#he's a kind of a bitch and slightly impulsive
difeisheng · 1 year
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fang duobing, everyone
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hazbinshusk · 2 months
okay so this one could be a shot in the dark…. but maybe blitz catches some sort of flu that isn’t awful, but it’s bad enough that he should stay home, and reader has to practically pull him away from the door so that he doesn’t go to work -🕰️
🕰️ anon back again with another sweet request. combined with a kiss prompt because they tickled my brain together.
prompt #40: an impulsive kiss.
“For fuck’s sake, Blitz, go back to bed.” you groan, getting up from where you were sitting cross-legged on the floor. The imp has clambered up off the couch, stumbling and swearing as the blankets you’d heaped on him tangled around his legs. He lands face down on the floor, cursing into the carpet. “Fucking… damn it, Blitz!”
You grab his arm and haul him to his feet, far gentler than your tone would have suggested. He shoves you off, only to fall into a fit of overly-dramatic sneezes. Rolling your eyes, you lead him back to the couch and force him back down onto it.
Loona had texted you early that morning to ask you to keep an eye on the imp – he was out with some kind of flu, and with work piling up at the office, she was needed to use the grimoire. You, on the other hand… Moxxie and Millie could handle it without you.
“’m fuckin’ find,” Blitzø gripes, shaking off your arm.
“Uh-huh,” you reply dryly, handing him the cold medicine you’d brought with you. “Clearly, if you’re pronouncing it ‘find’.”
He glares at you, refusing to accept the bottle. You roll your eyes again, setting the medication aside. “The fuck are you here for?”
“Because Loona asked me to be,” you say simply, sitting on the coffee table in front of him. “Now, will you get some rest? Please?”
Blitzø stares blankly at you for a few moments before he blinks and shakes his head. “I gotta go to work.”
Before you can react, he’s clambering over the back of the couch, and you sigh as his foot catches on his tail and he falls back onto the floor with a thump. How the same man you’ve seen effortlessly slaughter how many humans now could be so damn clumsy in his own home, you have no goddamn idea.
“You can’t go to work,” you argue, rounding the couch as he’s pulling his coat on over the t-shirt and boxers he slept in. “Blitz, you’re head is so stuffed full of crap right now that it just took you like, two full minutes to process the question I asked you. You can not be going on a job today.”
“Oh, puh-lease,” he says, his attempt at swagger ruined when he wipes his nose on his sleeve. He's still barefoot, and makes no move to find his boots before reaching for the door. “I can do this murder shit blindfolded and with my dick crammed down someone’s throat, I don’t need—”
He breaks into a coughing fit.
“Okay, your weird sexual fantasies aside—”
“Lemme go!” he tries to shake off your arm as you grab it, pulling him away from the door. “Christ on a fuckin’ stick, bitch, I’m not si—”
You sigh, grab him by the shoulder and a horn and shove him back against the door, your lips meeting his before you can talk yourself out of it. Blitzø’s hands are still raised in shock for a few moments before you feel them lower and he’s pressing himself against you and into the kiss.
Your face is burning when you pull away, but your heart flutters slightly despite yourself when you notice him lean forward slightly, eyes still closed, as though to chase your lips. He blinks a few times dizzily, confusion breaking through the foggy look in his eyes.
Then, he coughs once and grins, all fang and snide self-confidence. “Fuckin’ knew you wanted me.”
You try to ignore the butterflies in your stomach as you feel his tail against the side of your thigh, pointing at the couch. “Yeah, yeah. You want that to happen again, you go and fucking nap, mister.”
“Ooh, never took you for a mommy domme, tits.” he says teasingly, and you curse under your breath. He snickers, coughing again as he passes you obediently. At least the kiss had been a shock enough to him to temporarily distract him from work.
“Oh, for the love of fuck, Blitz, I’m not.”
“Ohhhhh, so you wanna be the good girl for me then, huh?” he drops onto the couch, and you follow him around. He sits with his legs spread, and he pats his lap invitingly. “I can handle that.”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes, instead bending over to bring yourself eye to eye with him. His gaze drops for a second down to your cleavage before returning to your face, and he leans in slightly for a kiss. You grab hold of one of his horns, stopping him in place. You were betting that he was so out of it that he wouldn’t even remember this conversation later, but still, you have to force yourself not to blush as you speak.
“Sure, you can, baby. But you wanna fuck around, I’m gonna need you to get better first.” you tell him, letting your eyes fall down over him suggestively before returning to his face. “Because before you get that dick of yours wet, I’m gonna need to find out what that tongue can do. And if you cough while you’re going down on me, I will kill you myself. Okay?”
Blitzø stares at you wide-eyed for a moment; long enough for you to wonder if any of what you just said actually made it through his flu-addled brain. Then he laughs, falling back against the couch. “Fuck, you’ve got a slutty mouth on you.”
“You have no idea,” you shoot back, tossing the medication into his lap. “Now, take a nap, damn it.”
“And then I get to fuck you?” he asks, then shrugs. He sneezes, his voice comes out gummy and thick with the flu. “Hell yeah.”
He unscrews the cough medicine and throws his head back, and you scramble to wrestle the bottle away from him before he can put himself into some kind of cough-syrup-induced coma.
“No! Fuck—Blitz, it doesn’t fucking work that—fuck!”
send me a prompt and either husk or blitzø
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danfrik · 9 months
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Did'ya miss me? Probably not, anyway.
I'm here with another drawing that I kind of procrastinated to finish until today-
It took me like five hours to finish what I already had started...
But whatever, welcome again to my impulsive (and kind of stupid) little brain, I'm going to talk about this and you will read everything.
⚠️Minor/Major Spoilers Ahead⚠️
First things first.
I want to make clear that, yes, Miles and Phoenix switched bodies just like Aziraphale and Crowley did.
Those marks on Phoenix's face? Let's just say that that one headcanon about holy water tears is a thing here (because I'm a sucker for angst).
I also want to point out some details about the switch thing because... well, I just want to talk about every little detail, let me cook.
• On Good Omens (the TV show, of course), Crowley (as Aziraphale) has an ice cream while Aziraphale (as Crowley) has a popsicle, but here I decided to be special and reverse that because, honestly, I see Phoenix being more of a popsicle guy, and Miles more of an ice cream type of man, don't ask me why.
(Also, I gave Miles a strawberry ice cream with sprinkles and Phoenix a grape popsicle, I'm sure you know why.)
(Because Miles likes pink and Phoenix likes "grape juice", that's why.)
• One of the things that I did to make the switch slightly more obvious is the frown, more specifically Miles' frown, the old "Edgeworth glare™️".
So, no matter how hard Miles is pretending to be Phoenix, we cannot take away his glare. On the other hand, Phoenix is really expressive (even behind those shades, yes), so he'll try to keep it either slightly neutral or keep that rest bitch expression (did I say that right?).
I mean... he is pretending to be Miles, y'know?
• Other thing that I did was change Phoenix's clothes while Miles is pretending to be him.
Gave him a waistcoat and his tie back because, of course, Miles thinks they suit Phoenix just fine (and he is absolutely right) and because he could never dress like a basic bitch, he is a classy bitch after all.
Oh, and I gave Phoenix a little handkerchief, like I said, Miles is a classy bitch... with questionable fashion sense *stares at his jabot*.
And, not gonna lie, Phoenix has no fashion sense, at all, the only reason he slays like he does in his usual outfit, is because he takes Miles' advice every now and then, but if it were for him he would wear crocs with socks (I mean, based, I do that too).
• Oh, I almost forgot about a tiny detail.
Miles also managed to brush Phoenix's little flick of hair, you know that one.
He likes to be presentable, no hair out of place.
• Phoenix didn't change anything of Miles, he is perfect as it is (jabot and all, I guess).
Now that I covered those little details, I can proceed to talk about other things >:)
Actually, is more of the same topic anyway.
The whole switching bodies trick, that is.
Aside from the details about costume and mannerisms, I want to talk about both sides.
How Phoenix will act in heaven and Miles in hell?
I picture it kind of like this:
For Miles side, pretending to be Phoenix is not as difficult as he would've thought, at least for the bantering and body language part.
Quite surprisingly, he does pretty great, the only difficult part might be the facial expressions, but he managed to not catch anyone's attention anyway.
Like in the TV show (Good Omens, I mean), Miles exaggerates little things about Phoenix, like being a bit more dork, maybe even a bit nonchalant or flamboyant, slightly dramatic but not too much.
Now for Phoenix, it is kind of difficult for him to not react at the petty coments and keep a neutral face but he manages, though his eyes speak for him, of course.
He keeps this solemn atitude, even spoke with the same flourishness that Miles tends to speak with, and bows before the Archangels.
Not that he wants to, but he knows that Miles does that out of respect for any higher being.
His body is mostly stiff, not daring to make any sound unless necessary, he only dared to glare when the hellfire came and when they insulted Miles.
Miles, much like Aziraphale, played with the holy water, splashing just enough so it won't reach anyone but also enough so no one would dare to get close to him.
Also joked around and asked for a rubber duck and a towel (and almost dared to ask for some scented candles).
"Y'know? It is quite relaxing being like this, it feels refreshing, a demon could get used to this."
With Phoenix is quite similar as to how Crowley messed a little with the Archangels, but he didn't stay silent.
He took a deep breathe once he was on the fire, did the "breathing fire" trick as well, and made a little joke, as if taunting them for not being able to destroy Miles nor him.
"I've been to hell recently, it was really lovely if you ask me, warm and cozy... you'd like it."
And so, both sides let them go and switch back again.
Leading to a small talk about both sides leaving them alone for a while, the not-apocalypse, the "antichrist" and all that.
Of course, finishing with that date- I mean, dinner at the Ritz, cheering for the world while a nightingale sings not so far away.
Oh, and I want to add a little thing too!
When they stand up from the bench, after switching again, I kind of want Phoenix to make a little joke about his own name, kind of like:
"I'm gonna be honest with you, angel, I really felt like I raised from the ashes back there."
"Must you be so foolish all the time?"
"Aw, c'mon, you think it's funny, I can see you holding back!"
"Nonsense, I would never consider funny that ridiculous and foolish joke of yours..."
[Spoilers: He did]
Anyway, I think that's all, at least for now.
Thanks again if you have read all the way down, if you didn't... well, that's understandable, but thank you anyways!
Hope you have a nice day, stranger!
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shawnxstyles · 2 years
addicted in the afterglow
DATE: OCTOBER 11, 2022
summary: you and harry despise one another, but have close mutual friends. at your friends’ party, the two of you get into an argument. when harry’s contradictions shock you, you consider if you’ve become addicted in the afterglow.
request: yes!
song: Afterglow- driver era!! (fucking love this song)
words: 4.6k
warnings: SMUT BITCHES (f- receiving [choking, rubbing, fingering, a little nipple play, mild edging] m- receiving [slight hair pulling, scratching] protected sex, dirty talk!!), language, loads of dialogue as always
note: part 2 is here!
frat/college!harry x college!reader
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There were a lot of things in the world that you liked. Loved, even. Some of those things being your family (most of them), your dog back at home, your school, and your friends. You were grateful for so many things and tried your best to appreciate them. Your friends would say you’re one of the most kind-hearted and modest people they’ve ever met. Your friends meaning Sabrina (Rina), Raquel, and Rina’s twin brother Sean. You were probably most appreciative of them and for encountering them in your life. However, when they decided to bring other people into your little circle, you second-guessed their decision.
At first, you felt slightly offended like maybe you weren’t a good enough friend to each of them. But that changed the second Sean brought one of his friends to one of your “Hang Out and Hangover”s. Hang Out and Hangovers are kind of in its name; you all hang out after a long week of lectures and drink at someone’s place. The next day usually results in headaches and strong coffee, so that’s why it has to be somewhat planned out. You’re not really the impulsive type, as your friends would say.
But when it comes to Harry, the newest addition to your used-to-be perfect circle, you become everything your friends say you aren’t.
Harry is… appealing. He has this chestnut hair that spring curls naturally but he covers them with a hat. An annoyingly sharp jawline that he’d probably cut you with if he got the chance. He’s every girls’ dream height at a solid 6’0. He has the persona of a stereotypical frat boy, yet he still gets any girl he wants (but you would never, ever admit that to him).
You could stand him from a distance. Well, you could have. Past tense.
The day you actually talked to him shocked you, even though it shouldn’t have. Why wouldn’t the semi-popular frat boy be a dick? Why wouldn’t he be so arrogant? Why wouldn’t he flat-tire the back of your shoe? Or make sure the elevator was closed before you got on it? Or switch the song on the aux just because it was your favorite song? Anyone else could do the same things, but for some reason when he did it, it felt personal and on-purpose.
He joked around constantly with Rina and Raquel, and yes, they would agree-to-disagree occasionally, but he never had full-blown arguments with them like he did with you.
On one Friday night when you all decided to get together, you didn’t know Harry would be coming. Your friends knew you didn’t “fancy” him or whatever they said, but tried their best to make you two civil. But he didn’t know you would be there, either.
Which makes no sense because it was at your house.
“Oh great, he’s here. When were you guys going to break the news? Attention, attention, the biggest dickhead on the planet just walked through my living room,” You dramatically pretended to act shocked and put your hand on your heart. He closed the door behind him and rolled his eyes.
“It’s always a pleasure to be with you, truly. And for the record, I didn’t know you would be here, either.”
“It’s my apartment!!”
“Ohhh, I thought it was Raquel’s place. Now the horrible interior design makes more sense,” He says so sarcastically and mockingly, you wished you could wax his tongue off. You step closer to him, slowly closing in on him.
“Please! I bet my place looks ten times better than yours! Oh wait, you don’t even have your own place,” You sass back, crossing your arms. You’re pretty sure he just moved in with Sean and Rina.
“Having roommates means cheaper expenses. And I get to hang out with my friends. Work smarter, not harder, babe,” Harry taunts and it drives you cynical. Your friends just stand there awkwardly while you shout at him and he acts nonchalant. You’re nearly chest to chest with pointed fingers when the ding of the doorbell shuts you both up.
“Here,” Raquel said, annoyed while chucking the bag of food in between us. “I got some food. Maybe you two will finally shut up.”
You hadn’t even noticed Raquel left to get take-out, but how would you with Harry practically spitting his minty gum in your face?
The rest of the night was quiet to everyone else, but between you and Harry, it was loud. You would give him a snarky look every time he happened to look at you and he would stick his tongue out mockingly. It was like children fighting on a playground with you two; immature and useless. Similar scenarios went on for months. But after a while, your friends just decided to leave themselves out of it.
