#he'd probably join them 😩
onlyonteamcapforbucky · 6 months
Me reading the apothecary diaries light novel: so Mao Mao and Jinshi really take every opportunity to bully Basen huh
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shotmrmiller · 7 months
Can’t stop thinking of sexist Simon who becomes a girl dad. He gets a one night stand pregnant (lord knows no one’s marrying his sexist ass right about now) and for the entire pregnancy she doesn’t tell him, just drops the baby on his doorstep the second she’s out of the hospital and dips. So Simon’s stuck with this kid who he did want and on top of that is a girl. Do you think he’s still just as sexist? Leading his kid on the path to blow loads of money on therapy in the future? Or do you think he becomes one of those girl dads who adapts? Sure he was a sexist piece of shit before but his own flesh and blood is an extension of him and goddamn anyone who insults that. Maybe it’s for all the wrong reasons, sees his kid more as property. But that doesn’t mean she’s treated like shit because she’s his property and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t take care of his shit. And can you imagine this kid wants to join the military? In a combat role nonetheless? Does he shoot it down? Or does he know his child is just as stubborn as him? Does he train them up to become the best female combatant there is? Ugh the possibilities. Somewhat comparing him to my own dad, my dad came from a super rural Texas town and went straight to the marines after. While he wasn’t sexist, he was certainly homophobic and after meeting my mom he did in fact have two bi daughters he had to adapt to (which he did). Just makes me wanna put these little mw guys in these situations, you feel me? 😩
simon isn't a misogynist, he just thinks that there are better suited careers for women that aren't putting their life in danger all day every day, going against men who will always be bigger than them. because sure, sniping is more than fitting but there's never a guarantee that shit will go tits up and then you're in danger. and you can best believe that the mission will almost always take precedence over someone who SHOULD be able to fight off grown men.
anyway, no. he'd do his sloppy best to raise the kid. (truthfully he gives kratos with loki fatherhood vibes)
calls her kid too. teaches her how to live off the land, how to tell which direction she's facing by looking at the sky.
honestly, teaches her how to handle guns at a young age too. He's a notorious name, and if someone finds out about her, she's probably dead.
and about the combat role, he'd probably go over shit, graphically so.
the stuff he's done, he's survived. none of it is heroic.
it's ugly, it's war. and he'd definitely tell her that she's gonna get broken by literally anyone who wants to get rid of her. if HE was SA'd and he's a big, ugly brute of a man, imagine her if she falls into the claws of the enemies.
scare tactics cuz he really doesn't want any of that to happen, there's a bright sparkle in her eyes that he lost long ago, if he ever even had it in the first place due to his shit childhood.
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stef-rambles · 3 months
started watching the wind breaker anime some weeks ago and got so hooked on it that I immediately switched to the manga and boiii...
I'm literally done for. like, I'm such a goner for the story in general and all the characters...
there are just so many amazing characters and ships and I cAN'T DECIDE WHICH ONE'S MY FAV YET BC THEY'RE ALL JUST SO GOOD ugh
but there's one ship that already grew so much on me and it's, ofc, a throuple (yea, no shit sherlock, this is me we're talking about after all)
lemme rant about SuoSakuNirei for a bit to get this outta my system 😩 (I hope I got the ship name right, pls forgive me if not 🥲)
I'll try to keep it spoiler free but I won't guarantee it, so pls beware, just in case
I can totally see how they complement one another with their personality traits and abilities, and while I can absolutely see Nirei being completely upfront about stuff, like how he mostly is, Suo would, ofc, be the one teasing all the time (duh!), and Sakura would just be his flustered and blushy, bratty self (he's so cute pls 😩)
yet, the moment a situation gets serious or they're in a fight, one can easily notice how much they respect, value, and depend on each other. they'd work together in synch, like clockwork, and nobody would even be able to so much as breathe into any of their direction bc they would always have each others' backs and protect one another
but I can also totally picture them enjoy spending time and being silly together, and to just relax in each other's company during their off times
Suo would probably read a book in silence with a soft and content smile on his lips, while casually drinking tea, and absentmindedly stroking Nirei's hair, whose head is laying on Suo's lap
and Nirei would excitedly update Sakura about all the new info the blonde has gathered about whoever he got the chance to observe in their last fights or during whichever meeting they had, while gesturing wildly with his notebook in hand and more than once almost knocking it against Suo's head, who simply dodges it
Sakura, on the other hand, would sit across them both, stiff and upright with arms crossed over his chest, and cheeks flushed in a most beautiful shade of scarlet as he desperately tries his best not to combust whenever he sneaks a peek at Suo and Nirei. and all the while an internal fight is raging in his mind about whether he wants to join them or tries to convince himself that that's bullshit and he's certainly gone insane now, bc how could he actually want that?! (a.k.a. affection 😒)
but they'd still challenge each other, especially Sakura with his cheeky mouth would still constantly blabber about wanting to fight Suo and Nirei, too
and Suo would tease Sakura until he'd lunge at him but Nirei would immediately scold them both to cut the crap and yes– they would actually listen to him 🤭
or they would settle on arm-wrestling, which would end in Sakura literally combusting and sputtering incoherent words and sentences bc Nirei won against him –by unfair means– bc Suo told Nirei beforehand to surprise Sakura by suddenly giving him a kiss before he could win 🤭
and it would all end up in Nirei and Suo laughing wholeheartedly as Sakura only watches them, stunned to silence, while his mind's reeling, the same word repeating itself over and over in there
before he startles, blushes furiously, and hastily stumbles out of the room bc he's totally overwhelmed by his emotions...
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yakuzacanons · 4 months
Ay yo you're cooking again????!!!!! Could I request a younger, fem s/o being an absolute aggressive, kind and funny crackhead with the kids at morning glory, and Kiryu slowly going crazy for her, pwease? (I genuinely like them kids buuuut...y'know, it's more about that FOINE dragon of dojimeme😩✋) like, she treats them more like adults (shoves them in a race and stuff, not a single care) and she's secretly in love with their uncle Kaz, Haruka's probably the only one to notice that between 'em, and Kiryu's too much of a himbo to realize she loves him too.
Not that FOINE dragon of dojimeme!!! BAHAHAHA but of course we can do this, I really like the Yakuza kiddos and all their interactions in Yakuza 3 especially.
You and Kiryu meet by total accident. You'll probably just be on the beach and run into the kids playing a game. You somehow end up joining said game and when Kiryu calls them in for dinner, to his surprise there's a fully grown adult rolling around on the sand with all of his kids.
It kind of just continues like that for a while, with Kiryu just assuming you're a particularly friendly neighbor. He's cautious about adults being near the kids so he might seem offputting at first but eventually you're just part of the gang, so to speak.
At first, Kiryu is worried the boys are roughousing too much when they play with you, only for him to realize almost immediately that you roughhouse right back. Unlike Kiryu, you're also someone who REALLY plays, down to the last detail. It's one of the things he first admires about you is how you're able to get on the same level as the kids in a way that he's yet to master.
Soon you'll start coming over for dinner every so often. Kiryu might also run into you at the front gate escorting the kids home from school, casually chatting with them about your day. Kiryu doesn't really get jealous but he wishes he could really do literally everything for the kids and it pangs him whenever he realizes you're filling a void for them that he might not have noticed.
Haruka is the most self sufficient of the kids and has known Kiryu the longest so she's the one that takes the longest to get very close to you. Once she does, it really solidifies your prescence in Kiryu's life. After all, if you're important to Haruka, you're important to him.
What started as a few innocent games with local kids has turned quickly into a quasi-familial situation, much to your surprise as much as Kiryu's. Of course, Kiryu grows to appreciate your help. Managing so many kids can be a real handful... soon enough, there's some nights where you find yourself sitting next to him on the front porch, exhausted but happy, chatting casually long after all the kids have fallen asleep.
Keen as always, Haruka is the first to pick up on the mildest hint of romance, long before you even realize you have more than just platonic feelings for your neighborhood orphanage owner. Haruka would never go out of her way to force a relationship between the two of you but you can't help but notice her smile or even giggle a little when she catches you talking to Kiryu all alone.
You may be in denial at first, but it's impossible to ignore the fact that the two of you together look like quite the portrait of a happy couple, especially when all the kids are around. Your effect isn't lost on Kiryu either. Had someone told him a year ago he'd be grinning ear to ear at the mere sight of another person just sharing a space with him, he'd have scoffed. Yet here he is, smiling as he waves at you running around the beach with the kids in tow.
Kiryu may be oblivious at first but enough nights of mulling on his feelings all by his lonesome eventually leads him to the delightful yet frightening conclusion that he's feeling something for you that he hasn't felt for anyone in a long time. Unfortunately, he's also painfully aware that romance isn't his forte and doesn't tend to end well for him.
At the same time, he's not the same dragon he once was. This isn't Tokyo or the Tojo Clan. This is just him and you and the kids and the beach. So maybe his hesitation isn't merited here. Maybe for once, the time is just right for something like this.
Goodness knows Haruka is hoping he decides to take that leap of faith. She doesn't know if she can continue to handle the romantic tension between you two! Or if she can keep from spilling the beans about how the two of you feel about each other any longer.
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le-trash-prince · 7 months
adding another ask into our rotating collection sorry.
so I had a dream last night where [a person I love] was tenderly doing my nails and it got me thinking, because everything I think of these days is pit babe and because Kim (well Benz but you understand) has SUCH nice nails: one of his boys doing his nails. filing, shaping, smoothing, painting. maybe a little hand massage.
the act of service makes me think Kenta (he'd be so gentle and careful about it) but also Dean wears rings in a way that makes me think he understands the importance of nice hands. plus the opportunity for praise: doing a neat and tidy job, when he picks a nice colour. maybe he learns how to do cool designs?
