#he's from 2002!! he's older than me and my sisters!!!
smile-files · 1 year
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i'm so glad i took elmo home!! he is so happy here, and i'm so happy to have him :)
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chaotic-goodsir · 7 months
Good morning, might I interest anyone in some hyperfixated rambling re:
1) Me being wrong about Wilbur Cross and John Macnamara's canon ages.
2) The newly explained Mega Bastards SaF lore (I know it's just Actor Curt Mega's headcanon but it's canon to me now)
3) The implications for my hcs about Wilbur being the Spankoffski bros uncle and John being related to Curt?
Keeping it under a readmore so I don't annoy everyone about this, because I have a lot of thoughts.
So it turns out I misunderstood John and Wilbur's canon ages in Black Friday.
According to the wiki they're around 42 and around 44 respectively in 2019. I'd imagined them as being 10 years older than this and therefore in their early 30s back in 1998, but in fact they should have been only 21 and 23 in that Saf/Hatchetverse crossover fic I wrote a while ago, and they were only 28 and 30 when the portal incident happened.
The question of whether Wiley can physically age post-2005 makes this interesting, though. Was Wilbur 44 in 2005, making Wiley eternally 44? That would mean that pre-portal Wilbur was a whole 15 or 16 years older than John, which works well I guess for the canon mentor-mentee context but not so well for my own MacNaCross headcanons. I think such a big age difference would change their dynamic a lot, plus I prefer the idea of Wilbur having been promoted at a fairly young age for a PIEP colonel.
For those reasons I'm gonna go with Wilbur being 30 in 2005 and Wiley being technically 44 in Black Friday, whether or not he ages in a normal human way. The most tragic implication of this is of course that I can't call Wilbur/Wiley a boomer anymore, since being born in 1975 makes them definitely Gen X :(
But it would also make the age difference between Wil and Annie (a Hatchetfield OC of mine who is Wil's sister and Pete and Ted's mom) much larger. Ted was born in 1984, so Annie would have to be at least 10 years older than Wilbur.
Having a 10 year age difference between the Cross Siblings would be kinda cool (it parallels the Spankoffski bros age difference!!) but it does mean rethinking all my headcanons about their sibling dynamic. Plus it would make Wilbur less than 10 years older than Ted and an actual uncle since the age of 9.
- Implications for my headcanons about where the Uncle Wiley character/voice came from? Perhaps.
- Would Ted have known Wilbur better when he was growing up? Seems more likely, especially if Annie helped her younger sibling out when he left home.
- What about Ted and Wilbur knowing each other around the time of the Jenny incident and the portal? Or when Pete was born in 2002? Or Homeless Ted's reasons for queuing up in Black Friday?
MUCH to consider and perhaps draw or write about some time.
Anyway. On a different note:
Combining Actor Curt Mega's headcanon about Agent Curt Mega having several illegitimate children with John and Wilbur's canon ages, it's completely possible (if you like SaF/Hatchetverse crossovers) for John Macnamara to be Curt's grandson.
If John is around 42 in TGWDLM and Black Friday, then he was born around 1976. So his mother or father could easily have been born in the early fifties as one of the illegitimate children resulting from Curt's spy activities. And it's likely John wouldn't know this, if the truth was kept a secret from him - which it probably would be, if his grandmother's line of work/status was the kind where you end up being seduced for espionage reasons by the world's greatest spy.
Again: Much to think about.
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imaginaenespanol · 1 year
Childhood Kid!Michael Myers x Kid!Latin!reader
Plot: You and your family are immigrants from a Latin American country. Thanks to your dad's opportunity at his job, they come to Hanonfield USA, you meet the kid Michael Myers and they become friends because of your strange way of speaking Other idiom and persistence in wanting to be his friend, they spend 4 years together in various situations, while he falls in love with you, you are his only happiness. What happened in those years before that fateful Halloween?
Words: 1470
Warning: (y/n) being innocent and falling for little Michael's dark plans...
Notes : YEEEESSSSS, I finished the first semester of this year of university and the inspiration came suddenly, more words, a mini development arc, I hope you enjoy this!
Chapters: (1),(2), (3),(x)
Chapter 4: Do you want to ruin love with me?
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Monday February 7, 2002
A few weeks have passed in which Michael and (Y/N) have interacted more comfortably and become closer than at the beginning, of course, (Y/N) has not stopped being someone with a lot of energy when seeing new things, while the blond boy considers that little voice somewhat annoying, it is not because he dislikes it, rather he has not wanted to attract the attention of the Bullies, he always ends up in the direction or if there are blows included, he ends up suspended, and the scolding at home is not very pleasant So let's say, things have been tense there and Michael is breeding a little bit of negativity inside him, if it wasn't for (Y/N), he would have put his full attention on it with no distractions.
They were both in a small park after school, they both agreed not to go home so late and enjoy the afternoon —I'm telling you! In my country they don't celebrate February 14 as enthusiastically as they do here, and that's 1 week away—  (Y/N) was casually telling his friend about the upcoming date.
Michael shrugged indifferently, he's never had someone special to give something to, he was the outcast, he only had his mother but there was also a special date for that and certainly his older sister doesn't care —I'm not interested in those dates , they are for fools— The boy quietly put his hands in his pockets.
—Hey, it's not for fools, my mom says you should give something to someone in particular, it's not necessarily someone you like, tell me— She looked curiously with those big eyes and an impulsive question crossed her mind.
—Is there someone you love?— Myers abruptly raised an eyebrow at the girl's question, why did she suddenly change the subject? that girl... although he stopped for a moment and looked at her, what was that on her chest when he thought of...? The boy frantically shook his head before his cheeks betrayed him.
—Meh, I don't have, I can stand you, I don't want a headache with something silly— He said mockingly with a mischievous face, to which (Y/N) frowned and put his hands on his waist in a indignant gesture after Michael scoffed that she was a pain in the ass
—What do you mean!? You're the fool,— she said defensively as they began to run.
Michael couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. He loved to make her angry just to see the funny faces he would make of her with her little face.
—Am I the fool?— You're the one who doesn't stop talking about cheesy things like Valentine's Day, — he replied sarcastically.
—It's not cheesy!— It's a special date to give something to someone you care about—replied (Y/N) frowning more.
—Yeah, sure, it's very important to silly girls like you,— Michael sneered, and before she could reply, he ran off laughing.
—Michael!— Come here!— she yelled (Y/N) and started running after him, both zigzagging between the trees of the park.
Michael turned from time to time to check that he was being followed and laugh more heartily. He was fascinated by the way they seemed to challenge and chase each other like two mischievous childhood friends.
Finally, tired of running, (Y/N) stopped and sat down on the grass to catch her breath. Michael returned and sat down next to her, a smirk still on his lips.
—You're a cheater,— she said (Y/N) giving him a small tap on her shoulder.
—You're a bad loser,— Michael replied, and they both burst out laughing, unable to maintain the angry facade any longer.
—Well, well, then... Shall we ruin that day? I mean... if that celebration is so silly for you— (Y/N) said amused, the boy's influence was slowly making her do more daring or unimaginable things for her Although she did not deny that this was more fun than following the orders of her parents or older brothers, she observed the amused face of the blond boy, he had a face of complicity.
—Wow, you're more evil than you look!— Michael said jokingly, but they both started walking home, Michael planned many ideas in which to prank others, things...somewhat creepy, but he wanted approval of (Y/N)
—Every day after class... we'll go to my room to plan to ruin that day, whether you like it or not, understood?— Myers suddenly said and with a happy smile, the little girl nodded.
—Hey, I was the one who suggested that, don't take all the credit— (Y/N) she said in protest, her leadership change annoyed her, but Myers ignored her
—Come on, my ideas are better, or did you want to do that with your scary baby ideas?— He annoyed her knowing her reaction
—I'm not a scared baby! I'm in the plan!— She said firmly as she hit his shoulder to show her strength, not because she was a girl was she going to back down from a challenge 
—But...— (Y/N) said suddenly —Let it be a secret… I don't want my family to find out, it could ruin things— The young woman mentioned when they reached the front of the Myers house
 —Calm down, crying baby, it will be our secret— He said, moving away from her, entering his house, listening the screams of the young
—I'm not a crybaby! I saved you from the bullies, Michael!— She said indignantly as she went to her own house, but inside she was happy. What does it matter if he wasn't interested in the 14th of February? After all, she will have a good time and finally she has a secret of friends, which made her feel excited.
She quickly got to her room after being stopped by her mother and doing the same routine as always. Maybe if she brought a couple of ideas tomorrow afternoon, they could be useful, after all, that's what friends do right? .
Meanwhile, Michael Myers saw his mother conversing on the phone with a man very sweetly ignoring the greeting he gave his mother, he frowned and ran quickly to his room, the gears began to work in his mind and he had planned some how many things, include guts and blood, maybe you would get it with some forest animals, or you can also cut some things up and wrap them in packages!, there are so many ideas that he immediately went to work more enthusiastically than before, Al finally he was not alone! there is someone else with whom you are encouraged to do these things. A little smile crossed his face when he thought of that “annoying” girl, at last he didn't feel alone at school...
Suddenly he heard a knock on the door of his room 
—Hey!, you look more enthusiastic, Mike, a declaration of love?— She was Michael's older sister, he frowned when he felt that she interrupted his thoughts
—Leave me alone!— Michael said angrily to his sister when he knocked on the door and she only answered him between laughs and jeers until he kicked her out of his room, going back to what he had, he focused again on his plans to ruin Valentine's Day.
He was excited that someone wanted to join in on his antics, especially (Y/N). Although he didn't like the kitsch of that day, he was intrigued to plan something together, it was the first time someone wanted to do something like that with him and they didn't accuse him with adults.
The next day, he waited for (Y/N) after school. She approached excitedly. —Hello Michael, I already have some ideas,— she said smiling. He nodded. —Let's go to my house, my mom is not here, she went out with another man— He said something annoyed, but he quickly recovered and they ran without rest.
Once in Michael's room, (Y/N) pulled out the ideas she had written down. He frowned as he read them and kept from rolling his eyes in annoyance. —They're too soft,— he complained. —I told you I have better plans.—
—I know, but… — (Y/N) hesitated. Michael was beginning to lose patience.
—Come on, trust me. We will ruin that day like never before— Michael said with a crooked smile that (Y/N) found a little scary. She nodded slowly.
Michael proceeded to explain her sadistic plans: wrapping nasty things as gifts, scattering red paint down the halls, even trapping animals to put in lockers. (Y/N) listened to him with wide eyes, those plans went beyond innocent pranks. But she had already agreed to join Michael, she didn't want to look like a coward, plus she has always been true to her promises, no matter what. She with false emotion she said: —I'm in, we'll make those plans.—
Michael smirked. Both shook hands sealing their alliance...
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applbottmjeens · 6 months
Hello, shy anon here again, i forgot to ask you something, will you post more of you other ocs? I found their desings cool, wanted to know more about them (not refering just at the twins even if they are my personal favorite, i like the other too lol), not rushing you or anything, just curious, sorry if I sounded rude or uneducaded
Ah, also my cod oc name that I mentioned in the other mesage is Yulian (Julian) Makarov and he was born in 20/12/2002, and even tho I mentioned that the twis are like a splitting of his personality I still think they are pretty different because of some aspects, yet so simillar
Thats it, thanks for reading my ask, again sorry about any mistakes, english is not my firts lengage
You're pretty understandable to me, anon. Don't worry!
Other than the twins, I have Anna Pham and the other members of COD Aces- the Graves family. (2nd gen)
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We have Jack, the eldest from Phillip's first marriage who was supposed to inherit the Shadow Company, Phillip Jr. who's the youngest born after his twin sister and is more soft, Graves' daughter Claire who would eventually become the lobbyist on behalf of SC and inherit her dad's manipulative tendencies, and finally,
Tommy. Formerly known as Sylas Graves, he eventually found out what his stepfather (whom he looked up to) did to his mom and became resentful, changing his name as soon as he turned 18. Joined the Marines but somehow ended up in the Shadow Company, and only stays to protect his brother Junior from his dad and from his older brother's insecurity about his position when Tommy is named heir.
The infighting of ACES comes to a head when Junior is captured by Konni and Anna disappears, with all siblings forced to work through their family bullshit to deal with the Zakhaev Twins and other threats that come their way.
I'm very impartial to Tommy. As for Anna's story, I'm always down to explain it, with most of it in my masterlist.
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n1ghtcrwler · 8 months
In a different post, I mentioned a discussion I had with a friend about a discussion I had with Carol in which Carol said I had too many mob ties, and @thenightisbrightastheday added the tag
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On a recent drive, we had been talking about how my parents' mental states while I was a child had come up in my recent therapy session, and this had caused my therapist to ask about my grandmother's murder. So I told the therapist a very abridged version of the story, but my wife obviously already knows significantly more detail than that, and some of these details spun off into another conversation; so to make that conversation make sense, you need to know those key details.
The first is that, while my grandfather was born in America, his parents and older brother had come over from southern Italy. The area where they (and I, later) lived in PA was high in mob activity, with the mafia holding significant power in the unions at the steel mills. This did not change for a very long time, even as the mills died out; I remember when a number of officials, including a county sheriff and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, just over the state line were arrested on charges of bribery and racketeering (among other assorted charges) related to their involvement in the mob in 2002. I was updated a couple years ago that gangs from Detroit had noticed a lack of gang claims in the urban areas around my hometown and decided to move in, only to get run out by the mob. So they're still at least a little active.
Anyway. My grandpa was significantly older than my grandma (he had, we learned after he died, already had another family he'd ditched in Michigan, and his oldest son was the same age as my grandma), and was an alcoholic, which combined into a pretty abusive situation. She eventually had her fill, packed up their four kids, and moved south to be with family (including the great-grandma from my last story). When he left, he told her that if she ever came back to PA, he'd kill her. She eventually did move back to PA, and the day he heard about that, he went out and bought a gun. A little while later, he arranged to come over to drop off some final divorce paperwork while my mom and her sister were in school. When he came over, he killed her, dug a hole in the backyard, dropped her in, put a piece of plywood over her, and then had the youngest two kids (who were home) help him put dirt in the grave by telling them he needed help "burying some garbage."
First degree murder. Obviously, no doubt about it. But then, one day, there was apparently a meeting involving the judge and the prosecutor and some unknown other individuals, and the charges were changed to third degree murder. He didn't roll over on anyone. He didn't give anything up. It's unclear what sort of legal deal could have been made; but all the same, he was found guilty, and sentenced to five years of prison. He was there when I was born, and somehow managed to get his hands on a pure silver cup, fork, and spoon set and send it to me in Alabama. I don't know how he got that gift while in prison, how he got it out of prison, or how he got our address to send it.
There were suspicions right away, of course. Most of them centered around my great-uncle, since he'd apparently had money no one could explain, and since grandpa was kind of stupid (like, a lower IQ than the one they used for Forrest Gump to show how stupid he was) and dealing with significant back problems that made some people suspect another person must have been involved, and it was at my great-uncle's house after he'd died that our family finally found some items that had gone missing from the crime scene. On the other hand, the kids that were home don't seem to remember their uncle being there and the plan isn't all that complicated, so some suspicions assume it was my grandpa's own connections that got him out of an obvious life sentence. As it was, he got out a little early on good behavior and died of a heart attack in a halfway house.
Either way, it looked like something shady was going on. Carol determined that, if he was connected to the mob, and clearly okay with involving small children in burying bodies, and invested enough to send me a gift at my birth, he would have absolutely put effort into getting me connected if he hadn't died. She said she was sure I would have ended up in the mob, but I pointed out my dad would not have let that happen without a fight. A literal fight. He hated the mob, and had at least two encounters with them. One was minor on a job site. The other involved someone with apparent mob connections threatening him with said connections, and my dad pointing out that all he had to do was make one phone call to the mountains and pay for a pack of beer and everyone that person knew would be dead in a matter of hours.
We knew this to be true. My hillbilly cousins have killed before. I recalled a story one of them (I don't remember who) had casually mentioned about tracking down a guy accused of assaulting one of our female cousins and drowning him in a river while a few guys stood around with guns in case he surfaced.
Carol noted that some of what I was saying about them sounded awfully similar to mafia behavior as well. We talked a little about how I was raised to be comfortable with, and even glorify, a certain amount of violence (a mindset I still have to try hard to keep in check sometimes), and one incident came up in which we thought we might have a real problem arise.
See, my aunt's brother was a drug dealer, and had made quite the enterprise for himself. He was deep enough that when he was finally caught by the feds, the people he worked with and was rolling over on in his plea deal weren't street-level dealers, but cartel members in Columbia. When it came out that he'd given valuable information, we discussed exactly how prepared we were to deal with the possibility of cartel members looking to punish him by going after close family, like his sister and mother (the latter of which wasn't technically related to the rest of us at all, but always part of family gatherings, and therefore under family protection). We had enough people and firepower available that the actual handling of a fight wasn't a concern, but finding out if and when they came was. So I contacted some drug dealers I knew and passed around word that if any Columbians started suddenly sniffing around, they needed to quickly and quietly get word to me. Nothing ever came of that.
Carol, at this point, noted that our conversation had turned up some level of connection to the Italian mafia, a violent sect of hillbillies, AND a Columbian drug cartel; she joked that it was only a matter of time before we learned my Irish family is somehow connected to Whitey Bulger. We decided at that point that it was best I never went through with running for Congress when I'd considered it, as someone would surely have dug at least some of this up. And then we got where we were going and the conversation dropped.
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hpcestfest · 1 year
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HP Cest Fest 2023: Week 4 ☕️
📖 INCENDIO | E | 45,200 Albus Severus Potter/James Sirius Potter
Al is just looking for something to get his mind off of his brother. When Lily suggests he try INCENDIO, a popular dating app, he has no idea what fate — or the algorithm — has in store for him.
📖 The Cost | E | 4,100 Rabastan Lestrange/Rodolphus Lestrange
Rabastan and Rodolphus have always loved each other more than brothers should, but with Rodolphus set to marry Bellatrix Black, Rabastan finds himself desperate and devastated. What price would he pay to keep his older brother all to himself? Or, On his older brother's wedding night, Rabastan reminds Rodolphus to who his body will always belong.
📖 A Little Love A Little Sympathy | E | 2,400 Sirius Black/Narcissa Black Malfoy
Sirius Black has no idea what Narcissa could want from him. But now she's standing in front of his door and they're both so fucking lonely.
📖 My Sister's Keeper | E | 1,600 Andromeda Black Tonks/Bellatrix Black Lestrange
Bellatrix visits Andromeda after escaping Azkaban, eager to rescue her sister from the undeserving Ted Tonks.
📖 I Await a Protector | E | 6,000 Tom Riddle/Tom Riddle Sr/Harry Potter
The events following Voldemort's resurrection at the end of the Triwizard Tournament go a little... differently. Or, Expecto Patronum, but the Patronus that emerged was not the one you expected.
📖 Oats | E | 16,500 Harry Potter/Severus Snape
When Severus Snape refused to make a cheaper form of parentage revealing tests for one Hermione Granger, he forgot that she could be a tornado on the loose. Now there's hell to pay; nothing and nobody shall be safe anymore. Or, a brief chronicle of Severus Snape's misery in the years of 2002-2003, the seeds of which apparently had been sown by his own hands- or dick- decades ago.
📖 Familial Relations | E | 1,100 Harry Potter/Severus Snape
"It's genetic," said Severus, one day when Harry asked. "All the men on my father's side have webbed toes."
📖 Forgive Me Father | E | 3,800 Regulus Black/Sirius Black
The first time Sirius met his mother was when she was cold in her casket.
📖 A Son's Devotion | E | 14,300 Bill Weasley/Arthur Weasley
Prompt #: 52 When Molly dies in childbirth, leaving Arthur to raise 6 young boys and a newborn on his own, he realizes that he doesn't know how he's going to do it. Cue Bill stepping in to try and help. As Bill takes on the role of second parent and spouse, Arthur realizes that he needs to get remarried… except Bill won't let him. Bill decides that he is his father's new wife, and no one is going to raise his father's children or warm his father's bed except him! Arthur realizes that maybe this was what he needed all along. Feminization, Mpreg, and breeding kink welcome. - insert Llama Kuzco here "Bring it on."
📖 The Curse of Wanting | E | 9,000 Harry Potter/Ron Weasley/Ginny Weasley
Ron has been in love with his best mate for as long as he can remember. But with Harry about to marry his sister, Ron's chance at love and happiness is coming to an end. Or is it just the beginning?
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uozlulu · 1 year
Fic. IwtV AMC. Swallow My Fang at Night Island. Human AU. Explicit.
Character(s)/Relationship(s) Alice, Armand, Daniel, Daniel's daughters, Lestat, Louis, Marius; Devil's Minion, Loustat(background) Genre Alternate Universe/Drama/Romance Rating Explicit Word Count 12,318 Disclaimer As this is fanfiction, I do not hold copyright to the source material(s) nor do I claim that I do. This is for free entertainment purposes only. Summary Human AU. It's the dawn of a new millennium. Daniel is newly divorced, almost fifty, and dealing with his daughters' troubles at school. Armand is one of his daughter's teachers. The instant they meet, Armand decides Daniel will be his and Daniel finds himself equally intrigued despite his better judgement. Warning(s) language, alcohol, workplace homophobia, mention of masturbation, food consumption, sex Notes Saw an ask on Tumblr about how Zaman has high school teacher vibes and someone in the reblogs was like “Someone should write an AU where Armand is a high school teacher at the school Daniel’s daughters go to,” and my brain just went “I volunteer!” and immediately began flinging plot points and pretty much the entire AU at me. Since we don’t have any canon anything about the daughters, I just decided to continue using my concept of them until I stand corrected. While I was watching the show I for some reason came under the impression that Alice is the first wife but not the girls’ mom (can’t remember why I thought this, but it was before my brain went “What if Alice is Armand?”) but for this fic, Alice is the girls’ mom. Decided to make Daniel about a year older than he probably is in show canon so then I could set this during the 2000 – 2001 school year instead of the 2001 – 2002 school year for obvious reasons. That said, I have never been to NYC so apologies in advance if I get some nuance wrong. As you might suspect, my greatest writing weakness are my titles. This one will make sense in due course.
