#he’s also the kind to tell lucien he has a gift for him and it’s like a weird looking caterpillar or sm
yaralulu · 1 month
Tamlin being really into bugs is very real to me.Like not only is he well versed in plants and flowers but he also knows the name of every bug known to man and whenever he finds something especially cool looking the first person he’s immediately showing is lucien.Lucien’s usual reaction is “???? please get that thing away from me” but who can really say no to those dazzling big green eyes 🤷.
Tamlin particularly loves presenting lucien with the weirdest looking bugs ever and telling him “this one looks like you 😄”.
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acourtoflight · 3 months
big rant incoming <3
being on acotar tiktok comes with dealing with delusional people who are also trying to gaslight you.
the fact that people still believe gwyn is gonna have a book is crazy to me, especially before elain. the fact that people believe sjm is gonna have a man choose is crazy.
let’s address all their arguments one by one, shall we?
1. “elriel is too obvious/cliché”. this makes me laugh because do you even know what you’re reading? romantasy is always cliché. and also, everyone finding their mate and living happily ever after wouldn’t be too obvious or cliché? what stakes would they have? they have no obstacles, that book would be finished in 100 pages unless she made the romance a subplot, which we know won’t happen.
2. “lulu deserves happiness”. okay i’m gonna be real biased here. i don’t care about lucien’s happiness. i don’t care. the only thing i want is for elain to get the man she actually likes, which happens to be azriel. also, if lucien has been through so much so has azriel yet i don’t see all that coddling for him. lucien fans sound like boy obsessed moms and i’m tired of it. you 36! i would loveeee to know what lucien has done to have so many fans.
also, if i entertain the possibility of elucien happening, i will not forgive sjm for making elain “come around” after she repeated non-stop how uncomfortable she is around lucien. she’s not a consolation prize for him, sorry.
another thing. every plot point i have read for an elucien book revolves around lucien, not elain. but then they will turn around and tell you we are the ones who don’t care about elain. that we only want azriel smut. lol first of all, if we only wanted azriel smut we would have no reason to ship him with elain, we could have shipped gwynriel. but we don’t because the smut is not the only thing we want. the only thing we have had for years were the cute/sweet moments, and it’s all we talk about still. so point invalid, once again. next.
3. “azriel only feels lust for elain!”. stop lying. i know you can’t be that stupid. i know you have read the whole series just like me. what kind of man stares at ibuprofen every night for over a year if he’s only looking to get laid? what kind of man questions fate if he only wants to get laid? what kind of man risks dying alone just to rescue her if he’s only looking to get laid? what kind of man goes out of his way to pick a necklace that represents her if he’s only looking to get laid? cry all you want but we all know azriel is a good male and you would rather destroy his character in your head than accept it.
also, if azriel is so bad, why would you ship him with gwyn? she won’t fix him. and the poor girl hasn’t even shown interest in him yet here we are.
4. “elain gave truthteller and the necklace back”. she gave back truthteller because it wasn’t hers, and azriel would need it again because he actually makes use of it. she gave the necklace back because she thought azriel didn’t like her, she thought she had read everything wrong, not because she was the one rejecting him. she gave the necklace back just like nesta didn’t even accept cassian’s gift.
5. “azriel’s shadows don’t like elain”. that’s another big fat lie. i know we all have eyes and have read the same words on paper, let’s not act stupid, okay? shadows swarming him means he’s either mad, uncomfortable, or something is troubling him. so if we know that why would the shadows disappearing be a bad thing? he certainly doesn’t seem worried about it. not to mention those same shadows were like snakes preparing to strike when nesta insulted elain.
6. “feysand and nessian didn’t like each other at first either”. LIE. feyre literally called rhys the most beautiful man she had ever seen and nesta and cassian were attracted to each other from the first moment they met, and we know that because it’s in the actual book! elain and lucien are nothing like that, they have no chemistry for the pov to change all of a sudden, they are uncomfortable around each other because the mate bond basically feels like a curse.
that’s it for now.
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acourtofthought · 5 months
The Asteri arrange bondless matings in Midgard to produce powerful offspring. The Asteri corrupted the Cauldron. ACOTAR is the only world where the Cauldron has influence. ACOTAR is the only world where we know some matings bonds can be wrong. Rhys says mating bonds may be from the Mother or the Cauldron, and might just be to produce powerful offspring. If SJM wants to make Elain and Azriel true mates she's already done all the work. It's all in canon. Elriel, Nessian, and Feysand could all have bonds from the Mother, just like in CC and TOG. Elucien could have a bond from the corrupted Cauldron. It's not that hard.
In 15,000 years.
After Danika / Baxion, Kallias / Vivianne, Feyre / Rhys, Rowan / Aelin, Bryce / Hunt, Nesta / Cassian, and so on.
In 15,000 years, ONLY the Elucien mating bond is corrupt? Those are some fucking odds, let me tell you. And damn, Elain and Lucien must be really important to be the sole recipients of such a unique plot with such far reaching implications.
It's really strange how the Asteri, who have never met Elucien and will never meet Elucien considering the ones on Midgard who are responsible for all this corruption are (spoiler) DEAD, would have gone to so much trouble.
If you're trying to claim Elain and Lucien were mated only to create the most powerful offspring than I feel pretty bad for E/riels future children since you're telling me they will just never measure up and that Az is in fact the weakest link.
It's also really strange how this same corrupt Cauldron created Elain and Nesta. Maybe it's not the bond that is corrupt but Elain herself, right? Since everything that comes from the cauldron now has the potential to be tainted I guess neither Lucien or Az should end up with a girl with that sort of questionable creation. I mean, the author did include the line about Elain having tightness on her face and Cassian suspecting she wasn't telling the truth about something. Clearly, that's SJM already "doing the work" to support Evil Elain and Az and Lucien will need to put her down together.
You know what's not hard? Understanding why some bonds are poorly matched.
You're referring to Rhys's parents, correct?
Rhys's father was cold and vicious and stole his mother away the second their bond snapped because he felt entitled to her. He also refused to ban wing clipping despite his her begging him to.
Rhys's mother was soft and fiery and beloved by many.
Elain sounds like Rhys's mother, does she not?
Cold and vicious, cold and vicious, feels entitled to a female. Gosh...that just doesn't sound like Lucien.
But it kind of does sound like someone full of an icy rage who is a far better liar than Rhys himself and knows how to perform a symphony of pain during his torture sessions. The guy who feels he should have gotten Elain as a mate for the simple fact that his brothers are with her sisters.
Elain and Az will never be true mates and let me tell you why.
Because as Elain was violated in the most horrible way possible to her character, Az was crying out for Mor.
As Elain was depressed and traumatized, Az never bothered to ask how she was doing, did not visit her for weeks after she was turned, and actually drew straws so he didn't need to stay and guard her.
After Elain lost her father, Az was relieved not to get her a Solstice gift and blushed and stared at Mor with heat and yearning.
I don't even need an Elucien mating bond to understand he is by far the better male for her.
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nyxreads · 1 year
Azriel questions the Cauldron + he wants the mated Elain Archeron = Azriel only wants a mate and Elain is the one available
Azriel spends time with Elain, rescued her, and kept her gift on his nightstand while looking at it for one whole year + Elain giving Azriel the offer and permission, didn't balk from him and called his hands beautiful = Azriel is an incel who only lusts after Elain, after one fvck he'll end up with the redhead
Elain who tracks the Suriel, foreseen Vassa, helped on planning where to place humans during the war, kicked a beast, volunteered on tracking the Dead Trove, and killing the KoH + Elain gardening, baking, and having friends on the NC = Elain is useless plant, she's passive, she plays no part on the series, only sulking.
Elain, a fae not a plant + Elain living in Night Court where sun also exists = Elain needs a sunlight!! She should live in the Spring/Autumn court! .
three mountains, three villains, three dead trove, three trials, and so and so forth + three brothers x three sisters = OMG so cliche, I hate it! I want them all to end up with their mate because it's not cliche.
Azriel desires Elain + Azriel cannot sleep properly thinking about her = oh he's sooooo toxic! He should end up with a redhead bcs she can fix him!
Azriel bought the necklace for Elain + Azriel just wanted to get rid of it, advise Clotho to even give it to other priestesses = he gave it to Gw*n! It is for her, he bought it for her♥
Elain minding her own life, gorgeous and growing. + Azriel being a total simp = He deserves someone better!! Someone I can self-insert with
Elain stabbed a king, kicked a beast that's harming them, and "I hope they all burn in hell", "she's better at secret keeping" + Azriel = He deserves better! A badass, someone who can weild a sword, we need another training lovestory!
Azriel in his full rage ready to die to save Elain + Azriel telling Cassian they trained the Valkyries so let's go save the enemy = MATES!! GW***** ENDGAME!!
Elain making Azriel laugh, Feyre never heard such deep and joyous sound, Elain calling his hand beautiful, Elain "put it on me" Archeron + Azriel always reaching for her, Azriel who made her comfortable, Azriel "this is wrong, I don't care" Archeron = They're incompatible! They don't make sense! I don't find them romantic.
Elain balked from her mate, tried to be nice but still visibly uncomfortable, Elain who's book is not out yet, Elain who was never given a choice. Elain, a woman. + Lulu, hundred year old fae, not a baby. = I hate Elain! He owes Lulu everything! She's so pick me! She should just accept the mating bond and make my Lulu so so happy, he deserves it.
Azriel who has a secret feelings for Elain + Az who doesn't consider G a friend = he's such a fvckboy! He's so toxic ugh, he needs to apologize to them and then end up with G♥
Acotar, a romantasy + Elain who has two love interest = Elain should end up alone! She needs it to grow.
Elain, existing, being gorgeous and minding her own business, Elain being a woman in this series + Azriel and Lucien simping = She doesn't deserve both of them! She should be with her sister's abuser!! Tampon needs a redemption so
Ianthe, Tamlin, Beron, KoH, all abusive and villains + Elain, the sister who owns up to her mistakes and tried to fix her relationship with her sisters. Elain who is hopeful and kind. Elain who is a quiet dreamer = Elain deserves to be the most hated character, she's so useless.
