#he's so cute and i want to squeeze him til he deflates
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kittyandco · 1 month ago
writhing around and laughing til i'm nearly in tears about [crush I will not disclose yet] HFGNGNJHF... guysssssssssss help me
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thestyleswritings · 4 years ago
Fix You
"We talked about something you said to me a while ago." She says, tone short. He couldn't tell if she was angry or if she was being shy about something.
 "Well? I'd love to hear what I said that you're still thinking about months later and talkin’ to your therapist about, baby." The hand that lay stationery on her thigh squeezed a bit, encouraging her to talk to him.
 "You said something about making a baby with me. Haven't been able to stop thinking about it." She muttered, biting her lower lip. His whole body went rigid beneath her at that.
Or - The one where you have depression and Harry leads you in the right direction, and then some
Warnings: Mentions of Depression, Mention of Mental Health Issues, VERY brief mentions of suicide, Language, Possible Breeding Kink(??), Smut (at the end)
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I wrote this in one night,,, shout out to mania.This isn’t even what I was working on. I don’t know if this is something that many people will want to read but it definitely brought a smile to my face to write. Do I need therapy? Probably. Will I ignore that and continue to escape my own mind through fiction? Absolutely. Reblog/Like if you enjoy!
  Harry knew she'd been struggling for a long time. It wasn't like her depressive periods lasted very long when they happened, maybe around a week or so, but when they hit, they hit her hard. He'd asked her when they first started dating, years ago, why she never invited him over and why she always went to his place, and at first she didn't want to tell him. It was embarrassing to her that she sometimes got into these periods where she didn't even want to lift her head from the pillow, let alone tidy up her flat.
  Harry eventually went over to her place once she felt comfortable enough to let him. She knew he wasn't going to judge her, and she knew all he wanted was to help her feel better. He stayed at her flat for hours the first time he came over, helping to fold the laundry she had done days before, dusting the bookshelf, clearing out the refrigerator. He'd joked they were a perfect match since he loved to clean up while listening to music they both loved; it relaxed his mind. His love language was acts of service anyway, which he constantly had to remind her of. He didn't mind doing anything and everything in his power in order to alleviate his lover's stress. She had sworn to Harry she'd try her best to keep the place in tiptop shape, but he didn't actually expect her to.
  He'd lost more than one friend to severe depression and he knew it was nothing to take lightly. Unfortunately, he also knew the signs to look for in suicidal people all too well. He could tell she had become moodier and spent a good bit of her day in bed either sleeping or just staring off into the void. She texted him that she was at home more and more, opting out of seeing her close friends for drinks or dinner. He hadn't seen her, either. It was all beginning to worry him deeply. He knew she'd have bad days, he'd signed up for that, but this was bigger than just a rough day. It had been going on for nearly two weeks and he knew he couldn't wait to address it any longer. He wanted to approach her tenderly. He was fearful that if he misspoke, she would shut down.
  That's how he ended up at her door one evening, unannounced. He brought along two sunflowers, one significantly taller than the other. He'd seen them at the florist's downstairs and they made him smile to himself. They were her favourite flower, and the posture of them reminded him of both of them. He hoped they would make her smile, too.
  He didn't bother ringing the bell, fishing out the spare key she had made up for him from his jeans pocket. When he stepped through the threshold, his heart sunk. There were empty cups on the coffee table, and he knew that meant she wasn't eating. If she were, there would've at least been a bowl or two. In that regard, her untidiness was helpful. He could assess the situation before even having to talk about it. 
  He sighed deeply as he gently places the sunflowers down on the kitchen island, walking over to clear the short table in front of the loveseat. He could practically feel the pain she was in and he hated.  He hated the fact that she had to be stuck with the short end of the stick. He walks the cups over to the sink, running the water over them for a moment before grabbing the sponge on the ledge of the sink to scrub them clean.
  As he washed the cups, he thought of what he could say to her that would actually prove to be helpful. It wasn't easy to always have the right words when the person hearing them didn't care if they lived or died. He knew if he told her outright how upset he was seeing her this way, it would only serve to make her feel worse that she couldn't help it. He didn't want to force or therapy on her, but he really wasn't left with many options. He wouldn't lose someone else to this. He couldn't live with himself, nor without her.
  He shuts off the tap and dries his hands on the cute yellow kitchen towel that was always draped on the cabinet next to the sink. With the flowers in hand, he cracks open her bedroom door. There are a few small piles of clothing around, t-shirts and sweatpants carelessly discarded based on the look of how everything was inside out.
  The sight of her breaks his heart. She was curled up tight beneath her fuzzy blanket that he knew she only pulled out when she was missing him and his snuggles, facing the wall while her arm hung limply over the stuffed dragon he'd gotten her ages ago. He could tell she hadn't gotten up all day, that much was evident. All the lights in the apartment had been off when he'd arrived and there was a stillness to the air. She hadn't even answered his messages sent hours earlier. He thought the worst for a moment, frozen in place with wide eyes trained on her unmoving body before hearing a soft snore coming from her, easing his breathing exponentially.
  He sits on the edge of her bed, placing the flowers with a shaky hand in a cup of water that had been sitting on her bedside table. He brings his hand up to the dip of her waist, gently rubbing up and down the length of her torso to soothe her awake.
   "Wake up, bug. S'me. Brought ya a little present." He coos at her once he heard her intake a large breath, reaching up to tuck her thick hair behind her ear. He could tell she hadn't washed it in a few days and made a mental note to encourage her to shower with him. She stirred under his touch, like she could tell it was him even when she was deep in slumber.
  "Harry?" She calls out quietly into the dark, feeling the warmth of his palm against her cheek. Had she been more awake and alert, she might've even been sheepish at her disheveled appearance. She already knew he saw all the empty cups on her table that had once been full of tea and coffee. She felt ashamed.
  "Yeah baby, it's me. Can you turn around and let me see that pretty face?" He croons, removing the hand that had been stroking her hair.
  She sighs deeply before turning over in her full sized bed, eyes focusing on the plush faux-down blanket beneath her. His hand slowly approaches her face again, this time grabbing hold of her chin softly to have her look at him. He smiles sadly at her. She knew that look. It's the same way her mother would look at her when she came into her room as a teenager. Pity, almost. It made her feel weak. 
  "Hello, my angel. Have you been in bed all day, lovie?" He dotes on her, running his thumb across her cheekbone. He knew the answer, he just wanted her to acknowledge it.
  "Mhm. What time is it?" Her voice is hoarse, as if she'd been crying the night before. The sound of it deflated Harry's heart in his chest.
  "S' a quarter til six, lovie. What time did you fall asleep?" He asks, leaving his hand on her face to cradle her soft cheek.
  "Dunno. Seven, eight? This morning sometime." She replies, sighing at her own erroneous sleeping schedule. Harry presses his lips together silently, taking in her words.
  "Alright. Well, I'm here now, so up you get." He requests softly. Softly enough where she doesn't find it demanding. He stands from her bed, holding a hand out to her.
  "Did I hear you say you brought me something?" She asks as she sits up, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. He chuckles at her, knowing that a huge part of her mental illness caused her to crave buying material possessions, only for them to mean nothing to her the very next day. It was something she was truly trying to work on.
  "Yes baby, I did. S' on the bedside table." He informs her, waiting for her to turn and see them before he walks closer to her. She caresses the vibrant petals of the yellow flower, biting her lower lip between her teeth.
  "I... I love them, Harry. Thank you." He can hear the tightness in her throat and he worries that he should've just not gotten them at all for a moment before he sees the genuine smile across her lips.
  "I saw them and thought of you. Well, us, really. Don't they look like us?" He beams at her, and she sort of thinks she can see what he means. He looks like a sunflower when he smiles. He brings light and beauty into her life. Maybe that's why she found herself wanting to cry. Because she felt like she wasn't worthy of the human sunflower standing in her room.
  "Yeah. They do look like us." She offers a smile, smaller this time now that she's thought about it. She wraps her arms around his middle, allowing the overwhelming feeling of warmth and comfort to consume her for a moment before pulling away.
  "I should probably go clean off the coffee table, huh?" She says humorlessly, walking the way of the door before his voice stops her.
  "I did it for you, baby. Why don't you come with me to have a nice warm shower? I want to talk to you about some things while we're in there anyway."  Panic strikes her still; what did he want to talk about? Was he finally fed up? Did he find someone else, someone who could take care of themselves properly? Was that why he was being especially sweet on her? She felt like she could throw up. She didn't know how to do this without him anymore, and that alone scared her. It wasn't to say she didn't adore him for all that he does for her, she just wished he didn't feel like he had to. She wished she could get her mind well enough to care to do even the simplest tasks.
  She nods her head and thanks him quietly for straightening up before walking into her bathroom and stripping down to nothing. She reaches into the shower to turn on the water and waits for it to get warm, as well as Harry. She didn't like the sound of wanting to talk, even if he hadn't necessarily said it in a menacing way. When he joins her, he follows her lead by taking everything he wore off. He didn't want to look at her body for too long and become distracted like he often did when he saw her, especially when he really saw her. She had soft features and her body was always so pliant in his hands. Though, he couldn't allow his mind to wander right now.
  He gets in first, testing the water and making sure it was around the temperature they both liked before reaching for her hand and pulling her in gently. She expected him to keep some distance, so when he wrapped his arms around her from behind as they stood under the steady stream of water, she was a bit taken back. Was he being overly affectionate as a way to say goodbye? He places a few kisses to her shoulder before peeling himself away and grabbing her peach shampoo off the built-in shelf. She leans her head back to make sure her hair is all wet before allowing him to lather her hair with the sweet smelling soap for her. She always loved how he massaged her scalp with it.
  "So, I know you might think I wanted to talk about something bad, but I promise it's nothing bad. I just want you to know that before you start making scenarios up in your mind." He speaks softly, matching the pressure of his fingertips in her hair. He sees her shoulders sag and he feels awful. She'd already started thinking of potential issues he may have wanted to talk about. He carries on by rinsing the shampoo out and repeating, creating a much foamier lather the second time around. He rinses it out for her by guiding her beneath the waterfall, following up with the peach conditioner.
  "What do you want to talk about?" She whispers, enjoying the feeling of Harry's hands moving lower with her wash rag, scrubbing her limbs delicately as to not harm her skin.
  "Well... you. You know how much I love you, yeah? Can't fuckin' live without you, you know? Hurts me when we're apart for too long, or when we have to sleep alone. I, um... I just want you to be happy," he sighs. He prattled on a bit; his thoughts were jumbled and he didn't know how else to tell her this.
