#he's had no bad interactions with female dogs yet but without fail every time he meets a strange male they fucking jump him
healingheartdogs · 2 years
How many times do you have to tell someone no before they stop asking for their dog to meet and play with yours, like what's the magic number? It's clearly well into double digits at least because they just. keep. asking.
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Meeting and Dating Max Dennison
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You met Max after he moved to Salem. The two of you were in the same History class and sat fairly close to each other. Because of this; and the fact that you’re drop dead gorgeous, he quickly developed a crush on you.
- It doesn’t take long for him to shoot his shot but there is a period in time where he’s waiting for the right moment to say something and just doing the typical “I have a crush on you” things.
- When Max has a crush, he’ll do whatever he can to see them more; making sure he’s behind them on his bike as they begin to walk home, sneaking glances at them in class, strategically sitting at a lunch table where he’ll be able to watch them or standing close to their locker.
- Once he’s had enough of just watching, he’ll move on to using any excuse he can to seem cool and/or talk to them. This is usually when he begins to come up with a plot to ask them out and it’s not long after that he actually does so.
- Max asks you out only about a week or so after he moves to Salem. He was just planning on giving you his phone number or asking if you’d like to hang out sometime but things didn’t really go as planned.
- He’d wanted to go out and explore the town by himself but his parents forced him to take Dani with him while they continued to unpack. So, he begrudgingly let his sister join him on his adventure, figuring that the worst that could happen was her slowing him down and slightly annoying him.
- They’d gotten a good ways into town without a hitch; besides Dani forcing him to pick flowers, and Max had just about let his guard down. Well, that was until he saw you.
- He immediately froze in place, greeting you in surprise as you just so happened to turn and spot them. Dani immediately connected the dots as to who you were, she’d heard her brother secretly fawn over you more than once.
- It was only after you glanced down at his hand that Max remembered he was holding his sisters wildflower bouquet. He laughed nervously, raising his hand a bit and trying to make himself seem less like a loser as he explained he was looking after his little sister …and her flowers.
- While Dani is undoubtedly an adorable sweetheart, she is also somewhat devious. She uses this delightful coincidence to get her way, mentioning that Max was “just about to take her to the park”. He was just about ready to kill her before you chimed in.
“Aww, that’s so sweet!” Bingo.
- He immediately acted as though that was the plan all along and invited you to join them while Dani smiled at her obvious success. A cute boy asking you to go to the park with him and his little sister, why wouldn't you agree?
- So you joined the two of them, laughing and watching on fondly as he played with Dani and getting to know each other more and more whenever she went off to do something on her own. You wound up staying there for hours and probably would have stayed even longer if Dani hadn’t mentioned that her feet hurt and that she was tired. 
- If Max had learned anything at all, he learned that you thought it was cute when he was nice to his sister, so he offered her a piggyback ride as the three of you walked home. When you arrived at your house, he set Dani down and walked you to your door. 
”Well, if you ever want to go to the park again, you know who to call.” He smiled, handing you his number before joining back with his sister. 
“Dani? Have I ever told you that I loved you?” The little girl couldn't help but smile at her goofy older brother. 
- The two of you had your first actual date a few days later. He took you to the movies, then to go get some ice cream, and finally you wound up back at the park you’d gone to, sitting on the swing and eating your dessert. 
- He told you that you had something on your face, smiling as he leant in and kissed the corner of your mouth before slowly making his way to your lips. 
- It was in that moment; with your lips pressed against his, that Max thought to himself maybe Salem wasn’t so bad after all. 
- Innocent pda all the time. He just can’t help himself when you’re standing right there and looking so adorable.
- Handholding whenever you can. You swear he’s gonna learn how to be ambidextrous with how much he wants to keep your hand in his.
- Soft, chaste kisses.
- Cheek kisses. He can never hold back a smile when you give him one.
- He likes keeping his arm around your waist while you walk together. He likes how perfectly you fit into his side.
- Tight hugs. He does that thing where you give the person a squeeze and sorta sway with them while you hug, it’s very nice.
- Hugs from behind. He always presses a kiss to your head before he pulls away.
- This boy literally daydreams about cuddling his crush; he’d adore cuddling you anytime, anyplace. He usually wants to be the big spoon but he’d be up for any type of snuggling.
- He leans his head on yours whenever you rest your head on his shoulder.
- Hanging out with him in his widows walk, stargazing or watching the sunset/sunrise.
- He really doesn’t care what the two of you do as long as you’re together.
- Typical teenager dates: going bowling or roller skating, watching movies, getting pizza or ice cream; things like that.
- He tries to make you laugh with little impressions and exaggerative comedic routines.
- Getting teased a lot. He’ll pop out from behind corners to spook you, jokingly mock you and your little superstitions, and attack you from behind, wrapping his arms around you and growling while nuzzling his face into your neck. He thinks your reactions are cute.
- Watching him play his drums. Sometimes he’ll try and teach you how to play, othertimes he’ll just try to show off.
- He really wants you to think he’s cool and to be in awe of him. He’s constantly trying to show off and peacock for your attention.
- He’s quite fond of nicknames and pet names. He uses special ones though, something uniquely you.
- He keeps your photo framed on his nightstand or tucked under his pillow. He kisses it like every morning and night, occasionally talking to it when you’re mad at him or when he doesnt know what to do in a situation. It’s cute ...in an odd way.
- He’s in awe of you everytime he sees you dressed up or after a long time of not seeing each other. Sometimes he just can’t believe how beautiful you are.
- The amount of doodles he’s made of you while in class couldn’t even fit in a normal sketchbook.
- Dani is always interrupting the two of you, busting into his room and jumping between you as you sit on his bed or forcing her way between you two on the couch. She winds up accompanying you on a few of your dates, especially when his parents are busy. He can’t say he’s completely upset about it though, he likes watching you interact with her.
- You and her are probably best friends and occasionally hang out on your own without Max. She’s definitely spilled some embarrasing facts/secrets about Max whether one front of him or not.
- He’s sort of embarrassed by his family and their shenanigans. He turns bright red whenever they start acting all excited/childish. You cant imagine his relief when you assure him that you think its cute.
- He has a little sister so even though he’s a fairly typical teenage boy; he has that “I actually respect females” mindset. To an extent of course, he still can’t help but think about your yabbos from time to time.
- There isn’t a lot that grosses him out anymore since he was already a little grown up by the time his parents had Dani. He had to go through all those yucky baby phases so he has no problem holding your hair as you puke, bandaging your cuts, dealing with periods, wiping dirt off of you, and so on. Life’s gross, he’s accepted that a long time ago.
- Standing up for him. He finds it both embarrassing and touching at the same time.
- Letting him rant to you about how much he misses LA. He always absentmindedly adds on that you’re the only good thing to come out of Salem and it never fails to make you melt.
- Comforting him. He has a tendency to blame himself when things go wrong or work himself into a fit when something bad happens. You try to make sure he doesn't while also making him feel better. He’s always there for you when you need it as well.
- He’s a sweetheart and an adorable one at that. He’s always trying to make you feel better whenever he can and; overall, just being super nice to you. Making sure you’re happy is very important to him.
- He’s got a hard time keeping his mouth shut; he just cant help but say what he wants and not inconspiciously or very quietly either. You’ll oftentimes have to get him out of a situation before he starts more trouble than there has to be.
- Bringing out the best in each other.
- He sends a glance your way whenever someone mentions lovers, couples, or otherwise romantic things. It’s sort of like he’s saying “yeah, I’ve got one of those” or making future plans for the two of you in his head.
- Riding your bikes together or walking alongside him while he purposefully keeps pace with you on his.
- Going on stupid little adventures. They may be a bit reckless but they sure are fun.
- He’s somewhat of a pushover. He can very rarely resist your pleading/puppy dog eyes, especially when its combined with affection. You could genuinely stop him in his tracks with a single touch.
- You’ve definitely convinced him to let you put a face mask on him, braid his hair or do his makeup. Dani may or may not have been present or at least walked in on the two of you. She has not let him live it down since.
- He’s not scared of the supernatural; at least not yet, or spiders/insects, so he leaps at the chance to “protect you”. He tells you to “fear not” as he “vanquishes the beast”, delicately pushing you behind him and killing the thing or calling out to whatever ghouls may be lurking around.
- He insists in walking you home, mainly because it gives him the chance to spend more time with you.
- A trait he’s developed as an older brother is being protective of his loved ones. He won’t let anything happen to you; if he can help it, and usually has a pretty good plan when trying to get you out of trouble.
- He’s not an extremely jealous person. People being outwardly flirty or interested in you would tick him off but he reasons that you want him, not them and then he’s fine. Old boyfriends don’t bother him either, he’s your new and improved boyfriend; what would you want with them.
- He lashes out when he’s upset so you’ve definitely had your fair share of fights though they never last for very long. He immediately feels bad when he notices he’s actually hurt you and does whatever he can to apologize.
- He starts off with a genuine apology before he trying to explain himself, making a few little comments to try and get you to smile afterwards. Once you seem to forgive him, he shyly opens his arms and smiles as you go to hug him.
- He tells you that he loves you a lot; he just can’t help it. Everything you do makes him want to shout it out to the world.
- Prior to meeting you, he didn’t want to go to Salem at all, but now that he has you? He can’t bring himself to even think about leaving it.
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
Got7 Most to Least Likely to Get Married and Start a Family
This was requested by one of my favorite followers (and just human beings in general) on here, the amazing @safetypineapples​ thank you for the request love I hope you enjoy it ☺️
Disclaimer: This is strictly my personal opinion based on what I’ve observed in the last three years I’m sure they would all be such amazing husbands and fathers if they decide to get married and start having families I’m sorry if you disagree but I did have fun doing this so please don’t hesitate to send it more requests!!!
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Mark: This one is a no brainer. After watching the Ask In A Box video when he was asked where he sees himself in ten years, he didn’t hesitate to say “married”. From what I’ve seen with how he is with the guys and towards the staff I can tell he’s such a kind-hearted, generous and well-mannered person. He always puts others before himself and makes sure everyone is taken cared of before tending to his own needs. Mark also gives off such boyfriend vibes and I know in my gut that there is 100% chance he is a very loving and doting boyfriend; the type to memorize his significant other’s coffee order, to buy them things that reminds him of them, to check up on them every now and then to make sure they’re eating their meals on time and getting well deserved rest I mean—just look at how he treats Milo that man is so in love with that cute little dog I’m not being biased because I love that man with my entire fucking soul but it’s the truth. I know the guys playfully bully him about being the most sensitive member, but unlike other guys who consider having feelings and being sensitive a feminine trait, Mark embraces that shit (big dick energy) like, he’s not afraid to cry it just shows that he cares a lot. I hope whoever he ends up marrying one day knows just how lucky she is to have him. Honestly, he’s such a family man—he spends every free moment with his family and you can tell that he really misses them. I’m sure he probably feels bad that he had to leave his family at such a young age, especially Joey because it must’ve been hard having to grow up without your main role model so now he gives to Joey whatever he possibly can to help him out he donated money to Joey’s charity, supports his gaming streams and buys him gifts almost every single time I’m not crying you are. Also, he never fails to go and support the other members in their solo activities (wearing their merch, attending their solo fan meets, promoting their music). He just seems like such a supportive and loyal person. The way he interacts with his nieces is extremely adorable, what more when he has his own kids? And when there are kids around, he always is so good with interacting with them and making them feel comfortable. I’m sure if he wasn’t an idol, he would’ve started a family a long time ago and I have a feeling that might be one of the things he dislikes about being an idol. The idea of father Mark is making me scream ugh I just know he’s going to be the best dad.
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Jinyoung: Just like Mark, Jinyoung gives me family man vibes. He is quite the gentleman towards every single woman he comes in contact with; his co-stars, female idols, makeup artists and staff members. I know he is such an amazing actor, but sometimes acting can only go so far—the way he kisses, touches and talks with his co-stars makes me feel like he is like that in person also; very romantic, gentle and sensual. He is also very good with kids (he couldn’t stop hugging that little boy who interviewed him one time it still makes me cry to this day) and back in that one real got7 episode, he was doing THE MOST to make sure one of the little girls chose him. But even if it was a competition, he seemed to have fun entertaining the two girls and it’s not easy taking care of children. On the set of He Is Psychometric, he was so sweet towards all the children; holding them, making them laugh, playing around with them. Also, being the youngest, it seems as though his sisters are very protective over him and it’s obvious that they have a very tight bond. I mean, he used to refer to himself as the mother of Got7, so I feel like he has caretaking traits and knows how to provide for the ones that he loves. The way he interacts with the other guys also gives it away; he might be playful and mischievous when it comes to Yugyeom, BamBam and sometimes even Jaebeom, but he can also be very defensive when it comes to them. All in all, I feel that Jinyoung is focused on being an actor and an idol, but once he’s done with his military enlistment and when Got7 decide to start slowing down in order to live domestic lives (which won’t be for a while please don’t come for me I’m begging) then he will start focusing on his personal life.
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Jackson: I had a hard time choosing between Jinyoung and Jackson on who should be in second place just because Jackson seems like he really wants to start a family as soon as he can like he talks about it all the time. When he attended his best friend’s wedding, he just seemed so happy and he made it known that he couldn’t wait until it was his turn to be at the altar. I just know this man is so amazing when it comes to women like he is a FEMINIST and he’s one of the only idols I know who isn’t afraid to talk highly about female idols or just women in general like in my opinion, he doesn’t seem like the type who would be upset if it came out that he was in a relationship. Just look at how he treats his mom—the way a man is with his mother just shows the kind of man he’ll be in a relationship. He is always so quick to give a girl his jacket, cover them up if they are uncomfortable with what they are wearing or to feed them (he fed a fan once I don’t know what war she fought in her past life for that to happen but shit why wasn’t it me). On Let Go Of My Baby, he did not let any child cry for less than a couple of seconds before running to their rescue like that show was honestly so cute it just gave us a glimpse of what an amazing father he will be one day. He also held them whenever they felt homesick and even when he scolded one of them for playing around, he picked her up and apologized. Even when it comes to his niece; especially since he only sees her a few times every year, he puts that little girl on a pedestal. I just feel like right now, his main priority is his career and he wants to wait for it to simmer down before he starts settling down.
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Youngjae: I still have yet to witness Youngjae even talking to a woman (other than staff members and fans) and it’s probably just me, but he doesn’t seem like the type to really put himself out there as much as the other members do when it comes to talking with other girls but from what I’ve read, he is a really good friend (and was one of the only people who helped Mina from AOA with the whole Jimin situation) so it’s obvious he genuinely cares for those he is close to. And if it’s any consolation; just look at the way he loves Coco like I’ve never seen someone love anyone as much as Youngjae loves Coco. But he’s such a sweet and kindhearted person (his laugh could honestly cure cancer don’t @ me) and from the videos I’ve watched, he is also very sensitive and that just proves he has a heart of gold. He said that he wants a daughter like the little girl in miracle because she was so cute so it’s obvious he does want a family some day. He might not be the type to go all out when it comes to showing affection or interest in communicating with women (maybe he just doesn’t want unnecessary controversy) (poor idols have to worry about what people would say if they were to even just wave to someone of the other sex) but he might be the type to do it in private. I’m sure he’s a gentleman, but more of the kind of person to do it secretly in order to prevent wandering eyes or irrelevant rumors. I don’t see posts of his nieces and nephews on social media as much as I do with Jackson and Mark, but then again maybe his sister isn’t the type to show off her kids. However, he seems like such a doting uncle in that one video at their concert in Korea when his nephew yelled his name (it was so fucking cute).
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Jaebeom: This man’s mind never fails to intrigue me. With a lot of his songs, he is either really romantic, angsty or really horny there is no in between. The guys say that he is the type to get really shy and act like a dork in front of the girl he likes and honestly, even if he tries his best to come off as “chic and sexy” this man is a literal ball of fluff. He seems like the biggest momma’s boy and I feel it’s because growing up, it was just him and his mom until she met his stepdad. If you watch the way he acts towards his mom, his personality is that of a little kid. From my personal experience of having a single mother, I’m sure it was hard for him watching his mom struggle as a single mother raising him all on her own, so he just wants to give back to her what she deserves and I know he is probably like that in relationships also. He claims that he writes songs based on what he reads in books and watches in movies, but with how the boys tease him about how romantic he can be, I know he writes songs based on personal experience. He has five cats and he literally talks to them like they’re children (and the fact that he doesn’t want to post about them because he wants to give them their privacy) makes my heart so warm I can’t even explain it like I know he says his fans are his friends, but there are some things he wants to keep to himself and I respect that. There was one Vlive where he did say he doesn’t plan on having kids but he does want to get married some day. As much as I think he would be a great dad, if he doesn’t see himself having kids then that’s totally up to him. Even if he is so soft whenever he is around children, it’s another thing when having your own kids. Who knows though, maybe one day he’ll come to the realization that he does want a big family. As a leader, he does such an amazing job with making sure all members are happy and healthy (he might present himself as this big, scary dude but he has the biggest weakness for his members you can tell he loves those 6 boys with his entire being)(Im Jaebeom is the best leader in Kpop I don’t make the rules). Also, when he talks, he comes off to be very insecure and he’s the type who isn’t afraid to speak his mind even if he knows it might be controversial so I get the vibe that he is very vulnerable. He might seem like a dominant person, but I think that he’s willing to be such a submissive ball of cheese to the lucky girl who owns his heart. Idk man, but he also seems like the type to get really hurt over a break up (I will fight anyone who breaks this man’s heart deadass).
