#he's rude xd
zu-is-here · 3 months
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<– • –>
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slackershipper · 6 months
one of my favorites parts of chapter 416 is when cale acts cute for no reason:
Cale shouted while looking at Choi Han who took his sword out to fight for real.
Choi Han chuckled at Cale speaking Korean.
if you aren't too familiar with korean culture, let me tell ya this: when they say this, they also normally lift their hands in a fist, in a cheer kind of way. so when i read this, i couldn't help but imagine him doing the same.
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whumpbby · 2 months
Imagine if Su She, instead of making his own sect, joined the Jiang.
Lan Zhan would have even more reasons to dislike Jiang Cheng, but then Jiang Cheng would get the best second in command ever xD (because Su She would doubtlessly climb his way to the SiC position, he's a powerhouse!)
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 6 months
Luocha's hair is so pretty~
Allows his s/o to comb his hair when hes feeling a bit exhausted, its relaxing for him so he definitely appreciates his s/o doing this for him.
Definitely likes having his hair pulled but won't let his lover know at all, if they want to hear him moan they got to figure it out themselves. And they do while brushing his hair one day, he's exhausted and a bit out of it as they comb through his locks when they accidentally yank his head a bit on a knot. The gasp and groan he let's out is just wonderful but he's shocked out of exhaustion and a bit embarrassed.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
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shark attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈
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broken-grace112 · 1 year
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Working on a drawing meme and was struggling to draw Daud so out of frustration I did the only sensible thing and I made him into a balloon People who draw Daud so beautifully, how do you do it? ;0;
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ooh maybe F1 for Ari/Josie :D?
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Ari.exe has stopped working
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 733: Sugimoto vs Danchiku
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Pag 1
1: By the way, Sugimoto-san, what about your “special technique”?
2: … ah
3: My self-awareness isn't that low that I didn't come prepared!!
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Pag 3
2: Huh!?
3: He.... has it? A “special technique”!?
4: Sugimoto!!
5: I'll tell you one more time.... one more time
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Pag 4
1: Come at me!!
Danchiku Ryuuhou!!
2: Go, Danchiku!!
4: Garu-
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Pag 5
1: Bamboo Hop Shot!!
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Pag 6
4: He caught up in an instant!!
5: Nice, Danchiku
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Pag 7
1: Keep going like this, pass him and tear him off!!
2: Sorry, Sugimoto-san, but!!
Please let me pass you, garuaa!!
3: I won't let you
4: do that, Danchiku!!
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Pag 8
3: Damn!! Haha in such a crucial moment!! All these trees block the view and we can't see!!
4: What happened to those two, teh...
It looked like Danchiku-san caught up to him in one go and passed him ,but
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Pag 9
1: Sugimoto!!
2: Sugimoto!!
3: Don't worry, first years!! Once we pass these trees we should see that Danchiku tore Sugimoto-san off and opened a distance of 100... no, 200m
4: He'll be riding in the lead!!
5: Ah, right, that's true
6: There's something I heard from the senpais.... until now, Sugimoto-san never stood out in races or got any good result... he even retired sometimes...
7: On the other hand, last year during the Minegayama Hill-climb race, Danchiku-san fought against a guy from Hakone Academy who had participated in the Inter High
8: And he won!!
The difference in their strengths has always been....
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Pag 10
1: clear...
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Pag 11
1: They're neck and neck!!
2: Sugimoto-san!!
5: He's following!! Woah
He's working hard to stay lined up to him, teh, Sugimoto-san!! Huh!?
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Pag 12
2: Haha, what are you doing, Danchiku!!
You have to pedal seriously!!
3: …. I was pedaling seriously....
6: When we passed the curve with the thick trees, I bent my frame with all my might
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Pag 13
1: We hit each other's shoulders, and I thought he would falter
2: Then I kept accelerating like that and thought I could leave him behind
3:  But this guy
4: didn't fall behind!!
5: Moreover.... usually, when you're chasing an opponent, you stay behind them
You use your opponent against the wind... but this guy.... when accelerating now
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Pag 14
1: He lined up next to me!!
As if he just wanted to prove that we're “equal”!!
2: Knowing that he's wasting his stamina!!