Acotar a fantasy book where the dead came back to life, so any magic can happen + SJM, who's adopted and loved her adaptive parents. Sjm who wrote books empowering women. = Elain doesn't have a pliant bone!! She cannot have Az baby so not endgame 😕
Elain and Azriel exchanging meaningful looks, brushing fingers, Azriel following the sound of her laugh, something charged between them, Elriel confirmed to desire each other + Az regifting a necklace because it reminds him of what happened between them, causing him pain = ACOSF ended Elriel
This is just one of the many arguments where a simple canon was twisted to fit on the wanted narrative. This is not how a story goes. A reader cannot control or forced the author on what they want to happen. Think of what the character can bring to the story, how they can make an impact and if they can move the plot forward. It will be very hard to enjoy a series if we keep on denying what's written on the books. Sjm has been clear. She could place other character on Azriel position or vice versa but she didn't. There's so many parallels between Elriel and sjm endgame couples. There's so many hints but the fandom twisted it because they simply hate Elain. They thought she's not deserving of love, of her own choice.
At the end of the day, Elriel is hated because some people cannot accept Elain is going to end up with Az and they thought she's less than for so many reasons they believed. It all rooted from internal misogyny.
So many lies/misinformation and total crap was spread in this fandom all because of Elain hate
How can you continue a series when you filled yourself all the lies and hate towards the character?
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nikethestatue · 6 months
Chaotic Reading of the Azriel Bonus Chapter
So I meant to do this a while back, but just never got to it. Made my BF read Azriel's bonus chapter and the HOFAS bonus chapter.
(He knows names of characters--Elain, Azriel, Cassian and Nesta. He doesn't know who Gwyn is. He is generally only interested in Cassian, because 'he is strong and handsome' and looks like him. Doesn't exactly know who Rhys is, but knows the name and knows that he is in charge. Also he calls Rhys 'the main wizard'. For some reason he thinks that Fae are wizards. So here you go.)
Recorded reactions:
Oh, he depressed. Why? He didn't like his Solstice gifts?
Cassian is pounding Nesta, isn't he?
Oh, there she is! Who is she? Oh Elain! Hi pretty girl! Emo boi is into her for sure.
Is she into him? Because why? He is kind of boring. Is Cassian a one woman man?
Ohhh, he wants to tap that!
Oh, he really wants to tap that!
What the hell kinda weird gift is this? Babe (this is directed at me), don't give me ear plugs for Christmas.
Eat that pussy bruh!
Is he gonna bite her? he should bite her!
It's a cute gift. He could've gone a little flashier though. Maybe throw in a diamond and a ruby.
Oh, look, she is offering it on a silver platter!
Wait, why is this guy here?
Wait? he is not gonna eat that pussy?
Where. Is. The. Smut?
Bruh is a cock blocker on steroids. Wait, who is Lucien?
Why do we care about Lucien? (I explain briefly)
Blood Duel sounds rad.
Elain is stepping out with the emo Azriel on her mate. (laughs) They sound Australian! (proceeds to say 'mate' a lot in an Australian accent)
Is there gonna be a blood duel?
I feel like there is a lot of teasing in this chapter.
Oh, he is cold. He just went 'this was a mistake?!!" Yea, girls love hearing that.
Who is Mor? An ex? Oh, it's that chick you don't like. I feel you.
Babe (addressing me), this Azriel of yours has no game. This Rhys guy the Grand Wizard just told him to back off and he backed off? Who does that?! That pussy isn't gonna lick itself. Poor Elain. I hope she throws that necklace back in his face. Can I blood duel the shit out of him?
Don't like him at all!
(I correct him and tell him that Rhys is a High Lord not a Grand Wizard (that would be the KKK))
*mutters under his breath* He is acting like a Grand Wizard!
Yeah, be depressed emo boi! Who leaves a lady hanging like that?
Yeah, well, she is better off with Cassian anyway.
Does Elain have special powers? Can she burn him or something? Or Rhys? Rhys needs to mind his own business. Wait, back up. Lucien is in the same house? She doesn't like Lucien, does she? (laughs)
So if they kissed, they'd just do it in the living room for everyone to see? That's bold of them.
This chapter is very frustrating.
Emo boi needs self-esteem classes.
Who the hell is she?
Is he into her too?
Noooo, he is not into her! What bloody memory? Did they fight?
Why is she cutting the ribbon on Christmas?
Is she like a nun?
Wait, he lives in a convent with nuns?
Oh she is a priestess? Of what? Is she a nun?
(Explain to him that she is not a nun)
But he lives with a bunch of nuns?
(Explain the layout of the House of Wind)
He is into Elain, so I guess he doesn't care. Also, this setup is weird. Does he not have an apartment? Wait, he lives with Nesta and Cassian? Like roommates? Or is this a menage? No, it's not a menage, right? Because he wants to eat Elain out--and DIDN'T (kind of yelling at this point)
(Explain it's not a menage. But Nesta wouldn't mind if it were)
Okay, this conversation is boring.
He sings? Like in a band?
Oh, this is like "Kill Bill". Emo Azriel is Pi Mei. He is teaching her to kill people. I can respect that.
...This chapter is weird. Why is this part even here? Is she gonna cut the ribbon?
All I am imagining right now is Gwyneth Paltrow cutting a ribbon with a sword. (laughs)
Nope, she did not cut the ribbon.
(proceeds to offer a lengthy explanation on how difficult it is to cut a ribbon like this. I am forced to listen.)
Azriel can cut a ribbon! I think SJM legit stole this whole training idea from 'Kill Bill'. Didn't the Bride have to cut a ribbon too?
(He is not wrong)
Okay, so..........now he just leaves? What was the point of this whole part with her? I don't get it.
Ahhhhh, my girl! She left that necklace for him to find! Yeah, you go girl, feminist queen!
Not even gonna ask about this snowball fight. Is this like a cutsey thing they do?
Ohh, who is Clotho? Is she like Fate? Why are the seven bells singled out? Does it mean something? She can't talk? Aww she feels bad for him. Well, she shouldn't! (said aggressively)
I feel like this necklace is more than just a necklace. Do they explain it later?
Okay, so he just gives it away? Oh god. Please don't say Clotho is going to give it to Gwyn!! No. No. That's weird.
So wait, that's it?
This is what you guys have been fighting over for three years? (laughs) That's stupid (he is not wrong) But what are you fighting over? That he should've beaten Rhys's ass?
(no, some say that he is into Gwyn because of the last line)
Like romantically? (asks incredulously) What are you fucking stupid?
As a man, I can tell you he is not into her. If you are gonna give a woman a gift, you don't go through others. You want to see her reaction. You want to see her smile. You want to put it on her. The first part did it right. Not sure what the purpose of the second part was, but I hope he and Elain get some kind of a resolution, but he needs to ask for forgiveness. And so does Rhys. Does Gwyn cut the ribbon at some point?
Good for her. Now she can go and start avenging shit, like the Bride.
Final question, does he eat Elain's pussy at some point?
She should ask Cassian. He'd do it. And do it well.
The End
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eudaimonia83 · 5 months
Everyone who was requesting Feral Elain, here you go. 😅 Don’t judge me too harshly on this, bc it’s an upcoming chapter of a long-form fic and hasn’t undergone any real editing. There are also some references that might be unclear, as this chapter is a ways down the line. But if you have read my fic The Gift (on AO3) you have most of the background info.
Basic details: Lucien has just escaped from being held prisoner under the Hewn City with his powers suppressed. He was jailed for allowing Elain to escape…which she has just discovered. And she is, naturally, deeply unhappy about this. 😈
Tag as requested: @lorcandidlucienwill @mr-agent-mulder
His wrists. What had happened to his wrists?
She stared numbly at the puckered, darkened skin that bracketed his hands, scabbing over as his healing finally began to return…his tender, beautiful hands that touched her with such gentleness, such affection…
“What is that?” She couldn’t keep a tremor out of her voice. Steady, steady. Be calm. She knew this feeling now; the sick coiling in her veins, around her heart, rustling through her brain.
He glanced down, tearing his eyes from her face with a physical wrench. “It’s only a scar. I’ve got plenty of them, remember?” He turned his hands over and squeezed hers, so gently, so kindly.
A scar. But from what…?
“What kind of scar?” Her voice only barely escaped past the lump in her throat; she could barely hear it over this singing, this thrumming in her blood. It was hot and deadly cold. The strength of anger, with the ice of…revenge. Leaves curled around her ears, tendrils winding through her hair.
He looked up at her again. “Please, Blossom. Don’t be angry with me. I tried to get away, to get back to you. But I couldn’t.”
He did not understand, how did he not understand? He thought she was angry with him…
She swallowed hard, then brought one of his hands up to her face and dragged her lips over his wrist, trying to mimic the gentleness he’d shown her that night, that sweet night that was both their first and last, before he’d sent her away and the long hand of darkness had reached out to grasp him and hold him…hold him…
The True Sight bubbled up inside her like a hot spring, filling her eyes and tearing her heart to pieces. Lucien, her Lucien, limp on the stone floor of a cell, drenched in a sticky, purulent substance. No light to see by. No warmth to envelop him. No comfort, from her or anyone else. Lost in the cold, and the dark. Why did he not summon his fire, that spirit that breathed inside him like coals, that had kept him alive and protected his kind heart through so much before this? She didn’t know if she said it aloud, but she screamed to that limp body on the floor, stay alive. Stay alive, no matter what occurs. Bring your flame to bear, and I will avenge you, I swear it…
But he just lay there, breaths shallow and broken, his hands…his wrists…bound to the wall…
She leapt up, the vision melting like smoke, only to see his wide eyes before her.
“They bound you?” Her voice did not sound like hers. What writhed underneath it?
He nodded, pushing himself up on the cot to a sitting position. “I knew they would. It was only a matter of how.”
“How, then?” She squeezed her fist at her side. The earth would fill their mouths and choke their cries, drag them into its depths and bind their very skeletons to the rocks that made its own bones…
He hung his head. “I was shackled, with Hybernian stone, I think. They put faebane on me too, before the chains. Not as I knew it, either — a sort of paste. Perhaps it concentrates its effects that way. I only recognized its scent.”
“So you couldn’t break out.” Or use his fire to stay warm.
“I was more valuable as their prisoner,” he said, his voice as hollow as a pebble skittering down into a well. “They did not want to kill me. If they did, they would have done it long ago, before even making me their emissary. They were more interested in what I could tell them. Or do for them. Or who I could bring them. They wanted you most of all.” He smiled. “I knew that. So it was worth it to have you escape somewhere I didn’t know, so no matter what they did to me, you were out of their reach.”
