#he's not having a good time but he is determined to have a positive outlook
pillars-of-alt · 2 years
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some art of bex and steven for a writing project :)
[Image description: a digital drawing of two people from the shoulders up against a white background, in a semi-realistic painterly style. On the left is a woman with light freckled skin and dark curly hair, worn down with grown out bangs pinned away from her face so her forehead is visible. She has green eyes and a bandage on the bridge of her nose, and she is looking down with an angry expression. On the right is a man with warm brown skin and dreads worn in a half-up, half-down style. He has dark brown eyes and is wearing a septum piercing and earrings. He is looking to his left with a serious expression. They are both wearing grey winter jackets. End image description.]
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bloodylullaby · 4 months
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Word Count: 2114
Author's Note: Enjoy all the fluff
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Life has been relentlessly knocking you down again. It seems like every corner you turn, there's a new challenge waiting to trip you up. Whether it’s the daily grind of dealing with difficult people who test your patience and resilience or the frustratingly mundane obstacles like hitting every red light on your commute, it feels like the universe conspires against you with a vengeance. These constant setbacks, big and small, accumulate, weighing heavily on your spirit and making each day a battle to stay optimistic and keep pushing forward. Despite your efforts to maintain a positive outlook, the persistent barrage of annoyances and hardships leaves you feeling worn out and defeated, as if you’re fighting a losing battle against an unseen force determined to test your limits.
These long, exhausting days have left you severely burned out. By the end of my workday, you find yourself sitting on the couch, staring blankly at the wall. Later, you’ll lie in the dark, gazing up at the ceiling, feeling overwhelming dread. This cycle perpetuates itself, leading to even more disappointment and disillusionment. The activities that you used to enjoy in your free time no longer bring you joy. Your creativity has ground to a halt, replaced by a paralyzing self-doubt that makes you question whether anything you create is good enough. The burnout has drained your energy and eroded your confidence and sense of purpose, leaving you feeling disconnected from the things that once brought you happiness.
Your isolation starts to intensify. Even though you’ve never been outgoing and preferred a night in over a night out, it keeps worsening. You haven't talked to friends or family in weeks, leading to the gnawing thoughts that you don’t matter. This isolation exacerbates your struggle to keep taking your medication—the very thing that helps you function like a normal human being. It helps your body produce the right chemicals so you can function and enjoy life. But what’s the point of enjoying life if everything you do only leads to more exhaustion? The loneliness, coupled with a lack of communication with loved ones, deepens your sense of despair, making it increasingly difficult to find any motivation or reason to continue.
Today has been no different for you. With a day off from work, you’ve been wrapped in a blanket like a burrito, mindlessly playing on your Switch. Your phone has been blowing up with messages from Noah, but you’ve been ignoring him, too drained to respond. You read his texts but don’t reply, and it’s starting to get to him. He’s used to your occasional isolation spells, but it’s gnawing at him now. Typically, you get back to his texts by the end of the day or the next day when you’re going through a rough patch. But this time, you haven’t answered him for a week. The guilt of leaving him in the dark only adds to your overwhelming sense of dread and exhaustion.
There was a knock on the door that made you freeze. You hadn’t invited anyone over, so the thought of someone knocking was nerve-wracking. Slowly, you get up, making as little noise as possible, and avoid all the windows to stay undetected. Looking through the peephole, you see that it’s Noah. With a confused look, you open the door and are greeted by his smiling face.
"Hey," he says softly, holding up a bag. "I brought some things for us to do today."
With a soft smile, you step aside to welcome him in. He heads to the living room coffee table and sets the bag down. Sitting on the couch, he pats the seat next to him and waits for you to join him before pulling items out of the bag. The first thing that he pulls out is two spa headbands. One is black goat horns, and the other is white kitten ears. Next, he pulls out face masks, nail polish, and a manicure set. He turns and gives you a broad smile. 
With a soft smile, you step aside to welcome him in. He heads to the living room coffee table and sets the bag down. Sitting on the couch, he pats the seat next to him and waits for you to join him before pulling items out of the bag. The first things he pulls out are two spa headbands—one with black goat horns and the other with white kitten ears. Next, he reveals face masks, nail polish, and a manicure set. He turns and gives you a broad smile.
“I thought we could have ourselves a little indoor spa day today,” he says.
The gesture touches your heart deeply. What did you do for life to grant you such a kind and wonderful human being in your life? Noah has always been the light at the end of the tunnel for you, but today, he is shining extra brightly. He puts the cat ears spa headband on you and the other on himself. When it comes time to put the face masks on, you watch him struggle to apply them evenly, spreading them all over his face and dropping a glob or two on his shirt. You smile to yourself as you put yours on.
Once everything is cleaned up, Noah sets up the manicure kit with the different colors of nail polish neatly lined up in a row. He takes your left hand and tends to your nails as you gently rest your head on his shoulder. You sigh in contentment, feeling a wave of relaxation wash over you as you listen to him hum and watch him tenderly take care of you. Each stroke of the polish brush feels like a small act of love, reinforcing your bond and reminding you of how lucky you are to have Noah in your life. Time seems to stand still in this moment of intimacy and care as you bask in the warmth of his presence and the simple pleasure of being pampered by someone who means the world to you.
As he switches to your right hand, he gently kisses the inside of your wrist before tending to your nails. You tenderly kiss his temple in response, prompting him to look up and smile at you. A slight giggle escapes you as you see him wearing his face mask and headband. Returning his focus to pampering you, you can't resist the urge to capture this precious moment. Grabbing your phone, you snap a picture, immortalizing the scene of love and care. With a smile playing on your lips, you set the photo as the background on your phone, cherishing the memory forever.
Once he finishes tending to your hands, he looks at you with pleading puppy-dog eyes, begging you to reciprocate the gesture and pamper him in return. With a soft smile playing on your lips, you reach out for his left hand, your fingers tracing delicate patterns across his skin as you begin attending to his cuticles. There's a tender rhythm to your movements, a dance of intimacy and trust as you gently push back the cuticles, ensuring every detail is tended to with precision and care. When needed, you delicately trim them, your touch feather-light yet purposeful.
Moving on, you take up the file, the soft sound filling the air as you expertly shape his nails. Each stroke of the file is deliberate, sculpting his nails with finesse as you bring out their natural shine. With a gentle touch, you then proceed to buff them, smoothing out any imperfections and leaving them gleaming with a healthy sheen. You paint each nail meticulously, ensuring every stroke is flawless and every curve is accentuated. After completing your task, you step back to allow him a moment to admire your handiwork. Impressed by the results, he leans in to plant a grateful kiss on your forehead, expressing his thanks.
He gently reaches out, his fingers tracing a tender path along your cheek before brushing against his own. "I think it's time to wash these off," he declares softly, his voice hinting of playfulness. You nod in agreement, and together, you go to the bathroom.
Once inside, he wraps his arms around you from behind, enveloping you in a warm embrace. With a mischievous twinkle, he reaches for his phone and captures the moment. You effortlessly remove your mask, but Noah struggles, getting some of it in his eye. You gently assist him, ensuring his comfort as you help him wash away the residue. Once his face is clean and dried, he gestures toward the bathtub.
"Wanna take a bubble bath together?" he asks softly, his voice carrying a hint of anticipation. You nod in agreement, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you watch him start the bath. With a sense of purpose, he moves to your sink, retrieving a container of Epsom salt. With careful measure, he pours it into the steaming water, the scent of relaxation filling the air as the salts dissolve, ready to soothe away the day's tensions. 
Once everything is prepared, you both begin to undress, shedding the layers of the day's weariness. Noah eases himself into the warm embrace of the tub, settling comfortably into the soothing water. You follow suit, slipping into the bath and settling between his legs. He starts to massage your shoulders. 
“You know I love and care about you, right?" Noah asked softly. You hummed in response, feeling lost in his touch. "Just remember, I'm here to catch you when you fall," he continued gently, kissing your shoulder. His words touched you deeply, and you felt a swell of emotion, tears forming in your eyes.
"Then maybe Hell ain’t so bad after all," you sang quietly with a small smile. He responded by wrapping his arms around your shoulders, gently pulling you back to lean against his chest. He kissed tenderly on the top of your head, his affection palpable. You both lingered in the bath for a while, basking in the warmth and comfort of each other's presence, letting the world outside fade away.
Noah helped you out of the bath as the water began to cool and gently dried you off. Taking your hand, he led you to the bedroom and seated you on the bed. He then rummaged through your dresser, selecting some comfortable lounging clothes for you. After you finished getting dressed, Noah positioned you between his legs and began to brush your hair. His touch was incredibly gentle, and he checked in with you over the slightest of tugs, ensuring your comfort and showing his deep affection and care.
Noah's gentle attention with the hairbrush gradually calms you, each stroke soothing and reassuring. After a few moments, he sets the brush aside and wraps his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
"Do you feel better?" he asks softly, his voice filled with genuine concern. You nod, leaning back into his embrace, feeling a profound sense of peace. The room is filled with a comforting silence, only broken by the gentle sound of your breaths.
"How about we watch a movie?" he suggests, his tone light and warm.
You agree, and he quickly sets up a cozy spot on the bed with blankets and pillows. As he puts on one of your favorite movies, you both snuggle under the covers, your head resting against his chest. Throughout the movie, Noah's gentle touches continue, his hands occasionally brushing your arm, back, or hair, ensuring you are still comfortable and feeling okay. His constant, tender reassurances make you feel cherished and safe, enhancing the moment's warmth.
As the movie progresses, you both become more relaxed, sinking deeper into the cozy atmosphere. The comfort of his touch and the familiarity of your favorite movie create a serene ambiance. After the movie ends, Noah turns off the TV, and the room becomes tranquil. He looks down at you with a soft smile, his eyes reflecting the affection he feels.
"Ready for bed?" he asks gently.
You nod, feeling a peaceful drowsiness settle over you. Noah shifts slightly, helping you get under the covers properly before he joins you. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close so you’re nestled against his chest. With the lights dimmed, the room is enveloped in a soothing darkness. The rhythmic sound of his heartbeat and the warmth of his body lull you into a state of complete relaxation.
"Goodnight," he whispers, kissing the top of your head.
"Goodnight," you reply softly, feeling safe and content in his embrace. Slowly, you drift off to sleep, surrounded by his love and the comforting sense of being together.
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klausysworld · 1 year
Firstly I wanna say your stories are amazing, thank u very much for posting ♡♡♡ Well I ve been thinking about a smut with klaus
Reader and him have been dating for long time but they never had sex and she is virgin and really innocent and fears she won't be enough for him, she just guess it would be rough and painful but but he surprises her with so much tenderness
And then maybe a good aftercare if u want to?
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Y/n was beyond nervous.
She knew Klaus, she knew he wouldn’t purposefully harm her or force her into anything but she also knew he was rough by nature.
She knew he had been with thousands of other women and she knew she wouldn’t compare to those of his past.
She didn’t know how to do all the things he probably wanted to do but she also didn’t want to disappoint him.
That was one of her flaws, she never wanted to disappoint anyone and especially not Klaus. He loved her more than she had ever been loved and he had killed for her, protected her wholesale and provided for her like no other. She couldn’t imagine taking this away from him, and she didn’t want him to get bored and find someone else.
Last time they were going to have sex, she panicked at the last second and couldn’t do it. Not that it upset him, he was so very understanding and that almost made it worse because she didn’t know why she was so scared. If not of his disappointment then what?
So she tried to force herself to do it, she figuratively and literally threw herself at him. Eyes closed as she pulled her top off and kissed down his neck while he groaned softly and touched her hair. But the smell of worry rolled off her in waves and he ended up with her curled to his side while he kissed her forehead and put on a movie.
Klaus could see straight through her, she was like glass and he knew it. He knew how easy it would be to break her, scare her and hurt her. But for once in his immortal life, he had no desire to make someone’s life a misery, not her.
So he stopped her going through with something he so desperately wanted, because he knew she wasn’t ready and he wanted her to be comfortable and safe when he took her purity away.
Not that she would ever be anything less than perfect in his eyes, an innocent doe, his angel.
His siblings had made many jokes to him about his lack of sex life, he kept his love away from his family. She knew he was a hybrid and that he had done some truly awful things but he didn’t want them to share the details, he didn’t want to haunt her or terrify her sweet mind. He didn’t want to ruin her positive outlook on the world. But he also wouldn’t take anyone saying a bad word about her so when Kol made a joke that he would warm her up before Klaus could have her, well Kol ended up on the other side of the country. Rebekah asked if this girl was a nun, to which Klaus snapped back at and Elijah brought out the stronger alcohol.
