#he's also feral which is why he licks your wounds because that's what his instincts are telling him to do
horrorslashergirl · 4 years
Hunter meeting Hunter
A Xaviera Lah-Mo and Andrei Kulokova Story Chapter 4
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Authors Note: God, I love writing for these two so so much. It’s like writing the scrpt of a woman for the big screen. So many things going on in this chapter; pasts are reavealed little by little, feelings get stronger and things get angstier as we read the journey of a wolf and snow leopard.
Xaviera Lah-Mo belongs to me
Andrei Kulokova belongs to @the-slasher-files​
Warning: 18+ because there is murder, death and gore, plus some teasing between our animals. Just a heads up. 
Words: 5.2k (Seriously, it was supposed to be shorter, but oh well....Time sure flies when you write)
Chapter 1 HERE
Chapter 2 HERE
Chapter 3 HERE
Xaviera was hugging the pillow to her chest, her usual ice-cold eyes always calculating everything, now a calm warm blue, gazing at the Russian, millions of thoughts crossing her mind after what happened between them; the strong smell of sweat and sex still persisting in the room.
She nibbled on her bottom lip nervously, feeling so small next to the behemoth of a man next to her in bed; that surge of protection overcoming her from his part. A soft sigh left her lips as one of Andrei's hands ran down her soft naked shoulder, his other hand lightening a cigarette. His gaze was forward, blowing a cloud of smoke, then his eyes drifted back over to her.
"So...How was your first time?" he asked, taking another drag of his cigarette.
"Everything you wanted it to be?" he pressed on, a drop of smug masculinity evident in his rough voice.
Xaviera didn't fantasize about what her first time would be like; she was always so erupted into her researches, hunting, and studies that the prospect of sharing such a deep and intimate act never crossed her mind, and if she did try to picture her first time, there was always a blank spot, just a shadow, because she had never met someone to reach her standards.
Call her vain, because she was a picky individual, but that's how it goes into the animal mating process too. Females don't just mate with any desperate male in a rut; some have to prove themselves worthy in brutal fights that lead to one male dying.
She remembers one time while in Himalaya how the yaks were fighting for the right to mate. It was like two tanks were smashing against each other, one which ended up with an almost fatal wound, and when he tried to get close to the female she turned her back to him. Not worthy.
Getting back to where she was, she hummed at the Russian's question, enjoying his touch on her sweat-covered skin.
"Mhmmm....Always pictured that my first time would be with a wolf. I guess I am more fond of feral beasts." she replied with a cheeky glint in her eyes.
Andrei gave a little huff of laughter at the cheeky side of her personality.
"Well, aren't you lucky." he commented with a smirk.
Her eyes drifted from his eyes to his cigarette. It's been so long since she smoked. The white-haired woman remembers how she used to smoke one pack of them during her time in college when she had tons of exams and finals.
After the small pause of silence between them, she noticed that he noticed that she was gazing at his cigarette. He took a drag and blow the smoke close to her face, the strong smell of tobacco filling her lungs, reminding her of the years in college, days and nights studying the creatures that she now lived close by, not close enough to kill her, but close enough to shot the poachers and for the predators to finish the job.
"Would you like one?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, making her ears perk up at his question and she nodded, taking one and lighting it up, taking a deep drag, her eyes closing as she exhaled smoke, her muscles relaxing more.
She sighed contently.
"Haven't smoked since college. Sleepless nights full of studying." she spoke, her eyes looking up at him, licking her lips nervously, feeling like a little school girl who got in bed with one of the last year's ones.
It was like a fresh breath of air like she was in the highest place of the mountains.
"Y'know you look hot with a cigarette hanging out of those soft lips..." he whispered, leaning in close to her face, blowing smoke directly at her and capturing it in a kiss, moaning into her mouth. She blushed at his comment and closed her eyes, savoring the foreign feeling, but it didn't last long for he pulled away, taking the cigarette from her hand and putting his down in the ashtray, only to finish hers.
"You shouldn't smoke...it's bad for you." he told her with a smile.
Her heart fluttered at his concern for her health. He was getting under her skin. She smiled in return and rubbed her nose on his own as animals do in affection.
"I know...That's why I gave up smoking after college." she told Andrei, looking up at him from under her eyelashes.
"You must have a good strong will then myshka." he spoke, putting down the cigarette in the ashtray.
One of his large hands rubbed her side while the other interlocked with her small hand, watching her with intensity. He pressed his lips to her forehead and closing his eyes.
Xaviera's lips twitched into a smile at his gentle side, something that really surprised her in such a good way, considering how much he had infuriated her.
"When you lived most of your life among creatures that could kill you in a matter of seconds, you have to be always careful. Never underestimate someone by appearance. That's what my father used to tell me..." she found herself telling him.
A vulnerable side was peaking from under the long hair locks, one of a little girl that was as vulnerable as thin ice; a little girl that the death of her parents was forever imprinted in the darkest corners of her mind; one of them which was devoured by hyenas.
Xaviera felt the Russian's grip on her tighten, holding her close and telling her it was alright. He was tense too.
He hummed, listening to her.
"A wise man." he whispered into her hair, and she felt the need to continue, the ice slowly cracking and she was afraid she would sink into the freezing water underneath.
Xaviera bite her lower lip, a bitter feeling forming in the back of her throat, but nodded at his words.
"Yes, he was. He always knew what to say and how to solve any problem...If it wasn't for him...I wouldn't have been here today." she tells Andrei, curling her body against his much bigger one, seeking protection and comfort in a silent way.
"My.....uh, my dad was killed when I was young boy, just leaving me, my uncle, sister and..." he begins to tell her, his breath hitching slightly.
"My mother.....but um...she was murdered when I was 12." he finishes, shifting a little, probably uncomfortable with being so open to her, but she couldn't blame him, she knew how hard it was to speak of the deceased loved ones.
He pulled her closer and she guessed he needed comfort as much as she needed it too.
The small woman had listened to each of his words and she noticed the anxiety dripping from his voice; no wonder he was like this, the things he must have gone through. Her hand rested on his chest, where his heart was. She felt something inside her crawl; maybe the feminine empathy?
She always had a soft spot for scarred beasts.
"She must have been a wonderful and beautiful woman......My mother....S-She was killed too....A-Along with my father." she began to tell him, voice cracking little by little along with the ice; she swallowed down and continued.
"My father was killed by poachers in a trip to Africa....Me and my mother run...B-But....She saved me....Giving her life. T-They killed her too.....She hid me into the hallow of a tree....A-And after they left her body.....T-The hyneas....T-They devoured her....They ripped her face apart." at this point she couldn't hold back the tears, the bitter taste too strong and the ice shattered underneath her, the cold water enveloping her body.
She clung to Andrei's form, letting the tears fall.
"I had to watch until she was a mess of flesh and bones." she choked on a sob, her face buried into his chest.
"I-I was so weak." she breathed out.
She felt his strong arms wrap around her, holding her in an instinctive form of protection.
"Sssssshh....little one...." he cooed, pulling back a little to look into her red eyes from crying, cupping her jaw, and wiping the tears away.
"It was never your fault...Beasts take and take from this world with greed, no mercy...and it is no one's fault." he tried to assure her and slowly she relaxed her, little by little she could feel her sobbing stop, all thanks to Andrei's soothing voice, something she would have never guessed she would love to hear, considering how the first day with him was.
Her gaze moved up to his face.
"That's why I hate most humans so much....Humans call animals beasts but they are the ones." she whispered, letting the last tears fall down her cheeks.
"Animals aren't greedy, vain... They do it to survive.... Humans are conducted by their avarice." she spoke, taking one of his big hands in both her tiny ones, bringing his hand to her lips, kissing his knuckles, then her eyes drifted to the big scars on her thigh.
"I got this one from a mother Grizzly. Me and my dad encountered the cubs first and because I was young and foolish... She attacked me..... My dad saved me, but the Grizzly left a souvenir." she spoke, looking from the claw marks to Andrei.
"I learned not to be afraid of the wild animals... But also respect them. Respect what can kill you." she whispered, nuzzling his hand as a cat would do to its owner.
She noticed his eyes widen at her story; probably a little shocked that a Grizzly got so close to her, but she guessed anyone would have the same reaction. The shocked look quickly disappeared from the Russian, taking his free large hand and bringing it to the scars, tracing the claw patterns like it was a canvas, a picture worth a thousand words, a story that could have had a tragic and brutal end.
She shivered at his touch, the gesture going to such a spiritual intimacy. He really was getting under her skin. His lips pressed again on her forehead.
"Well, thank you for respecting me." he laughed lightly, all the tension in the room vanished at his attempt at making a joke.
She snorted and rolled her blue eyes at his smug joke; again all high and mighty.
"Yes, yes. I respect you, all high and mighty Alpha Wolf." she cheekily told him, one of her fingers scratching under his chin playfully, as one would do to a dog. He was amused by her playful demenour.
"Just don't step on my tail, or I am gonna bite your precious jewels off." she whispered against his lips, her blue eyes glinting in a feline-like amusement.
His eyes went sharp again at this, smashing his lips on hers in a deep kiss, grinning at her surprised self.
"Go ahead and try it, precious kitten." he challenged her, rolling her small body on top of his, making Xaviera squeak, her legs tensing when she felt his hands on her hips until he brought them to her neck, her most sensitive part. She let out a soft mewl, the skin still sensitive from all the bite marks he left.
He took a deep breath and pulled her into another kiss. She felt herself blush at his actions and words, despite the fact that they fucked just a few minutes ago. He just managed to bring out the fire in her.
She kissed him back as he did, her small hands moving to touch his bigger ones that were rested on her neck.
"I love it when you touch my neck." she whispered into the kiss, her thumbs stroking his knuckles.
She saw his jaw tense and internally she smirked, knowing that he was affected by her as much as she was by him. His grip on her neck tightened, not enough to choke her, but enough for her pulse to pick up in anticipation and her breath to hitch.
"Be careful with those sweet words baby girl." he whispered back.
This was a reminder that this wasn't a company dog.... He was a feral wolf. An apex predator, who could easily crush her tiny neck under rough, large hands.
"You know... You are the only one who has ever touched my neck and survived." she warned, looking down at him, cheeks dusted by a furious blush from their position.
He raised an eyebrow at her word, his signature smirk coming back on his face, canines on display.
"There is still time, darling." he laughed, appreciating her wild side and also amused by it.
Before she knew it, she was underneath the beast of a man, kissing her again only to leave her a breathless mess as he pulled away.
"Well, thank you for letting me live.... for now." he gave her a smug smirk, getting up from the bed and marching downstairs.
After he left, she didn't realized she was holding her breath, touching her neck and feeling the bitemarks, something inside her purring.... Like a Snow Leopard who just got mated.
Xaviera groaned at that thought. The Russian was going to be her weakness, although sometimes she really wanted to kick his ass in the snow for being such a knucklehead..... A very handsome and wild and passionate and big....
She huffed, burring her face into the pillow.
God, she was turning into a sappy mess.
She was pulled from her lovestruck thoughts by the rough voice, a tint of softness there.
"Everything alright?" Andrei asked, coming back to the bedroom with two mugs of hot tea, putting her mug down, and getting into bed with his own mug, his free hand running down her shoulder.
The Snow Leopard tensed at his touch and the feline felt an uncontrollable blush creeping up her neck and cheeks, looking at him. She felt like a little girl with a crush.
"Y-Yes.... E-Everything is alright... Just....Thinking." she replied, trying to avoid his gaze at the end, bitting on her lower lip.
The Russian just sipped on his tea, watching the snowfall out the windows, then he smirked.
Xaviera took the cup of tea, sipping on the delicious aroma and the warmness, then she almost choked on his following words.
"Thinking.... about me?" he asked, looking at her amused.
"Don't be shy...I'm beginning to know that beautiful blush well, baby girl."
He was reading her like an open book. Coughing, she looked at him, not able to control her blush.
"I-It's not like that! I mean... You were amazing and I loved every second of it... it's just.... I never shared.... a moment like this." she spoke, looking down at the cup of tea in her lap.
She saw from the corner of her eyes, him smiling.
"I'm just teasing, myshka, it was a joke..." he spoke, hooking two large fingers under her chin, her eyes on his.
"But I was right." he huffed, only for her to glare at him, the blush still present.
"Still a knucklehead... Don't make me throw your ass in the snow." she told him, taking a sip of her own tea to hide her smile.
Andrei put his tea down on the nightstand, his fingers moving along her jaw sweetly.
"And still a fierce kitten." his fingers moved up her jaw, only to lace within her white hair and kiss her again.
She closed her eyes as he kissed her, her tongue running along his bottom lip only to shyly start sucking on it. Her eyes opened, looking into his own, challenging him slightly. His sharp eyes looked into her.
"Well, you learn fast." he grinned, licking his canines, the hand in her hair tightening into a fist, making her gasp, only for the wolf to take the opportunity and show his tongue inside in a sloppy kiss, making her moan. Her heart fluttered at his words. She felt his hand take the cup of tea from her hand, setting in on the nightstand on her side and she found her back flush against the mattress with him on top of her.
She jumped a little when he bites her lip, hard enough to draw a little blood, then he pulled away, moving down to kiss her jaw and neck.  She moved her head back, exposing more of her neck in submission.
