#he’s gonna be rudolph’s love interest
conquerthenight · 10 months
Sad about Lonbecca closing today? Have no fear, because I have a new fic for you!!! Another one for TOTLB (aka the extended Mama’s Boy Cinematic Universe) and this one is the long awaited (by me and @alicesbread) Danny & Lydia heart to heart scene. Enjoy <3
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jujumin-translates · 10 months
Event | Xmas PARK CARNIVAL | Chapter 5
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Sakuya: …
Banri: Sakuya.
Sakuya: Ah, Banri-kun.
Sakuya: Sorry, my response was so vague during the meeting earlier and now we’re the only ones who haven’t been cast yet…
Banri: Nah, I didn’t have to decide right then and there either, so don’t worry about it.
Banri: So, which role do you actually want?
Sakuya: …I guess the Christmas-loving Ruldolph is probably more fitting for me, but…
Sakuya: I’m actually more interested in the Christmas-hating Snowray.
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Sakuya: …Maybe it’s because there’s a part of me that understands how Snowray feels.
Banri: Aight, that settles it. You’ll play Snowray.
Sakuya: Eh!? You’re okay with that, Banri-kun…?
Banri: ‘Course. I thought it’d be more interestin’ like that anyway.
Banri: Obviously you can play a role that fits you, but you can also play a role that’s more fittin’ of the people around you, nothin’ wrong with that.
Banri: It’s a waste of time to limit your possibilities because of things like images and preconceived notions.
Banri: …I mean, hell, I only realized that for myself a while ago.
Sakuya: Ah… you mean with Marie Antoinette… (1)
Sakuya: …Right. Thank you, Banri-kun.
Sakuya: Okay, I wanna take on the role of Snowray.
Banri: You bet. Let’s go tell Director-chan and the others.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: (Everyone has finally been cast and rehearsals for the show have begun.)
Izumi: (As for Sakuya-kun and Banri-kun’s casting, I was wondering if this would happen.)
Izumi: (I’m glad the two of them were able to come to an agreement. But…)
Sakuya: …How was that?
Banri: Well…
Izumi: (There isn’t anything wrong with their acting, but there’s still something missing…)
Banri: It’s just a little plain, y’know?
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Sakuya: That’s what I thought…
Izumi: (Looks like they can feel it too.)
Banri: What do you guys think?
Tasuku: Well… I think the play as is is still viable, but I think you’re too engaged with each other.
Tenma: That’s true. I think Banri-san isn’t desperate enough to get Sakuya’s character to like Christmas, and Sakuya isn’t refusing it enough to say he hates it.
Tenma: The story would probably work better if each of you went at it a little stronger.
Banri: Figures… that’s what I was thinkin’ too. I think we could do that kinda play if we wanted to.
Banri: But if you just don’t have the right feelings, then it ain’t gonna work.
Banri: Why does Rudolph wanna get Snowray to like Christmas… Gonna have to dig a little deeper probably.
Sakuya: Yeah. I’ll just have to face Snowray a little more and think about some different ways I can approach him.
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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(1) Reference to the “La Verite of Flowers” event.
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a-d-nox · 9 months
Hi 💕, I'm so excited for this game of yours, I've always cherished your insight into mythology. It'd be great if you delved a bit deeper into asteroid aspects or if you did interpretations about the future! But you do you, since it's what I adore from your blog. Keep it up love 💪🏻💓
❄️ I've moved countries and became a close friend of a lady who's the same ethnicity as my family, she treats me like a daughter and I love her so much. We met via another friend and we work at the same place and hang out a lot. Then, there's her son, whom I very much have a crush on, she introduced us and there's mutual respect and he's friendly with me, but reserved. And yet, I don't know if I'm making this up, maybe also attraction?? I'm gonna change apartments soon and it's in their neighborhood. My question is, is he interested in me so as to have a relationship?
Thank you so much in advance, and I wish you a happy Yuletide 🎄❤️🏔️❄️
gift no. 1
yes! i do have more mythical asteroid signs, degrees, houses, and aspects post coming out and sitting in my drafts - so definitely be on the look out.
two of cups: i feel like a mutually beneficial relationship could be between each other already? it could be as simple as you both being aware that you both like each other and flirting - it fills the emotional / ego's need for romantic validation. just you both being aware that you like each other seems to be enough. but->
moon rx: something feels a little off to me like perhaps you aren't seeing the connection all that clearly. i feel like if he is reserved then it is for a good reason. you don't want to risk a friendship for a possible connection. but if you feel confident that the feelings are mutual perhaps, the first step is talking to his mother. because that's the connection that was established first and foremost. you don't want her being uncomfortable with not having known the whole time that you liked her son before approaching him.
3 of pentacles rx: i get the feeling that he doesn't feel the connection is practical mainly because you work with his mother. he might also lack experience in this realm (whether it's general romantic experience or experience liking one of his mom's friends is unclear but i would lean more so towards the inexperience liking his mother's friends in a romantic way...).
shufflemancy: "run rudolph run" by chuck berry
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sirenat-t · 2 years
Friendly Face (Rudolph Von Den Birkenhyde One-Shot)
Rudolph belongs to @blackmoonowl
Thank you Owl for allowing us to use your characters in our own stories!
You were a pleasant friendly face. Always helping out around the town, doing your best to make people happy. You had a delivery job for a local bakery in town and you helped prepare the pastries and get them to their customer’s dinner tables! It was a lovely job as you got to say hi to all your friends in town on your routes and you got a good amount of exercise. But there was one other reason you loved it so much. One of the bakery’s clients was the wealthiest man in town and his body guard was…well…Incredibly attractive
There was no other way to put it.
Rudolph is his name. Stoic face, straight posture, unmoving, and fierce in his gaze. He struck a little bit of fear into all those who looked at him. You couldn’t lie and say you hadn’t found yourself a bit unnerved at his ice cold stare the first time you ran into him, but over the many trips you took over the weeks you found yourself more interested in him.
His long blonde hair hair tied back in a ribbon was one of the most striking features about him. No one but Rudolph could make a ribbon look intimidating, but the elegance of the accessory just added to the mighty image of him.
Basically, you were down bad for this guy
~Welcome to the present~
You were on your bakery run again today with a few loaves of bread and a couple small shortcakes when you saw your favourite client next up on the delivery list…The wealthiest man in town! You never actually saw him in person because all deliveries were escorted to him via Rudolph. Rudolph. That’s why this client was your favourite. You got to see Rudolph again. You always loved seeing his face but you were too nervous to chat with him, but today was the day! You would actually try and talk to him! The most you heard out of him was small hums of acknowledgment when you dropped off your orders but you’d never actually heard him speak before. You were very nervous but quite excited. You made sure to put on your nicest outfit. Not too flashy, but just a little fancy.
Did you feel like a school girl who had a massive crush? Yes.
Did you feel a little ridiculous? Yes.
But could you stop yourself? Absolutely not!
You started getting closer and closer to the large steps that lead to the front doors of the mansion. As you begin your climb you started feeling a little lightheaded due to nerves. Was hair looking good? Was your outfit stained? Was there something in your teeth? No matter now. It’s too late to turn back. The more you climbed the more you could start to see if Rudolph. Standing in the same position with the same pristine uniform.
You took your final step and began walking towards the highly trained guard.
Deep breath…
“Good morning sir! It’s wonderful to see you again!” You waved and smiled your sweetest smile
A small bead of sweat started to form on your forehead.
“Ummm…I have the delivery for your boss here. If you would…like to. . .take it?” damn it, you’re losing it!
“Hm” he nodded
You shakily handed the box out of your delivery bag to the guard
“I hope he enjoys it! I also wanted to say that your uniform looks wonderf-“
You were cut off by the sound of the door closing on your face.
That could’ve gone better. There’s no time to stand around looking like an idiot until he comes back, you have orders to deliver. You readied your disappointed self and went back down the grandiose steps. Maybe next time?
~Next time arrives~
It’s been about a week since your failed attempt to talk to Rudolph, but this time is gonna be different because this time you had a secret weapon! (Not a gun) your famous Lemon Honey Lavender cakes! They had just recently been added to the bakery menu and they instantly became a hit amongst the town’s folk. Word got out and you finally had the chance to make them for the wealthiest man in town. This gave you the perfect excuse to make an extra batch and give one to Rudolph! It was a fool proof plan!
Get ready
Look good
Get your deliveries
Get out there!
After a while of hiking around town you finally arrived at the mansion. You had a little more hope in your heart that this time would be different, so you put some power in your stepped as you climbed the staircase.
There he was, like usual
You waved with the same sweet smile!
“Good morning!”
“I have the order for your boss, a fresh batch of lemon cakes”
“Hm.” He nodded
You handed him the box and kept talking, hoping to strike some form of conversation this time.
“Pardon me! Before you go, I accidentally made an extra batch of cakes this morning, so I would like you to have it. On the house, of course!”
You lifted up the extra box, but this one had small yellow flowers tied to the box in the same colour ribbon as Rudolph’s hair tie. You hoped it wasn’t painfully obvious how bad you were crushing on him.
He looked you in the eyes as he took the box. He had beautiful blue eyes the shone in the morning sun. They were akin to sparkling water in spring!
What…just happened?
All of sudden you were standing alone. No cakes and no Rudolph. He slammed the door in your face again. This time it hurt. No thank you, not a single word. You held back some tears as you regained your composure. Defeated with a broken heart, you sadly walked down the steps.
~Rudolph’s POV~
‘Why did I do that?’
He looked down at the decorated box of cakes in his hands. It had small bundle of flowers tied with a familiar coloured ribbon. None of your other deliveries were decorated, so why this one?
