! What else do i have to say abt work? Hmmm.... oh yea! I have a funny story to share!
On my first few days, suitcase told me that the make-up artist was an extreme chatter-box that preferably likes to "spill the tea" on everyone. But if you've been following this blog for a while now, you'd know that im not really good with understanding these types of frases, so for the longest time i thought that this guy actually spilled tea on people on porpose. (he looks really refined, so i just assumed he would be the kind of guy to like tea) So i, being extremelly cautious to not get tea on my lovely red paper, avoided him for like 5 days straight! He eventually caught on and complained to suitcase about it, she then told me so, and i explained my conundrum to her. After she explained what the frase actually meant, we couldnt stop laughting! I never actually apologised to the guy, i sure hope he doesnt hold grudges!
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After the park and the free falling, the Undertale characters goes to visit a farm because why not.
Undertale Sans - He keeps going and coming back in front of the cow barn. One of the cow is laying in a huge pile of hay that looks so comfortable and cosy and man, he's already tired of walking. Once everyone is focus on the guide that's giving everyone a tour, Sans vanishes in the air, teleports the cow in another part of the barn and steal its place for a well desserved nap. He even moo when his people walked in front of his cowshed so they don't suspect anything.
Undertale Papyrus - After the tour, him and Undyne stole took some food to see the horses. That's when they entered an argument to decide if yes or no the horses are unicorns that lost their corns and if they can secretly fly. Then Undyne decided to prove her theory by jumping on a horse and scream at it to fly. Papyrus is panicking, trying to reason her. The horse panicks and knocks over Papyrus in the horse mange. He is... stuck. This is so humiliating. There's just his butt out of the thing, not even touching the ground. This is the worst day of his life.
Undertale Toriel - She is the good student of the band, taking notes and asking questions so she can use all the informations to eventually organise a school trip here later. She got a bit insulted when a male goat decided to take a look under her dress, but she kicks him so hard all the animals collectively decided she was scary and she never got annoyed again.
Undertale Asgore - He wanted to know more about apiculture, but turns out the big king is really scared of bees. Gerson teased him without mercy for the rest of the trip, saying that's hilarious he thought 2500 humans in the war without blinking but is scare of a tiny little bee flying too close from his face. Asgore might or might have not made him trim on his shell and let him struggle on his back for 20 minutes like he didn't see him on the floor sometimes later. Gerson sent him 20 hives as a gift once back home.
Undertale Undyne - After riding succesfully her unicorn, Undyne realised Papyrus is... Uh... Stuck. After teasing him for ten minutes, she finally decided to help him, putting her head in the thing to try and dislocate his big skull out of here. Except when she tried to stand up, she... couldn't. There's a long awkward silence between the two of them and then they both panick, trying to escape their prison. After 30 minutes of struggling they have to agree on asking help, both humiliated.
Undertale Alphys - She was having a nice petting session with the rabbits when she got a weird call from Undyne asking her to come see the unicorns. She got confused at first but realised she might be talking about the horses. She didn't expect to find her girlfriend and Papyrus head stuck in the manger, circled by curious horses sniffing their butt and trying to eat their clothes. Now, Alphys is maybe a genious, but she not really a specialist in that. So she calls Toriel who, after trying desperatly to free them, started to be a little desperate as well. But that's fine! They have Mettaton!
Undertale Frisk - They stopped following everyone the second they spotted a litter of puppies barn dogs playing in the hay. Two hours later, they are still laying on the ground, covered in puppies, and it's the best day of their life. They smell like a puppy so much Toriel will have to fight Mama Dog to get their child back. Frisk is screaming to abandon them here the all time, which doesn't really help.
Undertale Chara - They were visiting the cowbarn when they find Sans deeply asleep in the hay. Now, they're not in conflict anymore, but Chara can't miss an opportunity like this. She picks black paint and draws spots on him, like a cow. They then grab one of the cow bell and slowly tie it around his neck, before tying his new collar to a lounge and then to a pillar. Here you go. Sans noticed nothing (well, they thought, until they found a cow tail tied to their butt in the car later).
Undertale Mettaton - After a rich conversation with the farmer in a try to borrow the farm for one of his movies, Mettaton got a rescue call from Alphys. Well, they didn't expected to find the captain of the royal guard and his biggest fan like this, but that's ok, this is why he has laser eyes. As soon as he says that proudly, Undyne and Papyrus starts to panic, trashing and screaming to not do it, which may have hurt Mettaton's huge ego a little. Oh well, he's doing it anyway. Papyrus saw his life flash in front of his eyes when Metatton almost cut his head off. His scarf is ruined though. And a big part of Undyne's hair as well. She is not too happy about it. Mettaton, offended they are not thanking him, leave the place.
