#he’s the best henchman 😤😤😤
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💜 Employee of the Month 💜
He’s cutely holding his company branded laser beam and eliminating anyone else who was nominated for the award ✨💫🔫
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eemcintyre · 2 years ago
So, I was overjoyed to also have a full and unaltered YouTube "Crackerjack" viewing,
And it's time for my thoughts. I will warn you though, I'm a big "Die Hard" fan, and this has to be the most blatant rip-off I've ever seen, and I will be razzing it for that because THE HUBRIS OF ANY CAST AND CREW TO THINK THEY COULD EVER COMPARE
That intro tho- this movie really seizes you by the throat from the first couple of shots; like how do you escalate from your wife exploding?? (Spoiler alert: they do. Hint: glacier)
When he says "little lady" :OOO
I think men wearing shoulder holsters is one of my kinks 🫠
I'm enjoying the wholesome sister-in-law relationship
Those white shorts his bro was wearing tho 🤨
I'm never opposed to a good love story, even if it's a bit cheesy, but this is asking too much- man is supposed to be traumatized by his wife and children EXPLODING less than a year ago and he's an alcoholic with a death wish who ~doesn't let anyone in~ and wait he's sucking this woman's face after knowing her for a Day- pls all I ask for is that the internal logic of the movie/characters makes sense, even if it wouldn't in real life
Jack Wild after publicly decking a man and flipping a table: "I'm fiNE." 😤 Narrator: "He was NOT fine."
What the absolute fuck is Christopher Plummer doing in this movie
What the absolute fuck is Christopher Plummer doing in those Matrix-ass SUNGLASSES
^This man really thought he was going to hold any kind of candle to my ✨talented and handsome man Alan Rickman, the best movie villain e v e r✨ truly laughable if it wasn't so profoundly pitiful 😔😬
Also, this same man really spent the rest of his days dissing "The Sound of Music," a universally beloved and considered-to-be-well-made movie that he agreed to be in, only to star in this chestnut aND SAY NOTHING??
I spent most of this movie making exclamations like "Oh no not my precious baby, my little sweetie" 🥺 about the 6'5 KARATE BLACK BELT WITH A GUN
"I bet you're a screamer" ewwwWWWWW I can pinpoint that moment as the moment where I had the most visceral physical recoiling reaction
This script is. truly something else.
The one twist I wasn't expecting was when the henchman turned good and tried to kill Christopher Plummer- that man's haircut was... something else... tho. They really did him dirty with that He-Man/Jeff Daniels in "Dumb and Dumber"-ass haircut
Remember when I mentioned smth about a fucking GLACIER? Well, just when we thought that the movie stakes couldn't get higher and we already thought the movie was about to end like 3 times, a glacier blew up and buried the entire resort. If you had asked me to predict how events would unfold, that wouldn't have even made it onto the list.
When Jack was about to yeet his fucking wedding ring into the water for the girl he'd known for two days 🙅🏻‍♀️🤨❌🙅🏻‍♀️🤨❌
Speaking of KC, her trying to help Jack limp along at the end like one false move or shift of weight on his part wouldn't squish her flat 😂
Overall, it was "Die Hard" almost beat for beat (by the time they were literally quoting it I couldn't decide if they just weren't even trying or if they were just hilariously self-aware), but proof that cringing yourself to death can be fun sometimes. So bad that I had a great time, solid 6/10 💖
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howl-fantasies · 2 years ago
Hello Author-san! If you have time... I'd like to request Gotham characters realizing they've been a total douche towards [name].
I re-read all your stories recently (still amazing, like I'm reading them for the first time amazing) and I noticed that a lot of Gotham people(😆) are (most of the time) always very mean towards [name] even when [name] always clean up after them 🤔
I just wanna see them realize [name] needs some love too- 😤
Take care Author-sannnn 💛
Awwww it's so cute, thank you for your request and compliments ♥️ They weren't the best frenemies I have to say and often are ungrateful little brats with her indeed.
Don't worry, Y/N doesn't mind at all. If anything, she finds their hostility amusing. Especially coming from Oswald and Edward who she sees as moody teens: claiming they hate you but desperately asking for your help when they aren't able to do the most simple thing. The irony is just *chef kiss* 😂
It was quite hard to write about Jim since he's so attached to the law, what's right and wrong. Being a little bit nice with Y/N is as hard for him as beeing genuinely nice with Oswald. But he realizes she can be good, sort of.
