#he’s not helping but he’s also not saying anything
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beaked-whales-in-exile · 3 days ago
Better than gay in the same direction but unaware of it...happened to me once...
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gay irl
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yanderedrabbles · 1 day ago
Yandere Neighbour - Noncon
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With your electricity out and your devices dead, you have no choice but to turn to your neighbour for help. He's more than willing to welcome you into his home. Really, you're lucky he's such a nice guy.
Tags: male yandere x gender neutral reader, noncon, somno, just the tip anal, daddy kink but only if you squint, 3.3k words
Living in the middle of nowhere had its perks. Privacy. Untouched nature. Peace and quiet.
But after the third day with no electricity, those perks were starting to look pretty damn weak. Your fridge was sitting in an ever expanding puddle. Almost all your devices were dead. And if you had to take one more cold shower you were going to cry.
It was when you were digging through your drawer looking for desperately needed batteries that you found your neighbour's number. He'd offered it to you a little while after you moved in, and while you two were on friendly terms, you'd never actually spoken for longer than a few minutes. You sighed, looked at the 10% left on your phone and decided that desperate times called for desperate measures.
You: hey, it's me. I still haven't got any power. Do you mind if I come over to charge some stuff?
He replied almost instantly.
Unknown: aww that sucks
Unknown: come on over. I've got hot stew and a generator
Unknown: and you can take a hot shower too if you want
Score. And to think you found him intimidating at first. Just goes to show that you can't judge on appearances. You packed a change of clothes, your devices and the last tub of ice cream that wasn't totally melted. You'd find some way to properly pay him back but a tub of chocolate fudge double cream wasn't a bad way to start.
He was waiting on his porch when you pulled up. A bear of a man in a flannel and blue jeans, a five o' clock shadow darkening his jaw.
"Howdy neighbour," he drawled, opening your door for you while you grabbed your stuff. "Regretting leaving the city yet?"
You huffed a laugh. "You do NOT want to know the answer to that."
His cabin was much larger than yours, a two storey behemoth with wide windows and exposed beams. It had a rustic charm - like some natural park Air BnB where they charged a weeks pay for just one night. A little too big for just one man. Didn't he get lonely?
"I brought some ice cream and chocolate to say thank you. And also because it miiight have been melting."
He opened the door for you and ushered you through with a hand on your lower back.
"Hell, I'll never say no to something sweet."
There was a fire burning in the fireplace and a stack of logs in a crate next to it. He was so much better suited to this life than you were. He locked the door behind you and slipped the keys into his pocket.
"Old habit," he explained with an easy grin.
"Why don't you get settled? I'll plug your stuff in."
You handed over your tech with a relieved sigh.
"Thank you. Really. I'm so behind on work already and I haven't heard anything back from the power company."
"I wouldn't hold my breath," he said. "Once ended up going a week straight with not even a light bulb flickering."
You winced. "It gets that bad?"
"Yep. Especially in winter. Gets dangerous then too."
He tilted his head at you, concerned. "You need to get yourself better sorted before it starts snowing. I hate to think of you stuck out there when the blizzards start rolling in."
God, could you be any more of a city slicker? You rubbed your neck, embarrassed.
"Thanks. I've been here a few months now and I guess I just didn't realise how serious things can get."
"It's all good. But if I'm honest, I get worried thinking about you out there all alone. Plenty of drifters end up passing through. Not a good place to be alone, not for a little thing like yourself."
Little? You wanted to feel indignant, but looking at his bulk, you reckoned that most folk probably seemed little to him.
He lead you to the fireplace and poured you a mug of coffee from the pot that was waiting for you. He jerked his head at the hunting rifle on display above the mantle.
"I can teach you to shoot, if you've got some free time."
You took a sip of the coffee, internally debating with yourself. You could see the sense in your offer but you weren't a big fan of guns. Hell, just being around them was nerve wrecking enough. Maybe -
You looked down at your mug in surprise.
"This is some really good stuff."
The coffee was strong, bitter in the best sort of way. You could catch a hint of chocolate in it too. Just sweet enough to make your toes curl.
" 'Course. Only the best for my guest. Help yourself to another cup. I'll just put your stuff on charge and be right back."
You finished your drink in a few sips and happily poured a second serving. Hot coffee... man, you didn't think three days without it would be so tough. Usually, you were pretty sensitive to caffeine. But by the time your neighbour came back, your head was tilted back and you were half asleep.
You tried to shake yourself out of it but he just laughed and pushed you back down.
"You probably haven't had a good sleep since the power went out. Just rest. We can talk once you wake up."
"I'm sorry..."
"It's fine." His hand was still on your shoulder, thumb rubbing small circles into your neck. "It's just fine with me."
You drifted off after that. Into a deep sleep without any dreams. Waking up was like slogging through molasses.
"Finally up sleepy head?"
It was dark outside and your neighbour was on one knee in front of the fire place, coaxing fresh wood to catch.
You sat up slowly. Your muscles ached and there was a strange, salty taste on your tongue.
"My heads killing me..."
He stood, poker still in his hand. "You must be starving then. I've already got some food on the stove. You'll feel better after you eat."
You didn't feel hungry at all. If anything, you felt almost hangover.
"Thanks," you managed. "I'm sorry to be such a bother."
He waved you away. "I don't mind a bit."
He came back with a bowl of steaming hot chow and stood with his arms crossed on the back of your couch while you ate.
"It's real late. I reckon you should stay over. I don't want you driving on dirt when it's so dark."
"Oh, it's fine. I've already put you out so much."
"Don't be silly. I insist."
You shivered without meaning to. That almost growl, low and bordering on menacing. It was so familiar, so...
"Just like that. Look at you, half asleep and still desperate for my cock."
"You like the taste? Yeah, I bet you fucking do."
"Ain't just gonna use your mouth next time."
You squeezed your eyes shut. Where the hell was this coming from? Were you remembering some sick dream from this afternoon?
"You okay there neighbour?"
You nodded. "Just my head."
Maybe he was right. Driving when you were so disorientated was just asking for trouble.
"If you really don't mind... I'll be happy to sleep over."
He laughed, a deep, rumbling thing. "I'll make the guest room up special, just for you."
"Could I use your shower too?"
"I offered didn't I? Come on, I'll show you where it is."
He took you to the master bedroom and jerked his thumb at the en-suite.
"Hot water is the most reliable in there. Door doesn't close that well though, so don't mind it. I'll be downstairs when you're done."
You brushed your teeth carefully. You lips felt sore, bruised in a way you couldn't explain.
You waited until you heard his footsteps going down the stairs before you stripped off your clothes. You stood under the hot water for a good few minutes, luxuriating in the feeling. The bathroom was thick with steam when you finally got to scrubbing yourself. The door was open just a crack and the bedroom beyond was dark. You forgot all about it until you heard the creak of the hinges.
You whirled to face the door, your hands coming up to cover yourself. The steam was too thick to see through. You called his name.
You stepped out with suds still on your thighs and pushed the door open. The room beyond was empty.
You sighed. God, you were being paranoid. Your neighbour was a great guy. It was unfair of you to treat him like a peeping tom when he'd gone out of his way to make you comfortable. It must have been just an errant draught.
You stepped back into the shower and rinsed yourself off. But no matter what you told yourself, you still kept an eye on the door.
When you went to change into your fresh clothes, you spent at least five minutes hunting for your underwear. Did you drop it somewhere? Oh, please say your undies weren't just sitting in the middle of his hallway. That would be beyond embarrassing.
Eventually you gave up and just decided to go without them. Not comfortable at all but still better than walking around in a towel to look for them. And much better than calling your neighbour in to help. Wouldn't that be fun? 'Hey neighbour that I don't know that well, you haven't seen my intimates lying around, have you?' Yeah, you'd never again get invited over after something like that.
When you were dressed, you found him already on his way up the hall. He was carrying a glass of water and some pills.
"Thought you might still have a headache, so I brought you some painkillers."
You paused, nervous but not sure why.
"Thanks." His hands dwarfed yours when he handed them over. You didn't recognise the name of on the pills, but they looked harmless. You tossed them back and gagged at the bitter aftertaste.
"They pack a punch, so tell me when you start to get drowsy."
"Aye aye captain."
You followed him to the guest room. It was at the very back on the second story, quieter than the rest of the house. A huge glass wall gave you a view of the forest disappearing into the darkness. You could see the ghost of your reflection in the glass, your neighbour a hulking, shapeless mass at your shoulder.
He took a seat in an armchair across form the bed and stretched out his legs. You perched on the edge of the mattress, still feeling a bit like an intruder.
"How long have you been staying out here?” you asked.
He smiled at you, teeth glinting almost wolf-like. "Got you curious?"
"A little. Folk in town say they hardly see you. I don't know... I'm just wondering if you ever get lonely."
He was quiet and you cursed yourself for being so nosy. You hurried to fill the silence.
"It's just that I get a bit lonely out here too. 'Specially when it's so quiet. And I guess I was wondering if it's the same for you."
He smiled at you, rueful. "At times. Used to be worse, but I've got a new interest to keep me occupied nowadays."
"Oh yeah? What?"
"Bird watching."
"Really? What do you look for?"
The way the room was lit up, you couldn't see his eyes. They fell into shadow and you only had his lips to read his emotions by. He smirked, slow and almost mocking.
"Just one bird I look out for. Flighty little thing. Tends to get caught by predators a lot. You’d probably recognise it."
The polite thing to do would be to ask what it was called. You didn't. Some part of whispered that you wouldn't like the answer.
You must have been quiet a little too long because he took it as his cue to leave. He stood, a mountain of muscle, his eyes not quite as nice as they seemed that afternoon. A trick of the light, surely. He wouldn't hurt a fly.
"You rest up. Got a busy day tomorrow."
He was gone before you thought to ask what he meant. And you were passed out on your pillows before you realised it. He was right. The pills sure did pack one hell of a punch.
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You were aware of a shadow at the end of your bed. You weren't fully awake, and your limbs were slow and heavy with more than just sleep.
The shadow reached down and one warm paw circled your ankle.
"Just me little bird."
You knew that voice. It was the voice that brought you warm food and invited you in from the cold. You could trust it. Could go back to sleep and not worry about anything.
'No,' some part of you hissed, 'He's not as safe as you think.'
The shadow laughed and it was the laugh of the fox finding the rabbit's den. Nasty. Hungry.
"Cold huh? Don't worry baby. I'll warm you right up."
He yanked your ankle towards him and your whole body slid down the bed. You were too drowsy to stop it.
"Knew you were gonna be mine the second I saw you," he cooed, hands running up your thighs.
His fingers slipped under your waistband, nails scraping your hip bones.
"Dumb little thing from the city. Doesn't even realise I've tripped all their breakers. That's why you don't have power baby. It's all me."
His fingers were as big as the rest of him. Thick, meaty. Skin rough from working outdoors. You whined when his fingertips scraped the edges of your hole.
"No underwear. You needy slut. That's practically a written and signed invitation to fuck you."
He pulled your pants down to your ankles and pushed your knees up to your stomach. And you were too out of it to stop him. Limp and pliable as a fuck doll.
Your tight ass was exposed to the cold air, entirely at the mercy of whatever he wanted to do.
"Cute." He circled his thumb around the rim, almost pushing in but not quite. "Wanted to be in this ass since you first showed up at my door all those months ago. Lookin' up at me all sweet. Fuck, it's enough to drive a man to desperation."
He lowered his head and you could feel his warm breath washing over your thighs.
He dragged his tongue across your hole. Some part of you must have been more awake than the rest, because your whole body jerked away from him.
"None of that," he cooed, hands digging into your thighs and dragging you back. "I haven't even gotten started yet."
He licked you again, deeper this time. The flexed tip of his tongue pushing at your entrance, and to your dull horror, actually slipping in. He moaned and you could feel the vibrations all through your crotch.
He pulled out and spat, rubbed it in with his fingers. One of them pushed in until the second joint, curling into your walls so rough that you gasped.
"Please what?" he mocked. "Please fuck my tight little ass? Please cum inside me? Use your words little bird."
That made him laugh again, made him shove his finger in all the way to the knuckle. Twisting so cruelly as he pulled out and jerked back in.
"Stop? Stop? After all the work it took to get you here? No way baby. I'm not slowing down and I'm sure as fuck not stopping."
You heard the sound of his belt unbuckling, followed by a sharp intake of breath when he nudged his leaking head against your hole.
"You’re not going to remember this. And I'm not going to leave any evidence."
He pushed your legs tighter against your chest.
"So as much as I want to fuck you rotten, you're gonna have to be happy with just the tip."
He'd done a good job loosening and lubing you, but it still burned like a hot poker when he forced his way in. He groaned, almost in pain.
"You're fucking choking me. God, do you want my cum so bad?"
You could feel when the tip was in. That tiny difference in thickness between his head and shaft was oh so noticeable when your ass was clenching and fluttering around it. It was the smallest mercy, but mercy nonetheless.
He was panting from the effort of getting it in, the effort of holding back. The size difference between you almost perverse. Like a draft stallion trying to mount a pony. In every way, he was just too fucking big.
He spat in his hand and brought it to his cock, ran his palm up and down his shaft with sickly wet strokes. The combination of his palm and your squeezing ass was fucking delicious.
He had great stamina but fuck if it didn't feel like you were milking him.
He let go long enough to smack your ass. It almost finished him. You clenched around him so hard it felt like his tip was getting fucking crushed.
"Shiiiit, you're the best hole I've ever had. Can't wait 'til I can go all the way."
You whined, pitiful as snared prey. There were words there, though they were too slurred to make out. Something about Daddy and please and stop. He ignored you.
He pushed in a little deeper and watched your face scrunching up. So helpless, so fucking caught. That was what did it. The knowledge that he could do this to you at any point and you'd be helpless to stop it.
He came inside you, snarling through clenched teeth, his fingers digging into your thigh hard enough to bruise. You'd notice the marks in the morning and chalk it up to just being clumsy. But he'd know. He'd see the bruises peeking out from the hem of your shorts and his cock would twitch just a little at the memory of leaving them.
His cock pulsed. Shot strings of spunk deep inside you. You could feel it. Hot, too hot. Gross. Make it stop. Get it out.
He pulled out with a wet pop. His cum drooled down and he took a minute to work it back into you with his finger. Your hole was gaping just a little and it made his balls pulse. If he had the time...
"A real fucking mess. And on my good sheets too. You're a terrible guest."
He mopped up whatever cum remained with a balled up piece of martial that he pulled from his pocket. Even in you stupor, you recognised it as your missing underwear.
"Terrible guest, but the perks of having you around are pretty fucking sweet."
He dropped your knees back to the mattress, pulled your pants back into place and roughly yanked the duvet over you. He grabbed your jaw and smiled at the lost, drowsy look in your half open eyes.
"Got a big day tomorrow. Gonna wake up and find your whole house was flooded. Ruined. Gonna have nowhere to stay but with me."
He sounded smug. It made your guts twist.
Outside, the night grew quiet. A predator was hunting and most prey knew better than to catch its attention.
"I made sure of it. All your family and friends in the city are away from home. There's no one around to help you out..."
He tightened his grip just enough to watch the fear start dancing in your eyes.
"No one...except me."
He let you go and smiled that same warm, comforting smile from that afternoon.
"Dumb little thing. Got no clue how your water mains work, do you? Got no idea how easy they are to sabotage."
He tutted. "Got me so damn busy. I'm gonna have to run to your place, fuck shit up and be back here before you wake up for real."
He traced his index finger over your lips and left behind a sticky coating of spunk. You'd wake up tasting salt again, with no memory of why.
"But it's fine. I forgive you. After today we'll have plenty of time together. Rest of our lives in fact. So just sleep tight and forget what you think you've dreamed."
There are perks to living in the middle nowhere. Privacy. Untouched nature. Peace and quiet.
There are perks, but unfortunately for you, your neighbour isn't one of them.
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munsonsmixtapes · 3 days ago
That's My Man
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rockstar!eddie x popstar!reader
Eddie defends you in an interview and you repay him in the most generous way
cw: MDNI (18+) oral (m receiving) handjob, the interviewer makes some inappropriate comments about reader
This is a request made my the always lovely @the-witty-pen-name who also came up with the title!
Eddie puts on the pair of headphones that were pervaded for him as the “on air” sign glows the bright red, signaling that the show has started. He doesn’t even know why he even agreed to this interview. The guy’s an ass and Eddie just knows that he’s inevitably going to say something inappropriate. 
He’s really only doing this because his team begged him to. Why, he doesn’t know since the majority of the band’s fanbase hates the kind of guy that Rick is. He’s everything in the book that Eddie can’t stand and now he’s gotta sit here for an hour for his segment. It can’t be too bad, can it? 
“Eddie, welcome,” Rick greets and Eddie puts on a smile even though all he really wants is to kick Rick’s ass. He’s unfortunately caught clips of the show here and there and all he does is sexualize women and talk badly about people of color and members of the LGBTQ+ community. 
“Hey, thanks,” Eddie replies, trying his best to not say something he really shouldn’t. He just sits there and waits for Rick to start the conversation. 