She nodded, slow and steady. Coiling like a fist within her, the grinding of the rocks that silted into soil and reached towards the sun with vines and leaves and trees.
Find them. Punish them.
She went to the window, where the sun had grown bright as they spoke. It spilled over her. She felt her skin tingle, the warmth of the sun stoking the fire inside her.
“It will heal,” he said, husky and sad. “It will scar, but it will heal eventually.”
She had to get out, before this white-hot anger striated with cold revenge burst out of her and harmed him, he who she so wished to protect it was like shielding her own heart. She turned back to him and knelt, swiftly, next to the cot. He wound his hand into her hair, cupping her cheek, her jaw. She felt the strands of her hair catch against the grit of the scab on his wrist. Her heart raced, stuttering with affection and sorrow and the dark pulse of vengeance.
“It will heal,” he repeated. “I will heal.”
“You can only heal if you’ve been hurt,” she murmured. “And that’s what I don’t want to happen any more.”
He smiled, and kissed her hairline, so softly that she ached with it, in the pit of her belly and the cleft beneath her ribs that held her heart, squeezing it between her lungs with each agonizing breath.
She helped him to lie back, tucking the sheepskin over him, and with a wave of her hand, leaves clustered over the window to filter the sunlight. It would be gentle, would carry the scent of jasmine to soothe him as he slept. As his skin knit back together.
Pay. They would pay, and pay again, and beg forgiveness.
She would make sure of it.
He had fallen asleep at last, heat beating out of him as the fever raged. He had spoken, fretful and miserable, in his sleep, wept with pleas of stop, take me, kill me instead and Tam, help me Tam, I can’t see, it hurts. She could do nothing but lay a cool cloth on his brow. She dared not touch him at those times; knew that if she did, she would be immersed in his fever dreams, or worse, steal his past from him with her imperfect visions of what had happened. Better to let him awaken, to ask him later and let him tell her himself. Her sister might not know the difference, would sweep in with daemati might and root around with dirty fingers in a mind that wasn’t her own, but she would not. She would be different.
Her sister.
Feyre was still here. As soon as it occurred to her, the truth of it squeezed her heart with cold tendrils.
She stood up, skirts whispering, and slipped out into the hallway, closing the door behind her so softly that the latch didn’t even click.
The hallway yawned into shadow ahead of her. It was twilight, just after the dinner hour, and she knew where Feyre would be: eating with Helion and the attachés, perhaps in the Solarium, or the conservatory. Her steps matched the pace of her heart as she sped along the white marble floor, gleaming with gold and rosy specks of quartz. She did not see the darkness. It was hard to appreciate it when her vision was red at the edges and star-bright with rage.
The long night is ending. They will wake from the dream and find it rebuilt.
Perhaps it was time for a wake-up call, then.
She felt the stones begin to tremble beneath her as she walked, a low rumble from deep in the earth. She cast her eyes down and saw the curls of vines swimming around her arms, tangling in eager threads, tiny leaves unfurling, stained black with the ash of her anger.
She heard the dinner conversation as a merry buzz before she even saw the spill of light onto the floor…and by that time, there was a dull roar in her ears, her arms were corded with thorns and leaves, and death was coming to all, to all who had failed him and starved him and imprisoned him. She was vengeance, and he was her mate, and they were going to pay.
She burst into the lamplight like the heat from an opened oven door. All the faces turned to her, smiles draining from their lips like waves receding on the beach.
There was barely a moment to register the screams that bounced off the walls before the table heaved and cracked as six inch thorns spiked through it from beneath. Half of it sagged down; the other half toppled with a deafening crash, and through the middle burst the vines, reaching up to seize the chandelier and twist, pulling it from the ceiling with a screech of metal and timber. The candles sputtered against the ruined food. Her eyes were on her sister, dressed in glimmering silver and blue, eyes wide with horror and…what was that, underneath the surprise? Could it be fear?
Good, Elain thought with satisfaction as she leapt over the rubble, her vines sweeping everything away into chaos, coming up behind her in massive gnarled hands scaled with bark and stippled with thorns. She regarded Feyre for a moment. As her sister’s eyes narrowed and went dark, and the daemati talons scratched at her mind, she swung one of her arms in a massive arc. The vines followed it in a deadly sweep, choking with the scent of petrichor and leaves. Feyre was thrown against the wall of the room in one movement, immobilized, her head dragged backward as the vines grasped her hair, her pale throat exposed, arms akimbo and sealed to the wall. Elain let out a wild cry and leapt forward, her fingers closing around her sister’s neck and squeezing with all her strength.
Feyre struggled in silence, her air cut off — but then went deadly still. Her face flushed scarlet. The vines had pushed thorns against both the arteries in her neck, had pierced the skin under her left breast. If she moved it would stab her. Elain hissed into her face, aware that she looked completely unhinged, “You bound him.”
Feyre shook her head, as much as she was able. Elain released her throat and slapped her with all her strength across the face. “You drenched him in faebane and bound him with stone, and what, you thought I wouldn’t find out? That I wouldn’t strip the skin off your bones?” She matched word to deed, scoring her nails along Feyre’s arm.
Tears streamed from Feyre’s eyes and scratches bloomed across her cheek, carved there by the thorns that had turned Elain’s fingers into claws. “I didn’t,” she rasped. “I didn’t do that to him.”
A second slap cracked across her face and this time the outline of Elain’s hand remained, bright red. “Your demon mate, then. He would say the same, wouldn’t he, if he was here? I didn’t do it, I knew nothing of it. Bullshit.” The curse tasted sour in her mouth, and she spat into the tangle of vines that had immobilized the other dinner guests into helpless writhing heaps on the floor. Only Helion was still upright, wrestling against the grip of the leaves that had encircled his legs and arms. She let him be. Her quarrel was not with him. “The pair of you are the same, always the same. Using him —using us — for your own —“ the vines tightened around Feyre’s wrists and ankles and wrenched a scream from between her clenched teeth “—wretched—“ the thorn pushed against the bottom of her chin “—ends. There were others in that prison. How many more did you do this to, besides him? Besides my mate?” Red spots swam in her vision. She wanted to kill her. “You turned a blind eye.”
“You turned a blind eye to me…” gasped Feyre, then let out a groan of frustration as the thorn pushed harder against her chin, forcing her jaw closed.
“Talk about yourself for one more moment and you’ll never talk again,” Elain whispered into her sister’s ear. A tremor went through Feyre, and she was still. Elain savored the victory for a moment. It was terrifying, nauseating to be this angry…it made her feel like an animal. It was this part of being Fae that had called to her like a dark song, that coursed through her veins like electricity, like the storms she’d watched batter the Eastern Channel: but to a small part of her, caught in the swirl of adrenaline and anger, it felt right. To defend Lucien when he couldn’t defend himself. When he was sick and raving with fever, when her sister’s court had painted him with poison and thrown him in prison, to suffer in darkness.
Human Elain would not have done this.
But she was Human Elain no longer.
Why be a girl, when you could be a terror? the voice of the void whispered to her.
So she seized her sister‘s head in both her hands, and let the True Sight boil into them both, and felt Feyre scream and scream as she showed her everything she had ever feared.
Mother of mercy, how good it felt to punish.
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lovemyromance · 6 months
If people are reading Feysand & Nessian interactions and thinking they parallel Elucien ... idk what to tell them.
Feyre hated Rhys - but she did not balk from him. She did not avoid him. She did not shrink into herself around him.
Nesta bickered endlessly with Cassian - but she was not losing her boldness around him. She was not leaving rooms when he entered, refusing to even speak to him.
I am all for an enemies to lovers story. We've seen it twice already with Feysand and Nessian, in a sense. But what makes it enemies to lovers? It's not as simple as "they hate each other and then they somehow fall in love". Enemies to lovers always starts out with initial attraction.
Feyre through Rhys was the most beautiful man she'd ever seen. Nesta nearly gave into Cassian when he visited their manor while she was still human. Despite how they felt about their love interest, they could not deny they were attracted to them.
And I don't just mean like, physical attraction. I mean there was that intensity, that honed in focus on only them. It felt significant, like two magnets that initially repel each other but once flipped, are impossible to pry apart.
Elucien does not have that.
Elain actively avoids Lucien. She does not initiate conversation with him, even when Feyre tries to force them into the same room. She does not use his gifts. She shrinks into herself.
Yes, SJM has written countless enemies to lovers couples. Like... all of them lowkey are enemies to lovers lol. But if you really look at those couples vs Elucien, can you say they are the same?
No. They are not. The female in all the relationships she has written has never balked from her male love interest. They have not avoided the other male. They don't lose their personalities around their men. They don't shut down and leave the room.
"Oh Elain is just shy" - No, she is not. She is quiet, sure, polite, yes, but she is not shy. She interacts with the IC just fine. She has friends in Velaris. She tends to the gardens of other fae in the NC. She is not some shy thing that is so afraid of the fae world that she hides from her mate 🙄
You know who she doesn't balk from, though? Azriel. She calls his scarred hands beautiful, she can understand him without a single word.
What about that tells you she's some frail little terrified thing? Is it really so hard for people to believe she does not want Lucien?
It's not enemies to lovers slow burn between Elucien. They are not enemies. They are not even friends-barely acquaintances. There has been no space for any feeling to grow between them. They do not hate each other.
But they also have no obstacles in their path. Elain is not afraid of fae anymore and she's over Graysen, so what are the other obstacles? There's quite literally nothing standing in their way to get together but they haven't. Why not?
I stand by my opinion that if Elucien ever stood a chance, SJM would have written it any other way. She wouldn't have brought in Azriel, she wouldn't have stated endless times how Elucien avoid each other (not just Elain avoiding Lucien). If she wanted to, she would've written Lucien in place of Azriel saving her at Hybern. She would've written Elain getting Lucien presents at Solstice. Elain & Lucien sharing an intimate moment under the cover of the night.
But she didn't write that! So if all this couple has is indifference and a stale mating bond - why are people insisting Elucien is about to be some kind of grand love story? Make it make sense.
Enemies to lovers needs intensity, drama, and tension. Elucien does not have that. Elain avoiding Lucien is not to cause drama and tension - it's because she is uncomfortable. Stated multiple times in the text.