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Swallow My Fang at Night Island
The new millennium was not even a year old. It was almost nineteen years since Daniel Molloy started down the path to giving up illegal drugs. It was fourth months since his twenty-year marriage ended. He had a weekly political column in syndication and he was on the first draft of his fourth book. Both of his daughters were now in the same private high school. It was one week into the new school year and Daniel was on his eighth parent-teacher meeting of the afternoon. His ex, Alice, was the secretary to one of the busiest and most powerful lawyers in the city, so he had to attend alone.
Daniel settled onto a small stool in front of the French teacher’s desk. Louis de Point du Lac was young and striking. An LSU alumni calendar sat atop his desk. He stared at Daniel through his lashes and then reached into his desk drawer. He placed a half-empty pack of cigarettes on top of his desk.
“Shit,” Daniel murmured.
“Luckily Mandy just turned eighteen or this would be an instant expulsion,” Louis said. “Unfortunately, there is a three day suspension.”
Daniel stared at the pack a long moment. He was fifteen when he took up smoking decades ago and forty-five when he finally managed to quit. He suspected this was not a new habit for his older daughter. His lips drew into a fine line. When he was not writing a book, he researched the next and barely at home. During the trial separation over the last two years, he only really saw his daughters on holidays. He had not noticed a thing.
Louis leaned closer and spoke in a low voice, “Or it would be, if I reported it.”
Daniel’s gaze returned to him.
“My sister Claudia is good friends with Mandy. She told me about the divorce. We also have a new headmistress who over-reacts to imperfection, so it’s best she not get involved.” Louis pulled a printout from a stack on his desk and handed it to Daniel. It was entirely in French. “I want Mandy to turn in a five-page paper by Friday and to think before she brings these to school again. Alright?”
“Yeah,” Daniel said. “Does she know about this?”
“She knows there will be consequences,” Louis said. “I wanted her to sweat it out today.”
There was a knock at the door and then the choir director breezed into the room as if accompanied by his own theme music. Lestat was a little older than Louis was and his hair always looked as perfect as he strove to make his choirs. “Louis, I need your attention on an important matter.”
Daniel immediately rose from the stool and slipped the cigarettes into his pocket. “Anything else?”
“That’s all,” Louis said. He stood. “Thanks for coming in.”
“It is not all for me,” Lestat said as his gaze fell on Daniel. “Your eldest daughter has been ignoring my advice again. Her voice keeps deteriorating. If she cannot give up her vices, I will have to cast another girl as Christine in the musical. I do not wish to do this since my next option is a little shrill on the high notes.”
“I can imagine. I’m sure Mandy knows,” Daniel said.
“Then she must follow my advice,” Lestat said. “Her antics jeopardize our position as national choir champions this spring as well.”
Daniel nodded. “I’ve got another meeting.” He waved to both Louis and Lestat before heading down the hallway. He sighed to himself and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his free hand. Mandy might have two teachers disappointed in her, but his younger daughter, Jess, had at least six of hers disappointed and he highly suspected her seventh teacher would be too. Daniel was not looking forward to the trip back to Alice’s apartment after meeting with him.
Armand taught English, Community theater, and Drama at the same private school where Louis and Lestat worked. Normally he would have left work by now, but he had a meeting with a parent first. He stood in the middle of his classroom and placed a hand on his heart as he spoke his monologue in his head. He stepped from desk chair to desk chair that impeded his blocking and easily dropped down to a different aisle. He finished his monologue and looked at the clock.
Someone knocked at the classroom door. Armand returned to his desk and faced the door. “Enter.”
Immediately the door opened and the world seemed to pause as Daniel entered the classroom. Gray hair created tiny paths through dark curls. His eyes were almost a violet shade of blue. Armand saw Daniel so many times in their borough and even now, Armand could not look away as he finally put a name to his face. “Are you Mr. Molloy?”
Daniel seemed to return to the classroom from his own thoughts. He licked his lips and then entered the room, letting the door quietly close behind him. “Yeah.” He cleared his throat and his voice became stronger, “You must be Mr. Armand.”
Armand’s eyes lingered a moment longer. “That’s what the students call me. To everyone else, I’m simply Armand.” He retrieved a stack of assignments from his desk and crossed the room. He offered Daniel his hand, never once breaking eye contact.
Daniel took the hand, his grip firm, warm, and electric. “No last name?”
“Most can’t pronounce it,” Armand said. He let go of Daniel’s hand slowly. “These are your daughter’s assignments from last week.” He handed the papers to Daniel, letting their fingers brush in the exchange.
The tips of Daniel’s ears seemed to turn red, but the blush faded as he looked through the papers and his frown grew. “Jess didn’t finish any of these. She didn’t even do half of them.”
“I heard from her other teachers this is a habit,” Armand said as he moved even closer. “If this continues, she’ll have to leave the school.”
Daniel sighed. “She’s even like this in art class. She draws all the time. Just not what the teacher wanted.”
“She’s on top of the reading and a leader in discussions,” Armand said, “but she also seems distracted.”
Daniel shifted his weight and almost bumped into Armand. Armand did not move. Daniel added Jess’ assignments to the ones already waiting for her in his laptop bag. He kept Mandy’s assignment in his hand. “I’ll talk to her about it.” Daniel looked at Armand then immediately averted his gaze as if searching the room for anything else to look at. His eyes settled on a few framed photos on the wall behind Armand’s desk.
“That’s my theater troupe,” Armand said, his voice practically in Daniel’s ear. “We perform at the community theater on Saturdays evenings, and then celebrate at the club afterwards.”
“Seems lively,” Daniel murmured.
“You should take in a show sometime. Sit in the front row. I’ll look for you,” Armand said.
Daniel’s gaze returned to him, almost skeptical. “I’ll think about it.”
Armand smiled and guided Daniel to the door with a hand on his back. “I look forward to it.” He felt a small shiver traverse Daniel’s body at the whisper in his ear.
Once Daniel left, Armand gathered his things and went headed to the community theater for rehearsal.
Alice and the girls still lived in the three-bedroom condominium that Daniel shared with them until he separated from Alice. The original custody arrangement went out the window when Jess’ teachers called asking for meetings and it turned to ash when Louis called looking to talk about contraband. Daniel let the girls into the apartment with the key he kept for emergencies. There was no sign of Alice yet. He would stay with the girls until she arrived home.
“Why are you even babysitting us?” Mandy asked. “It’s not like you cared to before.”
“It’s not babysitting. I’m your dad,” Daniel said. He put Mandy’s cell phone in a high cabinet in the kitchen that Alice used as a time out space for electronics. Mandy and Jess’ Discmen were already there. “And I wouldn’t have to be here after school if the two of you were responsible enough to be home alone.”
Mandy sighed and rolled her eyes before escaping to her room to do her homework.
“Can we put Cartoon Network on while we work?” Jess emptied her book bag onto the dining table, adding to the pile of unfinished assignments Daniel set there.
“No,” Daniel said. “Sit. You’re going to do your homework and I’m going to write.” He set his laptop bag on the chair Alice normally used at the table before sitting in his former seat beside it.
Jess sighed and resigned herself to her fate.
A long time later, Alice opened the door and called out, “Hi!” After hugging the girls, she asked them to finish studying in their rooms while she spoke with Daniel. Jess eagerly gathered her things and escaped to freedom while Mandy simply nodded and returned to her room.
Daniel followed Alice into the kitchen. She retrieved two wine glasses, sighed, and looked at him. “How’d it go?”
Daniel accepted the wine she poured him. “Jess actually hasn’t done a complete assignment all week. Mandy had cigarettes in her purse. I put Mandy’s phone in the cabinet.”
“Fuck,” Alice hissed. “Isn’t the counseling we’re going to supposed to help this?”
“It didn’t prevent us from getting divorced,” Daniel said.
“Neither of us are straight enough to make it to our golden anniversary. You know that.” Alice sipped her wine.
Daniel decided not to comment and sipped his wine.
Alice sighed. “Sorry. This is probably cramping your dating life.”
“I’m committed to my book right now,” Daniel said. “There is no dating life.”
“That’s no fun,” Alice said. “You need to get out there. It’s not like you’re going to meet someone at work like I did.” She started poking about the freezer. “Are you staying for dinner?”
“No,” Daniel said. “The girls have to keep getting used to this reality, right?” He finished his wine and retrieved his things. “I’ll say goodbye to the girls and head home. See you tomorrow.”
“Alright,” Alice said. “Be careful.”
Daniel nodded and took his leave.
Armand noticed Daniel’s new schedule immediately. The first time he saw Daniel walking home at night after their meeting at school, Armand watched but continued on his way. The second time, he followed Daniel and discovered Daniel lived a block away from Armand’s apartment complex. The third time, Armand settled at Daniel’s side while waiting for the crosswalk light to change. .
The night was cool and the moon hung low on the horizon. Daniel had his hands in his pockets and an arm over the laptop bag strapped to his body. Armand shifted his weight so their arms bumped against one another.
Daniel’s gaze shifted to Armand. Annoyance immediately changed to something much nicer.
“Good evening, Mr. Molloy.” Armand met his gaze.
Daniel stared a long moment and then seemed to shake his head to himself. The people in front of them started to cross the street and they followed. “You can call me Daniel. Otherwise it feels like some kind of 50’s sitcom.”
Armand continued to watch Daniel, managing to avoid any obstacle in his path from all his years onstage. He knew the borough well enough to know exactly where they were at any given moment. He casually nodded towards the other side of the street where people stood in line to get into one of the local clubs. “Have you ever been to Night Island?”
“No.” Daniel looked over at the line and neon palm trees at the door. “Is it good?”
“There’s no dress code. Everyone is welcome.” Armand moved close enough his voice stayed between them, “The Saturday before Halloween is their best night. Everyone goes in costume.”
Daniel glanced back at Night Island. His brain seemed to spin behind his gaze. His attention returned to the sidewalk in front of them and then back to Armand. “So you like costumes and theatrics?”
“I like many things,” Armand said with a small, almost predatory smile, which only grew at when Daniel seemed to swallow. He touched Daniel’s arm and felt him shiver. “This is where I leave. Let’s find each other again.” He slipped away and headed to his apartment complex. He felt Daniel’s gaze on him until he disappeared into the building.
The new routine was easy to adapt to for Daniel. On weekdays, he woke early, had breakfast, wrote until his stomach could not take it anymore, had lunch, did other things, and then kept track of the girls after school until Alice returned home at night. On Friday nights, he took the girls home with him to his two-bedroom apartment. On Saturdays, they found fun things to do and he took a break from writing. By Saturday night, the girls were back with Alice so they could go to church on Sundays. Daniel devoted his Sundays to research for his next article. Mandy was still smoking, but smarter about where she kept her cigarettes. Jess managed to complete her assignments well enough to avoid expulsion. Daniel made more progress on his book. It was routine. It was monotonous. It lent well to writing.
Saturday evening arrived again. The girls returned to Alice. Daniel stared at himself a long time in the bathroom mirror, thinking about the club Armand pointed out to him earlier that week. Daniel twirled a gray curl around his finger. He grasped the slight sag of skin at his chin and wiggled it. He wore all black. No matter how he ran his fingers through his hair, no matter which shirt he wore, he still looked like a dad picking his kid up from the club instead of someone who belonged on the dancefloor. He sighed. Alice and his editor echoed in his ears. It was time for him to do something other than watch CNN or fall asleep to a late movie on a Saturday night. Daniel made up his mind and headed out on the town.
Night Island was one of the most popular clubs in the city and Saturday night was its most popular night. Daniel finally made it through the ridiculously long line to the bouncer. True to Armand’s word, there were few entry restrictions, and Daniel immediately stepped into the club. There were people covered from head to toe in clothing and others with their asses almost completely exposed. Glow sticks waved in the air. There was a bar to Daniel’s left and a DJ to his right, a crowd of dancers packing the floor between them. Tables spread across a glass floor above him. The club seemed incredibly dark but colorful lights beat to the music, illuminating everything with each flash. Daniel stuck to the edges of the dancefloor, observing what he could. The music was so different from the last time he went to a club in the 70’s and charged forward as if a torrent sand could just swallow everyone whole.
Daniel saw glowing orange eyes in the crowd. He stopped in his tracks. The eyes drew near and Armand seemingly materialized as a vision of white with only the middle button of his shirt still fastened. Gel tamed his dark waves that hung in his eyes at the school. His neon gaze pierced through the darkness that tried to swallow him between pulses of light. Daniel did not realize he stopped breathing until he found himself coughing for air. He closed his eyes and caught his breath. A hand rested on his back.
“Do you like the contacts?” Armand asked. “They glow in the dark.”
Daniel said, “Yeah,” before he could think better of it.
Armand stepped back and held out his hand when Daniel recovered. “Come with me, Daniel.”
Daniel’s heart beat a little faster. He took Armand’s hand without hesitance and Armand pulled him into the dancing mob. Music pulsed. Bodies shook and undulated all around them. Sweat dripped. Lights flashed. Daniel and Armand never let go of one another, their hands roaming, preventing the crowd from swelling between them. The music drove them even closer. Daniel leaned upwards, his lips just centimeters from Armand’s lips and then abruptly pulled away.
Armand grasped Daniel’s hand before the crowd could swallow Daniel. The music changed to a staccato beat as a soft voice crooned about loneliness. Daniel did not move. Armand moved closer and closer until their lips almost touched. He took Daniel’s bottom lip between his teeth and bit down teasingly before pulling back and releasing Daniel’s hand.
The crowd filled the space between them. Daniel lost sight of Armand’s orange gaze. Others pulled him into dancing with them as he slowly wove his way to the outskirts of the dance floor. He caught his breath and got a drink. He could still feel Armand’s body in his hands and Armand’s hands on his body. He could not stop thinking about Armand’s teeth. He almost returned to the dancefloor, but he decided to go home instead.
It was a new millennium but unfortunately still like the previous one. Armand sat through the staff meeting with his face completely blank, his eyes barely blinking as the new headmistress, Akasha, explained her vision. He heard her reasoning so many times from so many mouths. To make a better school, anything deemed a subversion had no place as if a snap of the finger could make a person disappear in flame. Armand had no patience for people who believed everyone had a little switch in their brain that could erase their true natures.
His mind wandered. He could still fell Daniel’s hands on his body. He could still feel Daniel’s lip between his teeth. Armand’s gaze shifted to Louis beside him. Louis’ could not hide his frown or the furrow between his eyebrows. Armand’s gaze shifted to Lestat across from them at the other end of the long table. Lestat sat perfectly straight. His nostrils seemed flared. It was a change from Lestat’s typical meeting posture where Armand could practically hear lyrics from operas and classic musicals projecting from Lestat’s mind as he drowned in boredom.
The headmistress finished her proclamation and dismissed them. Louis and Lestat left separately as they always did, though the staff knew they were roommates together with Louis’ youngest sister Claudia. Armand, however, knew the truth that Louis and Lestat were partners and Claudia was an orphan they took in when they found her living on the street soon after moving in together. Armand followed Louis out of the building since neither of them had anything to retrieve from their classrooms. Louis lived near the community theater. They met long ago when Louis came to one of their shows after moving to New York.
“This truly is the age of the paranoid,” Louis said, his accent thick with annoyance and rage as his hands became fists. “They want the government out of their lives and ass deep in ours. All it took was someone seeing Fareed and Seth at Pride over the summer when school wasn’t even in session and now Fareed’s gone. It’s not their fault some homophobic asshole took their kid to their counter-protest. If you don’t want your kids to see Pride, don’t take them to Pride. Jesus.”
Armand said nothing.
“I moved here to get away from this bullshit. I only ever took Claudia to New Orleans once because of this kind of bullshit.” Louis’ fists began to relax. His gaze turned to Armand and sighed. “What are you going to do? Aren’t you still trying to fuck that journalist?”
A cool breeze ruffled Armand’s hair. “Trying implies I’m not going to do it. I have every intention of doing that and more.”
Louis laughed despite the gravity of their situation. “Well, your determination worked on me.”
“Until Lestat returned,” Armand said.
“You broke up with me and Lestat was the right person at the right time.” Louis stepped aside to head to his apartment. “I’ve got stuff to grade. See you tomorrow.”
Armand held up his hand in a small wave and headed on his way to the community theater for rehearsal.
It was Wednesday, but Daniel’s mind was still back on Saturday as he left Alice’s apartment. Conflicting thoughts swirled within him. He should have tried to find Armand again after his drink, but that did not mean Armand might have danced with him again. He should have kissed Armand after Armand bit him, but this could be some big joke at Daniel’s expense. Armand was an actor. His troupe was part of the New York community theater scene for over a decade now. Armand must be good at it.
Daniel sighed and noticed Armand walking jus up ahead. Armand’s jacket was white and accentuated his little dark curls resting against the edge of the collar. Daniel followed the lines of the jacket downward as if following guidelines pointing directly at Armand’s ass in jeans that seemed to cling to every curve. Daniel licked his lips and shook his head to clear it.
The crosswalk lights changed and traffic surged at the intersection. Daniel stopped at Armand’s side. It was not intentional but he did not want to avoid Armand either.
Armand looked over at him. His eyes were dark and just as alluring as the way his contacts glowed at the club. Armand moved almost imperceptibly closer as if he could not help but be in Daniel’s personal space. “Are you going to Night Island this weekend?”
Daniel frowned a little. “I’ve got this book I’ve got to work on. I can’t just run off to the club every weekend.”
Armand nodded. He barely rested his arm against Daniel’s arm. “The best night at Night Island is the Saturday before Halloween. Everyone arrives in costume. You shouldn’t miss that one.”
It was not the first time Armand mentioned the Halloween night at the club. Daniel tried to imagine what costume he could possibly find that would not make him look like a school chaperone. He suspected Armand’s costume would be something to behold and well worth the entrance free. “I’ll think about it.”
The light changed and they continued walking together. “You won’t be disappointed,” Armand said. He leaned closer and whispered, “No matter what you wear, I won’t be disappointed either.” Then he headed to his apartment complex nearby.
Daniel sighed long and low before continuing on his way home. He should not go to Night Island again. He wanted to go to Night Island again. He still had time to decide.
It was Sunday a week after Armand saw Daniel at the club. Armand browsed through the local library branch’s shelves, picking plays in the public domain. His theater troupe enjoyed taking familiar tales and twisting them, filling them with more horror, blood, and gore than their creators ever intended there to be. As Armand emerged from the non-fiction section, he spied Daniel sitting at a table surrounded by newspapers, magazines, and books. Daniel scribbled in a yellow notepad, his attention completely focused on his task.
Armand could still feel Daniel’s hands across his body. He could still remember Daniel’s shiver when Armand grabbed his ass. Armand’s stomach tightened. He wanted to do more than teasingly bite Daniel’s lip, but unfortunately, they were at the library and not Night Island. Armand glanced around him. There was no one in the immediate area. He could hear a reference librarian around a corner typing away on their computer.
Armand walked over to the table, set his books in an empty spot, and sat down in the seat diagonally across from Daniel as if there were not three empty study tables in view. Armand plucked the first book off his stack and began to speed read. He was completely through Oedipus Rex and half way through Antigone when he heard a surprised noise from the other side of the table. Armand paused and looked over the book at Daniel.
“What are you doing here?” Daniel whispered.
“Reading,” Armand whispered.
“I can see that. I mean,” Daniel paused. “I’m trying to work here. I’ve got an article due mid-week.”
“Am I disturbing your work?” Armand did not lower his book or look away from Daniel.
Daniel opened his mouth and closed it. His mind seemed to spin in internal debate. “No.” It was an obvious lie.
Armand smiled slightly, the way he might onstage as a vampire to allow the audience a glimpse of his fangs. “Then it shouldn’t be a problem.”
Daniel ran his tongue along his teeth. “It shouldn’t,” he murmured unconvincingly and after a while, returned to his reading. Slowly his leg rested against Armand’s leg as Daniel kept making notes and his stack of things to read grew shorter than the stack of things he read.
Armand moved his leg so the side of his leg pressed firmly against the side of Daniel’s leg and continued reading his plays. Armand almost finished his stack of books when Daniel stood up and gathered his materials. “I’ve got to look at some microfiche. I’ll see you around.”
Armand nodded and watched Daniel disappear towards the research section of the library. His leg still felt warm where Daniel’s leg once rested against it, but also seemed to chill in Daniel’s absence. Armand ran his fingers along the cover of the book in his hand. He needed to get Daniel back to Night Island. He needed to get Daniel alone.
The nights grew colder. Pumpkins, witches, and ghosts decorated the city. Daniel listened at the dining table to Jess talk excitedly about Halloween next week while Mandy was less enthusiastic. The girls would have some friends over for a party and a horror movie mini-marathon. Jess already had an entire costume assembled, but Mandy would just wear a headband with cat ears on it. When Daniel left that night, all the talk of Halloween stayed with him and he found himself taking a detour. He stepped into a local shop that boasted a large costume selection. Daniel ignored the full body costumes and found the accessory section. After scanning it, his eyes settled on vampire fangs. There were so many to choose from in all kinds of sizes and styles. He gravitated to the ones that were more like caps than retainers. The caps came with a solution that would help set them in place temporarily for the night. He could wear them next week at the party for a laugh. He could also wear them on Saturday if he went to Night Island again.
Daniel paid for his purchase and left the store. It was a few weeks since his first foray to the club. He still thought he should not go back. He should probably find somewhere other older people went to regroup after divorce, but Armand would not be there. Somehow, that seemed like a loss.
As if summoned, Armand easily fell into step beside Daniel. Daniel glanced at him. “You’re here again.”
Armand did not seem to blink. “It’s a small borough.”
“And a giant city.” Daniel looked at the people they passed. He breathed the night air deeply and could no longer deny the words he should have said at the library if not possibly in the classroom well before Night Island. “I’m turning fifty this year. I’m probably twice your age. You should focus on someone else.”
“I’m thirty,” Armand said, “and your age doesn’t bother me.”
“I’m still old enough to be your dad,” Daniel said.
“My father would be sixty-seven this year. People your age don’t read as fathers to me.” Armand paused. “Do you feel fatherly towards me?”
“No,” Daniel answered despite himself, but it was the truth. “Definitely not.”
“Then it’s not a problem,” Armand said as if everything was just that simple.
Daniel doubted it was.
Before Daniel could say anything, Armand led them to the entrance to his apartment so they could continue talking out of the way of the sidewalk traffic. “Come to Night Island again this Saturday. Join our Halloween reverie. See what you really want.”
