#he's just speaking his truth guys
aphroditesacolyte · 1 year
Meryl and Diosia P16
Ch 16. // Self Care // Read on AO3
Summary: As a celebration to Aquedyus, the god of merfolk, commences, Diosia happens to find it a suitable time for a ritual of his own.
Content warnings: Fictional religion and god(s), cult vibes, murder/sacrifice, plotting to kill (eat) people, themes of fear and despair, please read at your own discretion, thank you!
~Approx word count: 2,262 words
*The night following chapter fourteen, Your Saccharine Taste.
In the early night, his focus centered out on the empty, calm water’s edge. It was not quite still, for if he looked closely, he could spot the ripples of a fish’s movement or a natural current, but Meryl was nowhere to be seen. Even so, he kept on watching the water’s surface for a little while, as if watching it could prompt some sort of change—or truthfully, he never wanted to be off-guard, especially here of all places.
Bound to the sand he felt vulnerable, his usual escapes became impractical if they were ever needed, or so it seemed. Testing his boundaries however, little by little, was proving that he needn’t worry of being flightless much longer. As a matter of fact—
His vision whipped back to the water, then down the river.
He then casted his gaze to the sky, measuring out the moon and stars with a narrow, calculative expression. It was late, yes it was. Tonight—he was certain—he’d be left alone.
With this in mind, a hand reached over to the splint upon his wing, and a gentle snap allowed him to pull away the days upon days of worried aid that he had been provided. It was endearing and entertaining, but unneeded, regardless of what the little mer thought was best for him. Once Meryl returned, he’d simply tell him that the thing unfortunately snapped in his sleep—Meryl had proved himself quite gullible; it wouldn’t be a hard lie to sell.
Now, with his wing free, the splint was set aside and in the depths of the night he rose. Slowly he trailed along the river, and his body held a certain arrogance as he gracefully brushed through the plant-life of the estuary. As if he were a crane in search of fish, he cast his gaze down at the water and ground below him, heedful in watching his surroundings and keeping his eyes open. If the waters were to ever provide him an opportunity, he would never miss it, and if prey were to come along, he would always find them first. It was the way of life he was accustomed to.
Even though his movement’s held a majesty to it, long strides pulled him across easily, until he met at the estuary’s mouth and found the shore. His head cocked slightly in study of the waters, but he quickly deemed them empty and moved along.
If one continued their walk along the shore, they’d eventually find that it curves, and replacing it comes an indent of water, shallow, yet terribly dark. In that shallow water one would have to watch their step as they waded through, cautious of the jagged rocks, and if they followed along as the shore grew taller, almost like a cliff compared to the water it stood over, they’d find a cave—it’s mouth wide and gaping, dark within, and tucked in the beginning of its jaws a few curious objects: Ropes and clothes, old and tattered with an ugly look of dark, dry crimson that sort of browned out in some places from its old age.
Diosia plucked up these supplies and turned his ambitions back out to sea. With all he needed, he was in search of his quarry.
Like a fish out of water, scales flailed and scrabbled against the stone they were dragged along, the scraping sound it made accompanied by muffled cries, as if within the cave’s mouth there was ever hope of help or escape. Diosia heaved the rope along with a sort of mocking elegance, bringing the bound mer in tow.
The path became framed by the depths of waters that muttered and whispered as he passed, and the dim light of a few strange crystals thrummed through the place to illuminate where one must follow. The deeper he went, the lighter the cave became, its walls furiously embedded with these crystals all over, blue ones that blanketed a mystic, glacial colour over the stone.
The streams of waters drove themselves into the wall as the cave narrowed into a single, curved archway that led into the round chamber beyond. In this chamber the waters flowed again, encompassing all but the entrance and the center of the room. The water’s aura was that of the blue glow, shallow streams that purred against the edge of the stone. Throughout the floor intricate patterns were carved, symbols and words that far out-aged him, and in the center of it a round stone had sunken itself slightly into the floor and declared the highest being of the ground’s surface, even if it were quite short. On the walls these great symbols sat too, and the crystals made themselves at home where they did not disturb old words.
As he pressed out of the entrance he announced, “My Mistress, Aethyrsule, I bring you kind bearings.”
With that, he laid out the bound, writhing mer upon the heightened stone, and turned to the entrance. There, against the wall, laid a sharp, curved knife, its handle a heavy, blue-ish stone material, supporting a blade of clean silver. He plucked it up and adjusted it in his hand briefly, then brought himself back to the mer.