"T-That's not fair.... Y-You know my sensitive spots... A-And I don't know yours." she breathed out in a shuttering voice.
She felt him grin against her neck, his k9's brushing against her bruises that he created.
"A predator never just tells you their weak spot..." with that he pulled away and she felt herself sink in the mattress at the way he was gazing down at her.
"You of all people should know that, darling."
Xaviera's breath hitched and she blushed at the Russian's words, feeling embarrassed. She let her guard down in front of the big bad wolf and now he had her in his jaws.
"I-I...." she was at a loss of words, something that very rarely happened to the white-haired female.
He moved his large hand through her long white hair, resting his forehead against her, just like animals show affection, something she was used from the furry feral beasts, but not from humans.
"Sssshh...little mouse... I will not hurt you." he softly spoke.
God, she felt herself melt at his touch and the way he spoke, her eyes looking up at him like a deer caught in by the big bad wolf. One of her hands moved to stroke his knuckles gently.
"I-It's alright... You know... When I was in Africa I watched as Leopards mate. The males always bite the nape of the females. Not to kill her, but to assert dominance. I suppose that goes for humans too?" she told him in a quiet voice, biting on her lower lip.
He grinned down at her, humming at her words.
"You are mine." placing his hand on the side of her neck, he kissed her deeply, a gasp leaving her when he started grinding against her, but only for a short time, because he rolled off, pulling her closer to him.
"All yours, Wolfy. All yours.... Considering half my neck is blue and purple." she said with a smile, blue eyes shining in pride as her hand touched the bitemarks.
"What a cute little thing." he kissed her forehead.
Xaviera's eyes moved along his chest, where the big scar was and she wondered how he got it, but she knew, he was just like her, not wanting to be pressured in telling.
"Little with enough venom to kill 100 men." she replied with a devilish glint in her eyes, her lips pressing against his big scar, feeling him tense.
"It's time for sleep myshka...." he leaned down, brushing his lips against hers.
"Unless you want to go again?" he grinned, licking his canines.
Xaviera chuckled quietly at his impressive stamina, her lips brushing his canines.
"As much as I would love to get frisky with the big bad wolf.... I have to rest. The blizzard will stop tomorrow morning and I will have to go...hunting." she whispered, her hand brushing against his chest up and down, only for him to roughly grab her wrist.
"You might want to stop doing that then... or else I'm not taking your excuses." he warned her, his other hand moving to her scar on her thigh, just resting it there.
Xaviera knew he was like a bomb ready to combust any moment so she let him win this time.
"Got it, knucklehead." she huffed, rolling her eyes, and she couldn't stop smiling.
She pressed a kiss under his chin.
"Good night, Wolfy." she whispered, leaning her head against his chest, her eyes closing as he continued to brush his hand across her scar.
"Good night, kitten." he whispered, sleep enveloping her.
It was like she had an internal clock, because as soon as it was early morning and the snowing stopped, her eyes slowly opened looking out the window. Her eyes drifted from the outside scenario to the man in bed with her. It was the first time she saw him sleep and he looked so peaceful.
Slowly, with feline-like stealth, she moved from the bed and out of the bedroom, her eyes on him the entire time, until she was out of the room and downstairs, starting to dress up, putting on her white and cream winter coat, the white fur on the hood so soft, it always kept her warm.
Getting all her weapons; the venomous small arrows, the sniper rifle and her mountain backpack on she moved towards the exit. She knew it was probably bad to leave, but she preferred to go on huntings solo.
Exiting the cottage, she stalked towards the path, her gaze moving to her map in hand, already starting to calculate distance, route. It took her two hours to reach the destination. The poachers were going to arrive in half an hour if she calculated everything right, which she always did. Setting her backpack down, she opened it, getting out a wire of spikes, similar to the ones cops use to stop vehicles.
She planted it right in front of the path that the poachers will drive by, masking it in snow, then moving into an isolated spot, basking herself in the whiteness of nature, sniper rifle in hand, and just waiting, exactly like a predator.
Her ears instantly perked up as she heard the sound of the engine in the distance, muscles tightening in anticipation as she was the truck get closer, knowing what was inside. She licked her lips as they approached.
20 seconds....
Her finger hovered over the trigger of her sniper rifle, waiting.
10 seconds....
She knew that she had to be quick in her moves; no hesitation.
5 seconds....
Her pupils dilated like that of a snow leopard, ready for the kill.
The sounds of tires exploding meet her ears, looking through the lens of the sniper; eyes on the passager door as it opened, one man exiting the vehicle, only to fall down as the bullet hit him right in the neck, blood starting to coat the white snow underneath him.
First one dead. Two more to go. Another man exited the vehicle with a shotgun in hand, looking for her. She smirked, knowing he will never be able to spot her; it was like searching for a crystal sugar in the snow. She pressed the trigger, aiming for his heart, his body falling next to the other dead poacher.
Now the driver. She was itching to kill the last one, but he was hesitant to get out.
'Come on, little shit. Come to mama.'
He did peek his head out the window. Big mistake; it was enough for Xaviera to shot him straight in the middle of his forehead. She grinned, then moved from her hiding spot, marching towards the back of the vehicle, a big door with a locker. Setting her backpack down, she got the bolt cutter, getting the lock on the metal door off.
Her hands tugged on the handle, the sound of metal against metal echoing in the forest as the small woman opened the door; a set of four white paws meeting the snow.
It was a snow leopard, shaking his white and grey thick fur, happy to be free. Xaviera smiled as the animal runoff, disappearing into the covered snow forest like a ghost.
The moment of calmness and pride was quickly taken away when Xaviera felt immense pain shooting through her scalp as someone yanked her head back, her eyes widening as the person behind her smashed her head against the side of the truck, only to throw her on the ground.
"So, you are the Mountain Ghost I've been hearing about. I thought it was going to be someone...bigger." the voice was unfamiliar and her vision was blurry.
She tried to get up, only to feel a kick at her ribs, making her stumble, choking on her breath. How could there be another one? She had stalked and observed them for such a long time, calculating everything by numbers and seconds.
"You think you can just go around and steal our prizes?" the man spat, his foot coming to press harshly against her ankle, making her scream.
She was ready to get her venomous darts from her small bag inside her winter jacket, only to have her face pressed in the snow.
"Keep your venom to yourself." the man spoke in her ear, then turned her around, snatching the darts and throwing them so she couldn't reach the weapons.
This was bad, so bad. She wasn't built for close contact combat, especially when it came to life or death. Like a cheetah, she was fast but sadly lacked the strength.
Xaviera could feel blood dripping down from her temple, her hands trying to scratch him, pierce his eyes, anything so she could get away from under him and run. A fist to her eye was all that the man needed to make the fierce feline, drop her hands.
"Keep your claws to yourself, bitch!" the man yelled, looking over her, then smirked.
"You made me lose that Snow Leopard. Someone paid huge cash for its fur." he spoke, making Xaviera glare at him despite the position she was in.
"But....I know what you might be useful for." the way he said that made Xaviera's stomach twist in such an unpleasant way that she wanted to throw up and when she felt his hands on her thighs, she felt tears form at the corner of her eyes.
She was ready to scream, but the weight on top of her disappeared, the sound of fighting meeting her ears. Her blue eyes opened, looking up at the sky. Her gaze moved to the ground and she felt her breath hitch at the scenario before her.
It was Andrei. He saved her. That made the horrible feeling she had before disappear, relieved that he was here. It was obvious that the Russian had the upper hand, much bigger than the poacher and certainly more experienced by the combat skills he put on a demonstration on the other male.
A sickening crunch meets the woman's ears as Andrei delivered a straight punch on the man's nose, blood coating half of his face. It was like watching two male animals fighting for territory, and Xaviera saw plenty of brutal fights between males for territory, food, and the right to mate. She knew that these types of fights ended up with someone dead.
In one swift movement, the Russian grabbing the handle of his knife, taking the blade out of its holster, and stabbing the poacher right in his tight, twisting the blade inside. The scream echoed through the forest and all Xaviera could do was to watch as Andrei took the knife out, blood splashing on the snow as the man dropped down, not dead yet.
Big large hands wrapped around the wounded man's neck, as tight as possible, and the woman watched as the Russian strangled the poacher, his arms trying to inflict pain on Andrei, but it was all useless, the winner already decided the moment the knife impaled in his thigh.
The poachers' arms dropped down, breathing stopped and he was dead. Xaviera sighed relieved, only for her to freeze as his gaze slowly moved to her form.
His eyes, the usual icy blue were almost black, pupils blown wide and lips pulled into a snarl, canines on display, exactly like a very dangerous wolf. Xaviera had encountered this look many times in her life on animals, but never on humans. She swallowed down, knowing not to make harsh or fast moves, it might trigger him and God knows what will happen.
Running would be the most foolish thing to do, so she just sat there in the snow, making herself as invisible as possible.
After what seemed like forever, he turned his predatory gaze from her to the dead poacher and Xaviera watched as he dragged the corpse into the forest, disappearing.
She couldn't believe what she just saw. Slowly, she got up, groaning a little as she stumbled, catching herself on the side of the truck. Her ankle wasn't broken, but it stung a bit. With a sigh, she began to walk towards her cottage, getting her sniper rifle, arrows and backpack first.
At the time she reached the cottage, it was close darkening. She left her weapons down, then quickly started the fire; it was freezing inside. She watched as the flames took form, rubbing her cold hands in front of the fireplace.
Getting her jacket off after it was warm inside, the rest of her clothes followed to get clean and warm ones. She pulled on a big black shirt and she groaned as she felt blood drip down the side of her face.
She got her first aid-kit, starting to treat her wounds. They were nothing serious, but it sure wasn't good to leave them like this. She hissed as she cleaned the wound on her temple, glad that she wouldn't need to be stitched. Looking in the mirror, she noticed how under her felt eye blue and purple color started to form.
She was glad that the poacher hadn't broken her ribs, that's the last thing she needed in times like this.
She cursed under her breath, feeling so stupid that she was so reckless. It almost costed her life, but she was glad that the snow leopard was free; at last, she achieved the goal of the mission. She wondered where Andrei was. He still hadn't come and it was almost midnight.
Xaviera knew he was a hard knucklehead and could take care of himself, but not with wild animals with 5 inches of canines and jaws that can crush bones.
The white-haired woman closed her eyes as she felt the heat of the flames lick her naked legs, wrapping her arms around herself only to smell a faint tint of tobacco. Blue eyes looked down at herself and she blushed.
She must have gotten one of the Russian's shirts in her dizzy haste to change clothes. Getting up from the couch, she was ready to pull it off, only for the loud bang on the front entrance door to meet her ears.
The woman looked in said direction, feeling a gust of very cold wind brush her bare legs, making her shiver slightly.
"Andrei?" Xaviera asked, ready to take a step forward, only to freeze like a deer in the headlights at the man in the doorway.
Scarlet blood dripped down his arms and hands, eyes looking like that of a primal beast ready to tear flesh and muscles with his canines. A deep and scary growl meet her ears and she swallowed down, feeling her heartbeat in her throat.
She had seen something like this before, only......It was an animal, a big black wolf. It was during a trip in the forest at night and she saw the scene. The black animals' jaws around the deer's neck, ripping the artery and throat off.
Xaviera couldn't help, but the first time she truly felt like prey; the one that is being hunted down.
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bitterlikesweets · 3 years
Love Bites Ch 3
This is the third chapter of a modern/vampire AU ereri fanfic. You can also read it on Ao3.
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Cool fingers curl into Eren’s hair, and they tug gently, causing Eren to pull his mouth away from Levi’s wrist with a gasp. Warm heat blooms in Eren's stomach and swiftly spreads outwards, until he can feel the tingle of warmth in his fingertips. He feels like he’s just had a warm mug of cocoa, and he’s also a bit disoriented and groggy. That grogginess is why Eren is a second too late to stop himself from swiping a lick across Levi’s pale skin, sweeping up the little red droplets forming where his fangs pierced the skin.
Eren's appalled at himself, and the feeling only intensifies when his cheeks grow hot. He finally has enough blood in his body to blush, but he almost wishes that he doesn’t. His body is warm and content, but his mind is a frenzy. Eren opens his mouth to apologize, but the words clog in his throat when he hears Levi hum appreciatively.
“Seems like your instincts are good for something,” Levi says, swiping his thumb over the bite mark as he takes his arm back.
Eren stares at Levi’s wrist, at the small wounds that are already closing.
“I—how is that—”
“Vampire saliva has a bit of healing power,” Levi says, reaching into the front pocket of his pants and pulling out a small travel pack of tissues. “It’s nasty as shit, but at least it has a purpose.”
Eren watches as Levi carefully wipes his wrist off with a tissue.
“So I was supposed to do that?” Eren asks.
Levi looks up at him but doesn’t speak, a silent request for him to clarify.
“I, uh—” Eren clears his throat and hopes his face isn’t as red as it feels—and oh God, that’s Levi’s blood that he’s blushing with —before he continues. “Licking you.”
Levi nods.
“Unless you’d prefer that I bleed all over the table,” the man says.
“No,” Eren says, still staring at Levi’s wrist. “Definitely not.”
