#he's my fave dps especially against bosses
alwaysinfandomhell · 2 years
Okay, this is a genshin post but not horny. Keep scrolling if that’s what you’re looking for lol.
I’ve been playing genshin for a while, though I took a big break for over half a year at one point and missed a few lore heavy events hahaha (why is genshin like this, why???). But, the thing is that I have had two accounts in this time. My first account and my main account. I started a second account when I couldn’t beat Childe no matter how hard I tried; I’m not sure if this was before or after they nerfed him, but I knew I must have missed something big when I first started. So, I started again to review everything from the beginning and just never went back to my first account. 
It’s been over a year since then, almost two. I decided recently to look at it and... no wonder I couldn’t beat Childe. I was AR 39 and still using 2-3 star artifacts, most with only upgraded a level or two. I had to put my head in my hands and wonder how I messed up this badly. Plus, none of my character were even close to the level cap???? What in the world was I doing?
So, there I was.... barbeque sauce on my titties just looking at this trainwreck and. I wanted to fix it. So bad. As if that could just undo what my eyes have already seen. I’ve already started even though I have no plans to regularly play this account because I can’t just stand how bad I left things. 
I started off with 27 fragile resins and I’ve already went through 13 of them just playing a couple hours the past 3 days. Putting my focus on Noelle (I miss my Zhongli from my main lol), Xingqiu, Dori, and Xiangling. A few extras just for making my life easier fighting bosses as well (Oceanid is pain, always will be). My characters were lvl 50 and the cap was like 70????? I’m crying. My only 5 star is Jean and she’s lvl 40???
I don’t know why I”m doing this to myself lol.
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freyayuki · 4 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 3-Star Fire Magicite Fight
This is yet another one of those old drafts I finally managed to finish editing, so it’s now ready to be scheduled for publication. 
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Fire is the last 3-star Magicite fight I have to complete in order to unlock the next quest in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) (FFRK) mobile game. 
I finished all the other battles first, intentionally saving this one for last. I didn’t want to face Liquid Flame, the Fire boss. Why? 
3-Star Fire Magicite Battle Information
Just looking at the battle information already shows that this battle could be quite complicated. Unlike the other Magicites, Liquid Flame has three forms - Human Form, Hand Form, and Tornado Form.
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And unlike the others who were all weak to one element, absorbed their own element, and resisted all the other elements, Liquid Flame has varying resistances depending on its form. 
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All forms were weak to water and absorbed fire though, which was only to be expected since he is the Fire Magicite. However, for me, the fire absorb was the main and actual problem. This was the reason why I saved this battle for last.
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Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
My current, absolute most favorite Final Fantasy character is Genesis Rhapsodos (#ad) from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. I started playing FFRK during the Ode to a Sundered World event. 
This is the event that introduced my fave as a playable character in this game. He’s the reason why I’m playing FFRK. He’s also the reason why I didn’t want to do the Fire battle. 
It’s because I want to complete all the Magicite quests with Genesis in my party. Well, really, I want to take on all the fights with him. I really enjoy being able to use my fave, so, of course, I want to keep using him no matter what. 
The truth is he’s never left my party ever since I managed to recruit him. Thankfully, I actually managed to beat the previous Magicite bosses with Genesis as my sole and main DPS:
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Sealion, the Ice boss who is weak to fire
Fenrir, the Wind boss who is weak to ice
Golem, the Earth boss who is weak to wind
Hydra, the Lightning boss who is weak to earth
Bismarck, the Water boss who is weak to lightning
All of these enemies (except Sealion) resisted fire, Genesis’ main element. So I was especially pleased that I was able to triumph against these bosses. My fave did so well even though all his moves and Soul Breaks were being resisted.
But now you see why I don’t want to fight Liquid Flame. He absorbs fire. How am I gonna deal with that? I don’t know, but I’m gonna have to find a way because there's no way I’ll ever stop using him.
I’m here in FFRK because he’s here. He makes me happy, so I want to keep having him in my party no matter what. Which means trying to find a way to defeat Liquid Flame using my fave.
Yuffie Kisaragi from Final Fantasy VII
I thought about bringing in a second DPS to assist my fave in dealing with Liquid Flame. 
For all the previous Magicite fights, Genesis was my only damage dealer. The rest of the team acted as sidekicks to support him such as by buffing his attack and healing him.   