(the only part of the process winner is interested in is the scratches that can be left with said nails)
idk it's just Very Important to me that Kim is well-cared for 🥺
🥺🥺🥺 Please don’t apologize for blessing me with this ask. This got me choked up because YES, Kim deserves to have his boys taking care of his hands??? Taking care of him???? And good god yeah his nails are so pretty wtf
I can see the little crease between Kenta’s eyebrows from concentrating so hard on doing a good job 🥹 But oh yes, Dean strikes me as someone who could really get into doing nails! He’d do it with a smile on his face because it’s something he finds fun (and yes praise kink), and he’d think about Kim when he’s out at the store and sees a color that matches Kim’s jacket. And nail art yes! Little black and white checkered racing nails 🏁🥺
Honestly I can see him and Kim doing each other’s nails on a regular basis, but if I think too much about how competent Kim would be at doing someone else’s nails and him touching Dean’s hands I might swoon AGDHFJJF (Inserting this clip of Benz here for the domestic visuals BECAUSE JUST LOOK)
which of the four do you think has the most sensitive hands asking for reasons
(can you blame Winner honestly. Im thinking about how he probably loves being marked up and im yelling)
Yeah Kim deserves to be pampered like royalty! 🥺 Why else would they always be kneeling at his feet. What a lovely dream and a lovely thought!!
I know exactly what you mean about associating everything to Pit Babe 😩 I was at the store earlier and I saw a dartboard and IMMEDIATELY envisioned Winner and Kenta smoking and playing darts at the bar!! Kim and Dean join in sometimes (and those are the loudest and most entertaining games), but it’s usually just the two of them and it becomes a little bonding ritual of theirs.
Winner doesn’t really stand a chance against Kenta’s precision, but he enjoys trying anyways. One game, he starts catching up, and he’s all ready to start trash talking until he notices that Kenta’s aim has been drifting—and when he looks over, he sees the ghost of a smile tugging at the corner of Kenta’s mouth, which has Winner swearing at him (he’s still smiling though) coz he knows Kenta did it just to get on his nerves, because Kenta can go easy on him and still win. (And if Kenta shakes in silent laughter, will Winner’s poor heart even survive)
Anyways it just makes Winner decide to show Kenta how he really likes to win—sabotage (feeling Kenta up while he tries to stay focused).
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theflyingfeeling · 11 months
because I'm bored and due to the lack of content from the tour & on Aleksi's twitch (didn't he say he filmed material worth of at least 4 bonus videos? or does my memory fail me 🤔), I made a compilation / list of all the cute Olli/Allu moments from Aleksi's twitch streams, (because what else would I be doing with my time off 🤡) because I for one didn't expect the streams to be such a goldmine for Olli/Allu content right from the beginning 🤲 I mean, I knew they were special to each other, but to find out they're this special... 🥺💕
(and yeeeeesssss I knoooow we've been over all of these so many times already, but unfortunately I'm still thinking about these moments alright, so bear with me will you 😇 at least I'm putting it behind a read-more for y'all's scrolling pleasure, which I couldn't have done in @sparfloxacin's askbox where I originally wanted to dump all this 🤧)
already on the first stream we had Aleksi texting Olli about his bass tracks being played on the stream and Olli answering immediately (because of course he answers his bf immediately <3) and Olli telling Aleksi how good his stream looks (because of course he went to look at it immediately <3) and communicating with the stream / the viewers via Aleksi by asking if they wanted a bass tutorial (because of course he'd want to contribute to his bf's new hobby <3) and then later Aleksi making a duet with said tutorial (I'm still not over how cute that was 😭)
Aleksi for some reason answering a question about Olli's gag reflex?? of all the questions he could pick from the chat, this is the once he chooses to comment on?? 👁️👄👁️ (fair enough, he probably just saw Olli's name and started reading the comment before he could help it because Olliiiiiiii 🥰💕💞)
Aleksi revealing he had texted Olli about a cool shirt he had seen 🤲
Aleksi texting Olli about merch and looking sad bored when he didn't answer, but once he did, the biggest smile spread on Aleksi's face 🥹 (and then he immediately changed the subject because he probably realised he let his crush show a little too much 😭), and wasn't this the one where Olli gave him a call mid-stream? because I guess Olli didn't have anything better to do than discuss merch ideas with his bf and that's just what they do apparently, just spontanously call each other whenever aaaaaaaa boyfrieeeeeeeendssss 💞💖💕💗
Aleksi talking about Olli's socks that "somehow" ended up in his suitcase? uh-huh yeah sure, how to say I'm fucking my bandmate without saying I'm fucking my bandmate 😌
then there was the spooky stream which I'm also still not over, tragically 😩 I'm just so weak about the fact Olli was Aleksi's first option to ask about ghost stories for his stream in the dead of night, and that Olli really had nothing else to do but join in his bf's spooky shenaningans and putting actual effort in it too (in general I'm trying soooooo hard not to overthink the fact they both chose to be texting each other about silly stuff rather than, idk, sleeping next to their girlfriends or whatever, but I guess this is completely normal behaviour for them and should not be over-analyzed)
not to mention how happy Aleksi was about Olli replying to his texts in the middle of the night, just HOW in love could they be?!? 😭
the bonus video about the remix Aleksi made in which he used Olli's guitar loop and had also named the project file after Olli 💖 (he totally didn't listen to that guitar loop over and over again thinking about Olli and how much he loves him and maybe drinking some red wine and missing him a lot and perhaps even crying a little 😭)
the amount of Olli included in that mini vlog 🥰 because they just can't stay too apart from each other <3
just in general name-dropping Olli so so often 🥺💞
did I forget something crucial? 🤔 in any case, even without shippy glasses on I dare you to argue they aren't a little bit special to each other, because how many times had Aleksi mentioned / interacted with Olli on these streams in comparison to all his other bandmates, INCLUDING the ones that live in the same city as him and with whom he thus gets to spend time even off-tour / when they're not actively making music/recording? yeah, that's right 😌
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thehighpriestess1 · 1 year
Okay I'm just gonna start of like when I read the spoiler that satoru was gonna die I thought he was actually gonna die but turns out he isn't good thing it's only a dream hopefully it stay like that
Can we all just take a moment of gojo being petty like when I read through the scene where he just throw the all the resume paper with all the male to the trash I thought he was a menace but sending another ma to Africa for our dear milf queen having a homie moment damn like I guess we ain't getting our date night after all it was guees we ain't having no friends unless their good in satoru radar or a girl 😔 does make me wonder imagine this instead of males being interested to our girl what if it's the same gender thought???? 🤔🤔🤔 Like what's gojo plan of action then 😂😂 it was kinda sweet of him waiting with keiseku for y/n in their bedroom IDK HOW y/n DIDN'T FOLDED WHEN GOJO ASK FOR HER TO JOIN IF I WAS HER I WOULD HAVE FOLDED WAY WAY BEFORE I SWEAR 😩😩
Also am I the only one who got the coffee reference from sdf I was literally laughing when I read those and said i guees we getting another noritoshi LOL
Their argument pretty based on them not being able to communicate much better I swear now whenever I eat anything related waffle I'm gonna think of the waffle scene man was crying while eating those soggy waffles like he was a kid who was forced to eat vegetables but instead of throwing it away he probably ate them thinking it better than five course meal i somehow come the point that I hate him salute to him to his dedication still eating them like a champ think anyone agreement Jerry the true MVP in this chapter like where was him when we needed him in the first chapter like it was mentioned y/n and Jerry met before 99% of the problem in the series would have been solved if he was there was he Also the one who taught gojo about fashion like ain't no way satoru got good fashion Sense in him when he choose those clothes for our queen
I feel like the two just need to not fucked each other to avoid any angst coming their way because whenever those two do the deed something always come up but on the good side we got feral gojo he got me running lapses in my room I swear he's like that person that sooo scary but still come out being a hot person like two dangerous combination but super hot also how big was the couch in the dressing room to be able to fit the two of them baby number gonna be shocked af when the parents told them where they were created 😂😂😂
Also can I just get a moment that my cat literally name is yuri she's a little feisty but I care about her she's a mother two kids ok I'm going off the track I saw someone saying that geto might join yuri side and I admit it was good but what if hear me out it was utahime helping her out what's drug gojo was on must have really knocked him out real bad man didn't even gave consent my first though that yuri paid someone to dress up that to get those pictures what ever it is she's delulu praying for yuri to get admitted to retirement home by retirement home I mean the cemetery but it's the same thing right 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Okay first of all I LOVE YOU for getting that SDF reference!!! Like guuurrrrl that made me happy! Thank you!!!
If a female was interested in the reader then gojo would be just so confused! But I doubt he'd get that feral. He'll give that woman a bombastic side eye like 😒
Y/n lowkey folded when Gojo asked her to join but our girl is resilient 💅🏻
That waffle scene was a way to make Gojo realise what he missed out on because of his pettiness and anger. He would NEVER make that mistake again.
Gojo and y/n should do a energy cleansing every time they do the deed because.....it seems cursed and I want them to make more babies without any complications 😂😂😂
That leather bench/couch was something like this except in maroon colour.
Tumblr media
We'll have to wait and see who has been helping Yuri because someone is definitely on her side 😉 why send her to cemetery once when Gojo can k**l her everyday 🤫🤫
I apologise to your cat I bet she is the cutest floof ever with two kittens snbabdkaman!!