“So you’ve got a new album out which is “From the Upside Down.” What was the process like for creating the record?” Eddie’s genuinely caught off guard by the question considering that Rick never seems to care about that kind of thing. Maybe this won’t be as bad as he initially thought. 
“It was actually so different from what we’ve done for past albums. We actually did everything ourselves this time and that was really fun. We took some time off and wrote a bunch of songs and Gareth actually produced them so that was a really cool process to see.” 
Eddie loves talking about his music. It’s like a parent talking about their child. He’s always so proud of himself and his bandmates for what they do and he doesn’t think that’s ever going to change. They worked so hard to get where they are now and he’s nothing but grateful that this is his job. 
“That’s very interesting,” Rick nods and there’s just something about the look on his face that makes it obvious that he’s about to say some dumb shit. “So I know you’re seeing y/n l/n and can I just say, well done, man.” Yep, definitely some dumb shit. 
Eddie can’t help but roll his eyes. Normally, Eddie would love to talk about you. It’s actually his favorite thing to do. But not like this, not in the way that Rick and a lot of other men like to. Where they just sexualize you and reduce you to an object. Eddie won’t stand for that for anyone, but especially not you. 
“Well, I wouldn’t say that I’m “seeing” her,” Eddie laughs nervously. You’ve been trying to keep your relationship under wraps for the past six months but it’s so hard to do when the two of you are under a microscope. 
“Oh, so you wouldn’t categorize this as seeing her?” Rick asks as he pulls up a photo of you and Eddie kissing outside a bar. He didn’t even know that anyone had taken photos of that and now he feels gross.
“Well-” he tries to explain himself but Rick quickly cuts him off. 
“Is she a good kisser? Better yet, is she good in bed?” All of this makes Eddie want to throw up and he can’t believe that men like Rick actually have the audacity to ask questions like that. 
“I don’t feel comfortable answering that,” he answers politely even though he’s seconds away from a crash out. 
“C’mon, you can tell me. It’s just us.” It’s actually not considering it’s a live radio show and even if it wasn’t, that’s something just between you and Eddie and no one else. Especially not pigs like Rick. 
“No, I’m not sharing anything about our relationship. That’s the only thing we have that’s ours.” 
“Is she flexible? I bet she’s flexible.” He shows Eddie a photo of you doing a split on stage and his lunch is about to come up. “Oh yeah, definitely-” 
Rick doesn’t even have time to finish his sentence before Eddie snatches the tablet and slams it down on the table. He would never let any woman be talked about this way. Especially not his girlfriend. 
The anger is festering and he’s having a real hard time trying to keep his cool. Fuck that. He’s not going to be so nice anymore, not wanting anymore disgusting things to be said about you. He can’t let anything else be said about you or he’s going to do something he regrets. 
“Don’t talk about her like that,” he points at Rick, glaring at the man and the man actually looks afraid of him. Good. “I know you tend to objectify women and that shit stood today. If I ever hear you talk about anyone else this way or in a derogatory manner, you’ll have me to answer to. Now keep my wife’s name out of your mouth or we’re going to have a problem.” 
With that, out of the room. Nothing is worth sitting there and letting that man sexualize you. It makes him feel disgusting and now he feels like he needs a long shower. He’s wiping his jacket with his hands to try to literally get rid of that feeling, but he knows the only thing that will help is seeing you. He just needs someone to talk to about the whole thing. 
He’s driving to the venue where you’re performing tonight before he can stop himself. He just wants to hold you in his arms and tell you how much he loves you, hoping that you haven’t been listening to the radio even though he’s sure that you are because you always listen to his interviews. 
Eddie’s so angry about the whole thing, still letting it eat at him even though he already took care of it. He just needs to calm down and he will as soon as he sees you. That always makes him feel better. Just thinking about you is doing the trick and when he pulls up to the venue, the weight on his shoulders is lifting.
You’re sitting in your dressing room, doing your makeup when he walks in, your face lighting up when you see him in the mirror. The anger on his face seems to melt away when he sees you, his smile matching yours as he makes a beeline for you. He saw you just this morning but the time you’ve spent away was far too long. 
You get up from your chair and he’s quick to pull you into a hug, a tight one as he buries his face into your neck. This is all he’s wanted all day, especially since he stormed out of the interview. You always seem to calm the screaming that’s constantly going on in his head. Your hand moves up into his hair, scratching at his scalp as he kisses your neck, moving your hair away from it as he does so. 
You pull away far too soon for his liking before pulling him in for a kiss. He’s needy and desperate and he just wants to show you how much he loves you. Your hands are in his hair as you lick into his mouth, moaning loudly which is only making him harder. He needs your cunt so bad and is so close to taking you right there until you begin to grind against him. 
“I heard what you said on the radio,” you tell him as you kiss down his neck, unbuttoning his jeans. “Defending me like that, it was so…hot,” you whisper the last part into his ear before biting down on the lobe before kissing his neck again, giving it a rough suck, making him squirm. 
You’re backing him up against the vanity, pinning him there as you continue to suck, his hands falling from you to grip the table behind him, white knuckling it as he lets out a whine, his cock hardening even more to the point where you can now fully feel him against you. 
“Now I feel like I owe you.” He defended you and you know it’s because you’re his wife, but you know that he would do that for anyone and that’s how you know you got one of the good ones. 
“You-you don’t owe me anything, sweetheart,” he breathes. He really wants whatever you’re willing to give but only if you really want to not because you think he deserves in return for defending you.
“How about I suck you off, is that payment enough?” His eyes widen at both your question and the way you’re biting down on him. 
“Please,” he whines, needing to get some sort of relief. You give his neck one more kiss before pulling down his jeans, his underwear following as you get down onto your knees. You’re looking up at him with lustful eyes and he watches you, wondering what you’re going to do next. 
You start by spitting into your hand then grab hold of the base, slow strokes to warm him up but they progressively get more intense. He’s already leaking with precum, letting out stuttered breaths as he watches, white knuckling as a moan escapes his lips. 
You keep up the pace, moving as fast as you can as Eddie lets out moan after moan. He’s coming undone already so you know he won’t last long. And you only have a few more minutes before you have to be on stage, so you’ve gotta make it worthwhile. You’ve really gotta make this count. 
You bring your tongue to the slit, licking up the cum that’s already come out, not wanting to waste a drop then bring your lips to the base, kissing it which catches Eddie off guard. You’re now peppering it with kisses and he somehow gets even more hard as he watches you leave lipstick prints behind. It’s hot. You’re hot and he thinks this is where he likes you most, on your knees.
You then bring your mouth back to the slit, licking it again before bringing it into your mouth, sucking lightly as Eddie’s hands wind into your hair, letting out yet another whine as you bring him in deeper, sucking harder as your tongue swirls around the head. You’re taking him inch by inch and he’s so close, on the edge of an orgasm as you finally get the last bit of him inside. 
Cum leaks into your mouth as he screams your name, your eyes watering as the head hits the back of your throat, gagging as you suck him off for just a bit longer. Tears are streaming down your cheeks as you pull him out of your mouth with a loud pop, making sure to swallow as he helps you to your feet. 
Eddie pats your tears dry with a tissue so as to not smudge your makeup before you press a lingering kiss to his lips. You clean him up before pulling up his pants and touching up your lipstick.
“How’s that for repaying you?” You ask and he smiles, still dizzy from receiving the best head of his life as he follows you to the side of the stage, wondering how he can get you to do that again once your show is over. He’s sure that you won’t need much convincing.
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theemporium · 20 hours ago
not you crying at the anglerfish tiktoks too ( i’m right there with you) imagine luke’s girlfriend trying to explain it to him through sobs and jack is now also concerned until they both realize she’s crying over a fish
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
The worst part was that you knew it wasn’t technically true. 
You had common sense, a strong enough grasp on science and unlimited access to google to know that there was obviously something wrong for the anglerfish to be found that close to the surface. You knew that there would probably be a news article or a video of someone telling you just what scientists discovered for the reason behind the phenomenon. 
But that hadn’t stopped you from crying your fucking eyes out at all the cartoons and tiktoks made about this random anglerfish just wanting to see the sun. You couldn’t help yourself, they were far too upsetting and heartbreaking to not react to.
You just hadn’t really considered what it would look like to your boyfriend and his brother when they walked back into the apartment after morning skate to find you sobbing on the couch, tears streaming down your face and vision too blurry to see them as more than coloured blobs.
You heard the distant thump of Luke’s bag hitting the floor before he was rushing towards you, kneeling on the floor in front of you as his hands hovered over your arms like he was worried touching you would make you cry harder.
“Baby,” Luke’s concern was clear in his voice, brows furrowed and a rising panicked feeling growing in his chest. “What’s happened? What’s wrong?” 
You opened your mouth, prepared to say words but all that came out was a choked sob. 
His hesitance was long gone as he quickly pulled you towards him, your face tucked against his chest and your tears now soaking the Devils branded hoodie he was currently wearing. He felt your hands grip his hoodie, felt you pull him closer and his own panic continued to grow as he shot Jack a troubled look.
“Is she okay?” Jack whispered, as though you wouldn’t be able to hear him.
Luke shot him a disbelieving look. “Take a guess, genius.” 
Jack rolled his eyes but he rounded the couch, slowly taking the spot beside you on the couch and hesitantly patting your back. “Did something happen whilst we were gone?” 
Far too choked up and embarrassed to say anything, you ended up pushing your phone towards Jack before nuzzling yourself closer to Luke, enjoying the way your boyfriend’s arms tightened around you.
Luke’s panic continued to spiral as Jack looked down at your phone and frowned. “What? What is it?” 
Jack blinked before looking at you with a discombobulated expression. “You’re crying over some ugly fish?” 
Your head snapped up, glaring at Jack. “It is not ugly.” 
He snorted, turning the phone around so Luke could see it too. “Looks pretty ugly to me.” 
Your glare hardened as you snatched your phone back. “You are so mean, Jack.” 
“It’s a cartoon!” 
“And you were being a dick about it.” 
Luke blinked one, two, three times at the phone screen before looking at you with his lips turned downwards. “You were crying over a fish?” 
“It’s a really sad story,” you sniffled, your red eyes meeting his as he felt something quite like a mix of fondness and exasperation flood his body. 
“You’re unbelievable,” Luke murmured, wiping away the last few stray tears and placing a kiss to your forehead. “C’mon, tell me all about the fish over breakfast. I’m starving.”
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graceface1712 · 2 days ago
Spoiling her
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Summary: Sweet Pouge princess is too poor to afford stuff like a phone. So Rafe takes her out and buys her one. And maybe some other stuff
Warnings: None! Just fluff
Hope you enjoy! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊ *ੈ
“Ready to go?” Rafe asks Y/N.
They both climb into his truck. He starts driving them over to the non-touristy section of OBX. There is a mall, stores, and a couple restaurants.
Rafe pulls into the mall parking lot. Y/N looks over at him confused.
“What are we doing here?” She asks him.
“We need to get a few things.” He says before getting out of his truck and quickly walking over to open her door. He stretches out his hand to her and she grabs it. They walk hand in hand into the mall.
Y/N has only ever been here a few times. And it was mainly because Kiara had money and wanted to buy some stuff and invited Y/N. But she didn't buy anything, just tagged along.
Rafe leads her through the mall before she finally sees where he must be heading. The Apple Store. Becoming more confused, she turns her head to Rafe’s. They walk in together.
“What are we doing here?” She asks him again.
“We’re buying you a phone.” Rafe says it's no big deal. Y/N’s mouth drops open.
“What! Rafe you can’t do this. We barely even know each other! This is our first date.” She tries to argue but Rafe is having nothing of it.
“Look I’m going to need a way to contact you that isn’t driving to your house all the time. This is the only option I could think of.” He says.
“But Rafe. These phones are so expensive! Why do you think I have never had one? And I can’t afford a phone bill every month!” Y/N keeps pressing as they walk around the store. Rafe doesn’t seem to be listening to her, just looking at the different colors and options.
“I will pay for it all. It won’t even make a scratch in my bank account sweetheart. Now please stop worrying. Look at this one, it’s your favorite color.” He points to a phone on display. It’s a baby pink. Absolutely gorgeous.
Y/N can feel herself cave when she sees the look in his eyes. He will not hear her say no. And this color is so beautiful.
“Alright, well that’s settled.” He calls over a sales person.
“Hello sir, how can I help you?” The associate asks.
“Hi. I’ll take this iPhone, at its best value. I’ll also take an iPad Air, in pink please. And to go with that, an Apple Pencil.” Rafe says. The associate nods along and disappears to grab the items.
“Why did you ask for a pink iPad?” Y/N asks.
“Because once you get your phone, watching streaming services and playing games are so much more fun on a bigger screen.” He says like it’s obvious.
Y/N gasps. “Rafe. Are you kidding me? The phone is already way more than needed.” She scolds him.
“I do not care. You are my girl. I’m going to spoil you. And a phone is necessary so you can call or text me whenever. The iPad is just for fun.” He shoots me a wink and the sales associate comes back with all the things in a bag.
We walk over to the counter and Rafe takes out his black Amex card to pay. I can’t even look at how much he’s spending right now, or else it will make me throw up.
Rafe thanks the associate and then grabs the bag along with my hand. Hut by the look on his face he isn’t done yet.
“Rafe please. This is more than enough for today. Thank you so much. But I don’t need you spending any more money on me.”
“Okay.” He says with a small pout on his lips.
We go home and helps me set everything up. Let’s just say I’m addicted to temple run now.
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moody-alcoholic · 2 days ago
Inspired by: Service Dog Johnny by the amazing void-my-warranty. I had the idea of; what if the roles were slightly different. What if Johnny invited Simon to come and fuck his girl to get over his fears.
Anyway. I'm super nervous about this because I really don't think I can do SDJ justice but enjoy none the less. Also void if you're seeing this you're awesome thank you for gifting the world SDJ.❤️
Part 1
Summary: John MacTavish x reader x Simon Riley (kinda), WC: 3.2k
CW: +18 content MDNI, Voyeurism, exhibitionism, fingering, angst, implied past abuse.
Enjoy <3
It’s Friday when Johnny springs the news his friend is coming round that evening. He didn’t give you much time to prepare, or get the house clean but you do the best you can. Johnny does go to the store for you and picks up some beer for them both. 
“You don’t need to do anything special.” Johnny says opening a beer. 
“I don’t mind, it's not that big of a deal, I like cooking.” You say, he comes over and wraps his arm round your waist kissing your neck.
“What exactly does he need help with?” You asks stirring the food. 
“Well, it’s.” He sighs, taking another sip of the beer. You turn to look at him, he seems nervous. 
“Would you ever be up for a threesome?” He asks suddenly. The question shocks you a little, you reach over and pick up your glass of wine. You weren’t expecting that, not the most unusual thing Johnny has asked you about when it comes to sex though.
“I mean, would you?” You ask taking a sip to quell the nerves. 
“Depends on who the other person is.” He says, running his hand through his hair. You take another sip and put the glass down. 
“What has this got to do with Simon? Is he the person you would want to have a threesome with?” You ask frowning. He takes another swing of his beer. 
“It’s not that simple.” Johnny says, you shake your head, now you’re even more confused. 
“I want to help him have sex.” Johnny says, holding his hands out. 
“Help him have sex by having a threesome?” You ask. 
“There’s more to it than that. It’s not just a threesome.” Johnny says. “He’s, he’s been through alot. Being intimate, it’s something he’s not very used to.” 
“Okay. Is he shy?” You’re not sure what to say, you've never even met him. 
“Shy? No, not Simon, well-” Johnny’s sentence gets cut off by the ringing of the door. 
“Just trust me, okay?” He says coming over to you and resting his free hand on your shoulder. You nod, you trust him. Now all of a sudden you feel nervous, you weren’t nervous before now, Johnny leaves the room to answer the door. So he’s invited Simon round for sex? Did Simon ask for this or is this one of Johnny’s master plans?
Or well, maybe he’s not here for sex because Simon has intimacy issues apparently. He should be talking to a therapist, what does Johnny expect to do? You have to keep a straight face though, you don’t want to make him more uncomfortable then he probably already is.
You turn off the stove hearing Johnny laugh as he comes in with Simon. You turn and smile at him, you put your hand out to shake it as Johnny introduces you. He’s not what you expect and he doesn’t seem shy. 
He’s massive, bigger and taller than Johnny, he’s definitely good looking, fit, brown eyes and blonde hair. With the way he holds himself you can tell he’s a soldier, Johnny does the same when he’s nervous, he probably doesn’t even realise it. 
“Thank you for cooking, you didn’t have to.” Simon says as you all walk over to the dining table. 
“I told her the same,” Johnny says, nudging him.  
“I don’t mind, besides when was the last time you had a home cooked meal?” You say going back into the kitchen while Johnny and Simon sit down. You finish your glass of wine swallowing the nerves, it’s going to be fine. What's the worst that could happen, you all have sex? 
That wouldn’t be the worst thing. 
