#he’s like a girl acquaintance’s mid bf i keep having to see at functions. i hope he dies
livvyofthelake · 8 months
they should never let white boys of the month host snl. tiktok always becomes fucking unbearable for a week. jacob elordi is the mind killer. jacob elordi is the little death that brings obliteration. i will face jacob elordi and permit him to pass over and through me. and when he has gone past i will turn the inner eye to see his path. where jacob elordi has gone there will be nothing. only i will remain.
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sam-scribbler · 5 years
Meet My WIP - White Hart City
White Hart City is a young adult urban fantasy novel about a group of teenagers who get very lost on a school field trip and stumble over a government plot to destroy their hometown of White Hart. Sure, the city is weird, but it’s not that weird - right? (It’s way, way weirder.) Full of gay shenanigans, even gayer emotions, high-speed chases, and the occasional slow dance.
h e l p
Fritz Ashworth - a senior in high school who also happens to be a Giant Nerd. Mathlete, geek, knits his own sweaters. The kind of person who wears slacks to school. He’s also on the varsity swim team and everyone is surprised when he realize he’s actually super strong. Anxious bean. Grew up (functionally) without a father and was separated from his sister Kaeja, who ran away to live with him, for several years when they were younger. Freakishly tall. Trans bicon.
Kaeja Ashworth - a junior in high school and absolutely terrifying. Has a knife collection. Nobody knows how she gets it past security all the time, but she does. Has not served as much detention as she should and should probably be in jail, actually, but she’s good at not getting caught. Has no friends except for her brother, who she treats like a kid even though he’s a year older. Lived with her shitty dad (then the police chief) for four years after running away from her mother’s home in seventh grade. Has no hobbies despite desperately needing one. Tall, but like...acceptably tall. Also a giant lesbian.
Ronnie del Bosque - a sophomore in high school who should be a junior, but she was held back a year for racking up too many detention hours. Has definitely smoked weed at some point, no word on if its a regular habit. Drinks a lot of smoothies. Has a huge crush on Fritz and keeps stealing his lunch money to buy fancy gel pens and nice paper to write him anonymous love letters. Her father is the mayor and kind of a local hero after he drove the old police chief out of town for being an Objectively Awful Person (details on how awful vary). Has a twin sister who is objectively a better person except when she Isn’t. Writes really good fanfiction. Peak Disaster Bisexual energies.
Taylor Blackburn - a senior in high school who has several close acquaintances but very few actual friends. Just as sporty as her brother - she’s on the swim team and the field hockey team. Can any would bench press her bf if she had one. Straight-A student, basically a perfect person unless you squint. Can, will, and has cried over seeing a cute dog and not being able to pet it.
Trevor Blackburn - a senior in high school and close friends with Fritz. Just as sport as his sister - on the swim team and the football team. Absolutely shredded. Cannot do math to save his life but can write a perfect essay in an hour. English majors hate him. His mom, Sina Keo, moved to the big city when he was a baby to find better work opportunities, but he sees her most weekends and over holidays. Trans dude.
Anthony Spurling - the token white dude. The oldest sophomore in high school by approximately two weeks (Ronnie is the Big Salty about it). Short, grouchy, aggressive. Nobody knows where he lives. Does he have parents? Probably. Weeb. Plays Call of Duty, Assassin’s Creed, and Gears of War a lot. Knows martial arts somehow??? Nobody has ever seen him lift a Single weight. Is failing PE but has As in every other class except history.
Midnight - a mysterious FBI agent who is probably helping. Where did she come from, where did she go? Where did she come from, fuck if I know.
White Hart City is not technically a city - it’s a town with an inflated sense of self-importance and an inordinate amount of Weird Shit going on. Nobody knows how the position of Mayor is chosen, but the occasional violent revolution means that whoever’s in charge usually does a good job. The Police Chief has too much power and somehow manages to use none of it. The court judges and the city congress are constantly trying to one-up the other. There is a single train station and Delilah, the girl who works there, actively discourages non-locals from getting off the train.
(I’m not saying there’s something in the cornfields, but -)
(it’s extremely difficult to kill the Mayor. Most victims of Violent Revolution were either old, or they fled to the Big City.)
The Big City doesn’t have a name, it’s just the Big City. People who go to the Big City don’t come back to town, at least not for long. There’s gangs. And feds.
There’s one exception though - the big field trip all the seniors get to go on, to see the Big City for a day before returning to White Hart. Small problem - this time, some underclassmen snuck along.
Kaeja stabbing a cop while drunk
Fritz punching a cop
Trevor stealing fish from a rich person’s backyard
slow dancing!
a mid-fistfight meet cute
everyone being so busy arguing that they don’t realize the plane left
fritz having to hide in a closet and everyone making jokes
a homeless dude named Barney
Trevor and Taylor’s mom having a world’s smallest apartment and the entire gang having to sleep there
Midnight trying to call the Mayor and instead calling Ronnie’s cell phone
kaeja’s pepperoni addiction
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