#he’s like puppies who are born w their feet and ears as big as they’re ever gonna be
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animalsprite · 5 years ago
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     hewwo  MKFMDS  idk  how  to  make  an  entrance  w  /  o  just  saying  my  name,  so  i’m  lia,  currently  twenty  ..  soon  to  be  twenty  -  one,  thank  god  ..  nd  i  use  she  /  her  pronouns  !  genuinely.  this  is  the  cutest  group  i’ve  seen  in  years  so  kith  kith  to  the  admins  😚  i  do  not  play  soft  characters  usually  so  bear  w  me  on  this  one,  but  all  of  kieran’s  info  can  be  found  under  the  cut  or  at  least  most  of  it  !  hit  the  lil  heart  if  u’d  like  to  plot  nd  i’ll  make  my  way  over  to  u  unless  u  wanna  make  that  leap  first  💞 u can also reach me on discord @ fightersforyuna#7712 !
°✧。× :  (  hwang hyunjin  +  cis male  +  he/him  )  ───  oh,  look,  i’m  pretty  sure  that’s  KIERAN  SHIN  !    you  know,  the  NINETEEN  year  old  harvest  sprite  ?  they’re  an  ANIMAL  SPRITE,  by  the  look  of  them,  but  i  hear  they’re  actually  half  -  human,  too.  i  wasn’t  sure  the  harvest  goddess  allowed  that  either,  but  i  guess  she  must  !  allowed  or  not,  i’m  pretty  sure  i  heard  that  one  say  they  might  work  part  -  time  as  an  ANIMAL  SHELTER  EMPLOYEE,  but  i  could  have  heard  wrong.  what  i  know  for  certain  is  that  they  DO  believe  in  the  harvest  goddess  and  ARE  loyal  to  her,  which  explains  why  they’re  so  SOLICITOUS  and  IDEALISTIC,  but  can  also  be  a  bit  MALADROIT  and  RESERVED.  i  guess  that’s  what  happens  when  you’re  torn  between  two  different  worlds,  huh  ?  anyways,  if  anyone  asks  about  them,  i’m  pretty  sure  you  can  find  them  at  ENDLESS  PAWSABILITIES  most  often  !  drowning  in  soft  oversized  sweaters,  the  feeling  of  a  warm  blanket  after  it’s  come  out  of  the  dryer,  &  being  surrounded  by  loads  of  animals  at  any  given  moment  !
background .
has  fully  grown  up  on  the  island  obviously  ..  but  only  with  his  mother
father  was  never  in  the  picture.  he  was  the  human  that  made  the  halfie.  his  father  actually  fuckin  bolted  when  he  found  out  the  whole  sprite  shit  since  his  mother  was  able  to  hide  it  well  enough
like  of  course  it  was  real  love,  but  men  change  their  minds  like  the  seasons  and  they  also  are  just  trash
after  he  left,  his  mother  was  tasked  with  raising  him  on  her  own.  that  would  prove  to  be  no  easy  feat  as  kieran  was  born  with  human  ears  ..  a  clear  indicator  he  was  half  human
no  one  had  known  his  father  was  a  human,  she  would’ve  been  disowned  by  her  family  and  the  community  around  her.  so,  without  knowing  whether  kieran  would  show  signs  of  sprite  nature  ..  she  did  what  she  had  to  do
that  meant  when  he  was  a  child,  she’d  brought  him  to  someone  and  got  his  ears  cut  into  a  point  ..  ain’t  that  lovely  ..
anyways  !  he  grew  up  thinking  he  was  100%  sprite  and  he  knows  he’s  not  now,  but  we’ll  get  to  that  in  a  second.  he  doesn’t  know  what  happened  to  his  father,  his  mother  doesn’t  ever  talk  about  it  and  he’s  too  scared  to  ask  her
growing  up  he  definitely  felt  like  he  was  missing  something  or  like  there  was  something  up  w  him  ..  he  always  just  kind  of  blamed  himself  for  his  father  leaving  ?  which  is  the  truth  ,  he  just  doesn’t  know  for  sure,  even  to  this  day
kieran  had  never  felt  like  he’s  belonged,  like  he  didn’t  feel  quite  right  with  other  sprites.  they  could  do  a  lot  of  stuff  he  couldn’t  plus  he  never  heard  of  a  half-human,  half-sprite  before  ..  his  mother  definitely  sheltered  him  from  a  lot  of  things,  so  he  wouldn’t  ask  questions
in  her  defense,  she  did  it  to  protect  him.  she  only  wanted  what  was  best  for  her  baby  as  kieran  was  her  whole  world  and  still  is
grew  up  without  many  friends.  honestly  didn’t  have  more  than  two  probably  ..  he  was  the  subject  of  bullying  growing  up  and  it’s  definitely  taken  it’s  toll  on  him  to  this  day
wouldn’t  really  understand  why  despite  always  feeling  like  he  was  different
however,  despite  all  that  he  was  still  a  pretty  lively  kid.  like  he  was  always  down  to  chat  with  new  people  and  get  to  know  them,  he  was  just  selective  about  who  he  let  close  to  him
he  was  lively  until  he  found  out  from  accidentally  overhearing  his  mother  talk  to  someone  that  he  was  only  half-sprite
mind  u  this  was  when  he  was  in  high  school,  so  he  spent  the  whole  of  his  life  being  lied  to  and  despite  loving  his  mother  a  lot,  he  felt  betrayed
that  info  only  solidified  how  he  had  felt  like  he  doesn’t  belong  anywhere
he  pulled  back  a  bit  from  his  mother,  they’re  still  close  and  what  not  but  not  as  close  ..  pulled  back  from  a  lot  of  people  actually  nd  his  whole  demeanor  sort  of  changed  and  put  a  wall  between  him  and  the  rest  of  the  world
UH  idk  what  else  to  write.  he’s  just  a  kind  of  angsty  and  lonely  little  guy  who  doesn’t  feel  like  he  belongs  anywhere  !
very  reserved  ..  he’s  not  super  fond  of  being  around  other  sprites,  definitely  is  not  fond  of  being  around  humans  ..  they  scare  him  a  lot
he’s  got  the  kindest  heart.  he  wants  to  take  care  of  and  provide  for  other  beings  so  bad  ..  especially  animals
extremely  selfless,  boy  will  not  do  anything  for  himself  nd  will  drop  what  he’s  doing  to  help.  also  sort  of  makes  him  a  lil  gullible  ..  easy  to  use
kieran  is  easily  flustered,  he’s  probably  blushing  and  smiling  and  giggling  about  70%  of  the  time  ..  so  do  w  that  what  u  will
clumsy  ..  so  clumsy  like  he  has  two  left  feet  
despite  being  super  reserved,  he’s  still  very  smiley  and  bubbly.  does  want  to  get  to  know  other  people  but  sort  of  doesn’t  know  how  to  as  he  one.  doesn’t  think  he’s  interesting  enough  and  two.  he’s  shy  ..
has  a  lot  of  trust  issues  and  abandonment  issues
he  does  not  want  u  to  get  to  know  him  in  fear  that  u  will  leave  him  like  his  father  or  think  he  doesn’t  belong  anywhere  because  he’s  only  half  of  both
he’s  so  touch  starved  please  cuddle  him
is  an  easy  crier  ..  just  soft  hearted  and  wears  it  on  his  sleeve
extras .
he’s  a  5′10″  big  ..  baby  ..  a  big  ole  puppy
him  and  his  mother  own  an  animal  shelter  in  town  called  endless  pawsabilities  !  the  establishment  and  the  animals  themselves  are  his  babies  ..
