#he'd be like why the hell are you telling me this
navybrat817 · 3 days
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Look at him!
Handsome and Beautiful
Pairing: Husband!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky wants to look good for you. He also wants dessert.
Word Count: Over 700
Warnings: Established relationship, slight insecurities, implied sexy times, Bucky Barnes and he's a simp for you (he's a warning, okay?).
A/N: In the same universe as Mr. and Mrs. Barnes. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky scowled at this reflection in the mirror as he studied himself. He couldn't seem to get his hair quite right no matter how much he tousled it. He also wasn't sure when he got wrinkles around the corners of his eyes, but age and general stress would do that. Since when did he care so much about his appearance? He hadn't since the 40's.
Until you came along.
“Hey there, handsome,” you smiled from the bathroom doorway. “Looking good.”
A touch of heat went through his cheeks from your compliment. “Why aren't you dressed yet, beautiful?”
“I need your help putting on my dress,” you said all too innocently as you strolled into the room in just your bra and underwear, the color matching the shade of his suit jacket.
Bucky cursed under his breath when he took in the sight of you. “That's what you need my help with?” He questioned. He knew exactly what you needed help with. You'd tell him you have a few minutes before you had to leave and urge him to take off his suit jacket, roll up his sleeves, move your underwear aside, and take what he wanted from you. He wouldn't just take from you. He'd give and give. "My naughty wife.”
“I'll always need your help, my equally naughty husband,” you smiled, kissing him on the cheek and moving a few strands of his hair. Now he looked perfect. All he needed was your touch. “And don't think I didn't notice you deflecting my compliment.”
“I didn't deflect,” he argued. He sure as hell did. Maybe he could consider himself handsome by some standards, but you were a goddess. Some higher being smiled upon you the day you were born and knew you'd be a gift to the world. His world.
“You did and I demand a photo as payment,” you said, crossing your arms when he scoffed. He wasn't one for taking selfies or whatever the hell people called them. “Please, Mr. Barnes? For me?” You added in a softer tone, looking into his blue eyes in the mirror.
He couldn't resist you if he tried.
“Fine, Mrs. Barnes. For you,” he said, sighing as he took out his phone. Putting a hand on his hip, he held up the phone to take the picture you so demanded. “And you were right. This looks better without the tie.”
“I know best,” you teased, cringing slightly when he snapped the picture. “Oh, Bucky…”
"What's wrong?" He asked immediately when he showed you the image. Did you not find him attractive? “You said this was a good color on me.”
“It is. You really do look handsome,” you assured him, making him breathe easier. “But, my god, when are you going to get a case for your phone?”
He laughed, his eyes crinkling. Oh, maybe that was why he had wrinkles around his eyes now. Because of how much you made him laugh and smile. “When I find one I like,” he replied, knowing how much it drove you crazy that he didn’t have a protective case on his phone.
“We have already had to replace your phone twice,” you reminded him as he snaked an arm around you and pulled you against him. “No, don’t you dare distract me. If we have to get you another phone, I-”
“But you said you needed help getting your dress on,” he pointed out, pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of your mouth. Your fingers gripped the lapel of his jacket as his lips lingered, making him smile. “Don’t you want my help?”
“I do,” you whispered, whimpering when he kissed the other corner and gripped your hip. It was sounds like the ones you made that made him appreciate his super soldier senses. “But-”
“Or maybe we can focus on me fucking you in front of the mirror instead,” he smirked, wondering how wet your panties were now. “C'mon. We have a few before dinner. Let's have dessert first,” he said, finally bringing his lips to yours and snapping a photo when you melted into the kiss.
Maybe he wasn’t a fan of selfies overall, but he’d take as many as you asked him to and would continue to create many happy memories with you.
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We still need a breeding fic with these two. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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nejiverse · 15 hours
Ryomen Sukuna
cw: like two swear words, pregnant reader, mean (ish) sukuna
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812 words
Sukuna currently had his elbow against his pillow, his hand propping his head up and he stared up at his lover who sat up cross-legged on the bed, mind you, it was 3am.
"What the hell is your problem?", he inquired. It was a justified question. What sane person sits up in bed in the dead of night and stares into space??
"I'm thinking", she responded, a hand on her chin in deep thought and her eyes narrowing in concentration.
Sukuna let out an exasperated sigh. "Maybe I shouldn't have gotten you pregnant 'cause clearly it's turning you into a mad woman", he turned to the other side and opted to go back to sleep. Maybe if he ignored her she would follow suit.
But no. This was a five month pregnant lady who wouldn't rest until she gets what she wants.
"I'm hungry Ryo".
Sukuna scoffed a laugh. "What's new?", he pulled the covers higher. "You can eat whatever you want in your dreams...so sleep", he ordered.
Y/n gasped, crawling over to his side and shaking his shoulder. "What do you mean 'what's new?'".
Sukuna rolled his eyes, unfazed by her actions. He wouldn't be surprised if she started crying any second now.
"That's so mean Ryo!", she wailed, slapping his arm yet doing absolutely no damage whatsoever.
Sukuna's eyebrow twitched involuntarily. "What did I say about calling me that?", he grumbled. It made his heart feel all funny and he didn't like it one bit.
The woman moved to straddle the king of curses, a heavy frown etched on her lips. "I want barbecue".
There it was, those damn eyes. The expression that Sukuna could never say no to which annoyed him. He pursed his lips, averting his eyes as a rough hand lifted her off of him with ease. "You want me to cater your cravings like some servant?", he clicked his tongue. "If that was meant to be a joke, i'm not laughing. Goodnight".
Y/n let out a drawled out whine, hovering over his body so she could see his face. "Pleaseeeeee Ryo!!".
"Fuck no".
She huffed, finally giving up. Sukuna felt the bed rise a bit, signalling that she had gotten up. "Fine. I'll just do it myself".
A smirk grew on Sukuna's lips. Surely she was joking right? She would simply walk out for a few minutes then come back in. It wasn't like she knew how to work the damn thing anyway.
Still, Sukuna couldn't go back to sleep. He could only think about her. What if she hurt herself trying to work the barbecue or something?
He rolled his eyes. It wasn't his problem.
So why did he jolt up immediately when he heard a loud crash? He wasn't sure but his body started moving before his brain could even process what he was doing.
"Damn woman," he muttered, throwing the blanket off himself and storming out of the room. The chill of the night air seeped through the hallway as he moved quickly, his mind racing with scenarios he'd never admit he was worried about. He wasn't the type to care, not really—at least, that's what he kept telling himself.
"What did you do?", he noticed how she was shaking her fingers in the air, clearly looking for some relief for her aching digits.
"I accidentally closed the cover on my fingers..", she said in a small voice.
Sukuna stood for a moment until he went back inside, soaking a cloth in cold water and wringing out the excess before quickly going back out.
"You're an idiot", he grabbed her wrist and wrapped the cold cloth around her index and middle fingers. "And I just know that baby's tired of your ass, you never sit still".
Y/n giggled at his remark, smiling up at the king of curses who raised a brow. "What're you smiling at?".
"You care", she said simply.
"Tch. Whatever", he rolled his eyes for the nth time that night as he opened the barbecue.
Y/n's face lighted up. "Are you actually doing it? You're so sweet Ryomen!", she approached him, arms wrapping around his bicep, making sure the cloth doesn't slip from her grasp.
Sukuna furrowed his brow."Sit", he pointed to the chair to the side.
Y/n pouted. "I wanna watch you!".
"Do you want fat fucking feet again?".
She wasn't gonna tell him that standing up wasn't the main reason her feet swell. She would simply take in the fact that he truly did care for her wellbeing.
But one thing was for sure. That night, Sukuna had lost the idgaf war.
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a/n: Help i haven’t written on here since July LOL ive been writing on wattpad, but requests are open!!
masterlist :)
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starlight-45 · 3 days
Trying to take care of drunk reader (Part 1)
Featuring: Yoichi Isagi, Meguru Bachira, Rin Itoshi and Michael Kaiser
Here's the masterlist!
A/n:- Don't know why I did this. thought it would be funny.
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• Poor guy was just concerned for your life when he saw you chugging that third glass of wine with flushed cheeks.
• Isagi dosen't say anything though and thinks to let you enjoy yourself for today, sipping up his non-alcoholic drinks calmly.
• However, he draws the line with it when he sees sees going you not being able to walk in a straight line.
• Regrets for not saying anything before. A lot. Like really.
"I'm your boyfriend y/n, please stop calling me your bro 😭"
• Never, ever again, he thinks. Yes, he always wanted a sister but you're his girlfriend! Stop calling him that!
• But we all know, this guy is the responsible one. Of course he'd take care of your drunken self well.
• A bit annoyed by the situation, yes but also intrigued if you happen to utter out stuff and secrets your sober self would never.
• Is literally goggling stuff like "Do's and don'ts with a drunk person" , "How to make somehow sober as soon as possible" while you're clinging on his back like a koala.
• Please don't laugh at him later for doing that, he is an athelete who never dealt with a drunk individual.
• Gently urges you to sleep, as soon as you guys get home, because lord knows he just wants you to get back to your usual self.
• Because Isagi doesn't think he can survive being called 'bro' again by you. :')
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~Meguru Bachira~
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• Bachira's definitely laughing at your funny, silly actions all the time. Not like in a "You're such an idiot" way, but in a "That's so cute!" type of way actually.
• Takes this as an opportunity to be the more responsible one in this relationship for once which obviously never happens.
• And by "responsible" I meant playfully scolding you, trying to imitate the way you scold him sometimes when he gets out of line sometimes.
• "Y/n, you can't take that money plant home~!"
• ...Yeah. I guess you already knew he fails miserably at that.
• Very good at handling your mindless ramblings , like you could tell him every thought of yours which came from your overthinking process.
• And believe me sweetheart, he would have the perfect reply to match your vibe, somehow. Lord knows whow he does it every time because I don't.
• "Meguru...when you say forward and backward your lips moves in those directions."
• But jokes aside Bachira encourages you to drink a lots and lots of water to help you get better. :D
• Long story short, perfect companion to get crazy with!!