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frenziedslashers · 2 years
you write for gladstone omg that's so fun!? I'd love some hcs, maybe with a reader who's less of a scientist and more of a paper pusher ?
Yes! I have such a soft spot for men of science. Especially the stereotypical brown hair, brown eyes, skinny figure, glasses type of men of science 😩 They just release something real in me and I wanna do [REDACTED] things to them frfr
but yes, here are your hc's!
Gladstone SFW Head canons:
He would actually like that you weren't a Scientist. Sure, he loves it when people know what he's talking about, but if anything. It gives him more of a reason to talk to you. He could ramble to you about anything and everything, and absolutely loves it if you pay attention to every word he says, even if you don't understand every word he says. He likes that you at least try and hear what he's saying.
He makes sure that you stay working in the office, too. The last thing he needs is his one friend leaving him behind foremother job, even if he knows that you deserve a better job. He's a bit selfish and hates the thought of losing you and your company.
If the two fo you do get in a relationship this doesn't change him a lot. He's still super awkward and hardly knows what to do. He's a nerdy scientist, he's never really been in a relationship before. How should he know what he's doing? It's not like he has a book to read and learn how to do this stuff. So, you'll have to be extremely patient and help the guy out a little.
He does get the hang of it all, and his main goal is making you happy. He does little things for you around your office that he knows will make you smile. Leaving you trinkets he made or found that made him think of you. Leaving you notes telling you how much you mean to him. Even using his breaks to come and sit with you and just talk, or make out depending on what type of lover you are. He's open for a lot of things.
Bro is extremely touch starved though, so you'll have to be really patient when it comes to him and physical contact. He wants to impress you and make you feel special, but he also doesn't really know how. So when the two of you hug, kiss, and hold hands for the first few weeks, or even months. It's a little stiff and awkward. He figures it all out sooner or later though.
He does like it if you join him in the lab though. Even if you aren't very into science, he likes the company. Plus he loves teaching you things and you being able to help him with smaller tasks. He does find it a little attractive as well when you take an interest in his work and actually get hands on with stuff in the lab. He'll probably never admit that though. Not until further into both of yours relationship.
Outside of the lab and work, one of his favorite activities to do with you is cuddling and watching movies. He's super anxious and not a very social guy. A huge introvert, if you will. So he isn't a big fan of going out unless he really has to. So being in the safety of one of your guys' homes, or your shared home depending on how far in the relationship you both are, he loves it. He particularly loves it when you hold him while the both of you lay on the couch. A part of him screams that he should hold you and that he should stop being such a baby, but he can't help it. You make him feel so safe and relaxed. The two of you could be watching his most favorite movie and he'd probably fall asleep like this each time. Especially if you play with his hair.
I truly believe that his weak spot is his hair. He loves it when you play with it and massage his scalp, but be warned. He's probably gonna fall asleep whenever and wherever you do this to him. So he asks that you don't do it while you're both at work unless he's extremely stressed out and needs a brain relaxer.
He's also really into praise. It makes him smile each time and depending on how stressed he is he might cry a little. He just feels so validated and seen when you give him any amount of praise. The guy is truly just lonely and touch starved. He loves all the affection that you can give him. Plus, he's madly in love with you and anything you say that's even remotely kind has him bubbling with happiness.
The last thing I have to say is I don't think he handles sarcasm that well. I think he gets a little hurt when you use it since he seems to take a lot of things seriously. So you have to let him know that you are joking and try to refrain from saying mean things as jokes, as they can cause him to feel attacked and betrayed a little.
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selkymaiden · 1 year
3, 4, 14, 35, 38, 42, 49 for sophie x 🐧 and galina x pendleclowns (i'm absolutely obsessed with sophie lord her vibes are IMMACULATE 😩💖)
flkajlkfjwlkerj thank you for the ask!!!! and oh gosh PLS I'm sorry for the DC brainrot. I just come here and reblog a billion things and then disappear. Thank you for being a mutual and sticking through the years it seems flkawer. Also thank you for enjoying my dumb DC oc. I'm cringe but i'm free~ ALSO IT GOT LONG MY BAD
3. What was their first impression of each other?
I kind of answered this one already but I'll try to describe it a bit differently? flkaer I will copy and paste the first part though: So the verse I have them is G*tham at the 10-year time skip, so he's been out of Blackgate for maybe 6 months now?
So as far as when they both met neither was impressed with each other. He just thought she was a low lackey working for Black Mask and was at his club just snooping. Thought she was a complete amateur at her job, so like a spy or something. She on the other hand has no respect for him and was actually at his newly reopened club because she was trying to headhunt good bartenders LMAO. She literally showed up to steal his staff if they were good. So it was not good all around.
4. Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
Sophie does for sure! She's more confident and emotionally available than [Foghorn blares] But that's because she's had a better time in life than him for sure. And for 🐧 it probably has to do with what he's had to deal with in his past, so it's not even 'gotta be macho and keep up appearances' but more worried it could be a weakness. Has even been told it's a weakness for anything affectionate and love and he has even told others it's a weakness. So he's insecure and self-conscious about it so it's harder for him to be genuine about reaching out so to speak. But if it's fake affection or charm he has no problem being manipulating. But real affection and initiating it? He'd rather just kill the other person so there's no evidence. But he gets better later on.
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
At the beginning no. Mainly because he makes it awkward and it pisses her off because she doesn't understand how a man older than her (if only slightly) can't just give a goddamn kiss! But they learn what each other likes and how to approach that it gets better and she especially likes when he kisses the back of her hand. But they're more private, yet if together long enough they'd be the couple who has no problem kissing in front of the henchmen.
35. Is their relationship a secret? If so, why?
lmaaaoooooooooo yes, ma'am, gotta keep it on the downlow! Although how do I describe it? It's sort of a screwball comedy at first because [redacted] is trying to get Sophie on his team to take back G*tham. But she won't join unless for a really, really good reason. But he knows she can be swayed by emotions so he thinks he can get her to like him and that'll work and it does but it backfires because he ends up liking her more. But there is no love in the time of gang wars so everything needs to look business and nothing personal to the outside world. He tried to play games and got fucked up.
38. Who’s got a quicker temper?
Oh. Easy. The dumb bird. 🐧 has temper tantrums still but she's a master of babysitting after working with Black Mask for so long.
42. What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families?
Well.... He has no family left and very few, if any, friends left. Except maybe Edward Nigma. So for Sophie she does get along with The Riddler. Probably because she's first of all a criminal also and has definitely done her fair share of bad things so she doesn't judge Edward or at least preaches to him about some of the shit he's done. Also, she's pretty smart and gets his references well enough. She's not good at riddles and doesn't care for puzzles but she understands what he's talking about so he recognizes that and it's good enough. And as far as 🐧 getting along with her friends/family- Well, like him her family has passed, but her friends she has a few and I haven't explored it all yet. Her friend that is someone else's OC who works at Arkham they'd probably get along, maybe? He'd probably be wary at first because obv he had the worst time when he was sent to Arkham. But with her other friend Mina, he'd probably find that friend annoying LOL. Mina is her oldest friend and comes before a lot of people so maybe he'd be jealous of how close they are.
49. Do they keep secrets from each other?
Oh for sure. [Foghorn noises] Schemes and manipulates, just does business on his own terms and his own ways and barely lets people in on the plot. Or at least the whole plot. Maybe he'll give a few things away but never the whole story. When he becomes more trusting of her and sees she's a good chess piece on the board that is G*tham he lets her in on more things.
And for her! LMAO well I made her a Homo Magi, so think Zatanna but not as powerful. But she's defiantly not telling him she can do magic, at least not for a while. That's a bargaining chip that's kept her alive so far with Black Mask so she keeps it close.
hehehe and now for my terrible noble galina x PENDLECLOWNs
3. What was their first impression of each other?
I almost want to just say they all saw each other as wild, uncultivated. Uncultured. What have you. So Galina looking at all these people of Dunwall and especially the twins she's like just... They're petty and flounce around saying things but back up none of it except more nasty things. Just no action and they even are in poor taste by avoiding duels. Unmanly. And for the two clowns, they think of her just as uncultured and wild coming from Tyvia of all places. A frozen tundra thats basically a totalitarian police state who overthrew their nobility to turn, what they think, is like idk the equivalent if they have a novel in Dumbwall like Animal Farm. Because she is nobility but it's frowned upon now in Tyvia because of the island's history. So like shun her or make her feel unfit to be anything but common.
4. Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
Galina and Morgan do the most I'd like to think. Galina for sure as she likes the pleasures of flesh and generally just doing things that can be seen as barbaric or should not be shown in public. And Morgan simply because he's the better of the two twins, imo, in the head at least when it comes to affection. ALTHOUGH Galina would much rather have Custis be the more affectionate one. And who knows why he doesn't initiate it more, maybe he's jealous of how easy it is for Morgan and Galina to be with each other, and when he tries he fails. He gives up easily and would rather have to put no work into any sort of relationship so he'll just go to the golden cat instead.
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
Galina for sure, then Morgan, and lastly Custis. Also, it's probably more private on the whole as everyone has to keep up their appearances. But Galina will defiantly do it just to get a rise or to be shocking, or to be annoying in public, especially at a party. But real genuine PDA is more private if that makes sense? Like if she's been invited to their manor she and the twins have no problem kissing in front of staff at some point when they turn their little hate party into a party of three that are def doing the nasty. BUT NOT AT THE SAME TIME. LMAO I think I mentioned that they do not do threesomes. But she has def had the twins just always at different times.