he  feels  super  comfortable  around  animals,  a  lot  of  it  has  to  do  with  his  animal  sprite  nature.  they  tend  to  be  his  best  friends  ..  which  has  branded  him  as  the  weirdo  because  he  talks  to  his  pets  
he’s  a  big  romantic  and  idealist,  loves  the  idea  of  love  and  everything  in  between.  honestly  daydreams  about  it,  but  thinks  it’s  absolutely  unrealistic  because  who  would  like  him  when  he’s  him
he  loves  coffee  and  tea,  will  drink  coffee  in  the  morning  and  tea  before  settling  in  for  the  night
loves  big  sweaters  and  being  warm  and  toasty  ...  loves  a  good  cuddle  😔
there’s  still  feeling  in  his  ears  ..  they’re  just  very  sensitive  and  he  will  NOT  show  his  ears  to  anyone  ..  he’s  very  ashamed  of  them  and  thinks  they’re  ugly  so  his  hair  is  covering  them  100%  of  the  time
oh  uh  he  don’t  really  pay  much  attention  to  the  sprite  world  ..  he’s  so  like  secluded  ever  since  he  found  out  so  ..
wanted plots .
he’s  not  experienced  much  but  perhaps  an  ex  or  an  almost  something  could  be  kind  of  fun  to  play  with  ..
a  best  friend  !  give  him  someone  he  trusts  wholeheartedly  and  like  the  only  person  he  does
owo  maybe  a  bad  influence  on  him  like  he’s  not  one  to  break  the  rules  or  get  out  of  his  own  bubble,  but  someone  who  kinda  pushes  him  too
he  doesn’t  get  annoyed  often  but  perhaps  annoy  the  shit  out  of  him  or  like  have  him  annoy  the  shit  outta  ur  muse  because  he’s  just.  like  that  u  feel
be  a  regular  at  the  animal  shelter  ..  like  a  volunteer  or  sumn  nd  be  his  friend  nd  let  him  get  excited  to  see  u  excited  abt  the  animals
oh  someone  be  his  bully  KMDKSMK  or  just  be  fuckin  mean  to  him
i  got  NOTHIN  else  ..  my  brain  is  empty  so  will  100%  vibe  w  whatever  and  work  that  shit  to  death  individually
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alltheworldsinmyhead · 6 years ago
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                          two hearts, two pairs of dark eyes
In new, post-war and communist Poland, two lost people find against all                           odds -  and become a part of each other's symphonies.
ff.net/ao3/ the referenced song
I will try to keep those notes minimal, but there are some things I need to address. First of all - this is an au to Zimna Wojna ( Cold War), a Polish 2018 movie directed by Paweł Pawlikowski - currently nominated for 3 Oscars! You don't require any knowledge of the source material to understand this story, however, i heavily encourage you to watch this movie if you have a chance. It will break your heart in the most beautiful way. Second of all - this fic is set during 40s and 50s in Poland, when this country was under the communist government. That means, among other things, censorship of art and public propaganda. Keep that in mind. Again, you don't need any knowledge about Polish People's Republic ( so socialist Poland) to understand this fic - at least I tried my best not to write anything too specific.
This story is dedicated to my wonderful, dear friend Julianna - honey, I cannot thank you enough for being the best beta ever <3 Love you for suggesting this idea to me!
Dwa serduszka, cztery oczy
Co płakały we dnie, w nocy
Czarne oczka, co płaczecie
Że się spotkać nie możecie
Że się spotkać nie możecie
Oj oj joj
Two hearts and two pairs of dark eyes
Oh my my
Which has cried all day and night
Oh my my
Dark eyes, why are you still crying
That you cannot meet another
That you cannot meet another
Oh my my
PART ONE: poland
The rumors spread through villages faster than newspapers, or radio, or horses. People gossip on the fields, on the markets, during weddings and funerals and in-between picking apples and potatoes. They speak, in various versions and forms of the same story, about people from Warsaw traveling through the region, stopping here and there – asking people to sing and dance, recording everything on some strange machine with spinning wheels on top of it-
(later Bellamy learns that this machine is called a recorder, that there are two tapes wrapped around each of the wheels and that one's voice sounds so very different if it's captured like that – but for now he's ankles' deep in cold mud, his hands digging in soil in fruitless attempt to find just one more carrot. And for now, he doesn't care about any of this, not at all.)
- And that they are looking for pretty country girls with clean altos and young country boys with strong legs who can jump higher than the others and hoist a girl up above their heads during dancing. The kids that want out of the village, the mud and the potatoes, lured by the promises of big cities and clean beds.
But these are all rumors and they travel fast, faster than the strange visitors from Warsaw. Their car eventually comes, almost forgotten and definitely unexpected, and Bellamy is away, helping with harvest in the neighboring village.
When he comes home, he finds Octavia sitting on the threshold; her hair is in two neat braids tied with her best ribbons, her cheeks are pink from excitement and her eyes are shining when she grabs his hand;
"Bell." She gasps, voice trembling, feverish. "Bell, you won't believe what has just happened."
Bellamy doesn't even remember not singing.
His mother used to sing all the time, even when she was sick and dying; even when her voice became quieter and quieter, barely above whisper and cough fits frequently interrupting her song. She was singing while sewing and while cooking and while trying to calm a fussing Octavia. And Bellamy singed along her, with his boyish, high-pitch alto. He would go to the field with others and sing with them harvest songs that helped them keep the rhythm, against cold rain and scorching sun, that urged you to push on when your back was killing you and your hands were giving up. Songs tied their little rural community better than anything else, linked them together into one sweating, working, singing organism. Every season of the year and every occasion passed with a fitting melody, with words that everybody knew and movements which have been imprinted in their minds since the birth.
Bellamy could tell the whole history of his family like this. As his voice was getting deeper and deeper, dropping in octaves seeming every month, as his mother's voice was becoming weaker and weaker, the third voice was joining their symphony more and more often. Octavia was loud since the very beginning; loud and bold, crisp clean as the ringing of a church's bell. And although she was a good enough singer – not that Bellamy was even an expert in the field of music – she loved dancing way more, tapping her little feet on the ground, spinning on the blooming fields and happiest, when she could dance in circles along with other girls during weddings and festivals.
The older she would get, the more evident it became; her body never losing its childlike flexibility, but becoming graceful, agile. Dark hair waving and flowing around her face, dress swooshing around her calves, never tired, never satisfied. Bellamy could see it, the way boys at the village were looking at her, and every time he caught somebody red-handed at staring at his baby sister, this violent anger would overcome his body; because the older she got the more evident it became that she did not belong here. She was too good, too bright. She deserved something better than those hungry boys. She deserved to be dancing on the stages, to receive standing ovation and bouquets of red roses.
Bellamy desperately didn't want her to just stay in the same place where she was so unfairly born, in mud and poverty, with her hands stained with dirt and eyes aching from sewing in the dimmed light of a candle. Dying in childbirth or from pox or flu or hunger or war. Raped in the forest or behind a barn and left with a growing belly and disgust in their neighbors' eyes.
His little sister was too good for it. Too bright.
But what could he do? How could he get her out of this? How could he buy her a golden future without any money or any connections and or perspectives?
The opportunity fell from the sky like the rain; arrived to a village while he was away, in a car and with a recorder that captured O's voice for forever.
And so, when Octavia grabs his hands in hers and asks him, so hopeful and so desperate, to come with her to the audition, he can do nothing but quietly say yes, not daring to believe somebody could've been listening to his silent prayers all along and finally answered them.
The first thing he notices is that the girl sitting behind a table cannot be older than him, which is really strange. There is an older woman be her side and a man standing in the corner of the room with recorder placed on the chair by his side, but the girl whose gaze meet his eyes when they enter can't be more than eighteen years old, or even less.
With her baby blue eyes and straw blonde hair braided tightly, she would look just like any other pretty country girl he has ever seen, if it wasn't for her hands. They rest atop a pile of papers and they are so white and smooth and unspoiled by any work that it's almost shocking. Long, almond-shaped nails with no dirt underneath them. White skin, no blemishes, or callouses.
Lady's hands.
Beside him, Octavia tries to curtsy, clumsy for the first time ever; she sways a little and he has to steady her by grabbing her elbow. Lady's eyebrows shoot up but she doesn't comment; instead, she nods as for hello and asks them about their names.
The song that they prepared – they, because O begged him, begged him desperately while tugging on his sleeves and making puppy eyes, not to leave her alone, she didn't want to come in alone – is a love ballad, a sad one (of course. All their love ballads are sad; there are no happy endings here). Usually, probably two women would sing it, not a mixed-sex duet, but who cares about it anyway.