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~Rin Itoshi~
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• Was geuninely dreading the possibility of being the babysitter of your drunk self when he accidentally came late to your little 'outing' with your friends.
• still managed to look all cool and unbothered while coming. What in the actual hell is up with this guy?
• Needless to say, his fears came true. I mean this guy can't even handle having teenagers his age around sometimes.
• So how is he supposed to handle an individual who has lost their sense of coordination because of these shitty drinks?
• Anyway.
• Tries his best not to glare or be too harsh on you in this state, but y'know his nature. Definitely made you cry over the most stupid shit ever.
"No we can't. I have enough of taking care of your stupid ass already."
• ...and from that Rin already mentally decided to never EVER let you get this much drunk. Because let's be honest here, his way of communication is 90% of the times with insults.
• Despite his tough exterior, is worried as hell though, like what if you got alcohol poisoning? Please someone remind this guy that three glasses in years doesn't get you that.
• That's why, if you need to throw up or anything, he suprisingly doesn't give you any snarky remarks. Just calmly rubbing your back.
• Kinda knows that he is a screwup when it comes to words, so tries his best with his actions.
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• I'm sorry but Kaiser is another one who laughes at your drunk antics. And definitely in that "you're such an idiot" type of way 😭
• This bastard see what I did there haha I'm so funny, please don't block me🙏🏻 is certainly enjoying this way too much than he should.
• Messes around with you by saying the most random shit, for the sake of his own entertainment.
• Like. You accidentally hit a mail box and then you were apologising to that non-living thing y'know with the bowing all.
• And Michael was like, "Y/n you know this guy here has gotten very hurt because of your hitting?"
• When he does all this bullshit in front of Ness, and that guy suggests to just leave ya alone and they their way.
• Kaiser looked at him like he was speaking some kind of sin or something, and like. two hundred percent offended before shooing Ness away.
• Ex-fucking-cuse him, but does he look like the type to leave his girlfriend just like that? Sure he is an asshole, has many mental issues...but not that.
• In case you're wondering, those are the author's words, ya really think he would think all that of himself hm?
• Oh by the way, he read once about the intoxicated state of humans so he's not that hopeless about your situation then as he appears to be.
• Get lots of water, gentle with his movements with you, tries you to get to sleep....yeah. he's not that bad for you.
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A/n: The author promises sincerely that she is not high on anything. What in the actual fuck I wrote even I don't know 😭
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lixzey · 3 days
No one's ever had me not like you
✨ give me a scenario + character for headcannons!
First off happy birthday!
Can I have Evan Buckley with a daughter of Bobby reader? (Totally not projecting my 911 DR right now)
Like relationship headcanons and date ideas and all the fluff please and thank you!
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Because sometimes squishy is a 30+ man
Take care of yourself!
what if he's written 'mine' on my upper thigh, only in my mind?
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evan buckley x nash!reader headcannons part one!
• I firmly believe that the two of you would be a grumpy x sunshine kind of trope. A slow motherfucking burn kind of romance, if I do say so myself.
• The day he arrived at the 118, he immediately tried flirting with you. “Hey, miss?”
• The look on his face when you told him your name was priceless!
• Buck definitely tried to get on your good side the minute he found out you were the captain's daughter. 
• Bobby was a bit skeptical of letting you dive into intense...fires, you know? because of the fear of losing you—his only surviving family—was bugging him. you didn't know what you were thinking, but you said: “Don't worry dad, Buckley's here to protect me, if I ever—God forbid—need it.”
• Which, Evan Buckley unfortunately heard, of course. “Protect you, huh?” Buck teased, grinning at you so annoyingly smug. “Didn't know you thought of me so highly, miss Nash.”
• From that day on, Evan motherfucking Buckley made it his personal mission to annoy the hell out of you. Why? Because he thinks you look cute when you're mad.
• The two of you argue over the smallest things, it actually drives Hen and Chim crazy because the two of you ask them who's right and wrong. 
• Speaking of Chim and Hen, they are 100% done with both of you. You two haven't even been at the 118 for a year but it sure feels like it with all of the bickering. You would always rant to Hen about Buck's annoying antics “That...that fucking grin of his- Ugh! I swear to God, Hen, one day I'm just gonna snap and pretty sure I'm gonna murder him, and you are helping me dispose of his dumb ass.” and Hen just chokes on her coffee, looking at you with wide, terrified eyes. “Sorry, what?” 
• Meanwhile, Buck is yapping to Chim about your cute annoyed little pout. the poor guy has heard buck ramble on and on 
• Your dad has had to pull you away from evan multiple times per shift, seems like you inherited his temper. 
“Is she always like that, Cap?” Buck asks with an amused chuckle as he watches you stomp away with your arms folded over your chest like a child throwing a tantrum. Bobby sighs, giving him a stern look—more like an exasperated one, Buck couldn't really tell. 
“I'm afraid she's got fire,” Bobby placed a hand over Buck's shoulder, causing him to tense slightly. “Think you can handle more?” 
Buck stared at Bobby, like he'd grown another head or two. “M-more? what do you mean, more?” 
Bobby raised a brow. “I thought I heard you tell my little girl you'd protect her?”
• After that little moment with your dad, Buck literally started protecting you. A fire? He’s pushing you away with a big ass smug grin on his face. “I got this,”  God, that annoying grin of his was getting on your nerves so badly, you almost hit him with the line hose once.
• The arguments went on and on, of course. Buck would often tease you about being, well, a damsel he loves saving. And you’d always clap back that he’s an annoying peasant that should bow down to you, because you’re no damsel, but a queen. 
• Cat and dog, the nickname the whole 118—including your father, unfortunately—gave you and Buck, much to your complete, absolute, annoyance.
• You’ve always viewed Evan Buckley as this manwhore, annoying, little shit starter, but when he fails to save a person in a roller coaster accident, your views change drastically. 
• He has a heart, and you saw first hand how everything affected him. Which honestly gave you flashbacks when…your mother and siblings died and you couldn’t do anything. 
• You helped Buck with the guilt he felt, and it somehow made him feel better. It was also the very first time he saw you smile at him, easing his worries even for just a split second.
• Sometime later, you and your father didn’t show up for work. Buck was worried—terrified, almost—because all of his texts and calls were left unanswered. You always answered texts, even before when he was still the annoying douchebag, you answered. Turns out, your father was relapsing with his alcoholism, and you were reliving the past trauma.
• You were a mess when Buck and Hen arrived at yours and your dad’s place. You had been trying to get your dad to come out of his room, but all of your efforts were in vain. It was like you forgot that you were a trained firefighter, yet you couldn’t bring yourself to do anything aside from calling your dad’s name from outside his bedroom door the way you did after the loss you and your father faced.
• As soon as the apartment door opened, Buck immediately came running towards you, not even letting Hen get to you first to check you out for any injuries or whatever. Evan Buckley just wrapped his arms around you, and you broke down crying like a little girl, holding onto him for dear life.
• After Hen got your father sane, you and Bobby recalled the day of the accident, which honestly gave Buck a better insight of you. From that day on, somehow, you and Buck became friends. 
• Do not get me started on Abby Clark. 
• You hated her, but you wouldn’t admit it (Hen definitely noticed how your face would contort into a look of disgust whenever she was mentioned.)
• And Buck just HAD to date her, aka creepy old lady.
• The look on your face was absolutely priceless when Buck invited her to Chim’s welcome back party. Let’s just say the poor cake you had didn’t deserve the stabbing.
• And him going on a DATE with her???? That Chim and your father took holiday duty for?????
• Technically, it wasn’t Abby’s fault that Buck choked on a piece of bread (you were mad and worried, but you still laughed a little-) but you still blamed her (you are not a girl’s girl when jealous- is that what it was?, that’s for sure.)
• As Buck, well, pushes through with his new relationship, you grew a bit distant with him, which confused the fuck out him because he thought you were friends. You had to assure him that yes, you were friends, but you also had a life of your own. Funny, because you just sulk in your home every day because of, well, you know. 
• You tried meeting other people. It was weird, to say the least. When Buck found out, he almost choked on his water (see what I did there?). At least your dad is on the road to finding happiness again.
• Okay, so let’s do a quick uno reverse. 
• Eddie Diaz, the new guy, who caught Buck’s attention. Why? Because he was a bit too chummy with you for his liking. 
• And there you two go again, arguing like petty middle schoolers.
• You were siding with Eddie with everything, with infuriated Buck so bad he wanted to bang his head on the gym equipment. 
• Because what the fuck did you mean when you told Eddie he should join the freaking sexy firefighter calendar????? Was he not sexy enough for you????? Bro was having a midlife crisis at this point.
• Buck constantly judged everything Eddie did, and it was getting on your nerves, to the point of-
• Okay so, long story short, Buck and Eddie become friends after you snapped at them during an argument. The way you shut Buck up completely was honestly amazing, because he literally said “Yes, ma’am.”
• And then you and Buck finally meet your new godson, Christopher! Buck was a sweetheart, honestly, you loved seeing him interact with him.
• Everything was fine, until this reporter came in. 
• God, you hated those cameras. You wanted to punch them and her for constantly being in your space. 
• On the bright side though, you now have a new mom: Athena! And a new friend, aka Maddie Buckley, Buck’s big sister! You love hearing stories about Buck from her, and you consider her as your new favorite person.
• Speaking of Maddie, when her deranged ex-husband kidnaps her, you helped Buck find her, despite your dad and new mom’s protests. 
• When the 118 was targeted by this bomber (you wanted to strangle the kid with your bare hands) you were absolutely torn. Buck’s legs were crushed by the fire engine caused by the explosion, to add salt to the injury: you and your dad were the MAIN targets. 
• Even though Buck was in immense pain, all he could think about was you, only you.
Buck screamed in pain, his legs trapped under what felt like tons and tons of weight, but when he saw you, crawling towards him, somehow everything in his body felt fine. You were now his main concern. 
“Y/n- ah!” Buck screamed out in pain, struggling to reach his hand out towards you. “A-are you- ah! Okay?”
“Buck!” You cried, taking his hand in yours, desperately trying to push the damned heavy truck off of his legs. “Someone help! His legs are getting crush, for fucks sake! Help me get this thing off of him! Someone!”
