#he’s so smart and sweet and thoughtful and well rounded 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Hi so I wanted to request something I just thought of if that’s okay! A little meet cute story from season 4 where reader is the midwife who helped deliver Henry and her and Reid meet in the hospital and just hit it off🥺
this is so cute! this strays a lot from the plot of the episode because i haven't watched it forever and don't feel like it lmao
The Lanky Guy in Room 603
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She wasn't sure if the long, lanky man curled up in the uncomfortable chair was Jennifer's brother or husband. He looked young; with a blemish-free baby face and a mop of soft brown hair. She could tell it had a slight curl to it and she had to resist an urge to tuck the stray pieces that fanned out behind his ear. Perhaps it was because she spent her days and nights caring for expecting parents, she just couldn't help but want to care for the sleeping man.
Jennifer was watching television, a pained look on her face as she held her round belly.
"You said it would be today," Jennifer groaned, the pain of labor evident on her face, "It's almost tomorrow."
Y/N sat on the stool beside Jennifer's bed, "I know I did, honey." She pressed a damp cloth to Jennifer sweaty face, attempting to cool down her body temperature. "But it seems like this little baby's got a mind of their own."
"Just like her mother."
The voice came from behind her. The sleep man, now not sleeping, unfolded himself from his pretzel-like position on the chair. He joints popped as he stretched his legs. Y/N noticed his socks were patterned. His left foot donned socks with gray tabby cats and a navy blue background. His right foot donned pumpkins on a lavender background.
Jennifer smiled, thanking Y/N for the damp cloth, as her companion checked her vitals. He peered at the numbers, probably attempting to decipher their meanings regarding his wife's health.
"Your wife is perfectly healthy, sir. You''ll have a healthy, sweet, baby within the next day. I'm sure of it."
Jennifer chuckled, "He's not my husband. Spencer's my....."
"Co-worker. Very proud godfather of her soon to be born baby girl?" Spencer injected, still reading the vitals.
"I'm concerned about JJ's vitals. Are you sure that her lab work is updated? It needs to reflect the high stress nature of her job. And her blood pressure? It was last checked thirteen minutes and twenty seven seconds ago. And does the satellite birth center have enough blood in the bank. On average a laboring mother may loose about...."
"Spence," Jennifer, or JJ as the man named Spencer called her, "I'm going to be just fine. The baby is going to be just fine. Please don't harass the midwife. Or I'll have to switch you out for Penny instead."
"You know if you wanted to get stuff done, you should've picked Hotch or Emily," Spencer countered, "I'm just going to be a nervous wreck."
"You're going to be fine. And think of it as practice for when your wife is pregnant. You'll be a pro by the time that rolls around."
Spencer chuckled dryly. His cheeks blushed crimson as he checked the clock. "It's now been fourteen minutes and thirty four seconds." He whispered under his breath.
"Are you and your wife expecting as well? It kinda smart for her to send you here for a dry run?" Y/N commented, making light talk with Jennifer and Spencer. Through her couple of years a midwife, she learned that many laboring parents and their companions need to have their minds occupied.
"N-no, no wife," Spencer said, his lips formed a tight smile as he looked at Y/N and then back to Jennifer, "We have a very time consuming job. Dating is hard. And family life is even harder. It’s common for many families in the BAU to end with divorce between the two partners.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Spence,” Jennifer quipped as a wave of labor pains came over her.
“I don’t mean you and Will,” Spencer backtracked, “You’re not even married to him.”
Jennifer rolled her eyes at Spencer, and Y/N got the sense that the Spencer and Jennifer shared a sibling-like relationship. It made sense, she supposed as she watched Spencer continuously checked Jennifer’s vitals. He hovered like a mother hen, but made no attempt at physical contact like the husbands usually did.
“Distract her,” Y/N whispered to Spencer, “And don’t talk about how her marriage is statistically likely to end in divorce. That’s not the way to comfort a mom that’s about to push a 8 pound baby out of her vagina.”
Spencer shut his mouth quickly, returning to Jennifer’s side. As Y/N walked out of the room, she noted that the soon to be godfather asked her if she needed anything.
“Y/N!” Nurse Lorraine said from her perch. “That tall kid from Room 603, the one that looks like he’s about to faint? He’s looking for you.”