Bellamy takes a deep breath, grips O's sweaty hand tighter and clears his head. It's not the first time he sings his song and he's not nervous about his voice, but he doesn't want to drown Octavia's. He wants his baritone to be a setting, a deep, dark background for O's silver bells.
Jo za wodom, ty za wodom
Jakoz jo ci gembe podom
[Me overseas, you overseas
How will I kiss you?]
After they stop singing, nobody speaks for a moment. The silence rings in his ears before the older women notes something on the paper in front of her, nods to the men in the corner and tells them "Thank you", dismissing them with a wave of her hand. But as they're turning away, a voice echoes:
The blond girl stands up, papers scattering on the table with her sudden movement. She looks straight into his eyes, more bashfully than any other woman before, her blue eyes piercing through his as the narrow ray of light.
"You have the same surname. Are you her husband or a brother?" she asks, surprisingly lowly for a girl her age.
Bellamy bristles at the question automatically, but supposes it is understandable; they are not as similar to one another that she could know it for sure without asking.
"I'm her older brother, miss." He says. Octavia eyes him warily as if she was asking him to not say anything inappropriate.
The blonde nods.
"I understand. Comrade Blake, do you know how to dance? We only had a chance to see your sister."
The older woman is still sitting down. She looks up at the girl with such a pointed amazement, that Bellamy can almost see question marks popping above her head.
"He can." Octavia jumps in, before he can even open his mouth. " And he's strong, he can lift a girl up and everything. And he knows all of the steps, just as I told you-"
"Do you?" the blonde interrupts Octavia's babble; she's still staring at Bellamy as he can feel this stare as a physical touch. Shivers run up and down his spine.
"I do know how to dance, miss."
She nods slowly and sits down; collects papers together in a neat pile with one smooth gesture and leans to the left to scribble something on the same page that the older woman previously marked.
"Thank you, you two. And please, call me Clarke."
"Clarke, we have enough boys. I think he's too old-"
"Mom, you allowed me to take part in the audition, you asked me to be here, so why don't you respect my decisions?"
"I'm just saying this girl is enough, we don't need both of them. And his voice's not even that clean, you heard how he butchered this high E."
"He just sang it a little differently, mom! He had more emotion in his voice than any other man we auditioned and you know it, I just-"
Her father's voice is low, calm. He never has to raise it to silence them down; Clarke thinks it's his gift, one of the many he possesses. The recorder makes a squeaking sound when he turns it off and takes a few steps to stand beside the table.
Her mother huffs, clearly annoyed.
"He's going to be trouble, Jake."
"Maybe." Her father nods, scratching the back of his head and staring at the list that Abby made so far. Gina Martinez. Finn Collins. Monty Green. Harper McIntyre. Kyle Wick.
Octavia Blake. Bellamy Blake.
"But-" Clarke is about to start to argue again, but Jake rises his hand up and playfully bobs her on the nose, silencing her.
"I get what you mean, Clarke. There's something in him, definitely. The way he moves… I think we can work with that. And he seems strong, strong enough to hop around stage for hours. Plus-" he taps on the table, a small smile dancing on his lips. "His voice would complement yours nicely, darling. I have a good feeling about this."
And so, Bellamy Blake stays on the list and moves in for better and worse.
Into her life, into her house, and into her heart.
The world in which they live is unforgiving, black-and-white, right-and-wrong, and whatever is this thing between them, it has no chances to last whatsoever.
Clarke's not teaching dancing, but she comes to the rehearsals still; stands in the corner of the room, tucked in between two white-colored walls and blending in. It's easy to overlook her, or at least, it was easy at the beginning, but then he caught the way she was watching him, eyeing him from her secluded spot.
She has the prettiest eyes he has ever seen – a lace of dark, tangled lashes, piercing blue remind him of a winter sky when it's clear. Those kinds of winter eyes should be cold, but aren't. They are so meltingly hot that he boils alive in his calf-length boots and a long-sleeved shirt.
And again, it is difficult, at the beginning, to get used to singing lessons. Clarke is eighteen; she is just a kid for fuck's sake. Some of her pupils are older than her; some cannot bear the thought of listening to a girl. But Clarke commands respect in every movement, ever word.
Bellamy watches her as she's positioned behind a piano and pressing different keys, giving them instruction with clear, assured voice. She hears even a tiniest false note, can tear one down if this certain one is not working hard enough and she does it all by herself, without bringing her parents in. She's fair in what she does and she knows how to do it well. And she carries herself with such a pride, such certainty, that Bellamy is constantly torn between hating her for that (entitled suka, grown round and pretty on milk and honey when they were starving and now acting like a goddamn princess an insistent voice in his head keeps on repeating) and respecting her for her expertise. Entitled or not, she works twice as hard as the rest of them and definitely not everyone could do her job as well as she does.
So that's how it begins; this feeling blooms in him slowly, like a seed turning into a bud of sympathy and respect and then sprouting leaves of interest and fascination and finally, brilliant red petals appear.
She sits behind the piano, instead of standing like usually. Her hair is braided in one long plait, but saying it's sloppy would be kind of generous. The strands keep on falling into her eyes all the time and she swats them away, irritation lines forming on her forehead.
"One more time, louder! Murphy, stay in tune or I'll kick you out, you're messing up the whole chorus. "
"Yes, ma'am." Murmurs Murphy besides Bellamy. He's always all defiance; hands deep in his pockets, smug grin on his face as if he didn't care for anyone or anything besides his own interest.
But Bellamy knows Murphy's story, how this uptown-born guy got kicked in the dirt and smeared with it so thoroughly that he himself has forgotten he used to be clean once upon a time. Although Clarke is probably not familiar with this story – why would she – she has good-enough instincts not to chew the guy off too much. Well, until today.
Some random fly is buzzing loudly around Bellamy's head, bumping into the walls while trying to find an escape route from the hot, humid classroom. Everyone is tired and sweating and distracted. And Clarke keeps on pressing the keys of the piano harder and harder, as if she wanted to break it. Her left hand travels up to her face every few seconds to brush hair from her face. Lips pursed and face sun-kissed, her eyes squinted because of all the sunlight getting from the outside – she is so darn pretty.
He wonders about the mole above her lips. He wonders how would it feel like to touch her hair.
The piano falls silent. People stop singing. Clarke is staring right into his eyes, despite the sun.
"Do you maybe have anything better to do?"
The words get out of his mouth quicker than he can think them over.
"Hmmm… maybe you, Princess?"
His voice always drops down a few octaves in this song and it rings in his words. He sounds sultry, almost. Clarke's eyebrows shot up as her eyes widen a bit in shock. Somewhere at the back of his mind he registers as the group takes a collective breath.
It's so quiet. The only sound that echoes in the classroom (hot and humid and hot, so hot) is the buzzing of the fly.
Slowly, Clarke stands up and makes her way towards him. Her steps are soft, catlike; she looks so graceful in this moment that he could mistake her for Octavia.
She raises her hand up and his eyes involuntary squint as he lowers his head in a defensive manner, but she doesn't strike his face. Her hand collides with his biceps with the loud slap, that is followed by the Harper's gasp. As he raises his sight, he meets Clarke's; he wishes he could decipher her stone-like expression. The only tips are in her eyes; without sunrays spilling in between them, they seem shockingly tired and a little bit wild. As if she was a brink of self-control.
Her mouth curves into a sweet smile as she raises her hand once again, palms-up. There is something black and goo-y covering her skin.
"You had a fly on your arm, comrade." She singsongs. The tension drops so dramatically that it should punch a hole through the floor. Somebody giggles. Jasper and Monty get a little blue from suppressing laughter for too long.
Clare lets out a breath with loud whizz and taps her leg on the floor two times.
"Go, all of you. You're free for today, see you tomorrow."
Before Bellamy can move though to join the rest of the group, she lightly catches his wrist and tugs on it, to keep him in place.
"You stay." She says, avoiding his gaze and staring at the door instead, following the kids with her eyes until they are all gone. Then, she gently pushes the doors and waits for the soft click of the lock.
She turns to face him.
He continues to stare right into her stormy eyes, watching as they catch light and sparkle. A second, a heartbeat; the corners of her lips rise up slowly.