 "I want to be able to know you're okay when I'm not with you, even if I want to be with you always. I know you're going through a rough spot right now, and I want you to have help. More help than just me," he's as gentle as he can be, and she appreciates it. It doesn't mean she wants to cry any less, of course, but she knows he has the purest intentions.  
  He wants her to thrive, not just survive. He knew he could only do so much for her before she had to start doing things for herself. He loved to baby her and take care of her, but not when he had to. He wanted to help her shower sometimes and feed her because he wanted to, not because she wouldn't do it herself if he didn't.
 "Are you saying you want me to find a therapist?" She asks softly. She's not opposed to the idea, she just never found the strength to actually care enough about her own mental well-being to make an appointment. 
  "Are you okay with that? Would you be open to it if I helped you find someone to talk to? And maybe try medication? I know it's a lot at first, but it helps so many people. Just can't keep seeing you so sad. Hurts my soul, since we share the same one." He turns her around now to look at her property while they spoke. He could see the furrow in her brow, like someone was pinching them together with their fingers. 
 He saw the tears welling up in her eyes and his heart nearly explodes at the pout forming on her face. This isn't what he wanted to happen. He didn't want to make her cry. Her chin trembles as she tries her hardest to look anywhere but at his face.
  "Oh, baby," he coos, wrapping her up in his arms once more, "I didn't mean to upset you. I'm so sorry, m'love," he kisses the top of her head, peppering them all around wherever he could reach. "M' just worried, baby. When I came in earlier it looked like you- I just, I can't imagine what I would do if-" he's slightly panicked now, she can feel his heart picking up it's pace. She didn't know that was something he worried about with her and it made her whole body ache.
  "You didn't. It wasn't that. I would really appreciate if you could help me find someone to help me further. I'm crying because I'm hurting you when I don't deserve you in the first place," she sniffles, pressing her face further into the slippery skin of his neck. "You deserve someone who's whole, someone who you don’t have to worry about."
  "Hey," he pulls back from her, holding both her shoulders so he can look her in the eyes, "I love you. So much that I'd die without you at this point. Just told you that. Please don't put thoughts and words into my mouth. I mean everything I say to you, don't let your brain fool you into thinking it's not true. When I tell you I love you, please know I mean that with everything I have and everything I am. I'm not whole without you. I worry because I love you so much that it would kill me to lose you," His voice is soft yet firm all at once, conviction filling his tone.
  "Promise?" She asks weakly, knowing what he's telling her is the truth. Her brain tended to sabotage her.
  "I promise." He kisses her lips, backing her underneath the water once more to rinse her off before reaching behind her to shut off the water. He steps out before her, grabbing her towel and wrapping it around her short body.
 "I'm going to make something for us to eat, angel. Come sit with me at the counter so I don't get lonely?" He asks once they're both dressed. He wore her sweatpants and t-shirt while she wore his Christmas themed pyjama pants with his Spice World hoodie.
 "You want me to?" She can't help but wonder why he wants her to be around him so much. She knew he loved her and they'd been dating for almost four years, but she found herself to be a buzzkill. She just exuded sadness, she thought. Harry scoffs at her playfully, rolling his eyes. He knew she couldn't help but doubt herself, but he still found it absurd. Of course he'd want to be around her all of the time. She was so accepting and loving, even if she didn't think so. She was good.
"Obviously, angel. Always want you within two feet of me. As a matter of fact, I wish you were pocket-sized so I could bring you everywhere with me until you got sick of seeing my big dumb head." He smirks at her, making her genuinely laugh. She hadn't done that in a while.
 "You're such a dramatic nutter." She laughs, pushing him away from her so she could walk into the kitchen to find a stool to occupy.
 "Me!? Were you not the one that cried because you couldn't stop thinking about The Hunger Games?" He comes in behind her, smacking her ass playfully in retaliation of her push before quickly walking at least an arms distance away from her.
"That's literally not fair? Finnick deserved so much better than that. You cried when we watched it together too, fucker!" She explains even more dramatically than he had been in the first place, as if he hadn't been there too. He chuckles as he opens her refrigerator, kissing his teeth when he finds nothing defrosted to cook. All she really had was oat milk, a bottle of homemade cold brew and a few cups of yoghurt.
"Fair enough. I'm going to take this chicken down so we can make it tomorrow, but since there's nothing else, do you wanna do Japanese?" Kicking the door closed as he walks closer to her with two water bottles in hand.
"You know I can never say no to Japanese. I'll order it," she offers, but he's already shaking his head with his phone in hand.
"It's on me. We're eating food you bought tomorrow, s'only fair. I wanna know what else you could never say no to? Like maybe... moving in with me?" He says without looking up as he places the order, already having her favourite meal saved on his phone, along with his own.
 At first, she doesn't react. She doesn't move a single muscle, not even her eyes. He doesn't take her stunned silence personally, waiting for her to process what he'd just offered. He can practically see the cogs turning when he looked at her.
"You want me... to live with you... in your big beautiful mansion of a house..." She says slowly, turning her gaze to his own. He exhales a laugh at the flabbergasted expression on her face.
"Yes, baby. Told you I'd bring you everywhere with me, and we've been together almost 4 years, known each other 6. I don't know about you but I'm ready to wake up to your face every day." He smirks once more, reaching out to tucker her hair behind her ear like he always did. He just wanted to see more of her pretty face.
"You- I... Harry. You know what? Yeah. I will." She had began to refuse before catching herself. This was a normal next step in a long term relationship. She wouldn't sabotage this. She was a better version of herself when she was with him, and they made each other happy. 
"Yeah? You will? I'm so happy baby, thank you. I'm tired of waking up alone and missing you every day. It's dumb." He tackles her in a hug, attacking her with a million kisses. He doesn't bother holding back the few happy tears he sheds, he doesn't care and he knows she doesn't either.
  He had proposed to her the day she moved in, after she unpacked her last bedroom item and found a place for it. It was the silly green dragon, who now lived between two puffy pillows on their shared bed. He'd had the ring burning a hole in his dresser for over a year and he couldn't stand it anymore once he saw how at home she'd made herself. That, and he wanted to make love to her while she wore the sparkling diamond.
Something about the visual prompted him to drop to his knee behind her instantly.
  It had been a year since she moved into Harry's “big beautiful mansion of a house”, and they were happier than ever. She was seeing a therapist that she enjoyed, someone whom she felt comfortable with. She had also begun taking medication. The first few prescriptions weren't right, but Harry encouraged her to keep trying different things and held her hand along the way. She finally found the one that matched her chemistry, and it worked a treat. She could focus on things better, and she had the energy to do so many things that she would even go on the occasional run with Harry. It was amazing for him to see her in such high spirits. It was like the her that only he could see was finally free, brightening up the world around her. More importantly, she could finally see herself that way, too.
A few months after she said yes, he had said something to her that she couldn't shake.
"Wanna make babies with you."
  He'd said it to her in passing, staring at her with hearts in his eyes as she sat on the grass in the garden. The sun was hitting her skin so beautifully and she just looked so radiant. He couldn't help it. It had just slipped out.
  She brushed it off at the time, but now it was all she could think about. She had even told her therapist about it. While the older woman seemed excited for her, she still asked if that was something she'd want. If she'd even thought about it.
  And truthfully, she had thought about it before. A lot. She's thought about Harry rubbing her tummy, kissing it and singing. She's thought about them falling asleep together when the baby is finally born. She's thought about how much of a daddy's girl they'd have, if it turned out to be a girl. She's thought about how if he babies her this much, she would love to see how much he'd baby their real baby. She's thought about how much she and Harry would love their shared creation. She’s thought about how much more love it could bring into their lives.
  She'd arrived home from a session one day after work to find Harry peacefully reading on the couch in the soft yellow light of their living room. She took a moment to admire him from this perspective before making her presence known. Jingling her keys a bit harder than usual, making his head turn in time to watch as she hangs them up before shedding her coat and walking over to the back of the couch.
 "Hello, my love." She coos, rubbing her flat palms against his chest. She kisses the side of his face a few times and he grabs hold of her hands, clutching her closer and enjoying her warmth.
 "Hi, lover. How was today? Work was alright?" He lets her hands go with a kiss so he can dog-ear's his page before shutting his book, giving her his undivided attention. She rounds the couch and decides to sit on his lap, looping her arms around his neck. His hands automatically shift to hold her waist.
"Work was the same. People are obnoxious and rude. What can I do? Session went well too. Talked about something I've been thinking about a lot." She looks down at him, tracing her finger subconsciously against the silver chain he never took off. She can't help but smile at how pretty her lover is, making him reflect the same expression.
 "Want me to go down there and give them a talking to? You know I'd do it." He glares playfully, furrowing his brows and puffing his chest. She laughs softly at his silly demeanour. It's one of the things she loves the most about him.
 "Shut up. Annoying," She laughs, hiding her face in his neck. He laughs with her, dropping a hand to one of her thighs to smack it lightly for her comment, ultimately choosing to leaving it resting there.
"That's you. Anyway, what did you talk about? Is there something bothering you?" He asks, ignoring the way her brow raises at him for calling her the annoying one. They had such a lighthearted relationship. It filled them both with joy.
 "We talked about something you said to me a while ago." She says, tone short. He couldn't tell if she was angry or if she was being shy about something.
 "Well? I'd love to hear what I said that you're still thinking about months later and talkin’ to your therapist about, baby." The hand that lay stationery on her thigh squeezed a bit, encouraging her to talk to him.
 "You said something about making a baby with me. Haven't been able to stop thinking about it." She muttered, biting her lower lip. His whole body went rigid beneath her at that.
 "You've been thinking about it this whole time and didn't say anything?" He questions softly, looking up at her with loving eyes. She nods her head, looking off to the side to gather her thoughts.
"Yeah. I... I really want that, Harry. I already promised to love you forever when I said yes, and you make me so much better. I can't imagine how amazing you'll be as a father. I, um, I also stopped taking my birth control a few days ago." She spoke with confidence. She knew this was what she wanted, and she could tell he did too. There was something in the way she spoke about it that made him stand with her in his arms.
"Let me get this straight. You want me to put a baby in you?" He speaks boldly, almost matter of fact. He wasn't asking, he was confirming. She says nothing, choosing instead to nod furiously.
 He beams at her, bringing her all the way to their bedroom before sitting her delicately on the bed. She rolled her eyes at that; it's not like she was already pregnant. He catches the look and reaches to her shoulder to shove her on the bed with an eye roll of his own.
"Better?" He mocks, grinning from ear to ear at her shocked expression. He takes his shirt, that was actually her shirt, off along with his joggers before clambering on top of her.
"You're such a knobhead." She laughs, taking off her own shirt. She didn't feel like waiting.