Warning: English mistakes, it's not my first language, I'm working on it. Violence, bad words.
Oswald Cobblepot
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"That freaking harlot!"
He was fuming, as his phone was crashed against the hard wood of his desk, Oswald cursed again thinking about the end of his call with Y/N.
Behind him, Victor watched their boss screeches like an angry bird, slapping the poor device again and again. Penguin was easy to anger, he thought. So easy, his dear wife made it a sport to irks him as many times as she could per day.
He felt his own phone buzz in his heart pocket. She broke another record doing it, he knew, winning their bet in doing so in less then 30 seconds. He owed her a calzone.
The killer first blinked. Admiring a new shade of red growing on Cobblepot's furious face. Then, shrugged in carefree way.
"I KNEW IT! Stop thinking about this stupid excuse of a woman!" yelled the little man while finishing the massacre of his now dead phone.
"Boss." He called.
"Whut now, Zsasz?!"
"Why don't you just stop working with Y/N? You can't stand her and know I'm perfectly able to annihilate about anyone in town... " Victor stated flatly.
Oswald scoffed like the bald man had insulted his dear mother. "That's utterly stupid!" He said, now throwing him a hard glare, soon joined by another scoff. "Your idiotic wife is irking, acting like she owns any freaking place she's standing in, is demanding ridiculously high compensation for anything she's asked to do"
The killer nodded at each point made, making a few "Uh-uh" here and there.
"But she's useful. And I don't have to explain every steps of my plans to her, because she already knows, Victor. That damn woman is already en route to do the job before I even have to open my mouth!" Penguin yelled angrily. At him, her or about the fact that he recognized some qualities to the woman? Zsasz didn't know.
And didn't even have the time to ask, since Oswald was now pointing him with an accusating finger. "THAT makes her, and trust me it's killing me to say it: valuable. Very valuable. But also dangerous. And you're suggesting that I stop working with her?! For what? My rivals to contact her immediately and ask her to annihilate me? When she's rivaling freaking mediums when it comes to predict my next actions?! You're very capable with your guns, but against her?! This snake-woman would destroy YOU and ME. Or more likely will use YOU to destroy ME. No. Way. Not a chance! "
Zsasz raised a bored brow. "So much faith in me, boss. It stings you know."
Still in front of him, Cobblepot slammed his elegant cane on the hard floor. "It's faith in her that I have, faith to make you do whatever she wants, without even have to break a sweat", Oswald deadpaned.
"Order me to kill her then." Shrugged the henchman without any emotion on his face or in his tone.
Cobblepot jolted like the thunder hit him. "What?!" He whisper-yelled. "Are you MAD?!" Now he was definitely yelling. "Aren't you her husband?! How dare you even suggest it?!" Pacing around like a lion inside of its cage, Penguin now used his cane to point at him. "First you want to put her on the side, taking her job, and now you want to shoot her to death?! Yes, of course, the woman deserves a strike from Karma, but this! You're supposed to be ready to die for your lover VICTOR, not be ready to be the one killing them!" Zsasz was pretty sure the walls were shaking with how loud the new King of Gotham was.
All of sudden, Oswald froze, his cane still pointing at him and his eyes wide. "You don't deserve her." He whispered before his voice was back to normal. "I forbid you to do it, Victor. I absolutely forbid you to even point the barrel of your gun at any part of her body, do you hear me?"
Zsasz's face was still blank as he shrugged and nodded. "Fair mistake, thought you hated her you know. Just wanted to help here."
Oswald gritted his teeth angrily. "If anything, be grateful for all the work she does and the affection she's showing you, when all you deserve would be her incredible silver tongue to work against you and make you stab yourself in the knee."
----------- 1 New Message --------
Oswald Cringebblepot
Go find Ed. I need to talk to him.
Already called him, he's on his way.
Oswald Cringebblepot
Thank you. And good work.
Did you let Strange play with your brain again Oswald?
Oswald Crazbblepot
I'm just being polite, harlot. Doesn't hurt to be from time to time.
Ok, Creepbblepot.