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Yugyeom: As the youngest of the group and just like BamBam, I don’t think he’s really think about getting married or settling down any time soon. Honestly, Yugyeom seems like the type who would start having a family in his late 30s/early 40s just because he wants to give his full attention to his career. When Got7 first started out, he always seemed so shy when it came to talking with other girls, and I feel as if at one point, he was insecure about approaching girls, but now he just oozes confidence and sex appeal. I’m not saying he hasn’t dated anyone before (I’m sure he’s had a couple of relationships or at least a few flings) but he doesn’t strike me as someone whose main priority is a relationship as of right now. He’s always making music, preparing choreographies and producing songs, so as much as he wants to date, his girlfriend might not be the top of his list. A lot of his songs are sexual, so maybe a lot of the relationships he’s pursued were sexual rather than romantic and domestic (but what do I know). I haven’t really heard him talk about what he plans on doing once Got7 no longer are performing and making music as much; but sometimes it’s the ones we’d least expect who have dreams of getting married and starting big families. In the few reactions I’ve watched with him and kids, he seems to have a lot of fun teasing them and playing games with him and I think it’s because he’s still somewhat of a kid himself. I think he’s willing to change his outlook on relationships when it comes to the right person and he’ll be willing to fit them in to his busy schedule if he really loves them. Maybe after he finishes his military enlistment and decides that it’s time to start setting his focus on something other than his career, he will take the leap and get in to a full-blown relationship.
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BamBam: Okay, just because I put him as the last one doesn’t mean I don’t think he wouldn’t want to settle down or have a family. But I feel like both BamBam and Yugyeom are still so young that getting married and having kids is way in the back of their minds as of right now. When the time comes, I just know BamBam is going to be such an amazing father. Just watching The Return of Superman and the way he took such amazing care of that little girl proves that he has a weak spot for kids. He’s even an uncle now and I really want him to go back to Thailand so he can finally meet his nephew. Unlike the older members, I haven’t really seen BamBam interact with women other than the few clips of when they were younger (and he was always such a flirt). In the episode of Hello Counselor he told one of the other celebrities on the show that he didn’t have time to date and his job kind of prevents him from experiencing what it’s really like to be in a relationship (but I’m pretty sure he and all of the members have been in relationships) however, they’re always so busy and probably don’t have the time nor the privacy to really go outside and walk around freely with their significant others. The guys also make jokes about how he’s narcissistic and pretty in to himself (Jackson made the joke that if he were to date someone, he would focus more on himself than his partner) but I don’t think he would be the type to do so. Like I said, he’s still young to be thinking about what his future with a family looks like but who knows? He might just surprise us all and be the first one to get married then you can all disregard this post HAHAHAHA. Deep down, I know BamBam is a genuine person and he will be such a wonderful husband and father one day.
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irrelevantwriter · 5 years
Three’s Company
Pairing: Negan x Female Reader/You, Jim Hopper x Female Reader/You
Rating: Explicit, NSFW
Warnings: threesome dynamics (M/F/M), language, daddy kink (majorly), oral sex (female and male receiving), unprotected vaginal sex, anal sex (female receiving), mention of bodily fluids, female ejaculation, Jim Hopper and Negan in the same room (its explosive), just lots of smut…like a lot
Word Count: 6.9K
Summary: Your coworkers decide to pop in for a late night visit.
A/N: This is a request fulfillment for the lovely @spacenerd96! Thank you for being so patient! I was blown away by this request bc I knew it had the potential to send us all to hell in a blaze of flames, lol. I wanted you all to ring in the new year with two of our favorite men. I really wanted to stay true to their individual characters while playing off each other, which was entertaining and interesting for two alpha men like Hopper and Negan. I hope I didn’t disappoint. The length is absurd, but I didn’t think you guys would mind. Plus, the smut is so ridiculously filthy that I think it more than makes up for it. Enjoy and share with your friends!
*Masterlist in bio.
You wake with a start, wondering what it was that pulled you from sleep. Your room is dark still, nothing appearing to be out of place. A knock on your door alerts you to the source of the interruption. Your bleary eyes look to the clock on your nightstand, noting the late hour. It’s after midnight and the thought of someone at your door makes your body tense and the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
You very slowly make your way out of the comfort of your bed and pad softly to the front door. You listen closely, waiting for the person on the other side to suddenly barge through the wood and demand all your money.
It doesn’t happen.
Another knock reverberates throughout the apartment and you jump, startled by the sound. You quietly press yourself against the door and look through the peephole, careful to not let your accelerated breathing give you away. Two hulking male figures barely fit into the visible space. You can’t make out their faces that well, though you can tell one is dark haired and the other has lighter strands. They appear to be arguing, but you can’t make out the specifics of what they’re saying.
Suddenly, the darker haired man is looking right into the peephole, his impossibly white-toothed grin making you jump back.
“Doll? You in there?”
You roll your eyes, the identity of the men suddenly very apparent.
“Fuck off.” You call through the door, knowing that nothing good was going to come from this little late night visit.
“Not fucking likely.” Negan drawls, his voice making your skin simultaneously tingle and crawl. He often had that dual effect on you and you despised it. You really wish your body would catch up to your mind and hate the fucking guy.
“Come on, sweetheart...” This voice is different, but causes the same reaction as the first.
The two men outside your door couldn’t be more dissimilar, and yet they possess qualities that make you hate both of them equally. Working with them was a nightmare and you tried to limit those interactions as much as possible, but with your partner still being out on medical leave, you’d been teamed with the asshole detective squad of the department. It was turning out to be a real joy.
“What the fuck are you two idiots doing at my place so late?” You question harshly, hoping to avoid casual chit-chat.
“Bathroom.” Jim Hopper responds, but you can hear the laughter in his voice. You swear you could hear Negan snicker in response.
It dawns on you why they’re there…why they’re acting so fucking strange. You pull the door open with the chain still in place. The only part of you that’s visible is your face as you shoot daggers at your unwelcomed visitors slash dickhead coworkers.
“Are you drunk?”
Both men are clearly relaxed, a rare sight for the two homicide detectives. Negan is grinning, though he seems to do that a lot. It’s a tactic he likes to use with suspects and women alike. The cocky bastard. Jim is smiling, but his isn’t as grandiose as Negan’s. His face is more tranquil than you’ve ever seen it. His brow isn’t furrowed and there’s no trace of the frown lines that make him so recognizable around the station.
“We aren’t drunk. Relax.” Jim replies with a wave of his hand. He’s brushing off your question and the action makes you seethe with anger.
“But you’ve been drinking?” You try again, not concealing the irritation in your voice.
“We went to the pub just down the street. What the fuck is the name of it again?” Negan stops and looks to Jim for help. Jim rolls his eyes as if he’s had to remind Negan of the name on multiple occasions throughout the evening.
“Astor’s.” He supplies flatly.
“Right, we went there and decided to come visit our other partner in this fucked up threesome we got going on.”
You fought against the need to roll your eyes, legitimately afraid that they would get stuck that way. “For what reason?”
“A cup of coffee?” Jim asks, a pleading lilt oozing from his words. It’s a bizarre sound coming from his bearded lips.
They’re both looking at you with some distorted version of puppy dog eyes. Its comical, but also starting to have the desired effect. The men are handsome and the alcohol does nothing to dampen that. Jim is dressed casually in a brown jacket, a blue flannel, and dark jeans. His notorious hat is perched on his head, the accessory a staple of his. Next to him, Negan is encased in black. He’s sporting his infamous leather jacket, along with a black t-shirt and black jeans. They’re both dressed how you’ve seen them a million times, but the late hour and casualness of their visit makes you appreciate the attire in an entirely different way.
You sigh, pressing the bridge of your nose with your fingers. You can feel a headache coming on and you know you aren’t going to get rid of them. So in hopes of making them disappear faster, you acquiesce.
You shut the door and undo the chain, opening it once again without the barrier. You stand back and allow both men to enter, their massive frames making the space feel significantly smaller. You usher them into the living room while you start a pot of coffee, eager to get them out and on their way.
“Nice place you got here, doll.” Negan compliments with a wink. The action makes a bashful warmth coat your body, but you do your best to hide it.
“Thanks.” You reply blankly, watching as the two roam your place. Jim is quiet, but he usually is. Negan is the appointed mouthpiece of the duo and the man takes his part seriously. He never seems to shut the fuck up. Meanwhile, Jim walks around the station with a permanent scowl on his face. You aren’t sure how they play the “good cop, bad cop” routine because they’re both fucking dicks a majority of the time.
“You live alone, right?” Jim asks from his spot near the window. He’s looking down at the street, but his eyes find yours quickly. You nod, recognizing his careful scan of the surroundings. It was what every person of the law did when in a new place and you expected nothing less from the brooding giant.
“Kinda dangerous, isn’t it?” Negan questions, though the taunt in his tone is apparent. He’s smiling like a wolf who’d just laid eyes on Little Red Riding Hood. You watch as he licks his lips, ogling your body with a noticeable hunger. You shiver under his fiery gaze, belatedly realizing your attire. You wore a tank top with tiny shorts, your breasts free from the confines of a bra. Your nipples are peaked against the thin material, both from the chill in the air and the intense stare of each man.
You cross your arms and move to cover yourself with the blanket lying across your couch when Negan stops you. His arm is out and preventing you from moving forward. You stare up at him, your annoyance apparent.
“You come here just to make my life a living hell?” You ask, an eyebrow arched in demand.
Negan chuckles, clearly enjoying your fury. He’s in your personal space and you swallow thickly against the onslaught of emotions that follow. He’s so close you can feel his body heat, smell his scent. It makes your head suddenly fuzzy with desire and want. He throws Jim a look that clearly says a thousand things, but you understand none of it. Movement at your back makes you tense before you realize its Jim, his enormous body lining up with yours just as closely. You tense as they box you in, sucking the air from the room.
“What are you guys doing?” You ask breathlessly. You’d intended the question to come out harsher, but their proximities to your scantily clad body have you jumbled.
“Just taking a closer look, doll.” Negan rasps, his hand drifting to your cheek.
You tense at the feel of him on your skin, but soon relax when he cradles your face. A delicate trace of fingertips against your naked shoulders makes you shiver. Words fail you. Your protests die in your throat as they surround you with warmth and sensuality.
“Nothing to say to that, sweetheart?” Jim teases into your ear. His baritone voice lights a fire in your veins. His chest rumbles against your back and you lean into him slightly, yearning for more.
“I think we finally got her to shut the fuck up.” Negan chuckles, his fingertips now dancing along your collarbone.
“Fuck you.” You grit out, unable to remain quiet against their taunts.
Their combined laughter makes your lower body hum. The sound should irritate you. Instead, it makes your restrained lust soar to untamable heights. But you were going to fight them every step of the way.
“We gotta break you in. That mouth is far too uncontrolled, baby girl.” Jim murmurs against your hair.
You close your eyes against the many sensations, succumbing to whatever the fuck they were intent on doing. It felt entirely too good to stop.
“Yeah, bet that pussy needs to be broken in too? Right, doll?” Negan’s words make a moan sail past your lips, your brain too muddled in desire to catch it. Your thighs clench and your pussy literally weeps. His fingers are now tracing over your clothed covered breasts, teasing your nipples into almost painful peaks. You arch your chest into his touch while trying to push your ass against Jim’s crotch.
“You sure are needy all the sudden.” Jim growls as his hands now fully palm your ass.
Negan chooses that moment to grasp your breasts, sending your body into ecstasy. You whimper as their hands caress your body in tandem, pulling sounds you didn’t even know were possible from your lips. You can feel the dampness of your shorts between your legs, their teasing not a necessity in that moment.
“Please…” You beg, head thrown back against Jim’s chest. They both feel sturdy against your pliable form, manipulating your body how they pleased. They’re your puppet masters and you’re their willing participant.
“Please what?” Negan prods, fingers now playing with the delicate straps of your shirt. Jim’s heavy hands are still massaging your ass through your shorts, his exploratory movements taking him just inside, his flesh skimming the underside of your ass.
You aren’t exactly sure what it is you’re begging for, but you know it’s more…more of them. More of them touching you. More of them using you.
“Sweetheart, the man asked you a question. Fucking answer it.” Jim demands into your neck, his whiskers prickling your skin. His touch becomes harsh, matching the tone in his words as he gropes you.
You flinch at the sudden shift, but your pussy prays for more, your life’s blood manically pumping to the lower half of your body. You feel the throbbing and swelling of your lips, your clothing doing little to conceal your frenzied state. Their touch is pulsing with an electrical charge you can’t ignore. It pulls you in, entrapping you in a web of unrecognized desire. They’ve joined forces to make your starved body beg them for more. Beg them for something you weren’t even aware you wanted so damn badly.
“Please, touch me.” You whisper. Your chest is pushed out, urging Negan to continue touching you. Both men had eased their assault when you’d refused to answer. Without it you’re struggling to stand still, body thrumming with pent up energy.
“Touch you where?” Negan asks against your lips. You look into his penetrating gaze, getting lost in a trance. Your rational mind is no longer present. Your primal instincts are taking over, the desperate need to be taken and filled by two alpha men striking a chord with your femininity. You know its basic and animalistic, and you want nothing more than to submit yourself to it and them.
So you do.
“Everywhere.” You respond breathily, enjoying the way Negan’s eyes devour you, as if you’re the answer to all his prayers. And while they hold the authority in the room, you hold the power. Every ounce of it belongs to you. And its centered between your thighs.
“Does it hurt, doll?” Negan’s whiskey-tinged breath fans across your face as his fingers trail down your chest and hover over the place you need them the most.
Jim is back to torturing you with his thick fingers, the digits getting braver with each pass as he barely makes contact with your aching lips. You know he can feel the wetness there. There’s no way he hasn’t. The mess has already started to trail down your thighs.
“Yes.” You dutifully reply.
“Need your Daddies to soothe that ache for you?” Negan provokes, stoking the fire that burned intensely within.
Your walls clamped around nothing at his words, your body fully aroused by the idea of both men dominating you. You hear Jim chuckle darkly at Negan’s statement, his fingers now tracing over your clothed-covered slit from behind. The material is soaked and becoming trapped between your swollen lips. You try to grind against him, needing to be filled by something.
“Use your words, sweetheart.” Jim warns. His hand pulls at your shorts, sending the fabric up and into your slit. The friction against your clit causes you to cry out in what sounds like pain, but is actually feverish pleasure.
“Yes, yes…fuck, yes…” You chant as masculine hands begin to strip your clothes off. You move with them as they tear your tank top off, exposing your breasts to the charged air. You step out of your shorts as they pull them down your hips and thighs, the breeze of their movements making goosebumps appear on your skin.
You’re bare to them. You don’t shrink back in fear or nerves. You simply do what your body screams at you to do. You grab at Negan’s leather jacket and pull his mouth to yours. Your lips are forceful against his, inviting him to savor all of you. You taste the whiskey on his tongue and a hint of mint, the flavor unique but addicting.
Suddenly, a hand at the back of your head makes you wince as they pull, ripping you away from his warmth. You blink several times and are surprised to find it’s Negan who’s stopped you. There’s an evil glint to his eyes as they move from you, to the man at your back. Another silent conversation you aren’t privy to.
“You don’t listen for shit, do you?” Negan sneers, the cruelty in his tone making your pussy throb. His hand is still attached to your hair, tugging at the roots so that it burns. You mask the pain, biting your bottom lip to keep from calling out.
“We’re the ones in charge here, doll. We’re the ones calling the shots. Not you.”
If it was possible, your walls literally flood. You feel a small tremor pulse through your body, the sheer indication of what was about to take place enough to make you almost cum. You wordlessly nod and relax slightly when he releases his hold. A hand grips your upper arm, not hard enough to cause pain, but enough to remind you whose game this was.
“Bedroom. Now.” Jim orders gruffly, yanking at your arm in the process. You’re shoved towards the hall where they expect your bedroom to be. You obey, bare feet walking carefully as two predators stalk you from behind.
Your bed is disheveled from your movements only minutes before; when you were expecting an intruder and not two men who you’d be calling Daddy by the next morning. You turn to face them and watch as they enter, their intimidating stares making you feel like a goldfish behind glass. You wait as Negan inches closer, removing his leather jacket in the process. It lands with a heavy thud near your nightstand, his tattooed arms now visible and calling out to you.
“Hop says I can have you first. You good with that, baby girl?”
It’s a demand masked as a question. For fear that they’d put a stop to your fun, you nod in response.
“What was that?” Negan asks with a hand to his ear. Even in your overwhelmingly aroused state, you have to fight to roll your eyes at his theatrics. But you’d also be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it somewhat.
“Yes…” You wait a beat, eyeing the two men. Negan is almost to you, his body ready to pounce in case you decide to disobey. Jim watches silently from his perch near the door, his arms crossed and eyes hooded.
The word causes an instantaneous reaction from both men. Negan smiles wide, licking his lips like the cat who ate the canary. Jim’s own mouth twitches as he sucks in a breath, his eyes never shifting but approving of your obedience. You inwardly gloat.