For a moment he looked them over, the fear in their eyes almost a burning hate, face scrunched and furrowed in their horror as they screamed out without caring that the sound hardly passed the cloth in their mouth.
“It’s a shame you’re not for me.” He mused, only for a brief second before he flicked the knife upwards.
It plunged down, and the stone swam with red. Across the letters and channels and lines of the floor the red liquid spilled, until it steadily streamed into the water.
He bowed his head and softly set the knife aside, freeing his hands to unravel his victim, who lied lifeless in Her altar. The ropes and cloth were all pulled away, and the knife returned to its original spot. Before he left, he turned and gave a bow of respect, and his chin remained  bowed as he began to exit the cave.
As he moved however, something caught his eye.
Along the path there were always crystals, but in some places those crystals would flatten out, joined together as if they were a distorted mirror, and in that mirror, he saw himself. From his face there was no longer the ugly marks, and when he stretched out his wing it no longer ached. His lips curled into a slight smirk—he hadn’t been expecting of Her, but it was thrilling to have his hope satisfied.
However, upon even closer inspection, something else caught his eye. His wings, though obviously well and healed, had not returned to their normal state. Like a raven’s wings they subtly glimmered with blue, as if they had been neatly laminated. He stared, confused, almost amazed.
He turned his head back to the Altar chamber. “What does this mean?” He questioned softly, then looked back to the strange new colour of his wings.
They still were black, they most certainly were, but in their black they held a shimmer they hadn’t before.
No answer came to him from Her Altar, and after another moment of befuddled staring, he left the place in peace. He oughtn’t stay somewhere sacred for a time more than needed.
As he set aside the supplies and met the night sky once more, something closer to a grin came across his face, and he spread out his wings. Why, if he were healed and free, there was plenty he could do again.
In this he became much more preoccupied, and spent the rest of his night gliding across the sky, savouring his freedom. It felt as if everything were happy to have him back, the wind carried him with vigor and the weather was clear and pleasant.
For the first night without Meryl, he only spent it exercising his regained freedom. The second night however, he realized something.
Meryl wasn’t back.
Actually, Meryl was busy, very busy.
He pondered over in his mind how long Meryl would be busy for, perhaps he had time for a little dabbling? Yes, Meryl was supposed to be his next meal, but frankly his fast had already been ruined by Meryl’s insistence to keep him well-fed. He couldn’t be angry at that though, it was… he didn’t know, but it made him feel a certain pleasantness inside, the sort of pleasantness akin to what one would feel when embraced by a soft bed of grass, or hammocked by the warmth of a woolen blanket. It was an experience so strange to someone whose bed was stone, and whose blanket was salt water and cold air, but he had come to accept whatever the feeling might be. He had no complaints regarding it.
The next thing he realized was that a merfolk being his next meal was very, very impractical. Meryl might’ve been busy, but the rest of them were just as, and painfully, it was busy with each-other. And, although Diosia would love to toy with more mer than one at a time, he knew he very well wouldn’t be able to handle a dozen mermen he couldn’t enchant crashing down on him. To pursue a mer when they were all together would be foolish—their celebration, their large, large group, kept them all safe from his clutches.
And that brought him to his alternative.
Unfortunately, there were no humans foolish enough to sail the seas, at least not tonight, which only narrowed his options even more. He settled upon it; he’d go out to the humans (colony? School? Pod? Why did it matter? He cared very little for whatever their groups were called.), catch himself one that was satisfactory, and settle down for a bit by himself, all cozy and blessed with new wings and a full stomach.
If he controlled all circumstances, it wouldn’t have been his ideal choice, sure, but it would do.
*The third Blue Night.
It felt like he was dying—genuinely.
Actual death.
It was as if Meryl’s heart was failing him, breaking down and decaying, yet still running so wildly, like it was a freight train bound for a wall. He wondered if in some places veins had bled out within him, making his heart cry out in its desperate race to save him—save him from what? What was it?
He didn’t know. How could he know?
He knew nothing.
Nothing of why the splint was broken or the sand disturbed, nothing of why when he called out his name it was not returned, nothing of why the ground was soiled with the same crimson liquid pulsing in his ears, and nothing of why most importantly, Diosia was gone. He called out again for his lover, only for the dull quiet to stare at him, scorching him.