Daniel studied Armand a long moment. They stood so close to each other. Maybe too close. Daniel did not move away. “What makes you think I don’t already know what I want?”
“Come and see,” Armand said. He disappeared into his building without actually answering the question.
Daniel pressed his lips together and shook his head. He returned to his apartment. The fangs in his shopping bag were proof enough he already intended to go no matter what he told himself.
The community theater was always hot no matter the time of year. Sweat dripped from Armand’s face as he took his bows and surveyed the first row of seats. The audience applauded and hollered about the troupe’s latest play full of blood and horror. Again, Armand did not see Daniel sitting in any of the seats. He did not expect to, but he always looked. The troupe took a final bow and made their way backstage where they cleaned up, exchanged stage costumes for Halloween costumes, and left for Night Island.
Club goers filled Night Island in their Halloween best and laziest. There were several mummies with their wrappings unraveled in a provocative manner. Neon, silver, and gold sparkled across aliens. Armand saw almost every single anime character some of his students drew in their sketchbooks after finishing their tests. The DJ spoke into the mic in an intense, excited call, “It’s time for a r – r – retro rewind!” Cheers and groans passed through the crowd. Trumpets began to play and the singer rejoiced at coming out in a song from twenty years ago. Familiar curls caught Armand’s gaze as he found Daniel standing just out of reach of the dancefloor.
Daniel wore a shirt the same indigo as his eyes and his curls were out of place. When he spotted Armand, his gaze traversed Armand’s body, taking in his slicked hair, velvet outfit, and tights before lingering on the fake blood splattered across Armand’s face and the stage fangs in Armand’s mouth. Daniel laughed, exposing his own, cheaper fangs once Armand was close enough to hear him. “Great minds, huh?”
Careful of the long fake nails on his fingertips, Armand adjusted Daniel’s curls so they accentuated the curves of his face. “You look like a new vampire. Eager for blood.”
Daniel froze under Armand’s touch and only spoke when Armand withdrew his hand. “You look like a painting.”
“Botticelli?” Armand asked. It was one of the most common compliments from his youth especially when he was still a doe eyed teenager.
“Goya,” Daniel said. “That guy with all the creepy paintings in his estate. You look like you’re going to bite someone, like some giant vampire insect.”
Armand flashed his fangs again. They were custom made for his mouth so the retainer would rest comfortably for long plays. “I could bite you.”
Daniel swallowed and ran a tongue along his teeth, his eyes still fixed on Armand’s fangs. “You…could.”
Armand pulled Daniel onto the dancefloor. The song changed, its beat driving, yearning. The crowd sang with the lyrics. Armand and Daniel grabbed onto each other. The songs kept changing. The lights kept flashed. The crowd roared. Armand and Daniel kept dancing. The next song slowed it all down. Some on the dance floor left to get drinks and take breaks. Armand pulled Daniel closer. The beat seemed to pulse throughout the room. The backs of Armand’s fake nails slid down Daniel’s face. Daniel did not pull away. Their eyes lowered.They kissed. Their bodies pressed against one another. Armand’s hands slid down Daniel’s back. Daniel’s fingers tangled in Armand’s hair. Their lips parted. Their tongues slid against one another. Armand’s hands slipped under Daniel’s shirt and his fake nails left marks. Their hips ground against each other.
The song shifted. The crowd shifted. People bumped into them. A careless elbow knocked into Armand’s back. Daniel stepped back. The crowd surged and separated them.
Armand frowned and maneuvered through the bodies. No matter how he searched or where he looked, he did not see Daniel. He slipped away from the dance floor and found his theater troupe gathered at one of the tables on the floor above. Santiago passed him a glass. Armand let the cold liquid slide down his throat. He could not see Daniel anywhere from their perch. He slowly let his body calm and his tights stopped feeling so tight. He gazed at the dancers under the glass floor. He had been seconds from dragging Daniel off the dancefloor. He did not know when the opportunity would arrive again.
When the crowd swept Daniel away, he moved through them like a small boat out to sea. He escaped out a side exit and breathed the cold night air deeply. He stared up at the sky. The city lights choked out any stars. There was no moon. Daniel was hard. He was both hot and cold. He was sweaty. His entire mouth would never be the same again. He no longer had one of his fangs. He wanted Armand. He wanted all of him. Every thought just made his pants feel even tighter and his heart thump stronger in his chest. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” He took a few deep breaths and tried to focus on the cold and the noise from the club and the city around him. He should go back in there. He should go home. He wanted to kiss Armand again. He wanted a drink. He wanted to fuck Armand. He wanted to calm down.
Someone barreled out the door and threw up on the trash bags near Daniel. The smell and sight were more than enough to dispel Daniel’s thoughts and cause him to soften. He grabbed the door before it closed and stepped back into the club to grab his coat. He decided to head home and take a long shower where he could stroke off his desires as the spray muffled his moans.
It was a week after Halloween at the club. Armand stepped out of his apartment to head to the community theater. It was barely into November and already Christmas assaulted Armand’s senses. Luckily, he no longer had to listen to the same songs for hours a day almost every day for two months anymore. He had not seen Daniel since Night Island. He could still remember how close he was to pulling Daniel away from the dancefloor, how close he was to doing something about the energy coursing through them. He tried not to think about swallowing a fake vampire cap at one point so it would not ruin the moment.
Armand cleared his mind and it soon filled with lines and blocking only to completely empty moments later.
Daniel approached on the other side of the sidewalk. He wore a dark suit, white shirt, and a blue tie that matched his eyes. His curls fluttered as he rushed, his mind on the small cellphone in his hand rather than the people around him. “I just got back from my interview with CNN. I know she’s being an ass. She’s eighteen. You’re dating her mom. Think about it.”
Armand slowly turned and followed Daniel at enough distance to hear but not close enough for Daniel to notice.
“I’m almost home. Yes, I know I owe you,” Daniel said goodbye and ended the call. He slipped the phone into the pocket of his coat and hurried into his apartment complex without a spare thought to anyone around him let alone Armand.
Armand lingered a moment and then headed to the community theater. He had no cable access at his apartment. He was not sure who might be able to tape Daniel’s appearance let alone if Daniel’s appearance already aired. He sighed and let his lines and blocking return to his mind. It would be show time before he knew it.
It was two weeks before Thanksgiving break. Daniel still was not sure what he was doing for it. The tentative plan was for the girls, Alice, Alice’s girlfriend, and Daniel to take the meal together at some point, but Alice and her girlfriend did not know what they were doing that week yet either. Most of the time their practice worked through the entire break except the holiday, but on occasion there were things to do then too. Daniel put his hands in his pockets as he walked through the borough to clear his mind from his work. He had not seen Armand since just before Halloween. Daniel wondered if Armand was avoiding him. It would be within Armand’s right after Daniel intentionally avoided him for a week after Halloween at the club so he could clear his head.
Daniel sighed and his breath made clouds around him. He wanted to get as much work done on his book before the girls went on winter break next month, but there was only so much writing he could do before his brain had too much of it.
Loud singing approaching from a nearby street drew Daniel’s attention. A group of people dressed in various shades of black, red, and white appeared. They quieted a moment and then Armand’s voice rose above the rest, leading his troupe in the final bars of the song.
Daniel’s stomach tightened. He found himself following the troupe instead of turning down the street that would send him back to his apartment. The troupe did not notice him at all. Daniel was now just one of several people heading in the direction of Night Island.
Armand had gel in his hair again and he wore the white jacket that showed off his ass. The troupe headed to the line forming nearby. Daniel looked down the line at the familiar neon trees welcoming everyone to Night Island. He bit his lip and hesitated. He wore a sweater that was likely older than the troupe members. His jeans had a few holes in them. His hair was a mess and he really did need to return to his book.
His gaze lingered on Armand. He licked his lips. The line to Night Island continued to grow. Daniel could join it. He could find Armand on the dancefloor. Maybe stay for just one song. For what? To make out? To make a fool of himself? To end up half-naked in the club restroom?
Daniel sighed and watched his breath appear and disappear around him. He headed back to his apartment.
It was almost the end of November and Armand had not spoken to Daniel since Halloween at Night Island. He suspected Daniel was avoiding him, but Armand was so busy with the school musical now that he could no longer be certain Daniel would still be at it.
The school musical this year was Phantom of the Opera. Armand chose the stage crew while Lestat ran the actual show and chose the entire cast. The girl playing Christine had a slightly shrill voice and every time she sang, Lestat’s nose wrinkled in horrible disfigurement. Armand watched the musical from the wings. The stage manager scurried around like a rodent. The crew did their best with each assigned job. The cast managed to do the best job a group of high schoolers could manage with the material. A few of them stood out above the rest. It was not the worst nor the best high school musical Armand witnessed. Armand could already see lecture for the students before tomorrow night’s performance forming on Lestat’s face.
Tonight was the premiere and it would run for three more nights. Then everyone would go on Thanksgiving break. When the night’s performance ended, the backstage area burst forth in a flurry of activity. No one wanted to spend more time at school than necessary. Once all the students and audience left, Armand and Lestat swept the auditorium for stragglers and then locked up for the night.
The air was cold and flurries spit from the sky. Lestat wrapped his scarf about him as if he were in a Calvin Klein ad. His breath made clouds in the air. “I want them to focus. They’re capable of more than they gave tonight.” He said as if he was not working with a group of mostly freshmen and sophomores this year. This is my last musical here. I want perfection.”
Armand blinked and followed Lestat rather than heading on his normal route home. “I didn’t know it was your final musical.” He had not spoken to Louis since the musical overtook his life. Lestat spoke little about anything other than his musical grievances for the last two months.
Lestat sighed. “Headmistress Akasha forced my resignation. Louis’ too.” He looked at Armand. “It didn’t matter that we restrain ourselves in public and don’t speak of our private lives. There are too many circumstances for her liking. We live together. We never married. I treat Claudia as my own rather than as my ‘friend’s’ sister. Our family is too obvious for the headmistress’ liking.” Snow began to fall more earnestly, gathering in Lestat’s hair. “She said we either live separately or resign. The choice was obvious. None of us will return in January.”
Armand stared at him a long moment. Anger gripped his stomach.
Lestat pulled on his gloves. “You deserve the truth. We’re moving to California. I have connections to place us somewhere more accepting. I look forward to defeating this choir in the national competition in the spring if they can make it that far in my absence.” Lestat bid Armand goodbye and headed home.
Armand watched him leave, the snow clinging to him the longer he stood. His mind swirled with the occasional gust. He could barely think. He could barely breathe. His anger continued to course through his body. He headed home as the snow continued to gather.
December arrived. With it came the school’s winter music recital on Daniel’s birthday. He celebrated briefly with the girls before they had to get ready to return to the school. They gave him a card that declared him older than the pyramids and some new ties. Daniel sat in the back row of the auditorium and fiddled with the digital camera Alice gave him to record the girls’ concerts. One orchestra, two bands, and five choirs would take turns onstage tonight. The orchestra and the concert band already finished. The jazz band currently rocked around the Christmas tree. Once the jazz band finished, it would be time for Jess’ choir.
Armand settled onto the empty seat beside Daniel. There were many people in the auditorium but not enough to fill the seats. They were relatively alone but not completely alone on the back row. “Having trouble?” Armand whispered.
“There’s no sound,” Daniel whispered. He recorded portions of the other concerts to get used to the equipment. He had an earbud in his ear and it was absolutely silent as the orchestra moved on the camera’s digital display.
Armand held out his hand. Daniel handed over the camera. Armand opened up the menu and started pressing buttons and spinning wheels. “You had the audio disabled.” He returned the camera.
The jazz band continued to play. Neither of them spoke. Their knees rested near each other without actually touching and Daniel felt every centimeter of distance acutely. Memories from Night Island flashed through his mind. Daniel tried to chase them away and focus on remembering the Spanish lyrics to the next song to calm the blood rushing places it should not go in a school auditorium.
The jazz band left the stage. The freshmen girls’ choir replaced them. Daniel stood up and started to film. He zoomed in until Jess was clearly visible but not the only student in the shot. He managed to keep the camera steady throughout the performance. When the choir left the stage, Daniel sat again and turned off the camera. Mandy would not take the stage until the final concert of the night.
After a long silence, Daniel murmured, “I…can’t stop thinking about it.”
“You don’t have to,” Armand barely whispered.
“I’m fifty,” Daniel murmured. “I’m older than the pyramids.”
Armand’s knee rested against Daniel’s knee. Daniel did not move. “If you’re older than the pyramids, then that makes me older than Tintoretto.”
“Who?” Daniel glanced at him.
“Doesn’t matter.” Armand’s knee moved away. Daniel licked his lips, far too aware of its absence. Armand let the tips of his fingers barely touch the side of Daniel’s hand resting on the armrest between them. “You should get your camera ready.”
Daniel blinked. He looked to the stage. Mandy’s group was already taking their places. “Shit,” he whispered and hurriedly stood. He managed to hit record before her group began to sing. He filmed the entire performance and shut the camera down once the concert finished. He looked down at Armand.
Armand’s dark eyes shown in the dim light. His lips parted and he did not look away from Daniel.
Daniel held his breath. He shifted his weight and then put the camera in his pocket. “See you around.” He left to gather the girls and take them home.
The following Saturday, Armand’s troupe preformed their annual Christmas show complete with machete-wielding Santa Claus. He scanned the first row of seats, but Daniel still was not there. After cleaning up and changing, Armand followed the troupe to Night Island. The DJ spun songs that deliberately evoked feelings of summer and the beach much to the crowd’s delight. Armand danced in the center of the floor. He sang along with the others. He let the music carry the adrenaline from the stage. Armand closed his eyes and only opened them when a hand grasped his. He met Daniel’s gaze.
Daniel wore all black again. He spoke but his words melted into the music. He kept a firm grip on Armand’s hand. Armand nodded and led them through the crowd and up the stairs. They found a small table in a corner away from the other club goers.
“You can always read my mind,” Daniel said quietly.
“Your body is loud,” Armand said. The bass line below them drummed against the soles of his shoes.
Daniel licked his lips. His feet rested against Armand’s under the table. His mind moved behind his eyes. “I can’t stop thinking about you. I keep playing the last time we were here in my head.”
“So what are you going to do about it?” Armand let his foot slide along Daniel’s leg once.
Daniel shivered. He bit his tongue and then took a deep breath. “I need time.”
“The destination is the same no matter the distance,” Armand said.
Daniel held Armand’s gaze. “Are we going to the same destination?”
Armand grinned, imagining all the things they would do when this game evolved. He leaned closer. “I think you know the answer.”
Daniel did not move away or look away. He swallowed.
“Is this confession the only reason you came here?” Armand asked, still leaning incredibly close.
“No,” Daniel said. “I’m taking the girls to San Francisco for Christmas. I thought you should know that I won’t be around.” He rose from the table and ran his fingers through Armand’s hair. “I’ve got a morning flight tomorrow. I’ll see you in January.”
Armand caught Daniel’s hand before he could leave. Daniel watched him curiously. “January then,” Armand said and let Daniel’s hand go. After Daniel left, Armand sighed. Some of his troupe joined him at the table. The game continued.
When Daniel arrived to pick up the girls on Sunday morning, the sun was barely in the sky. Alice pulled him into the kitchen while the girls finished getting ready for the trip.
“You look exhausted,” Alice said and offered him coffee.
“I went to Night Island last night,” Daniel said. “That music always keeps me awake whether I dance or not.” It was more than just the music. He could not remember the last time someone affected him so thoroughly like Armand.
“Night Island? I’m surprised you picked that place.” Alice sipped her own coffee. “I thought you’d end up at that gay bookstore around the corner.”
Daniel let the mug warm his hands and sipped his coffee slowly, then he admitted, “It’s because Armand’s there.”
“Jess’ teacher?” Alice asked. She studied Daniel a long moment and then she snorted and started to laugh. “I should have known when I met him at the open house. He stares at people like a lion sometimes. Of course you’d be into to that.”
Daniel rolled his eyes. “You could pretend to be shocked.” He sipped more coffee.
“Daniel, we met in a gay bar. I know your type. They’re always dark and a little fucked up.” Alice snorted again and then sighed. “At least the girls like him.”
“I don’t know if it’s going to go that far,” Daniel said. “He’s almost half my age.”
Alice set her mug down. “You’re fifty. Don’t make yourself wait until you’re sixty. If you want that little weirdo who’s on those theater posters covered in blood, go get him.”
Daniel eyed her and finished his coffee. Before he could say anything else, the girls appeared with their suitcases ready to go. He could think about this later. The girls hugged Alice goodbye and then Daniel took them to the airport. They arrived at the terminal just as their flight arrived at the gate.
The phone rang at seven in the morning on the first Monday of winter break. Armand knew immediately who it was and what would happen. No one called at such an hour on such a day unless they had a mission. The headmistress knew too much about Armand’s private life, and it was time for him to find another job. Armand would not be able to retrieve his belongings from the school. Armand gripped the neck of the phone so tightly it slipped from his fingers and fell to the kitchen counter. He did not bother to pick it up and simply pressed the phone hook to hang up before disappearing into his room and throwing one of his pillows at the wall.
When Armand put his phone back on the hook, it rang. This time it was Marius, the art teacher at the school. Marius was younger than Armand’s parents would be but older than Daniel was. Armand met him when Armand ran away from a children’s home as a teenager. Marius taught Armand how to pain and replicate many styles of art. They lost contact when Armand started to university. Last year Marius joined the faculty at the school. In absence of Louis and even Lestat, Marius was the only teacher left at the school who would care that Armand lost his job. Marius said he found some of Armand’s things and wanted to give them to Armand. Armand did not want to take Marius up on his offer of help, but he wanted his things.
An hour later, Armand stood just outside of the school campus and stared up at the white clouds in the winter sky. It was still frigid despite the sun shining on him. When footsteps approached, his looked at Marius.
Marius had a paper sack with the local art store logo across its front in his hands. “Amadeo, you must be more careful. People are always watching, always listening. We are never truly alone anymore.”
Amadeo was the name Marius gave Armand under the pretense of Armand starting a new life free from the tragedies that led him to the children’s home and occurred there. The name grated on Armand now. Armand was the name Santiago bestowed upon him when Armand escaped to university. It was the only name Armand wished to be for the rest of his life.
Armand took the bag and peeked inside. His photos were there still in their frames along with a few of his paperbacks from his classroom library. His offices supplies were absent as well as his posters, the rest of his books, and his calendar. The photos were the only things he truly wanted back. “Were they in the trash?”
“I think the janitor put these in a bin for someone to find. Where the rest went, I never saw.” Marius studied Armand in the sunlight. “What will you do now?”
“I have some things in mind,” Armand said. He was already planning which strings to pull to get a job as fast as possible before his next rent check. He folded the top of the bag down and tucked it under his arm.
“Tell me, Amadeo,” Marius said, “was he worth it?”
Armand knew the answer immediately. Daniel set him on fire and Armand never wanted to let that go. Instead of saying that, he asked, “Does it matter?” and then bid Marius goodbye. He headed to the community theater so he could dissolve into the atmosphere and not come up for breath until it was time for rehearsal.
Daniel grew up in San Francisco. His parents kicked him out of their home when he began using drugs and sneaking away to the local gay bar. His parents would not speak to him again until they found out about his wife and children. Returning home every Christmas was weird, but the girls loved their grandparents and his parents loved the girls, so it was worth it to skip needless drama.
Tonight Daniel was on his own since his parents wanted to spend some time alone with the girls. He wandered the streets until his feet brought him to Polynesian Mary’s, now renamed Mary’s Café. He stepped inside and the barista called out his name in a threatening, gruff voice. Daniel froze and then the barista laughed. The barista was the same bartender who used to chase him out of the bar when he was too young to drink over thirty years ago. The barista gave up alcohol ten years ago and converted the bar. He was glad to see Daniel doing well. Daniel ordered Irish coffee and pastry. He took his food to a back corner.
After a while, Louis and Lestat entered the café. They approached the counter and placed their orders. Daniel tried not to stare, but his attention kept returning to them. Lestat still carried himself like a model. Louis seemed more relaxed and wore bright colorful fashionable clothing. They stood closer than Daniel ever saw them stand together at the school. Lestat huffed and Louis snorted. They received their orders and were about to leave when Louis saw Daniel and diverted to Daniel’s table.
“Evening,” Louis greeted.
“Hey,” Daniel said. “Do you guys want a seat?”
“We have places to be,” Lestat said.
“I just wondered if you heard from Armand lately,” Louis said.
“Something up?” Daniel asked.
“His phone’s been off the hook,” Louis said. “I haven’t spoken to him all break.”
Lestat sighed quietly.
“Maybe he’s busy with the theater,” Daniel said. “I’ll let you get back to your vacation.”
“Oh, we live here now,” Louis said. “The headmistress is cleaning house.” He looked at Lestat. “Ready?”
They bid Daniel goodbye and left. Daniel stared off at a mural on the far wall a long moment. He thought about the reality of the situation with Armand from his perspective but he had not considered it from Armand’s perspective. Daniel finished his coffee and pastry. He still had a few days until he returned to New York. He wanted to talk to Armand again. He was not sure what he would find.
It was New Year’s Eve. It was freezing and fog gathered in the distance. Armand made his way to Santiago’s apartment. He secured a job before the holidays but he would not begin until Monday. Just as he passed a bodega, Daniel stepped out of it.
“Hey,” Daniel said. “Happy New Year.” He paused. “Eve.”
“Happy New Year’s Eve,” Armand said. “Are you busy?”
Before Daniel could answer, the bodega door opened again. “Well, it could happen!” Jess declared.
“In your wildest dreams,” Mandy murmured. She handed one of the bags in her hands to her sister. “Oh. Hey, Mr. Armand.”
“Happy early new year,” Jess said.
Armand returned the greetings.
“We just had to get some stuff we forgot.” Daniel paused and then asked. “Are you busy? You could come back with us.”
Mandy glanced between Daniel and Armand curiously. Jess checked to see what was in the bag Mandy gave her.
The offer was tempting, but Armand wanted Daniel all to himself the first time either of them set foot in each other’s apartments. “I have plans with the troupe. Maybe another time.”
“I saw Louis and Lestat in San Francisco. Louis said he was trying to get in contact with you,” Daniel said. “He asked me if you were okay.”