Johnny and Simon seem to get on great, after a beer they both relax. You just enjoy listening to them talk about their last deployment. You don’t mind letting your second glass of wine mull you out. After everyone is finished and your stomach’s have settled Johnny insists on moving to the living room.
You all end up on the sofa, you find yourself relaxing against Johnny as he wraps his arms around you. Maybe Johnny won’t bring it up or maybe he’s waiting for Simon to bring it up. It’s not your job surly, you look up at Johnny, blinking at him, maybe he’ll get the idea. 
He smiles and kisses your forehead. Maybe not. You sigh looking back over at the bottle of wine and unopened beer cans on the table. 
“When was the last time you got laid LT?” Johnny asks suddenly. You snap your head back up to look at him. He’s got a cheeky grin on his face looking over at Simon. You hear him clear his throat, now you feel bad. Fucking epitome of subtle as always Johnny.
“Why do you want to know?” Simon replies, you look over at him. He’s resting the beer on his knee, he doesn’t seem nervous. More irritated that Johnny asked him. 
“Just looking out for you Si. Need you to blow off some steam before we’re back to work and you’re busting my balls again.” Johnny chuckles, at least that makes Simon smile. 
“Do you have a girlfriend?” You ask him trying to steer the conversion away from the awkwardness hanging in the air. 
“No.” You swallow the lump forming in your throat. You let out a breath sitting up. Johnny frowns at you. 
“I’m going to the bathroom.” You say, Johnny smiles his hand resting on your hip for as long as can. 
When you make your way back down you hear Johnny talking. You hang back for a second and eavesdrop. 
“I wanna help you Simon.” Johnny says.
“You don’t have to.” Simon replies.
“Well of course I don’t have to. I want to.” Johnny replies, Simon sighs and you hear a can open. “I think it would be good for you, if you want. We’ll take it slow, promise.” 
You feel a lump rise in your throat at Johnny’s words, you always knew he was close with his unit but you didn’t know he was this close. You let out a breath and slowly walk back into the room. You see Johnny move his hand off Simon’s thigh and you go over to pick the empty cans off the table. 
“Need anything?” You ask, trying to keep your voice level. Johnny and Simon both shake their heads. You go into the kitchen anyway to throw out the cans. You hear Johnny coming in, his hands slip round your waist. You smile at his touch and turn to face him. 
“Do you mind doing this?” Johnny asks, his thumb comes up to brush your cheek. 
“Do you?” You ask. He smiles, nodding his head. You smile back, reaching up and kissing him. 
“We’ll take it slow. You want to stop at any time we will.” Johnny says his hand rubbing your arm. 
“I don’t think it’s me you need to be worrying about.” You say. 
“Sorry I sort of sprung this on you, I didn’t know if he would agree.” He says, you frown. 
“Did you speak to him about this before tonight?” 
“I hinted at the idea.” 
“Hinted?” You scoff. “John MacTavish, you're the least subtle person I have ever met.” You wrap your arm around his waist pulling him against you. He hums with that cheeky grin on his face. 
“What happened to the bra?” He asks. You smile. 
“One less obstacle.” He kisses your forehead. You follow him back into the living room, Simon has moved onto the recliner. This time when you sit back on the sofa you don’t lean against Johnny. 
Simon seems to be suddenly extremely interested in what’s going on on the news. Johnny’s hand lands on your thigh and rubs it. He turns and leans in to kiss you, he takes his time mapping your mouth out, you relax into the kiss forgetting Simon’s there for a second.
Johnny’s hand slips up your shirt groping your breast. You hum in his mouth and he pulls away from the kiss. He removes it, gripping the hem of your shirt. You raise an eyebrow at him, what you’re just going to fuck while he watches or maybe joins in.
Johnny tips his head to the side smiling. You swallow the nerves and hold your hands up so he can slip your top off. A satisfied noise leaves Johnny and before you can start to feel really embarrassed about anything he’s already locked his mouth round one of your nipples.
You can’t help moaning and running your hand through his hair. He had it cut while he was away, you want him to grow it out again so you have something to grip onto. Johnny’s tongue flicks your nipple and he gently nibbles it before he pulls his mouth off with an audible pop. 
“What do you think, Si?” Johnny asks, looking over at him. You look over to see Simon press his lips together. “Pretty ain’t she?”
You feel heat rush to your cheeks as he nods, it doesn’t last long though. Johnny pulls you closer to him, planting his lips on yours and pressing his tongue in your mouth while his thumb rubs circles on your nipple still wet from his mouth.
He breaks from the kiss pressing his forehead on yours. “How ‘bout you go show Simon how good you are?” He says, it’s almost a whisper. You nod and he gives you one last quick kiss before you stand up. 
Johnny's hand lingers on the small of your back for as long as he can as you step over to stand in front of Simon. He doesn’t look that nervous, you know he is though, the way his lips are pressed together avoiding your eye line. His hands gripping the chair arms. You’re not sure what to do, make sure you don’t freak him out is probably a good start. 
“I’m not a virgin.” He says, you clench your jaw feeling awkward. “It’s just been a while, I'm out of practice.” 
“How long?” You ask.
You bring his hand up and place it on your breast. “I like having my nipples played with.” You say letting go of his hand, encouraging him to squeeze. You smile at him, you need to keep yourself open and calm. 
“Couple of years,” he says, like it's the most embarrassing fact in the world. Now you just feel bad for him, again. You reach down for the hand resting on the chair arm and pick it up. You can see the bulge in his pants, that's good, one less obstacle you need to worry about. 
His hands are rougher than Johnny’s, his grip is tighter, you’re not sure if it’s out of nerves or not. If he relaxes it will be easier, you don’t think that's going to be happening any time soon. His thumb brushes over your nipple and you reward it with a hum, trying to make your body relax even more. 
His other hand comes up to your other beast and before you know it he has both his thumbs running over your nipples. It feels good, if this were any other situation-or Johnny you might be able to cum just like this. 
You feel Johnny step up behind you, his hands land on your waist as he pulls you back against him. 
“Wanna see what else she likes?” He asks, resting his chin on your shoulder. Simon looks up at him and nods. Johnny leaves you and Simon drops his hand as you both watch Johnny move the coffee table out the way. When he’s done he goes over to the sofa and pulls the throw down on the floor, sitting down with his back against the sofa. 
“Come.” He says gesturing at you, you raise an eyebrow and walk over anyway, he spreads his legs and pats on the floor between them.
“Pants off, back on my chest.” He says, you nod pulling them off. This time you don’t get embarrassed thinking about Simon seeing you. You sit down between his legs and rest up against his back. You look over at Simon who’s face has turned a light red. Maybe this is too much, too fast. 
He hasn’t said stop though. Johnny reaches over and pulls your knees up so Simon has a perfect view of you spread out against him. You can feel his own cock pressing against your lower back, his hands run down your thighs eventually pressing on your clit. 
You try not to squirm, keeping yourself still. You let out a breath as Johnny moves his fingers round soaking them in your juices before pressing them back on your clit. You moan this time at the new sensation, his fingers pressing little circles with ease. 
That’s good though right? You should be looking like you’re enjoying yourself. This is a fun activity not something to be afraid off. 
“She likes this too, Si. Wanna feel?” Johnny says then presses a kiss into your neck. You watch as he shifts in the chair, for a second he looks like he doesn’t know what to say. He lets out a sigh and stands up out of the chair, he steps over then kneels down in front of you. He watches for a second as Johnny changes his strokes. 
You see Simon swallow before he reaches out. Johnny’s fingers are replaced with his. It’s a whole different sensation. His movements are slower, more unsure but the pressure is there and from having them both play with your nipples your body is slowly building up to that sweet release. 
“Put your fingers in her.” Johnny says after a few seconds. Simon looks up at him then quickly to you, you smile and nod at him. He shuffles on his knees again taking his fingers off your clit almost like he’s unsure. 
You watch his adam's apple bob then he presses a finger into you. You can’t help moaning, his finger stops, you smile at him and he continues to press it in until he can’t anymore. You feel Johnny’s cock twitch behind you. He’s enjoying this, he moves his fingers back to your clit. 
“Feel good love?” Johnny asks in your ear, you nod. “Use your words darlin’ tell him how good you feel.” 
“Your finger feels good Simon, you can use more if you want.” You say looking up at him. You think you see the faintest smile creep onto his lips. The next time he pulls his finger out he adds another. The new stretch makes you part your legs further, scooting your position slightly so his fingers rub against your g-spot with each thrust. You moan again, this time tipping your head slightly. You want to come but not until Simon’s ready, you don’t want to scare him. 
“See not so scary after all.” Johnny says, you can hear the smile in his voice. You look up at Simon who seems like he’s in a world of his own, maybe that's where he needs to be to get through this. You wonder what happened to him, you didn’t bother asking Johnny. It must have been something horrible. 
You let out a moan trying not to clench down on Simon’s fingers, you don’t want to spook him. Johnny hums in your neck, you know he’ll know you’re close, sometimes it feels like he can read your body better than you. 
“What to make her cum?” Johnny asks, you almost want to nod and scream yes. Simon looks up again, he hesitates for a second, his fingers stopping in you. He nods and you smile at him. 
“Just don’t take your fingers out okay?” Johnny asks, you swallow, you don’t want either of them to take their fingers off you. Simon nods again, his fingers start moving again, he makes sure to press in all the way. He speeds up too, you’re not in control anymore, maybe it’s for the best. 
Johnny’s fingers on your clit are relentless, you’re focusing on not spooking Simon or clenching around his fingers until you cum. Johnny hums in your ear and it sends shivers down your spine. He can tell your close cock twitches behind you. You’re not sure if you need to give an audible warning to Simon though. 
Your breathing increases as does your moaning, you’re close and you need to make your mind up. 
“Johnny.” You call his name, it’s almost like you need to wait for his permission, you’re not sure what to do.
“Yeah baby, come for us.” His voice low in your ear. Christ, that's all the permission you need, you tip your head back and close your eyes moaning as you clench down on Simon’s fingers. He stops moving but you don’t care. Johnny rides you through the orgasm as Simon’s fingers leave you. 
“See, not so bad.” You hear Johnny say. You open your eyes as you feel Simon get up to his feet. 
“Si?” Johnny asks as he moves to leave the room. You sit up.
“Bathroom.” Is all he says as he leaves the living room.
“Is he okay?” You ask leaning forward between Johnny’s legs. You turn to look at him watching out the door. You both hear the downstairs toilet door close. Johnny looks back over at you and smiles, you can see the concern in his eyes though, he’s not as slick as he thinks he is. 
“You did great.” He smiles, leaning forward to kiss you. You can’t help feeling like you’ve done something wrong though. Maybe it was all too much for him. 
“I’ll go check on him.” Johnny says helping you to your feet. You smile at him and nod. Maybe he just needs a second. You feel bad all of a sudden. Johnny leaves and you shiver, the room suddenly feels cold. You’re just standing there naked, you’re not sure if things are going to continue. 
You reach over pulling the other throw off the couch and wrap yourself up. At least this way if he wants to keep going you don’t have to go through the hassle of taking all your clothes off. You want to sit down but your curiosity gets the better of you and you head over to the living room door. 
You hear the toilet door open. No one says anything, you make sure to keep out of sight of the hall, trying to focus on listening. 
You hear Johnny sigh. “You did so well mate.” There’s a sniffle in response, is he crying? Now you really feel bad for eavesdropping. 
“Wanna stay the night?” Johnny asks, there’s no response.
“Want a mask?” He asks, you frown, a mask? “Guest room, in the chest of drawers.” You hear movement and step back over to sit on the sofa. You’re still getting comfy as Johnny walks in. He smiles at you and comes over to sit next to you. His arm comes round your shoulders and he pulls you up against him. 
“Simon’s going to stay the night.” He says kissing the top of your head. You nod trying to swallow the guilt of eavesdropping on their conversation. Johnny reaches over to pick up the remote and unmute the TV. 
“Is he okay?” You ask. 
“He’s fine. He just needs a minute.” Johnny says. You nod 
“Thank you.” He says. “Really I mean it. You didn’t have to do this.” You look up at him and smile, it makes you feel all warm inside.
“I love you johnny.” You say. 
“I love you too.”
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postracehair · 2 days ago
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max verstappen x reader | 3.5k
max breaks his wrist during the first week of the off-season.
cw: max breaks his arm, r is a bit rattled, some blood, a naked shower, intimacy, mentions of sex
a/n: c'mon. you know he'd be so annoying. good thing we love him. [i wrote this before the season ended and then...never posted it. so, here, have it before we start all this shit over again in a few weeks.]
You are not there when it happens.
You're asleep, actually, curled up on Max's couch with the cats while he enjoys the first week of the off-season. The celebrations have ended and there is a great deal of work to be done in the next few months, but everyone gets a little bit of respite.
Vacation will come after the holidays. That's the plan, anyway. The last few days have seen you in Monaco, mostly inside Max's place. Just spending time together, relaxing, watching movies, rumpling his sheets. Today, though, he and Danny decided to go on a world-class-athlete-level bike ride.
Which is why you're on the couch. They've been gone all day and you don't expect Max to get home until later. You ran errands, cleaned a little, and then took an afternoon nap.
As you rouse from it, you fumble for your phone to check the time. The screen lights up and you're greeted with --
35 texts. 4 missed calls.
"What the hell?" you mutter, sitting up and opening everything.
DR: sorry for the three calls don't freak out but i think max broke his arm
DR: he says you're probably napping but i'm going to document this for when you wake up
DR: he's fine but yeah that shit is fucked
DR: he says not to tell you he fell off his bike but he fell off his bike
DR: he braked for some animal in the road and went over his handlebars
DR: oh he also scraped his face but he's still pretty, don't worry
DR: his palms are fucked though which is why he's not texting you
DR: we're on the way to the hospital, btw
DR: you're gonna be so pissed when you wake up
It goes on like that. Daniel, to his credit, has given you a play-by-play of the whole situation. You've only been asleep for about an hour and based on the time stamps this started right after you fell asleep.
You get up as you read, grabbing your things and trying to find your shoes as you read. You need to -- you need to go and be wherever they are. You need to help. Heart racing, chest tight, you need to be near Max as soon as possible, even though Danny said he's okay. If this was you, Max would already be there. God, why did you take a nap?
According to the texts, they got to the hospital and he was seen immedietly, x-rayed, and bandaged up. Broken right wrist, Danny had said. He's pissed more than anything.
You're about to call him back when your phone rings in your hands.
"Danny," you say as soon as you accept it.
"Oh, thank fuck," Daniel exclaims. "I thought I was going to have to surprise you in person with the whole thing."
"I'm about to leave, just give me 15 minutes to get there--"
"No, no, no," he interrupts you. "He just got discharged. I'm bringing him home."
You stop in your tracks, one foot shoved halfway into your sneaker. "Really?"
"Yeah, we'll be there in like, 20 minutes?" You can hear Max saying something in the background. "He wants to talk to you," Danny sighs. "Mate, you'll see her soon--"
He's cut off and there's some muffled noises and then Max is saying your name.
"I'm fine," he says. "I only made him tell you so it wasn't a surprise when I came home."
"Max," you sigh, shoulders creeping away from your ears at the sound of his voice. "I'm so sorry, I was asleep!"
He laughs. You feel a bit weepy, which is both an overreaction and cathartic. "Good," he says. "The whole experience has been a pain in the ass."
"You're coming home now? Are you in pain?"
"Eh," he says, dragging out the sound. "They gave me something while they set it so I don't feel it much. Daniel says we'll be home soon. Oh, hold on --" There is some muttering, Danny's voice in the background. "Okay, I'm going to give you back. See you soon, liefje."
"Okay," you say softly.
"Be there in a flash!" Danny says brightly. "Seriously, don't worry."
You hang up and just stand in the hallway, at a loss. Something bad happened to Max and you weren't there. It feels wrong. Not that he's in poor hands with Danny -- quite the opposite. He's probably the only person aside from yourself that you'd want there for Max in a crisis. But, god. You wish you had been there.
The cats weave around your ankles as you pace, waiting for Danny to call or for the door to open or, anything at all to happen. Your mind is running a million miles a minute. Objectively, it's the best time for Max to break something. There isn't even a car for him to test right now and he had at least another week of time off before needing to go back to Milton Keynes. This might throw a wrench in your holiday plans but you couldn't care less about that. How long will he be in a cast? You assume he's in a cast. What kind of help will he need? Will you be enough to provide it? What if he --
Noises in the hall make you freeze and then you hear Danny's voice. You bolt to the door, unlatching the locks and pulling it open. You're greeted with the sight of the two of them -- Danny looking down at Max's keys in his hands, both of their backpacks on his back. They've both changed out of whatever ridiculous bike outfit they must have been wearing for the ride, but you devote your attention to your boyfriend.
You can see the bandages on Max's knees and forearms where he must have scraped himself up on the road. His wrist -- it's in a black cast that runs the length of his forearm. He cradles it to his chest in a sling they must have given him and then you make your way to his face. A few scratches along one cheek, hair a mess, mouth drawn into a frown. A frown that relaxes slightly when you meet his gaze. Your eyes well with tears.