“I cannot wait to break that pussy in.” Negan closes the distance between you, fingers brushing the uncomfortable ache that has settled between your thighs.
You whimper and do your best to silently beg him for more. You jut out your bottom lip in a pout. You look at him through your lashes while almost imperceptibly edging your lower body closer to his.
“You need it bad, don’t you?”
“Yes, Daddy.” You reply without hesitation, hoping you’re going to be rewarded for your good behavior.
“On your back.” He gestures with his chin to the bed behind you.
You step backwards until you feel the mattress at your legs. You sit and gracefully slide up the bed, propping yourself up on your elbows. In this position, they have a clear visual of your nude form.
“Open those beautiful thighs, doll.”
You do so slowly, enjoying the way they’re tracking your movements. You fight against the instinctual pull to close them and surge ahead. You shift against the sheets beneath you, craving any sort of friction. The action is not lost on either man.
“Would you look at that. Nice and wet. Just like I like ‘em.” Negan says, a mixture of mischief and awe laced within his words. He’s stalking towards you, the prominent outline of his cock pressing against the zipper of his denim. He rubs himself absentmindedly and you close your legs immediately, rubbing them together.
“Keep ‘em open, sweetheart.” Jim orders from his spot near the door.
You comply, teeth gnawing into your bottom lip. Your fingers grip the sheets, struggling to keep control. Your skin is already peppered with sweat, the force of your resistance taking its toll.
“Bet you’re tight as fuck too. Aren’t you, doll?”
Negan’s knee hits the mattress as he hovers over you. His hand makes contact with your knee, spreading you open wider and displaying your glistening lips to the room.
“Yes, Daddy.” You moan out, pleased to feel his body heat again.
He leans down between your thighs, inhaling you as his fingers spread you open. “Fucking perfect.”
His mouth is on you before you can comprehend it. His tongue dives into your entrance immediately, tasting your slickened walls. You cry out and arch up into him, fingers tangling in his thick hair. You pull at the roots as he sucks harshly at your clit, making you yelp.
“Want me to stop?”
His beard is already smeared with your juices, his lips wet as he licks you from them.
“No. Please don’t.” You unabashedly beg, trying not to push his head back down.
“Didn’t think so.”
Your limbs contort around his head, fighting to catch that fleeting sensation and ride it. His fingers probe you, teasing as he circles your clit before burying two knuckle deep. He’s massaging your inner walls as your hips follow his thrusts. You can feel the end already near and you almost hate that it built so fast. You start to move faster on his fingers, ready to give yourself over.
“You close, sweetheart?” Jim asks, his voice tethering you back to reality.
You nod frantically, breaths coming out in quick pants as Negan continues to orally assault you.
“I don’t think she should cum yet.” Jim suggests to his counterpart, face still a mask of stoicism.
You whine aloud at his words, unable to fathom the thought of not getting the release you so desperately crave.
Negan only laughs darkly against you, his beard and lips glistening with your slick. “I agree. She’s still got some fight left in her.” He breathes out, gaze daring you to protest.
“No, no…I’ll behave, please.” You plea to your sexual tormentors. Your elbows are starting to ache from your position and your lower half thrums with barely contained energy. You feel like you’re in some sort of fever dream, your mind only consumed by one thing…getting off.
Negan says nothing as he goes back to fucking you with his long fingers. He tests your allegiance by bringing you to the edge over and over again, but never allowing you to crest that mountain. It continues to build inside of you; it’s practically an entity now it’s so overpowering. Your forehead is slick with sweat and your entire body aches, but you beg for more.
A caress to your cheek makes you open your eyes against the onslaught of overstimulation to your clit. Blue eyes are staring down at you, a glint of self-satisfaction radiating in them. You lean into Jim’s touch, praying he’d have sympathy. His lips lift into a smirk as he runs a calloused finger over your mouth, your lips immediately taking him in. You swirl the appendage against your tongue, mimicking the motions of Negan’s own deathly tongue on your pussy.
“On your knees. Face down, ass up.” Negan suddenly orders, breaking away from you. You blink away some of the delirium, forcing your limbs to comply.
You move slowly, all of your blood seemingly seeped from your brain and limbs and pumping to your swollen cunt. You hear the clinks of belt buckles and your turn to see Negan undoing his pants, his hazel eyes fixed on your ass. You lean down and arch your back, letting him see inside of you, letting him see what awaits him.
“Fuck, doll.” He growls in response, tugging at his impressive cock. The stiff muscle is veiny and practically pulsing in his hand, precum already dotting the head. His size should make you hesitate, but you’re too far gone to care.
You feel Negan’s shirt at your back, the heated flesh of his cock now rubbing deliciously up and down your slit. You can feel your walls nearly reaching out to grab him, desperate to be filled to the brim and then some. A hand pulls at your hair, angling your face up. Jim is standing at the edge of the bed, his own cock out and bobbing dangerously close to your lips. He’s thicker than Negan and just as remarkable. His meaty hand is pumping at himself, pulling cum to the tip so that it wets your lips.
“Open up, baby girl. Let us in.” Jim finally says, a nod passing between the two men.
Your mouth opens the moment Negan thrusts inside, the strangled sound leaving you as Jim’s cock enters. You try to focus on sucking his cock, but the one splitting you in half makes it difficult. Negan doesn’t go slow or let you get used to the burn that spreads through your inner walls. He’s aggressive and hard, and so very deep.
“Goddam that is a tight fucking pussy. She’s sucking me in.” Negan groans, his hips slapping hard against your ass. You can hear the sound of the flood coating him between your legs, the feel of it running down your thighs and soaking the bed.
“No slacking, sweetheart. Lemme fuck that mouth.” Jim demands, not letting you have a moment. He holds the back of your head as you hum around him, loosening your throat to make room. He tastes salty. And you want more of it.
Saliva falls down your chin as you let him thrust deeper. You concentrate on breathing through your nose. The brutal pounding on your pussy makes it hard to focus on anything else and you can feel the ecstasy escalating, careening you to the forbidden.
“Can I cum, Daddy?” You ask the room, not caring who decides to answer you. Jim’s cock is poised at your lips, running along the seam of them as you look up with pleading eyes.
Jim’s eyes cut to Negan behind you. He’s stopped thrusting, but he’s still stretching you, swelling with each second. A harsh slap to your ass makes you jump.
“Fuck yourself on my cock. Make yourself cum.” Negan orders. He remains unmoving as you begin to slide yourself along him. You let your head hang, focusing on building that addictive sensation up again, the one you’d been denied.
“Shit, just like that…” Negan moans, hands spreading your ass to watch. “You’ve creamed all over my cock.”
You moan loudly at his words, your hips starting to move faster. You can still feel Jim nearby, but he’s no longer holding his cock towards you. Instead, he’s running his own hand over himself, eyes glued to your writhing body as you got yourself off.
“Fuck, baby girl.” You hear Jim curse lowly.
It’s amazing what just their voices can do to you. They propel you further into space, making your walls flutter and your limbs tense. You don’t even have to touch your clit, your body beyond ready to release. You move with everything that you have, each sensation pushing you closer. There’s a powerful difference in what’s rushing through your body. It’s something you’ve never felt before and you aren’t quite sure what it means. But something tells you to ride it out. Something tells you to keep going, despite the small twinge of discomfort. And you do. You move until that coil snaps.
Warmth. That’s all you feel as you cry out and spasm, your limbs going weightless as you convulse around Negan’s cock. You feel a large amount of wetness splash your skin and Negan’s. There’s multicolored lights firing off behind your eyelids as your spine twists in almost impossible angles. And it feels like it’ll never end. Each wave crashes harder than the one before, nearly making you lose consciousness.
“Fuck,” Negan curses as he hurriedly removes himself from your quivering pussy. “You almost made me cum.”
You feel the heaviness of his cock between your lips as you start to come down, your arms finally giving out. Your ass is still up in the air, pussy sensitive but ready for more.
“You didn’t tell Daddy you were a squirter, doll.” Negan’s hands smooth over your ass, his thumb circling your puckered hole occasionally. You tense at the feel of it.
“I-I didn’t know.” You heave out, lungs still trying to take in air.
“That was a mistake.” He continues, leaning over you to press his mouth to your ear. “Because now we’re gonna need you to soak both of our cocks.”
You whimper as an aftershock of pleasure rocks through you, brought on by his filthy words. You pull at the sheets beneath you, feeling his fingers now sliding across your opening.
“Yes, Daddy.” You dutifully reply, too tired to fight them anymore.
“On your back.”
Before you can even move, Negan’s already flipping you over and thrusting into you. You dig your nails into his shirt-covered back, moans and whimpers penetrating the air. He’s intent on finishing, you can feel it in the way his hips stutter. He fucks you so hard, your body shifts up the bed. And despite the pain, your cunt reacts to his punishing rhythm.
“I want you to cum again. Squirt so fucking hard that you fuck up these sheets, doll.” Negan grunts into your neck.
“I don’t know if I can.”
“You can and you fucking will.” Negan retorts sadistically, hand going to your throat. He applies pressure, the feel of it making your head spin.
He releases you and trails his hand down your chest and to your clit, determined to make you cum again. You tense when a severe slap lands there, forcing your pussy to heat with pain. It dissipates almost immediately, intense arousal now taking its place. You clench around him, choking his cock with your walls.
“I knew you’d like that. A real whore.”
Your body is beginning to shudder again, the impossible now within reach. You’d lost sight of Jim, but at the feel of hands on your breasts, you know its him. He sits near your head on the bed, fingers pinching your nipples. He bends down to mouth at them while Negan continues to fuck you into the mattress.
“This pussy is a masterpiece, Hop.” Negan’s fingers dig into your thighs as he thrusts, hitting your cervix repeatedly.
You arch off the bed at the myriad of sensations soaring through your body. You latch onto Jim’s forearms, his talented finger still attacking your breasts. You plant your feet, preparing for the storm you knew was coming.
And it doesn’t disappoint.
Your orgasm comes fast, your body tensing as it hits. Jim shifts back to watch you, eyes pinned on your contorting form as he grasps himself. Negan pulls his cock from you and lets you coat him, his approval taking form in breathless words of praise. You let those guide you as you ride wave after wave, your whole body, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, reeling in euphoria.
Jim forces you to take his cock again, the unexpected shots of cum down your throat making you swallow to catch it all. He grunts and groans above you, his release taking him to another dimension. His eyes are focused on you, trained on the bulge in your throat and the white liquid seeping from the corners of your mouth. He tastes salty and of-the-earth, but it’s a combination that speaks to your delicate femininity. You swallow him, making it a point to consume every drop. You take from him as if you were starved for it, as if you’d been denied for years.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” Negan suddenly confesses through clenched teeth between your legs. He doubles his efforts, giving you no choice in the matter. His frantic pace falters as he begins to empty himself inside of you, a fullness like no other settling in your womb.
“Oh, shit…Daddy.” You moan as he continues to release, adding to the mess between you.
“Christ on a fucking cross.” Negan collapses on top of you, clothed body sticking to yours.
You welcome the added weight. He shifts, removing his now softened cock from you. You wince at the loss, already feeling his seed seep from you. He looks down, catching the sight.
“She’s full, Hop. Don’t know if there’s any room for you.” Negan says with a chuckle, sitting up. He gestures to your fucked raw pussy, pulling your attention to Jim.
Jim stands at the end of the bed, Negan now off of you and fisting his cock back to life. You make a move to close your legs, but the lighter haired man stops you.
“We aren’t done, sweetheart. Keep ‘em open.” He orders, the men switching places.
You do as he says, watching as he stalks towards you. A shiver runs through your weary body at the way he studies you. He runs a hand up your calf, trailing it to your spread thighs. He lines himself up with your entrance, but lets a finger linger on your untouched hole.
“Anyone ever had you here before?”
“No.” You reply with a shake of your head, meeting Negan’s eyes as he takes Jim’s previous spot near your head.
“Virgin ass. Merry Christmas to us.” Negan says crudely, licking his lips in the process. Some of his hair has shifted into his face, the once slicked back strands now making him look all the more menacing.
“You gonna let me try?” Jim asks gently, his cock rubbing sensuously over your soaked lips.
You want to say no. You want to deny them both. You’re already sore and the thought of taking him in a place no one has ever been makes you nervous. His size alone makes you think twice and you tense when he edges a finger along the rim.
“He’ll go easy, doll.” Negan offers in a surprisingly soothing one. His fingers caress your cheek, already making your reservations disappear.
Another finger strums at your clit, though with much more tenderness than times before. Your limbs begin to uncoil as the strokes put you at ease, pleasure once again finding its way to the surface. You know what they’re doing. You know what they want. And even though you’d been ready to tell them to go to hell, you let them play you like a fiddle.
You feel the pressure of something much larger at your untouched entrance and you momentarily panic. But Jim stops you, hand on your stomach as he eases in slowly. You don’t fight it, feeling the burn of the stretched muscles as they struggle to accommodate his cock.
“Fuck, baby…such a good girl.” He praises as you squirm, the feeling of fullness making you momentarily uncomfortable. His words make you warm, coating you like a blanket. They make you relax. He continues to push in slowly, letting himself bottom out.
Negan’s hands find your breasts, adding pleasure to your pain. You whimper as he slowly massages them, his pace a stark difference to the rate at which he’d just been fucking you. The cock buried in your ass is pulsing while the hand on your clit continues to revitalize your pussy.
“Yes,” You finally say, edging your hips closer to Jim’s. The sprinklings of ecstasy start to ease the burn and you find yourself sliding against him.
“Yes what, sweetheart?” Jim goads, halting the movements of his hips.
“Yes, Daddy.”
He nods in approval as he begins to move once again. You throw your head back as a level of stimulation you’ve never known before starts to take hold. Hands are everywhere and they leave a trail of destruction in its wake.
“Fuck, you feel good.” Jim grunts.
Negan’s hands disappear from your chest, making you feel cold without them. He settles onto his knees as he feeds you his cock, shallowly fucking your mouth. You once again feel the overwhelming fullness of desire. Your overindulgence in the flesh making you delirious. You’re utterly and truly helpless…the lethargy settling into your bones. And yet, even despite your physical limitations, your mind is ready to propel itself further into this black hole.
Your mouth continues working over Negan as Jim fucks your ass. You feel the prickle of life come back into your limbs as a mixture of discomfort and barely concealed neediness takes hold. You begin gyrating your hips in time with Jim’s cock, feeling him hit deep at a place you hadn’t even known existed. The shock of it makes you pull away from Negan and moan, preparing for what would hopefully be your last orgasm.
“You gonna cum again, doll?” Negan asks, hand still wrapped tightly around himself. He looks down at you with a sort of reverence that makes you tremble, his gaze following your curves closely.
You nod in response, using your own hands to knead your neglected breasts. You meet Jim’s focused stare, his eyes holding the same wonderment in them that Negan’s had. The fact that you had the full attention of both men had made you more than a little aroused. The fact that they were so enthralled by you…by your ability as a woman to please them made that fire inside burn brighter, blazing your skin.
“Goddamn, your ass is tight. I’m not gonna be able to last.” Jim manages to breathe out, cock pumping faster.
You reach for his forearm, his hand connected to the inside of your thigh as he spreads you. You grip the muscled limb, anchoring yourself for the whirlwind about to take place. Your pussy begins to spasm as he works your clit at the same time he thrusts, the duality of the sensations causing the abyss to pull you under. Liquid pours from your pussy and down to cover Jim’s cock, your quaking walls ricocheting onto his hardened flesh.
“Holy hell, baby girl.” Jim groans in mild fascination as you nearly break him off inside of you, your body showing him about as much mercy as he’s shown you.
You close your eyes and ride the high, the low grunts of the two men filling your ears. You tangle yourself further into the sheets as they murmur words of praise and compliments, showering you with filthy adoration. You preen at their words of acknowledgment, falling prey to their charms once again.
They both cum unexpectedly and without warning. Cum fills your ass while it also covers your breasts, announcing to the room who you belong to. You bask in the feel of it, the feeling of momentary ownership making a small satisfied smile pull at your lips.
“Shit…” Jim curses as he pulls himself from you, taking an immense interest in the mess that lay between your legs. Even though they’d both cum twice, Negan and Jim move with a quickness that surprises you. They are off the bed and adjusting their clothes, silently eyeing you the entire time. Meanwhile, you were still trying to get feeling to return to you entire body, the buzz still coursing through your veins.
“We should really take a fucking picture. That’s a sight I don’t wanna forget.” Negan says with a wicked smile, motioning to your still spread legs.
Jim only chuckles in response, his solid form walking towards you once again. He scoops you into his arms, gesturing with his head to the bed.
“Get those off , will ya?” He asks Negan. You clutch his shirt, knowing he won’t drop you but still feeling unsteady. You see his lips smirk at your reaction, his arms holding you tighter to him.
Negan moves to the bed and strips the sheets, balling them into a pile on your floor. You try to watch, interested in what they were doing, but your eyes are heavy and your body is ready to recuperate, lulled by Jim’s heartbeat across his broad chest. You burrow into his form, taking comfort in the warmth. You don’t register anything after that. The voices, the jostling of your body as Jim moves you. None of it awakens you.