Armand nodded. “I’m fine. I’ll call him. I’ve had my phone off its hook.” He held Daniel’s gaze and then continued on his way. “Happy New Year.”
“Happy New Year,” came three separate responses.
After several steps, Armand looked back over his shoulder. Daniel and the girls continued on their way. His gaze lingered on Daniel until Daniel disappeared from sight. Armand turned away and continued to Santiago’s apartment.
January arrived and with it the new semester and the return to routine. Daniel sat at the dining table in Alice’s apartment and looked over the top of his laptop. Jess sat nearby twirling her pencil in her fingers. She seemed to be back to square one with ignoring her homework after making progress throughout the previous semester. Daniel sighted. “You’re supposed to be working.”
Jess frowned. “Remember Mr. Armand?”
“Of course I do. I’m fifty not eighty,” Daniel said.
“He wasn’t at school today,” Jess said. “Mr. Talbot said he’s not coming back.”
Daniel’s fingers hovered over his keyboard.
“It sucks so much!” Jess sighed. “I wanted to take Drama and Theater with Mr. Armand. I wanted to do the school play this semester. We were going to do Dracula and now we’re doing Our Town. It’s not fair!”
“Monsieur de Pointe du Lac and Mr. de Lioncourt are gone too,” Mandy said as she entered the kitchen nearby. She poured a glass of juice from the fridge. “Claudia said they got fired for being gay. I thought the students could wear rainbow wrist bands in protest, but everyone’s too scared or homophobic to join me.”
Daniel’s fingers stopped hovering over his keyboard. Louis said the headmistress was cleaning house. Armand did not indicate anything was wrong when they ran into him on New Year’s Eve, although Armand was always private despite his provocative nature. It only made Daniel want to speak with Armand alone even more than he already did after returning from San Francisco.
“You okay, Dad? You’re not saying anything,” Mandy said.
Daniel took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He put his glasses back on and looked at his daughters. “I’m not going to stop you.”
The apartment door opened and Alice called out that she was home. The girls went to greet her. Daniel put his laptop away. He was not going to get any more work done tonight.
January began the troupe’s annual Valentine’s Day play, always a bastardization of a public domain romance with more blood and gore than the creator likely ever imagined or intended. This year the play was a take on Love’s Labor’s Lost. A king and his noblemen took a vow of chastity to cleanse their minds and bodies. Witches arrive one night looking for a man worthy of siring an heir to their coven. Through a series of grotesque games, the noblemen succumbed to the witches’ charms. The play ended with the announcement of an heir and the death of the noblemen in a macabre play within the play.
When the play ended, Armand rose from the stage floor to join hands with the troupe and take their bows to the applause of the audience. He scanned the first row of seats and found Daniel in the center seat. Daniel mouthed the words, “Out back.” Armand closed his eyes slowly twice and then righted himself with everyone. The cast left the stage and the curtains closed.
Once backstage, Armand sped through his duties with precision and speed. He stripped off his costume and placed it where it belonged. He wiped the makeup from his face and the fake blood from his hands. He ran his fingers through his hair to detangle it and then slipped back into his street clothes. “I’m not going to Night Island,” he said. He laced his boots and checked himself in the mirror. He pulled his coat on and left it open to show the plunging neckline of his shirt that he left mostly unbuttoned.
Armand stepped out the backstage door effortlessly. Daniel immediately unfolded his arms and stepped away from the alley wall. His eyes traversed Armand. They were alone amidst the frozen slush and trash containers. Armand led them out of the alley in the direction of his apartment.
Daniel followed without hesitation. “I heard you weren’t at school on Monday.”
“I had to switch jobs,” Armand said. “I’ve been doing art restoration the museum.”
“If I –”
“I chose you knowing this could happen.” Armand did not want to dwell on it since it happened weeks ago.
Daniel put his hands in his pockets. His breath billowed around him. “So when I saw you at New Year’s Eve….”
“I had everything taken care of,” Armand said. “I always know what buttons to push to get what I want.”
Daniel held his gaze a moment. Armand grabbed his arm and pulled Daniel close before Daniel could walk into a newspaper vending machine. Daniel did not move out of Armand’s grasp and Armand did not let him go.
“Where does this end, Daniel?” Armand asked. “Do you know what you want?”
“I want you,” Daniel said. “I don’t want this to end.”
They arrived at the entryway to Armand’s building. Armand let go of Daniel’s arm. “I want this to end.” He grasped Daniel’s hand, his grip tight and tethering before Daniel could turn away. “I want you. All of you. I want a new game.”
Cars sped past. People talked in an endless hum along the sidewalk. Somewhere in the distance music played obnoxiously loudly from a car.
“Then make one,” Daniel said. “I’ll follow you anywhere.”
Armand pulled him into the building and up the stairs to his apartment.
Armand’s apartment was on the top floor and looked out at the city. Warm colors spread across the walls and carpeting. Framed Renaissance paintings shone in the lamplight. Daniel peered at one of them curiously. “It doesn’t look like a poster.”
“It’s canvas and oil,” Armand said. He took the phone off its hook and rested it on the counter in-between second-hand kitchen gadgets.
Daniel straightened his posture and gazed at all of the paintings. He could not imagine what they might cost or how much time it would take to paint them if they were reproductions. “Are they…real?”
“They exist.” Armand moved to the center of the room. The light shimmered in his hair and provided definition to his collarbone and cleavage. His gaze fixed on Daniel.
Daniel moved closer as if drawn by an invisible hand. The sound from the city and surrounding apartments seemed to fade. Daniel’s hands rested on Armand’s shoulders. Daniel rose up on his toes at the same moment Armand leaned down and they kissed. Armand’s hands found their way under Daniel’s sweater and t-shirt. Daniel undid the button on Armand’s shirt so his hands could slide along Armand’s skin. The kiss broke apart just long enough for Daniel’s sweater to fall to the floor. A second kiss became a third so Daniel could free Armand’s arms from his sleeves and Armand could cast Daniel’s t-shirt to the growing pile. Jeans fell to the floor next, socks and underwear following. Only then did they step back to admire one another.
Lamplight illuminated Armand’s skin. Dark hair trailed down his torso. His chest barely moved with each breath. His stomach was lean and his body was firm and muscular. Scars appeared at random, remnants of teeth, nails, and life.
Armand’s gaze traversed Daniel’s body. He ran his fingers along a scar at Daniel’s abdomen. Daniel moved away at first, the touch too feather light. Armand’s fingers returned, firmer this time, tracing the scar in its entirety.
“Never seen an appendectomy scar before?” Daniel asked.
“I have,” Armand said and his fingers spread upwards, exploring the inconsistent textures in the dark and gray hair across Daniel’s stomach and chest. “Each scar is unique.” His fingers found their way to a scar across Daniel’s left breast that was flat, pale, and jagged.
“Fishing lure,” Daniel said. “I ripped it out. It made everything worse. I screamed. My parents screamed. I think half the county came to gawk.”
Armand moved closer and his hands continued to explore. “I want to give you a scar.”
Daniel’s hands rested on Armand’s hips. His thumbs rubbed small circles. He held Armand’s gaze and squirmed when Armand’s fingers toyed with a nipple. “As many as you want.”
Armand ran his tongue down Daniel’s neck and along the flesh between his neck and shoulder. He nipped at the skin and then grasped it in his teeth, biting with all his strength.
Daniel sucked in a breath. His short nails dug into Armand’s flesh in turn. Armand bit and bit until blood almost trickled from the wound.
“Fuck.” Daniel did not realized the small steps they took during the bite until his ass hit the wall. Armand pinned Daniel’s wrists with his hands and kissed Daniel with abandon, the kisses soon turning into nipping and sucking at Daniel’s neck. Their bodies pressed together. Daniel tried to wriggle, desperate for friction, but Armand’s body kept him pinned in place.
Finally, Armand released Daniel’s wrists and reached into the drawer of a bureau at Daniel’s hip. He set a bottle of lube on top of the bureau before leaning close, his breath tickling Daniel’s ear. He whispered in a language Daniel barely recognized and squirted the lube into his hands. His fingers ghosted up Daniel’s shaft as Daniel shuddered. Daniel’s hands sought out Armand’s skin. His nails pressed into Armand’s back.
Armand’s voice continued to rumble, low and rhythmic, always matching the rhythm of his movements as he continued to stroke and tease Daniel as his other hand kept tracing patterns into Daniel’s skin, encouraging Daniel to stay against the wall.
Daniel closed his eyes and moved into Armand’s hand. Daniel’s heart beat faster. His breaths became shorter. He drew closer. He tried to swallow his moans but cried out when Armand bit him again in a different spot. Daniel came soon after. Armand’s hand did not leave him until Daniel was nothing more than a panting mess.
Armand nipped at Daniel’s ear and wiped his hands on Daniel’s skin. He stepped back to admire his work.
Daniel shivered and leaned his head back against the wall. His body glistened in the lamplight. His chest rose and fell with every breath. His shoulders relaxed. He groaned quietly in satisfaction and then slowly stepped away from the wall. He picked up the bottle of lube and squinted at it.
“It’s edible,” Armand said.
Daniel nodded and his gaze turned to Armand. “You should tell me what you want.”
Something deep within Armand’s stomach beat as Daniel approached, a shiver running the length of Armand’s spine at all the things they could do. Armand licked his lips and led Daniel to another part of the room, kicking clothing out of their way. He grabbed a long rectangular throw pillow from a chair and cast it to the ground in front of him. “I want you on your knees.”
Daniel knelt on the pillow and set the lube on the floor. He grasped Armand legs and adjusted his balance until he found the correct way to kneel without sliding off the pillow. He let go and gazed up at Armand. “Ready?”
“Always,” Armand breathed.
Daniel squirted lube into his hand and rubbed his hands together. He ghosted his fingers up Armand’s inner thigh, toying with all he could touch before sliding his fingers along Armand’s length. He twisted and rubbed as his mouth began to explore Armand’s hips and thighs, littering bites, nips, and marks.
Armand shivered again. His legs trembled in anticipation. His fingers threaded into Daniel’s curls. He closed his eyes and let out a small noise as Daniel’s tongue finally slid along his base.
Daniel adjusted his position and explored Armand’s tip with his mouth while his fingers moved along his base. His eyes found Armand’s gaze again. His hand and mouth moved in tandem as Daniel took more of Armand into his mouth with each bob of his head.
Armand shivered and shuddered. He did not withhold any moans or cries. Daniel’s speed varied, always a response to Armand’s voice or body. Armand drew closer to the edge. He tried to watch as much as he could but he closed his eyes when he came, his fingers gripping Daniel’s curls tightly.
Daniel did not remove his mouth until Armand finished. Daniel fell back onto the floor and closed his eyes as his chest rose and fell with every breath.
Armand breathed deeply and gazed at Daniel. He reached down and grasped Daniel’s hand, pulling him to his feet. “Come with me.”
“I just did,” Daniel said.
Armand pulled Daniel to the shower where he claimed Daniel again under the spray.
Daniel woke to a television playing loudly on the other side of the wall. He was naked with only a sheet across his pelvis. The bed was firmer than the one in his apartment. There was a drafty window over his head. He gazed out the open door, down a short hallway, and peered at a sunlit living room. Armand’s shirt laid haphazardly in view along with Daniel’s sweater. Daniel let out a long, low groan. He knew where he was. What started in the living room continued to the shower and continued to the bedroom before they finally wore each other out last night. Daniel kept up with Armand through every bite, scratch, suck, and fuck. Even now, desire stirred deep within him like it did every morning, but he was much too sore and drained to consider it yet.
Daniel’s gaze shifted to the other side of the bed. Armand laid on his side, his spine on full display, the sheet pooling at his hips. His shoulders barely moved with each silent breath.
Daniel reached out, finger hovering just at Armand’s vertebrae before he pulled his hand back and sat up slowly, his feet hitting a cold rug. The longer he was awake, the colder the room seemed. He could not remember the last time he woke first after such a night let alone the last time he went several rounds with such abandon.
The bed creaked. Armand sat up and leaned against Daniel’s back. His hair tickled Daniel’s skin.
“Just go back to sleep,” Daniel murmured. “It’s Sunday.”
“Museum needs me.” Armand wrapped his arms around Daniel and let his fingers lazily slide along Daniel’s stomach as he kissed the back of Daniel’s neck.
Daniel squirmed a little. He slid off the bed and stood.
Armand looked up at Daniel wide-awake, his sleepiness a clear ruse. He licked his lips. “Join me in the shower before we leave.”
“Insatiable,” Daniel said. He tossed a pillow from the floor at Armand.
Armand caught the pillow and got out of bed. Daniel followed him down the small hallway to the bathroom, grateful for the warmth of the water and the company.
The sunset spread across a mostly cloudy sky. The smell of slush and pollution filled the air. Armand exited the museum and started walking home. His mind returned to last night and that morning. When he parted from Daniel, they made no definite plans, but he doubted that they could stay away from each other for long. Fantasies filled Armand’s mind. He would make them reality. There would be so much to explore.
Someone fell in step at Armand’s side. He sped up his pace and the person matched it. Armand slowed and laughed when Daniel kept walking at the previous speed. Daniel rolled his eyes and let their arms knock together when they stood side by side again. “Ass. You knew it was me.”
“Were you waiting?” Armand asked.
“I was just out for a walk,” Daniel said as if his cheeks and nose were not red from waiting in the cold.
They followed the flow of movement on the sidewalk. Armand kept close to Daniel. Daniel put his hands in his pockets and said, “I thought you could come home with me tonight.”
“Can I bring some things?” Armand asked.
“Yeah,” Daniel said. “I’ve got room.”
So do I,” Armand said, “the next time you spend the night.” Armand’s apartment appeared up ahead. He touched Daniel’s arm. “Go get warm. I’ll get a bag and join you.”
“I’ll wait in the lobby,” Daniel said. His hand touched Armand’s and then he disappeared down the street.
Armand watched him go. He licked his lips and disappeared into his building. It was the start of a new game, a long game. He would relish every moment of it for the rest of his life.
The End
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iceicewifey · 2 years
I’m going to be very upset if you gave them all a bunch more trauma >:(
SOME HAVE BEEN BETTER THAN OTHERS,,, no major trauma if it helps :3c /hj
god i’m trying to remember what’s different since it’s been a while and everything is just a blur to me hsjjdjd it’s a bit of a list tho so i’m gonna throw it under a cut
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ changed it so shay and nilla eloped in vegas in 1989 after following terry to california (where i hc him to be from) to ““make sure he gets settled back in okay”” — not a total lie since the poor guy was on crutches but yeah :’) they still have the 1991 wedding after getting back in contact with shay’s dad* but they literally could not wait * once her dad gets over himself and isn’t attempting to pick fights with vanilla constantly i should say kxkskxk ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ i know he’s not an oc but i changed up nilla’s backstory a bit; it’s still in progress but i switched new jersey to long island and added a bit of greek and saudi arabian to his heritage since his father was from alexandria originally before relocating to cairo and that’s right by the mediterranean sea — still trying to figure out where to add it in, but i wanna say it’s ways back in great grandparents so his dad was still primarily egyptian, but figured you might be interested being the li’l middle easterner you are /affectionate ;0; ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ currently on the fence as to whether or not mahmoud will full on move from nyc to either cairo or alexandria, or if he’d just go for dual citizenship ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ aaliyah’s on the redesign list, not a whole revamp but just changing a lil bit because i feel like she looks a little too much like vanilla,, but every time i try to redo her hair she comes out looking even more like him hxjskkzks ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ SPEAKING OF KIDS, there’s a third baby now; he’s not in my main canon as i don’t wanna disrupt noel and aaliyah’s dynamic but his name is kasim and he was born in 2002 – he’s the only one with shay’s eye color 👉👈 ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ i might have mentioned shay’s sister shasta following in their dad’s footsteps and becoming a mechanic but i’m still in the process of brainstorming like a detailing and customization shop they’d work at together when they’re older 🥺 shasta’d have to legally own it since she’s the only certified mechanic there and shay’s a high school dropout with a criminal record but shxjdkx i’ll figure that out later. shay does the detailing and airbrushing so it’s all creative stuff that makes her very :) ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ speaking of shay’s dad, him and ozzy become best friends which i think you knew about but memory do be foggy,,, anyway i had loose ends i didn't like so they're eventually roommates when jedd moves back to florida,,, historians would say they were very good friends if you catch my drift hfhfhf ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ my brain was being spectacularly mean to me and i had to drop hol as an f/o for a bit, but he’s back and because of that his and tanya’s lore is getting a bit of a rewrite, they’re in a trailer park in new mexico now instead of just outside of nashville — shay’s ‘i hate tennesee disease’ rubbed off on tan,,, i’ve never been there i have nothing against tennessee i swear JXKKSKD
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qnewsau · 2 months
Darren Hayes shows off his hard work in ripped shirtless pic
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/darren-hayes-shows-off-his-hard-work-in-ripped-shirtless-pic/
Darren Hayes shows off his hard work in ripped shirtless pic
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Darren Hayes has posted a shirtless thirst trap to Instagram, showing off the difference a year of boxing and boot camp makes.
The former Savage Garden frontman is 52 and posted the before-and-after fitness pics on social media on Monday.
Darren revealed the exercise regime and hard work in the gym he’d put in between the two photos.
“I’m 52. Pic on the left is after about a year of boxing, Basecamp and Barry’s boot camp,” he wrote.
“Pic on right was just after I came back from tour 2 years ago.
But Darren added, “Exercise is HARD as you get older but it keeps me sane.”
You look amazing, Darren. Keep it up!
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Darren Hayes will release memoir later this year
A few months ago, Darren Hayes confirmed the title and release date of his upcoming autobiography Unlovable. The book is out on November 5.
Darren Hayes said of the book, “I’ve been secretly telling stories about my life, through my music, since the very first Savage Garden single.
“Back then my innermost thoughts were shrouded in lyrical metaphor and deeply embedded within the visuals and stage costumes of a fantastical pop career.
“The reality of my life was much more complicated than the constraints of a 3-minute radio song would allow.
“Almost 30 years later, I feel free for the first time in my life… to truly tell my authentic story.”
As Savage Garden, Darren Hayes and his bandmate Daniel Jones released 1997’s self-titled album and 1999 follow-up Affirmation. Both were huge hits.
After the pop duo split, Darren released five solo albums, starting with 2002’s Spin.
Darren has spoken about the shocking homophobia he struggled against in the music industry in the 90s and 2000s.
Twenty years after his solo debut, Darren released new music for the first time in a decade on the defiantly-titled 2022 album Homosexual.
Read more about Darren:
‘A big deal’: Special meaning behind Darren Hayes’ Mardi Gras return
Darren Hayes splits from husband Richard Cullen after 17 years
‘He looks gay’: Darren Hayes recalls record label’s homophobia
Darren Hayes reveals sad detail about iconic Savage Garden video
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Cory McBrown: Year 2-Chapter 1 (Chapter 2 to follow shortly)
To Adam, Jesse, and John. A little bit of each of them went into Cory’s dilemma. But most especially, to my little self, who makes her way into more of my writing than I realize.
13th of December, 2002
I look in my bedroom mirror. I’ve grown something like three inches since last year. My chest has grown. My favorite jeans are 5 centimeters too short. I’m torn between looking forward to growing up and feeling like growing up sucks. How many favorite clothes have I lost to a growth spurt?
Oh, yeah, I forgot to reintroduce myself. My name is Cory McBrown. I am 13 years old, and I live in Bantry, County Cork, Ireland, with my mother, my 17 year old brother, Bart, my little sister Jenny, and my stepdad Edward O’Donoghue. My friends Sam and John live two doors down. You may remember the story I told last year. Mum and Bart weren’t getting along. Bart didn’t like the way she had handled telling me about what happened when our dad left, now seven years ago.
I finish looking at myself in the mirror, change into clothes that fit, and go downstairs. Mum is feeding Jenny, and Bart is putting his coat on.
“Where are you going so early?” I ask him.
“Mary’s meeting me at Box of Frogs for breakfast,” he says.
Mary is his girlfriend. They have breakfast at Box of Frogs a lot. I told him one day he’d turn into a frog if he kept eating there, but I don’t think he believed me. I can’t exactly play jokes like that on Bart cause he’s four years older than me. He’s well past the age of gullibility, and I would feel mean if I did that to Jenny.
I eat a breakfast of honey toast and strawberry yogurt and then grab my backpack to go meet Sam and John.
Mum puts a banana in my hand as I leave. “Here. I’m afraid you’re gonna get too hungry before lunch.”
I take the banana. “Thanks Mum.”
She hugs me. “See you after school. We’re gonna go get our tree.”
“Sounds good.” I say.
I go out the door and meet Sam and John on the sidewalk. The twins are dressed like Christmas elves.
I have to laugh. “What are you two up to?”
“’Tis the season,” Sam says.
Obviously, I think.
“Isn’t that against the dress code?” I say.
“Explain to me why an Alternative Education Academy has a dress code in the first place.” Sam says.
She has a point. But all the schools in Ireland have uniforms.
“What I want to know is why we have only have four days before Christmas with no school.” John says. “That’s not enough time to get all the baking I want in.”
I give John a mock look. “Exactly how much time do you need for all your baking?”
John thinks about this for a moment. “Well, he’s already talked about making plum cake, sugar cookies, spice cake, candy cane cake-“
I interrupt at Sam. “Candy cane cake?”
“I saw it in a cookbook.” John defends.
“Was it Willy Wonka’s cookbook?” I tease.
“Make fun all you want, but I think it’ll be the best cake you’ve ever had.” John insists.
Actually, the best cake I ever had was when I turned ten, and we iced a vanilla cake with peanut butter and jelly. That was a birthday cake.
We get to school just in time for the bell to ring. Like always, English is our first class of the day. Thankfully, Sam and John are 3rd years, so they’re still lower classmates, and at this school it means they’re still part of my class. To my surprise, the teacher doesn’t seem to care that Sam and John look like they just arrived from Santa’s workshop. Either that or they don’t notice their outfits. But there’s only ten students in our class, us included, so that can’t be true. We sit down to class, but no sooner do we sit down does a boy behind me tap me on the shoulder. I look at him. It’s Daniel Hewson. I’ve been in classes with him since 3rd class (3rd grade for my American readers). He hands me a note. I take it and read it.
You got cute over break, it says.