She lets out a deep sigh.
"What am I supposed to do with you, comrade Blake?"
A silence; a heartbeat. And again, his lips move on their own will, the words fall from them like stones; heavy on the no-man land between them. He crosses the borderline boldly, in a surge of strange bravery that stuns even him.
"Whatever the hell you want"
A chuckle escapes from her lips. He watches her, eyebrows up and eyes wide, as she doubles in half and laughs out loud. Soon enough, he is grinning – a strange scene if anyone was to see it. Clarke, standing in full sunlight, a braid undone, tears streaming down her cheeks and bubbling with the most earnest laughter. Him, half-cast in shadow; watching her with shining eyes and heart beating fast, as if he was dancing.
Music is a luxury that Clarke always had an abundance of; even her earliest memories always come with a soundtrack. Her mother's Tchaikovsky, as she was spinning pas the deux in the exercise room. Her father's Chopin, his fingers dancing in the air above his piano's keys.
Those were her good mornings and lullabies; those sounds of her parents' passions echoing on the corridors of her childhood come.
And of course, as a child, she wanted to belong there too, either in the world full of swishing tutu-s and aching feet or in the one full of beautiful ballrooms and evening gowns. A concert pianist, a primaballerina – endless possibilities ahead of her. She was born bright and rich and pretty, straight at the top of the new elite in the brand-new, independent Poland. She couldn't start better -
- Until she could.
The war came and stripped everything from gold and glory, turning her world of everyday into a world of dreams only. There was no more dignity in her mother's dancing or in her father's playing – it was an act in front of Nazis, their art enslaved, no longer allowed to flow freely as they wished. And as the terror around them reigned, as the tension rose to unbearable scale, one summer day Abby Griffin didn't appear in the theater and Jake Griffin canceled all of the concerts.
And paying in their family heirloom, they fled from Warsaw under the disguise of night, a day before Uprising started and turned their city into ruins bathed in blood and guts of those who had guts to fight.
But by then, Clarke had long ago abandoned all of the dreams of ballerinas and concert pianists. This simply wasn't in store for her and it was becoming the more evident the older she was growing. With her hourglass figure and full breasts she felt like an ugly alien among swan-like wisps of girls in her mother's classes. And her fingers would not listen to them, would not move as quickly and skillfully across keys like her father's, no matter how long she practiced and how hard she tried. It was the same with everything – with a flute and with a violin and with a trumpet. She had an absolute hearing that enabled her to catch even a smallest mistake and an absolute inability to eliminate them.
She was decent enough at everything – at ballet, at ballroom dancing, at piano. Not terrible, but just decent and nothing hurt her more than that.
But with years passing and a big dose of determination, she has found her own lane – in a place where neither of her parents felt strong enough to cast their shadows.
Her father used to say that her voice feels like a thunder; it's low and unexpected and electrifying to the listener. That it's so strange to hear it coming from a little blonde girl. But she grew into it, grew into a woman with chest large enough to take deeper and deeper breaths, reach higher and lower notes, easily guiding it through melodies.
She felt more confident singing than doing anything else and she was good at it, so good and so sure, that when her parents told her about their idea and allowed her a spot on the teachers' board, she agreed without any hesitation.
Some of those boys and girls were just a little younger than her and some were even older. But she was growing up with music echoing in her bones and she was not letting them intimidate her into the submission.
In most cases, she turns out to be right. Singing lessons are long and exhausting and after an hour or so of repeating the same note over and over again, even the most steel-willed bend out of the sheer physical limitations. All - all but Bellamy.
Or, comrade Blake, she supposes she should call him that. But how, why, if his name is so beautiful, so elegant, so out-of-his world and yet fitting him perfectly?
Because Bellamy Blake is beautiful and out of her world – both the gone and the imaginary ones – and when he is standing firmly with his calloused hands laced behind his back, head held high and singing… Oh, she could listen to him for hours. Her mother was right; he isn't the finest technician. But he can somehow play on the strings of listener's heart; make them feel exactly what he wanted. He can make you weep and laugh and clap along, all subconsciously and effortless. He understands the emotions in the melodies far better than any other singer she has ever listened to. And she never manages to tire him out, not even when group lessons blend into individual lessons and those transform into nightly meetings in the empty ballet room…
Bellamy hoisting her up with his strong arms and keeping her up seemingly forever, her back against mirrors and bare leaving bruises on her lower back when he is fucking her with the same passion with which he dances and sings and does everything else. Fucking her until they are both covered in sweat from head to toe, until she is more aching and exhausted than any ballet lessons in her youth left her.
And even then, in the dead of the night, when she is trembling in his arms like a leaf on the wind, he has enough energy to kiss her brow, to sing Ukrainian lullabies in her ear if she asks him to.
It's exhilarating, it's addictive and undefined, this thing between them, and she often wonders if he does it only to ensure his sister's place in the Academy and in the team. If so, it's unnecessary and baseless. Octavia Blake is a diamond in the rough. Clarke knows all of the moves by heart and their names in English and French and Polish, the technique and history, and it doesn't mean a thing, all her knowledge and expertise. Octavia knows none of it and still she does it better than Clarke could in her wildest dreams. Her body is all perfect angles and graceful poses, going through the hardest choreography like a hurricane and making it look so, so easy.
It's hard not to be envious, while looking at Octavia dancing. She's a nice singer, an unusual one with her voice a bit lower on the scale than other girls, but she is an unmatched dancer and Clarke knows that Abby has to sometimes try very hard not to praise the girl during every class.
So Bellamy doesn't have to worry about Octavia. Nor does he have to worry about himself, not with his voice and with how he hops across the ballroom, kicking his legs high and clapping his hand so loudly that the sound echoes through the whole building.
Yes, both Blakes are simply something.
So why is he doing what he's doing? Runs through Clarkes mind on repeat, as Bellamy presses kisses along her jawline, as he cradles her head in his hands and tenderly raises her chin up so he could reach her neck better. Why is he with me now? Why?
But she doesn't rush to find the answer to this question. Days are a blurry of hard work, of the noise made out of feet stomping on the floor and different melodies tangling together, clashing in her ears.
Nights that she spends with Bellamy in the practice room, when they have sex or talk or just sit beside each other smoking in silence and watching the stars through the skylight window – nights are the rewards. They are what pushes her forward.
Their first gig – the one, for which they were preparing for almost a year, polishing choreography and repeating every note until it ringed with perfect clarity – was in old Wola district of Warsaw, in a cinema-theatre called Syrena.
It's a strange, hollow feeling to drive through the streets she once walked and don't recognize a thing. To enter into a building so similar to the ones where she used to watch movies with Pola Negri with her friends and other ballerinas. The sensation is straight out of the dream and it must show somehow on her face, because Clarke catches Bellamy eyeing her less than discretely, worry lines appearing on his forehead. And so she shakes her head (I'm fine, I'm fine) and loses herself in the flurry of activity on the backstage.
Boys are stomping heavily on the wooden floors, trying out their new shoes and girls are tying ribbons on each other's braids, and Jake is running around with score pages in his hands, and Abby is giving the last advice to the dancers, and Clarke is so torn between trying to help the others out and focusing on her own performance, that she somehow ends up alone in the quiet spot just next to the entrance to the stage. Which is empty, bare except for the white banner with red, simple letter: "Dancing and singing group "Mazurek". The audience, on the other hand, is full; Clarke can see it in the corner of her eye, all of the PZPR1 high officials with wives and a couple of parts of former artistic circle of Warsaw.
She plays with the fringed edges of her shawl; just like her skirt, it's made out of a heavy, floral patterned material which makes her feel warm and sweaty. The red ribbon around her braid irritates her. She's afraid Roma will slip again and that the audience will hear. She just really, really wants to get it over with and go home to her little room with her piano and her students.
"Jittering much, Princess?" Bellamy appears seeming out of nowhere; he is already wearing his costume and his boots make squeaking sound on the polished floor as he moves closer to rest against the wall next to her. Their arms are almost touching, maybe a centimeter all two between them.
"Remind me again, why are you performing instead of, you now, giving advice and watching your students perform, like a good teacher?"