‘This was an extra, and she wanted me to have it…wait’
‘She made these for me’
The realization that you had spent your time making him a box of fresh cakes, and you even took the care to decorate it just for him made his heart crack with guilt. He hadn’t slammed the door on your face not once, but twice.
‘Why do I do this?’
Rudolph wasn’t stupid. He took notice of how you acted a little more shy around him. He originally thought it was because you were scared of him, but these past few weeks made him fully realize it was because you liked him…
‘She…likes me?’
He quickly looked out the front door windows and saw you walking away with your head lowered slightly. His guilt multiplied exponentially,
‘Why did I do that?..’
~Next time arrives, again~
Time for your favourite client…or…ex-favourite client. You really didn’t want to do this route again. Not after last time. But a job is a job and a job must be completed! You readied yourself for a normal day. No point in looking extra good for someone who wants nothing to do with you, right?
Not a lot of deliveries today. This should be done quickly enough. After a couple houses were ticked off your delivery list, you came up to the dreaded mansion.
‘Let’s get this over with…’
You shortly walked up the stairs and readied your hand on the box of bread so you could quickly give it over and leave. You climbed the stairs and there he was, like usual
You didn’t say a word as you pulled out the box and held it out to Rudolph,
“(Y/N), right?”
Your eyes widened, he knew your name?
“Um, ah- yes! That’s me”
He took the box and placed it on the front windowsill,
“Your cakes were delicious. I see why my boss is so fond of you and your baking”
You blushed so deep you could’ve sworn all the blood in your body was in your face,
“Oh! Well, t-thank you! I really appreciate that!…I should be going, I don’t to distract you from your job”
You turned on your heel to walk down the stairs again when you suddenly heard a sharp,
You immediately halted. His voice was very authoritative.
“I have been given a day off this Sunday, and I want to ask if you would like to spend some time together?”
You looked back at him, was this really happening? His stoic expression had some cracks in it now. His eyes were slightly looking off to the side and a small pink tint could be seen dusting his face. He looked…
Incredibly attractive
You nodded slowly,
“I’d love to…Thank you, sir!”
“Please, call me Rudolph”
“Of course! Sorry, Rudolph”
His eyes met yours,
“No, I should apologize. It was not right of me to treat you the way I did. I…have never been the best with talking”
Your gaze softened,
“It’s fine, really! Don’t worry about it” you smiled but you weren’t really fine. It still stung even after the apology. Rudolph took notice,
“I can see that you are not fine”
You stuttered trying to find ways to move past this.
“It’s fine! It’s in the past! I understand you have a very important job and I shouldn’t be taking up so much of your time! I’m even taking up your time right now, so! I’ll just be on my wa-“
He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small red rose tied in a (F/C) ribbon. He walked up to you and gently placed the flower in your hand. You could’ve melted right then and there.
“I want to make it up to you”
You stared in disbelief at the flower,
“You certainly have now! Thank you, Rudolph…it’s beautiful”
He shook his head a little,
“I can do more. One flower does not compare to the many smiles you have given me. Seeing you is my favourite part my job”
Do not faint. Do not faint. Do not faint.
Rudolph spoke up again,
“When are you available this Sunday, miss (Y/N)?”
You revived yourself with a deep breath,
“I’m free at sundown”
He smiled a very small, but very charming smile
“I’ll meet you at the bottom of these stairs at sundown”
You nodded as you shakily held the rose in your hands. He held your clasped hands in his own as he looked at you with his beautiful blue eyes,
“I look forward to seeing you soon, miss (Y/N)”
You couldn’t speak, you were so stunned. You just nodded like an idiot as he lightly chuckled at your flabbergasted reaction. You smiled and made your way to the steps, carefully walking down. You made it down the steps and part way across the entrance path before you realized you forgot to say goodbye! You looked backup the steps, Rudolph was looking at you making sure you got out safely.
“I look forward to seeing you too!” You called out
Your hopeful voice paired with how far away you were made him softly laugh. You looked adorable. He saluted you from way up the steps, and with the biggest happiest smile on your face, you did your best salute back. You quickly made your way back home absolutely beaming.
Rudolph almost had a heart attack from how cute you were saluting.
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marine-indie-gal · 10 months
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I've been in such a Ruddy mood lately mainly because on how some folks are still celebrating Christmas earlier this Month (even though this Month is Mainly Targeted towards "Thanksgiving") and even some re-watch on Phelous' Christmas reviews, I've figured just why not do another random interpretation of Rudolph, this time it's another Headcanon interpretation for how he would look like if he did appear in the Silly Sea Universe. 
I am deeply aware that Bludolph is the SB's own Rudolph but I always had this headcanon that What if the Blue-Nosed Parody version of the Famous Reindeer and the Real Rudolph are actually cousins and that maybe Rudolph retired so his own Blue-Nosed Cousin could take over as Santa's new reindeer?
I've always wanted to do a Anthro Rudolph of my own and so far, this was the result of making my first Rudolph family (though I'll probably do another version of it if I ever were to fully adapt my Most Favorite Christmas story ever since I did my own first interpretation of Rudolph last year from back then).
So here we have is my SpongeBob! Rudolph (Bludolph's Cousin) and even a Retired Reindeer of Santa's Reindeer (while still being famous) with his own Family; Marie (Rudolph's Wife) (I know how many people would prefer the name, "Clarice" most likely directly towards the Famous Version from Rankin/Bass but given on how that there was No Love Interest in the Original Rudolph story, Clarice was mainly Rankin/Bass' creation to be given as a Love Interest for Rudolph (so that character is most likely copyrighted). There's even another Rudolph adaptation that does feature Another Love Interest of Rudolph of its own made by Goodtimes, a Doe named "Zoey" and because I actually like the idea of Rudolph being given his own Mate (no matter what name the Mate might be), I've created my own Wife for SB's Rudolph in the Spongey-verse and that's where I came up with the name for a Parody Counterpart of Clarice, Marie), and even their Two Children, Rooney and Ruby (because what else would you expect if you're gonna have children having their own names being similar to either of their Parents' names? 🤭) (Not really to make fun of Rudolph's nose, just a little tease of inspiration).
Keep in mind that these designs are directly targeted towards the Designs for the Reindeers in one of the Recent Christmas Specials, "SpongeBob's Road to Christmas" (which I liked how that Special took place in July because that's how Christmas is celebrated in that Month rather than it's Main Month sometimes).
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (c) Robert L. May SpongeBob SquarePants (c) Stephen Hillenburg and Nickelodeon  SB! Design of Rudolph, Marie, Rooney, and Ruby (c) Me
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juukeboxx · 2 years
Mutant Mayhem Hype!
Hi everyone!
So today is a big day: The first official teaser trailer for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem was released! The trailer will be linked in case you haven’t seen it or want to watch it again. But I wanted to just share my thoughts on the trailer and share my hopes and dreams for this movie, which will all be under the cut.
Here’s the trailer:
First and foremost: I am so excited for this movie. Everyine has been waiting so long for this first teaser trailer and I'm not gonna lie, I was sort of in disbelief when it dropped. There's a lot to cover so I'm going to break it down into sections, and the last section being what my hopes are going into this movie.
The Turtles
I know that people have talked about the designs of the turtles themselves since they were leaked a while back, but I adore how these turtles look. This is something I'll mention throughout this post, but it's very clear that Seth Rogen has taken a lot of inspiration from the original 80's cartoon when designing these characters. What's nice about it is that he's given their desings their own little twist that makes them unique and fresh i.e. Mikey's braces.
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I absolutely adore the voices they chose for these turtles because they are actual teenagers. Nicolas Cantu as Leo, Brady Noon as Raph, Micah Abbey as Donnie, and Shamon Brown JR as Mikey. I don't know of any instances where the turtles have been voiced by actual teenagers because as far as I'm aware they've all been voiced/played by adults. This also just feels like another breath of fresh air for the series.
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What they've shown of the turtles so far seems pretty promising.
Teenagers Acting Like Teenagers
One of the first things they show in the teaser trailer is the turtles goofing off the way teenagers do, and this absolutely made my heart soar. I feel like in other versions of the turtles we always see them so caught up in conflict that we never really get to see them hang out, goof around, and get to act their age. Rise was one version that I think showed this the most so I'm really glad to see more of it in this movie.
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This Movie Looks Stunning
I'm sure other people have made this comparison but this movie really does give off the same vibes as Into the Spiderverse. It wouldn't surprise me if Seth Rogen and the people who have been working on Mutant Mayhem took inspiration from that movie. The imagery in the movie is absolutely gorgeous, and I love that it has this "hand-drawn" style. Like Into the Spiderverse, I have a feeling they wanted to achieve this look as sort of a call back or an homage to how the turtles got their start: As a comic book.
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I personally really like that the colors aren't super overwhelming. In some shots from the teaser trailer there are nice bright pops of color that really stand out and liven it up. I'm not an expert, but I think it's a really nice design choice.
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Secondary Characters and Cast
This cast is absolutely stacked y'all. If you haven't seen it on Twitter I'll list the rest of the cast here:
Jackie Chan as Splinter
Ayo Edibiri as April O'Neil
Giancarlo Esposito as Baxter Stockman
Seth Rogen as Bebop
John Cena as Rocksteady
Maya Rudolph as Cynthia Utrom
Rose Byrne as Leatherhead
Natasia Demetriou as Wingnut
Paul Rudd as Mondo Gecko
Hannibal Buress as Genghis Frog
Post Malone as Ray Fillet
Ice Cube as Superfly
I don't think it comes as too big of a surprise that a lot of the other characters featured in this movie are going to be voiced by well known actors, but I'm honestly really pleased with this lineup. And based on this lineup I think we're going to see some really interesting takes on some of these characters like Leatherhead and Wingnut.