“Let my friends go, you stupid dumb fuck! It’s me you want, right? To get revenge on my dad? Let them go! They didn’t do shit, you stupid brainless son of a bitch! Let them go! I swear to all the deities out there, I personally escort you to hell! I will drag your corpse straight to motherfucking satan if you don’t let my friends go right this goddamn instant!”
• Way to get someone’s attention though, because of that your dad got the upperhand (Bobby was surprised by your vocabulary, though).
• You held Buck’s hand while the people around you helped to get the truck off of his legs. You tried your best to soothe his pain, despite your own broken arm (Who cares about your arm? Hell, you don’t even care about yourself, the only thing that mattered to you then was Evan Buckley).
• You were there by his side when he got to the hospital, and refused to leave. Athena and Bobby had to talk to the hospital staff to let you stay, because there is no way in hell you were leaving him.
• You comforted Buck when he was told that his injury was severe, and that he might need to consider another career. You glared at the doctor, whilst holding Buck’s hand tightly in yours.
• Five months after the accident, when Buck was finally cleared (oh, so you all thought-) you were absolutely happy and your mom and dad could see that. Pretty sure from that point onwards they knew you had feelings for Buck because when he coughed up blood, you were the first one to respond and do shit. 
• After finding out he is no longer cleared to go back to work, Buck quits the LAFD and starts spiraling. You ask Eddie if he could bring Christopher over, to cheer him up—which helps, thank God. You and Buck bring Chris to Santa Monica, for a bit of well-deserved relaxation, almost looking like a little family (Buck may or may not have thought about that-).
• You and Buck almost had a moment, standing so close to each other, barely and inch separating both of your faces, AND A FUCKING TSUNAMI RUINS THE GODDAMN MOMENT.
• Even after being injured only months prior to the tsunami, Buck put yours and Chris’ safety first. Jesus, the man could RUN with you and Chris in his arms.
• The three of you managed to hold onto each other for a while, with you practically refusing to let go of Chris—maybe it's the trauma of losing your younger siblings, or something else—like he was your lifeline in all of this shit that was happening around. Same goes with Buck, but it’s mainly you who’s anchoring him down. The way the both of you almost lost your minds when Chris got separated from you was honestly crazy, Buck had to hold you by the waist so that you wouldn’t swim through the running waters in search of your kid, even though he wanted to do the absolute same. The breath the two of you breathed out when you saw Christopher safe and sound, looking for his ‘Buck and Y/n’, oh, you almost cried on the spot if you weren’t so dehydrated from helping throughout the stupid tsunami. Eddie couldn’t thank the two of you enough for putting his son first in a calamity. At this point he owes you and Buck his life.
• When Buck decided to sue the department and city for wrongful termination, it caused a rift not only between the two of you, but with the whole team. You were mad at him, because was it wrong to think about his safety first? It was actually you who suggested it to your father, in hopes of helping Buck get the medical help he needed first before finally getting back into the workforce, but he took it the wrong way when you and your family tried explaining it over dinner.
• You and Eddie decide to ignore him, even though it pained the both of you because Buck was your best friend, the only person you and Eddie trust in this world to have your backs and everything. Now, the two of you had to rely on each other now.
• When the team encounters Buck at a supermarket, you snap at him. Giving him a dose of reality he needed to hear. No one could stop you, even your own father could as you lashed out on this man, who you only wanted the best for. This little interaction leads to his reinstatement to the team (Partially, as everyone is still mad at him, until Eddie, Hen, and Chim finally forgave him). Yet, you still avoided him at all costs because of how much he hurt your feelings with all the shit he pulled. You still went with your dad though after finding out that Buck was in the emergency room (still acting mad, but in reality you almost had a heart attack when you found out.) You quickly left when he said he was fine, much to the confusion of your father, since you were so adamant on coming with your dad to see if Buck was alright.
• Okay, so after that little stint in the emergency room, Buck is now a regular in your life again, as he is now a full member of the 118 again without any restrictions whatsoever. Which made it harder to avoid him, since you still felt a bit, well, heartbroken. Honestly, you were so confused with your own feelings, you thought it was better to stay the fuck away or else you would have punched him in the face the minute he initiates small talk or whatever. Buck tried everything to get you to talk to him, or at least yell at him or something since it was his and your thing, where he’d annoy you and you’d snap at him for being a little shit who won’t take no for an answer. Hell, he even got Eddie, Chim, and Hen on board (begrudgingly, might I add, as they do not want to invoke your anger, really.) with his plan. Like, them purposely taking seats close together and leaving seats opposite of each other or side by side for you and Buck to take with no other choice. It was torture for Buck more than it was for you, because he missed you. 
• Eddie, Hen, Chim, and Maddie are absolutely tired of hearing Buck talk about you. Like, if they hear one more word from him, they’re either banging their head against a nearby surface or taking an ungodly amount of alcohol or coffee to be able to cope with this whining from Buck. At least they aren’t hearing from you. You practically detached yourself from them (they’re honestly worried, especially Eddie, Hen, and Chim), you weren’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but it was working in terms of being left alone.
Okay, let’s get to Christmas!
• After learning that Christopher isn’t happy about spending Christmas without his favorite people—his father, his Y/n, and his Buck—you feel a bit guilty, I mean, all three of you are. You’ve just been so…busy? With your father’s health being on the line caused by hazardous radioactive material, you were just so stressed. You’ve already lost one parent, and you were not going to lose another. Athena was your rock during all of it, and she was the only person you’d talk to about your mind and heart messed up by someone named Evan Buckley. To relieve everyone’s worry, Athena and Buck managed to throw a Christmas party at the station for everyone. You loved the party, getting to spend time with your family was the best thing you could ever ask for. You felt a bit like yourself again, but there was still this longing ache inside of you that you couldn’t shake. God, it was annoying. Because deep inside, you knew this longing was something else. Who knew stolen glances between the two of you would feel like this? 
• In the middle of everyone mingling at the party, Buck managed to pull you aside (downstairs, but yeah), and surprisingly, you didn’t pull back. It was as if his touch was your vice and you couldn’t get enough. 
“Uh, hi?” Buck awkwardly smiled at you, scratching the back of his neck as if he was in high school trying to ask a girl out for the very first time, though, you highly doubt that he was like that during his years as a high school student with the personality he had. “Are…are you enjoying the party, so far?”
God, is this what the two of you have reduced to? Cringe worthy small talk? Jesus Christ, what the fuck? 
You gave him a little smile, pulling your hair to the side, trying to hide the growing awkwardness—more like something else—that you felt deep in your bones. “Yeah, it’s…fun, really. I’m glad you and Athena thought of this, it’s quite thoughtful of you to think about everyone.”
A nervous chuckle leaves his throat, his eyes meeting yours after all of those secret glances in the middle of the crowded party. “I’m glad you liked it.”
The two of you stood there, face to face, your heart beating uncontrollably inside your chest like a machine gone haywire. Sweet baby Jesus, how on earth does Evan Buckley’s presence make you feel…stuff like this?
And then, Buck took a step forward, standing a few inches away from you. He was so close, but you still felt so far from him. Without thinking, you took a step forward, meeting him halfway, with only a few centimeters separating the both of you, his breath hot on your cheek as the two of you locked eyes like those romance movie posters. God, why is he so tall? You were already on your toes just looking at him.
“Hey,” Buck laughed, finally closing in the distance between your bodies, your lips almost touching, sending a shiver down your spine as you placed your palms onto his chest, feeling his heart beating the same way yours did. He then wrapped a strong arm around your waist, and then he kissed you. 
And you kissed back.
God, is this what love feels like? A warm, fuzzy feeling spread all over as your body kissed the living daylights out of you, devouring you like it was the last day on earth and he wanted to make it last at least until everything faded into the cosmos or whatever. A moan escaped your throat as Evan picked you up in his arms, like one of the kisses in those cheesy romantic comedy movies. Somehow, everything about this felt absolutely right. Everything made complete sense now, Evan Buckley was your true north.
You could have stayed like this forever, wrapped in his arms as the two of you hungrily made out like two lovers separated by war, but all fantasies have their limits. Maddie and Chim spotted the two of you, and well, it left you and Buck, rather breathless.
Evan Buckley tasted like heaven and hell, intertwined in a perfect storm of love and admiration that made you craving for more. Fuck, how the hell does he manage to make you feel like this? 
If it wasn’t for Maddie and Chim standing there, you would have gone for seconds, thirds, maybe even fourths, fifths, and so on. You were in too deep with him now, but Evan Buckley was already far deep down that hole—having realized that he’s been in love with you for the longest time.
After that breathtaking kiss, you and Buck quickly ran upstairs, cheeks flushed and lips swollen. Anyone with functioning eyes could easily decipher what just happened, the smudged lipstick was already a dead giveaway. 
“Looks like someone finally got the courage to ask the girl out!” Hen grinned, placing her plate down onto the table. “I won, pay up everybody!”
“What?” You asked, your eyes wide with disbelief. “You bet on us!?” 
“Who wouldn’t?” Chim answered, taking out ten dollars out of wallet. “I’m not even mad at losing the bet. Hell, I’m absolutely over the goddamn moon for the both of you! It’s about fucking time you two got together!”
You stared at him, your cheeks tinted pink, either from the kiss of your life, or the embarrassment you felt. “God, are we that predictable?”
“Yes, you are.” Your father laughed, walking towards you, Athena following suit. “We’ve known for quite a while, darling.” 
“Dad!” You looked at your father, horrified. “You knew? You actually knew, knew?”
“Oh, baby,” Athena placed a hand on your shoulder, motherly as always. “Your father knew the minute you complained about Buck.”
“You complain about me, huh?” Evan gave you a teasing grin, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “How mean of you, miss Nash, you wound me!”
You glared at him. “Shut up, Buckley.”
“Make me, Nash.”
“How cute!” Maddie gushed, loving the way her baby brother looked at you like you were the only person in this crowded area. “Buck’s finally happy, I’ve never seen him this happy.”
“He’s finally found his match,” Chim chuckled, watching you and Buck argue like children, which was almost endearing to see. “I’m just glad that I won’t be hearing Buck whining again.”