"A knobhead that you want to come in you. A knobhead that you want to father your children!" He exclaims jokingly. She can't help the grin on her face, pulling his chin until their lips met. Her grin evaporates when she feels him practically rip her skirt off, alongside her flimsy thong. She gasps at the feeling of his fingers on her, rubbing over her slit ever so gently. Feeling how wet she was for him.
"Were you thinking about this on your way home? You're fucking drenched." His voice had lost all sense of humour, acquiring a certain gravel to it that only served to make her wetter. She only nods, kissing his lips in a pleading sort of way.
"You want my baby this bad, huh? Want me to make you a mummy? Want to make me a daddy? S' that it, angel?" She couldn't take it anymore. The sound of his voice was driving her insane and she had checked if she was ovulating this morning and found out she was. It was like her body was demanding for him.
  "Yes! Yes, lover. Please? Want it so bad," Harry felt his heart warm at the tone of her voice. He knew they called each other lover in bed when they were feeling too romantic, too lost to the moment. In a good way. She was truly desperate to try for a little person with him. Quickly, he rolls them over so she's sat atop him once more. He kisses her immediately, bringing his hand down to dip his fingers into her now sopping wet hole.
  She choked on a gasp as she felt him slide two in, curling them at the joint to apply pressure exactly where he knew she needed it. He took advantage of her head falling back, attacking her neck with tender love bites and kisses. His other hand roamed around her stomach and back for a bit before reaching for her chest, tweaking her nipple between two slender fingers. Her jaw dropped when she felt his thumb land on her clit, circling hard and fast.
  "God, Harry! Fuck," she could hardly breathe at the efforts her lover was putting in. "Yes! Yes," her praise was quiet, but it fuelled him regardless.
  He was always an attentive lover, but something about his actions were nearly feral. Like he couldn't get enough, no matter how much she gave him. He would always want more of her. More sound, more taste, more feeling. He wanted her to always evade and overwhelm his senses. He moans at her noises, along with the feeling of her clenching around his fingers.
  "C'mon, lover. Come so I can put our baby in ya," he breathes against her neck, licking any patches of skin he can reach. Her eyes roll back at his words, crying out for both him and God.
"Tha's it, lover. Good girl," he whispers huskily, slowing the movement of his fingers and moving the other hand to hold her body even more tightly against his. When he can feel her body shuddering, he pulls his fingers from her and sticks them in his mouth, sucking them clean in a filthy way.
  "Please put our baby in me," she requests in a small voice with a smile, tears streaking down her cheeks. She was so overwhelmed by him and by the prospect of what they were doing that she started crying happy tears. His smile is worth everything to her in that moment, pulling his face up for a kiss.
  "Yeah, lover. I'll do that," his voice is tender, like his touch. He kisses her as he lays her body beneath him again, stopping for a moment to take in her form. Her body was so gentle and relaxed after he'd made her feel good, and he couldn't help but kiss her tummy. Her cheeks were slightly flushed and her hair was starting to frizz, but she'd never looked better.
  This wasn't by any means the first time they'd had sex without a condom but it was, however, the first time they'd done it without her taking birth control.
The rational part of their minds knew it wouldn't physically feel any better, but they couldn't help the buzz around them at the thought.
   He kisses her neck lightly as he grasps himself, tugging a few times to make sure he was nice and hard for her. He knew he was already rock solid, but he wanted to be extra sure. This was important. When he pushes into her, his eyes roll to the back of his head. She grits her teeth at the feeling of being so full of her lover, digging her nails into his side.
  He pushes the rest of the way in, taking a pause there for a moment. He could tell he was pressed against her in a delicious way from the look on her face. His hips started to create a rhythm they could both enjoy; deep and hard, slow and passionate. They were making love, after all.
  "G'na be the best mum, fuck, I know it," he pants into her ear, leaning his body further into hers. She whines into his hair, lifting her hips off the bed to get closer to him, even if it wasn't possible.
  "You're- oh my god, fuck! You're gonna be the best dad, you already take, oh shit, take such good care of me. Such a good lover,” she can tell her voice sounds fucked out, but hell if she gave a fuck. He squeezes her hand in response, kissing her neck again. He felt himself get hotter at her words. The way their bodies collided could be heard in the thick air around them, filling their ears with beautiful music.
She could hear it in the way he moaned in her ear that he was so close. She was, too, just at the thought of him filling her up with possibly more than just nut. They could get a baby out of this. Her eyes roll back as she practically howled in pleasure.
“Please come, please I wanna feel it,” she begged as she lost her mind, repeating her chant.
“Oh my fuck, yeah, baby. Finish for me first, lover. Good fucking girl,” he praises her, kissing along her collarbones as he fucked her through her orgasm. He was so close he could practically taste it, but he had to say something first.
“I love you, angel. I’m gonna love you forever.” His words are broken up between moans in her ear, making her cry out with him. She was so sensitive that when he let go and shot into her, she came again.
  He could barely move once he was spent, dropping his weight to his elbows and laying on top of her chest, which was moving rapidly along with his own.
  He kisses the skin beneath him as she plays with his hair, both too dazed to say anything.
She’s the first to break their silence when she tells him she loves him too.
“‘M bloody glad you love me too, or else it would be pretty awkward for us to have a baby together.” He mutters sarcastically, not even having the energy to lift his head. It was like she sucked out his soul and he needed 2 to 5 business days to get back to being functional. She’d have to call Jeff and let him know the bad news.
“You’re a dork. But, I wouldn’t choose anyone else to do this with. You helped me through the worst days and showed me what I could be. I owe you everything.” She cards her fingers through his hair, speaking softly.
“I resent that, firstly. But I’m proud I get to be this person for you. You’re everything to me, so you don’t owe me a thing. I’m just happy that you’re getting help for yourself. It’s not an easy thing to do, and I’m proud of you. Extremely fucking proud.” He had turned his head to where his chin was poking at her tummy so he could look at her face.
“I’m happy I took your advice. Outsourcing help doesn’t make you weak, it makes you strong. It shows that you can pull yourself up and realise you have a problem, you know?” She tries to explain it, but he knows. He’d been telling her all along. He even went to therapy.
“Yeah, baby. I’m happy you’re here with me.” He says, and she knows he meant here, alive, not just here with him at that moment. She holds onto him a little bit tighter.
“I’ll always be here. I need you too much to go anywhere”
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jungshookz · 6 years ago
hi cee !! i just thought of how cute coach!jungkook would be where he trains little kids and one day y/n drops off her little brother at practice and sees this cute new coach and is suddenly volunteering to bring snacks for the next game lol
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➺ pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
➺ genre: if it isn’t obvious by now this is 110% fLUFF, y/n is an obnoxious older sister but we love her, banana milk and animal crackers for everyone!!!!
➺ wordcount: 3.5k
➺ note: hi i want coach!jungkook to hurl a soccer ball at me thanks 
(gif isn’t mine!)
                                       ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“alright, twerp.” you crank the brakes before punching the unlock button on the dashboard “get outta my car.”
you push your sunglasses up to the top of your head before turning to look at lucas in the back seat and raising a brow
why is he not moving
“…mommy always walks me to the field.”
oh dear lord
you have places to be and people to sEE
more specifically you have to pick yoongi up at his apartment because you guys are going to watch that new spiderman movie together and you typically like to get there early so that you have more time to decide what you’re going to do in terms of snacks
“well, mommy didn’t drop you off today. sissy did.”
okay quick note: maybe don’T address yourself as sissy ever again
“-big boys walk themselves to the field.” you point out before glancing over at said field “y’know, lu, the world is a big, scary soccer field that you’re going to have to face alone one day…” you sigh and shake your head playfully as you yank the keys out of the ignition
of course you’re going to walk him to the field
you just like messing with him
“-you might as well get a head start now.” you unbuckle your seatbelt before opening the door
“…maybe next year, when i turn 6.” lucas mutters and kicks his legs against the seat
you can’t help but snort at his comment before shutting the door
your parents insist that lucas was planned but let’s be real
he’s more of a… happy accident!
the boy is sixteen years younger than you
he’s 5!
you’re 21!
a sixteen year age gap is never intentIONAL
nevertheless you still love him more than you love yourself
he’s a sweet boy!!!
he actually never went through the whole terrible twos phase and for that you are grateful because you’re pretty sure 18 year old y/n would’ve willingly flung him out the window in a heartbeat
and you know for a fact that he worships you
not reaLLy
but he’s a good little brother and you’re a good older sister and you’re just glad that the two of you get along
you just like acting like he’s a little stiNker all the time because it’s fun seeing him get worked up
“by the way, don’t tell mom i didn’t put your car seat in my car.” you help lucas out of the car before reaching in to grab his bag for him
you were going to be a responsible older sibling and put his car seat in for him but there were so many things to click and clack and lock and pop and honEstly you just didn’t have the energy to put it in your car so you just buckled him in and made sure to drive a little less recklessly
also you didn’t see the point in installing it in your car since this is going to be the only time you’re ever going to drop him off at his soccer practice session
your mom usually drops him off because duh
she’s m o m
but she had an emergency meeting at work and your dad is on a business trip for the entire week which means that yoU have to take care of him for the afternoon
which is fine!
except you made plans with yoongi, as mentioned earlier
which means you need to get this show on the road if you’re going to get back on the road to get to the show  
“okay, as long as you don’t tell mom i threw my grapes away.”
“wha- you threw your grapes away?!” you gawk at lucas as you shove your keys into your pocket “are you kidding me? you could’ve given them to me! those grapes were organic, too! they were the goOD juicy grapes!”
lucas smiles sheepishly before shrugging
kids these days
throwing away their damn juicy organic non-gmo grapes
what a waste!
“what time am i supposed to come and pick you up again?”
“6:30” lucas hums in response as he swings his hand with yours
the movie is set to end at 7
…how mad would your mom be with you if you made lucas wait an extra half hour in the dark for you?
u know what
it’s a risk you’re going to have to be willing to take
you are SO brave
not all heroes wear capes
“any preferences for dinner? mom won’t be home til late so it’s just the two of us.” you glance down at him as the two of you approach the field
there are already a bunch of other kids there with their parents
usually the parents just sit on the side and watch
and you would totally stay and watch but like…
spiderman > watching a group of sweaty 5 year olds running around and tripping over themselves
“mcdonalds!” lucas grins excitedly
he likes it when you’re in charge of dinner because it actually means that he’s in charge of dinner and he aLways likes it when he gets to choose what to eat for dinner
one time he asked for spaghetti tacos and you just gave him spaghetti tacos with no complaint
it’s amazing!
you’re a pushover for him and he knoWs it
“alrighty. but i’m getting the apple slices for you instead of the fries because you threw your grapes out.”
lucas immediately deflates
u win some u lose some
“okay, bud. i’ll see you at 7!” you chirp before dropping to your knees to give lucas a goodbye hug  
“6:30” lucas corrects you smartly and you resist the urge to roll your eyes
you don’t want to miss the ending of spiderman!!!!!!! what if you miss something mAjor that links to the next spiderman movie?!
whaTEver you’ll just watch it again when it eventually gets on netflix
back to business
one huGE perk of being an older sibling is the fact that you get to embarrass your younger siblings any time and anywhere
it’s your given right!
you’ve earned it
…and this is one of those times
“oH i’m going to miss my lulu so much-“ you’re practically suffocating lucas considering how tightly you’re squeezing him and you can’t help but giggle as you squish sloppy kisses to his chubby cheek
you don’t want him to ever grow up because you lovE kissing his cheeks
they were exTra chubby when he was younger
he’s starting to lose some baby fat :’(
lucas whines and starts to shove at your chest “stop it, my friends are watching!!!”
