#he’s realllyy hot though……
iveoy · 3 months
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oops forgot to post this on tumblr
anyways sukuna !!! i need him dead, gone, and buried
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catboy-dummy · 2 years
7 and 10 for the ask prompt?
7. would you rather fuck in front of a window or in an alleyway? why?
For more of a thrill tbh, the alleyway. Though I feel like I’d be terrified out of my mind with being caught, I think that would make me even more horny in a sense. Plus I think alleyway fucking is realllyyyy hot :3c
10. what's the pet name that gets you the most flustered/is your favourite to call someone?
I’m not really sure actually! But based on things my bf calls me, I think prince does a lot for me. Like he casually called me “something prince” (I forget what something was because my mind went too fhskmfxhs to remember) and I felt like I was going to explode. Him calling me good boy can also realllyy get me flustered depending on when he uses it.
My favorite to call him though is puppy :3 I think it’s cute
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we’ll it’s been a bit since i’ve posted here. but i have another crush and idk if i want to write this all in my journal cause then it feels…too real. but yeah. she’s one of my best friends. we’ve gotten really close the past few months/during senior year. i’m pretty sure she’s straight but that’s just the heteronormativity speaking. we talked about past relationships a little yesterday and she said she’s never been in a serious relationship. and there’s a guy here at school that she thinks is cute but he sends mixed signals.
but recently i’ve been thinking of her like 24/7. missing her the second we part. i think she’s hot but i’m not even that horny. like i want to kiss her and hold her hand but that’s really all. i’d be happy with more don’t get me wrong but yaknow?
but this has kind of come up suddenly. like we’ve known each other for 3 years and been decent friends for most of that but all of a sudden..idk. and we spend a lot of time together between practice and studying so i can’t tell if i feel like this just because of that? because i spend so much of my time with her? or like.
and part of me is worried that i’m not as good as a friend to her as she is to me cause i have shit memory even though i really do care. and even if somehow i asked her out and she said yes could i be a good partner? and how would we navigate living across the atlantic come graduation in may? i already get jealous seeing her talk to other people, like just literally talking, or doing fun things with other friends. which i hate cause wtf right do i have to feel like that regardless of our relationship? fuck me bro
but it’s kinda killing me and i feel like i need to get it off my chest and just admit it to her and just expect a no. but i realllyy don’t want to make our friendship weird or worse. it’ll change, sure but i want to remain friends and i don’t want her to hold/pull back because she feels a certain way about how i feel or whatever.
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victimized-martyr · 2 years
5 and 12!
5. What got you interested in South Park?
I was going through a buddy’s Instagram story and they shared the orchestrated version of Kyle’s Mom. It threw me off guard! This professional orchestra, playing a well composed song, with incredibly vulgar words! I was like what! and then I saw the kids dancing in the bg and I was like “SOUTH PARK??? what is this show even about?” I googled the latest South Park episode (post covid specials) and the rest is history.
12.You get to pitch one hypothetical episode premise to Matt and Trey: go!
answered this already... ahh what the heck, let's go for round 2
"The boys successfully reinvigorate the Coney Island Hot Dog Stand with Cartman's marketing strategy. "
IIIIII suck at short premises hgfjkd Basically, when I went to New York for the first time this year it was so funny how all these flashy hot dog carts literally next to each other would claim they were the best in new york. So I'm sitting here like, what if these hot dog places were honest and advertised themselves as something like "one of the hot dogs of all time" that's literally more attention grabbing. Like, it's a bun and a weenie, maybe pay a lil extra for some toppings, there's no way you can go up from there. Just call it what it is XD
I also wanna keep the momentum of having the Hot Dog a central plot location for Cartman, and I wanna throw the boys in the mix. Cartman is the face (because he always is) Kyle is second in command (because kyman opportunities he always is), Stan is the mascot/stand in for commercials ("Jesus fuck, Cartman, is this about me liking LaCroix?" "Stan, you're the picture of basic. It's not just the lacroix. Like, even your place is a wet-dream for basic people. Fuckin Farm-house interior design with white painted walls, yuck." "I DO live on a farm, asshole!") Kenny is cashier, Butters is buss boy, and I had the idea that Clyde is the main cook bc "Your output has been consistently mediocre, that's perfect for business". Though, Clyde gets ambitious and his hot dogs start tasting realllyy good. and, that's actually bad for Cartman and Kyle bc, their whole Thing is "It's a fuckin weenie and a bun. It's a hot dog. an OKAY hot dog, guaranteed!"
This is SUCH a stupid premise, idk how it'd even conclude. I just have this visual of the boys shooting their hot dog commercial in my mind and it's like. Yep. they sell sure are sellin hot dogs. I also wanna see more of Cartman and Clyde's dynamic. The show's alluded to their friendship a couple times (chubby solidarity) and i wanna flesh it out.
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shadeandadidas · 7 years
hiii jill how's it going? i've been thinking about something, and you're always the best person to come to with this. so- what about a hc/fic of eskild and his thoughts about having a loved-up and all over each other couple of two boys (who are maybe not always as quiet as they think they are) in the same flat as him? you know, since he's never been shown being in a relationship. have a nice day
Hi there, anon! I’m doing pretty swanky, than ya for asking!!
oh ho ho ho.
I think he loves it at first! His little reluctant protegee is finally happy- no longer sulking and skulking around the corners of the flat. No longer laying with his head down on the kitchen table staring at a silent phone that meant Even wasn’t texting him back. No more half muttered conversations about ‘does he realllyy like me Eskild? He has a girlfriend though what the fuck does that meannn, Eskild?’
It also doesn’t hurt that Even is like- the hottest man Eskild has seen? Yeah, apparently he’s into that James Dean daydream shit, as Miss Taylor Swift would say. And he’d be lying so hard if he were to deny ever leaving his door cracked open just a bit, just enough to hear moans and grunts and whispered laughter and ‘Isak, jesus your so loud’ s.
But also. Eskild is single as fuck. Mostly it’s his choice, but like, if he happens to meet a hot Even-lookalike he wasn’t going to say no right? And sometimes he will walk into the flat and Isak will just be laying on Even’s chest as the relax on the couch. And Even’s fingers will be running through Isak’s hair and the whole thing is very emotional for Eskild- who has an increasing desire to get something just like that. 
So he kind of just... lays off the Grindr for awhile and starts hanging around coffee shops and the parks and just mellow places that can allow him to meet people who aren’t looking for just a quick fuck. He goes on actual dates and reminds himself very much that Even and Isak were a fucking shitshow at first, so these relationship things take time.
But after watching them, he totally knows they are worth it in the end.
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