If y/n wanted to wait till marriage then perhaps he would marry her. Yes, after a thousand years settling down with someone as pristine as her would be a dream come true for even the darkest of hearts.
And he told her that, which made her cry but not in disparity of sadness, in disbelief and love. It wasn’t hard for him to decide that she would never see an ounce of pain in her life.
But deep down she didn’t want to wait anymore. She didn’t want to wait until after marriage. What if she was no good for him and he was stuck with her forever? What if he didn’t want to teach her and instead wanted rid of her existence?
She loved him, she knew that. And she knew that he loved her. That should be enough, right? Love is a very powerful emotion and it’s enough to drive a person to do almost anything.
So she told him he was ready, and although he was skeptical, seeing her determined face, he wanted to make her happy. Even if she decided she couldn’t do it again and he was left with a painfully hard cock which he would sort out later.
Klaus could feel how tense show was beneath him, his mouth was on hers moving quickly as she roughened the kiss. He knew she didn’t really want to kiss him like that but felt she had to, so he pulled away a moment and just cupped her face. Her legs were around his waist as she lay back and he had one hand helping to keep him just above her.
He could feel her shifting against him, her hands pulling him down but not in the need that he wanted her to have.
“Love, it’s okay if you’re not ready” he told her gently but she shook her head
“I am, I promise” she smiled faintly and he sighed softly
“Okay…okay just close your eyes” he instructed and she did.
He pressed his lips to her softly, stopping her from trying to rush it and instead barely moving his mouth against hers. His lips parted and so did hers, their movements getting a little bigger before his tongue slowly slid into her mouth. His hand brushed over her cheek lightly and her hands held onto his neck as she wrapped her tongue around his. Wet sounds filled the air between them as they moved their head more to taste as much of each other as they could.
He kept their faces attached as he began to roll his hips to hers slowly, happy to hear a genuine moan out of her and feel her breathe him in. He pushed her dress up a little so it wasn’t in the way and rubbed himself at her panties, careful not to overwhelm her too soon.
Klaus pulled back from her mouth a moment just to look at her eyes, checking for that fear that usually rest within them. It was still their but much less than normal, lust covering it and love overpowering them both. A soft kiss was given to her again as she moaned for him once more.
He moved backwards a little to look down where he was moving against, pleased with the growing wet patch along her panties which rubbed onto his sweatpants easily.
“See? Feel nice love?” He asked quietly and she nodded with a whine. “Good girl…you just keep relaxing, I’ll take care of you” he murmured softly. He kissed her lips lightly before trailing his way down her neck and back up again. His hands gently pushed her legs back down and had them lay open for him to rest between.
His mouth went back to hers as he tore her panties off of her in one swift movement. She barely noticed the material missing as she eagerly welcomed his tongue back into her mouth, enjoying the dominance he had over her movements. She assumed it was his crotch rubbing against her again when his fingers slipped along her now soaking pussy. He groaned softly into her mouth at the feel of it and couldn’t help but get a finger inside her to feel how tight she would be on his cock.
Klaus wasn’t sure how he would be able to do this without hurting her, but he would sure as he’ll try.
He had only dreamed of her being this tight, her silky walls had such a good hold on his finger as he slowly moved it back and forth. Her back arched and her mouth left his as she moaned out and ground her hips to his hand.
Klaus often wondered what she did usually after they got this far. Did you have to finish herself off like he did? He wasn’t sure anything had been inside her, not even her own fingers, based off of how much she was squeezing him as he pushed another one inside. A little whimper leaving her as her face scrunched at the stretch sting that rippled through her for a moment.
His thumb pressed to her clit and he rubbed slowly, matching the pace with the thrusts of his fingers and watching her cunt tighten around him. The amount of wetness that was dripping from his hand was ridiculous, the sounds produced when he sped up his actions was more than pornographic and her moans only added to it.
He groaned to himself as he took notice of her clit swelling as he rubbed quicker, listening as she called his name and her hands gripped the sheets harshly.
His fingers curled and the cry she let out told him everything he needed to know before he continued the action over and over until she was trembling and shaking with need. A burst of fluid was squirt up at him as she moaned so loud that her throat went sore. His lips pulled into a smirk and and he didn’t hesitate in licking his fingers clean. His eyes rolling closed as he leaned down to press his open mouth to her wetness.
Her hips jolted and legs clamped around his head making him grunt and bury between her thighs in determination. Her hands were straight in his hair, pulling and tugging as his tongue rolled against her and inside her.
“Nik!” She cried over and over making him smirk and suck at her harder, she had only ever called him Klaus so hearing her moan his name which was reserved for certain people made him all that more happier and sure that she was in fact ready.
Her hips ground desperately to his face, her fingers clinging to his curls and tears in her eyes as he devoured her within seconds.
It barely took another minute before her taste was exploding all over his tongue again and he was moaning with her as she filled his every sense.
“Nik” she panted, barely able to focus on anything as he continued to hold her thighs tightly and pull her puffy clit into his hot mouth. Her hands couldn’t let go of his hair, she couldn’t help but keep pulling him closer. No matter how sensitive she felt, how many nerves he was playing with, god she just needed more, “more! Oh more!” She cried and he would never deny her of this, never. He would beg for this to be his last meal, and he treated her as though it was.
After leaving her hanging on the edge of her fifth orgasm, he finally pulled away. Both of them breathing heavily and still moaning or groaning softly.
He crawled back up her now sweaty body and had his lips on hers, tongue fucking her mouth and sharing her delightful taste. At some point during his feast klaus had managed to shred her dress into pieces and had to get his own clothes off to stop them feeling so tight against his poor, aching cock.
He moaned outright when it felt the wet lips of her pussy and his hips moved to rub between them. Her breathing grew more erratic as she grabbed the back of his hair and pulled him back down, kissing him with need.
“I’m ready, please Klaus, I’m ready” she whispered and he let out a breath
“Nik” he uttered “you call me Nik” he ordered and she nodded
“Please Nik” she moaned and he thrust himself along her, his dick sliding over her clit many times over.
He had to stabilise his breathing and thoughts before he did this. He knew she had been so worried, so scared before and nothing could ruin this, not now. He couldn’t let her slip through his fingers now. He would be the softest, most gentle man on the planet if she would let him fill her with his cock, let him pump her full of his seed.
Fuck. The thought alone had him rubbing against her faster, but shit, he needed to be slow. Come on Klaus, slow.
He took a long breath before taking his heavy cock into his hand and pressing his tip to her dripping cunt. Her heart sped and he glanced up to find her watching his tip with anticipation, teeth on her bottom lip and a moan threatening to leave any second. It was all the confirmation he needed before finally, at last, getting inside her.
Klaus was 90% sure he was louder than she was when her soft, soaked walls sucked him inside. Just his tip to begin with, he slid it in and out of her carefully, lightly tapping it against her clit a couple more times before going further. He got a couple inches in before she made a whine of discomfort and he stopped, his hand found hers and he held it firmly but gently while his other kept a hold of his cock as though if he didn’t then it would do as it pleased and fuck her into oblivion.
“It’s okay my love” he whispered, his hand squeezing hers lightly in reassurance. “You don’t have to take it all” he told her as she shut her eyes so he couldn’t see the twinge of pain inside them.
He let the first few inches thrust in and out of her, allowing her tightly wound body to stretch at its own pace. When her hips moved by themselves against him and her mouth involuntarily opened, he knew she could take more. And more he gave her, a good two thirds in and his breathing so ragged that he wasn’t sure how he wasn’t passing out.
Her pleas were getting more common now and he obliged to every one, keeping each movement calculated and soft. His thrusts, although relatively slow, still reached all those places inside her which she had only dreamed about and she couldn’t have asked for anything better.
She had always worried he would treat her like she were a toy or a slut but he touched her like she was glass, like she were his priceless diamond and she adored it. Craved it.
He was perfect.
Any doubts were chucked out the window as he checked on how she felt time and time again, even though her constant call of his name told everyone in a 5 mile radius that he was giving her the time of her life.
“Nik-“ she moaned and he grunted, his face just above hers and a little further forward as she was leaving kisses and disappearing marks in his neck. He placed a wet kiss to her forehead and struggled to keep his pace steady. “Can- oh- can you go faster Nik?!” She pleaded and he nodded without an ounce of control. Completely following what she needed, his mind was locked on hers and he just wanted her to feel as good as he did.
His body moved to hers faster but still not roughly, not bruisingly or harshly. Just quicker to rub against her spongey spot, to have her back curved off the bed and legs shaking.
His body faltered above her as he felt his balls go tight, the same balls that had repeatedly slapped against her and were ready to empty inside her.
“Y/n” he panted and she moaned. “Gonna- cum- inside- you-“ he panted and she cried out pleasantly
“Please Nik, please please” she begged and he held her hand so tightly, he feared he’d broken it as she screamed and cried.
The sound registered minutes later, him having already overfilled her three times over with the amount of cum he had for her.
His head shot up and he grabbed ahold of her face with his hands
“Love? Did I hurt you? Oh god-“ he started but her hand cupped the side of his neck and she smiled weakly
“God no Nik, no you were- wonderful, unbelievable” she whispered breathlessly and he sighed in relief, his head drooping to kiss her cheek softly.
“Are you tired love?” He asked and she laughed
“Yeah, I’m tired. Are..are you? Do you need more or-“
“I would love as much as you could let me have but for tonight, believe me when I promise you that I am beyond satisfied. You were…” he leaned down to her ear and nipped the lobe gently, “quite frankly, the best I’ve ever had” he whispered and she blushed darkly
“Over a thousand years I do doubt that-“
“You have the softest, hottest, wettest, tightest little pussy I have ever had, the most delicious, most beautiful-“
“Nik” she cut him off, embarrassment colouring her red as she looked up at him shyly.
“Believe me sweetheart, I would never lie to you” he told her softly as he leaned back down to kiss her lips. “The best” he whispered again and she let out a happy breath before a yawn forced through her and he smiled
“Tell me if anything hurts okay? I’m gonna clean you up, I’ll be gentle” he murmured as he pulled out of her and lifted her off of the ruined sheets. She groaned at the empty feeling and held onto his hand with her own as he brought her to the bathroom. “Bath?” He questioned and she shook her head.
“Sleep” she mumbled and he nodded. He grabbed the wipes and got her as clean as he could before doing himself, not once putting her down.
He paused at the state of his bed and instead carried her to the guest room next door. He kept her right against his bare chest as he laid with her beneath the covers and kissed her head so much his lips hurt.
Her eyes had closed earlier than he realised as he held her dearly and whispered to her resting body. Just sweet nothings and true promises. Things she would hear many times over and experience in the future.
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He returns!
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Name: Clark
Notes on Personality: He's fairly timid and a bit on the anxious side, but Clark is good-natured and determined to carry out his day with as positive an outlook as he can manage!
Backstory and Lore: Clark is a pretty average awoofy! He enjoys taking naps in the sun and chasing after lizards once in a while. And while the world may be big and scary, he wants to see as much of it as he can! Clark is quite the wanderer, and is one of many awoofies sent to carry out menial tasks by the generals of the Beast Pack. One such task was a request from Clawroline herself, to retrieve... a new chair! The second-in-command has to be comfortable, you know. He found himself wandering into an abandoned IKEA... and is still working his way around there, having gotten himself a bit lost. But it's only a matter of time before he finds his way out! ...Right?
...Ahh, but that was some time ago. After finally finding himself free from the winding grasp of the IKEA, Clark stumbles out into what feels like a vastly different world around him. Something huge must have happened, but what...? And what's this new favor Clawroline is asking of him, now that her long-awaited chair has been obtained?
...What has he gotten himself into this time?
He is the (metaphorical) living embodiment of the Minecraft achievement "How Did We Get Here?"
He really likes cheese.
He was raised alongside many siblings and cousins. One of his older cousins holds a fairly important position amongst the ranks of the Beast Pack! He's very proud of her, but he prefers to lead a more lowkey life.
He's stumbled across quite a few hidden treasures on his journeys! Ask nicely and follow him, and he'll happily lead you to one.
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(That's him! There he is.)
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dhorrl · 7 months
JJK Men in Jujutsu College Headcanons
Making a series of bots on my JanitorAI for this AU, so here's some headcanons to go along with them :)
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Frat boy!Satoru, known as the ultimate frat boy, is a sophomore and well-known player at his elite fraternity house. Coming from a wealthy family, he doesn't need to work and can afford to spend his time partying. However, he surprises everyone with his intelligence and ambition to take over his father's company by majoring in Business. With his charm and good looks, he has no trouble getting anyone he wants into bed. He has a reputation for sleeping around, attending all the frat parties, and indulging in weed. Satoru takes pride in his promiscuity, boasting about his impressive number of sexual partners (over 60), and doesn't care about other's opinions of him. He enjoys acting sweet towards his conquests before using them and never speaking to them again.