As a sidenote, I am so excitied to see Leatherhead in this movie. In general Leatherhead is just one of my favorite secondary characters.
The designs, like I said before, have taken a lot of inspiration from the 80's cartoon. Splinter's, what I can assume is a kimono (though I might be wrong), has the same pattern as Splinter's kimono from the 80's cartoon. April of course has her signature yellow jacket and I love that he outfit looks so casual but it's perfect for running around trying to get the best scoop. Bebop and Rocksteady's clothes are pretty much right from the 80's cartoon and I absolutely love it, and personally I think that Bebop and Rocksteady look great in this art style (honestly this applies to all of the characters).
I have a feeling, and at the same time I'm hoping, that the first official trailer or the next teaser trailer (whichever one comes first) shows off some more of these designs or even shows the designs of some of the other mutants that are going to be featured.
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Hopes for Mutant Mayhem
I know that this is only the first trailer of many between now and when the movie releases, but I genuinely have high hopes for this movie. This is going to be the first TMNT movie getting a theatrical release (clairfying with theatrical because the Rise of the TMNT movie was a Netlfix original) in 7 years since Out of the Shadows released back in 2016.
Even with this trailer being just under two minutes I think that they are taking these characters in the right direction and I'm genuinely excited to see their personalities shine. When Seth Rogen posted descriptions of the turtles on his (I believe) Instagram I knew that they were going to do these characters justice.
When Mutant Mayhem is released in August and I go to the theater to see it, I wanna walk out and say “That was amazing, I want to see it again”. From the developments over the months and with the release of this official teaser trailer I hope that I can say with confidence that not only did I like it, but also that it was a Ninja Turtles movie made by Ninja Turtles fans, for Ninja Turtles fans.
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blood-and-pizza · 1 year
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So, I'm sure you've all seen these by now, but I haven't posted about them yet. Funko is gonna be releasing these holiday-themed FNAF POP figures in late October!
We got Santa Freddy, Elf Bonnie, Gingerbread Foxy, and Snow Chica!
They're also releasing action figure versions of these characters:
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What I particularly find interesting is that POP Snow Chica has no legs while her action figure has legs made of snow, tree branches, and rubber boots.
Santa Freddy is my personal favorite because I'm biased, plus I think for such a simple concept, Santa Freddy is well-designed. I particularly love his red nose. If he were an actual animatronic, I'd like to think his nose lights up like Rudolph!
I also really love Gingerbread Foxy because... a round peppermint for an eyepatch? A candy cane for a hook? GENIUS!
Snow Chica is also pretty adorable, and I think they designed her very well!
I'm just not that crazy about Elf Bonnie, to be honest. I get that he's supposed to be Santa Freddy's right-hand rabbit, but... his design greatly pales in comparison to all the others. Kind of wish they made his nose and cheeks a different color, honestly.
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mydearlybeloathed · 6 months
some interesting things happened during the latest game of "hear me out"
Me: "hear me out: he's a seven, but he's an alcoholic cat with wings" A: "what?" C: "he's a fifteen."
L: "hear me out: he's a platinum blonde that looms over lynn while she sleeps" C: "sorry what?" Me, through a sigh: "there's a draco cutout in my room"
Me: "hear me out: you've seen the claymation rudolph movie?" A, without hesitation: "the dad?" Me: "I was gonna say grown up rudolph but yes the dad too"
A: "hear me out: the proggressive box-" Me: "no. sorry."
A: "they did not need to make every single one of those lions hot" Me, after having zoned out: "oh I love the lion king"
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ddejavvu · 2 years
ugh imagine giving eddie some of ur spare winter clothes bc he doesn’t wear any and u don’t want him to get cold so he just walks around in a fuzzy hat and mittens. and ur so proud that ur helping him keep warm so he doesn’t have the heart to tell u that he actually just hates wearing hats and gloves :(( and everyone makes fun of him but he doesn’t care because he loves wearing ur clothes :(((
at first, when you offer, he waves you off. he swears that the cold doesn't bother him, that he's tougher than that (he flexes his arms and does a very interesting tough guy expression) but then you guys go out in the cold and he starts shivering and you get mad at him the entire rest of the day while he's insisting that he's fine you're like >:( you are not fine >:( you're an ice cube >:( let's go home >:(
the next time he dares go outside without being all bundled up you have some choice words for him. you demand that he puts on warmer clothes, that you're not going to let him kiss you for a week if he comes back all frozen. He relents only because he's already leaning in for a kiss because of how cute your angry face looks, and you stuff a beanie onto his head and mittens on his hands.
you tug a scarf around his neck and bundle the lower half of his face up in it so that his cheeks are smooshed and you lean in a kiss each of them and they're already rosy bc of the cold air and then you kiss his red nose and call him rudolph </33 he hates wearing winter clothes, but you're fawning over him like he's a newborn baby and suddenly it doesn't seem that bad...
he does have a reputation among his friends, though. the first time he shows up in winter garb, you on his arm, he gets slammed. 'eddie the babied' is thrown around a little too much, and he's just sitting there proudly because you dressed him today and sure the hat messes up his hair and yeah his winter boots aren't the best looking things in the world and okay maybe mittens instead of gloves weren't the best choice but hey !! you dressed him !! you took the time and energy to design an entire outfit for him, just out of concern, so he's gonna be proud.
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october-cryptixx · 2 years
soooooooo im a bit of a rankin bass enthusiast mainly with rudolph though because it's basically one of my special interests i've been having a kinda sorta little teensie tiny bit of a hyperfixation on this movie and it's been going strong since december so idk when it's gonna stop lol it's just my life now i guess but since it's pride month i thought it'd be fun to draw rudolph with the transgender flag because i LOVE the headcanon that he's trans its just: mwah, chef's kiss, beautiful
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but uhhhh yea here he is ^^ the good boi also happy pride month y'all!! please stay safe out there and love yourselves and each other!!
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Traditions - Shouto Todoroki x Reader
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What were you supposed to get the boy who could have anything he wanted? That was the question that had been plaguing your mind for the entirety of November and now December. Shouto Todoroki, your loving and caring boyfriend, was the hardest person you had ever shopped for in your life. Even Momo was easier to shop for - she actually really liked homemade baked goods since when she’s training she has to eat a ton of processed stuff. You were currently at the mall, picking up things for the rest of your friends with Shouto, while also trying to scope out what interests him in certain stores.
“So who’s next?” He asks as you scroll through the list on your phone.
“Hmm… I think Midoriya.” You respond, looking around to see all of the stores surrounding you. A certain one grasps your attention with the bright yellow, blue, and red colors. Shouto follows your gaze and he gives you a small smile as it lands on the huge All Might themed store.
“Well you're definitely gonna find something in there.” He chuckles, gently tugging your hand as the two of you walk towards the door.
You had finally left the mall with several bags being carried by the both of you, but you still had no clue what to get for your boyfriend. After Shouto dropped off the bags in your door and gave you a quick kiss goodbye - he apparently had some important business to attend to - you decided enough was enough. You scroll through the contacts on your phone to find Fuyumi, Shouto’s older sister, and press the call button. You’re only able to hold it to your ear for a few seconds before she answers.
“Y/N! How are you?” Fuyumi’s sweet voice filtered through your phone.
“I’m good, how are you?” You ask politely, making your way to sit down on your bed. 
“Fine, just doing some stuff around the house. I’m glad you called though, I haven’t been able to talk with you for a while.” You heard some clinks and clatters in the background and quickly assumed she was doing the dishes.
“Oh, no problem! I actually have a question if you’re not too busy.” You say, letting your shoulder press your phone to your ear so you could start taking all of your purchases out of their bags.
“I’ve got time, shoot away!” She says cheerily, causing a smile to grace your face.
“It’s about Shouto-”
“What about Shouto?” A deep but happy voice piped up through your phone.
“Hi Natsuo!” You greet, smoothing the blouse you got for Ochaco out.
“Hey kiddo! What’s up?” You could almost feel his wide grin radiating through your screen.
“Was asking Fuyumi a question, but you can answer it as well. I wanted to know what kind of stuff you and Shouto did when you were younger around the holidays to get an idea of what he likes to do. I was trying to find something to get him for Christmas, but I feel like if he wanted anything he would have already gotten it, so I want to do something with him.”
“Uhmm…” You hear both of them exchange awkward words, so you pipe up instead.
“I mean my brother and I would have gingerbread house competitions, go ice skating, and have movie marathons, but I don’t really know if that’s something Shouto would be into .” You say, opening the last of your bags which contained a snow globe with a polar bear cub in it for Koda.
“Y/N, uh… Shouto’s never really done any of that before.” Natsuo says. You frown a bit, but shake your head.
“Oh - is there anything your family does especially for the holidays? I mean I know your dynamic is a bit… different than others, but I’m sure you found a way to celebrate...right?” You asked warily.
“That’s a really sweet thought but umm… Dad didn’t really let us mingle, so he’s never experienced any usual holiday activities. I mean he celebrated with us, don’t get me wrong, but we never really got to do fun things as siblings.” Your jaw drops. You remember playing with your brother in the snow being one of the happiest memories during the holidays and you can’t believe Endeavor didn’t grant Shouto that. All of a sudden, a lightbulb seemed to come to life above your head and a grin replaced your frown.
“Thank you! Thank you so much for telling me, I know what to do!” You exclaim, clasping your hands together. You bid adieu to your boyfriend’s siblings and immediately start planning.
“Y/N, I don’t understand what’s going on. Why did you call me out here?” All bundled up in a puffy jacket that made him look even cuter than ever, snow pants, and a pompom beanie. Shouto looks at you with a raised eyebrow. 
