#he’s on the verge of tears half the ep.
jimmyspades · 5 months
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quodekash · 5 months
yeah so im gonna make my silly little commentary posts for we are sometimes but not all the time
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he stared at his friend's water and started smiling like a fucking idiot 💀
h2o just makes him giddy like that 🥰
also I genuinely fucking adore Pham and Fang's dynamic, they care about each other so much (I might cry)
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here to pick up his twink
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i think i just really love satang cos during msp every time sound was on screen i lost my shit and now every time toey is on screen i lose my shit
btw i fully had to rewatch that entire scene, i was entirely focusing on satang’s little adorable fuckin face that i forgot to read and process the dialogue lmao
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his expression is like “did you bring me here to do your chores, or are you gonna be honest and just say you want to makeout"
the real answer is just that he wants to spend time with him btu doesnt know how to do that normally 💀
(and also that he wants to make out with him)
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I genuinely adore accidental kiss tropes in bls, its just so unrealistic its fucking amazing
[insert image of phum's friends walking in here (I had to delete some of my screenshots because I can only do 30 and I dont want to do more than one post for this)]
it's so awkward and I am LIVING for it
people in bls always walk in at the WORST possible moments and its AMAZING
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phuwin’s character trying to cook is so me
and also my sister, one time she was making spaghetti bolognese for us for dinner and she put way too much salt, and then to attempt to solve the problem, she put water into the pan to "evaporate the salt" 💀
the best part is I didnt even realise why that wouldnt work until my brother started laughing
anyway, back to the ep
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Youre fucking KIDDING
literally last week I was like "yeah okay I like it" and then suddenly im on the verge of tears when they make physical contact???
[insert image of pun eating]
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oh fuck yes I love this friendship already and it just started
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they look like tired dads fr
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is phuwin just fuckin short or is pond like 3 metres tall cos holy shit
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woah he really just went for it there
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great frame
[insert that entire scene with the jump onto him and the holding hands and the FUCKING CHEEK KISS]
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he's jealoussssssss
I love pun so much, I truly would die for him
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Welcome back to another episode of Toey Thinks Peem And Phum Are Dating (And He’s Right)
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Im gonna be completely honest, if pond looked at me like that, id probably do whatever he tells me to without a second thought
thats all im saying
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this song is so out of winny’s range tho 💀
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so fucking SMOL
also chains hand just always naturally rests on pun’s shoulder
literally all the time
what im saying here is I think they should kiss
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Cool! 👍
im glad they finally got there
okay now I just have one final question before I take my leave: what the FUCK was the song playing in the background of the qtoey scene near the end of the episode
it was just electric guitar and I KNOW recognise it but I cant figure out what fucking song it was (literally I finished the episode at like 1:30 but didnt go to sleep til 3 because I was trying to find the song)
so please, if ANYONE recognises it and knows what it is, tell me as soon as you can cos Im fucking dying
update: a moot is pretty sure the song played over other qtoey scenes earlier in the show (the same way msp did with noelm) so now im fuckin PSYCHED for the new song that’s gonna come out eventually
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imaginecolby · 1 year
broken record || c.b.
summary: you and colby were once best friends, but when he moves to LA, you lose the most important person in your life. when you meet again a number of years later, you confess your feelings and he attempts to fix your relationship.
prompt credits to @brocksblueroses !! *y/f/n: your full name *(m/n): manager’s name
y/f/n and colby brock, truly the best of friends. you and him were closer than two people could ever be. you went everywhere together, hung out together all the time. people truly thought you were going to spend the rest of your lives together, whether it was just a platonic relationship, or romantically.
unfortunately, that all changed after your high school graduation. you made all these plans to spend the summer together, but all of a sudden, he was packing up his car and leaving you behind. he was on his way to living a life in los angeles, in an attempt to make a name for himself in the social media world. you watched behind instagram and twitter, seeing him become one half of a very successful youtube duo. you were so proud of him for all of his success, but you wished so badly that you could be celebrating with him.
you tried every day to reach out to him, just to talk and catch up. maybe even plan something to meet up with him. he started out giving you short responses, then nothing at all, and eventually he ended up unfollowing you.
“it just sucks so bad because we were so close at one point. then, all of a sudden, it’s as if we never even met or knew each other.” you sighed, venting to a friend about what was going on between the two of you. 
“hey, that’s his loss. if he wants to get all in his head with an ego, then that’s on him. you’re an amazing friend to everyone, and if he can’t see that, then he’s dumb.” they said to you. you forced a laugh, trying to keep your tears from falling. 
as the years continued to pass, you began working on making a name for yourself as well. you’d been a singer for some time, and finally took the plunge to become more serious about it. you’d been taking singing lessons to perfect your voice, and meeting and making contacts. you lived in LA for a while, but it soon got very expensive. fortunately, you had a friend who lived in las vegas and had an extra room that they offered to you. you were able to work on a large part of your music from home, and it was only a short trip to los angeles when you needed to be there. 
your first couple of years living in vegas were so good, and you were starting to gain a following. your music was doing really well, and they were all songs that you were beyond proud of. after the first few singles, which then turned to an EP, your manager was able to secure you some spots performing at small venues and theaters around you. it was a very small “tour,” performing at small venues mostly on the west coast. performing gave you the thrill of a lifetime and you couldn’t believe that your life had taken this turn. 
tonight was your final show, which was taking place in las vegas, and you were performing at a small theater on the strip. you'd sold a good number of tickets and had seen fans tweeting you about how excited they were for the night. before the show, you had a small meet and greet event, meeting and taking pictures with your fans. it was so heartwarming to meet the people who supported your craft and made it possible for you to perform like this. you always took the time to make sure that they knew how grateful you were for them. 
once the show started, you were feeling a bit uneasy. despite it still being a small crowd, it was the biggest one you’d ever performed for. as you sang, hearing everyone sing the words back to you, you were on the verge of tears the entire night. it was so special, and you were over the moon. 
as your eyes scanned the crowd, they fell upon a face you immediately recognized. colby brock was in the audience, watching your show and vibing to your music. if you hadn’t been in the middle of a song, you would have run off the stage to throw up. but you powered through. 
throughout the rest of your set, you made a conscious effort to not linger on colby for too long. you couldn’t believe the butterflies you had by just seeing him. but you didn’t want to make it too obvious that you were staring at him. 
after the show, as everyone was leaving, colby was feeling those same butterflies. 
“man, she was amazing! i can’t believe i hadn’t heard of her until tonight.” colby said, reeling from the high.
“she was really good! im glad (m/n) convinced us to come. it’ll be good to us to get to know the local talent.” sam said. 
“sam, i need to talk to her. i dont know why, but something is drawing me to her.”
“well, she’s probably packing up to leave, so you better hurry. good luck. i’ll be waiting outside.” sam said, patting him on the shoulder. colby, working his charm, somehow convinced the security guards to let him backstage. as you and your crew were packing up, you turned in his direction, eyes meeting once again. 
“uh, hi. can we help you?” one of your band mates said to him, colby’s eyes stayed locked on yours. 
“i was wondering if i could talk to you.” he said shyly, eyes glued to you.
“yeah, sure.” you said, walking over to him. you eased your band mate who went back to their equipment to finish packing up. “c’mon.” you said to colby, leading him back to the green room. you sat down on the couch and he followed suit, sitting awfully close to you. 
“i just gotta say that was such an incredible show you put on tonight. you are so talented.” he said with a smile. 
“thank you. that means a lot.” you smiled back.
 “i’m colby, by the way.” he said, extending his hand to shake. 
“y/n.” you said, taking his hand and shaking it. why was he being so formal? is this some kind of bit? 
“so, have you always been a singer? you’ve got an incredible voice.” he said to you. 
“uh, not professionally, no. i've sung here and there, at home, in school choir. but just within the last few years or so have i taken it seriously.” you said to him. this was starting to weird you out. did he really not recognize you? 
just then, your tour manager came into the room, letting you know that you were needing to leave soon. 
“ah, shit. sorry. i dont usually hang around this long after the shows. but i gotta get going.” you said, leading him back through the main room and outside. 
“no worries! thank you for taking the time to chat. i was really amazed by your performance and just had to meet you and tell you that in person.” he said.
“hey, y/n! we’re headed to the bar next door! come on!” one of your band mates called. 
“you all go ahead, ill catch up!” you said, waving them off. you watched as they walked off and you turned your attention back to colby. “im sorry, did you just say you had to “meet” me?” you asked him. holy shit, he really didn’t recognize you. 
“yeah. that’s usually what you call two people sharing an interaction for the first time.” he said. you knew he could tell that you were upset. but he didn’t know why he felt so bad about it. 
“what the fuck, colby. do you really not recognize me?” you asked him. 
“y/f/n. from high school?” you took your phone from your pocket and pulled up a photo of the two of you from senior year. it was the homecoming game, he was in his band uniform, and you were at the game with the school choir as you’d performed the school songs beforehand. you both had the widest smiles on your faces and looked happy as ever. 
“oh my god.” he said softly. 
“did your ego get too big for your head that it made you forget everyone you ever knew? we were best fucking friends and you literally introduced yourself to me tonight as if we had no history.” you said, fighting tears. 
“i dont know what to say.” 
“well, im trying to have a good night to celebrate the end of a successful tour. so i'll be next door celebrating with people who actually enjoy being friends with me. you know where to find me when you think if something.” you said before walking off.  
“dude, what the hell?” sam asked, stepping to colby’s side. 
“i fucked up. bad.” colby said, staring at the ground. 
“obviously. she went to school with us?” sam asked, and colby just nodded. 
“i don’t know if you ever met. but she was right. we were best friends. we met freshman year and grew really really close. so much so that people thought we would end up together.” 
“how did i not know any of this?” sam asked. 
“i started distancing myself from her once you and i got more serious about moving to LA and starting youtube. i thought that if i kept her in my life i would never want to leave and be with her forever. i was really falling for her.” colby said. 
“clearly you have some unresolved feelings, since you were begging to talk to her tonight. granted your decision was a dumb one, i don't think you had intentions of hurting her.” 
“i didn't.” colby interrupted. 
“then you need to tell her that.” sam said, colby nodding in agreement. the two of them finally left from the venue and made their way to the neighboring bar. colby quickly spotted you at a table and made his way over to you.
“oh look everyone! its my ex best friend who i was so important to! so much so that he ghosted me and forgot who i was completely!” you said, downing the rest of your drink. 
“y/n, please. let me explain.” colby said to you. 
“explain what? how little i actually meant to you?” you asked. 
“explain myself.” he corrected. “please.” you looked up at him and saw the hurt in his eyes. no matter how mad you wanted to be at him, you broke under his gaze. 
“fine.” you said. you ordered yourself another drink before you followed him to a booth. you slid into one side and colby sat next to you.
“first, i just want to say how incredibly sorry i am. i was an idiot for the things i did to you and i feel so horrible that i didn't take into account how my actions would affect your feelings.” he began. “i wanted so much for this youtube thing to work out with sam that i thought the best thing for me to do was cut ties with you. i thought that, if you and i stayed in touch, i wouldn’t be as focused on this journey as i should've been. all it would’ve taken was one ‘i miss you’ text and i would’ve come running back to you.”
“if you would’ve told me you were serious about youtube, then i would’ve supported you. sure, i would’ve miss you, but i would’ve also convinced you to see it through.” you said.
“i don’t doubt that. but i would’ve been too weak to listen. i was falling for you so hard, i know that i wouldn’t have seen it through. and i didnt want to leave sam hanging. so i did what i thought was appropriate, which was to unfollow you and cut ties completely. and again, i am so incredibly sorry for hurting you the way i did.”
“colby, look. i understand that you felt you had good intentions. and i accept your apology. but i have to tell you, what you did was really shitty and it made me feel horrible. it felt like all the years of friendship we had all meant nothing and that you truly were done with me. seeing you thrive in LA, and now vegas, it made me so proud of you. you and sam have been doing such incredible things and have been so successful. but it made me so sad at the same time, because i wanted to be part of the celebrations. we were always there for each other in the big moments.” you said to him. “and all the times i tried to reach out to you and plan something for us to get together, getting nothing in response, and seeing you out with all your influencer friends. that's when i sorta got the memo that you were truly done with me.”
“i was never done with you. i thought about you all the time. but i had myself convinced that if i let you back in that you would convince me to leave this all behind. i was surrounded by a lot of shitty people back then, and i also had myself convinced that you would use me for clout and then leave me.”
“i’d never do that to you. i never wanted anything from you. i just wanted my friend back.” you said softly.
“well, he’s right here. ready to fix everything. if you’ll have him.”
“i want to fix this, you dont understand how badly i want you back in my life. i really do. but there’s a lot of years of damage that need to be repaired.”
“and im willing to repair it.” he said, taking your hands in his. “more than willing.” 
you looked up at him with tears in your eyes. you were way too drunk to think about trying to stop them, and just let them pour down your face. you tried to speak, but you couldn’t make the words come out. you just nodded your head as he pulled you into his chest, hugging you tight. you sat there wrapped in each other’s arms for a while, silence falling over you as you took comfort in each other’s embrace.
“i missed you.” you said softly.
“i missed you too. more than i realized.” he said, squeezing you once more before letting you go. 
you spent the rest of the night together, catching up and sharing drinks. colby formally introduced you to sam, and the three of you had a great time together. over the course of the next few months, you and colby fell right back into step, your relationship going back to how it was when you knew each other in the past. and the both of you did everything it took to keep it that way.