"Max," you breathe. He steps in front of Danny and meets you in the doorway, his cast-free hand cupping your face through the bandages on his palm.
"I'm fine," he says. "You're looking at me like I'm in a coma."
"Sorry," you whisper. "I just --"
He tugs you to him gently, pressing your face into his neck and rubbing your back. You try to be careful of his arm as you breathe deep and will yourself not to actually lose it.
"Guys, can we at least go inside?" Danny asks.
Max huffs and you pull away. He drags his thumb under both of your eyes but doesn't comment on the dampness he finds there. "Inside, liefje."
Danny drops Max's stuff and passes along the documents from the hospital. He's quite the personality but he's all business when he needs to be. "Pain killers in his bag. Call me if you need anything, guys."
You step away from Max long enough to throw your arms around Danny. "Thank you," you whisper. "For looking after him." For calling. For bringing him back to me. For doing what I should have been there for.
He chuckles. "Alright," he says. "Max should break something more often."
Once Danny leaves, it's just the two of you. Max has settled on the couch, head leaning back into the cushions.
"Come sit with me," Max calls. "God, I forgot how much I hate hospitals."
His eyes are closed and he holds his arm gingerly. It's not the first time you've seen him injured -- you've been at his side in the medical tent before after watching him careen into a wall at 190mph. And yet, right now, you're still so upset.
You settle into the cushions on his left side and just watch him.
"I'm sorry," you say again. Max's eyes open. "I can't believe I was asleep when Danny called."
Max shakes his head. "What would you have done?"
"I could have come to get you and take you to the hospital, or just met you there, or--"
He puts his hand on your knee. "Come on," he says. "Don't be silly."
How do you explain it to him? How do you tell him that something happening to him feels like it happened to you? That not being there feels like a personal failing?
"Will you tell me what happened?"
He sighs and you pull his palm from your leg to hold it in your hands.
"It's stupid," he grimaces. "You don't need the details."
He folds. Other people in his life have called this your superpower -- Max's will is iron clad. It is very difficult to get him to do something he does not want to do. But one word from you, one soft look, one gentle touch, and he often relents. It's like you can peel back that layer of him that has hardened out of necessity. To protect himself and his heart, to make sure he's taken seriously, to stop things from hurting.
It's like you remind him that it's okay to feel, even when it's hard.
"Daniel summed it up," he grumbles. "We were biking down a hill outside the city and something ran out into the road in front of me. I stopped. Or tried to, at least." He mimes squeezing the breaks, fingers curling in towards his bandaged palms. You stroke his unbroken wrist with your thumb.
"And you went over," you finish.
"And I went over. Got my knees, my forearms, my hands. My wrist, obviously. Just landed badly."
You reach for his face ever so gently, dragging the pad of your thumb over the shallow scrapes on his chin, his cheek. He allows it, knowing that you need to touch him to be sure he's okay. Whenever he has a crash on track you have trouble letting him out of your sight for hours. You just need to look at him, feel him warm and alive under your hands.
"I'm going to write a letter to your helmet manufacturer," you say, not entirely kidding. You slide your hand over his temple and into his hair. It's dirty, you can feel it, but you cradle his skull all the same. "Thank them."
He laughs once, amused with your sincerity. "I need to shower," he says. "But I can't get this wet." You finally direct your attention to his broken wrist, the entirety of his forearm and hand encased in the cast under the sling.
"Does it hurt?" you ask again. Max would tell anyone else off for badgering him so, but he keeps his face soft and reassures you.
"It's strange," he says. "I'm sure I'll feel it later."
"Did it hurt?" you whisper. "When you broke it?"
You know that Max has felt a great deal of pain in his life. His day job requires it -- physical, mental, emotional. He knows how to handle it and get over it. But he's also honest with you, always.
He wrinkles his nose. "It wasn't nice," he confesses. "I knew right away."
You grimace. In the silence, you match your breaths to his and just sit together for a little while.
And then Max's stomach growls.
"Whoops," he says, grinning crookedly. Still an athlete, still a boy with a fast metabolism. You can't help but laugh.
"How about this," you begin, unfolding yourself from the couch and standing in front of him, hands on your hips. Max looks up at you like you're the best thing he's ever seen. "I order some food and then we get you showered while we wait for it. Let the scrapes breathe and keep your cast dry, then we eat and watch a movie and go to bed. Okay?"
"We get me showered?" He sounds skeptical.
"You think you can wash your hair on your own?"
He smirks. "I can do a lot with one hand."
You roll your eyes. "So you're turning down an opportunity to shower with me, is what I'm hearing."
Max gets himself off the couch and rests his palm on your hip. "No," he says softly. "I'm not that stupid."
He kisses you lightly and heads for the bathroom.
"I guess we can wrap it in a plastic bag, or something?" you call after him. It takes a few minutes of opening and closing cabinets for you to find one. You put in a delivery order and make your way to the bathroom. Max has already turned on the shower and you find him shirtless and peeling off his bandages in in front of the mirror.
"Let me do that." He doesn't put up much of a fight, not even wincing when the tape pull at his skin. You see the gashes on his forearm, the raw skin of his palms. "Arm, please." The plastic bag goes around his cast and you tie it at his elbow.
"You planning to wash my hair while wearing your clothes?" Max asks with a straight face.
You stare at him, trying to seem unimpressed. He breaks first, mouth pulling up at one corner before he shucks off his soft shorts and briefs in one go. He pecks you on the cheek and gets in the shower, still smirking at you through the glass door.
"Alright, alright," you mutter. "So dramatic."
You feel Max's eyes on you as you undress, leaving your clothes on a pile on the floor.
The shower is unnecessarily big but Max does not give you much space. The hot spray is at his back and he keeps his plastic bag-clad arm mostly out of the way.
"Feel good?" you ask. Max sighs but nods. You'll bet he's aching but hasn't admitted it. He turns to the side so you can catch some of the spray, too, fighting off the chill outside the warm water.
"I might fall asleep in here," he mutters.
"That'll be the painkillers, darling," you tell him. "C'mon, get your hair wet."
Max tips his head back. You readjust so that you can card your hands through it. You shampoo him gently, taking your time and massaging his scalp. It's a miracle he stays on his feet, but he does. You hum as you work and Max's breaths get deeper, slower.
"Head back," you say softly. He obeys. You do the same with some of your conditioner because you know he likes how it smells.
This shower feels more intimate than the countless hours you've spend in his bed, tangled up in one another. He's been inside you and yet this feels more vulnerable. He's totally ceding control, trusting you to take care of him. You're naked, slick bodies brushing, always touching whether it's your hands in his hair or Max's own fingers reaching for your skin just to feel.
One time, when you were sick, you couldn't muster the energy to take a shower. Max ran you a bath and washed your hair for you, talking all the while because you asked to hear his voice. It's obvious that you'd do the same for him, as you're doing now. It's just how you love each other -- all the way, all the time. When it's easy and when it's hard.
"Danny was right," Max says, words slurring half from bliss and half the fatigue of the day catching up to him. "I should break bones more often."
You finish rinsing him and just stand there in the spray for a few moments.
"Please, no," you groan, brushing wet strands back from his forehead. "If you want me to wash your hair I will, Max. You don't need to break anything."
His eyes flutter open and find yours. He smiles lazily and you turn off the shower.
"If you say so," he says. "Can we take this off, now?"
Bag removed, skin patted dry, comifes on. The food comes when you're settling Max on the couch with a pillow for his arm. In all likelihood he'll manage a few bites of take out and fall asleep 15 minutes into the movie. But he needs the rest, you think. And besides, he'll have you to watch over him.
It becomes clear remarkably quickly that Max is an awful patient. You sort of knew this -- he's been sick a few times when you're around, but you figured that was just man-disease. Whining, refusing to sit still. This is 10x worse. He won't let you do anything for him until he's proven that he can't do it himself. You consider locking him in your bedroom to keep him from trying to do things he shouldn't do.
Max just wasn't made to sit still.
But you can empathize -- it's frustrating to not be able to do any of the things he really likes to do. Drive, use his sim, even play regular video games. It's a lot of movies and long walks and leg days with his trainer.
And then there's the way he just won't ask for help. That's a Max Verstappen original and you know it gets worse when he's frustrated. You do it too -- everyone does. But Max wants to do everything himself, wants to prove that he can.
You try to sit back and let him work it out. About a week after he comes home with his arm in a cast, he calls your name. You're in the kitchen, staring into the open fridge and wondering if you should order more groceries or just go to the shops yourself.
"You okay?" you call back. "Where are you?"
"Bathroom,"he shouts.
Ah, you think. Here we go.
He hasn't shaved yet. You've always loved when he keeps his facial hair a little longer. You love the feel of it on your skin and how it lightens along with his hair when you're on holiday somewhere nice. It's more likely that he keep it long in the off-season. Hot races are a nightmare with a beard, he's said. It itches like mad.
"Coming," you call.
Sure enough, you find him in front of the sink, razor in hand and frown firmly in place. He makes eye contact with you in the mirror and even though you can feel his annoyance from here, the set of his jaw softens.
"Do you think you could help me shave?" he asks. No lead up, no hem and haw.
"Of course, Max."
You quickly work out that sitting on the counter next to the sink while he stands between your knees works best. His broken wrist hangs at his side, the other hand resting on the counter next to your leg.
You lather him up, carefully applying the white foam of his shaving cream on his cheeks, his chin, his neck. He's got a fancy razor, one that will probably make it hard to cut him. Still, you feel the way he's basically handed you a blade and asked you to use it on him. In so many ways it's one of the most intimate things you've ever done. Even more than the showers you've had this week, just chatting and washing his hair.
"I'll be careful," you say softly.
"I know." He tilts his chin up, showing you his neck. "Go on, then."
It's quiet work. You're focusing hard and Max seems content to allow you. Stroke after stroke, rinsing the razor in the sink. You keep one hand at the base of this throat as the other works, gliding it over his skin. Cheeks, jaw, upper lip. Chin, neck.
"I like your beard, you know," you say when you're almost done. He waits until you're rinsing the razor again to reply.
"I do," he says, smirking. "You aren't quiet about it."
The last patch comes off as easily as the rest and you grab a damp towel to clean the rest of the shaving cream. Max appears to have relaxed enough to become pliant, leaning into your touch as you finish. He lets you rub moisturizer into his cheeks, eyes fluttering closed. His hand ends up on your leg, fingers pressing into the flesh of your thigh.
"Cheeky," you mutter. He smiles, boyish and easy. You take your time, pleased that he's letting you, but also because you could touch him forever. "Schatje," you whisper, trying to make it sound like it does from his lips. "All done."
Max doesn't move. You frame his face with your hands and lean in until your lips touch. You feel his smile against yours, but he dutifully tilts his head to deepen the kiss. His freshly shaved skin is so soft. You've kissed thousands of times by now, but you can never get enough of him. The way he responds to your every move, meeting your pressure with some of his own. Your tongue with his, swallowing your moans and giving you his own like a gift.
It's Max who pulls away, dragging his lips over your cheek.
"Dankje," he whispers. It means more than that, you know. From Max, it means thank you for dealing with me, for taking care of me, for loving me.
He doesn't think any of that is easy for you. But he's wrong. It's the easiest thing in the world.
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keferon · 17 hours ago
It just occurred to me (and to add more angst to the angst pile): Prowl as a lone orca being used to having to do everything for himself. Extra not having any concept of rest or taking a break because if he rested who would keep watch for danger? Where would the food come from? There’s never been any stopping or moments of peace before. Because he’s been on his own. And if he can’t do it himself then he’s dead.
But all that could change over time in reaching the ocean with Jazz. Even as Jazz learns from Prowl to build up his stamina, Prowl would be experiencing for the first time what it would be like to have someone else to rely on. Someone to help hunt. To help keep watch. To help fend off danger. Making the idea that each thinks they are holding the other back — with Prowl thinking he’s keeping Jazz from finding more company and Jazz thinking he’s slowing Prowl down — all the more tragic. Because the reality is that they also both need each other.
Yes yes yes ye s
Also I'm just imagining. At some point after the escape they would run into. Uh. Let's say a sea monster of some kind? Definitely something BIG.
And Prowl would be like. Alright this couuuld be our dinner but we need to work together.
So they come up with a strategy, agree on signals, and set up a coordinated ambush on this monster. Jazz is a bit unsure at first because he's never done anything like that before but it feels SO RIGHT. For both of them. Not just the hunt but the team work. The thrill off sharing the moment. Feeling that yeah we can defeat anything in this entire ocean because it is alone and we're in it together.
They would kill the monster and Jazz would get SO EXCITED. He would literally radiate joy and be all like WE SHOULD DO THAT AGAIN THAT WAS SO FUN
And Prowl would get a tiny 505 error in his head because not only he found someone who can follow his strategies without complaining and whining?? But also greatly enjoys it??? Hell yeah they should do that again!
Bonus points if after the hunt they just sit on a giant dead monster and laugh because holy shit Prowl missed this so much. And Jazz didn't even know he missed it until that moment
Also after some time Jazz would start to have his own ideas on how to fight with sea monsters and half of his ideas would be SO bizarre but they will try them anyway because Jazz loves to improvise and Prowl loves getting a fresh perspective on things
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nonotnolan · 3 days ago
No Regrets
My roommate's body keeps looking at me like I'm supposed to be making the first move. It was weird enough when my roommate and his girlfriend swapped bodies for the weekend, but the unspoken tension was starting to become unbearable. "Seriously, Tiffany, you're starting to creep me out. Don't you and Daniel have plans for tonight?"
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She just smiled at me. "No plans. I'm still deciding how I want to spend my evening. Daniel, though... he's taking my body out clubbing tonight. He wants to see how many free drinks he can score, and I think he's also planning to get laid." Gross. I knew better than to say anything out loud, but my face must have given me away. "Don't be such a prude, Jeff. You know we have an open relationship."
I tugged at my collar. "I know, Tiff, I'm sorry. I just... body swaps that cross the gender line still make me uncomfortable. It feels wrong, somehow. And, I mean, technically they are illegal."
"Oh please, get over yourself," she said, tossing herself onto his bed. "Swaps over 12 hours are also illegal, but that didn't stop you from hiring someone to take your Calc exam two weeks ago. You need to learn how to relax. Not everything you were told on Sundays is true, you know. Some things aren't actually all that bad. You're only clutching your pearls because society told you that swapping genders was bad. What harm is there, as long as both people consent?"
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I wanted to argue, but I knew Tiffany was absolutely correct. There wasn't anything wrong with the two of them swapping bodies outside of society telling us that men and women could only swap with other men and other women. Which... given the way that their open relationship also defied societal expectations, I suppose it wasn't too much of a surprise that the two of them thought so little about swapping like this. "You're right, and I'm sorry. I... I'm trying, really. You've heard how conservative my childhood was. It's a lot to unlearn."
"Well, maybe it's time to start unlearning," she said, beckoning me closer. "You want to know the real reason I'm still here? It's because of you, stud. I'm here to see you." Did Tiffany just call me a stud? She had to be mocking me, but I could feel myself blushing all the same.
Tiffany started to unbutton my shirt, brushing her fingers along my exposed chest as she did so. I could feel myself growing erect. Were we... were we really doing this? They were in an open relationship, after all, it wasn't like he was helping Tiffany cheat on his roommate. With his roommate? God, Swappers made things confusing.
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"I've seen the way you look at Daniel," she said, rubbing a hand across the stubble on my chin. "I love the man, but he's too straight and too clueless to pick up on those stares. And honestly, I can't help but think that you're too sheltered to realize you're even doing it half the time."
"I... thought I was hiding it better," I said, trying to steady my emotions. Her fingers started to tease my nipples, leaving me squirming with raw pleasure. "I still don't know if I'm bisexual, or gay, or just... Mormon. But I didn't think it mattered. He's already in a relationship with you. What I want isn't important."
"He's in an open relationship," she said, staring at me like I was a hunk of meat to be devoured. "He's also not here right now. I'm in control of this body right now, and I want to fuck you senseless. If that's what you want too, well..." Tiffany slipped her hand inside my waistband, giving my manhood a firm squeeze that had me gasping for breath. "Tonight's a perfect night to let loose. No regrets."
I couldn't hold back anymore. I leaned in for a quick kiss, which Tiffany returned with tongue. The two of us stripped down as fast as we could, though I made certain not to let her pull me onto the bed with her. "Not on Daniel's bed," I said, dragging her over to my part of the bedroom. "His sheets reek of frat boy sweat, and I doubt he has any lube."
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"I, uhh... you're alright with being on top, right?" I asked, as I handed her the bottle of lube from my nightstand. It occurred to me that we hadn't actually talked through any plans, set boundaries, or anything like that. "The way you phrased it, I'm assuming that's what you meant, I just--"
"Stop. Thinking." Seeing Daniel's face looming over me, with a look of pure lust on his face, it was everything I never knew I needed. I started rolling over onto my knees before she yelled at me. "Not like that, stay on your back. I want to see your face as I fuck you senseless."