“Diosia?” His voice shuttered.
No, no. He was gone.
It took a few moments for Meryl to gain even a semblance of wits, and even then, his throat was tight, all sorts of tears and sobs caught in the back of it that he was trying to snuff out. The dark swallowed up anything he could see at a distance, and so as his search became desperate, it was forced to become more and more thorough. He sought out every corner, looked up and down the shore in every way. He made it a point to seek out every place he possibly could, and grasped to the shreds of comfort he had.
It wouldn’t have been a mer who found Diosia, everyone was still enjoying the third night by this time, and aside from a few very introverted merfolk who favoured their sleep, no one was away. They were all there. Anyone who had the will or power to harm Diosia was far, far away from the estuary.
Had it been humans? What were humans doing there?
His mind buzzed.
Diosia’s home was still empty and silent, and as was everywhere else he searched. The night stalked over him until it treaded past him and left him in dusk, and then the sun became to peer over him, almost mockingly.
There were no signs of Diosia—nowhere at all.
It stayed like this for a fortnight—a painful, painful fortnight. Each day Meryl felt worse and worse, and even with his family to distract him he couldn’t be consoled. There was no one he could tell about this, no one he could ask for help. He just had to stay quiet and act as if someone so beloved and important to him hadn’t disappeared without a trace nor explanation, nor goodbyes.
His heart ached. He couldn’t stand it.
His sobs were wrenching, and he couldn’t stand that either.
Quiet, he told himself. It would be worse if Bondi knew—somehow Meryl knew that. And he couldn’t tell Roka, for as sweet as he was, Roka would let the secret slip because he found sirens frightening. It became harder and harder to hide his feelings in front of his friends and family, and so he hid his whole self away instead.
It came to the point that he could almost always be found curled up in a little patch of sand as the sun beat down on him, and he was miserably hot and dry save for burning eyes and cheeks wetted by tears.
He murmured and whimpered and cried, “Where are you?”
<- <- <- Last Part | Next Part -> -> ->
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stealingyourbones · 3 months
Gotta love when folks write Superman incredibly anti-clone even though he had good reason in the beginning to Not Like Superboy (HES A WINDOW INTO WHAT CLARK WOULD HAVE BEEN WITHOUT THE KENTS) and decide that forever on he’ll be spiteful towards clones even though he literally Does Not Care if you’re a clone unless you’re Superboy.
#IF YOU LIKE THIS CHARACTERIZATION IGNORE ME BUT I GOTTA VENT#bones speaks#bones writes in the tags#sometimes I wanna bash my head into a wall. SUPERMAN IS INHERENTLY A GOOD PERSON IN EVERY WAY KON EL IS JUST A TERRIFYING REALIZATION-#OF WHAT HE’D BE WITHOUT A LOVING CARING AND NURTURING FAMILY! HE DIDNT LIKE KON BECAUSE HE WAS SCARED)#RAGGGGHHHHH#for the love of god I know it’s an easy way for Danny to hate Superman (SUPERMAN ISNT THE BAD GUY YALL PLEASE) but there can be so much more#have him awkwardly go up to Danny and ask him how he handled having a clone and try to use that info to get along with Kon!#he works with countless clones in the Justice League and I don’t see y’all writing him hating them. make it make sense#just- please. you don’t have to read a comic to know that Superman is meant to be The Best Of Humanity. just write with that baseline#I’m just sad folks are being so gosh darn mean to Supes. he’s a delightful character to read and my favorite big superhero#and a lot of folks in dpxdc do the anti clone stuff and that’s Clark’s entire personality for the comic.#you don’t think he’d be sympathetic because Danny was given immense duty and power and is only a few of his kind? or having an evil self in#another dimension that showed him the destruction he could bring?#Clark is a smartass. he is a seeker of the truth. he is a reporter (and a damn good one too). he is a loving husband. he is an alien.#he is a hero. he is a god. he is a caring friend. he is a genuinely kind and good being.#I recommend reading All Star Superman. Under The Yellow Sun by Clark Kent. and Superman:Grounded
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wifiwuxians · 28 days
GOOD NEWS FOR SONG LAN GIRLIES (ME): Spanish novel TL did not mess up his final line! It reads more briefly and a bit more clinically than "tell him- I'm sorry, it was not your fault" (it is more like "I will apologize and tell him it was not his fault") but it has the exact same meaning and most importantly the apology is in there