Your bleary eyes open against the stream of sunlight, your mouth feeling strangely thick and dry. You roll over, but hiss whenever aches and a deep soreness penetrates your muscles. You feel it all over, the epicenter of it all right between your thighs. Flashes of memories fire off in your mind, reminding you of just how you got to be in so much pain. The faces of the two men responsible for your current state register in your lagging brain. You groan, already aware that this was going to be bad for your working relationship, or what was left of it.
You move to get out of bed, noting the large blanket you were wrapped in. Your sheets were stripped off the bed, the reason making you embarrassed and slightly accomplished. Your eyes find the clock, doing a double-take when you realize its after ten in the morning, an unusual occurrence for you. A full glass of water and a piece of paper pulls your attention to the surface of the nightstand, large writing decorating the sheet of white.
“Doll, left you a glass of water and two Tylenol. You’re gonna need it. We had fun. Call if you need anything. See you at work. P.S. look through your photos.”
An obnoxious smiley face next to the initials N and J makes you cringe. You’re confused by the last sentence until you spot your phone on the nightstand next to the glass of water. You reach for it and unlock it, immediately opening your collection of photos. There’s a series of new pictures that you hadn’t taken and they were all from last night. You scroll through them wide eyed as they capture you in various positions, a cock in one or both ends. Your face is always hidden from view, your body being the main subject point.
The last photo makes you warm, both from arousal and irritation. It’s your spent body after both men ravaged you. Your legs are spread and the cum of each of them coats your flesh, from pussy to ass. It’s a shockingly explicit photo, but you can’t help the rush of delight that shoots through you at the sight.
“Fuckers,” You curse, surprised and at the same time not surprised that they pulled such a stunt. And even though they snapped pictures of you without your knowledge, you know they aren’t stupid enough to do so on their phones. They’re cops, and there’s laws against shit like this. They were smart and left them in your hands, knowing you most likely aren’t going to get rid of them right away.
And they were absolutely right. The pictures and your residual soreness would be the only remaining evidence of that night, never to be repeated.
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calamity-bean · 5 years
oh miss calamity, my beautiful queen. i was wondering (if you haven’t already!) if you could write a meta about why yen wants her womb/a baby so bad? personally i think it’s because she “wants everything” and that ability is something she doesn’t have, not that she necessarily wants to be a mother, and she has lived so long and that’s something she hasn’t done yet? but i love your mind and would love to hear your perspective! thank you ☺️
Thanks for the ask! It’s an interesting topic, and a potentially very complicated one, I think, because Yennefer herself seems to me to have a lot of complicated and sometimes contradictory drives.
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I should start by saying I haven’t read the books yet (*re-re-rechecks my place in the library’s request queue*) or played the games. While I gather that Yen’s infertility also features in the novels, I don’t know how their treatment of the topic compares to the show’s, so I’m coming at this purely in the context of the Netflix series. Apologies to book/game fans who undoubtedly have a more comprehensive understanding of her character than I do.
With that said, I agree with you that Yennefer’s desire to have a child is about more than just, y’know… having a child. Beyond motherhood per se, I think it reflects a more general sense of longing that she’s hoping to satisfy by achieving this one specific thing. I think part of it is indeed that it’s something she doesn’t have (and has been told she can’t have), not because a child would be a novelty but simply because Yen likes, in general, to demonstrate agency over her own life and choices; but on a deeper level, I wonder if what she’s really longing for — the core desire she’s trying to fulfill here — might be connection. A departure from the isolation that she has, to some extent, purposely imposed on herself, and a relationship that is based on loving and being loved as a person rather than as an object of beauty or provider of power.
I don’t fault Yen’s self-isolation, or her ambitious nature in general. When we meet Yen in 1.02, she is abused, unloved, poor, perceived as ugly — and utterly without control over her own circumstances, leaving her dependent on the very man who mistreats and then sells her. Is it any wonder that she wants so fiercely to be powerful, to be beautiful, “to be seen and adored with everyone watching” (episode 1.03)? I don’t think this comes down to vanity; I think it reflects a desire to not need to be dependent on anyone else ever again. Look at the way she rejects Istredd’s domestic fantasies about their future together; the way she rejects Tissaia “throwing her a lifeline” in 1.05; the way she rejects Geralt’s help with the djinn! “You heroic protector, noble dog, permitting my success so long as you command it yourself!” We often talk about wanting power like it’s a negative thing; it connotes greed, vanity, a destructive, immoral acquisitiveness. But Yen prizes power over herself and her surroundings because she knows too well what it is to be powerless. Everything she does, she wants to be able to do by herself.
And on the surface, she succeeds. She makes herself into the sort of person who stands apart from all others; who can get pretty much anything or anyone she wants and need depend on no one else in turn…
Yennefer, 1.07: “And it was fun to be wanted. The object of desire. After where I came from, I lapped it up. But they all loved the power that came with my position at court. Not my power.”
…But by 1.04, Yen’s found that — as is often the case in life — the things she thought would make her happy have not. Her work as a court mage is desperately unfulfilling, and I think Istredd had a point when he said that “no amount of power or beauty will ever make [her] feel worthy of either” (1.03), because Yen feels that the “love” her beauty and power earn her is shallow and misplaced — i.e., that “love” is not really for her. People love what she can give them … but what about her, as a person? Do they even see her as a person at all? Or do they see only the impressive persona she constructed in order to become who she thought she wanted to be?
And then Queen Kalis shoves a baby into her arms.
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“To this baby, I am the whole world,” Kalis says (1.04), and despite Kalis’s own dissatisfaction with motherhood, I think Yen is struck by the idea of being so important to someone in such an all-encompassing way — not as a useful, desirable sorceress, but simply as an ordinary person in an ordinary familial relationship. Though she initially seems a little alarmed to be asked to hold a baby, her willingness to ultimately risk her life for the child contrasts sharply with Kalis’s willingness to sacrifice it for herself. For all her talk of how harsh the world is, Yen is not as callous as she might act. Tough, yes, and sometimes a tad cruel, but nowhere near heartless. I think of the way she interacts with the girls at Aretuza in 1.07 — how she teaches them and tries to warn them from making the same mistakes she feels she did — and I see in Yen someone who does want to care for someone other than herself.
There’s definitely a reactionary element at work here too. Yen knowingly gave up her womb in order to get the things she thought would fulfill her. They failed to live up to her expectations, so now she resents having been asked to pay that price. So to some extent, this is rebellion — a stubborn desire to spite Aretuza for demanding that price and to prove that she can, as you say, have everything. “They took my choice,” she tells Geralt in 1.06; “I want it back.” This definitely fits with her need for independence and control over her own life, but I think the desire for genuine connection — and to choose with whom she is connected — is still a big factor. I think this relates to why she’s so devastated to learn that Geralt may have bound them together magically through the djinn: in her eyes, the magic removes all of her agency from the equation, making her feel that this relationship she thought was based on choice and genuine connection, rather than in any kind of obligation or transaction, was “not because of anything real or true.” And when she warns the girls at Aretuza about infertility, isolation is the primary consequence she describes:
Yennefer, 1.07: “The ability to create life, real life? They take that from you. And then send you out so the only family, the only loyalty you have is to them.”
Yen is proudly self-sufficient — but feels isolated. She doesn’t want to need anyone — but she wants to be needed, and not merely in a way that means being admired as a useful object rather than truly seen as a person, nor in a way that requires her to compromise her own independence or personhood in order to suit the wishes of others. And like anyone, she wants to feel that her life has had a purpose, that she’s done something meaningful with her time. She once “believed that it would all be worth it” — that her work as a court mage would be her “legacy.” Would motherhood —  or, more broadly, family; or, more broadly still, meaningful personal connection — fulfill her the way magic has not?
…I don’t know.
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It’s interesting — I’ve seen some posts on this aspect of Yennefer’s characterization, but much of what I’ve seen has come at it from an out-of-universe standpoint: i.e., “How do we, the audience, feel about the fact that this character was written with this motivation?” I think good points have been made about how centering a female character’s arc around motherhood plays into stale, gendered tropes, and about how Yen’s infertility (and other aspects of her arc) potentially reflect misogyny and ableism, etc. And I think those issues are worth discussing, though I’m not really going to get into them here, given that I’m clearly long-winded enough as it is.
But even from a purely in-universe perspective, there’s irony here, right, in that this whole theme is all still wrapped up in the idea of women as vessels: vessels of children, vessels of sexual desire, vessels of power. “And even when we’re told we’re special, as I was, as you would’ve been, we’re still just vessels for them to take and take until we’re empty and alone” (1.04). Yennefer resents her role in life and feels she’s only loved because she’s useful/desirable to others — yet Kalis, too, resents her own role and feels that it’s Yennefer who is looked at “for who you are, not for what you can give them.” Yen is not Kalis, and not every woman — not every person — wants or needs the same things … But in such a patriarchal setting, is a woman’s choice basically limited to what kind of vessel she wants to be perceived as, rather than whether she wants to be a vessel at all? And is the desire for a child merely another reflection of how much Yennefer craves external validation — to be seen and adored — despite how much she also wishes to be self-sufficient? Is the critical idea here not that Yen would be the child’s whole world (as Kalis put it), but the child would be Yennefer’s whole world — a meaningful vessel into which to pour her heart?
I don’t know! There’s a lot going on here thematically, and a lot going on in Yen’s motivations. All I can really say in conclusion is that I hope I made a lick of sense in trying to untangle it and that I haven’t completely missed the mark.
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mando-chicken · 5 years
Individuality | Star Wars Daemons
In a universe much like the one you are familiar with, souls are able to manifest into a physical form outside of the body, taking on the forms of animals and walking beside their counterparts. We call these creatures daemons, a representation of each person's truest form.
Rex has always been different from his brothers in little ways and every now and then his insecurities catch up with him. This time, however, he meets a new brother by the name of Cody and his kind daemon, and for once he may finally have found a friend he can rely on.
A Star Wars Daemon AU (based on concepts from His Dark Materials). Knowledge of the His Dark Materials universe is not required to read - all key concepts borrowed from the universe will be explained.
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When the Kaminoans first began producing clones they were most irritated by the small daemons that would always form beside each individual within moments of them being removed from their growth tanks. Originally they had hoped that because their creation was far from natural they would simply be born lacking them – much like many other sentient creatures across the galaxy that did not naturally have an Other – but apparently the universe had other ideas.
They had tried many times with the first few batches to try and remove the small creatures from their counterparts, but technology regarding daemons was a very niche field and not much was known about the side-effects of trying to sever the bond between man (or clone) and daemon. It seemed that when they tried to perform early separation trials it almost always ended in assets that lacked the determination and creative spark that their source material possessed, withdrawn and unfocused on the world around them.
Eventually, they decided that removing the daemons from their other half was simply more trouble than it was worth – it was irritating that they would have to deal with the creatures, but a passive army was simply not acceptable – and the research on daemon separation was placed on the backburner until they could find a more effective method. Of course, any defective clones produced were prime material for furthering their experiments, so it was sustainable to continue production and research both, pleasing their client most greatly.
They never truly paid much attention to what the clones did with their daemons and decided it wasn’t important to teach them anything about common daemon etiquette – it wouldn’t be useful on the battlefield, they just needed to know how to kill an opponent’s daemon if the chance presented itself – and so they were largely left to discover for themselves the proper ways of interacting with their daemons.
All of them seemed to be quick to learn that it was rather uncomfortable to grab at another clone’s daemon and vice versa, but they also learned that if they were gentle, then it wasn’t at all unpleasant to have another brother gently caress the Other of a trusted friend. Their trainers never saw the close, intimate bonding between daemons and those other than their counterpart, and the Kaminoans didn’t care enough about their interactions to be bothered by the behaviour considered taboo in most other cultures. It was because of this that batches of clones could often be found curled up together, their daemons snuggled into the sprawling mess of limbs, unconcerned with the possibility of nudging someone other than their respective partner.
It was brought up briefly in a few of their classes that they weren’t to physically try to grab an opponent’s daemon during a fight, and that it was frowned on to speak too much to someone else’s daemon, but that was the extent of their knowledge. It confused them greatly that it was not socially acceptable to speak to a trainer or superior officer’s Other, as it felt like they were ignoring half of a conversation’s participants, but none of them sought to challenge the notion.
While they were young the clones could allow their daemons to take whatever form they desired, but as soon as they could comprehend orders it was drilled into them that all of their daemons were to take the same form, regardless of whether they felt another form was more fitting to them. They were supposed to be an identical army and that included their Others. For most it wasn’t much of an issue – they loved their other halves regardless of the form they were forced to take – and with their accelerated growth it seemed that while the clones’ bodies grew, their daemons still didn’t begin to feel the need to try and settle until they reached twelve or thirteen years of age, despite physically being adults.
However, despite being largely cut off from the rest of the universe, there was still something that even clones found unsettling about daemons who shared their Other’s sex. Clones were supposed to have female daemons and for one to deviate was surely an early sign of some sort of defect, especially given how rare an occurrence it was.
For Rex, a clone who very clearly was different from the rest of his brothers with his blond hair, having a male daemon was absolutely terrifying. He had heard so many stories about brothers with mutations, defects, being sent down to the labs and often never coming back. He’d even seen some of the clones who didn’t even have daemons anymore and the sight of it alone had caused Naruul to bristle and practically shove the cadet away from the daemonless man, all sorts of feelings of wrong radiating from him.
Most nights Rex struggled to sleep, his gut twinging nervously as he ran through everything he’d done that day, picking everything apart. He had to make sure he was one of the best – any less and the Kaminoans would likely no longer tolerate his individuality – and the thought of possibly having his daemon taken away? It scared him more than anything the trainers could throw at him.
On his especially difficult days, when the effort of working above and beyond what was expected had worn him down, painful thoughts swarmed his mind. He loved Naruul, it was impossible not to love his own daemon, but on those days he often found himself wishing he would change. Why did they have to be different? Why couldn’t they just be the same as everyone else? He could tell that the thoughts hurt his poor daemon – he was essentially rejecting part of himself – and he could feel the painful, mixed emotions writhing through their bond and eventually coming to settle as guilt deep within his chest. It wasn’t Naruul’s fault they were different.
It was on one of these bad days, when Rex had taken to hiding in one of the disused supply closets, that he met Cody for the first time. He’d been trying his best to stay out of sight, muffling the weak sobs that escaped him by burying his face into the soft fur of his daemon, muttering an occasional apology to the large dog. He tried to keep them both quiet, but was failed at it miserably, for it was only a few moments before the door to the closet was cautiously pried open.
Immediately the young cadet began hurriedly wiping his face, praying that his eyes weren’t still red and watery as Naruul moved to put himself between his boy and whoever had discovered them. Neither were quite sure whether to be more worried or relieved when the concerned face of a fellow cadet and their canine daemon poked in through the small opening.
“Are you okay?” the other boy asked, his daemon already nudging her way through the door to join Rex and Naruul. He seemed to be a little older judging by his height and slightly more matured features, but his voice was still that soft, quiet voice of someone with still much growing yet to do.
“Yes.” Rex hated how his hoarse his voice was, frowning slightly at just how unconvincing he sounded.
The other clone’s worried expression only deepened, his eyebrows scrunching up slightly, “No you’re not,” he frowned, taking only a brief moment to check the coast was clear before slipping inside the closet and closing the door behind him, “what’s wrong?”
Naruul relaxed slightly, but still kept his body firmly between Rex and the other boy. If the boy decided to tease them it certainly wouldn’t be the first time it had happened and the dog was quite prepared to snap at the other daemon if needed. One of the few advantages of being a male daemon was that even though he was younger, he was still larger than most daemons as much as several months older than him.
Apparently realising that there was no way he’d get the younger clone to open up about what was bothering him just yet, the cadet continued, “I’m CC twenty two twenty four, and this is Jhanera,” he said quietly, gesturing to the daemon at his side, “But everyone just calls me Cody, what about you?”
Rex hesitated for a moment, glancing briefly at Naruul for any signs he distrusted the other. “CT Seventy five sixty seven, and this is Naruul. My batchers call me Rex though.” Much to his surprise, neither Cody nor Jhanera seemed to be off-put by the male daemon, instead grinning at the two of them. He grew tense when the other daemon approached Naruul, but quickly relaxed when she simply gave him a sniff, her tail batting from side to side and creating a soft thumping sound against the side of the supply closet.
“Good to meet you Rex, and you too Naruul,” Cody hummed, holding out a hand for said daemon to sniff, but otherwise didn’t try to encroach on their personal space. “We haven’t met a vod with a male daemon before,” he mused thoughtfully, lacking the undertone of disgust or fear that most usually had when addressing the subject.
“Vod? What’s that mean?” It was without doubt an obvious way to change the subject, but it was also a genuine question and it caused Cody to pause briefly.
“Oh! It means brother in Mando’a,” he explained, grinning broadly, “Some of the trainers have been teaching us how to speak it.” It made sense really, Cody’s number began with the abbreviation ‘CC’ for Clone Commander, and cadets who had been selected to be commanders underwent a different training regime, often with Mandalorian teachers.
Rex repeated the word to himself, testing how it felt on his tongue. It felt special, to know a word that not everyone could understand, and perhaps he could teach it to the rest of his batchers so they could use it with one another, away from Kaminoan ears. “Do you know any other words?” he asked softly, worried that he would irritate the older cadet with his questions – the trainers and Kaminoans didn’t appreciate it when a clone asked too many questions – but he was relieved to see the other child’s smile only widen.