Room 603? Y/N checked her chats, shuffling through the pile of laboring parents.
Ah! That would be Jennifer Jareau. And her very eager friend/co-worker/godfather of her child.
“Oh, Spencer? He’s a sweetheart. Trying to help her. He could teach those husbands a thing or too.” Y/N said, as she typed away at her computer.
“He’s not the husband?” Lorraine questioned, her tone making Y/N stop typing.
“What are you doing, Lo?” Y/N sighed with exasperation. “You’re meddling. And it’s not a cute look, I’m afraid.”
“It’s been how long since that idiot of a man dumped you for his unpaid intern? Todd? Taylor? What was his name again?”
“Tyler. He was an ass. I don’t think I’m ready to get myself back out there. He really did a number on me.” Y/N lamented. She took a sip of her third coffee of the day. It was a distraction from tearing up or worse, actually crying in front of Lorraine, the hardass nurse who makes Attendings cry.
“Y/N, honey,” Lorraine sighed, “Don’t waste your youth or your beauty on someone who doesn’t deserve it. I’m not saying that man in 603 deserves you, but he’s holding his coworker’s hand as she’s delivering a baby that’s not his. All because her boyfriend is stuck at work in New Orleans. He’s a good man. And he’s looking for you. And he blushed when he asked for you.”
Y/N rolled her eyes at Lorraine’s gossipy tendencies. “How do you know all that? I’ve been with him all day and I hardly can get him to tell me his name. Beside the snide comments about me not checking the vitals enough.”
“See! He’s protective over people he cares about, even if talking to the gorgeous nurse terrifies him. I can lock you two in the supply close if you’d like. I mean the piles and piles of extra large padsicles and bed pens aren’t very romantic, but maybe romance isn’t what you need right now.” Lorraine quipped.
Ignoring Lorraine, “I’m going to see what he wants from me.” Y/N said, recoiling because she knew Lorraine would twist her words into some sort of sexual innuendo.
“Go get’em, Tiger!” Lorraine called from the Nurse’s Station with a mischievous glint in her eye.
“Spencer?” Y/N whispered, noting that Jennifer was sleeping in her bed, “Nurse Lorraine said you wanted to speak to me.”
Even in the dark room, minus the glow of equipment monitoring Jennifer, Y/N could see his light blush. He was cute. She thought that before Lorraine even broached the subject. She though that when she silently wondered if he was Jennifer’s husband or not.
He was cute. Handsome, even.
Spencer couldn’t be more than 26 or 27. He had brown eyes that were kind and warm. Spencer looked gentle, and that was evident by the easy way he cared for Jennifer.
“I wanted to make sure I was doing it right,” Spencer confessed, “I’m not really good with all this,” he waved his hand around the room to show what he meant, “My mind can only focus on the possibilities of what can go wrong. I’m not cut out for this.”
“For what being a companion? A godfather? Spencer, Jennifer clearly cares for you and wants you in her baby’s life. She sees that you’re kind and caring and gentle.”
Spencer cracked a smile, warming Y/N heart. She hated it. Yet she liked it. And that only made her hate it more.
“Thanks.” Spencer said, taking a sip of his probably now cold coffee.
“You know there’s an excellent microwave in the nurse’s lounge room. Lorraine bullies enough attendings that I can totally sneak you in there to warm up your coffee.” Y/N offered, “Jennifer needs sleep. It’s the best thing for her right now. Besides, I can teach you how to swaddle a baby and change a diaper.”
“I know how to deliver a baby,” Spencer said, “It’s a lot messier than I thought.” He said with a shiver.
“Are you in healthcare?” Y/N asked they walked to the nurse’s lounge. It was so late that most of the families were either sleeping, in labor, or being discharged. “You certainly know a lot about medicine. And for the record we do have plenty of blood in stock. But we’re looking for donors every third Tuesday if the month.”
“Not technically. Well, not the doctor you’re thinking of at least. I have three PhDs. In mathematics, chemistry, and psychology. It’s….a lot I know,” He offered a small smile, “People either think I’m like some super genius or a freak. But not. I’m just….me.”