35. Is their relationship a secret? If so, why?
Maybe at first but that was because the Twins just thought of her as a savage or it could hurt how they look. But even though her nobility is sort of up in the air because Tyvia is like Big X to the nobility but because of her business and what she does so well she has A LOT of money. So they try to think of her as nouveau rich, even though she's not, but it's better than a fallen Tyvian noble. So after everyone gets over themselves they have no problem just being 'yeah we've fucked what of it?'
38. Who’s got a quicker temper?
OHHHHH Custis for sure. Galina loves and hates it. Sometimes she tries to goad Morgan but Custis is her favorite. But that's because she's toxic and likes to fight and be entertained, also when she makes it stressful for Custis she's more likely to get him to break or bend to her and then she'll do what she pleases. Someitmes it's nice and just holds him and gets him to shockingly snuggle or something sweet, otherwise she'll just fuck with him.
42. What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families?
Well. The twins will never meet Galina's sisters LOL Her two sisters would never dream of leaving Tyvia, how they have themselves set up they're good. They make Galina leave to do their bidding and her own business to the other isles. Also, I doubt the twins would have, and will never (depending on their ending) meet her family or friends since they'd never go to Tyvia. At least that's what I'd imagined based on how they are. But for her meeting or knowing the twins family... She does actually find Treavor cute but he's got no bite to him. She likes to chase and she likes to play games and find Treavor a bit boring but sweet. So he'd be maybe good husband material since she feels she could get him to do anything she wanted. LOL manipulate. And... Do the twins have friends? The nobility of Dumbwall is very interesting to her and she'll find ways to just make everything funny to her. So probably does not get a long with their friends but is sort of respected since she's good at playing mind games like the rest of them.
49. Do they keep secrets from each other?
Probably? Mostly the twins keep secrets from her. She on the other hand has no problem with just talking about anything openly. She does not shy away from politics or personal matters. Like when the rat plague starts she's literally 'peace out.' Like even says goodbye and doesn't just disappear or 'Oh i need to leave in the middle of the night all dramatic.' Nah, goes straight to their faces and says good luck but I gotta go home.
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stay-midnight · 1 year
continuation of the ask as usual! (forgot to mention that i'm excited for the seungmin fic btw hehe)
. . .
ahh i forgot to include ceo seungmin and sugar daddy thoughts in the first ask 😭 when they all become poly-i feel like it would def be an opportunity for seungmin and jeongin to get to know eachother, (eventually learning to love eachtoher as much as they love the reader but y'know y'know) the rivalry between them though 😭
could imagine jeongin tying the reader up and leaving them fucked out in the bed with a dildo to plug up all of jeongin's cum-then when seungmin gets home he finds the reader still tied up there, very annoyed and angry but has his way with the reader and would probs call jeongin while plowing the reader to get back at him, and then there'd be days that jeongin and seungmin will have reader crying on their dicks for hours while on some its just jeongin finding the reader cockwarming seungmin with their mouth while seungmin mindlessly watches tv 😭
now back to divine amusement!
the videos and pictures minho took are at this point, sent to other fellow gods. (videos of reader and lord bang getting spitroasted by the devil and god of michief, videos of the god of lust slowly inserting his big dick in the reader and lord of order's mouth, even showing off the way their throats bulge and the way they're gagged by the cum flooding their throats....pictures of their leaking holes, marks and gagged by minho's underwear...maybe some that shows the reader and chan clearly passed out but reader is still getting spitroasted mercilessly by minho and jisung while seungmin is fucking the cum back into chan .)
the order's are yet again, leashed up and naked on the floor with the 3 doms, except this time-2 god's, suddenly make an appearance and god did it not help lord bang feel eve more embarrassed, (one god he respects, and the other god is someone he absolutely despises....)
Felix imo wouldn't do anything except watch...and unexpectedly praise lord bang and reader for taking it so good. (its hot-and well, it doesn't really go against anything felix stands for, except maybe now and in future sessions he'd ask some of the doms to lighten up a bit when it gets too rough on the poor order's, and the god of arts would probably like to see reader and chan covered in cum...)
Jeongin on the other hand, he'd be so cruel, condescending and wow would he not pull any punches. (The chance to humiliate the god he despises back? And the chance to fuck said god's servant??? 🤐🤐🤐🤐) he most definitely would join in no questions asked.
It would start with the 3 making the 2 orders gag on their cocks, minho would video the reader gagging on jisung and chan gagging on seungmin...jeongin and felix would come up to them, minho smirking as jeongin wordlessly takes off his clothes but the shit eating grin on his face speaks volumes. He impatiently shoves away the devil, (seungin rivalry again hehe) and grips the hair of the lord of order, who's trying his best to avoid eye contact-
-the god of discord would forcefully make the lord of order look at him, "the lord of order finally being put in his place by no other than the god he hates the most." Before fully inserting his dick inside the lord of order's mouth as tears immediately starting streaming down, the lord of order can't believe how turned on he is though...would never admit it but the feeling of his throat getting fucked by jeongin, who's running is mouth is 😩😩😩 (seungmin's glare could probably kill 27 murderers in hell.)
On the other hand, jisung isn't holding anything back with his very own order slut. (jealousy from watching minho and seungmin touch reader, as well as to show that he owns reader.) enjoying all the gags and spit coming off from reader's mouth as minho takes videos of it all 😭 (would probs hand seungmin a phone to take videos too so he has something else to do rather than plot jeongin's murder.)
Felix would probably come up to them, hard in his pants but he ain't stripping yet-absolutely mesmorized by reader and lord bang's faces as they take cock. Standing behind reader, placing his hand and petting reader so softly as his alluring deep voice mutters, "you two are so pretty hm? those videos were quite the sight but its way different in personally....." as he wipes a tear streaming down the reader-who's getting light headed from the surprising praise coming from a god he also looks up to as his mouth continually gets violated.
When their close to cumming-jisung does the same as minho-pulls up his own boxers to cum in so he can use it to gag reader, (minho would laugh as he watches the god of mischief shoving the underwear in reader's mouth the same way he did.) seungmin would've done the same with chan but jeongin beat him to it, smirking as he says, "i know all about how these cumsluts like having a superior god's underwear gagging them." as he gags chan with his own underwear, seungmin would be fuming at this point.
next would be making the order scum fuck eachother and both jeongin and felix would be so memorized, (cause jeongin knows its insanely humiliating for chan and reader while felix thinks its so hot and praises both 😭) reader would be the first to fuck chan this time, while jeongin would probably be in front of chan-stepping on him as he watches the god he hates most get fucked by his measly servant-seungmin would probs be spanking chan hard, minho and jisung tugging/spanking on the reader's leash whenever he doesn't do as they ask 🤧
now when chan fucks the reader? seungmin, with no hesitation, stands over the reader and chan as he inserts his dick fully in chan's mouth-"cum inside your servant while gagged on my cock you whore." the lord of order couldn't believe that it could get anymore humiliating fucking his servant but it just even more shameful😭 (minho's beaming inside cause yes, his horny agenda is really spreading 🤯😩)
jeongin would be going off on degrading-"what kind of god can't even fuck a servant right." and chan can't even say anything back cause seungmin's grip on his head is so tight-jisung makes the reader recite his prayers and spit in his mouth yet again...
when chan cums, seungmin acts fast and manhandles chan on a bed- minho would've liked it if they made chan and reader eat eachother out first but the sheer fury seungmin is emanting is making him feel a bit nervous, jeongin would have no shame though- positioning himself behind chan as he thrusts at almost the samw brutal pace seungmin is doing, the squelching of the cum inside chan from his servant was loud 😭
Ofc reader is getting spitroasted by jisung and minho now-as felix watches it all, so horny and turned on but decides to not do anything except praise for now......(jeongin would probably eventually switch places with minho in spitroasting the reader, so jeongin is just making rivals with almost everyone now 😭) jeongin will probably be just as brutal to reader as he does with chan-
after everything, even more pictures and videos were sent to the other 2 gods, who were busy but as soon as they got their free time and saw everything, minho could just feel himself get stronger with his horny agenda....(while reader and chan are definitely more dumbed out during aftercare and would be even more sore-😪) to be continued-👀
ahhhh this is too long-sorry OQJWHW8ZY2BDKZU2GWV IDK ANYTHING ANYMORE-this anon is very madaldal and is very sorry for that haha 😭💖
Its released! I released it last night huehue—
FR, while poly the rivalry between them wont definitely end but they agree on somethings like readers wants, needs and restrictions — and they still compete on who could pleasure reader the best, like when they're home theres bound to be a threesome in the shower, kitchen and maybe even the balcony like the places are endless but one common thing is reader is always either sandwiched, spitroasted or double penetrated like? I can imagine like a double penetration scene thats like– "Fuck, You like that, baby boy? Better than Min's dick right?" Jeongin shamelessly says as Seungmin groans below reader, "Fucker, my dick is bigger than yours" Seungmin responds with a bite— like all reader could do is moan and focus om the stretch while the two are rambling again nenendnsjs- OH AND CUM FILLING WITH THEM BOTH LIKE THEY WILL LIKE FIGHT ON WHICHEVER CUMS THE MOST ON U 😭
Jeongin and Felix definitely jerked off at the videos that were sent 🤐
Anyways, I can feel like when Jeongin and Felix first spots both the orders kneeling, naked and blindfold — Jeongin would think the sight is gratifying and probably makes some comments like:
"Look at that, didn't know the Lord of Order is a slut, little cocksucker if you may — I mean I always thought your lips were perfect for it and my my, bringing your servant to the fun as well~" Said the god of discord
Felix would probably be like "I didn't know you were into this kind of stuff Lord Bang, ha ha.. I'm not one to judge though, that's not my place and you look cute like this."