Clarke has to snore at that. Well, he's right. This is a folk group, very, very strict folk group and very authentic. Folk music. Folk outfits. Village boys and girls who already knew the source material and felt it in the way she could never duplicate. But –
"The audience would take to us better if there's a familiar face on the stage" she shrugs. "Some of them probably know me, or at the very least probably heard about my parents. It's good publicity, you know?"
He nods, but his face is obscured in the dimed light. And it's all truth, what she just said, but… it's not really why she agreed to perform.
So she takes a deep breath, fixes her eyes on the floor and lets it out:
"And I wanted to sing with you."
Because she did – she does want that. Ever since she first heard him during the audition and even before her father pointed it out, she has been yearning to sing with him. Lessons are not enough. Rehearsals are not enough. It's not real, until she is standing on the stage with him beside her and hearing their voices entwine into one.
He is quiet for a moment, contemplative. Then, he slowly reaches for her hand and takes it in his gently, his fingers curling around hers and making her all warm and melting inside.
"Good. I want to sing with you too, Clarke." He says and when she looks up at him, he has the most brilliant smile painted across his face.
Two hearts and two pairs of eyes
Oh my my
Which has cried all day and night
Oh my my
Dark eyes why are you still crying
That you cannot meet another
That you cannot meet another
Oh my my
My mom has it me forbidden
Oh my my
To love that sweet boy I'm seeing
Oh my my
Elders have love and they keep it
Don't let youngers ever see it
Don't let youngers ever see it
Oh my my
When the boy is so nice and lean
Oh my my
And who would resist against him
Oh my my
Out of stone my heart would be
For me not to love oh so him
For me not to love oh so him
Oh my my
My mother has me forbidden
Oh my my
To love that sweet boy I'm seeing
Oh my my
And I caught the boy, all weeping
I will love him till I'm breathing
I will love him, till I'm breathing
Oh my my
Dwa serduszka cztery oczy łojojoj
Co płakały we dnie w nocy łojojoj
Czarne oczka co płaczecie, że się spotkać nie możecie
Że się spotkać nie możecie, łojojoj
Mnie matula zakazała łojojoj
Żebym chłopca nie kochała łojojoj
Starzy o miłości mają, młodym kochać zabraniają
Młodym kochać zabraniają łojojoj
Kiedy chłopiec Boże miły łojojoj
I któż by miał tyle siły łojojoj
Kamienne by serce było, żeby chłopca nie lubiło
Żeby chłopca nie lubiło łojojoj
Mnie matula zakazała łojojoj
Żebym chłopca nie kochała łojojoj
A ja chłopca hac! Za szyję, będę kochać póki żyję
Będę kochać póki żyję łojojoj
They sing a ballad of the forbidden love, holding hands and frozen still in a pose, with the choir behind their backs and the lights blinding them so that the only thing they see are blooming pools of color, pulsating underneath their lids when they blink.
They sing with hearts on their sleeves, out for everyone to see – the song so sorrowful, their voices so desperate, the sentiment so true.
After the curtains drop down and the sound of clapping and whistling bursts in the room like fireworks, Bellamy's big, warm hand finds Clarke's. As his fingers curl around hers, the realization hits her with a force strong enough to be felt like a physical sensation; a slap across her face, her stomach dropping, and her hand sweating in his.
The lights illuminate his profile as they re-enter the stage to bow; she watches as he silently fights with himself so as not to smile, the corners of his lips are twitching and there are stars shining in his brown eyes.
She cares for him so, so much.
The night is dark and thick as soup, obscuring the world behind the train's windows and so, everyone quickly falls asleep, the whole group drunk on alcohol and success and exhausted by the day's excitement. Clarke watches them in silence, trying to imprint their faces in her memory. How did they become so dear to her? When did it happen?
A year of existing in close proximity – sleeping and eating and working together – has linked them so tightly, so much tighter than she deemed possible before her parents started the group. Those kids went through all her defense lines, even the most stubborn and irritating ones and now it's hard for her to look at them and not feel tenderness blooming in her heart. For their talent and dedication and honesty. And for watching them sweaty and covered in blisters and marching on, against all odds.
Knowing where they came from and watching them tonight, all glorious and victorious, with glasses of champagne in their hands and laughing, she couldn't help but feel so proud of them. And this feeling followed her to the train, to this silent compartment, to watching their faces and think about who they are and who they're going to become.
Their sleeping positions could as well be the illustration of their feelings; those deeply hidden and those clear as a day. Murphy, always a lone wolf, fell asleep with his face tilted towards Emori, as if he was watching her. Monty and Jasper snore in unison, leaning on each other's backs and holding hands with Harper and Maya respectively. Raven is curled on the couch like a cat, her head on Gina's lap, Kyle and Shaw on both her sides, Finn as far away from her as possible. Monroe and Fox, tangled with one another, hands and legs entwined.
And Octavia, regal and beautiful, sleeping soundly in her brother's arms.
Bellamy is awake though; he is also watching the others, looking at their faces, as if he was checking if they're okay, if they're all here. Dad of the group, always, less because of his age and more because of his character. Clarke's always wondering, would he be the same if he didn't raise Octavia? Because the fact that he raised her is apparent without any explanation. She thinks about their history way too often and never dares to ask.
Maybe there'll be some time for it too. Maybe they'll have time for everything they want.
Their eyes meet and she nods slowly two times, watching as his mouth curves into a smile at her familiar gesture.
When she leaves the compartment, he follows her.
Two clicks of her heels on the wooden floor; click, click.
Two taps of his hand on her shoulder as he's passing her by on the corridor; tap, tap.
Two claps of her hands as she's counting the rhythm; clap, clap.
Two hearts and two pairs of dark eyes, oh my my,
"C'mon, baby, come for me." He whispers against her skin, biting in the junction between her neck and shoulder and leaving wet, red marks all over her clavicle. His words match the rhythm of his thrusts. "C'mon Clarke, come, come for me."
He seated her on this tiny metal sink so that he wouldn't have to keep her up all the time and could have both hands free; it is not the most comfortable position she's ever been in and the tap is digging in her lower back painfully, but who fucking cares honestly.
His fingers skim skillfully between her folds and massage her clit oh so softly that she wishes, hopes, prays she could just stay in this moment forever – Bellamy fucking her in the tiny bathroom on the train back from Warsaw, her legs wrapped around his waist, his hands everywhere on her, the air hot and damp from all their heavy panting.
It's heavenly, it's holy; he's kissing up and down her chest, his hand still buried between her legs and she wonders, briefly, how is it possible for him to fuck her so hard that she'll be sore all over tomorrow and still speak to her so gently, coaxing this orgasm out of her with both passion and patience.
And she envies him, she wishes she could have his control, because at this point she can do nothing but sag in his arms, head thrown back against the wall and biting on her lip until it starts to bleed. She wants to open her eyes but she can't, she's just so tense that every muscle in her body seems to turn into concrete and every nerve in her brain is ablaze. It's so good that almost unbearable.
Bellamy kisses her cheek, his mouth warm and soft against her skin. He knows her so well, has learned all of the steps of their dance by heart without her noticing.
"C'mon, my love."
The release attacks her almost aggressively; it's like a wave, droving her under and washing her brain in the sea of whiteness. She's sure she must've blacked out for a moment, because when she comes down from her high, he's finished too.
"I loved singing with you." She says quietly after a few minutes, when she regains some control over her voice. He's leaning his full body weight on her, resting his head on her bare breasts as she's caressing his hair. She still has her trembling legs locked around him; he still has his arms loosely wrapped around her. And to be honest, they are too warm, too weary and too sticky with everything to stay like this for much longer, but she's not going to be the first one to break contact. "I really did."
The lone light bulb hanging on the cable from the ceiling flickers once, twice and dies, leaving them in darkness. She cannot see him anymore, but she still feels him, every twitch of his muscles, every sweep of his lashes against her skin, the steady beating of his heart and his quiet, deep breaths.
He doesn't answer, but her over-stimulated body shivers, when he starts to trace circles on the bruised area above her ass. The silence falls and stays between them, unbroken; and it tells her everything she wanted to know.
Everything perfect.