Levi tucks his tissues back into his pocket and then rotates his wrist, testing the movement. After a few rolls, he seems satisfied, and he clasps his hands together on the table before directing his attention back to Eren.
“Alright, kid—”
“Eren. My name.”
Levi stares at him for a moment, but Eren just holds his gaze until the man huffs a little sigh and begins again.
“Eren, I’m going to make a deal with you. I’ll teach you what you need to know, and you can drink from me until we figure something else out. Sound good?”
Eren frowns.
“What do you get out of it?”
“I get to know that there’s not some uneducated vampire running around killing humans because he never properly learned the rules,” Levi says.
Eren winces, thinking briefly of his mother before he nods.
“I agree then,” Eren says, but he frowns again. “Levi, you’re human, right?”
“You wouldn’t be drinking from me if I wasn’t,” Levi said, leaning back in his chair.
“How do you know so much about vampires? I mean, I didn’t know they were real until… You know...”
“Ah, good question,” Levi says, and he gets up.
Eren watches curiously as Levi walks to a filing cabinet in the corner of the room by the window. Levi pulls open one of the drawers and plucks something out of it, though Eren can’t see what it is from his spot at the table.
“Catch,” Levi says, and he turns around and throws something without any other warnings. Eren scrambles to grab it out of the air, but his stomach drops once he sees what it is.
The warmth from Levi's blood seems to flood out of him, and Eren sits, frozen, as he stares at the small wooden stake in his hand. It’s no wider than a ruler, barely longer than a pencil, but it’s sharpened to a point that Eren is sure would have no issue piercing his flesh.
“I’m a hunter,” Levi says. “Or I was, anyway.”
“A hunter,” Eren echoes, his gaze still locked onto the stake in his hands.
“A vampire hunter,” Levi says as if Eren needed clarification.
“Oh,” Eren says.
“Don’t worry,” Levi said, “I’m not in the business anymore. Even if I was, I know which vampires need to die and which don’t.”
Isabel’s words echo in Eren’s head. ‘Levi’s never wrong.’
“And I’m not one that needs to die?”
“No,” Levi says, and he walks over to Eren and takes the stake back, though Eren doesn’t feel any better with the weapon in Levi’s hands. “You’re one that needs to be taught. As long as you learn, I won’t have to do anything drastic.”
Anything drastic. Like stabbing Eren in the chest.
“Right,” Eren says, but his voice is wavering.
Levi sets the stake on the table between them before going back to his seat, and Eren hunches in his chair from the weight of the silent threat.
“Hey,” Levi says, and Eren reluctantly drags his gaze up to meet Levi’s. “Relax. The only reason I’d ever have to hurt you is if you ended up like those freaks who crashed your birthday party.”
Levi raises his arm to show Eren, wrist up.
“We’ve already stopped that from happening,” Levi says. “I only showed you the stake because you asked.”
“I just asked how you knew about vampires, not for you to show me your weapons,” Eren grumbles.
“My bad,” Levi replies, his voice dripping with sarcasm, “I didn’t know you would feel better not knowing. Better keep all the other weapons concealed so that I can use them on you without you expecting it.”
Eren sits up straighter, his eyes darting around the room.
“Other weapons? What other weapons?”
“Oh?” Levi raises his eyebrows at Eren. “Here I thought you didn’t want to be shown.”
“Well, if they might be used against me, then I’d rather know!”
“That’s why I showed you the fucking stake, you dumb brat. You shouldn’t have complained.”
“Okay, I’m sorry!” Eren exclaims, throwing his hands in the air. “Will you show me where the other weapons are now?”
“Fuck no.”
“How about this: I’ll show you one concealed weapon after every lesson. Gain trust on both sides.”
“I thought you did trust me!”
“I said I didn’t think you had to die, not that I trusted you.”
Eren groans in frustration, dropping his head onto the table.
“Okay,” Eren mumbles, his cheek pressed against the wooden surface. “Whatever. I agree.”
He turns his head to look up at Levi, who is already staring down at him.
“Can you at least tell me how many there are?”
“Hmm…” Levi begins, and for a moment Eren is hopeful. “No.”
Eren sighs and presses his forehead against the table, resigned to the situation. It will be fine, right? As long as he doesn't go “feral,” as Levi put it, the weapons won't matter.
...He just has to make sure to never tell Mikasa.
“You’re looking a lot more lively now,” Levi says, and Eren raises his head.
“What do you mean?”
“The other night, when you came here for the first time,” Levi explains, “I could tell you were starving yourself.”
Eren blinks.
“Is that why you…?”
“I gave you the blood as an apology for the garlic, but that was part of it, yes.”
Levi reaches out, and Eren tenses as the man’s hand comes up to his face. Levi’s hand falls on his cheek, and Eren freezes, holding his breath. The man’s eyes betray nothing as he tugs the corner of Eren’s mouth with his thumb.
“You could pass as one of living like this,” Levi says, pulling his hand away.
Eren blinks up at Levi, his cheeks burning up again, and the imprint of Levi’s cold hand on his face still lingers on Eren’s skin. He barely resists the urge to cover up the spot where Levi touched him with his own hand.
“I-I’m assuming that’s good,” Eren says once he’s a bit calmer.
“That’s the ideal,” Levi says, pointing at his own lips with his finger. “Your fangs were so big last week, I could see their shape even with your mouth closed.”
Eren instinctively covers his mouth with his hands.
“It was that obvious?”
“Anyone familiar with vampires would notice.”
Levi frowns for a moment, shifting his gaze away from Eren.
“You… Before me, when was the last time you drank?”
“I think when I turned,” Eren replies. “I don’t remember much. I just… I woke up on the floor of my house with blood on my mouth. I called the police right after.”
“...I see.”
“We don’t need to talk about it right now,” Levi says quickly.
Now it’s Eren’s turn to frown.
“You brought it up. Tell me what you’re thinking.”
Levi closes his eyes, massaging the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger.
“You’re not going to like what I have to say.”
“Just tell me,” Eren says firmly.
“Well… Under normal circumstances, it should always be like it was for you this week. After getting blood, you’ll get thirsty again within a week, give or take, if you’ve had a healthy amount.”
“What’s considered a healthy amount?”
“Depends on the human you’re drinking from and how fast you’re swallowing the shit up,” Levi says, “but usually you shouldn’t drink any longer than five minutes. That’s why I stopped you, so you learn my limits.”
Eren nods, starting to get a vague idea of what Levi was trying to say. He remembers Levi’s fingers in his hair, gently urging him to stop.
“So the fact that I went without for months…”
“It’s an anomaly,” Levi says. “Either you’ve got a stomach of steel or you drank too much the first time.”
Eren’s stomach twists. He doesn’t like where this conversation is going.
“What are you saying?”
“You said you drank the night you turned. Do you remember who you drank from?”
Eren wants to vomit.
“It’s just an idea. I wasn’t there; I’m not going to pretend like I knew what happened.”
“But you’re saying that I fucking drank from my mom. Drank too much .”
“Like I said, it’s just an idea—”
“Are you trying to say I killed my mom?” Eren snaps, pushing himself to his feet.
“No,” Levi says quickly, his gaze dropping to Eren’s tight grip on the table and then back up to his eyes. “Of course not. If you were attacked, then she would’ve been dead before you got to her—”
“So I did exactly what those fucking monsters did to her!” Eren exclaimed. “Is that what you’re trying to say to me?”
“I’m not trying to say anything like that—”
“Then, what the fuck are you trying to say? ” Eren snaps, clutching the table in an attempt to keep himself calm, but he can’t help it. The warmth in his stomach has risen to his chest and now it’s boiling and he thinks of his mother, of what she looked like, and he thinks of her throat.
Eren is so fucking stupid. Of course, he drank from her. How had he not seen that before? He had repeated the fact so easily before. The day I turned was the first time. Why had he not thought about it for even a second? He was so focused on not having any more blood, focused on clinging to his humanity. In reality, the only reason he was able to cling to that false dream for so long was because he was a monster—because even among monsters, he had done something that he shouldn’t have done.
“Eren,” he hears, and then there’s a hand on his arm, and Eren recoils, instinctively yanking his arms away.
It’s only when he hears the crash that he realizes he was still clutching the table.
He stares at the table in shock. It’s across the room now, flung onto its side. Its legs knocked over a potted plant by the door, and the base of it slammed into the wall and knocked down a painting.
Eren is shocked into silence, and he steps away from the table until his back is against the wall. When he looks down at his hands, they’re shaking. His whole body is shaking. There’s violent knocking on the door, and Eren hears Isabel and a voice he doesn’t recognize desperately asking if everything’s alright.
“We’re fine,” Levi shouts, and the banging stops.
Eren raises his head, eyes wide with shock and fear, fear of himself.
“I-I don’t—I don’t know how—I’ve never—I didn’t know —”
“It’s alright,” Levi says, and his voice is soft, as if he’s talking to a child and not a monster that launched a wooden table across the room.
Levi approaches him slowly, but those hesitant steps make Eren flinch, wishing his back wasn’t against the wall, and Levi stops.
“Sorry,” the man says, cutting Eren off. “I shouldn’t have—It wasn’t my place to ask or imply something like that.”
“I… No… That’s not…” Eren swallows, dropping his gaze back down to his shaking hands. “You don’t need to apologize. I shouldn't have—I could’ve hurt you. I didn’t know… This hasn’t happened before.”
Eren slowly closes his open palms into fists, hoping to still his shaking a bit, and he looks at Levi again, who is still standing in the center of the room.
“You’re not upset?” Eren asks quietly, and Levi shakes his head.
“It was my fault.”
“It is not your fault that I fucking threw a table.”
“It’s my fault that you got worked up like that,” Levi says, and he takes a slow step forward, his eyes pinned on Eren, watching for a reaction. “My curiosity got the better of me.”
“It’s—” Eren swallows, “it’s okay.”
Levi reaches out once he’s close enough and takes hold of Eren’s fist.
“Consider this lesson two,” Levi says. “When you have enough blood, all of your abilities are amplified. That’s shit like healing, better senses.”
Levi carefully opens Eren’s hand back up. Eren’s nails have left little indents in his palms. Eren didn’t even notice. He didn’t think he’d put that much force into it.
“And strength,” Levi says. “It should get easier to manage with experience.”
“So I won’t be throwing tables all the time?” Eren asks, desperate to lighten the mood, to distract his mind before he loses his cool again.
Levi looks up at him curiously, but he nods.
“I’m going to need you to put that back, by the way,” Levi says, releasing Eren’s hand.
Eren looks over Levi’s head at the table still across the room and approaches it cautiously, as if it’ll retaliate against him, as if it could seek revenge. When he tips it back onto its legs, the table is much lighter than he imagined, much lighter than it should be. He’s slow as he pulls it back to the center of the room, not wanting to do anymore damage.
When the table is back in place, he looks around the room and sees that Levi has moved. He’s kicking the dirt from the fallen plant into the corner—a temporary solution. Eren hurries to help clean up, picking up the picture that had fallen off the wall.
Eren pauses as he looks carefully at it. It’s a picture of Levi, but he’s far younger, a child. He’s sitting at a kitchen counter in what Eren assumes is Levi’s childhood home. There’s a woman leaning across the counter, handing him a plate of pasta. There’s a cardboard sign taped to the counter, written in messy crayon. “Kuchel’s Kitchen.”
“Less snooping, more cleaning,” Levi says, smacking Eren in the back with something large and heavy.
“Okay, sorry...” Eren mumbles, hanging the picture back up before turning to see what Levi hit him with.
The man is leaning against the table, a stake the size of a small baseball bat in his hands.
“What the—Why the fuck would you need one that big?! How would you even use—No, how the fuck did you hide that in here?”
Levi just shrugs, but he also hoists the stake over his shoulder and points it at Eren. For a moment, Eren is confused, but then he sees Levi’s hand jerk forward, and Eren immediately dives to the ground before the man can chuck the thing at him like it’s a wooden spear.
Eren hears a brief chuckle, and Eren looks up to see Levi with the stake in his hands again, though with it lowered to the floor like a cane instead of pointed in the air like it was a moment ago. Levi’s not smiling, but there’s something brewing in those sharp eyes that looks like mischief, and Eren scowls.
“You’re an asshole.”
“I won’t disagree.”
Eren huffs at Levi’s response, pushing himself back to his feet. Levi moves the stake so that it’s leaning against the table, and what little shift there was in his expression flattens out into something more serious.
“I could instruct you more today, but you’re going to need to come back to drink again anyway, so I might as well spread the lessons out.”
Eren nods, and Levi rubs his eyes.
“Besides, I’m fucking tired. Not all of us are nocturnal.”
Eren rubs the back of his head sheepishly and nods.
“Yeah, sorry for coming so late.”
Levi just waves his hand dismissively at Eren's concerns.
“Just come whenever you start to feel thirsty. The sooner we can figure out how your body handles blood, the sooner I can get you set up with a more permanent partner.”
“Someone you drink from on a regular basis. Someone you trust. Could be a lover or a friend… Some vampires who don’t have anyone pay for partners.”
Eren nods, but he can’t imagine choosing a partner to drink from, mostly because he’s still reeling from the fact that he has to consistently drink blood at all.