I frown. I’m not sure how to feel about that. I don’t think I want attention from boys. Ever since Sam entered puberty, she’s told me one day I would get it (and she likes boys and girls). I just don’t. I’ve never had a crush on a boy, and I can’t imagine I ever will. Most of them are so annoying, except John and Bart. I even find Sam’s boyfriend, Harry, annoying. Besides, I’ve seen enough relationships fail that I know it’s not something I ever want to get involved in. I’ve already been left once, and that was enough. I don’t want to go through that again.
Besides, what the heck does he mean “I got cute over break?” I mean, I know he’s referring to last week when I visited my cousin in Minnesota. But what about the cute part? Does he mean I got cute cause I developed more? Does he mean I got cute because I got taller? What does that even mean?
I just put the note away and pay attention to the rest of class.
After class, I tell Sam and John about the note. “Well, it’s obnoxious and lame, but I’m not sure if it qualifies as much to worry about.” Sam says.
“But what does it even mean? Like I’m only pretty cause I developed? Cause that’s just dumb.” I say.
“Boys are dumb.” Sam says.
“That’s why I will never date one.” I say, walking down the hall.
“All I said was they were dumb, as a species. But they’re not all like that,” Sam clarifies.
John frowns. “Species? We’re a separate species now?”
“Somewhere on the level of chimps.” Sam teases.
John gives her a mock look. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t crush on one. Are you still convinced you will never have feelings for anyone? Forget boys for a moment.” Sam says.
“I am. I just don’t think relationships are worth it. They always end in heartbreak. Remember Orla Devon? She left Bart for a 5th year when they were 3rd years. Bart moped around for weeks.” I tell her.
“And you’re basing relationships on Bart and Orla?” Sam is aghast. “All they did was hold hands and exchange furbies.”
“It’s not just Bart and Orla. Mum and Dad broke up.” I insist.
“Because he was alcoholic who wouldn’t get sober.” John reminds me.
I nod. “Aye, I’m definitely not falling for an alcoholic.”
Sam nods. “Alright… If you insist.”
“Aye, I do.” I say, as we get to our next classroom.
After school, as tiny snowflakes spit down from the sky, we pile into Mum’s car to go and get our tree.
“How was school?” Mum asks.
“Good. Where’s Bart?” I ask.
“On an errand you’re not allowed to know about.” Mum tells me.
I nod. Bart must be Christmas shopping. I didn’t really put much on my list this year except the Nintendo GameCube, and the game Luigi’s Mansion. I just know that’s gonna be a cool game and I’m gonna ace it! I don’t know if Bart will be in charge of getting that, but you never know.
We go to the Christmas tree farm and get our tree, which has to be delivered to us. That thing won’t fit into Mum’s tiny car.
But the person from the tree farm follows us home and we haul it in.
John scratches himself on the needles. “I wonder who it was that decided one day that these scratchy things were good to decorate with.”
I keep my mittens on, so I don’t get scratched. “It comes from the ancient festival Yule. In the winter, coniferous trees are the only ones that still had remaining greenery and were thus able to bring beauty and brightness to the dark winter homes of people.”
“I can understand that,” Sam says. “They are pretty, they’re just scratchy.”
John rubs his hands. “Tell me about it.”
With the tree all up, Mum makes us some hot chocolate while we do our homework. As if I thought math was bad last year. Now I’m learning the formula for the slope axis aspect or whatever it is. If anyone knows what this means, I’d appreciate the help.
Bart comes home soon after with a box full of stuff. “What is it? What’d’ja get me?” I tease him.
“Never you mind. And don’t come into my room until I say so,” Bart says, going upstairs with the box.
That night, Sam and John stay for dinner cause its Friday. Every week we do Friday night pizza.
“So are you still all enjoying school?” Edward asks.
“Um… School, yes, except for math… But… I have been getting more… attention lately.” I say.
“What kind of attention?” Mum asks, concerned.
“A boy told me I got cute over the break. Whatever that means.” I roll my eyes.
Bart frowns. “What boy?”
“I’m not gonna tell you. You’ll pick a fight, and he’s only a 2nd year.” I say.
Mum looks at me. “Well, this boy sounds like he’s trying to come up with some cool line, but is there anything wrong with getting attention, as long as it’s appropriate attention?”
“What do you mean by appropriate?” I ask.
“I mean, no one’s harassing you. Cause I will call the school and raise hell if that happens. But showing interest seems normal for your age.” Mum says.
“Well, maybe I don’t want to be normal. Maybe I want to grow up and be a hedgewitch in Brú na Bóinne.” I say.
Sam laughs. Bart frowns. “Why would you want to do that?” he asks.
I shrug. “To confuse people.”
Mum smiles. “Well, honey it’s your choice whether you want to interact with people that way, but I’d still encourage you to keep an open mind. You may find someone wonderful.”
I nod. But that someone wonderful could also leave me, I think.
I don’t think about it anymore and I just go back to eating.
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437 pm pdt 11 November 2022
{updating now 13 November 2022 Sunday @ bottom 5:02 am pdt}
I man mistaken it was not Comcast . I had switched 2 a different company when I moved 2 ths apartment I think I remember now. But I got confused in my memory bcz I did have Comcast service right before that happened w/the hangers in the closet (previous post). My mom had said something probably about Comcast wires running underground I think & I had started when we moved 2 a newly renovated apartment, upstairs. I started ths post b4 g2bathrm & showering🛀 & had 2go b4 typing all ths. Pasted Twitter embed tweet option & thn went. & came back to it 437pm.
when we moved end of 2018, sometime after that my mom was interested in Comcast again & I guess she had read about it then & probably told me the underground stuff? But we didn’t switch back to it.
about the embedded tweet: my aunt had a big black boy dog named Frankie. I think my incubus husband doesn’t want me writing this? Screw him ! 😤😂 ≈2001/2002? .
It seems like Frankie the girl golden retriever dog was adopted by Adam Noah Levine in 2005. I thought I heard him say she had recently turned 2 years old. A video found on YouTube for Jane magazine. I have not heard of Jane magazine; maybe it’s only in Los Angeles? For April 2007 issue.
my sister & I used 2 look very similar when we were attending middle school. People used 2 ask if we were twins 👯‍♀️ she caught up 2 my height & then surpassed me by the time she graduated middle school I think. I think it was ths graduation 👩‍🎓 incubus song 🎵 “drive” was played as they walked. Then after we had graduated high school & were both in college our next door neighbor called her Kiera knightley, & he thought she was older than me & he thought I was 16 so he avoided talking 2 me @ first. She is my youngest sister. Almost 2.5 years difference in age. 505 pm. Sierra Lamar tweet insert here about how our faces change. 508 pm
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">i look so different from how i did in 8th grade... its weird, really weird.</p>— Sierra LaMar (@cccairuh) <a href="https://twitter.com/cccairuh/status/180100557883715584?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 15, 2012</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">i look so different from how i did in 8th grade... its weird, really weird.</p>— Sierra LaMar (@cccairuh) <a href="https://twitter.com/cccairuh/status/180100557883715584?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 15, 2012</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
oh well it worked the first time on a different tweet.
so the part I’m hesitant 2 write ✍️:
😖😖😖😭 incubus husband probably doesn’t want me 2 write ths either. 518 pm.
541pm there was a short video recorded on the voice. I think Adam Noah Levine had said it’s not cool 2 block someone from being with someone else if you don’t like that person? Something like that. Trying 2 find it again. Seems opposite of what the incubus is about 😑😤😖😭he hurts my ribs whenever I question him or entertain the thought of writing 2 another male celebrity almost same age as Adam. & yet he goes around 2 other women he - he gave me signs 🪧-& that he f*cks them. I have been celibate 4 more than 10 years & ths is what I get. I was going to write something.. remember now. & then don’t @_@. Oh Adam Levine is 🐃🦬🐂🦤
554 pm 😖😭😤😞
{update: 5:02 am pdt 13 November 2022 Sunday
he flip flops 🩴. Started around summer 2017 he punished me for thinking about Adam Levine, when he first presented himself as Adam. He was pretending Behati was holding him hostage/ forced him 2 marry her, & that she was hurting me out of jealousy. & then before elections 2020 he made me think it was actually Melania Trump. So his reason 4 my pain & other weird stuff happened was bcz of that. Then I found a picture of maroon 5 with Biden, so that made me think if I elected Biden that some of my problems would go away/stop. But it is weird Bcz I remember a former Trump election 🗳 person was he a manager for Trump quoted harder to breathe in 2017? But the problems did not go away or stop 🛑. & then it occurred 2 me that Adam Levine looked like he really does what he wants- he has freedom. 2 go San Francisco 4 a baseball ⚾️ game, etc. also this summer my incubus made me have a vomit 🤢 reflex feeling, w/o the vomit 1 time, in this 1 time/moment 2 communicate 2 me he found me unattractive & he communicated 2 me he found a woman attractive/perfect who was not me, in an article about her & television company who once worked with was it abc? & he was in the article. This summer. & what’s ironic is that I was in good shape in 2017 until he started torturing me. So I’m mostly unattractive now bcz of him 🤔🤨😖😤😭 before that people used 2 ask me how old I was & tell me I look 18 years old & once caught a couple of guys looking staring @ me with dreamy looks in their eyes - they somehow held the stare while going up the escalator, probably a minute!- & I was only wearing jeans & tshirt & flat/no heels shoes 👟 nothing revealing except maybe my jeans were fitting well not too tight👖 I used 2 b kinda on the conservative & comfort side when I dressed back then. & in 2020 another man told me I was beautiful I think 🤔 I remembered that. Whatever. I think he was the guy with the $700 tattoo of his grandma on his arm. 530 am pdt. 13 November 2022 Sunday.
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octaviasdread · 3 years
any girls! dark academia movie recs? i really struggle to find anything not about a group of boys (as much as I love them)
SO MANY!!! This is probably a far more detailed answer than you were expecting but this is a popular question and I want to keep a list for myself and others.
Feel free to add to it/give opinions. I've tried to give a tw for anything I can remember
Girls! Dark Academia Movies/TV Shows
Mona Lisa Smile (2003)
1950s Women’s college
Art professor! Julia Roberts
She’s legit the female Mr Keating of the art & college world
Feminism vs. Tradition
Maggie Gyllenhall x Ginnifer Goodwin; their characters were more than friends. Fight me.
Does not end how you expect
Strike!/All I Wanna Do/The Hairy Bird (1998)
Free on YouTube under one of its various names
1960s all girls boarding school
Young Kirsten Dunst
Group of girls plot to sabotage a merger with a boys school less prestigious than their own
Secret attic clubhouse meetings of the D.A.R aka Daughters of the American Ravioli (eaten cold, ew)
girls get political & advocate for their rights using ANY elaborate and chaotic scheme
TW: eating disorder, vomiting & creepy male teacher but the girls plot against him too
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969)
based on a short book I read for uni by Muriel Spark
1930s girls school in Edinburgh
Scottish teacher! Maggie Smith, controversial with a focus on romantic ideals
Spoiler alert, the liberal teacher is actually a fascist
Her group of fave students has cult- vibes and it’s fascinating
Picnic at Hanging Rock
1970s movie or 2018 mini series
Never watched either but I plan to
Wild Child (2008)
00s romcom every UK teen girl loves
Emma Roberts as the spoiled rich American teenager sent to a strict English boarding school
Plots to get herself expelled but oh no she’s making friends with the girls who help her
And the headmistress has a hot son, and he’s nice??? Double oh no
Everything! Goes! Wrong!
omg she burns the school down
Feel good, comfort, nostalgia
St Trinians (2007)
English girls boarding school
The kids are all criminals, no joke
So are the teachers
gay awakening for british girls
Art heist pulled off by school girls
Government tries to shut them down but oh no, the education minister & the headmistress are ex-lovers
Colin Firth x Rupert Everett in drag
Superior cast: Jodie Whittaker, Gemma Arterton, Juno Temple, Stephen Fry, Colin Firth, etc...
embodies the phrase 'problematic fave'
St Trinians 2: The Legend of Fritton’s Gold (2009)
Mystery, pirate ancestors, hidden treasure
omg Shakespeare was a woman
girls disguised as boys to infiltrate and rob the posh boys school
Villain! David Tennant in that ICONIC boat scene
Teen girls vs. ancient misogynist brotherhood
like the first film but MORE chaotic and BETTER!???
The Falling (2014)
1960s all girls school
best friends! but its unrequited love
Agoraphobic + distant mother aka mommy issues
Sudden death and the school suppresses/ignores the students grief, sparking mass hysteria & a fainting epidemic in the girls
Cast: Maisie Williams (GoT) & Florence Pugh (Little Women) & Joe Cole (Peaky Blinders)
TW: teen pregnancy, death, vomiting, underage s*x, sibling inc*st, past s*xual assault
The Book Thief (2013)
Based on an amazing book by Markus Zusak
set in 1940s Nazi Germany
Daughter of a communist whose family were taken by the Nazis/died is fostered by an older couple who teach her to read & she paints a dictionary on the basement walls
Coming of age story about a compulsive book thief. No joke, this kid steals books from banned book burnings and breaks into the mayor's library through the window
Family hides the Jewish son of an old friend in their basement and he helps her to start writing about her experiences in the war
TW: death, bombings, WW2 anti-semitism
Mary Shelley (2017)
Overall good & roughly biographical
Pretty costumes and aesthetic
Modern feminist take on Mary Shelly in her own time period
So many INACCURACIES for the drama so don’t take it as truth
Percy Shelley slander and not all of it is justified
Cast: Elle Fanning, Douglas Booth, and Maisie Williams
The Secret Garden (1993)
Based on a fave childhood book
1901 colonial India & Yorkshire, England
Orphaned, spoilt & neglected girl sent to live with her reclusive Uncle in the English countryside
Gothic elements, mysteries, secret doors/passages/locked gardens
local boy with a flock of animals, magic, kids chanting around a fire and all around immaculate vibes
Happy ending!!!
Hidden Figures (2016)
African-American women as mathematicians for NASA
1960s space project
Women balancing a career and family obligations
Deals with racial & gender discrimination
Loosely based on the lives of Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson, and Dorothy Vaughan who worked for NASA as engineers & mathematicians
Anne of Green Gables (1985) & sequel (1987)
Adaptation L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Anne of Green Gables’ books
Canada (late 1890s/early 1900s)
Highly imaginative & bookworm orphan is adopted by a reclusive elderly brother and sister duo
Small town & school years comedic drama
Unrequited Enemies -> Friends -> lovers
Inspiring new woman teacher
Girls re-enact Tennyson’s poem and nearly drown for the aesthetic™
Dramatic poetry reading with INTENSE 👀eye contact👀
Writer! Anne & English teacher! Anne dealing with unruly girls school antics
Collette (2018)
biographical drama on french writer Sidonie-Gabrielle Collette
Victorian & Edwardian era France
More talented than her husband so she ghostwrites for him
Fight for creative ownership of her wildly successful novels
Affairs with a woman called Georgie and also with Missy, born female but masculine presenting
Cast: Keira Knightly, Dominic West, Eleanor Tomlinson (Poldark)
Enola Holmes (2020)
Netflix book adaptation
Younger sister of Sherlock Holmes
Victorian era! feminism/suffragettes
Mother-daughter focus
Mystery, adventure, secret codes, teens running away & escaping from (and eventually fighting) assassins
Cast: Helena Bonham Carter, Henry Cavill, Sam Claflin, Fiona Shaw, Millie Bobby Brown
Ginger & Rosa (2012)
1960s England
best friends since literal birth navigating troubled teen years
poet & anti-nuclear activist! Ginger
off the rails but also catholic! Rosa
Shout out to Mark & Mark the gay godfathers we all want
family troubles 
TW: older man has an affair with a 17 yr old
Testament of Youth (2014)
based on WW1 memoir by Vera Brittain
young woman (writer & poetry lover) escapes traditional family & goes to study at Oxford University
abandons to become a war nurse
romance, tragedy and war trauma
Cast: Alicia Vikander, Kit Harrington (GoT), Taron Edgerton (Rocketman), Colin Morgan (Merlin)
Little Women (2019)
Writer! Jo & Artist! Amy
Mother/daughter focus and sister dynamics
the March sisters’ theatre club is *chefs kiss*
champagne problems edits of Jo x Laurie are a mood
Ambivalent ending perfectly captures Louisa May Alcott’s dilemma with the book the movie is based on
set in 1860s America
ALL STAR CAST and a Greta Gerwig masterpeice
Lady Bird (2017)
coming of age in early 2002/2003 Sacramento, California
all girls catholic school
writer! Christine aka Lady Bird wants to get outta town and start her life again at college 'in a city with culture'
Mother/daughter dynamics - so realistic!
I live for that Jesus car stunt & the nun's reaction
school theatre program
Cast: Saoirse Ronan, Timothee Chalamet, Beanie Feldstein
Another Greta Gerwig gem
Beguiled (2017)
Virginia, civil war era
Girls school with only five students and two teachers left
Find an injured Union army soldier & bring him inside
Women & teenagers want his attention (v. problematic) before uniting against him
(tbh you'll either love it, hate it, or watch once & forget it)
Sofia Coppola film so its very feminine gaze
TW: violence, death, underage
Legally Blonde (2001)
No questions will be taken
Elle Woods was the blue print
TV series:
House of Anubis (2011-2013)
I know it’s a kids/young teen show but I still unironically love it
Modern day with Victorian era links to treasure hunters & Egyptian research expeditions (stealing from tombs)
Chosen one plot lines, curses, kidnapping, mysteries, secret tunnels under the school, elixir of life
Teens have investigate & protect themselves cus oh no the TEACHERS are involved in some shady stuff
new American kid at British boarding school is the actual premise not just a fanfic au
Nostalgic, light-hearted, funny, and kinda cheesy but I will accept no criticism
The Alienist (2018 -now)
Mid 1890s, New York
Woman’s private detective agency (Season 2)
Serial killer mystery
Woman secretary turns detective and teams up with a criminal psychiatrist and a newspaper editor to solve crime
TW: violence, child pr*stit*tion
Cast: Dakota Fanning, Luke Evans, Daniel Bruhl
The Queen’s Gambit (2020)
Woman chess prodigy
1950s & 1960s
TW: drug & alcohol abuse
Gentleman Jack (2019 - now)
Based on the diaries of Anne Lister
Victorian Yorkshire, England
Upper-class lesbians
Confident, suit wearing! Anne Lister x shy! Ann Walker
Business woman! Anne running the family mines
Cast: Suranne Jones (Doctor Foster) & Sophie Rundle (Peaky Blinders)
TW: violence
Gilmore Girls (2000-2007)
bubbly/ambitious single mom + intelligent daughter
bookworm! Rory Gilmore gets into a prestigious private school and then an Ivy League college
Small town drama is comedic gold
Fast dialogue packed with pop culture and literary references
Comforting & nostalgic
Anne with an E (2017-2019)
Loose adaptation of L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Anne of Green Gables’ books
they completely change the plot lines but it’s still very good content!
Orphan girl with trauma and a love of books/poetry is adopted by an elderly brother & sister duo, bringing light and fresh ideas to a rural community
Feminism, girls writing club, lgbtq safe spaces, girls eduction, black/indigenous representation
Miss Stacy as THAT inspiring teacher
Aunt Josephine’s lavish gay parties have my heart
TW: creepy male teacher tries to marry a student, racial discrimination, indigenous assimilation school
Victoria (2016-2019)
Adaption of Queen Victoria’s life
Victoria navigating her political, royal, and personal life
Albert’s involvement with The Great Exhibition, 1851 (on cultural + industrial innovations)
Alfred Paget x Edward Drummond is exquisite
Gorgeous costumes and aesthetics
TW: bury your gays trope
Derry Girls (2018-now)
1990s Northern Ireland during the troubles
Comedy, episodes 20-25 mins long
English boy sent to an all girls Catholic school with his cousin
✨Dead Poets Society parody episode ✨with a free-spirited female teacher
Sister Michael, the sarcastic nun who hates her job & reads the exorcist for giggles
Wee anxious lesbian! Clare Devlin (plus her friends wearing rainbow pins)
Badass with bad ideas! Michelle Mallon
Main Character! Erin Quinn
Lovable weirdo who would fight a polar bear! Orla McCool
Wee English fella & honorary Derry girl! James Maguire
Dickinson (2019-now)
Loose adaption of the poet Emily Dickinson’s life
Set in 19th century Massachusetts, US
Historical drama with modern dialogue & music that works SEAMLESSLY
gives a great understanding of Emily Dickinson’s poems
💕Vintage gays! Emily x Sue💕
Theatre club, writing, poetry, dressing as men to sneak into lectures, love letters, teen drama, feminism, and an underground abolitionist journal as a brief side plot in season 2
Wiz Khalifa plays death in a horse drawn carriage
TW: opium use
A Series of Unfortunate Events (2017-2019)
Based on great childhood books
Bookworm! brother, Inventor! sister, and baby sister with sharp teeth
Mystery, secret organisations, orphaned siblings figuring things out & fending for themselves against the villain after their fortune
Adults either cartoon evil, comedically incompetent, or SPIES
Boarding school, library owner, scientific researcher, and theatre episodes
Ambiguous time period which is really fun to try and pin point
Killing Eve (2018-now)
Classic detective who has homoerotic tension with the assassin she is tracking down
British Detective! Eve Polastri figures out the notorious assassin MI5 are investigating is a woman, is fired & then put on a secret MI6 case with a small team
Assassin! Villanelle, a psychopath with a tragic past and a mastery of both accents & fashion
Woman MI6 boss! Carolyn Martens, head of Russian section
Travel Europe following Villanelle’s killings and escaping the assassins sent by Villanelle’s organisation
‘You’re supposed to be my enemy and moral opposite but omg you’re the only one smart enough to get me and why am I obsessed with you????'
Cable Girls/Las chicas del cable (2017-2020)
Spanish drama set in 1920s Madrid
Four young women at a telecommunications company form a group of friends and help navigate the difficult situations they are all in
Secret identities, dangerous pasts, murder, crime, lgbtq couple & throuple, trans man character, feminism/suffragists
girls commit crimes for humanitarian reasons and cover! it! up!