Feyre was never uncomfortable around Rhys. Nesta was never uncomfortable around Cassian.
That's the difference.
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solorcandid · 6 months
I may get a lot of hate for this but the necklace has a lot of hints of what ships will sail it sink.
So, when I read the part where he gifted the necklace to Elain and described it as insignificant and kind of plain, “The golden necklace seemed ordinary -- its chain unremarkable, the amulet tiny enough that it could be dismissed as an everyday charm.” I thought of how a lot of people think of Elain the same way, ordinary, nothing special about it, just a pretty face, etc. This is sort of when I realized Elriel was officially over, especially after this, “It was a small, flat rose fashioned of stained glass, designed so that when held to the light, the true depth of the colors would become visible.” Immediately I thought that Lucien to me, this is saying Elain is beautiful now, but with Lucien, she will truly grow and he will help her shine.
He is LIGHT, she is the necklace and with him, every part of her that is remarkable will be brought to the surface for all to see. Also, the shadows while we don’t fully understand them, the way they disappear around Elain was a tell-all. Then when it got to Gwyn later on, I loved the way they danced with her like they heard music, MATING BOND!!!
This was adorable! Then we get to how his shadows are relaxed around her “Azriel dipped his head in a sketch of a bow, something restless settling in him. Even his shadows had calmed. As if content to lounge on his shoulders and watch.” Then he leaves and tells her to not stay out too late she’ll freeze ‘ he cares for her well-being, whether as a friend or not.
When he goes to give the necklace to Clotho for Gwyn this is where it was confirmed. “Clotho's pen moved once more. She deserves something as beautiful as this. I thank you for the joy it shall bring to her.
Something sparked in Azriel's chest, but he only nodded his thanks and left. He could picture it, though, as he ascended the stairs back to the House proper. How Gwyn's teal eyes might light upon seeing the necklace. For whatever reason... he could see it.
But Azriel tucked away the thought, consciously erasing the slight smile it brought to his face. Buried the image down deep, where it glowed quietly.
A thing of secret, lovely beauty.”
When he described the necklace and Gwyn as secret lovely beauty, and how the image of her GLOWED And how the mere thought of Gwyn being happy made something in his chest spark is a big deal!!!! Gwyn is a thing of secret lovely beauty. When you first look at her all you see if a pretty Acolyte, but when she’s happy it's when she is radiant and she’s been said to rival the beauty of Mor and Merrill… that’s a HUGE deal. So when Gwyn is happy, her joy is the light to the necklace she needs to see how beautiful she is. Elain needs Lucien, he is her light. I hope that made sense!
Not to mention Gwyn glows… so you could argue singing is her other light to show the deeper depths of her beauty!
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gwynrieldreams · 10 days
It just striked me so hard how boring Elriel is as a ship.
Or maybe it's because of what Elriels have invisioned. Elain is apparantly already very happy and content in the night court. Her family, the IC is with her and so is her second family, Azriel and the wraiths. Her and Azriel are already in love and the only thing that stands in their way of their ultimate happily ever after are 2 redheads. One who would accept rejection and the other who's literally just minding her own business.
Then there's the fact that apparantly you.. aren't allowed to be cold to Elain? No, you have to be very nice and soft with her! The wraiths are good enough to be friends with her cause they'd never challenge her, unlike Vassa and Jurian.
No Elain absolutely never did anything wrong! She's perfect and very powerful!
- they've made fun of gwynriel cause Azriel wasn't already so trusting with Gwyn in the bonus chapter. Laughing that he doesn't consider her a friend.. like??? Yeah?? Why would I want them to be already in love? Lmao it's not the end of the world that they aren't close?? It makes perfect sense that they aren't. I actually prefer it that way.
Same with Elucien. Because they aren't close it means it's a lost cause! Elain isn't comfortable with Lucien! (even though we don't know why and Lucien hasn't done anything to make her feel that way).
Maybe it's just cause they want Gwyn and Lucien out of their way, which is why those 2 could never win in their eyes no matter what. Azriel thinking nothing beyond sexual fantasies is fine and understandable but how dare Lucien breath the same air as Elain?! He's abusive! How dare he stay away 7 courts away from her?! He doesn't care about her!
Idk. I'm just not interested in reading a book about a girl who has everything she wants and everyone loves her and her obstacles very easy to overcome. Why does Elain's love interest have be a complete simp? Elriels can't even take the smallest inconvenience. Lucien giving her gifts on Winter solstice is enough to traumatize them I guess.
I want to read Gwynriel's whole progress. I can take Azriel being harsh or not trusting to her sometimes. I'm cool with it. I want them to go from 0% to 100% in a full book, ON PAGE. I want them to challange each other.
It's all over the place but I hope you get what I'm trying to say..
To be fair, I get why some people want to read a story about defying fate and god and say fuck to all of that, I will follow my heart BUT I don't think they will find that sort of thing in SJM's books, let alone in elriel.
Azriel, like the rest of the ic, puts her in a box. He constantly unknowingly contradicts her wishes during acosf. Elain wants to scry for the Trove, Azriel doesn't want her to. Elain doesn't want to be fought over, Azriel wants to fight for her. Azriel contemplating killing her mate just because he assumed she's not interested WITHOUT EVER DISCUSSING IT WITH HER! (I love Az but he made me so mad in this part). Even in acowar nobody acknowledged her part in killing Hybern, but Lucien. Lucien has done nothing but respect her wishes.
I've already made a post about it but I will shortly explain why elriel doesn't make sense to me. Their "romance" could end in like 5 chapters. Elain rejects Lucien, Lucien accepts it, they live happily ever after. There is not going to be any Blood Duel between them because if it did then sb would have to die. SJM can't kill her characters. Even if she did though, who would lead the next vassien book that all elriels like to claim will happen? If there's no conflict and everything is perfect how is that a good story? What would be the logic in making Lucien the villain in the elriel book and in the next we'd have to fall in love with him through Vassa's eyes?
The irony is that her stans also fight over her and baby her like no other. As if she so fragile, she will break if she faces any kind of inconvenience. I'm sorry to be the one to tell them but Elain in her book will probably go through shit -like any other mc- because that's what makes a good story. If you want to read about Elain frolicking in flower fields and baking go read a fanfic.
Let's not forget Azriel is never going to reject his mate. Gwyn and Az are perfect for each other in so many ways.
"He didn't consider her a friend, but..." First of all this happened in the Winter Solstice, when they barely knew each other. Second, I thought it was a wink wink monent as in he hasn't "friendzoned" her, so maybe they can be friends or sth more(?) I definitely wouldn't want to be best bros with the guy I liked. I don't know if SJM will go with the friends to lovers route, I wouldn't mind it. I'd personally prefer if they had more like a rivalry, constantly challenging and teasing each other (maybe because that's how I flirt 😅 but I also think that's more SJM's style).
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sjmgirlie · 7 months
“Azriel needs someone who can accept his darkness. He needs someone who can fight at his side. Elain won’t ever understand him. Blah blah blah”
Are you sure? How do you know what Azriel needs?
We only got his POV in a bonus chapter where he would literally beg on his knees for Elain. And it’s not just lust, because his feelings are so strong he would fight in a blood duel for her (and win). He questions his own religion for her. Not because he’s full of himself, but because he feels so strongly about her. Plus we know the male doesn’t know how to articulate his feelings at all, so why are we surprised he can’t? **Cough** Mor?? **Cough**
How can you be sure that the male who was tortured by his own family, kept in a dungeon, is the literal torturer of the NC, was kept away from his friends during the war and used by Rhys terrible father, does NOT want a women who is kind, quiet, enjoys to bake and garden? Someone who is not violent, who is soft and needs him? Wants him?
Also.. have you met a middle child? Lol. They can handle darkness 😭 Not to mention having to handle Nesta and Feyre lol.
Why don’t we just stop saying we know what Azriel or even Lucien wants and start reading what they literally show and tell us they want?
Do you think it’s a coincidence that the only internal monologue we see from Lucien is that he says Elain is nothing like jesminda? The women he was so in love with that he thought a bond would snap? That Elain was thrown at him? That he doesn’t even stay in the Night Court to be around her? That Feyre says he hasn’t put in the work to bridge the gap between them? That he blushes when talking about Vassa in front of his mate? That he stays in the human lands with Vassa and Jurian?
Do you think it’s a coincidence that basically every single scene so far related to Elain has Azriel involved in some way? That he was the one to sit in the garden with her? To figure out she’s a Seer? That he was listening to her talk about her garden plans late into the night? That he rescued her? That he took the plate of potatoes from her hands and said he’ll handle it? That he made everyone wait for her to be seated? That he looks at her gift every single night? That gets her a custom necklace as a gift? That he literally questions his religion? Does this genuinely seem like a guy, who could sleep with anyone he wants, just pining for sex?
Can we all stop doing mental gymnastics when it’s actually really fucking clear what these guys both want?
And can we finally just stop focusing only on what the MALE characters want, but take the time to think of what the female characters want?
If Elain wanted Lucien she would show it. She would literally already have him. She doesn’t. She literally takes every opportunity to not involve herself with him. She literally tells Feyre that him bringing her a gift does not entitle him to her affections. She clearly shows indifference to him. And it’s not because she’s a bitch. She is a seer, maybe she sees something we don’t. Or maybe it’s just literally the fact he is associated with her human life being stripped away from her. Whether you admit it or not, Lucien did play a role in it. Maybe not directly like Ianthe, but it all started with Tamlin and Lucien just going along with it even though he knew Feyre was suffering and literally told Lucien to his face that she wasn’t coming back. Could they rationalize that it was because Rhys is bad and manipulated her? Sure. But they still literally went to Hybern for help. Like “oh no, the bad guy did something bad.” You know what she does show? She shows she wants Azriel.
Does Gwyn show she wants Azriel? No. She only blushed at Rhys. But I don’t blame her because I’d blush at the High Lord too. There have been no interactions where she shows she even wants Azriel. Gwyn is focused on her healing and the support she feels from her friendship with Nesta and Emerie. She’s trying to prove that she is strong to not only herself, but to the person who rescued her, which is Azriel. She’s also trying to prove it to Cassian which people forget to mention. To wipe the smirks off their faces. She has not shown any interest in romance at this time. Will she and does she deserve it? Yes and yes. But in canon at this time we don’t see that being a priority for her.