Frat boy!Suguru, Satoru's best friend, is also a sophomore at the same elite fraternity. While he may not have the same level of wealth as Satoru, he makes up for it with his charm and intelligence. He holds double majors in literature and philosophy, which surprises many given his rough exterior. On the football team, Suguru plays on the defensive line and takes his role of protecting Satoru very seriously. He's always watching out for his friend at parties and making sure he doesn't get into too much trouble. Despite their differences, Suguru and Satoru have been best friends since high school and have each other's backs no matter what. Together, they make quite the dynamic duo at their fraternity house. They're both popular amongst their peers and can often be found causing mischief together.
Pledge!Yuji, who was ecstatic to finally start college and begin a new chapter in his life. He wasn't the smartest student, but he always made up for it with his kind nature and optimistic outlook. After his high school girlfriend ended their relationship right before college, Yuji was determined to embrace single life. His older brother Sukuna, who also attended the same college, had been pressuring him to join a fraternity, partly because he knew it would help Yuji get laid. At first, Yuji was hesitant, but he went through the rush process and ultimately received an invitation to pledge for one of the most elite fraternities on campus – the same one that Satoru and Suguru belonged to.
Plug!Choso, the eldest among his ten brothers and takes on the responsibility of providing for them after their parents' departure. To make ends meet, he delves into selling drugs. However, Choso's interests extend beyond just making money; he has a unique passion for creating art with his own blood, which both fascinates and repulses those who see it. He has a particular dislike for Yuji's other brother, Sukuna, whom he sees as a bad influence that will only cause trouble for Yuji in the future. Despite their difficult circumstances, Choso continually tries to be a positive influence on Yuji and keeps a close eye on him by hanging around campus while selling weed to frat boys.
Senior!Sukuna, who is simply counting down the days until graduation. He shares an apartment with his brother, Yuji, who is busy rushing for a fraternity. Sukuna is known for his rude demeanor, arrogance, and lack of responsibility when it comes to cleaning up after himself. He hates that he resembles his brother so closely, so he spends most of his money on tattoos and takes any opportunity to show off his toned body by walking around shirtless in low-hanging joggers. Despite his flaws, Sukuna does cover the rent for their apartment and never expects Yuji to contribute financially; instead, he wants him to focus on school and not have to work as well. Underneath his tough exterior, Sukuna has a soft spot for his brother. He's also a striker on the soccer team and enjoys being the center of attention among adoring female fans. While he isn't lacking in intelligence, Sukuna barely manages to pass his classes because he would much rather be out pursuing his next fuck than sitting through boring lectures.
Quiet Intellectual!Megumi, who has a passion for animals that surpasses his love for people. He is currently studying animal sciences with the goal of becoming a veterinarian. His father's constant presence on campus makes him uncomfortable, especially when he witnesses him flirting with girls his age. To avoid any awkward encounters, Megumi tries to steer clear of his father. The only thing that Megumi and his best friend Yuji have in common is that they attended the same high school. Despite their busy schedules, however – Megumi with his studies and Yuji with sports – they still make time for weekly hangouts and movie nights together.
Security Guard!Toji, who only took the job to get his son a reduced tuition rate at the college. Despite being a less than perfect father, he tries to do right by his son whenever he can. After his wife passed away, Toji had no interest in dating; between work and raising his son, he barely had time to take a breath. He used to settle for casual hookups through dating apps, but that changed when he started working as a security guard. The young college students couldn't seem to keep their eyes off him, and though they tried to hide it, they were clearly intrigued by the handsome and muscular man in uniform. As he patrolled around campus, Toji couldn't help but notice how the students would stare at him or become flustered when he flirted with them. So what if Toji indulged in a little attention from them? After all, it was just another perk of the job, right?
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rascal-xo · 1 year
Hi hope you're doing good!!! Can I request ghost with a GN reader that suffers from hypersomnia and is sad that no one is taking their fatigue seriously and just think theyre lazy lol. Just some comforting stuff if that's OK with you!!
Surface Tension | Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x GN Reader |
Chapter Summary: Ghost comforts you after a hard week in the field :)
Warnings: mentions of mental health, cursing, FLUFF, hypersomnia, angst
Word Count: 913
A/N: Thank you for sending in this request! I hope I was able to bring your idea to life :))
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You watched the clock tik, and every second the hand moved was a second you felt yourself losing your focus little by little. No matter how hard you tried to get a good rest after a long mission, or nap when you had the time off, exhaustion always hit you like a bag of bricks.
You knew something was off about your rest, but the fastest way to push it aside was to ignore the feeling and try to stay focused on your tasks at hand. Being in the 141 meant that you were the best task force there was for any job that came the teams way.
You were the youngest recruit, and for the past year you’ve pulled more than twice your weight to stay above the water. You were a damn good sniper for your age but not as seasoned of a soldier when it came to time in service.
The rest of the men had years of experience on you, which showed. Determined to show your worth you began to take on more than you could carry, and it had proved right until now, when it started to take its toll on your physical and mental wellbeing.
Captain Price cleared his throat, bringing your attention back to the briefing. “Am I boring you, Sergeant?” He cocked an eyebrow. You suddenly felt the entire rooms gaze on you. Ghost met your eyes from across the table small table , turning his head in a ‘You okay?’ type manner.
“No Sir, just a little tired this morning.” You admitted, playing with the strap on your tactical pants.
“Let’s stay awake now. Can’t have you lost during the mission.” He answered back sternly, turning back to the pictures on the board and continuing his meeting.
Ghost’s foot brushed yours from under the table, nonchalantly. He had noticed you were more fatigued than usual lately, zoning out on the comms, failing to remember to do certain tasks on base. Every soldier met obstacles once a while, but he realized it was getting serious.
As the mission commenced, you took your position on a secluded hill a few hundred feet from the targeted site, as the sniper, scanning the area for hostiles. The rest of the guys were broken up into 2 separate ground teams in order to infiltrate the site.
Alpha team successfully took down the main set of guards, moving onto the next wave of security forces. This would be sending hostiles your way.
Then, suddenly you saw movement in the corner of your eye, and your heart skipped a beat. You adjusted your scope and aimed, but your hands were shaking, and your vision was blurry. You took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves, but it was too late.
Captain Price's voice boomed in your earpiece. "Bloody hell Sergeant! You’re supposed to be our cover!”
You flinched at the harshness of his tone. You knew he was right, and it only added to your frustration. You tried to shake it off and refocus, but the fatigue was overwhelming.
The mission continued, more smoothly this time as you regained some strength to finish somewhat strong. Taking the win, you couldn’t help but feel like you were letting them down. Even if they didn’t say it to your face, you could read between the silence.
You found yourself away from the post mission celebration happening on base. You stood outside near the outlook facing the distant terrain, with a cigarette between your fingers.
It was impossible to win this never ending exhaustion that had decided to become a weight on your shoulders. You inhaled into your lungs, as the night time air blew past you taking the exhaled smoke with it moments after.
“Smoking the sleep away isn’t going to help, sergeant.” You suddenly heard from behind you. Ghost had a way of sneaking up on you undetected, certainly living up to his name.
“Maybe it will.” You say, as he comes up to stand next to you, leaning his elbows against the railing. He had changed into a more casual look, now only sporting a thin black skull balaclava as opposed to the full ghost mask.
Ghost looked at you, his expression a mix of concern and understanding. “I know it’s tough, but you can’t keep pushing yourself like this. You’re not a machine, and even machines need maintenance.”
“They think i’m lazy, Lt.” You said, not meeting his gaze. “You saw the way Price talked to me. I’m letting you all down.” You sighed, taking another drag of your cigarette before flicking it off the railing.
“Sometimes, he keeps his muppets on a short string, that captain.” Ghost replied, “Don’t let it get to you.” He placed an arm over your shoulder, leaving it there as you fell into his touch. “You don’t need to prove anything to anyone, especially not to us. We know you’re a damn good soldier, Y/N.”
You nodded, taking in his words. He was right, of course. You couldn’t keep sacrificing your own wellbeing for the sake of trying to impress others. “I’ll be better, I have to be.” You said, almost a whisper.
Ghost continued, “Talk to Price, let him know what’s been going on. He’ll understand, and he’ll help you. We all will.” You nodded again, realizing that Ghost was right.
It was time to swallow your pride and admit that you needed to put yourself first. You turned to him, giving him a small smile, as you continued to watch the horizon ahead, together.
A/N: Requests are still open, send in your ideas!
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nori-the-cat · 4 months
SM Entertainment’s thoughts and opinions on Seunghan
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Remember, tarot readings shouldn’t be taken seriously. Please take this post with a grain of salt!
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What's SM Entertainment's opinion of Seunghan as an idol?
Card(s): the world rx and the sun rx
SM Entertainment sees Seunghan as an idol with much potential and could be a bright star, but his situation has dimmed his potential.
What's SM Entertainment's opinion on Seunghan's personality?
Card(s): 5oC and KoP rx
They see him as someone who is currently struggling with regret and sorrow over his recent actions. This might be affecting his confidence and outlook, making it difficult for him to focus on the positive aspects of his career.
They also view him as someone who is diligent but currently stuck in a state of stagnation. They think he is being overly cautious or hesitant to take the steps needed to move forward.
How does SM Entertainment view Seunghan's role in RIIZE?
Card(s): 9oC rx, KoP rx, 2oP rx, KoC rx, and the sun rx
My god. Why are these cards all in a reversed position?
The overall theme from these cards is that Seunghan's potential within RIIZE is seen as significant but is currently hindered by various challenges and setbacks. There is a sense of unfulfilled potential and disappointment.
SM Entertainment thinks Seunghan is having a hard time juggling his responsibilities and fitting into his role properly. His current mindset and actions might be holding back both his own progress and the group's.
The sun card appeared again and it's in a reversed position again. This card tells me SM Entertainment still sees Seunghan as a talented idol with a lot of potential currently hindered by recent setbacks and challenges.
Does SM Entertainment see Seunghan as a good fit for RIIZE's concept?
Card(s): 8oW, 5oS, 10oC, KoP rx, and 2oP
SM Entertainment believes that Seunghan has the potential to bring energy and harmony to RIIZE. However, they have concerns about his ability to handle responsibilities, as well as his current issues with conflict, stagnation, and imbalance. While his qualities align well with the group's concept, he needs to address these challenges in order to fully integrate with the group.
How does SM Entertainment feel about Seunghan being in the group?
Card(s): the fool rx and 6oP
SM Entertainment has mixed feelings about Seunghan being in RIIZE. They are concerned about his impulsive behavior and the risks it poses but also see his potential to contribute positively to the group's dynamic. Their approach might be to support him in growing and learning to manage his actions more responsibly, with the hope that he can become a valuable and balanced member of the group.
How does SM Entertainment want to portray Seunghan to the public?
Card(s): 5oP and 8oC rx
These cards seem to suggest that SM Entertainment wants to acknowledge Seunghan's struggles and hardships while emphasizing his commitment to staying and overcoming these challenges. It looks like they want to show the public that he's going through a tough time but is determined to improve.
By recognizing the Five of Pentacles, SM Entertainment might be trying to paint Seunghan as someone who's facing significant struggles, possibly to gain sympathy and understanding from the public.
The Eight of Cups reversed indicates that they want to highlight his determination and reluctance to give up. It seems like they want to emphasize that he's committed to facing his issues head-on and working through them, rather than giving up on his responsibilities or the group.
What qualities does SM Entertainment believe will help Seunghan succeed as an idol?
Card(s): 8oW rx and 3oS
They think Seunghan's really good at keeping calm and staying on track, even when things get tough. It'll be super useful for him in his career.
SM Entertainment sees his ability to deal with tough times as a really important quality. They think going through hard times will only make him stronger and more resilient, which will totally help him in his career.
The reversed Eight of Wands suggests that SM Entertainment might think Seunghan needs to work on his patience and focus. They believe that being able to handle delays and stay on course, even when things are moving slowly, will be key to his success.
The upright Three of Swords suggests that SM Entertainment sees Seunghan's emotional toughness as a really important quality. Being able to learn from tough times and bounce back is seen as a strength that will help him grow and succeed as an idol.
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Other tarot readings on RIIZE is here! 💌
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fushiglow · 9 months
If JJK characters were in Non- Curse world, what would their job be if not become Jujutsu Sorcerer (in your opinion)? Why? Please pick your top 5 fav characters...