For this battle, I figured having another damage dealer would make things easier. Well, hopefully anyway. It was certainly worth a try, so I considered my options. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a lot of choices. 
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At the moment, I only have 2 Soul Breaks that dealt water damage:
Arc from Final Fantasy III - I have his Ultra Soul Break (USB), Summon Leviath
Yuffie Kisaragi (#ad) from Final Fantasy VII - I have her Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Sublime Doom, and her Ultra Soul Break, Freewheeling Gauntlet
Arc wasn’t leveled since I only recently got his Ultra. Yuffie was at max level since I got her relics a bit after I started playing FFRK. Actually, she used to be a part of my team alongside Genesis, acting as a secondary damage dealer. 
I dropped her since she hit like a wet noodle, and I wanted to focus on using my fave as the sole DPS. I decided to go with Yuffie over Arc since she was already leveled, and I had more relics for her.  
3-Star Fire Magicite Team
My team for this fight is:
Ever since I got Gilgamesh’s (from Final Fantasy V) Chain Soul Break, he’d been a part of my team because his Historic Splendor boosted the fire damage of my fave. I had to drop him from this battle though since I can’t use any fire moves anyway.
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Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
 Genesis Rhapsodos (#ad):
is level 99, the highest in this game
has over 200 Magia Points; 100 went to physical attack, 100 went to HP, the rest went to fire attack
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I haven’t had the chance to update the above pic yet, but he actually has 74 Magia points in fire attack already.
And, yeah, I know, fire attack is gonna be useless for this fight, but I’d rather not move those points to water attack just to take on Liquid Flame. Eventually, I do hope to be able to get 100 points for all of his stats.
has all the level 1 Crystal Waters
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has all his 3-star Record Spheres
has all his 4-star Record Spheres
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has all his 5-star Record Spheres
has his Snowspell Strike Sphere
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has all his Legend Materia
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He is equipped with the following:
level 50/50 Flametongue sword Artifact; has the bonus effect of adding a “small boost to fire damage”
level 35/35 Genesis’s Guise (VII-DoC)++; has the bonus effect of adding a “small boost to fire damage”
level 1/1 One-Winged Pendant (VII)
The boost to fire damage isn’t doing much- okay, it’s really not doing anything for this fight at all. However, the sword Artifact is the only weapon I have at max level. And the reason it’s at max level is because I got it for Genesis.
As such, even disregarding the bonus effect, Flametongue has the highest attack out of all the other weapons that I currently have. What’s that? This should go to Yuffie since she’s the one with the water Soul Breaks. 
Makes sense. I know that, but I still want this weapon for my fave anyway. Yes, even if it means making this fight much harder than it should be. That’s also why I gave him the One-Winged Pendant (VII) accessory. 
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Genesis is equipped with the following abilities:
Lifesiphon - 4-star rarity, Combat-type, rank 5/5, 10 uses, deal damage to one target and charge the user’s Soul Break gauge
Engulfing Quadstrike - 5-star rarity, Spellblade-type, rank 3/5, 6 uses, deals “4 physical water attacks to one target”
I wish I didn’t have to, but I had no choice but to unequip the rank 3 Blazing Quadstrike (5-star rarity) and the rank 5 Inferno Assault (6-star rarity) abilities I created especially for my fave since both dealt pure fire damage.
I decided to give him Lifesiphon since it deals non-elemental damage and it helps him charge his Soul Break gauge so he can use his USB. Actually, way back when I was super new to this game (so also way before I managed to get Inferno Assault), I had this ability equipped to Genesis.
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Now you know why it’s at max rank. The thing is this ability isn’t that good. Sure, being able to charge your Soul Break gauge is good, but it’s not like that doesn’t already happen whenever you use your moves or take damage. 
And if a character really needs lots of bars, it’s probably much better to just have someone else give them those gauges. Besides, Lifesiphon is only 4-star rarity. It’s also Combat-type, which doesn’t synergize that well with Genesis since he prefers Spellblade-type abilities.
I didn’t have to create Engulfing Quadstrike for this battle. I already had it before alongside all the other 5-star Spellblade-type abilities. It was only at rank 1 though. I got it to rank 3 for this fight to increase its uses from 2 to 6.  
Genesis is equipped with the following Soul Breaks:
Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Genesis Rhapsody
Ultra Soul Break (USB), Apocalypse Genesis
Glint, Epic of Destruction
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Glint+, Epic of Creation
Welp, I probably should have just unequipped most of these, but I wanted to fill all his slots, so that’s why they’re all here.