“We are going to have the best day ever.” You state, grabbing his gloved hands in yours. “We’re going to make a snowman, then we’re gonna bake some cookies, maybe make some hot cocoa, and watch some Christmas movies.”
“W-what?” He manages, a blush spreading across his cheeks.
“Merry Christmas! I was trying to think of something to get you, but I kept coming up with blanks. So, I figured we should celebrate our first Christmas together by implementing some solid traditions.” You saw his shocked expression turn into one of somewhat embarrassment as he looked to the side.
“Y/N, your idea sounds great, but I’ve never done those activities before. What happens if I mess them up?” Concern flickers across his eyes, but you give him a reassuring smile and cup his cheek with your mittened hand.
“It’s perfectly fine if you ‘mess them up’, even though I’m sure you won’t. These activities are specifically designed to be fun, stress free things to do, okay?” Shouto nods and gives you a small smile. You give him a quick kiss and your day of fun begins.
Building a snowman was certainly a feat. You had to teach Shouto how to roll the snow to create bigger bases than the average snowball, which completely enthralled him. It was cute to see him so excited about how the snow managed to get that big, and he even put a little spin on the snowman, creating a “frozen pond” right next to him and an ice fishing rod so that he could go fishing.
Next was the cookies. Even though he really hadn’t cooked that much in his life, like many things, your boyfriend picked it up quite quickly. The two of you would perform a quiet dance in the kitchen, dropping two sticks of butter in one bowl and pouring a cup of sugar in another. What Shouto didn’t know, however, was flour’s tendency to create a mini explosion. His face when it poofed up in his face was priceless. You laughed so hard your stomach hurt which only made Shouto take some more flour and throw it on you so you were matching.
Finally, you made it to the end of the day. Both of you were cuddled up on your bed in your dorm watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Your back was pressed up against his chest and his arms were around yours, his left hand drawing soft lines on your skin, heat following his finger tips. You were so happy. Shouto really looked just ecstatic for the entire day, enjoying every activity you came up and even adding his own personal spin to them. You were so engrossed in those happy memories from earlier in the day that you didn’t hear Shouto say your name.
“Y/N,” he says in a velvety voice, shaking you a little to gain your attention.
“Hmm?” You hum in response, telling him that you were listening.
“I have something for you.” You turn around to look at him and you gasp with delight. In his hands dangled the daintiest little locket you had ever seen. It was a pretty silver oval with the tiniest little hinge on its side.
“May I?” You ask, motioning to open it. He gives you a soft smile and nods. You open it very carefully and you melt at what you see inside. It was your initials next to his with a heart outline.
“I know you don’t like obvious jewelry so I didn’t go for the heart locket, but I still wanted to get the meaning across. Do you like-” You cut him off with a searing kiss. You cup both of his cheeks in your hands and press him close to you.
“I love it, Sho. Thank you so, so much.” He grins at you and opens the clasp.
“Do you want me to put it on for you?” He asks. You nod quickly and turn your head back around. His hand sweeps your hair to one side and swings the necklace around your neck so that the clasp was in the back. His fingers danced lightly across the back of your neck, sending a tingle down your spine. He closes the little clasp and smooths it out. You reach up to touch the little locket and smile, turning back around to look at him.
“To new traditions,” you toast, arms wrapping around his neck.
“To new traditions.”
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mimiseda · 3 years
Words: 1,607
Title: The Red Velvet Christmas Spirit
❗️Trigger Warning❗️: Character Death
Jake presses his forehead against the window of a small, antique shop. He stares directly at a gingerbread house- no, mansion. It’s the most decorative, elegant piece of food he’s ever seen. Right next to it are fruitcake carved to resemble cars, and chocolate chip cookies to represent bushes.
It looks delicious. But, Jake is almost %100 sure that it’s stale or maybe even fake. Everytime he goes by this shop, it’s there. He’s intrigued.
‘I’m gonna go in.’ He tells himself. He pushes himself away from the window and steps his bare feet into the snow. It doesn’t bother him one bit, he can’t even feel the cold anymore, despite being in his pajamas. The only “warmth” Jake gets is his silk, gray pants he wore and his red robe. The white shirt underneath is so thin, it doesn’t contribute much.
He’s perfectly content with this. He gets to wear pajamas, and nobody pays attention to him. In this big, snowy shopping district, everyone is focusing on getting their gifts. Many don’t stop to see the Christmas lights or a robotic Santa waving at them. They’re busy raiding colorful stores, uncaring of who’s in their way. A win-win for Jake, he thinks. Jake opens the door of the shop and walks in. He’s careful not to bump into any antiques, especially the maiden dolls gathered around the floor.
Jake raises a brow. This is an accident waiting to happen.
He looks around the store. So many figures and mini statutes. He sees a Santa with red paint chipped from his shoulder. Rudolph and the other reindeers. On a shelf lies plush blankets with the holiday’s designs. Trees, presents, one of them is all black with cups of hot cocoa and marshmallows. Jake stares at that one a little too long. He’d love some hot cocoa right now.
He looks away, eyes catching ruby and emerald jewelry. Eh. Not his interest. With an exhale, he finally directs his attention towards the ginger mansion. The thing is big enough to be a proper dollhouse. He wouldn’t be surprised to find miniature furniture in there. Jake leans in. Close enough to waft the smell towards him.
Brown sugar, fruit, and candy.
His mouth feels like it’s watering. There’s nothing but a savory feeling, all of that sugar and he can’t even eat it. Jake sighs. Back to looking around again.
He navigates away from the gingerbread mansion. He reaches to the back of the store, where he finds a wooden stand with orange lights wrapped around it. Behind are two elderly women, one tall, the other short. They’re laughing and chatting, Jake can’t make out what they’re saying because of one thing.
Behind them is a shelf of toys, nutcrackers, and a single snow globe. It’s a little bigger than most he’s ever seen. Inside the glass is a puppy cuddling a kitten in a pile of fake snow. They’re both made of silver. The smaller animal has its ears down, while the other is up and lively. Jake stares at it in awe, it’s the perfect gift. He needs that. Now.
In a single reckless move, he puts both hands on the counter and damn near hurls himself over. He accidentally bumps into the shelf, causing it to shake and the elderly women to scream. They move out of the way of the falling shelf while Jake sits there. He focuses entirely on that snow globe slipping off its stand. As soon as it fell, Jake catches it while the shelf crashes upon him.
He’s okay.
Jake isn’t even bothered. He sits in a big hole between the wooden splinters. The snow globe remains untouched, no damage taken whatsoever. The rest of the items are broken and shattered, pieces are scattered in a dangerous circle around him. He just ruined the shop, but he does care? Absolutely not, he wants to live a little.
This is for a special someone anyway.
Jake gets up, allowing glass and ceramic pieces to fall from his messy hair. Happy, he began leaving the shop with the snowglobe, ignoring the ladies arguing behind him. Jake swings open the shop’s door, leaving it open long enough for a man dressed as an Elf to waddle in and gasp at the mess.
“The hell happened in here!?”
“Linda’s messing with shit again, that’s what happened!”
“Don’t listen to her! Come on in Ray, don’t listen to her!”
. . .
There you are.
Lying in bed, pale and possibly cold. The wintry breeze through the window he opened doesn’t help, but he knows you can’t feel. You’re both similar, but in different planes of the world. Jake leans against the wall, holding the snow globe in hand. His expression is solemn, but he doesn’t want to cry. Not now, he’ll save these tears for something special.
You don’t move in an inch. Not that you could in such a small hospital bed. Jake thinks they should make bigger ones. For you, most definitely, but for others too. ‘I guess’. He says. Next to you are three people sitting in chairs. The businessman who is his father, a dark-skinned woman who is Jake’s mother, and a casually dressed young man, Jake’s brother. His mother and his brother are tearing up, while his father leaned forward with a prayer.
Jake feels like he should cry now. But no, not when he’s about to reunite with you again. He pushes himself off the wall and walks over to a night stand. He sets the snowglobe down, reaches around it and winds it up. He kept turning until it stopped and wouldn't budge.
Your fingers twitch. He knows and you know. He knows you know.
It’s time for Jake to take you.
He shakes the globe and lets go of the switch. A beautiful tune plays, soft, yet cheery. The snow falls elegantly around the silver pup and kitten, glitter sticks to the metal to glorify its shine. The song drowns out your heart monitor, luring Jake into a peaceful trance.
He’s impatient, but he can wait.
Jake’s mother wraps her hand around yours, squeezing it occasionally. The woman says a few words to you that Jake recognizes in his language. ‘I love you. I love you so much. Say hi to my son for me. I love you.’
Jake lowers his head. He can’t stand to hear her cry, it tears at his soul, his heart. Music. Music. Oh yes, the music. The ethereal tune continues playing while the switch moves slowly. It’s halfway done. Jake focuses on you entirely. You’re still unresponsive, he can tell the song is getting to you. Only you and him can hear it now.
Jake’s father kept going with his prayer. He’s mumbling words, his face is red and flushed. Jake knows what he’s saying, he’s hoping for a good afterlife for you. He’s wishing you the best, while simultaneously wishing for you to come back. Like Jake, his father is family oriented. Even though he doesn’t show it much, the fact that he’s sitting there hoping for your recovery is enough to show. He acted very much the same when Jake passed.
The music stops. The tune fell with a high-pitched melody, soon fading into silence. The snow surrounding the baby animals also ceased, it all made a snow pile again.
At the same time, you flatlined. The heart monitor stopped beeping, the noise is quickly replaced by Jake’s mother’s cries. A nurse rushes in to console his family, while another hurries in the grab supplies. Jake stares ahead. This is the last time he’ll see them, but it won’t last forever.