“well they’re just jealous because they don’t have an older sister as cool as-“ you immediately cut yourself off because-
holy SHIT
who the friG is thAT
it’s almost as if time itself slows down when you’re suddenly made aware of this very beautiful human being
warm brown eyes that you can already envision yourself drowning in
a bright bunny smile tugging at the corners of his mouth
honey caramel brown hair peeking out from underneath a plain black cap
two small, silver hoops hanging from his ears
he’s wearing a plain black hoodie paired with a pair of plain black shorts but somehow he’s making it look like he just walked straIght off a paris fashion week runway  
he has that boyish quality about him that’s making you weak in your knees
and to top it all off
he’s great with kids
your ovaries are quaking
he laughs and throws his head back before giving one of the boys a fist bump and getting back up on his knees
is it weird that you think his thighs are hot?
…yeah that’s a little weird
get it together
you pull away from lucas before resting back on your heels
you reach out to grasp onto his shoulders to make it seem like you’re having a serious conversation with him because let’s face it this is a very serious conversation
“lu. i’m going to ask you a question, and i want you to answer me honestly.” you look him dead in the eye
“don’t make it obvious, but… is that your coach?” your eyes flicker over his shoulder and lucas whIPS around to look at where you’re looking
way to make it nOt obvious
“mhm! that’s coach jungkook.”
coach jungkook
that has a nice ring to it
he looks to be around your age which is vEry appealing
working man with a stable job
…you’re into it
lucas is obviously blissfully unaware of the way you’re practically drooling over his coach because the next thing you know- “hi coach!!!!!!” lucas waves wildly and starts bouncing up and down excitedly when coach jungkook glances towards your guys’ general direction
you immediately get up off the ground and reach down to dust your knees off
you should’ve worn something cuter had you known lucas’ coach was going to look like that
“hey, buddy!” jungkook leans down to ruffle lucas’ hair when he rushes over to hug his knees “you ready for a fun session?”
you feel your heart skip a beat when he looks up at you and offers you a friendly smile
o god
“hi! i’m jungkook.” he sticks his hand out for you to shake and oH sweet lord even his hands are pretty
“hi…!” you clear your throat and shake his hand briefly “i’m y/n, i’m… uh, i’m lucas’ sister. older sister.”
you’re not sure why you had to throw in that last detail
you’re obviously his older sister you waLNUT
“ah, that makes sense. usually lucas comes with your guys’ mom, so i was just curious… are you going to stay and watch? there’s plenty of space to sit…” he gestures over to where the parents are and you’re about this close to texting yoongi and cancelling your guys’ plans together
“she can’t!” lucas blurts out “-she’s watching spiderman with yoongi!”
uh oh
lucas is blowing your chances with coach jungkook right in front of ur eyES
“yoongi- riGht, yeah, i’m watching spiderman with- lu, why don’t you go and warm up with your friends, hm?” you nudge him a little and he nods before ziPPing right off to join his pals
a beat of silence goes by
“yoongi’s my friend. just my friend.” you clear your throat again before glancing at your watch
“good to know…!” jungkook trails off and purses his lips slightly
this interaction is going downhill vEry fast
“i… should probably go if i’m going to get to the movies on time but thank you for the invitation to stay!” you chuckle lightly and jungkook nods in acknowledgement “i’ll see you later? when i come to pick lucas up? it was nice meeting you…?”
you are a hoT mess
you’re all over the place
why are you phrasing everything as a question?
what’s wrong with you?
you complete moron?  
jungkook can’t help but watch as you jog back to your car
lucas never mentioned an older sister
a very pretty older sister, as a matter of fact
of course, lucas doesn’t really mention anything besides a) soccer, b) snacks, and c) power rangers
very interesting
“how come you’re driving me to practice again?” lucas’ brows knit together in confusion as he looks at you through the front mirror
needless to say he was very much confused when you came to pick him up from school… again
the act of you picking him up from school isn’t weird but usually you only pick him up maybe once every two months
but this is your sixth time picking him up this month
so yeah
it’s a liiiiiittle weird
“because i wanted to give mom… another day off!” you smile brightly and turn on your signal before smoothly swerving to the right and heading down the familiar path to the field
“oh.” lucas nods and slumps back down in his car seat
about five seconds go by before he speaks up again
“how come you have so many drinks and crackers back here?”
your eyes flicker up to the front mirror again and you see him leaning over to look into the huge tote bag sitting next to him
“you know, lu…” you sigh and shake your head “-as your generous, thoughtful, veRy caring older sister, i just want to make sure you have enough energy for practice which is why i took it upon myself to provide nourishment for you and your little friends!”
“…what’s a noorushmint-”
“-just out of curiosity-“ you veer right into your usual parking spot before cranking the brakes
you turn to look at lucas over your shoulder “has coach jungkook… said anything about me?”
“i- oOH banana milk!!!!!!” lucas grins excitedly and pulls one carton out of your bag
here’s the thing
as mentioned earlier this is your sixth time picking lucas up from school and driving him to practice
that means that this is your sixth time seeing jungkook
and each time, he somehow becomes more and more attractive which mEans that you progressively get more and more nervous and awkward-flirty with him each time you see him
every time he looks at you you get all weak in the knees and your palms get sweaty and you end up regurgitating some lame joke about soccer
every time he laughs at your lame jokes about soccer you feel your heart skip a beAt
and you’re obsessed with how attractive he looks when he’s focused on something
he does this thing where he pokes his tongue into his cheek and it just-
oOh it just gets to you
“hey, twerp-“ lucas glances back at you as the two of you start trekking down the grassy hill to get to the field “don’t tell your friends that you already drank a banana milk in the car otherwise they’re going think that i’m playing favourites which i guess i kinda am buT-“
“y/n!” you immediately freeze when you hear jungkook call your name and you neaRly trip over your feet in surprise “-let me help you with that!”
you swallow thickly before offering jungkook a bright smile “hey! oh, that’s so nice of you…” he takes the two tote bags from you eaSily
what the heck
you were out of breath just picking them up and he’s acting as if they’re as light as feathers
you feel your mouth go dry when you catch a glimpse of his biceps flexing
the lord is testing you toDay
“hi coach!” lucas greets enthusiastically
jungkook grins down at lucas before wiggling his brows “someone’s certainly very energetic today-“
“y/n gave me an extra banana milk and i drank it all in thirty seconds!!!!!”
he totally just blew your cover
“you said you wouldn’t tell!” you scold playfully and lucas giggles before dropping his bag to the floor and spRinting over to his friends
“banana milk, huh?” jungkook peeks into one of them before looking over at you
he loves banana milk!!!!!!!!
“banana milk and animal crackers.” you correct and jungkook raises a hand in defence
oh fRick
he loves animal crackers too!!!!!!
you are the girl of his dreams!!!!!!
,.,.,.but like.,,., in a super casual way
because he hasn’t known you for very long
but it’s safe to say that he’s already become veRy fond of you and your company
you’re super friendly
and you’re super funny
and you’re super pretty
it’s also super cute when you’re cheering on for lucas on the sidelines
whenever he scores a goal you jump up and down on your feet and clap suPer excitedly and basically scREAM for him
jungkook loves how supportive you are even though this is a kiddie soccer game and the stakes are so unbelievably low
and his heart melted into a warm puddle that time lucas tripped and scraped his knee and you imMEdiately rushed to his aid
you patched him up and even kissed his boo-boo!!!!!! (lucas was a little embarrassed by that) ((he wouldn’t have minded if u did that at home but u did it in front of all of his bROS and he’s like the resident Cool Guy))
it doesn’t get any cuTEr than that!!!!!!
and jungkook knows that he’s here to coach but he’s finding it vEry hard to do his job whenever you’re around
because you smell like warm vanilla and your laugh is contagious and your smile makes his stomach do flip-flops
and the fact that you brought snacks and drinks for the kids is honestly just the icing on the cakE
“wanna split a banana milk?” jungkook jumps in surprise when he feels a gentle tap on his shoulder
“wh- sorry, what was that? i was, uh, thinking about… stuff.” he clears his throat
talk about s m o o t h
“i put the bag down for five seconds and the kids went wild but i managed to snag one carton without losing an arm.” you snort and poke the straw through the top “you wanna split one with me?”
he knows you’re not a mindreader but it’s taking every single one of his brain cells to try to noT think about how kissable your lips look right now
you turn slightly before holding the carton up for him to take a sip and you just have the cutest smile on your face right now and before he knows it he-
“do you wanna grab dinner sometime?” jungkook blurts out and his eyes widen in surprise when he realises that he just asked you out on a date
cuRse him and his complete lack of fiLTER
your own eyes widen in surprise and you blink owlishly
where did thAt come from
you’re not complaining or anything because yes of couRse you want to go out on a date with jungkook but heLLo where did that come from!!!!!!
“um, i-“
“oh, god. sorry! i’m sorry, that was totally- ah, jeez-“ jungkook groans quietly and reaches up to adjust his hat
“-i’m sorry, you’re just really nice and pretty so i thought-“ he can feel his face burning hotter than the damn sun “-i just feeL like we get along really well even though we don’t really know each other buT we can always get to know each other on a date-“
“-yeah, you’re right about that-“
“-i don’t know what i’m thinking!!! i haven’t gone out on a date in a long time so maybe it’s not a-“
“-jungkook!” you slap a hand over his mouth and he stumbles backwards a little from the impact
“…myeah?” his voice is muffled and you give him a warning look so he shuts up quickly
you pull your hand away before adjusting your cardigan a little “i would… i would love to grab dinner with you sometime.”