Anyway, most (I think all, but not sure) Soul Breaks that deal elemental damage include non-elemental attacks as well. For example, Genesis’ Awakening says it deals 15 “physical fire and non-elemental attacks”.
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The non-elemental part is important because it allows you to deal damage even if the elemental part of the Soul Break is either resisted or absorbed. What I’ve learned is that the kind of attack you deal will be the one that inflicts the most damage. 
This means that even if, say, an enemy resists fire, your Soul Break can still deal fire elemental damage as opposed to non-elemental. This will happen if your fire attack happens to be stronger than the non-elemental one.
So, yes, I can actually use Genesis’ Awakening even if Liquid Flame absorbs fire. However, Genesis Rhapsody grants him fire-related boosts such as Awoken Fire Mode, so it’s not exactly a good idea to go with this.
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As such, I’ve decided to just focus on using Apocalypse Genesis instead. This deals both fire and non-elemental attacks. 
It also gives him some fire-related boosts, which he won’t be able to take advantage of since he isn’t equipped with any fire abilities. 
But at least he can still get the 50% critical hit chance and the delay of his actions on the next turn will still be reduced.
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I always used to equip him with his Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB), SOLDIER’s Epic instead of his Glint. 
But this one deals pure fire damage, so I can’t ever use this against Liquid Flame unless I want to see all the attacks being absorbed.
The secondary effect of Epic of Destruction is something he could use for this fight. Too bad the same can’t be said for Epic of Creation since it requires a fire ability to trigger Heat Reciter. 
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Ugh. Have I mentioned yet how I hate this quest? I haven’t even done it yet, but still. I hate that I can’t use my fave to his full potential. My usual combo is to use his Glint+ then his Awakening followed by Inferno Assault then Void Destruction. 
If he has more gauges, then I use his Ultra first before his Awakening. But I can’t do any of that for this fight. Sigh. Anyway, Genesis is equipped with the following Legend Materia:
Fierce Opposition - deal 20% more damage when using a sword
Project G Creation
Project G Creation’s effect is:
“When low on HP, restore HP to the user and enter Black Flurry Mode, temporarily raising the user’s attack a moderate amount and giving fire abilities used by the user a high chance to trigger twice. Can only trigger once per battle.”  
This combos really well with his Glint+ because it brings him down to 1 HP, which will automatically trigger Project G Creation. But, like I said, I can’t do that for this battle. 
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Unfortunately, I don’t have anything better to give to him. He only has 3 Legend Materia. The last one is Rhapsodic Recitation, which “increases fire damage a small amount”. 
At least I can use Project G Creation as a quick way to heal him back to full health in case Liquid Flame decides to target him. 
For his Record Materia, I equipped him with his own Twisted Creator, which lets him deal 30% more physical damage when he’s using a sword. 
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Elarra (#ad) is equipped with the following:
level 1 Wonder Wand (VII)
level 1 Adamant Hat (XII)
level 1 Paine’s Necklace (X) - adds moderate fire resistance and +500 max HP
She is equipped with the following abilities:
Curaja - 4-star rarity, White Magic-type, rank 1/5, 4 uses, “restore a very large amount of HP to one target”
Ultra Cure - 5-star rarity, White Magic-type, rank 4/5, 10 uses, “restore a very large amount of HP to one ally, and cast Esuna on them”
Elarra is here as my secondary healer. Her job is to help Aerith keep the party alive, so she’ll be spamming Curaja and Ultra Cure when she’s not using one of her Soul Breaks.
She’s equipped with the following Soul Breaks:
Glint, Magika Pius
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Default Soul Break, Fabula Heal - “restore a moderate amount of HP to all allies”, requires 1 Soul Gauge to use, can be used multiple times
Glint+, Magika Amuletum
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Elarra’s Glint and Glint+ is another reason why she’s part of this team. Her Default Soul Break is also pretty good since it can heal the party. Unfortunately, it’s not instant cast, meaning it’ll take a while before it gets activated.
Magika Pius is good even if it can only be used 3 times. Plus, it’s instant cast, so it activates immediately.