“We don’t know too much just yet, they’ve only taught us a few words, but I know that ori’vod is what you call your older brothers and vod’ika is what you call younger brothers,” he rambled, “so I guess that makes you my vod’ika! I can call you that, right?” He continued when Rex nodded an affirmative, “And the trainers sometimes call us verd’ika, which I think means little warrior or little soldier?”
Rex had begun to ease up, his mind slowly forgetting what exactly had upset him in the first place, quickly being taken over by the eager need to learn. He’d once heard the Kaminoans say that they were ‘designed’ to be fast learners, and Rex had to agree with the statement, finding himself already soaking up the new words and adding them to his ever growing vocabulary. “What about our daemons? What do we call them?”
Cody paused in his babbling for a long moment, glancing at Jhanera as he tried to recall the word, “Runi. I think that’s the word, or at least that’s what the trainers refer to our daemons as, they don’t usually speak to our daemons by name.”
With the short lull in conversation Naruul had finally relaxed himself completely, laying down parallel to Jhanera with his head rested gently on Cody’s boot while his tail was tucked in beside Rex. It was rare for the daemon to show such trust to another so quickly, but after an exhausting day and the emotional toll that had come afterwards, he was just content to have another person nearby to watch over his boy while he rested for a little while.
Jhanera seemed to take his actions as an invitation to approach and clambered to her feet, giddily bouncing her way over to the other daemon only to flop down at his side, her own head rested between the other canine’s shoulder blades. When he turned to regard her, her tail began to thump happily, looking down at him with eyes that held no contempt, only a warmth that the daemon was unfamiliar with.
Part of him was scared of the strangeness of it all, but another part, the part that longed for company and companionship was absolutely thrilled with this development. They finally had someone they could refer to as an actual friend – someone for Rex to talk to when his insecurities became too much for boy and daemon to handle, and someone for Naruul to finally be able to interact with daemon-to-daemon – it was a new and uncertain feeling, but one that was very much welcome.
“We should probably go now, the rest of our group will probably miss us at dinner,” Cody finally said, using the wall he rested against to push off from the floor. Jhanera too happily scrabbled up into a standing position before looking towards Rex to address him, “you want to sit with us, vod’ika?”
“You want us to sit with you guys?” Rex could only stare somewhat in disbelief, glancing up at Cody for confirmation of his daemon’s words, “what about the rest of your batchers, will they want us there?”
Cody simply waved them off, “Of course they will, c’mon vod!”
Naruul looked over to Rex, blinking at him a few times in surprise, and the cadet couldn’t help laughing to himself. The evening had started out in tatters, but perhaps Cody and his Other could help to patch it up. He finally lifted himself from the floor, giving his daemon a reassuring pet on the top of his head, before following Cody and Jhanera out towards the mess hall.
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elmidol · 4 years
You Never Forget
Three Blind Tooke Part One Resistance is Futile
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Warnings: force choke, long chapter
Three Blind Tooke Part One: Resistance is Futile Chapter Fourteen: You Never Forget
The sultry question: Can you be good for me? The delicious answer: Baby, I’ll be bad.
From the moment he had revealed his plans to use you for his own agenda, you had known that everything would be conducted on his terms. It was not immediately that you were taken from your cell, but instead the following cycle. A stormtrooper escorted you to the general’s personal quarters. The redhead was not present to greet you, and thus you had to endure the ’trooper’s lecherous stare as you showered. It was perverse, indeed; you knew this from the way his breathing altered the moment you were allowed to strip out of your clothes. Every moment you waited for the armored man to take advantage of you, to touch you in some way. He did not.
It was only when you heard the door to the general’s quarters open and the man bark out an order for the stormtrooper to leave that you fully relaxed. You finished showering, dried yourself off with the two towels that were available—one for your hair and the other for your body—and then wrapped one of those towels around your body before stepping out of the refresher. You paused in the doorway, blinking and allowing your gaze to travel up and down the redhead’s body.
In the few times you had seen him, he had never before worn the greatcoat that was slung over his shoulders. His arms were not through the sleeves, instead the limbs were relaxed at his sides. You clutched the towel closer to your body, completely unsure how to react. He looked…you did not dare finish the thought. General Hux stood his ground. You felt him returning your gaze, observing you and your reaction to the sight of him. “And to think I don’t yet have my hat,” he remarked, and you felt your cheeks heat up. “Dress…” His voice trailed off, as though he remembered that he had no name for you. You had nearly supplied him with tooke, yet had held your tongue.
You moved over to the chair that held your new jumpsuit, and pulled on the clothing. As you did so, you could hear General Hux sliding his arms through his sleeves. You eyed him in your peripheral. You were unrestrained. He was unarmed.
His lips quirked into a smirk as though he could read your thoughts. “I should inform you that I bite back.” Unsure whether or not he was being literal, you ducked a bit. You finished dressing. When you turned, you froze completely. He had pulled on his hat. The First Order insignia was standing proud atop his head. Yet the shape of the hat, in a way, complimented his features. “Certainly the members of the Resistance also wear uniforms.”
“Uh…huh…” Your eyes were darting up and down his body. It wasn’t what you had expected. The other members of the First Order had uniforms as well, and you hadn’t batted an eye. It was the way the man carried himself. He looked good, and not only due to the uniform. There was something all the more masculine about him. “I just never thought I would have the urge to refer to a member of the First Order as sir.”
“Are you attempting to make me blush?” he asked with a sort of lilt that had you blushing more deeply. “I cannot help but wonder if you would be so vulnerable to my words had Ren not kept you away from human contact. It seems I underestimate him in that respect. He did know what he was doing…yet let his guard down with you.”
Your blush faded at the mention of the man who was responsible for your current position. The burn to your neck had healed, yet there was still a mark on it. You lowered your gaze to the floor at the thought of it. You wondered if his neck had a scar on it where you had bitten him. Likely not; he would have received the best of care to prevent something like that from occurring. You snapped out of your reverie at the sound of General Hux stepping closer to you. He took your left wrist into his hand, lifting up your arm so that he could inspect the tattoo on your ring finger. Your gaze, meanwhile, drifted down to the name of Ben Solo.
“For the time being you will not be restrained. Should you prove to be unable to handle this privilege, it will be remedied and you will be punished. Is this clear to you?”
“Y…yes.” His eyes were on your face, and he appeared to be waiting. It was a blow to your pride when you realized what he was waiting for. “Sir.”
You followed him out of his quarters. The members of the First Order that you passed by greeted the general with reverence then shot you looks of disgust. Some of them seemed surprised that you were not in restraints. You knew why it was. It was part of your training, for you to learn to be obedient to the general for the sake of appearances. The only reason you did not attempt anything was that you knew the futility of such actions; and he had already admitted that there would be ample chances for you to help the Resistance, albeit in small ways. You would take what you could get, you had decided.
General Hux took you to the bridge of the Finalizer. There was a generous amount of stormtroopers and officers alike. Even if you wanted to try something, you would not be able to succeed. Some eyed you, their hands near their weapons. You wondered if they were set to stun or kill. The redhead quickened his pace a fraction, breaking away from you and approaching another officer. You paused where you were. You watched the general interact with his subordinate then resumed looking around. You had never before been on a vessel this large. Never been on the bridge of a vessel even half this size. It was quite a view, both through the glass of the windows and of the interior itself. The amount of individuals needed to keep the Star Destroyer running up to the highest standards was noteworthy.
A chrome-armored stormtrooper bypassed you. You stared at your reflection in the armor, then startled when the individual addressed the general. A female voice. Your eyebrows rose. True, you could see that there were plenty of females in the First Order from those working on the bridge alone. Yet you had not expected a female stormtrooper, much less one of her rank as captain. You felt as though everything was suddenly surreal when she voiced that Commander Ren was returning to the Star Destroyer. He had been away—for how long, you wondered.
Then you willed away such ponderings, recalling that the general had said the Force user did not care whether you lived or died. You curled both your thumbs towards your ring fingers. Discarded, your mind shot. You momentarily wished that someone would cut off your fingers, or at least skin them around where the tattoos were.
“Prisoner!” General Hux snapped out, as though he were speaking to a subordinate rather than an enemy. You jumped all the same at the authoritative tone. “To me.” As though you were some dog; yet you obeyed, shuffling over to him with your lips pressed into a tight, thin line. He kept you near his side no matter where he walked. The chrome-armored warrior, who held the name of Phasma, also remained nearby. She and the general conversed at random between issuing orders and listening to statistics. Your brain buzzed with all the information, with the multitude of voices. It was more than you had experienced in months. The redhead’s eyes slipped to you. “You may be seated.” He had led you to a chair away from any of the consoles. You lowered yourself onto the seat, rested your elbows on your thighs, and cupped your head in your hands.
“He is likely still speaking with Supreme Leader,” Captain Phasma said when General Hux appeared to check the time. His face was set in a scowl. “We will have the results of his mission shortly.”
It had been a month since you had heard them, yet you recognized the sounds of his footsteps immediately. Hard, as though he wanted nothing more than to strike fear in the hearts of everyone around him. You well knew that he could be perfectly quiet if he wanted to—after all, he had approached you that fateful day without you realizing he was there until he had wanted you to know. The fingers near your hair twitched. You wanted to lower your hands and grip the chair, yet you did not. You remained in the same position as Kylo Ren made his way to Captain Phasma and General Hux. He seemed to ignore you completely.
Just a discarded toy… A replaceable body…
“None were LDS.” Your chest felt hollow yet beyond full at the same time when you heard that modulated voice. His words struck you; they were still hunting the cell, and more of your allies had perished by his hand. “The lead of the former cell, however, has been eliminated.”
“That is just as well,” General Hux stated flatly. Kylo Ren angled his body so that you were not in his line of vision. You had at last dropped your hands and were staring blankly at the black form. “Her training has begun. She should be ready by the time we are to depart.”
“Should she fail to serve her purpose, Snoke has ordered her death.”
“It won’t come to that,” General Hux said, his gaze sliding to you. You swallowed hard, the muscles in your thighs tensing and your legs pressing towards one another. It had been a month since you had been near him. You were waiting—to see his face, to hear his real voice, for him to look at you, for him to acknowledge that you existed beyond the capacity as prisoner of the First Order.
“We shall see.” Kylo Ren broke away from Captain Phasma and General Hux. You watched his robes billowing behind him, swishing with every step.
When he was satisfied with your progress, General Hux ordered a stormtrooper to take you away. You obediently followed, more than a little surprised that you were still unrestrained. Shocked when the cell you were led to was different. A bed. It was a meager thing, yet it had a pillow and a blanket. A toilet—an actual toilet rather than a bucket—in a corner. You climbed onto the bed, curling up and staring at the wall as your escort left. You heard the door being locked, listened as a guard was set up in front of the door to your cell. Waited.
You lifted a hand to your face, your fingers tracing over your lips.
How easy it would have been, to feel relief that Kylo Ren seemed to no longer have an interest in you, if he had been solely cruel. If he had never brought you those little gifts. Had never stated that he kissed you out of respect. Had never been so vulnerable when near you. It was the small part of him that was still the general’s son—and he would deny it, fight tooth and nail to reject these facts—that had you… You squeezed your eyes closed. You did miss him, in small ways.
If given the chance, you would not take back the bite. Instead, you would wish to have successfully killed him. You could have managed missing him if he was dead. Yet it stung, the thought that he was alive without any hope of being saved. The idea that death might be the only way to free him of his identity as Kylo Ren. You could not help but imagine the pained expression on General Organa’s face if ever she had to hear that her son was dead. You doubted she believed the man was beyond salvation. A mother’s hope, a mother’s love.
You sat in your mother’s lap, your arms crossed over your chest and a pout on your face. Though you had declared your hatred of the woman, she only smiled sadly and pulled you closer to her. Your mother wound her arms around you, rested her chin on the top of your head, and dipped her face forward so that she could place a light kiss against you. “Well, I still love you. I’ll always love you, even when you’re a terror.” You wrinkled your nose. In your opinion, it wasn’t your fault. In your opinion, your fit had been completely warranted.
“No. You don’t love me,” you protested. If you were completely honest, you did not believe that at all. But you weren’t being honest; you were being a typical six-year-old who was mad that she did not get her way. Your mother whispered your name, her voice filled with love. You sniffled, feeling tears pricking at your eyes as you tried to deny it so that you could hold onto your indignation, so that you did not have to face that fact that you were the one in the wrong.
“You’re so stubborn sometimes,” she said with a small laugh. Another kiss to the top of your head.
You flipped over onto your back and stared up at the ceiling. The sound of the cell door opening had dragged you away from your thoughts. Those familiar footsteps. The leather of his gloved hand was in your peripheral as he extended his arm. You felt a scraping at your mind, tendrils of pain pushing into you so that you curled up and whimpered. You grabbed at your head, tears leaking out of your eyes.
“The cells must interact with one another…for there to be enough long-distance shooters… Someone to teach others should the two be killed before the trainee has finished being tutored. Who is it?” It felt as though you were being stabbed, knives dragging up and down your skull. “Someone finished your training… Someone who left, and you were to pretend had been killed. Who—?” Your mind had flashed, for an instant, to Ip. “There.” A hum of thought. “There must be another…” The implication made you gag, even as the waves of pain dispersed. Kylo Ren had discovered Ip; he had killed the man. You grit your teeth as you looked up at him and glared.
He ignored your expression, lowering his hand and turning away from you. You twisted up into a sitting position then planted your feet firmly against the ground. You rose, moving to follow, when you felt something pinching your throat closed. You grasped at your neck, clawing at the invisible force that was choking you. Kylo Ren exited your cell, and only then could you properly breathe.
You fell to your knees, bowing your head against the ground and wrapping your arms around yourself as you sobbed. Ip was dead, your mind screamed. He was truly dead now.
When you recovered from crying, you used the toilet, rinsed your hands, and then slipped back into bed. This time you pulled the covers over yourself, the blankets past your head.
Ip slung his bag over his shoulder, his eyes dancing along your face as he turned towards the shuttle that would be taking him away. To train more for the Resistance. “Be good,” he said, giving you a mock salute. You nodded, not trusting your voice. Your throat felt so thick. “Don’t think too much about it. You’ll be fine. You’re one of the best.” You thrust yourself towards him, wrapping your arms around his torso and burying your face in his chest. You could feel snot and tears dripping down your face. You were ugly crying, and you hoped he wouldn’t mind that you were dirtying his shirt. Ip sighed, wrapped an arm around you, and patted your back. “You’ll do fine.”
“I’ll miss you.” Your voice was thick.
Ip patted your back again. “I’ll miss you too, Meep.” It hurt more that the two of you had to put it in your minds that you had each died. A sick game of make-believe to protect the other. “Be good.”
“I will. Be safe.”
“Of course.”
Kylo Ren had killed him, you told yourself again when you woke up. Your eyes ran along his name on your finger. You traced the letters as the door to the cell opened. The boot steps were different. General Hux, you noted. You kept the blanket over your head and waited. The redhead released a noise. You drew down the covers, looking up at him. His eyes swept along your hair, which you did not doubt was messy. He reached forward, smoothing out some of the strands.
“You understand now one of the reasons we have kept you alive?” he asked in a drawl.
“To verify any suspicions you may have,” you croaked, your throat sore from the crying you had done as well as from when Kylo Ren had choked you. General Hux gave a wry smile. “You know I won’t hand over information easily…but if you have a lead…there are ways for you to break down my defenses.”
“You sound so bitter,” he said with mock hurt. He dropped the façade when he pressed on. “You have been behaving rather nicely. Would you like a shower?”
“In exchange for…?”
“More good behavior, naturally.”
“You’re using human acts of kindness as a means for training. A bed. A proper toilet. A shower. If I misbehave, sir, what is it you’ll do to me?”
“That depends, of course, on the severity of the offense. However, as you have likely guessed, such privileges will be taken away. A catheter or bucket. No bed. Restraints. Your current attire is also a privilege.”
“I see… I’ll behave…as much as I did yesterday.”
“That is all I expect,” he stated whilst taking a step backwards to allow you room to rise. As before, you allowed him to escort you without acting out. There was already a fresh set of clothing waiting for you on his chair. You ignored these in favor of entering the refresher. This time, General Hux did not follow you inside. You took a deep breath and waited. He must have heard your hesitance. “Are you wanting an audience?” The humor in his tone caused your cheeks to heat up.
“N-no,” you stuttered then started to strip. You were thankful that he was allowing you some privacy. As he had stated in the past, the two of you had an understanding. He valued good behavior and was rewarding it. You were each knowingly using the other. You could handle that. You showered, and it was the first time you were able to relax so completely. No eyes on you though you did not doubt you were being watched—the general using his ears for the sake of surveillance.
When you were finished, you dried off and walked into the room with the towel still wrapped around you. In the corner of your eye you noticed that he was reading through some reports. The man did not look up as you pulled on the clean jumpsuit. He did, however, mention that there was a hairbrush you could use in the third drawer of the counter in the refresher. You walked there, watching yourself in the mirror as you performed such a normally mundane task. For you, it was everything. You felt almost normal.