Their feet aligned, their voices in harmony, chins up and smiles on. Every gesture of her father clean and crisp, the conductors' baton swishing in the air. The audience enchanted. Not a step or a note missed.
Everything perfect, except for the song, which isn't telling a story of love lost or hardships of life, but of camaraderie and friendship between nations, unified under one sign.
Except for the portrait of the Stalin with this good-uncle-smile on his face but huge and intimidating. Casting long shadow over the whole group as if he was God on the altar.
Except for the party officials nodding their heads in apprehension, satisfied like cats fattened on goldfish and canaries.
She wants to puke, whenever she hears it. Whenever she bows, she feels her spine straining, about to break.
Is that how it feels, to be a songbird locked in a cage, allowed to sing only to the melody of running water and radio?
It's late August and even though he hasn't seen his family farm in close to four years now, something in him is still weirded out by the perspective of napping by the riverbank instead of working.
He can't even remember the last time he had new blisters forming on his hands; this new life traded his aching arms and back for the throat scraped-raw and feet so tender after practice that it's hard to walk on them. Not that his complaining, of course. He wouldn't even dare to; he would willingly sing night and day just to see Octavia as happy as she is now. He would, with the greatest pleasure, peel the skin off the soles of his feet for just one afternoon like today – laying on the blanket in the sun, grass smelling sweet and Clarke's head pillowed on his tight.
And he got more than just one, way, way more.
She let her hair loose today and they spill around her face like liquid light. The breeze plays with the blonde strands and gauze material of her dress, making her shiver in her slumber. She makes a lovely picture like this, straight out of impressionists' paintings. Clarke asleep is so much easier to read than awake, every emotion written across her face in lines and grimaces. Right now, she seems fairly content and Bellamy briefly wonders what she's dreaming about.
Just two days ago, they were in Prague. They were in Prague, going through the notes and movements almost automatically because – this is the best part – traveling through the communist block countries to perform is almost an everyday occurrence for them now. And he finds it both shocking and exhilarating how easily they all got used to it, even him. How fast this became new normalcy – nights spent in trains and days spend in theaters, or days spend on rehearsing and nights spend with Clarke.
Clarke, Clarke, Clarke, Clarke.
She has somehow become new normalcy for him too.
The taste of her and the smell of her and her voice joining his in this impossible harmony. Putting his hands on her waist and spinning her around, kissing the smiles and tears off her face, braiding her hair in a coronet.
He loves her in a way that's both grounded in firm reality – she's here, she wants him, she's there for him – and straight out of the dreams and old wives' tales. Because she's not like him.
Her small hands are still smooth and perfect, unspoiled. And Bellamy wonders all the time – does it still matter?
He gently caresses the bridge of her nose and so her lips curve in a smile. She opens her eyes slowly, lazily, eyelids fluttering delicately before they expose this striking sea of blue.
"Hello." He whispers, even though they are alone.
His mom used to say that ripe grain sings and dances on the wind. And he gets it now; it's like the entire field was an ocean around them, waves golden and brown instead of green. Stalks swaying on the breeze, up and down, up and down.
Clarke takes his hand and presses it to her cheek. Her face is so small that he could fit it in his palm; his fingers reach almost to the crown of her head, his wrist is pressed to her pulse point.
"Run away with me, Bellamy." She says sweetly, oh, so sweetly that her words seem to be dripping with honey. "Please, run away with me."
"This was my parents' dream, not mine." Clarke's thinking to herself as she's standing on the border between two worlds, still in East Berlin and burning through the second pack of cigarettes. "They will do just as fine without me."
And there's an undeniable truth in that; a Mazurek is her parents' second beloved child that surpassed all of their wildest hopes and prayers. She can see it as clear as a day. Her mother, softening with time as the kids worm their way into her heart just as they wormed into Clarke's. Her father, eyes shining with pride as he turns to the audience to take a bow after a performance. Their hushed voices after dark, talking about future and grand plans of international turnees and making themselves a name abroad.
But this doesn't mean Octavia or Raven or Miller can replace Clarke in their hearts.
It doesn't make her leaving any way less cowardly.
She's pacing, her boots already soaked through by the wet snow. January in Berlin is nasty, with biting cold and streets painted strikingly white. The cigarettes don't bring her any warmth and, as she tries to wrap the scarf tighter around her face, she wishes with all that's inside her, for it to be summer again.
Summer, with the buzzing of honey bees and the chirping of birds and Octavia's loud, clear voice calling her from the river:
"Clarke! Clarke, come swim with us!"
Summer with pale faces of the group she is now abandoning turning brown, like an expensive sugar.
Summer with violent storms, passing quick as a flash and leaving only clear sky and the smell of kerosene in the air.
Summer with Bellamy's kisses and her group, her friend's laughter echoing in her ears even now.
She throws the cigarette bud on the pavement and stomps on it with the heel of her shoe; thin ice sheet gives in under the force and spider-web of tiny cracks appears when clean, untouched surface once was.
The shorter and longer arms of her watch meet on twelve.
Somewhere in this city, there is a ballroom next to the opera house, where her mother and father make polite small talk and click champagne glasses with German politicians. Where the girls from the group twirl on the dance floor with the swish of the skirts and the boys try to guess what kind of expensive alcohol is in their glasses.
And Bellamy is there too, of course, he is. She was beyond stupid to ever believe he will come with her.
The summer's long gone and the winter's here. Bellamy is in the ballroom, his hawk's eye set on watching Octavia as she dances around the room from one partner to another, eyes shiny, step light and sure.
And Clarke wipes her face with a glove, lifts her suitcase from the pavement and crosses the border.
In the end, his hands are still calloused and hers are still smooth.
In the end, his mother took his hand and with her dying breath uttered "your sister, your responsibility".
In the end, the world is big and bright, but all that he wants can be contained on one field of swishing grass.
These are all just the lame excuses; he knows that.
But, as he takes another sip from his champagne glass, there is sureness in him, heavy and cold like a river stone – he would only hold her back.
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kyberled · 8 years ago
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FACE SHAPE: oval, going off this chart (click) and his real-life face claim CHEEKS: A bit pink, but not to the point where it looks like blushing; Many adults have deemed them pinchable. CHEEKBONES: High and defined, but not sunken; To quote Rodi, ‘I’m in love with [Braig’s] cheekbones.’ LIPS: Bow-shaped, lower lip is fuller than upper; Almost naturally pouty, very pink. Can be a bit dry and cracked after some missions, but doesn’t chew them often, so they’re not too frayed. SKIN COLOR: Olive, light medium; He’s a bit lighter when he’s younger, because he didn’t leave the Temple until he was eight, and that was to go to Ilum, of all places, but he gets more sun when he starts going on regular missions. (Somewhere between III and IV on THIS SCALE (Click); the exact place on the range changes slightly, but yeah. Closer to III) SKIN TYPE: ‘normal’, as far as skin types go. Not especially oily, not especially dry, just somewhere in a neutral ground. (Not combination, though.) Rough and calloused around his palms, fingers, knuckles, and the bottoms of his feet, from training and missions, but relatively soft and smooth everywhere else. Scars brown, would be subject to a bit of hyperpigmentation if the Jedi couldn’t apparently use the Force as sunscreen (the Jedi Path taught me a lot) EYE SHAPE: almond-shaped, hooded, upturned at the outer corners EYE COLOR: Calf brown EYEBROW SHAPE: Full, straight, barely arches, tapers off EYEBROW COLOR: Black EYELASHES: Thick, long, black NOSE SHAPE: According to this chart, it’s a ‘small hero’ nose (which I find hilarious); Slightly hooked; Rounded tip, little bit of a button; Again, adults have reported that it is very boop-able HAIR TEXTURE: Thick, smooth yet unruly, and has a gentle wave to it HAIR COLOR: Jet black HAIR LENGTH: Depending on how old he is, it’s either about to his chin (baby Braig), just over his shoulders (young teenager), just passing his shoulders (older teenager), roughly the middle of his back (adult), or, heck, even down to his hips (Elder/old Braiggos) EARS: Somewhere between rounded and oval, unattached lobe, average size
SHOULDERS: A little narrow when he’s tiny, but puberty kicks him in the jaw and he broadens out by his late teens. ARMS: Toned - Muscular, though in the sense that it’s more ‘practical muscle’ and less ‘overly defined’; Buff for use, not for show, if that makes sense. Have you ever swung a sword around for a few hours? Great exercise. This kid uses two on a daily basis. A few noticeable veins, here and there; A couple small scars in various stages of fading.  STOMACH AREA: Toned. His life is 24/7 training. This kid is ridiculously in shape. Probably some scars here, too. LOVEHANDLES?: Friend, if it wasn’t for the fact that he was buff, he’d vanish when he turned sideways. He’s got barely any fat on him. (It’s actually probably a little bit of a health issue.) CHEST/BREASTS: Smooth, also muscular. Taut, but not swollen or ballooned out. He’s lean, I suppose, is the word I’m looking for. Probably still a few scars. NIPPLES: Average size, reddish-brown in colour. BACK: Same as before - lean muscle, little scars here and there. Straight posture, a mixture of confidence, formality, and training. HAND SIZE: A little on the small side, honestly? Broad palms, long, slender fingers. Very calloused, along the palms, pads of fingers, and the knuckles (first two especially). 