“Hey! I do not whine!”
“Yeah, you do.” Eddie said, patting Buck on the back. “You’ve been whining about Y/n not-”
“Shut up,” Buck grumbled, rolling his eyes playfully. “We get it. I was a whiny baby because of my beautiful, amazing, girl who never fails to make me crazy with her.”
• And just like that, you and Buck are finally an official couple with Bobby and Athena’s blessing (Bobby gave Buck the protective father talk, let’s just say Evan Buckley would be an idiot if he hurt you in any way possible, he'd personally beat himself up if he ever did so.) 
• Evan Buckley is a simp, I say this lovingly. Like: “Look at my beautiful girl!”, “Hey, you see that? That’s my woman over there!”, “Isn’t she just amazing?”, “I love her so much, it hurts!” Eddie, Chim, and Hen have escaped whiny Buck, but now they have to deal with an in love Evan Buckley. 
• He keeps a photo of you practically everywhere. In his wallet, locker, phone, the bac of his phone, his name plate thingy where the gear are, EVERY FUCKING WHERE. 
• Pet names!! This man loves to call you a bunch of tooth rotting pet names like sweetheart, bunny, my love, lover, baby girl, princess, sweet pea, darling, my beautiful angel, honey, angel baby, love of my life, queen of my heart, the flame in my heart and a shit ton more. Buck definitely beat the record for cheesy pet names. 
• Buck loves seeing you in action on the field, like “That’s my girlfriend, you suckers!” kind of vibe. But he does step in when the situation gets dangerous for you. 
• Dates. DATES. Dates!!! Evan takes you on a date every day off from work. Honestly, he specifically asked Bobby to give him the same days off as you so the two of you could spend time with each other and have fun (but not too much fun - protective father Bobby Nash).
• Your favorite activity to do with Evan is definitely cooking! 
• Okay so, remember Jeffrey Hudson? Yeah, him. Buck is absolutely terrified that you’d be his next victim. After everything that happened with Athena, he fears that as an act of revenge towards your step mother, he’d kidnap you and….let’s just say Evan never had peace of mind after that. 
• Because of said fear, Evan asked you to move in with him, with Bobby’s blessing, of course. And you said yes! Living with Buck felt so natural, the domestic kind of life felt nice. I mean, the two of you weren’t only just playing house, but it’s kinda like a preparation for what’s to come. 
• Remember Abby? Well, Buck doesn’t care about her anymore. In fact, during the rescue, he told her “My wife and I are going to do everything to rescue your fiancé.” Him calling you his wife???? MADE YOU MELT! 
“Wife, huh?” You grinned, fixing your harness for the rescue operations. “I’m flattered, Buckley. But where’s my ring?”
“I-uh, you know I just said that-”
“I know, baby.” You kissed him on the cheek. “I love you.” 
“I love you more, my future wife.” Buck smiled, kissing your forehead. 
“That’s more like it.” You giggled, tugging on your straps to make sure they’re safe and secure. “Come back to me, alright?”
Buck nodded, placing another kiss on your temple. “Always. You stay safe, okay? I love you.”
“I love you too, Evan!”
“I love you too, Y/n!”
• When Maddie announces that she and Chim are expecting a baby, you and Buck were so excited! Auntie Y/n and Uncle Buck for the absolute win! 
• When Buck and Maddie’s parents came to visit, you stood by your boyfriend, holding his hand because you knew everything about his childhood and that he was seeing a therapist for it. And when the secret about their older brother was revealed, you were Evan’s rock—the only person he knows that would never lie to him. 
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0x-cinder · 1 day
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Fem!Reader is under the control of an unknown force. Zoro cannot bring himself to take her down.
Content Warnings: violence and a bit of angst (with comfort 🙂‍↕️)
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"Who are you?"
After 20 minutes of belligerent fighting, Zoro finally dealt the finishing blow to his opponent, who crumpled to the ground with a thud. Sheathing his swords, he began scanning the battlefield for you, who had been fighting by his side until moments ago before another enemy pulled you away.
When his gaze reached you, you were doubled over on the ground, clutching your head as if you were suffering immense pain. The swordsman rushed towards you. Despite the chaos around him, the only thing he saw was you.
Then your body went limp, your hands falling to your lap. Zoro paused as you stood, arms swinging by your sides, clutching your swords.
You turned to face him. Relief rushed through his body as he saw that you were alive... but something was off. You weren't looking at him the same way you usually did, with bright eyes and a big smile. In fact, you weren't looking at him at all; your gaze was focused on the ground beneath his feet.
"Oi, you okay?" Zoro called as he continued his approach cautiously. He watched carefully as you moved into an offensive stance, drawing your swords as if you were about to attack him.
Your darkened eyes slid up to his, and your mouth twisted into a manic smile. "Roronoa Zoro..." You chuckled. Your serious tone and unfamiliar expression caught the swordsman off guard.
"Hey... That's not funny. Quit playing around." Zoro reached out to take your arm.
Then you attacked. Slashing at him first with your left sword, then your right. Zoro jumped away, barely dodging your blades.
"What the hell?" He shouted, "What was that for?"
You chuckled ominously in response before running towards him to attack again.
"I'm going to kill you, Pirate Hunter," you declared.
Zoro sidestepped your third strike. He didn't know what was happening, but this wasn't like you at all. Your attacks were clumsy and reckless. This wasn't how he taught you to wield your swords.
"What's with you?" he grunted as he drew his swords to block your assault. "Snap out of it."
You laughed, "Only on the defense? C'mon, have a bit of fun!"
Zoro's brain ran through a thousand reasons why you could be acting like this, each idea more confusing than the last.
"I'd love to spar later, Princess." he grunted, "but I really need you to tell me what the fuck is going on."
You swung both swords down with all your might as your laughter turned into a crazed giggle, "I knew it! You won't hurt this body. None of you silly Straw Hats will."
A shiver ran down Zoro's spine as your swords clashed against his. This wasn't you. This wasn't the girl he'd spent hours training, the girl that'd fall asleep during long meditation sessions, or the one that would bandage him up when he was too prideful to admit he was hurt.
The girl fighting him now was not the girl he fell in love with.
"Who are you?" he growled, pushing you back, racking his brain for a way to win without injuring your body.
"Great! You understand now!" ‘not-you’ smiled, rushing back towards the swordsman. "Come on then. Kill me."
This was hopeless. The swordsman started to panic as he parried one attack after another. His muscles ached. Your fighting style may have been sloppy, given the circumstances, but your strength, speed, and stamina were the same. "Give her back!" He demanded as he rammed his swords into yours, knocking your body to the ground.
"Not until I kill you and the rest of your stupid crewmates." The imposter smiled up at him, eyes glimmering with amusement.
Anger flared in Zoro's chest. How dare they use your beautiful smile to taunt him. How dare they look up at him like that with those stolen eyes.
Yet, despite his rage, he couldn't move. He couldn't attack even though he had rendered his enemy vulnerable on the ground in front of him. Not when that enemy was you. Shit, he thought.
"Zoro!" Usopp's voice called from behind the swordsman. "Knock her out! He can't control her if she's unconscious!"
There was a pause as Zoro watched the malice faded from your eyes, a mixture of fear and confusion taking its place. "Zoro?" you asked, sounding as confused as you looked, "What's going on?"
Hope flickered in the back of the swordsman's mind. He lowered his guard ever so slightly but kept the hilt of one of his swords poised to put you out if needed.
This could be a trick. He reminded himself.
"What was the first sword drill I taught you?" He asked, testing you.
"Zoro, what-"
"Answer me." He cut you off. It was an easy answer. The ‘forward figure eight.’ It had taken you ages to figure out how to coordinate your movements correctly, but once you got it, you absorbed the rest of his instruction like a sponge.
"Zoro please, you've taught me so much I-" In a flash, the fear vanished from your face, replaced by that menacing smile.
The imposter lunged at him.
The world went dark.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦.  ⁺  
You opened your eyes slowly, wincing as they adjusted to the light. A dull pain throbbed behind your eyes as you examined your surroundings.
You were lying in one of the beds inside The Sunny's infirmary, the sheets tucked tight around your body, your head propped up on the pillow against the metal frame headboard. Chopper stood across the room, absorbed in whatever he was doing.
"Chopper?" you called, surprised by how weak you sounded.
The reindeer jumped as if you'd scared him before whirling around to face you. "You're awake!" He cried, leaping onto the bed and pulling you into a hug.
You winced as pain shot through your head at the sudden movement.
Chopper pulled away. "Sorry. I'm just so glad you're finally awake."
"What…happened?" You inquired. Moments ago, you were fighting alongside the others, but you'd somehow ended up back on the Sunny with no recollection of how you got there.
Chopper shifted uncomfortably. "You were mind controlled or possessed I think, I'm not sure how the man's devil fruit worked but-" he paused. "You tried to kill Zoro. Managed to graze him a bit too before Ussop knocked you both out."
Your breath hitched in your throat. "I tried to…Kill Zoro?"
"He's okay, don't worry. Just a little...Mentally scarred from the whole thing." The doctor reassured you.
Guilt crept into your consciousness. "Is he...Upset with me?" you asked, anxiously fiddling with your fingernails.
"I don't think so?" Chopper replied, "He's been checking on you every couple of hours so I think that's a good sign. I-"
"You're awake." A gravelly voice sounded from the entrance to the infirmary.
You turned your head to see Zoro standing in the doorway with a blank expression, his elbow resting on his swords. His open shirt revealed white bandages wrapped around his chest. Your guilt intensified.
Chopper scrambled off the bed. "I'll give you two some space." He announced awkwardly before hurrying out of the room.
Silence hung heavy in the air for a moment before Zoro spoke. "What was the first sword drill I taught you?"
Your brows wrinkled in confusion, "A forward figure 8," you replied. You remembered because learning that skill was the first time Zoro had touched you, guiding your sword arm from behind, his breath hot on your neck. Your face flushed slightly at the memory.
Zoro exhaled and strode to your side, "I just had to be sure it was you this time."
You sat up on the bed to look at him properly, getting a closer look at the bandaged wound on his chest. You bit your bottom lip in remorse. "Did I do that?"