The only reason why Harry is even in your mind right now is because Rina is trying her very best to convince you that ”he’s not that bad”. You’ve heard the same story for months.
“Y/N, he’s really not that bad,” You almost laughed because she’s just so predictable when it comes to this situation. “I know he can be a little… into himself—”
“A little? That is the most conceited man I’ve ever met! Or should I say boy?” You shake your head as you look in the mirror. You comb through your hair softly, even though you’re frustrated about Harry. You can’t take out your fury for Harry on your luscious hair.
“You can’t expect him not to go. It’s Sean and I’s birthday for crying out loud. We’re not just going to have two different parties because you two are big babies who can’t stand a night together,” Rina falls onto her back, laying on her bed. “and he kind of lives there now.”
“Just kick him out for the night. Or forever!” You turn to Rina and act like you just invented something unheard of.
“You know what?” She lifts herself from the bed and heads toward the mirror. “we don’t need to focus on him tonight. You know that one guy from Literature class? He’s gonna be there.”
Your eyebrow perks up as you glance at Rina in the mirror. She nods up and down in confirmation until you’re both squealing like little girls. You haven’t been on a date in what? A year? Your recent hook-ups have been kind of lousy, too. And Rina is right, you need to not focus on Harry tonight, and just be free-spirited. And who knows, maybe something will happen with that guy from your lecture.
When you first got to college, you didn’t like the idea of partying. You had been to a few in high school and it just wasn’t your thing. But you realized that the problem was that you weren’t with the right people. Now every time a party opportunity approaches, it’s hard to say no.
Raquel said she was going to be late to the party, so when you and Rina had finished getting ready, you set up the party as best you could. There was a table with snacks on them and another with drinks. However, the good drinks were under the counter. You knew those would be pulled out later in the night.
Their house was relatively small for three people, but being in college with a house isn’t easy. But it made decorating fast. There was a large banner across a window and some balloons tied to the stairs. Although it’s their birthday, it wasn’t really a birthday type of party. But people should at least know what’s being celebrated. Speaking of people, you had no idea who was going to show up besides that guy from your Literature class. Since it’s Sabrina and Sean’s friends, it’s probably going to be a pretty packed house tonight.
The party was planned to start at around eight and was already packed by nine. You didn’t even really know that you knew this many people until they said what’s up or heyyy as you passed them. It wasn’t until around ten, though, when you saw the real life of the party waltzing into the room.
Of course he’s late to a party at his own house. He’s just too cool for that.
Harry would smirk and half wave at girls as he walked by them. He’d fist bump his “homies” and laugh ridiculous loud for no reason. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes and attempt to avoid gazing at him at all costs. Even if you found him the most annoying man boy in the world, you couldn’t deny the fact that everything he did was unbelievably hot (when his mouth was closed).
He had this confidence that was cocky, but his charm would hide it. The way he would lick his lips in the middle of a conversation distracts you far more than it should. His hand around a red solo cup along with a solid silver ring on his middle finger looks so natural— why did you wish his hands were somewhere else, though?
On you, maybe?
Your wild thoughts are disrupted just by the man who’d caused them. Harry comes up behind you as you’re refilling a bowl with chips.
“You look like you’re having a great time, really,” Harry shouts with his iconic sarcasm that you just love oh, so much.
“The best!” Your own sarcasm pops out. You weren’t having the worst time, you’re just a bit bored.
“Why don’t you go and dance with me? I know you got some moves,” He gets closer to you and you can feel his breath on your ear. Your breathing hitches in your throat for a moment before responding.
“I’ll pass—” You barely got to finish your sentence when you felt a light tap on your opposite shoulder. Nate, the guy from that lecture class, was standing next to you. Your eyes grew wide in a panic.
“Hey, I just wanted to know if maybe you wanted to dance..?” He looks at you, before noticing Harry, and then has the same, wide eyes as you. “Um nevermind, sorry.”
“W-what…” Your shoulders drop in disappointment and confusion as he walks away. You didn’t want to chase him because maybe he found the actual person he was looking for. Plus, chasing isn’t attractive, right? You turn to your right, forgetting Harry’s presence. You look at him for a single second and see… something in his eyes. He plays it nonchalant like he didn’t do a single thing.
“What did you do? What did you say to him?!” You shouted over the loud voices and booming music.
“What? I did nothing. He looked at me and got scared,” He shrugs off defensively with raised eyebrows. Harry takes another sip of his drink, and your growing frustration got to you, so you slapped it out of his hand. There was maybe a drop in the cup, not much left. His eyebrows raised again, but he didn’t even flinch. He knows that he’s ticking you off. You stomp away up the stairs because you needed to cool off. You are acting immature right now, but goodness, he brings out the worst in you.
The party didn’t halt nor notice your little incident with Harry and you were grateful. Harry makes his way upstairs soon later, honestly concerned for you. He knows he upset you, but he doesn’t know that you also kind of upset him. He catches you right as you’re walking into the bathroom.
“What, Harry? What do you want?” You pull your arm away from him and eye him irritatingly. You were looking at him directly and could see him thinking. The cogs in his head were spinning and you were impatient.
“Were you really going to dance with that bloke?” Is the first thing that came out of his mouth.
God, he’s such an idiot.
“Oh my God, of course you came all the way up here just to tick me off more.” You pushed him by his chest, but he grabbed your wrists, stilling you. Your breath hitches again slightly, like it did earlier. You mentally refuse to let him affect you, so you brush it off. You look up at him as you both stand in the doorway of the bathroom. He quickly checks behind him before shoving you two into the tiny room.
“God, you make me so mad,” He says through clenched teeth. He pushes you against the counter and you forget how to breathe.
Lungs? What are those? Air? Oxygen? What…?
However, you get your senses back. A little bit, and shake your head.
“I make you mad? Are you joking? You’re the one that scares off the first guy that seemed genuine!”
“Pfft, that bloke just wants to get in your pants—”
“Oh what, and you don’t? God, you just think you’re so much better—” One of Harry’s hands releases your wrist and latches onto your neck. He doesn’t squeeze, but you halt your rant and then you actually forget how to breathe. Harry holds both of your wrists with one hand while the other puts little to no pressure on your throat. Harry drifts even closer to you now.
“You never know when to stop talking, huh?” He taunts you while slightly nudging your head up. You instinctively roll your eyes because that’s just what he makes you do. Everything he says is just worth an eye roll. But he doesn’t like that. Every time he sees you roll your eyes, he just wants to… fuck. He doesn’t know. But he did know it got under his skin every time and he just wanted to make you shut up. He adds more pressure to your neck as a note that he doesn’t like that.
“You always roll your eyes at me. Am I really that annoying?” He teased, while rubbing your chin with his other hand. He runs over your bottom lip slowly enough so that he can see all of your bottom teeth. When he releases it, it bounces back and you bite it nervously.
“Yes,” You choke out, still being choked by him. You can feel your wit and smart-ass remarks getting to him by the amount of pressure under his fingertips. His head tilts closer toward your ear and you’re sure he can hear your racing heart.
“You just never learn do you?”
“What’s there to learn? You’re the world’s greatest dick—” He pushes your legs apart and lets go of your neck, with that, you naturally sit up straighter. Your heart beats intensely as you wait for him to do something since he likes to interrupt you so much.
“Well, I guess I’ll have to teach you then,” He kisses down your neck softly, teasingly so. The tender kisses contradicts the kinky act of choking, which still wasn’t enough for you. You wish you could just push him off of you and be fine, but you were pulled to him. Your body yearned him the second that he touched you. You wanted more, but you hated begging. But you had a feeling he loved it. Right above your collarbone, he bites and sucks, making you gasp as you bite your lip. His tongue glides across your skin so effortlessly and his teeth sink on one of your pressure points and you nearly moan out. You can feel the beat of the music from downstairs throughout the whole bathroom. Suddenly, he releases himself completely from you and rests his hands beside you on the counter. You thought he was going to leave you high and dry, so you shouted.
“You’re such a fucking tease! God, I was right, you are a dick,” A fire was burning inside of you both that was fueled by frustration and lust. You were ready to get up and leave, but you didn’t want to. He doesn’t even think twice before smashing his lips onto yours and locking the door to the bathroom while doing so.
The kiss was not pretty; your teeth were clashing and your lips were squished. Your lip gloss was all over him now and his tongue gladly roamed your mouth. He hummed against you, loving your taste. You smelt of orange juice and vodka, while Harry smelled like minty beer. A shock struck between your lips, which ignited something in you. Your hands rested on the baby hairs on the back of his neck, which you used to pull him closer to you. He lifted you onto the counter, temporarily breaking you two apart.
You both discard your shirts, throwing them behind him. His chiseled torso shocked you every time you saw it. You always tried to act like it didn’t affect you, but he was a walking turn-on. His tan skin was littered in creative tattoos, and you instantly rubbed on his angel wings. He steps closer to you, moving his hips toward you.
“I like these, but they don’t fit you. You’re more of a devil type,” You sass, looking at him with a sarcastic smile and a lip bite. Harry reaches behind you while giving you a quick are you sure? look before proceeding to unclip your bra first try.
“Don’t get so cocky, we all know who’s in control here,” He smiles sadistically at you, and your little smile fades. You clench your thighs together, but he pulls them apart again. His hands are warm and rough on your legs. He runs them up and down, until he’s just rubbing the insides.
“Harry, we don’t have all night! If you’re going to fuck me, just do it!” You whisper-yelled. You didn’t want to beg, but God, were you getting desperate. This is the nearest you’ll get to begging. Especially for him.
“Aw, is the princess getting impatient?” He mocks, thumbs edging towards your aching cunt. You despised these thick jean shorts you were wearing right now because every time you moved at all, you would feel a light friction on your clit. It wasn’t nearly enough to get you off, so you needed Harry to just rip them from you already. Maybe it was your turn to tick him off…
“I bet Nate would give it to me. He’s probably good, too. Oh, can you imagine how big he probably is?” That caused Harry to make an animalistic sound that nearly shredded the rest of your clothes right there. Before you knew it, your shorts were gone and your underwear was being stuffed into your mouth.
“Not much of a talker now, yeah?” Harry smirks. You could taste your own arousal, which turned you on even more. He grabs your wrists in one hand, stopping you from touching anything.
“You’re so infuriating. Talking about other men while I have you spread open for me. I can see you dripping all over the counter,” He rubs you achingly slow, right on your throbbing clit. He increases his rhythm, giving you more pleasure. But you needed more. “tell me it’s for me.”
You roll your eyes. Of course, he has a praise kink. That makes his mountain size ego make sense. He stops rubbing you and you nearly whine as he removes the underwear from your mouth, dropping it beside you. You’re so desperate and so frustratingly needy, you nearly want to beg.
“And if I don't?” You breathe out, staring at him right in the eyes. His eyes are strong and you almost back down. He puts his free hand on your breast, pinching and twisting the bud. You arch slightly into his touch.
“Then it’s going to be a long night, isn’t it, princess?” You swallow, biting the inside of your cheek. His hands still hold your wrists as he drifts back down to your clit. Harry rubs you quickly, waiting for your response.
“Tell me Y/N. Who made you this wet?” Harry can hear your juices spreading around as he rubs you. When you don’t immediately answer, he flicks you and you jump. You bite your lip, adding a few seconds before you give in. The need to come continues to increase as you withhold your pleas “speak, or I’ll stop.”
“You!” You couldn’t help it— you gave into him. The rough pads of his fingers and his irritatingly attractive words were making you crazy. If he stopped, your body would never forgive you. Before your eyes tightly close, you see Harry arrogantly smirk.
“That’s it, baby. Say my name. Go on,” Harry inserts rapid fingers in you, curling them oh, so good. Your arousal was slushing in and out quickly, along with his fingers. He edged you enough and you were about to come fast.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come, Harry!” You whine out his name as you reach your peak. Seconds before you release, his fingers are removed from inside of you. Your climax dangles in your stomach, forgotten.
Your irritation from earlier becomes even more vehement now. You were about to slam Harry’s head into the door, before his loud mouth speaks.
“You can come around my cock,” He basically growls as he vastly unbuckles his belt and unzips his strangled jeans. He slides down his boxers and you can’t deny that he’s pretty big. You feel more arousal leak out of you just looking at it. You nearly roll your eyes again when you see him pull out a condom from his jeans.
Of course, he brought condoms to a party. Why are you letting him fuck you again?
Because he’s just so… ugh. You don’t know the word.
Feeling dazed, you feel Harry rubs himself on you for a few seconds before slamming into you without warning. You try your best not to scream out, for the sake of the party, but also for Harry’s ego. You gasp loudly, as he goes in and out roughly.
He cannot know how much you actually enjoy this.
Your hands wrap around his neck naturally, scratching crescent moons on the sides. His moves are fast, yet deep, making you clench around him hard. When Harry finally moans in your ear, you don’t stop the strong reciprocating one that leaves yours.
That must mean he likes it too.
Harry growls, attaching his lips to your neck, probably to quiet his sounds. When you begin to reach your climax again, your legs get tense. You bite your lip to near bleeding so you don’t alert the whole party.
“God, Harry,” You groan out, clutching his hair with your right hand. You can tell you’re both close because everything is messier; you’re about to fall off of the counter, Harry’s strokes are sloppier, and your grip is everywhere.
You’ve both been dying for release.
“Come, Y/N,” He wasn’t asking; it was a command. Somehow, his assertiveness brought you over the edge and you finally came. Hard. The sensation was such a relief, you loudly moaned without caring who could hear. Harry groans by your ear as he releases into the condom, moving slowly in and out. You rub your clit to calm your body and breathing. You hadn’t realized how deprived you were until the weight of your sexual rut was gone.
Once you come to realize what actually happened, you blink and instantly grab your underwear. Harry had already been pulling up his jeans by then.
“You,” You grit out. Your breathing wasn’t completely calm and was definitely wavering as you zipped up your jean shorts. “are not allowed to tell anyone about this, okay?”
“Me? Why would I ever do such a thing?” He says innocently, followed by a devilish smirk. His shirt falls over his head and covers his sculpted abs.
You hate to think about it, but those abs will be missed.
“I’m serious. If anyone, especially one of our friends finds out, I will personally kill you. I will torture you until you can’t take it anymore,” You successfully clip your bra and arrange your shirt correctly. You look in the semi-foggy mirror as you attempt to tame your hair.
“Sounds kinky. But don’t worry, princess, no one’s gonna find out how I made you beg for me,” Harry stands behind you, looking at you through the mirror. Your eyes widen at his words and you turn around.