Tiffany spent the entire time telling me exactly what to do, and it was everything I could have ever wanted. She got me lubed, eased me onto her massive manhood, and railed me like there was no tomorrow. My chest was coated in strands of my own cum, while Daniel's cum slowly leaked out of my ass. I'd never had a no-hands orgasm before, but holy hell I could not believe how amazing that felt.
"I can't believe we just did that," I said, trying to catch my breath. She responded by scooping up some of the jizz off of my torso and putting it into her mouth. She was making an entire production out of licking it off of her finger, and I could feel myself getting hard again. "So, uhh... you... you'll be in Daniel's body for the entire evening?"
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"If that's your way of asking me if I'd like to fuck you again? The answer is yes," she said, giving me a wink. "Even better, we might be able to make this a weekly thing," she added, standing up to grab some towels. "I don't think I'll have to fight too hard to convince Daniel to swap. What sort of straight man doesn't enjoy having boobs?"
God, I was falling for her so hard. What had I gotten myself into? Life was going to be a long, awkward hell once my roommate was back in his own body. And yet... I had to admit, I had no regrets.
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witherby · 3 days ago
I think a really cool day idea for Conner and mouse would be like the circus scene from Teen Titans were Robin let Starfire try some cotton candy and it’s really cute 
I remember that scene!!! Robin's absolutely lovesick expression was so romantic to me, even back then.
I didn't replicate that one-for-one, but they're certainly at a carnival! I hope you like it!
The Littlest Wayne: Carnival
(features: established relationship, Conner Kent x gn!Reader, fluff, discussions of structures that aren't OSHA compliant, kissing)
Masterlist is Here!
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"That doesn't look safe."
"None of these rides really are," you admit, queueing into the line to ride the Wave Swinger with your boyfriend. "Pop-up carnivals are designed in such a way that they can be thrown up and taken down within a day or two. You can't really afford to bolt anything down because it isn't going to be there in a week."
Conner looks at you with incredulity. He looks like he's trying not to pout, which is adorable. You barely refrain from kissing him.
"Then why are we lining up to get on one?"
"S'part of the vibe," you explain, lifting your hands for emphasis. One of them is interlaced with your boyfriend's, so his arm gets swung around, too. "You don't really go to these things to walk around and then leave again. You gotta ride a ride while wondering in the back of your mind if this is how it ends. You gotta spend way too much money playing a rigged game to win a prize that wasn't worth even a third of what you spent to earn it. You gotta eat a bunch of deep-fried foods that shouldn't be deep-fried and feel incredibly nauseated for the next two days about it. That's the real Carnival Experience™."
"This doesn't sound fun, M," Conner says. "I can take you on a flight and pretend to drop you a couple times. I can ask you for an absurd amount of money and not pay it back for like a week. I can cook you dinner and narrowly avoid giving you food poisoning. We don't have to be here."
"Trust me, it wouldn't be the same," you insist, moving up in the line. This swing ride is one of your favorites, next to The Whip, but you haven't seen one of those in a few years. "It's also the atmosphere. You're surrounded by fun, neon colors and happy strangers and screaming children — it's all part of the experience."
"Yeah..." Conner grimaces, gaze a little distant. "I could do without the screaming children."
"Oh, right," you frown, digging out a specialized pair of earbuds from your pocket and offering them to him. They help muffle out extra sensitive sounds for him, like breathing and footsteps and other people's heartbeats, so he can better control what noise he chooses to perceive. "Here."
Conner takes them, briefly letting go of your hand to put them in, then un-tenses his shoulders and offers you a thin smile.
"That's better," he admits, "but I still think getting on rides knowing they aren't bolted down properly is stupid."
"Welcome to the carnival," you grin. You both shuffle forward in the line, close enough now that you'll be able to get on next round. "You're gonna love this."
"I can fly, M. I don't think I'm gonna care."
Then it turns out he cares. He cares a lot. He actually cares so much. When you and Conner get strapped into your seats, he's white knuckling the chains keeping his chair suspended off the ground.
"You're joking. There's one little bike chain keeping me in this chair and there's a single hook on top holding me up. You're actually joking."
You start spinning and twisting around in your own chair, gleeful. "Isn't it great?"
"Alrighty riders. Please refrain from bouncing, spinning, twisting, or yanking on the chains. When the ride is in motion do not grab onto other riders' chairs. Keep the strap secure across your waist while the ride is in motion, and do not attempt to remove it until it comes to a complete stop again. Enjoy."
Conner flinches when the chairs lift into the air. He watches the ground get pulled out from under him, shitty carnival music starting to come out of the speakers while the lights on the ride start flashing. If he weren't invulnerable, he'd be losing his mind right now. How are you able to enjoy such risky activities!? Are you insane!? Actually — you're the one civilian child to a family of crime fighting vigilantes. Of course you're insane.
He looks up to make another comment, but the words quickly die in his throat. Because you look stunning.
You look great all the time, of course. Conner loves to look at you, and you know that. But as the ride starts to spin and your chair starts swaying with the wind, you throw your head back and laugh. You spread your arms out to your sides and kick your feet, eyes closed and hair fanned out.
You're practically ethereal when you're having fun. Conner watches the colorful lights dance over your skin and feels himself falling even more in love with you than he already is. He never wants the ride to end, if it means he gets to see you like this forever.
Using the trick Clark taught him, he speeds himself up to slow the world down, giving himself more time to admire you. To you, it's just a couple minutes in the air, but to him it's hours of unbridled admiration. When you're finally lowered to the ground again, he's unlatched himself from his seat and come around to kiss you.
"Let's go find another ride," he mumbles against your lips. You smirk, victorious, and grab his hand. He's utterly helpless to do anything but trail after you.
"Knew you'd come around. It's the Carnival Experience, babe; it pulls everyone in! Never should've doubted me."
"Yeah..." He says, smiling like a lovesick idiot. It's definitely the rides and games and people making him feel this good, and not the echo of your happy heartbeat or the image of your carefree smile under the neon lights burned into his memory. "Shouldn't have doubted you."
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cinnamorollcrybaby · 20 hours ago
begging on my knees, ripping my skin off for shiu kong ANYTHING <3 ily cinna LMAOO
Bullet for my Assassin
Tags: Shiu x fem!Reader, Toji x fem!Reader, mfm, why choose, kidnapping, murder, dead dove, dark romance plot, you're being used for ransom, Toji and Shiu are morally black in this one.
Synopsis: Your dad is a wealthy CEO of Japan, but he hates you because you were born a girl instead of a boy. Toji and Shiu kidnap you and hold you ransom for money. Things ensue???
An: Hiiiii nepo baby, i know you said shiu kong anything. I hope you don’t mind Toji making an appearance. Also, HAPPY (so very late; i'm so sorry.) BIRTHDAY!!! Look, i gotta be honest. I ran out of inspiration for this fic, so I'm posting it, hoping it will revitalize some of that inspiration for a part two. That being said, let me know if I should make a part two.
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Being the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Japan was actually a death sentence. Since you didn’t have a dick between your legs, you’re obviously less than in the world of business.
Your dad pressured your mom into giving him children to inherit the company, but he didn’t want children. He wanted men to inherit the company. You were just a lowly girl!! How were you supposed to manage a company? Girls clearly didn’t know anything about finance or business. (can you smell my sarcasm)
Ruthless and cold, your father never showed you nor your mother an ounce of love. In fact, he had tried multiple avenues to try and prove that you weren’t his kid. Unfortunately for both of you, you share 23 of your dad’s chromosomes.
His anger was growing worse towards you as you got older and developed your own personality. Everything you did was wrong in his eyes. Even though the company was specifically suppose to go to his kid, your father had been toying with the idea of selling out just so you couldn’t ruin what he had built.
Not that you cared, you thought about how if you were the CEO, you’d burn the company to the ground just to spite his wishes. You’d love to see him turn over in his grave as he watched his baby burn because of his daughter.
You basically lived alone. Your mother had passed a couple of years ago due to strange circumstances, and your father never bothered to come home. There would be no point to socializing with the likes of you.
Your mother’s early death rocked you to your core. For your entire childhood, she was weary and exhausted. Your father directed his anger on her, and she couldn’t help but subconsciously put the blame on you. If only you were a boy.
She did a good job of not showing her true thoughts. She wasn’t a doting or nurturing, but she was there for you. She never raised a hand to you, never raised her voice with you, never called you mean names. That was all you could ask for whenever your dad was so vile towards you. While she wasn’t close with you, she was still your mom, and she was the closest thing to parental guidance that you had. Her death was the beginning of your lonely existence.
The mansion was like a prison for you. Since your dad was so prominent in social media, you had an image to uphold, and he didn’t want you ruining that image. So, he didn’t even give you the chance to interact with anyone outside of the house. The only way for you to escape his claws was to either get married or die, and getting married was impossible when you weren’t allowed to interact with anyone on the outside.
You preferred being alone. The empty quiet feelings was better than the anxiety you got when your father was home. He’d always start yelling at the waitstaff about something so minuscule. He harbored so much anger that the house practically turned sour when he came home.
What was the saying? If you grow up with an angry man in your house, there will always be an angry man in your house. The thought of marrying someone like your dad made you want to gouge your eyes out with a butter knife. Being alone was the best option.
Besides, the waitstaff was nice. They cared for you… albeit from a distance, but they cared. It was known that you received the worst of your father’s anger, so they empathized with you.
The house was particularly quiet late one evening. It wasn’t the normal quiet that gave you a sense of peace. It was eerily quiet, giving you a sense of dread. The sounds of hushed talking and dishes clattering was the usual background noise in the house from the waitstaff, but there was nothing right now… as if it truly was just you in the house.
The alarms would’ve went off if someone entered. Not to mention there’s security posted around the perimeter… unless your father was the reason that it was so quiet… Surely, it was just him. Maybe he sent the waitstaff home for the day?
You carefully slipped out of bed, pulling a robe on over your silk pajamas. Being a CEO’s daughter wasn’t all bad. You received luxury items in exchange for feeling void of any real human connection and your dad’s hatred!
Briefly taking a moment to wonder if you were being one of those dumb characters from a scary movie, you quickly pushed those thoughts out of your head. Your life was more of a tragedy than a horror movie.
Slowly stepping out of your room, the click of your door latching filled the space, and you held your breath for just a moment. Nothing.
You soundlessly walked down the hall. Since you were on the second floor, there was a landing where you could look over the rails to see the bottom floor.
Nothing. No- is that a foot? Is someone lying on the ground. You leaned farther over the wooden railing to see. You were surely mistaken, right? Who was lying on the floor?
The feeling of a hand pressing down on the back of your head. Fingers entangled with your hair as the unknown man gripped you from behind. His other hand was steady on your hip. You were being dangled over the side of the railing by a stranger.
Immediately, you started to thrash against his hold, panicking as you did so. “Let me go!” You shouted, kicking your feet out from behind you to try to get away from him.
Turning your head as much as his hand would allow, you only caught the glimpse of a scar on the man’s lip. He shot you a grin before pushing your body closer to the edge, almost making you topple right over the railing.
“Yeah, princess? Want me to let you go?” His voice was husky, teasing almost. It had a raspy edge to it that sent shivers up your spine as you were now trying to push back against him to get away from the edge.
Your eyes were looking at the drop, wondering if it was better to just fall than to face whatever this man was going to do you. Somethings were worse than death…
You switched tactics, pulling away from him instead of trying to get away from the rail. You were going to topple right over it. A growl of frustration left his lips as he easily yanked you away from the railing. Your body collided with his brick wall of a warm chest.
Taking a chance to look up at him, you immediately regretted it. The perpetrator had black hair that came over his forehead and pretty green eyes that you could get lost in. His lips seemed to permanently house a cocky smirk, and fuck, he was built.
“You must have a death wish, brat.” He scowled at you as if he wasn’t the one who dangled you so close to the edge.
Not bothering to answer his taunts, you quickly started to fight against him, beating against his chest with your hands, trying to wriggle from his grasp. He was massive. You were sure that none of your blows were doing anything to him.
Without any difficulty, the hulk-sized man slung you over his shoulder, securing an arm around your frame. He didn’t even flinch or bat an eye each time you hit him. Your fists did little to his toned back.
Not able to fight your way out, you use your next best defense tool: your voice. “Let me go!” You shrieked as loud as possible. “Let me go! Somebody help!” Tears coated your eyes, and your voice went hoarse from yelling.
“Let me goo~ Somebody help mee~” The man mocked you in an obscene high-pitched tone with a laugh. He had done his homework. Even if you screamed, no one would be coming to save you right now.
Every staff member in the house was deceased, and thank god your dear old dad is so paranoid that he put his mansion in the literal middle of nowhere. There were no neighbors that’d hear you either.
You were completely and utterly alone with the man who was kidnapping you. A deep sense of dread and hopelessness filled your stomach, and you continued to cry — weakly begging for anyone to help you.
The man toned you out rather easily as he carried you down the massive flight of stairs. He used his free hand to flip open a burner phone, and he dialed a number before talking.
“The security system is still down?” His gruff, no-nonsense voice returned to him as if he wasn’t just making fun of you moments prior.
Even though you knew it was likely one of his associates on the phone, you screamed for help. Hot tears coated your cheeks as your voice strained.
A firm smack to your ass jolted you, and your voice caught in your throat. Did your kidnapper really just spank you for misbehaving?
“The girl isn’t hurt. She’s just being dramatic. I’m heading to the pickup spot.” He didn’t let the person on the other side answer before he clopped the flip phone shut, effectively ending the call.
“Gonna get me in trouble acting like that, girl.” The man tsked his tongue, and he continued to effortlessly carry you around to the back entrance of the house.
You finally caught a glimpse of your poor staff members. Your heart lurched in your chest. They had families and lives. Now, they were dead on your floor because of this man.
The man didn’t say another word as you cried. He kept his one arm firmly wrapped around you as he so casually carried you out of the house. The security system and the guards had already been dealt with.
Soon, you unceremoniously shoved into the back of a black tinted car. You struggled as much as you could, kicking and scratching. You even tried to bite the man as he tied your arms behind your back.
“Keep fighting. I’ll hogtie and gag your ass.” He threatened lowly, becoming sick of this game with you. He never quite understood why people fought so hard against him when he clearly held the upper hand. It was useless.
Letting out a small sob, you laid against the backseat of the car. The leather interior felt cold and ruthless as your tears fell from your eyes.
“Come on, Toji. We don’t have all day.” The driver reprimanded as if the man was simply buckling in a toddler and not kidnapping a grown woman.
You flinched from the sound of the driver’s voice. You had been so focused on fighting against the Toji guy that you didn’t even realize there was another man idly sitting in the front seat, puffing on a cigar.
Toji tied your ankles together, but he didn’t hogtie you thankfully. Without saying another word, he slammed the door shut before getting into the passenger side seat.
You felt your heart drop as the car started to move. You had an inkling… you’d never see that mansion again. You just knew it. Even though you hated the very frame that house sat on, you longed for the empty feeling of sitting inside. You’d take the void of living in a loveless home over being taken by two men.
Your stomach churned, and suddenly, you felt ill as you faced the grave circumstances. Bile raised in your throat, and your hands struggled against the ropes that Toji had bound you with. Panic set in. You were going to choke on your vomit while you laid face down in it.
“There she goes.” Toji muttered, tone laced with annoyance before he reached back and pulled your arm so your mouth was hanging over the back seat. You threw up safely into the floor.
“I just got this car detailed.” The driver groaned as he took another puff from his cigar.
“It happens every time without fail. Ya should start puttin’ puppy pads back there or something.” Toji responded as his arm was still reached back, bracing your body.
“Yeah, because that’s not suspicious at all.” The driver responded with a sarcastic tone. It was clear that this wasn’t their first encounter with kidnapping someone. You didn’t even want to think about the implications of that.
Your adrenaline was dropping off, and while you knew you should try and stay awake — try to map out the turns the car made, you were exhausted after emptying your stomach contents into the floor.
Your head rested against the cool leather seats, and a moment later, you were out.
“It’s like fuckin’ clockwork.” Toji commented as he saw you dozing off in the backseat.
“Let me hogtie you and throw you into the back of a car, and we’ll see if you don’t throw up and pass out.” The driver grinned over at him.
“Kinky.” Was all the man responded with.
*** *** ***
The next time you awoke you were bound to a chair in a surprisingly well-lit room. It appeared to be a bedroom. Judging by the overly bland decor, you assumed this was an Airbnb or a hotel. There was no way they could’ve hauled your sleeping body into a hotel without being noticed, so it was definitely an Airbnb. Taking in your surroundings, you flinched as you finally caught a glimpse of the two men standing in your peripheral. They were silently watching you.
“So nice of you to join us, sleeping beauty.” Toji mocked with an easy grin, the scar on his lip flexing upwards. If he wasn’t your kidnapper, you would’ve classified him to be rather handsome in a very rugged sense. He just looked like the type of man who could get the job done.
“I thought we accidentally killed ya.” The driver who was now not driving remarked.
You had to be smarter with your words this time. There was no point in begging to be set free. They had already taken you to god knows where, killed your entire staff, and bound you to a chair. There was no going back for them.