Zoro looked down at his chest. He said nothing, but the shamed look on his face confirmed your suspicion.
"I'm sorry." You apologized, looking up at him, "I didn't mean to-."
"You were being controlled." He cut you off, clenching his fists at his sides.
You looked down at your hands. "I know, but-" You took a breath as you searched for the right words. "There must have been a way to push him out, but I don't remember… I'm sorry."
Zoro sat on the edge of the bed awkwardly. "Maybe if you didn't fall asleep instead of meditating, you'd be able to guard your mind better."
You winced, "I'm sorry. I'll try harder."
Zoro lifted his hand to cup your chin, returning your gaze to his. "Stop apologizing. I'm fine. You're fine. No one is dead. I'll incorporate more mental training into our sessions."
"Why didn't you fight back? I could have killed you."
A faint smile crossed his lips. "Don't get too cocky."
"Zoro I'm serious."
A pained look flashed through his eyes. He moved his hand to caress your cheek softly. "I couldn't bring myself to hurt you."
Warmth spread over your face. "But I hurt you."
"Again, it wasn't you. I just-" he sighed and brought his forehead to rest against yours, "I just couldn't do it."
"Zoro.." You trailed off, leaning into his touch and placing your hand over his in attempt to comfort him.
"The worst part is that I know I'd let it happen again." Zoro let out a shaky breath and shut his eyes tight as if he were trying to erase the memory from his mind. "I'd take a thousand hits before I hurt a hair on your pretty little head."
Your eyes widened as an aching pain shot through your heart. "But…Why? I'm nothing special."
His gaze pierced through you. "Don't be an idiot." he let out a strained laugh. "Everyone on this ship cares for you. I care for you." he inhaled sharply and shook his head. "I mean shit, princess, I think I'm in love with you."
Your lungs forgot how to breathe. "You're in…Love with me?"
Zoro backed away slightly, looking down at his hands. "I mean what other explanation is there? If it was anyone else I'd have killed them instantly. I constantly find myself looking for you, thinking about you, worrying about you. Believe it or not, you're a huge distraction, but I just can't bring myself to stay away from you."
You stared at him in shock at his confession, feeling as if your heart was going to beat out of your chest. "Zoro I-"
"If you don't feel the same, that's fine." He cut you off; you'd never seen him look as vulnerable as he did in that moment, "but the thought of not having you around anymore kills me."
You brought your hand up to his cheek, daring to move your face closer to his. "You silly swordsman." You chuckled softly. "I'm not going anywhere."
Zoro froze, "You're not?"
"No." you smiled, "In fact...I think I'm in love with you too.
Inspired by Grand Line Fics' "They hurt you while controlled" stuff. (Linked below, you should check them out)
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221beloved · 1 day
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Written but never sent alt. prompt
(Linkt to ao3)
"Oh crap."
John was rummaging through his closet, well, his old closet, searching for his warmer socks. He'd know where to find them normally, but when he'd moved down into Sherlock's room, they'd brought some of Sherlock's clothes up here, and now the seasonal stuff of two people was stuffed in John's old closet, as well as some of Sherlock's less used disguises.
John shoved aside what looked like an Indian garment and uncovered a small cardboard box in the back.
"Yes," he congratulated himself. He knew he'd put his socks in a box. mbered the box to be slightly bigger, but memories were a funny thing at the best of times.
He pulled it out onto the floor and opened it, expecting multicoloured, warm socks, and frowned when instead he found stacks of paper.
He put the lid down and leaned closer. Not just paper.
He picked up a pile, just to see that there were bundles and bundles of letters underneath, all the same size, all in the same cream-coloured envelopes. John thumbed through the stack in his hands, his eyes wide.
They all had the same name written on them. With the same sharp handwriting.
Dr. John H. Watson.
Sherlock's handwriting.
He thumbed through the pile of letters in his hand again. Five envelopes bound together with a simple cord. There must be at least twenty letters in that box.
Had Sherlock hidden them here? Why? What had he to say to John that he couldn't just tell him? It must be a lot, filling so many letters.
Or was it just some sort of... joke. Were there only blank sheets of paper inside the envelopes?
He sat there on the floor in his old room, staring down at all the letters in front of him, socks long forgotten.
"John? What the hell are you doing so long up-- oh..."
John didn't know how long he'd been sitting there, staring down at the content of that box. He hadn't heard Sherlock coming up the stairs, either.
"You've found them, then. Opened one?" Sherlock's voice was flat. He sat down on John's old bed.
John slowly lifted his head to look at Sherlock.
"What is all this?"
The other man looked... conflicted. Nervous? Defeated?
"I think it's rather obvious that what you're holding in your hands are letters. Written, but never sent. Useless. I wasn't able to get rid of them. Sentiment.”
He huffed out a bitter laugh, making it sound scornful.
"Yeah, but..." John looked down at the letters in his hand again.
"What's in there? Can't you, can't we just talk about this? Whatever it is?"
Sherlock didn't meet his eyes.
"There is nothing to talk about."
John opened his mouth to protest, but Sherlock continued, "Not any more."
He paused, as if steeling himself.
"They are from... before. Before we…”
He swallowed.
“Whenever it got, too much, I would take a pen and a sheet of paper, and I would write it all down. What I was… feeling. I would write you a letter."
John gaped at him, not understanding at first, but when he did, his chest tightened painfully.
"Oh Sherlock," he whispered.
"Sometimes it would help, with it all written down, it would be off my chest for some time. But other times… well, it was silly. Even more not to burn them."
He looked awful, sitting on John's bed, his posture slumped.
"No, Sherlock..." John let the letters be and got up to join Sherlock on the bed.
"No, love. Writing is an approved method to get things off your chest. Nothing silly about that. Even a brain like yours needs time to process things, and a bit of a release at times. Maybe especially yours. I just wish..."
He gently placed a hand on Sherlock's thigh.
"I just wish you could've talked to me."
Sherlock turned his head away even more, and John tightened his grip on Sherlock.
"But I understand why you didn't. I really do. And I'm sorry."
Sherlock turned back to finally look at him.
"There's nothing you have to apologise for."
John drew little circles with his thumb.
"Yes there is. I shouldn't have been that brusque around you, concerning… us. I should've seen, should've realised... And we should've talked more. That evening. In the kitchen. When we... When I just kissed you."
"Talking is awful," Sherlock grumbled and leaned his head on John's shoulder.
The burning knot in John's stomach loosened a bit at this gesture.
"But it's important, Sherlock."
"Still awful..."
John chuckled and gently stroked Sherlock's back, the nape of his neck.
"Can I read them?" he asked after some moments of silence. "The letters?"
Sherlock didn't answer for a long time, and John thought he wouldn't, when he finally said, "Some day, maybe. Not today."
John pulled him even closer.
"You don't have to show me. You can just throw them away unseen, burn them, if you want to. Or you can keep them here, and I won't open one of them if you don't want me to. And I'll give you privacy if you need to… to write another one."
Sherlock hummed into the wool of his jumper.
"I don't need to write another one. I have you now."
John leaned his head onto the dark curls, hiding his smile.
"Thank you," he whispered. "But promise to... say something? If there's anything. I'll try and do the same. It's important."
Sherlock rubbed his cheek against him like a big cat.
"Promised," Sherlock agreed.
"All right then, let's go down, see what we can do about dinner."
"Angelo’s," Sherlock murmured. "The reason I came up. I placed a reservation."
"Oh. A special occasion?"
Sherlock straightened up and looked John in the eye, then leaned his forehead against John's, cupping his cheeks with both his hands.
"Just that I love you," he whispered, and John had to close his eyes at the wave of emotion that hit him.
"I love you, too."
He smiled. "Let's go then. I'm starving."
Please tell me if you want to be added or removed from the list!
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edenesth · 3 hours
Cheat Codes and Heartstrings
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"Oh, dude, what are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be on a date?" Wooyoung asked, raising an eyebrow at his friend's unexpected appearance at their gaming hangout—a plan Yunho had bailed on to be with his girlfriend.
The taller man sighed, pulling out the empty chair and dropping into it. "She cancelled. Said something important came up, so she couldn't make it. Guess we're gaming now."
Mingi smirked, fingers flying across the keyboard as he struggled to talk while focusing on his ongoing Valorant match. "Told you, man. Nothing beats our bond, not even girls. Bros before hoes, always."
San scoffed, tossing a chip at him from across the table, offended on behalf of his loving partner, who was currently at home baking his favourite brownies while waiting for him. "Yeah, yeah. You're just salty you don't have a girlfriend."
"Yeah right, simp," Mingi rolled his eyes.
Wooyoung snickered. "Nah bro, he's not salty about not having a girlfriend. He's just salty because Yunho betrayed his moral loyalty and fell in love with someone else."
"Shut the hell up, Woo," Mingi shot him a side glare before his friend could fire back with their never-ending bromance joke, muttering a curse as he lost his game. He quickly switched over to League of Legends. "Anyway, you showed up at the perfect time—DoraTheDestroyer's playing today."
That got Yunho's full attention. He immediately perked up, scrambling to log into his Steam account. "No way, seriously? Is she actually here?"
DoraTheDestroyer—the most famous female gaming legend in this part of Seoul—had crushed all LOL players and held the top spot for ages. People often wondered why she hadn't gone pro. Few knew what she really looked like, as she preferred to stay under the radar, slipping in and out of cybercafes in her signature black Adidas windbreaker and cap. She always played in the VIP section, away from the regulars.
"Yeah, she's here. Probably for the weekly tournament, though we all know she never accepts invitations to the national championship," San confirmed, nodding toward the VIP section. The doors were closed, but through the small window, they could glimpse her trademark outfit. "Such a waste of good talent."
"Tell me about it." For a moment, Yunho forgot about his girlfriend, his face lighting up at the sight of the female gamer's familiar profile picture—a popular meme of Tyler the Creator dressed as Dora the Explorer.
"Holy crap, I can't believe we finally get to play against her," he grinned, his heart racing with excitement. He'd been waiting for this moment for a long time. As much as the Korean gaming community hyped her up, he needed to experience her skills firsthand—and get beaten by her—to fully believe she was that good.