“Well I happen to think that you’re pretty awesome just being you. I can’t technically say it, but you and Jennifer are my favorites of the night. So it’s only my duty as a L&D nurse to make sure you are the best baby swaddling godfather in the metro area.”
“Now that’s quite the title to live up to. Do we use real babies or dolls to practice?” Spencer inquired.
Y/N giggled as she reached into the supply closet, “I’m in the business of delivering babies. Not kidnapping them, Dr. Spencer……?”
“Reid.” She nodded, handing him a baby doll to practice with. “If it was twelve hours earlier I would be making you wrap my burrito to practice.”
“I think I’m going to equally as bad as wrapping a burrito as I would be a baby.” He confessed.
“Fear not, young grasshopper, your teacher is here.” Y/N teased, grabbing Spencer by the arm to the table where she ate lunch every day with Lorraine and Hector, her favorite to nurses on the floor.
She laid out a blanket and a baby on the table as her and Spencer stood side by side. “So fold the corner of the blanket down for the baby’s head to rest. And the you gently lay the baby down. Now wrap over the left triangle to the baby’s middle.” She watched as he followed expertly, “Good! Now fold up the little triangle at the baby’s feet. Make sure it’s snug, but not too tight.”
“It’s easier than it looks,” Spencer said as he folded the last part of the blanket and held up a swaddled baby doll.
“Now try when it when a baby is screaming at you and you’ve been on your feet for ten hours.”
“I’ll sit to my day job,” Spencer joked, “But call me if you ever need a swaddling partner.”
Y/N’s face heated at the thought of calling Spencer, of talking to him beyond this night when he friend was about to give birth.
“Where did you learn how to deliver a baby?” She asked, hoping to divert the conversation.
“I read about it.” Spencer replied.
“In college? Did you take a human biology class on pregnancy as well?”
“Uh, no,” Spencer said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, “I read about it. I read it today when JJ was getting admitted.”
“Getting admitted takes like 30 minutes? How on Earth did you read about human delivery in 30 minutes?” Y/N asked with awe on her face.
“Actually, it took 31 minutes and twelve seconds. Which is 2 minutes and 39 seconds faster than the average,” He blushed when Y/N raised eyes meant his comment only added to her questions, not answered them, “I have a very good memory. And I can read fast.” He explained.
“Oh,” Y/N said, taking out two mugs from the cabinet, “that explains the three PhDs and how you hounded me about vitals before. You’re brilliant. And a very good friend.”
“I don’t get brilliant often. Genius, yes. Freak, yes. Strange, yes. But brilliant isn’t usually reserved for me. I think my quirks out weigh my strengths and thus that changes how I’m perceived.”
“Well, I don’t see a freak or a stranger,” Y/N told him, “I see a man who’s probably 6’3” that crammed himself into a tiny plastic chair and has been fetching ice chips and throwing down with the toughest nurse to get his friend a blanket. That’s not a freak. Or a weirdo. Or anything besides a good, gentle, kind man. I don’t really know you, but it’s my job to watch people here. I watch all these husbands who don’t dote on their wives as they push a whole baby out of their bodies. They complain to them about how long it took to find parking, or that they had to pay 10 bucks for a decent cup of coffee at the cafe, or that the chairs hurt their back. I haven’t heard you say that once. You’re good, Spencer. There’s a reason Jennifer wants you to be her baby’s godfather.”
Stunned, Spencer’s lip twitched into what resembled a smile. He bit his lip as his eyes scanned the room.
“Thank you,” Spencer whispered, “it means more than you know.”
“Good. You seem like the kind of person that deserves to hear good things. And plus, I’m sure your wife or girlfriend will be very happy you spent the night learning how to swaddle babies and change diapers.”
“Uh, I’m not committed to anyone.” Spencer corrected, the blush returned to his face, this time it crawled all the way up to his ears. It only increased his cuteness as it increased the way Y/N’s heart pumped blood. Her nervous system was on overdrive and she hasn’t even touched the man. Yet there was something about him that drew him to her.
“Oh, seeing someone casually and don’t want to freak her out?” Y/N offered. “Because I will admit that’s not what you want to say to the girl you have a situationship with.”
“A situationship?” Spencer questioned, shaking his head. “Never mind. I’m not seeing anyone casually or otherwise. It’s never been my strong suit.”