Undertale Gaster - He had the bad idea to pet a goat. The goat absorbed his hand, and now he is being entirely absorbed because he's goop. He's screaming for help, but, apart from Asgore who tried to avoid this and couldn't get a reach on him, no one came. He gets slowly absorbed while Asgore is watching sadly. Asgore tells him that's ok because if there's a way in there's a way out. Gaster begs him to kill him again.
Undertale Grillby - He wants to pet the animals but the animals are not too happy about this living burning thing trying to touch them. Since all the animals were running away during the tour, he got left behind to keep company to the sandwiches. Then a goose came and bullied him until he gives in the sandwiches to it. This is not the best day to be a fire elemental...
Undertale Muffet - She's here for business. She always need supplies for her bakery and what best than a farm for that. She is negociating a contract with the farmer after the tour, and legends said they are still not out of room as Muffet is tormenting them to have a better lower price and won't let go of it.
Undertale Burgerpants - He was having a philosophic conversation with a pig, then all the other pigs came to listen to him. Now he is crying and telling them everything Mettaton did to him and that it can't keep going like this. Toriel finds him later curled up in the enclosure, crying and hugging one of the piggies. Great.
Undertale Flowey - He's in the chicken coop, causing chaos. Eggs and feathers are flying everywhere as he is laughing hysterically, throwing pellets at the chicken to see them run in panic everywhere around him. Well, that's it until a turkey decided it was enough and charged him. Flowey realised he messed up really bad when the thing started to run after him in the whole farm, refusing to let him go. Flowey hates to do this, but he's definitely running to Mommy Toriel, out of reach on her arm. Toriel is wondering why this turkey is following them. What he doesn't know is that the turkey managed to sneak into the car too.
Undertale Gerson - He's giving funny names to the animals and stops to pet some here and then. He can see him live in this place in his old age. He just doesn't know how to tell the farmer they will buy the place when they're dead because he's going to live at least 300 years older than them anyway. There's no good way to say that.
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13tinysocks · 1 day
I am SO excited to see where you guys take the body switch!! And willing to wait as long as it takes obviously! I really enjoy urs Jack and think out of everyone in ho1c he's like the bestest character for joan to switch with, great decision frfr
Like just shooting the headcannony shit but after that bdsm lectures he mentioned once?? And just in general chill vibe? Dude probably listens to everyones problems at least sometimes. Like a 'uhuh yeah uhuh' when carving a body and occasional actual advice. Or maybe just "Talk to each other". Or some fratboy shit. I used to have a cat who went blind when she got old but after she was purring when talked to, real similiar vibes from that one. And if so, Nina coming to cry to jack about that fight she had with joan only for joan to panic in jacks body? Or Joan finding out that Jack is strong enough to kick Brian's ass and testing the tentacle?? Meeow!
Also it's kind of cute how he'll be able to see everyone for the first time. AND how the others will hear joan's excited voice maybe? Even if jack will be the one speaking. Mayphaps a little angsty when it's time to switch back but can't imagine jack getting too upset about it hes chill like that. Or seems to be.
Anyway big brain big dick gigantic tits genious idea from you two, whatever happens will be great!!
Hey uh. How did. How did you guess so much. How did you do that
I'm scared
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I just so deeply wish it was much more common and acceptable to make powerful characters just weird
Like take idk Gojo from jjk, or Luke Skywalker
Characters that are chosen or just powerful but also so deeply not human in theory but not in practice because people are cowards
Yes Gojo seems a bit uncanny with his eyes, but for the name of “Six Eyes” its very tame that they are jusr. Bright, which just makes him pretty. And he has a bit of weird mannerism that comes with seeing too much. Give my man more eyes physically. Make him so fucking weird he will benefit from it so much, give us biblically accurate Gojo
The same about Luke, Jedi in general. They different from everyone else canonically on biological level. Make them weird. Anakin is straight up space Jesus, all Skywalkers should be eldrich horrors in the flesh that’s too small for them
True creepy strong character despite not making changes physical but only in mannerism? Ellen Ripley from Alien Resurrection. She is so weird and uncanny and wrong in an unhuman way
Making changes physical would be easier when someone doesn’t have the sheer charisma of Sigourney Weaver so I’d accept just ya know. If Anakin had weird eyes or smh
When someone is a genious in any field possible, sometimes they dont seem human to you. I had a friend in uni who was probably smarter than most professors but was well. Not most stable? Like he brought knives to uni, had some very radical and borderline rasist or homophobic views cause of the company he kepe because he was desperately trying to belong somewhere. He had wild eyes, last thing he told me was that he had his first time with a sex worker and then went into army. It was natural to be weary of him, he was a nice dude but the smallest things could tip him off
Thats what im talking about
Like i get it it might be a hard thing to show depending on the medium. Thats why you can just fucking give them idk. More eyes or too emotional or whatever. I want them to be WEIRD
(In that way i dont have much against Anakin cause man. This dude. They made him so intense he felt weird. Luke was made to be a pretty blond warrior so he wasnt allowed anything bad about him. But Anakin? Oh he was allowed his anger issues and weird staring at people which is at least a small win)
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blametheeditor · 8 months
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Matter Of Opinion
Prompt Roulette By Title
Character A: On the count of three, what's your favorite cake? One, two, three-
Character A and Character B, in unison: Chocolate cake peanut butter frosting with chocolate chunks!