“oh!” jungkook’s voice is slightly pitchy and he clears his throat quickly “cool. sick.” he says with a lower voice before sniffing and looking back over at the boys
it’s totally whatever
he’s cool
it’s casual
dinner is casual
he’s like… suuuuper chill about it, bro
“mm. sick, indeed.” you tease lightly before nudging his side “…you still wanna split the banana milk with me or not? because i’m going to inhale this entire thing if you don’t want any.”
(the entire time you and jungkook are taking turns taking sips of the banana milk he can’t help but feel like he’s indirectly kissing u)
((but whatever))
(((he’s like…. suuuuuuper chill about it, brO)))
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drabble masterlist // main masterlist
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wiener-blut · 5 years ago
concert report, I guess
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Idk if anyone wants to hear this, but here’s my memories from the Lindemann show in Leipzig, 14th february 2020. Keep in mind, all of this is my own opinion, I don’t mean to attack anyone here, and that I could easily be mistaken with some, my memory loves playing games with me :^) Also if you’re still to attend a concert and don’t want to be spoilered, avoid this, obviously.
Drove by bike to the venue, arrived at around 1.30/2pm. Around 15 people were already there, waiting. They were really nice altogether. Into 3pm, people started to form a disciplined queue. Shitty weather, but at least no heavy rain. Cold, though. 4pm; I decided to drive back home to get rid of our bag (on my way to the bikes a man in his fifties asked me who’s playing tonight, pointing at the crowd, bewildered, I responded “Lindemann, front singer of Rammstein”, he was like “I read he was born here!!” super excited that he knew – he was cute lol so confused by how crazy people are); got into a rather unpleasant rainfall on my way back to the venue. 5pm; people were told to not stand on the street, so people gathered all around us, ignoring the built queue from before; assholes tried to cut in line. Got really crowded, people in front us were still being really kind and considerate, people behind us not so much. Last hour went by quickly, good company around us, save for some idiots. 6.30pm; security let us in – people from behind were pushing, not cool. Inside the venue, it was really chill, I even waited for @haifisch-ohne-traenen​, walked inside, people gathered around in the middle, low-key ran to our spot in the first row, right in front of Peter AW YEAH!!! Another wait til 8pm, filled with squeezing through people to get to the toilet and back, and chatting with the two guys behind us.
Shit, I’m so gay. She literally owned the stage so hard and her band mates were so cute and the keyboarder interacted with us a lot, he kept grinning at us whenever he saw us singing along; a perfect opening to an awesome night.
Aesthetic Perfection.
Surprisingly good tbh? Wasn’t the biggest fan after listening to some songs on youtube, but they’re a banger live. Really set the mood for the main act.
Oh boy, where to start. First thing we saw was a video of Till in a diaper, with a bald head and the goggles from drsg’95 (at least I think it were those?), running and dancing around on the street, sucking his thumb (note: I reckon this video was shot a couple years ago). Actually hilarious, a surprisingly, and welcome, light hearted start to the show. I’m just gonna go through this song by song, because I suck at remembering things and need some kind of guidance lol.
Skills in Pills
Good song, good opener. The crowd went apeshit, it felt like the air was exploding, really unbelievably powerful. Peter was looking at us (naturally, because we were quite literally in his face), making faces, which he kept doing throughout the whole concert. Till was wandering across the stage, it seemed like he was noticing a lot of people, esp. in the first row, including us, huehue.
One of my favorite Lindemann songs. Was so cool seeing and hearing it live, I went absolutely wild. I think this was the first time they changed places, and Jonathan (the one with the braided pigtails) came over to us, and whoops I fell in love.
Not the biggest fan of the song, admittedly. Still a good one. Good placement. The first time I glanced at the screen behind them, only did it one or two times more. I came here for the music, not some fucked up porn clips, I can easily find those on pornhub, thank you.
Ich Weiß Es Nicht
Never liked the verse, but the chorus is so touching to me, idk why. Sang my heart out at the chorus.
Okay so I came prepared. I knew what was gonna happen. First half of the song was incredible, another fav song. Screamed my head off. Then, cakes were brought and ngl, it kinda took away from this awesome song for me. I really, really did not want to end up having cake smeared all over me by the first third of the concert. So I watched out for them, praying that they wouldn’t aim in our direction. Ended up with a few lil teeny tiny sprimkles on my arm and in my hair (that actually came from a cake Jonathan yeeted over our heads :3c), nothing too bad. Cake was actually delicious. Last cake was thrown by Sebastian, Peter’s son, Till was standing in the middle, in front of the drums, stealthily (so he thought) pointing to our side, but Sebastian didn’t catch it and threw it into the audience across from us and boy, you should’ve seen Till’s face lol. He looked so mad, internally. Also I was really happy to get to rewatch a clip from Hänsel und Gretel on the screen.
Frau & Mann
I have never seen a crowd go that hard to a song. Probably the loudest on the audience’s side. Was jumping a lot, Till came over a lot. Guess bobbing boobs really are an efficient Till-magnet. Actually, when the line “Kann dich nicht vergessen” (“Cannot forget you”) came on, Till pointed directly at us, like no fucking lie, we just froze. I know, I can’t be for sure, blah blah, but come on, just let me believe he pointed directly at us ok. There’s a video on youtube, where you see him pointing into the crowd at that line, that’s where we stood.
Best choice they could’ve made regarding the placing of the song. Everyone was still hyped up from Frau & Mann, Knebel topped it. Starting out so calm and lovely, I really like the first half of the song. Beautiful lighting, they were so pretty in the blue light. Scream point hit, Lindemann hoaxed us into screaming MUND but made a break, Till shaking his head at us. Haha. Funny funny. Eh. I knew it was gonna happen, so it fell a bit flat for me personally, but okay I guess. Crowd went absolutely apeshit. So insane.
Home Sweet Home
Beautiful song, so heartfelt and a really good way to calm down after Frau & Mann and Knebel. Almost cried, ngl.
I. Fucking. Love. This. Song. Second time I looked at the screen and wow ngl, Till looked really good on the rodeo machine thing with his cowboy hat on lol. Also the song where Jonathan came over again and I made a heart with my hands and he smiled at me and :’)))
Golden Shower
Such a good song. My heart went big badum badum every time Peter shouted “Cunt” into the mic right in front of us, it felt like we were bonding just through shouting “Cunt” in unison lol. Also there was this part of them taking turns in raising their arms to the audience in time to the music, and I was laughing my ass off, because while Peter, Jonathan, and Sebastian all were perfectly in synch with the beat, Till always was a tad off and idk man, this shit was just so funny to me like c’mon Till, it’s not that hard.
Ah, yes. Like I said, we came prepared. We had our hoodies safely (and dryly) brought to the coatroom before the concert started so we were READY to get wet. The one thing I didn’t know though, the sprinkler system at the edge of the stage started right at the beginning of the song. I expected it to go off in like the middle of the song, or with the first chorus. So, sprinklers started, I saw the water coming. I thought “ah okay it’s just a little drizzle”, but boy, I was wrong. It felt like we were soaked after the second (and last) time we got sprayed. And actually? It was so nice. You know how concerts just make you all sweaty and drain your body from all water? I wouldn’t recommend trying to drink the water that was sprayed over us (it just had a weird smell to it, idk), but it was a welcome cooling, in that moment. Just imagine you feel like a little crop in the blazing sun, and then, finally, you get watered. Bye bye make up, but I just didn’t care lol. I don’t want to know what we looked like after that song. About the song itself; I didn’t mind the “interruption” at all, Blut is a decent song imo, but nothing more, so it didn’t bother me as much as the cake war during Allesfresser.
Platz Eins
Another top fav song for me. I’m not quite sure how to describe it, but Till and Peter climbing into that balloon thing and shuffling “out of reach” actually heightened my hype?? Like I could concentrate on really letting go during the song, screaming the lyrics out like there was no tomorrow. Also watching Jonathan and Sebastian’s little choreography was so entertaining. Jonathan being lifted up high also was something for the eye, at least for me :^) Also I remember the light show because it was gay. As in, so many vibrant rainbow colors. When Till and Peter returned to their starting point, Till climbed out, and Peter was holding his nose like Till just farted lol. The balloon started deflating and Peter mouthed an “OH NO” and when he climbed out, he made jazzy hands like “hell yeah guys I made it, I didn’t die in here”. Peter is a good man.
Praise Abort
Tbh, I don’t have many memories for this one. For me, one of Lindemann’s weaker songs, although it still slaps, don’t get me wrong. Just not one of my favorites. Only thing I remember is being happy about seeing the ballerinas from the mv on the screen in the background.
Fish On
Here we go again. After Praise Abort, I asked @haifisch-ohne-traenen​ if we wanted to change places, she looked at me like “You sure?” and I was like “Yeah, absolutely” – “You know which song comes next?” – “Oh. Nevermind lol”. I like Fish On, it’s my ringtone, but like with Allesfresser, the anticipation of the chances of getting hit by a fish kinda ruined the song for me. I couldn’t enjoy it as much. Also I was wondering why they needed so much time between Praise Abort and Fish On just to throw on this stupid raincoat. We successfully avoided all fish. A lot of them were thrown back on the stage by the audience, two of them hitting Till on the leg and arm, and one of them bowling down Till’s water bottles that stood in front of the drums. Also, when all fish were thrown, someone handed Till a last plate of fish pieces that he threw into the audience, but it slipped out of his hands and the plate went flying across the stage, shattering on a speaker and almost hitting the security guard that stood in front of us. I swear, that guard looked like he wanted to murder Till right at the spot lol (Also, this security guard was cute; he greeted us before the concert like “hi I’ll be your guardian for the next three hours”, he took pics of some people from the first row for them, and before the concert started, he got himself some gummy bears which he stuffed into his pocket to snack during the concert).
Ach So Gern
I was so mad about this?? But at the same time I was not?? So when they started Ach So Gern, they played the tango version and I was like !!! YES and I got all hyped up because I low-key hoped that, maybe, for valentine’s day, they’d switch the pain version for the tango version, but they didn’t. I guess if they HAD played the tango version though, I probably would’ve been mad I didn’t get to hear the pain version lol. The pain version definitely is more suited for a concert, I guess. And I still love it. Praise Peter. Seriously, he’s a god of music, just accept it.
Steh Auf
Incredible energy in the room when everyone’s screaming “Steh auf” on the top of their lungs. One of the most powerful songs live. Also Jonathan came over to us again and [insert heart eyes emoji].