“Seriously?” Y/N said, pouring her coffee and Spencer a cup, “That’s very surprising.”
“Why?” Spencer asked, accepting the coffee with a tight lipped smile.
“Not to cross any professional boundaries, but you’re literally what most girls look for when they want a partner. Especially one that they want to you know,” she gestured to the baby doll on the table, “settle down with. You’re husband material.”
“Husband material?” Spencer asked, clearly beyond confusion. It was like it was his first time hearing that he was desirable to women. An overwhelming urge to tell him just how desirable he was to her overcame Y/N.
She fought it hard.
“You know,” she started, “you’ve got a great job, nice and normal friends, you’re close friends with a woman, but there’s zero sexual tension between the two of you. That means a lot to girls. It means that you can see women as whole people.”
“What else would I see them as?” Spencer questioned aloud. “They’re people. Not props or conquests.”
Y/N threw her hands up in surrender as if she finally has given up. “See, you’re like perfect. Not to mention you’re very nice to look at.”
Spencer gulped a big sip of coffee, but the burning liquid spewed out all over him and the table. Y/N dodged it, spending nearly three years getting out of the way of mysterious liquids from all different patients had certainly paid off.
“Sorry, sorry, god that was embarrassing,” Spencer lamented. “I hope I didn’t get it all over you.” He apologized.
Holding in a giggle, Y/N waved off his fears. “Don’t worry. You’re just fine, Spencer.”
In more ways than one, she thought silently to herself.
“I apologize if I made you uncomfortable. It’s highly unprofessional of me to comment on your appearance.”
No matter how attractive she finds him.
Spencer’s face melted as she apologized. “No!” He practically yelled. “Don’t think that. Please don’t think that. I didn’t mind it at all. It’s just, I’m not used to hearing it. Especially from women that are like you.”
“Like me?”
“Smart. Hardworking. Kind. Funny. Beautiful.” Spencer confessed.
The last one hit a certain part of her heart that went pang. Tyler never called her beautiful. He would call her hot and sexy, but not beautiful. But maybe once he did. But he said she “looked beautiful” not that she was beautiful.
There was a difference between looking beautiful and being beautiful. And she was looking right at it.
“Spencer,” Y/N whispered. “Once Jennifer is discharged from L&D could I maybe take you out on a date?“
Spencer nodded, and she swore she could see his eyes light up at the possibility of something between them.
“Sure. Isn’t there a blood donation clinic next week?” He smiled and took a sip of his coffee, “I promise I won’t spew coffee all over you when you compliment me again,”
Tagging people who are active But please reblog and comment if you stumble across this. It’s a great way we can show our love :)
@reidsbookclub @boldlyvoid @foxy-eva @candlesandsoftrain @radiant-reid
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frodo-with-glasses · 10 months
More Reading Thoughts: A Shortcut to Mushrooms
"[Frodo] was lying in a bower made by a living tree with branches laced and drooping to the ground; his bed was of fern and grass, deep and soft and strangely fragrant. The sun was shining through the fluttering leaves, which were still green upon the tree." HELLO I WANT A BED LIKE THIS HOLY COW
LOL Pippin like "I would've eaten all the bread and not saved any for you if Sam didn't stop me" 🤣
"I don't want to answer a string of questions while I am eating. I want to think!" "Good heavens! At breakfast?" Have I mentioned that I love Frodo and Pippin—
Frodo sees his kid cousin running in the grass and singing and thinks to himself "🥺 oh I can't possibly take him and Sam into danger with me, look at them"
I love Frodo's entire conversation with Sam here. If I tried to list my favorite lines, I'd be copying the whole thing. Frodo doesn't want to put Sam in danger, because he loves him, but Sam is extremely loyal and willing to walk into hellfire for Frodo, because he loves him. It's just such a sweet exchange that tells you so much about these characters. I'm love them boys.
Also Frodo being surprised that Sam's become so philosophical haha
Frodo: "We'd best get going; we slept late." Pippin: "You mean you slept late." HAVE I MENTIONED—
Frodo: "I'm not going to take the road. I'll cut straight across country to the Ferry." Pippin: "What, can you fly??"