Character C: Our turn, Character D! One, two, three- vanilla!
Character D, deadpan: I've never had cake.
Content Warnings: Cursing. Mentions of treating others as lesser than. Mentions of calling others 'pests'. Mentions of not having access to food. Mentions of getting sick from food.
Eggs deserved some time in the spotlight
Eggs looks between Fritz and Caleb, a look of horror on his face. 
“I don’t know which one is worse. The favorite flavor being vanilla, or never having eaten cake before.” 
The redhead suddenly ducks his head as he shuffles in place, Fritz seeming more nervous rather than self-conscious, the excitement they rarely see vanishing within seconds. “Well, we don’t...cake isn’t exactly, accessible...” 
It takes a moment for the sentence to register. For Eggs to remember Caleb and Fritz are only a few inches tall in height. Not normal human children like the hordes of gremlins that come into the restaurants daily, but ‘borrowers’ that took a long time in order to trust those who can and have swept them into a hand. And only a select few at that.
He’ll admit, he forgets how different their lives are. Sure, they live at Freddy Fazbear’s, but they can’t exactly book a birthday party. Can’t sneak into the kitchen like Eggs does to steal a slice of pizza or cake. Sometimes he steals a whole pizza and cake. No one’s been able to stop him yet! 
The borrower’s life, though? They get caught by the wrong person, and cake will never be on the table. 
“I’m in the mood for cake,” James suddenly announces. “Want to help us make one?” 
The two react in almost polar opposites. Caleb immediately perks up at finally being allowed to try cake honestly they’re monsters never having offered it before. But Fritz shrinks into himself even more. 
“What kind of cake?” the younger borrower asks, strangling the absolutely miniscule plush bear they have never seen him without. Even though the toy should be washed considering the amount of dust Caleb and Fritz tend to accumulate from their travels. “Fredbear says we might not like peanut butter.” 
Oh fuck they really are monsters, Eggs is telling Scott the man is doing a shitty job as a father!
“Chocolate’s hard to go wrong with. And Jeremy will be happy to help us eat the rest.” 
Finally Fritz makes a long sigh. As if they’re boring the teenager. “You, you’re allowed to make a chocolate cake?” 
Eggs shares a look with James, the doctor raising his eyebrows to say he had been expecting that to be the reason the kid was hesitant. Which is unfair! One of them is a child psychiatrist and apparently that includes borrower children and the other isn't. The other is a geneous mechanic. 
Genious. Genus? Genius. 
Then again, that has been a running theme when it comes to Fritz and Caleb. Less so for the nine year old boy now that they’ve all known each other for about two months, but the older borrower didn’t warm up as quickly. Allows asks for permission before doing things other than borrowing, and that had been quite the discussion. Maybe they need to get Scott to hold another meeting. 
Eggs taps his chin before giving a wry smile, forcing his hands not to make large movements. “Let’s think about it this way. Jeremy wouldn’t tattle cause it’s chocolate cake. If Scott finds us, he won’t even be mad, just disappointed. Mike doesn’t give a shit. And Harrison can’t bitch cause it’s not his restaurant.” 
“I thought we agreed to leave the cursing to Mike,” James stage whispers. 
“Just don’t tell Scott,” the blond replies. 
That has Caleb giggling as Fritz visibly relaxes. “Okay. W-We'd like to help make a cake.” 
Eggs offers a hand palm up for the two. Can’t help a smile when neither hesitate to climb on, though he did forget they’re spider monkeys. Caleb’s darting up his arm almost immediately, almost missing grabbing the edge of the short sleeve to his uniform when Fritz swoops in for a rescue, scooping his brother up and finishing the climb. 
The blond has to stop a shiver from the odd feeling of his shoulder being walked on, looking at James to confirm both of them are safely there. He can’t exactly turn his head to check on them or else that might cause a big problem. 
The doctor gives a smirk. “Have you finally accepted you’re a glorified jungle gym?” 
“Hey I’m the greatest jungle gym you will ever meet, thank you!” 
He hears the worry in Fritz’s voice as he carefully follows James into the kitchen. “Do you mind we-?” 
“Shh, I’m proving I’m a badass tree. And another thing!” 