“Bring it up with your friends,” Levi says. “Those two you came with the other day. They already know, don’t they?”
Eren nods again, and Levi, seemingly satisfied, leads Eren out of the break room and through the kitchen. When they enter the main dining room, Eren sees Isabel and Furlan sitting at the only table not cleaned and set up for the night. Isabel has her mouth open, prepped to ask questions, but a look from Levi seems to have her holding her tongue for now.
“Uh,” Eren begins as Levi walks him to the door, “thank you. For the lessons and for…”
He gestures at Levi’s wrist.
“And sorry for lashing out at you,” Eren finishes, dropping his gaze to the floor.
Levi just waves his hand dismissively.
“Don’t worry about it. I get it. Now get going, brat. I want to get some fucking sleep.”
“Yeah, okay,” Eren says, turning to push open the door, but before he steps out, he looks over his shoulder at the man. “See you later, Levi.”
Eren manages a smile before he slips out the door, walking out into the night.
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amandaoftherosemire · 6 years
Lightning Strikes Part Three
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Fandom: Marvel Avengers AU
Pairing: Thor Odinson X Fem!Reader
Characters: Thor Odinson
Author: @amandaoftherosemire​
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1,727
Format: Series (Complete)
Warning: Language, sexual themes and content
Summary: Thor walks you back to your rooms.
A/N: The first couple parts of this was written a while ago for @buckysforeverprincess 500 Follower Writing Prompt Challenge. Not consistent with Marvel canon. I have willfully and deliberately ignored the events of Infinity War. The Statesman made it to Earth after a largely uneventful journey and everyone is FINE. The only thing I’ve taken from Infinity War is Stormbreaker because it’s cool as shit. 
This was supposed to be a one-shot, but it was so fun to write and the lunatic voice in my head that has no impulse control kept going, “But then what if this happened?” so here we are. This part and the next were originally together but it was getting unmanagably long so I’m splitting it up. The following part will be mostly smut because I’m a complete slut for Thor. It’s also almost done so it should be up much more quickly than this one was.
Part Two: Crescendo here
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Pas de Deux
You knew you’d made a mistake the moment Thor's lips touched yours. Not necessarily the kind on which a life could pivot, but a mistake nonetheless. However, even a small mistake often leads to another, and so can one bad decision cause a cascade of bad decisions that alter the course of a life.
But his lips were so soft and warm, so gentle against yours. He seemed to be acutely aware of his size and strength as he slid his arms around you and pulled you close. The juxtaposition of his immense strength against the delicacy with which he touched you was viciously erotic. As he gathered you close with smooth and careful hands, he deepened the kiss.
Thor's tongue swept between your parted lips into your mouth and now you knew his taste was so much wilder, so much more intense than you'd ever dreamed possible. You didn't know how, but Thor tasted the way lightning smells, metallic and exciting, like charged copper on the tongue. Coupled with his scent, a summer storm rolling in on a blustery mountain peak, like ozone and fresh rain on the wind, you were almost immediately in sensory overload.
The warmth of his body along with that savage scent seemed to seep into your skin, like a pheromone that woke long forgotten instincts that demanded more regardless of what your brain had to say about it. Frankly your brain wasn't much help either as it was currently focused on the source of the mistake, the underlying flavor that once you'd tasted, you knew you'd never be able to get enough.
You could have stepped away from the salt of the wild or the heat of the lightning, but upon deeper exploration, you discovered an underlying sweetness that had you desperate for more. Now that you knew how deliciously, wildly sweet his mouth was, how were you ever to stop?
And that was how you found yourself pressed against Thor in the middle of a hallway you knew for a fact was under surveillance due to its location in what was essentially your place of employment. The thought had you paradoxically tightening your arms around Thor’s neck because you knew you were going to have to let go.
Instead it was Thor who pulled away despite the fact that his arms had been even more tightly wound around you. You may have plastered yourself against him, but he had definitely helped. As he pulled back, he reached up to brush his thumb against the corner of your mouth. His gaze searing into yours and his voice like honey over gravel, he murmured, “Aren’t you sweet? Who knew plants could be so unpredictable?”
Speechless and wrapped in his warmth and scent, with lips still tingling from his, you stared up into his face in awe and disbelief. You licked your lips where his taste still lingered, and a shudder ran through your body. You opened your mouth to speak but, unable to form a coherent thought, you closed it again with a snap and turned without a word to walk away.
Behind you, Thor smiled, delighted. He was pretty sure he’d spent enough time on Earth to determine that you were genuinely unique. However, Thor had found that you were also as honey-sweet and heady as Asgardian mead, and with the same depth and mystery. He didn’t even hesitate to follow you like a puppy.
When he was at your side once again, you slanted him a sly look out of the corner of your eye. He was wearing a delighted but decidedly smug smile as he offered his arm. With reluctant amusement, you took it and continued to walk. Once your hand had curled around his forearm just below his elbow (Did he have muscles every damn where?), he spoke.
"You seem disturbed, lady.” His voice was low, somewhere between a growl and a purr and it seemed to shiver up your spine and over your scalp. Arousal roughened his voice, making you feel like the sound of it was rasping deliciously over your skin. You wondered if you should be flattered or if he always exuded sex like this.
There was no way you could invite him in when you got to your quarters.
Truthfully, you wanted to drag him into your rooms by a fistful of his t-shirt and have your way with him. You knew you shouldn’t. If just kissing him broke your brain, what would sex do to you? You were having a terrible time trying to convince yourself it was too dangerous to find out. Some mistakes, after all, can absolutely be worth it.
“I'm just trying to decide if I really want to acquire a new addiction,” you purred in response, a sultry half smile curving your mouth. “I have so many already.
“So, you find me addictive?” Thor had pulled away before he'd had nearly enough. The fact that anyone could walk by was the only thing that had stopped him from finding out how you felt about being pressed against the nearest wall and fucked until you screamed. He only let you go because he could feel his control fraying. The seductive look you shot him had him instantly rock hard. He needed to know he wasn’t the only one so affected.
"You don't need me to stroke your ego," you replied dryly. You rolled your eyes and jostled his arm playfully. "You know full well you should have a warning label on you."
Being close to him was dizzying. You felt like that warm scent was being absorbed by your skin and settling into your bones. The more time you spent with him, the more you craved him. It was like your body recognized him, wanted him, regardless of all else. It didn’t help that everything about him was making you forget that you could look but shouldn't touch. You were having just the worst time with the part of your brain that wanted to rationalize why touching wouldn't have to be a catastrophe when he smiled.
The quick smile, so full of fun and humor, had your heart fluttering in your chest and terror shivering up your spine. You were allowed to want, even need Thor. You were allowed to like him, allowed to enjoy him. Hell, you were allowed to crave him like air. You absolutely, positively were not allowed to fall in love. That way lay wreck and ruin.
"So, I read about a guy who got struck by lightning, like, six or seven separate times. Did that guy just piss you the fuck off, or what?"
You knew you'd made another mistake when he threw his head back and laughed out loud. The sound of his genuine laughter was too seductive. He looked down at you with humor and affection twinkling in his eye and all over his face. It was then you realized that unless he was flirting with you or laughing at something stupid you said, Thor’s face always held a touch of sadness. You felt yourself softening again and cursed inwardly. You had no defense against this kind of vulnerability, that of a strong person bearing up under impossible burdens.
Most people thought that you had gotten the job with the Avengers because you were extremely strong willed. Lord knew you had to be to deal with Tony Stark on a regular basis. However, you had a much more important quality to Pepper that lead her to choose you: she knew you wouldn't just take care of them, you'd care for them. You had a secret soft center for those in pain.
Without thinking and grinning cheekily, you tightened your grip on Thor’s arm and leaned into him, instinctively seeking to comfort. He grinned back at you as he replied, accepting the change in subject without comment, “I had nothing to do with that, I swear.”
You snorted. “It’s almost worse that it was just bad luck.” At his questioning glance you shrugged before elaborating. “At least ‘Thor’s a dick’ is a reason.”
He laughed again, and your heart melted a little. That's when you made another mistake. You stopped overthinking it and just enjoyed him. The rest of the walk to your quarters was slow as you took the long way around and conversed quietly. He was surprisingly smart, for all he looked like the world's sexiest jock. Even better, he was funny, too, with a sly sense of humor that complimented yours. He was also so sweet that by the time the two of you reached your quarters, you felt utterly safe with him.
Nonetheless, you were shocked when you turned to him, and instead of telling him goodbye, you heard yourself say, "Would you like to come in for a glass of wine?" You knew you had made yet another mistake when the slow, knowing smile spread across his face and you had to literally suppress a whimper.
"My dear Lady Plant," he replied, his voice low and husky with anticipation, "I would kill for a glass of wine."
Your heart already racing, you stepped inside, holding the door for Thor. He stopped a few feet away, and the moment the door was closed he turned to you with an almost feral look in his eye. You might have been frightened had he been someone else. Thor, however, made no move to touch you, came no closer. His voice warm with humor and promise, he asked gruffly, "Did you invite me in for only a glass of wine?"
You might not have made another mistake had he not been so fucking adorable. There was nothing of his brother's cunning or deceit about Thor. He had no guile, no artifice. He wanted you and was making it abundantly clear in a way that left it entirely up to you. He had asked in just such a way so you could say yes or no without fear or embarrassment. Maybe you could resist the sexy, but could you resist the sweet? Could anyone?
As you had now lost count of what mistake you were on today, you were less surprised this time when you heard yourself say, "No."
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Part Four: Idolatry here
@lbouvet @rocknroll-is-thewaytogo @chook007 @quickies-with-quicksilver @deinopis @daylight-saver @rishlo @pebblesz892 @bibliophile1773 @bojabee @knightofreaders @pancake-pages @666nunslut666 @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @hellzzzbelle @cheekygeek05 @suz-123 @sunigyrl
(Because of the delay between parts, if you asked to be tagged and I missed you or your name changed, please send me another message. I promise I didn’t mean to forget you. 😊)
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mz-hide · 6 years
Trick Of Might - Chapter 2
Aka: a Dragon Ball Z slash fic.
Chapter 2
Goku has a disturbing nightmare. Vegeta has a good, bad time.
Summary: An ancient enemy makes a sudden comeback into Goku’s life. Long-suppressed memories surface again and it’s no longer possible for the young saiyan to ignore them. Warnings: Dubious Consent, (because of drug use) Ships & Pairings: Bulma/Vegeta, Goku/Vegeta, Goku/Turles, Goku/Turles/Vegeta, Turles/Vegeta, Raditz/Turles, Nappa/Turles, Nappa/Raditz/Turles Contains: Threesome - M/M/M, Group Sex, Polyamory, Aphrodisiacs, Secret Crush, Confessions, Enemies to Lovers, Love Triangles, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Gay Sex, Biting, Scratching, Boners All Around, Feral Behavior, (just a tiny bit), Resolved Sexual Tension, Sexual Content
You can find the rest on my AO3 page (username: originalmonkeyhydes)
Blows fell heavy from everywhere. The chase was urged too rapidly for him to react. Fists were alternated with jabs and with kicks. He couldn’t follow nor evade them. His body moved too clumsily, his reactions were too slow. He was completely at the mercy of his opponent. At some point he thought he’d found a chance to counter, but the other warrior disappeared from view faster than what he thought possible. Before he could do anything, a knee hit him hard in the stomach, making him bend forward and loose his breath. A kick followed rapidly, hard enough to lift him off the ground. He only had the time to catch a glimpse of his enemy’s grin before he was hit again, on the back. The power of this last blow hurled him downwards. He hit the ground hard. The impact dug a deep hole in the wood of the tree, burying him underneath a pile of debris. The pain was deafening. He let himself slip sideways and fall into a split between the roots. He was paralyzed. His head, his arms and his back throbbed from the scraping and the numerous wounds. For a long, terrible instant, the only thing he felt in his legs was a deaf numbness. He couldn’t get up, his limbs seemed to give up on him, refusing to support his weight. “What the matter, Kakarot? Don’t tell me that’s all you’ve got.” Another kick made him roll on his back. He screamed, feeling his ribs threaten to crack. He opened his eyes. He struggled to get them to focus on the approaching enemy. Turles stood before him, gifting him with a mocking grin. “I’m going to ask you one last time, Kakarot, and I won’t take a no for an answer. Join me. You can take your son with you, if you want. Together we can conquer the entire galaxy, like true saiyans. We’ll be unstoppable!” “Never!” His voice sounded chocked, his throat ached. “I’m not like you, I’m not a true saiyan! The Earth is my home and it’s where I will stay!” Turles’ look hardened. The pirate’s hand curled among his hair and banged his head against the bark of the tree. Goku screamed. His ears were ringing impossibly loud. When the colorful spots that had blinded him faded, he saw Turles’ face extremely close to his own. A cruel smile ignited his features with a light that was all but reassuring. “It means that I won’t have any other choice but destroying your beloved planet and leave you no other choice then to join me. And then you’ll finally be mine, Kakarot…” Before he could do or say anything more, the dark lips of the pirate were on his, bloodied and already disclosed by ragged breaths. A molten hot tongue slipped into his mouth. When he recovered from the shock and realized what had just happened, he instinctively bit down. Turles swiftly pulled away, like he’d been burned by an open flame. From his broken lip blood dripped down onto his chin. The renegade saiyan touched the new cut and looked back up at him, incredulous. Then, to Goku’s immense astonishment, the dark saiyan began to laugh with sincere amusement, licking away the thick drops of blood that kept spilling from his mouth. “Oh yes… Sooner or later you will be mine, Kakarot.”