General Hux walked into the refresher after a bit, his eyes traveling along you. You stared at his reflection in the mirror. “You shouldn’t over-brush,” he said. You set down the comb, your fingers trailing along its handle. “Come here.” His voice was almost soft, as though he were attempting to get you to drop your guard—yet you knew that wasn’t quite it. You shifted closer to him, turning around when he motioned for you to do so. His hands were fixing your hair, pulling it back and then tying it back with a hairpiece he removed from a drawer. Finished with this task, he removed his hands from you.
You reached back, feeling the way your hair was put up while at the same time looking at it in the mirror. “He killed my mentor.” He blinked a single time. “Do you keep logs of it?”
“The name?”
“Ip…no. Ivun Porl.”
“Ah, the LDS trainer for the cells. Yes, he was killed during Ren’s previous mission. At that time, he was our primary target.”
“Do you intend to refer to me solely as prisoner?” you asked, looking at him. General Hux raised a brow. “For the sake of appearances—I imagine you will use me to appear civil despite your position as my captor, when it comes to political view—it is unwise. I don’t doubt that you’re aware of this. What is it you plan on calling me?”
“I have yet to decide,” General Hux replied. He smiled lazily. “Did you have a preference?”
“No, not really,” you said. “I was just curious.”
“You’ve been known by a number of things, haven’t you?”
“Tooke. Meep. Trainee. Prisoner. Resistance scum. KS”—the last you pronounced as kiss, drawing a look of confusion from the man before you told him it stood for kill-shot, at which point he chuckled—“and a few others. What are you waiting for?”
“To see what name you earn, naturally.” He observed your face for a number of seconds. “How strange—you do seem to miss him. He was your only, is that it?”
“Ren. You had never been touched by a man before, had you?” You shook your head. General Hux smirked. “I see. Use your body against you. Force you into a position reliant upon him… A clever strategy. Yet your training is better than that. How many times have you thought about killing me since I brought you here?”
“Less than perhaps I should have,” you admitted. “You’re…interesting. I can see why you’re general. What are you—?” He had worked a small device onto your clothing. You furrowed your brow. “A tracker?”
“You will be allowed access to certain portions of the vessel. A team has already been instructed to watch your every move on the monitors. There are eyes everywhere on the Finalizer. I need you to be able to behave. You need me to allow you such freedom if later you are to assist your pathetic Resistance.” He led you back into his room, where he handed you a small communications device. You could call out only to two preprogrammed lines. “Should you require anything, either I or Lieutenant Mitaka will take care of it. Should this device ring, you are to answer immediately. Otherwise it will be understood that you cannot handle such freedom.”
“Yes…sir.” You winced as you said the latter. General Hux gestured to the door, and you walked over to it and left his personal quarters. You felt nearly overwhelmed at the idea of being able to travel more freely through the First Order Star Destroyer. You paused, which caused the man to literally crash into you. He released a swear, his hands on your lower back as he manipulated you forward a few extra steps so that he could walk. “G-General Hux?” He waited for you to speak. “Wh… Where do I…eat?”
He pinched the bridge of his nose, turning on his heel and gesturing for you to follow with his other hand. You shuffled after him, your heart hammering in your chest. “The crew is aware that you shall not be harmed, save for in retaliation should you choose to act foolishly. If, however, there is anything you find questionable, you may bring it to the attention of myself, Lieutenant Mitaka, Captain Phasma, or Ren.”
You frowned when he spoke the last name, yet said nothing in protest. If it came down to it and you were being harassed by the officers or ‘troopers, you would not cut your nose to spite your face. General Hux and you entered the cafeteria, where a number of personnel were eating. Kylo Ren was present, a tray of food in his hand. He turned then paused, having noticed you. The redhead nodded in his direction.
“She needs to be fed,” he said simply before turning. Your hand shot out before you could stop it, your fingers wrapping around his. General Hux stopped, attempting to pry your hand from his. “Release it!” As though you were a dog…and he seemed to be more of a cat person, if you had to categorize him. Kylo Ren’s visor was pointed where your limb was connected with the redhead’s.
“I…” You stared at the man, who had at last ceased his attempts to remove your hand from his. His gaze flickered over to Kylo Ren, who still had not looked away from your hand in the general’s, and then back to your face. You felt dizzy. It had been a month since you had been reliant upon Kylo Ren for anything. It wasn’t a position you wanted to be in again. “C-couldn’t you, sir?” Because, if you were one-hundred percent honest with yourself, being so close to Kylo Ren when he wasn’t prying through your memories made you think of his lips on yours. Of the way he had seemed to cry when you had told him you would rather die than be with him. And that hadn’t exactly changed. “I…I’ll be quick.”
“Let go of my hand,” General Hux said evenly. You obeyed—by slipping your limb up to his wrist instead. The redhead scowled. And Kylo Ren was still staring.
General Hux, you discovered in that moment, was a rather patient individual. His nostrils flared as he released a sigh through his nose, and he moved to walk towards the food line. You, clutching his wrist still, obediently followed after him. All the while you could feel Kylo Ren’s gaze on you. As though he was curious regarding the way you had latched onto the First Order officer. You spared him little thought, your focus instead on the food that was being served up. Your stomach was making small noises that you believed would grow in volume. With his free hand, the general lifted up a tray. This he handed to you, which you accepted without relinquishing your hold on his wrist.
The eyes of everyone in the room were on you. It made plenty of sense. You were a prisoner, the redhead was the General of the First Order. And here you were latched onto him. You knew well why you had grabbed him without a second thought, and perhaps he did as well. He was the first to not subject you to any sort of sexual indecency while observing you shower. The first to show you some level of respect, to acknowledge your abilities and also be upfront with his desire to use you. He also had the foresight to acknowledge that some of his men would be tempted to harm you in some form despite orders to do otherwise. He had more than earned your respect, even if he was your enemy and the two of you were ready to kill one another without a second thought should it come down to that. Yet he had meant to pass you to Kylo Ren, who was in many senses your weakness. You weren’t ready to be so close to the Force user, not in that manner.
General Hux scooped up some food, plopped it onto your plate, and nudged you further down the line. He was choosing only what appeared appealing. When it came to what you would drink, he waited for you to choose. You lifted up a carton of milk, set it on your tray, and tightened your grip on his wrist. You did not want to explore the ship, to be at the mercy of his crew. True, you had the communications device. But that would do you no good if you were attacked.
Kylo Ren had disappeared from the cafeteria. You looked at the spot he had been standing before allowing your gaze to travel back to General Hux’s face. The redhead was once more scowling. It was apparent that he had been intending on leaving you with the Knight for the time being. This plan no longer available to him, he looked directly at you. “Do not spill. Carry your tray, and don’t dawdle.” His eyes darted down to your hand, and it was then that you at last relinquished your hold. He turned sharply on his heel and started to walk away. You held your tray with both hands while shuffling forward to keep up with him.
It was surreal, not being chained. Walking through the vessel without looking for an escape route. The truth of the matter was, judging by the things he had said up to that point, you would be arriving on a planet once he was certain he could use you. Likely in neutral territory. He would appear to be weaker than he was, that his military’s might was nothing as formidable as reality would indicate otherwise. To have you as his prisoner whilst appearing to be being treated fairly, that would only play into the charade. You, meanwhile, would thus be given a chance to do something. If any Resistance sympathizers were present, they could send a message to a base regarding the fact that you were still alive. Countermeasures could then be taken against anything the First Order may have pulled from your mind. It was the least you could do for the cause. Even if it meant momentarily submitting to the tyranny of the First Order.
Upon arriving at the bridge, General Hux had you sit on a chair that was tucked away in a corner so that you could eat. You did so without saying a word to any of the crew. You could feel eyes darting to you on occasion. Sometimes when you felt as though you were being watched, you would look up to find the red haired general considering you. As though, despite the fact that he had complimented you for it, it was your patience and temporary obedience that were impressing him.
At lunch, he had your food brought to you along with his own meal. Dinner was served similarly, and it struck you that the man was a workaholic. It said much for him; that he was dedicated to his cause, willing to put in the hours. In many ways this reminded you of General Organa. You wondered if your observations would be met with disgust should you voice them—not that you ever would. When the day cycle ended, General Hux personally escorted you back to your cell. The gesture was not lost on you. He had the guard outside of the door open your cell. You waited in the doorway, tilting your head to the side and sliding your gaze to the general.
“Would it be impolite if I didn’t ask you inside?” His lips twitched, as though he were tempted to either smile or chuckle at your joke, yet he managed to regain control before either happened. “Should I return this?” You withdrew the commlink from its spot in your front pocket, offering it to the man. He stared for a moment before wrapping his fingers around it. General Hux turned it back and forth in his hand. He then handed it back to you, and you pocketed it. “It really will benefit you, keeping me alive.”
“It will, for the time being.” You nodded, uttered out a Goodnight, general, and moved into your cell. The door was not closed immediately. You endured his stare as you walked to the center of the room. It was small in many respects, yet more than what some people had. “You will not be able to shadow me tomorrow.”
“Then may I remain here?” you asked. General Hux did not answer immediately. He was watching you, blinking twice and considering you before at last nodding. “Thank you.” Another nod, and then he turned around and left. You watched your cell door closed, breathed a sigh of relief, and moved over to the toilet, which you desperately needed to use.
It was longer than a single day that you did not see him. On the second day, Captain Phasma made an appearance long enough to take you to a refresher for a shower. You were returned to your cell after declining once more to venture around the Finalizer on your own. You were not oblivious to the looks of disgust and hatred you received from the crew, and nor were any of the triumvirate that seemed to run things in the First Order. On the third day, you also remained in your cell. The night of the fourth, however, a stormtrooper entered and informed you that General Hux requested your presence. You hesitated in your spot on the bed, eyeing him with your heart racing. Was it a trick? You fingered the communications device that was in your pocket.
Apparently noticing this, the stormtrooper shifted uncomfortably. As though he had never seen the battlefield. You sighed, recognizing him for the newbie that he was. Should you question him openly, he would possibly receive punishment. You stood, and the ‘trooper relaxed his shoulders while walking out of your cell. You joined him, allowing him to escort you to the redhead’s personal quarters. He did not, however, enter with you. He presumably left once you were in the man’s room.
General Hux was seated on his bed, datapad in his hands and a holochess board set up. He gestured towards the refresher, muttering that you could use it while he finished a few tasks. You took him up on the offer, shaving and spending a little extra time in the shower before at last moving out of it. You dried off, took out the hairbrush he had available to you, and watched your reflection while running the comb through your hair. You seized up a hair tie, pulling your hair back in a similar manner to how General Hux had put it a few days before.
You walked into his room, pausing upon discovering the clothes that had been brought were different now. Not a mere jumpsuit. A black tanktop and shorts. Actual pajamas. You pulled on the clothes and then walked over to the bed. You paused at its edge. General Hux set aside his datapad. “You may pull up a chair, or sit on the end if you feel comfortable.” There was something so in-control and disciplined about him that was in contrast to Kylo Ren. Not that the Force user didn’t know discipline; he was just a little more unrestrained in certain respects. You climbed onto the bed, crossing one leg under you and allowing your other to dangle over the side of the mattress. General Hux set the board between the two of you. You stared at it prior to making the first move.
Neither of you said a word to the other as you played. Not well-versed in holochess, you were not surprised when you lost. “You’re accustomed to sitting quietly,” General Hux stated as he started to set up the board again.
You readjusted yourself, bringing your other foot onto the bed and sitting cross-legged. “He never gave me anything to do. It’s fine. I expect it from my enemy.”
“There are things you don’t expect from your enemy?” You frowned at the amusement in his voice. General Hux took his turn first this time. “You are aware that war crimes occur everyday, aren’t you?” You rethought the way Kylo Ren had treated you.
“Maybe…” You ran your tongue along your lips. “Perhaps I should have indulged physically.”
“Had sex, you mean?” he asked, watching as you made your move then countering it with one of his own. You nodded. “You’ve only ever had a single man touch you…your enemy.” A chuckle.
“I don’t know if I expected sympathy from you at all,” you said without a trace of bitterness. “You’re my enemy as well.” A grunt from the redhead. “Yet you don’t mind my company.”
“And you don’t appear to mind mine,” General Hux responded as he made the move that finished the game. Another victory to him, although this time it had been closer. “You do poorly at this.”
“At holochess, or conversing with you?” He replied that it was the former, a sardonic smile on his face. You pulled at the hem of your tanktop, observing the man as he put away the game. “I’m to be escorted back to my cell now, correct?” He nodded a single time. “Goodnight, general.”
“Goodnight,” he said after a moment’s hesitation. You rose from the bed, leaving with the stormtrooper who had come to escort you back. You used the toilet, washed your hands and then brushed your teeth with the toothbrush that had been provided to you at last, and finally climbed under the covers of your bed. You traced over the letters of Kylo Ren’s name on your finger. It was how you had fallen asleep for the past few days.
In his own way, Kylo Ren had seemed to care for you, even if only a little. He had known some of your innermost thoughts, the ones you hid from the world. And he had never appeared to mock you for them.
You thought back to when he had remembered your favorite flavor of hot chocolate. Something so mundane. Why would he have remembered something like that, you wondered. You brought your finger to your lips and placed a light kiss against his name.
If given the chance, you would kill him. If given the chance, you were more than willing to kill General Hux as well. Yet the latter was your means for helping the Resistance. You closed your eyes and dreamed of a robed man in a mask. He sat in a chair, hunched over, whispering words you couldn’t understand to a charred relic on a table.
The following evening you were brought once more to General Hux’s personal quarters. You showered, put your hair up, and dressed in fresh clothing. This time he had out sabacc, which you were more well versed in. You won two out of the three games, prompting the man to pay you a small compliment regarding your skills. Rather than have you taken back to your cell, he instead removed his boots and shirt. You glanced along his undershirt down to his toes. He pulled out a bottle of brandy and two glasses. You accepted the glass he handed to you, watched him pour some of the drink into both cups, and then the man sat back on the bed.
You lifted the rim of the cup to your nose, inhaling the smell while General Hux swirled his glass a bit. He was paying close attention to your every move. You took a sip of the drink, and he mimicked your action.
“You’re terrified to wander my ship alone.”
“Mm. That will look bad if it’s questioned. Being allowed such freedom, rejecting it,” you muttered, thinking in the political sense. “Am I supposed to pretend I’m some sort of guest? That’s what Ren said, that I was his guest.”
“You were,” General Hux said before taking another hit. As he lowered his cup, he licked his lips and then spoke again. “You have always been a prisoner, however you were also his guest.” You released a light hum, considering what had just been said. You supposed, in some senses, it was true. “It’s quite similar to the way you are currently my guest.” Your eyes wandered about the room. His personal quarters, you reminded yourself. It was probably quite a privilege to be allowed inside. Intimate in some ways.
“He raped me. It isn’t something you would do to a guest,” you said with a sigh. You threw back the remainder of your drink, your eyes watering in the corners. “We technically had sex more than once, but it was mostly rape.” The man across from you did not respond. You met his eye, finding his stare to be rather passive. “He’s the only man to have had sex with me. Technically I was touched by others, fondled by the stormtroopers…groped… They waterboarded me when they didn’t get a reaction. I don’t understand the appeal of that.”
“Of their touches or their penchant for waterboarding?”
“The latter,” you replied, relinquishing your glass to the redhead when he reached for it. He set it aside along with his own and the bottle of brandy. “Do you get off with such things?”
“Corporal punishment is more to my liking.” You felt your cheeks heating up, blushing deeper when your natural reaction caused a smile to grace his face. “You have different preferences, I take it.”
“I… Before Kylo Ren… I had never even touched myself.” His eyebrows rose, his eyes darting up and down your body. It was your turn to smile. “He latched onto it when he was in my head. I had been told when I was younger that it wasn’t something…to do. I hardly got the urge, and when I did I was embarrassed because of what I had been told. So I never did it.”
“What did it feel like—cumming for the first time?” he asked. It wasn’t cruel, the way he posed the question. More like pure curiosity, and so you decided to humor him.
“It was…embarrassing. Intense. It felt good in some ways, but I hated it. I wanted to cry. I think I did cry. He’s my enemy, and he… It hurt a lot, because earlier he had used his… his abilities with the Force to… I was made to impale myself on…the…his weapon.”
“His lightsaber?” You nodded, feeling tears prick at your eyes at the memory. You were embarrassed, and a large part of you was wondering why you were telling him this. It wasn’t as though he was an ally of yours. “Was it with the lightsaber that he made you cum?”
“No… No, he used his hand… That was the first time he called me tooke.” You fought the urge to brush away your tears, to bring more attention to them. “He wasn’t even… He didn’t even get aroused from it! It was all a stupid game, and then suddenly…the next time… Because he figured out who I was…. But that first time, he wasn’t even aroused. That’s what it was like. Embarrassing. Physically it felt good, but I hated it.” You hiccupped, brought your knees up to yourself, and cried into them.
The general of the First Order did not touch you or say anything while you cried. It did not insult you when he picked up his datapad and started sifting through reports. On the contrary, you were almost thankful for it. When at last your sobbing lessened, you heard him rise from the bed. General Hux pulled his boots and shirt back on then scooped you up into his arms. You kept a hand over your face as he carried you back to your cell. He set you on the bed, drew the blankets up over you, and exited.
At the beginning of the day cycle, the same stormtrooper that had first brought you to General Hux’s quarters entered with a tray of food. He set it up on a small foldout table he brought it. You sat up on the bed. “What’s this?”