4: Of course, the second year is doing his best
So I, as a third year.... in this race
5: I'll let him practice against someone more experienced than him!!
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Pag 15
3: Issa.... I...
Calm down, Danchiku!!
4: You're stronger than him!!
You're stronger!! It's alright, he justhappened to be able to follow you with his eyes in this first attack, that's it
5: Attack over and over again and you'll tear him off!!
This guy can't keep up with you so many times!!
6: Kaburagi-san... incredible.... teh
Yeah.... even though Sugimoto-san is right next to him, he's dissing him to his face....
7: Don't falter, have confidence, Danchiku
8: Sugimoto-san!! For now, how about we say you race until that line over there?
The sun will set soon
This lap will be like...
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Pag 16
1: “500km” for each other!!
5: A “special technique”, in other words, it's the momentary activation of you own's “field of expertise”
6: Understanding your own “field of expertise” polishing it up, consciously controlling and, it in time of need – that specialty...
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Pag 17
1: letting it explode
2: But that's not something everyone can do
3: And it's especially troublesome when you can't find your own “special technique”
4: Or it could be that for most people, they don't know what they excel in, what their specialty is
5: And in that moment, they have no choice but spend time looking for it
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Pag 18
1: Using their intelligence and body, facing themselves and trying out
Over and over again
2: Only in the midst of “failure” you can find it
3: “Failure”, huh
4: Then, about that
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Pag 19
1: you might be the most experiecned among us!!
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Pag 20
1: Dammitl, he caught up again!!
2: What's this guy's deal...
Even though he's so out of breath!!
3: Danchiku!!
4: Back... back in the day....
5: Here is Sohoku there was a person called Tadokoro-san
His body was so huge... and he always thought of his kouhai
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Pag 21
1: He said that in order to be fast, “oxygen” was important
2: I practiced runnin whil taking in oxygen a lot
3: And there was a person called Kinjou-san, and he was very skillful in controlling the bike, so I practiced imitating his bike control
5: It was all a failure, but, but, Danchiku- have you ever heard these words?
6: In road racing the most important things are “practice” and
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Pag 22
1: “Experience”!!
6: Sugimoto-san jumped ahead!! Chyase him!! Danchiku!!
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I was in therapy and we were by the end of it, when suddenly a little girl barged into the room. I didn't find it mean because i was taking too long, plus we weren't talking about anything important. The girl is playing around the room, and my therapist asks her "would you like to talk to [Loki]?". At which the girl, without even really acknowledging me, answers "No." and keeps doing her thing as I burst out laughing
I think that was the most Craig coded interaction I've had in my life
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everyryuujisuguro · 10 months
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mightymizora · 1 year
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"I have to tell you man... this kind of thing? This is the reason nobody likes us."
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mymanymerrymuses · 2 months
Who wants a wholesome sign language lesson with Kagari?
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Martyn is NOT built for this lol. And he was S T R E S S E D for his task xd.
I'll definitely have to watch more POVs (I want to, obviously - I'll want to know everyone's secrets this time around tol xD hopefully somebody will make compilations each week lol, a post or something), because I don't think Martyn saw (at least not in his video) Jimmy, Scar, Tango, or Skizz. I may be missing someone (or for example Grian and BigB were only at the very end) but interesting!
Anyway, cool teams! They seem to be shaping up anyway. I do hope there's a bit more spreading out around the map, but it makes sense that people wanna be around the Secret Keeper.
I think xD
Maybe not but o.o
Anyway I loved it SO much, I'm so excited for next week :D
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fnaffreak3478 · 1 year
What is up with This bio and food smhhh
I guess he does have priorities than riley wanting to do her experiments gurl is not allowed to have peace with these rats running around and annoying her every few minutes smhh
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Yeah he's rude to everybody and doesn't get along with anyone really, he insults everybody
But he makes me laugh
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elxgantcaptain · 1 year
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/ The episode of House of Mouse where Donald REALLY wants to fly and Peter shows him how, everyone is just 'WOO! YEAH!"
And then you cut to this like, 2 second shot of Smee going crazy and Hook just :/
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
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// Raph might not be there but part of him can just tell Leo's beign a bitch and blaming him for something u-u he only pardon cause hes off being gay with Casey rude
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