I want all these characters to get the partner they want. And so does SJM. They are her characters, she knows what they want and need, and she said that is what drives her pairings. What she knows her characters need.
Does the screenshot below seem like a male who is pissed he doesn’t get to just have sex with a female he’s attracted to? Or does it seem like a male that can’t be with the female he loves and as a result completely shuts down into what we can only interpret as how he always feels… like nothing??
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shadowqueenjude · 10 months
Azriel Analysis
"Azriel couldn't stop it. The envy in his chest. Of Cassian, and Rhys." "Az tried not to look at his scarred fingers as they took the gift. She hadn't bought her mate a present. But she'd gotten Azriel one last year- a headache powder he kept on his nightstand at the House of Wind. Not to use, just to look at. Which he'd done every night he'd slept there. Or attempted to sleep there." He left the rest unspoken. Because her mate was here, sleeping a level up. Because her mate had been in the family room and Azriel had needed to stay by the door the whole time because he couldn't stand the sight of it, the scent of their mating bond, and needed to have the option of leaving if it became too much. "The Cauldron chose three sisters. Tell me how it's possible that my two brothers are with two of those sisters, yet the third was given to another." "Despite being an outsider, Azriel had been ready to invoke it when he'd found Mor all those years ago. Had been ready to challenge both Beron and Eris to Blood Duels and kill them both." I think it's interesting how many times mates or anything connecting to a mating bond are mentioned in Azriel's bonus chapter. Because Azriel is obsessed with the mating bond, not Elain. He's preoccupied with the fact that both the friends he calls brothers have mates while he does not. He's obsessed with the fact that Lucien has a mate while he does not. And it's not just brought up in the bonus chapter.
“Wouldn’t the mating bond have snapped into place for them if it exists?” Rhys’s eyes shuttered. “I think that is a question Azriel has been asking himself every day since he met Mor.” Do you really think this guy is going to be happy with anything less than a mating bond? Do you really think he'd be happy with Elain knowing she has a mate out there who she will always be connected to? As much as he disrespects Lucien (and az is a dick for that), I think a part of him does respect Elain and Lucien's mating bond because he never intended to be with Elain forever. Don't believe me? "But he could have this. This one moment, and maybe a taste, and that would be it." He never actually intended on marrying Elain or pursuing a romantic relationship or anything. Because deep down he knew he would never be right for her, never be enough for her when she has somebody in her life who can be her everything. Her mate. So ultimately, SJM will give him a mate. But not until he is forced to watch Lucien get to be happily with his mate after he disrespected him. SJM is not going to reward that kind of behavior with an instant HEA. Although maybe the real plot twist is that Azriel is actually obsessed with Lucien and is using Elain as a buffer in which case I actually feel sorry for azriel because me too i also want lulu to notice me.
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soartfullydone · 1 year
Did you ever read ACOSF? What did you think of the twilight baby plot?
Everything I know about ACOSF I've learned against my will lol. One of my best friends kept a play-by-play of each chapter in a Google Doc, so she could spare me the reading experience but also so we could make fun of it mercilessly.
In all seriousness, I knew I was never going to subject my eyes to it directly because I hate Nessian with a burning passion. I one-hundred percent believe that Nesta deserves better than everything she got, and she should've been meaner actually. Even when I somewhat liked ACOMAF, I felt utterly indifferent to Cassian. Who is this bland rice cake taking up the space where Lucien should be? No good dialogue or anything out of that guy. And then SJM wrote Nessian into MAF with all the subtlety of a clown show, and it was over. Nesta hates him! Keep him away from her! If she doesn't kill him, I will!
Most baby plots are horrendous in fiction, and I hate them deeply also. They often reduce women to being pure idiots (why do I have morning sickness after unprotected sex? a mystery!) or they reinforce this false idea that women can only achieve ultimate happiness by having their One True Love's baby. Ah, the number of women I know who are stuck in unhappy marriages, their sense of self completely lost because being a Wife and Mother comes first! Can those things be fulfilling? Absolutely. But a lot of folks are selling a romanticized idea of both, and SJM is no exception here.
Because look at what the Twilight baby plot does. It takes away all of Nesta's power, asserts her feelings of worthlessness, and encourages her to be a breeder for Cassian, who never even told her he loved her in their romance book. It puts her firmly and forever under Rhysand's and the Night Court's boot. It confirms that Feyre has also lost all her agency, that the High Lady title is meaningless, that her found family and Court do not respect her, that Rhysand will lie to her and trap her if it serves him to do so. That, ultimately, her body does not belong to her and she doesn't have a choice.
What really gets to me, too, is that these two women have to change their bodies to accommodate their love interests, their supposed fated mates. Methinks if it was fated, if they really were perfect for each other, this kind of change wouldn’t have been necessary 🤔. But also if this really were a fantasy story with all-powerful magical beings, there’s no reason why Feyre’s pregnancy should’ve been so risky to begin with. Barring that, there’s no reason why a C-section couldn’t have been an option. It was drama for the sake of drama, pain for the sake of pain. All filler, no substance.
Everything surrounding the baby plot and Nesta's forced captivity prove ACOMAF for the lie it is, a romanticized idea about overwritten trauma and choosing the Perfect Guy because he can read your mind and tell you the things you want to hear. I mean, how else do we go from Feyre earnestly believing she wants time with her new love, that a child can wait, to a Feyre who can't think of a single gift to give Rhys besides the news of her pregnancy? (Cue him cumming to the sight of their unborn child. I will never forget, and neither will you, dear anon, I'm sorry. But I didn't write it!)
And idk, given how much pregnancy in general squicks me out despite being a woman myself, how much medical care for women generally sucks, how many people are going through such pain with miscarriages, unviable pregnancies, and unclear yet strict abortion laws... This ain't it, fam! If SJM wants to talk real-life application with her trauma bullshit, then let's talk real-life application! Because no one, not a single person, has an I Am Become Death magic sister who can pull a dying mother and their dying baby back from the brink where medicine and the law have failed them. No one can have their premie who can't survive on its own suddenly turned into a healthy six-month-old. Who does this plot serve? Neither the reader nor the characters benefited.
I genuinely can't understand how SJM, as a mother herself, could write something so tone deaf, without even being brave enough to explore this kind of fear and pain with any care whatsoever. If she wanted Feyre and Nesta to actually bond over something... Feyre's pregnancy and what that means as a human-turned-fae and a mother could have been it. That could have been something the sisters discussed and helped each other with, where they could have learned more about each other and their deeper fears as young women in a society that does not truly respect them. Both of them share in family trauma, for fuck's sake! Now here Feyre is starting a new family at great risk while Nesta is still guiltily mourning the one she lost! The dots are there!
But no. Instead, not even Feyre is allowed to learn the truth about her pregnancy until Nesta tells her, and then Nesta is painted as a villain for doing so. Feyre isn't allowed to have any real opinion or lingering fears or doubts about her fate whatsoever. Because none of this stuff really matters, especially not the trauma. It's about the fucking, rutting, animal sex. It's about the smirking males, their dripping seed, and their inability to be anything besides horny at any given moment. It's about the washboard abs. Hey, a sexy story would be just fine with me! I just wish SJM would fully embrace that (and also write it better lmao) and get off her "I'm God's gift to feminism" soap box. Maybe take off the girlboss shades, too, because ain't none of her female characters even living up to the shallowness of a girlboss. The narrative undermines and undervalues them too much.
Actually, I have to clap my hands to SJM for this baby plot. I've never seen one that destroys two main female characters in a single stroke before. That's how powerful Rhysand's dick is.
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melissamasakari · 1 month
Confessions you didn`t notice
Chapter thirteen. Siblings update.
“Kid, I've been asked to tell you to come to the Corps in the evening. Arlo said he has some news for you.”
“Why didn’t he say it himself? He just passed by, the dust has not yet settled. Didn't even say hello. Are they killing someone there?”
“Nope, the mail will be delivered to the harbor today. Wuwa has arrived.”
“Oh, crap. I'll get two heaps of letters from my aunt again. Is the post also your responsibility?”
“Apparently, there is something personal there. I didn't ask. Maybe some documents from Lucien.”
“Oh dear. Is the Red Rage Season on the horizon?”
“Something like that. Once again he will dump all the paperwork on me. Or worse – he will only deal with paperwork and nothing else.”
“And the staff hasn’t been expanded yet?”
“Maybe we’ll find out today. It's time for me to get on the route.”
“Wait, you're not on the night watch today, are you?”
“Certainly not. It's Phyllis' birthday.”
“Oh, right! Thanks for reminding me. I just have enough time to bring her a gift. Have a great party tonight.”
“We'll try our best, bye-bye.”
News, that is. Did he really manage to dig up something? Or is he waiting for something different? I just hope this is not an order for an urgent transfer to another Corps unit.
“Arlo, are you home?” I went into the suspiciously quiet reception room of the Headquarters. There was a commotion coming from the showers. Okay, remember, Melissa, you're here on business. STOP fantasizing how does he look like right now.
“Wait a little, I’ll be right there.” What’s making SO much noise in there?
“Are you okay there?”
“Almost. I got attacked by a scary creepy bucket. But I can handle it. Who the fuck put it here and when?” I heard the clanking metallic sounds again. He kicked it, right? So a new one will now be needed. Oh, here he comes. With a wet hair, a towel on his shoulders, scented with herbs and wearing cozy home attire. Looks quite cute.
“What did you want to tell me? And is this connected with today's return of Wuwa?”
“To a certain degree. Come with me.”
I obediently followed surprisingly smug Arlo and carefully walked around the sports equipment scattered here and there. I could see that his collection is growing. And there seemed to be more photos at the nightstand. As I was staring at the changes within his room, I tripped over a sports kettlebell. Holding back a cry of pain, I realized the irony of the situation: I gave it to him myself.
“Are you okay? Sorry, I just flew in recently and didn't have time to clean up. How bad are you hurt?”
“It’s unpleasant, but nothing critical, just hit my little finger. Well, so what are your news?”
“Sit down, before you get hurt more,” he cleared the table and pulled out a chair for me invitingly. “Are you sure you don’t need a doctor? Xu's on duty today.”
“Maybe we’ll go later. Just spill your news, Captain.”