-------- End of Message -------
-------- 1 New Message --------
Victor Zsasz
I'm formally forbidden to shoot you.
My, oh my. Look at how tables have turned. Thought he would want me dead after my last pun on the phone.
Victor Zsasz
Reverse psychology.
You never cease to amazed me.
Victor Zsasz
What can I say?
I do good work.
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Calling Y/N, the second most prolific assassin in town, names was at this point a constant for him.
She never held any grudge against him for that, still answering his messages whenever they came and teasing him to no end. So what's changed?
Seated on one of the sofa's of his hideout, Riddler was intensely watching his phone. More exactly the last message sent to the woman, that she saw, he could tell, but which she didn't answer. 3 hours without a single irritating "Riddlie, RiddLame or Riddl-ED". What happened?
"Cat got your tongue? Would be the first time. Not so surprising to finally see your microscopic wit running dry." He sent.
Again. A simple "seen" under his text, but no answer. Not a single word. He tsked, clearly irritated.
"Not so surprising to get no answer when all you do is insulting her intelligence." Muttered a well-known voice from the mirror standing in the corner of the room.
"Shut it. Her so-called intelligence is nothing compare to our genius. Pointing it out isn't even an insult, it's just a fact" Snapped the man in green.
"Genius. Yes, that's what we are. But she's no simpleton. Far from it actually. And even you know that. You should be nicer with her... " Answered his reflexion in a shy voice.
"I. Said. Shut it. ED. Don't start to try to put some sickly sweet sentiments into the link I share with Y/N." Said Riddler angrily while facing the damn mirror, his eyes glaring at those much more softer he saw in front of him.
"Our link." Ed slowly answered.
Stunned by his words, Riddler felt more than he saw his head moving slightly back from the shock. "What?" He now whispered.
"Our link. Y/N is my friend too. She was even before she knew you", Ed said, straightening his shirt awkwardly.
This time, his whole body jolted. His mouth opened wide incredulously. The surprise was short though, soon replaced by hot anger.
"Friends? She didn't even talk to you, stupid! Just answered the riddles you wrote on a ridiculous card for Kringle and forgot in the interrogation room, like the idiot you are. Y/N happened to be here waiting for Jimbo to question her. You call that being friend?!" Riddler mocked.
Ed lowered his eyes but still shrugged. "She knew someone was behind the tainted mirror and ask them to tell the author of the riddles it was quite good. It was nice. And friendly." He argued.
"You're being delusional." Deadpaned Riddler. The man glanced at his phone again, in case this crazy conversation made him miss a notification from her.
"Who is delusional thinking about calling a friend someone he always mocks and insults?" Ed's voice taunted. Who would have thought the poor and nice little Ed had that in him?
"Don't. Just don't try to make me feel guilty Ed. Y/N isn't your fragile Kringle or your damn librarian! Calling each other names but still answering when being contacted IS how our friendship works. Always have been and will always be." Riddler spat, gritting his teeth angrily.
"So we can so brilliantly see." Ed chastised, his eyes opening comically as he lifted the hand holding his phone tightly.
"Y/N is a practical and logical woman, Ed. She 100% KNOWS it and don't need any praise to feel secure or any kind of exterior validation to acknowledge the brilliant mind she already knows she has! Her confidence as well as her sharp mind are why I like her so much! And it's also why she's MY friend. "
He saw the hurt he caused on Ed's face. The ex-forensic was left with no answer, his mouth wide open in shock.
"You know, I'm Ed's friend too, RiddLack-of-gentleness. But thanks for your lovely words, got me all flustered, RidDEar" Came Y/N's flat voice from his right hand. When did he call her? One look at his reflexion answered him. Ed was smiling like a kid seeing his prank working even better than he first imagined.
Now it was Riddler's turn to turn pale, opening stupidly his mouth but with no sound coming from it.
"Cat got your tongue?" The woman mocked.
Was it a screech which finally came from him? A high pitched scream? He wasn't too sure. But a very shameful sound, it was certain.
"Oh." She sounded confused for a second. "Bad time maybe? Never thought about Narcisse doing anything else than drowning himself..." Her innuendo made him livid, but still too shocked to answer intelligibility.