“Yeah, it sounded just like that—”
“I fucking swear to—” A knock interrupted both of you. Sudden panic rushed through your body as your mouth became dry. Harry eyed you with a finger over his lips. You stay silent, listening to him, as the stranger soon walks away. You release a breath you didn’t know you were restricting.
“See? That is why we can’t do this. That was too close. I’m leaving and we’re never speaking of this again,” You slowly open the door and peek near the area. When you fully exit, you try to act as relaxed as possible.
You feel flushed and flustered, but that can easily be mistaken for alcohol or dancing. You walk down the stairs and into the kitchen because you need another drink. Maybe seven because you’re feeling a bit too sober after what just happened.
Rina suddenly comes behind you, startlingly you.
“Where have you been, girl?! I haven’t seen you all night!” She shouts over the booming speakers and loud people. Your gut wrenches suddenly in guilt, feeling the weight of being a liar.
“I was dancing with Nate,” The lie flew through your mouth and you bit your cheek. Your clench your solo cup in your hand. He probably left a while ago because of what happened earlier. You wouldn’t blame him.
You’ve never been a good liar. Clearly. But maybe it was easier to lie to a drunk person…
“Ooo, I’m so drunk right now! Did you know that Raquel heard two people fucking in the bathroom? She thinks it was Harry, and I wouldn’t be surprised. Oh, this is my song!” The song changes to Rina’s favorite dance track, which causes her to slip away back into the crowd of dancing drunks. As she drifts away, that gut wrenching feeling becomes more intense when you take in what she just said.
Raquel heard you in the bathroom. Oh fuck. She doesn’t know it was you and Harry though. Hopefully, she is extremely drunk too and doesn’t remember a lick of tonight.
You hate to admit it to yourself, but that sex with Harry was really good. It wasn’t like the typical sex you have. It wasn’t intimate and loving, or soft and sweet. It was rough and fast, and you really liked it. You’re kind of left in a state of shock because you know it won’t ever happen again.
He had control over you. And even though it was Harry out of all people, there was some type of passion beneath it all that just aroused you so much. Stuff like that is what gets people addicted. And you couldn’t be… addicted to Harry.
You knew everything was now messed up, yet a part of you was satisfied and relieved.
It was one time. You can’t be addicted.
YAY! thanks for reading 🤭
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verysociallyakward · 11 months
My character traits headcanons
Varian- copy-paste personality from the show, but slightly more mature, bisexual, leader, dating Hugo, uses alchemy to fight but will use fist if necessary, alchemy and engineering, can cook but it's very bland, is more patient
Hugo- gay, thief, flirty, hides behind an arrogant asshole persona, he truly is a very caring nerd, double agent, works for Donella, is super sweet, older brother vibes, dating Varian, alchemist and engineer, the smooth-talker, tries to keep the others and himself safe, good at hand to hand combat, but also uses alchemy to fight, can barely cook it's disgusting but you won't starve
Nuru- irresponsibly responsible, impulsive, knows emergency medicine and surgery, lesbian, diplomat, can't cook, rebellious, tries to be the mom friend and fails, astronomy and space science, an astrology bitch, owns way too many weapons, excels in physical and weapons combat, is the adult of the group, dating Amber, magic?
Yong- trickster, naive, accident-prone, actually really smart, pyrotechnic, is the only one who can cook good meals, kind, well-meaning, has a hard time reading the room, only uses explosives to fight, helpfully unhelpful, often uses the cute kid card, very curious, loves learning, has no safety concerns, way too trusting, acts first questions later, the therapist of the group, chaotic, goes with the flow, picks up random animals off the street, empathetic, the only one with morals
Donella- Royal engineer of Ingvarr, the villain, crime boss, manipulative, loved ulla, abusive, murderer, cautious, demanding, dangerous, powerful, greedy, ✨blackmail✨, a bitch, doesn't care for Hugo, will kill him if he strays too far, remorseless, alchemist and engineer, magic, hand-to-hand, and weapons combat
Ulla- curious, desperate, powerful, magic, kinda evil, caring, loves Qurin, alchemist, housewife, loves Varian, bubbly, airheaded, incredibly intelligent, manipulative, great cook, charismatic, uses magic and alchemy to fight, cunning, goal-oriented, will do anything necessary to reach her goal
Cyrus- the father figure, strong, intimidating, is the one being blackmailed, caring, sweet, loving, weapons and hand-to-hand combat, survivalist, protective, married, is an okay cook, much better on the grill, family man
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miraculan-draws · 11 months
Pls god tell me cuntiness runs in the Ancunín family. Like I already enjoy chewing on the myriad of feelings Astarion would go through upon learning he has living relatives who care for him, as well as meeting them. But the idea of them being equally as bitchy as him is so funny. Showing up 200 years late to a family reunion only to find out tht the reason he is the way he is is bc he spent his mortal years chasing after equally catty older siblings who have been doing it way longer than he has.
And this is just bc I have one sibling and they’re 16 years younger than me, so I’m sort of projecting, but he does sort of give not only youngest sibling energy, but Much Younger Than The Others energy. Like the rest were full grown adults when he was born and they were like what are we supposed to do with it? Which is why, despite being one of the “oldest” spawn, he’s yk [gestures] the way that he is w the rest of them.
THATS EXACTLY WHAT I DID HES THE YOUNGEST BY LIKE A SIGNIFICANT MARGIN. I will give a sneaky peek. Because I cannot shut up about my OCs.
1. CAPTAIN Adonnae Ancunín- KING bitch. I wanted the family to be the nobles of a keep specifically so there would be reason for guards/soldiers, they're the security for like a small region with a handful of villages too far for cities/towns to protect. And Adonnae takes the job very seriously while also being one of the least compassionate people ever. He's stern. Aloof. He cares about protecting those villages because he cares about his job, but not so much the people. He was Tavyth's commanding officer—Tav was originally a guard for the keep itself, he was recruited as a soldier after Astarion left for the city. Adonnae ended up banishing Tavyth after a raid involving lycans from the bordering wilds, both for Tav ignoring orders to abandon the village he grew up in, AND for getting bitten. The only reason he was not executed was "in Astarion's memory."
2. PROFESSOR Althea Ancunín- slightly less of a bitch but also just like. Does not get people. She's cold but not in a mean way she just cannot be sensitive to save her life. She's a wizard in Waterdeep because I think it's hilarious that no one knows Astarion's surname until act 3. She's bEEN in Waterdeep so long that Astarion has very few memories of her and she only ever came home during special events.
3. Astarion wanted OUT of the keep, like chasing any opportunities that would take him elsewhere because he's the youngest PERSON there, like can you imagine??? How SLOW the day to day goings-on in a blue-blooded ELVEN house are?? They hurry nothing. Because they have all the time in the world to do it. I can picture Astarion being both frivolous and adventure-seeking, drawn to the city but morally uncaring about his actual job when he was there, as long as he was out. I also think. Because I am horrible. That he was only there for like six months before Cazador noticed him.
(Tavyth was like crushed when Astarion left because they spent like. Every day together. And Tav was going to miss him so terribly but never once did Astarion mention possibly missing HIM. Astarion just ..moved and acted and thought too quickly to stop and look at what was around him right then and there.)
(but vampire spawn Astarion...is observant. He watches. He's impulsive but also he's 200 years older. He's sly, because he has to be. Intelligent. He was a little bird and now he's a cat.)
(and Tavyth is also hardened and darkened by just. Battle and aimless wandering to look for someone who will give him coin to do more fighting. He's kind of a bitch too now. So now they match. And they got matching worms.)
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josephtrohman · 6 months
wait, now I'm curious, can you show your fob tattoos?
sorry for the delay anon, i wanted to take the time to potentially take some better pics and i had a very busy evening last night lol. tattoo tour under the cut!!!
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my futct keyhole tattoo was my first tattoo gotten at the beginning of february :3 i can’t wait to go back to this artist bc she killed it but it also was my most expensive tattoo (understandably so) so i need to save up but i have more non fob ideas i want to take to her based on her portfolio. it’s a little purple cuz this is from when it was still fresh and the purple is from the stencil but i feel a lil self conscious about my arm rn so i can’t take a better pic rn lol it’s not purple tho
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this one was the second one i got and it’s a difficult location for me to photograph since this is on the outside of my ankle lol. i got this one incredibly impulsively near the end of february, bc i had a stressful evening and before going to bed i looked up tattoo shops near me that had online booking availability for the next day, and i booked after looking at the guy’s portfolio a bit even tho he practices more traditional styles n traditional tattoos aren’t my fav. i really wanted to get something special to remember my 8ball, and i was really excited and proud about coming up with this idea on my own!! this one i was slightly upset with at first bc i just think i should have waited but now that ive gotten used to it i appreciate it soooo much more!!!! and now im really happy and think it looks cool :) also this one hurt like a BITCH i wasn’t expecting it given the relative ease of my first one (the shading was rough on the first one but that was it), and the guy even offered me numbing spray for the black, but i powered through and he was very impressed with me and said i was tough lol :)
these next two i got at the same time and for some reason i can’t take a good pic of the one rn (it’s got a lot of adhesive on it from removing the second skin so it looks kinda bad right at this moment until the adhesive washes off more, but beware the second picture has a little bit of blood)
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pls don’t make fun of my chubby arm but anyways these two i got at the same time just this past saturday from a lady who specializes in tiny tattoos :) the xo is based on how it actually appears on the back of the record, and she tried to font match it and i think it’s soooooooo cute (it’s rly little on my wrist, so little she just charged me for the i swear i say tattoo!!!). i know it’s kind of crazy to get two tattoos for the same song but 1) that’s my song im the number one highest streamer on stats fm, 2) xo has gotten me through so much :( i am considering one more xo tattoo in the future (getting “love never wanted me but i took it anyway” in pete’s handwriting using the font someone made out of his handwriting). but it’s my plan to wait on that one and make that be a far future tattoo, UNLESS they play xo as my 8ball in which case my ass will get it the next chance i get. lol
i maybe have one or two fob themed tattoos i’m potentially interested in getting in the future but that’s like a long term thing, i want to get some tribute to whatever my 8ball may be at minneapolis to go with my fame < infamy tattoo, especially if they play a song that’s one of MY songs, but this is generally where i’ll leave the fob tattoos for a bit and just getting more personal/non music related tattoos lol
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fizzywashere87 · 5 months
It Was Fun While it Lasted Pt.1
notes: kess emak. Warnings!: breakups, crying, physical pain, angst. Also, this isn't an x reader
M. List | Pt. 2
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She's walking to her locker, binders from her previous class in her arms, She finds a piece of paper sticking out of one of the top slots of her locker.
It's February 13th, is it a Valentines day note?
Yes. Yes it is.
She only skimmed through it, only picking up things like a compliment on her hair and her smile. She wasn't amused, flustered or flattered, though she was very confused when she seen who had written the note. This wasn't real. Haha, funny prank, She's not fooled.
She drops her stuff off in her next class before heading to lunch, the note hasn't left her hand yet. On the off chance it was actually a confession, She didn't want to throw it away, although She was planning to reject Him. Of course, the one I'm narrating for is a fucking genius and an complete dumbass bitch at the same time. Constant overthinking, yet constant impulsive decisions.
On her way to lunch She spots her friend, the note was still in her hand she walks up to him. "Bro, I just got a love note from someone." She says, showing her friend the paper with the shitty ass handwriting. "Don't say anything though, I don't even think it's real." Her friend grabs the paper and immediately has a knowing smile on his face. She wasn't in the mood for this shit honestly.
"What?" She raises her brow at him, getting a shrug in response. "It's probably not even real, I've never talked to him once bro." She says as they get closer to the lunch room she begins balling up the paper. "Who do you think wrote it?" She asks him as they walk.
"Probably (A)." He shrugs, as if (A) had been pranking people around this time. Why would (A) know where her locker is? She didn't feel like thinking too much into it, deciding it's fake to be easier on her, she throws the note away, and her and her friend part ways as they go to sit at their own tables.
Debating whether or not she should mention it to her friends, she stays quiet for a few minutes as they wait to get dismissed to get their food. As they wait in line for their trays, she pulls one of her friends to stand next to her. "I got a fake love note today." She tells her friend, who looks as confused as she did when she first read the note.
"From who?" Her friend would ask her, nose scrunched in confusion.
"Him." She answers, and her friend's face contorts in mild disgust.
"I know, I've never even talked to him before. He's not that bad though." She shrugs, not really caring. "I think it's fake though, (AB) told me (AA) probably wrote it as a prank." She says and her friend nods, though still also confused.
She decides not to tell anyone else about the note, not wanting to spread untrue rumors about him, as she thought it was someone messing with both him and herself, but that doesn't stop her mind from talking about it. Why would he choose him to make it from? And damn, she probably looks like an asshole if that note was real. Part of her hopes the note is real, but most of her mind is still conflicted...
If the note was real, would she reject him? Would she accept him? Her problem was that she had never even talked to the boy, how is she going to know if he's who she would like?
Although, now that she's thinking about it, he may actually have a crush on her. She wasn't stupid, she knew how to connect the dots, she knew to play dumb until she knew for sure, but, one thing stuck out to her as she thinks back...
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"Hey," (AA) calls her attention as he's walking to his seat, causing her to perk up slightly and look at him.
"Hm?" She hums in acknowledgement, she hasn't ever talked to him before so it's kind of weird he would be calling her right now.
"Do you like Him?"
Huh? Why him? She's never talked to him before. To her understanding, he was friends with (AA) so he could be just messing with his friend but still. She glances at him briefly, seeing he's not even looking this way, and turns back to (AA)
"No, I've never talked to him before." She answers honestly, seeing (AS) who was sitting next to her also turn his head to look at her. Before she could ask why, he spoke up again.
"Would you ever date him?"
What the fuck. Where did that come from? Bro's pulling this shit out of his ass because what in the Redbull gives you wings?
"Uhm," She didn't want to say no. He wasn't half bad looking at all, but at the same time, she didn't even know him, and she's doesn't want to go for looks. "I don't know, I've never talked him before, how do you expect me to answer that?" She says, slightly irritated if she was honest.
"Is he cute though?"
Alright bud. Alright. She shrugs her shoulders, there's no way in hell she's saying yes to that when he was sitting right there. "Why're you asking me these questions bro?" She asks watching as he just shrugs his shoulders with a little smile. Whatever.
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Yeah. That probably meant something. But you know what? She doesn't care unless she knows for sure. She goes through the rest of her lunch break not saying anything about the note, and she messes with her friends like she normally would. As her table gets dismissed to go back to class she spends time in the hallways with her friends as she already put her stuff in her 5th hour class before lunch. (On Tuesdays their schedule is changed up and they're let out 90 minutes earlier from school.)