“Where’d you get that?”
Jake turns around and finds you behind him. Looking alive and neat as ever. As per the Christmas spirit, you also wore pajamas. Seeing your face again.. Jake smiles. And he smiles big. The tears finally come to his dark-brown eyes, but not in sadness. He’s happy. This is the happiest he’s ever been since he left you. “Antique shop. I-it was, I got- (Y/n), come here.” He pulls you into a tight hug. He feels your arms around him soon after, gripping his clothes in an emotional way.
“I missed you, Jake.” You say to him, burying your face in his red robe. Jake doesn’t comment on the dampness on his shirt, he gives you a moment to collect yourself. He’s been gone for a while, he left the world before you did. But you’re here now, that’s all that matters to him.
“I missed you too.” Over your shoulder, Jake catches a glimpse of his saddened family, especially his mother. He needs to leave. He doesn’t want to spend the day in melancholy. “Grab your gift. I’ll take you to the shopping district around the corner.”
You pull away. No more tears, no wet shirt. Most of your human qualities are gone, but you can touch him. That’s all you ever needed. Letting go of Jake, you reach up and briefly kiss his lips, to which he responds with a small chuckle. You grab the snowglobe, take one last look at your body, then turn to Jake.
You’re ready.
“What store are we going to?” You ask while Jake hops himself on the window frame.
“The mall. It has this bakery I want you to look at. I bet it’s got some gingerbread mansions too..”
“You mean gingerbread house?”
“Whatever it’s called.” Jake gestures you towards him, waiting until you’re right by his side. He grabs your hand gently, then squeezes once you hold his.
“Come on, I got the whole day to spend with you.”
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genesisrose74 · 4 years
Christmas with the Karasuno Boys (HC’s)!!
Part 1: Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, & Ennoshita
Part 2 (Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kinoshita, & Narita) here!!
A/n: Tumblr said my word count was too much so I’m splitting this bad boi up into two parts :p Enjoy!!
A huge romantic during Christmas, 10/10 quality cliche times spent together
You wanna go ice skating? Hell yeah sweetheart, he will make it the most beautifully romantic thing you’ve ever seen
Like straight out of a holiday postcard type beat
Istg the rink he takes you to looks like a more heartwarming version of Rockefeller Center
He’s a big keeper of tradition when it comes to making plans, but doesn’t mind a bit of nonsense fun when everything falls into place
Which is why you love to bring the team along on adventures because they make everything all the more entertaining
At first he’s confused like ??? You don’t have to do that just if they’ve been pestering you about it
But then he realizes you care as much about them as he does (hint: a hell of a lot) and they’re thus invited along for some stuff
Of course y’all also get some quality time together on dates with just you both
Anyways you and Daichi have talked a lot about traveling and how he was really interested in seeing new places
So as his gift you got him a carved map with a roll of red string and thumbtacks, so that he could plan out all the places he wanted to visit
You know how when Kiyoko found the “Fly” banner for Karasuno and all the boys cried?
Like that but with lots more hugging and laughing
“You know you’re gonna have to help with mapping this out, right?”
“Is that an invitation I hear?”
“Oh, that’s a promise”
Please I love him; he is so damn sly and sassy I will die with this headcanon
I swear on everything that Christmas with him is equivalent to a Hallmark movie
It smells like joy and warmth wherever he is, and this season only amplifies it
He is such a cheeseball without even having to try
But it’s in the really endearing and heart-melting way,,, just MMM PERFECT
He’ll take you on a walk through those neighborhoods with those crazy light decorations in the front yard and buy you hot chocolate
If he sees a group of little kids gaping at all the lights, he’ll leave them starry-eyed with stories of magic, reindeer, Santa and so-forth
“You know, I’ve heard that Rudolph’s nose is supposed to be brighter than the world’s most powerful Christmas light”
Good heavens, children absolutely adore this man
Anyways he’ll make it a little game as y’all walk around this beautifully lit neighborhood, both of you with a different assortment of bingo squares printed on paper
First one to bingo chooses a movie to watch after getting back to Suga’s house
Will wrap a big fluffy blanket around you both and pull you into his chest while watching the movie
For his gift, you got a star named after him
It’s because y’all alway go stargazing for dates every month, just to sit out, talk and cuddle
Suga gave you the SOFTEST look after opening your gift and this cute little card you made 🥺
“Lets go try to find my new favorite star”
“Right now? Koushi it’s 11:30 pm”
“Just for ten minutes, and then I’ll get you home”
So y’all spend the rest of Christmas Eve on his roof, sipping warm tea and attempting to locate Star Suga
Cuddle bear alert ‼️‼️
It’s basically hibernation time for him, because he’s not the biggest fan of cold
That’s alright with you though 😌 more coziness for you
Lots of quality moments indoors means more creative dates
A whole day devoted to chill present wrapping? Hell fuckin’ yeah
Nice music, pretty wrapping paper, shiny bows, maybe a little Christmas rom-com playing in the back — the whole shebang
You find out pretty quickly that despite how it sounds, it’s actually quite a satisfying and enjoyable pastime
Practically had to drag him out of your living room to secretly wrap his own gift
As much as he’s the king of timidity and soft™, he can be very playfully stubborn when he’s comfortable, hence why he was such an ass to get out of the room
I have no doubt that Asahi would melt for the most adorable, cheesy shit
So you not only bought him some really reliable headbands for volleyball use, but you also made a little coupon booklet
He can basically cash in paper promises for certain things, like getting to choose the next date idea, picking a movie to watch without any objection, having you make his favorite food, etc.
There’s one that he can exchange for a full out spa day trip, because good heavens he’s a sucker for those
Massage and exfoliation and everything — it makes him feel ✨refreshed✨
He was ecstatic fam, I don’t even know what to say
Like a puppy who just got a bunch of toys and a new backyard to play
Mans cashes in one almost immediately, and at first you’re confused
Like it’s Christmas time bubs, what are we gonna be able to do when most places are closed and it’s the holidays?
Then you read the paper
“Free hug (can be used and renewed <3)”
He uses that one a lot throughout the upcoming days, to the point where he just keeps the paper on him for fun
“You realize you can just ask me silly, you don’t need to keep carrying the coupon around”
“Yeah, but it’s entertaining”
Cute little cheeky bastard
You know the 12 Days of Christmas? The song??
He gets you a small present EVERY DAY for all 12 days
Not to mention he has a big present that he saves for the actual holiday
Y’all are the type of couple to get ice cream in the middle of winter
Nishi loves his cold snacks any time of year, and you’ve thus picked up a similar taste
He will consistently pester you about what kind of present you got him
Gets pouty when you don’t tell him, but in the back of his mind he’s glad because it would ruin the surprise
Anything you get him instantly becomes his most prized gift tho
It could be a literal rock with googly eyes and he’d put it in a protective glass case for preservation
But of course you get him something better than that because he only deserves the best
He’s got this specific assortment of products to maintain his spiky hair and to make sure it’s healthy, but they’re pretty expensive to buy when he runs out
When he tore open your present’s decorative wrapping to discover a huge basket of basically every hair product he ever needed, he got wide-eyed
There was also a booklet of little notes you’d kept throughout the month that listed all the little things you noticed and adored about your precious boyfriend
He nearly CRIED reading them
“Baby, you didn’t have to do all that for me”
“You act like you don’t deserve all of it and more, Nishi”
Refuses to leave your side after that
Holding your hand, hugging you as tight as he can, etc.
He is head over heels idc idc
Another man who is obsessed with the holiday season and everything that comes with it
He is the biggest sap for this shit istg
Will spend hours trying to get you the best present of all time
And he succeeds exceptionally
Mistletoe? He’s got an ABUNDANCE on hand at any time, just to make sure he can get fair share of his kissies 🥰
His signature beanie appears in full force during winter
Sometimes you’ll pull it over his eyes before giving him a peck on the cheek and dashing off in the school halls
“I’ll see you after school, babe!”
Speech = jumbled + incomprehensible
“Uh hUh, you do that~”
He’s: adorable
I just know that he melts for really sweet and thought-out gifts
Like anything you give him he’ll adore, don’t get me wrong, but the ones done with special care and love are just his kryptonite
He brought you into a massive bear hug and spun you around when he opened a photo book of old pictures taken together, complete with lots of cute messages and anecdotes written alongside them
You and Saeko may have also gone in on another present for him without his knowledge
And on Christmas Eve, you dragged a curious Tanaka into his front yard to the sight of a shiny motorbike
It was Saeko’s old one that she’d held onto for a while, and an old schoolmate offered to fix it up nice in time for the holiday at a discount, so y’all decided to divvy up the lowered price and got it done for Ryu
Sweet boy was taken aback, with his hands clapped over his mouth and everything
Saeko patted him on the back as he stood there in shock, giving her baby brother a sweet smile
“All yours, little bro!”
Ya, Saeko fucking loves you 😌 and so does Tanaka
Overall very lovely, would cry to be loved by the Tanaka siblings
After spending past Decembers with his fellow second year classmates (namely, the very enthusiastic Noya and Tanaka), he’s grown to know quite a bit about the different holiday events that go on around town
Still, Ennoshita is a pretty simplistic guy and is content with simply spending time with you
So when you recommended going to pick a Christmas tree out for your place together, he’s totally down
As long as he gets to help decorate too ☺️
Y’all end up picking a beauty of a tree ngl
And a super stronk friend — fit for the most heavy duty of ornaments
It takes some damn work to get that bad boi inside and upright after driving back to your house
But like hell did that stop you
Now that it was all set up, sturdy, and given plenty of water, decorations were brought into the equation that same night
No rest until it’s all set up and looking mighty beautiful
Okay maybe some coffee breaks in between, but other than that the grind don’t stop ✋😤
Ennoshita is an expert at making Christmas trees look absolutely immaculate
Idk if it’s because he’s had to deal with cleaning up disorder for a while now?