“My dad has money. That’s what you’re after, right?” You bargained, taking a stab in the dark. This didn’t feel like human trafficking. This felt like a hostage, ransom situation. Little did they know, your dad probably wasn’t going to pay a single penny to get you back.
“Clever girl.” The driver grinned. He was also another handsome man with chestnut brown hair and a mustache. He seemed much more calmer than Toji, and he had a capable energy to him. You could tell that he was definitely the ringleader. Toji was simply the muscle behind the operation.
The driver took three slow, calculated steps towards you. He was still out of reach as he crouched down to be at your level. His eyes were dark brown as he carefully exam you.
“If you’re good, I’ll explain how this is gonna work.” The man said lowly. His voice was deeper than Toji’s but not as gravely or hardened. He had a voice fit for radio.
You slowly nodded, tears already sliding down your cheeks out of sheer fear.
“Good girl. Keep that same energy for the camera.” The man purred before you directed your attention to Toji. He was setting up a tripod with a nice Canon camera set up on it. He flicked the lights off, but it wouldn’t be too dark for anyone to see.
Your body started to react before you could even fully process what was going on. You rocked back and forth in your chair while crying, trying to fight against the restraints. Toji clicked the record button, and he pulled two black balaclavas out of his pocket. Throwing one at the other man and slipping one on for himself. Their identities besides their eyes were completely concealed.
The nameless man tied a piece of cloth that worked as a gag around your mouth, and you sobbed harder. This could go so many ways, and you didn’t want to consider all the possibilities. Your mind thinking up the most depraved acts.
Then, the nameless man held a voice distorter up to his mouth, like the ones that were used in horror films. Toji suddenly grabbed your hair tightly with his oversized fist, and he made you look directly into the camera.
The nameless man started the video off by addressing your dad by his full name. “We have your daughter.” He plainly stated, going silent so one of your muffled sobs could clearly he heard.
He went on a spill about the ransom and how it was going to work. They were demanding 10 million dollars to be paid in a week. It had to be paid in person by your dad, or they would mail him your body parts.
You choked out sobs and tried to scream. You were going to die. There was no way you were going to make it out of this situation alive.
Toji’s thumb ever so gently caressed the back of your head. He was still holding your hair tightly, making you look directly into the camera, but he was subtly rubbing small circled into your scalp as if he was trying to subtly soothe you.
Whatever his intent was, it wasn’t working. You strained against the rope and the gag. You cried and tried to beg your way out of this. Finally, the nameless man showed the camera a timer. It was set for 168 hours, and it was steadily dwindling down.
Then, he stopped the recording ominously. “Can’t believe we got that on the first try.” He muttered with a laugh before pulling off his balaclava. He then flicked back on the lights.
You looked at both of the men in a confused manner. They were both so calm and casual after recording a literal ransom video. It was eerie. You hated this feeling of distrust and uneasiness that settled into the pit of your stomach.
Toji ripped off his balaclava, and he promptly untied the gag before picking up the camera off the tripod and walking away.
“Alright doll, you did so good.” The nameless man praised as he crouched back down to be at your level. “I guess that means I gotta tell you how things are gonna work now, huh?”
A sheepish nod later, and he continues, "I'm Shiu, and you already know the other old fucker's name is Toji." He starts, gesturing to Toji who was lazily typing away at a computer with a death glare.
"We're not gonna hurt ya until you give us a reason to. You just gotta be good for us and do as we say, and this will be a breeze." Shiu's tone was steady and lighthearted as if he was talking about the itinerary to a vacation and not your kidnapping.
Tears clouded your vision. Your captors seemed to have thought of all the details but one. Your father couldn't give less of a fuck about you, and he likely wasn't going to pay a dime for your safe return.
"And when my dad doesn't pay you two, then what? You two kill me and mail my body off so you can move onto the next mogul's daughter?" You asked -- tone full of resentment.
"We're not amateurs, darlin'." Shiu grins at you, boldly using his thumb to wipe away a few stray tears from your cheeks. You're still bound, so you're at his whim right now. "Toji's workin' on releasing that video publicly. How could the wealthiest CEO of Japan get away with not paying to have his daughter back safely?"
You pursed your lips together, trying to think rationally. None of this felt real. Your heart stuttered in your chest. Would your dad pay to get you back if he risked ruining his reputation?
If he ruined his reputation, companies would pull their stocks and tank his company. It would be hard for him to form partnerships because other companies wouldn’t want to be associated with him. His perfectly curated baby would come crashing down.
He would have to pay to get you back.
Noticing the gears turning in your head, Shiu patted your hair gently with his oversized palm. “We also got a few other tricks up our sleeve. We didn’t do this on a spur of the moment decision, darling.”
They weren’t two petty criminals looking to make it big. These two men were the real deal. They had the knowledge and precision that it took to commit serious crimes. This probably wasn’t even their first ransom situation.
“Glad to know you plotted my kidnapping perfectly.” You muttered in a self-deprecating tone.
Shiu gave another chuckle as his hand stayed on your head. His touch was warm and unwavering. It had been years since someone showed you affection so casually.
“I’d say you’re in good hands, but…” He grinned at you, ruffling your hair before removing his hand. “You’re in capable hands.” He said before he slowly walked around behind you. “Be honest, darling. If I untie you, are you going to try to run?”
Your eyes lingered on the door of the Airbnb. Would you even make it far if you did run? Would it be worth being tied down for even longer? Your eyes wandered to Toji, who was sat strategically near the door. His gaze was still on the laptop, but you could tell that he could easily catch you if given the chance.
Shiu laughed as he could see the inner turmoil on your face. You really wore your emotions on your sleeve, not hiding that you were weighing the option of running. “You wanna see what’ll happen? Try it, princess.” He dared as his fingers worked to loosen the knots around your hands.
Your body was achy from the precarious position of being tied to the chair. You instinctively stretched, feeling your stiff muscles protest.
You looked back up at Shiu, registering that he was offering you to run. “Go ahead. Go.” He said as he nodded towards the door.
“If you make me run, I’m taking it out on your ass.” Toji grumbled from his position near the door. His green eyes were now glaring at you.
Against your better judgement, you ran. You had to run, even if it was clearly a setup. If you didn't try to get away, then someone would say that you wanted this to happen. You wanted to be kidnapped from your prison.
You barely made it to the door and swung it open before two strong arms wrapped around your midsection, hauling you up as if you weighed nothing.
"Fucking brat." Toji's voice rumbled in your ear as he lifted your body up, pressing your backside against his chest as he kicked the door shut.
Shiu chuckled as he made sure to lock it back. He really just enticed you to run to piss Toji off. He had to keep things interesting after all.
A grunt passed your lips as you were unceremoniously slung onto the plush bed in the room. You tried to kick and fight your way out of Toji's hold, but his hands expertly held you down and forced your arms above your head. You squeezed your eyes shut.
Here it comes... the part where you wish they would've just killed you...
The sound of metal jingling caught your attention, and you hesitantly opened your eyes to see Toji handcuffing you down to the headboard.
As soon as one of your wrists were cuffed and bound, Toji got up off of you. "Until you can learn how to behave and not be stupid." He muttered as he turned his back to you and went back to sit down.
Well, that wasn't what you were expecting.
"Technically-" You spoke up, looking between Toji and Shiu as they watched you with amused eyes. "I was behaving since he told me to run." You pointed out, nodding your head towards Shiu.
"And I told you what would happen if you did run. You're lucky I haven't bent you over my knee yet." Toji countered, crossing his arms over his chest with a lopsided grin.
"I haven't decided if I'm going to do it or not, but your smart mouth is pushing me, brat."
You swallow thickly, realizing what you were truly dealing with here. Your eyes leave Toji's figure, and you look up towards the handcuff chaining you to the bed.
You were kidnapped from one prison and brought to another, and yet, a strange voice in the back of your head is telling you that your kidnappers have better intentions with you than your own dad.
"Don't listen to him," Shiu's low voice rumbled, breaking your line of thought. "He's all bark and rarely any bite,"
"He killed all of my staff members," you retort, staring at Shiu with furrowed eyebrows. How could he act like Toji was anything less than a killing machine?
"Touché," was all Shiu responded with as he looked over at you with a relaxed grin.
Toji was back to lounging as he tilted his head back. His adams apple bobbing as he closed his eyes. He wasn't really going to sleep next to the door, was he?
Shiu had walked off out of sight, and you could hear him responding to a phone call.
Moving around on the bed, you figured you may as well get comfortable while you're trapped.
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complete-clownery · 19 hours ago
some fun facts about this whole picture
(also just because I share all of this with you guys, nothing is set in stone, if you have your own theories that's the coolest thing ever!!! Share them with me please!!)
🍜Some of y'all said that Macaque was sitting alone but believe me just because Bai He turned around to chat with MK and Mei she is only there because Macaque came and Macaque is only there because Bai He bagged him to tag along,
🍜 You might have noticed that some of the chopstick holders and sauce holders have stickers on them. Those were put there by MK. He first did it when he was much younger to help decorate the shop because he overheard a convo between Tang and Pigsy discussing renovation and finances - it was a whole thing - Pigsy even got mad at MK, but they figure it out eventually and nowadays when the stickers get too worn MK replaces them with new ones
🍜 Mei is showing Bai He a puppy video you can hardly see it
🍜 Mei hardly even touches Red Son in the illustration, Red Son is just completely distraught by the idea of being so close to someone. (He's very embarrassed they might be blushing a bit too (I just went able to draw that properly lol))
🍜MK is sitting on outside of the boot because he keeps on getting up and helping pigsy around (it's not even conscious anymore, whenever they sit down with the others he sits somewhere, where he can easily get up to land a hand to Pigsy (or to anyone))
🍜 Yeeah Yeah okay,,, I know there is a shadowpeach shaped question in the room bugging your minds like: omg clownery is it on purpose that they are the only characters that we can't see the faces of???
And my answer to that is: I made this drawing on a whim, I started drawing it purely to mess around with perspective and expected to give up halfway bc it looked ass, I could have hardly given it any deeper meaning or thought. How could've I possibly planned anything? The core elements of this picture are all managed to get made up while I was drawing it...
Except from this one ;]
See when I sat down and got an idea about a group picture I wanted to differentiate the celestial monkeys (excluding MK) from the main group
This picture takes place some time after season 3 and a bit before season 4. I would like to say that Wukong and Macaque are not a part of this group. Especially in season 3 both of them have done terrible shit and regardless of where they're sitting and what they are doing, they're not part of it all.
For Macaque this is pretty easily illustrated, he is the one who stands out the most, not a lot of people want him there since they did try to kill members of the group even if he was under the influence of LBD. He's at a different table MK invited them bc MK genuinely wants to be friend Macaque, but this was already stated: Bai He wants Macaque to be there - I have a lot of head canons about their relationship but I'm not going to talk about this here cuz this rant might get even longer - but Bai He at first was scared as fuck with Wukong around, she only felt better when Macaque was there. She has gotten better since then, as you can see she's pretty comfortable with MK and Mei (even Red Son surprisingly), but she still needs Macaque there.
Making Wukong stand out and look isolated is a bit more tricky... He's in the group seemingly chatting with Sandy, he's there part of the whole thing, but there are subtle hints about his environment and body language you might notice:
Well for once he is turned away from the pov, we cant see his face already distancing him from you guys the viewers.
His body language is also closed off, arms crossed, legs just next to each other tightly, he's not comfortable, he's somewhere else, Sandy is there but his talking at Wukong rather than talking to him.
Also It has been made pretty evident in the show that Wukong loves eating right? If he was perfectly comfortable and at ease he would at least have 3 bowls of noodles yet he barely touched anything, he's not eating.
I mean he almost got Mei killed and the whole plan screwed since he was unwilling to cooperate and share his plans with the others. I like to think that Mei just straight up ignored him for a while,, same with pigsy,, those two had enough of Wukongs past getting MK in trouble, they do not like him (and them being so buddy buddy with him in later seasons is annoying af to me,,, maybe season 5 gets some form of pass, because more time has passed and Wukongs actions in season 4 were considerably better, but they were waaaaay too comfortable with him at season 5,,, it bugged me a lot)
I think they're also very aware of each other's presence (I have a whole au that plays between season 3 and 4 explaining how Macaque started living on the FFM with Wukong, so in that context,,,, damn they are having a BLAST especially Macaque, he would like to be anywhere but near Wukong :] )
🍜Also they're sitting away from each other as far away as possible, and (this was not planned and got pointed out by one of my friends) Wukong is sitting closest to the sun and Macaque is the one who is in the shade the most
Sorry about the big monkey rant, I am just so extremely shadowpeach pilled that it distracts my brain form everything else
And once again: I tell all this stuff to you guys, but feel free to come up with your own theories about the illustration, details, backstories, whatever you have in mind. You guys have different interpretations makes it all the more fun!!
Please share your theories with me in the comments I would love to hear them 🍎🍊🍊
I'll edit this if I have more ideas 💡
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Wow okay
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specialgradefckr · 3 days ago
Catching Strays
Satoru Gojo is rich. Obscenely so.
But he's also busy - too busy to have time to meet someone and go through all the song and dance of dating and having a relationship.
The hookups... even being a certified fantastic top tier lay, it's just not doing it for him anymore.
He wants that connection. The intimacy. The personal knowledge and inside jokes and soft affection that comes with a relationship.
And sure, some of it is on him. He's got a fun personality - jokes and jibes and little remarks that he really doesn't mean badly, but tend to be taken in certain ways.
("That's a lot of words to say I'm an asshole." His last potential date had snapped. "Even with a face like yours, people have standards. My life doesn't revolve around you.")
Really, he's nice when you get to know him! But he's also lonely, and bored, and every hobby he tries out never lasts more than a couple days.
It's hard, being as naturally talented and intuitive and as intelligent as him. Everything gets old so fast. It's all too easy.
Gets him wound up. He's got so much energy. And the one thing that never gets old to him? Other people.
So when he meets new people he can be sort of... overwhelming. Overly familiar. Annoying. Clingy.
(Okay, maybe he's a little bitter about how that last one. He'd offered to pay her bills! Why was she so worked up over her dumb career? He had way more money, and he was plenty generous with it!)
Lately, he's been toying with a different solution to his problems - hybrids.
They're like people, just basically as pets (which sounds a little messed up when he thinks about it, so he promptly stops thinking, and the problem goes away) - companions who can live with him, eat with him at mealtimes, cuddle up and even provide some intimacy.
That sort of thing is apparently frowned on, but who cares? It's not like he'd ever force anyone. One look at him and they'd be begging for it.
Do you ever think about anyone besides yourself? You're going to wake up alone one day, with no one to put up with your selfishness.
And besides, they'd live together! They'd become friends naturally!
Yeah... a pet would be great for a busy guy like him. Just some cute thing sitting and waiting for him at home, ready to jump on him as soon as he's back.
("Gojo, you barely take care of yourself. You think you can take care of another person?"
"Please, I've looked this up! Cat hybrids are especially independent. Come on, can't you see me with a cute little kitty curled up in my lap?"
"You're actually hopeless.")
Shoko doesn't know what she's talking about. He can be responsible, he simply chooses not to, because life is easier that way. But cats are easy to take care of!
He just has to find the right one. He's been to a couple shelters, but none of the hybrids there have spoken to him.
It's kitten season, apparently - they're really pushing the young ones on him. But Satoru, despite what Shoko thinks, is responsible. He's looking for something older, mature, able to take care of itself (and also consent).
And what does he see as he strolls through a less-wealthy part of town on his way to his favorite ramen shop?
A cute little stray, big pleading eyes and a sign saying "Anything Helps", tail curled up around you as you look up hopefully to passing strangers.
His heart squeezes a little at the sight. There's a small dish in front of you with a scattering of spare change.
Satoru stops, mid-stride, backing up and grinning down at you.
Looks like it's this kitty's lucky day.
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So... it turns out it's not so simple to adopt a stray hybrid.
It's a little annoying. You're a sorry, scraggly thing, begging for scraps in a dingy side corner.
And yet you seem to take some kind of issue with his generous offer of adoption.
Satoru supposes he can forgive you for not trusting a stranger, but he brought you out for ramen! You sat with him for the whole meal! That's longer than ninety percent of his dates have tolerated him!
Deep down, some voice is echoing the same old taunts in different words.
Even a stray off the street doesn't want your company. The best you can do is bribe people to love you, and even with all your money, the love runs out quick.
Funny how the voice sounds a lot like his mother! When talking to his dad, of course. Not him. His parents both loved him.
They'd sent him to the most expensive schools, bought him all the latest and greatest of everything, gave him a penthouse and a vacation home as a graduation gift.
Only, it was sort of big for him to live in all by himself. Satoru tries explaining it to you, but you're reluctant for some reason.
It's hard to tell, between all your stammering and nervous trailing off. How you seemed to stare at him, distracted by his beauty.
Heh. He does get that a lot. But you're the cutest, sweetest, most darling creature he's ever laid eyes on, all pathetic and needy-eyed, and he's not going home without a kitty today.