The rest of the day was boring as hell, she went through it like it was any other day. She probably enjoyed gym, it's not really important as of right now though. She went to her basketball practice, everything went normally. She came home, ate, took a shower, and eventually went to sleep.
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On Valentine's Day, nothing out of the ordinary happened with him, although, she did technically get asked by another boy...
She was setting her stuff in her 4th hour class, going to lunch right after when (S) calls her name. She's never talked to (S) before either, she only knew him because he was dating (MS), one of her close friends.
"You're @^@ 8@221, right?" He asked her, getting a slightly confused nod from her. (S) looks to the boy standing outside the door by him who seems to be awkwardly standing there like he was waiting for something. The boy had a crush on her, she found that out a few weeks ago.
Welp, she knew what was coming next. Damn, she was hoping this wasn't going to happen right now but it seems fate has woven itself already. Sighing internally, she listened to (S) as he began talking while mentally preparing herself to say no respectfully, "Uhm, he likes you and he wants you to be his Valentine, do you accept?" On impulse, she shook her head in a small-ish manner,
"No." So much for respectfully.
(S) muttered a 'damn' and turned to his friend who was already down the hallway, and instantly she felt like shit as she heard (S) call out to his friend about her answer. Damn.
The rest of the day was uneventful, nothing happened. It was boring again. Though now, as a few days went by, she's thinking about him a bit more, here and there, sometimes when she's in her thoughts, they'll walk back little ways to the note she wishes she read slightly more thoroughly now. Still, not knowing if it was fake or not, still not really interested, though now, she can't help but notice him.
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svnflower-writes · 11 months
info about my main WIPS rn:
i have too many WIPS shut up i know
original stories:
next christmas:
short story (kind of, if I say it's a short story it'll still be lots of words lmao) about two girls and a small look into their life each christmas and they're best friends who think their pining is unrequited and every time they're like "it's ok it'll happen next christmas!" and it just doesn't and they have to deal with lots of mental health stuff
main characters:
August: lesbian, she/her, i love her so much she's the loml, people pleaser, slowly realises that she doesn't have to be the second choice and she should be a priority, is a bit of an asshole to Lottie in like chapters 5-9 but Lottie deserves it tbh
Charlotte/Lottie: bisexual, she/they, kind of a bitch a lot of the time, gets into relationships for like a week and then gets into another one a month later, commitment issues, eventually has a redemption arc thing and she actually does deserve August
Ayanda/Aya: asexual, panromantic, they/she, they are my spirit animal i love her so much, August's new bestie, absolute sweetheart who values friendship over anything else, also basically the reason EVERYTHING happens in the story
everyone else is kinda irrelevant ngl
love is not enough:
name will definitely change I hate it.
plot is very complicated idk if I even understand it and I'm the one writing it 😭💀 basically gay royalty but it's confusing and the economy is dying and the main love interest is kinda a fugitive??? i guess???? lots of secrets yay
main characters:
kit chevalier-fernsby: gay (very much closeted), he/him, prince, science, slightly pretentious but that's his parents fault, he loves dates where they stay in with blankets and candles and hot chocolate and read books together. he's such a cutie patootie i wanna give him a hug <3
lucas akehurst: unlabelled, he/they, gaurd, hopeless romantic, artist, midnight walks in the rain + art galleries + coffee, mysterious. he is my baby i will protect him at all costs.
no side character information bc i can't be bothered <3
hell is a teenage girl:
hunger games fic! finnick's younger (15 years old) sister going through her hunger games and gaining a lot of trauma. very emotion and relationship (familial, platonic, and romantic but the friends she makes are arguably more valuable to her than her relationship). basically she goes through what finnick goes through and she learns to be a manipulative little shit bc what else is she meant to do
main characters:
serena odair: loml. bisexual icon (with a preference for woman) who is a little bit manipulative but let's be real when you're in the arena you do whatever the fuck you can to stay alive. district four, she wins (duh she's the main character) and her brother means absolutely everything to her. spoiler: trauma yay
cassie farwater: serena's best friend! district 11 and a mean lesbian. 16 years old and her friends mean the world to her. her loyalty is what gets her killed.
eloise astor: serena's gf!! district one – been training for the games her whole life so it comes as a big surprise when she sacrifices herself for marina!!
kaz claremont: the district partner/close friend – he's quite and determined and he listens. he knows all the gossip. very impulsive and bold. panromantic + asexual
ash terra: the only person who gives serena a run for her money in the manipulative category. he's an absolute bitch and will stab anyone in the back without hesitation. makes it clear to everyone that this isn't a game of trust. district 3
sadie nightgrove: district 5, cassie's gf. bisexual. very charming and puts on a clueless facade before turning on people. despite being absolutely able to win the games she would never hurt the people she's allied with - and that is her downfall
mad woman
sequel to hell is a teenage girl and yes it's named after the taylor swift song. quarter quell and lots of serena and finnick sibling bonding. very protective finnick and very manipulative (not to finnick) serena, they're a power duo.
serena is like the only original character in this so she's basically the same just more traumatized and hotter.
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creacherkeeper · 2 years
1, 7, 15, and 21 for hawk and lizzie?
What does your character typically keep in their pockets?
hawk - pocket knife, string, a bandage, pocket tool kit, wallet with a few dollars and a picture of sarah and divine from their wedding
lizzie - pocket knife, wallet with money, sheriffs badge, [redacted] ID card
7. How impulsive is your character?
hawk - he has a very strict moral code but is willing to do anything within that at any point in time so. impulsive but within limits. he tends to be more restrained when having serious conversations bc he's just not good at those
lizzie - she used to be 99% impulsive and 1% restrained and now she's 99% restrained and 1% impulsive. cause. well.
15. Describe their ideal date.
hawk - beers and *******
lizzie - i dont think lizzie knows?? she's had no practice being romantic and didnt even know thats what it was for such a long time. but like. she's such an acts of service bitch. so i genuinely think that like. carrying divines groceries back while divine talks her ear off. is kind of as ideal as it gets? like im not sure how much she would enjoy a Classic Date but if she could like. just help out in some way while spending time together. thats what she would want. she likes being useful
21. If they were a potion, what would it look like? (Color, glass shape, smell, etc.)
hawk - shorter square glass, kind of matte liquid going from a yellowy green to ruddy orange. i think it would smell like clay after rain
lizzie - pyramid shape glass, but fairly tall. mostly translucent liquid but swirling from bright yellow to burnt orange to dark crimson. i think slightly shimmery but in the way sand is shimmery. i think it would smell like sun on hot metal
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doveofmourning · 13 days
While I'm thinking about it this is my ranking of every ghostface! (I'm counting anyone who did at least one on screen kill while wearing the mask!)
Billy Loomis: truly the OG and the man with the plan. I'm a lesbian and I also know I SHOULDN'T be thirsty for him but there's something about how deranged he is while still thinking things through so well that kinda does it for me!
Amber Freeman: oh my god she's an idiot but she's just like me for real!!! Probably my favorite sequel ghostface honestly. Plus she killed that man??? Who we all thought was unkillable????? Soooo...
Stu Macher: did you really think he'd be any lower? He was impulsive and kinda ruined the plan but he had the spirit.
Charlie Walker: fucking moron who got played hard but his kills were enjoyable and also if I'm being real estrogen would have saved her. Literally put down the knife and transition instead, Jill isn't going to love you bbg.
Sam Carpenter: Only one kill but you know damn well she wanted more and honestly the ability to have done it, IN THE MASK, with the hallucinations begging her to do more, and still stop once it wasn't self defense? Yeah okay queen you're an icon.
Danny Johnson: technically a spinoff character but I'll include him since he wore the mask and used the name!! I love Danny but also he's a creep and doesn't really feel emotionally like ghostface to me. But he's cool ig!! I'd watch a movie with him in it.
Jill Roberts: Look she's a bitch but her plan was GOOD. Honestly it's only plot armor that made her lose. She planned it well and I'm impressed with her even if she's sick and twisted.
Sydney Prescott: Barely counts tbqh but also she did do it so I'll give it to her just for being a badass, since everyone below this is at least kind of disappointing.
Jason Carvey: second best opening kill in the franchise, VERY slightly beating out the opening kill for Scream 2. I'm sad we never really got to know him and I do think he should have had a chance in that fight.
Quinn Bailey: All 3 of the main Scream 6 ghostface killers kinda suck but she sucks the least, mostly for that fight scene with Gale! She kicked ass there and I'll give her the point for it.
Ethan Bailey: He still sucks and is bland as a character but had two VERY cool sequences. (The ladder sequence which was the kill that made me saddest and most uncomfortable and the train sequence.) Bland though.
Debbie Loomis: didn't even really get her hands dirty except the once and then it was one of the best characters in the franchise so I do hate her a bit for that but also her plan was well orchestrated and her fall guy was well picked.
Jamal Elliot: Look I don't like the TV Series at all but honestly he had a good arc and a good motive and some okay kills given it was for TV. Would I have preferred him in movie? Definitely. Was he even close to the worst killer on this list? Nope!
Micky Altieri: I do not believe this guy exists tbqh. He is so deeply unbelievable as a character that he ruins the immersion for me. Some good kills but his motivation and characterization flip makes no sense.
Roman Bridger: Why would he be higher tbh. None of his plans worked even with as Machiavellian as he's supposed to look, his retcon is stupid and takes the weight away from previous movies, he's incompetent and also like why would you get involved in a film franchise about the crimes you caused to be committed? I feel like it's so sloppy and the person masterminding ghostface can't be sloppy. Also the kills in this movie suck.
Detective Bailey: Boring character, twist visible from miles away, I did not trust him even from the poster, and his motivation makes him despicable. Hate him.
Beth: Literally a caricature of a ghostface killer. She would be at the very bottom if I didn't hate Richie with the passion of a billion burning suns.
Richie Kirsch: literal actual pedophile. Like canonically. He groomed a 16 year old lesbian (maybe she's bi in the final cut?? I know in the original script she was explicitly a lesbian but maybe they changed it to make Richie look less bad idk) into doing this and I'm glad he's dead actually.
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from dream bitch 12.9.22
I dreamed that D invited me over and basically said that he would be playing a game with his girlfriend’s ex, but that I was welcome to hang out with S (the gf) while he did that, who is also someone who used to be my sort-of friend irl.
Over the phone I heard her say she’d rather spend the time alone.
I went to their house which was some kind of motel-looking apartment complex (with doors all in a long row) and was composing a text in which I told D that I thought she was being a bitch, but I hesitated in sending it and when I got there she was outside alone hanging laundry. Only she sort-of morphed into Milena.
I gathered my courage / slightly impulsively said “Hey, can we talk?” and initiated a conversation about our friendship. I said I felt like we used to be friends and I wasn’t sure what happened and that I wanted her to like me and was curious about what happened on her end. She didn’t really give an answer and instead opened the door and tried to invite me in for snacks (maybe her way of putting in a bid for connection? but I wasn’t done and I insisted on the talk, which she was clearly uncomfortable with.)
During my attempt at continuing, D came out and I asked for more time and then he told me that DD had cancelled our plans only he said “Double Booby cancelled” and I woke up thinking that was real.
Side note: Is this a Dream Bitch dream? Does she really not like me IRL? Or is it my brain telling me that because of past trauma? OR is it me who doesn’t like her?
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enhaheeseung · 2 years
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pairing : heeseung x y/n reader
warnings : cum eating, rough sex, unprotected sex, masturbation, dirty talk. cnc, somnophilia.
contains : hard dom heeseung, sub reader.
the clock read 3:00am and heeseung still couldn’t sleep. he looks at your sleeping figure in the bed next to him, he started to examine you, tracing his fingers all over your body delicately, so he wouldn’t wake you.
he removed his hand from you, laying back down trying to get comfortable.
he sighs.
he decided to give up on trying to sleep, letting his mind wander to all kinds of random thoughts. probably not the best idea when the first thing he thought about was having your mouth wrapped tightly around his cock.
he groaned covering his face with his pillow .
not only was he tired, now he was hard as a rock.
shifting uncontrollably in your shared bed. he looked to his side, you were still sleeping soundly.
he rubbed himself through his underwear, laying back to indulge in the feeling.
he kept his noises to a minimum.
he took it a step further, reaching inside his boxers palming himself.
no matter how fast he worked his hand on his shaft or the change of administrations, he still just couldn’t quite get there, not by himself.
he needed you.
now he was tired, hard, and angry cause you were asleep, and couldn’t help him with his problem.
but he didn’t care if you were asleep or not.
he took his clothes off, making way to your side of the bed, he took his cock in hand, rubbing it all over your face, and smearing the precum on your lips.
you stirred in your sleep slightly. he was annoyed you hadn’t woke up, and he was getting very impatient.
he slapped his dick on your face to wake you.
you woke up almost immediately.
you couldn’t even open your eyes before he shoved his cock all the way down your throat, choking you with his length, and girth.
he didn’t give you time to come to your senses, he was already thrusting roughly in your mouth.
he tipped his head back, feeling delighted at how well you took in his cock.
“that’s it, take it all like a good little bitch” you couldn’t control it. you started gagging, your throat convulsing around his cock. making it even more pleasureable for him. he didn’t care that you were gagging. he didn’t stop, he just went faster fucking your throat.
he pushed your head all the way down, your nose tickled his abdomen. neck bulging from the way he shoved his long cock down your throat.
you could barely breathe, and your face was covered in spit, it was the sloppiest blowjob you’ve ever giving him, or he forced you to give him.
he was just using you like a fucktoy.
“gag on it you dirty whore, I know how much you love it” you didn’t exactly love it. you couldn’t breathe, and your whole mouth was sore.
“nothing but a slut for this cock” he groaned
he came much sooner than you had expected, causing you to gag again, some of his seed dripped down to your chin.
“swallow” he pulled his cock out of your mouth, collecting his cum that spilled
“don’t be fucking wasteful” he gripped your face forcing your mouth back open. making you eat the rest of his cum.
“lay back in the bed” you quickly scattered to the middle laying down.
“open up those sexy legs for me” you were embarrassed by how wet you had already gotten, you were hesitant to open them. the wet patch on your underwear now noticeable.
“don’t you fucking dare make me repeat myself” you spread your legs as far as you could.
he smirked down at you.
“god, you’re such a whore. always just so wet, and ready for me to use you however I want” he was acting on impulse.
he was never like this before, he always made sure you were comfortable. always asking if you were okay, and if it felt good.
but today, he didn’t even care how you felt.
he was in a blind sexual rage, he wanted to use you all for his pleasure.
you couldn’t lie. he was incredibly hot when he was angry.
he gripped you harshly, leaving marks on your ankles, while he dragged you down the bed closer to him.
he smacked your wet pussy. the sound echoed in the room, he gave you not one, not two, but 10 smacks. by the tenth one tears had formed in your eyes.