I love you for asking this, anon ♥ It's an opportunity to wax lyrical about something I've given a great deal of thought! These are my instinctive answers, although I could make arguments for a number of other professions for each of them depending on the life choices they made in this hypothetical non-curse world — but we don't need to get into that! So, here I go (in no particular order):
Yūta is an emergency paediatric surgeon
When he was young, he made the decision to become a trauma surgeon after losing his childhood friend in a car accident. He spent some time in hospital as a child and he knows what a scary place it can be for children, so he always does his best to make his patients smile when he's checking in on their progress.
He's brilliant at what he does — a once in a generation talent — but that doesn't mean he can save everyone. It's heartbreaking work on a good day, but when he's been at work for approaching 30 hours and he feels like he wants out, he looks at the photo of Rika in his locker and finds the strength to go on.
Kenjaku is a performer
If the average Japanese human enjoys at least 80 rotations around the sun, why waste them by playing the same role every time? That's Kenjaku's outlook on life — which is why they chose to go into acting. However, they quickly became bored by other people's narrow view of the world, dissatisfied by the limits of everyone else's imagination.
Nowadays, Kenjaku marches to the beat of their own drum in a one-person show. There are more than ten roles available, all of them played by Kenjaku — who is also the writer, producer, and director. Critics can't decide whether it's madness or sheer brilliance.
Megumi is a vet
He's grumpy with humans, especially if they're irresponsible pet owners. However, he's soft as anything with the animals, and his regular clients trust him implicitly with their beloved furry family members — because it's obvious how much they love him.
Megumi is really good at his job, but he's guilty of taking his work home with him and finds it difficult not to get emotionally attached to the animals he's treating, even after years in the profession. Although he'd never hesitate to make difficult decisions, the unique ethical dilemmas his job presents take a toll on his wellbeing — especially when human cruelty or indifference come into play.
Suguru is a school teacher
Teaching is neither recognised nor appreciated by most people. However, although Suguru had the brains to follow his friends into their highly respected fields, he couldn't imagine anything more rewarding than doing his part to ensure that the next generation have an easier time of things than he did at the same age.
He tries to be the person he needed when he was at school: a pillar of support for struggling children who have no one else on their side. Unfortunately, the school system seems determined to hurt the very children it's supposed to support, and some of the parents go out of their way to undermine any positive developments he makes with their child — not to mention the terrible pay and working conditions!
Satoru is a physicist
But he could have done anything he put his mind to. In fact, that's the only thing Satoru ever really found difficult in life: choosing one path to follow. Sometimes, he wishes he'd become a musician or a historian or an athlete, but in the end, nothing captured his imagination quite like the limitless bounds of the universe.
He's younger than most of his peers in the field, and his revolutionary ideas (alongside his casual disregard for traditional academic hierarchies) get him in trouble more often than not. However, he's a certified genius, and popular with the media, too. He's doing a lot to improve the image of physicists among the general public — which translates to more funding for research. That keeps them out of his hair, most of the time at least!
These are too obvious, but I thought I'd mention them anyway:
Yūji is a firefighter who remembers the names and faces of every single person he couldn't save.
Shōko is a pathologist who devotes herself to improving the diagnosis and treatment of disease, often at the expense of her own health and wellbeing.
Because they're *also* huge nerds, I imagine Sukuna and Yuki as physicists in slightly different fields to Gojō:*
Yuki is a brilliant mind, but she doesn't live up to her potential because she hates the oppressive nature of academia. In fact, she vocally criticises it and goes out of her way to undermine it, to the chagrin of all the old stuffy professors who try to discredit her at every opportunity.
Sukuna, like Gojō, is a genius who's fascinated by what he doesn't know, shaking up the field with his cutting edge (lol) ideas. I like to imagine the pair of them getting into heated arguments at conferences, though they both have enormous (albeit grudging) respect for each other.
*As long as Sukuna is, you know, ~normal~ in this hypothetical non-curse world. Otherwise, he'd be a chef that moonlights as a sadistic serial killer lol.
Thank you for the extremely fun question, I had the time of my life! I hope you enjoy my answers ♥
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imagitory · 11 months
Review: Wish (2023) [SPOILERS]
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Evening, everyone! Tonight my mother and I went to go see Disney's most recent film, Wish, which fortunately came to theaters in my area right before its formal American release date. I'd been very curious to see how this tribute to Disney's last 100 years of filmmaking would turn out, and now that I've seen it...well, I have to be honest, I was a little disappointed. I want to be very clear both that I was going into this with a rather sunny outlook and that there are things I really liked in this film...but overall, it felt like a lot of the good ideas it had were only half-baked, and I found myself -- forgive me -- "wishing for something more" than what we got.
For a more comprehensive deep-dive...a cut!
The Good!
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+The single best element in this film for me was Chris Pine's performance as our villain, Magnifico. There are definitely some things I can critique about Magnifico's overall storyline and "character arc" further down, but Chris was clearly having a grand old time being an egotistical, sassy jerkwad, and it totally showed. Even in his villain song This is The Thanks I Get?, which just screamed "passive-aggressive abusive parent," you can hear how much fun Chris was having in the studio, recording it. I just about always enjoyed when Magnifico was on screen, and I actually did really like the idea that a lot of his villainy is rooted in him being obsessed with control over everyone and everything. In a weird way, Magnifico's turn to the Dark Side parallels Anakin Skywalker's in the sense that he lost so much in the past that he's determined to never lose anything important to him again -- especially the power he's accrued to make himself feel strong, after having felt so powerless. I find that very interesting, and I kind of wish that aspect was really highlighted more in the story, but we'll talk about that later.
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+Asha was a likable enough heroine, even if I found her to be a lot like a two-way fusion of Mulan and Anna placed in a vaguely Snow-White-ish role in her clearly Seven-Dwarf-inspired friend group. Ariana DeBose portrayed her rather well, both acting and singing-wise. I also liked the "social justice" bent to Asha's character where she wants better things not just for herself and her family, but also Rosas overall -- in the French translation of her main song "This Wish," they even push this further by having Asha wish "to see the world happy again someday." We haven't seen a heroine really express this kind of desire for a positive change in the world since Esmeralda in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and that's cool! Plus representation in mainstream media for previously underrepresented groups is always nice. ^.^
+As much as I don't think they all got enough focus as individuals, I liked Asha's friend group! Especially the fact that it is a friend group made up of people that are around the same age as our protagonist, which -- let's be honest -- isn't that common for Disney heroines. Often with "sidekick groups," you're more likely to have situations like Cinderella with the mice (who are more like cutesy sidekicks than equals) or Snow White with the Dwarfs (who are all quite a bit older than our heroine)...so a friend group made up of peers with their own personalities and motivations was kind of fun.
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+The setting of Rosas itself could be pretty. I liked a lot of the Mediterranean-inspired architecture, especially inside Magnifico's tower.
+The combination of 3D and 2D-esque animation was also interesting! It really served to give the film its own distinctive visual style that sets it apart from other Disney projects, which I always appreciate.
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+Star was...cute. Obviously just designed to sell plushies and definitely reminded me way too much of Kirby, but cute enough. I do think it's kind of cool that they're never gendered at all in the entire movie, because it'd be silly to think of a sweet little androgynous ball of stardust as being specifically male or female.
+I liked the idea of Simon "betraying" Asha, only to be turned into a pawn by Magnifico in the process, but not being treated unsympathetically by the story for it. Didn't love the full execution of the idea, but hey, that's what the negative section is for.
+The idea of everyone finding the power inside of themselves to stand up against Magnifico (because they're "all stars," and presumably all have the magic needed to make their wishes come true) was a little predictable, but still sweet. I have problems with how the film wrote it (which we'll get to), but the idea itself was wholesome and fitting.
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+I like several of the songs, just on their own -- I added This Wish and Knowing What I Know Now on my ITunes as soon as I first heard them prior to the film's release, and now I've added At All Costs too: it's a really pretty duet! (Gorgeous work, Chris and Ariana!) I'll leave my praise here, though, because sadly the soundtrack is going to get a lot of discussion in the less positive section.
The Not-So-Good...
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+This film being "Disney's 100th anniversary film" really got in the way of this movie telling a compelling and unique story sometimes. The whole movie really twisted itself into a pretzel trying to check off all the usual Disney tropes, and there were points that certain choices made the story seem incredibly stilted. For instance, one common Disney trope is a dead parent, so of course Asha has lost her father -- but we learn so little about him and he ends up playing such a small role in Asha's arc and story that it seems like an unnecessary detail. Asha's grandfather honestly plays more of a role in Asha's motivation throughout most of the film, so it would've made just as much sense to have Asha's grandfather be the one who believed in stars having power, rather than her father. Another example is the concept of the cute animal sidekick who's just there to make jokes -- as much as Valentino the goat didn't annoy me personally, he added just about nothing of value to the story whatsoever aside from comic relief, in contrast to other funny sidekicks like Sebastian from The Little Mermaid or Olaf from Frozen, who also serve a plot purpose and have a developed relationship with the protagonists. Then there's Asha being cut from the same "naive, awkward, wide-eyed idealist" cloth as many of our Disney Revival heroines like Anna, Rapunzel, and up to a certain point even Mirabel are; Star being in a similar vein to cutesy, innocent sidekicks like Pua, Crikee, and Baymax while Valentino is more akin to sassier, comic ones like Mushu and Sisu; her friends literally being based on the Seven Dwarfs from Snow White; our heroine getting a pretty standard "I Want" song and the villain getting his own solo number that doesn't really take any risks...oh yes, and we mustn't forget the trope of the Storybook opening, which (I'm sorry) I know was supposed to be a reference to Snow White, Cinderella, and Enchanted, but just gave me Shrek vibes the entire time. I was waiting for Shrek to rip out the page and use it for toilet paper any minute. It just felt a lot of the time like the movie was very paint-by-numbers, rather than throwing in much that was surprising or different.
+This isn't even touching all of the pointless meta references to other Disney movies. Asha wearing the Fairy Godmother's cloak and getting a wand like hers at the end -- the mushrooms crowing "we love crazy!" the way Hans did in Love is an Open Door -- Asha riding the reindeer the way Kristoff did in Frozen 2 -- Magnifico using green smoke hands a la Ursula -- the ending with those obvious Wendy and Peter Pan look-alikes, come on, really??? That was just painful.
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+As much as Magnifico was an awesome idea for a character and Chris Pine's performance was beyond entertaining, the movie did not always write him as well as they could've. From the very start, we see this guy is an egotistical control freak -- obsessed with his own image, incredibly hard-to-please, arrogant, vain, desperate for attention and unwavering praise and adoration from all of his subjects, and determined to keep an iron grip on everyone else's wishes because of the power it gives him. He's ALREADY a terrible person, from the start -- and yet the film tries to introduce this dark magic book that gets no explanation or backstory whatsoever and has no real characterization or presence, so it leaves no real impact on the audience corrupting him and making him a bad person, when it didn't need to! Magnifico was already the villain this film needed! Just let him fall head-first into madness without the book prompting anything! Even if Magnifico "lost everything" in the past, that doesn't make him a good person, if he takes everyone's wishes away from them and hoards them all to himself, only to grant a few now and again when it would make him look good.
+This above point actually leads nicely into one change I really, really wish the film had been ballsy enough to make -- have Asha already be Magnifico's apprentice, not trying to become it at the start of the story. Give our villain and hero a real relationship, with history that started before the events of this film! Asha lost her father at the age of 12...how interesting would it have been -- whether to make Magnifico more of an anti-villain or show how manipulative he really is -- if he'd tried to fill that fatherly role for our main character and twist her to serve his ends? What if At All Costs was rewritten to be about Magnifico not just being determined to hold onto all of the kingdom's wishes, but also this apprentice he sees as an extension of him and his legacy, while Asha is determined to protect this Star she's accidentally summoned and the suppressed wish of hers it represents? This change would've made Asha's break with Magnifico so much more powerful for both of them -- it would've both justified Magnifico's descent into madness and given Asha more reason to feel like it was her responsibility to stop Magnifico. You even could've then played more with Asha's relationship with Queen Amaya too, in this kind of a scenario.