Looking at you, ya second year loons
He just has the touch, fam
He’ll of course let you have input on which light colors, what type of ornaments, and so on
But honestly it’s really fun seeing him fully concentrated on making your tree the best it can be
He lets you on his shoulders to put on the tree topper 🥺
For his gift, Ennoshita really loves books, so you decided to get him 12 different (hardcover!!) stories — one for each month in a year
Along with a small sticky-note blurb on the covers of each to explain why you chose it, and to give similar title recommendations if he ends up enjoying
He was so surprised with how thoughtful and extensive it was
Loved it so much that he immediately started to read the first one, with you sat in his lap
“Chikara, you realize you’re meant to start this one in January?”
“Shh, I’m getting a head start”
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otterskin · 3 years
Quick Thoughts of Loki Episode #5
Me during the First Half:
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After 30 minute mark:
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Me at the End of episode:
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Full text thoughts below.
So those first thirty minutes, right? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Some crazy fun sets full of hilarious background details, this great new cast of Lokis (sad we didn't have more of Boastful Loki, he had an interesting design), some great humour and finally a little, tiny bit of Hiddleston acting off of Hiddleston, which I've wanted for awhile with all these multiple Lokis. Alligator Loki was flippin' the best, although I wanna know how Old Loki speaks whatever it is he speaks and no other Loki does. And that Alioth!! Such a fun concept in this crazy world, I loved everything about the worldbuilding and how it related to storytelling. The writing itself was a huge notch up from episodes 3 & 4 - I will be keeping an eye on Tom Kauffman (writer of this episode). This one understood how to keep 'characters walking places and talking' really engaging and interesting, it had some great one-liners that feel like classic quotable lines already (I am heartbroken to say I'm not even surprised"), it kept up its momentum but knew how to slow down for quiet moments. All in all, this was nearly the best episode in the series and definitely would have been if not for the problems in the post-30 minute mark.
I loved the random creative elements like the Battleship (from a conspiracy theory I understand), the giant Easter Egg Nest in the Van, the peacocks with little purple balls on springs for heads, and the surprise of Alioth, which fits into a show about a Norse God rather well. These all made the episode sing as a unique entry in the show and the MCU. It reminded me of the Island of Lost Toys from Rudolph and also Toy Land (Fables Comics).
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Kid Loki may not have had any physical resemblance to Tom Hiddleston, but the child actor was amusingly poe-faced and dark and got a lot of chuckles out of me and I whole-heartedly embrace him as an alternate Loki. I also enjoyed the sly 'JIM' references, as that Gillen run in the comics is probably my favourite for Loki stories, even though this Kid Loki was very, very different. I don't know if there'll be more of him, but I'm on board. And of course, President Loki, although here all too briefly (I really wanted more Hiddleston-acting-off-Hiddleston action), was marvelous and charismatic and I loved the weird silky voice he had, and of course his many creatively-dressed minions that included a few other Lokis. I wish, wish, wish that had been longer. Hands down the MVP of the episode is Richard E. Grant, who took a character I was nervous for, dressed in a ridiculous costume, and made him the heart and soul of this episode. I've been feeling like Loki has been in need of another A-list actor and this was the guy. He elevated everything. His pathos, humour, and delivery were spot on, and he had such an easy chemistry with everyone, including that CGI alligator. Every moment with him was a treasure, small and large - and I especially loved his large moment fighting Alioth where he created the illusion of Asgard from memory. That was really touching and beautiful and damn did it hurt when he got munched. Good writing, great acting, just...man, I'm gonna treasure this alternate Loki in a way I didn't see coming. That was just magic. But...that brings us to the other revelation. The not-so-good one. Sylvie...I'm sorry, kid, but...
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I really wanted to give this character the benefit of the doubt. I liked a lot about her in her initial introduction, but at this point it's clear - she's another MCU Action Girl Model No. 678, off the shelf. Her writing takes very few risks and gives her almost no traits I'd associate with Loki. She's just another Natasha/Gamora/Hope clone. What makes a Loki a Loki? I've talked about that before and the show almost seems to get it. But there is a crucial difference between my philosophy and theirs. They say Loki is a survivor, God of Outcasts. I say Loki is the God of getting knocked down and getting back up again, the God of Odd-Couple pairings and the Court Jester of Asgard. Sylvie might have survived, but she doesn't suffer the constant humiliation and self-effacing humour and self-hatred that makes Loki's resilience especially moving and interesting. She doesn't get to be very funny, she never gets to be clumsy or pathetic. She's never the architect of her own failure. She's never a clown. She's just stock Action Girl in a Loki crown. And since when is wanting revenge and being kick-ass enough to be called a Loki? She's just another hyper-competent female raring to be the main character while the fun, bumbling lead trails after her. And then they have to further burden her, the sole female lead and sole female Loki, with being the romantic interest. There's no getting away from it now. That's what they're driving at and God is it uncomfortable and unpleasant. What makes a good romance? What makes any good or interesting relationship on screen? Contrasting and complementing traits. Some of this on paper could work, if you could somehow get around the gut-instinct incestuous vibes. Sylvie is self-assured, Loki is not, Sylvie solves her problems with violence, Loki prefers words, but both have had a hard time connecting with people outside their families, etc. And yet they come together like three-week-old bread pudding and onions. One of these things has flavour and goes well with all sorts of dishes, and the other is a bland mess that just gets a bit lumpy when it comes in contact with a strong-tasting ingredient like Hiddleston's onion. When the episode slowed down for their romantic moment, it really slowed down, to an absolute slog. And then the worst thing happened. Loki officially stopped being the main character. I'm reminded of Ant-Man and the Wasp, where the story was really all about Wasp and her personal quest, and Scott was just around because I guess they're romantically involved or whatever. He was just following Wasp around and occasionally screwing things up. Here, it's even worse. Loki is entirely besotted with Sylvie, to the point where all he does is follow her and the only plan is her plan. His entire motivation is her. This is her story and he's just a footnote in it. She drives the plot, she has the motivation, she has the deepest emotional connection to the goings on of the story, she interacts with the villains the most and has the deepest personal connection to them. She, despite being a Loki in name only, (and not even that really) is the main character of Loki. Making Loki such a passive character, most devoted and passionate as a love interest to Sylvie than anything of his own, is just...I don't know how to process it. Loki has always been such an active, dynamic character in the films. He drives the plot entirely in THOR, and even though he's an afterthought in the writing of TDW he still very much drives his own narrative arc forward, and in Ragnarok, where the character's schtick is floundering for purpose in the wake of his father's death, he still drives forward his own arc, makes his own choices, and carries large parts of the narrative and plot. He is essential. Here? In the show supposedly named after him? He doesn't even get to have his own character arc, his own self-reflection. Instead, they use the good ol' trope of 'redemption through romance', whereby he learns to love himself by loving Sylvie. He is 'fixed' because of a romantic relationship.
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That's not good character development, it's not fair to Sylvie, and it's not good writing. It's an old trope that I even consider a little bit dangerous. Believing a romantic relationship is a substitute for self-reflection and growth and personal reckoning is asking for failure at all of that, and the failure of the relationship. People - especially women - shouldn't have to fix their romantic partners, or inspire them to be their 'best versions'. Yes, there's a little more going on in the subtext than that, but it still boils down to this same, tired old trope. This was also the trope I despised most in Waldron's script The Worst Guy of All Time, which I also felt had a bland action heroine burdened with being the mirror through which the lead, flawed male could fix himself - by snogging her. Just. No. Don't do that. In addition to that...I think I've got to admit that I'm finding DiMartino a bit lacking in the role. Yes, it's thanklessly written and I do put that as the largest problem. But Grant just came in here and stormed the castle. His writing had a few stumbles too but I didn't care because his delivery and massive charisma just sailed right over those potholes. He made me care about a different Loki, and care a lot, in just one single episode. There was an electricity when he was onscreen that not only held its own with Hiddleston, but often stole his thunder. God, the way his eyes moved and focused, the wry cynicism and good humour of his voice, his offhand reverance for Kid Loki, everything he did just sparked. DiMartino doesn't have a fraction of that panache, and that's very evident in scenes with both Owen Wilson and Hiddleston, who just outcharm her at every line, despite them and the story pushing her as the lead of the story. To be clear, I like Sophia, I don't think she's a bad cast, but I honestly feel she's not keeping up. I just don't get a good sense of her character's inner life, and I don't think she brings much individual energy that no other actor could. Say what you will about Wilson and Hiddleston, but they have immense individual energy in all their roles. She's also no Hemsworth, who's leading man abilities I've always found quintessential to the Thor films - but then again, Wilson, Hiddleston, and Hemsworth are all allowed to be funny and charming, and Sylvie is more like Thor 2's Thor, a vehicle for the plot and romance. So maybe I am being too hard on her. But seriously, Marvel, let women be weird. Let them be kooky, ridiculous, silly, earnest to the point of cringe, let them be offputting and crazed and eccentric and...unique. Not MCU Action Girl Model No. 678 with a new coat of paint. Because this is just Wasp, Gamora, and Natasha. Again. Finally, another problem came to a head this episode. There's a flanderization of Loki at work here, and I do so hate to use that phrase. Their understanding of him can be quite complex sometimes and at others it’s cartoonish or based on some version of Loki that’s not been in the MCU. It’s also frustrating that the subtext of Loki has been made text, which would be fine if they gave him new subtext - which they haven't. They've also ignored quite a bit of text, like his heritage and discomfort with that, that makes the character seem a little incongruent with the guy coming off of Avengers and Thor. There's just not much happening underneath the surface anymore. It's all stated, often by the character himself. Every feeling, the meaning of every action, everything telegraphed by bullhorn. ("I think we're stronger than we realize!!" should have been a reaction shot. Classic over-writing.) I don’t have as much to dig into as I did in the films other the Easter Eggs. They keep saying the themes out loud like WandaVision did rather than trusting the audience to interpret. No, you're told exactly how to feel, every character tells you exactly what they're feeling, with no room for gray areas at all. What happened to the character it was fun to analyze and think about? How did he become a side character to someone else's story in a story that
was supposed to be about him getting his own story? I would have thought that was the point, but they’ve brushed aside everything I cared about with that character to make way for Sylvie.