“don’t make a sound, just lay there and take it” he ripped your shirt off and pulled down your underwear.
he had already gotten hard again. he aligned his cock with your entrance pushing it in all the way.
you didn’t even get a chance to adjust. he felt so much bigger than before.
the tears were streaming down your cheeks.
your walls hugged him so tight he could barely move. usually he would prep you, but this time he just went straight in, he pulled his cock out half way spitting on it to make the slide easier.
now he was finding a rhythm, it wasn’t slow and steady. it was hard and rough.
you clenched around him. you were already close from a few strokes.
he placed his hand at your throat choking you, your eyes rolled back in your head, goosebumps had formed all over your body.
his cock was so deep you didn’t even know he could reach that far inside you. he had you seeing stars.
he slapped your cheek. making you gasp.
“open that pretty little mouth” he spit in your mouth. he was completely corrupting you.
“such a dirty slut” he fucked you even harder. you were a mess. but he loved it. the tears, the strained noises that came from you, and how you clenched around him.
you made him reach his limit in no time. he was twitching inside you, his sweat beads dripped down on your body, he looked deep into your eyes, watching your face contort in pleasure. loving the way you looked so small under him.
it’s like he broke out of his trance long enough to pleasure you too.
he licked his thumb rubbing it on your slit in harsh circles.
he leaned down to your neck biting on it then sucking, leaving marks all over your neck.
he moved to your chest, hickeys apparent everytime he moved to a new location on your body.
his thrust were starting to waver, indicating he was close.
one last thrust and you came, back arching off the bed, his cock slipped in even deeper, the clenching of your walls made him lose it.
he came right after you, his cock was pulsing while he pumped you of everything he was worth.
he released your neck, finally letting you breathe properly.
your body was so sore you could barely move.
he moved slowly inside you, riding out his high, your whimpers only turned him on again.
his slow pace had disappeared. he held your hips in place speeding up again, he just couldn’t get enough. you were sobbing in overstimulation at this point.
your walls were involuntarily squeezing him yet again, he could feel it, he started rubbing at your clit. you were as close as he was. it didn’t take long seeing how you both had just orgasmed.
he was groaning in sensitivity, that still couldn’t make him stop.
the pain was his pleasure.
this time you both came together.
he collapsed on top of you intertwining his hands with yours, while his cum filled you up again.
he was breathing heavily in your ear, completely drained from all his energy.
he was having a hard time catching his breath.
you just laid there trembling under him, everything hurt. but it hurt so good.
he finally caught his bearings.
he propped himself up on his hands, looking down at you.
the look on his face was that of pure shock,
reality finally struck him.
he scanned your body, tracing his fingers over all the red, and purple marks he had left behind.
he wiped your tears with the back of his hand.
“did I?” you nodded your head.
he looked like he was about to cry.
“I’m so sorry” he whispers in your ear.
“I don’t know what came over me” he was starting to regret would he had done.
“it’s okay” you told him.
“no it’s not. I hurt you, I hurt my precious baby” he cradled you face in his hands.
“hee, it’s okay, I liked it” he still looked at you with a pout evident on his face.
“you did?” he was skeptical.
“yes. it was amazing” you pecked his lips. you could see a faint smile form on his face.
“I’ll take care of you tomorrow, and the next day, wait! all week, I’ll do whatever you want me to, I’ll cook, I’ll clean, I’ll run you a bath, i-“
you had to stop him from rambling on.
“you can start by pulling out of me” he widened his eyes. he completely forgot.
he pulled out slowly, both of you winching from the pain.
“are you sure you’ll be able to do anything tomorrow?” you asked him.
“on second thought, I’m not too sure” you laughed together in the dim lit room, he picked up the blanket covering you both.
“we’ll figure something out in the morning” you shared one last kiss.
he held you in his arms. even though you were both sore, and tired you couldn’t have felt any better.
the clock now read 4:00am, and he was finally able to join you in dreamland.
thank you guys for 500 followers🖤 this was something that I had drafted for like a month💀
ask box open!📦
hope you enjoy. sorry for any typos or errors.
(taglist) @hee-in @scarlet127 @ashxsmoon
just leave a comment or ask to be added to taglist🏷
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theteasetwrites · 3 years
Man Enough
❧ Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader ❧ Era: Season 4 ❧ Pronouns: she/her ❧ Warnings: SMUT—dry humping, blowjob, fingering, rough sex, missionary, doggystyle, mild swearing ❧ Word Count: 6.2k
❧ Requested by @ineedmorefanfics2
❧ Summary: You have a less than amicable relationship with Daryl Dixon, who reminds you of his brother. An outing with just the two of you turns tense when you get lost in the woods, and a herd leads you both to confront each other in close quarters. Can Daryl prove he's man enough to handle you?
❧ A/N: So I took the phrase "a little spice" and ramped it up to a thousand. Basically what we have here is enemies to lovers via slightly angry sex, but also genuine forgiveness and some sweet moments where we see a relationship starting between the two crazy kids. We love to see it. Also Daryl is his stubborn self and very irritable which is adorable as always.
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“God, you’re a real insufferable jerk, you know that?”
He scoffed as leaves crumbled under his heavy feet, stomping defiantly through the woods.
“And you’re a real uppity, big-mouthed bitch,” he retorted, to which you shook your head and impulsively leaned over to pick up the nearest object with some kind of weight to it to throw at his back as he walked ahead of you.
A small rock about the size of a grape, but it would have to do.
You flung the stone weakly at his back, where it hit right between his stupid shoulder blades, and those stupid angel wings on his stupid back, with those stupid broad shoulders and—
“What the shit was that for?!” he barked at you, lumbering towards you in rage, with a red, strained face and a heaving chest. “You throwin’ shit at me now? Jesus Christ, what in the goddamn hell is wrong with you, woman?!”
“You called me a bitch!” you replied, shoving his chest with your hand and pushing him further away from you, though he seemed to push back, coming closer to you again. “How dare you call me that!”
“Well, it’s what you’re bein’!” he yelled.
“Only because you won’t listen to me! You never listen to me! We should’ve followed the creek like I said, then we wouldn’t be off the map and completely lost!”
“Said we ain’t lost! What the hell would you know about it, anyway? You ever even set foot outside ‘fore all this, princess?”
You scoffed, narrowing your eyes and now filled with a burning heat at his not-so-affectionate nickname for you.
“Oh, sorry I wasn’t born with a crossbow on my back and a—a giant chip on my shoulder! At least I’m trying!”
“Yeah, tryin’ ta be a big pain in my ass!”
“I’m being a pain in your ass?” you asked, pointing at yourself and gawking at him in furious disbelief. “What, because I’m telling you that you’re wrong? Well, you’re wrong, Daryl! We’re going the wrong way, I’m telling you. Why won’t you listen to me? Why won’t you ever listen to me?!”
His nostrils flared as he moved closer, almost coming nose to nose with you. His eyes were dark with anger and you could feel his hot breath bearing down on your face.
“‘Cause I don’t need you,” he growled. “Don’t need no one.”
You shook your head and lowered your gaze, now hurt by his words.
“You know,” you said shakily, “sometimes I think you might be okay, then you act like…”
“Like what?” he asked, glowering at you and stepping forward every time you tried to back away, hounding you like an animal. “Say it.”
“Like your brother.”
He let his crossbow fall to the ground with a clamor, and pressed his chest to yours until your back was suddenly against the scratchy bark of a tree.
“Don’t ya ever talk about my brother,” he growled. You swallowed hard, looking deep into those deep, hidden blue eyes, so inscrutable and cunning. “You didn’t know him.”
But you did know him. He was one of the Governor’s henchmen, and an important one at that.
When you were taken in at Woodbury, it was immediately clear to you that the redneck with the hook hand and a booming voice that made tectonics move was a bad man. It didn’t help that he was constantly saying such sexist, perverted things to you.
It wasn’t long after that that Woodbury fell, and you narrowly escaped with your life, joining the rest of the citizens who sought refuge at the prison, where you were greeted by a man who you almost immediately recognized as Merle’s younger, less bigoted, but still related, brother.
That was enough to set you off—you wouldn’t like him, you decided then. You’d never like him. Not a Dixon.
Were you expecting things to get complicated when he proved himself to be a good man? When you saw him come through those gates on his bike with medical supplies for the elderly, or when you saw him holding that baby, cooing at her like she was his own?
Maybe you didn’t plan on him being so much better than Merle, never once laying a hand on you or sending a lewd comment your way… Maybe reconciling your dilemma by being standoffish to the man wasn’t the best strategy, but at times you couldn’t escape the resemblance between him and his late brother, so it seemed the best course of action to get him to stay away from you.
It didn’t work. It only irritated him.
Thus began the rivalry between you and Daryl, the man who infuriated you and intrigued you, to the point where you thought about him much more than you really wanted to.
In truth, he thought of you, too.
You drove him to places he didn’t want to be, to an attitude he thought he’d left far behind. His temper blew through the roof when you came around, and though he tried to control it, when you ignored him, or told him to leave you alone despite his genuine attempts to be kind to you, it flipped a switch.
He couldn’t quite explain it exactly, but he knew you had a hold over him, a tendency to rile him up and pull him tighter than a tourniquet even when you weren’t around. Something about the way you didn’t want anything to do with him made him retaliate with an unproportionate level of anger that in turn caused you to fight back.
It had become so bad, the bickering, the name-calling, the tension, that Rick had had enough and asked Daryl to take you with him on his hunt.
Needless to say, it wasn’t going well.
“Oh, I knew him,” you said, still quivering a bit from how close Daryl was to you, huffing and puffing just an inch or two from your face. “And you’re just like him—cruel and ignorant.”
You pushed past him, turning around and heading back towards the creek.
“Where do you think you’re goin’?” he asked before tugging your arm and pulling you back.
You yanked your arm away and readjusted the strap of your backpack over your shoulder. “I’m going back to the landmark, and I’m going to look at the map.”
“We don’t need no map,” he retorted, following behind you as you kept walking.
You turned abruptly and stopped. “Actually, we do, because you’re wrong.”
“I know these goddamn woods like the back of my hand, woman!”
“Oh, really? Then why are we lost, Daryl?”
“We ain’t lost!”
“We’re lost!” you yelled back, a laugh in your voice from your disbelief at the man’s stubbornness.
He was about to open his mouth when a walker came stumbling behind you, its translucent skin stretched thin over its rotting skull. “Look out!” he said, pulling you back towards him while unstrapping his crossbow.
You unsheathed your machete and took out the next walker as Daryl shot the first one.
“Shit,” he said, looking in the direction the walkers came from and seeing a large herd ambling slowly between the trees. At least they seemed far enough to not have noticed the two of you yet, but they were certainly coming in your direction. “Come on!”
The herd pushed the two of you back towards the creek, just like you’d wanted. You reached the waterline out of breath with Daryl, who looked around frantically for someplace to hide from the slowly but surely incoming herd.
“There,” you said, leaning over in fatigue and pointing to an old wooden shed on the other side of the creekbed.
He huffed and jumped down the rocks into the creek. You followed suit, and the two of you hastily skipped through the water to the other side, where Daryl pulled you up the rocks and pushed you up onto the edge. You reached your hand out and pulled him up, too, before barrelling towards the old fisherman’s shack.
Thank God the thing was well-built, with thick wood walls and only one boarded up window. Upon entering, it became abundantly clear that someone had holed up there before, since there was a small cot, a lantern, and a cardboard box of canned food. Immediately you struck a match to light the lantern, and you were relieved to find that whoever stayed there before must’ve been gone for some time, probably dying out in the woods if their things were still here.
“It’s dusty,” you whispered to Daryl, who peeked out through the slats over the tiny window. “No one’s been here for a while. I think we’re good.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, watching the herd of walkers pass some several yards away. “Boarded up good, too.” He walked over to the large makeshift latch on the door, and pulled on it to test its strength. “No walkers gettin’ in here, least not if we keep quiet… Might be hard for you.”
“Screw you,” you replied, digging through the box of food. “We can take this back to the prison.”
Daryl shone his flashlight over you. “Won’t last long with how many people we got.”
You scoffed. “Would you try to be a little positive?”
He suddenly shushed you, and put out his flashlight when the herd must’ve gotten closer to the shed, passing it on both sides. He sat down next to you and pulled you both into the corner with his crossbow pointed at the door. “Be quiet,” he said.
Leaves crackled from all around the shed for a while, indicating that the herd was big, at least fifty walkers, you surmised (though Daryl argued a hundred). When the movement subsided, night was just beginning to settle in, and there wasn’t any way you could get back to the prison before dark.
Especially with such a big herd not far ahead of you, it was mutually agreed that staying the night in the shack would be the best course of action, though it would be hard, since it was only one small, square room, and you were essentially stuck with the person you got along with the least.
He preoccupied himself with staring through that crack in the boarded up window for an hour or two, as if he could even see anything. You sat atop the cot with your knees tucked against your chest and watched the fire in the lantern flicker delicately, and listened to the sounds of the night—the owls, the crickets, the frogs… Until it occurred to you that you were incredibly bored.
“Are you going to be staring through that window all night?” you asked him after a long silence. “You’re making me nervous.”
“Pfft,” he scoffed, rubbing his chin with his hand, still staring out that small crack. “Could say the same about you.”
You huffed and stretched out your legs. “Well, I’m bored,” you said. “Maybe we could… I don’t know, talk.”
He looked at you with a raised eyebrow and a generally disbelieving expression. “Talk?”
“Well, yeah. Talk, you know, like normal human beings.”
He moved his head to look back out the window. “That’s rich, comin’ from someone who never wants ta talk to me.”
“Look,” you sighed, “it’s not that I don’t want to talk to you, just that…” You trailed off as you struggled to come up with a good reason for ignoring Daryl these past few months since you arrived.
“Yeah, I know,” he said. “I remind you of Merle.”
That was the long and short of it, yes, but you knew Daryl wasn’t like Merle, not in a lot of ways. He could be impulsive and reckless, but he wasn’t a pig.
“Sometimes,” you said honestly. “I knew him before I knew you. I know… I know you’re not him, though. Not like him, like I said earlier. I was just pissed. So, um… I’m sorry about that. It was out of line.”
He was rendered silent again, and opted instead to begin carving his initials into the wood below the window. “Let’s talk about somethin’ else,” he said after a while, and you could make out the beginning of a D.D. in the wall.