HIPS: They don’t lie, I’ll tell you that much. Again, muscular - a little wide, though whether this is due to muscle growth or just Braig being naturally a lil curvy, who knows.  BOTTOM: As I said, he doesn’t have a lot of fat on him, so it’s not big, but like the rest of him, pretty toned. Both of his romantic partners in their respective verses have given it five stars. (He’s unsure what to make of this.) THIGHS: Sturdy, muscular, lean. He’s flexible, with great balance, honed through training. He can’t outmatch physical giants in the Jedi Order like Hano, or, to pick a canon character, Krell, in terms of raw strength, so he focuses on agility. He’s got nice legs. Again, probably a few small scars, here and there. CALVES: Proportionate to his legs. Muscular, the calves of a martial artist and a trained warrior. Also, more scars. LEG LENGTH: I suppose long-ish? They’re a bit longer than his head+torso, but not by much, so pretty average. 
BODY HAIR: Doesn’t have much. It’s pretty much localised to his underarms, and the nether regions. His arms and legs are bare, and he couldn’t grow facial hair if he tried. (He did, in fact, try, just on a whim. It was disappointing, to say the least.) What he does have is a bit sparse, and very dark - black, like his head-hair.  SCENT: He smells a bit like leather, a bit like old stone, a bit like the air before a lightning strike (I, personally, imagine that lightsaber blades sort of give off that ozone-y energy smell), a bit like heated metal, like tea, and sweat, and battlefield dust, and the fake-not-pineapple scent of bacta and maybe a bit of medical disinfectant, a little like soap and shampoo and laundry detergent, and boot polish, and flowers, and weapons grease, maybe a bit like Obidad’s aftershave or cologne if he’s had a bad day and needs a tight hug. And a few people say he also smells a little like sweets, but that depends on the day. How much of each scent really depends on what he’s been doing recently. HAND NAILS: Very short, usually only a sliver of white over the pinks. Rounded and smooth, good for making a proper fist while also being well-manicured and clean. Sometimes, there’s a bit of dirt, or grit, or blood underneath, and other times there might be a bit of boot polish or weapons grease, but he washes his hands regularly enough that it’s never really a problem. He usually makes sure his hands are clean before leaving the Temple, if he can. TOENAILS: Short and neat, though he’s a bit less meticulous with his toes than with his hands - people don’t see his feet too often, and he doesn’t need his toenails short to make a fist. He keeps ‘em best as he can, but if they get a bit long, he won’t kick himself for it.  VOICE: I think, at least as a teenager, he would in fact sound like his FaceClaim, Boo.Boo Stew.art - A really good clip of him talking (to puppies) is here: (click), though when he’s older, it does deepen; I’ll have to look for a good voice claim for that. One important thing to note is that he does have a Coruscanti accent; ‘English’, in our Earthling terms, though it’s closer to Ewan’s Ob/i-W/an accent, since that’s what Braig grows up with. ACCENT: As I said, an English/Coruscanti accent. It’s not too thick, no more than Obidad’s is. He has it in every verse - his bio father, Eadric, has a very English accent, as well, so he grows up with it no matter who he was initially raised by.
HEIGHT: 5’0” as a young padawan (eg from age 13), 5′7″ as an older padawan (eg from age 17), and 5′9″ is his full height.  WEIGHT: 155.55 lbs is his full weight as an adult, but of course it depends on his age/height.  PIERCINGS: None, though Rogue Braig and modern Braig have seriously considered getting a single earring in his left ear lobe. TATTOOS: None, though he has a few he’s considered. Again, Rogue and Modern Braig are more likely to have these. BRA SIZE: Doesn’t wear one. SHOE SIZE: Apparently it’s 8 in American men’s when he’s fully grown. I barely know my own shoe size, so I’m leaving this. PREFERRED CHOICE OF SHOES: Simple leather boots in canon; In modern, he has a battered pair of old hiking boots, and another set of old comfy sneakers, and those are the ones he loves most. CLOTHING STYLE: He dresses in pretty typical Jedi clothing. Brown tunic, trousers, boots and belt, often wears a red sash under his belt, and, of course, his scarf; He loses the scarf when he gets older, (around 16-17) and adopts more greys, as well as a brown tabbard and grey vambraces, as a Jedi knight, his shirt is grey with two brown stripes on the right sleeve (brown stripes on your sleeve, according to Legends canon, signify having been born in the Coruscant system; These things are completely optional, but he likes them). The brighter colours in his outfit shift away from red and towards purple. As a Sith/Sith apprentice? Black clothes, tunic, maybe a tabbard, red accents, typical stuff. As a Rogue, it’s a lot of thrown-together, whatever he can find type-stuff. He likes things with pockets, since he can hide things there, and he modifies most jackets he wears to have pockets hidden on the inside where he can stash his sabers. He likes leather jackets, and he’d absolutely be willing to shell out the necessary credits for armourweave clothes he can wear around. It’s a way less formal, refined look than he wore when he was younger. He’s still big on neutral/earth tones, but if he needs to buy more opulently coloured stuff to blend in, he will. He also wears a small, woven black ‘bracelet’ around his left wrist - this is his padawan braid that he cut off himself, and he melted the beads down to join the ends together. He fiddles with it when he’s stressed. Modern Verse Braig likes dark/neutral pants, jackets, shoes, etc, but bright and vividly coloured shirts, and accessories can fall on either end of the scale. He likes comfortable, durable clothes that he can move around in, and if he’s gonna get a design or graphic on his clothes, he prefers a simple picture. he’s not above wearing jewellery in this verse (or his Rogue verse, might I add) though, again, prefers a simple necklace or one of those camp-style friendship bracelets to anything else. GENERAL BODYSHAPE: I will say right now that finding accurate body-type name charts for men sucks (though one said Braig’s body-shape is called ‘Adonis’, and I think we’re both giggling). I guess it’s somewhere between inverted triangle and rectangle? Could even get off calling some younger shots hourglass, before he starts filling out and growing into himself. I dunno. He’s Braig-shaped.