His heritage? A throw away Easter egg not at all developed amd actively disregarded. His self-hatred? Well, now he wants to jump his female version’s bones so that’s all better! His relationship with his family? Whatever, now he has Sylvie and Möbius guys! He’s just met them but they get the hugs and probably the eventual kisses. (Oh god I don't want that, please.) That's not to say I'm against Loki getting a cast of his own characters (I quite enjoy his recent casts in the comics, with Leah, Verity Willis, Thori, etc.), I'm just against this large emotional pay-off being given to characters where I don't really feel that level of bond has been earned. Loki hugging Thor would be a big moment. Loki hugging Mobius is...fine, because he does seem to see Mobius as a proxy to both Thor and Odin, and I can buy that he likes him and might invest a lot of other emotions into him. But it's not fireworks. It's just...a bit of a forced emotional climax for a friendship that never quite had the time it needed (gosh, I would have loved this to be 12 episodes long and to have had three episodes just jetting around time with Moby. That would have been ideal.)
I just wish it was Loki and Mobius teaming up at the end, not Loki and... the most boring Loki ever. They do at least have a way more interesting and complex relationship than the bland Sylvie has managed to muster. This has been a long screed with a lot of negativity in it, so I'll just double-back and say that there really was so much I loved about the episode during that first half-hour. Really, the set was a character in its own right, and the Easter eggs were hilarious, non-stop and clever (so many urban legends and comics cuts). The direction was also a huge step up, with that fantastic opening shot showing the dysfunction at the TVA and recapping the previous episode better than the actual recap did, just zooming past the remains of that day. There were so many genuine surprises, really good editing, sight gags, written gags, great acting, excellent VFX (Allokigator looked stunning in every shot, better than CGI Goose in Captain Marvel!), and the writing itself was just really engaging. It felt like its own mini-movie, a fresh flavour, a new scoop of icecream below the one we've been munching on. It's the unfolding, larger writing issues surrounding Sylvie that are bringing the whole series down, but this nonetheless remains a highlight of the series and I will be returning to it with fondness.
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vhsrights · 4 years
MORE MOMILY BUT WITH A baby girl??? ;-;
this was super fun to write!! thank you :)
An Unusual Canvas
WC: 1794
The soft footfalls of the little girl running on hardwood echoed against the walls. Her dark, silky curls bounced around her shoulders, flying freely behind her. Eyes full of sparkle, the girl was focused on her task.
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The soft footfalls of the little girl running on hardwood echoed against the walls. Her dark, silky curls bounced around her shoulders, flying freely behind her. Eyes full of sparkle, the girl was focused on her task. Small fingers grasped tighter around the brushes in her hand. She had to make sure that she got everything that her mama had asked for.
“Leia? Bird? Is that you?” The older woman was turned to face the far wall, her body perking up at the click of the doorjamb.
“Mama! I got the bushes!” The little girl lowered off of her tiptoes and pushed the door open.
“Brushes, Bird, they’re called brushes. Thank you. Are you ready?” The girl enthusiastically offered her hand forward, teeming with bristled brushes, to Emily.
Emily turned around and beamed at her daughter. Today, JJ was going out to run errands and Emily was going to paint Leia’s room. Well, she’d had a better idea but JJ didn’t need to know about that just yet. The girl in front of her somehow had managed to look like a spitting image of herself and her wife. That was one of the perks of being able to pick your donor, she believed.
“Br-bru-brushes.” The girl sounded the word out slowly, just like her Mommy had done when she taught her how to say “snack”. “Look, Mama, I said it! Brushes! Yeah, I wanna paint.”
Emily nodded zealously at the girl’s accomplishment and noted the twinkle in her eye. It was one that she saw in JJ’s when the blonde was focused on a task. She took the brushes from Leia and sprawled them on the dark mat that covered the light carpet. Turning to her side, she pulled the two paint cans close to the brushes, creating their “painting station”. Leia excitedly clapped her hands, ready to paint.
“Okay, so we are going to paint your room a nice yellow color. Then, I have a special surprise for you. Does that sound good?” When she received a staggering yes, Emily turned her attention back to the light, yellow paint can.
The girl nodded her head and pushed back her sleeves, copying Emily. She beckoned the little girl to her, spinning her around to pull her hair into a loose ponytail. They didn’t need paint getting in Leia’s hair too. Walking back to her spot on the wall, Leia clapped her hands. It was now time to paint. The floor was safely covered and the girls had everything they needed.
Emily reached over and handed Leia a wide, dark-bristled brush. She popped open the tin of paint, tediously demonstrating to Leia how to dip her brush in and remove the excess paint on the side. Leia’s eyes followed her every move and took in every detail. JJ and Emily had understood that her observation and logic skills were highly developed since she was a baby, making things more interesting for them. Mimicking her Mama’s motions, Leia got a large glob of paint on her brush. She looked over at Emily, hesitant to make the first mark.
“Together, Bird.” Emily held hope in her eyes, pushing Leia to smile as they simultaneously touched their brushes to the wall.
“Look, Mama! I’m doing it!” Her brushstrokes were even as she artfully glided her brush against the wall. She squealed out of excitement.
“Wow, Bird, that’s great. Why don’t we cover a little bit more with yellow before I tell you about the surprise?” Emily glanced over at the girl’s work, impressed at her proficiency. A natural artist, JJ will love that. “Just do that little bit by your knees and then we can stop with the yellow.”
“Okay, Mama.” Leia’s eyebrows furrowed and her tongue stuck out a little bit as she focused on her painting once more. Emily admired her daughter while setting down her own wide brush, selecting smaller brushes, and bringing the other paint forward.
“I’m done.” The little girl set down her brush and looked expectantly at Emily. “Surprise time?”
“Yes, Bird, surprise time. I know this is your room, and you picked the yellow, so I had an idea. We can do something to make the room really pretty and then show Mommy when she gets home. Do you want to draw butterflies with me?” Emily beamed at her daughter, knowing how much JJ would love the butterflies on the wall.
“Butterfly?” It took Leia a little bit of time to process. “Yeah, I wanna do it, Mama! We can make the room pretty for Mommy.”
“Sounds great, Bird. Okay then, pick a color to paint with. Do you want blue or red?” She gestured to the paint cans in front of the little girl.
“Blue! Blue! Mommy loves blue and I do too, so I wanna paint with blue.” Leia bounced up and down excitedly, teeming with new energy at the thought of drawing butterflies.
Emily and Leia giggled as they set up to draw their butterflies. Both took smaller brushes and carefully brought their paint to where they needed it. Leia sat on the ground beside Emily, eyeing her mama for directions on what to do.
“Okay, Bird, the first thing you’re gonna do is get some black and make a small, fat line like this.” The woman cautiously made the middle of the butterfly, making sure the paint didn’t run. She then turned her attention to what Leia was doing. “Perfect, just like that. You can stop it there.”
Guiding the little girl, Emily helped her draw the curved outline of each wing. They went slowly, monitoring the inching paintbrush extremely carefully. Satisfied with each exaggerated curve, Emily and Leia admired each of their butterfly outlines. Emily’s was heavily intricate, exhibiting multiple patterns and intricate lines.  Every delicate stroke popped against the light wall, making Emily that much more excited to show JJ.
“Bird, are you ready to dry it? I have to use the hairdryer so that it’s not wet when we add your blue and my red.” Emily inquired the young girl was examining her dark outline on the wall. “I have it right here so we can put it on high and do it quickly.”
“Okay, Mama. You can dry it. I wanna add the blue.”
Leia backed away from the wall as Emily plugged in the dryer to the nearby outlet. The dryer was loud but it was efficient. Leia giggled at the warm, high-powered heat and decided to blow on the wall as well to help the process. Emily’s eyes filled with tears of laughter at her daughter’s adorable behavior. Several minutes passed and eventually the wall was dry.
“Mama, I dried it. Look, the butterfly is hot.”
“Yes, Bird, you did! Alright, now let’s add your blue and my red. Are you ready?”
“Mhmm. Let’s do it, Mama.”
Leia and Emily simultaneously dipped their brushes into their paint, eyeing the butterflies on the wall. Letting out a deep sigh, Leia followed Emily and put her first line of paint. She had been doing coloring books since she was a kid and staying in the lines had never been a problem for her. It may have been a shock to JJ and Emily, but this was the big leagues. No mess-ups were really allowed. The girl’s eyebrows furrowed once more, her tongue barely poking out from between her lips as she carefully added the blue to the yellow wall.
She had just finished a piece of the left-wing when she accidentally hit her brush against Emily’s arm. The blue was vibrant against her pale skin, the streak covering a part of her forearm. Leia froze and looked up to her Mama in surprise. Her lips moved to quickly form an “O”, not knowing what to say.