It brought just a hint of a smile to your face, for whatever reason. Maybe that he wasn’t totally averse to talking with you, since he didn’t just leave you hanging, but offered to change the subject.
“Okay,” you said with a shrug of your shoulders. “Do you admit I was right?”
He raised his head. “Right about what?”
“About being lost,” you said. “I mean, we were lost. That herd actually took us back in the right direction. I know where we are now.”
He scoffed. “Already knew where we were. We were never lost. I was just takin’ a detour.”
“Detour?” you laughed. “Daryl, we were lost. You know that.”
His knife clattered to the floor, and he raised himself from the flimsy wooden chair he sat in. He hovered over you now, breathing heavily and glowering down at you.
“You know exactly how to push my buttons, don’t ya?” he asked, in that low, gravelly voice of his. “Told ya I knew what I was doin’. I was gettin’ us there.”
“No, you weren’t,” you said, rising to your feet and trying to maintain some semblance of equal standing as you faced him. “You were getting us even more lost, all because you’ve got too much pride to listen to me, or to look at the goddamn map.”
He raised his index finger and pointed it to his head. “It’s all in here, princess,” he growled.
Your lips tightened and you stepped forward, now simply pissed off at his arrogance. “Don’t call me that,” you said. “Why don’t you just grow a pair of balls and admit when you’re wrong?”
His eyes seemed to turn dark as he pressed his chest against yours again, like he’d done earlier that day, but there was something else in those eyes that you couldn’t quite put a finger on. It made you subconsciously lean even further, though, almost wanting to get lost in those deep-set blue eyes and try to figure out whatever was going on in that hard head of his.
“What are you sayin’?” he asked sternly.
“I’m saying you act like a petulant little boy, when you should really be acting like a man.”
You tried to turn around, not wishing to be so close to him anymore, with the tension between you two getting thicker than it had ever been before, but he stopped you, grabbing both of you arms with such great force that the muscles in his exposed arms began to flex and strain with how tightly he was holding onto you.
“You sayin’ I ain’t a man?” he asked, raising his voice a little too high for comfort, considering there could’ve been walkers nearby. Still, he seemed not to care now, which frightened you. When Daryl stopped caring, you knew he had lost some kind of mental faculty keeping him in check. “That what you’re sayin’?”
You froze, looking at him with wide, bewildered eyes as his seemed to narrow more and more, and you couldn’t keep your gaze from trailing down to his lips, where his tongue slipped out ever so slightly to sloppily lick them back and forth. You couldn’t quite tell, what with how dark the shack was, and how wide his pupils had become, but you swore he might’ve been looking up and down your body, which shook a little in his tight grasp. The more you felt his eyes on you, the more you began to tremble.
“I—I don’t know,” you stuttered, genuinely bewildered and almost forgetting where you even were. All you knew was that Daryl was holding you so close to him now that you could feel the heat emanating from his body, and the rapid heartbeat in his chest, which seemed to mirror your own.
He bit his lip as he took you in more than he’d ever allowed himself before this. He’d looked at you before, and he’d have to stop himself from looking too long before someone noticed, or, God forbid, before you noticed, but now, as much as he was burning from the inside out, with variations of frustration he’d only felt if he’d looked at you for a little too long, he simply didn’t care.
To put out this incessant fire in his heart, he’d do anything now, even succumb to his more primal urges.
He yanked you closer to him once more before his breath tickled your ear as he whispered, “You wanna find out?” he asked, now completely ignoring his better judgment and beginning to give into these suppressed desires he’d pushed down for weeks. “I can show ya… how much of a man I really am. That what you want, princess?”
Oh, Jesus Christ, you thought to yourself. This isn’t happening.
Of course you wanted Daryl. You weren’t blind.
He was gorgeous, not in a particularly traditional sense, but in a dirty, rugged, rough-and-tumble kind of way. The muscles he had were from hard physical labor and pulling on that crossbow all day. He was naturally quite bulky, too, and you had a bad habit of wondering what he looked like shirtless.
He was handsome, too, with lovely cheekbones that gave his face dimension, and a perfectly plump nose that you found rather cute. His blue eyes were just the icing on the cake, the feature that reinforced Daryl as the perfect male specimen. Oh, and he had a perfect mop of dark hair, but that was a whole other story.
Yes, you were very attracted to him, but it didn’t change the fact that he was rude to you. Still, you knew he was only like that because you ignored him first, and that he really was a good man, if a little grumpy at times.
Just like Daryl, you had to keep yourself from looking too long, lest you develop an image in your head that you’d take to the confines of your cell and use to pleasure yourself against your conscious dislike of him and his brother.
Now, though, if the man was really doing what you thought he was doing, you wouldn’t say no.
“Yes,” you muttered softly, barely audibly as a part of you hoped he couldn’t hear your admission.
He let his grip on your wrist weaken to trail his fingers up your arm until he reached the edge of your short-sleeved blouse.
“Yes, what?” he whispered again, this time letting his lips graze the helix of your ear. “What do you want?”
Another whisper and you might’ve fallen to pieces without him even touching you. You just hoped he really wasn’t like his brother, messing with you, or being perverted for his own amusement. Something in his voice and his movements told you he was serious, that he really wanted you and wouldn’t hurt you.
As soon as you gathered the composure to move, you turned your head to face him straight on, returning his serious, stern look.
“Show me you’re a man.”
He looked at you for just a few more tense, excruciating moments, trailing his eyes over your face as if to assess whether or not you were as serious as he was. He must’ve determined you were, because without another moment of hesitation, he had you pressed against the wall of the sturdy little shack, where he held your arms above your head and glowered at you through hungry eyes.
“You got any idea how much shit you put me through?” he asked, his eyes wandering to where your cleavage met your shirt collar. “How much you drive me crazy, always treatin’ me like this?”
Your lips trembled, and seemed to jut forward as you instinctively wanted to kiss him, and to feel his tongue wriggling around in your empty mouth. You just hoped it wouldn’t be empty for long.
“I’m sorry,” you panted, and closed your eyes shut when an almost pathetic need for him rained over you. “Make love to me,” you begged. “I can’t take it anymore. I need you, please.”
A short, guttural growl emanated from his mouth, which engulfed yours in a matter of seconds. Your mouth opened immediately, letting him penetrate you with his tongue and sloppily massage your lips with his. There was so much desperation in his kiss, and yet such a patient understanding, as he knew this was an unexpected turn of events. He didn’t go into this thinking he’d end up pinning you against a wall with a throbbing erection beneath his jeans, but it sort of just happened, and he wasn’t going to be the first to stop it.
When he let your arms fall limp to your sides, he immediately hoisted up your leg and held it up around his waist, all the while thrusting his core into yours repeatedly, to the point where he couldn’t quite keep his lips in one place, and they moved all around your face despite his attempts to keep steady.
Spurred on by the feeling, you grinded against him to feel the pressure on your clit, and if you carried on that way, you were sure you might have an orgasm just from the feeling.
“S-stop,” you whimpered, placing your hand between your core and his. “Just for a sec…”
He panted and pressed his forehead against yours, breathing hard and fast. “You all right?” he asked with his eyes shut tight. You could tell he was trying to keep himself from letting go too soon, too.
You giggled and cupped his cheeks in your hands before kissing his lips softly, to which he opened his eyes wide in surprise.
“You’re so cute,” you panted, and snuck a peek at the outline of his erection. “And very horny… How are we going to do this? I mean, what’s the plan?”
He scoffed, though you could tell that he was blushing, even in the darkness of that dimly lit shed. “We gotta come up with a damn agenda?” he asked. “You always gotta be so technical, huh?”
You somehow became infatuated with his hair, running your fingers through it and twirling it between your fingers as you bit your lip in thought. “You’re such a dick,” you said, in a strangely adoring tone. “A big, grumpy dick.”
Not keeping his eyes off you, he stepped away, and though you didn’t take your gaze from him, either, you could hear the clatter of his belt buckle and the unzipping of his pants, then the dull sound of the heavy jeans falling to the floor.
“Why don’t ya put that big mouth of yours to use?”
A surge of lust pulsed through you, a tingling sensation blossoming from your core and spreading through your legs, causing them to weaken and practically sink to the ground on their own accord.
You came face-to-face with his cock, already throbbing and red with arousal. Placing your hands on his thighs, and gently squeezing them in anticipation, you kissed the base of his cock, trailing up and down its length with your lips before grabbing it in your hand and tugging on it gently, then more forcefully as you placed the tip in your mouth.
His hands immediately came to the back of your head where his fingers interlaced in your hair and pulled you further down on his cock. The feeling of your tongue tickling his sensitive shaft was almost too much to bear, and at the same time, he wished you’d never stop.
“Shit,” he huffed, throwing his head back a little, and quickly looking back down to watch you. Your eyes met his as you hoped to gauge his reaction, and to just look at his blissful face as you went down on him.
Catching your breath, you released him from your mouth with a pop, and lifted his cock to hold it against his belly as you tongued at his balls, taking each in your mouth one by one.
“I guess you really do have balls,” you said between licks.
He removed your hand from his cock and shoved it back into your mouth.
“You got a job to do, woman.”
You moaned onto his cock as he pushed it deeper towards the back of your throat, causing you to gag a little when he went too deep, but it felt so good, tasted so good.
He thrusted harder into your mouth, not relenting and forcing you to make all kinds of strangled noises.
“Shit,” he groaned as he watched you gag and your eyes begin to water. Still, you moaned in pleasure at how he filled your mouth. “Shit, that’s good.”
He hadn’t felt this in so long, and the feeling of his hand could never compete with your mouth and your tongue going up and down his length, and your saliva dripping down and squelching with each pass of his hard cock.
“Mmm,” you moaned before releasing him to catch another breath. You tugged harder on his cock as you placed a few tender kisses on his tip. “You’re much bigger than I thought you’d be, too.”
He raised an eyebrow, looking at your face which betrayed how much you knew what you were doing to him.
“I’m gonna go so rough on you,” he said. “You’re just askin’ for it, sunshine.”
Your heart skipped a beat. How could something like that be so romantic? Even the very setting, an old, grimy fisherman’s shack that smelled vaguely of death, wasn’t the ideal place to have sex, but it was perfect.
You licked his cock again happily, smiling up at him with soft eyes as you did. “I want it rough, big boy,” you teased, running your hands up and down his beautiful bare thighs. “I want to see what this cock can do.”
He lost all control then, seeing your taunting face, so beautiful and sweet and yet so irritatingly smug that he had to pick you up by your arms and fling you back against the wall.
You yelped a little in surprise, and felt him tug on your shirt until somehow it was off, and only your bra remained.
He reached behind you with his mouth suctioning harshly onto yours all the while, and the two of you worked to remove the fabric separating him from seeing your breasts in all their aroused glory.
He marveled at the supple tissue and their hardened nipples before squeezing them with his large hands that they seemed to slot so perfectly into.
You laughed into his mouth, amused by his fascination with your breasts, all the while trying and failing to remove his shirt.
He noticed your struggle and stepped back for just a moment to unbutton the offending fabric, and soon he was completely naked.
As you expected, he looked beautiful, as though his body was sculpted by Michelangelo or even the Greek gods themselves. He was perfect, muscular but still soft in that he had the cutest belly, and a chest that seemed to make a great pillow.
“God, you’re sexy,” you said as you absentmindedly rubbed your belly almost hungrily, wandering your eyes all over his body while he stroked himself. “It’s annoying how hot you are.”
He smirked and stepped closer again to strip you of your pants, kneeling down and looking up at you with such arrogance that wasn’t usually one of Daryl’s traits. The compliment must’ve gone to his head.
“You ain’t so bad yourself, princess,” he said, now about to pull down your panties after struggling with your jeans for a moment. “Let’s see what’s been waitin’ for me.”
The cool evening air hit your bare mound when he removed the fabric, and as you closed your eyes, you could already feel his tongue licking up your slit.
“Oh!” you whimpered in shock at the sudden tickling. “Daryl…”
“Such a pretty little pussy,” he cooed, almost teasingly, but with a tinge of genuine desperation in his voice. “Real cute… Nice and wet for me, too.”
He gathered your clear wetness on his fingers as he inched them inside of you, causing you to flex your walls and squeeze him before he could pull them out.
He watched your mouth drop in bliss at the feeling before licking his fingers clean of your arousal.
“Mmm,” he hummed. “Just like honey.”
He bestowed a few sloppy, tongue-heavy kisses on your mound before trailing his tongue up your abdomen, licking you between your breasts until he reached his full height, and shoved his tongue into your agape mouth again.
You were taken aback at his forcefulness, and wrapped your arms around his neck to stabilize yourself against the wall.
“Give me your legs,” he said gruffly, and you obliged, raising one leg for him to hold around his waist as he brought his cock to your entrance with his other hand.
“Ah!” you whimpered when you felt him immediately enter you halfway. “Oh, Jesus…”
It’d been so long since you’d felt something so thick and long inside of you, so warm and hard and throbbing with arousal.
He picked up your other leg and wrapped it around his other side, now using the wall to help him hold your weight as he held you by the back of your knees.
You held onto his neck for dear life, slightly terrified he’d drop you.
“Don’t you dare drop me,” you said sternly, breathing heavily in your desire as you had already started grinding on him. “I’ll kill you, Daryl.”
He smirked and began rhythmically thrusting his hips. “You sayin’ I ain’t man enough to hold ya?”
You rolled your eyes, and were about to tease him back when he thrusted deep inside of you.
“Oh!” you cried softly. “Oh, shit!”
You wrapped your arms around him tighter now, and felt his lips suctioning around the skin of your neck where he had buried his head.
His pubic bone hit your clit so hard that you jolted a few times at the sudden pressure, and the intense tingling emanating from the sensitive nerve endings.
“Ya like that, princess?” he asked into your ear. “How long ya been wantin’ me?”
You threw your head back against the wall and groaned deeply, frustrated at his questioning and the need to feel more pleasure.
“Since… Oh! S-since I… met you.”
He sucked harder on your neck and hoisted your legs up as they started to fall, your body becoming a dead weight with how much bliss it was experiencing.
“Me too,” he panted between thrusts. “So bad…”
His cock pulled out of you suddenly, causing you to shoot your eyes open in disappointment.
“Turn around,” he said, holding you by your waist and doing it himself, then pushing you forward until your breasts were pressed firmly against the wood. You only hoped it didn’t have splinters.
You instinctively spread your legs and planted each hand firmly on the wall, while Daryl slid his hand back and forth over your slit, gathering as much of your wetness as he could before coating his cock in the natural lubricant.
Your hips grinded back against nothing, anticipating his body to return to you, and it did when he pressed his chest to your back, his core to your ass, and reached forward to pull your abdomen even further back against him.