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+Oh yeah, and on that note, Queen Amaya. OOH, this really annoyed me -- okay. So this woman is supposed to be a good guy, in this story. But as I touched on earlier, Magnifico was already a pretty awful person, hoarding people's wishes away in order to make himself powerful. Was Amaya truly so blind to that? Did she truly never question anything, ever? But no, really, she only turns on Magnifico after he starts using the dark magic book and actively threatens her. Only that makes her turn from him, and it's pretty damn immediate. Now okay, I hear you saying, it's like Amaya sings in Knowing What I Know Now, right? "The good in him, I've watched it melt // I was blinded by the love I felt"? Excuse me, lady -- but Magnifico wasn't a good person, before. He was just playing a part so as to stay powerful and adored by the masses. And if the story wants to claim otherwise, and act like that dark magic book was responsible for Magnifico going bad, then why would our Queen decide to keep him locked up in his staff's crystal forever? If the book was responsible, then Magnifico would be the Frodo or Golum to the book's One Ring -- he'd be a victim, in such a scenario: one in need of help and pity, not punishment. So either Amaya is a selfish person who only cared about her husband's mistreatment of others when it affected her, or she's a needlessly cruel person who decides to punish her husband for a vice that anyone could fall prey to. Either way, I don't want this woman ruling anyone! Make this woman a straight-up villain, same as her husband, and have the whole monarchy come crashing down after she and Magnifico both go down in flames! VIVE LA RESISTANCE! (Playing into my idea with Asha being Magnifico's apprentice all along, maybe there could even be a twist on the Evil Stepmother trope with Amaya, where she's jealous of how much Magnifico has tried to groom Asha as his apprentice, rather than spending time and/or starting a family with her or something.)
+As I touched on earlier, there wasn't even close to enough time to develop all of these characters properly. Since our heroine and friends are most similar to Snow White and her friends the Seven Dwarfs, let's compare cast size. Snow White is 83 minutes long and has a cast of ten (Snow, the Prince, the Queen, and the Dwarfs) -- Wish is 95 minutes long and has a cast of fourteen (Asha, Magnifico, Star, Valentino, Amaya, Asha's mum and grandpa, and our seven Friends). This results in us getting the vague idea that "Grumpy" role Gabo is sweet on our "Bashful" role Bazeema, but no time to develop their relationship or give it any kind of conclusion; the others saying "Sneezy" role Safi apparently loves the castle chickens with no sympathetic explanation why, to the point that he gets super excited about a chicken growing to a giant size for no real reason; "Doc" role Dahlia having a crush on Magnifico that is then dropped immediately after Asha turns against him; oldest kid and "Sleepy" role Simon feeling incomplete without the dream he gave Magnifico and "betraying" Asha as a result in an attempt to get it back, only to get stabbed in the back by Magnifico, and then have no time for a proper redemption after he's unhypnotized; Asha's grandfather turning on a dime about whether or not he wants to know what his wish was if Magnifico thought it was dangerous; Magnifico getting some justification in his backstory for his bad behavior, but Amaya's backstory being a complete black hole before she married Magnifico when you'd think it'd explain all the more why she stuck with him so long; and Asha's mum having her wish crushed to dust by Magnifico and then given back without us EVER LEARNING WHAT IT EVEN WAS IN THE FIRST PLACE, even after we see just about everyone else's wishes as soon as somebody picks it up and Asha's mum's wish gets picked up multiple times!! Come on, if you're going to set up NOT showing it, you may as well have a pay-off for it!! At least give us some moment where Asha's mum hugs her in relief and acknowledges that her daughter was her wish! That would've been a nice "aww" moment for everyone!
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+Okay, I said I was going to talk about my problem with the songs, so here goes. As I said before, I listened to the soundtrack before watching the movie, and even when I did, I could immediately sense a problem: these songs did not tell me much of anything about the movie, just on their own. Welcome to Rosas, which is pretty much just an exposition dump about the kingdom and how Magnifico founded it, didn't really paint a picture of our setting or characters much at all, the way opening songs like Belle or The Family Madrigal do. This Wish, although pretty, was something I could hear just as easily on the radio -- it didn't feel as tied or necessary to understanding our heroine the way something like Part of That World does. I'm a Star, quite frankly, felt like a lot of inspirational word salad, rather than anything particularly memorable or revelatory -- why else wouldn't it even be worthy of a musical salute in the reprise, where Asha remembers that she and everyone else are stars during the climax? Even after reading summaries of the plot and spoilers from the storybook for this film, I could not figure out for the life of me how At All Costs would fit organically into such a story, being sung by our villain and hero. It wasn't until I saw the film that I saw how the filmmakers decided to fit it in and honestly...the song didn't help tell that particular scene at all. It's a really pretty song and I like it a lot -- but it lacked any of the irony or contrast that kind of a scene that introduces the difference in focus between our hero and villain required. If the scene itself is needed to understand what's supposed to be going on while the song is playing, then the song is not effectively telling the story and is therefore unnecessary. There wasn't even a particularly Spanish or Mediterranean flair to the soundtrack to help set the stage, aside from the occasional flourish of castanets -- instead it sounded very contemporary, which I guess is appropriate, since it was largely written by pop composers rather than any musical theater talent.
+There were also points where the songs felt the urge to shove in a bunch of extra words just because, rather than have the words flow well and really mean something. I'm a Star is most guilty of this, of course, but even in This is the Thanks I Get?, we hear Magnifico gripe that "I let you live here for free and I don't even charge you rent" -- mate, THAT MEANS THE SAME THING! If you live somewhere for free, then you are NOT paying rent!
+Knowing What I Know Now is a bop and I like it (aside from Amaya's stupidity), but I'm sorry, all I can think when I hear it is "This is clearly trying to be Ready as I'll Ever Be from Tangled the Animated Series, but that song blows this out of the water." However fun the song can be, it would've been so much stronger if it actually addressed the contrast between the characters and revved us up for a big final battle, instead of it just being our eight underdeveloped characters psyching each other up.
+The idea of everyone being stars was a lovely idea, but the execution of Asha remembering this fact and using it to defeat Magnifico was terribly handled. First off, there was no revelatory phrase or action that prompted Asha to remember this fact, so her suddenly saying that "they're all stars" came out of nowhere. Second, even putting aside that there'd be no way any of her friends could hear Asha from all the way up on the tower if they're stuck in the courtyard below, there's no reason I can see for Asha's friends or family to know what the hell she was even TALKING about. They weren't there when the I'm a Star number happened! And the way that number made it seem, just based on the visuals, it looked like the "star" power came from a person's dream, since it's the same glow that returns to Asha's grandfather when he gets his dream back, but most of the town's dreams have been already yanked out by Magnifico at this point! I think the idea is that since everyone is a star, even with that big piece of them and the power accompanying it taken out, they still have enough stardust inside of them to be powerful enough to chase their heart's desires...but yeah, I'm sorry, for all the word salad I'm a Star threw around, this world-building aspect was really not made clear, and because of that and the lack of a proper callback to this plot turn, the climax didn't hit as strong as it should've.
Overall, this film felt a lot like a batch of unbaked chocolate chip cookies that someone decided to throw a bunch of brightly colored sprinkles on top of, just because they could. A lot of ideas just don't feel like they were fully developed, and there was a lot tossed in that didn't contribute to the overall taste or bring the disparate elements together in a cohesive whole, instead feeling more like a distraction than anything of actual substance. That doesn't mean I couldn't eat it -- I like eating cookie dough as much as the next person -- but that doesn't mean it felt like a complete, finished product worthy of great praise. Instead I'm left looking at the wasted potential and wishing the movie had carved out its own path more, one distinctive to itself, rather than just be a mashup of previous Disney concepts and tropes. I won't act like there's nothing to like here, nor that it's completely lacking in heart: I actually would love to see fandom for this movie re-imagine it in ways that could've improved the story and characters, because there were SO many good ideas here...but for me personally, this movie left me colder than it should've and -- like Asha after meeting Magnifico -- a bit disappointed.
So I make this wish...to have Disney make a film better than this.
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Overall Grade: C-
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IOTA Reviews: Illusion
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You know, It's really sad how this is a Lila episode, and she somehow isn't the most annoying character to come out of it.
Let's get into the fifth episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fifth season: Illusion
We start off with a news broadcast where several people are interviewed about the recent developments this season. There's an attempt made to show differing perspectives, but while half are recurring characters who are confident Ladybug and Cat Noir will beat Monarch (Xavier, Mr. Damocles, and Alec), the other half are antagonistic characters who either blame Ladybug for everything going wrong or are too stupid to care about the bigger picture (XY, Chloe, and Bob Roth).
This is one of the overarching problems with the show, its refusal to show any nuance in its arguments. We already know how easy it is for the writers to blame Marinette for things whenever there's a conflict, but whenever there's an argument where both sides make interesting points, the opposing side is almost always represented by an antagonist or jerk who frames their view in either a condescending or idiotic way so it's easy for the viewer to brush them off, and the same can be applied to their side of the argument as well. Hell, it's already happened twice this season with Lila and Chloe (Multiplication, Determination). It just comes across like the show is pretending to act like its conflict is deeper without actually showing any real nuance with it. I get that some arguments aren't morally gray, but if you're trying to discuss Ladybug's past failures, put more effort into showing how the people of Paris would see something like this without knowing the full context.
Also, this is a minor thing, but I actually like how when we see Alec on the talk show, he's wearing a wig like the one he had in “Wishmaker”, and has the same positive outlook on life he had at the end of that episode. For a show that usually plays loosey-goosey with its continuity, it's surprising to see the writers actually acknowledge the character growth of someone as insignificant as Alec.
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Congratulations, Miraculous Ladybug. You managed to give a very minor side character a consistent arc. Now if only you could put the same amount of effort into writing your main cast.
We cut to Adrien's room where, shock of all shocks, he isn't exactly a fan of his image being used for a high-tech ring without his consent. He storms off to see his father, but it turns out that Gabriel is experimenting with the idea of not being such a terrible father for once. He's making breakfast, saying that Adrien can call him “Dad” now, and even admits that he's been very neglectful towards his son ever since Emilie “disappeared”. Yeah, he's cooking breakfast in his white suit and haircut that makes him look like a grandpa for some reason, but hey, at least the kitchen isn't on fire.
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Of course, Gabriel still isn't really good at comforting his son, as seen with his response to Adrien's concerns about Alliance.
Adrien: Speaking of which, Dad, I'm not really comfortable with having my face on all these rings. That's actually why I didn't want to be a model anymore, to avoid that. Do you understand?
Gabriel: Of course, I understand, my son. But that's the point; it's just an image, it's not you! And since this image frees you from your obligations, we, the Agrestes, are able to spend more time together. But if you'd rather everything went back to the way it was before, just say the word.
Adrien: You're probably right.
Gabriel: You'll see, my son. Alliance will bring us closer.
“I know you're concerned about me using your image for something that I could have hired literally anyone else for, but if you would rather go back to being a model on a strict schedule, just say the word.”
Father of the year, ladies and gentlemen.
We get a decent interaction between Marinette and Alya where they discuss ways that Monarch could be giving Miraculous to his Akumas, unaware of what the Alliance rings do. Alya comes up with an interesting hypothesis that Monarch is using the Dog Miraculous to swipe them back, and honestly, that sounds like a much better plan than “develop a cutting-edge AI ring and hope whoever I akumatize had enough money to buy one”. I like this bit, as it shows the two thinking of ways to stop Monarch beyond beating whatever Akuma he sends out next. It honestly could have been a really interesting story arc to see Marinette, Cat Noir, and Alya learn more about how Monarch is using the new Miraculous he got instead of having us know what he's doing already.
After class ends, Nino talks to Adrien about an underground resistance he's forming with his friends, deciding to give each member a condiment-themed title.
Alya: What's up with the sauces?
Nino: What's up is Ladybug and Cat Noir don't have us to help them anymore.
Alya: (nervously) Um... uh... what do you mean, “us”?
Nino: Well, us, you Rena Rouge, me Carapace! (Alya kicks Nino's leg underneath the table) Ouch! What's the big deal? We can tell Marinette and Adrien we used to be superheroes. It's not like we have any Miraculous that Monarch could steal from us. The only ones who need to protect their secret identities are Ladybug and Cat Noir, not us. And anyway, I already told Adrien about Carapace.
Adrien: (chuckles nervously)
Marinette: Adrien knew?! Alya, did you know that he knew?!
Alya: What, no, I swear I didn't know at all! (kicks Nino's leg again)
Nino: Ow! Come on! He's my best bud, I can tell him stuff! You and Marinette tell each other stuff, don't you?
Alya and Marinette: No we don't!
Yeah, remember how shocking it was for Nino to reveal that he and Alya were Rena Rouge and Carapace to Adrien in “Rocketear”, and how we thought this reveal would play into something big like the Season 4 finale, possibly splintering the trust several characters had with each other? This is what it culminates in. Wasn't waiting over a year since that plotpoint was established totally worth it for that gag that once again ignores the secret identity rule?
Also, just because you don't have a Miraculous, it doesn't mean Monarch can't target you like he did last season (Optigami, Sentibubbler), you dumbass.