TAGGED BY: i stole a meme on free meme day TAGGING: literally all of my mutuals who want to tackle this monster i have been staring at pictures of boostew for like thirty minutes to figure out what shape his EARS are do you think i have the presence of mind to tag people
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blondtan · 8 years ago
PART TWO (a.u)
or’: in which dumb7 like to think they’re the new local gang and should be considered badass just because they got a bunch of bikes off ebay that were on sale and now they pretend to take beatdown requests. tip: don’t trust maknae line to be on their own. 
warnings: mentions of bars/paid violence/gangs, vulgar language, lots of crack actually 
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• signature items: dentist voucher card 2 at the price of 1 for teeth whitening                              + smiley face fake earring 
• cutest biker you’ll ever meet w a smile so pure that u start to feel bad for that time you forgot to give a pencil back in 3rd grade that is the youngjae effect© • he lets little kids around the neighborhood  put cute stickers and flowers on his motorcycle and it’s the cutest thing he gets so happy when he sees a new lilly on the handle he actually has a flower chain all over the front and everyone envies him • and no the background sound you just heard wasn’t jackson screaming that little kids won’t come near him as they cling onto yj’s leg nope (that cursed honda...,,) • everyone loves him like this is certified u exist u love youngjae these are the rules but grannies are especially in love w him  • once said a bad word and the whole group panicked and put youngjae into quarantine bc they thought they were losing him to ~the plague~ • he goes to buy them bread every morning and delivers them w his bike and then in the afternoon they race each other yj with his motorcycle and the grannies w their scooters except poor so rin whose husband always goes to afternoon ‘strolls’ w it so he takes her on the back of his bike and ends up losing bc of that like 99% of the time  • sunday night it’s break from fight night bc he goes to play bingo with them and takes the rest of got7 and they are the most excited whenever someone yells bingo even tho it’s not their boy (tip: youngjae has no idea about bingo to this day) •  met the grannies at the dentist as he was getting his teeth whitened and they bonded over weird mumblings and random swallows and trying to communicate while having multiple people’s hands in their mouths at the same time and he just can’t let them go  • now he may look innocent & pure but listen up ok,,,,listen here,,,,,,,,,,he rly is •  except maybe that one time when he bumped into a stranger and didn’t apologize and jesus fucking christ it haunted him for weeks like he would decline when offered lucky charms bc he failed his #code and g o d so he’s not worthy of receiving happiness • he’s supposed to be the one who beats people up but he’s the poodle and the only infernal thing is other gangs’ desire to protect this flower man • wears fluffy socks bc he gets cold feet easily • every time a member is sad said member wakes up with a stuffed bear wearing a leather jacket next to him in bed but “no one” knows who puts them there cause stuffy’s mama didn’t raise a snitch
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• signature items:  puppy photos to appease the gods                              + shea butter hand cream 
• the whole city knows him like they hear the word ‘bam’ and this guy pops into their heads 5 mins later the streets are deserted • cue in confused baby bam coming up the street on his bike like ‘:( where is everyone i wanted to show them my new pastel pink mickey mouse socks i bet jihyo would’ve liked them’ so he just takes polaroids of them and puts them in everyone’s mailbox as tokens of his affection • has sometimes troubles with parking his motorcycle bc he can’t rlly hold it perfectly always to park it and yugyeom just jumps out of the bushes like ‘here i come to halp worry not my small noodle man’ • the first one to reject jaebum’s “infernal poodles” idea • ”hyung do you want us to be the laughingstock of the neighborhood we can’t name ourselves infernal poodles that’s so 3rd grade let’s go for malevolent west highland white terriers” - triggered bam 2k17 while holding his pinky up bc he has #class “don’t encourage him u nuthead”
• you’d think he would stop dabbing at some point but nope he’s a professional dabber born&raised™ nearly crashed his yamaha into jackson once while dabbing and the poor guy has never been the same     • like really he would literally get his collection of gold holy crosses out and start spewing latin exorcism chants whenever dumb bam raised his hands • once dabbed in a rly shabby bar bc the beat was lit and punched this shawn michaels wannabe in the face and started a bloody (literally) fight which ended up w/ yug dragging everyone to the hospital bc he was the only one who hadn’t fought (bless his tiny bladder) • PAW patrol enthusiast made everyone dress up as the characters during halloween (he nearly passed out after channeling his inner tarzan to fight mark bc i aM GONNA BE SKYE U PIECE OF PUP POOP-) then forced them to sing the op whilst searching for roaming ghosts bc he also wanted to be ray from ghostbusters (but like ~cooler~ and on a bike)       • sneak master from bangkok hides in the shadows to take aesthetic pics of these rly hipster looking guys (like, living in the sewerage bc we don’t believe in homes hipster) smoking bc he may be soft and squishy but his insta theme is #edgyweedaddictbiker even tho he freaks out whenever someone says ‘mary’ • wanted to decorate his bike w/ some rly cute & rly glittery & not badass at all baby animals stickers but jaebum caught him and confiscated them and now bambam goes all (๑´╹‸╹`๑) whenever they’re alone in a room
• (”but hyung, they fit our aesthetic!!!” 
“how in the heavens do a bunch of black kittens represent us”
“...they mean bad luck??”) =>> jaeshook needed like 10 mins and an ear pull from jinyoung to compose himself  •  has noticed that jb lets youngjae have stickers on his motorcycle bc ‘the kids put it there’ so he tries that too but jaebum is like ‘oh yea and please tell me where do this kids find yellow glittery stickers with baby camels on them’  ‘it’s mustard goddammit hyung’)
• he’s the sacrificial lamb whenever the guys wanna get in a fight like rly they might lowkey want him to get beaten so that he’ll become T O U G H • and all he can do is stand in front of these big&buffed up men like ‘pls don’t hurt the child i can do the cooks they call me bambam bc my maple syrup pancakes are yumyum’ • insert housewife!bambam making muscly man breakfast for those big ass guys resulting in them being all friends!!amigos!!comrades!!! who are in love with bambam • bambam receiving black roses (bc red roses are for pussies) every 2 weeks from the dudes in return!!!! (also guess what’s the sole reason why nobody messes with his gang) •  always pretends that he hadn’t noticed that his instagram captions are my chemical romance lyrics added by jaebum,,, but,, he knows,, •  and now he might have welcome to the black parade saved to his phone but what jb doesn’t know won’t hurt him 
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• signature items: fur turtlenecks                             +  XL skinny jeans ( the xl stands for extra leggy) • wears heavy clothes so he thinks they make him look shorter (but rly they just turn him into this cheap & memey version of slenderman bc he just can’t get the tentacle part right) • the neighborhood kids start crying whenever they see him on his bike and yj has to spend like 5 hours trying to calm them down and then 5 more to console  • but rly he’s just an overgrown puppy in need of love and when he doesn’t receive enough he just wraps his arms and legs around someone like ‘hi it me the friendly octopus may our love prevail and may you never escape our - not gay at all what are you talking about we’re bros, bro - embrace~’ • he would write these super poetic poems about love & adoration and all that mushy mushy fluffy shit and then read them to the others (insert: distressed members trying to keep at least their sexuality straight bc they sure as hell can’t do that with their bikes) but then he adds ‘bro’ at the end and the magic dissipates and everyone is reminded that they keep him around just bc he looks rly ominous in the dark + he’s tall so he keeps other gangs away •  goes home complaining to his hyungs about him just lightly pushing a bad guy to set him off and then said guy punched him in the face and he feels extremely wronged • ‘yeah i started it but he didn’t have to hit me so hard’ • usually complains at the dinner table and uses the kitchen utensils in his hand gestures and knocks some plates down and that is where he really catches those hands from mark and jinyoung • the members sometimes call him daddy long legs so at night he pretends he’s the babadook and hides in their closets just to mess with them bc he can • and after he startles them he’s like ‘why did you -hyung stop screaming it’s just me- why did you think it was ok to put the cereal on the bottom shelf you know i never notice things that are below my arms’ ((lmao he never gets an answer bc jackson always faints)) • at first he didn’t want to join the gang because that meant buying a motorcycle and he couldn’t do that bc when he was 13 his parents bought him this rly snazzy™ bike for his bday - a few months later and he couldn’t use it anymore bc he’s grown out of it and he’s been scarred ever since so now he thinks that bikes make him grow taller & he fears that one day he might crush his smol friends while stepping on them • ok but like grannies love him tho bc he’s lean, strong & can carry things =>> he’s like perfect grandson material and when he’s not around they can’t stop gushing about him and yj is on the verge of crying every time bc this is so beautiful this is what he lives for and he sometimes records them and plays the recording when he’s sad and can’t sleep • has troubles with talking back to his hyungs and sometimes gets smacked without deserving it bc jb think’s he’s being sarcastic but that’s just his voice give the boy a break • during the winters he wears this weird ass fur coat that jb got him from the same dealer and he puts it on w a serious expression before the fights and acts like he’s jon snow and sometimes does it during jy’s negociations too but always gets the references wrong and told the barman during closing time that he shall not pass ((someone save him.mp3))
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