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MAC ik ur mark winters posting rn but i finished ep 11 of s2 today and i HAVE 2 just. aghgh. virian chose to go back to prime THAT'S HIS HOME NOW....... HELLO. HI. like god yes dakota is a dense motherfucker and william gets jealous when virian even so much as looks at a girl their age but THEY ARE HIS FAMILY ;-; THEY ARE DUMBASSES AND THEY ARE STUPID AND THEY ARGUE AND FIGHT OVER WHO GETS TO DRIVE AND MAKE EACH OTHER POSSESS CHICKENS AND THEY ARE HIS FAMILY. he's been wanting to go home for ages but even his mom being back on fauna wasn't enough to keep him from going home with his best friends. hi im whiskey and im gonna be thinking about virian sol a lot <3 also i thought william's wiwi nickname was from the fandom I DID NOT KNOW DAKOTA CALLED HIM THAT CANONICALLY!!! that's adorable :3 if william wisp is wiwi..... then on fauna, WARLOCK william wisp... is wawiwi!!!!! anyway i hope ur having a great time thinking about that depressed bisexual man <3 im gonna start writing a pd fic now that i've met the greats properly and might b able 2 write them better. i love the greats i love ram so so much my beloved cowboy. grabbing him in my hands and squishing him like a stress ball
anyway oh my godddddd vyncent sol I love you. the prime defenders are his family too. prime has become just as much of a home to him as fauna . ALSO YEAH WIWI IS CANON HEHEHE. WAS RLLY EXCITED FOR U TO LEARN THAT. man I thought the dnd episodes were so cool dakota is so monk coded already and william is the world's lamest warlock they're so perfect <3
I LOVE THE GREATS A LOT TOO. im a little upset we didn't get to hear them talk more outside of vyncents head. really REALLY hoping we get to see more of them in season 3 bc that feels like such a loose thread ... man. I just think theyre cool . ram is my favorite too i think but alphonz and min are VERY close seconds :] I really like the dynamic between alphonz and william hehe
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
All The Kings Men (Blue Lock)
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I'm obsessed with writing Barou now whoops
Heyo everyone! I'm back with another fic for Blue Lock! :D I've been having way too much fun with this series- the characters are just so grand! Today I bring you more Barou because yes. I hope you like it! :D
CW: Swearing, Spoilers for Ep. 19 of Blue Lock!
Summary: New teammates means new opportunities for mischief! After a rather devious prank pulled on our resident King, Barou decides to teach his new teammates a tickly lesson.
“Raise it up more, it’s sagging.”
“That’s because his hair’s too thin.”
Isagi stared in horror at the sight before him. If death had a doorbell, Nagi and Chigiri were ringing it to no end, making a jingle with each bell press. “You two aren’t serious…”
“Shhh, don’t wake him up.” Chigiri hushed, voice barely above a whisper as he carefully finished looping off Barou’s hair, fluffing out the ponytail. On the other side of him, Nagi was doing the same thing, his hands flawless despite never styling hair before. “This is what he gets.”
“I think I got it?” Nagi blinked when he stepped back, nodding at the sight. “There. No- it’s crooked.”
“Don’t worry about it. Get the camera!” The redhead gestured him over to the safe zone, fighting down a fit of giggles as Nagi pulled his phone out. Before them, Barou snored, his hair in two high pigtails- fluffed for maximum effect. “Oh god, he’s gonna kill us.”
“Worth it.” Nagi hummed, raising the camera high and taking snapshots.
Isagi couldn’t remember exactly what Barou did to deserve this- if he’d done anything at all. Sure, he did get on them constantly for their messy habits, and his training regime is pretty strict, but surely that wasn’t cause for this?
“Got it.” Nagi whispered, sharing the photo with his partner in crime. The two were barely holding back giggles at the image, quietly shushing each other as they made jokes. Isagi turned to look back at Barou, puffing his cheeks when he really took in his new hairstyle. They were so, so dead.
“Should we show the others? What’s the bet Rin would actually laugh?” Nagi asked, earning a muffled snort from the redhead. Isagi had to fight down his own giggles at the thought- Rin’s wide eyed expression upon seeing Barou’s hair. Would that shatter his stoic nature? “I bet that long haired guy would get into it.”
“Get into what?” Chigiri and Nagi froze, still as statues as Barou sat up in bed, glaring. Still half asleep, he didn’t realize his new hairstyle yet. Isagi made the executive decision to hide in his bed. “Why the hell are you two up this late?”
“It’s not that late.” Chigiri shrugged, clearly struggling to keep his face neutral. Nagi, unable to look at Barou, was staring at his feet, shoulders shaking. “We’re just talking about the next match.”
“Uh huh.” Barou narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “Sure. Well, do that somewhere else. You’re too loud.” He yawned, reaching up to push his hair back. That’s when he felt them.
Isagi shrunk further into his blankets, peeping through the tunnel of fabric as he watched Barou slowly feel the new ponytails. Across from him, Nagi had his entire face into Chigiri’s shoulder, clutching his sweatshirt with a knuckle white grip as he shook with repressed laughter. Chigiri was staring up at the ceiling, blinking back tears.
Without a word, Barou stood, heading straight for the bathroom. Once he was gone, Nagi exploded, all but falling over as he wheezed. “Oh goohohohod! Did you see his fahahahce?”
Chigiri cackled, covering his mouth with his hand as he doubled over, clinging to Nagi like a drunk sailor on a ship. “Oh god! Ohohohoho man, I cahhahan’t! Ahehahahahha!” He snickered, a rare pig snort escaping his lips- further sending Nagi into hysterics.
Isagi shook in his blankets, two hands pressed over his mouth as he watched his friends laugh. It was so rare to see Nagi on the verge of tears while Chigiri tried in vain to stop snorting. They were so caught up in their giggle fits they failed to see Barou re enter the room, hair down and face stone with rage.
“Mr. Hassle…Princess…” He growled, making them both squeak and stare. “Come here..”
“Run!” Chigiri yelped, grabbing Nagi’s hand and bolting for the doors. Isagi caught a glimpse of Nagi’s panicked expression just before they were gone, Barou hot on their trail. He waited, suddenly scared to make a peep. Silence was what he heard at first.
And then…
“Ah! No! Put me doohohwn! Barou!” Chigiri cried out as carried back into the room, tossed unceremoniously into Barou’s bed. “Wait! Wait- hoohohohld on!” He cried, hands up in defense as the bigger player glared down at him. “Please, have mehehercy!”
“Oh, so you think messing with me is funny, huh princess?” Barou growled, closing the distance, grabbing Chigiri’s good leg to drag him back when he tried scrambling away. “Fine then! Let me give you something really funny to laugh at!”
Isagi flinched, waiting for the yelps of pain. Instead, he heard Chigiri squeak, followed by a burst of laughter. When he peered out again, he saw Barou had grabbed his sides, tickling him with all his might.
“No! Nohohohoohoho, Bahhahahahrou, stahahahhahahap!” The redhead cried, laughing helplessly as he thrashed about against the bed, feet kicking at Barou’s large frame. “Dohoohohon’t tihihihickle mehehehehhehehe!”
“Yes tickle you! You wanna play jokes on me, peasant? Fine then! We’ll play.” Barou growled, worming his hands up to Chigiri’s armpits, making the other boy squeal. “Wow, what a pretty sound, Princess, why don’t you make it again?”
“Chigi! I’m coming!” Nagi called as he ran into the room, jumping on Barou’s back. His hands immediately went for the brunette’s neck, but Barou was prepared. With a huff of a laugh, he grabbed the back of Nagi’s sweatshirt, yanking him over his shoulder and into the bed beside the other. One hand latched onto Nagi’s belly while the other carried on squeezing Chigiri’s waist. “Gah! No! Noohohohohoho, waihahhahait stahhahahahaap!”
“Oh, what’s wrong? Does it tickle too much? Huh?” Barou growled, something warm in his expression as the pair squeaked and cackled beneath his hands. “Guess I have to remind you idiots that I’m King here. You two are my men, and I’m gonna have to keep your asses in line.”
“Kihihihihihiiss my ahhahhahhahhahass!” Chigiri declared through his giggles, even when Barou found a particularly bad spot along his hip.
“Ihihihiihihill nehehehhehehver fahahhahall in lihihiihne with youuhuuhu!” Nagi cried out rebelliously, shoving at the hand clawing dead center against his belly. “Gehahahahha, noohooohho, not thehehhehehre!”
“Tch. Shitheads. Alright then.” Barou stopped his tickling for a moment, still pinning them as they gasped for air. “You forced my hand.”
Isagi blinked as he watched Barou turn around, sitting between them. What was he… Eyes widening, he fought down a grin as he watched Barou gather up a leg each, Chigiri’s left and Nagi’s right.
Oh dear. This was about to get loud.
“Last chance. Wanna keep being shits? Barou demanded, waiting for an answer. When what he got was a pillow to the back of his head, he rolled his eyes before attacking, a hand squeezing Chigiri’s knee while the other scribbled against Nagi’s thigh.
Almost immediately, squeals and shrieks of laughter exploded from the pair. Chigiri all but curled into himself, covering his face with his hands as he giggled hysterically while Nagi took a more aggressive approach, beating at Barou’s back with his fists and spare foot.
“BAHAHHAHHAROU PLEHHAHAHHAHASE!” Chigiri squealed, cheeks bright red behind his hands.
“STHAHAHHAP IHIHIHIIT YOOHOHOHU AHAHHAHHASS!” Nagi cried out trying to choke Barou with his own sweatshirt.
“How the hell did we end up with two stupidly ticklish people in one team?” Barou laughed, sharking his head as the pair howled beneath him. “Are you gonna behave?”
“Will you clean up after yourselves?”
“...will you?”
“Heh, okay.” Barou released them, shaking his head with a gentle laugh as he watched the pair curl into themselves, gasping for air. “God, you two are like children. Squealing like that- you're gonna wake the freaking world up. Hm, speaking of…”  He turned towards Isagi, brow raised. “How the hell did we not wake him up?”
Isagi held his breath, fighting down the giggles as he watched Barou walk over, tugging the blankets up. “Uh…hey.” He waved weakly, shrinking into his bed when Nagi and Chigiri slowly sat up.
“He ran away and left us to die.” Nagi mused, eyes dangerous.
“He witnessed us pranking you and did nothing.” Chigiri looked at his hair, speaking casually. Suddenly Isagi remembered the redhead’s threat about getting him back.
“Oh? Did he now..” Barou cracked his knuckles, making Isagi squeak. “Get his legs, boys.”
Bachria perked up upon hearing Isagi’s cries of laughter flood down the hall, starting to smile. “Hehe, Isagi’s getting got.”
“And just when I thought the noise was over.” Rin sighed, pushing his bangs out of his pinched face. “We’re never getting sleep, are we?”
“Don’t look so mad, it’s not glamorous” Aryu struck a pose, flipping his hair. Tokimitsu barely avoided getting whipped in the face by it, leaning back with a yelp. “You’ll stay like that.”
“Too late.” Bachira mused, earning a glare. “Hey, why don’t we join them? Fight back with our own sounds of laughter!”
“No thanks.” Rin started to stand, stilling when Aryu grabbed his shoulder, keeping him there. “Let me go before I break your hand.”
“No way, this opportunity is far too glam to pass up.” Aryu smirked, turning to Tokimitsu. “Hold him down, Toki?”
“Okay! Eeeh, sorry Rin!” He squeaked, even as he quickly hopped on the bed Rin was leaning against, taking Aryu’s place in holding him down. “Get him!...Was that too demanding?”
“No, no don’t you dare- get the hell awaahhahahahhahhay!” Rin yelped when Bachira and Aryu attacked, giggling alongside him as they brought the number one player down a peg.
Soon, Rin’s laughing fits mixed with Isagi’s, filling the empty halls once more.
Thanks for reading!
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Thoughts on Good Omens Season 2
Good Omens season 2 was such a genuinely beautiful and moving addition to the Good Omens franchise. I could write forever about it so I'll try to keep it concise, and mostly talk about the finale because it was SO DAMN GOOD.
I have never been so genuinely compelled by a piece of acting before in my life. When I say that David Tennant's delivery of the confession at the end of episode 6 changed my life, I truly mean that. The way his voice hitches in his throat, the way he stutters, the way he has to keep forcing the words out. Goodness, it was a DELIGHT.
Michael Sheen brought the same energy to the scene. Both actors seemed like they were on the verge of tears, but Mr. Sheen's facial expressions and mannerisms (especially AFTER the kiss) broke my heart right in half. Tennant and Sheen both care so deeply about these characters and it is truly beautiful to watch.
The entire latter half of ep 6 had my stomach in a knot in the best possible way.
Lets get into the rambling analysis in the form of various bullet points:
2) Aziraphale called CROWLEY a "bad guy". Not JUST HELL. He said "YOU'RE the bad guys". On top of this, he keeps wanting Crowley to change. I understand that Aziraphale truly does want to change the way heaven functions, and he wants Crowley to be happy and accepted, and he wants to get rid of all his pain, but HOLY SHIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING. It feels so out of character for Aziraphale. This point in itself is making me like the coffee theory, but also I dont like fan theories much so I'm not regarding that.
4) "I forgive you."
5) Muriel saw. That's pretty hilarious to me. What r u doing back there silly??
I'm sure when I collect myself I will have more insightful things to say, but for now ill just say that the season was absolutely beautiful. I love art that makes me feel things. It's a true work of art. Heart and passion just SEEPS out of the season.
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marlasomething · 2 years
(my) Mag a Week: To Hate Them All
Hello there!
I am participating in the "a mag a day" idea  by @a-mag-a-day which is BRILLIANT and I decided to do "statement a week", rolling dice with the characters and fears that were ftw that week in the episodes I have listened.
For today I rolled Archivist!Mikaele Salesa (NOT A BLOODY SINGLE ONE I SWEAR) and The Lonely (Eps. 44-51).
As usual, please do forgive my quick tipper and non-native speaker mistakes, Marla
CW: self-isolation, possessive behaviour, stalking, borderline abuse, explicit violence
Also on AO3!
Statement of Ethel Lovett, regarding the ring her former fiancé gave her and its consequences on her day-to-day life.
Recorded by Mikaele Salesa, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London.
Statement begins.
 My fiancé was never one for making a fuss about anything, which was completely fine with me. I was loud enough for the both of us. Also, when it came to presents, even if he delivered them in the dullest, less original, manner possible, they were always exactly what I wanted.
It was almost as if he had a gift. Perhaps he had and what I am about to tell you was just due to some terrible luck. It all began about a month ago, we had been engaged for three months already, and were starting to plan the wedding itself. Everything was coming on roses except for one small detail: I didn’t have an actual wedding ring.