Pippin: "Short cuts make long delays! Besides, I was hoping to stop at the inn for some good beer." Frodo: "Well, that settles it! Short cuts make long delays, but inns make longer ones."
Also Sam stalwartly like "I'll go with you, Mr. Frodo," but also inwardly like ":-C but the beer tho"
And now we return to another hiking section, about which I have very little to say except that Tolkien's description of the natural environments of the Shire is extremely beautiful and I too would want to hike there
And now we interrupt your regularly scheduled pleasant hike for some bone-chilling horror
It's hard to imagine in the modern age—when tornado sirens and jet planes and faulty car brakes all probably make noises not unlike that of a Ringwraith's call—but to hobbits who have never heard a noise louder or more frightening than a thunderclap, a high, sustained, almost industrial screech like this must seem like the most terrifying and otherworldly thing.
(Also nobody tell Pippin about the white bellbird, which has a call like the emergency alert system at a volume comparable to a pneumatic drill)
Pippin: "Oh good, it's Farmer Maggot :-D" Frodo: "OH NO IT'S FARMER MAGGOT D-8"
It's such a shame that we know so little of Frodo's childhood, but the fact that he was a Certified Scoundrel(TM) who was prone to stealing mushrooms and got his butt whooped over it is absolutely hilarious 🤣 How ever did a naughty kid like him become the erudite sweetheart we know and love??
Pippin like "chill bro, he's a mutual friend of mine and Merry's, we're good!" Meanwhile Frodo is sweating buckets LOL
It's so cool that Pippin gets to be the leader in this section. And what a fearless leader he is! Of course he's not in any danger at all, but it just says so much about him that he waltzes down the lane to Farmer Maggot's house without a care in the world while Frodo and Sam are both terrified 🤣
Also I adore Farmer Maggot's hospitality
Sam giving Farmer Maggot the side eye because he whooped Frodo over the mushrooms years ago X-D
"I recollect the time when young Frodo Baggins was one of the worst young rascals of Buckland." I MEAN JUST IMAGINE
Farmer Maggot's story about the Ringwraith is SO GOOD. I love how much courage this round old hobbit has in him.
Farmer Maggot: "Moral of the story, ya never should've gone to Hobbiton. Clearly ya got mixed up with weird people." Sam: >:-C
Also Farmer Maggot cheerfully being like "don't worry, if they come after ya again, I'll deal with 'em for ya!" is so sweet and so ballsy X-D
Also Farmer Maggot is SO FREAKING SMART, and so generous. I think it's Merry who says later that he's got a lot more going on in his head than his genial appearance might let on, and he's right. He can see that Frodo and co. are in trouble, and he immediately offers his help. What a solid dude.
And here we see Frodo's silver tongue at work once again!
"I've been in terror of you and your dogs for over thirty years... It's a pity: for I've missed a good friend."
This line actually made me stop and think, bruh. How many friendships do we miss out on because we let the mistakes of our younger selves dictate our future?? I can think of lots of dumb things I did as a kid, and I'd be so embarrassed to run into the people that I wronged in my stupidity...but who knows? Maybe they're good people. Maybe they'd even be my best friends, if I got over myself. Food for thought.
And speaking of food, I want to have dinner with Farmer Maggot and his family and farm hands X-D
Ohhhh the suspense of the hoof-falls in the foggy lane is SOOO GOOD
And his humor is in absolute top form LOLOL
"When it grew foggy I came across and rode up towards Stock to see if you had fallen in any ditches. ... Where did you find them, Mr. Maggot? In your duck-pond?"
Also, the fact that Mrs. Maggot packed a basket of mushrooms for Frodo makes me very happy X-D
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gigilberry-wips · 2 years
Hello naughty children I’m back with another Hiccunzel meta post and this one’s even longer. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
I’m going to preface this by saying that this relies heavily on my personal interpretation of them and their psyches. For me these two feel like my personality split into two people so that’s the kind of behaviors and thought patterns I’m basing off of - so if it feels out of sorts with the general interpretations or your views of them, well, now you know why 😂
The thought that struck me is this: Rapunzel is Hiccup's first introduction to ✨ Moe ✨ as an applied practice.