Mingi chuckled, flexing his fingers as they geared up for the match. "You should probably thank your girlfriend for cancelling. Turns out it was a blessing in disguise."
The match began, and right away, the female gamer's team took an aggressive stance, pushing hard against their defences. But the guys weren't going down without a fight. They called out positions, planned counters, and slowly gained ground.
At first, it seemed like they were evenly matched. Yunho even managed a few key kills that had him grinning in satisfaction. "Well well, looks like we've got a shot," he said, feeling the adrenaline surge. The game was neck-and-neck, the score swinging back and forth as both teams traded victories in intense skirmishes.
But then, as the match wore on, something shifted. The legend had been quiet for a while—too quiet. Just when they thought they had her pinned, she'd slip away, regrouping with her team in ways that left them scrambling to defend their positions. Her map awareness was on another level, and her timing, impeccable.
Mingi caught on first. "Wait… she's playing us. She's luring us into traps."
It became clear she wasn't just good—she was a strategist, always two steps ahead. The moment they thought they had control, her team would come in for a devastating coordinated attack, wiping them out with perfect synergy. Her ability to manipulate the battlefield, vanish when needed, and strike when least expected left them speechless.
The final battle was the most intense, and for a moment, it looked like Yunho's team might actually pull off a victory. They fought tooth and nail, but in the end, her team made a flawless, surgical final push. The defeat was swift, calculated, and undeniable. And as expected, she emerged as the MVP of the match once again.
Yunho leaned back in his chair, breathing heavily. "She's amazing," he said, awe-struck.
His friends sat in stunned silence, nodding in agreement, still processing the sheer level of skill they had just witnessed.
"Well," Mingi finally spoke, running a hand through his hair. "That was something else."
Yunho was still trying to process the insane skills he had just witnessed. DoraTheDestroyer wasn't just a legend in the community; she was a master tactician. Her stealth, her timing—it was on a level he hadn't even imagined. His heart was still racing from the match when his phone buzzed, the screen lighting up with a message from his girlfriend.
'Sorry for bailing earlier, Yuyu :((( I just got done, let's meet and I'll make it up to you, okie? <3' — beautiful✨
He stared at the text for a moment, his thumb hovering over the screen. Normally, he'd be up in a flash, eager to meet her. But this time, he stayed seated, his mind still reeling from the game. Wooyoung, who had caught a glimpse of the message, nudged him. "Bro, aren't you going?"
Yunho bit his lip, feeling conflicted. He cared about his girlfriend, but something about what had just happened stuck with him. "This won't do, guys," he said, shaking his head. "I have to convince her to join the national championship. She's too good to be just playing for fun like this. She'd make South Korea proud."
Mingi looked over at him, surprised. "Dude, you're serious?"
Yunho nodded firmly. "She's the real deal, man. If anyone can dominate on the national stage, it's her. I have to try."
He pushed himself off his seat, spotting the female gamer moving to leave the VIP section. "Here goes nothing," he gulped, steeling himself as he approached the figure. She was masked up, her cap pulled low, and walked swiftly toward the cybercafe's exit, ignoring the stares that followed her, just like she always did.
"Wait, miss!" he called out, his heart racing as her steps faltered, but she didn't turn to face him. His friends watched intently, along with all the others in the cafe, curious about what he was about to do.
"Look, I just wanted to say how incredibly talented you are. I don't understand why you haven't gone pro yet, but you need to! I promise you will have my full support, along with all the guys here!" he declared, urgency creeping into his voice. There was a pause, and the room fell silent, everyone holding their breath.
Slowly, she turned around, her head still lowered, the cap obscuring her face. "If I do, will you forgive me?" she replied softly.
Yunho blinked, momentarily speechless. "Wh-what...?" His jaw dropped as she finally removed her cap and mask, revealing...
"Babe?" he gasped.
A chorus of disappointed groans swept through the crowd of amateur gamers, who were heartbroken to finally learn the identity of their goddess—and that she had a boyfriend—one who was just as attractive as she was. The revelation sent murmurs rippling through the room, and a collective sigh of annoyance echoed from the guys, realising their beloved idol was taken.
You nervously bit your lip as you watched your boyfriend stride toward you, each step purposeful. He cupped your face in his hands, his gaze intense as he muttered, "God, I didn't think it was possible to love you even more than I already do."
The crowd quickly dispersed, returning to their games, envious out of their minds.
You beamed at his words, reaching up to cover his hands with yours. "Does this mean I'm forgiven?" you asked hopefully, but his grin took on a sly edge as he leaned in to whisper in your ear, "You wish, baby. It's going to take a lot of making up for that."
Your cheeks flushed at his teasing, warmth spreading through you as he wrapped a possessive arm around your back, guiding you out of the male-dominated space. Stepping outside, you felt excitement and apprehension, knowing that your journey to make amends for keeping your identity a secret was just beginning.
As you walked together, Yunho couldn't help but stare down at you, still trying to process everything. He was in awe. The sweet, innocent girl who had always been at the top of her class and earned "Employee of the Year" at work was also a badass gamer who commanded the virtual battlefield. "Why didn't you just tell me who you were?"
You sighed, leaning into his embrace. "I'm sorry... I know this probably sounds stupid, but I didn't want you to see me differently. What if you didn't like the version of me you just saw? What if—”
"Are you kidding? It is stupid. If anything, I love you even more. Do you have any idea how hot that is? DoraTheDestroyer," he murmured, shaking his head in disbelief. His tone deepened as he tightened his grip on you. "You could destroy me any day."
You blushed, realising that if you had known your gentle giant had such a naughty side, just as he didn't know about yours, you might have told him from the start.
"Maybe I will, Yuyu."
✨ Bonus ✨
"So, are you still mad at Yunho for betraying his moral loyalty?" Wooyoung teased, nudging Mingi, who was still in shock. "I mean, she's only the nation's best League of Legends player. Do you still think you could go up against her?"
The tall dork cleared his throat, blinking as if that would help him regain his composure. "I might not be able to beat her in League, but that doesn't mean I can't beat her in winning Yunho's affections."
San raised an eyebrow, his expression clearly saying, "Really, brother?"
"Fine… I guess she is kinda cool," Mingi conceded. He crossed his arms, trying to maintain a tough demeanour, but there was no hiding the admiration in his voice. "I'll let her have him if she joins the championship."
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The idea of gamer Yunho is just so 🫦 this was supposed to be a short little timestamp but as usual, I get carried away and voila.
As always, thank you for reading and let me know your thoughts! <3
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artemis32 · 16 hours
bnha, a hero reader with a yan who doesn’t think the reader should be a hero (world too dangerous etc etc). how would they stop reader from performing hero duties?
platonic (??) yandere All Might x reader
All Might, all the way. This man is anxious and the definition of a helicopter parent
Also, I'm getting to all my asks, so thank you so much to everyone who sent one in! <3 if you've literally ever sent me an ask or request, I promise, I see it, I'm getting to it (I don't hate you, promise)
bnha masterlist
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This man is such a hypocrite. He shouldn't care this much about one person - one student.
You're old enough to make your own decisions, old enough to decide to be a hero. You're a good hero. He just-
He can't handle it.
This isn't a situation he's faced before, and he has no idea why it's different with you. Usually, he doesn't care. Hell, usually he's the one encouraging kids like you. Mirio and Izuku are prime examples of that, and Izuku was even younger than you are now when he was pushed down that path, so there's no good or even logical reason to excuse the way he's feeling now.
At first he tries to distance himself, tries to completely ignore you, convinced that will pull him out of whatever funky headspace he's in.
When that inevitably doesn't work, he ends up hovering like some damn helicopter parent, playing it off as a concerned teacher, eager to guide an impressionable youth.
It works for a while. Sort of.
People pick up on it eventually - fellow faculty, other students, you. He doesn't notice, or care, honestly. His methods, crude as they are, work, and if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Except, his methods aren't exactly as full proof as he thought, and that becomes glaringly obvious when you're away on an internship and word gets out a few days in that you were hospitalised after a particularly gruesome fight.
He blames himself more than anything else - probably more than he blames whatever low level villain hurt you either - something he might've discussed in therapy, if he ever actually went.
Once you return to classes, he only becomes worse. Days pass, then weeks, and he feels like he can hardly breathe when you're not within his direct line of sight. There were far too many what-ifs when he wasn't around, and, in an admittedly spur-of-the-moment decision, he snatches you off the street.
Well, snatch probably wasn't the right word. He, truthfully, just asked you to accompany him to... somewhere. Not that he remembers. He was a mess of anxiety, thinly veiled by terrible jokes and loud laughs, and none of that really even mattered anymore since you were safe now. Safe, and here, with him.
Of course, when he ran out of things to say, ways to stall, you quickly realised that dear old All Might did not, in fact, want heart-to-heart. And damn him if the fading trust and slight sliver of fear in your eyes didn't wring his heart out in his chest.
But he was doing what was best for you! You'd see that, eventually. He was doing his job, as a hero and as your mentor. He was number one for so long for a reason. He was older than you, wiser than you, and he knew what was best.
So what if you were scared for a little while? A little fear was healthy every now and then. It kept the youth respectful.
He was a hero. What good was a hero if he couldn't protect people? Especially the people he felt odd, warm, protective feelings for?
And, yeah, okay, maybe he hasn't exactly worked out all the semantics of your stay yet, but that was irrelevant! You were safe, and he'd cross those bridges when he got to them ('those bridges' being the fact that he was the top pro hero who regularly left the city, the country, for days, sometimes weeks on end - or the fact that, sooner or later, people would realise you'd disappeared off the face of the earth).
Yeah. Semantics.
The point, young one, was that you were safe! There was nothing safe about hero work. And, okay, maybe he might tell you small white lies to keep you complacent - 'this is part of the course', 'yes, of course you'll get to go home soon', 'mhm, yes, your parents know you're here, who do you think approved this?'
Lying to you is easier than telling the truth. It may make him a coward, but it makes you a fool too. You obviously don't believe him, but what would you do? How were you, a random teenage girl with an alright quirk, going to beat the number one hero? You weren't.