Okay, yes; I know how it sounds, but if there was something he and I shared was our appreciation for good jewellery, so neither of us would conform with what our regular salary would allow. So we began to save money and, a casual Sunday morning, I found the most beautiful ring next to the tip of my nose as I woke up.
It was silver with an elegant, rather discreet, lapis lazuli patina that formed a capital letter “L” at both sides of circumference. We had spoken about it for hours and he was going to be the one to take my surname, so it was perfect. There were small details carved into it too, making me recall the morning fog you encounter when being overseas. As I was putting it on, my fiancé entered and started to explain to me how he had found it in a pawn shop nearby his work office and completely felt in love with…
The moment I finished adjusting the ring to my finger, his tone and even his timbre changed, as if he was in a trance. He kneeled next to me and told me how I was the most perfect person in existence, even with all my small imperfections (that he detailed with an almost painful precision, but I was used by then to his lack of filters, so it was fine with me). I laughed and threw my arms around him, still half in trance due to his incredibly beautiful present.
I started kissing him, trying to pull off his shirt in a playful game we have both had turned already into a routine as usual as having breakfast. However, this time, instead of playing his part, he froze in place.
I threw myself again in between bedsheets; half perplex, half wanting this to be all part of a new routine he had come up with as an extra wedding present. It wasn’t. He didn’t come to me. He just stayed there, not even blinking.
By the time I managed to find the will to ask him what on Earth was going on with him, he was on the verge of tears due to the fact that I had just stared at him with a disrespectful glare (which, I must say, wasn’t my intention; some people say my way of looking can be…rather intimidating).
Then, bursting into a quite loud ugly-crying he told me he was just in awe that me of all people could show so much affection for someone like him.
For a second, I considered I haven’t actually woken up that morning. I mean, I was the very same person I always am; and that is not at all remarkable, by any means, much more less worth of such a reaction!
I tried to reason with him, explain that I was still the person he had chosen to marry. The most normal looking woman in history of mankind; nothing to be remembered for posterity.
He didn’t listen; instead, all my words had a charming effect on him. So I decided to believe, for my own mental health, to pretend it was all an elaborated prank of my fiancée, trying to compensate the lack of creativity he usually put into this events. I lasted less than a natural day allowing myself to believe this, so I made a decision.
I would give him a week and, if he carried on in the same manner, I would take him to a doctor, just in case. It wasn’t the greatest option (I have had a couple of terrible experiences with doctors, so I was rather hesitant even when it was clear there was no other way to approach this issue), but I was desperate. I loved…I love him; I didn’t want him to die due to some bizarre insanity.
Because he was dying; he was weakening by the hour, consumed by the effort to be perfect for me. At all costs, no matter how much I tried to care for him in return.
The doctors weren’t the solution, though they helped me to find out, if not the solution, at very least the cause of all my current troubles.
 The thing was that, what was happening with my fiancé…was also happening with everyone else in my ecosystem (to call it something). Everybody seemed enamoured of me, they followed me around and kind of made me forget the concept of intimacy.
My boss? Praised me in a manner that made everybody else seemed to be just bloody useless.
The reaction of my workmates? Cheer him and offered themselves to help with work and, well, other things.
It was asphyxiating but, somehow, I managed to convince myself there was nothing bizarre going on, that it was all inside my mind. I guessed that, if I admitted that my life was already being, pardon my French, screwed up, I would have to consider that my fiancé was in an actual very serious situation because of me and…I just didn’t want to.
I couldn’t.
So I rationalised every single too clingy behaviour for everyone, even the one from that cashier I was certain hated me from the first day I walked in with my Pride Flag bracelet.
Yes, thinking about it in perspective, the bigot evolving into an almost cuddly person worried about how my relationship was going should have been the last straw.
The point is, sorry for the digressions, that when I went to the doctor he…called in his three interns and, before I could react…he had drugged me.
I lost consciousness almost immediately.
 I woke up tied to a stretcher, with the doctor and his alumni surrounding me; the four of them commenting on what a marvellous specimen I was and how much medicine they could learn from me, if only to make people more like me.
As he spoke, he came closer and closer to me and, as it had increasingly been happening these last weeks, I felt pure repulsion of how close to me the man was, the contact skin against skin making me gurgle.
I was desperate, why was this happening to me? What have I done to turn myself into some short of unwilling, relentless, siren song?
Then, all of the sudden, I realised something: the ring, it all began with the ring and, since I had put it on that fateful morning, I hadn’t taken it off for absolutely anything at all.
I felt ecstatic: I had all the solution to my problems. I could get my partner back and stopped hating other people’s company due to their reactions to my mere existence. I just had to take the ring off.
However, before I could act, a feral version of my boyfriend (who had also been knocked out of consciousness) woke up and…let’s just say, there wasn’t enough bleach in all the building to clean the mess up.
 As he finished them up , I forced myself to get free of my leashes. I run for an extremely sharp knife before he could reach to me to…adore me? Kneel before me? Hug me as if I had all the answers of the Universe? Kissed me as if my saliva was Gods’ Ichor? Something more, different ? I realised, with certain pain inside of me, all those options made me want to roll my eyes and yawned, suddenly aware I just didn’t care much for any sort of interaction with the person in front of me.
Let me explain; I did care about his well-being and I am positive I will never stop loving him. It was just…after everything that had been going on…I had just stopped wanting people around me, and I didn’t realise until right before I took off the ring that had caused them to become so enamoured with me in the first place.
How ironic.
 Cutting back to the liberation of my fiancé on itself; I cut off my finger and, the moment I did, the only intern my fiancé had left with a foot in this plane of existence seemed to be knocked out of whatever trance he had been into.
As so did my fiancé himself. By now, I guess you have realised why I don’t say his name (if they are really a he, who knows!): he killed three half-innocent people and, afterwards, with the help of the knowledge we both had thank to our jobs, we got rid of all the evidence and got him a completely new identity.
Don’t you dare to ask what happened to the remaining intern.
 As he was about to leave for a fresh start, my fiancé asked me to go with him, being as understanding as he had always been. He even made me smile with the silliest of jokes: “at least I was going for a hot mess for once”.
But I just simply couldn’t go; I couldn’t spend so much time with him after everything…or with anyone, for that matter.
I changed my job into one online in the same Firma. Less salary, but the change, the fact that I wasn’t to be around them (I am not even sure who that them refer to, though), it was worth it. I don’t even mind the extra hours.
I don’t know what happened to the ring, but I honestly couldn’t care less. Before it, I wasn’t the most people’s person, but at least I didn’t loath the concept of company. Now…now they disgust me.
Especially those who are genuinely caring with me, I cannot trust that attitude anymore.
And, if you wander about the ring, I just threw it away. I know it was a selfish movement but…I just wanted it out, at all costs.
Even if that cost is another person’s life.
It is not as if I cared anymore about them.
  Statement ends.
  Well, the four missing people from a Manchester Hospital were rather easy to confirm. As well as Ethel’s change of job and the disappearance of her fiancé, one Jared Niemand.
The only estrange thing that had been reported has been a rather thick fog coming out of the flat now occupied by Ethel Everett that, according to her neighbours, never leaves her house anymore.
End recording.
  SUPPLEMENTAL. I found the ring, it was rather easy. Coming to the UK was actually a good idea, even if this place politics and climate are…quite disgusting.
Next week I have an appointment to sell it to Miss Robinson, dear Gertrude and her wife had been trying for quite a while to get hold of a Lonely-alligned object…
…I think for now I am in the clear about these business reunions, but I am going to be extra careful for now on. I think Sam and Alice are starting to suspect something…
Now, for real, dear Annabelle, I know you are listening, goodbye
End recording.
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samwontshare · 3 years
Rewatching the first ep of TFATWS and my brain keeps just exploding into hearts and tears for Sam. ♥️😭
The heartbreaking open on Sam silently getting dressed, remembering when the shield was handed to him.
His tactical skill at recovering a missing soldier. The flight for his life! Sam was dodging missiles, falling columns of rock, bullets, other dudes. He’s so unbothered. He almost looks bored as he drops out of the plane saying “Subtle, got it.” Everything about Sam seems muted in the first half of the episode, like his light has been dimmed. You can tell he’s bothered. Sam didn’t take any time off. Sam immediately started working for the Air Force the second he got back.
He’s so touchy about Redwing, the level of OFFENSE at Joaquin offering unsolicited advice and trying to touch his tech.
His interaction w Joaquin is interesting. He’s distant with Joaquin and professional. And the moment he asked about Steve, he looks away and has this “oh here we go” look but ultimately decides to humor Joaquin bc his enthusiasm is catchy.
The camera cuts to Rhodey after Sam says “we need new heroes, ones suited to the time we’re in.” Rhodey tilts his head like “where’s he going w this?” It also cuts back to Rhodey after he notes that Steve is gone. He looks down, upset. :( Excellent facial expressions from Don Cheadle.
Every time they close up on Sam my heart aches. The expressions on AM seriously. The way he pauses to purse his lips before carrying on after “we need new heroes.” OOF. Even the way Sam seems to look past the shield at nothing as he gets ready to part with it. The long look back at Steve’s photo, notably off camera bc Sam is guarding his feelings even from the audience. His expression, a tight swallow and looking down, as the slimey Senator tells him he made the right decision retiring the shield. Just chef kiss acting.
The sound editing in the moment the shield is retired could imply Sam is dissociating. Time has slowed down, the sound of the camera and the glass case closing are distorted.
The meaning in Rhodey’s “Take a walk?” And we cut to Sam admitting some vulnerable information. Really wished they had utilized Rhodey more here but I like that Rhodey asked him about why he retired the shield. Rhodes gets it, doesn’t press him. Really want more of them together.
Sam VERY intentionally not looking at Bucky’s exhibit.
Sam looks on the verge of tears as he takes the last look at the shield on display.
Okay this is already too long and I’m only halfway through. 😅
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more of my rewatch of the usj arc prt three to be exact
im posting this later than i wanted too whoops i meant to put this out like days ago :/
highlights from episode 12
- starting off the episode strong with am ripping off his tie so that we know for sure its serious time (in case the fact that he's not smiling didn't clue us in enough)
- everyone stands there frozen just staring at him for a few seconds like you could've killed all three of the kids sitting in front of you in that time shiggy but ok stare at am instead
- once again instead of doing something productive like killing the kids he keeps meaning to kill shiggy takes the time to call am the trash of society
- direct quote from my notes- "a lot of the villains haven't seen am in person yet and swiftly get educated on how busted his powers are" and i think that about sums it up
- no seriously am's powers are BUSTED he's literally moving faster than the eye can see and thats not even as fast as he could move in his prime
- why does anyone in this universe ever think its a good idea to give a middle school this amount of power
- am knocks the hand off shiggy's face and he literally panics and puts his own hand on his face as a replacement and stumbles around for a few seconds before he gets his original hand back man is COMMITTED to the creepy severed hand thing
- also am poses happily with a peace sign magic girl style and smiles at mido while holding aizawa's unconscious bloody body i literally laughed out loud he could've given him a thumbs up or something but instead he went with a peace sign
- kuro tells am that he doesn't want blood and guts flowing through his portals but he would be happy if they were am's
- i see everyone in the rooftop trio is bloodthirsty nice ok
- mido hands his homeroom teacher's unconscious bloody body to best girl tsu so that he can do something stupid
- he hands aizawa over and tsu and the grape bastard are like 'wait but you're not going to go do something stupid' and he just turns around and runs back to the villains where am is about to be torn in half in like three different directions
- when baku todo and kiri jump in to save am it shows us a shot of shiggy's face after his plans are foiled for a second and according to my notes 'we cannot see shiggy’s face but it framed to be very serious and undaunted by the new heroes.'
- However, I know shiggy personally and I am well aware that he is fighting back tears and on the verge of combusting very angrily like a 5 year old stuck in time out
- shiggy describes the situation he's in as 'being in a pinch'
- baku calls kuro a careless bastard which is bold talk coming from him (who almost murdered a classmate a few episodes ago? it wasn't kuro)
- baku to kuro 'i would love to commit homicide right now please give me a reason im not joking move please i DARE you i DARE you if you even blink like a little bit i'm going to kill you' and he's making this face -> >:[
- shiggy literally tells am that mido tried to kill him by punching him head on last ep and am either blocks him out and doesn't register that at all or really doesn't care
uhhh this is getting long so i'll probably finish the ep in the next part
part one here and part two here
EDIT: part four
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atinybitofau · 5 years
Y U N H O ⤁ the breakup
Tumblr media
a/n: give me time okay lol. I know these have been kind of bad recently but I’ll get back on it I promise. forgive me 😭😭
• 5 years away from home might be a lot.
• it actually is.
• and you do kind of miss it.
• but you don’t miss the reason why you left.
• lord knows you should’ve gotten over it by now.
• and you do need a vacation.
• “Y/n, come home.”
• you had your phone between your shoulder and ear, while folding the last of your laundry.
• the single and lonely life of living away from home starting to bore you completely.
• “I can’t just go home. You know that.”
• your brother thinks you’re an idiot.
• not because he knows why you left home.
• but he kind of also does.
• “One weekend. Please. It’s the least you can do for not just me but for yourself.”
• you know he’s absolutely right.
• that your life has been more tiring and intolerable only because you’re alone.
• maybe..
• maybe you do miss home.
• (and maybe you kind of miss him too)
• “Fine. ONE weekend. I’ll think about it.”
• you’re thinking about it took at least two days.
• now you plan to surprise your brother at his town home,
• bags in your hands,
• smiling like an idiot when you knock on his doors.
• but when you’re met with a half naked man of your past—
• the SOLE reason you left home in the first place,
• you forget why you’re smiling like an idiot.
• only wanting to slap the real one until he stops.
• “Yunho, don’t touch my shit!”
• he holds his hands up in surrender,
• too scared to say a word. too scared to explain himself.
• while you call your brother hand on your hip and ears blowing with smoke.
• you are on the verge of screaming your lungs out.
• “You want to tell me why my ex is house sitting your place? THE WEEKEND I PLAN TO VISIT YOU?!”