Magika Amuletum is awesome. Protect raises the party’s Defense. Shell raises their Resistance. Haste makes them move faster. The best part is that these buffs will last for the duration of the battle unless the enemy decides to dispel them.
is level 99
has max level 1 Crystal Waters in HP, Mind, Resistance, and Defense
has 62 Magia points in HP
has all of her Record Spheres
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She’s equipped with the following Legend Materia:
Historic Brilliance - gives her a 35% chance to dualcast White Magic abilities
To Be Human - lets her restore 15% more HP with White Magic abilities
The chance to dualcast White Magic abilities with Historic Brilliance is only 35%, but it’s absolutely brilliant when it actually activates.
She ends up activating her equipped healing abilities twice in one go (so either Curaja or Ultra Cure, depending on which one I choose to use), meaning she can heal 2 different characters at once.
I have Elarra equipped with her own Providence of Memory Record Materia, which lets her restore 20% more HP with White Magic abilities.
Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Tyro (#ad) is equipped with the following:
level 1 Red Rapier (VII-CC)
level 1 Genesis’s Guise (VII-CC)
level 1 Gold Hairpin (VI) - adds moderate fire resistance
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Tyro is equipped with the following abilities:
Wrath - 4-star rarity, Support-type, rank 5/5, 10 uses, “charge the user’s Soul Break gauge” and “raise their attack”
Entrust - 5-star rarity, Support-type, rank 4/5, 8 uses, “transfer the user’s Soul Break gauge to an ally”
Tyro is here to build up his Soul Gauge with Wrath. As soon as he has enough, he’ll use Entrust to give it all to Genesis. Yeah, yeah, I know he should be Entrusting to Yuffie instead. But I still want him to give his gauges to Genesis anyway. Fight me.
He’s equipped with the following Soul Breaks:
Ultra Soul Break, Arbiter’s Tome
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Unique Soul Break, Sentinel’s Grimoire - raises the party’s Defense and Resistance
Tyro is also here to use Arbiter’s Tome. If he has extra gauges, then he can use Sentinel’s Grimoire, but the priority is for him to use his Ultra then Entrust the rest of his bars to Genesis. 
Okay, and if he has even more gauges, he can give them to Yuffie. I’ll probably Entrust to Yuffie as opposed to casting Sentinel’s Grimoire. But Genesis is still top priority. 
I have Tyro equipped with the Dr. Mog’s Teachings Record Materia. This lets him start quests with 2 Soul Break charges.
is level 99
has 71 Magia points in HP
has max level 1 Crystal Waters for HP, Resistance, and Defense
has all of his 3-star and 4-star Record Spheres
has none of his 5-star Record Spheres
Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough (#ad) is equipped with the following:
level 30/50 Parrying Daggers Artifact
level 1 Plumed Hat
level 1 Blaze Armlet - adds major fire resistance
For the longest time, Parrying Daggers was at level 1. But I decided to get it to level 30 for this fight. This particular Artifact increases the Mind stat, which, in this game, translates to healers being able to increase their healing output.
The Hat also increases her Mind stat though not as much as the Artifact. Even a level 1 Parrying Daggers has way more Mind than a level 1 Plumed Hat, but, out of all the armor I have, this one has the highest Mind, so I gave it to Aerith.
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And, since she’s my primary healer, she gets the only accessory I have that gives major resistance to fire attacks.
Aeris is equipped with the following abilities:
Ultra Cure - rank 1/5, 4 uses
Curada - 6-star rarity, White Magic-type, rank 4/5, 10 uses, “restore a very large amount of HP to one ally, and automatically heal additional damage taken (up to 2000 HP in total)”
She’s here to spam Curada. If it actually runs out, then she’ll spam Ultra Cure instead.
Aerith is equipped with the following Soul Breaks:
Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Star Pulse
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Ultra Soul Break (USB), Innocent Cure
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Aeris is also here to use her awesome Awakening if the entire party needs to be healed immediately.
If the fight is still ongoing and she’s already used Star Pulse (Awakenings can only be used once per battle), then she’ll use Innocent Cure (Ultras have infinite uses as long as you have the required Soul Gauge to activate them).
Aeris is equipped with the following Legend Materia:
Daughter of Ancients - restore 15% more HP when using White Magic abilities
Motherly Protector - 35% chance to “restore a small amount of HP to all allies” after using a White Magic ability  
Like Elarra’s Historic Brilliance, I also love it whenever Motherly Protector procs. It restores a pretty decent amount of HP to the party since Aerith has a high Mind stat.