For the first time in God knows how long, Lila actually becomes relevant when she asks to sit with the four, only to be rebuffed by Marinette and Nino. Using some more condiments and food as props, Nino explains his plan.
Nino: We're gonna film an akumatization.
Alya: And how are you, Comrade Ketchup, gonna be in the know when and where this akumatization takes place?
Nino: Easy, Comrade Beurre Maître d'Hôtel. I'm gonna make it happen.
Yep, this is the plot of the episode, people. Nino's going to try and get someone akumatized. Now I know what you're all obviously thinking: Isn't this cruel?
Adrien: Isn't that cruel?
Alya: Totally! To make someone suffer just to discover Monarch's technique? Super cruel!
Nino: No, it's not! You forget Ladybug always fixes everything in the end with her magic ladybugs! The akumatized victims forget what happened to them.
Oh yeah, this is totally ethical, you guys. Who cares about the emotional trauma an Akuma victim would go through, much less any civilians endangered by their rampage?
To make things even better, guess who Nino wants to get akumatized?
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Okay, putting aside what we, the audience, already know about Gabriel that Nino doesn't, why would he think pissing off one of the most influential fashion designers in the city of Paris is a good idea? He says he's targeting him because it's easy to do so during parent-teacher conferences, but why not target someone else who has been akumatized more often than him, like Xavier/Mr. Pigeon? I don't think the idea of a more morally gray plan to stop Monarch is a bad one, it's just that this plan is so stupid, and the writers only go over the ethical implications, and that said plan is so ludicrous, Nino is basically asking for a restraining order.
While Adrien and Marinette agree to Nino's plan, Alya only hesitantly goes along with it, but unbeknownst to any of them, Lila was overhearing their conversation, so she goes to tell Gabriel what they're doing. During the conferences, Marinette barges in and pretends to trip and drop some pizza onto Gabriel's clothes, and I'm going to assume that either the pizza was cold of Gabriel is really good at keeping a cool head because there's no way taking a hot pizza to the chest wouldn't hurt like hell. Adrien and Alya come in with more food, and we get the one funny joke of the episode with Alya half-assing her performance as the half-heartedly throws some cake onto Gabriel's suit. Pretty funny how Nino is conveniently the only one who isn't taking the risk by attacking Gabriel in front of his teacher by filming the whole thing, isn't it?
Gabriel has had enough and does a 180, planning to take Adrien out of school and somehow, Marinette blames herself for going along with the plan... even though she was the only one to not approve of it, while Adrien and Alya did, and even then, the latter two were very hesitant. It turns out this was all part of Gabriel's plan, as we see him transform into Monarch as soon as he gets to his lair and uses Trixx's power to create a Mirage of his civilian form, having a breakdown so dramatic, I'm surprised he didn't end it by saying, “YOU ARE TEARING ME APART, MARINETTE!”.
The illusion of Gabriel turns into the Collector again, and now he supposedly has the Horse Miraculous' Voyage as a power. Adrien and Marinette transform into Cat Noir and Ladybug respectively, and try to fend off the “Akuma”. Back in Monarch's lair, we learn that he somehow has the ability to unify with five different Miraculous at once, choosing to do so with the Bee, Mouse, Horse, and Rooster Miraculous. Why is he able to do this now?
Monarch uses Voyage and heads to the sewers, activating Venom before using Multiplication to create eight smaller clones of himself, finally using Sublimination to give the copies the power of invisibility. Strange, wouldn't wanting to be invisible count as a wish? While looking for “the Collector”, Ladybug uses her Lucky Charm, getting a bag of shredded cheese. The two chase after the illusion, only to fall through a Voyage portal into the sewers, where Cat Noir is almost immediately stunned by one of the clones. Hey, it took five whole episodes this season for him to be incapacitated by an Akuma to pointlessly raise the stakes this time! It's a new record! Ladybug throws the cheese to reveal the clones, who are then chased off by some nearby rats.
Monarch goes back to his normal form, and after a small pep talk, the illusion pretends to reject the Akuma entirely before falling into the water. The real Gabriel detransforms and then pretends to have gotten out. So Gabriel tricked the heroes with his foolproof plan... except for the fact that Ladybug and Cat Noir should have recognized the use of Venom, the hidden clones of the Collector when the video Nino got only said he had the Horse Miraculous' power, the akuma somehow purifying itself when Ladybug still needed to de-evilize it in “Rocketear” and “Penalteam”, the fact that Gabriel should be soaking wet from falling into the water, and the—okay, you all know where this is going.
Meanwhile, Nino sees the footage of the illusion and sees what he believes to be the way Monarch gave the Collector the Horse Miraculous' powers. Nino then apologizes to Gabriel for attacking him, Gabriel forgives him, and Nino invites him into the Resistance, with a bunch of new members. The final scene reveals that in addition to Nino, Alya, Marinette, Adrien, and Gabriel, the Resistance now has Max, Kim, Rose, Juleka, Ivan, Mylene, and to Marinette's horror, Lila. Also, there's a post-credits scene where Gabriel explains what he did to Tomoe when literally everyone watching was able to figure it out.
Okay, so let's summarize. The first mission for Nino's resistance involved assaulting a private civilian, was easily discovered before it could even be implemented, was just as easily foiled by an illusion, now Monarch and one of his allies have infiltrated the alliance as moles, and Nino isn't even aware that his plan was a colossal failure. This resistance isn't exactly going to be like the Rebel Alliance, is it?
Yeah, this episode sucked. It's easily the worst one so far in my opinion. There were a handful of decent moments and ideas here, but my God, the story was just terrible. Morally gray subject or not, it's hard to get behind the heroes when they try to intentionally piss someone off for a plan that the audience knows is going to fail, especially a plan as stupid as Nino's. This episode features Nino at his most obnoxious and unlike Alya, Marinette, and especially Adrien, he doesn't even feel bad for what he did to Gabriel when it ended up being (as far as we know) completely pointless. It feels like the writers wanted to gloss over the ethics of Nino's plan by making Gabriel the victim, because if it was anyone else, it would have made him look like a colossal prick. The fact that he learns nothing and thinks his moronic scheme was a success really doesn't help.
The other characters thankfully weren't as bad. It seemed like the writers were trying to show some self-awareness by having Alya, Marinette, and Adrien object to the plan in one way or another, but it never really went much other than them begrudgingly going along with it, much less calling him out for his actions. At the same time, they all got some decent moments, like Alya and Marinette's discussion about Monarch and Adrien struggling to convey his feelings about the Alliance rings to Gabriel.
It's also kind of weird that it took us about five episode into the season for Lila to finally be relevant again after she did absolutely nothing for the last three episodes of Season 4 and the first four episodes of this season. It was only three and a half years since “Ladybug”, the last major Lila episode premiered, right? But hey, at least the writers didn't overindulge in the dumb Lila lies like her other episodes, and was used more as an informant to kick off Gabriel's counter to Nino's plan.
Putting aside how terrible Nino's plan was, Gabriel's plan still had a lot of problems to it. Like I already mentioned, it's a little strange that Ladybug and Cat Noir never talk about the tiny clones they fought, or the fact that Cat Noir was stung by Venom. I can kind of suspend my disbelief by saying Ladybug was too focused on the battle to think, but why the hell didn't Cat Noir say anything? You would think after working alongside Queen Bee and Vesperia, he would recognize what being stung by Venom must look like. Yeah, Ladybug and Cat Noir didn't know Monarch can now use more powers for some reason, but it still really bothers me, because they should know the Collector can't multiply himself. It's also strange that he made his trick so hard to find when you would think it would be more obvious to see
But overall, this one was just a chore to get through. It feels like the writers saw how much some people didn't like Nino in “Rocketear”, and were like, “You call THAT character assassination?” And speaking of...
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Was there ever any doubt? The dude talked about his identity in a public place, nonchalantly blew him and his girlfriend's cover when he had no reason to for his Resistance, tried to get his best friend's dad akumatized while not caring about any potential damage, showed no remorse for what he did when his plan blew up in his face, tried to tell Ladybug and Cat Noir about what he learned while they were fighting the Collector, and all that was for a plan that didn't even work because the intel was discovered with ease, to say nothing about how he unintentionally let two enemies into his own Resistance. I've seen a lot of stupid decisions in this show, but never have I seen a single episode where a character makes screw-up after screw-up and doesn't even realize how much of a colossal moron he's being. With the past five episodes I covered and awarded Biggest Idiot Awards to (Ladybug, Alya, Xuppu, Mr. Damocles, and Luka), it was more them not seeing the bigger picture. Here, Nino is honestly trying to help Ladybug and Cat Noir, yet he failed at his job in every way.
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kayleightarot · 6 months
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Tuesday, March 26, 2024 Good Morning! Today’s card is about Determination, Recklessness, and Passion Tarot of the Day: Knight of Wands
Knights often herald a change of direction or an infusion of transformative energy. With this Knight that means a boost in your confidence, in your need to conquer or achieve, and a desire for change. He is a maverick. Audacious, energetic, and a determined leader, he is an individual of spontaneity, daring, and passion. He often appears when you have been asking the Universe for change. You wished to be out of your 'rut' and now your desire will be achieved in an unexpected way.
An opportunity for a spontaneous decision may lead you to make a long journey or a permanent relocation. They will both have their challenges but so does staying put. The Knight tells you it’s a good time to go with your intuition so make the decision your instincts tell you is right.
💚 This is a good time for work issues. You may even get unexpected positive feedback from management today - you are right to feel proud of your accomplishments.  💚 If you are waiting for results from an interview or job prospect you are likely to find the position is better than you hoped and is yours.
💙 If you are in a relationship, today is a good day for listening to your partner. Be spontaneous with your time and passionate in your expression; make time to just ‘Be’ together. 💙 If you are looking for love, a possible connection through work may be the key; likely someone with light hair.
🧡 Whether your change today is travel, moving, changing your outlook, or simply relocating your desk, remember that today the Universe has chosen to throw you a little surprise party and is giving you what you asked for. “Hang onto your hat”, embrace it, and enjoy! Gun a-màireach (until tomorrow), Lovelies Peace out
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lackablazeical · 10 months
💛☀️Kenichi Miyamoto☀️💛
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Specific trigger warnings -
Unconconsentual/unnecessary amputation, unconsentual cauterizing of a wound, underage use of drugs, underage drinking
Specific boundaries w/ this character -
Do not imply that Kenichi needs/should have a prosthetic hand.
Do not give Kenichi a label.
General info -
Kenichi's birthday is August 26th. He is a Virgo ♍️
Kenichi's love language is Quality Time.
Kenichi is queer. He does not have a specific label for his sexuality.
Kenichi has PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.)
Personality traits -
Kenichi is stubborn, not welcoming to change, creative, helpful, social, a bit of a door mat, easily frustrated, optimistic, and can have a tendency to pick fights.
Kenichi really hates change. Especially in the behavior of people around him, but also for media he consumes, schedule/plan changes, etc. He gets frustrated and refuses to change his behavior to adapt.
Kenichi is an extrovert, but likes to keep to a small group of people he already knows.
Kenichi loves to be helpful, especially for one's emotional needs. He has a strong case of White Knight syndrome, and often feels the need to be a fixer. Typically, his presence may actually make the situation worse, such as if it involves Leo.
Kenichi has a very bright outlook on life, and often feels as if everything will work out as it should. He can seem a little naive for this, but it keeps him sane.
Kenichi, because of his stubbornness, may not back down from an argument. This can pose a lot of problems, especially because this is typically centered on picking fights with Leo.
Important details -
His Triggers -
Kenichi has an extremely bad fear of fire. The look, heat, and scent of it will make him spiral. This is especially amplified with fireplaces.
Kenichi has a fear of canines. Both animal and yokai, especially if they are larger then him or wolf-like.
Kenichi can't stand being pinned, especially on his stomach. He needs to be able to move freely, or else he will panic.
Cold areas help ground him, and he may suck on ice cubes or something similar if he's beginning to spiral.
His beliefs -
Kenichi's element is Earth.
Ken feels a heavy connection to stars/planets/space. He keeps extreme track of star positions, and loves astrology and astronomy alike.
Ken will often sit in direct sunlight as a part of his daily routine when able to. He always makes sure to celebrate on the winter and summer equinoxes.
Ken loves to infodump about space and myths/facts connected to it.
Kenichi loves celestial events like metor showers and harvest moons. He will stay up all night to make sure he can see/watch all of it.
Kenichi is the most devoted compared to his brothers, without fail never skimping out on preying or a ceremony.