"Didn't want to interrupt your little self-care time dear. My texts weren't working so I called. I'll call back later" She was now purring, ending the call before he collected himself enough to yell at her.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" Finally boomed his voice in direction of the mirror.
"Let her know how precious she is to us" Sang Ed's voice just before he disappeared, letting Riddler see his disheveled and sweating state. Joke was on him. Definitely.
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"... I don't understand. I fucking don't understand."
Rambling like a mad man was becoming his habit. A bad one if you ask any sane person. But here in Gotham? He was simply getting acclimated to the city.
"How the hell can you take it so fucking well?!" He asked Harvey, watching the old cop who was calmly sipping his coffee and enjoying a maybe too greasy donut.
Said cop stopped his chewing for a second, his eyes looking something on his right like he was contemplating what to say.
Earlier this day, Jim woke up with one of Y/N's creepy texts. A simple "RAT-A-TAT-A-TAT-A-TATAT". Last time she sent something similar, the GCPD's HQ was attacked by some crazy wannabe gangster with machine guns. So it wasn't that surprising that he carried the goosebumps with him all day, right?
Why would she inform him about an imminent attack? He didn't know. Didn't understand last time and still doesn't now. Not like he formed any kind of friendship with her. On the contrary. A simple look at his texts to her was enough to tell.
He swore he would be the one finally putting her behind Black Gates' bars. Not Arkham. She wasn't insane, or so he thought. He wasn't so sure anymore...
"Why?" He muttered again, taking his head between his hands and deciding to sit in front of Bullock. "Why am I the only one shocked by the fact that this psychopath not only sent me her creepy text but also sent it to the boss, Alvarez and you?!" He snapped.
Harvey shrugged while gulping the last drops of his beverage. "You'll get used to it." The older man finally said.
Gordon made a face. "She's a fucking criminal! Not a fellow cop, not a snitch, a freaking killing machine walking around without a care in the world. What's wrong with you guys?!"
Bullock let out a heavy sigh, rubbing his scruffy jaw in a tired way. "Neutral Evil." He finally said.
"Uh?" Asked Jim, his brow rising slowly as he leaned in his co-worker's direction.
"Neutral Evil." Harvey repeated slowly. "When the kid started to save our arses sporadically, we asked our psychiatrists to work on her case again. They decided she was Neutral Evil." He developed.
"... Sounds like a D&D thing." Gordon muttered incredulously, making Harvey laugh loudly. "Well it is, two of them are freaking nerds, always babbling about this thing. What amaze me is that you know about it. Should go play with them next Sunday if we're still breathing." He mocked, earning the middle finger from the younger cop.
"Heard kids talking about it in town. Debating which side they were going to play", Gordon detailed, making Bullock hummed and nod absently.
"Our own grown up childchiatrists took ages to decide if we had to call her Neutral or lawful Evil, since the woman has some sort of honor code." He rambled. "But, and I'm quoting them here: "Since she's a selfish little piece of shit and doesn't give a fuck about using / killing anyone for her own purpose which doesn't seem to be some sort of anti-hero or noble villain goal", they decided she was Neutral.""
Gordon nodded, waiting for more and making Harvey sigh even more. "They also stated that she was helping us because we were useful to her, in a way or another. As soon as we'll stand between her goal and her, she'll most likely put a bullet between our eyes." The older explain with a detached face.
"And you all go with it like it's something perfectly normal? How is that supposed to help me feel better?!" shouted Jim incredulously.
"Well it's not. If anything, it's supposed to make you understand that you're safe. For now. Which, in this good ol' city, is a fucking luxury let me tell you", answered the other cop in a harsh tone, his wrinkles even more accentuated by the displeased frown he was wearing.
Now that he was looking at it more intensely, Gordon noticed a little frown on the corner of Harvey's mouth. "There's more." The young cop said.
"Uh?" Asked Harvey, who leaned back in his seat. His porture seemed tensed. "What now, what are you talking about?". He growled.
"There is something more with Y/N. Something you're not telling me." Said the young cop suspiciously. And the reaction he got from Bullock just confirmed it.
"You all but quoted psychiatrists, only carefully talking about what their opinion is. But never put yours. It's not like you, we both know you're far more judgemental than this and usually don't hesitate to tell everyone what you think about someone or something. So, what are you hiding, Harvey?" He asked lowly, paying attention to not be heard by their co-workers.