“Briefly speaking.”He rummaged through a pile of papers “they dug out Maurice’s medical record for us. It's obscenely old, but the basic information is there. There's also something about Clara if you need it. Unfortunately, not much, but I did everything I could.”
“Mom’s documents? Wow! I have almost nothing left from her. Let me see!” I reached for the stack of papers in his hand.
“Not so fast,” he teased, holding the stack of papers close. “You promised me something in return.” Oh, what a sly smile. I still hope that he will just ask for a DATE. True, I still don’t know what’s in the documents. Maybe we can't date at all.
“You still haven’t told me what do you want. If you broke the wall there with a bucket, I’ll fix it – no problem.”
“You will NOT get off that easy. I want to know what kind of investigation you’re doing. And why did you need the help of all the doctors and scientists.” Wow, so he dug it up. Okay, he cornered me.
“Fine. Let me collect my thoughts a little. You caught me off guard with this question. It's like I'm under interrogation.”
“I can bring you some tea while you’re collecting yourself. How much sugar do you want?”
“Two. No, better three and tea should be very strong. Wait, what? You've never had sugar here.”
“Now I do.”He pointedly shoved a stack of papers that interested me onto the top of his wardrobe and left.
I had no intention of peeking without permission. Although the law is on MY side now, actually. Well, how can I tell him all of this now? I will have to be as honest as possible, there are no other options. Because without his participation, the solution is not possible.
“Here you go. I’m listening,” a steaming cup of fragrant tea moved into my hands.
“If you’ll loom over me like that and I’ll forget why I came.”
“Because of fear? Am I that formidable?”
“No, out of admiration. For someone I suspect to be my older brother,” I blurted out and took a sip from my cup. It is delicious, alright.
“What? I would know if I had a sister. But my parents never got to get me one.”
“Gale thinks that you look suspiciously like me and Maurice.”
“How? Almost half of the city looks like you and me in various combinations. Are you going to consider everyone as relatives?”
“Why not? I’ve always wanted a real family. And it is quite possible that somewhere in the Free Cities I have a dozen of siblings. Pa didn't mourn for too long as far as I can tell...”
“Maybe. But at least Clara or Kendra should have known about the presence of someone older than you. So, you are against having me as your family?”
“I definitely did NOT say that.” Actually, I REALLY want to.
“Then what is it?”
“Would you be satisfied with this ‘brother’ status? In relation to ME.”
“Now that you’ve turned it around like that, I don’t know. But nothing stops us from going and checking. Right now. And we’ll show you your little finger to a doctor right away too.”
“Don’t you want to dry your hair properly first? The wind will blow it and you can catch a cold.”
“It’s too hot out there. But at least I can think clearly this way.”
Throwing the towel onto the bed and taking the papers from the closet, Arlo dragged me towards the exit.
“Hey, Xu! Hello, I need to talk business with you. No, two businesses,” the redhead dumped a stack of papers in front of the puzzled doctor and pointed at me. Come on, I’m hardly limping anymore, why such concern? “Please examine this young lady, she had hurt her foot and she is probably lying about the severity of her condition.”
“Good evening. Go to the couch, take off your shoes. And what’s the second thing?” The doc slowly left his place at the table, took the examination instruments and walked towards me while I followed his request.
“You’ve probably already heard this question recently. Can you check if two people are related? We have a noisy argument, and I want arguments.”
“Yeah, I understand. Give me that vial from the third shelf. Now you’ll feel some unpleasant sensations,” the doctor grabbed my foot and anointed me with something smelly from that vial. Then he gently blew on the injured area and deftly bandaged everything with a small piece of cloth and let me rest.
“Thank you, Xu. It was very elegant,” I praised the doctor.
“Trying my best. Do not tighten the lacing, but rather wear loose shoes. Avoid exercise for three days. If it hurts, apply something cool. If you notice severe swelling, contact me immediately. It may turn blue by morning – this is normal.”
“Mine usually turns yellow,” I slightly rolled up my shirt sleeve and showed a mark from a recent bruise just above the elbow.
“Individual reaction. Who did you want to check for blood relation? Each other, or what?”
“Well, sort of. You see, Gale spun some nonsense, and since I don’t really know much about dad, I’d like to find out.”
“Then I will immediately inform that this is absolutely impossible. I don’t argue that you have similar traits and certain suspicions could exist. Eyes with such a shade of iris are really not very common. At least here. Although, if you think about it... Take a closer look at Antoine, he is more suitable based on other criteria. And closer in age to time Maurice left.”
“What?! What kind of criteria? He never told me anything about his family. But that might explain his obsessive preoccupation with me. I’ll ask,” I said, confused. Well, Antoine is better than Arlo, of course. But that’s still very strange.
“What kind of criteria do you mean? One is not enough for a definite answer, isn’t it?” The redhead asked.
“I’m curious too. And why could it be Antoine... Is there some evidence?”
“Yes. But we are now looking the other way. Blood type is inherited. And since you have 00+ and you inherited it, judging by these papers, from your father, then...”
“Then?” Arlo became interested and pushed forward, leaning his elbows on the table, on the exact spot from where the doctor had recently moved.
“Do not interrupt! This combination is not possible. Your blood type is too rare. AB +. In the Old World there were less than ten percent of such people. Maurice cannot possibly be your father; he does not have the necessary, to put it simply... inherit traits. Besides, I'm quite confident in your parents, too. They have just such a combination that works out perfectly to produce you. What made you doubt?”
“I guess I just believed in the idea that I could have a sister,” the redhead nodded in my direction, “I had always wanted to.”
“Not in this case. Is there anything else I can help you with?”
“No, thank you very much. We won't distract you more.”
Arlo, now definitely-not-my-brother, for a change very carefully opened the door of the clinic, let me out and also quietly closed it behind him. Growing up, I guess?
“Well, are you satisfied with the result?”
“Quite. And you sound a bit disappointed.”
“Never mind. All sorts of stupid thoughts. May I escort you home?”
“In this clothes? Will you go through the whole city like that? No, all the girls, should they meet you along the way, they will be jealous, of course. But then all sorts of rumors will be spread.”
“Oh, stop it. We can then go to my place. Do you want to? Let's prepare dinner, rest until the morning. If your finger gets worse, the clinic is nearby. I'm hanging in my den all alone today.”
“Sounds like you're planning some family get-together after work.”
“Oh well, suit yourself. Just let's go somewhere already, otherwise the midges will skin us alive.”
“OK. Can you tell me a bedtime story, brother?” I teased and entered the headquarters.
“Whatever, just don’t ever call me that again.”
“Accepted. What are we going to cook?” I asked starting towards the kitchen.
“Can you teach me that creamy spaghetti recipe? It seems like we have everything we need for that recipe.”
“No problem. I’ll just go get changed, do you mind?”
“It feels like you planned to stay from the beginning.”
“Random coincidence. Carol caught me on the way here and told me that my new home attire is ready.”
“Should I give you some slippers?”
“Your slippers? I'll end up with even more bumps. Besides, the floor is cool, which is good for my injury.”
“Well, then hop in the shower. There is a first aid kit there. The towel is fresh. Just like I knew that you'll stay here. I'll go clean up the mess in the room while waiting.”
A very badly dented bucket met me right at the threshold of the shower. Arlo kicked it well, and I somehow forgot it. It’s so strange, this is not my first time here, but today the feeling is completely different. It's like I belong here. Having properly showered, I went out to try on my new outfit. Everything was exactly as I ordered: long narrow pants made of gray stretchy fabric and a long blue T-shirt almost reaching the knees. Comfortable. It’s a pity, the mirror is fogged up, I can’t really see anything. I tied up my damp hair with the ribbon and went to the reception room.
“I'm ready. What do you think?”
“Wonderful! I had just finished and was getting lonely.”
We quickly prepared dinner leaving no mess behind. Once again I noticed how smoothly we do anything together, and it’s not tedious at all. Even cleaning was not annoying. We ate dinner in the kitchen, so as not to carry dishes. Then we washed everything right away.
“You see, I told you, you’re doing great.”
“Only under your strict guidance. It's a good thing you weren't here the last time I screwed up fried eggs.”
“You gotta be kidding me! How did you do that?”
“Hm, at first egg white wasn’t cooked through. I increased the heat and covered it with a lid. Then I just blinked for a moment and came to my senses when there were only embers. Sam then scolded me and didn’t allow me to close the windows for another two days.”
“Well, shit happens. Didn’t you think of just stirring the excessive liquid whites with a spatula in a hot frying pan? This is how we did it with the sauce today.”
“Was it possible?”
“I hope you’re just having me on now. I won’t believe that with your great cooking skills you didn’t gasp such an obvious method on your own.”
“Now I know. Or maybe, you'll show it to me in the morning, I’ll remember it better with practice.”
“Agreed. What's next for us with the declared program? Do you have some kind of night work available or you’re just on alert duty?”
“More of the second. I am here in case of something bad happens. By the way, let's go check if anyone came in.”
“Let's go, of course. I'm occupying the sofa next to the cage!” I carefully walked around the furniture, nursing my leg, and was the first to leave the kitchen.
“That’s not fair! This is my favorite spot!” He rushed after.
“What about the rules of hospitality?” I said, plopped down in the corner of the sofa, placed a couple of pillows to my convenience and tucked my legs under me.
“You're right. And obviously you’re so small that the two of us can fit in here together!”
“Well, come on, just don’t push. Where is my promised fairy tale?”
“Fine. I’ll put the baby to bed and head to my place,” I responded to this malicious remark by throwing a pillow at him.
“Once again you’ll call me baby and...”
“And what?” He interrupted me with a sly grin, fluffing the pillow he caught.
“And our relationship is over. I will stop visiting and formalize our communication. Or cut if off completely.” Ha, Melissa, do you yourself believe in your own threat?
“Got it, sorry, just don't be angry please. I won’t survive such a blow,” said Arlo, not embarrassed at all. He lounged next to me at his full height. Unable to resist, I lightly tickled his feet. There was no reaction, as If it was just the way of things.
“You’re not afraid of tickles, are you?” I was indignant and increased pressure.
“I don't know. You are the first one who dared to try. Keep going and we'll figure it out.”
“That’s not interesting. You're not reacting.”
“So how should it be? Your fingers are so warm and tender. If this should have annoyed me, you guessed wrong. By the way, this is quite surprising.”