That earns him two quiet laughs from his shoulder while James shoos him away. “We’ll argue who’s the better tree later. Make yourself useful and find the cake mix.” 
Eggs makes his hand talk in time with the doctor’s words, but he also begins his search for the box required to make a certain cake that apparently neither of their resident borrowers have had the chance to eat. He’s actually a little curious how Fritz managed to get his hands on a piece of vanilla cake. 
With how careful the teenager is, he doesn’t think it was a proper crumb. It would’ve been from the floor. That hadn’t been cleaned in days. Hours after it was made and being exposed to the air that would’ve hardened it so it can’t even be considered cake anymore. 
Damn, he’s surprised the vanilla flavor could actually be tasted. 
“How do you make a cake?” Caleb pipes up. 
“See there’s something called chemical reactions.” 
“We are not teaching them chemistry,” James calls from the fridge. “You have to start with the scientific method.” 
Eggs sighs loudly as he snatches the cake mix out of the pantry, gently slamming the door closed. “Sorry Caleb, Dr. Stiller says we’re not allowed to have any fun.” 
“I think it’s safe to assume they don’t know what atoms are. Therefore are unfamiliar with molecules and bonding. I.e., educate them so they completely understand what a chemical reaction is.” 
Eggs will admit, he’s a bit jealous James can spout all that off at the same time he’s measuring out how much water they’ll need, the eggs and jar of icing waiting patiently next to a bowl. But ten bucks the doctor’s just showing off. “Nerd.” 
“To answer your question how you expected it,” James smirks, looking over Eggs’ shoulder which is rude, his eyes are- oh shit. Right. Caleb and Fritz are sitting there. “Eggs has cake mix that we add eggs and water with to make the batter. The icing is already made, so we just put it on the cake once it’s been baked.” 
“...you’re going into a cake?” Fritz asks, sounding so genuinely confused and worried Eggs can’t help but laugh. Not even James can help himself. “You just said Eggs!” 
The blond carefully grabs the two off his shoulder as he attempts to stifle his laughter, gently nudges Fritz’s shoulder at his embarrassed look, Caleb seeming just as confused. “Sorry, sorry. We’re not laughing at you, it was just funny. You two really do live in the walls, don’t you?” 
“We said we did,” the redhead defends, pulling his brother into a protective hug, and Eggs feels like an asshole. 
“We’re sorry for laughing,” James murmurs. 
“It was a dick move,” the blond agrees. He sets his hand down on the counter, Caleb leading Fritz off for the two to stand close together. It’s impossible to miss the blush on the older’s face despite his two inch stature. “Teasing went too far, we’ll be model gentlemen.” 
“That’ll last for ten minutes.” 
“Bet it’ll last twenty.” 
Fritz still doesn’t look up from his shoes, and Caleb refuses to give a smile, standing in solidarity with his brother. Now he really feels like an asshole. 
Eggs kneels down in order to be eye level with them. Snags an egg and sets it a respectful distance away so they don’t have to worry about it rolling them over. 
“This wonderful object is an egg. I’m named after a dish that requires multiple eggs called Eggs Benedict.” 
Finally green eyes look up to meet his gaze. “You’re, named after food?” 
“The greatest food of all time in my opinion,” he winks. 
Fritz shuffles in place. “So, that’s why they’re yelling your name all the time?” 
“Gets confusing, right?” Eggs shrugs. “The life of having the best name ever. But it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.” 
There’s the smile he was looking for. Still embarrassed from never connecting the dots, but they should’ve expected Fritz specifically to be unfamiliar with something like that. They haven’t exactly asked where the redhead’s lived before the restaurant. And they haven’t asked the two what they’ve eaten before, case in point the fact they’re currently making a cake. 
“And I know we’re assholes, but don’t hesitate to ask about anything else. James’ll know the answer.” 
“What am I, an encyclopedia?” 
“Ha! I don’t even know what that is!” 
“Eggs will have to ask me questions as well,” the doctor grumbles. He snatches the egg from Eggs ha and cracks it against the counter before putting the yolk in the bowl, tossing the shell into the trashcan before repeating the process with the second one. “Remember, when you’re dealing with eggs, always wash your hands when you’re finished.” 
Caleb looks up at Eggs happy to let James do all of the work. “Both kinds of eggs?” 
“Especially when dealing with that one.” 
“I’ll take it back if you add the water, mix, and stir.” 
That earns angry grumbles as Eggs opens the box, cutting the bag for the mix open in order to dump it into the bowl. Pours the water on top before mixing it all together. He glances down at the two borrowers to make sure he’s not spilling anything over them, grinning at the wide eyes watching the batter slowly come together. Reminds him of when each Eggling saw the magic of cooking and baking. 
He doesn’t notice James snagging the cake pan until he hears the sound of oil being sprayed, looking over to see the doctor standing at the opposite end of the kitchen. 