Gorgeous costumes and set
Haven’t finished it yet and I’m catching up
TW: abuse, violence, death
Outlander (2014 - now)
haven’t watched yet but plan to
Woman time travels to Scotland, 1743
Rebel highlanders, pirates, British colonies, American revolutionary war
Time jumps between 18th & 20th century
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accio-victuuri · 3 years
Wang Yibo’s Watch List. 📼📽
Movies & Dramas he enjoyed and mentioned for the past years. Check out his picks and see if you have similar tastes in films.✌🏼
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1. Spiderman - let’s start with the obvious. The boy dressed up as Spidey. He answered “Spiderman” as a favorite movie in one of his first interview as an Idol. So yeah. Everyone loves Spidey!
2. Big Hero 6 - Baymax!
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Robotics prodigy Hiro (Ryan Potter) lives in the city of San Fransokyo. Next to his older brother, Tadashi, Hiro's closest companion is Baymax (Scott Adsit), a robot whose sole purpose is to take care of people. When a devastating turn of events throws Hiro into the middle of a dangerous plot, he transforms Baymax and his other friends, Go Go Tamago (Jamie Chung), Wasabi (Damon Wayans Jr.), Honey Lemon (Genesis Rodriguez) and Fred (T.J. Miller) into a band of high-tech heroes.
3. Minions- He went through a Minion phase so it’s not a secret that he watched the film. and tbh, it was really popular when it came out— and the franchise still is.
3. Fast & Furious - fast cars? Totally his type of movie. He answered this in an interview when he started with UNIQ.
Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) enjoys the adrenaline of street car racing and his fans treat him like a rock star. After a blazing encounter with the ruthless Johnny Tran, Dom decides to take Brian (Paul Walker), a newcomer to street racing, under his wing. Dom's sister Mia sees something she likes in Brian, too. Trouble is, neither of them realize he's an undercover cop, and Dominic and his rival Johnny Tran are both the prime suspects in a case involving dirty money and big-rig hijacking.
4. 比悲伤更悲伤的故事/ More Than Blue - This is what he said is a movie that made him cry.
K was abandoned by his mother after the death of his father, while Cream lost her entire family in a traffic accident. Sharing similar circumstances, the two become best friends and come to share a home.
5. Kimi No Nawa - He uses a scene from the film as his phone wallpaper. So...
Two teenagers share a profound, magical connection upon discovering they are swapping bodies. Things manage to become even more complicated when the boy and girl decide to meet in person.
6. Lost in Russia - he sang the OST for this, “My Mom”
The full movie is available on YT if anyone is interested
Ivan plans to go to America for work purposes. However, his plans are foiled when he decides to follow his mother on a train to Moscow.
7. The Meg - Another one I’m adding here since he sang the OST.
Previously thought to be extinct, a massive creature attacks a deep-sea submersible, leaving it disabled and trapping the crew at the bottom of the Pacific. With time running out, a visionary oceanographer recruits rescue diver Jonas Taylor to save the crew and the sea itself from an unimaginable threat -- a 75-foot-long prehistoric shark known as the Megalodon.
8. Joker - He loves this character and it’s natural that he watched Joaquin Phoenix’s version of it. He also mentioned it as a movie he recently enjoyed in a 2020 interview.
9. Dark Knight - Okay so let me just list some things of why he loves this movie and in particular, Heath Ledger’s ( RIP ) portrayal of it.
- he was saying his lines “why so serious” during Untamed behind the scenes.
- he performed as the Joker. Hello?
- his Wechat pfp (2021) is Heath/Joker photo edit
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- Yixing wrote a song for him called ‘Joker’
So. Yes. It is clearly a favorite.
With the help of allies Lt. Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman) and DA Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart), Batman (Christian Bale) has been able to keep a tight lid on crime in Gotham City. But when a vile young criminal calling himself the Joker (Heath Ledger) suddenly throws the town into chaos, the caped Crusader begins to tread a fine line between heroism and vigilantism.
sidenote: this movie is a masterpiece!!!
The next 3 films are the most recent ones we know of and that he mentioned in his Bazaar 2021 interview.
10. The Pianist” [2002] - He said he wants to play a role like this.>> “Looking at a character like this, i desire to act in such a role in my heart.”
In this adaptation of the autobiography "The Pianist: The Extraordinary True Story of One Man's Survival in Warsaw, 1939-1945," Wladyslaw Szpilman (Adrien Brody), a Polish Jewish radio station pianist, sees Warsaw change gradually as World War II begins. Szpilman is forced into the Warsaw Ghetto, but is later separated from his family during Operation Reinhard. From this time until the concentration camp prisoners are released, Szpilman hides in various locations among the ruins of Warsaw.
11. Amadeus
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Tom Hulce) is a remarkably talented young Viennese composer who unwittingly finds a fierce rival in the disciplined and determined Antonio Salieri (F. Murray Abraham). Resenting Mozart for both his hedonistic lifestyle and his undeniable talent, the highly religious Salieri is gradually consumed by his jealousy and becomes obsessed with Mozart's downfall, leading to a devious scheme that has dire consequences for both men.
12. Pulp Fiction
Vincent Vega (John Travolta) and Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson) are hitmen with a penchant for philosophical discussions. In this ultra-hip, multi-strand crime movie, their storyline is interwoven with those of their boss, gangster Marsellus Wallace (Ving Rhames) ; his actress wife, Mia (Uma Thurman) ; struggling boxer Butch Coolidge (Bruce Willis) ; master fixer Winston Wolfe (Harvey Keitel) and a nervous pair of armed robbers, "Pumpkin" (Tim Roth) and "Honey Bunny" (Amanda Plummer).
13. Gonjiam Haunted Asylum - he hates horror films but he watched this with the cast of Untamed.
The crew of a horror web series travels to an abandoned asylum for a live broadcast. It soon encounters much more than expected as it moves deeper inside the nightmarish old building
14. 300 - all because his sparta thing in the Happy Camp Episode (2020) 🤣🤣
In 480 B.C. a state of war exists between Persia, led by King Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro), and Greece. At the Battle of Thermopylae, Leonidas (Gerard Butler), king of the Greek city state of Sparta, leads his badly outnumbered warriors against the massive Persian army. Though certain death awaits the Spartans, their sacrifice inspires all of Greece to unite against their common enemy.
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15. Crow’s Zero - he even mentioned that he wants to play a role like that. 🙂
A transfer student attempts to take over the most violent high school in the country, whose students form factions and battle each other for power. Mentored by a yakuza, he strives for what has never been achieved: unification of the school.
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16. Black Panther - aside from him being a black panther ( SDC!!! ), one clue we got is him doing the “Wakanda Forever” in a behind the scene clip from GYH.
After the death of his father, T'Challa returns home to the African nation of Wakanda to take his rightful place as king. When a powerful enemy suddenly reappears, T'Challa's mettle as king -- and as Black Panther -- gets tested when he's drawn into a conflict that puts the fate of Wakanda and the entire world at risk. Faced with treachery and danger, the young king must rally his allies and release the full power of Black Panther to defeat his foes and secure the safety of his people.
17. Crystal Sky of Yesterday - an Animated film where Yibo dubbed a character in.
Tu Xiaoyi, Yao Zhetian and Qi Jingxuan are high school students in a small town, Lanxi, in southern China. This is a story about dreams, friendship, family and first love in their youthful days.
18. Rurouni Kenshin - live action. He even posted about it.
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19. Brokeback Mountain - based on that joke he made. Thanks @rainbowsky for the tip!
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Anime/TV show:
1. One Piece - He loves Roronoa Zoro. He mentioned this in an interview and he also “transformed” as the character in one of his Douyin videos.
2. Spongebob - another obvious one.
3. Goblin ( Korean Drama ) - because he was caught singing part of the OST in a BTS for Gank Your Heart. and since then, we’ve all been dreaming for a full version of it 🥲
In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, Dokkaebi, a 939-year-old guardian of souls, encounters a grim reaper and a student with a tragic past
4. My Own Swordsman (2006)
is set during the Ming Dynasty (明代 míngdài) in a fictional town called Qixia Town (七侠镇 qī xiá zhèn). The series focuses on a group of six people, all with different personalities who meet in an inn called “Tongfu Inn”.
5. Samurai X - he was seen imitating Kenshin’s move as well as Sojiro Seta.
This is a short list and I wish we had more. I think it’s partly because he doesn’t often get asked about these. Yibo has alot of other hobbies/interests ( skateboarding, legos, street dance and moto racing ) that people prompt him to talk about in interviews. ✌🏼
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batllethinker · 2 years
Left | w.mf + n.rv
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tags: angst, red room, ptsd, Wanda Maximoff has ptsd, implied rape/noncon, hurt Wanda Maximoff, self harm, unhealthy coping mechanisms, drug use, alcoholism, Tony Stark is an ass, Clint Barton is a good bro, past abuse, messed up timeline, not canon compliant, hurt Natasha Romanov, Hydra, angry Wanda Maximoff, eating disorders
Rating: E
It's been a year since the bombs hit Novi Grad, a year of me and Pietro living on the streets, barely scraping by but Pietro ettis getting better at stealing food for us, getting caught less and less.
I appreciate him, the food he gets for us is not enough so I let him have all of it despite his reluctance, just like when mama and papa were alive, when we hada home.
It's hard to find a place to stay, the city is still in ruins but more often than not we can find an abandoned building to sleep in, not that we sleep that much anymore.
Sometimes we meet other people also living on the streets, affected by the bombs sent by Stark. They're greedy, sometimes they take our only food for the day, Pietro tries to take it back but we're only children, defenseless. Sometimes they're nice, offering us company for a while before they move on.
We meet other orphans too, they're nice, often keeping conversation as we talk about our families, we didn't have a lot but at least we had a roof over our heads and a family. All I have left is Pietro, he protects me, sometimes he steals objects along with something else than a loaf of bread, to give to me when he notices that I act differently, sadder so I try to keep positive for him.
It’s been two years, we're twelve now, protests have begun in the city, rioting against the government, there's more drugs and violence. Pietro tries to take me away from it, but it's so fascinating, the place I go when the drugs enter my system.
Food isn't a problem, I like the feeling, the churning when I'm empty, Pietro still tries to make me eat but I think he knows and it’s a bonus, the way the drugs travel through my system on an empty stomach.
I’ve noticed that there's more men in suits coming around the ruins of the town, taking girls our age with them, most of the time there's a struggle but I can't have it in me to care, maybe they're taken somewhere better.
The drugs given to me keeps me relaxed, I find it hard to think about the bad things while they're in my system. It's nice but I know that Pietro doesn't like it, he tries to make me stop but I can't.
It's been a year, I was taken by the men in suits, they took me from Pietro and into a cargo hold. There were several other girls in there with me, I asked them where they were taking us, someone said Russia.
It's been a year without the drugs, they made me quit and the first few days were hard. I got used to being without them but I still find myself missing the drugs.
They don't feed us often and when they do it's usually stale bread and watered down soup, I prefer to starve.
I met someone, Natalia, she's older than most of the others here, she’s nice, she comforts me when I mess up during training, after I've been beaten. They don't allow us to interact with each other during training so it's always at night, in the dark. She promised me that she would always be by my side, I believe her.
She has a sister, Yelena, she's around the same age as me but she's been here longer, they both have. Natasha and Yelena teach me how to act around the instructors, how to act around Dreykov so he doesn't hurt us.
Training is hard, they beat us, drill words into our heads, making us nothing but machines. I like Natalia, she knows how to calm me down, she comforts me every night, with nice words. The guards handcuff us to our beds but most of the girls know how to get out of them, I don't.
Natalia get out of them every night, she holds me the best she can before the guards come in and she cuffs herself back to the bed. I find the cuffs comforting.
I had my first kill, the man had a hood on his face, it made it easier but it still made me sick, Madame B was harsh on me for hesitating.
I cried the whole night as Natalia and Yelena comforted me, they have been through more than me, they know what it's like.
I'm fourteen now, Natalia is nineteen, she talks about how she wants to get away from here, that's all she talks about and I can't help but feel resentment, she’s so brave, something I know that I’ll never be able to be.
I'm fifteen now. Madam B is teaching us how to get information out of our targets, through our bodies. I feel disgusting, the men are old and greasy, their hands are rough and clumsy, I try to get their touch from my body, from my body but it's impossible.
I miss Pietro and I can't help but hope that he's living a better life, that he’s forgotten about me. Natalia has left, it's been a week.
Dreykov came into training today, he had announced that Natalia had escaped, he had ordered his soldiers to beat us, to get information out of us.
I hate her, she abandoned me and Yelena, I had to comfort her younger sister through many nights, I could feel that Natalia’s departure had left a strange feeling in all of us, a loneliness.
It's strange, a few soldiers had taken me into a room and there was a scepter in the middle of the room, it was glowing.
"Are you sure? Nobody has survived this” I could hear over the speaker before it got completely quiet, I hesitated by the doorway.
"Touch the specter, ms. Maximoff” I heard again as I walked towards it, my hand outreached. There was a blinding light coming from it and then I saw a figure, me? I was unfamiliar to myself, unrecognizable and then everything turned black.
I woke up in a cell, separated from the other girls and confused. What happened? My whole body ached as I sat up and looked at my hands. I could feel a buzzing underneath my skin, it made me feel alive, something that I haven't felt for years.
Suddenly there were red tendrils of smoke coming from my hands, lifting everything in the room, I gasped in surprise. I moved my hands and watched as everything moved with them.
I had to figure out what to do with these apparent powers and how to control them. I let myself relax and everything dropped, I nodded, that was a start.
Then a guard came in, his stance was defensive and there was fear coming off of him, that was new. Dreykov stepped in after the guard, arms crossed in front of him as he stood in front of the door.
"Ms. Maximoff, it's good to see you awake” I stood up, on full alert. “What did you do to me?” he laughed and uncrossed his arms, it was unnerving.
"Oh nothing, we just let you touch the stone which you didn't by the way” I frowned at that, I was sure that I touched it, well that it touched me.
It does seem that you gained some powers, I might even send you on a real mission after you get them in check” Dreykov’s tone was menacing as always and I couldn't help the fear forming, who knew what he would do to me?
It's been nine years, nine years of torture, effective torture since it helped me gain control of my powers, the instructors had forbidden the use of my powers in regular training but I had still managed to become one of their best and Dreykov used me for his missions alot.
I heard that Natalia joined a group calling themselves the avengers, they’re called heroes, Tony Stark is a part of them. They're no heroes, they're just like me, murderers who are not deserving to be called heroes.
I have mastered almost every skill, close combat, shooting, languages, martial arts, interrogation and seduction.
A lot more widows have been disappearing, escaping, there's not alot of widows left, that much have I gathered. Yelena had managed to defect and I'm happy for her but just a tad bit worried for her, I wouldn't even be surprised if he had sent some Widows after her.
I could feel Dreykov’s frustration all the time, it was like a ticking time bomb and he was going to explode at any moment.
I knew that I needed to get away and soon, I knew about the chemical subjugation that the widows are put under, that pheromone control and the super soldiers, they were often used while training us, well one specifically, the winter soldier, James Buchanan Barnes.
I just waited for the right opportunity, one that I knew would come soon. “Ms. Maximoff, my talented witch” Dreykov walked into my cell, a satisfied look on his face, “I'm sending you on a mission, we're taking back the scepter, it's been located to Sokovia, Strucker will be in charge”
Oh right, the scepter had been taken by SHIELD awhile back and it seems like he finally located it, and I'm retrieving it? That wouldn't be too hard and it would give me the chance to escape, Strucker is an idiot so I didn't have to worry about him.
"You're leaving in 30” and he left with that, the door locking behind him as I moved from the bed to grab my bag, I’m honestly surprised that they let me keep my suits and weapons with me, it was a dumb move on their side.
Every Widow has their own suit, one black and one white. I decided to put on my black suit and pack my white one, every weapon possible packed into my suit and the rest of them was put into my bag.
I don't actually need the weapons but they gave me a sense of security. I listened as the door unlocked and Strucker walked in with a few guards.
"It's time to leave Maximoff” I nodded and let the guards surround me before I followed Strucker to the jet. I could feel the fear seeping from the guards as they walked around me and I couldn't help the smile of satisfaction.
I was practically a child compared to these men and yet they were shivering in their boots, I walked into the jet and took a seat in the back, watching as a soldier walked to the front and pushed in the coordinates for Novi Grad before we took off.
I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself, I couldn't fail and if I succeeded I needed to find Pietro. I just hope that he’s fine and that I can find him.
It didn't take long before we landed and I put my plan in play, taking down the soldiers and Strucker before they could even lift a finger. I used one of the knives hidden in my suit to cut open my thigh and take out the chip, wincing at the pain.
I was luckily fast enough to remove the chip before he made me blow my own head up. I made quick work to heal the cut, something that I learned that I could do under the years.
The jet had landed outside of the city, in an open field that I was unfamiliar with but I knew my way back to the city, thankfully. I made my way out of the jet and to the outskirts of the city.
The outskirts were often unoccupied and the buildings rundown, I was glad to see that it hadn't changed. Me and Pietro used to spend a lot of time in these parts and I could just hope that he hadn't moved too much.
Me and him had always had this connection, it was like we could feel each other's thoughts, feelings and locations. The connection cut off almost as soon as I arrived at the red room but I tried to tap into it from time to time, the connection was broken.
I just hope that I can tap into his mind, assuming that he's still in Novi Grad, the shortened distance could definitely help me.
I slowly made my way through the outskirts of the city, it saddened me to see that the government stopped trying to rebuild the city and just abandoned it.
I closed my eyes and searched for minds, for a familiar mind but to no luck. I made my way deeper into the city, searching for my brother and then I felt it, a racing mind, Pietro.
His thoughts were always loud and fast, racing, it was easy to follow as I made my way to the town square. I didn't even know what to look for, it's been thirteen years and he must have changed. I've changed.
I could only follow his thoughts as a guide, it got louder and louder the closer I got. I was suddenly standing in front of a tall man, his hair bleached white and I felt it, this is Pietro.
I suddenly felt breathless, I’ve missed him so much and I could feel the tears well. “Pietro?” he had a confused look on his face as he looked around before looking back at me and then I saw the realization hit him, “Sistra?”
I nodded and jumped into his arms, enveloping him as I let the tears fall. “I'm so sorry” he wrapped his arms tightly around me and didn't let go. “What happened?”
I separated myself from him, just so I could look at him. He had grown so much and he looked so different, “what happened to you? Your hair?” He smiled cheekily at me and grabbed my hands.
"I can do things now, superhuman things” my eyebrows raised in surprise, I guess he changed more than I could see. “How?” I wondered if he got his abilities the same way I did and when, there wasn't much time in between the scepters time in the red room, hydra and shield.
"There was this man, a doctor that offered me food and a place to sleep if I touched this sphere, so I did and then I could do things” he sounded happy, excited, I smiled softly at him, it was nice seeing him happy.
"Show me” he nodded and there was this blur throughout the town square as he ran, I chuckled. Of Course his power would be speed, he was always the fast one.
He stopped in front of me, slightly out of breath but a smile on his face. “How cool is that?” I smiled at his excitement, “very cool”.
I slowly let my smile fade as I took his hand again, “we need to talk, somewhere private” he nodded, concerned. “There's a jet outside the city, take me to it” Pietro picked me up and with a zoom we were by the jet.
He put me down and looked at me with curious eyes, “do you remember when I disappeared?” his eyes turned sad as he nodded, “I never stopped looking for you” I frowned and took a deep breath, “the men in suits took me, I was trained to be an assassin, I'm a killer”
I watched as he processed my words, he took a deep breath as his hands came up to rub his face, “it’s been thirteen years, more must've happened” I nodded and thought about how much I could tell him.
"We were under a mind control, conscious but not in control, beaten, raped, sent to kill so many people” I hesitated for a moment, “I was made to touch the sphere, it gave me powers and amazingly took me out of the mind control but I couldn't escape, not until now”
He brought me in for a hug, I accepted it as I let my tears fall again, sobbing into his shoulder. “I need to make this world better, I need to take down the red room”
We were approached by a man, no a robot that called himself Ultron. He promised that he could make the world a better place, with our help. Pietro was hesitant but I would do anything to make the world better.
The robot said that the avengers were after him, that I would tear them apart from the inside so I trusted him, I would destroy the avengers.
I first saw them at the shipwreck, Ultron had severed Klaue’s arm and then the man of Iron was there, he and the god along with Captain America, a super soldier. They attacked and I put our plan in play.
Ultron had gotten his hands on the Scepter, the Avengers were here to get it, I attacked Tony Stark first, he was out of his armor and approaching the scepter. I made him see his worst nightmare, the avengers dead and him the sole survivor.
Next was the god and the soldier, death. Then came Natalia, her back was turned to me but I could recognize her anywhere. I made her see memories, memories of the red room, things we both have been through, I even let her see the things Dreykov put us through after she left.
I put a stop to the memories and turned her around, forcing her into a wall and making her look at me, I watched as recognition hit her. “Remember me?” I pushed her harder into the wall, my powers helping me with the extra force as I let my anger come through.
"Wanda..” she didn't fight back which only served to make me angrier. “You left us” I used my powers to hold her against the wall as I put some distance in between us, “you saw what they did to us just because you decided to leave”
"And now you're what? An avenger, a hero? That's bullshit, you know more than anyone else that you're nothing but a monster” she struggled against my magic as I laughed at her, I moved closer to her again and I hit her, until she was bruised and bleeding.
And then I noticed another presence, I let go of Natalia and disappeared, not letting the other presence get close to me.
I made a move to break the remaining avengers, the green guy and the archer. It was relatively easy and my anger only served to help me. I made my way back to the robot and Pietro as soon as I was done.
Pietro looked at me with worry, I wouldn't be surprised if he saw my outburst at Natalia, if he felt it. I had only told him about the girl that abandoned me but I have a feeling that he knows that it's her.
"You okay?” I nodded and casted a glance at him, not meeting his eyes. He moved closer to me and let his hand rest on the small of my back, I tried my best to not flinch away from the touch.
Pietro is my safe place, my only comfort and I hated how his touch scared me. I hated how my instincts always screamed at me to run when he touched me even when I knew that he's safe, that I'm safe with him.
So I leaned into him, accepting his touch as the robot droned on about the scepter and a body.
It wasn't more than a day later when we arrived in Korea, there was apparently a lab here. Ultron walked into the laboratory like he owned the place, his robots killing anyone that was in the way.
There was a woman, Helen Cho, Ultron controlled her with the scepter. She showed us a chamber, it was making the body.
It was fascinating to watch, how it was built, the transfer of Ultron’s mind into the body, there was a screen that showed everything.