(Also the main reason why Felix doesn't hate the other gods its cuz he is neutral to all of em cuz Chan despises gods of immoralities due to his status as the embodiment of order—Felix just doesn't have that same moral viewpoint)
While Felix is sitting there watching with a noticeable bulge, Jeongin would jump in immediately from excitement— Jeongin is also there to spread an agenda- he would like a bit of discord during the sessions so he would literally be so passive aggressive with the gods so after he pushes Seungmin away for Chan's mouth— talking shit with that grin of his (he'd probably force chan down on his balls as he pulls on his hair) "What happened? I thought order was superior to discord? It's time to get off the high horse, old man—you're gonna become a little playtoy for the gods" Jeongin says, spitting om Chan's face. While Seungmin is there with building anger at the fact Jeongin thinks he can just push him around
Jisung would definitely fuck reader hard like, to show the other gods who owns them like Seungmin out here being a cameraman cuz yk someone took his spot forcefully ehem 💀. So as Seungmin records Jisung his attention is on Chan and Jeongin. he does not trust Jeongin one bit and be sure to be on guard just in case he hurts Chan.
Felix lives for the praises so he would pat reader and Chan telling them they do a good job, but like its still embarrassing for them- And he'll also be like their kind of voice when things get super rough and out of their comfort zone he'd be sure to stop the gods when that happens.
Jisung and Minho 🤝 the pair of soaked cum underwear kinks— but Minho would make like a joke "Lord Han is a copycat" HAHSNDNX Jeongin would live for it cuz he also feels Seungmin's fuming anger but nonetheless he taps Chan's cheek as he watches him gag on his underwear as he calls him a cum slut.
NO CUZ JEONGIN STEPPING ON CHAN'S HEAD CUZ HES BENT OVER AS HE GETS ABSOLUTELY RAILED BY HIS SERVANT WOULD BE YES! Like he'd be running his mouth again like the little shit he is probably pulls Chan's hair and oh no- he opens Chan's mouth to spit inside it – making sure to make eye-contact with Seungmin as he does so huehue— All Seungmin could do is spank Chan with such force that the sound echoed in the room— Reader would definitely doesnt exactly knows whats going on except to chase his orgasm-
Its Seungmin's turn and after Chan is fucking reader, he grabs him by the throat, immediately ripping out Jeongin's wet underwear and throwing it somewhere as he inserts his dick inside his mouth savouring Chan's wet and used mouth.
Seungmin has no mercy at this point as other gods watches as he slams Chan into the bed immediately reinserting his dick into Chan's throat – gripping him by the adam's apple and watching it as he made bulge come out of his neck—Minho's a bit nervous cuz while the horny agenda is what he needs to gain power—total anger isn't. But Jeongin laughs as he gets a bit of power from that and hikes Chan's legs up as he fucks his cum filled hole with a brutal pace — grinning at the Angry Seungmin as he pushes more of the devil's buttons.
After Jeongin gets a bit bored of Chan he finally decides to give reader a try—he shoves Minho away albeit his protests and uses Reader's hole—loving the way they clench around him ofc he is looking at Jisung with a smirk during this as well — it does not bother Jisung one bit cuz he knows what Jeongin is trying to do and him being the god of mischief as well and all.
Chan and Reader being the breeding toys of the god, though the other two gods are certainly interested as they respect Chan a lot and seeing this piques their curiosity—
(ITS FINE— im used to it at this point god i took one hour answering this though HAHHAHA CUZ ME TYPING IN MY PHONE IS SO HARDD AND EY FILIPINO ANONNIE)
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
Eddie with his 6 lil nuggets with reader 😩
This was really cute, I took some artistic liberties, but hopefully you still like it!
ST Eddie Munson x Reader - Sweet Child O' Mine
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Warnings: fluff, annoying kids, over stimulation, anxiety, child endangerment, fear of death, protection, thinking someone died/drowned, ANGST
Summary: After graduation, you and your friends decided to take the kids on a camping trip.
"Jesus H. Christ!" Eddie's shrill voice complained. "Can you shut the fuck up, Dustin? Nobody cares about what kind of trees are native to this state or whatever!"
You smiled sympathetically, resting your hand on his shoulder, turning back to the kids in the back seat. "I care, Dustin, but how about we save it for when we get there? Then you can show us the trees, and not just talk about them." You offered, smiling. Out of every minor in the car, Lucas, Max, and himself, Dustin was the only one to forget his walkman. He'd made Eddie turn off his stereo, claiming the metal gave him a headache, and he'd been talking nonstop ever since.
You thought for a solution, tapping your thin with the pad of your index finger, before settling on an idea. Digging on your bag, you found an old walkman with a cracked case. You opened Eddie's glove box, finding something that Dustin would like, before loading the cassette. "Here," you said, handing it back to him with a smile. "You can borrow mine."
The teenager's hands claimed the device, looking it over. "God, (Y/N), thing's ancient." he commented. "First edition, I think." you blushed a bit. Your family had never mad much money, and you honestly had only had the player so long. Eddie'd bought it for you from a pawn shop back in Freshman year and you loved it dearly.
Dustin could see Eddie casting him glares from the rear view mirror, prompting him to change his tune. "L-Like, ancient in a cool way, I mean! Like an artifact. Thank you." You smiled at him, patting your boyfriends thigh. Now that all the kids were distracted, you could turn the stereo back on, and Eddie would calm down. Your fingers brought it to life, tuning it to pay a song that was highly sentimental to your relationship: Sweet Child O' Mine.
He instantly let loose of all the tense energy in his body, waiting for the lyrics to begin, ready to sing along to them. His lips closed again when you began to sing instead.
"She's got a smile that it seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky."
It was rare that Eddie got the chance to hear you sing, not because you weren't good at it, but because of how shy you were about it. Him and his friends had actually on more than one occasion asked you to join their band, but you'd always just laugh off the offer. "Now and then when I see her face, she takes me away to that special place and if I stare too long, I'd probably break down and cry." he cooed, his pitch complimenting yours quite nicely.
"Okay, shit heads," Eddie said, twisting to pop his back. "Get outta my van." You giggled at him, sliding out of the passenger seat, grabbing your bag out of the floor board as you did. You walked around to the back of the van to begin un packing as Steve called everyone over.
"Alright, kids," he said, hands on his hips. "Because we're responsible for you and whatever you do while we're out here, the cabin we rented is gonna be supervised." The kids all groaned, a few of them hoping to get a bit of alone time with their respective partners. You giggled at them as Steve continued to drone on as they hiked up to the cabin.
Night had fallen, and you all sat around the fire pit, Eddie strumming softly on an acoustic guitar with your head on his shoulder. You were all roasting marshmallows, swapping embarrassing stories, and intermittedly singing off key to what ever your boyfriend happened to be playing at the time. Currently, you had been playing a child friendly version of truth or dare, and Jonathan had been telling the story of having to pry a Lego figure out of Will's nose, everyone laughing at their expense. After a bit of time had passed, Nancy and Steve had come to the conclusion that it was probably time for bed, planning to take everyone canoeing early the next day.
You had been laying in bed with Eddie, fast asleep, when you rolled over, eyes opening slightly to reveal an empty bed beside you. Confusion set in as you groggily sat up, his arm still wrapped around you. You blinked, realizing that there were three empty cots between you and the wall. Your brows knitted together in panic as you shot up to a stand, spinning around.
You hurriedly shook Eddie awake, kicking into your shoes and shouting to wake everyone else. "Guys, guys! Wake up, the kids are gone!"
Eddie jumped up immediately, aiding in your shaking his friends awake. "Jesus H Christ, wake the fuck up!" he shouted, stomping his boots on the floor to make as much noise as possible.
All of you finally darted out of the cabin, all in your pajamas, and all breaking away to search for the kids. Jonathan hushed the five of you, listening intently. "Do you hear that?" he asked his girlfriends as her brows furrowed.
"Laughing," she replied. "That's Mike." You sat there contemplating where the sound could be coming from when Robin suddenly broke into to clumsy sprint westward.
"The river!"
You had all broken off into three groups, fanning out to find the children, and you were currently losing your grip. You were rambling Eddie's ear off, firing off all the terrible things that could have happened to them, alone in the woods. He acted highly annoyed on the outside, not at you, but at the kids for sneaking out, but inside, his mind was melting. What if they were hurt, or worse? Could he carry one of them back to camp? What if he couldn't do anything?
"Baby, you've got to calm down." he finally said, gripping your shoulders and gazing deeply into your eyes. "We're gonna find them, I promise." You nodded, trusting him as he pulled you into his chest, seeing your glossy eyes shed a tear. Suddenly, you heard a feminine scream that you recognized as belonging to a redheaded little girl.
"Max!" you shouted, breaking away form him and into a sprint toward the sound. "I can hear rushing water, we have to be close!"
Before you realized it, you both were standing on the river bank, all six kids before you, holding onto rocks, roots, and each other for dear life as the rapids tried to pull them away. Mike shouted out to you when he caught sight of you, more worried for his girlfriend, who clung to his waist with terrified tears in here eyes. "Help! Eddie, please!"
You couldn't think, you didn't hesitate, you threw off your hoodie and shoes, before jumping into the river before your boyfriend could stop you. "(Y/N), wait, we need a fucking plan!" he shouted, watching you heroically, force your way through the water, disobeying the current.