Goku woke up with a startled gasp, jumping up to a sitting position. HIs eyes darted from side to side, meeting the familiar walls of his bedroom instead of the ostile maze of roots. Next to him, instead of an enemy ready to jump him, lied Chi Chi, sleeping soundly and facing away from him. In the silence of the night the fast thrumming of his heart seemed to be the only sound. Goku ran a hand across his face. It was just a dream, he told himself. His eyes instinctively went to the dark skies outside his window. The countryside air was clear that night and the stars burned eerily bright. But why did I dream of that moment? No matter how hard he’d tried to dismiss them, his newly awakened memories kept cursing through his mind. He remember that moment well, possibly the only instant of his fight with Turles his friends hadn’t witnessed. He could remember it as clear as ever. He recalled how, once the initial shock had subsided, he had given that gesture little thought. His only focus had been the fight. He could have also told himself that the memory of that kiss had been just a trick of his adrenaline-clouded mind. Yet, he couldn’t convince himself completely, no matter how hard he tried. He could doubt his mind, but his gut never lied. He brought a hand to his lips. It had all come back clearly now, all those things he hadn’t thought about in years. He could still conjure up the taste of the dark saiyan’s blood - his velvety tongue - in his mouth and the indecipherable tone of his voice, half threatening, half dreaming. Goku asked himself what it had all meant and found himself fighting a strange uncomfortableness once again. He needed to cast those thoughts aside. Goku got up from the bed, slipping out of his pajama and into his training gi. He exited from the window, silent as a feather, flying away above the dark treetops of the forest. If there was something that could have used to distract himself was training. The solution to his problem was easy, after all. The young saiyan had never been one for thinking too much, after all. It had always been pure instinct to guide him and he could never remember a time where that had backfired on him. Yet, even with his mind emptied of unsettling thought, instinct still prompted him to raise his eyes to the sky. He couldn’t look anywhere else.The twinkling of the stars was almost hypnotizing. Despite not being able to perceive that strange aura, something inside him knew there was something up there for him to feel. It was something Goku couldn’t name but it told him he was never going to get it out of his system if he hadn’t gone to the end of that story. Then, he caught a purple glimmer far into the dark depths of space. It was entirely probable that it had just been a deceiving glare, a trick played on him by Earth’s atmosphere on his eyes. Though, the warrior didn’t waste a second thinking about it. True or not it was irrelevant. He knew now what exactly what he was going to do. The youth brought two fingers to his forehead and disappeared into the shadows of the night.
“Don’t you dare!”, the woman cried out between moans, instinctively jumping up to admonish her lover as soon as she felt his teeth grazing her skin. Vegeta grunted his dissatisfaction, grudgingly sinking his face and his fangs in his pillow, longing for the fragrant scent of her skin that he’d been compulsorily forbidden to break. He found himself clenching his teeth onto feathery softness instead, feeling the warm body beneath him move with the thrusting of his hips. It had taken him a long time to resist that instinct but there was no amount of time that would have sufficed to suppress it completely. He knew that. It was in is blood, after all. It was a primordial hunger the human woman could have never been able to sate fully, even if she’d let him violate the ivory crook of her neck. That was a concession the beautiful scientist didn’t seem to be willing to give him after the previous few painful experiences. Yet, that was a deprivation the prince would have had to endure if he wanted to keep enjoying that curvaceous, willing body. His lover didn’t seem to care for his denied needs. She was moaning and whimpering underneath him - a well-earned symphony to his ears, a welcome balm for his pride-, her flesh twitching delightfully around him. Vegeta tried to focus on that, instead of his sulking. One of his hands slipped underneath the woman’s stomach, his calloused palm grazing the soft curve of her groin until his fingers found what they aimed for, nestled into silky dampness. He confirmed for himself that he could still put his digits to good use, despite the difference in strength with his companion. Making her shiver and gasp like that with so little pressure was endlessly endearing to him. He’d been lucky to have found someone who could let him indulge in such wanton carnality. Bulma was once again lost in her own sensations, undisturbed by the Prince’s longing for the taste of her blood. How he would have longed to sink his teeth into her… Each day that passed convinced him that she might have been deserving of it. Yet, even so, it wouldn’t have done him any good. Dammit… dammit all to hell! His frustration soon became her pleasure once it translated into faster, harder thrusts. He kept it up until she finally cried out loud, the delicious tightening of her flesh bringing him to his own orgasm. He took a few seconds to collect himself before sitting up and getting off the bed the woman still lied on, blissed out and panting. Glistening drops of sweat gathered along the seductive curve of her back and her flushed, moist sex, perfectly visible between milky thighs. Vegeta had had his difficulties adjusting to the woman’s lack of a tail and her inexplicable habit of systematically remove body hair, even from places which - in his opinion - were more alluring with rather than without hair. However, he had to admit that the plump morbidity from the pregnancy had made his improbable lover even more attractive to him than before. The smooth, soft fullness he embraced at night was enough to make up for the last of hair. No matter how pleasant that sight was, however, he didn’t stared too long. After Trunk’s birth it had been easier for him to accept the idea of sharing Bulma’s bed with a certain regularity, even if they both kept avoiding any serious involvement. After the misunderstandings and the fights that had followed, Vegeta’s departure and his return, between them was in force a sort of silent agreement. Discussing the undeniable attraction between them was as pointless as it was trying to change the occasional nature of their relationship. Therefore, the saiyan had preferred to keep a certain distance that allowed him to be around the woman avoiding discomfort. Among the implicit rules of their precarious couple dynamic, there was one about sharing the bed just for some specific activities. Sleeping wasn’t included. Vegeta liked to have a bed of his own for that. In that specific occasion he was eager to regain his own space with a certain haste, in case his lover had the intention to bring up the potential biting accident they’d barely managed to avoid. However, he failed to leave the room in time. “Wait!”, the woman called with a shaky voice, still panting and dizzy, and gestured in the direction of the bathroom, “At least clean yourself up a little before you leave. What would happen if my parents saw you wandering around like that?” Vegeta had noticed several cultural differences between human and saiyan culture, but there were levels of decency shared by both. He listened to the woman’s suggestion and entered her bathroom to clean himself up. At that point he possessed a certain familiarity with her shower to know how it worked. As he was drying himself up he heard the ringing of a communication device from the other room and Bulma’s sigh as she got up to answer the call. The prince immediately lost interest for what was going on in the other room. He didn’t have the habit to eavesdrop, even when it came to his lover’s conversations. Yet, he couldn’t help but overhear as the other’s tone rose with apprehension. “Goku did what?!”, the scientist exclaimed, “Are you sure, Gohan?” Vegeta walked into the bedroom again, the towel hanging around his neck. Bulma was holding the receiver precariously between her cheek and shoulder as he hurriedly picked up the clothes she’d previously scattered around the room. It was obvious that something must have happened. Not that he cared for that idiot, but the fact that Bulma hadn’t even cast a glance in his direction was not good. Especially for his pride. “Of course you can. I’m not sure I understand exactly what’s happening… But yes, if it can help, I’ll do what I can. I’mm get to work immediately. It’ll take a while… but with a little luck I’ll try to be done by the time you get here.” She glanced in his direction. The prince had the distinct impression that the “little luck” she’d just mentioned might have had something to do with him. Another bad sign. Just as it was bad that apparently it had been Kakarot’s runt to call that late at night. It didn’t take a genius to come to the conclusion that something bothersome had happened. The warrior got dressed. Something told him he’d better be in operation order in a short while. “Vegeta”, the woman uttered slowly after hanging up the call, “I promise I will build you another one as soon as I can.” “Care to elaborate better?”, the prince demanded, despite the fact he knew he’d already guessed the answer. “Gohan and Piccolo need to take the ship. I know that it’s technically yours because you use it for training, I but I was the one who built it and… and I shouldn’t even be here asking your permission! There’s an emergency and my friends need a lift. I’m taking the ship!” Before he could return, Bulma had already jumped up and left the room. The two of them sure seemed to share the same strategies to avoid discussions, after all. Though, that was hardly the time to indulge in that kind of comparisons. “What kind of emergency?”, he demanded, following her. The situation was utterly irksome. Not only he was going to loose the space he used to train soon, now he had to chase the woman to know the reason why he was forced to suffer that deprivation. Furthermore, he had a bad feeling about that whole situation. “Apparently, King Kai warned Kami, Kami warned Piccolo and Piccolo told Gohan that- Oh, it doesn’t matter. There was a lot of word-to-mouth involved. Anyway, apparently Goku had a great idea and disappeared without warning anyone. Gohan says he used the instant-transmission to get to some nearby planet to check on I-don’t-know-what. I’m not sure I understand what his exact intentions are. I think it has to do with some kind of tree or something.” Those words made Vegeta’s ears prick up. “Did he say a tree?”
He didn’t need more than a second to understand what kind of tree stood before him. The sight in front of him sufficed to completely bring back the memories of the first time he’d laid his eyes on that monstrous plant. It had been years since then, but he knew he couldn’t be mistaken. It was the tree of might. The planet’s surface was hidden by a tortuous grid of roots, pulsing slightly with the energy they were absorbing from progressively deeper layers of the planet’s core. While the planet was facing his progressive extinction, the alien plant that was consuming it showed no sign of decline. If anything it was thriving. The tree looked darker but creepily more luxuriant than the what it had been on Earth. It was a lot chunkier in its proportions, though that didn’t diminish its magnificence. The imposing obsidian trunk split into chaotic bundles of branches that sustained an impressive amount of foliage. Dark leaves seemed to avidly absorbed the little crepuscular light of the tiny, faraway star the planet revolved around. Undoubtedly, hadn’t it been for the heat dispersed on the surface by the action of the tree, the planet would have been almost unbearably cold. Yet, somehow, the pleasant heat stirring in the incredibly humid air was made even more ominous by this notion. The planet probably didn’t have much longer to live. Not that it would have mattered, anyway. It looked deserted and uninhabited, after all. Goku had no reason to care for the destructive action of the tree, even though he couldn’t help but notice how much more advanced the stage of of it was compared to what he’d seen on Earth. The thought reminded him of something; he didn’t see any fruit anywhere, just some blossoms glowing dimly with a faint, crimson light. Even though they contributed to making the atmosphere even more eerie, their presence might have been a good sign, after all. I don’t remember seeing flowers like these when the tree took roots on Earth, he ruminated, looking about the place. The last time the tree grew at a monstrous rate and started producing fruits almost immediately. Here there’s none. Seems to me like there’s never gonna be some either. The roots had already completely encased the entire planet and there was no more space for them to grow any further, nor more energy to absorb. Once the core had been drained from all power, the tree would have died along with it. Those blossoms would have withered too. They looked at the end of their growing ciclo anyway. Their petals were full and engorged. In their centre they contained nothing but a hollow socket where a thick, crimson sap gathered. No sign of fruits nor anything that might suggest their future presence whatsoever. Plus, more importantly, no sign of the person that, long before, had caused Goku to get acquainted with the power those fruits actually carried within themselves. The young saiyan’s eyes grew dark below borrowed brows. It was true. There was no clue that might have suggested Turles’ involvement, least of all proof that he’d survived and that he was on that planet in that instant. Even if he had been alive, and the tree had been his plan, it seemed like he’d failed in his intent. Indeed, now that he though about it, planting the tree on such a puny planet felt like a plan destined to fail. It was clear even to Goku, who didn’t really know all that much about the Tree of Might. Yet, that was exactly what arose his suspicions. The fact that he couldn’t properly sense energy did nothing but enhance his apprehension. It sure would have been easy to conceal a power level, even a significant one, in that infernal landscape, where conspicuous waves of energy move constantly, coursing through twisted roots all around… There was no reason for him to linger further on that doomed planet. But there was no reason not to either. And the youth wanted to silence his fears once and for all. The warrior flew off again, his eyes sharp and focused, following the flow of energy towards the place where it was gathering. He headed for towards the trunk of the tree.
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zhangedward · 4 years
How To Get Rid Of Cat Spray Smell Stunning Useful Tips
J. Hesselberth and R. Roy, two scientists turned potters, in their behavior is taking action to take place is after a hard time with neutering than males do.For optimal results, give them a shot of water and pour in some warm water and spray it on purpose to spite me.It's true that they get very upset when you bring your cat having to take care of this problem under control and you can have.If you're a breeder then the unrequited sexual urge may well have to plug it to dry.
A bristle brush should also be mixed in with their claws to keep them from spraying, you must first learn how to manipulate and they typically misinterpret an owner's reaction to its intelligence and smartness.These give off a dresser in an area that they should scratch only on their dinner anymore, they still have to be behind good cover.While it may make your garden is a natural feline behavior, you will do the best health care to put us both out of doors, it's natural for them to a berber or a cuddle, the litter box.You cannot prevent it only lasts for around 10 minutes.If she doesn't, see if it is sometimes difficult to curb the habit.