He handles you with the utmost care, like a puppy, or a piece of fine china. But God forbid you bring up the topic of hero work, never mind trying to escape. Sometimes he forgets his strength. And after the first time, hurting you doesn't weigh as heavily on his conscience as it used to. When he said he'd do whatever he had to, to keep you safe and by his side, he meant it. And if that means hurting you? So be it.
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mordenheim · 21 hours
Strangest thing I ever heard
“What is it, Jake?” The mechanic pulled his gloves off, rubbing at the back of his head as he stared at the offending car.
“Not a clue, Norm. Strangest thing I ever heard.”
Turning the key in the ignition again, he heard the engine start to turn over, followed immediately by what sounded like a woman's bloodcurdling scream.
“Pop the hood, see what you can see in there. Maybe I missed something. Something caught in a fan belt or something.”
Norm popped the hood, wrinkling his nose at the awful sulfurous smell coming from the engine. The scream seemed even louder with the hood up and he backed up, covering his ears. A sickly greenish glow was coming from somewhere deep inside of the engine block.
“What in the blue hell is going on in there?!”
Making sure that the car was in park and stomping down on the emergency break, Jake hopped out of the driver's seat to get a better look at what was going on. The older mechanic bit his bottom lip, thinking hard. “Damn it, why do people keep buying cheap parts from shady sources all of the time.”
Jake had his hands on the front of the car, leaning in under the hood for a closer look when Norm suddenly grabbed him by the waist, yanking him back just as the prop holding up the hood came loose and it slammed shut with a bang! The two men toppled to the floor in a tangle of arms and legs. Jake pulled himself free and carefully got to his feet, panting a little. “What just happened?”
“Ain't gonna believe me, but I've seen this before.”
Jake just shook his head at Norm, “Seen WHAT before?”
Frowning, Norm nodded towards the car, still running, the engine revving on its own, almost sounding like an animal growling at them. “Accidental demonic summoning.”
His partner just blinked, then folded his arms over his chest. “Right, good one.” He lifted his left leg towards Norm, “Here, pull the other one, it plays “Jingle Bells”.”
Norm just shook his head. “Look, I'm dead serious. A bunch of crap ended up in this motor that summoned something. Remember when you took the distributor cap off and it was sticky and had that weird fruit smell? I bet someone dropped a gelatin snack in there. That';s got horse hooves in it. Then, the dead bat in the air filter, that's bat blood. The girl who brought it in had that big bandage on her arm, that could be virgin blood.”
Jake just stared at him like he'd grown a second head, “You're serious aren't you?”
“As a heart attack. Just glad there wasn't anything else weird like belladonna or anything dropped in there.”
“Yeah.. uh.. nothing weird... heh...” “Jake, what did you do?”
“Well, I was changing the coolant, so I did what I always do. I used a couple aspirin to hold the thermostat open, so the coolant could flow and it would dissolve and close off later.”
“So you're telling me, there's aspirin in there, too.. a derivative of belladonna.”
“Uh.. maybe...”
“Aw, son of a bi...”
The car's engine roared even louder, and they heard the clunk of the emergency brake releasing as the vehicle lurched across the garage floor!
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olive-main · 2 days
Hi I hope it’s ok if i request this you really don’t have to do it. But a Xaden riorson fluff and angst where the reader gets really hurt but they are trying to help people so she hides it from Xaden and when he finds out he’s really mad at her but he’s really just scared of losing her and hates seeing her hurt with a happy ending. I hope this is ok and there is no pressure to do this I completely understand if you don’t want to.
Healing Through Hurt
Pairing: Xaden Riorson x afab!Reader
Summary: On the battlefield in Resson Xaden learns that reader wasn't completely truthful about her powers.
Wc: 668
A/N: ok, soooo long time no write. This is basically a blurb, and I hope I did your vision justice. Also it's been a hot minute since I read fourth wing so idk how canon-accurate this is hehe....Comments, likes, and reposts are all appreciated. Enjoy!
The battle was chaos, vernin had been much harder to kill than anticipated. Yet there was only one thing on Xadens mind. His dark eyes swept the battlefield, searching for the one person he couldn’t bear to lose - her. She was always in the thick of it, throwing herself into danger to help others, her heart too big for her own good. It was a trait he couldn’t decide if he loved or hated about her, as of right now he hated it. 
He had warned her to stay close, not to push herself too hard, but she had that stubbornness he couldn’t quite break. She’d soared down on the back of her dragon, disappearing from his sight for too long. Thankfully the chaos had finally begun to settle, how much time had passed no one knew, but Xaden had to find her. 
Xaden’s heart pounded in his chest as he scanned the smoke-filled horizon. When he finally spotted her, relief surged through him like lightning. She was kneeling beside an injured soldier, her hands glowing faintly as she channeled her gift. But something was wrong, very wrong. Her movements were sluggish, her face paler than it should have been. There was one thing she failed to mention about her gift - the pain she removed from the others was passed on to her. She felt every gash and wound as if it were her own, but her quick healing made the pain go by much faster. 
He stormed over, eyes narrowing. “What the hell are you doing?” he growled, pulling her up to face him. 
She flinched, guilt flashing across her face, but quickly masked it with a weak smile. “I’m fine, Xaden. Just helping.”
He didn’t buy it for a second. His gaze dropped to her side, where a deep gash was seeping blood through her tunic. It all clicked in his head as he examined her, the wound he'd seen on the male was now exactly the one she tried to cover. She had been hiding it - too focused on helping others to care for herself. All the times she had healed others, Xaden amongst them made something twist inside him. 
“Fine? You call this fine?” Xaden snapped, his voice harsh with anger. His hands hovered over her wound, his jaw clenching. “You’re bleeding out and you didn’t think to tell me?”
She winced but tried to push past him. “I couldn’t just leave them-”
“You could’ve died!” His voice cracked, the anger giving way to something deeper. Fear. His chest tightened at the thought of losing her, the image of her lifeless on the battlefield haunting his mind. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
Tears welled in her eyes, her facade finally breaking. “I didn’t want to worry you.”
Xaden’s anger melted away as he pulled her close, his hands trembling as he cupped her face. “I’m already worried, every damn second I’m not with you. You don’t get to hide things like this from me.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice barely audible as the adrenaline started to wear off, leaving her dizzy.
He exhaled slowly, pressing his forehead to hers. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
Carefully, he wrapped his arm around her, supporting her weight as they made their way to safety. His touch was gentle, despite the rough edges of his fear. “You’re too important to lose,” he murmured as they reached a quieter spot. “I need you. You don’t have to carry everything alone.” his words were soft, only meant for her to hear in his moment of vulnerability. 
She leaned into him, her body weak but her heart full. “I won’t. Not anymore.”
With a soft kiss to her temple, Xaden set her down gently, tending to her wound with hands that were much steadier now. “We’re getting through this,” he promised, his voice quieter but no less firm. “Together.”
And as the darkness of the battlefield faded into the distance, they both knew they would always have each other to hold on to.
Yay ty for reading XOXO ~
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luvyeni · 3 hours
( reaction ) not wearing any underwear ̨ ! ୨୧ 一 라이즈 ՞
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⸃ ⸰ ⌁ riize's reaction to you not wearing panties on a date ヾ
OT7!라이즈・ fem!reader ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ g ・ smut ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ cw ・ ‎ public stuff , no actual penetration , under the table stuff wc ・ ‎0.9k ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎| ‎ ‎click to library
request. riize finding out your not wearing any panties on a date 🙈
「 ୨୧ authors note 」 i hope you like it <3 !!!
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﹙ 𐙚 : shotaro ﹚ .ᐟ
the smile on his face is nothing compared to the thoughts running through his mind , looking down at his phone , a text from you telling him to check his pocket , stuffing his hand in pocket only to realize your lacy panties in his coat pocket. “really baby?” you nodded , he bit his lip. “so cute baby , when did you take them off?” he asked. “before we left the house.” he was hard as a rock now. “should we leave now?” he asked , it wasn't really a question , more like a request. stepping out of the both , he walked behind you , so if you made the wrong move you wouldn't flash the restaurant. “just because im smiling doesn't mean I'm happy baby girl.” he whispered in your ear.
“i'm gonna ruin your pretty pussy when we get home.”
﹙ 𐙚 : eunseok ﹚ .ᐟ
notices it as you step out the car , you skirt so fucking tiny he can see your ass. “fucking hell.” he gets out the car behind you , pulling your skirt down , kissing your temple an old couple passing by you , smiling at how cute you two were. “fucking slut why aren't you wearing underwear.” he whispered in your ear. “you're trying to piss me off right now and im trying to do something nice for you.” he said , you smirked , making him scoff. “keep laughing now.” he said.
“i wanna see you laugh when im stuffing my cock inside of you later and you're begging to let you cum.”
﹙ 𐙚 : sungchan ﹚ .ᐟ
sungchan is a little slow with it; he doesn't even notice that before your date, when you gave him a supposed innocent hug, that you stuffed your panties inside his back pocket. it's just a matter of waiting , and waiting , until he reaches into back pocket to grab his wallet at the end of the date , he feels the fabric in his hand , he pulls it out only to stuff it back in looking at you with wide eyes. “baby?” he leans in. “are you not wearing…” he looks under the table , where your legs are spread open , your bare cunt on display for him. “oh fuck.” he's quickly paying that bill , not even caring about to go boxes or dessert , he's got something sweeter eat right between your legs.
“fuck get in the back seat , i’m not not waiting to wait to take your sweet cunt.”
﹙ 𐙚 : wonbin ﹚ .ᐟ
thinks you're joking when you lean over the table , whispering to him you don't have any panties on; certainly you wouldn't actually dare to not wear panties out in public — his thoughts proven wrong when he looks under the table and your legs are spread open for him to see , your cute pussy already dripping for him , so you know what he does … pays for the bill , grabbing your hand. “come on.” you two don't even make it to the car , before he's pulling you into an alleyway. “bin , let's wait until we get home , this is too open.” he's not listening , thinking with his cock only.
“no baby , you weren't thinking about the public when you were showing me your pussy.”