“What exactly?”
“With such neat little hands you manage to swing a sledgehammer and carry heavy things. And then you come home in the evening and embroider all sorts of custom-made jewelry.”
“Oh, so did you see the brooch I gave to Phyllis today? I spent two weeks fiddling around and barely managed to finish it. People don't usually order things like this from me. That’s exclusive for my friends.”
“I saw it, yeah. Out of the corner of my eye. You know, considering WHERE the girls pin such decorations, I didn’t get much time to look at it,” wow, he blushed deeply. Looks so handsome.
“Yeah. She has great distraction unit,” I said with envy, “at least she liked the gift. I was very worried.”
“By the way, why aren’t you with them? I thought you'd be invited.”
“Maybe because I’m with you now?”
“An unexpected choice.”
“Why? I feel good with you. Moreover, you invited me yourself. And you also got me a royal gift.”
“Which one? I didn't seem to do anything special today.”
“Memory of my mother. And very cozy night gathering. It’s not often that someone can just find you at home like that.”
“More often than you think. But I'm usually not able to have long conversations when I'm so tired that I’m all but crawling.”
“Then I’ll take advantage of the moment. Tell me something funny, okay? Surely you have a whole load of all sorts of interesting stories from your time in Corps.”
“Well, okay. But at first I wanna hear one of yours.”
“Which one?”
“About your Civil corps badges. Why didn’t you mention before that you were in Corps?”
“Oh. You didn’t ask. And I thought you would notice such a detail in my profile sooner, Mr Great Detective. Why does it bother you now?”
“Cause I think you’re qualified enough to lead Corps here. Well, when I’ll finally get my promotion and leave that is. I need to make sure my successor will be a reliable person. I thought of Sam at first, cause Remy wants to leave to Periphery once. So... it could be your position instead, I can do that.” He thoughtfully scratched his beard while loading those thoughts onto me. “Would you accept such a job offer then?”
“FUCK YOU, red-block-head!” Or better yet fuck me instead! “No way I’m taking your place here. Don’t even dare to ask me again!” I stood up abruptly, took a few steps and heavily hit his shoulder with another pillow. I just don’t wanna think about him leaving Portia. Not NOW, I almost finished that dumb heart knot! At least give me a chance to confess properly!
“But why not? You’re good fighter, also smart and quite diplomatic. And my team admires you as well. You’ll do just great!” He tried to take the pillow out of my hand.
“I said STOP it, please,” my voice broke cause I was trying to hold my tears back and turned away. “I’ll go and make us some tea” I muttered and took a step away.
“Wait.” Arlo grabbed my wrist pulling me back. Then he sat me down on the coach beside him and hugged me from behind. I was caught completely off guard and almost bursted into tears.
For some time nothing more happened. I just sat there enveloped in his arms and listened to his heartbeat. Despite the fact that it was beating very fast it managed to calm me down. Maybe it will change pretty soon, but now he is with me. Right here. And I hope he enjoys this as much as I do. Otherwise he wouldn’t hug me, right?
“Well, now I wanna know about YOUR great plans for the future. When you’ll pass your exams and finally join The Flying Pigs.” I leaned my head a little bit back so I could rest it on his shoulder more comfortably.
“I just...Didn’t think that far. So. I don’t know for sure.”
“Understood. Right now nothing keeps you here except for your duty.”
“Maybe you’re right.” Please, prove me wrong, captain. “But now that I think about it...”
“I really like spaghetti. Oh, with hot sauce.”, I couldn’t help myself but continue his catch-phrase. I’ve heard it so many times that my imitation turned out quite good.
“Ha! You got me!” He laughed softly and released me from the hug. “Now we’re in a proper mood for funny stories, let’s get some tea and finally start.”
So we stayed there almost until dawn, comfortably sitting on the sofa. Arlo told some stories about work, I listened attentively, sipping fragrant tea. They speak the truth in the city, he’s a good tale-teller, I listened as if enchanted.
I was awakened by the strange sound of a mechanical click. Lazily opening one eye, I saw Remy, barefoot, sneaking upstairs. What a bullshit, I’m probably dreaming. The click was repeated. A more detailed inspection of the surroundings revealed that an extremely happy Sam was standing opposite the sofa with a camera in her hands. With gestures she first indicated ‘quiet’, then nodded upward, drew a heart in the air with her finger and smiled smugly. Then she touched the camera hanging on the neck strap and nodded again. What a pantomime! Why is she so happy? Following the direction of my grinning friend’s gaze, I found Arlo sleeping peacefully next to me. He still didn’t go to his bed. Instead, he sat with his back leaning against the corner of the sofa, his elbow resting unsteadily on the armrest. Trying to move as little as possible, I realized that my head was resting comfortably on his shoulder and I was partially hidden by the blanket wrapping us together. The top of my head was tickled by his red fluffy beard. He seemed to put his other arm around me, holding me close to him. I didn’t even remember when he managed to bring the blanket yesterday. After thinking a little, I settled back down to get some sleep over the strong and calm beat of his heart. I tried not to wake him up; if he wants to, he’ll get out on his own. Releasing one hand from under the blanket, I pointed my finger first at the camera in Sam's hand, then stuck out three fingers. Having waited for an affirmative nod, I showed her where my bag was and, fidgeting a little, fell asleep.
The next time I was alerted by the creaking sound of the door. Sam was doing something in the boss's bedroom. What a sly cat! I’ll find out what kind of a mess she’s done there later. She'll tell me everything anyway. I hope at least she didn’t forge his signatures.
I finally woke up when I realized that I my head and hair were gently stroked. That feels so nice! I decided to pretend to be asleep to prolong the pleasure. It might have worked, but one strand tickled my nose. Arlo recoiled, pretending that he had nothing to do with it. I jerked up sharply and sneezed deafeningly.
“Bless you!”
“Thanks. Have you been awake for a long time?” “I woke just now. I didn’t want to wake you up, it just happened,” he answered in a guilty tone. “Don’t worry,” I crawled away and stretched sleepily. I tried to look at the clock above the front door, but I couldn’t see it from here. “What time is it? Don't you need to save the world at once?” “A little after noon. Saving not required just now, so we have enough time to wash up and have a breakfast.”
“Okay,” I rubbed my eyes with my fists, “is the order arbitrary?”
“I recommend starting with your morning routine. In the meantime, I'll see what we can cook.”
“Sure. And what’s your plans for today?”
“I'm gonna ruin dive. It’s my turn.”
“Oh, yes. It’s Sunday. Well, be careful down there. Remember, safety first!”
I cleaned myself up and changed clothes and that’s when I found new photographs in my bag. Sam is an angel! Oh, how cute we turned out! Just like two sleeping kitties. I'll hang it right on the closet door! So every time I change clothes, I will recall this wonderful moment. Me and Arlo had a breakfast and went about our businesses. Now it's definitely right time to finish my special gift for him.
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acourtofthought · 4 months
I see some Elriels talk about the solstice presents as an example of how close and connected Elriel is, but I don't understand that because the gifts Elain and Azriel give each other don't seem that deep.
Elain gives him ear plugs and headache powder. One is so he doesn't have to listen to Cassian and Nesta have sex and the other is because he's apparently so annoyed by other people that he gets headaches. These are gag gifts. I mean, they clearly show us that Elain is clever and has a sense of humor, but I don't see anything to them beyond that.
Azriel gets her a rose necklace. Something that, to me, suggests only a surface level of understanding Elain. I kind of think Azriel's thought process was kind of like: Elain = pretty and flowers. Flower jewelry = pretty. Pretty flower jewelry + Elain = win.
Now, Lucien gets her jewelry, too, the pearl earrings, but her engagement ring also has pearls. So, maybe he saw her ring and figured out that she likes that particular stone. Which seems to take a bit more observation.
He also gets her the gardening gloves but also has them enchanted, so he took something he knew about her and went the extra mile.
Idk, maybe I'm being unfair to Azriel because I don't ship Elriel. It just seems like he's not going beyond the surface with Elain.
Completely agree. Az got Amren jewelry the first Solstice that we read about, "exquisite pearl-and-diamond earrings" so him getting Elain a necklace is not all that special when it comes to gifts Az has given.
If we look at his gift for Nesta the second Solstice however, that was an extremely thoughtful present, something that goes above and beyond for her interests. He took what he knew she loved and made it possible for her to enjoy that hobby for a longer period of time.
Which is the same with Lucien's gloves. E/riels continue pushing the narrative that Elain wants scars on her hands which is why she doesn't wear them but Feyre literally tells Lucien that Elain put on gloves to do her gardening so he found her ones that were enchanted so she could garden for as long as she desired. Then in the Feyre bonus of SF we again have Elain wear gloves which tore (leading Feyre to have to pull out thorns from her hands and her thinking if she had been wearing Lucien's gloves nothing would have pierced her at all). If someone wants scars on their hands they wouldn't be wearing any gloves, that's kind of the point of wearing them in the first place.
I'm not sure the story behind the pearls Lucien gave Elain the second Solstice but we've never seen him give jewelry to anyone else AND Nesta mentions that jewelry is a normal Solstice gift for mated males to give.
In comparison Az gave Amren jewelry, he gave Elain a necklace then he gave that same necklace to Clotho to give to Gwyn. I think it's clear Az doesn't put a lot of meaning behind who he's handing jewelry out too.
And gag gifts, while funny, do not really suggest some sort of deep insight into Azriel on Elain's part considering neither gift is something he's likely to ever use.
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dent-de-leon · 1 year
Hey!!! I just wanted to throw some Kingsley positivity your way because I love that tief so much. I hope we get to see him in liveshow! I want to hear about his adventures as Pirate King. I want to see how his relationship with Fjord and Jester has evolved over the years! I bet they visit him all the time. Getting up to all kinds of Darktow shenanigans. And if Beau and Yasha have kids now, I bet they think he’s the COOLEST uncle!! And he probably loves those kids soooo much because they’re Yasha’s kids and Yasha is his bestie. <3 Anyways ah I am always always thinking about Kingsley. Love him.
Aw thank you for this it made my day ;; MAN I DIDN'T EVEN THINK OF KING MEETING BEAU AND YASHA'S KIDS!! THAT WOULD JUST BE!! THE SWEETEST THING!! Thinking of how King gave Beau and Yasha flowers on that day he first woke up, how as Molly he tried to do a little magic trick to cheer up that one firbolg child and gave him one of his moon charms. Molly taking such good care of Toya...