"What do I have to do to make you come with me?" Satoru says it bluntly. "I have money. All the money you could ever want. You can eat bluefin tuna every day-"
"I eat the blue tunas all the time," You interrupt him eagerly, "The ones in the can!"
"Not those - it's - listen, just tell me you'll come back with me!" He really wants to take you home now. You're just too cute.
Your ears droop (oh my GOD it's so adorable), "I'm sorry, I... I don't know. I need to get back to my spot before Suguru comes looking for me."
A dark feeling seems to creep over him like a shadow. You have an owner? And he's making you beg out on the streets?
Well, you are a very convincing cutie. But Satoru doesn't support scam artists! He makes you eat canned tuna.
You do seem to be in relatively good condition, though, now that he takes a second look at you. No fresh cuts or bruises, not a scratch. Your clothes are worn and dirty but you're surprisingly well groomed otherwise.
"And you want to go back with him? I'm way richer," Satoru says, crossing his arms, looking down at you over his glasses.
"Oh, uh, Suguru is also a stray," You say sheepishly, tail swaying gently, "He's my friend. He takes care of me, I could never leave him behind."
Something twists in his chest. You didn't want to leave your friend - that was why.
One pet was already a reach for him, really. But taking in you both?
Give it up already. You're not capable of love. You aren't capable of caring about anyone besides yourself. You're selfish, and you're fine with it.
You'll die alone, Gojo.
He smiles at you, a wide, easy grin.
"I've got room for two."
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chleem · 2 days ago
Love Deception III
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Series : ceo!drew starkey x assistant!reader
Summary: In order to secure a business deal, you pose as Drew’s girlfriend at an engagement party.
Genre: fake dating, slowburn, age gap (31 & 26), (read at own caution
⋆.˚ don't copy or translate my work!
⋆.˚ inspired by this tweet!
♡⸝⸝ two | index | four
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“Wow, this looks amazing, Mrs Harrington,”
You immediately compliment the food scattered across the dining table, eyes lightening up at the sight of it. You hadn’t even realized you were hungry until you saw how beautifully cooked this dinner was. 
“Call me Lily,” she gives you a wink, her smile warm and inviting. Her eyes flicker between you and Drew as her husband instinctively pulls out her chair, “sit- sit, make yourselves comfortable.”
Your hand reaches to pull out your chair, instead, crashing with Drew’s, whose… surprisingly, doing it for you. 
You quickly retreat, glancing at Drew, hoping to catch a flicker of anything—anything—that might give away what he's thinking, but his expression remains neutral, as always. 
“Thanks,” you murmur, sitting down in your seat. 
“I haven’t cooked this much since Thanksgiving,” Lily jokes, starting to pick up food onto her own plate. “But I just had to for-“
Your eyes begin to scan the table, her voice fading into the background as your focus sharpens. 
Cacio e Pepe. You spot it, one of your favorite dishes—there, across the table. 
On Drew’s side of the table. 
You watch as he serves some onto his own plate, and you contemplate about speaking up. 
“-do you cook at home, y/n?”
The sudden and first question of the evening tears your attention away from the plate of pasta. 
“Oh, uh… sometimes, but just really quick, simple stuff,” you answer, and your eyes land on the seafood risotto in front of you. You’re suddenly torn—your favorite dish is across the table, but this risotto... it's right in front of you. 
Okay. Risotto’s not bad either, right? 
You grab the the communal spoon, and serve yourself a portion of the seafood risotto.
There’s also steak on the table, perfectly seared, and you can’t resist adding a slice of that as well. 
“Simple’s often the best,” James winks over at you, earning a chuckle from his wife. 
You politely smile, preparing to dig into the food on your plate, when it’s suddenly snatched away. 
Your fork hovers mid-air as you blink in surprise. 
Drew’s hand has swapped your plate with his, and now your eyes land on the contents:, the Cacio e Pepe, a side salad, and a slice of that steak. 
You glance up at Drew, but he doesn't look at you, focusing on his own plate. 
But you can see- that little, briefly there, curve of his lip. 
“So, are there anything you two like to do? Like, outside of work?”
You slowly start eating the food Drew swapped with yours, the flavors of the Cacio e Pepe hitting you in unexpected waves of comfort.
“Y/n likes art,” he says, without looking at you. “She goes- visits a new gallery every week.”
You blink, slightly surprised. How does he know that?
You manage a tight smile, turning your attention to the Harringtons across the table as you chew, James laughing softly before chiming in with another question.
“No, no, I meant together,” he corrects, his gaze shifting between you and Drew, clearly intrigued. “What do you two do together?”
Your eyes flicker to Drew once again, seeing the way he pauses. 
You clear your throat, stepping in. Because, that’s your job, right? As his assistant, help him fill in some gaps. 
Including now, as you lie, “Well, we... go on trips.”
“Really? Where do you go?” Lily eagerly asks, before taking another bite of her own food, “Drew certainly doesn’t seem like the type.”
An exchange of soft laughs echo through the table, yourself included. 
“No- no, but we go somewhere- somewhere out of the city,” Drew says, his tone casual, but there's a slight pause as if he's carefully choosing his words. He takes a slow sip of his wine, glancing up briefly at you, "just quiet spots. Y’know, a change of scenery.”
“So…nature? Into hiking?” Lily coos, her voice filled with curiosity.
You look down at your plate, eyes widening slightly. Hiking? 
You’re not exactly an outdoor enthusiast. 
The thought of long trails and bugs isn’t exactly your idea of a getaway, but before you can even formulate a response, Drew answers smoothly.
“Yeah—yeah, but more, uh, calming,” he says, “we like peaceful walks and, uh, places to just… relax.”
His answer is vague enough to keep things believable without making either of you look too out-of-character.
The Harringtons however, seem to buy it, their smiles widening. 
“That sounds perfect,” she says, her tone bright.
You quietly chew on your plate, savoring the rich cuisine that you don’t often get to indulge in. The warmth of the food is comforting, giving you a moment of peace amidst the conversation.
Then, out of nowhere, you hear James’s voice cut through the air, “actually, there’s something we wanna… ask you two about.”
You glance up, sensing a shift in the tone of the conversation. James leans forward slightly, a glint of excitement in his eyes, as Lily’s gaze flits between you and Drew, her expression curious.
You swallow the bite in your mouth, suddenly aware of the tension that seems to hang in the air.
Drew remains composed, but you can tell by the way his jaw tightens slightly that he’s listening carefully.
Oh shit- what are they gonna ask?
It’s not even ten minutes into this dinner, and already, it seems like they’re dropping a huge bomb. 
“We just wanna get this out the way-“
“Before we talk about anything else-“
“Or we get too full-"
“We’ve been thinking for a long time-“
“Always talking-“
“Wondering if you two might be up for it-“
“You wanna say it?”
“You say it-“
“Okay, okay- I’ll say it-“
The back-and-forth between them feels almost scripted, like a scene out of a cheesy rom-com. You half-expect the camera to zoom in on their animated faces, as if this moment is building to some huge revelation.
Your tight smile and slightly widened eyes might just give away how uncomfortable you felt right now. 
“So, every year, we have an annual hunting party,” James starts, and you gulp down the food in your mouth. 
Hunting party? You blink, processing the words. People still do that? People can still do that?…But then again, they were ridiculously rich. Of course they did extravagant things like that.
“Wow- that sounds, amazing,” you hear Drew comment beside you. As sarcastic as it sounds, he somehow makes it come across as genuinely interested.
James nods, continuing, “It’s a tradition we’ve had for years, and we always invite our closest friends.”
“- and we thought it’d be a great fit for you two. A chance to get to know everyone better—and of course, enjoy the outdoors!” Lily practically cheers, clapping her hands in excitement. 
The couple’s smiles felt like as if you were staring directly at the sun.
Oh my fucking god. 
You’re still processing the idea of an actual hunting event. The image in your head involves fancy rifles, a private estate, and people dressed in expensive outdoor gear. 
It’s hard to picture yourself in the midst of all that, but you nod along, trying to mask your surprise. 
You advert to the food, chewing on it intently. 
You really don’t know what to think. A whole day with rich strangers, all while pretending to be Drew’s girlfriend? Definitely not your idea of fun.
It…it sounded like a nightmare. 
Willingly spend time with a bunch of rich people? Yeah- no. 
“Oh, and it’s the whole weekend!” Lily adds, as if it would make the decision better, “so, a little getaway!”
“An island that’s been passed down from each generation,” James chimes in, his tone dripping with pride. “It’s private, of course. No interruptions, just us and nature.”
You nod absently, trying to force the smile back on your face. An island? Great.
Basically no room for escaping. 
You swallow hard, forcing yourself to stay calm, to play along.
The food seems tasteless now, and you can’t focus on anything else but the suffocating pressure to deliver. 
Say yes? Say no?
But then, you feel the gentle warmth of a hand placed on your thigh.
It’s Drew’s hand, his ring cold against your skin— yet steady, and strangely comforting. 
Almost as if his touch is a reminder that you’re not in this alone…or a subtle cue that you need to hold it together, his fingers gently gripping your flesh.
You look at him, seeing that he’s already staring at you. You see that smile on his face- the one you know can’t be faked. 
“We’ll think about it,” Drew says, his tone polite, turning away from you. "I mean, we’ve got other schedules, and so on.”
His hand remains there, and you feel a sense of reassurance in a moment where everything seems all too wrong. 
The moment you feel that pressure start to lift, Lily and James exchange an almost imperceptible glance. It’s clear they’re a little disappointed, but they don’t push. They simply nod, their smiles tightening just slightly.
“Well, of course,” James says with a gracious wave of his hand. “Take your time. We’ll send over the details. No rush.”
“Thank you, we’ll definitely—definitely try and fit it into our schedule,” Drew smiles, his voice smooth, the professional manner of his never slipping. 
Yet, just like that, his hand slips off your thigh.
The absence of his touch is oddly jarring. For a second, you almost feel a sense of loss, as if the warmth and quiet reassurance he provided had evaporated with his hand.
You shift, feeling self-conscious as you force another bite into your mouth. 
“But, uh, what made you consider us?” Drew asks, his tone light, more jokingly now. He leans back slightly in his chair, his usual confidence returning now that he doesn’t have to answer any more questions about your relationship.
His eyes twinkle with that familiar mischievous and easygoing gleam, but yours twinkle down at his hands, suddenly aware of how his hands look. Or more, the one that was just gently caressing your thigh. 
James chuckles, “want us to be completely honest?”
“Please- of course,” Drew takes a sip of his wine.
You lean back into your chair, letting out a small breath as the energy of the dinner shifts, the spotlight turning back to Drew as the Harringtons continue, clearly amused by the change in tone.
As you take another bite of your food, it suddenly tastes different—like you can finally savor it again.
“We’re getting married. We like to hang out in twos.”
So the rumors are true.
The Harringtons, a newly engaged couple, has become one of those pairs who only seem to socialize with other couples.
“And at the engagement party- we talked about that deal, right?” James continues, a knowing look passing between him and Lily.
The deal! He’s mentioning it!
“Yeah, the deal,” Drew murmurs, more to himself. 
“And we thought, since our main business partner is now a couple, it could be a great chance to make some new connections,” James adds with a smile, his tone light but purposeful, “make some new friends.”
You smile at his words, and you suddenly realize that these people— seem genuinely kind. There’s a warmth in their offer, a subtle understanding that this isn’t just about business.
“So you must excuse the questions we’ve asked about you two—it’s just so sudden,” Lily adds, her tone softening, trying to ease any lingering discomfort.
You could only smile, because it seems like… they also suspect this relationship is fake. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
“We also, um, just got together, so we’re still pretty nervous,” Drew lies.
You could feel his glance on the side of your face, and you nod, both of you playing the part, “yeah, we’re still figuring some stuff out.”
The Harringtons nod, almost understandingly at your comment. 
“Well, for us, at home, we also like to keep it ‘no business’ talks,” Lily adds, her tone soft and playful. She gives James a knowing smile, clearly at ease now. “Just a little rule we’ve adopted.”
You’re happy about the subtle shift in topics, moving back to the couple across from you.
“Really? Then what would you guys talk about, or …do?” You ask. 
Lily's smile widens, clearly enjoying the question, and James chuckles softly, shaking his head.
“Well, anything but business,” James says, leaning back in his chair. “A tv show, her new nails-“
Lily holds out her hand with a playful twirl, showing off her freshly done nails. They’re painted in baby pink, along with crazily cute and 3D stickers on each finger. 
“These?” She laughs, wiggling her fingers. 
“Oh- they’re beautiful,” you compliment, instinctively reaching your hand out to hers, admiring the detail.
Lily beams, her eyes lighting up at the praise, letting you hold her hand for a few seconds. “I’m obsessed with them right now. James thinks they’re a little too much, but that’s just him.”
Her husband chuckles, shaking his head lightly, as if this is an ongoing debate between them. “They’re... definitely a lot, but hey, whatever makes her happy.”
“What- I think James is a boring old man,” Drew teases, and you turn around, raising an eyebrow at him unexpectedly.
You didn’t see this side of Drew— so at ease around clients. He was always polished, professional, but this playful teasing? It was a side you rarely got to see. 
It threw you off for a second, and you can’t help but glance over at him, wondering how comfortable he really is in this situation.
His grin widens as he catches your look, clearly enjoying the back-and-forth.
James raises an eyebrow, a bit taken aback, but he laughs it off. “Well, someone’s gotta keep things balanced around here.”
“He’s a boring old man!” Lily loudly whispers to you and Drew, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
You can’t help but chuckle, glancing over at James, who’s still trying to process the teasing.
You lower your voice, leaning closer to Lily. “I think you’re right.”
“I knew you’d get it,” she says with a wink, before turning back to James, who’s now pretending to be offended.
Your grin widens, playing along, but deep down, something feels off. You’re grinning, but inside, your heart is cringing. This feels way too casual, you think. Too... friend-like with clients.
It’s a strange feeling—being so relaxed in a setting where you’re supposed to be professional. You're used to keeping things composed, especially with Drew, your boss. But here you are, being pulled into this lighthearted banter that doesn’t sit right.
And you feel as if you’re the only one that doesn’t fit in, because well, all three of them have huge, staggering amount of wealth upon them. 
You? You only have staggering amounts of debt, unease, and responsibilities. 
“But seriously though- we also play board games,” James says, bringing the conversation back. 
“..maybe we’re so boring that we need to torture others to eat dinner with us on a Friday,”Lily teases her husband.
You and Drew exchange a polite laugh, and he’s quick to assure them, “no, no, we couldn’t have spent tonight, in any other way.”
“How flattering,” James smiles, clearly pleased with the response. “Then would you two stay later to play a round of Monopoly?”
You laugh, glancing over at Drew, awaiting his call. 
After all, he was the boss, and he decided when the job was done. And in the Harringtons' case, it might be undone for a veryyyy long time.
Drew slides an arm around the back of your chair, and you can feel the warmth radiating off of him, his fingers brushing lightly against your arm.
“Of course,” Drew says, “we’ll definitely, definitely stay for the afterparty.”
The Harringtons smile, as if it’s the best news they’ve ever received. 
The rest of the dinner breezes by smoothly. The conversation flows effortlessly, the awkwardness from earlier fading into the background. The atmosphere feels lighter now, with laughter and casual chatter filling the air. As much as you can’t fully relax, the Harringtons’ warmth and easy-going nature make it a bit easier to play the part, just like Drew so effortlessly does.
By the time dessert is served, you're almost starting to forget that this whole evening was part of a bigger plan. Almost.
The car ride home is heavy with silence. 
It’s the kind of quiet that settles in when you realize how far you’ve pushed the boundaries, how much you’ve flirted— pretended to love your boss, all for the business deal.
At least during the engagement party, you’ve drank enough to nap in the car. 
Okay, maybe napping in the car with your boss right next to you was weird too. 
Now? Just a few sips of wine, but still really awake. 
You look out the window, the scenery slowly shifting—luxury to more worn streets, as it leads to your neighborhood. Your home.
This, the scenery outside the exact reason why you always ask to be dropped off at the subway station. 
You didn’t know why, but it was suddenly awkward to be alone with Drew. Maybe it was the pretending, or the touches. But it was a bit suffocating, to be sweet with your boss. 
And just as the station comes into view, you lean forward, telling the driver, “Oh, drop me off here, thanks.” 
It was a phrase that you have stopped saying three months into working with Drew, but now, it has resurfaced again. 
You start to unbuckle your seatbelt, the flickering car lights casting shadows on your hand, when Drew’s hand covers yours, brushing it off gently.
“Just drive to her place,” Drew says, his voice steady.
The driver nods, pulling away from the curb.
“What? No, just pull over-“
“Just sit back,” Drew interrupts.  
You glance over at him, confused, and he’s leaning back in his seat, legs spread out like he’s settled in for a long ride. He’s not looking at you; looking straight ahead and biting gently on his lower lip. 
You hesitate, your hand still half on the seatbelt, but you drop it, sinking back into the leather seat.
You rest one of your hands on the middle seat, and your eyes drift over to Drew’s hand, resting there, palm spread, the ring glistening in the dim light of the car. 