Okay, everyone slander me, but I really didn’t like this song as the finishing song. I don’t exactly love this song and I always skip it whenever I listen to F&M, so this was the only song I didn’t know the full lyrics to. It just doesn’t have either a specifically “deep” feeling to it, neither does it have the power I would expect from the last song of this kind of concert, if you get what I mean. For me, it was just missing this last, final BANG. Either that, or have a nice, calming song at the end, that will make people cry and think “fuck man, I don’t want this to end, but it’s been such a good concert”. Gummi just fell really flat for me as the final song. The happier I was when they put on an instrumental of Wer Weiß Das Schon, even if I was really hoping to see that one live and in full length, but you know, life isn’t a bowl of cherries. Also I certainly would have cried. Alas, I did almost cry when they took their bows and thanked us. Till’s voice was so soft and he sounded so sincerely humble and thankful. I don’t know whether it did have any impact on him or not, but he was born in this city, after all.
Till The End Teaser
So instead of showing the video of Till getting sucked off under the Rammstein stage (which I’m still not convinced is real, but that’s another story, I don’t want to delve into it) they put on the first like two minutes of Till The End. This is gonna sound super snobby and ungrateful, but I just turned away. Like I said, if I wanna watch porn, I’ll open pornhub. The two guys behind us, however, were standing there, eyes glued to the screen and their mouths were literally half open, no lie, it cracked me up so hard like really? Shit, it’s gotta be hard to be a person with a dick instead of a brain sometimes.
Bottom line.
Everything was worth it. The hours of waiting, the mediocre weather, driving to the venue by bike, the “fear” of getting hit by a cake or a fish. The concert was amazing, outstanding, mindblowing. I don’t want to compare it to my first row Rammstein experience, because they’re so vastly different bands, and I want to keep them separated. But man. This was probably the best valentine’s day of all time, by far.
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youknowwhatelseyouare · 6 years ago
Something New
“Stop!” TJ crowed.
Cyrus lowered his card back on the pile, glaring at TJ.
“How are you so good at this game?” He asked, feeling his ego deflate a little.
No one had been able to best him at Russian Bank until TJ came along.
“Well, I learned from the best.” TJ said with a wink.
Cyrus ducked his head, feeling a blush grow on his face. They had been dating for over a month now, and he sometimes still didn’t know how to respond when TJ flirted with him.
The doorbell rang downstairs, and Cyrus’s eyes snapped to the door of his bedroom. TJ reached over and placed a hand on his arm.
“Relax,” He soothed.
“Didn’t your mom say she was meeting with a friend later?”
“Yes, but-“
TJ leaned over and planted a kiss on Cyrus’s forehead.
“Quit being so paranoid. I’m sure it’s nothing.”
“Cyrus, it’s for you!” His mother called from downstairs.
“You were saying?” Cyrus hissed.
Footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs. Cyrus leapt to his feet and dragged TJ up off the floor. He pushed his boyfriend over to his closet and shoved him inside, sliding the door shut behind him.
“Cyrus? What are you doing?” Buffy asked as she and Andi entered his room.
“Um...just doing a bit of…”
Buffy’s eyes landed on the cards still scattered on the floor.
“Who were you playing Russian Bank with?”
“Uh, no one. I mean, just by myself.”
“Isn’t that a two person game?” Andi asked, peering down at the cards.
“Er...yes, but I like to play myself. It helps me...practice.”
“Uh huh.”
Buffy looked unconvinced.
“So, um, what are you guys doing here?”
Andi handed him a pale green envelope. Cyrus opened it, careful not to rip the flap, and pulled out a gold edged card. His eyes darted over the words...You are invited...Wedding of Bex Mack and Bowie Quinn...Invite for you and plus one…
He looked up at Andi, who was beaming.
“Isn’t it exciting?”
Cyrus nodded, unable to speak. He knew it shouldn’t bother him so much, but mention of a plus one weighed on him like a brick. Sometimes he felt so guilty not telling his friends about TJ and him dating, but he always had to remind himself that it was his idea in the first place. Even though Buffy had forgiven TJ, that didn’t mean she would be eager to see him dating her former rival.
“Who are you guys bringing to the wedding?” He asked, painfully aware that his boyfriend was still hidden in his closet.
Andi nudged Buffy, who rolled her eyes.
“I’m bringing Marty,” she admitted, the corners of her mouth turning up a little as she said it.
Cyrus’s mouth dropped.
“Wait...are you guys actually…?”
“She texted him to ask if he’d come earlier and he said yes.” Andi said.
Buffy shook her head, but Cyrus saw the grin spreading across her face.
“I’m happy for you,”
“Wait til you hear who Andi’s bringing,” Buffy replied, a smirk crossing her face.
“Let me guess, Jonah?” Cyrus said, fighting back an eye roll.
Andi shook her head, a smile growing on her face.
“I’ll give you a hint: her brother was a total jerk to me.”
Cyrus heard a gasp from the closet, and Andi and Buffy turned to look behind him. Cyrus opened his mouth in an attempt to cover up where the sound had come from.
“Speaking of TJ, have you spoken to him recently?” Andi asked.
Cyrus tried not to glance behind him at the closet.
���Er...not recently.” He lied.
Buffy didn’t look convinced.
“That’s too bad, I thought you guys were friends.” Andi said, only increasing the guilt gnawing at Cyrus.
“So who are you going to bring to the wedding?” Buffy asked, a shrewd look in her eyes.
“You’re welcome to bring a friend or...someone else.” Andi chimed in.
Cyrus nodded, feeling his heart in his throat. He should tell them. He couldn’t keep it a secret for forever.
A chime sounded and Andi looked down at her phone. A frown crossed her face.
“It’s Bex. Apparently there’s been a crisis with the dress. Again. I should probably go before Bex and Cece tear each other apart.”
“Mind if I come with you?” Buffy asked.
Andi gave her a look.
“Trust me, you don’t want to be near this drama. It’s intense.”
“Fine,” Buffy relented.
“I have to start studying for a science test anyway.”
Andi frowned.
“Test? Buffy, we’re in the same class and we don’t have anything planned for the next two weeks at least.”
Buffy shrugged.
“It’s never too early.”
Cyrus shook his head. He wouldn’t say he was a bad student by any means, but Buffy certainly made him feel lazy in comparison.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you guys around.” He said, stepping towards the door.
He hoped poor TJ would be able to breathe in there.
After walking his friends to the door and waving them goodbye, Cyrus dashed up the stairs. He saw TJ flopped across his bed.
“Teej, I’m so sorry, if I had known they were coming over I-“
TJ sat up.
“Hey, it’s okay. I get it. Besides, I’ve been in the closet for most of my life anyway, it doesn’t matter to me.”
Cyrus laughed in spite of himself.
“So, I guess Andi’s parents are getting married huh?”
“I’m assuming you’re going to take Iris.”
Cyrus gave TJ a scowl.
“I never should have told you about that. But so what if I did? She’s really nice.”
“Eh, not my type.”
“TJ, no girls are your type.”
“Exactly. You’re my type, and I intend to keep it that way.”
Cyrus shook his head, suppressing a smile. TJ was too cute for his own good.
“This was a bad idea,” Cyrus mumbled.
He could feel the sweat start to trickle down his neck.
“Cy, we agreed. It’s time. There’s no turning back now.” TJ said, giving Cyrus’s hand a reassuring squeeze.
“Are you sure you want to go through with this? Do you want all your cool friends to find out that you’re dating a loser like me? A loser with sweaty palms?”
TJ raised Cyrus’s hand to his mouth and planted a kiss on it.
“Nothing could keep me from being with you. Not even your sweaty palms.”
TJ looked up and Cyrus saw his face whiten.
“Are you regretting this now?” Cyrus whispered as Buffy walked towards them, wearing a purple dress.
“Cyrus...and TJ,” she said, her eyes resting on their intertwined hands.
“Hi.” Cyrus squeaked.
“Has...this...been going on long?””
Cyrus nodded, staring at his shoes.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I thought you would be mad at me, for dating-“
“TJ? Please. You’d have to do something a lot dumber than that for me to be mad at you.”
“It’s nice to see you too, Buffy.”
Buffy glared at TJ.
“If you even think about hurting him,” she threatened, pointing a finger at him.
Cyrus reached out and gently lowered her arm.
“He won’t.”
He gazed up at TJ who gave him a big dopey grin. Buffy sighed.
“You two are disgusting.”
“We know.” Cyrus beamed.
There was a crash in the distance.
“That must be Marty,” Buffy sighed.
Cyrus tilted his head.
“He’s been knocking things over for the past half hour,” she explained.
“I’d better get over there before Cece sees, I’ll catch up with you guys later.” Buffy called, already jogging off in the direction of the mayhem.
“Well that went better than I thought it would.” Cyrus said.
“See? I told you there was nothing to worry ab-“
They both looked up to see Amber walking toward them, her pink dress flowing behind her.
Cyrus looked at TJ.
“You didn’t tell her?” He hissed.
“It didn’t come up organically,” TJ muttered.
“Hey sis!” He called as Amber stood in front of them, hands on her hips.
“TJ, what are you doing here? I thought you were going over to a friend’s house?”
“Technically I did. Incidentally, that happened to be the house of my boyfriend, Cyrus, where we got ready to come here.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were dating Cyrus? Or that you were gay?”
“Do we really have to have this conversation right now?”
“I’m your sister, I have a right to know about what happens in your life, and-“
“Hey, what’s going on?” Andi asked, walking over to Amber and taking the other girl’s hand.
Cyrus thought he was going to faint from shock. Sure, he had known Andi was bringing Amber to the wedding, but he hadn’t thought it was anything other than platonic.
“You were saying?” TJ said, clearly trying to collect himself.
“I, ah- Andi, you’ve met my brother, right?”
“Our paths have crossed,” Andi said, her eyes fixed on Cyrus and TJ’s linked hands.
“Apparently you’re not the only one keeping secrets from your friends.” TJ remarked.
Cyrus elbowed him.
“Like you’re one to talk,” Amber scoffed.
Andi cleared her throat.
“I’m sure we all have a lot to catch up on. But, it can wait til after the wedding,” Andi said, giving her girlfriend a pointed look.
“Fair enough.”
Andi led her girlfriend off into the crowd with a wave, leaving TJ and Cyrus still standing near the entrance to the Mack’s backyard.
“That wasn’t awkward at all.” TJ said.
“Who would’ve thought that you and Amber were both the gay twin?”
“Not me. I feel bad for not telling her now.”
“But then again, she didn’t tell you either.”
They lingered near the front for a few more moments, neither of them entirely sure where to go. Finally, Cyrus guided TJ towards the rows of chairs facing the back. They took seats near the middle. Cyrus desperately hoped that they had faced the last of the awkwardness and could just sit back and enjoy the wedding.
As more and more people filed into their seats, Cyrus felt himself relax. It didn’t hurt that TJ had been rubbing his thumb over his hand for the past half hour.
He jolted upright as gentle guitar music started to play. Cyrus looked over to the front, where Jonah sat, off to the side, lost in the music. He smiled. Bowie had taught him well.