I have her equipped with her Cetra’s Destiny Record Materia, which lets her restore 20% more HP when she uses White Magic abilities.
is level 99
has 100 Magia points in HP
has 95 Magia points in Mind
has max level 1 Crystal Waters in HP, Mind, Resistance, Magic, and Defense  
has all of her Record Spheres
Yuffie Kisaragi from Final Fantasy VII
Yuffie Kisaragi (#ad) is equipped with the following:
level 30/50 Triton’s Dagger Artifact - “adds small boost to water damage”
level 20/20 Red Glove (VII-CC)
level 1/1 Sniper Soul - adds major resistance to Blind
Triton’s Dagger used to be level 1. I got this nearly the same time as when I got Parrying Daggers. I actually got Triton’s Dagger for Yuffie back when I was using her as a secondary DPS. 
For this quest, I leveled up the Artifact to 30. Red Glove (VII-CC) is at max level because I used to have this equipped on Genesis. The Blind resistance is useless for this fight. Yuffie’s equipped with Sniper Soul because it increases her attack stat.   
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She’s equipped with the following Ninja-type abilities:
Reflecting Pool - 5-star rarity, rank 3/5, 6 uses, deals 2 physical water attacks, grant Mirror Image (avoid 1 physical attack), grant Multiple Reflections (stack Mirror Image up to 2 times)
Raging Waters - 5-star rarity, rank 3/5, 6 uses, deals 3, 5, or 7 physical water attacks, “deals more attacks depending on the number of Mirror Image stacks on the user” 
Both of these used to be at rank 1, but I decided to get them to rank 3 for this battle so that Yuffie gets 6 uses for each instead of just 2. 
is level 99
has 100 Magia points in physical attack
has 21 Magia points in water attack
has max level 1 Crystal Waters in HP, Attack, Defense, and Resistance
has all of her Record Spheres
I completed her 3 and 4-star Record Spheres before. I started getting her 5-star Spheres, but I stopped when I dropped her from my main party. Since I was going to use her against Liquid Flame, I decided to give her the rest of the 5-star Motes she needed to complete her Record Spheres.
I ended up not having enough Wisdom Motes. I had to run the 5-star Wisdom Mote Dungeon to get more Motes. The last time I tried this quest, I lost. Much to my surprise, this time, I actually managed to win. Super pleased, of course, especially since I got to use Genesis’ fire moves against the boss here.
Anyway, beating the Wisdom Mote Dungeon gave me enough Motes to complete all of Yuffie’s 5-star Record Spheres. This unlocked her Legend Materia:
Keen Ninja - 35% chance to dualcast Ninja abilities
The Elder Ways - deal 10% more water damage 
She’s equipped with the following Soul Breaks:
Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Sublime Doom
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Ultra Soul Break (USB), Freewheeling Gauntlet
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I decided to equip her with Tyro’s Scholar’s Boon Record Materia (RM). This increases her damage by 30% when she’s hitting the enemy’s weakness. Since Liquid Flame is weak to water and all her moves deal water damage, this RM will always proc.  
Magicite Deck
In my first few runs, I used Fenrir (VI) as my main Magicite. His Ultra Skill is:
“Grant Mirror Image to all allies, enabling them to avoid one physical attack, and temporarily raise their earth resistance level by 2.”
For the rest of my tries, I used Bismarck (VI) as my main Magicite. His Ultra Skill deals 4 magic water attacks and grants the party an elemental barrier, which lets them avoid 1 fire attack.
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For the sub-magicite, I equipped the following:
Fenrir (VI)
Sealion (IX)
Wendigo (XII)
Enlil (XIII)
since they were the ones that gave me the highest attack.
These Magicite also gave my team Attack Boon level 10, Defense Boon level 10, and 2 Resistance Boon level 10. 
3-Star Fire Magicite Strategy
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
On Elarra’s first turn, she uses Magika Amuletum. Protect and Shell ensures that my party takes less damage while Haste ensures they can take more turns.
Then she spams Ultra Cure and Curaja. Usually, I don’t bother selecting a target, so the game automatically picks which character to heal, and this is always the one who currently has the lowest HP.
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If I feel that the entire party needs to be healed right now and she already has enough gauge, then I activate Magika Pius.
If she isn’t busy healing or using her Soul Break, then she’s a candidate for calling on my Magicite as soon as it’s available for summon. She can also use Fabula Guardian for the second time.
Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Aerith’s first move is to activate Fabula Guardian. IIRC, its effects will stack with Protect and Shell.
However, unlike Protect and Shell, the Defense and Resistance up from Fabula Guardian are only temporary, so it will need to be activated again later on.
She’s a candidate for using Fabula Guardian for the second time if she isn’t busy using her abilities or Soul Breaks.
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After using Fabula Guardian, Aerith spams Curada. Usually, I target herself and Genesis first since she’s my primary healer and he’s my fave. Sometimes, I don’t bother to select a target like when I use Elarra’s abilities. 
I’m more inclined to go this route if neither Genesis nor Aeris are currently injured. If Curada actually runs out, then Aerith will move on to using Ultra Cure. So far, this has yet to happen.
If I need party-wide healing right now, and she has enough gauges, then I immediately activate her Star Pulse. Now that I have her Ultra, sometimes, I decide to use that first to save her Awakening for later.
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Both Soul Breaks are especially good for teams that deal physical attacks. It’s because both reduce the delay of the party’s physical attacks for 3 turns. 
This means all those who have physical moves can act faster. Guess what? Both Genesis and Yuffie specialize in dealing physical attacks.
Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Since Tyro starts the fight with 2 Soul Gauges, he has enough to activate Arbiter’s Tome on his first turn. The critical hit chance buff ensures that Genesis and Yuffie can deal more critical hits.
Tyro’s Ultra also reduces the delay of his actions, which means he gets to move even faster. This lets him use Wrath more often.
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Not only does this build up his gauge faster, it further increases the critical hit chance of all allies since Wrath is a Support-type ability.
Once Tyro has at least 2 gauges, he uses Entrust to give it all to Genesis. Then he goes back to using Wrath. Depending on how the fight is going, he could then Entrust to Genesis, Yuffie, or Aerith.
If I need party-wide healing right now, I get Tyro to Entrust to Aerith so she can use her Awakening or Ultra. Otherwise he Entrusts to Genesis and Yuffie, prioritizing Genesis, of course.
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If he actually has extra gauges, then he can cast Arbiter’s Tome again or even Sentinel’s Grimoire. 
Usually, Tyro is too busy using his abilities to be a candidate for summoning my Magicite or activating Fabula Guardian for the second time, so I leave that to either Aerith or Elarra.
Yuffie Kisaragi from Final Fantasy VII
Yuffie starts by using Reflecting Pool then Raging Waters. Usually, I use Pool twice then move on to Waters. 
Since she’s hitting the enemy’s weakness, her Soul Break gauge fills up pretty fast, so it’s fine even if she doesn’t get the Entrust from Tyro.
As soon as it’s available for casting, I activate her Awakening. Then I just spam either one of her abilities. 
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Yuffie is actually pretty amazing, especially when her Keen Ninja Legend Materia procs while her Awakening is active because she ends up attacking multiple times in one turn.
The problem is that she still hits like a wet noodle. I think I only saw her break the damage cap for like 1 turn. The rest of her attacks dealt pretty low damage. 
Still, she’s been of help as a secondary DPS. She did a good enough job. I do hope I can increase her attack some more, just to make future fights easier. 
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Anyway, I use Yuffie’s Ultra once her Awoken Ninja Mode ends and she has enough gauges to cast Freewheeling Gauntlet. Otherwise, I go back to using either one of her abilities. 
Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Genesis uses either Lifesiphon or Engulfing Quadstrike. It doesn’t matter since both will deal damage to Liquid Flame and both will help increase his Soul Break gauge. Then I activate his Ultra Soul Break as soon as it’s available for casting. 
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I’m pleased that he still did well enough here even though I couldn’t even use his Awakening or his other Soul Breaks or any of his usual fire abilities. 
Heck, I think there were a number of times wherein he ended up dealing way more damage than Yuffie. 
3-Star Fire Magicite Battle Results
Needless to say, I was beyond happy when I actually managed to win. Yahoo! Super pleased with this triumph. My fave did so well. So did Yuffie and the rest of the team.
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So far, my fastest clear time is 27.47 seconds.  
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Defeating Liquid Flame unlocked 2 new 3-star Magicite quests - Holy and Dark. Welp, looks like I still have more to do before I can move on to the 4-star Magicites. 
Of course, I plan to bring Genesis to these fights. I’ve made it work so far, even against an enemy that absorbs his main element. So I’ll keep trying to make it work. Wish me luck. And see you in the next post.