You can’t help but stare, the size of his hand almost too much to ignore. It reminds you of how his fingers felt earlier—strong, sure, and just…Drew. 
Your breath catches, and for a second, you’re suddenly so aware of being in the backseat with Drew. And also this whole…arrangement with him. 
No- no, don’t overthink it. It’s just a job. Nothing more. 
You turn away, focusing your gaze on the streets that become more familiar with each passing block.
Just as the hum of the air conditioning fills the car again, Drew’s deep voice cuts through. 
“That…trip,” he starts. 
You don’t want to look at him. You keep your back leaned against the seat, eyes glued to the window.
When you don’t reply, he adds, “The hunting party?”
Oh shit. 
You totally forgot. You’d gotten so lost in the whole dinner, the board games afterwards, that it slipped through your mind. 
Not looking at him doesn’t last long, though, as you quickly turn around. 
You’re met with those blue eyes of his, the only thing that shines through the dark car.
“Right," you say, voice a little too tight, "The hunting party.”
“..you don’t wanna go.”
“No—no, I do,” you lie, looking ahead, trying to steady your breath. You nod, but it feels stiff, too obvious. You weren’t a bad liar, but somehow, you can’t fake it around Drew. Not entirely. 
“It sounds amazing,” you whisper, trying to sound excited. 
You can feel the weight of his stare burning the side of your face, making your skin feel too tight. The silence stretches for a few seconds, though, felt like eternity. 
You weren’t sure why it was so awkward with Drew now. But it is. 
“…you don’t wanna go,” he repeats again, and this time, you hear the smile in his voice, the slight tease and knowing. “Why?”
Your lips press together, and you instinctively pout, the expression betraying you before you can stop it. You want to say something, anything, to brush off his words, but they hang there, heavy and expectant.
“I want to go,” you mutter, but even you don’t believe it. The pout lingers on your lips, despite your best effort to hide it. 
“Come on, just admit it,” Drew presses, his voice low, almost coaxing, “you promised.”
There it was again. Yesterday, he’d just remind you of the promise you made with him, one of the first conversations you two had. To be fully transparent with each other, for this assistant/boss dynamic to work. 
He didn’t need to remind you for the past year, since, well, it had become a habit, where you spoke your mind without hesitation. 
But, maybe because of your new role, that this might be getting a bit personal. 
Too personal. 
“Fine,” you mutter, crossing your arms, still keeping your eyes fixed ahead, afraid  to meet his gaze. 
How does one rephrase thoughts? To sound more…professional?
“I… I don’t want to be around rich people,” you blur out. 
Somehow, it sounded much better in your brain. 
You could feel your cheeks going red, your lips forming a wider pout, mainly out of embarrassment. 
But before you can retreat into silence, you push forward, desperate to make sense of it.
“It’s an island…and three whole days! That would be…” you glance up to make the calculations in your head, “72 hours! We would have to fake for 72 hours. We couldn’t even get through that dinner- or the one last week!”
“I think…the problem might be me, though. I- I don’t think I’m cut out to play your girlfriend. I’m just an assistant-“
“And you’re this- CEO, with your perfect suit, life-“
“Y/n,” Drew interrupts, his voice cutting through your ramble, calm but firm.
You freeze, suddenly aware of how far you’ve gone. You didn’t even realize you’d said that much.
In a rush of embarrassment, you bury your face into your palms, your heart pounding in your chest. God, why did I just say all of that?
The silence stretches, and all you can hear is the pounding of your own thoughts.
“Sorry,” you mumble through your hands, wishing you could take it all back.
You cringe at how unprofessional that was. 
But then again, Drew did invite you to say everything you were thinking of. 
Then Drew laughs.
It’s that signature deep-throated laugh, the one that rolls out of him effortlessly when he’s genuinely amused, or when he finds something unexpectedly funny.
You don’t know why, but you wanna see it. 
You turn your head over, and sure enough, he is smiling. You could see it; his mouth parted slightly in a smile, and his eyes, even softer in the shadows, crinkling at the corners.
“Sorry- sorry, but, that was cute.”
Your eyes widen at his compliment; it was the second one of the night. 
“Are you saying- saying that you’re not good enough to be my girlfriend?”
You blink at his word choice, eyes widening more, if that’s even possible. 
“To play your girlfriend.”
“Oh,” Drew shifts in his spot, and you can see him spreading his legs further. He leans an arm against the car door, fingertips rubbing the side of his face, as if deep in thought.
“Yeah- I mean, I’m not an actor. I can’t lie.”
“But only you would make sense.”
“That’s a stretch-“
“No, seriously,” he starts, and you could hear the exact moment when his work mode switches on- the voice he uses when he’s persuading investments, all smooth and calculated. 
“You…you’ve worked with me for more than two years. I know you. And I know that- that you know how to read the situation, think on your feet. That’s exactly what- what I need.”
“…besides, didn’t I say this to you the other day?” Drew adds, his gaze softening, a small smile appearing on his lips. 
The memory of a few days ago, when you were in Drew’s office, him asking you to be his fake girlfriend, flashed through your mind. 
“You did—but you saw how we did just then. We were a mess.”
“I- I wouldn’t call it a mess.”
You give him a look, one that mixes exasperation with disbelief. “They said it themselves. They don’t believe we’re together.”
Drew’s answer comes with a pause, his gaze narrowing slightly, “then… then what should we do?”
You know that once Drew asks those words, it’s almost like a test to your role as his assistant. To come up with the best solution, deliver it perfectly, like you always do. 
But, the stakes are higher now, more real than you’d anticipated. The Harringtons, the deal, everything—it’s all hinged on the belief that you and Drew are a couple, and you know that if you’re going to pull this off, things are about to get a lot more complicated. 
Your mind begins to race. You need to convince the world, but convincing the Harringtons is just the start.
The next step—how you make them believe—is suddenly so clear, yet so daunting.
You swallow, trying to steady your breath. “We need…need to practice.”
The car comes to a stop, and when you glance outside, you realize it’s your apartment complex. 
But you don’t make a move to get out. Instead, you’re focused on Drew’s expression. The streetlight outside bathes his face in a soft glow, casting shadows that make his features look even sharper. 
You catch the corner of his lips tugging up into a slight smile.
Why is he smiling? You don’t know. 
“Practice?” He repeats, his voice low, almost as if amused. 
You move uncomfortably in your seat, trying to maintain your usual professional tone, but it's harder now. "Yeah," you say, your voice steadier than you feel, "practice. If we want this to be convincing, we need to be… real.”
"And...practice can help?"
Drew tilts his head slightly, “how?”
"Small things," you start slowly, "things that couples do. Holding hands, nicknames... I don’t know. Just enough to make it feel natural.”
He’s taking a long time to answer again, and you wonder if this was the wrong thing to say. Was this too much? Too forward? Too unprofessional?
You fidget with your fingers, looking down at your lap again. 
Finally, Drew speaks, and you could hear him moving in his seat again. 
"You sure?"
High risk high reward.
Fuck it.
“Okay. I’ll- I’ll practice with you.”
You blink, your breath catching for a split second. 
His tone is different— it’s almost too calm, too easy. He’s agreeing to this, just like that. And somehow, that makes the situation feel even more intense.
You look back up, your smile briefly there. “Okay.”
“Um- so, yes to the hunting party?”
“Uh- yeah, yeah.”
“Okay. I’ll tell the Harringtons tomorrow.”
Drew nods, biting down on his lower lip. 
“Then, um, I should get out now,” you say, clicking your seatbelt off. 
He doesn’t immediately answer. Instead, there’s a brief pause where he seems to reconsider something, but then, as if snapping back to the present, he nods, “yeah. Yeah, I guess so.”
You give him a smile, one tinged with nerves, before opening the car door. The cool night air hits you as you step out. 
And you don’t know why, but you do it again; giving a quick wave to the blacked-out windows, even though you can’t see anything inside. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
Your feet move before you could even process it, and once you step into your apartment building, the realization hits you at once; 
You’re gonna practice being Drew’s girlfriend. 
Which, is as simple as it sounds, right?
word count: 4.6k
ִ ࣪𖤐 a/n: i was smiling like mad crazy when writing this. also, the pics of anya and drew??? so cute tf
and yes, a part of me died at the sag awards when he's no longer blond... but buzzcut ?- classic.
official taglist for this series: @ecstqzy @wheeniemyloove @melvigaristaa @hugheswife @maybankslover @iwannagetdickeddown @lilithblackkk @mattiwe01 @rafeslvttygirl @jessiskindacoolig @suzuki-18
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lavandulawrites · 3 days ago
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Yandere!Botanist/ flower shop owner x reader
This OC is inspired by a certain Lord of the Rings character. Ten points to those who can guess who;) I have been wanting to make a softer yandere OC for a while, I hope you like Oliver<3
Synopsis: Your friend shares her concern that your other friend, the sweetest man you know, is stalking you.
Oliver’s (Yandere Botanist) Character Profile
Warnings: yandere, original character, soft yandere, mention of stalking, manipulation, further murder?
Word count: 1478
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Oliver was a sweet man. A gentle giant some would say. He was caring, kind, gentle and loving. Oliver loved to both cook and bake, and both he excelled at. His cooking rivalled that of the greatest restaurant, and his baking was so good that it had made you weep.
This is way the words coming from your trusted friend greatly shocked you and offended you.
“He isn’t right in the head [Name]. Maybe you don’t see it because you’re blinded by his sweetness and his caring nature, but please listen to me!” your friend pleaded. Her forehead was wrinkled in frustration and her eyes frantic. “I swear I am telling the truth! He is-”
“A stalker? Really? You seriously think I would fall for that nonsense??” you interrupted her in her ranting. You found it impossible to believe that the sweet man who’s love for kittens was as adorable as a kitten itself. The man who owned a little cozy flower shop, the shop that you always found time to stop by whenever you were on your way home from work or uni. Oliver always had time to listen to your struggles and he always managed to comfort you with either tea or the best hot chocolate you could ever ask for. His sturdy, but slightly soft body perfectly fitted his personality. Though be no fool, he was as strong as a horse, that had been clear for you when he had to help and push your little stupid car that had gotten stuck in the muddy ground. He was a handsome man, with kind brown eyes with golden flecks. He had wavy dark blond hair with light brown streaks. Freckles dusted his cheeks giving him a cute appearance. He was perfect. Your parents loved him, your siblings loved him and your neighbours loved him. You thought your friends loved him too, but that didn’t seemed to be the case for her.
Her eyes narrowed as you were lost deep in thoughts. She waved her hand in front of your face, which caused you to stagger backwards. “Hello??”
You snapped out of it and your eyes found hers. The truth was, that you had started to fall for your botanist friend. You had fallen hard.
“Sorry I got distracted…” you mumbled. “But no, I don’t believe you when you say he is a stalker. Do you even have any proof?” you ask her with a raised brow. You loved her as friend, but you were wounded by her hurtful claims.
“I have seen him sneaking around your flat. We almost always stumble upon him when we are out. It doesn’t even matter what we are doing” she shook her head.
“Really? That’s it? He lives close by, so it’s not that weird that we meet him from time to time” you sigh at your friend. This wasn’t enough to ring any alarm bells. At least not for you.
“Okay, okay. Listen, I know this is not enough to repost him or anything-”
“Report him?! Are you out of your mind?!” you exclaim in disbelief. Who in their right mind would report a man as sweet as Oliver?
“Please let me finish” your friend presses her hand gently on your shoulder to stop your outburst. You nod in response with a lower head and let her continue. “All I am saying is that it’s weird. So many coincidences… I also found it weird that he was in the same women’s store. And in the makeup section too?” your friend’s voice was laced with frustration.
“At least think about it, okay? And be careful. Promise me that” she gave you a pleading look.
Your friend’s words had plagued your mind for the last couple of days. At first you, you didn’t even want to give it a thought, but the more you thought about it, the more the uncertainty crept in. You stopped in front of the cozy flower shop. Even though it was late winter, the shop had quite the few customers. Beautiful flowers in all different kinds of colours were sat in the window, tempting the by-passer to come inside. The interior was old fashioned, with dark old wooden floors and light green floral wallpaper. Paintings with different flower motifs filled the walls were plants weren’t hung up in display. The counter was of the same colour as the floor with a emerald stone countertop. An antique golden register was placed on top the counter which further made you feel like you were in a different time period. A sofa was placed between two shelves on the short far-end wall. It was an old light blue sofa who Oliver had bought from an old lady. It was at least over hundred years old.
Oliver smiled from behind the counter where a costumer just had finished paying for a bouquet of red roses. The bell rang as the women left the store with the bouquet gently placed sun her bag. Now the store was empty save from the two of you.
“Hi! Enjoying the weekend so far?” the blonde man greeted you. His friendly smile revealing the dimples which you loved. He leaned slightly on the counter like a happy puppy.
Your heart fluttered by his cute gesture. “Hi! I am. I thought I should stop by and say hello as it was in the way” you returned the smile. “How are you? Have it been a busy day so far?”
“I’m quite good. Even better now that you are here. It hasn’t been too busy, but that’s okay as I needed to finish some flower bouquets for a weeding” his freckled cheeks slightly reddened. “How are you doing?”
You blushed slightly at his words, but quickly concealed it by looking away. “I’m also doing good”. You paused for a bit. Your fingers fidgeted with the sleeve of your woollen coat. You wanted to ask him about what your friend had said, but you didn’t want to sound rude or accusing. You sharply inhaled. “There is something I wanted to ask you about. I am sure it’s just a coincidence and I don’t mean to sound rude or anything” your words fell out in a fast flurry of words.
Oliver narrowed his eyes quickly before they returned to normal. “Go on” he said in his usual tone.
You hesitated for a moment before you closed his eyes and spurted out “A friend of mine has made me aware that I often bump into you on the most random places… At first I thought nothing about it, but after giving it a good thought, I must say that I agree with her. I mean it is probably just a coincidence, but still. I don’t mean to offend you or anything, but it is kinda strange?”. You give him a sheepish smile. “I’m sorry, but it is something that has been bugging me” After you had opened your mouth, you had instantly regretted it and you wanted to slam your head as hard as you could against the green stone of the counter.
Oliver’s expression darkened slightly before he smiled his usual warm smile. “I see…” he paused for a moment, clearly in deep thought. “Well, I do love quite close to you and my shop is even closer. Plus it’s not weird to see someone you know out in public” his smile softened. “You shouldn’t think to much about. But I promise you that it’s all coincidences. I hope I haven’t frightened you. Because that’s not my intention at all” he stepped away from the counter and rounded it. Oliver’s large hands gently clasped on your shoulders. He strokes his thumbs up and down in a calming motion. His sweet beautiful brown eyes look at you with utmost adoration. “Would you like some tea, my flower?”
You nodded. “Yes please. I’m so sorry for accusing you of such. That was uncalled for” you rub your finger down your nose bridge in embarrassment and frustration.
“Don’t worry. It’s alright. I am just happy I haven’t accidentally made you uncomfortable”.
As the botanist prepared you some floral tea, your thoughts drift. How could you be so rude to your beloved friend? He was pure hearted and would never hurt a fly.
Oliver hummed as he poured you both some tea. As he hummed on Here Comes The Sun by his favourite band The Beatles, he couldn’t help the anger that flowed through his veins like ice. Your so called friend had tried to tear you apart from him. That was not something he could allow. His nails dug into the wooden table and he could feel splinters stabbing the skin underneath his short nails. Your friend would come to regret her words and that soon. But first, he would lighten your mood with your favourite tea, for such was his duty.
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I'm ready and available to be claimed by a dominant daddy and become 100% owned and enslaved full-time no fantasy no role playing I'm talking about a real life arrangement as real and serious as you want and I fully understand and accept the seriousness of the situation I'm ready to be a part of.. I know who I am and where my place is in life I'm a weak soft slender white pussyboi and I'm a true gay sissy faggot and my place is beneath all dominant real Men first and foremost but also dominant woman as well especially if at the direction of a dominant aggressive alpha Master Daddy because of course if my Master/Owner/Daddy tells me to do something or is letting me know what when and where I'm going to be partaking in something I will have no choice but to obey and do exactly what I'm told no matter how kinky hardcore and degrading it might be I will say "yes daddy" and do as I'm told. Erase all traces of any remaining masculine features and permanently stop the ability of me to produce testosterone by blocking it with high doses of spironolactone and keep me on high doses of estradiol via pills and or injections or both and high doses of progesterone to help my breast development and when you decide I'm ready for castration I'm ready and willing to have my pointless little testicles removed and prove to my Master that by willingly undergoing such a permanent step that I'm completely and totally accepting his complete dominance over me and I'm fully submitting myself and my life to his complete and total control and will become his bitch that he owns and has the right to do anything and everything he wants to do with me and I will swear total obedience to my Master no matter what. Dm me if you are looking for a a cute weak sissy faggot whiteboi to fully feminize and be able to do any and all sexual acts and desires with and I will willingly let you do as you wish to me
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I’m Daddy’s Sissy Slut 😘
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