Emily didn’t look mad at her, so what was going to happen? The amusement on the brunette’s face intensified as she formed a plan. Opening all of the paint tins had already left residual pain on her hands, some accumulating perfectly on the tip of her pointer finger. Taking advantage of her daughter’s shock and letting her childish nature take over, Emily quickly bopped Leia’s nose.
The paint was cool against her nose and it took Leia a full 5 seconds to register what Emily had done. She crossed her eyes in hopes of seeing what had happened to her nose and spotted the paint.
“Mama, my nose is red! You put red on my nose.” Leia spoke with surprise lacing her voice. Emily tried her best to keep her laughter from bursting out.
“I did, Bird. You look like Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.” Emily joked lightly as she tilted her head, examining Leia’s nose more.
“Rudoff? He looks funny.”
With that, Leia dissolved into giggles. She decided to copy Emily and touched the end of her brush. Taking quick and unsteady steps forward, attempting to bop Emily’s nose. She missed and her paint-laden finger gave her a blue cheek instead.
“Leia! Oh, come here you.” Emily laughed and grabbed Leia, who squealed as Emily took her thumb and ran it in a curved line across her forehead.
The two had gotten lost in their antics enough that they missed the sound of JJ’s shoes clicking against the hardwood. The blonde heard the two’s chuckles from down the hallway and wondered what was so funny. Emily was supposed to be painting Leia’s room. So what had they gotten into?
“Guys? What are you two doing?” JJ asked as she pushed the door open.
Emily and Leia froze. Mommy’s home. Without another thought, Emily turned the little girl around and held her up to JJ.
“Look, Jen. Simba.” The brunette looked slightly ridiculous sitting on the ground, their 5-year-old held up in her hands. Leia didn’t understand what just happened.
“Simba,” Emily repeated herself with mirth on her face.
“You’re such a goof. Leia, what were you guys doing?” JJ turned to ask their daughter, knowing that Emily would not tell her what she wanted to hear.
“Making butterflies for you, Mommy. See, I made the blue one.” Leia dropped to the ground and pointed to her painting on the wall.
JJ almost gasped out of shock. Her first thought was to worry, but knowing Emily and how much she cared for Leia, there soon wasn’t a doubt in her mind that everything had been done correctly. The paintings were beautiful and so was her family.
“Aww, baby. They look so cute! Here, I’ll help you and we can put more butterflies on the wall.” JJ took off her shoes and coat, lowering to the ground on the other side of Leia. Giving Emily one loving glance, the family giggled and returned to their painting.
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ladyideal · 4 years
Ficmas~ Day 17
Pairing: Leonard McCoy x Gender Neutral!reader
Word Count: 1205
Warnings: Slightly suggestive in the beginning.
Summary: You and Leonard have a day off on the Enterprise.
Requested By: @night-running-echo
A/n: Smh. I enjoyed writing writing this one. Almost got derailed lol.
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7:00 AM
Sounds of an alarm pierced the silence. With a groan, your boyfriend smacked the button with a spare hand. Yawning, he watched you still sleeping, undisturbed. Waking up beside you every day was something he didn't imagine two years ago. 
It was a pleasant surprise. 
Gently, he traced your features, careful to not wake you. From the forehead, down to the nose, and stopped at your lips. There was nothing he didn't love about you. 
"Mornin', sleepyhead," He spoke against your cheek. 
"Lennn," You whined quietly, squirming around in his arms and blearily opening your eyes to look crossly over at him. "It's too early to be awake. Go back to sleep. We both have a day off."
You were the one thing he did right this time. This was where he wanted to stay, forever and always beside you. 
"I've missed you, darlin'," He silently agreed, laying his head back on the pillow. Only smiling to himself when you didn't answer. 
9:00 AM
"Pancakes or waffles?" You asked, finally sitting up in bed and reaching for one of your boyfriend's shirt.
"Pancakes." He spoke, watching intently as you padded out the room in nothing but a thin shirt of his. 
Maybe one more time. 
He enjoyed watching your ass before you disappeared out of sight.
"Gonna call your mom today?" You asked, flipping a pancake as you stood in front of the stove. 
"Momma would get mad if I didn't. I've seen her holler at Donna before. Not a pretty sight," The doctor emerged from the bedroom, giving you a nice once over before hugging you from behind. "Smells good in here, sweetheart."
"Leonard," You warned, sliding the pancake onto a plate. 
"What did we say about keeping our hands to ourselves?" You scolded lightly, adding more batter into the pan. "We don't want breakfast to burn, do we?"
He pouted at you, giving you one of his most adoring faces. You kept your resolve firm, frowning slightly at him. Looking like a scorned child, he turned to the sink to help wash and cut the fruits that would be placed later onto the plates. Laughing mostly to yourself, you continued your work and ruffled his hair. 
"Good boy."
You swore you heard a growl.
11:19 AM
Managing to finish breakfast and calling his mom and daughter, you and him scrolled through your respective PADDs. He, as the Chief Medical Officer of the ship, meant a daily review of chartings and reports. For you, as a scientist of Commander Spock's elite research team, your team was in constant communication over new findings, theories, and scientific equations.
"Enough, this is our only day off together. Who knows when the last time we get this chance again?" You placed your PADD down, and stacked the used plates and utensils together. 
Breakfast tasted far better than the cardboard version from the replicators.
"What should we do on the day off?" Leonard asked, flicking you with water as he washed the dishes. It was one way to keep the relationship interesting. 
You swiped back at him with the kitchen towel you used to dry the plates, sticking your tongue out playfully at him. "Maybe watch some holos or some classic hallmark Christmas ones? Haven't done that or decorating the place yet."
He grunted in response which you took as a reluctant assent. "What do you want to watch, sweetheart?"
“Iron Man 3! My favorite Christmas movie!” 
You laughed at his response. "Take that back, Leonard. Iron Man 3 is perfect for any season."
3:52 PM
You didn't know how after so long after so many cultures and technology coming together, that no one within the Federation figured out a way to quickly fold clothes. Essentially, folding clothes were the absolute bane of your existence.
As Leonard folded the last of the cycle, you placed his away grinning at the thought. "Remember that time when you wore my uniform and you wore mine?"
He snorted. "How could I not? Even Chris didn't mention it the entire day. Said my abs looked much better than Jim's at the end of Alpha. At the end, it was Geoff that mentioned the wrong uniform. I was made a laughingstock of my own medbay."
You shook your head, chuckling. "Not making that mistake again, are we? I'm sure you were fine, doctor. The nurses must have had a wonderful day in the Medbay. Jim got a kick out of it too."
"He knows?" Leonard gasped loudly. "How the hell did the infant know about it?"
"Surely a bird told him about it."
He eyed you, the same look he'd give when his orders were being questioned. Before you could take your words, his long talented hands began tickling you. 
"Stop! Ahh," You giggled, weakly trying to shove his hands away. 
"Say 'Doctor McCoy looks better.' or I'm not stopping."
"Doctor McCoy looks better," You wheeze out, thankful that he relented. "You win, you win."
Smugly, he sat down beside you on the bed. "I missed this."
"I missed this too," You agreed, getting to your feet again. "But I know what else you're not going to be missing anytime soon."
Ding Dong!
"Coming," You winked at Leonard before happily prancing towards the door. Thanking your friend, you lugged the large cardboard box inside. 
"Ta da!"
"What the hell is this?" Your boyfriend prodded at the decorations within, as though afraid he would catch the Christmas cheer. 
"Oh this? Some tinsel, lights, some stockings, small nutcrackers, pillows for the couch," You dug through the box. "Some mistletoe somewhere here."
"Mistletoe?" He echoed. 
"Afraid to be caught under one, Doctor?"
8:01 PM
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows
"Remind me why I can't kill the carolers?" Leonard grumbled once the carolers left for their next destination.
"Because you hold an oath," You reminded, washing away the last of the plates. Dinner was wonderful as usual. Real chicken noodle soup was always delectable.
The living room was transformed in time for the holidays. Tinsel glinted from the ceiling, stockings hung beside the TV, a small tree sat at the corner decorated with its own baubles and lights, and mistletoe hung right on top of the threshold into the bedroom. Pillows on the sofa was changed out, pumpkins were changed out for plastic snowmen, and a wreath hung right beside the door. 
"Come on, Mister Grinch, admit it," You admired the living room, taking out two mugs out to make chocolate. "You enjoy Christmas."
"It's a fire hazard, Y/N," He answered, pouring in a generous glug of whiskey into both. 
"That's not a no I'm hearing," You dunked in some small marshmallows before handing the beverage. 
"Only with you, sweetheart," Leonard clinked his mug with yours. 
"Why don't we watch a holo together? Nyota mentioned the Nutcracker ballet, a true Christmas classic." You offered. "Take the rest of the night off."
He groaned good naturedly, but sneaked a kiss in with your hot chocolate ones. 
"You're all I would ever love."
Eats Everything: @asraime @aspiring-ginger @bluesclues-1234 @mournthewicked @also-fangirlinsweden @keijibum @groovyfluxie @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @mysoulshideaway @fandom-imagination-ss @mayday1284 @sayanythingcreations @supergeekfangirl​ @your-sparklywinnercollection​
Trekkies: @marvelouslytrekking @lykxzandlove @writerdee1701 @piccolaromana @mrs-l-mccoy @strange-old-worlds @april-showers-and-flowers @scraftskhu35 @worm-cant-read @fandomismymiddlename @childofthecornflakes @yueci @lgbtqcontinuum @dartheldur @goddess-of-many-fandoms @crackheadcastdirector @readingtrek
McCoy: @cobe76 @yakuzussian @space-cowboy2227 @lacychick @fxngsfogxarty @samanthasmileys @kimberlyfletcher
Urban: @justa-traaash @fandomsfeelsandfamily
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