“What was that for?” Caleb asks. 
“That’s to keep the batter from sticking to the pan as it bakes.” Eggs shoos James away from the pan once it’s set down, pouring in the chocolate goodness in so the question can be focused on. “I sprayed it over there so you didn’t breathe it in.” 
“And how do you know to do that?” Fritz tags in. 
James brings the box of mix closer to them as he kneels down. Which excuse him Eggs needed to read the temperature for the oven. “We’re following this recipe. It told us how many eggs and how much water we needed. Tells us which pan to use, to spray it in baking oil, and this pan needs 425 degrees.” 
Eggs’ dramatic waving toward the oven pauses at the emphasized words, quick to put in the proper information so it starts preheating. Which they should’ve done first but hey! It’s an experience! And they are far from being master's at baking a cake. Or any baking in general. Might as well add cooking to that, too. 
With that done, he tiptoes over to the bowl. Grabs the spoon with the intent to eat the batter when he meets Caleb’s eyes watching with interest. 
He pivots so the spoon is offered to the little boy. “Want a taste?” 
Instead of trying it, Caleb looks up at James giving the batter a distrustful look. “Can we?” 
“...I’m trying to do mental calculations.” 
Eggs stares. “For...” 
“The effect salmonella could have on them,” the doctor says ominously. “Specially how likely it is based on their size to ours, and considering there’s two eggs-” 
“James, you’re scaring the kids,” Eggs whispers, sending a pointed look down at Fritz who seems three seconds away from snatching Caleb from the spoon. “It’s just a tiny sample! Literally!” 
“And I don’t have any good information on their health, how certain diseases can effect them, or-” 
“We d-don't get sick,” Fritz announces. “From food I mean.” 
Caleb nods his head in agreement. “We’ve eaten pizza humans got sick from, but we didn’t! Fredbear agrees, too!” 
Eggs watches as James has to fight with himself from either asking even more questions and possibly seeing if they can do a full exam, or to go against everything he’s learned from medical school and give the go ahead. Maybe it’s both. 
“One dip of your finger,” the doctor finally relents. 
Neither of them argue, following his request to the letter. Both of their eyes light up at the taste, meaning Eggs then takes the spoon back in order to lick the entire thing, earning a very disapproving look. 
“I hope you get salmonella.” 
“My name is Eggs. I’m part egg. It’d be impossible for me to get it.” 
“Oh really?” James begins. “Part egg, huh? Maybe we should put you into the next cake we make.” 
“You wish,” Eggs grins. “I would make the greatest cake ever.” 
A loud beeping announces the oven’s finally ready, the blond wiggling his fingers at James to put the cake in and set the timer. Leaving him with Fritz and Caleb watching him with worried looks. 
“Is there batter on my face?” 
“You’d, want to be part of a cake?” Fritz says almost too quietly to be heard. 
Well fuck. He keeps forgetting how terrifying that can sound due to them being able to end up in someone’s pizza or soda without any trouble. Which none of the guards would ever do if the two didn’t want that to happen. Excluding freak accidents, but they’ve all been working hard to be extra careful. 
“No one will ever go into a cake even if we could,” he smiles. Doesn’t admit that kind of sounds fun. And who else could say they’ve done something like that! Not to mention it’d be comedy gold! “James and I are just teasing.” 
Note to self, talk to Scott about what topics they should avoid. 
In their defense, this has been the first time Caleb and Fritz have been out for more than just a few minutes. They pop in every now and then, but only when the restaurant is closed with every other person on staff home. Get a little too antsy when they’re out in the open for two long. Have stuck to a fairly strict ‘curfew’ for Friday nights when everyone is here. 
They’ll figure it out! Slowly but surely. Seriously, Scott’s slacking on his dad duties, he’s supposed to make sure all of his children get along together! 
James appears after being gone way too long for just putting the cake in the oven. And to Eggs’ horror, he sees the bowl of left over batter missing. He wasn’t done eating from that! “The cake will be done in about 10 minutes. Do you three want to go find Jeremy and let him know?” 
“Were we not going to tell Scott?” 
Eggs almost jumps at Scott’s voice. One that sounds a little upset. Turning around, he confirm it’s a very disappointed look being aimed toward them. But, it’s not angry. Soooo, that’s a win! 
Now how to get out of this alive... 
“Surprise! Happy Birthday!” 
Scott’s frown turns into a glare shit. “Good guess. Now you’ve got 364 more to go.”
“We were making a cake for Fritz and Caleb,” James quickly explains, gesturing to said frozen borrowers. “It was our idea, not there's.” 
“I would assume so,” Scott continues to glare. “They can’t exactly grab the ingredients and put it into the oven without help.” 
