#he's so touched starved he's like that one cheetah meme
demigoddessqueens · 1 year
soft headcanons
Based off these concept art expressions that the crew posted on Twitter
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a soft Miguel is a rarity but you would know firsthand how he can get. Despite all his bark and bite, Miguel can also be pain-stakingly quiet and apprehensively seeks you out sometimes
ABSOLUTELY pouts and broods, so much so that when you look at him with a concerned expression (“are you ok?”), he feels guilty for worrying you
It’s the self-loathing that can eat away at him, thinking a good thing is going to slip away fast from him
a WHINY cuddler who lays on top on you, likes to bury his head into/under you neck. Also play with his hair!
Is the EPITOME of the touch-starved cheetah meme
he knows the size difference between you two (if there is one), which makes him feel protective as well towards you
If you’re a fellow comrade, he feels a bit of relief because you’re still within reach of him
EDIT: if Miguel ever has nightmares, he talks in his sleep and even gasping awake makes you wake up as well. Don’t blame him though, he’ll hide his face in your neck in the most bone-crushing hug, and only then it dawns on you what happened when your shoulder feels wet
also likes to stay close to you a bunch of times, nickname “Shadow” that he groans at when you say it
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ninadove · 6 months
Would Feligami be the type of couple to sleep together? (in a non-sus way of course)
Yes, they absolutely would! No one is more surprised by this fact than Felix “I need my personal space” Graham de Vanily, who did not realise how touch-starved he was until he met Kagami. Very much like that meme of the cheetah getting a chin rub.
The first few times she would burrow into his shirt and he would not dare to move or breathe too heavily. He’s used to destroying beautiful things, after all.
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But eventually he would learn to let go and hold her tight and rest his chin on top of her head and kiss her forehead when she mumbles in a half-asleep state. Which would be so healing for her.
And of course, there’s the fact that they’ve both been terribly abused. Letting your guard down enough to fall asleep next to someone is the ultimate show of trust — especially for Felix, especially after the Nightormentor debacle. Give the boy insomnia and night terrors and let him be the one to be cared for and gently rocked back to sleep…
Also for everyone’s consideration: they’re both early risers, and I don’t think this habit would disappear completely, but they should get to discover the joys of laying in bed idly sometimes. Just. Let them be kids I beg of you
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Also also for your consideration: Felix sleeping much better during thunderstorms, since lightning is associated with Ryuko, to illustrate that he is not afraid of the way she loves! ❤️🐉💜🐉
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kusatta · 11 days
@maudlxne asked: Drop kicks myself here. Okay so, I was high-key eyeing your and Bee's blogs for a day or so. They showed up in my recommended blog section. I was too nervous to follow first as I had just come back from a 3-4 year hiatus and didn't know how to even start interacting with people again. What caught my attention first was your style of writing and how much love you have for your muses. all of them from your OC's to your canon children. Plus you have Keith on your blog and I figured Voltron was absolutely dead, to my excitement there he was, the baby boi right up on your header like a shining beacon. I was a moth to the Keith Kogane flame cradling Acxa in my arms to the siren song. Yet, I was too shy to follow at first and worried that since I had just come back and had no real recent threads or activity, I wouldn't be of much interest. Then low and behold to my surprise you followed me. The excited giddy squeal that escaped me when I saw that notification. Then we got to talking and I genuinely find you such a sweet, kinda, and amazing human being. We may not have known each other long but you have genuinely made my Tumblr experience and are one of the reasons I have stuck around again this long. You were so welcoming and just a joy to speak to ooc. I came for the Keefy and stayed for you, Mocha <3 / tell me why you followed my blog and tell me what made you stay.
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oh absolutely what - the - fuck, tae. i can't let the homies know i fuck with this. they can't see me cry. i am the touch starved cheetah meme. this is so incredibly sweet. you fr got me crying in the hypothetical club.