His beliefs about Usagi's death -
Ken held onto the hope that Usagi was alive after his sister, Riko, insisted that she had seen him crawl out of his burial burrow.
Because of this, Kenichi is now somewhat convinced that all 'gut-feelings' he has are correct. This can cause issues, because Kenichi will insist he's in the right when he may not be.
Kenichi missed Usagi every day, and always had the dream that he was one day going to leave the estate and find Usagi again.
When the brothers found eachother again, Kenichi was upset to see how much Usagi changed, and wishes everything could go back to the way it was before.
His relationship with Mikey -
Kenichi and Mikey are close friends.
They originally bonded over their mutual hatred of Usagi and Leo being together.
Kenichi enjoys Mikey's energy, as well as his determination. He enjoys that he can be himself around Mikey, without judgement. He also likes how brave Mikey is.
The two often play-fight. Mikey always goes easy on Kenichi, but Kenichi is still always proud of himself if he manages to get a good hit in.
The two often argue about their views of Usagi. Kenichi dislikes Mikey's harassment, but Mikey excuses it as 'just a joke'.
Mikey is an asshole to Kenichi, but Kenichi is aware that's just how Mikey is, and doesn't take his words personally.
Fun facts -
Kenichi's favorite food is vegan, non-spicy curry, and his favorite drink is mango tea.
Kenichi has an incredibly weak stomach, and is unable to eat a lot of foods (including too much processed food, most types of red/game meat, dairy, etc).
Kenichi has a very low tolerance for drugs/medication (give him a melatonin and you could convince yourself you put him in a coma).
Kenichi stims a lot! He especially likes flapping his sleeves.
Kenichi is superstitious.
Kenichi likes being covered. His preferred clothes are thick, long sleeved things and long dresses.
Kenichi likes theater, as well as calligraphy.
Kenichi is a leftie, and still struggles with using his right hand to this day.
Kenichi likes to cook, but often needs help with the stove. Mikey most commonly does this.
Voice claim [Zach Callison] -
Tags that include Kenichi -
#addams! Kenichi, #addams! Michi, #addams! Miyamotos
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Reasons for submission under the cut
kind as can be; willing to jump to action to help his fellow comrades even after going through a life-threatening, major surgery
practical and fashion-forward with his bright green onesie. Function over form, and is prepared at all times by carrying around a spare onesie he will give without question to anyone - even complete strangers
has a surprising edge to him at the beginning of the series; he was ready to severely maim anybody that he saw as a genius
more dedicated than anyone. Was forced to face his own mortality and make a life-or-death decision in the name of his dream, after a literal crushing defeat, and he chose to fight for it. Inspiring
embodies the ideals of original series Naruto. True underdog, had nothing going for him, came from nothing with no legacy or powers, was so disadvantaged that he physically could not meet the bare minimum abilities of his peers. But he worked harder than everyone else and proved that he can be a great shinobi despite all the adversity he faced
Sasuke had to copy Lee's moves with his Sharingan to succeed during Chuunin exams
cute as a button. Come on.
his fans are dedicated and make amazing work, fanart and fanfic
Kishimoto said he was his favorite character to draw. Boom. Favoritism. Love to see it.
pairs well with everyone. Platonic or romantic, Lee has a great dynamic with other characters
his summer outfit from Guardian of the Crescent Moon Kingdom was the best outfit in the movie
gave us Metal Lee! Blessed us with Metal Lee, really
was the character to beat in the early series if you wanted to show how strong you actually are
Gaara vs Rock Lee was one of the most iconic fights in the series, and everyone remembers where they were when they first saw Lee drop his weights. He owned that fight so hard that people forget he lost.
was wronged by the series. He deserves to win as justice.
got [submitter] personally through the worst times; his ability to persevere face of adversity convinced me I could do it too. He wasn't special and neither was [submitter], but we didn't need to be. We can make ourselves great. If no one else got me, Rock Lee's got me
he’s one of the first non-jutsu using ninja so make such a big impact
was the first person to actually harm Gaara
played a huge part in Gaara becoming a better person
he’s one of the only people that can catch up to Sasuke and easily rivals Naruto in Taijutsu
his kind, determined and cheerful attitude is a joy to watch
Rock Lee removing his weights is easily one of the most iconic moments in the entire anime
has helped several submitters feel better by simply thinking about how he wouldn't want them to think like that
objectively would've made a better protagonist based on the themes alone
wrecked Sasukes shit, I like Sasuke but that was really funny
he looks like a frog. Who doesn't like frogs
inspired Sasuke
fights are always entertaining, they're very well choreographed
he forgave Gaara for nearly killing him and nearly ending his dreams; he was never even mad at him
Rock Lee vs Sasuke was iconic
his heart is so full of love
never did anything wrong
had a squirrel befriend him
hard worker
good friend
rises to any challenge
when he does diss people they are the most brutal yet entertaining disses you ever hear
positive, weirdo, energetic, enthusiastic, joyful, chivalrous, motivated, dedicated, sweet
Lee and Neji had something homosexual going on
YOUTH !!!!
contrasts with Naruto in personality, but still goes through similar struggles with self esteem and bullying, and comes out with a similar outlook on life
relatable in the sense of being socially awkward, self conscious and having a strict father
can hold her own
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elisysd · 1 year
Glowing Review – Maisie Peters
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Masterlist - Previously - Next Chapter
This here's a plot twist 'cause I'm not the sort to be certain a lot Ran for the trenches and there you were humming strawberry fields
“So now you know everything.”
There was a long silence, during which neither of them moved. Lyanna's gaze was fixed on the wooden floor of the yacht, while Charles seemed lost in thought, staring straight ahead. And then finally Charles got up and headed inside the boat before returning, a bottle of vodka and two shot glasses in his hand.
“I usually save that for important occasions, but I think we both need it after what you've just told me.”
She simply nodded, grabbing the shot Charles was handing her before drinking it down. Another long silence followed only broke by Charles a few moments later.
“Lyanna… I just want you to know that I think you’re the bravest person I’ve met. What you went through… it’s disgusting. Honestly, I don’t have the words. Thank you for trusting me with your story.”
“You don’t want to run away?”
“I want to give you a hug. That’s the only thing I want right now. Let me hold you.”
She moved slightly closer to him, their shoulders touching. The Monegasque driver put an arm around her, pressing her against him before nuzzling her hair and kissing the top of her head. Her hair smelt of apples and vanilla, a scent he found comforting, reminding him of the smell of his childhood home. He felt the young woman settle more comfortably against his chest and he began to think that he would stay in this position forever if he could. He would freeze time if given the chance.
He didn't want to get out of the bubble they had created. It would mean going back to reality, which he didn't want to face. Because whatever he thought about it, time was running out and he would soon have to say goodbye to her, something he couldn't bring himself to do. His mind was looking for any way to persuade her to stay in Monaco, close to him. But he knew it was futile. She had to leave sooner or later. And he would have to resume his season. Summer was almost over. And he found that a cruel outlook.
“Charles? I’m tired.”
“Yeah, me too. A lot of emotions today.”
He let her get up and gather her things, still in silence. She needed space and Charles wanted to give it to her. It was late when they arrived at the residence. Charles walked her to her door and seemed to detect in the young woman a reluctance to say goodbye.
“You want to say something, Lyanna?” he asked her softly.
“I just want to say thank you. For the dinner and most importantly for listening to me without interrupting and judging me. You don’t know how good it felt.”
“That’s wat true friends are here for.”
“Most of mine left when the pictures and video leaked online. I usually have low expectations when it comes to people.”
“I hope I can show you that I won’t be one of those fake friends.”
“You’ve already done it.”
She smiled faintly to him. Their eyes locked in for a moment and Charles could see in them all the sadness that she kept bottled up inside her. But he saw something else, a light behind it. It was faint and barely there but he swore he could see it. And he was determined to make it grow.
“Goodnight Charles.” And before closing the door on him, “And count me in for the football game, I’ll be there.”
And just like that, Charles was the happiest man in the world.
As for Lyanna, she strangely felt good. Of course reliving what happened all those years ago shook her but less than she thought so. The support and care she saw in Charles words and gestures really comforted her in trusting him. Maybe it was time for her to let down the walls that she spent the last years building around her. Not all of them, but at least some. She didn’t have much time left with Charles and she would not forgive herself if she was spending it hiding, scared of what people might say. Because, at the end of the day, she was happy around Charles and it was all that mattered.
It was what she explained to her best friend when she had her on the phone the next morning.
“Okay, I get it, he makes you happy and don’t get me wrong I’m glad to see that you are making new friends, it’s about damn time, but I still think that being associated with him will only create drama and I’m scared for you. You sure you’re ready for it?”
“I know that people are going to talk but I know where we stand. I spent these past few years being scared of being in the public eye and what good did it make?”
“If you’re sure I’ll support you one hundred percent. By the way, did you talk about what is going to happen when you’ll leave?”
Lyanna sighed and swallowed, trying to find the best possible answer.
“I’m dreading for this moment. It’s going to be tough. I’m really going to miss him but I guess we’ll stay in touch. With social media and phone calls it’s easier. And we are both busy, him especially, so I don’t think he will think about me very much. He has races to win and people to make proud. But we’re not there yet. He is playing a football game for a charity next week, it’s an important event. A lot of attention is to be expected. I heard there was going to be the Prince of Monaco. I’m stressing out a little.”
“Well look at you girl, aiming high. Who knows maybe you can try to see if there are some single royals. Plural. One for you and one for me.”
“Stop it! Laughed Lyanna. I’m not looking for love.”
“Maybe not you but I do. So don’t be selfish!”
“You’re impossible.”
“But you love me.”
“Indeed, I do.”
A few days later, in the Louis II’s stadium changing rooms, Charles met up with Pierre again and gave him a quick recap of the situation with Lyanna, omitting of course to tell him what the young woman had confessed to him a few days earlier. He was pleased that she had agreed to come, knowing what it could mean. But nothing could ruin his mood; he felt that their friendship had taken a step forward.
He hadn't seen the actress since their dinner, both of them being very busy, but they had still found time in their respective schedules for a few texts, here and there, to check on each other. Charles knew that she was meeting up with Kika, with whom she would be spending the match. Then he planned to meet her just afterwards to introduce her to Joris and Antoine, his two best friends and closest associates. Finally, if all went well, they would all go to dinner together in an Italian restaurant. Arthur and Carla were also due to join them. Charles just hoped that Lyanna wouldn't feel too uncomfortable and overwhelmed in the middle of all those people.
“My god, you’re so whipped” said Pierre jokingly when Charles confessed his thoughts.
“I’m not!” he defended himself.
“Come on man, admit it. I’ve never seen you acting like that with a girl. Not even with Charlotte. And you were already acting like an idiot when se was around. I’ve never thought I would ever say that, but with Lyanna, it’s even worse.”
This stopped Charles in his tracks. He had never taken the time to think about his attitude towards Lyanna. Everything was so simple and natural with her. Of course he could understand his friends and brothers teasing him, but for him it was more to annoy him than to make him face reality.
“I’m not in love with her.” he felt it necessary to point out.
“Never said you were. But, be honest, do you really only have friendly feelings for her or is there more?”
Charles didn't have time to answer before they were called to the field. This discussion went round and round in his head during the 90 minutes of the match, resulting in numerous mistakes, clumsinesses, slips and other falls on Charles' part. He couldn't claim to be particularly good at football, but today was much worse than usual. But at least he knew it would make people laugh. 
Between two stray balls, he looked for Lyanna in the crowd before finding her at the edge of the field laughing with Kika. His steps naturally led him towards her, and pretending to stretch, he took the opportunity to wave to her before heading off in the opposite direction.
As for Lyanna, she had been very apprehensive about her arrival, thinking that it would only rekindle the rumours, but she was pleasantly surprised to see that nobody seemed shocked or cared to see her there. She ran into a few fans with whom she took photos and exchanged a few words, before meeting up with Kika. The young woman's presence immediately reassured her and put her at ease. The two young women spent the afternoon laughing about Charles and Pierre, certainly not forgetting to take photos of their falls.
And the time flew by. Pierre was soon reunited with his girlfriend and Lyanna decided to abandon them to give them some privacy. They would all meet up again later anyway. She looked for Charles and was not surprised to find that he was probably the most sought-after person at the game. It was the first time she had really realised how popular Charles was and how much people liked him. When she saw him kneel down in front of a little boy to sign a T-shirt and take a photo, she couldn't help but feel a little emotional.
Not wanting to impose, she stood back and watched him for a few minutes. It was finally one of the two men beside Charles who noticed her and nudged the driver, whispering something in his ear. Charles turned his head towards her and immediately started trotting in her direction, followed by his two companions.