“Th-They were being nice!” Fritz calls across the vast expanse that is the kitchen. “They said you, you w-wouldn't be upset.” 
“They wanted me to try cake for the first time!” Caleb adds. 
Just as Eggs thought would happen, Scott melts. Because he’s just like David, pretending to not care about anything or anyone, but is actually a complete and utter softy. 
“You’re welcome for doing your job as a father,” Eggs sneers. 
And just like that, he fucked himself royally. “Eggs, either start running, or I’m getting Vince.” 
Oh shit. “Bring it, Fossil!” 
Scott bristles before taking a deep breath. “After the cake is done. And please dear God tell me you made sure Caleb and Fritz were safe the entire time.” 
“Entire time,” James butts in, putting a hand over Eggs mouth so he can’t say anything else that will incriminate them. Which doesn’t look suspicious in the slightest. 
It only earns them an eye roll as Scott walks closer to investigate the crime scene, a smile appearing as the two borrowers give hellos. “Have you been keeping them in line?” 
Caleb rapidly nods his head. “We also learned Eggs is a food and they’re used in recipes!”
That’s when Scott seems to finally realize what ‘never having cake before’ actually means. That the two are missing out on more than just deserts. Fritz had been adamant on day one that they wanted to continue borrowing and getting their own food, but with this revelation gently coaxing out an agreement that sometimes they can help out might be needed. Cake is one thing, but they’re both just kids. They’d all like to make sure their resident borrowers are taken care of for as long as they live at Freddy Fazbear’s. 
He’s pretty sure James has a nerdy reason to add on the ‘why’s’. 
“I’ll grab Jeremy so you don’t skip out on any other lessons, deal?” 
“Deal!” they chirp. Caleb ecstatic the cake is almost finished. Fritz relieved they aren’t in trouble. 
Eggs offers his hands as he nods toward the oven. “Want to go see what it looks like?” 
Both of them immediately perk up and dart into his palms. Right as Caleb moves to pull the same stunt from before and climb up his arm, Fritz manages to catch his brother with a battle cry, laughing as a squeal emits. “Oh no you don’t!” 
No time is wasted walking to the baking cake at that, quick to hold up his hands as Caleb manages to worm out of Fritz’s grasp in order to keep the little boy from making a break for his shoulder. Not that he minds! He just can’t see the awed expressions from the favored perch! 
Honestly, it’s adorable how both of them are absolutely entranced by the rising cake. Not wanting to look away even with the sound of Jeremy running into the kitchen. 
“It’s ch-ch-chocolate, right?” 
Eggs raises his eyebrows when Fritz doesn’t jump at the stuttering guard’s voice, only turning to wave in greeting. “Of course, Jer. We’re not monsters.” 
Jeremy gives him a look he thinks is supposed to be a glare after returning Fritz’s wave. “Y-You’d make a vanilla one j-j-j-just to spite me.” 
“...alright that does sound like me.” 
“Where’s the b-batter?” 
“Eggs ate it all,” James says, the blond sputtering as Jeremy immediately turns on him. 
“You jerk!” 
“I did not it was James who put it in the sink!” 
“I can’t trust e-e-e-either of you!” 
“Enough!” Scott suddenly yells, sending all of them glares. “Caleb and Fritz don’t deserve all of you shouting around them. If you’re going to fight, do it in the dining room. And no instigating, James.” 
Right. He forgot about tiny ears. Ones currently having equally tiny hands covering them as they stare up at the giants surrounding them on all sides. But slightly good news? There’s no fear, just apprehension! 
That’s when the timer goes off, everyone but James backing away so the doctor can grab the cake out of the oven. “Uh, sorry about that.” 
“It’s okay,” Fritz offers as he drops his hands, Caleb following suit. “At least you’re not as loud as Mr. Harrison.” 
Wise words. Caleb agrees, nodding sagely. 
Before they can continue bashing on David, James opens the can of frosting, earning everyone’s attention. That’s when he shakes his head. “You can eat it when it’s on the cake. Everyone already had batter with a side of salmonella.” 
Jeremy squawks. “I d-didn't!” 
“You gave the kids uncooked batter?” Scott demands. 
“Oh well look at the time,” Eggs begins, setting his hands on the counter to let Fritz and Caleb off before backing away slowly from the ticking timebomb. “I should go...” 
“A great way to out yourself. Because a doctor would’ve advised against it.” 
“Fredbear said they’d be fine,” the blond counteracts. 
That shuts Scott up. Because the man wouldn’t be a heartless bastard and tell Caleb Fredbear isn’t real. Eggs is definitely getting his ass kicked later but for now he’s safe. Maybe. 50/50 chance Vincent’s going to be summoned. 
James clears his throat. “Who’s helping with the icing?” 