• your brother sounds shocked.
• stuttering over and over again.
• and you’re staring at your guilty ex across you ready to combust.
• “I can’t believe you. You convince me to come home after years of avoiding this jackass and he’s at your fucking house?! Death won’t even assure both me and you of our futures right now.”
• your brother sighs. “I forgot to tell you I was going out of town for tonight. He’ll only be there till I get back.”
• “I’m getting a hotel.”
• your brother knows.
• that you two secretly dated behind his back.
• doesn’t know that Yunho apparently cheated on you during that time,
• kept it a secret for two months breaking your heart,
• making you leave home...
• making you feel alone for that long.
• your brother would probably kill him.
• but Yunho didn’t only make you happy once.
• he also made your brother happy.
• and if it’s tolerating him for a night, then so be it.
• you’ll just have to leave for a couple hours I mean what’s the worst that can happen?
• “Where are you going?”
• you press your fingers against your temples as you stop in front of the door,
• dressed in a tight outfit—
• screaming I need a night away from my ex, will you take me in.
• though Yunho wasn’t pleased. not at all.
• “You can’t just leave without telling me.”
• not again, he thinks.
• he doesn’t know what he did wrong back then.
• you claimed he cheated on you when he didn’t.
• he remembers a woman in the past that might’ve been the reason but you never gave him a chance to explain?
• all he ever wanted was to talk to you.
• make things clear that he’s always only loved you.
• but when he sees that you’ve apparently stopped, maybe he’s cutting himself a little short.
• why would trying to fix things with you?
• would doing it make either of you happy?
• “I can leave whenever I want. Last time I checked, I didn’t have somebody to tell me when I can and can’t go out.”
• he’s seeing stars—
• black ones as he stands to protest, “No you don’t. But you sure as hell aren’t going out looking like that.”
• he thinks you haven’t changed a bit.
• you’re still the gorgeous little thing he fell in love with.
• doesn’t doubt another man would’ve found you that way too.
• “Yunho, you haven’t seen me in years. So don’t act like you can control what I do. What I want to do. When I think I should move on?”
• “You left me!” he retaliates, your fear burning in both your eyes. “You don’t realize that for five years I’ve been trying to find a way to you again. Trying to explain to you you were wrong!”
• “For five fucking years?” you almost cry when you face him, “You spent 5 useless years trying when you didn’t try hard enough. Waited. Yeah I waited for you too but 5 years long enough.”
• he hasn’t changed.
• still gorgeous to the bone.
• still tall and powerful.
• argues for your sake, not his.
• but it hurts, you know?
• knowing...
• this whole time you might’ve been wrong.
• and it took 5 years to come back home to realize?
• “I told your brother.” he explains eyes still studying your outfit with displeasure. “How we dated? I had to ask him why you left. Why you didn’t tell me you thought I cheated? When I didn’t.”
• “Don’t lie to me.”
• “When have I?” he seethes through gritted teeth,
• knowing you were wrong.
• knowing..
• he’s only wasted 5 years chasing you because you weren’t running away.
• you were hiding.
• “When have I ever lied to you?”
• “When you kissed her. When you loved her more than me? Yunho, maybe that’s when you lied.”
• “When you thought I was lying.”
• he’s angry.
• at himself and you.
• because that entire time loving you, you forced him to stop when he didn’t want to.
• and you have the audacity to say he didn’t have the right to control you?
• “You’re the lousy ex that cheated. Cheated to get away from me.”

• he takes his things and leaves you behind.
• and there’s this pang of guilt on your chest.
• the heaviest weight in your shoulders—
• because you know you spent years trying to get away from him instead of years trying to stay.
• “You’ve been crying.” your brother wipes the dry tears on your face as he joins you for a morning cup of coffee the minute he arrives. “Why?”
• “Yunho..”
• he sighs smiling slightly.
• finally.
• he doesn’t have to blame anyone anymore.
• knowing that you were always wrong.
• how could he take a side that wasn’t his sisters? even if you were wrong.
• “I told you to come home.”
• your lips frown. “I’ve always been afraid.. of being left behind. That maybe I started to leave people behind before it could happen to me.”
• your brother feels that.
• knows you left him too.
• but what matters is that he won’t make you happy right now.
• but he knows who will.
• “Go home.”
• your eyebrows furrow. “What? I am home.”
• “No, y/n. Go home.”
• Yunho.
• your fast on your feet.
• knowing he lived only a couple blocks away.
• ready to stop running once this ten minute sprint ends.
• wanting to just stay for a couple years instead.
• “Y/n, what are you—“
• you throw yourself over to tower his height as best you can.
• lips adjacent to his before you kiss him properly.
• missing him.
• and you really don’t care about the five years difference time makes.
• because 5 years hiding may have been useless
• but you never stopped loving Yunho.
• he obviously never stopped loving you.
• “You ready to hear my explanation now?”
• you stare up at him,
• five years really as useless as you say.
• cause it just feels like you just spent five years loving him from far away.
• “No.” you mumble against his lips warming up to what feels like home. “Can I please just...”
• “Stay?”
• yes you,
• “Wanna come home, Yun. I just want to come home.”
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peraltasames · 5 years
sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
five times jake can’t sleep + one time amy can’t 💞✨
warning: brief mentions of the me too ep, but nothing more than in canon. title from ‘dream a little dream of me’
read on ao3
Jake should’ve learned by now, probably, that taking case files home is a bad idea. It’s definitely against the rules and he nearly lost his job because of it in the past, but it’s a tough habit to break for someone who lives and breathes detective work.
His girlfriend - which is still a relatively new term for Amy, one that still feels a little foreign when it rolls off his tongue but mostly just awesome and unbelievable - is less cool with the whole “breaking very important police rules” thing. He really didn’t intend to bring any work over to her place. All he really wants to do is spend time with her, and he knows she would be mad if she knew he was still doing this, so when he shoved a case file in his bag on their way out of the precinct before heading to her apartment for the night he didn’t really intend to look at it.
He doesn’t intend to look at it, but as time drags on and Amy’s fallen asleep next to him, the gears in his mind start whirring with new thoughts and potential leads regarding the homicide case he’s working on with Charles.
Once he realizes that there’s no way he’s going to be able to sleep until he at least looks at the file and tests his theories, he gently lifts the arm she has loosely wrapped around him and slides out of the bed as ninja-like as possible. He heads to her living room with his bag, pulls out the file and gets to work.
He has no idea how much time has passed, but he’s so buried in the case that he doesn’t hear Amy’s footsteps coming from the bedroom. He doesn’t even realize she’s standing right in front of him until she says his name and he nearly falls off the couch in surprise.
“Ames!” He exclaims, regaining his composure and quickly shoving the file behind his back, pretending to casually lean back against the side of the couch.
“Jake, it’s two o’clock in the morning,” she says, blearily rubbing her eyes under her reading glasses. “Why are you still up?”
“Um, just - you know, chilling.”
She rolls her eyes and snatches the file from behind him, opening it and quickly scanning the first page.
“I know I told you I wouldn’t bring home files anymore but I just had a feeling that there was something weird about this case so I brought it home just in case-”
“Did you check the landlord’s alibi?” Amy asks, not looking up from the file and quickly turning to the next page. “It seems like he’s the likeliest suspect, considering the-”
“Missed rent payments, I know. I had a hunch about him, too, but Charles checked this morning - airtight.” He pauses, then looks up at her cautiously. “Wait, are you not mad at me for bringing work home again?”
Amy shrugs, sitting down next to him and passing the file over. “I knew you never stopped. I’ve seen you ‘secretly’ grab files on your way out, like, a dozen times.” He looks at her in shock and she raises an eyebrow. “Hello, I’m the reigning amazing detective slash genius here.”
Jake laughs softly, reaching over to grab her hand and slide their fingers together.
“Sorry I woke you up.”
“Oh, you didn’t,” she responds, squeezing his hand. “I’ve just gotten so used to sleeping with you that the bed felt colder than usual, so I tried to pull more of the blanket up and realized you weren’t there.”
He smiles as he realizes she’s wearing the hoodie he left crumpled on the floor with his jeans when getting changed before bed. He’s still not used to stuff like this. He thought about the big things before they were dating - what it would be like to kiss her, what their first time would be like - but he never thought about the gravity of all the little things: how she wears his sweaters even when the entirety of her own wardrobe is available to her, how her thumb brushes over his when they’re holding hands, how she makes him smile way more than he ever did in his pre-Amy life.
“Well, detective-slash-genius, are you going to help me solve this case or what?”
He half-expects her to say no and go back to bed, but she just tucks her feet up behind her on the couch and shifts closer to him.
They don’t end up solving the case that night - Jake decides it can wait until morning, not because he’s exhausted or because it’s probably the smart thing to do, but because Amy’s starting to drift off on his shoulder and he can’t bear to wake her again.
He carefully shifts their position so she’s fully laying down and he’s right behind her, grabbing a blanket from the back of the couch and pulling it over them. She slides backwards until her back is against his chest, his arm sliding around her and tugging her a little bit closer.
“Goodnight,” she whispers, her voice heavy with sleep.
He kisses her shoulder and lets his eyes close, finally, thoughts of work disappearing from his mind. All his senses know in this moment is Amy and the innate need to keep her warm and protected in his arms.
“Night, Ames.”
Jake’s been home for three days.
Technically he’s only been home home - as in, within the confined and always slightly smelly space of his own apartment - for one day, but Amy’s apartment had less stairs and it also has Amy, who’s practically been his own personal nurse from the moment he was released from the hospital in Florida.
It hasn’t been the easiest few days, full of doctor’s appointments and FBI briefings and the dreaded night shift for Amy and the rest of the squad, but at least he’s been home. He’s finally sleeping in his own bed, with his year-old mattress that hasn’t been slept on in six months and his incredible godsend of a girlfriend lying right next to him.
He’s trying to sleep at least - it’s daytime, for one thing, because Amy’s on the night shift schedule and he figured it’s in his best interest to adhere to this schedule before he has to start work in a couple weeks. (And he wants to maximize his time with her, because there’s so much to make up for.)
Despite the daylight peeking in through the curtains, he truly is exhausted. Unfortunately, the discomfort of his heavily bandaged leg, resting awkwardly on a small stack of pillows, is making it impossible to find a good sleep position. Every time he tries to make a minor adjustment there’s a sharp pain in his thigh that radiates through his entire body.
Around the fourth or fifth attempt to move resulting in a sigh of exasperation, he feels Amy’s cool fingertips curl around his forearm. Her eyelids are just fluttering open, but concern is already etched on her face.
“Are you okay?”
He smiles and nods, but the small grunt as he turns to face her gives him away.
“You’re in pain,” she murmurs, sitting up quickly and shifting closer to him, her hand gently cupping his cheek.
“It’s not that bad,” Jake shrugs, his hand covering hers on his chest. “I just can’t fall asleep, I don’t know why. I had no trouble sleeping at your place.”
“You were on some pretty heavy meds, babe.” She pushes his hair back and kisses his forehead. After consulting the alarm clock on his bedside table, she slips out of bed. “It’s been long enough, you can take some more ibuprofen.”
She disappears and returns moments later with a glass of water and two pills in her palm, which she hands to him as soon as he’s sat up against the headboard. He graciously accepts them and downs the glass of water in one gulp, collapsing back into the pillows as soon as he’s done.
“Those should kick in in a few minutes.”
She sits next to him on his side of the bed and pulls back the covers to take a look at the bandages on his leg, her fingertips ice-cold when they brush against his skin. He reaches to hold her hand on instinct and squeezes gently. Maybe they’re not exactly where they left off yet - six months is a long time apart - but he still does everything he can to warm her up without thinking about it and their fingers still fit together perfectly and that’s more than enough for now.
“We can probably wait til morning - or evening, I guess - to change the bandages again,” she says, pulling the blanket back over him. He sighs at the thought of it - it’s a grueling process every time, and even though Amy’s very careful it still hurts like hell. “I know, babe, I’m sorry.”
Jake shakes his head quickly, his hand moving up her arm to cup her cheek. “Not your fault.”
She smiles unconvincingly and won’t look him in the eye, which he knows is her residual guilt for shooting him despite it being the only option and a literal lifesaver.
“Hey, Ames.” He brushes his thumb over her cheek. “Really not your fault. Seriously, bullet wound be damned, this is the happiest I’ve been in six months. And you’ve been working so hard taking care of me even though you’re exhausted from the night shift and-” He pauses and leans in to touch his forehead to hers, lightly brushing their noses against each other. “I just still can’t believe I’m really in my apartment in New York with you.”
She kisses him, then, and her fingers tangle in his too-long, too-blonde hair and her tongue is in his mouth and it’s perfect. It’s so perfect that he can’t feel any pain, he feels like he’s on the really good drugs from the hospital again. This is what being madly in love feels like, which he supposes he was before he left, but if absence makes the heart grow fonder then he must love her infinitely more for all the time they spent apart. He realizes he hasn’t told her this in at least an hour or two, so he breaks the kiss and admires her in all her post-makeout, eyes-still-closed-and-lips-still-swollen glory for a moment before breaking the silence.
“I love you so much.”
She smiles and kisses his palm, still firmly planted on her cheek. Quietly, like she’s almost on the verge of tears, she says, “I love you so much too.”
They just look at each other for a few seconds, Jake taking in every inch of her face, free of makeup and perfectly moisturized for bed; the Knicks t-shirt he’s had since college that’s baggy on her which she pulled out of the second drawer from the top of his dresser before they went to bed like it was second nature; her wavy black hair that falls over her shoulders like a Pantene commercial when she just took it out of the bun it had been in for ten hours.
“I’ll get you another pillow to elevate your leg and an ice pack, okay?” She kisses his cheek and springs up to her feet, back in thirty seconds and helping him get situated in a somewhat comfortable position. “How’s that?”
He sighs with contentment, sinking into the pillows. “Perfect, babe.”
Amy climbs back into her side of the bed and flicks the light off again, curling into his side and placing her head next to his. He slides his arm around her back to pull her close enough that they can listen to each other breathe in perfect synchronization.