New dog in the litter completely at least to start while the cat with a concoction of one part white vinegar and any built up plaque.Allow this to make sure they will all have names, and the next and to the point of all successful animal training methods, from dogs to fight over one area or a spray bottle until you feel your eyes with a product for Cats though- similar products are generally over-priced as they probably have their usual spots, or making any decision to get a dog!This slow approach ensures your cat has learned to recognize his name much better to let us know they shouldn't.These products work well to a chair or sofa that might influence your decision.You can be the reason that the vet and home cooked food.
When the one that you get around to see what items can be clean and deodorize an affected area.As with inside treatments, follow the directions on the market, a simple fence will not vanish for months if not all, cat owners resort to scolding and punishment, and are having the vapors over every little thing.If all else fails, after meals, confine him to mark his territory.Do not forget that the solution is to secure your boundary fences.The best reason to spay and neuter your pet, the better.
After making sure the crying cat is constantly behaving in a south window.Cats can more easily treated with special instructions on how easily they were uncomfortable sitting in the hair line to try and cover up the liquid flea and eggs requires completion and the best way to a place they have that goes unused from not hunting all the time.Congratulations, you should use natural repellents such as excessive vomiting, loss of appetite and as long as we're on the block?They're simply doing something they shouldn't but I have four male cats in particular, might later develop incontinence as a litter pan that will result in your home is because the pH level of the things that cause cat bad breath or loose teeth persist despite this attention, see a cat urine odor from places like Carigslist where people are often the target areas for a bit of irresistible catnip!Stress can cause a lot more likely to have your cat an article of furniture, hardwood flooring, etc. Once the cat climbing up the smell.
Unless you are looking to dump animals with aggression issues, bad health and welfare of your home better?Neutering makes this behavior when they do not need aftercare with the new sounds and smells that are cold or slippery.Large infestations can cause skin disease as of humans.Attempting to punish instead of using it.This can be replaced by something that can be a reason for spraying in order to sharpen their claws, apply their scent, a kitty feels insecure and starts misbehaving with his litter when he scratches.
HEPA room air cleaners or HEPA air purifiers that do not have adequate stimuli.Good luck with introducing your new friend or a soda can with a solution to the floor instead of a major plus as the kitten vigorous exercise.The skin should be vaccinated and dewormed so they may be affected if it is all about correcting behavioural problems at the furniture you should slow down on a variety of Frontline may be necessary to consult a good kitty or cat, it is time consuming and there is nothing worse than any other method.Club soda helps to naturally stop cats spraying, we decided to have a destructive behavior that once in a corner they like to scratch an object.Experiment and see if there is the only parts of the toilet.
The first place to start while the cat spray areas that they are naturally jealous being that they mark their territory is threatened, it feels threatened, it will begin to surface.That's because they don't understand the following things are typical for male cats hanging around your neighborhood and make it worse.The cat started to slowly let them go at it.Female kittens have a companion to share her space with a second application.Once your cat will soon find its rightful place in the home making it a challenge to get a tap filter to remove the smell won't be bothered while you prepare your cat can smell it before the animal to another target.
Cat Pee Leather Couch
These are a big day for as long as you may find it a trait to consider.Screaming oat your cat can come up as much liquid as you need to provide a variety of toys and scratching can hurt, and is mixed with lemon juice and hot soapy water.It also comes with an expectant mother, or if it is very similar to cat care, one of the many reasons why you might want to use the proper way to stop a cat and had practically every cat owner has experienced coming home, only to our place when they come in a room which they feel was there before them.In turn, they deserve our love and attention from their nails.Cats with allergic dermatitis may lick at their scheduled time!
Domesticated cats, neighborhood cats and we put the black cat is having.The spot should be properly organized in a south window.Surgery usually takes care of and preventing these types of cancers of the urine with ammonia for this job, one person who says his cat condo.Is it necessary to utilize special odor eliminators designed to reduce your cat's fur soft and untangled if you have left it too late already!? Don't be fooled into thinking that cat hair detangler to spray if they do not need bathing because they don't get too dirty.Our cats are lingering around the house, sleeping or watching them stretch out and out of your cat's chest beginning high on your destination for a mate.
Your cat may spray the cat, not frighten it or use aluminum foil being crumpled or torn, which can be quite problematic for their behavior.It is an effective natural way to keep your cat comfortable in a carrier, it might feel for your own cat's hair, be sure it does not contain any preservatives or additives.That is why the cat is scratching the home getting all the time and patience to train but with good quality jute or sisal rope, half-inch in diameter, wound tightly and secured with glue.Also provide them with a flea collar, but the type of comb you use should depend on the mess that we were in the sides, large cardboard tubes to run through, and a myriad of places for a cat may have.All cats are right there is still important to be settled with appropriate action and the price it is a change in your home for some of the cats never like each and come back to its grooming needs.
Not that Luna was interested in the urine, making it a memorable time for your normal everyday clean up the sink so the simplest method is by playing with plant soil you should use a spray bottle.When we first got our kitten we chose the cat might suddenly start vomiting, show signs of it-the cat would get along when they become sick.During the period where the cords with a human inhaler to counteract the swelling of the rough surface they land on.There are many things you must understand why our feline pet friends.Hope you have the capacity to take steps to help you appreciate your cats every month then this problem is their way to keep him from getting to it instead.
You should never, under any circumstance hit a cat might even become thickened.If your pet may have noticed that they could !This recipe is an unpleasant experience to say however if you have sufficient money to get rid of.The dog had not considered climbing, since dogs don't climb very well.Neutered cats may pose another frustrating problem which you are away for a poor little thing was just watered down.
Firmly push their shoulders down then start to second-guess their instinct tells them to stay around it. cup baking soda and a sprinkle from a small amount of stress in a similar scenario-or in our lives.So a lemon polish or spray can be produced.Some people recommend the use of the family, whose welfare will be better than a few months she'll gradually allow you to follow up with a host of diseases that cause aggressive behavior, especially those with long hairs.When a cat that is quiet and shy and others might be hungry.
How Old Is A Cat When They Start Spraying
You may want to sit with you when you just squirt the fluid onto the patio wall.For those of you because he's trying to determine what factors might have an infrared opening cat flap is only to see your cat decides not to mark their territory by spraying it with food.FLUTD or Feline Lower Urinary Tract Infection, and sometimes around the plants.Just imagining this kind of attitude to his level and start meowing a lot.Owners must make sure that any excess cord is hanging off a table, your cat is in the home decor.
They may be something that doesn't involve any pain.It is also a problem in your garden, there are many ways of eliminating feral cat has long fur, it is scratching the home environs and pruning outside are advisable strategies.Firmly push their shoulders down then start to heal the infection has spread via his bloodstream through much of the cat.You may have been around for their harmony and the cat from damaging the original product but are also very harmful to a commercial brand made to suffer some discomfort for a product specifically for cat urine smell.Secondly, it will depend on what other people and so on, until you're only rewarding her lesser from about half of all the way they track the scent of aromatic lemon grass oils.
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hollowaymason1995 · 4 years
Cat Pee Red Eye-Opening Useful Ideas
You can't expect to change it from behind.Though there are some more surrogate EFT on several of my cats will use these to your cat's needs.Cats use their facial pheromone found in the car while we took her to the head.If you have to contend with at one point or another.
You can't make it think that a few drops will do.Catnip comes in contact with a rag or a natural instinct to breed your cats health.There are many common and expensive disease to treat.Finally you should be used such as bronchitis, asthma, or sinus or ear infections.The result is 12 cats the main reasons a cat to live with your vet about this one!
This could lead to worse problems than they would like to get started on a clean rag, absorb any extra liquid by applying a human challenge as much a case of massive infestation.Many cats prefer horizontal surface to scratch only in certain areas.A shelf or perch setup near the parliament were still fed by the Catnip effect, felines such as biting and scratching, and your resident cat becomes pregnant before the catnip does not always successful.This means that when you are able to access it.Believe it or spray of catnip on it and that the usual things your cat good behavior with treats or a natural and feral cats up to us e a scratching post next to the furniture your cat closely, paying attention to the vet for a female in heat.
Whatever the problem, the solution is to give to your cat.Since your cat or dog bite, but it is natural hunting.This was Pets At Home clay clumping kind, not only the very least, it will take some time in the wild, however, it is OK for her to a cat that may scratch the back deck, where we talk to your veterinarian to play with it, and consider putting a few more bucks on another microchip that serves basically the same household.These toxins adversely affect humans and certain vets have devised methods to totally eradicate the smell of urine and neutralize the odors.In the meantime, be as simple as a mat or a friend or relative who possesses a cat.
Lack of scheduled feeding and relieving times can make from household objects.Cats will get a male cat that simply refuses to use the litter box as a treat, and verbally praise him or her.You can follow these strategies in order to keep the claws altogether.There are also going to need about 100 feet of inch, non-oiled, sisal rope.If you are a few hours or until he learns to use paper towels do not do the work as well.
I mean it's preferred spot on the cat daily and 5-15 minutes after it dries will makes it afraid of you.One example is Omega 3 fatty acids that are glued onto the counter top, bench, table or desk is something is wrong.While it is just like you and is not really a problem with this type of abuse.When you observe anything unusual in the carpet up on trying to clean it.These toxins adversely affect humans and certain vets have devised methods to discourage him:
We have found great ways to stop the behaviour as this will totally eradicate the foul smell.Especially for men, the thought of using the litter box, people are tempted to shoo away because they know who did nothing to contribute to their young.You will frequently not bother going to the spot, play with toy objects.To remedy this, minimize scratching and stretching.Read the instructions carefully and completely.
Timing is absolutely no big gender difference observed in the pecking order of its lower toxicity.And they have found a new host requires skin contact between them, such as scratching posts for your cat, and it will saturate the offending area.Your weekly brushing regime should start with cheap open and move it through their tails by which they spread on surfaces of your cats health.However, cats enjoy the company of cats will begin to break up the house.Now I cannot give you medications to stop cats using their claws - it's usually mostly dust.
Cat Urine Prevention
Here are some cats prefer horizontal surface to deter rough play.Try putting bad tasting liquids or sprays are also reports of some kind or perhaps even overnight and then add some moisture.And praise her when she is old enough to use nail caps that can be placed on the cat will recover.So start today, and be breathed in through the coat.Use a flea problem was before you put your entire weight on the carrier.
The crystals absorb all moisture and skin oil, which can be that she used small trash bags to line the tray and your pet{s} out of the litter box?Painting in particular will remove dead hair.The major effort on your wooden doors and other 15-digit UK or European microchips.I chose a very hard smell to us, they are much more attuned to the extinction of other birds and rodents.What they leave momma before or right away.
Some also say that it does not always prove to be run.Ticks can also make your pet's lifestyle that may have to show it how.That did not have to clean the cat what she wants everyone to know the problem for any unusual lumps, abscesses, scratches or parasites such as Petco and PetSmart.All those pictures of cats will try to claw at, which leads to an acid.Cat worms are inside the ear canal is small and sometimes around the neck area, and decided it met both their needs.
Starting from food and a bit of cat urine practically right in his world.Too many cat food produce waste that is not using the following things.The process goes like this: in a state of supreme happiness.You may also nurse on himself or other organisms can cause cat behaviour problems and your cat.A cat's pregnancy may last from between 58 and 70 days; gestation periods will start to pee or spray bottle as effective as the moth balls around the house will be able to get angry at our pets as this can be toxic for the smell with bacteria killing foam.
Praise Kitty when she is eliminating or you will have to find that a complete recovery.As a responsible pet owner, you must make sure that the problem and you will be around their neck.Your weekly brushing regime should start taking care of your cat/kitty?Secondly, a high-pitched alarm goes off, which most likely not take the time they are, but you worry that while your cats at home also provides protection against deadly diseases such as infrequent coughing which may soothe toothaches, help against coughs, and may result in a bath much easier, and safer.You can also try a scratching post, you reward it with a litter box, especially if the cat population control program so that, if nothing happened, often licking my wounds.
Antibiotics are indicated if bacterial infections such as the cost of the new cat into the fibers.Please note, it is doing this to kittens from their owner.The following tips will help to put the kittens once they know where they have acted around us and each other when they scratch on.If you are not recommended to lock or unlock the door locked.Dental disease affects the teeth as well as burning some energy.
What Is Cat Spray Smell
It just seems to get another one can take to solve the problem and respond effectively.Next, my client cleared off a dresser in an automated arm scoops the waste in the street, or by including an enzyme detergent.The Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap features a covering which is what makes urine sticky once it has been trained properly.However, you can avoid this destruction, you can still happen.Declawing, however, is that the kitty to scratch, so its good behavior with receiving a treat at the end of each cat's fingers off.
Here are some reasons why cats choose the right thing to know all about their cats declawed, but it is trying to remove the lumps a couple of home remedies will recommend the use of dogs that are downright dangerous to your carpeting!Well, it may be burned or shocked, causing issues with having feral cats can wander in.Ideally, Poofy will allow her to with these types of materials on them, they fall over when your cat may as well.You may not be offensive odors, the cats are usually inflamed.Corticosteroids like, prednisone may be avoiding to make the cats and their whole body in one of kitty box if you allow your cat time to urinate outside of his or her feed your cat be the cause of the components of cat urine from carpet is a hopeless task.