“M-Me,” Jeremy quickly volunteers. Before he grabs a knife, he sets his own hand in front of the borrowers, both of them immediately climbing all the way up to his shoulder. This time Caleb has no trouble with the long sleeve providing plenty of handholds to grab onto. Once they��re both tucked close to his neck, the stuttering guard starts on icing the cake. 
Eggs quickly darts to James’ side as Scott walks closer, hiding behind the doctor as a glare is shot toward him. But he’s not chased, so he’s been allowed to survive for another day. Or maybe just thirty more minutes. 
He will say, Jeremy’s pretty good on coating a still warm cake, none of it coming off onto the knife. He’s also talented in the ways of not throwing borrowers off of his shoulder as he works. 10 out of 10, would choose Jeremy’s shoulder if he was borrower size. 
“N-N-Now how many slices d-do we need?” 
“Think Mike wants some?” James asks. 
“Give him a small one,” Scott says as he grabs a few paper plates with the word 'Celebrate!’ decorating it. Quite fitting considering this is an occasion to celebrate. “And make David’s as big as yours, Jeremy.” 
They end up with seven slices all together. James covers what’s left of the cake as Eggs is laden with four plates, Jeremy oh so courteous to hold the door out of the kitchen open for him and Scott. Sadly he does not slam it on James’ face. 
David gives a questioning look as a large slice is slid in front of him where he sits at a table. “This is what you all disappeared for?” 
“You don’t want cake?” Eggs smirks, reaching out to take it away. The business man doesn’t hesitate to move it out of the blond’s grasp with a glare daring he tries to complete the threat. 
Scott sets the two plates he brought onto the table, nodding toward the hallway Jeremy’s leading Mike out of. “Fritz and Caleb never had chocolate cake before.” 
David goes still. If Eggs didn’t know any better, he’d say there’s concern in the hazel eyes that once looked at the borrowers with nothing but loathing. He doesn’t say anything as everyone finds a seat, but he doesn’t start eating his share until Fritz and Caleb are gifted with a full slice that’s taller and longer than they are. 
Eggs can’t help watching them each take a bite. Grinning as Caleb looks up with pure amazement on his face. “Humans get to eat this all the time?” 
Right. They live at a children’s party center. “Not all the time. Usually for birthdays and holidays.” 
Fritz looks like he wants to ask something but catches himself. “Thank you for sharing one with us.” 
David suddenly leans forward, his hands clasped together like he’s in the middle of making a business deal. “I heard you never had chocolate cake before.” 
Caleb nods, unaffected by the scrutiny, but his brother hunches down into himself. “It’s Cay’s first time eating cake at all.” 
Scott sends David a suspicious look, unsure where this will be taken. He’s only given a glance as the redhead’s focused on. “Are there other things you have yet to try?” 
Now Eggs is confused on where this is going. He thought David was going to try and be a dick, using this as a way to prove the two are ‘pests’ of some sort. His tone isn’t hostile, but it’s not gentle either. It kind of feels like an interrogation. 
“I, uh, c-can't really give a list,” Fritz replies. Having the all too familiar look of wanting to bolt. A hand on the bag he carries everywhere. “You’ve all shared pizza with us, and we’ve had that before. We’ve had fries and lettuce. But...I-I don’t really keep great track.” 
“Are there certain foods you don’t know about?” 
“Yes,” the teenager admits, his face growing red all over again. 
Eggs’ announcement of David being a grade-a douche bag is stopped when the business man turns to Scott. “Didn’t you say you’d be watching over them?” 
“Want to clarify, David?” is growled back. 
“I mean the kids aren’t exactly being cared for like you agreed to do for them,” the business man sighs. And holy shit he does care about Fritz and Caleb. “If I remember correctly, they entrusted you to keep them safe and healthy. I’m no doctor, but I think it’s safe to say they’re not getting the nutrients they need.” 
Scott stares at David for a moment. And while it’s definitely said with an air of arrogance, there’s actual concern lying underneath. Which is something he’d never thought he’d see from their resident douche bag of all people. What did he say! Secretly a giant softy!
“They also said they wanted to continue borrowing.” 
“I didn’t say they had to stop,” David counters with an eye roll. “I thought you are William's right-hand man. You’ve seen plenty of contracts. Get the pests warm food every now and then. You’re not giving handouts, you’re keeping them healthy and treating them with things they couldn’t have before. They have you as a benefactor, and yet I bet letting them eat cake for the first time wasn’t your idea.” 
Eggs makes a quite ‘oooooo’ sound as Scott doesn’t seem to have a comeback. The best part though is the fact David’s not even smug. This shit’s better than his soap operas! 
Even Fritz doesn’t have anything to say. He half expected the older borrower to protest and argue about needing to do things themselves, repeating the speech they’re all familiar with. But David’s a business man through and through, and damn did he find the loopholes. 