“When do you have to get up?” he asks, barely above a whisper.
“Seven, I have to be at the precinct by nine. I’ll probably go down to the deli to get dinner, so I’ll get you something and leave it in the fridge for when you wake up.”
He shakes his head. “No, wake me up, I wanna have weird breakfast-dinner with you.”
“Jake, you really need to rest-“
“I can sleep while you’re at work. Please?”
She hesitates, and then nods against his shoulder. “Okay. Now try to sleep, babe.”
He’s out within minutes, surprisingly, and although he wakes up four hours later in a lot of pain and very tired, he also wakes up to Amy peppering his face with kisses and holding a bag that smells like roast beef and matzo ball soup, so life could be a lot worse.
Doing chores in the middle of the night is surprisingly therapeutic, Jake finds.
He never really did much cleaning because A) Amy always beats him to it and B) when he does try to pitch in, she just ends up cleaning again to her level of satisfaction. There’s something calming about washing dishes, scrubbing countertops and sweeping crumbs off the floor with almost no background noise except the sounds of some traffic outside - it’s the city that never sleeps, but it is much quieter at three in the morning.
The most important thing is to keep moving, to stay busy and focused and not let his mind wander to the cold, dark prison cell where he spent the last eight weeks.
If he could, he would be in bed with Amy holding her close like he swore to himself (and to her a few times, in hushed tones over the phone) that he would every night for the rest of time the moment he got home. He wants to be, but after waking from his third nightmare of the week, roughly as many as the two other weeks he’s been home, Jake can’t bear to close his eyes again tonight.
It’s usually the same sort of scenarios in which Romero is threatening his life or Hawkins is laughing in his face saying he’ll never beat her or, in the most metaphorical one yet, he’s trapped in a room with walls literally closing in on him.
(The worst by far was last week, when he dreamt that Hawkins had somehow escaped and had gotten hold of Amy. It was the only time he woke her up after a bad dream, mostly because he needed to look at her and hear her voice and partly because he really just needed her to hold him for a while.)
He’s got the day off tomorrow, and Amy doesn’t, so he figures he’ll sleep then and not have to worry about waking her up if he sits up abruptly in a cold sweat or mutters words of fear in his sleep. For now, he cleans.
It’s a good plan until he drops the pan he was holding, the handle slick with dish soap, and it makes a loud clang as it falls in the sink. He mutters a profanity and prays that it didn’t wake her, but he hears her calling out for him within seconds.
“Jake? Babe, are you okay?”
“I’m fine-” he begins, but the bedroom door is already opening and Amy’s running out to make sure he’s alright. “Just dropped a pan.”
She frowns and walks closer to him so she can make out the time on the stove clock.
“Why the hell are you doing the dishes in the middle of the night?”
“Because they’re dirty.”
She looks at him with a blend of confusion and disbelief, which he supposes is fair given his track record.
“Fine, I couldn’t sleep again so I figured I’d make myself useful instead of watching Die Hard for the fourth time this week.”
Her expression softens and she walks around the counter to meet him, reaching for a dish towel and drying off his hands before taking them in her own. It’s a gesture so sweet that it nearly brings him to tears, much like the sticky note she put on the coffee she bought him this morning (you’re doing great! I love you so much!) or how she gave him her juiciest case that they both knew he would be able to solve earlier in the week because he needed a win.
“You wanna go back to bed?” she asks him, without pressure or insistence. It’s merely an offer, but she’s careful to make sure he knows he doesn’t have to. “Or we could watch a show?”
“Not really,” he replies honestly, holding her hands a little tighter. “Is it okay if we just sit here for a little bit?”
Amy squeezes his bicep and nods, smiling warmly. “Of course, babe. On one condition.”
She opens the freezer and pulls out a fresh tub of Ben and Jerry’s - chocolate chip cookie dough, duh - and two spoons from the drawer.
“I love how you think, Santiago,” he grins, sliding to the floor with his back against the kitchen cabinets, Amy settling in right next to him with her legs folded over his and the ice cream resting on her lap.
They sit in comfortable silence for a little while, chatting intermittently about their days. Eventually, Amy sets the half-finished tub of ice cream down next to them and reaches across him to toss the spoons in the sink above him.
She takes his hand where it rests over her thigh, bringing it to her lips and laying a soft kiss to his knuckles.
“Was it another nightmare?” she asks quietly so as not to disturb the peaceful quiet that’s enveloped them.
He nods, resting his head against the hard surface behind him. “Yeah. Bad one.”
“Okay,” she whispers, fingers flexing around his hand. “Do you want to tell me about it?”
Her warm brown eyes are shining with unadulterated care and affection. He’s never trusted anyone more - to guard his secrets and to provide him with unconditional support and to stay. The only barrier preventing him from pouring his heart out to her is his fear of worrying her, but he knows she’s strong and she deserves the truth.
“It was pretty straightforward, I guess,” he shrugs. “I was back in there and the warden said you guys caught Hawkins and I was so excited but then every time I tried to walk out the doors to the parking lot I just ended up back in my cell and I couldn’t get out-”
He realizes his heart is beating pretty quickly, so he stops there, trusting she got the gist of it. Amy’s eyes are wide and teary when he finally looks her in the eye, but she wipes the tears away with her sleeve and pulls him into her arms.
“I’m so sorry, Jake,” she whispers into his hair, her hands sweeping over his arms and back. “I wish there was something I could do.”
“Babe, you’ve done so much. I would’ve lost my mind in there without you. Being able to hear your voice and think about how you were waiting for me at home got me through it.” He pulls away a little bit to properly look at her. “For realz, best girlfriend in the world. At least the tri-state area.”
She laughs, softly nudging him in the ribs before resting her head on his shoulder.
“I really just hate that this happened to you. And Rosa. And all of us, really, because the last two months were hell.” She kisses his jaw. “I still can’t believe you’re home.”
“Yeah, me neither.”
They hold each other for a little while longer in the quiet glow of the streetlights outside their window. Amy tells him about a Ted Talk she found on insomnia as a result of PTSD, and he promises to watch it with her tomorrow. She brings up the upcoming Halloween Heist, and he has to hide his smug grin by burying his face in her hair.
Eventually, he’s laying with his head on her lap while she runs her fingers through his hair, slowly but surely coaxing him to sleep.
“You should go t’ bed, you gotta work in a few hours,” he murmurs sleepily as he’s moments from drifting off.
“I’m gonna take a sick day so I can stay home with you.”
“M’okay babe, you don’t have to.”
“I want to,” she protests. “Honestly, we have a lot of Property Brothers to catch up on and Charles already offered to do my paperwork so you and I can have more alone time, which is kinda gross but well-intentioned.”
Jake smiles and presses a small kiss to her thigh. If there’s one thing he needs right now, it’s a day of snuggling on the couch with his girlfriend and, if all goes to plan, future wife. “Sounds great. Love you.”
“I love you more than anything in the world, Jake Peralta,” she says earnestly, bending down to kiss his forehead goodnight.
It’s the last thing he hears before drifting off into a peaceful sleep, feeling safe and warm and loved.
Charles’ guest room is comfortable and quiet. There’s no reason Jake shouldn’t be able to drift off peacefully, musing about how he’ll be married to the woman of his dreams within twenty-four hours.
It’s after midnight, and even though he’s under strict orders from Amy (and Charles) to get a full eight hours before the big day, it’s harder to sleep without Amy than he thought. God knows he’s done it before - with varying degrees of success, in Florida and in prison and in that damn safe house with Kevin - but he still hates it. Especially now, when it’s being enforced only by some dumb, ancient superstitions about seeing the bride before the wedding.
He’s a grown man, he should be able to cuddle with his fiancée if he wants to.
He’s pretty sure there’s no rule about talking to her in the wedding superstition handbook, though. Even if there is, he really couldn’t care less right now, so he grabs his phone and clicks on her name in his recent calls.
“Jake? You okay?”
She answers right away and doesn’t sound too groggy, so he’s relieved that he probably didn’t wake her, but there is concern laced in her voice.
“Hey, yeah, I’m fine.” He keeps his volume low as to not wake Charles or his family. “I just wanted to hear your voice for a few minutes before bed.”
He can hear a faint sigh of relief, and he realizes that he probably hasn’t called her in the middle of the night since he was in prison and scared for his life, when her voice was the only thing that could tether him to reality. Those nights are behind them, thankfully, but not far enough behind that the memories don’t sting a bit whenever they resurface.
“You’re not getting cold feet on me, are you Peralta?” she teases, her lighthearted tone making him loosen up a little bit.
“No, I’m actually not nervous at all,” he replies without missing a beat. Surprisingly, it’s true - he expected to feel at least a little bit nervous the night before his wedding, but he really doesn’t. If anything, he feels calmer than he’s ever been. “Is that weird?”
“No, I’m not either,” she laughs. “I mean, I’m nervous about the logistics of the wedding itself, but I’m so sure about you that I just - I don’t know, I’m not that worried.”
Jake smiles, reclining into the pillows. “Same here.”
He supposes that’s all there is to it - there’s nothing to be worried about when everything in his life has aligned so perfectly. He’s got his dream job, his dream girl who he had never dreamt of even scoring a date with, let alone a lifetime. Things are beyond good.
“Are you excited?”
“To be married to you?” He raises an eyebrow. “Ames, I would’ve married you a long time ago if it wasn’t for the whole prison thing and then the whole having to plan a wedding thing.”
He can almost hear her smile crackling through the speaker. “I meant for the wedding. The Die Hard cake, the reception, our first dance…”
“It’s gonna be amazing, Ames. I mean, my relatives might yell at me periodically for not having a rabbi and Charles’ best man speech is probably gonna be like two hours long, but still.”
“And tomorrow night,” she says seductively, “it’ll just be you and me at the nicest hotel in Staten Island.”
The “nicest hotel in Staten Island” isn’t saying much, but they both knew they wouldn’t want to wait in traffic for an hour at the end of the night just to get back to their apartment or some swanky Manhattan hotel that neither of them will really care about in the moment anyways. He wants her as soon as possible, because as much as he’s looking forward to seeing her in her white dress, he’s just as excited to take her out of it. Moreover, he’s excited to just be alone with her after the inevitable craziness tomorrow will bring.
“You somehow make Staten Island sound sexy,” he swoons. “I’m the luckiest man on earth.”
Amy laughs - a beautiful, melodic laugh, the kind that makes him feel warm inside and that he will go to great lengths to hear every day for the rest of his life.
And the rest of his life starts tomorrow.
“We should get some sleep, we gotta look pretty for the cameras tomorrow.”
“I’m always pretty, babe,” he scoffs.
“I agree, but we’re paying a fortune for this photographer so eye-bags are not permitted.”
“10-4, Sergeant.”
Jake climbs under the covers, flicking off the lamp next to his bed.
“Okay, I’ll see you soon,” Amy says fondly. “I love you, almost-husband.”
“I love you, almost-wife.”
The line goes dead and though he immediately misses the steady cadence of her voice in his ear, the sooner he gets to sleep the sooner he gets to wake up and marry the heck out of her.
He closes his eyes and sleeps with a smile on his face for eight hours straight until he wakes to Charles barging in with a tray full of “wedding crepes”.
Over his years as a cop, Jake’s worked a lot of tough cases and had to face victims of horrible tragedies and criminals capable of unspeakable things. He’s had nights without sleep and weeks with no leads, but never has he felt quite so defeated as he did watching his wife try to solve an impossible sexual assault case.
He’s dealt with sexual assault cases and felt that pit in his stomach when interviewing the victims before, and it’s always been difficult. Knowing Amy went through something like that at one point, though, is a much harder pill for him to swallow.
He knows about the deep-rooted misogyny in the NYPD, of course, so he’s not really sure why he’s so shocked. Maybe he had just hoped and prayed that his wife was somehow immune to disgusting men like Seth and Beefer and her stupid, awful former captain.
Even though they came to some sort of resolution in the case and helped make some positive change, there’s been a definite shift in his perspective. The fact that not only Amy but all of the women in his life and all women everywhere have to go through so much more than he ever realized on a daily basis makes him feel sick.
He’s not really sure what or if he can even do anything about this, but he’s at least going to do everything he possibly can to stay informed from now on.
This is how he finds himself reading article after article about institutionalized sexism, his face illuminated by the light of his phone screen well past midnight. He’s not aware of the time, simply absorbing more and more information until his brain feels like it’s going to explode.
Amy’s voice pierces the silence and he drops his phone on his lap in surprise.
“What are you still doing up?” She sits up and flicks on her lamp, rubbing her sleep-filled eyes. “It’s late.”
Jake sighs and passes her his phone, waiting for her to quickly scan the text and deduce what he’s been up to.
After a moment, she locks his phone, places it on the table and turns to face him, grabbing his arm.
“Babe, I love you,” she says, gently squeezing his forearm, “but we’re not going to solve sexism tonight.”
“Not with that attitude, we’re not.”
She rolls her eyes and gently shoves his shoulder so he lays down, and she lays her head on his chest. Some of the tension in his body fades as his arms encircle her and pull her closer to him.
“I’m just so sorry that you have to deal with this,” he sighs. “ I mean, I guess I knew on some level that every woman does but I guess I always hoped you were somehow the exception cause I can’t stand the thought of you having to deal with this shit.”
“I know,” she murmurs, squeezing his chest.
“And the fact that so many people go through that and worse on a regular basis just...really sucks.”
“It really does,” she agrees. “But on the bright side, we got a win today. And even though a lot of guys suck, I managed to marry one of the good ones.”
She kisses his chest and he tightens his grip on her just a little bit more. He wishes he could shield her from the rest of the world forever and keep her away from every gross sleazeball out there; he wishes they could stay in the sanctuary of their bed for the rest of time.
“Seriously, thank you for being so amazing the past few days.”
“I did nothing, Ames,” he says, shaking his head. “You’re amazing. You used your position to make positive change. That’s a big deal.”
She pauses, then smiles into his t-shirt. “Yeah, I guess it was.”
She reaches over to turn the light off again and curls back into him, pulling the covers up to their shoulders to stay warm.
“Goodnight,” he whispers into her hair.