﹙ 𐙚 : seunghan﹚ .ᐟ
he was just being a good boyfriend; you dropped your fork , he was just going under the table to fetch it for you; only to see your legs spread open — the only thing you hear is his head hitting the table , you let out a giggle , his head resurfacing , smiling as he calmly places the fork on the table. “princess , you being naughty hm? not wearing any panties?” as much as he wants to jump across the table and ravish you , he's so calm; luckily the dinner is finished and he can pay the bills and you two can leave. “what about dessert hannie?”
“we can get it to go baby , i need to feel you around me now.”
﹙ 𐙚 : sohee ﹚ .ᐟ
both of you are on the same freak scale; you knew he'd try and tease you in public , so you wanted to get back at him , you could feel his hand creeping up your skirt , but you had a surprise waiting for him , so you didn't stop him , feeling his hand on your mound , his eyebrows furrowing. “are you?” he ran his finger up your slit. “you're not wearing any panties.” he gasped. “you wouldn't know if your hand wasn't up my skirt you little perv.” he pinched your clit with made you bite down on your fist to conceal a moan. “i bet you you're hard right now.” and you would be correct his cock was begging to be freed. “fuck let's go.” you decided to tease him a little more. “but i want dessert.” you pout.
“fine get your desert , i'm just gonna go under the table and eat mines , i bet she's real sweet for me.”
﹙ 𐙚 : anton﹚ .ᐟ
didn't understand why you would text him; you were right across from him , he answers it anyway , immediately wishing he didn't. “you-you're joking right?” he said looking up at you, his face red. “you're just gonna have to look.” you shrugged , sitting his phone down , lifting up the table cloth , looking under. “son of a bitch.” he whispered to himself. “why don't you have panties on?” his cock hard in his slacks. “baby fuck , i'm so hard right now, we got to leave right now.” you've your boyfriend so eager to leave somewhere so fast. “what about dessert?”
“i will literally order you something as soon as im done fucking you i don't care , we need to leave.”
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©LUVYENI translations to other sites prohibited, reblogs are appreciated but not forced !
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bleedingcoffee42 · 2 days
angry love confessions, "why are you so clueless?"
Perhaps the argument had started somewhere mid-air over Germany, as Nix helplessly watched his plane explode from the relative safety of his chute. At least he had a chance, at least he was out of the plane.
He asked himself what the hell he was doing here? And, to reinforce that question, he had been hustled away as soon as the battle was over when the word was trickling back that a large percentage of the newer C-46s had blown up. It was time to get rid of the observer from the 101st, which was fine by him.
Now he was back home. Barely listening to Dick as he uncomfortably kept to the edges of the room and asked questions that were more reminiscent of what he'd expect from his wife. 'Still drinking only the Vat, huh?'. 'You tell them what you always tell them?'. 'Did you hear me, you've been demoted?'. He stared off into the darkness, glass in hand and numb well before the Vat could really do a damned thing to make that happen. Anger was brewing, anger at everything. To feel again, he would fight. It was who he was. He was, after all, his father's son.
And true to his nature he was getting angry because Dick really thought he did all this for the stars on his jump wings? The rank? the glory? Finally, after just one more pitiful look too many, his eyes leveled at Dick and he hissed, "Why are you so clueless?"
Dick blinked. There was venom in that. "You think I don't understand what it's like losing men?"
Nix barked a laugh, downed the contents of his glass and flipped it over and slammed it down on the table as if it were a shot glass. "Jesus Christ, Dick, you think I do this job for the promotions, citations, medals and my resume?"
"No. I know you do it because you believe..."
"I do it for you. I stopped caring about God and country when your naive ginger ass showed up at OCS. I joined the paratroopers with you, for you, to serve you. And every step of the way I have done my job, and exceeded what was needed only to assist you. I name dropped the Nixon name to get tanks from Teddy Roosevelt Jr on Utah beach for you, for Christ sake. You want, I give. Well, sorry to disappoint you, but a lot of boys gave their lives today for something I didn't need to observe...and have my reservations about needing to be done at all. Mid-air, I realized if I wasn't by your side there wasn't really all that much I gave a shit about. Sorry for your loss, Mrs. Fill-in-the-blank Momma of a dead boy, at least it was me. At least it wasn't Dick Winters. At least he wasn't here."
Dick is left to stare back at those intense gray eyes he had stared into for years without knowing what was really looking back at him. "We all fight for the man next to us, Lew..."
"Oh for fucks sake, Richard!" Nix runs his hand through his hair and throws his head back against the chair. "I love you, you idiot. I love you more than life itself. And I do mean love you more than a brother, or a best friend, I fucking love you in the most intimate meaning of the word. You gave the word meaning, meaning I never knew."
Dick watches him, the tell-tale smirk of Lew's that says he's lit the fuse and is ready to self-destruct. That he's lashed out with truth as a last resort. That he's going to sit there and wallow in self-loathing, and use this moment to accelerate it. Despite being actually clueless all these years, Dick is quick to acknowledge his feelings and act on them. "I love you too, Lew."
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naturesass · 15 days
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I can't stop thinking about the 0% ship log vision
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silusvesuius · 2 months
g*lmar rly has to be the best skajrim character on the real like even if you don't like him he just is . literally The best one i think......... on dat note i also imagine that he and ulfr*c despite being fairydust BFFs for lyfe genuinely have the worst communication skills ever seen
#text#but i already talked about how g*lmar is weird about ulfr*c anyways#literally jubilant and feeling special cus he's the only person ulfr*c actually trusts and speaks to outside of formal conversations#he's a very manly man too (like N*loth) for wanting to just control everything... well actually having ulfr*c under 'control' is enough 4 -#- him. unlike n*loth who wants to be above everything that moves. literally not about him tho#i hope that other st*rmcloaks develop a habit of going to hide downstairs in the palace whenever they can tell the vibe between -#- g*lmar and ulfr*c is off because they're gonna be yelling at each other and throwing shit around for 40 minutes in a few seconds#i don't believe they'd fight insanely often but being at an active war probably gets them heated more. Often than usual; and their -#- conflicts are never resolved. i feel like they just don't talk to each other for a good 2 days and act like nothing happened#they're way too manly and prideful to actually let the other one 'win' so they just don't say anything ever post-arguing#Tbhs g*lmar actually really likes that ulfr*c is so unstable and harrowed because it makes himself feel very good and reliable -#- but he has his limits 😂LMFAOO i bet sometimes he gets really tired of him being so traumatized. very rarely but he does think about it#i'll have to desribe that a bit better later tho... don't know how to word it atm#but maybe he wants to punch him or something BYE. no...... 💔savage as hell#he likes it in a very general sense of ulfr*c's personality especially between them but doesn't like it when it causes them to clash#this might just be mostly ulfr*c's doing cus i doubt he's actually talkative about his past issues and Troubles (torture mayhem) and -#- can't communicate anything about it or set boundaries when needed. he just gets mad or very avoidant. No fixing that tho#well it's just shameful to him so he'd rather do nothing than even admit anything to anyone Everrrrr#why does his life suck so bad LMFAOOOOOOOOO#their nasty musty mutualism .. leeching off your traumatized Bff so that he can make you feel good by saying he needs you in particular#while U pay him back with some support.......SOME#Oh well#that zero communication between some sk*rim characters looks yammy as fuck to me. A;lways. ALWAYS#nelvas is power dynamic induced...... g*lmar&&ulfr*c trauma-caused... elituli Um😂 t*llius doesn't even know any hobbies she has#bye this is why they're serving so hard
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hearts401 · 10 months
we live in a world where im terrified that if i show off my very special headcanon of william liking physical affection it'll get tagged as ship
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franeridan · 11 months
I really wish yamato had gone with luffy and I love that he asked to be considered a crewmate anyway and that luffy told him he'd always have a place on the sunny so I a hundred percent consider him a mugiwara but in my ideal one piece where the war ended differently and ace is still alive yamato is his. like obviously ace is dead and he hadn't been a captain for a while before then anyway, but in my ideal one piece yamato belongs to him. he's a spades. he's ace's crewmate first and foremost.
#the way yamato talks about ace is so wonderful to me so beautiful#the certainty he had in ace being the one who'd spearhead the new age rivals the trust the mugiwaras have in luffy#the only reason he wants to be on luffy's crew is cause ace told him so much about luffy he decided if it wasn't ace it had to be luffy the#i have this thing in my brain that if the asl brothers had all actually become captains and stayed so#there's a whole bunch of luffy's allies that would have actually been split between them#like i mean the only reason why they're with luffy is that cause he's the closest thing but#had ace and sabo gotten there first some of them would have aligned more with them than with luffy#like take vivi for example she's DEFINITELY nakama and no one will take that from her#but are you seriously telling me had sabo had his own crew he wouldn't have managed to actually steal her away#some of the royals and nobles luffy befriended are so sabo coded they'd have joined his crew in a heartbeat had he had one#same with ace there's a bunch of mugiwara allies that are so ace coded he'd have swept them away so easily.....#no but that's not even it with yamato#like that's just me letting my brain go but with yamato it's like#on paper#dude saw the new king in ace he'd have followed him to the end of every sea had he been able to#had ace gotten there when he knew haki already......#no yamatos definitely aces ace just lent him to luffy thats the hill I'll die on#on a side note i just read that one part where marco remembers ace whining that he wanted to go back to yamato#and i had forgotten that he smiles and cries at the memory#one hit ko a million hp lost i want to die what the hell marco my love marco my sweetheart 😭😭😭😭😭#oh i love marco so much......#i always loved him unreasonably even before the war when he'd barely done anything but the more oda writes about him#the more my love grows no one gets it he makes me so sad he deserves so much more my man my sweet 😭😭#izo too........he gets there like “are you ready to die” “I've survived enough already” IZO MY LOVE 😭😭😭😭#the wb pirates make me so sad man..... but marco and izo a million times more than anyone else sob sob they deserve better#sorry but i just had someone very angry abt what i said re vivi in my inbox so let me explain that#it was an exaggeration i wasn't being literal with it#no i do think understand specific circumstances it might have been true but i was exaggerating nontheless#very sorry the truth is i forget people actually read what i write m(._.)m#but also why be angry in my inbox I'm not even tagging these posts just unfollow me man
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