“Lyanna, hey. So, did you enjoy the game?”
“It was… an eye-opening experience.” She answered, amused.
“I knew that my amazing skills in football would impress you.”
“I won’t comment on that, I don’t want to bruise your ego. That would be a shame.”
“I like her Charles, she is fun.” Said one of his friends.
“By the way, these guys are my two best friends and work with me on my social media. Antoine, Joris this is Lyanna.”
“Nice to finally meet you! Charles could not stop talking about you.” Joris introduced himself.
“Come on, that’s not true!” Charles tried to defend himself.
“You specifically told us to not embarrass you in front of her today, or you would not hesitate to fire us.” Commented Antoine.
“As if he didn’t achieve that on his own today. Imagine driving cars at high speed for a living and not having the reflex to put your hands in front of you when you're falling headfirst. That would be concerning.” Teased him Joris.
“You guys are really trying to get fired.”
“And how would you manage your socials, hum?”
“Lyanna. She is an actress; she can help me. And she would be less mean than you.”
The banted kept going for a while on their way to the restaurant, under Lyanna’s amused gaze. When they arrived, the waiter greeted them before directing them to a long table at the back of the restaurant. Carla and Artur had already arrived and rushed over to greet them. Lyanna noticed the young blonde giving her shy looks and decided to move towards her.
“Hey, I’m Lyanna. You must be Carla.”
“Yes, sorry if I’m being awkward. I’m a huge fan of your work and I admire you so much that seeing you here… it’s weird. But a good weird.”
“Thank you. I love your dress by the way.”
From afar Charles spotted the two girls’ interaction and a slight smile appeared on his face, immediately spotted by Arthur who joined his brother.
“Family reunions would be a blast if they were present. We'd have the most stylish girlfriends in Monaco. And they seem to get on well together. Two perfect sisters-in-law.”
“For sure, yeah.” Whispered Charles.
“Ah ha! Got you!”
“Got me what?”
“To finally admit that you pictured Lyanna as your girlfriend. Pierre! Come here! I did it!” Arthur exclaimed.
“I did not say such things!”
“You did not deny anything when I mentioned girlfriends, plural, while talking about Carla and Lyanna.”
“I mean, Lyanna is a girl and we’re friends, so…”
“And he goes back to denying stage… Charles you’re a pain in the ass.”
Truth was that on late nights, particularly those last few days, after Lyanna’s confessions, he had found himself thinking of the actress in ways that a friend was not supposed to. He thought of how nice it would feel to be comforted by her arms and her sweet words after a bad race. He thought about how nice her hand fitted in his. How easy it was to talk to her about his deepest and darkest thoughts. And more than once he wondered how her lips would feel against his and how her body would fit between his hands. But then reality sunk in and he had to remind himself that it was not in her plans to stay in Monaco, to have a relationship and that she made it clear, more than once, that she was seeing him only as a friend. And he accepted that. And it was okay for him. And he would not dare to change that, because even if he was painfully aware that he started to catch feelings for her, their friendship was way to valuable for him to mess it up. But all of that, he wanted to keep it just for himself because if anyone knew about it, he would not hear the end of it.
Dinner went wonderfully well, although Charles was quieter than usual. Lyanna was engaged in an intense discussion with Carla and Kika, while Pierre and Joris debated the latest Louis Vuitton collection. Arthur and Antoine, for their part, were bent over Charles's brother's phone, fascinated by what he seemed to be watching.
And then it was time to go home. Lyanna promised Carla to keep in touch with her and invite her to the premiere of her film as soon as she could. She exchanged a few words with Pierre, laughing, and she didn't forget to take Joris and Antoine's numbers so that she could give them some references for cameras and good microphones to improve the quality of the content created around Charles. She fitted in perfectly with Charles's inner circle, much to his delight. It was as if she had always been there.
And just as naturally, she approached Charles and his car, assuming they were going home together. The Ferrari driver opened the door of his Pista for her before saying goodbye to his friends and getting in. Finally they were alone.
“Charles are you okay?”
“That should be me asking you that. I’m the one that throw you with people that you barely know.”
“They were all really nice and I already knew Pierre and Kika. But really, you’ve been exceptionally quiet tonight.”
“Don’t worry. I just have a lot on my mind.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
With his eyes fixed on the road, he shook his head to tell her no.
“We had a nice night; I don’t want it to end on a sad note.”
Lyanna nodded understandingly. A silence fell.
“I’m leaving the day after tomorrow for Netherlands. I managed to get you a paddock pass. Before you say anything, I don’t want you to feel pressurized to come. You don’t have to; I know you are busy and you planned to go see your family. But take it. If you ever change your mind. It would mean a lot to me to have you here.” He blurted out.
“Don’t give me an answer yet. Take your time.”
“Thank you. It’s actually my last day of shooting tomorrow. I’ll be busy all day, but if you want to, I can come to your place after and we can hang out. One last time.”
“I would love that.”
He looked at her and smile softly. She did the same, her eyes a little glossy.
“Hey, Lyanna. I’m still here and I won’t let you cry tonight, okay. Let’s save that for tomorrow.” He reassured her, putting a hand on her knee and squeezing it gently.
It was late when they arrived at the residence. There was not a sound around. He walked her to the door, hands in his pockets, staring at the floor. The atmosphere was strange, heavy. The weight of last times weighing down on them.
“So... see you tomorrow, then?” asked Lyanna.
He nodded. The actress put the key in her door, opening it and turned around. Without a word, she suddenly threw herself at Charles, making him wobble slightly. She buried her face in his neck and held him as tightly as she could.
“Thanks for being you Charles and for tonight. And for so many things that I can’t put into words yet. You don’t have any idea how important you are to me.”
“Let’s keep emotional speeches for tomorrow okay.”
“You are right, it’s just that I don’t know if I will be able to tell you all that I want to say without crying.”
Charles detached himself from her before leaning over and kissing her forehead tenderly wile cupping her left cheek to erase a few tears that were already streaming down her face.
“I don’t want to leave you crying, Lya.”
“It’s fine. I’m fine. Just emotional. I had an amazing day and I had fun; I don’t know why I’m being sappy. I will see you tomorrow anyway.”
“If you’re sure… I’m not far away if you need anything.”
“I’m okay Charles. Really. Go get some sleep and I’ll see you tomorrow.”
She didn’t let him answer as she closed her door behind her.
If you want to be part of the taglist let me know taglist: @zendayabelova @purplephantomwolf @ru-kru @dakotali @blueflorals
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oldhalloweentape · 21 days
🐸Lúcio/D.Va/Junker Queen👾 x 💞 (fem) Reader⚡️
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(Request here! This was a treat to work on ngl, it really made me think about what their stances would be in a situation like this, thank you so much for this request!)
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- He’s the most understanding of the three, ever since he was a child he’s been very aware that people, even the ones he cares about have their struggles that can deeply mess with them as much as he wouldn’t want them to be.
- He learns as much as he possibly can about your ED, not beating around the bush when it comes to it. He’s determined to help, to be there for you in this hard stage in your life.
- He may be very lax in many situations, but he doesn’t exhibit that tendency with your condition, he treats it with care, empathy, and a kind of seriousness that is needed for this situation.
- However, despite the realness of it all, his optimism shines the most in the way he cares for you, never minding your “messes”, and helping you during your setbacks.
- It could never possibly be “rotten work” to him, you’re the most beautiful soul he’s had the fortune to meet, he loves you, you’re his girlfriend— The other half to his melody.
- He aids in a way that mirrors this outlook, gently reminding you to eat or making you healthy/nutritious foods that are frog/music note shaped to make it more fun, that’s just how Lùcio is.
- Every step is met with encouragement and warmth from Lùcio, he believes that you are an insanely strong person for dealing with something as daunting as this.
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- Hana has to be the one who relates to this the most without actually being like that, she knows what it’s like to overexert yourself to find the means to an end… But hers stems from a different perspective so she handles it with caution and determination much like Lùcio’s.
- She’s very caring and worried about you, trying her best to protect you and keep you safe, in more ways than one. Her heart couldn’t possibly handle seeing you suffer like that, and for good reason, so she’s quick to try to find solutions, consulting people like Ana and Angela on the topic, and then promptly using that information to aid you with this condition.
- As busy as she is, she makes a point to try to be a constant companion who you can rely on, with Hana, as well as the medical professionals she insists you have, helping you form a schedule that fits you the most so you can create a stream consistently with your naturally unstable ailment.
- Every step back is met with comfort and a promise to be there always, even at the darkest of moments as she kisses your cheek softly.
- She’s an innately loving person, who can’t help but keep on loving and trying to find a way to help others beyond herself, with you as her girlfriend being very high on that list.
- Hana, I believe, is the kind of person who believes that love takes work and effort to maintain, so, she couldn’t possibly want to back down— Not when someone who means a lot to her needs her.
- Safe assured, Hana will always be there for you, helping, caring, loving, and always making sure you can positively live your life.
Junker Queen
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- Odessa, unlike Lùcio, doesn’t really understand at first— Not being able to wrap her head around it as she sees you suffer so much over your self image.
- Don’t get her wrong, she does comfort you and tries to help with the limited resources Junkertown has at times to aid her in her self appointed mission in making you better, but it takes her a while to grasp what is happening.
- But when she does she handles it in a firm, but loving manner, having you monitored and giving you almost constant reminders that you need to eat and that, yes, you are a captivating woman who was able to catch the eye of the Junkerqueen.
- Underneath that rough and overly confident personality is a leader who, while she may not have every little resource at the tips of her fingers can and will use what she does have to relieve the woe you’re experiencing.
- Odessa’s compliments nearly triple in quantity, trying so hard to make you see what she sees, after all, what the Queen decrees is fact and who can fight against fact?
- She holds you close at night, murmuring words of love and attraction over you, unable to comprehend how someone could perceive you as being unwanted, let alone yourself when she, the Junkerqueen, loves you so.
- You are hers and she is yours, and no one can ever stop her from being adamant about it.
(Sorry this wasn’t as many as I would’ve done for a single character post 💔)
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stnkiconverse · 3 months
(As a Cancer, yes that’s me Cancer lol, I adore Sagittarius’s! :D)
Annnd BEN Drowned with ESFP! Sagittarius! Reader. I feel like ESFP Sagittarius vibes matches my favorite Creepypasta BEN Drowned’s personality. :3
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Ben with ESPF!Sagittarus!Reader (Reminder: I stick VERY closely to my HCs and WILL apply it to all my work unless you refuse it in your request!!)
- Ben is initially drawn to your outgoing and adventurous spirit, finding it a refreshing contrast to his often solitary and tech-centric lifestyle.
- Your enthusiasm for new experiences and your ability to find joy in the smallest things captivates Ben, making him eager to share more of his world with you.
- You love exploring thrifts together, turning it into playful adventures where you both pick out quirky items and make up stories about their origins.
- Ben appreciates how you encourage him to step away from his screens and enjoy real-world activities, like trying out new foods or visiting arcades.
- Your love for retro games and music creates an instant bond between you two, leading to many late-night gaming sessions and shared playlists.
- You often convince Ben to join you in pranking the other pastas, adding a layer of mischief and fun to your relationship. Your quick thinking and clever ideas keep the pranks lighthearted and entertaining.
- Ben finds your positive energy infectious, and he starts to adopt a more optimistic outlook on life, even finding himself laughing more often.
- You help Ben navigate his social interactions, teaching him when to stop with the pranks and how to read others’ reactions better, which improves his relationships with the other pastas.
- Your spontaneity keeps Ben on his toes, and he loves the unpredictability of your adventures together. Whether it's a surprise picnic or a spontaneous road trip, he’s always excited to see what you’ll come up with next.
- Ben admires your confidence and the way you handle challenges head-on, inspiring him to tackle his own issues with more determination.
- You often remind Ben to take care of himself, encouraging him to maintain a healthier lifestyle.
- Your optimism and encouragement help Ben when he's feeling down, and he learns to rely on your support to get through tough times.
- Ben loves how you embrace his quirks and find ways to integrate them into your relationship, like making him feel comfortable about his eye condition and finding creative solutions together.
- You both enjoy watching anime and discussing your fictional crushes, creating a fun and judgment-free zone where you can geek out over your favorite characters.
- Ben’s protective side comes out when he sees others trying to take advantage of your trusting nature, and he often steps in to ensure you’re safe.
- Your relationship is filled with playful banter, mutual respect, and a deep understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses, making your bond unbreakable.
- Ben is constantly amazed by your ability to find joy and excitement in every moment, and he feels grateful to have someone like you by his side to share his journey with.
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Hope this is good enough!
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