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manonslayme · 1 year
Do u have any random manon x elide headcanons? i'm staaarving for anything u have abt them
I did not mean to go on for so long with these headcannons but I just have a lot of thoughts about these two gays
Soft bbys
Manon absolutely melts for Elide, she can go from terrifying man-eating witch to a terrifying, man-eating witch who stares at Elide like she hung the moon and stars
They judge people together, definitely hang at the back of parties (after showing everyone else up with their matching outfits) drinking wine and gossiping about annoying lords and lady’s
Elide absolutely goes for the throat when other lords say that she’s not good enough to lead Perranth, she’s not afraid to blackmail them with how horrible they actually are, and Manon loves to sit back and enjoy her wife absolutely destroy those men
Elide wanted to marry Manon for a long time before they actually got married but she didn’t want to pressure Manon into marriage in any way so she didn’t really bring it up
Manon began to notice that Elide wanted to get married when her eyes would linger over rings and other married couples
It took Manon a while but she knew that she wanted to marry Elide and she definitely panicked about planning how to ask Elide before she actually popped the question
It was able to happen without the kingdom burning down and Elide, very happily, said yes so Manon considers it a success
I like to imagine that Elide’s parents had a cabin left to her that Vernon left abandoned when he trapped her but Elide spends time after the war cleaning it up and restoring it to its former glory
She and Manon like to go to the cabin to get away sometimes when things calm down after the war, just relaxing and enjoying the peace of their new lives
Manon realizes that she actually really likes strawberries after Elide begins to plant them and use them in recipes
Manon learns to make flower crowns to surprise Elide one day and it actually surprises her how relaxing it is for her
She’ll die before she reveals that to anyone but Elide and Abraxos, who loves to steal any leftover flower crowns Manon makes
I feel like Manon has a complicated relationship with touch because of her grandmothers abuse so at first she sort of shys away from any touching
Elide is very understanding and makes sure she’s not overwhelming Manon because she’s loved her and wants her to be comfortable
Slowly but surely Manon becomes more comfortable with touching and she just becomes that one meme with the cheetah we’re it goes ‘when you realize how touch starved you actually are.’
Constantly touching and hanging on Elide because she finally is able to enjoy touches that aren't harmful and painful and Elide does not mind because she is also touch starved
Manon and Elide both tend to overwork themselves with their kingdoms and their lands and when they notice that one of them is overworking themselves they both try to make sure the other relaxes
They’re both stubborn about it, Elide more so, but Manon is not afraid to pick her up and carry her away from work and Elide will make Manon sleep even if it kills her
Elide has a kind of natural warm body temp and I feel like Manon loves to just cuddle up to her and hug her witchling when the weather begins to get cold
Elide likes to collect pretty stones and other small knickknacks and Manon always makes sure to grab her something whenever she travels
Manon gets very fluffy beadhead and Elide both adores how cute she looks and spends mornings trying not to accidentally get hair in her mouth, it gets everywhere
She does enjoy brushing and braiding Manon’s hair though, it’s very soft and beautiful
She also understands that it’s a special thing for Manon since she hasn’t let anyone else but the Thirteen touch her hair before and Elide feels very honored that Manon trusts her with her hair
They both get nightmares sometimes but they have different ways of needing comfort when they wake up
Manon usually doesn’t want to be touched (Matron physical abuse trauma) and she just needs air and a lot of open space, she often flys with Abraxos after she has nightmares to clear her head before she comes back to Elide when she’s ready for touch and comfort
Elide is the complete opposite, she needs Manon to hold her and reassure her that everything is okay and that she’s safe
During the time that her uncle is alive in his prison she had constant nightmares about him getting free and hurting Manon or her
Manon always holds her witchling close and comforts her in the best ways she can; threatening to skin Vernon alive is he gets within even fifty feet of Elide
Both of them are grumpy in the mornings, even though Manon used to waking up early, and they just grumble and shuffle around as they slowly wake up together, Elide’s arms constantly around Manon’s waist and Manon’s always holding Elide’s hand
Elide tops after she gets more experienced with sex, in this essay I will-
Elide has a bunch of freckles and Manon likes to spend mornings kissing and tracing over all of her freckles
Manon had freckles too but they tend to only stand out when it’s warm and Elide takes great joy in teasing Manon with how cute she looks with them and kissing each freckle when she can
Manon has a bunch of scars from the Matron and Elide always makes sure to kiss as many as she can when Manon begins to feel insecure about them
Not in a beautiful-insecure way, she knows she looks hot, but because she has a complex that her scars make her seem weak and like she couldn’t stop the abuse she suffered
Which is a notion the Elide refuses to let Manon have, she always makes sure that Manon knows that she is not weak and her scars only prove that she was able to survive her abuse
Manon slowly learning better coping mechanisms because Elide encourages her to start therapy with Yrene, or anyone really (I don’t know if therapy is a thing tog but it is now)
Manon and Elide link their lives together so Elide gets to be immortal too (yes I know that’s not how it works but go with me here)
In a future/next gen au I like to headcanon that Manon and Elide have one adopted daughter and 2 (used magic) bio daughters and when their daughters eventually take their places as rulers Elide and Manon permanently move to the cabin with Abraxos and spend the rest of their lives just chilling and being disgustingly in love
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iiryoku · 2 years
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‘ @imeut​ :  ♡♡ ( aether & nariii)
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Affection. Never mind how small, the way to Aether’s heart is with affection, he is rather touch-starved so he absorbs affection like a dry sponge does water, which will easily shows if someone decides to give it to him, he is pretty much the cheetah meme with affection, a bonus is that he loves giving it himself as well. What also can be a way to his heart is actions that show great care for his wellbeing, especially because Aether, a lot of times, forgets to take care of himself as he always puts others first. There is just something so very special to his heart, when he is the one being taken care of.