IMPORTANT EDIT because I had just skimmed the line in my eagerness to know if they'd gotten it right, the perceived "clinical" brevity of "me disculparé" was in fact made up for by the beautiful "le haré saber que no fue culpa suya" which, more than "telling him it was not his fault" is "i will make him know it was not his fault". though it is just another manner of saying the same thing (not 'make' but commonly used like 'let'), to me it carries more weight than simply telling him. ahhh god
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claitea · 18 days
kingdom hearts au where n is split into a nobody and heartless who search for reshiram and zekrom respectively. is this anything
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dragonseeds · 1 year
there’s a horrible sickness in me that makes me want to stop and replay da:i whenever i start a different game. how am i supposed to resist the story of my own unwilling apotheosis? especially as lavellan, who doesn’t believe in the maker and who has every right to hate and mistrust the chantry but chooses to use what power they have to try save people, to fix what’s broken, no matter how afraid they are or how careful they have to be. walking side by side with the great trickster god/adversary of your people without knowing, befriending him, changing his mind about this world but ultimately not his choice. he understands what’s happening to you because it happened to him once and he gives you his castle, built over the place where he sundered the world, and paints your story there in frescos that will last long after you’re gone and after the story has been retold and reshaped so many times that the truth of who you are and what you did is lost—just as he did his own story, which was lost and perverted by war and propaganda, and he shows all of this to you knowing you’ll understand because you’ve lived through something similar, grown into something larger than yourself and your true name, and it doesn’t change anything but. he wanted you to see him just for a moment, even if he can’t tell you everything (or almost anything) and you can’t save him—because he owes it to you as a someone who is a friend, almost an equal, and because there’s no one else left who knows: a direct result of what he did to your people and which he now seeks to undo at the cost of this world.
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firebirdsdaughter · 1 month
Have I mentioned today…
… how much I love Nate and Eliot?
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found--family · 1 year
they couldn't let cesar and jesse return bc they would've taken one look at dean and cas interacting and known they had it bad for each other
#and sam is just like. oblivious. bc i think that's funnier 😂#meanwhile dean and cas are pining away for each other like the beautiful dumbasses they are..#cesar says to cas all easy and patient and knowing: so how long have you been in love with dean?#and cas is surprised and scared and tries to deny it but overcompensates by saying he loves all of humanity#meanwhile jesse is talking to dean like: what do you mean you're not in love with him dude i have eyes. dean: ??!!#cas @ cesar: i love dean bc i love humanity i love them for all their faults and quirks and beauty.. *thinking about freckles + bowlegs*#dean @ jesse: you don't know what you're talkin bout man! jesse: oh so now you're going to get angry and defensive like that isn't#overcompensating and an obvious tell that i speak the truth. dean: yo-.. shutup!!#cas @ cesar: .. humanity really is quite remarkable and so worthy of love when you think about it. and affection. and praise..#dean @ jesse: --swayze always gets a pass!! jesse: oh so he's on your celebrity exception list? dean: yeh man of course he is.#jesse: mhm. even though he's a guy? dean: ... who HASN'T had gay thoughts!?!#cas @ cesar: humanity should really eat more vegetables and drink less alcohol and sleep more. but this life can be difficult#and habits are hard to change and i will be there to help in any way i can like making coffee just the way humanity secretly likes it..#dean: *frazzled and exhausted as jesse hands him a beer* --i prefer the classics: Say Anything. When Harry Met Sally. Princess Bride..#jesse: *nodding along as they chat about chick fliks* cas @ cesar: i help with humanity's laundry. i once found a pair of jeans#in humanity's room with the legs torn off. i thought something awful had happened during a hunt but humanity wouldn't be able to#regrow his legs without my angelic assistance.. unless humanity met another angel.. *white knuckles the chair in possessive jealousy*#dean: *getting teary as he talks about dory's story* sam: *walking in on cas cracking the chair + dean sobbing into his beer#but taking no notice bc his eyes are on the ipad in his hands* so get this--#destiel#crack#thoughts#😂😂😂😂😂