Naturally, with him being where he’s from, he wouldn’t have grown up with it and in a modern au he’d know about it as a technical concept. But then he meets Rapunzel and it’s like:
Hiccup: says something generally sarcastic/snarky/gallows humor
Rapunzel: "Noooo don't be so mean 😣🥺🥺"
Hiccup: "What tf is this what is this feeling I feel what-"
He's never met someone like her, who's so cutesy and fluffy and sunshiny (pun intended) and it makes his brain go "wtf is you?????"
It’s like how I reacted when I met one of my friends on the rotbtd discord. "Why are you so bubbly all the time where's your darkness I don't understand how you function you are not making sense to me I'm going to bite you-"
Except where with me the tale ends with abject horror as I realize I'm staring at my clone, Hiccup's is just.....bafflement, and fascination 
And then comes the tsundere tactics, where he tries to repeatedly prod her to test her brain. Because logic brain dictates that if you don’t understand something then you study it, and if you grew up not being allowed to openly express yourself and your interests then this data gathering is done in round-about ways.
For Hiccup this includes starting lines of topic that he knows will get a reaction out of Rapunzel, things that she’ll most likely disagree with. Test the limits to find the limits, right? Each time this quickly devolves into arguing, debating even. And the thing is, at some point one or the other of them grows to enjoy it.
Because see, Rapunzel is smart. Not just book smart, she can think objectively, and convey clearly and concisely exactly what she's thinking when she needs to.
Once she catches on to Hiccup's way of arguing a point, she gets the hang of it and does it right back. Because even when his point is different from her, it feels like he's taking her seriously and that she's supposed to be proving something. And she's not about to just let him and his logic steamroll her out of sight!
And then suddenly Hiccup is impressed and he did not see that coming 😂
It’s like this meme I found on pinterest:
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Just flip that around for ENFP Rapunzel and INTP Hiccup and you’ve got it.
Like I'm imagining it, if I ever met a golden retriever type guy my first reaction would be "wtf is that imma poke him." And then "OH NO HE'S SMART"
Worse than that is that once Rapunzel gets to know someone, she knows them. Just like that scene in her movie where she confronted Gothel, when she finally understands what someone is like she's on it no questions asked.
There's no hiding from her. She won't miss a trick. She will not hesitate. She is so much the antithesis of a tsundere that it's enough to terrify all tsunderes in a 100 mile radius. You’ve got a snarky guy who was raised not to openly show affection and a empathetic girl full of openly expressed affection and what it leads to is a comedy of errors.
If Hiccup wanted to be discrete or shy or hide his intentions, it doesn’t work because Rapunzel goes directly for the kill:
Hiccup: *sees Rapunzel is struggling*
Hiccup: *quietly gives her a help*
Rapunzel “Heart Eyes” Corona: "AWWW you are SO SWEET you are SO KIND YOU CARE SO MUCH AND YOU'RE SO NICE-"
Hiccup, who has not received a compliment in his life: "FDGBKMG NO"
Rapunzel: "I LOVE YOU"
Hiccup: "NO"
Rapunzel: "YES"
Hiccup: "S T A H P"
Even if Hiccup tries to hide behind snark, or sarcasm, or deflection, it’s already too late. Rapunzel sees through it immediately. 😂
All of Rapunzel's responses come with such empathy and openness and genuine feeling put behind them and it makes Hiccup short circuit because none of his logic prepared him for confronting how much of himself he hides from other people, growing up with it for so long that it's become a part of him.
Rapunzel's very existence opposes all that he's come to know of the community he was raised in. And yet there are so many things about her that he finds familiar in him - curiosity for the world, artistry and creativity, deep intellect and too many thoughts to process
It's just that those similarities come wrapped in an empathetic core that's unlike any other he knows. She's similar to me but she couldn't be more different. Rapunzel's a mirror image created from a different substance matter and experiences the world in a completely different way, kind of like how Toothless does, in a metaphorical way.
(And this suddenly gave me the image of like, a little Hiccup creature made of stone and covered in lichen meeting a Rapunzel who's made of wind and light, and they somehow fall in love)
It's fascinating and strange and exciting and fulfilling - getting to know Rapunzel feels almost like an adventure. And knowing her for many years is like finding a new little detail every now and then on a well read map - there always pop up things about her that surprise him no matter how long he knows her.