Then again, the agreement had been made by a desperate teenager, but credit’s due where credit’s due. 
The two borrowers look at each other. Then they look at David who only waits patiently for a reply, not a hint of a degrading smirk on his face. 
“I don’t...disagree.” 
“Wonderful. Which means you need to step it up, Scott. Try and aim for them giving James permission to take their vitals or whatever the hell doctor’s do.” 
AAAAAnd he ruined it, even Caleb looking a bit scared at what’s being implied. 
“That’s a discussion for another time,” Scott soothes. “We’ll never force either of you to do anything you don’t want. But I’ll get Eggs and James to help out with letting you try new things.” 
Fritz looks at the slice beside him that guaranteed will be given to Jeremy to finish before smiling. “Okay.” 
“Fredbear says David wants to ‘accidentally’ drop frosting on us,” Caleb prophesizes. 
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chaosisdying · 11 months
would anyone be interested in getting to know my ocs?
(I'm kinda scared of sharing them for some reason but I also have nobody to talk to about them sooo...)
I'll give some context about them ???
my ocs are all kinda in a limbo of being only designs or having a bit of story but also they're not well developed jdjsjd
but my most developed (and favourite) is this one:
disclaimer: I may have written a... bit more than I planned to💀 also english is not my first language so if there's some funky grammar that's because I didn't study enough LMAO
main characters names:
Rhys (nonbinary, they/them), 20
Asher (male, he/him), 38 or 40 idk
it's a story about a... human dragon bunny chimera(???) in a world where dragons are well hidden and considered almost extinct by humans. humans, being humans, decided to make a yearly hunt for dragons/dragon eggs (sometimes they are abandoned/lost by dragons), and with the dragons they get, they research them and make experiments with them. since dragons are known for their longevity humans wanted to study them and make something in order to make humans and other species live longer. long story short, all of these research and experiments led to makjng chimeras.
in my story's current time, chimeras are still being researched and experimented on, since they're still new, and the first ones are born either deformed or disabled. most of these chimeras are deemed "useless" and they're used for exploitation. they do work for humans, often working especially for the chimera facilities. this work they do, it's usually hard work. chimeras that could breathe fire were usually the first ones to die, because their throat and lungs got easily damaged (they were too young to do such work, they were not ready to breathe fire because their body was still frail and underdeveloped).
dragon and gorilla chimeras, considered the strongest, were put to do exhausting work, they worked all the time and they never rested.
you get the idea,,
ok so what's our main character doing in all of this?
at the start of the story, they're like 6 and were already put to work. being a bunny chimera, they could jump really high, but I still have to figure out what they could do lmao,, anyway
their name is Rhys (very original I know) and they usually have a human form, but they can transform into a bunny dragon hybrid too.
they were born with just a wing, so the scientists working with them decided to go into the painful process of removing the useless wings they were born with, which lead to a lot of pain and infections (they weren't advanced with... chimera medicine)
ok this is the part where things don't make sense💀
so one day there's this big man named Asher that happens to take a stroll near the chimera facility Rhys works in, and Asher sees them. he sees how they struggle and their pain. Rhys is just a small child, they shouldn't do that.
so Asher (a genious) decides to basically kidnap Rhys and take them away from that hellish place.
things become difficult and basically Asher becomes a criminal so Rhys and he have to hide all the time until they find a place thsy can live in.
then the story focuses on Rhys and Asher's relationship and how Rhys begins opening up to him. this takes a lot of time, Rhys starts trusting Asher after 2 years of the kidnapping and they don't even let him touch them because they're terrified of being touched (because of the wing removal and the mistreatment received from the scientists). but eventually they get a very very close bond and Asher basically declares himself Rhys's dad lmao,, Rhys lets Asher touch them only when necessary, like when treating the wing wound or wounds in general. also idk the occasional familial hug 😔 man
after the trust arc, we focus on Rhys and Asher's contrasting views of the world and their own dreams. while Rhys desires peace and quiet the most, a relaxed life spent on fishing and reading books, ignoring the ugly shit that happens in the world, Asher desires to change the world and free all of the exploited chimeras and stop all of the suffering they had to endure. Asher is even ready to "adopt" as many chimeras he can to givr them a better life.
they completely disagree over this and a big fight happens
ok after this I literally have no idea of what happens, but I already have an idea of a last arc(??) where Rhys witnesses Asher's death (he gets old and rhys lives a lot more than him, perks to be a dragon chimera I guess) and needs to learn how to live by themself and to manage grief.
idk tell me what you think about this? any tips? are you interested in seeing Asher and Rhys's designs? uhh let me know,,
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21rstrejectedsoul · 8 months
sometimes I wonder if Scott Cawthon is actually a genious or if we're just too dumb or even if he was just throwing things in a specific order that just happens to fit
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