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bugisawesomeasf · 1 year
something makes me think that you guys don’t actually like Will, you just hate Mike so much more
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notafagipromise · 8 months
Jon's waist must be SNATCHED because of his heroic action of undergoing double rib removal
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ace-with--a-mace · 6 months
idc yall could never make me hate richard cameron
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wisdom-walks-alone · 9 months
im so serious some t*m drake stans are so misogynistic when it comes to stephanie brown I'm not even kidding holy shit
#jay speaks#sorry. its the truth#turn tim into the victim all you want to appease your projected victim complex can we at least leave steph alone tho#like. woooooooow#ur poor little helpless little white queer boy. and the toxic abusive ex girlfriend of his. good riddance amirite#im sorry guys i cannot do this anymore. i am at my limit#some peoples attitudes towards steph are just soooooo misogynistic its insane#all to uphold and make a white (only recently confirmed) queer boy look better by comparison. what a breakthru guys ur geniuses#never before seen im in awe#i say all of this as someone who likes tim too btw. he is literally one od my faves#he is higher on my list than steph is. but like. come on guys#are we just going to forget about how much of a garbage boyfriend tim was to steph#or how badly he treated her even when they weren't dating 💀 hello#did we read the same comics. i won't say steph was perfect but like tim was an asshole lol#she was a teenaged girl and im afraid that was mostly her biggest offense. tim was a little misogynist god love him#both were young and stupid and teenagers. w/e. don't act like steph was the sole bad actor tho even in recent comics#sorry tim wasn't written to be as much of a victim as u would have liked#tag rant#no actually. gotta add. don't we just love putting down a woman to uplift the treasured mlm ship#and make it seem better. like the better option. isnt it fun to do that right#banging my head against the wall im so done with this
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if i think bout ichi going to jiro kasuga's grave and arakawa accompanying him Maybe At Least Once i just might explode
#snap chats#hi everyone. coping with my reality. plus it is fathers day tomorrow#ill save all THAT rambling after The Real Meat alright lemme get that juice out the way#anyway no i was just having an idle thought with fathers day coming up#an i just thought of like. Just-Got-Here ichi wantin to see his Relatively-Recently-Deceased's dad's grave#maybe arakawa wanted to ask ichi to do somethin on X day and ichi visibly is just 😬#obvi he tries to brush it off like Oh Its Nothing Sir Haha :) but arakawa's A Dad.#and grew up with a troubled childhood alright he knows when someones hiding something so he encourages ichi to tell him the truth#such comes The Bean Spillin an ichi's just 'remember how i said my dad died yeah i wanted to visit him that day 👉👈 '#followed up by the obligatory backpedaling But Its Fine I Can Do Another Day ! No Worries ! etc etc#so pleaaasse cut to arakawa making a 'deal' with ichi in that he can go that day but only if he could tag along#ichi's a great kid it's worth visiting the guy who raised him right#im gonna throw up if arakawa just gets a Funny Feeling during their visit yk what i mean#he just feels Especially grateful for jiro and what he did for ichi- doesnt exactly know why maybe ichi really is just that good of a kiddo#im gona make myself throw UP oh my GOD. crying dying etc etc#if you see me write or draw anything after this no you dont#speaking of though Personal Ramble Time i knew i shouldnt have eaten until later this is my karma <- thats not how karma works#i try not to eat in the evening and the time i do unprompted BOOM mother's home. screaming crying yelling#i still had things i wanted to do upstairs too gdi now i gotta wait til monday or like. 2AM ☠️☠️☠️#ok thats all byyyyye im gonna cope with my cringe family situation with projection 👋
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i need to be one of them so bad.
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crossbackpoke-check · 2 years
wait you got me so invested in the stammer & heddy tailor au....