Andi practically skipped down the aisle, beaming a mile wide. She was wearing a dress the color of the sky, and carrying a bouquet of sunflowers. It didn’t take long after that for Bex, escorted by Ham, to make her way to the archway covered with flowers. She looked radiant.
Bowie, who had almost seemed to be shaking from all his nervous energy, straightened as he saw her walk towards him.
Cyrus was happy for them, but more than that, he was happy for Andi. He knew how long she’d been dreaming of this day.
It was a beautiful wedding, and Cyrus may or may not have shed a few tears. Even TJ seemed a little misty eyed.
Once the ceremony was over, and the chairs were cleared away for dancing, Cyrus felt a sudden shyness come over him. It felt right being out in the open with TJ like this, but after weeks of hiding their relationship, he didn’t quite know how to act when it wasn’t just the two of them.
As he watched Bowie and Bex glide across the dance floor, he felt even more conscious of the back of TJ’s hand brushing against his. Cyrus’s palms began to sweat. Would he ever be able to be around TJ without feeling like he was about to combust?
More and more couples filed out onto the dance floor. This was too much pressure. But just as he was about to go drown his sorrows in lemonade, TJ caught his hand.
“Cyrus, um- would you dance with me?” He asked, looking down into his boyfriend’s eyes.
Cyrus felt his face flush. He nodded. It felt like something was blocking his throat. Maybe he was just too overcome with emotion. Or resisting the urge to vomit. But maybe no words were needed after all.
A slow song started playing, and Cyrus laced his fingers around TJ’s neck while his boyfriend held him by the waist. They swayed in time to the music, and Cyrus felt himself begin to relax. He didn’t know what he had been so afraid of.
Cyrus looked up and saw Bex and Bowie flashing them thumbs up.
“Go Cyrus!” He heard Bex say before Bowie leaned in to whisper in her ear.
They laughed, and Cyrus felt something bloom in his chest. Later, long after most guests would return home, he and TJ would learn about Bowie and Bex both being bi, and how they eventually came out to their loved ones. They’d hear about Andi and Amber’s first date, and see how Andi and Amber looked at each other when they thought the other wasn’t paying attention. They'd watch Buffy and Marty arm wrestle each other, and then have to pause their match because they couldn’t stop laughing at something that had been said. But for now, Cyrus would dance with his boyfriend, surrounded by people who loved him. And it was more than enough.
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quirklessbunny · 7 years ago
An easter bunny basket gift for @onewithturtles
    Antonio smiles as he walks into the coffee shop, prepared to meet the date he arranged the night before. It was through some app his brother had recommended to him, and they seemed pretty nice. He sends the message that he arrived, then orders a milkshake for himself and sits down. About a half an hour passes before he thinks something might be going on. He texts them again to see if they’re coming, concerned that he might be stood up.
    Antonio sighs when he once more doesn’t get a response, but convinces himself that the traffic is probably bad, and orders another milkshake while he waits. He smiles brightly at the cute person behind the counter. “Thanks… Lovino? What an interesting name. Don’t think I’ve ever heard that one before.”
    The barista looks up at him in surprise, then rolls his eyes. “That’s because it’s not a fucking name. My parents picked it because they were drunk on wine when they conceived me. It’s stupid.” He frowns slightly and looks at Antonio. “Why do you care anyways? Are you bored or something?”
    “Oh, uh, my date just hasn’t arrived yet. I just thought your name was interesting,” Antonio responds, then takes his second milkshake before going and sitting down. He rests his head on his hand and stares out the window, waiting for anything to happen. Another hour passes, and Antonio seems to deflate by then. His cheerful smile has fallen, and he just looks into the melted milkshake, then stands up to leave.
    Lovino is on his way out of the door when he notices Antonio looks pretty sad. He sighs and walks over to him. “Look, your date is a dick. They shouldn’t have ditched you. Why don’t we go somewhere to make up for it? If you want to,” Lovino offers, staring at him. Antonio freezes, then smiles slightly.
    “Sure. You don’t have anywhere to be? I’ll buy you lunch somewhere. My name is Antonio,” he says, holding his hand out to shake Lovino’s. “It’s nice to meet you. This is really kind of you.”
    “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” Lovino shakes Antonio’s hand and has to hide the growing smile. “It just looks dumb when you don’t smile.” Lovino pulls his hand away and walks outside, letting Antonio follow him. He goes down the street to a nice little restaurant and sits down, opening the menu right away. Antonio sits across from him and raises an eyebrow.
    “You’re a weird guy, Lovino,” he says with a soft chuckle. “But that wasn’t the first time someone has stood me up. It happens a lot actually.” He shrugs. “No big deal, I’ll find the right one eventually.”
    “Yeah...I guess that’s a good way to look at it,” Lovino responds, snorting a small laugh. “It’s not like you’re destined for anyone, right?” He tilts his head, eyebrows knit together. What world does this guy think he lives in? Now it’s Antonio’s turn to snort quietly.
    “You mean that dumb timer thing everyone is doing? No, I haven’t got one.” Antonio shows Lovino his wrist. “The website I use is called Timerless. It’s for people who don’t have timers and aren’t interested in getting one. Well, not necessarily not interested, but just don’t have one yet,” he explains. Lovino looks down at his blank timer and huffs.
    “It’s people like you that leave people like me without any hope of a soulmate,” Lovino snaps. He knows he shouldn’t be angry about it, it’s an optional part of their lives, but he hates that he got one and now he doesn’t have a time on his. He takes a deep breath and sighs softly. “Sorry. That was out of line.”
    “No I understand,” Antonio responds, looking down. “I was looking at getting one, because I would prefer to know that someone will be out there for me. I guess I’m just scared to have a blank timer. And I’m scared that it’s gonna hurt to get it.” Antonio admits, then looks down.
    Lovino sighs and nods. “I’ll hold your hand if want to get one.” Lovino feels stupid for offering, but watching Antonio droop like that just makes his own heart sink. He knows, from looking at Antonio, that a frown should never be on his face. Antonio looks up at him in confusion, then nods slowly.
    “Sure. I might just go get one after our lovely lunch, then.” Antonio smiles happily, then looks up when the waiter finally comes over to them. He orders what he wants, then looks expectantly at Lovino, who then orders as well.
    “Alright then, I’ll have it right out,” the waiter says, smiling as he takes the menus and walks away. Lovino looks down then back at Antonio.
    “Why do you smile so much? Is life really that good to you?”
    Antonio shakes his head with a smile. “No, but I see no reason not to smile through it. Even if life sucks, smiling can help you bring up your spirits. Fake it til you make it, Lovi!” he explains, a bright smile taking over his face. “It works, you know. You just have to let it.” Antonio leans back in his seat and looks out the window. It feels nice to have company, he decides, even if it wasn’t the company he was expecting to have.
    The conversation is casual following the timer talk. Antonio gets excited when their food is brought over, and eats it quickly, not really caring what Lovino thinks about that, though he’s gathering from the looks that he should probably slow down at the very least. He laughs self consciously, and looks down at the food. “Sorry. I got hungry while we waited.” He slows down a little bit, but is still eating pretty quickly.
    Lovino rolls his eyes, but eats slowly. In the back of his mind, he hopes that Antonio is his soulmate. The man is annoyingly cute, and the longer he stares at Antonio, the more things he notices about him. He has a few freckles on his face, and his eyes are a shade of green he’s never seen before, but have gold flecks in them. His smile seems to light up his entire face, and his hair is a right mess. Lovino drags his eyes away from the curls to look down at his food. The faster he eats, the faster Antonio will get his damn timer, and this little fantasy can disappear.
Antonio pays the bill when they both finish and stands up. “I have a car. Let’s drive down to the little timer place,” Antonio says, heading towards the door. He’s not afraid to get a timer, as he’s sure it’ll be blank, and then he can just use a different dating site. There’s just too many people on earth, and he doesn’t care enough of about this dumb system, but he knows that people with blank timers are more likely to get dates than people without them at all.
So he’s going to play into the government’s greedy hands, but it will make his new friend happy, and perhaps even get him a date with the attractive young man. Antonio looks over at Lovino as they walk to his car and blushes slightly. Lovino seems to have a permanent pout on his face, but it’s adorable.
Antonio opens the door for him and smiles. “So if I get this timer, and nothing shows up on it, what are you gonna say?” he asks, looking into the car at him. Lovino looks up at him and frowns, then pushes him out so he can close the door. Lovino is a little stiff, since Antonio is still a stranger after all, and he knows from all those crime shows that the worst criminals are the ones who seem cute and sweet so they lure people in.
Lovino’s thoughts are broken by Antonio telling him to put on a seat belt. “You okay? You look freaked out.” Antonio turns on his signal and pulls away from the curb, driving the short distance to the little shop.
Lovino shakes his head and huffs, blushing. “Nothing. Just realized you could be a serial killer or something. You certainly look like a psychopath when you smile like that,” he responds, rubbing an arm. He blushes harder when Antonio laughs softly at that, and shakes his head.
“Aw, Lovinito. So suspicious. Don’t worry, if I was a serial killer, we wouldn’t be stopping to get a timer injected into my wrist,” he says as he parks. “You’re silly though, I like you. We have to stay friends, at least, after this.”
Lovino snorts. “At least? If we don’t match up, then we’re not gonna be more than friends, you dork.” Antonio pouts slightly at that, but heads inside anyways. He starts to tremble slightly when they step inside. He’s heard that getting these things hurts like a bitch. Lovino grabs onto his hand gently, and gives him a small smile, hoping it comes off as comforting.
Antonio fills out the paperwork that comes before they implant a timer, then sits down in the chair, eyes squeezed shut. He listens to the warnings, then nods. “Just do it before I change my mind,” he responds, then clenches his teeth. It hurts badly, but he manages it without yanking his arm away. Antonio looks blearily down at his new timer and sees only a few seconds on it, then looks up at Lovino in surprise.
Their arms both ring a quiet jingle as their eyes meet, and Antonio smiles goofily. “So we do get to be more than friends!”
Lovino huffs and smiles softly, nodding. “I suppose so, asshole. Sorry you had to waste $80 to get one, when it went off right away.”
“Don’t worry about it. Was lunch our first date, or should I take you out again tonight?”
“Hm… I think I’m gonna have to say we need to go somewhere else tonight.”
“Sounds good to me, Lovi. Pick you up at seven?”
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monkees-on-the-line · 7 years ago
Rain Check.
Summary: Part 3 to The Music Box     (Part 2) 
Words: 1,811 
Ships: Jork & Dolenzmith 
Micky scanned their bare cabinets for anything he could eat. Mike had gone out shopping with the promise of bringing something back but Micky was impatient and starving. He was crouched down and pushing cans out of his way when Davy came in from outside, a towel thrown over his shoulder. Micky stood and offered Davy a smile, still a little curious as to why he’d been in such a mood before. 