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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fitzyhere · 5 years
Hi there! I had a few questions for you! What are some of your all time favorite Overwatch memories? Do you enjoy Overwatch less or more than you used to and why? What are your thoughts on the meta? What was your favorite meta? Lastly, what type of character do you think Overwatch needs next? Thanks in advance! ^-^
OHH sorry for the late reply i wanted to answer this when i got on pc cos i knew i’d have a LOT to say
So as far as ovw memories, idk if u mean personal or esports so I’m doing BOTH, with esports first:1. Libero’s hack on Evermore right out the gate on Hanamura. It was the first time I’d seen Sombra in pro play and it SHOOK me to my core seeing her be played AND so well!!2. Zunba’s grav through the window on Eichenwalde. Shit’s legendary. It was one of the first games I’d ever seen since I had just gotten into ovw esports and the High seeing that play gave me made me love esports ever since3. Surefour’s bait from spawn. Fucking iconic. chef kiss. one of the best moments from last season.4. That one game, shortly after Aero became head coach where Mickie was on Winston and Seagull was on D.Va vs NYXL. I love that game so much i need to rewatch it I loved watching them.5. Shanghai’s first victory. A bitch might have cried. I’m not as huge of a fan as many other are on here, but I recognize hard work and Shanghai has been doing their absolute best from the get go. I’m so happy for them.
and now for personal:1. One time, my friend Griffin, my ex, and I all played against Sylphea (at the time she was the highest level player in ovw) and that was REALLY fun. Griffin was on Mei, and he just. fucked them UP, even getting potg. We also had a solid McCree, and I had fun on sym :)2. I used to do widow custom games with friends (mostly 1v1s w phil) but we had a huge boss fight with Griffin, where it was 5 of us against him, and he STILL whooped us. He was such a wicked good widow it’s crazy.3. Before the mercy 2.0 meta, Sombra was my most played hero, because she’s so much fun. I played w friends who liked having a sombra on their team, too so that worked out Nicely. I love playing Sombra4. Back when Comp could get to five rounds on koth, I switched to Bastion on round three, and Griffin was on Ana, and we managed to win with nano tank alone. Three fucking rounds in a row i only died once.5. One comp game I had 23 players rezzed with 3 five man rezzes. We still lost but like holy fuck that was fun. 6. Idk if it’s still in the game, but there was a glitch with mercy’s wings where if she said hello with her gun out and angelic descent was active, her wings would get REALLY big. Griffin and I spent like 2 hours one night just fuckin messin w it it was so fun7. honestly… late night qp w griffin was rly good. nothin like tryharding in overwatch till 5am… i miss that
And… when it comes to playing… yeah I definitely enjoy the game less. I used to have a bunch of people I played with, different groups, different needs, so it was really fun when I was really social, but I broke up w my ex, I lost contact with others, and many just don’t play overwatch anymore. Now its rare I’m in anything bigger than a duoq. I spent most of my time in game w Griffin, and when we stopped playing together I had to relearn the game and how I tracked things because we had our Way of playing. I’m still highly invested in the game, hence having and Overwatch League sideblog. I still really love the game, and I don’t think that’s going to change even I don’t play it nearly as much as I used to.
The current meta… is still GOATS right? I havent seen any of stage 2 (im a fake fan who been BUSY) so idk how baptiste has changed anything. But I hate GOATS. I remember disliking triple tank and playing it but GOATS isnt even… fun to watch. I like zen and lucio play, but my fave supports to see are moira and ana. and I love myself a good zarya but Man. Tone it Down.
And as far as favorite meta? Hard to say. I definitely played the most during the mercy meta, and I love watching good mercy play… but I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite to watch. I’d probably go out on a limb and say dive. Dive or Triple tank. Dive could get real creative, but nothin smacks my ass quite like a good ol fashioned deathball comp. There’s pros and cons to every meta, and I have fun with all of it, because overwatch is a Fun Game. Even GOATS has its moments, especially the ways teams try to shut each other down.
And as far as new hero… I’m not sure. Still Tank/Support cos we still have too many dps, but… idk. I really like hybrid heroes, and I’d like another Support/Tank hybrid, but utility heavy heroes are deffo always on my list. But that aside… where the black women at, Jeff? I wanna play as one.
Sorry this is so long, but ty for asking!! I love overwatch so so much It’s so weird to think it’s been with me for almost three years.
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