Maybe in the morning he’ll have more questions for her or they’ll watch another documentary on feminism, but right now he knows that she needs rest. Truthfully, so does he.
Amy buries her face into his neck and adjusts her grip on the comforter, sighing contently.
“Night, babe.”
+ i
The craziest forty-eight hours of Jake’s life end in a very mundane series of tasks - dishes, laundry, tidying the living room.
The place was a mess when they got home, which makes sense given the panicked flurry that they left in two days ago, hurriedly packing a bag of essentials for the hospital. Their little girl was just over two weeks early, and despite all the planning and preparation they had done for her arrival, they had not planned for that.
He’s exhausted from very few hours of sleep curled up next to Amy in the cramped hospital bed, but he knows it must be only a fraction of the fatigue she’s feeling after bringing their child into this world just yesterday, so he made sure she got into bed right after they got Zoey tucked into her bassinet and assured her he would join her soon.
He’s mostly finished his attempt at making their apartment somewhat inhabitable again when he decides to throw in the towel and finish in the morning. He can’t resist the urge to get back to his wife and baby in the next room over, missing them both already.
He expects Amy to already be passed out by the time he enters their room, but instead she’s up and awake, hovering over the bassinet a few feet from their bed. She’s still wearing his baggy hoodie with holes in it from college (again, they packed very quickly) and her hair is still pulled back in a messy ponytail. She’s still got the post-childbirth glow his mom commented on this morning, with her rosy cheeks and her dewy skin. She’s beautiful, but he’s already told her that half a dozen times today.
“Why are you still awake?” he asks quietly, making sure he doesn’t wake the baby. “You literally spent twenty hours in labour yesterday, babe.”
“Did I? That slipped my mind,” Amy deadpans, motioning for him to come over.
He complies, standing next to her and looking down on their baby, peacefully sleeping in her little cream-coloured bassinet that Amy ordered months ago. Zoey Peralta is absolutely perfect in every way conceivable, from her soft and unruly brown hair - which she totally got from him - to her perfect, round little nose that looks exactly like Amy’s. He feels comforted knowing that if she inherited her mother’s brains, her tenacity, or even a fraction of her kindness and warmth, this kid is going to be just fine.
“She’s just so perfect,” Amy muses, leaning back against his chest and resting her head against his chin. “I can’t stop looking at her yet.”
Jake wraps his arms around her and nods, intently watching Zoey make little noises in her sleep. “She’s totally perfect.”
“Can you believe we made her?”
He shakes his head. “Can you believe we’re parents?”
Amy sighs happily and runs her hand up his arm, gently squeezing his bicep.
“I was so scared for a while that we would never get this moment,” she admits.
“I know.”
He squeezes her a little tighter, remembering all the negative pregnancy tests and early mornings waking up to UD and the goddamn vitamins. It had been hard, sometimes unbearably so, but the moment she showed him the positive test it all became so incredibly worth it.
And the moment, mere hours ago, when their baby was no longer an image on a sonogram but a living, breathing child that he could hold in his arms, he knew he would do it all a billion times over for her.
“We should probably get some sleep, I’m sure she’ll wake us up in a few hours,” Jake suggests after a few more minutes have passed, just the three of them in blissful silence.
Amy nods in agreement and leans down to press a feather-light kiss to Zoey’s forehead.
“Goodnight, angel. Mommy and Daddy love you so much.”
Amy’s gentle voice as she talks to their baby nearly brings him to tears, not for the first (or even tenth) time that day.
“Goodnight, Zo,” Jake repeats, “sweet dreams.”
Jake climbs into bed behind Amy, who is still affectionately watching their daughter sleep a few feet away, and wraps his arm around her waist.
“I love you so much,” he murmurs against her temple. “You’re gonna be the best mom.”
She grabs his hand and pulls it tighter around her, her eyes already fluttering shut.
“I love you so much.”
He reaches over her to turn the light off, and he can hear her breathing even out within seconds. He’s not far behind her, falling asleep with a smile on his face, already excited for all that the morning will bring.
109 notes · View notes
rqs902 · 4 years
my beautiful boys in the same screeeenn ill just ignore the clothes lol man look at jin fan’s side profile 
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aw they look so happy lol how did dxy become kc 
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lol when volunteer li hao on his CELL PHONE is a better video editor than the entire youku paid staff
oof the video was so funny and highlighted a bunch of the kids qualities like lin mua and csp’s cuteness and it was touching.... lol ycw “I DONT HAVE SLEEVES LEND ME YOUR SLEEVE” to wipe his tears loll
LOL im amused cto were some of zlj’s first friends and they guilt trip him into joining their groupppp HAHHAHA
pretty sure that was xue en telling zlj to be careful and put safety first :’) 
im literally crying at this suitcase
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but also still wished they gave more screen time to everyone not-zlj LOL but i guess at least we saw some more lin ran and yzx. but zlj did do a great job!! i really appreciate his skill and im glad the non-cto kids said such nice things about cto aw but really their age difference is not that big??? LOLLLL making cto seem so old??? but xue en is only 1 year older than lin ran and 3 years older than cxh and ycw LOL plus 1998 is xikan’s age too lol.....
omg xo crew being all these creatives including li chenxu ayy thats cool, i feel like we havent gotten to know much about him so this puts him in a new perspective for me
is akey supposed to be in the group? LOL zhan yu is going wild for him tho LOL
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im happy akey is making more rap friends!!! i feel like hes been working on that since qcyn
cjh has always seemed so real, i respect that
LOL hwx looks so awkward standing on stage in the middle. jin fan’s vooooiceeee and huang junrong yessss HAHAHAHA THE AKEY STANDEE IM CRYING HAHAHHA man jin fan has gotten to live up to his vocal name in this show, i hope that makes him happy. he still !! has not !! shown off !! his bboy !! dancing skills !! :( 
LOL lin mo being so amused that akey had no idea about the standee. hes a dork. so were they not allowed to do 3 stages? bc i feel like akey wouldnt have needed that much extra prep time to do all 3 of his stages just sayinggg hahahha but ay extra tyger screen time ill take it! i can see why he picked the creatives group though, that performance definitely better fits his musical and stylistic interests. 
AYYY CSP DANCING but lol qby calling him cui duopeng aw 
omg so sparkly!! LOL syh looks so scandalized by their confetti ribbons HAHAHAHHA but yay for mxy really owning this stage! 
LOL the way lin mo’s face scrunches up when su er points out he’s “momo” and then he just nods and tells hwx “momo is supporting you from behind” awww
oh rip this luo jie gaokao segment, was this the last time they saw him? 
lol ycw is always the one with the doggo but i appreciate xzx for not abandoning him like everyone else so he could still do 100 ways and fulfill his dreams
aw good for them being able to make a fun and entertaining stage and do well and bring everyone amusement. lol ycw throwing random flower petals everywhere so casual 
LOL rip renyu hes just sitting there minding his own business and then gets personally attacked HAHAH TWICE hHHAHAHAHA 
LOLLL SBR YESS and sbh hahahhaha csp being all scared of why theyre watching him and sbr is just like oh nothing~
lolll xikan curling into a little ball when everyone else is laughing and csp’s “why did i lose again?” LOOL
oh rip bye yan an 
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ouch syh..... going back to singapore to do adult things gosh i appreciate him going after mhw after it seemed like he had given up
man ycw cries a lot
kinda sad they cut the tyger perf BUT they did perform my favorite song (always thankful for akey’s composition skills!!!) AND at least they showed off zhan yu’s high notes and listed akey as a composer and gave lin mo some screen time to talk i guess its okay bc i appreciate the performances that they have shown fully so far, and i get that they cant show everyones in full. and it looks like all the kids liked the perf so thats fun
OOF A JUNRONG FEATURE THIS IS WHAT WE ALL NEEDED YESSS man i didnt realize he had so many show experiences already man.... ooo dxy vocal time!! 
OH GOSH THEY BROUGHT UP FAN YUUUUUUUU man the way renyu smiles watching fan yu play piano im softtt oof renyu’s voice is so nice even when hes like on the verge of crying
ahhh xu zhaohao’s song has me crying... i really like his voice too. 
wow im surprised so many of them took footage of themselves on their way to snzm? lol wait did they cut out li chenxu’s part on stage? 
HAHHAHAHHA LI HAO OMGG xu shengen wow this is amazing li hao is gonna be like a great director one day i can FEEL it. THE FACT THAT THIS IS THE ONLY PART OF THE ENTIRE EPISODE THATS SUBBED HAHAHHAHA look at li hao, making better videos than youku since 2020. li hao’s story man.... he and shengen and chenxu must be close 
i see why people were like whoa theres actually tygers in the next ep preview! what a unusual experience!! but ay there was huang enyu too! ahh he looks like hes desperate oh gosh but everyones crying it looks like :c ill keep my hopes up that lin mo’s is happy tears but its still rough to see 
aw su er...... oof the fact that they put in clips of some kids on other shows (i even saw super idol omg) and him putting lin mua at the end, they must really have grown to like that haha i saw someone posted about li hao saying he liked the lin mua too and appreciated that it was something lin mo promised to his fans. im glad they dont make fun of him for it in a mean spirited way. 
im grateful for this “extra” episode outside of the actual competition. they did seem to get to do performances that they wanted to be in. im guessing some kids’ perfs didnt get aired? so im hoping they get released elsewhere so we can still watch them. again i will say that having only half the number of trainees compared to other shows and having them for 3 stages rather than the usual 1 has allowed me to feel like ive gotten to know most (if not all?) of these kids, similar to how i felt about ip, which is nice. like i at least know their names and faces. at least it wasnt like qcyn where kids got eliminated before they even had 1 stage ugh. grateful and excited to see yixing again too next ep! hopefully this means we wont get some nonsense judging like last time... also excited to see momo with his pink hair! and in the same perf as zhan yu and akey (what happened to jin fan lol) everyone having colorful hair will be exciting! 
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allhallowsreid · 5 years
just lots and lots of very long-winded, random thoughts about last night’s finale and the show itself...
so obvs no one has to agree with me on any of this, i just feel like there likely ARE ppl who feel like this and it’s easy to get shut down on tumblr for having different opinions, and i mostly just need to gather my feelings and thoughts in one place.
-ive seen a handful of ppl upset that the last ep centered around reid, but if you were to take 10 fans of this show, it’s a pretty good chance that 8 or 9 of them would say reid is their fave character. that isn’t me trying to insult any of the other characters, that’s just the way it is. whether it’s bc of his looks (and my lord was he gorgeous in this finale ep), or that he’s your typical cute white boi, or more organic reasons like he’s been there since day 1 and we were able to watch him change and grow, and he’s the opposite of the typical male characters we often see, especially on cop shows.. whatever the reason, he is a VERY popular tv character. and if it weren’t for that character, for better or worse, this show would have ended a long time ago.
-the ending itself.. i just feel like i don’t know what ppl were expecting?? this is not a show like supernatural or dexter or a show that has had a fluent overarching story to tell from start to finish. the story continues without us watching it. it’s another day at the office for them. was it a great ending? no, but it was fine. we see where all of them are headed. endings are so difficult, i’m just glad they didn’t kill anyone off or some garbage like that.
-so damn happy they hooked up luke and garcia. i have had such issues with garcia’s character since morgan left, i feel like she became a caricature, where she just overacts and i recently read an article with kirsten where she actually admitted that when shemar left she really didn’t know what to do with her character anymore. honestly? it showed. the obnoxiousness to luke was cute at first bc she obviously had a crush on him, but then it just became mean and out of character. this season i was happy to see her get a little bit more back to herself. all this being said, they were very clearly headed towards getting luke and garcia together this season with the overt flirting and one on one convo’s, i’m so glad they went through with it instead of leaving it open ended. and i will admit that of all the characters, i didn’t think garcia would be the one to leave, but it made sense. garcia is tough as hell, much tougher than she gives herself credit for, but like luke said, she can do this other job without the gore that she cringes over in literally every single episode of the show. also loved jj saying garcia was the glue of the team. so true, so well said. and side note, kirsten does a hell of a job writing these characters that she knows all too well, the other writers should’ve just let her take over in later seasons.
-prentiss... i love my emily so dang much, but man they give her the absolute worst dialogue. she gets stuck with all these long sentences that just.. they just don’t flow?? and it takes me out of the show so often. this has been since s12 when she became unit chief. there has been a handful of times since she became the boss that we have had flashes of old school smartass goth girl emily, and i cherished each moment, but it wasn’t enough. somewhere along the way they forgot how to write into the show that their characters had PERSONALITY. just as an example of the stupid dialogue she gets.. the end of the ep where it’s intended to look like rossi’s retirement party. then, idk who it was, emilys boyfriend maybe(?) says some dumb comment about oh gee i thought this was dave’s retirement! and then emily starts some awkwardly long line that could’ve been summed up in “dave decided not to retire afterall” and it was just soooo... weird?!!? if we are agreeing that A MONTH has gone by.. you are to tell me that it never once came up that dave said he was gonna retire and then changed his mind!??! that night, one month later, is the first that this discussion occurred!!?!?! and all of these dumb lines come out sounding so robotic, and i can’t blame paget, bc the lines are boring as hell. also unless i missed something i can’t rule emily out of being the next director, especially since their profile ended up being correct, lynch and the mom didn’t kill themselves, so i’m sure when that all came out, the next hurdle emily would have to clear is how they just blew up their very expensive jet right after having a budget meeting 2 episodes ago!!
- i’m gonna lump the newer characters together.. and just say that it was all too little, too late. they tried to give matt and luke more this season, and the ep’s centered on them were great, but it all felt forced to me. all this character development should’ve started as soon as they came onto the show. the relationships between the new and original characters also feels forced a lot of times, barring relationships like rossi and his boys, luke and garcia, tara and emily.. i mean that’s kind of all, right? we never saw much off-the-job, personal interactions between them and the rest of the characters, did we? and the way tara was treated on this show is inexcusable. aisha’s talents were so underused on this show it was criminal (pun intended). and actually, the above stuff i said about emily getting nonsense dialogue, you can throw matt in there too. his dialogue was friggin god awful at times on this show. in the words of early seasons reid, maybe try to be more conversational, writers!!