You mad your way to Jane first, she being the closest, and with the least security. "El, I need you to let go." you yelled over the roaring stream. She shook her head, nuzzling into Mike's side, uncertain.
"Are you crazy, she'll fucking die!" her boyfriend protested, tightening his grip on her. You shot him a stern look before looking back to El with open arms.
"I'm gonna catch you, I promise." With a big inhale, she took a leap of faith, letting Mike's shirt go, instantly being taken by the rapids, only to have your protective arms wrap around her, your heels dug into the dirt, and lodged between two rocks for stability. You turned back to shore to find Eddie, still trying to work up the courage to jump in after you. "Ed, take her!" you demanded, swimming the teenager to the shore. He did as you asked, wading into the stream at a safe distance, ready to receive the girl into his arms.
Suddenly, you lost your footing, screaming out as your arms left El's torso, letting her flow freely passed you. This was the last straw for Eddie as he dove into the river, just in time for Jonathan and Nancy to make their way through the brush. "(Y/N)!" he shouted, letting the current pull him toward you, securely catching the both of you in his arms.
"Eddie! Grab on!" Jonathan yelled, he and his girlfriend holding a branch for him to grab onto. Eddie didn't hesitate, instantly pushing towards the end of it, grabbing it and allowing himself to be pulled out. Once he was close enough, he gave El a harsh shove, making her fall to her knees on the shore, where Robin was now waiting to let her collapse into her arms. Steve now took Nancy's place at Jonathan's side, with her wading into the water to collect the kids as you rescued them.
"Go, (Y/N), get on land." Eddie ordered, trying to push you away, but you dug your heals into the mud.
"I'm not going anywhere! Our kids are in danger, Eds, now either help me, or get out of my way!" you snapped, making your way back to Mike to pull him out. You boyfriend growled at your stubbornness, holding your hand to form an extension of the branch for you to reach him. The younger Wheeler instant leapt to grab your hand, being pulled to safety by the chain you'd made. Once he was safe, Nancy squeezed him him her arms, wetting her sweater, and threatening him to never do that to her again.
Next was Will, who just just about a foot farther than Mike had been. "Will, grab on!" you shouted. "I've got you!" You could see his eyes dart between you and his worried brother.
"C'mon, buddy," Jonathan reassure him with a sentimental smile. "It's gonna be okay!" With that, he let go of the rock he clung to, being carried away by the current, but catching your hand, just in time. Relief washed over Jonathan's tired features, knowing his brother was safe, and now in his girlfriend's loving arms.
“Max, c’mon, you’re next!” you shouted to the terrified girl, reaching for her, frustrated when she simply clung to Lucas tighter, screwing her eyes shut.
“I can’t!” persisted, looking away from you. “I’m too scared!”
Eddie groaned, holding your hand as tightly as he could, his eyes catching Dustin, the farthest across the river, losing his grasp on the root he was holding onto for dear life. “Red!” he called out. “You’ve gotta trust us!” He shot her a fake smile, seeing that he’d caught her attention. “Look at everything you’ve been though in the last few months, you took down an interdimensional demon! How are you gonna let a little water take you out? You’re better than that, Max!” he hyped, begging for her to jump. “Just let go and I promise, you’re never going to be in danger again!” You could see the gears turning in her eyes as your fingers barely grazed Lucas’s shirt. “Max, Please!”
Finally, the ginger jumped into your arms, her smaller frame glued to you, tangling her libs around you for security. Lucas also let go, grabbing your hand, and his eyes gazing into yours with a deep gratitude. You passed Max to you boyfriend, who passed her along to Robin, and the same with her boyfriend. 
Finally, your eyes locked on Dustin. He was much farther away the others, horror written across his face. There was no way you could reach him the way you had the others. “Dustin!” you called out to him. “It’s gonna be okay!” To be honest, you couldn’t promise that. You had no idea how you were going to rescue him, and time was dwindling. 
While you were thinking, the teenager shrieked, slipping away from the mossy root, You screamed his name, instinctually slipping out of Eddie’s grasp, much to his horror. Eddie lost his mind as watched you cradle his little brother in your secure arms, right over the cusp of a water fall. 
“Dustin,” you whispered, gravity pulling tears upwards from your terrified eyes as you fell. “Dustin, listen to me.” The boy nodded, holding you, also crying as he clung to you. 
“I’m listening, (Y/N)!” 
“I love you, Dusty, and I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you!” you sniffled, hugging his neck. “You’re the best little brother I could have ever asked for, even if we’re not really related.”
“I love you too, sis!” he cried into your chest. “I'm sorry!”
Eddie felt all his most primal instincts taking over as he lead the pack, darting through the woods, not caring for the cuts and bruises he acquired on the way. Now at the bottom of the fall, he spotted you two, barreling for the water below. Before he could possibly react, you hit the surface, your head harshly slamming against a rock in the much calmer stream when you did. You boyfriend waded through the water, rushing to you as Dustin resurfaced, gasping for air. The pair instantly clung to one another, before realizing that you were nowhere to be found. (Y/N)?!” Eddie sobbed into the night air. “Where are you, baby?!”
Nancy felt her heartache, watching the boys struggle to find you as she, and the rest of the party made their way into the river to search for you. “I found something!” Robin called, spotting what looked to be your hair floating not far from where the boys stood. “Help me.” she commanded, gently pulling you from the ripples. 
Eddie froze, tears already streaming form his eyes. You were lifeless, and void of color, save for the sanguine contaminating the water. Slowly, he pushed his way though the crowd, falling to his knees in the water, cradling your body in disbelief. He cried over you, weeping, gently shaking you, as if it would help.
“We should get her back on land.” Steve piped up, grabbing your arms to drag you into the sand. Jonathan took it upon himself to take you by the ankles, lifting you out of the water. A few followed them, but most stayed with your boyfriend, who’d fallen catatonic, sitting on his knees, eyes a leaky faucet, dripping dears that collected into the stream. With little resistance he allowed his friends to lift him up, walking him to the shore, to you.
Again, Eddie fell to his knees, defeated, and wept over you, brushing wet hair out of your face, smiling sadly as he shakily sang to you. “ She's got eyes of the bluest skies as if they thought of rain. I'd hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain...” He laid his head on your chest, pulling you into his lap, sobbing quietly. 
His eyes suddenly shot open, his neck snapping to look at your face, having felt your chest rise and fall with the cycle of a breathe. “ Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place where as a child I'd hide.” You coughed, lake water sputtering out and leaking over your lips as you looked up at your lover with a gentle smile. “And pray for the thunder and the rain to quietly pass me by...”
“(Y/N)!” Eddie cried, hugging you tightly, perhaps a little too much so. “Fuck, I thought you were gone!”
“I could never leave you, Eddie.” you nuzzled him, “I love you too much.”
“I love you too, baby girl.” He answered, still sobbing quietly, finding it hard to stop. You reached up and carressed his cheek. 
“And I couldn’t leave out six little nuggets behind.” you giggled, couching up again. You glanced over to the kids, soggy and dripping wet. You reached out a hand, signaling that you would like a hug. Instead of that, they all tackled you, paying no mind to your injuries, simply overjoyed that you were okay. Max got to you last, inserting herself onto the dogpile that was your little group hug. Her eyes flickered up to Eddie, who was watching fondly. Flustered, she leapt up to throw her arms around the man’s neck, snuggling into him with tears in her eyes. 
“Thank you, Eddie...”
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thesoleilla · 2 years
He y y o u
I love ur writing so here am i with another random request you'll be able to do in quite some time, bUt I ThOuGhT YOU'd LiKe A MYsTiC MeSSenGEr ReQuEsT FoR wHeN yOU cOmE bACk YoU SeE
So... I'd like a one shot uhhh.. Where the RFA prepare something for the 1st year anniversary of reader joining the RFA and you know, they cook, do stuff, and sometimes there's c h a o s, and uhhh... Reader x 707 cuz 707 is 😩😩😩😩
Spoiler : i plan on sending other requests and my next one will be about yoosung, thx bye ★★★
A/N: sorry if this isn't really like you wanted I just got reallyyy carried away lol still I hope you enjoy srry my brain didn't want to be funny apparently
First year anniversary at the RFA, a chaotic celebration
You didn't think that much time had passed since you joined this organisation, and although you definetely put your marks here and there and knew what you were doing, everything still felt as good as new.
So let's just say that when you saw everything they prepared, you forgot what blinking was. For such a long time that when you remembered, you had to blink as fast as lightning to make up for the previous lack of the cleaning that your eyes desperately needed.
And did I mention how much your eyes were widening? Saeyoung even whispered in yoosung's ear that you looked like you came from a meme and they giggled about it for a while.
But how could you not be surprised by the sight that was in front of you?
You thought this would just be a casual occasion for all of you to meet and discuss casualties about the next party, however this was a bit more.
First off, what was supposed to be the meeting table was hidden by a big blanket, which when pulled revealed seemingly homemade and pretty well done food, except for a few burned parts here and there,which just proved this was really made by RFA members and not by some aliens your boyfriend somehow contacted (or by Jumin's employees, but you liked the alien option better).
And you were right, they were indeed home-made, and each member clearly remembers how troublesome making them was, the burned ones still being better than the ones they didn't end up showing you.
You see, when yoosung suggested that the food would be home-made, everybody agreed; thinking he'd be the one making it.
But when he started giving everyone a list of what each of them needed to make, that's when problems started arising.
Even after some of the world's most heated negociation, each member had at least two things to cook, and Jaehee decided that they'd cook in the same place, to prevent any buildings from burning (thanks Jaehee, if you didn't suggest it then half the RFA would probably be dead by now).