His cock entered you again, and he started thrusting, harder now that he had a new angle, an angle at which his cock his just the right spot inside of you.
“Ooo!” you exclaimed. “Yes! Right there… That’s… Oh…”
Daryl’s cock snaked inside you, back and forth, harder and harder as he raised your left leg and held it against the wall by your knee to get even deeper until he reached his hilt.
“Ah,” he groaned between heavy breaths. You always liked it when men moaned during sex. It seemed like women were always more vocal, but when men did it, especially men like Daryl, you must’ve been making them feel good. “Shit, (Y/N)…”
He pounded harder and harder, holding his body firmly against yours and flexing his ass and moving his hips so furiously you began to feel the convulsions of your orgasm as it reached its peak.
Reaching one hand back, you grasped at his ass, pushing him harder into you. “Oh, I’m gonna come… You’re gonna make me come!”
“Good,” he whispered into your ear as you threw your head back on his shoulder. “Come for me, princess. Good girl…”
He pulled you away from the wall momentarily, and lowered one hand to rub your clit in tight, hard circles until the feeling combined with his thrusting cock made your orgasm release and flow through you.
“Ah! Ah! Oh, Daryl…”
Your body twitched and your hips rode his cock in an uncontrollable, rhythmic pattern while he softly humped you from behind, all the while continuing to caress your slit.
“Mmm,” you moaned happily, a blissful smile on your face as your head rested on his strong, broad shoulder.
Picking up his speed again, he launched you back up against the wall, hoisting up your leg again and preparing to let himself go now.
You huffed and whimpered repeatedly at the feeling of his cock going faster and penetrating you even more aggressively than before now that he was so close to releasing.
You felt him begin to twitch inside you, and that combined with your convulsing pussy told him to pull out of you before spilling his seed all over your lower back, groaning deeply with each spurt of cum that erupted from his cock.
“Oh, shit…” he mumbled, tugging himself until he was empty.
With his other hand, he absentmindedly gathered the cum from your back on his fingers.
“Come ‘ere,” he said, urging you to turn around.
You did, and were met with his white-coated fingers stroking your quivering lips. You opened up for him, licking his fingers clean and taking in all of his cum.
“That taste good?” he asked, watching your tongue intently.
“Mhm,” you hummed with a smile, then kissed his fingers lightly. “So good.”
You retreated to the cot with almost completely limp legs, though Daryl helped you there, holding you by your waist and laying you down gently before tucking himself in next to you.
The cot was a little dusty, but it would have to do. Besides, you were both filthy from sweat and other bodily fluids now, anyway. Still, it was the most comfortable you’d been in a long time.
As you had expected, Daryl’s chest made a wonderful pillow, and he let you rest your head there for a while, his fingers twirling in your hair as the silence settled in.
“Daryl,” you peeped after a while. “I really am sorry for what I said, how I treated you… It wasn’t fair.”
He raised his chin and snuggled you further into him. “Ain’t nothin’,” he said. “Always knew ya had the hots for me, anyway.”
You laughed and rolled your eyes. “You did not,” you said. “Don’t be such an ass. I’m trying to apologize to you.”
“I know.” He kissed your forehead, then nuzzled his nose against it softly. “I’m sorry, too. For everything… Being mean… Never listenin’ to ya… Especially sorry for callin’ you a bitch. That ain’t true… Knew it wasn’t true when I said it.”
“Well, I was a little bitchy towards you,” you said. “You know, you’re a good man… I didn’t want to see it for a long time because of what I saw with your brother, but that’s not you. You’re not like him at all.”
He nodded in understanding. His brother was an asshole, even he could admit that. “Ya had a right to be like that. We’re good now… Better than good.”
You gently grasped the side of his jaw to pull his face to yours, and kissed his lips more lovingly than you had yet. You could really get used to kissing him, to holding him, to talking to him like this.
“I’m so glad we got lost, Daryl,” you said. “Well, glad you got us lost.”
His eyes widened, and you remembered just how cute he looked when he was angry.
“We were never lost, woman!” he exclaimed. “Told ya, was a detour.”
You laughed. “Oh my god,” you said. “Will you just admit it?”
“Never,” he said, now with his lips forming into a hazy smile. “I’ll admit one thing, though… I, uh… I hope this wasn’t just a one night stand.”
“Of course it wasn’t,” you said. “I’m already mentally rearranging my cell for you.”
The morning after, Daryl helped you carve your initials next to his, so whoever might find this shack one day, seeking refuge from the outside world, might look upon your declaration of love and find hope in that something good must’ve happened here.
And sure enough, Daryl moved into your cell when you eventually found your way back to the prison—following the creek, as you’d suggested.
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments of any kind are always appreciated!
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sarahscribbles · 3 years
I Want To Make You Feel Wanted
Summary: On a mission, you get the opportunity to kill the HYDRA agent responsible for torturing you, but, misreading the situation, Loki kills him before you get the chance. And now you want to kill him.
Loki x f!reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, eventual smut
AN: Ok so the smut isn't SMUT smut, but there's definitely some bed rocking going on, just more vanilla and cute than spicy.
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Your hands were screaming at you to stop, to rest for even a couple of minutes, but you persevered. You hadn’t put on gloves, or even taped them up, wanting, needing, to feel the sharp ache of pain to distract you from the rage coursing through you. Again and again you pummelled the punching bag in front you, barely letting it come to rest before sending it hurtling through the air again. No matter how hard you hit, however, your anger remained hot and very present.
In truth, you were far beyond angry. You were incensed. Abusing the punching bag in front of you was doing little to dampen your fury. You felt like you needed to kick and scream and break things.
And it was all because of Loki.
Even the mere thought of him was enough to send a fresh wave of anger coursing through you, resulting in a scream of irritation as you roundhouse kicked the punching bag, finally giving into the pain in your hands and giving yourself a break and a chance to catch your breath. You were panting hard, your chest heaving, and you had no idea how long you had been in the training room for.
The second the doors to the Quinjet had opened you had abandoned the others and headed straight for the training room, locking the doors to ensure you could vent in peace, and, more importantly, so that arrogant, egotistical son of a bitch couldn’t reach you. You knew that, if you had been made to spend time in the debrief with Loki, it would have been him being used as a punching bag. Not that the idea wasn’t tempting.
In his desire to constantly one up everyone and paint himself as the hero of the Avengers, he had robbed you of a moment you had been chasing your whole life. As you had stood before the last remaining HYDRA agent, the top gun who was responsible for inflicting all kinds of horrors upon you and countless others, you had only wanted to take a moment to let him see who was going to make him meet his end. You wanted him to see that, despite his years of attempting to change you into something you didn’t want to be, he had failed, and you were going to make sure his hands never hurt another soul the way they had hurt you. You had made sure that he could read it in your eyes, read it clearly on your face, that your knife was going to end his campaign of terror, and you were going to drag it out as slow and painful payback for his horrific treatment of you.
You lost your chance though when Loki swooped in like the knight in shining armour you knew he was trying to be, stabbing the agent straight through the heart, and winking at you after as though he had just done you a massive favour.
It had taken all your strength not to ram your knife through him.
As if to compensate, you swiftly took your knife from your pocket and stabbed the punching bag in front of you, dragging the blade down until it was almost cut completely in half. You didn’t know if you’d rather it was the HYDRA monster or Loki in its place.
“And just how has that punching bag wronged you so?” A smooth voice drawled from behind you, causing you to flinch slightly and curse under your breath. Of course locking the doors wasn’t going to keep him out if he wanted in.
Impulsively, you grabbed one of the lighter dumbbells lying on the ground and hurled it at him, but he batted it out of the way like it was nothing more than an irritating fly. You scoffed in disgust and irritation while pocketing your knife, wanting out of the training room and as far away from him as possible.
“Piss off, Loki,” you spat.
He only grinned at you, clearly reveling in provoking you and having no idea just how mad you were at him. “My, my, we are rather tetchy this evening, aren’t we? Angry that for once I emerged victorious in a mission instead of you?” He taunted you, walking lazily into the room with eyes dancing with mischief.
Seeing red you picked up the second dumbbell and propelled it at him, knowing all too well that it was going to miss, but enjoying the image in your head of it connecting with his skull. As expected, he dodged it like you had merely thrown a cushion, but the mischievous glint in his eyes was gone and replaced with menace.
In a matter of seconds he had closed the gap between you both, pushed you roughly against the wall and pinned you there like you were a ragdoll, his eyes flashing dangerously.
“Throw one more thing at me and see what happens, you foolish girl,” he threatened.
Your eyes narrowed. You didn’t think it was possible to hate someone so much.
Wanting to take advantage of having him so close to you, you made an attempt to lift your leg to knee him in the crotch, but he had been expecting your reaction and grabbed your knee, flipping you carelessly onto the ground and sitting atop of you, his hands gripping your wrists like a vice and pinning them above your head. You growled and thrashed beneath him, which only caused him to rest more of his weight on you.
“If you wanted to fight all you had to do was ask politely,” he purred, still thinking this was just a game the two of you were playing and not taking your anger towards him seriously.
“Get the fuck off me, Loki!” You raised your voice at him. “Haven’t you fucked me over enough today?” You were yelling at him now, but he still refused to move, and you saw something shift in his face.
“All this anger because for once I have the glory over you? Are you really that pathetic?” He leaned down until his face was hovering over yours, his eyes narrowed and teeth bared.
Beneath him, you felt as though you were going to explode with anger. After all you had been through at the hands of that monster and yet here Loki was twisting the knife in more.
“You had no idea what was really happening out there today, and why would you? Maybe if you actually gave a shit about anyone other than yourself, you’d notice what was going on around you!”
You saw something flash across his face, was it confusion?, and before you fully understood what was happening his free hand made contact with your forehead and you felt the seider flow through you, knew he was in your mind, knew he was violating the one thing that was completely private to you. You fought to keep him out, fought to close the doors that you didn’t want him to see into and make your mind go blank, but his magic was too strong and everything you fought to keep hidden came rushing to the surface.
Your screams as the needles were injected over and over into your skin....the beatings from him when they didn’t generate the desired results…a broken nose that didn’t heal properly....a puffy eye that you couldn’t open...your frightened whimpers as the cell door slammed behind you...the stolen bottle of pills you had used for the first attempt scattered on the ground....the torture you had endured after you were discovered...screaming...water...fire...pain...the dark room...no daylight...someone else was screaming...it was still you....another bottle of stolen pills for the second attempt...worse torture than before...darkness.
Almost as suddenly as it had entered you you felt Loki’s seider leave you and you were back in the training room. You felt as though you had just emerged from under water, you were frantically gasping for breath and fighting the urge to throw up. Your time with HYDRA was something you kept locked away, something you didn’t have the strength to fully process or deal with, but Loki had pulled out every grim, torturous memory you had kept locked away for so long.
He had moved off you, silently getting to his feet and offering you his hand. Begrudgingly, you accepted it and he pulled you, with surprising gentleness, to your feet. Once righted you quickly snapped your hand from his and turned away from him, not wanting him to see how badly you were shaking.
“HYDRA hurt you? They experimented on you?” You heard him ask, quiet disbelief lacing his words.
The potent mixture of shame, anger and humiliation made you not even able to look at him. You closed your eyes, breathing deeply to settle yourself and fight off the nausea, but more importantly so you didn’t cry in front of him. You had closed off that part of your memory for a long time, and he had intruded upon a part of your past that you never wanted to think about again.
You hated him.
Softly, he said your name and you heard him start to approach you. His steps were slow and tentative, like you were an animal he didn’t want to spook, but you’d had enough.
“Don’t,” you said quietly but firmly, hearing his footsteps come to a halt, “don’t you ever come near me again.” Your tone left no room for him to argue, and you were thankful that his footsteps didn’t follow behind as you fled to your rooms, angrily swiping at the tears you couldn’t fight back any longer.
You hadn’t told anyone at the compound that HYDRA had experimented on you, not even Bucky, the one person who might have been able to help you sort through the shit that plagued your mind. As far as everyone was concerned you were another stray picked up by Tony for reasons known only to him. They didn’t know that he had found you after HYDRA had believed you dead and discarded of you and promised that he would help you get revenge on the bastards who had tortured you. HYDRA’s experiments hadn’t worked on you, whatever substances they had injected into you hadn’t altered you and caused you to lose all sense of yourself like Bucky, but they had fucked you up in the head enough to qualify you as an Avenger.
You supposed you should be grateful for it, grateful that you didn’t have to go through everything that Bucky had to find himself again, but you were far from grateful for the things it had caused you to do, the times you had wanted to end it all. You hadn’t thought about your time with HYDRA for years, successfully burying it in the darkest recesses of your mind.
Until today. Until Loki.
You slammed the door to your area of the compound shut, grabbing a blanket and curling up in the corner of your sofa. All you wanted was to be alone. You wanted to quietly seethe and feel your hurt so the rest of the team didn’t learn about your past; you didn’t think you could cope if they started treating you like some delicate little flower that needed to be protected. You would scream and cry in the privacy of your rooms before burying everything again and forgetting that HYDRA had ever been a part of your past.
For an hour or more you decompressed, successfully reaching the point where your breathing was steady and you felt as though the HYDRA door had been well and truly locked. You had calmed down, your anger no longer hot and vengeful, and you felt like the storm had passed.
That was until a sharp flash of green light almost sent you into a rage again. Loki had suddenly materialised right in front of your sofa.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You growled, looking around for something to throw at him again. Finding nothing that would make any sort of heavy contact with him, you pulled yourself to your feet, intent on getting to your room and locking the door. His face was the last thing you wanted to see.
As you tried to move past him, however, he quickly grabbed both your upper arms, his grip firm but gentle at the same time.
“I told you to stay the fuck away from me!” You spat, thrashing in his arms, trying desperately to shake him off though you knew you didn’t stand a chance. He refused to let you go, saying your name over and over again until you calmed down.
“Shh, it’s ok. It’s ok,” he said in a gentle voice, one you had never thought him capable of. “Hey...hey! Look at me,” he commanded you in the same gentle tone of voice, his hands moving to your shoulders to try and force you to make eye contact with him. When you finally did you were surprised to see no malice or mischief in them, only sincerity.
“I’m sorry,” he said simply, shocking you. Was the god of mischief apologising to you? “I am so sorry for what I took from you today. I had no idea what he had put you through. You didn’t deserve a second of it, my darling.”
You held eye contact with him, seeing how badly he needed you to believe him. The kindness in his, the sincerity of his words, the term of endearment was causing you to unravel again, and you realised just how exhausted you were from being strong.