-man oh man was jj a badass and a half in this finale. tbh i always enjoyed liaison jj more than ssa jj, but when badass jj comes out i get all excited. i do feel like she would be the best fit to take over if emily left, she’d stepped into that role before and excelled. but she is another character that at times i think the writers just forgot how to write her personality somewhere along the way. i understand that the reality is that people change over time, but there were times that she was written like a typical high school mean girl, and that was just an insult to the character they created. the whole jeid thing was severely overblown and unnecessary. i don’t hate the idea of them being together, but why wait til s14-15 to deal with this? in the end i thought it was handled okay, i personally didn’t feel like it ruined their friendship or stayed awkward, which i appreciated, it was just a storyline that wasn’t needed and wasted time. also, ppl griping about “oh but she clearly loves will, if she loves spencer then she can’t love will!” i mean, actually, ppl are capable of loving more than one person at a time, hate to burst that bubble for ya.
-this seems like a good moment though to pause and just get this out about will lamon-fuckin-tagne jr... this guy is too good for jj lol, i am sorry but he is such a great guy. and can we review some things about will and his wife’s bestest friend, godfather to his children, spencer reid?? when will and spencer first met, it was during an unbelievably personal case to will, i mean his father died sending him a message about this case that the fbi was called in on. and his first intro with reid?? let’s see, reid spent that ep strung out on drugs, and full on abandoning the case to go hang out with his friend at a club/bar/lounge/whatever. ok, so that’s will’s first impression of jj’s bestie, and will STILL okay’d him being the godfather of his kids. not to mention, can you imagine your wife has been gone in the damn middle east for who even knows how long, then when she finally gets back and you think you’re gonna have her to yourself, but oh no, here comes jj’s friggin bestie again to come cry on the couch every night for several weeks!!!! and he gives zero indication of not liking spencer, in fact he seems rather fond of him. will is the most patient man ever, i swear.
-ok that was an unexpected side track. moving onto rossi. not sure why they were all like oh pfft this guy will never retire. the dude literally retired before the show started lol. if he retired once, when he was fairly young, why is the idea of it happening again so impossible? again, dumb dialogue. i loved the stuff with him and young gideon (i may be biased tho bc i’m just so damn proud of ben savage), i loved that rossi knew more about the jet than the others, however that was an inconsistency bc when rossi came back from retirement, he couldn’t believe the bau had its own jet. unless i just misunderstood what emily meant when she said it all started with rossi and gideon. i felt like lynch was a very underwhelming villain. super forgettable. there was no charisma like foyet or cat adams, there was no creep factor like mr scratch, there was no mystery like the replicator or the fisher king. his whole story just fell flat, and if there were anything interesting about him whatsoever, it’s bc of what rossi brought to the table, not the “chameleon”.
-my boy reid. he has several lifetimes of baggage to unpack, and i think of all the characters on this show, no one hates unpacking their trauma more than reid. i feel like it was so relatable that he could barely speak in this ep without sounding on the verge of tears, like every sentence was painful to even get out bc of how much hurt is stored up inside him. his trauma has defined him for years now, and if they had ended the show without addressing even some of it, the show would’ve been incomplete. i understand that actors schedules just don’t work out sometimes, but idk what the point was of having strauss and foyet be his devil and angel. and foyet’s long explanation of how bc he changed hotch, he changed the team was so convoluted that he may as well have just said “they couldn’t get james van der beek or the dude who played mr scratch, so im here instead”. i liked what they did with reid and maeve, and i actually don’t mind that there was no mention of max. they’re still very early in their relationship, and i feel like him coming out with some “wait i think i love max!” revelation would just be too fast and ooc. we already know that the relationship between them is growing, it doesn’t need to be said. and can i get an amen that maeve and reid didn’t kiss bc god that would’ve been weird as hell.
- i hate that we couldn’t have hotch or morgan or blake or elle or any of the main characters that helped make this show what it was, but i’m still grateful for the crumbs they gave us if the actors just couldn’t be booked for whatever reason. i’ve seen many shows at their end just try to pretend their previous characters never existed, so that we got some flashbacks with them was appreciated.
- RIP bau jet. i wiiiill reMEMber youuuuuuu.
-the song choice of david bowie’s Heroes was perfection. strangely, when i was driving home from work yesterday that song came on my playlist and i blasted it on repeat and performed a car concert for my fellow drivers on the road, and thought to myself that this song would be great for cm to end on. never thought they would actually do it since they had previously used the song in penelope’s ep. but what a great scene of all them dancing and singing and laughing like the bunch of nerdy idiots they are.
-i came late into the game with this show. ppl have been telling me for years to watch it and i only picked up watching in s13, after i read a spn/cm crossover fic and became super curious about who all these awesome characters were. with that said, i’m aware that since i haven’t invested years of my life in this show, that my feelings and thoughts about the ending will be different than those who have been hooked on this show for over a decade. i’m still just so thankful for the family portrayed by this show, and these characters i fell in love with, and episodes i’ll never forget.
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, EP.4
Last time on Beverly Hills 90210!
Hibiki begins to understand the true nature of the Sam Reimi Spiderman trilogy as she lives the life of a superhero by night and a normal student by day in the most miserable way possible. Constant cockblocking from the duties she explicitly chose to do distance her from her significant other Miku, as it drives wedges into their friendlationship. As Hibiki breaks off a plan prepped weeks in advance to see rocks fall from the sky, she takes out her frustration on the local Kamen Rider villian rejects before coming up to see Tsubasa, only to be greeted by a new face...
Let us continue!
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As the situation tenses between the three gi- hey! Hey, wait a minute! This is a flashback! That’s no fair. You’re just going to throw this to us while we’re trying to do this stuff? Get it together, show.
The show hauls our asses to a flashback, because God knows we needed one right now. It’s not just any flashback, though. It’s a flashback of our favorite redhead, Kanade!
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In a straightjacket.
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While everyone is staring.
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“i dont usually do this but you’ve got a bad case of catch-these-handsitis”
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“oh god, she’s so wild, and angry... i... why am i hoping she’s single...?”
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“aye. this is the fate of all rabiosexuals out there.”
Kanade is tied down because she’s the sole survivor of a Noise attack, and more importantly, she really, really wants to fight the Noise. What she doesn’t know is that she is potentially a new candidate for a Symphogear relic.
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“oh... we’d pair so well... our colors are diametrically opposed...”
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Genjuro, who suffers from Compulsive Child Adopting Syndrome (CCAS), immediately comes to the conclusion to adopt this tiny gremlin. It helps that her parents are, well, dead.
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Fatherly instincts vibrating intensely.
Genjuro talks to this small child, who is currently 99% anger and 1% chicken fluff, scanning their conviction towards working to the goal of fighting the Noise.
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In retrospect, his methods are a bit weird. Feeding into the extreme edginess of a 14 year old scorned isn’t exactly the best thing in the world. Unfortunately, as we established before, the only thing that can fight Noise are Symphogear, and the only reason he’s not in the front lines is because he can’t wield one.
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Kanade naturally obliges this deal, her braincells having long since perished alongside her parents. Then Perish indeed, Kanade.
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“buddy im being trained as a samurai in modern times and i still could not fathom going as hard as you”
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The pact is sealed. The child is adopted. Genjuro’s adoption addiction relapses, and he’s going to have quite a long talk at AA (Adopters Anonymous).
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The thing about Genjuro that makes him an interesting character is that he actually really, really, really hates the idea of having to pit children in fighting these horrible threats. Unlike a lot of male characters who have a strong sense of manliness but a poorly written way of expressing it, Genjuro manages to be a compassionate person in the face of all this terribleness. He’s the only person to think about throwing parties for these girls, and trying to give them any sort of sense of happiness and normalcy to their lives, now changed forever by machinations he has been put in charge of. He’s the Anti-Gendo. He doesn’t tell Shinji to get in the robot. He makes sure Shinji is well enough to be in the robot, and would never do so otherwise, knowing the mental toll.
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That’s why ultimately, he is The Dad.
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So, with that in mind, they prep Kanade to recieve the relic assigned to her. One of the major elements of using relics is compatibility. Kanade is not naturally compatible to Gungnir; they have to slowly ease her into it.
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“mumble mumble cant wait to kick their asses mumble mumble”
This is a process that takes years. The show doesn’t do well in showing this, but it takes many, many years for her to be compatible after endless medical examinations and controlled situations.
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The experiments, naturally, hurt like a bitch to boot.
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“genjuro she’ll be okay, right?”
“flip a coin on it, tsubasa”
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“oh shit yall see this news? pornhubs gonna buy tumblr! damn, i can make an all in one profile now.”
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When you’re forced to watch your newly adopted daughter torture herself to be compatible with an ancient, musty cursed relic.
After all that, Kanade still isn’t compatible. Of course, nothing is simple with Kanade. You may ask yourself, “Why did Genjuro have to tie up Kanade in a straitjacket? That seems pretty abusive.”
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Simply put, it’s because Kanade has never fucked around in any second of her life, having taken off all the devices on her, taken a direct syringe of the stuff she’s trying to synchronize with, and directly inject it into her, herself.
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Tsubasa, likely already going through puberty by this point, simultaneously understands both the concepts of fear and arousal witnessing this near suicidal display of absolute madness immediately.
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Holy shit, Kanade.
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You know shit’s bad when even Ryoko is afraid.
Turns out, however, that Kanade did the right move in becoming compatible with Gungnir, at a very physically demanding price.
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Really, physically demanding.
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“shouldnt have had that massive spaghetti carbonara before doing all this shit but fuck i really liked that fuckin’ spaghetti slorp slorp go the sauce ooooooooh god this is bad”
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The scientists, who have been easily staring at this entire situation for more than 5 minutes or more, have not stepped in to do a single damn thing, as if overpowering a 14 year old to stop her from injecting a dangerous thing that could directly kill her is completely out of their paygrade. Genjuro wakes them the fuck up and likely briefly contemplates firing some of these morons.
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“so this is what’s called... getting lost in the sauce...”
The scientists scramble to keep Kanade from vomiting more marinara sauce but Kanade exerts but a mere fraction of her now developing Symphogear abilities, knocking them all out with ease.
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“this is some shit right here, damn”
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Kanade pulls some Independence Day theatrics on everyone, as a 14 year old on the verge of death typically would if given the opportunity. Death may be certain but you at least get to go out in style. Will Smith would be proud.
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The half-life of Tsubasa’s fearousal reached completion as it has mostly decayed into fear at this point.
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However, the relic pendant begins glowing. This is likely the one thing that keeps Kanade from dying. An interesting comparison given Hibiki’s own survival and gear manifestation.
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Kanade achieves super saiyan.
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Tsubasa’s fear directly transmutes itself back into arousal per the first law of alchemy. Something to note is that Tsubasa was naturally receptive to her own gear; she didn’t need to go through the medical process Kanade went through. It’s because of this that Kanade earns Tsubasa’s admiration for life, even long after she dies.
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And so, the unambiguously gay duo known as Zwei Wing formed. Singers by day...
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Noise slayers by night.
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Saving the country, singing in the country, bonding together... in the country. Truly, there is no more iconic duo than these two.
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“yall sing pretty”
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“anyway bye”
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Kanade’s initial motivation for getting Gungnir was to kill the Noise indiscriminately with no hesitation. It slowly dawns on her, though, that helping people... is good?
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“the sauce lost me. i got lost in the sauce. i became the sauce. but... why don’t i... share, the sauce? because... people like sauce... and i like sauce... and we can bond together... liking sauce!”
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Kanade and Tsubasa have a Captain America moment running together as Kanade muses about how singing for other people feels way better than just pure murder funtimes.
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“hey, uh... tsubasa... it just hit me. i like sauce. and... you, you like sauce. do... do you want to share sauce together?”
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“kanade as your girlfriend ive literally heard you talk about sauce metaphors for the last several years and if you dont think i wont slurp your sauce down without hesitation you’ve got another thing coming”
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“hell yeah! ive still got some of my original leftover marinara to share!”
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No heterosexual explanation whatsoever.
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Not a damn one.
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Oh yeah...! Because by shedding tears, the reality you face is...
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Nehushtan? Weird end of a sentence, but okay.
We’re thrust back into the present time, present day, as we’re back in our three way throwdown.
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Genjuro is an extra large McFuckingPissed with Large Fries and a Shake, supersized.
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“you want some sauce with that? lmao, sorry, too soon”
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As the werewolves come out in full force, the tension strengthens while a battle brews nearby...
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“yall think you’re getting your hands on this goddamn armor without realizing im officiating this here gay pride parade. and guess what? you’re cancelled.”
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“didn’t know clowns were part of the acronym, let alone capable of managing it. either way, you’ve gotta be at least this tall to use the armor.” 
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“so why not make like a hobbit, drop the armor, and burrow back to whatever hidey hole you came from, bimbo baggins!”
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“guess you didnt read the books, moron. last i checked, bilbo doesn’t lose his traveling partners.”
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“that low blow only comes at the cost of outing yourself as a fucking nerd.”
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“im not ashambed. im gonna blow your mind with some math: my foot, plus your face, subtracting the teeth from your mouth, equals an ass kicking.”
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Hibiki gets in the way immediately, citing the ethical ramifications of fighting humans as opposed to talking to them, conveniently forgetting this was the same person ready to body her merely an episode or two ago.
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“hey first of all please don’t say bimbo thats really degrading, and second of all clowns aren’t actually in the acronym but im sure there are some gay clowns out there so please dont talk like that and thirdly im sorta short and that hurt my feelings and fourthly killing is fucking bad, tsubasa, let us not commit human on human murder”
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both of them, in unison, i shit you not:
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“yo, you like murder? shit. i like murder too!”
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“like oh my god! murder is my favorite hobby. i take it back, you’re chill. still gotta die, though.”
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Hibiki is casually tossed aside from this fight, given her very ideas are anti-thetical to fighting as a whole.
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A real sick battle ensues.
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Something to note is that our spunky opponent has another relic at her disposal which summons Noise. This relic is called Solomon’s cane. You’ll learn more about it later.