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With Tighnari, it’s all about simply wanting to spend time with him. Due to how he is, most people tend to avoid him / get bored of him, the forest rangers he works with are of course and exception as all of them look up to him. However, this is also due to Tighnari avoiding people indirectly with his work. So, if someone is stubborn and comes to Tighnari repeatedly and shows that they actually find what he does interesting, then that is a sure way to his heart. He isn’t really the best people person, but that doesn’t mean, he doesn’t appreciate it when someone does show interest and appreciation for his work and what he does. Plus, once again, we have someone touch-starved, so if trust is gained and affection is given, then he is also weak to that.
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stcries-a · 3 years
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@bastardzrus​​ wrote:   inko reaches upwards, cups shigarakis face in her hands, and gently squishes it.
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     IT STARTLES HIM AT FIRST,  body and shoulders visibly tensing as her smooth hands were placed against his dry skin.   why was she doing this?   did this woman have no fear?   ...
but slowly,  the longer he stared within her eyes,  no trace of malicious intent was found.   only warmth,  safety and kindness.
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a few seconds later and he begins to relax,  soft exhale leaving his nose as shoulder’s slump,  leaning forward to gently press the weight of his head into her hands.
yeah,  he’s just gonna   ...   stay here for a while.
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inquinavi · 4 years
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@premyehart​ sent: shipping and handling for vincent. // Send me ‘Shipping and Handling’ for romance advice regarding my muse(s)!
Vincent is a damaged boy. To the surprise of absolute no one, I’m sure.
Yet he’s not overtly emotional per say. He’s actually pretty stoic and guarded. Even before he was shot by a certain professor-who-will-not-be-named, he wasn’t very good at coping with... feelings. He feels, however. He feels a lot! He just doesn’t show it much and isn’t sure how to show it.
He needs someone patient— but also someone tenacious. Someone who will stick by him and slowly introduce him to what it’s like to be a normal person. To be human. He’s touch-starved and doesn’t even realize it... So while he might tense up at first, he’ll be the equivalent of that meme picture of the cheetah with its chin in someone’s hand the moment someone who he cares about touches him with any sort of affection.
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What is mun's favorite character for Deidara to interact with? ALSO does mun think Deidara is eager to fall in love or would that sort of thing be more accidental as opposed to carefully orchestrated?
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Oh ho ho, I like this question! Mun speaking (do I need a cute nickname like others do? idk). So, I've rped as Deidara since 2006 on MySpace and so I've had a lotta roleplays and interacted with a lotta characters so I'll just go off that.
Favourite character for Deidara to interact may be Tobi and/or Obito, either or. Just because of Tobi's dumb persona. I had a plot with a Tobi/Obito where Deidara learned the truth of his Uchiha-ness and him being the mastermind behind the Akatsuki and it wasn't so much being a Uchiha as the lies and betrayal that came with it. It was intense and one of my favourite plotlines ever. Lots of character development. Loved it 10/10.
Now, my least favourite character to interact with and this may be a surprise...Sasori. Yeah yeah, I know but I have rped with a MILLION Sasori's and it goes either one of two ways: dead or shipping--and tbh, I do not like Saso/Dei. Ok, I like the dynamic but it just makes no sense to me. Sasori is a puppet, he can't feel or fuck so what's the point? A human Sasori, maybe. I like the rivalry between them, thru and thru.
For Deidara (my Deidara I reckon we're talking about?), love is just a four letter word, nothing more. This is a person that has been brutalized through her life and has never known an ounce of love from her own family or definitely not in the Akatsuki. So, her falling in love would be a total accident and likely because this person was nice to her.
Perfect example is in one of her my asks where Deidara confessed to having a crush on Kakuzu just because he stitched her up and gave her headpats like...once. Y'know that meme of the sad cheetah with the caption: when someone you trust finally touches you and you realize you've been starved for physical affection all your life? Yeah, that's Deidara in a nutshell. Get through her walls and she'll melt in your hand like chocolate.
Oof, this was a long one but I hope I answered all your questions to your sanctification! If not, feel free to badger me. I welcome it.
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