this is my standard disclaimer that i have never posted a fic on ao3* and for however much i say “au” i truly mean that it’s a universe that lives in my head & i am absolutely delighted to tell you all about, all the time <3 if it helps i ALSO got me so invested in the heddy & stammer tailor au
ok now that the author’s note is out of the way here’s some notes about the not!fic heddy & stammer tailor au:
stammer as the tailor from gent’s playbook, very reserved, quiet, with an excellent eye for details (honestly the evidence i have for his style sense is just that he’s best friends with pk subban so it has to be there somewhere if only by proxy irl) is hired by victor hedman, star of the tampa bay lightning who is every other tailor’s nightmare to dress (huge, opinionated, fashionable)
heddy is decently well-known throughout the league for being very well-dressed & becomes quietly well known for also being one of his new tailor’s favorite loyal customers [heddy has the nicest fabrics. he has his suits the first day a new collection drops & e v e r y o n e is jealous]
stammer’s business booms after heddy takes a chance on him as his first big client & promotes him, heddy sees him grow in popularity & get more clients
heddy also moonlights as a model for stammer’s suits on instagram, initially to help him grow his business because then he won’t have to pay for a model and then because he’s over there all the time anyway because they’re dating (that’s why the model’s face is never in the pictures)
there’s not really a plot to this besides the vague idea of a plot where stammer makes heddy his lucky suit that he wins the cup in & sews a special little tag into the lining of his jacket that says i love you
because love sometimes is picking out the perfect right color pocket square to match your husband’s beautiful suit that you fitted like a kiss to the curves of his huge body
& also sometimes love is making your beautiful husband who makes you beautiful clothing enjoy nice things for himself once in a while, like the fancy watch you bought him or the nice suit you custom-ordered for him (from him) just so you could take it off of him
#*i did very much post a zine on ao3 that was part of a really fun exchange that i loved doing (thank you leah for organizing!!!)#& had a fantastic time with however i have not strictly speaking posted a fic. one day i will. eventually. hopefully. pray for me :)#also one time my horoscope told me i was a ‘neutral projector’ & i’ve never felt more called out (‘loves making up things’/‘will not#actually write or plot but will explain every intricate detail of their world & character relationships’/‘hype up every member of the#writing chat & give good advice but never follow it’) like HI CAN U NOT DO THIS TO ME HOROSCOPE THANKS i was read to FILTH#liv in the replies#i do LOOOOOVE me a good one of them plays hockey the other one does not au sometimes they’re so fun to explore dynamics outside/inside sport#at the time i came up with this stammer was out on IR & heddy kept showing up to the playoffs in ridiculously nice suits what was i to do??#the gent’s playbook tailor will sometimes model his own suits w/o showing his own face which made it look like he had a secret model come in#heddy canonically says his suits make him feel better when he plays esp during playoffs & if he wins in a suit he’ll keep wearing it#oh also the truth of the love is in the pocket square bit? angela price i will never forget. anyway that blue suit i posted in the last ask#with the perfect pink pocket square? that pocket square is a pair of stammer’s boxers heddy took To Me. in my brain#me about the beautiful clothing: this is like daisy crying in gatsby’s silk shirts except it’s baby alpaca fur & also it’s not sad#it’s simply decadent & the inherent intimacy of a fitting mapping the body yada yada yada knowing the ways to flatter someone is a form#of loving them etc etc. love is art love is food love is given love is stored in the custom three-piece suit and tie#is this an enemies to lovers? workplace drama? is the secret plot i only just now invented & added that heddy is ‘difficult to work with’#but it’s just because he wants to look good & in the words of his own (real) tailor the hardest guy to fit because he’s so big? OHHH HOLD IT#I GOT THE PLOT IN THE TAGS Y’ALL AND IT’S STAMMER TEACHING HEDDY TO LOVE HIS BODY heddy who’s been told what to/not wear & you know.#the commodification of the body in hockey (but we’re not getting that deep) but stammer with a mouth full of pins tightening heddy’s pant#leg down even further as he listens to what heddy wants for once & lets him pick fabrics (this is the daisy shirt moment but it’s heddy#looking at fabric swatches dozens of books of them stammer helps him pick out matching linings &outsides &squares) & stammer compliments him#& they’re in love & idk NEARLY enough abt fashion but there r like codes? messages? to wearing suits i think w/the etiquette so that too#should this have also gone under a readmore? yeah probably. whoops#victor hedman#steven stamkos#tampa bay lightning
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nyctarian · 1 year
janela cut a post show promo just to put over ibushi and at one point was like "you didnt go to wwe and, you didn /for now/ go to aew, you came to this company i would die for" and he gave ibushi the proper respect he deserved and did genuinely thank aew for what it was even if towards the end it did not work out for him. so even tho i dont like him i at least appreciate that he genuinely understood what it meant for ibushi to be there and for gcw to get him first
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kavehater · 27 days
the funniest thing ever is when I’m telling a story in my heart ik is probably excruciating for the other to hear (overthinking core) but then the other is like tell me but it’s not the words they say it’s the specific vibe I get too
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