“The birds are great down there, Mick.” Davy chirped, shaking the water from his hair. Micky shrugged. Which seemed to underwhelm Davy. He pulled out a chair and leaned forward like he was about to make a point. “You wanna come down later? I could introduce you to this blonde, Sarah-” 
“I’ll take a rain check, Dave.” 
“But you love blondes.” Davy furrowed his brow and looked infuriatingly curious. Micky swallowed and started messing around with the plates on their counter. Davy traced him with his eyes, leaning back on his chair. Micky hoped the action reflected defeat. But Davy had this inability to let things go. He popped right back up. “You haven’t gone out much lately, y’know?” 
Micky shrugged again, fidgeting a little with the end of his t-shirt. “I just think I should be focusing on the band and-”
“You’re starting to sound like Mike.” Davy interrupted with a flicker of something accusatory in his eyes. Micky rolled his eyes, putting on an easy going smirk on his face. 
“You say that like I don’t ever go out, Davy we were out at that club til’ like two am just the other night.” Micky reminded him and Davy scoffed, shaking his head. 
“That’s different Micky. You were with me the whole time. I’m talking about you hooking up.” He said with a little smirk, as if trying to get some sort of specific reaction from Micky. 
Davy just needed something. Something to prove to him that Micky and Mike weren’t gay. “I just think you and Mike need to start dating again.” He shrugged, trying to sound passive. At his comment, Micky’s eyes widened. 
“What ugh, what do you mean?” Micky looked flustered and like he was ready to launch into a mile-a-minute talk. Davy lowered his arm, with suspicion. 
“That you two haven’t been out with any birds lately and should get out there again.” He explained slowly and watched Micky go from skittish to relaxed in seconds. “What did you think I meant, that you and Mike should date?” Davy narrowed his eyes but tried to put his tone in a joking manner. 
Micky visibly stiffened. “No! That’s not what I thought at all. Why would I think that? Of course I knew what you meant!” Micky laughed for a few seconds. “Mike and I? That’s disgusting.” 
Davy absorbed Micky’s quick excuse and leaned back in his chair. He was sort of afraid to ask his next question. “Is it?” 
Micky widened his eyes and gripped the chair across from Davy. “I don’t know, is it?” He shot back and Davy frowned. 
“Is it?” He pressed again and Micky looked like he might burst. 
“Is it?” Micky repeated and Davy scowled at the ridiculousness of the situation. He shook his head, this was all the conformation he needed and didn’t want. He rubbed his forehead and sighed. 
“I know Micky.” 
Micky stood up straight and tried to keep that passive smile on his face. “Know what?” 
Davy rolled his eyes and stared Micky in the eyes. “I know about you and Mike.” 
Micky felt his stomach drop and he opened his mouth, ready to explain everything. “Listen, Davy. This thing with Mike and I it’s-”
“Look man, I don’t care what it is but it needs to end.” Davy held up his hand and stood from his sit. Micky’s face twisted slightly. 
Peter had been doing nothing for most of the day except for sitting in his room. So he was just about to get up and get a snack. He opened his door just a crack before the voices flooded his room clearly. 
“Dave, I don’t think you understand, Mike and I-” 
“I think I understand it perfectly, Micky.” Davy spat back and Peter leaned on his door. It seemed to him that Davy had found out about Micky and Mike. Peter himself had found out about a few weeks ago and said nothing. It wasn’t like it was any of his business. He was ok with it and would wait until they said something about it themselves. 
“And it’s...disgusting and wrong. And I can’t believe how daft you are for letting it happen!” Davy shouted and Peter frowned a little. “It’s wrong.” Davy repeated, looking even more serious but had lost eye contact with Micky and was staring at the floor. 
Peter ignored the growling of his stomach as he shut his door again. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting from Davy but he knew it wasn’t what he’d hoped for. ‘It’s wrong’ Davy’s voice rang in his head. Condemning not only Mike and Micky....but Peter too. Whether he knew it or not. Peter had been head over heels for Davy for a while. 
‘It’s disgusting.’ 
Peter deflated on his bed. 
Davy moved forward a little with determination. Micky felt flooded with panic. “Please don’t tell Mike that you know.” 
Davy snapped his head to face Micky again. “Maybe I should. Mike might have some sense left in him to end it for the both of you.” 
Micky took that comment like a physical blow and gripped the chair again to steady himself. “Don’t Davy. Please. “ 
Davy bit the inside of his cheek. “It has to end, Micky.” He glanced at him one last time before marching into his and Peter’s room. When the door shut, Micky slumped into the kitchen chair. 
He tried to catch his breath as he thought what just happened over in his head. Fear rose in his chest as he thought about Mike breaking up with him because of Davy. 
Davy sighed as he entered his room, a little calmer than he’d been just a few minutes ago. He felt more than happy to just be around Peter for a while but as he took notice of the man, he looked bothered. “Pete? What’s the matter?” 
Peter looked up and shrugged. “Nothing, I’m fine.” 
Davy looked at Peter, who was just playing with a string from his shirt. “Well, you look dazed off to me.” 
“Don’t you guys say that I always look like that?” Peter shot back, a hint of bitterness masked under his usual oblivious tone, that was odd to hear from him. Davy felt a little guilty, thinking over some of their jokes about the blondes ditziness. 
“What about you, you seem upset.” Peter asked and looked back down at his string like it was the most exciting thing in the world. 
Davy shook his head. “Nothing’s wrong.” 
Peter nodded and got off his bed, grabbing his jacket from the coat rack by the nightstand. “Ok, so we’ve established that nothings wrong...good for us.” Peter smiled like he always did but it wasn’t sincere.
 As he swiped his jacket, he knocked something off the table, not that he noticed in his rush to leave. But as he shut the door behind him, Davy picked it up...
the music box. 
He left the pad to clear his head shortly after.
Micky sat cross legged on the couch and anxiously drummed on his thighs with his hands. His head snapped up when Mike entered, a few bags in his hands. He popped up and shadowed him into the kitchen. “Hey, Mick. I doubt that you waited but I brought you food-” 
“Davy Knows.” Micky interrupted, wanting to get it over with. Mike furrowed his brow and opened his mouth but Micky couldn’t handle it. “Davy knows about us and he’s not ok with it. And it’s probably my fault because I’m always pushing you outside of your comfort zone and I’m never careful about these things but-” 
“Micky slow down.” Mike put his hands on Micky’s arms and squeezed while he looked into his eyes and Micky clamped his mouth shut. “What happened?” he asked as he sat them both back on the couch. 
“Davy, he told me that he knows and that it’s wrong, what we’re doing.” Micky took a deep breath to avoid going too quickly again. “And I know you’re upset and maybe wanna break things off.” 
Mike took a second to absorb the information before he caught Micky’s eyes again. “Micky, I’m not gonna break up with you.” Mike said softly and Micky felt relief wash over him. 
“Give Davy some time...he’ll come round.” He reached over to pat Micky’s thigh but Micky shook his head. 
“He didn’t sound like he would.” 
Mike shifted closer to him and took Micky’s hands. “If he doesn’t...it ain’t the end of the world, Shotgun. It’ll work out-”
“What do you mean? He’s my best friend-” Micky surprised himself by letting out a small sob. Mike raised his hand to rub it through Micky’s hair. He did not like seeing Micky so distraught. 
“Mick, babe. Don’t worry about it right now.” He tried to get him to stop overwhelming himself. 
“I thought you’d be more upset about this, honestly.” Micky said when he collected himself and Mike nodded. 
“I haven’t been great at the relationship thing, I know.” Mike shrugged and let his hand fall into his own lap again. “And I’ve been a little paranoid about getting caught...” 
Micky tilted his head and gave him a lopsided grin of reassurance. 
“But, I’m working on it cause.....” Mike bit his lip and looked a little hesitant to speak. “Well, cause I want to be with you.” 
Micky blushed and started to look chipper again. 
“No sense in working ourselves up about Davy.” Mike gave Micky a small pat on the knee and Micky took his hand. 
“But we can work ourselves up in a different way, right?” Micky asked with a small wink and Mike rolled his eyes. 
“You are....” Mike started as Micky toyed with his hand with a happy little grin on his face. “adorable” 
Micky snapped his head up with a teasing look on his face that turned into a huge smirk, Mike instantly regretted saying that. “You think I’m adorable?” He fluttered his eyelashes. 
“Nope, I take it back.” Mike shook his head with a smile and stood, walking to the stairs but Micky shadowed him again. 
“No take backs Mike!” Micky giggled from behind him, stopping on the stairs while Mike went into their room. “Come on, tell me how cute you think I am?!” 
Mike was silent. 
Mike let out a loud laugh at Micky’s voice and Micky threw himself up the stairs and into Mike’s waiting lap on the bed. 
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afirethatcannotdie · 7 years ago
47: “Dogs don’t wear clothes!”
Harry holds up the small piece of fabric, and Louis shakes his head immediately.
“Harry, it’s December. She’s two days old. She won’t be able to wear that til the summer, and then she’ll be too big for it.”
Harry pouts and sets the white dress back on the hanger, suddenly deflated. “But it’s so cute.”
“I know it is,” Louis says, wrapping his arms around Harry’s waist from behind. He hooks his chin over Harry’s shoulder and squeezes him tight, right there in the middle of Babies-R-Us. “But we should get Lila something more practical.”
“Ugh, fine,” Harry says, and as they walk away, Louis can tell that he’s still thinking forlornly of the princess dress he wants to buy the baby.
“I can’t believe we’re old enough to live in a world where Niall has a kid,” Louis says, looking through the racks of footie pajamas. Pajamas are always practical. Warm, too. “On purpose.”
“You might be old enough,” Harry ribs. “I’m young and sprightly and have many years of youth left ahead of me.”
“Shut up,” Louis says, bumping him with his hip as he continues to look through the clothes. “How’s this?” He holds out a set of footie pajamas, soft blue fleece dotted with white anchors.
“‘S perfect,” Harry says, and he flashes Louis that look of longing again. Louis can’t bear it, but he feels it too, that sharp ‘I want this for myself one day’ that he’d gotten when he saw pictures of Niall holding Lila.
“I know, I know,” Louis says, reaching out to squeeze his hand three times. “Few more years.”
“Few more years,” Harry repeats. “Hey, if we can’t get the princess dress or have our own kid, can we get some clothes for Scout? There’s a pet store across the road.”
Louis groans. “How many times do I have to tell you, dogs don’t wear clothes!”
They stop at the pet store anyway.
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