And so, when the first cooking day arrived, no one was mentally prepared for what was going to happen...
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F l a s h b a c k
"Jumin, you're going to have to use your own hands for this" said Zen, trying to mock Jumin for his non-existent cooking skills when he, was not any better.
"Why do it yourself and take risks when you can have someone qualified to do so do it? You, on the other hand don't have any excuse for your lack of skills." Jumin coldly responded, in his tone that has a talent to get on Zen's nerves.
"I do you stupid trustfundkid-"
"FIGHT!FIGHT!FIGHT!" Zen was cut by Saeyoung's loud cheering, who managed to get both of the rivals' anger to be directed towards him, pretty impressive but wether or not it's in a good way is up for you to decide; but he definetely didn't think so since they had stopped fighting against eachother to start sending death glares towards the poor Saeyoung.
This lasted a long time. The pressure from the menacing glares making everyone shut up, even those who had no implication in the situation whatsoever.
"Uh so uh a-anyways we should get cooking right?"Yoosung broke the silence, trying to ignore the suffocating tension of the room.
And so they started "cooking".
And by "cooking" I meant that Zen had just started microwaving stuff, Jumin was trying to pass all of his work to Jaehee, and Saeyoung just put a bag of chips on the table and called it a day (did they even read their lists??) While Yoosung was slowly losing faith in humanity; comforted by Jaehee and Saeran who knew this was bound to happen and already lost any kind of faith anyway; because how could they have some when they constantly have to deal with either Jumin or Saeyoung? Nobody should have to be put through that kind of torture.
So yup, not only where they gonna cook in the same place but also together, rip the negociators who will have to make more food than they planned to.
After a bit of thinking/rock paper scissors the RFA was divided into 2 groups.
Yoosung,Jumin and Zen in the first(yes nobody except seven thought this was a good idea but it's seven; if he wants something to happen it does).
Jaehee, Saeyoung and Saeran in the second (do I need to explain how much Saeran protested against this? But then again Saeyoung has god's power besides him).
Let's start with the first group; they were tasked to do the simpler stuff, since Saeyoung said they'd have the harder stuff because he apparently has "unbeatable cooking skills" cough cough
Anyways first task: the vanilla cake
Now, this was supposed to be simple; basically just put everything in a bowl, mix then put it in the oven. Simple enough for the RFA right?No,nothing is simple enough for the RFA.
First off, "heat the oven to 180°C (gas mark 4)"
Now, do you expect these people to know how to count? Jk, they do, they just can't read. You see, Yoosung had left Jumin and Zen alone to do that while he greased the cake mold. The error. Of couuurse they wanted to do better than the other, but how exactly can you preheat an oven better? Well you can't. At least they can't. Since they fought about whether to put it on the third or fifth mark. They were supposed to put it on the fourth mark. But why was that may you ask?
Zen thought that putting it higher thought the cake would just be ready faster, and Jumin thought that they should just wait a bit longer for it to cook because it would make it better quality???Don't question their logics...
So yup, Yoosung ended up letting them fight and sneakily putting it back on fourth mark once the fight was done.
Anyways, second step: putting everything in a bowl and mixing!
Margarine: check
Caster sugar: check
Table filled with sugar because Zen did it: check
Eggs: check....?
Yoosung had screamed so loudly that the other group was laughing and especially saeyoung who was already mocking Jumin for it, while he was taking a mental note to remember that the eggs needed to be cracked.
Anyways, after taking three whole eggs out of the bowl, all three of them took one and a mental competition of fastest egg cracking started. Nobody would admit it though because Jumin and Zen wouldn't be that childish they are serious people.Totally no mental competition. Yes they are lying to themselves
Of course, Yoosung won because of experience but the real competition was not here, dont act like you don't know.
Zen was cracking all of the eggs so fast and none of them were done right, the amount of food waste was horrendous, all while Jumin was taking what seemed like an hour. To crack one egg.Yikes.
Eventually, Jumin cracked his egg and Zen finally succeeded in perfect sync; just like soulmates jkjkjkjk or maybe not
Next were self raising flour, baking powder and vanilla extract, all which had half on the table, but at least there were some in the bowl!
Now, the recipe said a "pinch" of salt. Thats not precise enough for Zen and Jumin, so they may have ended putting a whole tablespoon of salt... Yoosung had given up on saving the cake at this point...
But everything was in the bowl, next mixing!
Jumin was supposed to do it at first, but he was so slow that Zen took the spoon out of his hands and started mixing too fast and too much... but at least it's mixed!
They poured the mix into the mold, and put in the oven... now they just needed to wait 45-50minutes until it's done.
Now Zen wanted to take it out at 20mins already, so Yoosung made them cook something else while waiting, which ended up in them taking it out a bit too late; hence the burnt parts.
But what happened in the second group during that time may you ask?
Let me tell you: they were tasked with making banana muffins with chocolate chips. Wasn't this way too hard for the RFA may you ask? Well... yes and no.
First off, they just had to pour the flour, sugar, yeast and vanilla sugar into a bowl.
Well they did so, but Jaehee not being there since she had to melt the butter as letting one of the twins near a microwave is a very bad idea.Half of the ingredients were not measured since that's what Saeyoung did, and he was pretending that his hands were weighing scales, just let him believe it at this point. The other half was surprisingly well done by Saeran, he looked at peace during the progress... but did end up fighting with Saeyoung afterwards of course!
Now, Saeyoung was basically forcing Saeran to mix with him, and Saeran was not happy but they did, and Saeran would never said it but he found it fun. He found Saeyoung's bs fun! Hoorayy!
Jaehee came back with the butter, having no idea of the mess that was in the mix, and added the butter into it.
After more mixing (done by Jaehee this time), it still didn't look like it was supposed to... but whatever onto the next step!
They were supposed to have a sand like texture, they had a very solid one
Next beat the egg and the milk together and then pour it over the last preparation.
Now, Saeran may have at first been confused as to how you were supposed to punch a liquid, but Saeyoung had stopped him from punching the eggs, showing him that they must crack them (he totally didn't learn that because of the other group he always knew that of couuurse).
Jaehee knowing how this was going, pulled out the whisk and showed them how it was supposed to be used and making sure not to let them get their hands on it, we never know with these two, especially the one with eye problems.
After Saeran decided not to bother to tell them they forgot to punch the mix, the mix was ready!
Now, they just had to crush the 3bananas, so one per person.
Jaehee's was not surprisingly; done as supposed to. Oh do I wish I could say this about the others...
You see, since Saeran wasn't able to express all of his anger by punching the eggs (and the milk, somehow) he mayy have crushed the banana a bit too strongly; it was almost a gaz because of all the heat that his rage produced...
And Saeyoung? Well... Saeyoung is Saeyoung. He didn't want to crush the banana. Why? Because bananas have feelings too, duh.
"The poor bananas!This is torture! I won't tolerate this behavior!"
After some more arguing, Saeyoung put his whole banana in the bowl without hurting it one bit! #bananashaverightstoo
Then, they put the chocolate chips into the mix, not without Saeyoung forcing Saeran to eat some, after what they both proceeded to eat half the bag... what can I say, the choi twins sure are torturing Jaehee I guess? Poor baby girl
Then, they just had to put in the oven (which Jaehee did by the way, would you trust the twins around an oven?I wouldn't.)
They had to wait minimum 15 minutes, they waited only 14minutes because they were too excited (and by they I mean Saeyoung) but overall, it seemed edible!Yahoo~! Let's partay tonight☆☆☆
This continued on for a few more recipies, making the sight you were witnessing
End of flashback
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But what impressed you the most was what was just above your heads, the ceiling was filled with banners, congratulating you for your first year here (Only cut by Jaehee, since the others either couldn't be trusted around a pair of scissors or were not precise enough for her liking) Each member had one with their heart favorite color, and it was clearly handwritten by them. Jaehee's was satisfyingly well done, Yoosung was badly written but you saw he tried, the multiple ink smudges were what gave it away, but still it was rather cute and he added a smiling face at the end.
Jumin's was written like... well like it was a computer who did it (if you discard the little red pen marks from Saeyoung that is) but you knew he did it himself.
Zen's was average, except the little winking face at the end who was completely crossed out by Saeyoung's red pen (deserveed).
Now, Saeran's banner was... only half made by Saeran since Saeyoung desperately wanted to help. But the part Saeran had written was actually pretty good, except the slight shaking he must have had while writing since the letters were shaking too (or, as Saeyoung thought, the letters just felt menaced by the greatness of the twins!).
Now, onto Saeyoung's part. It was the longest out of all of them, and probably wouldn't make sense for anyone but the two of you but it did. It was written in all of the world's languages, binary; and of course, small bad drawings. "Oh god could that man be cute," you thought.
But before you could continue looking around, Saeyoung was pushing for you to open his gift but you couldn't since it was locked by a code.
You instantly knew what to try.
And everybody except Saeyoung watched in disbelief as you instantly started typing "love" in binary, and it worked.
The gift opened itself automatically, only to reveal a little cat robot, an upgrade of the first one.
"It's the wife of the first one! They are now a happy couple, just like us!"
Man did you like being a part of the RFA.
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End! Yet again not really proud of this but still hope you enjoyed!