Bullock's eyes grew wide for only a second. A little second which definitely convinced Gordon to dig further. "What. Harvey?" He pressed.
The other cop tsked angrily then cursed a few times. "Ok. Ok. Just fucking stop frowning like I was confessing a murder or you'll get the whole damn room's attention." Harvey spat in a hushed tone. He took a long minute to inspire deeply. "Remeber when you were abducted by those crazy salary men, who decided to organize hunger games for a fucking job?" Jim nodded slowly.
"Who do you think helped us finding you? Uh? A little angel in charge of your freaking safety? Sorry to tell you this, but your angel likes black leather and rocket launchers a little too much." Jim opened his mouth to protest, or, at least try to argue that she may have needed him in one of her twisted evil plans.
But Harvey made a 'no' with his head. "You were tracking her like a hunting dog for the blowing of an entire building. If anything your death would have been better, for her." Said the older.
"Maybe not on long term", countered Gordon. "We now know she's quite good at scheming and being two or three steps ahead anyone. One skill she has in common with Cobblepot". He added.
Harvey nodded but still seemed pretty sceptical. "The betrayal too, then. Since she was the one who send a text to Montoya and Allen when her dearest husband came here to fetch you, mate."
Now that news totally stunned him. Jim was looking like a fish out of water. "Why would she-..." Harvey shrugged. "Maybe she knew Zsasz was quite in the mood to cut any members you wouldn't need to talk to Falcone that day. Maybe out of fucking generosity. Who knows. But the fact is she still saved your life, yes she did. And not only once." The older man grunted.
"She's a manipulative and a selfish bitch most of the time, yes she is. But I assure you, she's more Lawful-bullshit than our clowns of psychiatrists give her credit for. She's not good. Absolutely not. But I'm sure she has plans for Gotham, so much more than making it her little killing playground. What exactly? I do not know. But you seem to have earned a place in her grand scheme. As well as the Wayne kid, who she helped too by the way. Sometimes even for free." He said.
Jim closed his mouth but was getting paler. "She worked with the kid?!" He breathed, feeling panic starting to take his body.
"I also owe her my life, Jim. God knows I'm no good cop, but she still decided to keep me alive, sending me infuriating bullshit since she was 15. How do you think I was able to survive so long in this hell hole, aside from my natural charm, charisma and shady connexions? She's not good. But sometimes she isn't all bad."
The buzz of Gordon's phone brought back their attention to the room. He got it out of his back pocket, only to see a text from her: "10"
10 what? Guys, feets away from their HQ?
Another buzz. "9".
It was freaking seconds. She was sadistic enough to instigate this kind of nerves breaking game.
"8". He raised his head in total panic, quickly showing the texts to Harvey.
Chaos. At Bullock's scream, all cops in the GCPD ducked under or behind something, pulling out their guns.
"Someone is going to shoot us!" Jim heard himself yell.
"4". "Get ready to open fire!"
A deafening explosion boomed outside, just in front of the GCPD's main gates. Nobody dared to move, or even breath. Ready to shoot at any moment.
But after a long minute and nothing happening, glances started to land on him and Bullock. So much, they felt the urge to bolt out of their hidding spot to rush near the doors, guns held firmly in their hands.
They exchanged a quick glance before slowly opening a door with one hand, the other ready to pull the trigger.
There, in front of the police station, was standing a white van. Well, more the white burning carcass of a van to be honest. The vehicle seemed to have been stopped brutally by a rocket. Disfigured corpses were laying all around it, staining the hard cold ground and the dirty snow in red.
"Fucking hell" Breathed Harvey on his left, getting is full attention on something planted directly on the snow.
"Is that... -" Jim started incredulously.
"A rocket launcher with a bow attached to it and a decapitated head where the rocket should be? Your answer is a fucking yes, Gordon", grunted Bullock also stunned.
Jim didn't even have the time to say something else. A little music suddenly resonated near where the rocket launcher was oddly standing. Exactly like the irritating music you would hear coming from a happy birthday card.
Gordon's phone buzzed again in his pocket and he quickly grabbed it.
------ 1 New Message -----
Happy upcoming birthday Jimbo. Hope you liked my present.