“They tortured me, Loki,” you squeaked out, your voice suddenly thick with tears. “They tortured me, and for what.”
You were crying now, but all too quickly Loki was pulling you into his arms and holding you tight against his chest, one hand cradling the back of your head while the other soothingly stroked your back.
“I know, my dear, I know,” he whispered into your hair, and you swore you felt him place a kiss on your head. “But I promise that no one is ever going to hurt you again.”
He was giving you the comfort you hadn’t realised you so desperately needed, and the sheer gentleness with which he was holding you made you cry even harder.
“Oh, my sweet girl,” you heard Loki murmur, and he slowly lifted you into his arms, settling himself into the space on the sofa you had just vacated with you curled like a baby in his arms. “You’ve been strong for too long, haven’t you?” You felt him rest his cheek on the top of your head and reached out blindly for some part of him to grab onto.
“You have no idea what it was like. They wanted to hurt me. They wanted to turn me into a monster. They wanted me to hurt the people I cared about.” You unloaded onto him, scarcely able to believe that Loki of all people was the one you were opening up to. Had it really only been a few hours since you had wanted to run him through with your knife?
In response, he tightened his arms around you. “You are safe, my darling, and you are the furthest thing from a monster this planet has ever seen. I will personally slit the throat of anyone who dares to harm you again.”
In spite of your tears, you couldn’t help but let out a snort of laughter. “What do you care if anyone hurts me? You think I’m pathetic, remember?” You tried to keep your voice somewhat light, not wanting him to know how much it had stung.
You felt him move against you and was lightly pushing you away from him, and you found you missed the sound of his heartbeat in your ear.
“Are you really so blind?” He asked, his eyes gazing into yours and the faintest hint of a smile on his lips. “My darling, I think the world of you,” he spoke so softly you could almost believe you had imagined it.
You could only stare dumbly at him as every little thing that had happened today started to fit into place. He had thought you were in danger and so had stepped in to save you; he had come to find you in the training room to make sure you were ok; he had entered your mind to figure out what was wrong so he could fix it; he had come to your rooms to apologise for hurting you.
“You...like me?” You replied stupidly, still processing that one sentence, while something else came alive inside you. A fire you hadn’t realised had been lit.
“I do.” He replied simply, and before you could say another word he was pulling you back in to kiss you.
It was chaste and innocent, his lips gently pressing against yours as if he hoped a simple kiss would erase all the pain you had ever felt. Surprisingly, you found that you wanted more. You returned his kiss with a ferocity you hadn’t known you had in you. How long had you wanted this? How long had you told yourself different? How long had you pretended to hate him when you had fallen in love with him?
He pulled back for air, leaning his forehead against yours as you both caught your breath. “Do you know how hard it’s been to be so close to you all these months and not be able to kiss you?”
You felt your stomach flutter. Never in your life had someone so openly admitted to wanting you. “Do you know how much I want you to do it again?”
His lips were quickly back on yours and you twisted your hand into his hair, silently begging him to deepen the kiss, feeling a stirring in your stomach when his tongue slid into your mouth. You moaned against his mouth and shifted on his lap so you were straddling him. Your heart began to race as his hands began to wander, and your breath hitched in your throat when one snaked round to rest on the waistband of your bottoms, his fingers all but inches away from where a fire had been lit.
Loki, however, pulled back, causing a quiet whine to escape your lips. “Are you sure you want to do this? Tell me to stop and I will,” his voice had turned raspy, and you could easily feel how badly he wanted you.
You squirmed against his growing hardness, being rewarded with a sinful groan from him. “I don’t want you to stop.” You said, winding your hands around his neck. “I want this. I want you, Loki.”
There was the briefest flash of surprise across his face, like he couldn’t believe someone wanted him, before he was claiming your lips again. In another flash of green he had moved you both from the sofa to your bed, stretching out above you and tenderly brushing a stray strand of hair from your face.
“Not on the sofa,” he spoke softly, as if he needed the walls of your room to keep his secret. “You deserve to be treated like a queen.”
Slowly, and without breaking eye contact, he divested himself of his clothes, smiling softly when you reached out to run your hand over the planes of his chest. He felt strong and sturdy beneath your fingers. He felt safe.
You pulled him down for another kiss. A kiss that was slow and soft while his hands began the task of removing your clothes. He was more than gentle with you, treating you with a tenderness you hadn’t thought he’d possessed.
“You are beautiful, my dear. Absolutely exquisite,” he murmured when you were naked beneath him. He kissed at your collarbones, lightly nipping at the skin with his teeth, while one hand cupped your breast.
You let out a noise of contentment, somewhere between a sigh and a moan, and locked your legs around his waist. You felt safe, secure, and protected from all harm with this man worshipping your body. He kissed the hollow at the bottom of your neck, causing a shiver to run through you. It was as if he already knew how to drive you insane.
His kisses began to move down your stomach, his hand running up your thigh to press it closer to his side, but in a bold move that surprised even you, you stopped his hand with your own, guiding it down between your legs.
Loki’s eyes snapped to yours, as if he was asking permission.
“Please,” you begged in little more than a whisper. “I need you.”
He gave you another slow, lingering kiss and shifted between your legs to align himself with your entrance. You felt his tip push against you and ever so slowly he began to ease himself into you, causing you to gasp with the sensation.
Immediately, he stopped. “Am I hurting you?” He asked, his voice heavy with concern.
You shook your head quickly in response. “No. You just feel so good,” you answered.
You swore you heard him let out a breath and he continued pushing himself inside you. When he was finally fully inside you, he raised a hand to cup your cheek, his thumb tenderly caressing your skin.
“Are you ok?” He asked, his eyes so full of concern for you it nearly brought on a fresh onset of tears.
“I’ve never been better,” you answered honestly. It was then that you realised he wasn’t going to fuck you, he was going to make love to you.
He began to move on top of you, slowly at first to allow you to get used to the feel of him, but quickly he picked up speed. The waves of pleasure coursing through you were like nothing you’d experienced with any past lover and, coupled with the magic of Loki’s fingers, you know no one would ever compare to him.
Your hands were gripping at his back, his whole body shivering at your touch as you left little half moons along his shoulders, like you were marking him as yours. As his speed picked up you moved your hips to match his rhythm, wanting you both to explode at the same time. His breathing soon became more ragged and you could feel your climax starting to build.
“Loki,” you breathed out a warning.
His lips found yours as you both tipped over the edge, your heels digging into him and your back arching beneath him. Blindly, he reached out his hand to clasp yours, not wanting to break the connection even for a second. Never in your life had you felt so wanted.
Loki gave a few final shuddering thrusts and collapsed on top of you, his head buried in the nook of your neck. You stroked his hair with one hand, the other lying lazily on his back.
When he had recovered his breath, he broke free from your grasp to roll onto his back, and you quickly followed, tucking yourself into his side.
“So, you like me a lot, then?” You said into the silence, hoping he’d remember your stupid question from earlier.
“I like you a lot,” he confirmed, and you could hear the smile in his voice. You burrowed closer to him and placed a kiss on his chest, taking an innocent pleasure in listening to the sound of his breathing and feeling the rise and fall of his chest.
Just as you thought you were going to drift off to sleep in his arms, he said your name softly into the silence.
“Thank you for trusting me.” He said quietly, his arm squeezing your shoulders.
You wrapped an arm around his middle. “Thank you for wanting me.”
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dmwrites · 2 years
Cleo didn’t want to care. She liked the popularized girlboss version of herself that seemed to have proceeded her in this world. Hell, even Etho was scared of her to the point of blatant respect. But the thing was, she did care, and cared too much for her own good, probably.
She and Scott went on hot girl walks every morning, just a little stroll around the server, so Cleo’s deadened limbs wouldn’t go completely numb, and so Scott could talk loudly about how shit everyone else was compared to them. It was a good system.
But back to the whole caring thing. This little annoying trait of her, caring too much, liked to poke its head out at the stupidest of times. Like on a particular hot girl walk.
“Oh and here’s the perpetual honeymooners. They’re disgustingly in love and I hate them for it.” Scott said far too loudly as an aside to Cleo as they rounded a corner and came upon Bdubs and Impulse’s house. The aforementioned honeymooners were gardening, and definitely heard Scott’s comments.
“Jealous much?” Bdubs, still looking like a mess it seemed, leered at them good-naturedly.
“Hi Cleo! Hi Scott!” Impulse waved at them with a warm smile. “Out for your girl walk? Wait- how does it go again?”
“Hot girl walk. Clearly you’re not hip. Work on that.” Scott corrected him.
“Getting bored of him yet, Impulse? Oh hi Cleo and Scott.” Etho appeared from the other side of the road, riding a horse.
“Oh Etho, always with the jokes. I could never get bored of my love!” Impulse chuckled. “If worse comes to worse, I’ll just poke him so he makes funny sounds.”
“He is like a squeaky toy.” Cleo agreed, but she trailed off. No one really noticed, which was probably for the best. Scott started talking to Impulse, but it was Etho and Bdubs that had caught her eye. They had wandered away slightly from the group, and something about it was… off. Bdubs and Etho had history, enough to fill a book. Cleo knew that. But it was in the way that Etho stood close to Bdubs, the way that Bdubs looked back and forth from Etho to the rest of the group. Cleo and Etho had history too, and that tilt of his head was a dangerous one. A possessive one. And the jokes, always with the snide comments about Impulse and Bdubs…
“…but me and Cleo have a hot girl walk to get back to, if we want to remain the hottest bitches on the server.”
Cleo started at her name and turned back to Impulse and Scott. “Right yeah.”
“Enjoy your walk.” Bdubs told her, walking back over. Etho was already off in the distance, riding away. Impulse put an arm around his soulmate and waved them off. Bdubs, Cleo noticed, just kind of stood there in the embrace, like his mind was elsewhere.
“Did you notice anything odd about Bdubs and Impulse?” Cleo asked Scott when they were out of earshot. Scott didn’t know those people as well as she did, but he was clever and had keen eyes.
“Yeah, Etho’s totes jealous.” Scott said. “Bdubs gets a cute little husband and suddenly there’s Etho on a horse. Tea, honestly.”
“Yeah…” Cleo murmured.
She wished she could forget the whole thing. She wished she wasn’t so damn caring. She didn’t care! Definitely not. Never.
But yet here she was, taking an evening stroll by herself right to Bdubs and Impulse’s front door. They were gardening. Again.
“Do you two have nothing better to do? You need new hobbies.” Cleo grouched at them as she approached.
“Hello Cleo!” Impulse welcomed her happily. “Lovely to see you as always.”
“We garden and we go inside and stare lovingly into one another’s eyes. It’s a full schedule, Cleo.” Bdubs replied to her snark.
“Well, I need to interrupt the busy schedule for a moment. Impulse, would you come on a hot girl walk with me? Only be for a short while.” Cleo asked. Impulse looked at her, and then back at Bdubs.
“I can come too.” Bdubs said. “I could use the exercise.”
“No, there can only be groups of two for the hot girl walk. It’s the rules.” Cleo outright lied. “Plus, don’t you want your man hot? More hot? Come on, Impulse. He’s safe with me.”
“I’ll be back soon.” Impulse promised Bdubs. “Love you more then anything. I promise I’ll be safe. Cleo’ll scare any danger off.”
“Love you more.” Bdubs said, eyes flicking to Cleo suspiciously. He watched them walk away, Cleo could sense it even with her back turned. She turned around at the crest of the hill and glared at him. She could see him shrink back. Bdubs was many things, but he wouldn’t dare fuck with her.
“So, a girl walk! How exciting!” Impulse pumped his arms and smiled. “What does one do on such a walk?”
“Gossip mostly. Listen, Impulse, how is your marriage going?”
Impulse sighed happily. “It’s bliss. Couldn’t think of any other way to say it. He’s perfect, we’re perfect. I’ve never felt so much comfort in my life. He’s my home.”
“Oh my god.” Cleo thought, looking at the man walking next to her. “He’s actually lovestruck.”
“Etho seems to be a frequent visitor of yours.” Cleo prodded ever so slightly.
“Yeah. We- okay, you can’t tell anyone about this- but we have potential allies we want, and Etho is one of them. Bdubs said he wanted him, and I trust his judgement, of course.”
“He said he wanted him. He said that specifically?” Cleo asked, a nasty feeling settling into her gut.
“I think so, yeah. Why, do you have insider information?” Impulse stopped her, concerned.
Cleo looked Impulse over. She knew him well too, knew that he was a big guy with big emotions. Fiercely loyal but easygoing and kind. And right now he was blind to everything except his soulmates’ sweet nothings that Cleo was quickly beginning to suspect really were just nothings.
“Listen. Bdubs is great. I love bdubs. You love bdubs. We all like bdubs.” She spoke carefully. Very carefully.
“I love him the most.” Impulse said with a smile.
“…right, yeah, that.” she paused, hoping Impulse would make a joke out of his words, but no, he was dead serious. “Impulse, you remember Bdubs’ past, don’t you?”
“Oh yes, I mean, we had our own little tiff.” Impulse grimaced comically. “But that’s all in the past now. He loves me. I love him.”
“Good lord, for someone who is good at redstone you sure can be daft.” Cleo gave up on subtly. “Impulse, I don’t trust Etho, and I don’t trust Bdubs with him. Bdubs is great, lovey, but he doesn’t do safe. You’re safe, and I’m sure you’re wonderful to him. But I know Bdubs better then you, and that’s just the truth. And the truth of the matter is that I think you’re blinded by new love, quite frankly. Etho’s been poking at you and him from the moment you realized you were soulmates, I’ve heard it through the grapevine. I think that you are going to get your heart broken, Impulse. You need to start paying attention. This isn’t a story with a feel-good ending and a kiss in the sunset. This is death row, and you two may be soulmates, but I think he will drag you to hell on a leash just to have some sense of instability.”
The smile on Impulse’s face became more and more fixed the longer Cleo talked. And when she stopped, the silence was practically rancid.
“You can not try to plant seeds of mistrust with me, Cleo. I’m sorry we lied to you about Scott and Martyn, but your lies are useless here. We are fine. Bdubs and I are wonderful, and I trust him. You don’t need to project your own relationship insecurities onto us. I think I’m done with the girl walk now.” He left her, walking back to his house, back to Bdubs.
“God damn it, Impulse.” Cleo sighed. “I did what I could. Not my problem anymore.” And she walked away, knowing fully well that Impulse was probably already telling his lovely perfect Bdubs what she’d said, and knowing that she had probably put a big red target on her back by opening her mouth. She wished she could say she didn’t care, but a deep, cold dread was washing over her for Impulse. And frankly, it kind of scared her.
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