A/N: first and prob last fic in germany unless I come back next year and I really want to bc I love that country lol
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fablesofkitkat · 3 years
POV: you did not confess to Bakugo, he did not confess to you [repost]
genre: fluff
We can talk it good, how you wish it would be all the time
@speedmetalqueen i remember you liking this. for the love of fanfictions, pls stop me from ever deleting this pov when I spiral to self hate once more 😩
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You were restless, heart beating too fast and that usually meant something was about to happen, your anxiety was getting out of hand; so you get out and found him lying on the ground next to the drum filled with boiling water. Class A trainers finally let their class have a break after a two day straight training. You couldn't relate. Initially, you and the rest of Class B complained about waking up early only to find Class A still awake and pushing that 48 hours training, 12 hours rest, then repeat.
"You still going? You should know when to stop. You might get hypothermia from your sweat if you keep this up." You tell him, looking down at his sorry figure when you finally reach him.
"It's none of your business." Bakugou snapped.
He was like this. His personality comparable to a porcupine, not to mention the hair. You don't really approach hot tempered people, dealing with them give you headaches. Bakugou is an exception. He was callous. Gruff. Easily angered. Especially when he got his quirk, it was like his personality was a premonition of his explosive abilities. He was also arrogant, not in a mean way most people misunderstand but that belief, that confidence in himself. He was vain, others would say. You knew better, he was simply confident.
"I'm going to stargaze, you should join me." You offered.
"Why would I, dumbass?" He scowled, glaring at you.
"I might get lost." You reply, smiling at him.
"Not my problem." He answers.
So you start to leave and you hear him follow after you.
"Don't get me wrong, if you get lost, no doubt everyone would be asked to look for you." He says, still staring daggers at you. If looks could kill, you'd be dead.
You shook your head at him, smiling, that was why you were drawn to him, his actions were so contrary to things he say. He discouraged Deku, sometimes going too far, with the intention of making Deku realize that the world would be more cruel to Deku than Bakugou would ever do, especially to a quirkless. But now, well...
He was... shitty in a good way, still debatable. At least that's what you noticed and you noticed him alot, you asked yourself who wouldn't? He demands everyone's attention just by his presence. He might not like you but his sense of responsibility to you as a former class president in elementary school and as a former classmate, he still carries it with him. When you two arrived at a small hill just a 20 minute walk from the camp you raised your eyes to the night sky.
"You're too hard on yourself." You tell him.
He crossed his arm, staring at you like was trying to figure something out.
"You should really pace yourself, bakubread."
"You're saying the same old things, vice pres." He scratched the back of his head, slouching and his other hand in his pocket.
"You do the same old things, class pres." Your eyes curved. You were kinda touched that he still remembers your banter.
He crossed his arms. "You should up your game. Class B seems to be slacking off with their training. Are you going to be weak like them?"
"Keep saying things like that and everyone will hate you." You laugh, because you know anything he says isn't vindictive.
"Doesn't work on you, though." Bakugou grumbles. "Maybe if you trained harder, you wouldn't be lumped with those losers."
Any other person would hear that as Bakugou calling you a loser but the translation was: train harder and maybe you'd be in Class A. But that would be a long road, an impossible feat, Bakugou was proud of his classmates in Class A, each and every one of them were becoming strong, he'd never say that though.
"You're probably frustrated with Deku, aren't you?" You asked. "That's why you're pushing yourself."
"Wrong." He growls at your assumption, although you did hit the mark. "Try being attacked by villains before, then let's see if you don't train harder."
"True." You conceded.
You looked at him and he was wearing a strange expression on his face like he-
"Do you like me or some shit?" He asks.
You choked, coughing for a few moments. You were flustered, heart beating fast, red-faced and frantically patting your chest. What gave you away?
"You do..." He says, breathless but then he frowned. "What are you gonna do about it?"
"Nothing." You snapped weakly.
He smiled, satisfied. "Good. If you confessed, you'd get rejected."
"It's just a crush." Your eyes watered because of the embarrassment you're feeling.
He smirked.
"It will fade."
He was gonna have fun with this knowledge.
"We don't have time for dating, we're working hard to be heroes."
He was so gonna tease you about it. You curled yourself into a ball, stargazing forgotten. You hear him approach you.
"Look at me."
You don't.
"Look at me, dumbass, or I'll never let this down. I swear I'll tease you every day and make you embarrassed and shit until we graduate."
You raise your head to look at him, he looked at you seriously.
"This is not a confession, you're the one who's gonna confess to me, understand?" He tells you, pinching your cute dumbass cheeks. "Just wait until we're pro heroes, you can confess to me then."
Yeah..... definitely not a confession.
"Mandalay! Kota's safe! I've got message from Aizawa-sensei! Use telepathy to tell everyone– tell everyone in classes A and B that Pro Hero Eraserhead says it's okay to fight back!!"
Mandalay's voice rang in your head when she follows up an announcement that filled you with dread,
'One of the villains' targets has been identified!! It's the student known as Kacchan!! Kacchan needs to avoid battle and not make any move alone!! Everyone got that? Kacchan!!'
Hours later, Bakugou who did not confess got kidnapped by villains.
This pov is in line w/ Bakugou denying you girlfriend privileges NEXT POV->
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b0nten · 3 years
rindo dating headcanons || feat. rindo
fandom: tokyo revengers
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compared to his brother, he is not that thotty
rindo is such a dumbass at times, you cant even tell how in the world he ended up ruling roppongi
one time when you two were on a date he fell into a pile of shit and got dog shit on his new pants
always ends up stepping into something - dirt, shit, piss, vomit, you name it, he probably stepped into it at least once that same day
there's something about rindo.. he exudes this 'secret' dumb energy that's practically unmatchable
i wouldn't say he likes to have his pictures taken alone, but if it's with you, he'll take hundreds of them
he is SUCH a dog person and he ADORES small dogs
maybe it's the fact that he looks like a teacup yorkie, but he loves those
has a soft spot for chihuahuas and he can't understand why people hate them
when he's not busy watching the maury show or sex sent me to the er, rindo likes to take you to feed stray dogs
he finds it a cute something you can do together and since he also likes dogs, it's a win-win!!
would take them all home with him but ran doesn't allow him to, so he gets sad when he has to leave them <\33
just like ran, he spends ALL of his money on you.
takes you out shopping, eating, doing whatever and he always pays. also, he never expects you to pay him back.
rindo is quite tall so he likes to scare you
sneaks up behind you randomly and lifts you up, scaring you shitless
cue that one time you hit his family jewels because you thought he was a kidnapper 😩😩
definitely likes to take up all the space on the couch or wherever he sits.
for you, maybe he'll squeeze a bit so you can fit, but ran just takes the floor without even trying.
rindo is NOT a light sleeper
once he falls asleep there's no going back. the only thing that can wake him up is the dog-barking iPhone alarm he fears for some reason.
he can't cook for shit and knows it. won't even try. he adores you and your cooking and always compliments it.
although he's got his dumb side, rindo can be quite the romantic.
he'd even leave tenjiku meeting up to twenty minutes earlier if he had to meet you.
just like ran, once k*saki joins tenjiku he doesn't bring you up around him and avoids the subject as much as possible, because he knows how much of an ugly, smelly, crusty, dusty, rusty homicidal stunt queen ass bitch k*saki is.
likes to braid your haiiiir !!!!!!!!!!!!!
got used to braiding ran's hair so he tries cool and funny hairstyles on you :3
plays with your hair when you're stressed <\\3
likes having his played with, too!!
he's such a cute dumbass when he gets frustrated and mad, you can't help but sometime laugh at him when he's pouting.
he's a drama queen and watching the maury show really added to that.
his second favorite past-time activity is pulling pranks on random delinquents
he'll carry you on his back while he runs and you're supposed to throw whatever you have - ice cream, flour, juice, a whole cake - at delinquents passing by.
he's not the fastest, but he is very fast nonetheleess and outruns people quite quickly, even with you on his back
likes to have sleepovers and pull all-nighters watching his annoying ass shows
looses it every time he watches sex sent me to the er
he chocked on popcorn one time and you had to make sure he isn't coughing too loudly because you had woken up ran twice already.
overall 35/10 would DEFINITELY recommend.
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christiloveit · 2 years
✨ CATB question time! ✨
Hey guys I almost forgot I said I was gonna do this! I’ll send a weekly ask to anyone who said they wanted to play, if you want to join in just let me know!
You get the chance to go back in time to any catb gig to experience it from the barrier!
✨ Which gig would you go to?
✨ Which songs would you choose to be on the setlist?
✨ You can meet one band member backstage after the show - who would it be and why?
Hello love! 🧡
✨️ Which gig would you go to?
It's so sad to have to pick only one gig, but I think I'm gonna go with TRNSMT 2019. Their performance is amazing, the way the sun just have setted when they play Glasgow and looks purple just breaks my heart. Van is gorgeous as always, I think his hair is just perfection! And also because it would be the perfect birthday gift. 😩
✨️ Which songs would you choose to be on the setlist?
This is so hard 😰 thinking as a normalish setlist with 15 songs, so I won't break them playing all of their discography + covers.
Heathrow (they usually just do a bit so we can count that as a bonus, right?! 😅)
✨️ You can meet one band member backstage after the show - who it would be and why?
Ok, so I guess either Bondy or Benji, cause I can see myself being able to speak 😂. I think I would still embarrass myself in front of them, but Bondy would probably act cool about it and make me feel comfortable. Benji because I feel like I'd have many nerdy topics to talk about, so we'd have a conversation going on. I'd LOVE to meet Bob, but I think I'd annoy the shit out of him while hugging and telling how cute he is, also how insanely gorgeous his eyes are. Van I'd faint 😂, if I didn't faint I'd keep looking at him with wide eyes and mouth open, wouldn't be able to function at all! He'd think I'm the creepiest shit alive.
This was fun! 😍 thank you Em 💖
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