Yeah, he'd definitely look after their kids for them. He absolutely brings them gifts whenever he visits--interesting little flowers and seashells and shiny trinkets that catch his eye. ALSO LUCIEN BEING SO SOFT AND HIS HEART MELTING AT THE SIGHT OF HIS NIECE FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME?? Yeah. Kingsley would be so good with kids actually and I can see Yasha and Beau making him really feel a part of their family. I need to see King in the Reunion just for him hugging Yasha and telling his Love how much he missed her alone--
And you're right it would be just so fun to see King with Jester and Fjord again! I can't get over the fact that they all sailed together for years, have spent longer together at sea than the whole of campaign 2 lasted?? That's wild to me?? They definitely have some stories to share-- AND HIS REIGN AS THE PIRATE KING! Would do anything to watch Tal play as King Kingsley, I just feel in my heart that he would portray this dashing royal rogue exactly the same as Molly pretending to be Duke. That alone would be just so good.
And then...god. The fact that it's a oneshot to rescue Caleb and Beau, how Molly specifically had such an important bond with both of them, couldn't help growing so attached to them so quickly. Getting himself killed in the Lorenzo fight because it was Beau he was trying to save, because getting cut down when all he desperately wanted was to live, be happy, be loved--it was all still worth it as long as he made sure Beau specifically got away.
Seeing her and Caleb getting attacked in the Lucien novel causes him an agonizing physical pain, because he just can't bear to lose them. The moments when his Magician reaches out to him over and over and briefly shatters Lucien's control, reaches back to Molly's tormented soul. Lucien taunting Molly over and over, gloating to him, "I've won" as the Eyes start to brand Rumor and Magician. "Your Caleb and Beauregard," he says. Threatening to take away two of the people Mollymauk cares about most.
Molly holding onto the memory of a forehead kiss in his most painful moments, seeing Caleb as "Softness and light." Still flirting with him as Kingsley. He held onto the journal Beau gave him, afraid to open it at first, but--he still kept it. For the day when he's finally ready "to visit and learn," to slip away to Beau and Yasha in the middle of the night and ask them about Molly, because he's scared he might never get the opportunity. Beau and Caleb just mean so much to him, even though he's not quite ready to admit it.
But still, for them, for the Nein--he wants to be good to them. Do right by them. Be a better person for them:
"I've been told that the best thing you can do is do just slightly better than them. And that's...Honest to the gods, that is actually what I'm trying to do. I don't necessarily know what it's going to look like. I have thoughts. Some that I think that either one of them might approve of, that you might approve of, and I want to make sure that you know that if nothing but out of respect for my family, for my parents, we always have a fair deal."
"Well, I've been thinking about it, and I've been trying to figure out where the other two went wrong..."
"I've realized, at the beginning, that I was running from everything that had happened before, and that's something that the other two had done and so it was probably something I didn't want to do again, which is why I'm asking..."
"I try and be a good person, or whatever I think that is."
I can't see King confessing all that to Beau and then not immediately running to her rescue. I can't see him not rushing to Caleb's side when he hears the man he saw as "softness and light," the one he called out to right after Yasha, the one first cast the spell to bring him back to life--I could never see Molly/King abandoning him either, in any life.
I understand why Decues would be an interesting choice too--and honestly I would be down for seeing Tal play them both if that's possible--but. I feel like he could also be very involved in the solstice in his own way, whereas King running back to the Nein makes more sense to me? From a meta standpoint, Cad has a whole arc of growth and a family that loves him, a reason to stay. An entire story. And King? Absolutely breaks my heart when he looks at the Nein and says things like, "I hope I deserve to have woken up surrounded by such people." "Maybe those chains will find some quiet in piracy." And perhaps the most damning, "What else do I have?"
He loves the Nein. Died twice over for them and wholeheartedly believes in cannon, "It was worth it. It was worth it--" Even as he tries to cope with all these painful memories and messy feelings, tries to keep a bit of distance and tells himself he has nothing to lose like the rest of them. That's not a character that's in a good place, a happy place. Tal specified at the end of C2 that he throws himself right into piracy as an escape, a way to quiet the nightmares of screams and chains. (King also visits Deuces! Because it seems like he has these little doubts. Fears. A pain that haunts him, that he tries to forget--)
He never had the chance to really grow, or change--but he's starting to. And it's so fascinating, it would be such a shame if that got cut off when there's really the perfect chance for him to finally do what he always struggled with as Mollymauk--not run away from the past, no matter how terrifying and painful it is. Yes, Kingsley is born from a Divine Intervention. Yes, Lucien is fate touched, and Molly was born under a Ruidus flare in the Savalirwood. All of that makes him such a narratively fitting choice for the Reunion to me.
But I still think the most compelling reason of all is that King finally has the chance to own up to the past and realize what he did in his final moments as Molly, as Lucien--he loves the Nein too much to keep running away. He has them, not nothing--and they're worth all the pain and grief of his haunting memories.
Also!! King literally being born in a dream of the Moonweaver, Sehanine saving both Molly and Lucien's souls?? Tell me this isn't the perfect chance to explore everything Tal had planned for Molly's relationship with the Moonweaver. Taliesin barely got to scrape the surface with Molly/King, and I get so sad whenever he expresses that he wishes he had more time with this tief: "I've been working on this [comic] so long. It's all that backstory that I didn't get to tell because I am bad at rolling." "Kingsley's different. Kingsley's a different thing, a different vibe. And I was sad that I didn't get to really get into...a lot of that last time. In two games--"
And again, I think Deuces could be doing fascinating stuff in the solstice, and it would be cool to see his side of it. But I would just love to see King spend that time with the Nein--and I honestly think Cad could have just as fascinating an adventure with his family back at the grove. Some Clay stuff from an Episode of 4 Sided Dive that I keep thinking back on in light of the Reunion (this was after the Uk'otoa):
"'Look I'm kinda stuck here working on a spell. And my house. That needs to be fixed. I wish I could help...' Caduceus is dealing with the fact that. Well. His house burned down 6 months ago, and--thank you all for helping--you did [help a little.] It was great. But Cad is actually in the middle of...Caduceus was tired. He's--he's in the middle of resetting the Blooming Grove, which also requires casting of Temple of the Gods, which takes every day for a year. You gotta sit. And do it. So getting away would have been a little tricky. And yeah. Getting him out of his house six months later would have been...[He's in the] same place. Every day. for a year."
"[It takes] the type of effort that someone who was originally going to live in this place for their entire life can do. But...getting away is possible, but it's very very hard, because then you have to have somebody cover. Somebody who can do that cover. And not fuck it up. So I was like...I cannot justify him buggering out of home 6 months later. He had already--well. He put in his time. He'll be back out again."
And right now Ruidus is shattering enchantments that have held for years, decades, eons. And I feel like that probably knocked out...all those wards Deuces painstakingly reset in the Blooming Grove...And there's going to be some fascinating new friends and enemies--like the ancient spirit Umudara--that'll be released from the chains that bound them for centuries. Creatures who are all going to flock right back to the site of Molaesmyr, and likely stumble right into Deuces' home.
My ideal personally very self indulgent dream: King in the Nein Reunion, and then another oneshot of the Clays confronting all the spooky things that crawl out of the haunted woods on a red moon night--
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nikethestatue · 9 months
This is my opinion in the subject of Elain's gifts.
Elain, more than anyone (other than Feyre) has received all kinds of gifts, and from 3 different men, no less.
We have Graysen's engagement ring
We have Lucien's gloves and pearl earrings
We have Azriel's rose necklace
Graysen's engagement ring--iron, with a pearl--spoke of his essence. He was violently anti-Fae, he was a warrior and a protector. His ring to his future wife was made of iron (to 'protect' her, to 'ward off' the enemy), had an impersonal, token gem in it, and it was something that Elain loved, just like she loved Graysen. Her hold on the ring, which she refused to relinquish, was her tether to her old life, to her old self. She cried for the ring, and for everything that she'd lost when she was Made, and she felt as emotional about it as she did about Graysen's rejection of her.
The steel that Elain was once so dependent on for protection now forges her. She is not the same girl who was Made. She is more like her sister Nesta--we see that in ACOSF. This new Elain, the Elain who was Made, dumped, who saw the death of her father, who was in a war, and who killed the king, has a new kind of softness. A steely softness. This Elain don't take shit from nobody. Not from her sister. Not from the IC. Not from Azriel.
When Nesta lashed out at her, she lashed out right back. She is still emotional about those she loves--she cried over Nesta, but she also wasn't going to put up with any more shit. It's not Elain trailing after Rhysand. It's the High Lord trailing after Elain, flying her back and forth and giving her the scenic flyby of Velaris. This Elain says 'by using me' and this new Elain is ready to go and look for Trove objects. "Find me when you are ready," she tells them.
So when Azriel gifts her a beautiful necklace that she loves, and calls 'beautiful' and when she tells him to put it on her and when she offers him to kiss her--this Elain knows what she wants. And when he says 'this was a mistake' the new Elain returns the necklace. Why? Because she is no longer a weepy pushover who let her family or her previous men put her in the corner. The return of the necklace is a prideful gesture, but also an emotional one. She is sad and upset, but she is not going to beg or cry. She let's him know everything that she is feeling when she leaves the necklace on top of the pile of all of his gifts. To me, this speaks of her emotional growth. She isn't reactive like Nesta, but her reaction is sharp and telling. It will be Azriel who will be groveling this time.
Which leads me to Lucien's presents. And here, we see the absence of emotion. She doesn't...care. She isn't angry or resentful, she isn't hurt or upset. She. Doesn't. Care. She doesn't use the gifts because she doesn't want to give Lucien any ideas--no notion of interest on her part, no notion of 'acceptance' of him or his bond. But also, indifference. It's not like she is using the gloves or wears the earrings when he isn't around. She put them all in a drawer and forgot about them.
And I think that's what's so telling about Elain's feelings: to those she cares about, she reacts. She reacted to Graysen, to Azriel, to Nesta...Lucien, not so much.
And SJM, who built entire chapters around Solstice and Solstice gifts, around gift giving and receiving, definitely emphasises Elain's reaction to all of them.
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