-------- End of message ------
"What the hell" He muttered, looking at Harvey in hope of some kind of explanation.
The older cop blinked stupidly while looking at the text then put his attention back on the creepy present. Though his observations were cut short by Jim's shocked voice.
"There is something inside of the mouth" He said.
Both of them slowly approached the beheaded head. As soon as they reached it, the Happy birthday music stopped, replaced by a heavy silence. Jim raised his right hand and, with caution, put the mouth apart, grabbing something solid and sticky from all the blood.
"What is it?" Pressed Harvey while nervously glancing around.
Jim opened his hand with a grimacing face, only to see a rectangular shaped plastic thing. "USB key", he whispered.
Again, the happy birthday music came to life. Only a few meters from them, making them jump in surprise. Here, standing on the other side of the road was Y/N, her arms nonchalantly crossed under her breasts. Her face flashed a quick sadistic grin, just before she raised her right hand in the air, her index finger pointing at something behind them.
Harvey and him followed her cue to look and turned around, only to see a huge advertising panel, which had on it Galavan's face and a "Vote Galavan" just under it. The two turned in her direction again, just in time to see her making a ridiculous "hello" motion with her hand then turning on her heels to disappear in a shady alley.
"Do you think the gang she shot and Galavan have something to do with each other?" Tried Harvey. The old man looked at his still very pale face, seeing his eyes glance at the USB key.
"Probably." He whispered.
"Well, seems like we'll live to see another day", said Bullock casually, trying to make him come out of his muteness.
What was it all about? Thought Gordon. Suddenly, he remembered the brief exchange he had with the woman about Galavan and his suspicions concerning his true motives for the city. Was she trying to help?
------- 1 New Message ------
Jim Gordon
Why did you helped us?
Pretty sure the happy birthday musical card was enough of a cue for you to figure it out, Gordeaf.
Jim Gordon
Just because my birthday is in two days, you decided to save the whole GCPD with taking those thugs lives? Excuse me to be suspicious.
It wasn't my gift, Jim. This was a mere bonus.
Jim Gordon
Why the USB key then?
Since you were lacking elementary common sense during our last little chit chat session, I decided to offer you one. Make a good use of it.
Jim Gordon
What Alvarez, my boss and Harvey had to do with it?
Nothing. They're too handsome, talented or stupidly fun to be wasted on a petty little shooting. Have a nice day on the Good side James.
--------- End of messages ------
"My ego wants to identify as the handsome or talented one, but I'm pretty sure I'm the stupidly fun one" grunted Harvey who was reading the whole conversation from above his shoulder. "Meh, still alive and grateful for it", he added just before padding his shoulder friendly.
"Yeah. Still alive and grateful for it. I supposed", Jim hesitantly replied.
A/N I hope you liked it! 🥰
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taintedsoul-if · 2 years ago
"Oh Anon why are you blushing? Do you also want to confess?"
Well since you've asked…actually yes, yes I do🙄 Even if you don't have an actual synopsis of the story according the bread crumbs you gave us the IF seems to be promising and I'm so interested and excited! Can't wait for more information. And…Cadmus is my sexy star💖 Can't believe I've just said it out loud…oh no, just forget it my dear fairy😳 Woops, too many confessions for me for today, gotta go 🏃
Ah synopsis. My greatest enemy! I'll never be able to defeat this enemy of mine! 😭😭
I try you know! Even though I am so slow when it comes on to coding. I try my best to at least write something worthwhile in my notebook that will keep my readers interested.
Cadmus 😌. My dream guy. I understand where you're coming from. He's my sexy star too. I love when he's got a crazed look in his eyes! He knows what he's doing. Making everyone fall for him just so he can eliminate all the 'threats'
Horrible facts about Cadmus past.
Cadmus mother was forced into the emperor's harem.
Cadmus mother committed suicide infront of him. Pretty gruesome if you ask me. (Ragnus from the prologue had a part to play in this)
In the past, Cadmus was experimented on multiple times by his father's henchman.
At the age of 6. Cadmus was bullied by one of the favoured Prince. That favoured Prince broke his mask. Ever since then that favoured Prince would break into Cadmus bedroom every night. 😖. (The imperial harem is just so 😤)
I've heard your confession! You cannot escape! 😂. Thanks for the ask and have a good day Anon.
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