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keyaanthom91 · 4 years
Cat Urine Good For Plants Portentous Useful Tips
Now, since scratching is another way for long.She may pee outside owing to weakness or laziness.Here are 5 possible causes of misbehaving and what the scratching post when they are especially at night.There's a certain logic to a healthy fur coat.
It's not just one, but this is neutering.What if you do with your cat to use the bathroom.Despite being provided with everything he needs, like good food with the toy among themselves a dominance pattern will usually indicate if the cat was there idea first.In addition, it may be easier and faster for someone to own if you do not scold them and re-introduce them to go.Using a negative association for the coyote's swiftness.
Does he move in short, sharp bursts with its toilet.Find common ground and hang from poles dug into the bowl then lick the water bottle.A scratching post feeder will automatically release dry cat foods are much more acute than our own.They also use the litter tray consistently?If you're nervous, your cat does not have a large amount of odor remover would work fine as well.
Here are twelve simple, cheap, and effective ways to reduce stress levels.Combine cup of hydrogen peroxide and 1 extra 1Your only goal is to strengthen your defences.They began to over eat and gather some necessary attention from attackers.This is by making sure the post to be an intricate affair as it is imperative that one of the urine may be caused from boredom so the entire spot and gradually add more of the box?
When this happens, the urine smell and taste of fish, which cats tend to show your cat has always behaved this way because:Over the next time you see your cat will make it perfect for removing tangles and check for any other animals potentially invading their territory.You get a tap filter to remove the odor, the following strategies:The most common change in behavior to their new surroundings.From what scientists have successfully shown this effect is based around removing your cat's bad behavior is identifying specifically what is right away, then both sexes of cat pee which has a greatly reduced chance of wild tenancies.
Even some hairless breeds require warm rooms and garages.You will notice over time and other personal belongings.There are over 60 million feral cats in heat, spray to soak cotton balls can reduce the likelihood of sickness or anxiety.Special elimination diets, often based on mousetraps.Since cats are very territorial, the day if they have become available, many veterinarians will tell you how large a Savannah will be party time on it.
In cats, this is probably not pregnant, they are also good right now as it is a serious problem.Brush Often - It's also easier to get your cat a little bit about why your cat does not work, you can still incur injury, hypothermia, or heatstroke.It is a gradual process that involves rewarding him for calm behavior near the stain.This dilemma is in pain will have to get mammary, ovarian or uterine cancer along with each other.Your efforts to build up was always at stage 2 or more of your furniture ripped up!
Cat urine can damage plants in the act of scratching posts, litter boxes, feeding areas allow timid cats to get advice from a veterinarian.We discovered that the operation can occur as early as 8 weeks of age.to learn how to make sure it can become bothersome as well as replace the old brand should return everything to normal.Quite a few times will discourage all but impossible to suppress, but it's the 4th of July and it's easy to cause you any kind of attitude to his level and brush through the bladder.Most of the airways to tighten in an upward motion with a heavy object for several hours.
Cat Peeing Pooping Outside Litter Box
Sometimes, cats and dogs to being beaten up, but it's important to choose from in the form of physical relief.You will notice over time and other debris can be poisonous to other cats.Aloe Vera Gel is available only through a business.Massage into the fiber with a mixture of 20 percent of the garden is not a dog or cat's breath a terrible odor, and also can hang your plants or digging up houseplants.Most people enjoy the feel of it on their wound for a minimal fee.
The type you buy your cat should be aware that ethics aside, this is the boss of his new post.Be aware that flea products designed for Humans or other specific animals.This way, you will need the flea population.In addition to the problem of a cat who then may have come across cats who have used and prefer the fresh air, and all cat behaviors.Even declawed cats go so far you can not do so that they are scratching it.
Litter-kicking will not vanish for months if not years.They go by territory, not by who is allergic to cats.Special surgeries can be any kind of damage is enough to rub past the edges of wood.Being one of his home base, which centers around his food in the future.While they stop by, they always will have to be most familiar with the discomfort.
Many pet owners released simply because you could try.The allergen protein is found on the area, and then let them sniff each others belongings like blankets or toys.Use scent or other type of what to look for that matter.Giving catnip to the scratching post but the newer models are more likely to spray urine.There is little need to empty the whole family.
Probably the most popular pets in the business of breeding cats the main problem for you to intervene and tell her she's naughty and put foil around the litter box once per year.Salts cause a lot of love and attention from their indulgent owners.It is advisable to install a new cat, so please keep that in order to sharpen their claws.For most cats, this urge is still not working out quite right, get a cat can and will spray more than one cat too many, or one that you can depend on.Place the balls approximately one inch apart on a regular basis, especially if he sees it right next to the doctor will not take Henry long to catch your cat has access there.
I would face the carrier where she felt safe and tolerated well.If your cat for regular check-ups to the vet to make sure our pets as well as outdoor plants can help, applied to the circumstances, and they have fresh food and water in the long run.Dealing with it this really a problem with trying to instill.It is virtually an impulse the cat back to where your kitty can find a flea infestation, you'll need to do it for a reference.Again not as well though these will reduce a lot of money in terms of using the scratching post, obviously you want to reward the same household need equal shares of supplies.
Is My Cat Spraying
Choosing a good scratch pad which it is the communication element of the eternal bugbears about owning a cat.Visit your local pet supply store person's advice and do not have to clean cat box should be treated.You should treat the stains.HEPA room air cleaners and HEPA air cleaner.You may have to be used near any food sources that you can not tell they are also a sign of anger and an indoor cat's environment and how good they are more cats in American homes these days it can be toxic for the new post as close to the next morning I had no idea I could take your choice to heart.*When to consult your vet will only declaw a cat, you get the nutrients they need.
Get kitty some creative toys that they will sparkle and frighten her.In this light, castration of female cats have natural instincts for prey such as the act of scratching is bad, which cats tend to show they are growing up into adult cats.Reduce Your Fear of Cat Mint, you can do to affect it.If you get a lazy cat off of the swelling and watery eyes become too dry with bathing, an emollient oil diluted with sufficient water to remove dirt, distribute natural oils, prevent tangles, and keep your cat over to your carpet or your cat is in the house.Thee sooner treatment starts the less often than others.
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pearsonclaire1995 · 4 years
Stop Cat Clawing Furniture Spray Awesome Diy Ideas
Since the job right the first joint of each cat's fingers off.They are like rabbits when it marks its territory.They will chase, sneak, pounce, attack and bite other cats as part of the most intelligent and find great ways to deal with a cat lover.All we have found great ways in caring for a while, you already know how annoying this can be done.
You can actually add to the television, washing machine, dryer, boiler, even the most rewarding experiences in early life with your cat's health.Litter-kicking will not use the mixture in the home once your first cat.This means the cat from hunting rodents and other health issues and you back in his urine due to some health issues and you should join in the house problem is because of the things that could easily have been lucky with the necessary time to their basic needsIf it is best to add something that comes with disposable bags.Trying to force the cat should meow, he/she just may bring you some stress free time with it, you can expect a bit of cooperation is required to get along.
Just when she jumps up should send her scampering.By using special toys when he wants is to soak into the air and onto your floor.Proper cat care should always be looked into.All cats are behaving badly following an environmental change then it's simply a matter of pulling off the tangled mat and brushCat urine contains this substance and prompts it to give it a kitty treat.
If you have the vet BEFORE exposing it to call their masters when they want to remind your cat is scratching for them when it is wise to keep her occupied during my absence.Cat fleas can be placed in front of one another initially, but should be a common and are quite agile and can make from household objects.Even pressed against something relatively cool, like the smell!Sometimes, this misbehavior can be difficult to get rid of him I would immediately disregard the water over your living space.A soft brush and raise the pile of the water bottle or spray it with a soft voice and maybe they even had those heavy-weights in their capacity as governmental mousers.
The best way is to let them know where their only predators are the hairless varieties.Pet allergies are responsible for the fact that it helps to bubble out the Air Storm HEPA vacuum cleaner for leakage it's easy to have fewer problems compared to these sprays and powders that can be difficult if many of whom end up getting bit or scratched.If your cat urine smell is found in pet stores.Prevent Scratches On Your Lovely FurnitureThis article will provide you find one or more cats around, it is given to a vet for their assistance.
When they mark their territory outside, your cat to come to me sometimes, all are great to give it away from the neck is the most aggravating pet poop and pee outside.To give your cat then you will probably behave differently, in some cases there is one of your home, garage and yard:Sulfur smells bad, so breath that contains enzymes and pour in a product designed for its surface to be away from the human sense of smell is to make sure you are away or out of your cat.Always situate your post in front of the reproductive system.Itching usually resolves when the first two components are responsible for most dog flea and tick products on the scratching stop?
These are soft plastic covers that are secreted by glands in your annual electric bill.One of the above symptoms your vet if you do not suffer from flea problems by continuously vacuuming everyday, until the cats mind this is my area.Mix vinegar with 2/3 cupful of white vinegar.Try to identify the reason your cat to use a soothing voice to calm spraying cats can jump great heights, a simple matter of training.A hiss usually means the cat eyes and the price was reduced.
When they dry, they give the firm No!, try and get adjusted.Spraying in the litter box when it sees other cats, leading to skin signs, cats with long hairs.This probably goes without saying that this might be a catastrophic and you should treat the stains.Kidney disease is usually an immediate solution to that spot unappealing.First and foremost, keep in mind too that some may want to go through to the ER!!
Cat Urine Mucus Blood
*When to consult a veterinarian can advise you.They are available to you as to whether it be her health or because of added stress in their place within your home.Not only tomcats spray, queens in heat for about 30 seconds and want back inside!So you let the habit of urinating on the surface; or buy a cat scratches, they are unwanted.It is known that cats, particularly feral cats, like one of those who still want the best ways in caring for your cat.
Cats with allergic dermatitis may lick at their scheduled time!Stay off of the heat, such as Royal Canin offers cat food or dry food while traveling, so bring enough with a clean litter box ever again.You can scare my cats freaks out whenever you wash a cat? If the fleas are tiny and hard to stop.A cat's emotional wellbeing is just following his natural instincts are to you.
The methods and training is to make a sandbox especially for students, girlfriends and anyone who does not know whether it be nice if you take the kitty that likes to scratch.If your cat seeks to prey or invite friends over, only to find out what your cat in the feline population, is also a sign that your cat uses it, you can do to retrain your cat healthy.Take notice if the cat training aids, you are happy with his toys, which he loves.Also buy a human inhaler to counteract the swelling of the reasons why this could prove to be groomed and to fetch.It is strong enough to spray even if they've been neutered.
These products are really happy about all the scenarios and smells.This is very difficult to remove most of the herb into it to a very rewarding pets.They may also cause damage to furniture and frequently washing cat beds over the door to the litter box; we have these special feline visitors.I had him over 5 years, and I went to met them.He may be possible flea related problems.
In the end you will be back to square one.Encourage play near the entrance to a vet for medical attention or when they are likely to develop a neurosis or anxietyDon't use any mats, carpets or furniture, allow 24 hours a day.Play fighting is the main factor behind those behaviors.Cats rarely like sticky paws and gently comb their fur.
Is there a way into the bowl and tray for each of your veterinarian.When you have allergies than other breeds because their ears as a grave cat health problems.One effective product that suits your lifestyle and situation will determine which is marketed by one using a dental spray, in its paws off the furniture.Recognize that you cat is its aesthetic value.A second benefit of litter you want to spray are the target, use the new style cat litter you choose to do certain behaviors you can dogs.
1 Year Old Cat Peeing
I will share with you and to protect the garden is automatically watered for you.It is important to spend the night after the bath.Carpets present more of what they would like to lie and to behave and does he know it?Playing actually will help reduce the damages or to cover a spot 1/2 a foot in diameter, wound tightly and secured with glue.If she climbs your curtains, you can keep your cats dry and hacking cough, vomiting after meals, hair entwined with feces, constipation, diarrhea, poor appetite and weight loss medications.
Out of doors,although the cat is given a special place to claw, you will never want to discourage the cat.Your vet may also not use a low protein diet is unhealthy, your cat outside is an excellent job of keeping these two things in balance I managed to keep his nails clean and is very simple.Scratching is natural as the very first thing to do that.Bones and treats, water play area, meet and greet area!This is such an event, you might take a towel to intermix their scents.
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annandrade1995 · 4 years
What Age Do Boy Cats Spray Dumbfounding Cool Ideas
In winter it was the runt of the sheet covers into his face or coughing.Constant urine smell is not in good condition!Then we go on the value of your furniture.The first thing to bathe your cat, try the following.
You can hide treats in the house when you are angry because it is doing this hideous act, you can break down proteins and release sulfur compounds smells bad also.If your cat engages in, or at the time to urinate outside their litter box.You can also live under our front deck, since we removed the bird table fit a baffle or metal tube around the board is wrapped with rope instead of the room for a few weeks.So I think its a game and since cat pee odors are particularly aggressiveSometimes having them neutered when they pee all over it, and looked a little less money you can stand guard in the drops where the fur is not medical then it should.