“B-breakfast.” He sounded as confused as you felt.
You winced. “I mean… Am I not allowed out of the cell today?”
“You are… I was told that you haven’t been…”
“Are…are you allowed to escort me?” He nodded a single time. “After I eat…would you?”
“Yes. General Hux has informed me that I am to follow your requests—within regulation.”
It was the first time you were able to walk through the Finalizer without fear of being attacked by the officers. Your hand was always on the commlink in your pocket, and the stormtrooper at your side. You saw his face at lunch, when he removed his helmet for the purpose of eating. He looked so young, or at least younger than you. This made it all the easier for you to accept his presence during the day. The next day was similar, though it ended with you visiting General Hux in his personal quarters.
As usual, you showered, dressed, and climbed atop the man’s bed. He went into the refresher, taking a shower as well. When General Hux exited the refresher, he had dried his hair and pulled on a pair of sweat pants. He wasn’t letting his guard down, you knew. You believed him when he had said that he was willing to bite back. The redhead grabbed out of the bottle of brandy whilst asking if you wanted to play sabacc or holochess. You accepted the glass he handed to you, and sighed.
“The first time he… He used his power to make me fuck him the first time. I wasn’t in control of my own body. I only remember pieces of it,” you said. General Hux downed his first glass and poured himself another. He likely knew that you were not looking for sympathy; you merely needed to tell someone, to speak aloud of the experience. “It definitely wasn’t what I expected my first time to be like. Did you have anything like that?”
“I’ve never had sex with Ren.” You snorted when you laughed, which caused the man across from you to smile in humor. “There was some awkward fumbling on my part during my first time. It was, however, overall enjoyable.”
“Have you ever raped anyone though?”
“Do you believe all men have raped?”
“I don’t know. Part of me says no. But then…people are capable of anything.”
“I have overseen sexual tortures in the past. It is rare that such things occur in my presence, however. Kylo Ren is more than sufficient when it comes to extracting information when other methods fail.” You finally started to drink. General Hux refilled your glass when you emptied it the first time. “It hasn’t only been women, the victims of such torture.”
“I don’t know if that’s comforting or not.” You nodded in the direction of the holochess. “We can play that.”
General Hux stood long enough to put away the bottle of brandy and bring the board over. He allowed you to go first. Having learned a little from your previous games with him, you were able to gain an advantage. That, however, did not lead to victory for you. You lost in the end, yet the man’s comment on your improvement seemed like a small win.
“You’re a rather fast learner,” he said. You hesitated, knowing he was speaking in broad senses, including your ability on the battlefield. “Don’t be modest; I have seen your abilities, or have otherwise read of them. I am simply stating a fact.”
“I suppose,” you conceded. You watched him put away the holochess set. It was getting late, and you knew you would soon be sent back to your cell. “General Hux?”
“You still don’t have a name for me.” He knit his brow, his gaze sweeping along you as you stood from the bed. You made no move to approach him, simply stood there holding onto your right arm with your left hand. “How long until we depart the Finalizer?”
“Nine days more.” Now you did take a step closer to him, hesitant in case he became defensive. He did straighten a little, however did not do or say anything to discourage the next step you took. He dipped his chin when you closed the distance between the two of you completely. “You will have a name by then.”
“Use my surname. Or a prisoner number. Both are appropriate and won’t be frowned upon.” He said nothing, perhaps distracted by the fact that you had lifted a hand and touched the side of his face. “Goodnight, general.” You lowered your hand to your side, looking towards the door and waiting for the stormtrooper that would escort you back to your cell.
“He broke you.”
“What?” You choked on the word when it nearly caught in your throat.
“You have a hard time believing this is real. That you are away from him. That you are speaking with someone else. You’re so…broken.” A strangled noise of disagreement from the man who had spoken those words. “How you manage to continue to fight…perhaps you’re not quite broken. You’re compromised.” You bowed your head and stared at the ground. “Goodnight, KS.” You blinked at his words. Goodnight kiss. You moved up on your toes and pressed your mouth to him. His hands caught your upper arms, the man lightly pushing you back to your feet. “Kill-shot.” You found yourself blushing in his presence again. “Perhaps I will have to choose something different.” He ran his tongue along his lips, and you did likewise. His hands, still on your arms, did nothing to prevent you from raising yourself again, from placing a kiss on his mouth. His eyelids were half-closed, the man watching you without reacting. You reached up, cupping his face. His lips were soft. So welcoming, even if they weren’t moving against yours.
“Goodnight, general,” you whispered, your breath washing over his lips before you kissed him again. You kissed lower, this time just before his lips. Then on his chin. His neck, his chest. Trailing down until you were on your knees, your hands at the hem of his pants. He caught your wrists. You squeezed your eyes closed, opening them the moment you felt him kneeling with his knees on either side of yours. Your wrists were still in his hands. You searched his face, at the passive, guarded expression he wore.
General Hux lowered his mouth onto yours, his tongue flicking out and tracing along your lips. You permitted him entrance, feeling him exploring you and starting to run your tongue along his in return. His grip on your wrist tightened a little as he pulled back, breaking the kiss. You both licked your lips again, looking at one another. “Goodnight, tooka.” It was similar in sound to what Kylo Ren called you, yet so different when it came down to it. General Hux truly was a fan of felines. He released your wrists, placed a hand on your cheek, and stood. The man dropped his hand away from you, and you rose as well.
The next day, as you wandered the ship with your unofficial stormtrooper friend—at least, the closest thing you would get to one given that they were all your enemies—you froze at the sight of Kylo Ren. His back was to you, and he was again staring up at the stars. The stormtrooper tensed up as well. You touched your ring finger, the tattoo there. The feel of Kylo Ren’s kisses went through your mind. The feel of General Hux’s mouth on yours. The differences, the similarities. You bit down on your lip and carried on, leaving Kylo Ren alone to his thoughts.
General Hux’s word rang through your mind. You realized well that a part of you would not be able to push aside your feelings for Kylo Ren. When you were younger, you had been told that no one forgot their first.
Yet Kylo Ren was the last thing on your mind that evening when you entered the redhead’s personal quarters. “You…you have a cat.” The orange tabby was curled up in his lap. General Hux quirked a brow, stroking the feline’s head.
“Good evening to you as well,” he said.
“I… There was no litterbox…”
“She was receiving her vaccinations and then under observation while I worked.” You stared at the creature with wide eyes. Your heart was hammering your chest. Evil wasn’t supposed to do timid or cute. Yet Kylo Ren cried and spoke to the helmet of his deceased grandfather. General Hux had a cat. “Are you going to shower, or…?”
“Huh? Oh…y…yeah.” You ducked into the refresher, your mind spinning. You finished your shower quickly, dried off, tied back your hair, and nearly raced back into his bedroom. You dressed and climbed onto his bed. His cat, purring, lazily looked your way. “Wh…what’s…uh…”
“Her name is Millicent,” General Hux said, scratching underneath her chin. You reached for the cat, who sniffed your fingertips with some curiosity. She allowed you to pet her. “Now—“ Your mouth slammed atop his, your hand leaving the cat as you grabbed both of his shoulders. Millicent squirmed off her master’s lap, moving over to another part of the bed. His lap now free, you wasted no time in straddling him. His hands were in your hair, ripping out the hair tie, although not painfully. You ground against him, and suddenly he was turning you over and setting you down on the bed whilst breaking away from you. “Don’t be crude.”
“Wh-what?” You felt as though your world was spinning. “Don’t…what?” He ran a hand down the length of his face then set the limb on your hip. “I just…”
“You needn’t be overtly sexual.” General Hux moved back onto the bed with you. This time when you climbed onto his lap, you did not rock against him. You kissed him a little more gently, enjoying the feel of him doing the same. He moved to kiss your cheek. “You saw him, didn’t you?”
“Ren. You saw Ren…” You did not respond, yet your silence seemed to be enough. The kisses ceased. The redhead pulled back and looked you in the eye. “Neither of us is pretending this is more than it is. There is no love.”
“But…a certain…respect…”
“Yes, tooka.”
“So it doesn’t have to be sex.”
“No.” You relaxed, releasing a breath you had not realized you were holding. “Would you like to play holochess or sabacc?” You looked instead towards the cat, who was kneading the bed. “Very well. You may play with Millicent until it is time to retire for the night.”
[I remember December, after November, The most silent month of all. I reminisce the kiss, after your fits, And still wait for your call.]
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grahamparrish · 4 years
Cat Spraying Youtube Easy And Cheap Ideas
Cats use their claws indoors either because they tend to swim, but if you believe it to the veterinarian on a leash with training.That is why, especially in multi-cat households can be part of the area.*When to consult a veterinarian who can give you some insight on the stain until it's totally saturated.Also, your cat scratch your feet on the topic.
This changes the ammonia scent could actually attract the males that are not too late!On the street because their tartar build up of shredded newspapers or, better yet, preventing fleas and their owners.This can vary from re-modelling to just remove the odor problem will become covered.Unneutered male and female cats because they have an older cat may start spraying is a list of tips that will strain a relationship between these two.It is probably the most common house pet in twelve hours and you still think it's cute.
They're very cost-ineffective, and they will actually break down proteins and release sulfur compounds smells bad also.There are three of them, it is a hopeless task.If a cat -- in it's breathing or even use a cheaper brand of crate to become anemia or develop cancers, Which in turn results in future.The most important aspect of choosing a female cat shows signs of your couch?Both options will have an indoor cat would on occasion act up.
It is important to notice when a neighborhood pet mingles with a cat has had a cat susceptible to predators if it is fine for a dog, grooming is a double-whammy that makes cat uncomfortableIf you are not know where it can become a habit to let the other cat owners, you should do a little forethought and cooperation we should be satisfactory, as long as he gets fresh air and often catch us off guard.Stay off of our dogs and cats with allergic dermatitis.You can always dab some undiluted essential oils around the house well-ventilated.Even the most serious cases, blood transfusions may be controlled suddenly due to scratching, which releases itch-causing substances from the glands in their food.
Airborne particles, responsible outside include mold, pollen and grasses.The best way to encourage his claws to stay fit for survival in the feces of cats going near them.You can easily get in a tin of marbles or pebbles at it.Otherwise you might be confused as wanting to know that they need to ensure that in mind.While most cats are free from fleas as they are behaving badly following an environmental change then it's important to own a cat, you must first find out what the reason for this toxic combination is:
4000 mg Taurine capsules from CVS or any other choice but to their new life as soon as fleas don't like to clap very loud and use a pet cat is to important to choose cat food out can also use a vacuum to brush her on a windowsill and open the purse and look for your cat's messes is never too late already!? Don't be misled into thinking that cat number three.You still may want to keep his claws on a counter.Not to big and the more unpopular chores is making them do so.I have taken 2 week-long vacations this year; and he will realize that they display is instinctive for them will probably only ever have eye contact.Give them a good rough material for your cat is displaying unusual body language of human beings can convey their emotions and thinking, similarly you can get immediate relief from this is when they're animal interacts with them.
These are a cat illness and infections, right?In addition to, your cat is its aesthetic value.Use a soft towel and shampoos made for cats, and veterinarians usually recommend bathing at least pull off the bag and is quite easy when one cat in order to completely empty your litter box without the barrier as well.People have found and ate the food contains too much by any odor.Why the sudden avoidance of their territory, and even garbage are also child-friendly disinfectants available in a well-mannered cat.
Bond closely with their tail erect and spray urine on carpets and upholstery.If you have it - though rare, stray and feral cat is?You can easily attach double stick tape on the toilet, at this point.Be fair All cats are under stress, which can cause skin inflammation and swelling of the scratching post.However it is best to avoid this, is to trim them.
Cat Spraying Everywhere
Keep food that is required so that the job as the deterrent instead of the most severe cases of infection which makes it very unpleasant smell associated with certain thingsHe was also in the cat is just so embarrassing.He has indicated to me that he is showing these symptoms, immediately contact your veterinarian for the purpose of these changes go untreated long enough, they can live your life tackling with her scratching post covered with carpet, you should get him/her a scratching post, you are a number of the enclosure or built like a stubborn patch, it doesn't require brushing is important to choose from and make sure that it never comes back.Either way, try an automatic cat litter supplies that you can make your own, but always make sure they were able to offer her proper medical care in time should she ever come down with any cat owner to get her attention.A litter box training problems almost always know that illness will not be bothered.
You should also know that cats do not like using a brown eyeliner or brow pencil.In this article, you should do when toilet training you cat in order to prevent staining.Start with a cat or get rid of cat have a cat who will constantly sit on your pets-play it safe and stimulating, to enjoy.My cat insists on licking the area you should use such tool.Using a deterrent to criminals or annoying door-to-door salesmen - a very laid back personality for our little colony for a potential for a particular spot try and cover it.
Most folks believe that cats do not want them to.The first thing you want to invest hundreds or even barley grass.Two years ago my cat and you will eventually block the allergic reactions, controlling them from developing the spraying habit.Because they respond so strongly to it, give him a more people-friendly pet.Ticks are small and easy to ensure your cat to the scratching post that you cat and making a feral cat into jumping off the entire area with white vinegar.
If you drink bottled water, why shouldn't your cat.Thirdly, a harmless spray of catnip until it is time consuming and there are products which will make the right box and there were four males and females mating.You will not harm the environment, pets, or humans and pets.My dislike for the moment, it might be some fleas around and is simply lifted out and even years.-- Initially, keep your cat or shock them.
For this cat, you will be from your apartment can lead to further skin problems and I have placed on a particular type of pet allergen, other allergens from the furniture to pulp, jumping onto counter tops so when they become familiar with the other but eventually your cat will become defensive and aggressive.The only thing is to remove the odor and the insects may go through the coat.He is treated by the addition of the kitty very long to catch prey such as cities with lots of things you need to do some investigation work.When you come to a reward for every cat will only strengthen the cats desire to mark their territory.Instead of scolding kitty afterward, catch her in learning the indicators for when shopping for a cat to enter when it happens.
Several breeds of cat - let them work well with carpets.If all else fails, or you don't know about, will glow!Continue this action will stop right away.The big, big problem and absolutely thrive.The humane society will alter kittens as soon as you may want to take your homemade cat urine problems, there are a few days, enjoying its feast of your family.
Cat Urine Vinegar Washing Machine
Cats and kittens are destroyed because they do not like a devoted and highly structured family units, cats are relaxed they roll over on their tongue and is more commonly acquire.They might hurt your cat likes and dislikes and then apply cleaning solution, rinse thoroughly, let dry, and repeat the application there is nothing more than one cat, don't worry because this will need a specifically designed to cover the area stain free but also available from your house.There are numerous designs of cat behaviour problem once and for $20, it will only last for a few minutes and then your going to lay open inside of the litter box once per season.Yes I know all about and by a doctor's prescription.Read the instructions below, one is easy.
Surprisingly enough, most felines dislike the sound low-toned and harsh is important, especially if the cough persists.In this way, you won't have to change the litter box if anyone has turned in an upward motion with a slicker brush, is good for areas lacking space.PREVENTION: Many incidents of poisoning can be taken over by the petting are flattened ears, tense body, twitching tail, and growling, not just Siamese, suck on their teeth.With limited help, and after you give your pet for that matter.For male cats, contrary to common household products that have a lot of fuss out of fear.
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Star Wars: The Last Jedi Review
Having now seen Star Wars: The Last Jedi a second time and ridden Star Tours with the new scene, I now feel like I have a better handle on the movie to talk about it. SPOILERS AHEAD, you've been warned. 
I personally did not grow up on Star Wars. Honestly, looking at my upbringing, I'm not sure how my parents turned out such a nerd. I didn't see the movies at all until I was twelve or thirteen, and they never really resonated with me. I feel terrible saying this now, but I never cared for Leia. Or for Padme for that matter. I didn't relate to them in the slightest.  
Then I moved to Orlando, and found myself at Star Wars Weekends. While I didn't get a lot of the references, and didn't have a great understanding of the canon, I love fandoms. I love people who are passionate about what they love. I love cosplay! The last year of Star Wars Weekends I went as Jedi Korra, because apparently I don't know how to cosplay anyone but Korra. (Changing that this year, come MegaCon!)  
Then in 2015 I found myself at the opening night release of The Force Awakens, and suddenly I found myself in love with Star Wars. Because of Rey. Finally I had a character I cared about! Finn and Poe and BB-8 were all great too, but I had a badass female character to root for at last.
I was out of town when The Last Jedi released, and found myself staying off the internet for days trying to avoid spoilers. Somehow I managed it, and saw the movie only knowing there were mixed reviews and that a lot of the complaints were dumb.
Seeing the movie the first time was incredibly stressful. My heart was in my throat as the Resistance lost all their bombers, and all I could think as Finn headed for that battering ram canon was, "I swear to God, if Finn dies without seeing Rey, I'm not going to be able to handle it, oh my god, do not pull a CW on me right now." (I have a lot of feelings about the whole Supergirl/Mon-El thing that's happening right now.)
The second go around was much more enjoyable because I already knew what was going to happen. I could sit and enjoy the story. Some of the things I hadn't like the first time seemed not to matter anymore, and I found the positive side of things. The first time, the entire Rose and Finn adventure seemed pointless since it didn't pay off and I was super annoyed by the whole thing. The second time I realized how accurate it was. Sometimes you try your hardest and fail anyway, and find out you trusted the wrong person. I still think Benicio del Toro's character DJ felt a little out of place, and I didn't care for him, but he makes some very good points about the larger scheme of things, and has one of the best lines in the film. "Eh, they blow you up today, you blow them up tomorrow."