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a-crepusculo · 3 years
Newlyweds Game - Part 11
I am once again late (so sorry), but I am back with another round! I want to say thank you to @jamespotterthefirst for hosting this game and @genevievemd for this week’s question ❤️
Newlyweds Game - Full Masterlist
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For Both
Where did you go on your second date?
Marchia: Our official second date, or our not-so-official one?
Ethan: *confused look* We have a not-so-official second date?
Marchia: Hopeful Hearts Gala, duh.
Ethan: I— *stutters* Wha— No! I did not ask you to be my date, I asked you to be my companion for the Diagnostics team.
Marchia: Potato, potato. *laughs* That was definitely a date, sweetheart.
Ethan: If you say so. But for the record, our official second date was an evening stroll at the Boston Common.
Marchia: And it was lovely. *kissing his cheek*
What is their pet name for you? Do you have a favorite? Do you have a least favorite?
Marchia: Huh, I think he only calls me with one pet name, which is ‘love’. He used to call me ‘Rookie’, which I adore and love, but he rarely use that anymore. Sometimes he slips in ‘sunshine’ or ‘lovely’, but ‘love’ will always have a special place in my heart.
Ethan: Well, on the contrary, she has thousands of pet names for me. ‘Babe’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘love’, ‘pumpkin’, ‘baby’, ‘tootsie’, ‘honey’, and the list goes on.
Marchia: *rolls her eyes playfully* I know you love every single one of them.
Ethan: I do. But my one favorite will always be ‘sayang’. *smiling softly at her*
What is their silliest fear?
Ethan: She’s afraid of clowns. She thought she got over it, but as it turns out, she didn’t.
Marchia: I mean, *scoffed* why are they dressed like that?! It’s creepy!
Ethan: It’s their job, love. They have to.
Marchia: Well, it’s better than having a fear of balloons. *glancing sheepishly at Ethan*
Ethan: *silence, doesn’t answer* Moving on to the next question.
How often do you go on dates together? Do you think it’s enough or would you like to go out more often?
Marchia: We try our best to go out and have ‘real’ dates every two or three weeks, depending on our schedule. It’s not necessarily enough, but we usually have lunch or dinner dates too when we’re both working.
Ethan: Yes. Should we include on-call room dates, too?
Marchia: *face turning red* Maybe we should.
What was the first thing your spouse said after the proposal?
Ethan: After accepting the proposal, she said, and I quote, “Pinch me”.
Marchia: Can you blame me, though? *chuckles* It kinda felt like a dream, so I wanted to make sure that it wasn’t a dream.
Ethan: *chuckles along with her too* It did felt like a dream that came true.
Marchia: I believe he whispered ‘I love you’ while hugging me after the proposal.
If you were forced to marry one of your exes, who would it be?
Ethan: No one.
Marchia: Aaaw, come on! *pouting* You’re no fun! I’ll go first then: Sebastian. He’s sweet, he’s smart.
Ethan: *grumbles at her response*
Marchia: Your turn! Pleeeease? *face turns into 🥺 emoji*
Ethan: .....Fine. I would marry... you.
Marchia: *baffled* I’m not your ex!
Ethan: Technically, you are my ex girlfriend. And now, you’re my wife.
Marchia: *sigh* This is what I get for marrying him.
Bonus Round
Speaking of exes, describe each of your spouse’s exes using three words only. Go!
Marchia: Besides Harper, I’ve only met Emma, which is still working at MK. She is stunning, smart, and.... flirtatious, I suppose.
Ethan: Flirtatious?
Marchia: She tried to hit on you in front of me! *laughs* Not that I’m jealous.
Ethan: Don’t be. *grabs her hand and kisses it*
Marchia: Whereas Harper.... damn. She’s amazing, talented, inspirational. I want to be her when I grow up.
Ethan: You are already an adult, love.
Marchia: *shrugs nonchalantly* Doesn’t matter.
Ethan: From what I have gathered, Liam—Insignificant. Ignorant. Obnoxious. For Sebastian—Decent. Tolerable. Passable.
Marchia: *laughs* All of them means the same thing, sweetheart.
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I’ll be tagging in a separate post!
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