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Not a pretty sight.
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Tsubasa is losing. Not only is she losing, but the enemy cool kid reveals a very notable detail of her plan: She was distracted Tsubasa on purpose. The real plan...
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Was to kidnap Hibiki.
In an ironic twist, Tsubasa’s inability to work with her teammate not only put her teammate in danger, but explicitly allowed her opponent to fulfill her mission of trying to capture her.
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“i changed my mind kick her ass please oh god”
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Hibiki still has not learned her lesson.
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Tsubasa gets her ass kicked. Her opponent pulls every punch in the book, with some lowdown dirty fighting.
Unfortunately, Tsubasa, having learned from the Kanade Amou Private School Of No Brain Cell Combat, she pulls the last ace from her sleeve.
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“lmao bitch whatre you gonna do, sing?”
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“i didnt design my hair like a fucking 8th note for nothing, you cabbage patch kid”
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“then let’s hear it, motherfucker.”
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afaimscorner · 6 years
Supergirl 3x23
Let’s just say it: This year Arrowverse Season-Finale were not as good as they used to be. I haven’t seen “Flash” and “Arrow” yet, but “Legends” and “Supergirl” were both disappointments, because the writers wanted too much in one episode which led to pacing problems, plotholes and many more problems.
“Legends” still kind of worked, because much about it was actually really good and its “Legends”, you forgive much because you love the show so much. But there were still some smaller things that made me mad and way too much story and that Rip-Stuff- that-if-it-really-was-it-is-an-insult-to-fans. But there was a giant Beebo, so yeah, I everything is forgiven.
But “Supergirl” .... O man, it was just BAD. I think that was the first time in the shows history that an episde was actually just BAD! I kind of saw it coming, because Season 3 had it problems before, but I was hoping for a finale as thrilling as Season 2, instead we got ... a mess of an episode.
If the “Legends”-Finale had enough story for a two-parter “Battles Lost and Won” had enough for at least three episodes and therefore nothing that mattered was treated with enough care. M’rynns death ... no emotion because no time. Mon-El, Alura, und Sam died - Kara did not even shed a single tear even though her long lost mother and the love of her life just died infront of her eyes! Yes, she went back in time, but it was rushed and am I the only one who didn’t really see a difference between Reign dying in that way or that way? How is letting her die better than helping to kill her? How is that holding up the principles of Supergirl?
I didn’t want Sam to die, but where was the heroic Sam-sacrifices-herself-to-save-everyone-els- from-Reign-Moment we were waithing for all season? Killing her for one moment and punching her in the face and forcing her to ... drink water ... was Samsheroic moment? Really?
And then the Legion is back and is barley there, and then Winn and Mon-El leave the show (at least as regulars and for some time) so save a future we did not get to see all season long?! I am sorry, but this team is called “Legion of Superheroes”, and all we ever got to see two members that weren’t Mon-El and there was a mentoning of one or two (if we count Imras sister) more, and that was it?! So the future is totally saved by Mon-El returning, because Winn is replacing Brainy, that means one more person is totally changing everything in a future we won’t get to see, because Chris is not coming back and Mon-El would need to be there, so we are never going to get to see that freaking future which I was waiting for ALL SEASON!!!
Also, James outs himself which should be a big thing, but it isn’t.
J’onn is off to do God knows what, but at least rumor has it that he is back as a regular next year. Well let’s hope so.
I mean, I am not surprised. Jeremy didn’t have so much a sub-plot for the first half of the season and didn’t get that much in the second half. Also, Supercorps/Haters bullyed him, so of course he would want to leave. The same goes for Chris. Maybe it was always planned for Mon-El to only stay for to seasons, but that’s the Maggie-Problem all over again: Why make him such a major character and love of another characters life, when he wasn’t supposed to stay? I guess, we Karamels will always have Season 2 and some scenes in Season 3, but they didn’t even kiss this season and the storytelling was :.... Yes, Kara misses him so much she gets depressed because of it, he is back, but married, Kara is mad and realises he is not worth her troubles, but she still loves him, he still loves her, they are on the verge of getting together again, but then someone else ghost-wrote the last two episodes and they don’t wanna be a couple anymore because of reasons that make no sense (I wrote about this above).
Now here is the thing: The last few eps actually made me beliefe that Mon-El was going to die in the finale. He did but only for a second and Kara did care more about the fact that she was trying to kill Reign than that and was totally okay with him leaving so .... I wish he would have died instead.
Now there was an intruiging ending scene, but if it weren’t for it “Supergirl” would be right next to “Arrow” now on the list of shows I used to like but I now only watch so I don’t get confused in the crossovers.
So yeah, 3x23 was just bad. And I am still not over how bad it was and I am so utterlry uninteresed in Season 4 right now, which it’s sad, because I loved “Supergirl” since Episode 2.
Now all I have left is hope that Lena turns evil very quickly (even though I would prefer her not too) so that the Supercorps finally suffer as much as the rest of us.
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Glee 6x08 liveplurk
Yuè [glee 6x08] i still can't believe RIB thought it was a good idea to get Klaine back together and have them get married... in less than half an hour
Yuè don't get me wrong Yuè i've wanted these two kids to get married to each other since the minute the two of them made eye contact Yuè i've wanted this even before i realised it wasn't legal in America Yuè but not like this Yuè never like this Yuè man, since i was mostly on tumblr you might not know, but when the entire wedding storyline started in 4x21, i was totally against it and watching the proposal, as beautiful as that speech is, pains me Yuè and then all that useless crap happened, only to make them break up again Yuè really, why couldn't they just elope??? Yuè i watched this in the middle of the night, since it was still their wedding and i remember being overly conflicted, but a minute before the ep started, i told myself to push it all away for 45 minutes and just watch my boys and girls be happy, but i'm still somewhat bitter Yuè they deserved better Yuè all four of them Yuè you know what I do like? Yuè how much things have changed in such a small time Yuè because you know, this wedding takes place in 'November 2015' since glee decided to do a time jump, even though it aired in Feb 2015 and shot in 2014 Yuè and Santana tells her how gay marriage isn't legal in America, because back when they were shooting it, they didn;t dare to hope that in less than one year, gay marriage owuld be legal Yuè i am so emotinal Yuè hi Tina Yuè KURT IS WEARING RIPPED JEANS Yuè how are those parents okay with giving away their children to their teachers to go to a random wedding in another state Yuè BRIDEZILLA BRITTANY Yuè "well this isn't about me" oh honey Yuè "it's my dad" "it's his dad" Yuè THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY LOOK AT MY GIRLS Yuè WONDERFUL Yuè Brittany's wedding dress might be one of the most beautiful dresses in the show Yuè you know I love how their Brittana dresses definitely fit their personalities Yuè Brittany's dress is light and airy and sweet Yuè Santana's dress is stylish and simple and modern Yuè Mercedes let it go Yuè this went from slaughtering a chicken to sadness Yuè really the way Santana sees Sue keeps changing rapidly it's stupid Yuè Oh no Walter Yuè btw again props to the costume department for a blue shirt and green pants Yuè the parallels between the scene that's about to happen and the one in McKinley from last episode are stunning and well thougjt Yuè THIS SCENE WITH THIS MUSIC IS GREAT Yuè OH JESUS Yuè LOOK I SURE AS FUCK LOVE THIS SCENE BUT Yuè "... everything is fine now" KURT ARE YOU KIDDING ME THAT'S BULLSHIT Yuè I AM SO SAD THEY NEVER GOT A REAL CONVERSATION Yuè since when is Puck one of Tina's boys Yuè Blaine you look cute but this is stupid Yuè Puck and Blaine... wtf Yuè Tina why the fuck did this happen Yuè ... Santana please Yuè Oh this place is beautiful Yuè "he's fragile be careful" Yuè HONESTLY PAM AND CAROLE MEETING FOR THE FIRST TIME IS BULLSHIT Yuè Kitty your dress!!! Yuè SUGAR Yuè KLAINE Yuè MIKE Yuè hey did I just stop Jenna's tattoo Yuè shit Carole is right they really look great in those white suits Yuè some people saw this as using Finn's death to manipulate Kurt into marrying but as someone whose family is kind of in a crisis right now, I get them and I think it's very normal Yuè Burt and Carole are hilarious Yuè "where the hell am I going to find a lizard" Yuè Brittany. .. sweetie Yuè "cannibalism" Yuè again their wedding outfits sure as fuck match their personalities I mean.. Brittany's diamond headband and Santana's earrings Yuè KISS KISS KISS Yuè NO BUT REALLY TWO KLAINE AND TWO BRITTANA KISSES IN ONE EPISODE #BLESSED Yuè "I can't marry you if I'm in jail for killing this bitch" Yuè you know I didn't cry during the ceremony but I was on the verge of tears during this reunion cause it made me and Santana so happy Yuè thanks Sue Yuè shit I'm about to cry again Yuè waot where is Brittany's sister at??? Yuè KLAINE Yuè really boys you suck at weddings Yuè Wemma wedding? Let's fuck Yuè Brittana's wedding? Let's also get married Yuè "I promise on Will Schuester's future grave" Yuè honestly Brittany this is very touching, but also really random Yuè "... okay I still don't get what you're talking about though" Yuè really glee Yuè this was bullshit Yuè they all deserved better Yuè sure I don't think they will regret this for one second but it's just stupid and like.. KURT AND SANTANA WOULD NEVER SHARE THEIR WEDDING DAYS Yuè Oh hod Yuè I can't call this romantic, Kurt Yuè "I. .. don't know... I don't know..." THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I FEEL ABOUT THIS ENTIRE STORYLINE BLAINE Yuè I'm happy you love each o th er but Blaine you're right this is crazy Yuè AND LOOK AT THAT, THEY SKIPPED ANOTHER IMPORTANT CONVERSATION. IT'S THE SECOND TIME THIS EPISODE Yuè really glee why Yuè glee why Yuè Remember how Kurt and Blaine were supposed to make out in the backseat of a car while this song was playing ah jesus praise Yuè same for Kurt and Blaine tho Yuè their wedding suits just absolutely fit them Yuè sure for Kurt I expected more accessories but it still fits Yuè EVERYONE'S FACES Yuè look at my boys... so handsome Yuè such a coincidence Blaine's mum happened to be in Indiana righr??? Yuè MY HUSBAND IS IN THE BATHROOM AND HE MISSED THE WHOLE AISLE THING Yuè Mason and Madison are wearing the same colour!!! Yuè thank you Burt for this speech Yuè GAY MARRIAGE IS MARRIAGE LOVE IS LOVE Yuè no but really where are Santana's dad and Brittany's sister?? Yuè AND COOPER Yuè MY HUSBAND IS IN THE BATHROOM AND HE'S MISSING ALL THE VOWS Yuè honestly just. like the Klaine proposal the vows are beautiful but it pains me to watch it Yuè Remember how they cut "Roll away with me!!!!" Yuè I'M A WORK IN PROGRESS Yuè SO. IMPORTANT. Yuè shit I think this is the first time this wedding actually hits me holy fuck what is thos Yuè "by the internet" Yuè THOSE KISSES HOLY SHIT Yuè i can't believe Celeste the Neckbrace Cheerio is there Yuè .. they're married Yuè just like tat Yuè They're married Yuè holy shit Yuè "I just called Target and they're closed" Yuè this speech is trash Yuè it's not even funny it's just trash Yuè NO ONE IS UGLIER THAN YOU WITH YOUR CLOTHES OFF Yuè this is so trash and yet I'm laughing cause it's so stupid Yuè I want that cap Yuè Y'ALL ARE MY OTPS Yuè shit son Kevin killed that song Yuè and shit son Hemo is going to kill it on DWTS Yuè I also didn't know Becca could dance like that Yuè I love how Mike just dances with the ladies Yuè BLAINE AND HIS WHITE MOMMA DANCING Yuè (sorry I will forever be bitter. Gina was a wonderful addition to the cast but uhm Lea Salonga? ??) Yuè Tina wtf Yuè "what kind of idiot does this???" "...you" Yuè I am also happy that they really are friends but yes Mike is right holy shit even Harry said how sometimes realistic stuff needs to happen in this show Yuè I'm happy Mike is such a chill guy Yuè okay a couple of things, because this song, as amazig as it is, is totally unreal Yuè Carole and Pam never met, and yet they've fully rehearsed a song together Yuè it must've been planned with 4 woman, because they all wear those matching awful dresses, even Carole nad Pam, even though they didn't know their sons were going to get married Yuè with other words: PLOT HOLE GLEE WTF? Yuè no but really I once redesigned all these dresses for the mums Yuè SUGAR Yuè I think filming went a bit wrong here tho Yuè I also love these Brittana wedding outfits Yuè CAROLE!!! Kurt S FACE Yuè WHITNEY Yuè MARIEL Yuè PAM Yuè Oh Blaine facepalming Yuè also I misspelled Santana's mum's name: Maribel Yuè HUSBAND Yuè TH EYRE HUSTBANDS Yuè OOOH Tina and Kitty and Rachel Yuè SUGAR DANCING WITH HERSELF AND PUCK DANCING WITH BLAINE'S MOMMA WHO'S WASTED AF Yuè honestly Klaine and Brittana deserved a first dance Yuè after 6 years we finally got a Gay Squad group number Yuè Jane you're beautiful Yuè Puck must thing Blaine's momma is amusing Yuè you know even before they started dating, Sam and Rachel were so close to the Hummel-Hudsons Yuè ah yes a random Tartie scene Yuè preach Artie Yuè I love how Kevin wanted them to be endgame Yuè guys this is so stupid and yet so them Yuè BACK UP FIANCE Yuè "Tartie" "Artina" well it's better than Chang-Chang Yuè KLAINE WHAT A HANDSOME COUPLE WITH KURT WEARING THAT KITTY SWEATER AND BLAINE LOOKING FANCY AF Yuè I am Sue Yuè you know as crazy as this wedding storyline was, this garanteed that Klaine and Brittana are connected for life and honestly that was all I ever wanted and never dared to dream about Yuè Look at them Yuè THEY'RE SO HAPPY
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