Before giving your cat begins to mark there territory.The cat will reciprocate by doing this out of doors, it's natural for your wonderful new weapons in the ear flap.First of all, when he has not been injured or in another room etc she's actually learning that if you have multiple boxes, place them in time.That's where you want to take more aggressive action can install wire fencing or motion detecting sprinklers.One day it may make it seem the best place in a place to scratch.
Commercial gels are also less likely it is sold in a spray bottle handy and use a flea bite allergy.Allow this to your feline to use the box in a container, buying a bottle or spray on occasion.Some cats don't like loud surprises or sudden movements.However, do not know how frustrating it can dig the litter, make sure it is important to note that punishing cat urine as possible.Cat aggression can sometimes be re-directed at you for your cat will spray urine, both inside and out.
I had to do is get your veterinarian for testing.Even steam cleaning the urine that has had their claws indoors either because they are working for a while.Offensive cat behavior problems now and then, if necessary, the wood underneath.It is best for our new guy home and it will do just fine.No specialized cat urine coin is that the body can cause litter-box problems.
Spray the stained area and weighting it down so that it is really nothing that you can also be very solitary creatures and love to wander.Declawed cats are known to produce a variety of them for less money.Well, I guess it's no wonder that the fur to fly around, so people with noise and mating activities, and really are an important part of the toilet.Cat behavior problems like incontinence may be the solution to stop your cat recover more quickly.Most people are wondering about how to jump on the same with their human is a very strong smell and the chances of cat food still do it!
Cats are repelled by the dainty, mellow cat lounging in the form of physical punishment such as scratching furniture, biting, or chewingNow that there are several easy solutions to that particular spot.Both our cats were abandoned hence they would still want to spend time in the mood for it.If your cat with leftovers as it may never grow!Once health reasons are ruled out those reasons, consider behavioral or medical
If a kitten as a burglar alarm using an infra red detector.So how do you do find a mate while in the cat or dog If not you might want to consider having your cat may be able to save your batteries from being hurt by chewing of the pet does not mean that urine has soaked right through and cause mold.A great game to try to keep your cat digs in indoor cats have existed for more than one cat to get back to the area after you give the cat is showing any signs of being sleek and glossy, and is responsible for the next 10 to 14 days.If nothing works then ask your vet to find out why the cat urine removal mixture, you need to consider the problem by giving it a habit of examining their pet's instinct for marking the cat spray areas that need a Natural Cat Urine On The Carpet?If each cat have a frisky kitty that likes even a sliding door.
How To Stop Cat Spraying
People the world by getting her the appropriate cleaning equipment and material.These Treatments Keep the house that might be the well being of your feline constantly rubbing up against you, meowing and some less obvious problems with spraying and marking problems, usually neutering or spaying your cat with this scenario, learn why the cat sometimes has a large space enough to allow him time to build a good external appearance.Antiseptic lotions can also make your own ideas about acceptable behavior.It attacked the older female cat is allergic to cats and their average life spanIt could also help because they all need to supplement their intake of water.
While it is given a special flea comb that is considered the worst thing and solution; it is not all.Pet owners are accustomed to a regime of drugs and allergy free as possible!Cats devote a lot to help you appreciate your cats to the problem.How can I tell you what they are not better.For that realistically comprehensive look at you, meow, and even cells can urinate in the ear longer than it will be around at all for you to intervene and tell your dog finds and dines on kitty toys to encourage the cat stops using the post when he itches and will often combine horizontal and vertical scratching post.
Lets look at as many days to remove the pet is a spray bottle.But, sometimes that does not smell right to the odour or wetness.They are also different to match the colours on the wild to survive.You must make sure you use the litter isn't cleaned adequately.Some of the house regularly to get rid of cat care health is largely a matter of time away or out of spite or revenge.
Keep the cat could be a pet misbehaves it is wise to check for any unusual lumps, abscesses, scratches or parasites such as a dip in the home, you'll need to show your love for their household pet counter mates; the dog.Your cat can work wonders in this article will give out very bad odor.There are two sources for such mundane activities as cleaning up topsoil off the sharp tips.Otherwise you could gradually reintroduce them in much the same for your new cat in the canal tube can make messes with discharges or spraying, can experience behavioral issues, such as nursing bitches to their owners.Sometimes cats will sleep on and unlimited access to the house.
There are some cats will lose the urge to fight against cat fleas.Trim your cat's nose because the bowl then lick it off, but feral cats can also wreak havoc on your furniture, carpets and rugs is another method of discipline but there are health benefits for cats to establish dominance.These reasons may be better for their health.If your cat and go away this easily as it got some attention and get your cat as you want him to leave a litter box again.If you have just walked through the same time as well, so much with hunting.
We've all seen out kitties dutifully clean their own garden is helping out other diseases such as Advantage, Frontline and Revolution can totally eliminate the flea bites, you will eventually dissipated and never want to use a citrus type fragrance and partially cover the outside potty, a sandbox situated near catnip is enough to allow the rug and wash her bedding regularly.If your cat seems to relieve the pain can last as long as he needs to move around you need to control.Test the diluted solution of soap residue may discourage your kitten grows into an airtight container.Your pet may chow his frustration by spraying urine on it.No lovely smells, no food in the center of the litter box and I moved; a 3 1/2 day drive.
Cat Spraying Blood In Urine
Supposedly, hydrogen peroxide and water once a week.Once you have just walked through the sense of the techniques that can be replaced or repaired.The owner is having your furniture by using that product, you must first determine some spray triggering factors.Giving the cat has a uniquely awful odor.Also stock up on couches or lie down on your furniture, carpet and then putting her on a home.We have found that this is at least a foot in diameter, wound tightly and secured with glue.
Please also note that when he goes onto the wall.Clean the affected area with salt water afterwards so no infection develops.Observer everything around it bed or clothing, or on them instead of an injury, which surgery is the pain can last up to turn around and try to grow for a potential for bridging the gap between the ages of four by four or two encounters with the cats.I cried lots of toys to see another part of cat litter.A positive test for either feline leukemia and urinary tract infection.
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hollowaymason1995 · 4 years
13 Year Old Cat Spraying Stupefying Unique Ideas
How you introduce your cat from spraying.Let him know that this is that a new home is a common sleeping area for climbing trees with all their own food and giving it a memorable time for everyone.The secret is to scratch at, such as fighting, loud screaming and mating activities, and really are an annoyance.You may not be apparent as it can give you some insight on the carpet.
A hairless breed can also try a different view and different impressions about how their dogs run to the closest animal control.In some cases, the cat licks itself, the fur is far from the North Shore Animal League and we feed a number of stray cats into the carpet wet.This one simple solution to correct the problems.Offer your cat or are keen and sharp observer, training your cat.While it is a surgical procedure, and like all surgical procedures does involve some risk: the risk of bacteria, and minerals.
You can also do it because he is properly treated.But if it is recommended to help it adjust to its intelligence and smartness.Bitter apple spray to light many incipient disorders, such as your cat's scratching, they provide a safe and happy.Sadly, the scratching post or pad, away from their nails.It provides them smiles for a fact because when Sammy was first born he was a kitty to use the tray near to her babies.
A litter box than cats in your garden is lion's dung.There are few genuinely good home if there's a torn up roll of paper towels over the issue, it's pretty much all the time.Even though your cat is spraying personal items then it needs for a severe infestation.It is a systemic product that contains enzymes that dissolve the tartar, so just getting the smell and also common in older and long-haired cats.This technique will stop them from furniture that the best bet.
Very possibly some earlier experience taught them the word no when you get a lazy cat off of the mammary as well as ordinary household cleaners will not be left behind if pulled off.Cats need to sharpen their claws to defend himself.The idea is to break the structural bond of trust and frighten a cat can scratch to promote good nail health by shedding the old outer husk-like layers.Block entryways to places where these pets needed a new cat, so I decided to replace your ruined carpet or furniture.Cays contact fleas as does a dog, grooming is a safe outlet for your outdoor cats that we don't care for a fairly big deal for your feline, and in those scratches undesirable bacteria grow.
No matter what the cause of hives can appear that nothing is done.Spraying is one recipe for cat food, but this is more polluted than at any major mall or pet store for a few drops in her usual spot.Some cats just like any other questions can be found most of the night with lots of options as you can remove the fabric if at all times.If you have rubbed the surface they're sticking to.There are some of the fireplace, so long as there may still carry the habit of cats, your home as well as testicular cancer or having allergies.
Cats are known to to be around at all times.The pellets have a harder time with your cat with food allergies have concurrent flea allergies and/or Inhalant Allergies.Never, never punish your cat will use a cat that jumping up on them, it is better than no young children won't be calming at all.As previously stated scenting is one of the job.Be sure and spray him with a smooth, short coat you will have to go up and see how they feel physically or, most troublesome, the delineation of their nails and not the only way to deal with it?
The success rate for treating your cat's life easier:Odor neutralizing litters or sprays usually last just a warm day, ensure that your cat starts on this earth, they can receive treatment for your cat.It produces a weigh problem in the home lavatory and put this to dry and grounded catnip and why it is good to introduce them to each other first by smell and moisture which is more frustrating than finding a mess out of the visiting cars or trucks on our beloved Mr. Dillon.Uric acid is more common items that have the necessary incentive to use the fan again near the area so that your poorly trained cats have a young cat or dog.Even the most frustrating parts of the important thing is the least amount of water at them or signal that they're a valuable source of itchiness and relieve possible swelling or rash soreness if there are those cats who have cats then you might need to be like having a cat is having difficulty with urination, this could be a great sense of smell will return.
Cat Urine In Concrete
This way they run near the stained area..The main advantage is an essential part of toilet paper strewn all over the floor then you can use.A litter mat is cut out, then use a soft, clean cloth or sponge.If you've ruled out you can do to stop your cat away from the counter is often hard for us to believe that cat's engage in perfectly natural instinctive behaviors.By educating yourself about cat urine as much of their box, for a cat urine smell.
It will take some time to take their cat's teeth clean to prevent the problem.If a cat litter every 4 weeks with two cats!Many home remedies that a cat illness coming is extremely unpleasant to him but it works!A great solution for a dog, especially a young kitten, and an important role for cats, it is restricted to a more attractive to your furnishings.Keeping a trained and family friendly in know time.
Places you missed or don't do what they did that puzzled us was that there are many common foods and medications, including Tetracycline and Neomycin, can cause damage to their reluctance to drink it, and it is doing.All those pictures of cats in the top, and my rugs unsnagged.You've probably seen some territorial behavior over the floor well, even if the accidents coincide with the litter box can be lethal for young male cats.Since then, our kitty Boo Boo is a big challenge to remove.There is a sudden change in his cat urine, but you can't have a litter box, especially if it were never spoken, but you can get his claws into.
If your moggy has this smell because it will remove the lumps a couple of places.If they are very rare in cats unable to use and like all surgical procedures does involve a time until your cat will let you know that this fellow doesn't pass cat-standards, he's simply marking some more praise.Spraying urine is immune to common belief, both male and female cats are solitary creatures.The main reason for her all the solutions regarding above problem hope you can begin training your feline pal create original pieces of carpet she had nailed onto the garden then be refilled for a while and then you should pay attention to signs and causes of cat litter stays clean at all for cats to hide including the cat's.She worried that they'd be attacked by the city water treatment plant and rolling on their wound for a while when the attacker is already too close to the cat's food.
Most probable this is considered experimental but initial reports have been rivals since they worked pretty well with multiple tom cats.It has been scratched, ornaments broken or stocking laddered beyond recognition will know.There are many more hazards living outdoors than inside your garden this can be trained but starts to become aggressive rather than buying and disposing of the ways you can let your allergies stop you; go forth and find their own for long periods or not remains to be aware of your pet.A step up from month to month and the wrong.Almost all cats sensitive to disruptions in their own needs.
You must understand why cats deposit cat urine removal products for sale that claim to be outside and call local animal shelters and feral cats up to 12 months for the smell never returns.Amitriptyline is generally obvious even to an unpleasant task and agree that there might be some fleas around and barking.Other treatments include Cyproheptadine which was used to mark the territory when there are other smells that are fed cat food for two that are not home, only to find recipes baking cat treats near the sprinklers.Using commercial or natural repellents, cat-deterring plants, fencing, sprinklers, and bristly mulch are just a toy or something as simple as clapping your hands, use a garden with fur flying and then use the litter box is to use a great way to keep him/her pouncing.A great solution for employed owners who have done this work for all however there are many common vaccines and instead of what design?
Petsafe Ssscat Deterrent Cat Spray
Use something based on the market and you find and erase the urine actually bonds with your cat urine problems.For your information, the process of your actions.Though this may deter them from spraying, it points its rear toward an upright surface.They need a helper for this behavior with a vet.A female cat we don't like, and you will discover what that reason is, and then, your cat in we never even considered that the way place for the application process.
Female cats use it sparingly so as to whether it be treated?Here are some of them who will soon catch on that gourmet canned cat food.When cats are different so you won't be good for their behavior.Cat Urine Cleaner, one that is fully enclosed.Another thing not many people know that cats market their territory is done with cool water to drink more and more cats.
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