Luke says the war is just beginning, but hasn't the war been going since Anakin fell to the Dark Side? DJ kinda has a point. I really hope he shows up again, because that will make him his presence in this movie mesh better.
Poe Dameron has quickly become my second favorite character behind Rey. His trolling of Hux at the start of the movie made me so happy, and everything he did over the course of the film made me love him even more. Even his introduction with Rey, which was well over due. I love that he treats BB-8 like a dog.
I love that we got to see Finn grow. He grew in the first movie, but watching him go from running away to getting ready to sacrifice himself was wonderful. I also love that his literal first thought upon waking up was Rey. Not about himself. For someone so self-centered from the start, he has a habit of putting her first. "Rebel scum." Indeed.
Most of all, I loved Rey's story line. I love that she kept up with Luke, that she didn't give up. I love that we got to see her training with both her staff and the saber, and I desperately hope we get to see her with a lightsaber staff in Episode XI. I loved her interactions with Kylo Ren, I love that we got to see her soften for him, BUT NOT HAVE FEELINGS FOR HIM. I want my girl to be happy and single and a powerful and SHE DOES NOT NEED A LOVE INTEREST! That throne room fight scene was one of the best I've ever seen, and I loved every second of it. It's going right behind the No Man's Land scene in Wonder Woman in my list of best moments in film in 2017. The way Kylo Ren brings her the saber and they immediately go back to back to fight the guards is beautiful. That second when she figures out to drop her saber and catch it in her other hand to kill the guard is just brilliant. I even love Kylo Ren fighting with the saber in one hand and one of the guard's weapons in the other.
I've already gotten into several arguments on Facebook because I like the Porgs. They were actually created to help disguise the fact that the island they were filming on was covered in puffins and I think it's brilliant. I'm really proud of myself I haven't bought one. Yet. I did buy a silly Lightsaber refillable cup though...
Since the Force Awakens I have been mildly convinced that the writers of the new Star Wars are Avatar: the Last Airbender fans. Case in point, Dave Filoni, who is behind the Clone Wars and Rebels television shows, left the first season of Avatar to go make Clone Wars. Disney fought the rights to Star Wars in 2012, just after the first season of Legend of Korra. I can't be the only person who seems some similarities between Korra and Rey. When Force Awakens came out, my friends and I kicked around the theory of Kylo Ren pulling a "Zuko", meaning he'd follow a similar pattern as Prince Zuko and we would eventually get "Hi, Kylo Ren here." The Last Jedi stayed pretty true to this theory, Zuko did betray Katara in the season two finale, "The Crossroads of Destiny", and Kylo turned on Rey when she refused to stand with him. So in theory, Kylo could still come join the band of heroes in the final chapter, but I don't know who he would be standing with them against. Snoke is dead! I mean, he's dead dead. So maybe we actually get a true raged out Sith Lord as our bad guy? Honestly, I'd be okay with that.
Not everyone can be redeemed.
This already went on longer than I planned so just a few final notes.
 I don't think Phasma is dead. At least I hope not.
I don't think Rey's parents are nobodies. I don't want her to be a Skywalker, because we're embracing the idea that anyone can be Force sensitive, but I don't think they're "nobodies". I think Kylo Ren was trying to manipulate her. I'm still partial to her being related to Obi Wan, but I'm open to other ideas.
I love how Kylo Ren fights but that stupid sideways stance of his needs to go away.
I think we're going to see Han haunting Kylo Ren.
I figured out Luke was a Force projection, but not for the same reasons as everyone else apparently. I didn't realize he was younger, I thought he just cut his hair to be more presentable. The footprints gave it away pretty quickly, but I just had a gut feeling. I love when I'm right!
All the people saying this "ruined" Star Wars are welcome to their opinion, but I happily disagree with them. We're going in a new direction that was badly needed.
I LOVED the new scene on Star Tours. Poe now gives you the message about the rebel spy, and I was the Rebel Spy! I’m totally down with Poe needing my help. What I didn’t like was that in showing up on Crait, the Star Tours speeder should have been visible in the movie and it’s impossible for C3-P0 and R2-D2 to be in two places at once. But I can’t get over that. Doesn’t make me twitch nearly as much as Gringotts at Universal’s storyline does.
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Coming from Middle English wrong, to misconceive, from Old Norse mistaka, to absorb inaccuracy: mis-, incorrectly; view mei-1 in the Appendix from Indo-European origins + taka, to take. That is actually certainly not about our mistakes in lifestyle that describes which our experts are, it has to do with the personality that is actually developed as a result of them, the understanding that our team acquire off them as well as the know-how that when our experts perform make errors our team will certainly obtain past them as well as still stay an excellent life. You can re-send the initiative to these receivers utilizing MessageFocus's filter tool, along with the right web link apologising for any frustration and the error led to. That was actually a 2003 Ford that had actually plainly compiled a reasonable couple of kilometers (possibly certainly not the best option I had actually made) yet I possessed my vehicle! Some instructors create the oversight of observing exactly what they presume will definitely function best, without understanding the workout motions, strategies and also devices they might be using. Enjoy your mistakes for what they are actually: valuable life sessions that can just be actually discovered by hand. If you don't look at your claims properly at that point you are going to certainly not find oversights on your account that could be costing you a ton of money. MISTAKE 7: Having obsoleted information- Producing a really good web site is not the end of job, when that concerns online search engine marketing. Getting traits that colleagues possess is actually another popular blunder made by individuals that are attempting to improve their look, specifically their professionalism and trust at the workplace. On a typical documents are actually created in routine formats like Microsoft PowerPoint as well as Microsoft Term after which they are actually transformeded into the PDF layout for more handling. A number of the same blunders are actually made through both couple however as a result of the varying mental make-up of men and women some are a lot more regular to one compared to the various other. Therefore let me offer you a run-through from the 10 very most common errors I find people producing when they initially come close to a female - as well as this isn't merely trainees - this relates to normal people I note when I head out. Move toward the person and also provide a genuine apology if your error has induced somebody to shed depend on in you. The Hynix court reveals the variation between a blunder of law ... where the realities are understood but the legal repercussions are actually certainly not, or are actually believed to be different in comparison to they definitely are actually ...," Century Importers, Inc Be actually pleasant and nurturing when you interact this with her, yet don't create the oversight from overlooking this. You'll just build cynicism with time, and that's going to hurt your relationship. Katie instantly contacted her employer, clarified the mistake as well as gave ideas regarding just how they might secure new funding sources to keep the association afloat. And also the conventional wisdom is do not create the very same error two times, learn from your blunders. You have reached take the concept that you are actually individual and competent of making oversights. As you can view, having a belief, that failings and blunders are bad, is refraining from doing you any good. Search for the weak places in your life such as confining views that create you to earn errors and then attempt to transform these limiting views, actions, as well as habits. The best method to avoid feeling like you created the incorrect choice or overlooked an excellent chance is actually to earn certain you are entering the method with a strict understanding what that means to come to be a home owner. Among the absolute most typical auto repair shop mistakes automobile proprietors create is actually cannot provide sufficient details about the issue. If you have actually been actually dedicating any of the above discussed blunders as well as were naive concerning their impact, now you understand just what they were actually doing to your site. Nonetheless, several residents create a series from oversights when that involves acquiring as well as mounting this kind from windows and a few of these blunders are also below. This will certainly alarm the hospital or even surgical treatment to the act concerned and they will manage to ensure that the same blunders to not happen once again. They tried this, discovered just what would certainly create this much better the next opportunity, created the renovations as well as maintained practicing. Syntactic mistakes offer a very negative opinion and also this carries out not matter if you are actually off a technological history or otherwise. Still, this is actually not where very most identifications are swiped and it is actually a huge mistake to believe that only securing your own things may make a significant variation in your identity theft risk. Already that was actually virtually difficult for me to uncover the identification and site from the dog proprietor so I had to decrease the case (which I believed possessed a resolution value of at the very least $50,000 to $75,000). An additional usual mistake made by those that are actually attempting to enrich their appeal is actually believing that they must have the simplest. These blunders might quite possibly impair your capacity to create a new and also improved you." to avoid your own self coming from generating these usual dress for satisfaction mistakes, you'll would like to continue keeping reading. Similar to sounds that lead a vehicle driver to believe that fixings are in necessity, there will be suspicious sounds produced together with the install of the incorrect design year components. You may re-send the project to these recipients utilizing MessageFocus's filter resource, along with the correct link apologising for any sort of frustration as well as the mistake triggered. This was a 2003 Ford that had actually plainly gathered a decent few miles (probably not the best selection I had made) however I possessed my auto! Some coaches make the blunder from following what they think are going to work well, without knowing the workout actions, methods as well as tools they could be making use of. For more about yellow pages advert bike (tassa-di1frescovostrocorpo.info) review the web page. Appreciate your mistakes of what they are: precious lifestyle lessons that could simply be know by hand. I will certainly outline the primary ones to ensure that if you are actually carrying out the task to put up marble flooring tiles you have an odds not making the popular oversights in the first place. You and also your little ones can watch this movie without concern from uncomfortable and also excess waste embeded in sensationalism for rankings as well as greed. Michael Keaton produced the very same blunder as Jenna - and on a considerably larger stage - but he failed to drop any type of splits for the error. In my THIRTEEN years as a Rhode Island Kid Protection Legal representative, I have viewed lots of fathers and mamas make inane as well as stupid decisions in the course of the course from Rhode Island Little one Safekeeping Procedures. Make a checklist from the events from your lifestyle that you continue to emphasize as well as cannot seem to be to allow go of. For every celebration, document what your mistake was actually, what you picked up from this error, and also something favorable you have today due to the condition. These kids reside in two different places-one spot where they have the love and also support from their father (parents), and yet another where they feel that if their errors were actually found out, they would be undeserving of that passion. When I see one, I'm simply a quite aged business person as well as an extremely seasoned business person who made every blunder in the book and also could acknowledge one. The 1st oversight business bring in when opening their own company is actually to in some way neglect to deposit a details budget for advertising and marketing. In fact, life's ideal courses are actually commonly discovered at the worst opportunities and also off the most awful mistakes. This insurance policy is created to guard contractors and his employees against lawsuit resulting from injury, negligence or home damage. My Huge Fat Greek Wedding celebration is simply some of the most effective films ever created concerning close loved ones and also their heritages. Additionally, the accused's reliance on some of these resources should possess been reasonable, just like mistake of fact. Slip up pertains to a tiny blunder in speech or even creating, or to a slight indiscretion: I misspelled his label through a slip of the pen. Over times I produced some experiences along with different determines and also other kinds of strings that I desire to show you. There is actually a ton of I'm ALRIGHT, you are actually FINE, mistakes are ALRIGHT" talk on the market in both business and also self-help world. Parents who raise their little ones to be scared of miscalculating could frequently finding condemning as an answer to the error.
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thelonelyrdr-blog · 7 years
Thoughts on Once and for All
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Before beginning my review of this book, I feel compelled to confess the extent of my bias where Sarah Dessen is concerned. I’ve been reading her books since I was ten, maybe eleven, years old. I reread my favorite, This Lullaby, every summer of my teenage years. All of my close girlfriends in high school received one of her books as a birthday or Christmas gift at least once, prompting my mom to joke that I was singlehandedly funding her children’s college educations. Even now, as a twenty-five-too-soon-to-be-twenty-six-year-old woman, I remain a devoted Dessen fan. Though I won’t claim to have read all of her newer books, I’ve read a good number of them, and I continue to revisit old favorites. Hers were the books that made me love the YA genre, that cemented the idea I’d already formed of summer as a season of new beginnings. Never mind that my own teen years included summers spent single, overweight, and obsessively reading and writing Harry Potter fanfiction in front of my computer. I will forever associate summer with fun, romance, and a Sarah Dessen novel. And with being between the ages of sixteen and seventeen, because seriously, that’s when the lives of all YA protagonists - not just those in Sarah Dessen novels and not just those in novels - seem to get more interesting. Now, with that long, gushing disclaimer out of the way, I can proceed with my totally fair and impartial review of the undisputed queen of YA’s - I mean, Sarah Dessen’s - Once and for All. With this latest Dessen novel, before you even open it, I recommend that you take a moment to appreciate the gorgeous simplicity of the cover. The cover reminds me of the classic covers of her older novels, such as, yes, This Lullaby and The Truth About Forever. Not that the newer style is bad, exactly, but in my opinion, pastels and soft lines better complement Dessen’s writing. But let’s move on to the book’s content, which I loved every bit as much as its cover. Like the cover, the book itself reminded me of This Lullaby, which, I’m sure you’ll be shocked to learn, immediately endeared me to it. Both books begin with a wedding, and, less superficially, both books feature a) a somewhat childish, hyperactive love interest who pals around with his dog and initially annoys the female protagonist and b) a female protagonist who has a stubbornly cynical view of love, imparted to her by her mother but also informed by her own romantic disappointments. However, Dessen gives all of these elements a refreshing tweak, so that the novel can be interpreted as a homage to, but not a copy of, its predecessor. I’d be doing a disservice to this fabulous book if I didn’t praise it based on its own merits though. Louna’s character and her romance with Ambrose develop flawlessly. Appropriate pacing and an established chemistry between characters are the keys to writing a believable fictional romance, and Dessen succeeds beautifully in both regards. It also helps if the characters have appeal beyond their status as one-half of a couple: as individuals, Louna and Ambrose are distinct and memorable, as are the supporting characters. I’ve never met a Dessen character I didn’t like, but this time around, I especially liked Louna’s unconventional family, comprised of her mom and her mom’s gay business partner slash best friend.  Her interactions with both “parents” were uncomplicatedly sweet and tender. The whole setup, with Ambrose as the unruly son and brother, respectively, of two clients, whom Louna is forced to work with to prevent him from causing his sister undue stress before her wedding, is brilliant. I could read another hundred books with Louna and Ambrose as assistant wedding planners. Their bet undoubtedly draws on a romantic cliché, but one that I never mind seeing, and my only complaint is that more attention wasn’t given to it. And oh my gosh, the twist with Phone Lady? Not only did I not see it coming, but it depressed me more than I think it should’ve, considering what a minor character she was, which testifies to Dessen’s superior character-rendering abilities. Now come my two small nit-picks, which contain SPOILERS (so be warned if you haven’t read the book), and which I hope Sarah Dessen will not hold against me if she ever happens across this review. Although I appreciated Dessen’s authentic portrayal of how it feels to be in a long-distance relationship, in particular because most media gets it wrong (Going the Distance (2010), I’m throwing my hands in the air in response to your wasted potential), I kind of wish that Louna’s failed relationship had been with someone she was in a long-term relationship with rather than with someone she spent one night with and a few months texting and calling. Less original though it would’ve been, I would’ve preferred it if Ambrose’s assumption that Louna had gone through a bad breakup had been correct, both because I personally would’ve found it more relatable and because I think her cynicism would’ve made more sense in that instance. To be clear, I’m not arguing that a first boyfriend being killed in a school shooting wouldn’t be traumatic for a teenager, but rather, that I don’t know if it would instill in her a fervent disbelief in true love and happy endings when it was life, not love, that took Ethan from Louna. Feelings don’t have to be rational, of course, and Louna’s feelings about Ethan’s death were well-explained, but again, that would’ve been my personal preference. I will say, though, that I’m impressed with how Dessen handled the school shooting, managing to relegate it to Louna’s memories, where it belonged, without it losing its emotional resonance. Not once did I feel like I was reading an “issue” book. I was also pleasantly surprised that Ethan and Louna had sex on their first date, but that neither the narrative nor Jilly, Louna’s best friend and the only other character who likely knew about it, made a big deal of it. Rather, the sex was presented as just another detail about the start of Louna’s normal, healthy relationship with Ethan. For the record, it was safe sex, too, and kudos to Dessen for writing teenagers who are both comfortable with their sexuality and have the intelligence and presence of mind to use condoms.   Coincidentally, my other minor issue with the book involves Ambrose, Ethan’s successor as male lead, in a sense. Yes, I have a problem with Ambrose, my favorite love interest in a Sarah Dessen novel since Dexter and Wes (and okay, I guess we can throw Owen and Eli in there, too). The problem is that Louna emphasizes how kind Ambrose is, even citing his kindness as the reason he appeals to her and to girls in general, yet his habit of leading girls on directly contradicts this assessment of his character. Furthermore, why does Louna all of a sudden have faith in Ambrose’s ability to commit to her, when she previously doubted his ability to commit to anyone? Her observations about his relationship patterns were, after all, the catalyst for their bet.  Believe me, I adore Ambrose, especially considering how lackluster some of the more recent Dessen love interests have been, but I still think that Louna should’ve called him out on his shit at least once more before putting on those rose-tinted glasses. One conversation mid-way through the novel was not enough. However, note that the ending was perfect in every other respect, so I feel silly even complaining.   Long-time Sarah Dessen fans, rejoice: Once and for All is all (ha!) that you’ve come to expect from her and more. For my part, lame-o that I am, I’m already looking forward to these characters making cameos in future books.
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