I moved closer to it, placing my hands on it and gasping in surprise. I could feel his mind, Ultron’s and then I saw it, a big explosion that shook the whole world, destroying it.
I stumbled away from the screen and into Pietro’s arms, I looked at Ultron who was sitting by the chamber. I was hurt, we were lied to. “You lied to us” he stood up and walked closer to me, “no, I said that we would make the world a better place and that's what we're going to do”
I shook my head, he was lying. “When everyone's dead” he chuckled and shook his head, “when the avengers are dead” I took Helen out of the scepters control before looking at Pietro, silently communicating with him through our connection, he nodded at me and suddenly we were far away from the lab.
I knew that we needed to work with the avengers, work with the people that I hate or let the world end, killing billions in the process. It really wasn't that hard of a decision but facing both Tony Stark and Natalia would be hard, and the avengers especially after I attacked them.
"We need to find the avengers” I had a feeling that they were here, to find the scepter. Pietro nodded and ran away to see if he could find them, leaving me to prepare for whatever was to come.
Pietro came back after a few minutes, “the captain is on a train” I nodded and told him to take me to the captain, he picked me up and it wasn't long before we were standing in a train, Captain America infront of us fighting an Ultron bot.
I used my powers to help him, effectively killing the bot. Steve turned to me with a grateful smile, “thanks kid” I frowned, “I'm” I was going to protest the name, I hated when people called me a child but then I realized that everyone was a kid in his eyes, “I'm not a kid” it came out quieter than I wanted so I changed the topic.
"We want to help the avengers to save the world, to get rid of Ultron” The captain tilted his head, surprise evident. “What made you change your mind?” I took a deep breath and recalled the memory.
"I saw the world end at the hands of Ultron, I can't let that happen, we can't let that happen” Steve nodded as he walked closer to us, “I’ll take you two back to the base, update them on the situation”
I nodded and we both followed him out of the now empty train and to a parked quinjet, Steve sat himself in the captain's seat as me and Pietro sat in the back.
My brother had a comforting arm over my shoulder as his other hand held mine, I leaned my head on his shoulder, my head hurting from the vision, I was tired and I had a feeling that it would be a long flight.
I closed my eyes as I zoned in on Captain America’s voice, he was communicating with the other avengers. “Pietro?” I felt more than heard him hum in reply, “what if we fail? What if the world ends and I didn't do anything to save it” I felt his arm tighten around me as he shook his head.
"You're trying, we're trying and that's enough” maybe he's right but I can't help but feel that this will end badly, I just don't know how badly.
I needed some rest, Ultron was going to Novi Grad, he had said that the church was at the center of the world, something about symbolism. I just knew that I needed rest if I was going to fight, especially if I was going to use my powers, they tended to tire me out.
I let myself relax, let myself fall asleep and could only hope that I wouldn't be haunted by the nightmares.
I woke up with a startle, pushing myself away from Pietro who had been in a conversation with the captain. He looked at me with worry as I tried to calm my breathing, “are we there soon?” I ignored Pietro’s worry and turned my gaze to Steve, “yes, actually, we're there” Captain America replied as the jet landed on a patch of grass, a big building in sight.
I was the first one out of the jet, desperately needing to move. Pietro was the next out of the jet, watching as I paced and I could feel my powers buzzing under my skin, desperately wanting to be let out.
Steve was the last one out, I could feel the eyes of the both of them on me and it didn't help. “Sistra?” Pietro moved closer to me but I held an arm out, stopping him.
I move my arm back to my side as I continue my pacing, I let my powers free, the red envelope my hands but they never stray further, not without my will.
The red is comforting, it slows my pacing until I'm standing still, breathing heavily. I let the red dissipate as my breathing slows.
“Are you ready to go in?” Steve spoke up and I look up at him, nodding so he moves to walk ahead of us, into the building. Me and Pietro follow him to what looks like another laboratory, everyone is there.
I see the chamber, it seems like they retrieved it. Bruce Banner and Tony Stark are standing infront of a screen, discussing something as everyone else lounge around the room.
"Guys, this is Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, the enhanced twins” enhanced, huh I thought as I watched their faces, gauging their reactions. “What are they doing here?” Tony was the one to speak up, his tone was aggravated, it was understandable but I still reached out for Pietro.
"They want to help.” I still didn't understand why Steve was so understanding, accepting when he should've been like the others, like angry Tony.
Tony scoffed and turned to the others, trying to see if they believed what Steve was saying. “I'm sorry but it's true, I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to help” I spoke up, making sure that my years of training came in handy and hid my accent and any signs of anything that could make them question me but I wouldn't be surprised if they had pulled up a file on me and Pietro.
All eyes were suddenly on me, I suddenly regretted not changing into something that wasn't the widow suit, my black widow suit. I was sure that that would raise enough suspicion, “I know more than you, I have seen what will happen if we don't stop Ultron and as much as I know that you guys have your reservations it would be for the better if we worked together”
Tony suddenly pulled up my file on the big screen, letting everyone read it but also read it out loud for everyone. “Wanda Maximoff, age 26, red room assassin, witch” I shook my head, he’s an asshole.
"She works for the red room, who knows how many she's killed, who knows that she won't kill us. I mean what is she even doing here?” Tony went on and on, his voice angered me, he had no right to talk.
I clenched my fists, “don't act like I'm the only killer here” I shot a pointed look at Natalia before glaring at Tony Stark, “you killed our parents, you killed hundreds and you almost killed us” I closed my eyes and let the memory of our home in ruins and a bomb sitting in front of us as we were stuck under the ruins, STARK INDUSTRIES painted on the bomb and then let the projection of the memory enter all of the avengers minds, sparing Pietro.
"That was your doing, wasn't it?” Everyone glanced nervously at Tony as he looked at me and I calmed myself down, looking away from him. “I'm here because I don't want everyone to die, I'm here because me and Pietro would like to see another day and I'm not happy to say this but we can't do it without your help”
And then the god flew in, breaking a few windows as he stormed towards the chamber and brought his hammer down against it, thunder crackling through the room. Bruce yelled out as he ran up to Thor, angry but the god only held an arm out to shut him up.
“What are you doing?!” the doctor was aggravated and I watched on in confusion, even more confused when a figure appeared through the fog of the chamber, crouching on top of it.
And then I saw it, the stone, the same stone that powered me. I half listened as Thor explained how he had seen the stone and the body, Vision, a synthezoid.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but I really think we need to get going” Steve was the one that spoke up and everyone nodded in agreement, “suit up, we're leaving in 15”
I only really needed to make sure that my weapons were loaded and ready and Pietro didn't use weapons so we watched as the avengers suited up.
"Are you ready?” I turned to my brother who was looking at me with a small smile, he nodded and took my hand in his. “Always.”
The avengers seemed to appear from nowhere, all suited up. The man of iron was the first one to fly away, his suit giving him the obvious advantage. Me and the other flightless avengers made our way to the quinjet that Steve had parked outside.
Me and Pietro were the last ones to get onboard, huddled together in the back as the others sat around us, Captain America and Natalia sat in the very front.
Steve had turned his seat around so he could face us, “we need a plan” I frowned, wasn't the plan to just kill the robots and shut down the system.
“We literally just need to kill the bots and evacuate the city, right?” I spoke up, meeting Steve’s eyes.
He shrugged and looked at the others for confirmation, who only nodded in agreement. I could feel a wave of relief as the jet landed in the city, I couldn't wait to get this over with.
The city was flying, it was chaos.
I was the first one out, followed by Pietro. The captain had told us to evacuate the people so that's what we did, Pietro took us into the city center before he took off into different buildings while I placed a suggestion in every mind I could reach.
Danger. Run.
And then people were filing out of buildings, everyone who could was moving onto the amazingly well timed hangar, helped by SHIELD agents.
Pietro I called out to him through our connection and he was by my side in seconds, “we need to get to the church, meet the others” Pietro nodded and picked me up before running, I watched the city blur by as he ran us to the church.
He put me down as we reached the church, I noticed that not everyone was there, Natalia and the big green guy were missing.
"We need to protect this core” Iron man pointed at the core in the middle of the church and I nodded, still curious about the whereabouts of the other two.
And then I heard it, Iron Man communicating with her, asking where she was and her replying saying something about not everyone being able to fly, I'm guessing that she was fighting some of the bots.
I stopped listening after that, trying to see if any of the bots were approaching. I couldn't hear anything until Natalia and big green arrived, it wasn't until then I could hear him, Ultron ordering his bots at us.
And the fight started, I broke the bots in half, they didn't even have a chance to get close enough. Most of the bots had been killed and many of the avengers had left to help the remaining citizens, there were a few fleeing bots.
Vision was the one to follow them and then there was a scream, someone was still in the city. Clint was the one to run to the voice, Pietro looked at me with a silent question and I nodded, telling him to go.
And then I heard multiple shots being fired and then I felt it, like my heart had been ripped from my chest. I screamed and fell to my knees, my powers exploding around me.
I sobbed and curled into myself, hands coming to grip at my chest, I tried to reach into our connection, tried to reach him but I couldn't, he’s gone.
I shouldn't have let him go, it's my fault, my fault. Those words were on repeat in my head until someone approached me.
"Wanda?” I shook my head, ignoring her. “Leave me alone” she didn't, instead she crouched down next to me and placed a hand on my back. I glared at her, unhappy.
"We need to leave red” I protested, I couldn't leave him not until I'd seen him at least. I tried to stabilize my voice, pushing down the sick feeling in my stomach. “I, I need to see him”
She nodded and helped me up before bringing me to his body.
A week later
The avengers gave me a room at their compound, I haven't left since.
I hadn't even left my bed, a good thing about my powers was that I could conjure things, blades mostly, sometimes alcohol.
I didn't even bother trying to heal myself, I deserved it, the blood, the pain. The alcohol made me numb and my arms painted red just like my ledger, red from all my sins.
Sometimes I could hear a voice from the other side of the door, it was often Clint, asking me to open the door or saying that he had left food out for me, sometimes it was Natalia, trying to check in on me.
I didn't need it, their pity or company. I didn't need the food, I’ve always been better without it, I didn't need anyone either, no one but Pietro, that much has been proven.
I moved the bottle in my hands to my lips, it was scotch this time. I drank and drank, swallowing my pity in the bottom of a bottle.
And then I heard it, a knock on the door and a voice, Clint’s. “Wanda? I need you to open the door” I ignored him but still hid the bottle and the razors, and pulled the sleeves of my sweater down as I just waited for Clint to override the lock.
I heard Clint tell FRIDAY to override the lock and the lock unlatching. He walked in along with Natalia, I watched as they took in the mess my room was in, the empty bottles, things thrown everywhere, broken glass.
Clint then looked at me and I was sure that I looked like a hot mess, “we need to talk” I sighed and turned away from him, “can it wait?” he shook his head and sat himself at the foot of my bed, Natalia still stood by the doorway.
“I'm sorry but no” I did my best to not scream at him or force him out of the room, I wouldn't actually be able to get him out of the room, my body and powers were weakened, mostly by the alcohol.
"We want to talk about your future here” future, right I would probably have to become an avenger or something if I was going to stay here.
"what about it?” Clint shared a look with Natalia, “do you want to become an avenger?” I didn't, not now at least, it's been a week and I wasn't about to be thrown into a mission.
"I need more time, I can't go out there” Clint nodded and stayed quiet for a moment, probably thinking. “You don't have to become an avenger Wanda, I'm going back home soon and you can always follow me home, take all the time you need, have some fresh air.”
"I was surprised, why would Clint do that for me, let me into his home when he knows how dangerous I am?"
"Why?” He frowned at me, frowned like he didn't understand why I was even asking that. “I told you, it might be a good thing to have a change of scenery, a home” I thought for a moment, I suppose that it wouldn't be a bad thing if I were to follow him.
“When do we leave?” his eyebrows raised in surprise but he still gave me a gentle smile, “whenever you're ready”.
I nodded and made a move to sit up, needing to suppress a groan at the soreness of my body. I watched as Clint stood and walked out of the room, bringing Natalia with him.
It didn't take long for me to pack, I barely owned any clothes and most of the content was handcuffs and a bottle of Vodka, the cuffs gave me a sense of familiarity, comfort and well the alcohol helped me drown.
I made my way out of the room, after making sure that it was closed and locked. I walked downstairs to the common room and quickly made my way to Clint.
He smiled at me as soon as he saw me, “shall we leave?” I nodded and followed him and her, Natalia to the garage, I didn't know that she would be following.
We walked to a big grey suv, I sat myself in the back and let the other two sit in the front. I leaned my head against the window and let myself relax. I wasn't sure how long this would take but I could do with some sleep.
I didn't wake up until what seemed like a few hours later, by a hand shaking me. I felt the way my heart was racing and I felt scared, cold sweat dripping down my temple.
“Wanda?” it was Natalia, she was almost fully turned to me with worry in her eyes, my first instinct was to apologize. “Sorry” she shook her head as her hand dropped to mine, squeezing it reassuringly.
"Don't apologize, Ангел” angel, she used to call me that, back in the red room. I moved my hand away from hers, backing myself further away from her and she thankfully got the hint and turned away from me.
And then the car stopped in front of a traditional farm house, for the lack of better words. I watched for a few moments, trying to gauge anything from the inside but it was hard.
I made my way out of the car, bag in hand as I followed the other two. I heard as Clint called out to someone as soon as he and Natalia walked through the door.
I stood by the entrance, unsure as the two walked deeper into the house and then I heard it, the voice of children and laughter.
“Is aunty Nat here?” Suddenly there were two children in front of Natalia and she crouched down and brought them into her arms as she spoke softly to them.
Then there was a third presence, a woman, she had a comforting presence around her, that much I could gauge as she talked to Clint.
I suddenly felt six pairs of eyes on me, making me feel self conscious. I knew that I didn't look the best, probably even horrible, but then a small girl walked up to me, she had big curious eyes as she looked up at me and I gave her a small smile.
She wrapped her small arms around my waist, her head resting against my stomach and I almost backed away from it but didn't. Instead I wrapped my arms gingerly around her, I was confused but then I looked up at the others in the room who were all watching on with smiles on their own.
Maybe this wasn't so bad.
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villainouswanda · 2 years
Wandanat red room au
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Tags: ptsd, child abuse, angst, red room, implied rape, hurt Wanda, self harm, unhealthy coping mechanisms, drug use, alcoholism, hydra/red room collab, eating disorders
Rating: M for subjects listed above
It's been a year since the bombs hit Novi Grad, a year of me and Pietro living on the streets, barely scraping by but Pietro is getting better at stealing food for us, getting caught less and less.
I appreciate him, the food he gets for us is not enough so I let him have all of it despite his reluctance, just like when mama and papa were alive, when we had a home.
It's hard to find a place to stay, the city is still in ruins but more often than not we can find an abandoned building to sleep in, not that we sleep that much anymore.
Sometimes we meet other people also living on the streets, affected by the bombs sent by Stark. They're greedy, sometimes they take our only food for the day, Pietro tries to take it back but we're only children, defenseless. Sometimes they're nice, offering us company for a while before they move on.
We meet other orphans too, they're nice, often keeping conversation as we talk about our families, we didn't have a lot but at least we had a roof over our heads and a family. All I have left is Pietro, he protects me, sometimes he steals objects along with something else than a loaf of bread, to give to me when he notices that I act differently, sadder so I try to keep positive for him.
It’s been two years, we're twelve now, protests have begun in the city, rioting against the government, there's more drugs and violence. Pietro tries to take me away from it, but it's so fascinating, the place I go when the drugs enter my system.
Food isn't a problem, I like the feeling, the churning when I'm empty, Pietro still tries to make me eat but I think he knows and it’s a bonus, the way the drugs travel through my system on an empty stomach.
I’ve noticed that there's more men in suits coming around the ruins of the town, taking girls our age with them, most of the time there's a struggle but I can't have it in me to care, maybe they're taken somewhere better.
The drugs given to me keeps me relaxed, I find it hard to think about the bad things while they're in my system. It's nice but I know that Pietro doesn't like it, he tries to make me stop but I can't.
It's been a year, I was taken by the men in suits, they took me from Pietro and into a cargo hold. There were several other girls in there with me, I asked them where they were taking us, someone said Russia.
It's been a year without the drugs, they made me quit and the first few days were hard. I got used to being without them but I still find myself missing the drugs.
They don't feed us often and when they do it's usually stale bread and watered down soup, I prefer to starve.
I met someone, Natalia, she's older than most of the others here, she’s nice, she comforts me when I mess up during training, after I've been beaten. They don't allow us to interact with each other during training so it's always at night, in the dark. She promised me that she would always be by my side, I believe her.
She has a sister, Yelena, she's around the same age as me but she's been here longer, they both have. Natasha and Yelena teach me how to act around the instructors, how to act around Dreykov so he doesn't hurt us.
Training is hard, they beat us, drill words into our heads, making us nothing but machines. I like Natalia, she knows how to calm me down, she comforts me every night, with nice words. The guards handcuff us to our beds but most of the girls know how to get out of them, I don't.
Natalia get out of them every night, she holds me the best she can before the guards come in and she cuffs herself back to the bed. I find the cuffs comforting.
I had my first kill, the man had a hood on his face, it made it easier but it still made me sick, Madame B was harsh on me for hesitating.
I cried the whole night as Natalia and Yelena comforted me, they have been through more than me, they know what it's like.
I'm fourteen now, Natalia is nineteen, she talks about how she wants to get away from here, that's all she talks about and I can't help but feel resentment, she’s so brave, something I know that I’ll never be able to be.
I'm fifteen now. Madam B is teaching us how to get information out of our targets, through our bodies. I feel disgusting, the men are old and greasy, their hands are rough and clumsy, I try to get their touch from my body, from my body but it's impossible.
I miss Pietro and I can't help but hope that he's living a better life, that he’s forgotten about me. Natalia has left, it's been a week.
Dreykov came into training today, he had announced that Natalia had escaped, he had ordered his soldiers to beat us, to get information out of us.
I hate her, she abandoned me and Yelena, I had to comfort her younger sister through many nights, I could feel that Natalia’s departure had left a strange feeling in all of us, a loneliness.
It's strange, a few soldiers had taken me into a room and there was a scepter in the middle of the room, it was glowing.
"Are you sure? Nobody has survived this” I could hear over the speaker before it got completely quiet, I hesitated by the doorway.
"Touch the specter, ms. Maximoff” I heard again as I walked towards it, my hand outreached. There was a blinding light coming from it and then I saw a figure, me? I was unfamiliar to myself, unrecognizable and then everything turned black.
I woke up in a cell, separated from the other girls and confused. What happened? My whole body ached as I sat up and looked at my hands. I could feel a buzzing underneath my skin, it made me feel alive, something that I haven't felt for years.
Suddenly there were red tendrils of smoke coming from my hands, lifting everything in the room, I gasped in surprise. I moved my hands and watched as everything moved with them.
I had to figure out what to do with these apparent powers and how to control them. I let myself relax and everything dropped, I nodded, that was a start.
Then a guard came in, his stance was defensive and there was fear coming off of him, that was new. Dreykov stepped in after the guard, arms crossed in front of him as he stood in front of the door.
"Ms. Maximoff, it's good to see you awake” I stood up, on full alert. “What did you do to me?” he laughed and uncrossed his arms, it was unnerving.
"Oh nothing, we just let you touch the stone which you didn't by the way” I frowned at that, I was sure that I touched it, well that it touched me.
It does seem that you gained some powers, I might even send you on a real mission after you get them in check” Dreykov’s tone was menacing as always and I couldn't help the fear forming, who knew what he would do to me?
It's been nine years, nine years of torture, effective torture since it helped me gain control of my powers, the instructors had forbidden the use of my powers in regular training but I had still managed to become one of their best and Dreykov used me for his missions alot.
I heard that Natalia joined a group calling themselves the avengers, they’re called heroes, Tony Stark is a part of them. They're no heroes, they're just like me, murderers who are not deserving to be called heroes.
I have mastered almost every skill, close combat, shooting, languages, martial arts, interrogation and seduction.
A lot more widows have been disappearing, escaping, there's not alot of widows left, that much have I gathered. Yelena had managed to defect and I'm happy for her but just a tad bit worried for her, I wouldn't even be surprised if he had sent some Widows after her.
I could feel Dreykov’s frustration all the time, it was like a ticking time bomb and he was going to explode at any moment.
I knew that I needed to get away and soon, I knew about the chemical subjugation that the widows are put under, that pheromone control and the super soldiers, they were often used while training us, well one specifically, the winter soldier, James Buchanan Barnes.
I just waited for the right opportunity, one that I knew would come soon. “Ms. Maximoff, my talented witch” Dreykov walked into my cell, a satisfied look on his face, “I'm sending you on a mission, we're taking back the scepter, it's been located to Sokovia, Strucker will be in charge”
Oh right, the scepter had been taken by SHIELD awhile back and it seems like he finally located it, and I'm retrieving it? That wouldn't be too hard and it would give me the chance to escape, Strucker is an idiot so I didn't have to worry about him.
"You're leaving in 30” and he left with that, the door locking behind him as I moved from the bed to grab my bag, I’m honestly surprised that they let me keep my suits and weapons with me, it was a dumb move on their side.
Every Widow has their own suit, one black and one white. I decided to put on my black suit and pack my white one, every weapon possible packed into my suit and the rest of them was put into my bag.
I don't actually need the weapons but they gave me a sense of security. I listened as the door unlocked and Strucker walked in with a few guards.
"It's time to leave Maximoff” I nodded and let the guards surround me before I followed Strucker to the jet. I could feel the fear seeping from the guards as they walked around me and I couldn't help the smile of satisfaction.
I was practically a child compared to these men and yet they were shivering in their boots, I walked into the jet and took a seat in the back, watching as a soldier walked to the front and pushed in the coordinates for Novi Grad before we took off.
I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself, I couldn't fail and if I succeeded I needed to find Pietro. I just hope that he’s fine and that I can find him.
It didn't take long before we landed and I put my plan in play, taking down the soldiers and Strucker before they could even lift a finger. I used one of the knives hidden in my suit to cut open my thigh and take out the chip, wincing at the pain.
I was luckily fast enough to remove the chip before he made me blow my own head up. I made quick work to heal the cut, something that I learned that I could do under the years.
The jet had landed outside of the city, in an open field that I was unfamiliar with but I knew my way back to the city, thankfully. I made my way out of the jet and to the outskirts of the city.
The outskirts were often unoccupied and the buildings rundown, I was glad to see that it hadn't changed. Me and Pietro used to spend a lot of time in these parts and I could just hope that he hadn't moved too much.
Me and him had always had this connection, it was like we could feel each other's thoughts, feelings and locations. The connection cut off almost as soon as I arrived at the red room but I tried to tap into it from time to time, the connection was broken.
I just hope that I can tap into his mind, assuming that he's still in Novi Grad, the shortened distance could definitely help me.
I slowly made my way through the outskirts of the city, it saddened me to see that the government stopped trying to rebuild the city and just abandoned it.
I closed my eyes and searched for minds, for a familiar mind but to no luck. I made my way deeper into the city, searching for my brother and then I felt it, a racing mind, Pietro.
His thoughts were always loud and fast, racing, it was easy to follow as I made my way to the town square. I didn't even know what to look for, it's been thirteen years and he must have changed. I've changed.
I could only follow his thoughts as a guide, it got louder and louder the closer I got. I was suddenly standing in front of a tall man, his hair bleached white and I felt it, this is Pietro.
I suddenly felt breathless, I’ve missed him so much and I could feel the tears well. “Pietro?” he had a confused look on his face as he looked around before looking back at me and then I saw the realization hit him, “Sistra?”
I nodded and jumped into his arms, enveloping him as I let the tears fall. “I'm so sorry” he wrapped his arms tightly around me and didn't let go. “What happened?”
I separated myself from him, just so I could look at him. He had grown so much and he looked so different, “what happened to you? Your hair?” He smiled cheekily at me and grabbed my hands.
"I can do things now, superhuman things” my eyebrows raised in surprise, I guess he changed more than I could see. “How?” I wondered if he got his abilities the same way I did and when, there wasn't much time in between the scepters time in the red room, hydra and shield.
"There was this man, a doctor that offered me food and a place to sleep if I touched this sphere, so I did and then I could do things” he sounded happy, excited, I smiled softly at him, it was nice seeing him happy.
"Show me” he nodded and there was this blur throughout the town square as he ran, I chuckled. Of Course his power would be speed, he was always the fast one.
He stopped in front of me, slightly out of breath but a smile on his face. “How cool is that?” I smiled at his excitement, “very cool”.
I slowly let my smile fade as I took his hand again, “we need to talk, somewhere private” he nodded, concerned. “There's a jet outside the city, take me to it” Pietro picked me up and with a zoom we were by the jet.
He put me down and looked at me with curious eyes, “do you remember when I disappeared?” his eyes turned sad as he nodded, “I never stopped looking for you” I frowned and took a deep breath, “the men in suits took me, I was trained to be an assassin, I'm a killer”
I watched as he processed my words, he took a deep breath as his hands came up to rub his face, “it’s been thirteen years, more must've happened” I nodded and thought about how much I could tell him.
"We were under a mind control, conscious but not in control, beaten, raped, sent to kill so many people” I hesitated for a moment, “I was made to touch the sphere, it gave me powers and amazingly took me out of the mind control but I couldn't escape, not until now”
He brought me in for a hug, I accepted it as I let my tears fall again, sobbing into his shoulder. “I need to make this world better, I need to take down the red room”
We were approached by a man, no a robot that called himself Ultron. He promised that he could make the world a better place, with our help. Pietro was hesitant but I would do anything to make the world better.
The robot said that the avengers were after him, that I would tear them apart from the inside so I trusted him, I would destroy the avengers.
I first saw them at the shipwreck, Ultron had severed Klaue’s arm and then the man of Iron was there, he and the god along with Captain America, a super soldier. They attacked and I put our plan in play.
Ultron had gotten his hands on the Scepter, the Avengers were here to get it, I attacked Tony Stark first, he was out of his armor and approaching the scepter. I made him see his worst nightmare, the avengers dead and him the sole survivor.
Next was the god and the soldier, death. Then came Natalia, her back was turned to me but I could recognize her anywhere. I made her see memories, memories of the red room, things we both have been through, I even let her see the things Dreykov put us through after she left.
I put a stop to the memories and turned her around, forcing her into a wall and making her look at me, I watched as recognition hit her. “Remember me?” I pushed her harder into the wall, my powers helping me with the extra force as I let my anger come through.
"Wanda..” she didn't fight back which only served to make me angrier. “You left us” I used my powers to hold her against the wall as I put some distance in between us, “you saw what they did to us just because you decided to leave”
"And now you're what? An avenger, a hero? That's bullshit, you know more than anyone else that you're nothing but a monster” she struggled against my magic as I laughed at her, I moved closer to her again and I hit her, until she was bruised and bleeding.
And then I noticed another presence, I let go of Natalia and disappeared, not letting the other presence get close to me.
I made a move to break the remaining avengers, the green guy and the archer. It was relatively easy and my anger only served to help me. I made my way back to the robot and Pietro as soon as I was done.
Pietro looked at me with worry, I wouldn't be surprised if he saw my outburst at Natalia, if he felt it. I had only told him about the girl that abandoned me but I have a feeling that he knows that it's her.
"You okay?” I nodded and casted a glance at him, not meeting his eyes. He moved closer to me and let his hand rest on the small of my back, I tried my best to not flinch away from the touch.
Pietro is my safe place, my only comfort and I hated how his touch scared me. I hated how my instincts always screamed at me to run when he touched me even when I knew that he's safe, that I'm safe with him.
So I leaned into him, accepting his touch as the robot droned on about the scepter and a body.
It wasn't more than a day later when we arrived in Korea, there was apparently a lab here. Ultron walked into the laboratory like he owned the place, his robots killing anyone that was in the way.
There was a woman, Helen Cho, Ultron controlled her with the scepter. She showed us a chamber, it was making the body.
It was fascinating to watch, how it was built, the transfer of Ultron’s mind into the body, there was a screen that showed everything.
I moved closer to it, placing my hands on it and gasping in surprise. I could feel his mind, Ultron’s and then I saw it, a big explosion that shook the whole world, destroying it.
I stumbled away from the screen and into Pietro’s arms, I looked at Ultron who was sitting by the chamber. I was hurt, we were lied to. “You lied to us” he stood up and walked closer to me, “no, I said that we would make the world a better place and that's what we're going to do”
I shook my head, he was lying. “When everyone's dead” he chuckled and shook his head, “when the avengers are dead” I took Helen out of the scepters control before looking at Pietro, silently communicating with him through our connection, he nodded at me and suddenly we were far away from the lab.
I knew that we needed to work with the avengers, work with the people that I hate or let the world end, killing billions in the process. It really wasn't that hard of a decision but facing both Tony Stark and Natalia would be hard, and the avengers especially after I attacked them.
"We need to find the avengers” I had a feeling that they were here, to find the scepter. Pietro nodded and ran away to see if he could find them, leaving me to prepare for whatever was to come.
Pietro came back after a few minutes, “the captain is on a train” I nodded and told him to take me to the captain, he picked me up and it wasn't long before we were standing in a train, Captain America infront of us fighting an Ultron bot.
I used my powers to help him, effectively killing the bot. Steve turned to me with a grateful smile, “thanks kid” I frowned, “I'm” I was going to protest the name, I hated when people called me a child but then I realized that everyone was a kid in his eyes, “I'm not a kid” it came out quieter than I wanted so I changed the topic.
"We want to help the avengers to save the world, to get rid of Ultron” The captain tilted his head, surprise evident. “What made you change your mind?” I took a deep breath and recalled the memory.
"I saw the world end at the hands of Ultron, I can't let that happen, we can't let that happen” Steve nodded as he walked closer to us, “I’ll take you two back to the base, update them on the situation”
I nodded and we both followed him out of the now empty train and to a parked quinjet, Steve sat himself in the captain's seat as me and Pietro sat in the back.
My brother had a comforting arm over my shoulders as his other hand held mine, I leaned my head on his shoulder, my head hurting from the vision, I was tired and I had a feeling that it would be a long flight.
I closed my eyes as I zoned in on Captain America’s voice, he was communicating with the other avengers. “Pietro?” I felt more than heard him hum in reply, “what if we fail? What if the world ends and I didn't do anything to save it” I felt his arm tighten around me as he shook his head.
"You're trying, we're trying and that's enough” maybe he's right but I can't help but feel that this will end badly, I just don't know how badly.
I needed some rest, Ultron was going to Novi Grad, he had said that the church was at the center of the world, something about symbolism. I just knew that I needed rest if I was going to fight, especially if I was going to use my powers, they tended to tire me out.
I let myself relax, let myself fall asleep and could only hope that I wouldn't be haunted by the nightmares.
I woke up with a startle, pushing myself away from Pietro who had been in a conversation with the captain. He looked at me with worry as I tried to calm my breathing, “are we there soon?” I ignored Pietro’s worry and turned my gaze to Steve, “yes, actually, we're there” Captain America replied as the jet landed on a patch of grass, a big building in sight.
I was the first one out of the jet, desperately needing to move. Pietro was the next out of the jet, watching as I paced and I could feel my powers buzzing under my skin, desperately wanting to be let out.
Steve was the last one out, I could feel the eyes of the both of them on me and it didn't help. “Sistra?” Pietro moved closer to me but I held an arm out, stopping him.
I move my arm back to my side as I continue my pacing, I let my powers free, the red envelope my hands but they never stray further, not without my will.
The red is comforting, it slows my pacing until I'm standing still, breathing heavily. I let the red dissipate as my breathing slows.
“Are you ready to go in?” Steve spoke up and I look up at him, nodding so he moves to walk ahead of us, into the building. Me and Pietro follow him to what looks like another laboratory, everyone is there.
I see the chamber, it seems like they retrieved it. Bruce Banner and Tony Stark are standing infront of a screen, discussing something as everyone else lounge around the room.
"Guys, this is Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, the enhanced twins” enhanced, huh I thought as I watched their faces, gauging their reactions. “What are they doing here?” Tony was the one to speak up, his tone was aggravated, it was understandable but I still reached out for Pietro.
"They want to help.” I still didn't understand why Steve was so understanding, accepting when he should've been like the others, like angry Tony.
Tony scoffed and turned to the others, trying to see if they believed what Steve was saying. “I'm sorry but it's true, I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to help” I spoke up, making sure that my years of training came in handy and hid my accent and any signs of anything that could make them question me but I wouldn't be surprised if they had pulled up a file on me and Pietro.
All eyes were suddenly on me, I suddenly regretted not changing into something that wasn't the widow suit, my black widow suit. I was sure that that would raise enough suspicion, “I know more than you, I have seen what will happen if we don't stop Ultron and as much as I know that you guys have your reservations it would be for the better if we worked together”
Tony suddenly pulled up my file on the big screen, letting everyone read it but also read it out loud for everyone. “Wanda Maximoff, age 26, red room assassin, witch” I shook my head, he’s an asshole.
"She works for the red room, who knows how many she's killed, who knows that she won't kill us. I mean what is she even doing here?” Tony went on and on, his voice angered me, he had no right to talk.
I clenched my fists, “don't act like I'm the only killer here” I shot a pointed look at Natalia before glaring at Tony Stark, “you killed our parents, you killed hundreds and you almost killed us” I closed my eyes and let the memory of our home in ruins and a bomb sitting in front of us as we were stuck under the ruins, STARK INDUSTRIES painted on the bomb and then let the projection of the memory enter all of the avengers minds, sparing Pietro.
"That was your doing, wasn't it?” Everyone glanced nervously at Tony as he looked at me and I calmed myself down, looking away from him. “I'm here because I don't want everyone to die, I'm here because me and Pietro would like to see another day and I'm not happy to say this but we can't do it without your help”
And then the god flew in, breaking a few windows as he stormed towards the chamber and brought his hammer down against it, thunder crackling through the room. Bruce yelled out as he ran up to Thor, angry but the god only held an arm out to shut him up.
“What are you doing?!” the doctor was aggravated and I watched on in confusion, even more confused when a figure appeared through the fog of the chamber, crouching on top of it.
And then I saw it, the stone, the same stone that powered me. I half listened as Thor explained how he had seen the stone and the body, Vision, a synthezoid.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but I really think we need to get going” Steve was the one that spoke up and everyone nodded in agreement, “suit up, we're leaving in 15”
I only really needed to make sure that my weapons were loaded and ready and Pietro didn't use weapons so we watched as the avengers suited up.
"Are you ready?” I turned to my brother who was looking at me with a small smile, he nodded and took my hand in his. “Always.”
The avengers seemed to appear from nowhere, all suited up. The man of iron was the first one to fly away, his suit giving him the obvious advantage. Me and the other flightless avengers made our way to the quinjet that Steve had parked outside.
Me and Pietro were the last ones to get onboard, huddled together in the back as the others sat around us, Captain America and Natalia sat in the very front.
Steve had turned his seat around so he could face us, “we need a plan” I frowned, wasn't the plan to just kill the robots and shut down the system.
“We literally just need to kill the bots and evacuate the city, right?” I spoke up, meeting Steve’s eyes.
He shrugged and looked at the others for confirmation, who only nodded in agreement. I could feel a wave of relief as the jet landed in the city, I couldn't wait to get this over with.
The city was flying, it was chaos.
I was the first one out, followed by Pietro. The captain had told us to evacuate the people so that's what we did, Pietro took us into the city center before he took off into different buildings while I placed a suggestion in every mind I could reach.
Danger. Run.
And then people were filing out of buildings, everyone who could was moving onto the amazingly well timed hangar, helped by SHIELD agents.
Pietro I called out to him through our connection and he was by my side in seconds, “we need to get to the church, meet the others” Pietro nodded and picked me up before running, I watched the city blur by as he ran us to the church.
He put me down as we reached the church, I noticed that not everyone was there, Natalia and the big green guy were missing.
"We need to protect this core” Iron man pointed at the core in the middle of the church and I nodded, still curious about the whereabouts of the other two.
And then I heard it, Iron Man communicating with her, asking where she was and her replying saying something about not everyone being able to fly, I'm guessing that she was fighting some of the bots.
I stopped listening after that, trying to see if any of the bots were approaching. I couldn't hear anything until Natalia and big green arrived, it wasn't until then I could hear him, Ultron ordering his bots at us.
And the fight started, I broke the bots in half, they didn't even have a chance to get close enough. Most of the bots had been killed and many of the avengers had left to help the remaining citizens, there were a few fleeing bots.
Vision was the one to follow them and then there was a scream, someone was still in the city. Clint was the one to run to the voice, Pietro looked at me with a silent question and I nodded, telling him to go.
And then I heard multiple shots being fired and then I felt it, like my heart had been ripped from my chest. I screamed and fell to my knees, my powers exploding around me.
I sobbed and curled into myself, hands coming to grip at my chest, I tried to reach into our connection, tried to reach him but I couldn't, he’s gone.
I shouldn't have let him go, it's my fault, my fault. Those words were on repeat in my head until someone approached me.
"Wanda?” I shook my head, ignoring her. “Leave me alone” she didn't, instead she crouched down next to me and placed a hand on my back. I glared at her, unhappy.
"We need to leave red” I protested, I couldn't leave him not until I'd seen him at least. I tried to stabilize my voice, pushing down the sick feeling in my stomach. “I, I need to see him”
She nodded and helped me up before bringing me to his body.
A week later
The avengers gave me a room at their compound, I haven't left since.
I hadn't even left my bed, a good thing about my powers was that I could conjure things, blades mostly, sometimes alcohol.
I didn't even bother trying to heal myself, I deserved it, the blood, the pain. The alcohol made me numb and my arms painted red just like my ledger, red from all my sins.
Sometimes I could hear a voice from the other side of the door, it was often Clint, asking me to open the door or saying that he had left food out for me, sometimes it was Natalia, trying to check in on me.
I didn't need it, their pity or company. I didn't need the food, I’ve always been better without it, I didn't need anyone either, no one but Pietro, that much has been proven.
I moved the bottle in my hands to my lips, it was scotch this time. I drank and drank, swallowing my pity in the bottom of a bottle.
And then I heard it, a knock on the door and a voice, Clint’s. “Wanda? I need you to open the door” I ignored him but still hid the bottle and the razors, and pulled the sleeves of my sweater down as I just waited for Clint to override the lock.
I heard Clint tell FRIDAY to override the lock and the lock unlatching. He walked in along with Natalia, I watched as they took in the mess my room was in, the empty bottles, things thrown everywhere, broken glass.
Clint then looked at me and I was sure that I looked like a hot mess, “we need to talk” I sighed and turned away from him, “can it wait?” he shook his head and sat himself at the foot of my bed, Natalia still stood by the doorway.
“I'm sorry but no” I did my best to not scream at him or force him out of the room, I wouldn't actually be able to get him out of the room, my body and powers were weakened, mostly by the alcohol.
"We want to talk about your future here” future, right I would probably have to become an avenger or something if I was going to stay here.
"what about it?” Clint shared a look with Natalia, “do you want to become an avenger?” I didn't, not now at least, it's been a week and I wasn't about to be thrown into a mission.
"I need more time, I can't go out there” Clint nodded and stayed quiet for a moment, probably thinking. “You don't have to become an avenger Wanda, I'm going back home soon and you can always follow me home, take all the time you need, have some fresh air.”
"I was surprised, why would Clint do that for me, let me into his home when he knows how dangerous I am?"
"Why?” He frowned at me, frowned like he didn't understand why I was even asking that. “I told you, it might be a good thing to have a change of scenery, a home” I thought for a moment, I suppose that it wouldn't be a bad thing if I were to follow him.
“When do we leave?” his eyebrows raised in surprise but he still gave me a gentle smile, “whenever you're ready”.
I nodded and made a move to sit up, needing to suppress a groan at the soreness of my body. I watched as Clint stood and walked out of the room, bringing Natalia with him.
It didn't take long for me to pack, I barely owned any clothes and most of the content was handcuffs and a bottle of Vodka, the cuffs gave me a sense of familiarity, comfort and well the alcohol helped me drown.
I made my way out of the room, after making sure that it was closed and locked. I walked downstairs to the common room and quickly made my way to Clint.
He smiled at me as soon as he saw me, “shall we leave?” I nodded and followed him and her, Natalia to the garage, I didn't know that she would be following.
We walked to a big grey suv, I sat myself in the back and let the other two sit in the front. I leaned my head against the window and let myself relax. I wasn't sure how long this would take but I could do with some sleep.
I didn't wake up until what seemed like a few hours later, by a hand shaking me. I felt the way my heart was racing and I felt scared, cold sweat dripping down my temple.
“Wanda?” it was Natalia, she was almost fully turned to me with worry in her eyes, my first instinct was to apologize. “Sorry” she shook her head as her hand dropped to mine, squeezing it reassuringly.
"Don't apologize, Ангел” angel, she used to call me that, back in the red room. I moved my hand away from hers, backing myself further away from her and she thankfully got the hint and turned away from me.
And then the car stopped in front of a traditional farm house, for the lack of better words. I watched for a few moments, trying to gauge anything from the inside but it was hard.
I made my way out of the car, bag in hand as I followed the other two. I heard as Clint called out to someone as soon as he and Natalia walked through the door.
I stood by the entrance, unsure as the two walked deeper into the house and then I heard it, the voice of children and laughter.
“Is aunty Nat here?” Suddenly there were two children in front of Natalia and she crouched down and brought them into her arms as she spoke softly to them.
Then there was a third presence, a woman, she had a comforting presence around her, that much I could gauge as she talked to Clint.
I suddenly felt six pairs of eyes on me, making me feel self conscious. I knew that I didn't look the best, probably even horrible, but then a small girl walked up to me, she had big curious eyes as she looked up at me and I gave her a small smile.
She wrapped her small arms around my waist, her head resting against my stomach and I almost backed away from it but didn't. Instead I wrapped my arms gingerly around her, I was confused but then I looked up at the others in the room who were all watching on with smiles on their own.
Maybe this wasn't so bad.
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vintagetvspotlight · 3 years
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Young Paul Benedict (Harry Bentley, The Jefferson's ) taken May 1959, found online at Digital Commonwealth. 
I started watching The Jeffersons last weekend—a hilarious show with one of the best themes songs. Bentley is definitely one of my favorite characters!  
There’s not much about him online, but I did find a lovely obituary from The Vineyard Gazette. Here some quotes: 
“Theatre veteran Robert Brustein, founder of the American Repertory Theatre in Cambridge and honorary board member of the Vineyard Playhouse, said yesterday he knew Mr. Benedict through both.
“He was just a lovely man and a lovely actor, and he was very devoted to the Vineyard,” Mr. Brustein said. Mr. Benedict did a lot of staged readings and plays on the Church street stage, Mr. Brustein said, including a reading of his collection of short works, Seven Elevens, with Tony Shaloub and Brooke Adams this past summer.
“He was totally modest and very unassuming,” Mr. Brustein said. “Paul loved to be on the stage and would choose the stage over anything,” he added, though Mr. Benedict also appeared in film and television.
“Paul did not demand anything in the way of billing or other ego things, he just loved to be on stage,” Mr. Brustein said.”
“The actor had a passion for raccoons, and would let them eat out of his hands, Mr. Brustein said. In his note to playhouse board members about Mr. Benedict’s death, Dr. Yukevich wrote: “He touched absolutely everybody he knew on the Island, even casually, including a number of way up-Island raccoons and deer who were fattened up summer after summer by Paul’s own generous hand. (Fig Newmans, anyone?)”
Even the comments under the post, only had nice things to say about Paul. 
“I just found this site. Paul came into my life after my mother had divorced my father, 1965(?) I was five years old then and Paul was the sweetest, most gentle person I ever knew. . He lived with us for several years and I never once saw him angry, but he enthusiastically spoke to me and my sister Sarah, two years older than I, as if were adults but with a soft tone of serious affection. He delighted in many small things like the toaster or the lawn sprinkler and he created a magical story for us about "Sleepy Freddy," and his pet skunk, "Hepzibah." I visited Paul in Los Angeles during his time on the Jefferson's and soaked across his hot tub from him at his magical place perched on the edge of Nichols Canyon in the Hollywood Hills. He was proud of his white BMW 2002 and he loved taking me for rides a couple times to his soundstage in Studio City. He kept a glass gallon jug for his pennies and when left for Hollywood, he gave to me and Sarah, half full of pennies.”
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