#he’ll have slower runs and teach younger dogs
darkwood-sleddog · 2 years
Me: describing my daily slash owning experience to anybody
Them: wow that sounds demanding/annoying/terrible.
Well yeah. Sometimes. But idk there is something about this dog that forgives his negatives, he’s incredibly people sweet, a quick and eager learner, a hell of a hard worker. Demanding sure, frustrating sometimes absolutely, but so rewarding. So rewarding.
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0idril0 · 5 years
Evan 8
Thanks @whumpywhumper for beta reading and letting me reference your OCs Markus and Illyn! Thanks @captivity-whump for beta reading!
This one is a little slower paced/not as much whump. More story building than anything, but i hope still good!
Ps. This post mentions going and finding purslane/little hogweed, an herb/weed. Please, if you don’t know what you’re looking for, leave it alone! There are look a likes that are poisonous.
As always, here’s the rest of the series, and you can always ask me questions!
Where was Martin?
Two hours had passed since Clint carried Nico’s emaciated frame through his kennel and dumped him on top of the small surgical table. It had to have been at least three since Brian stumbled onto Nico tied to the porch swing like whoever left him thought he’d be able to run away.
So where the fuck was he?
Evan channeled his rage into ripping open the flimsy blood pressure cuff Brian had bought. One of the automatic readers for elders who couldn’t see. He hoped Nico's blood pressure was high enough for it to read accurately.
Evan tensed as Brian dumped metal bowls and instruments into the sink outside his surgical area. The young man was braced against the sloshing sink, visible through the observation window.
He tried to soften the rough edge of his voice as he approached. “You okay, B’?”
“Yeah, yeah... just... a little shaky, I guess.” Brian looked more than that, his clenched fists trembled where he’d placed them against the sink, his dark blue eyes striking against red sclera, bright with suppressed tears.
Evan hummed at the statement, glancing back to Nico and Clint. Nico lay deathly still against the steel table, fresh quilts and towels from the kennel propping him up to breathe. Need to get him off of that table.
Clint had maneuvered himself to where his cheek pressed against Nico’s, and Evan couldn’t hear if he was whispering or simply being close to the boy over the hiss of the oxygen mask on Nico’s face. He’d need to put some sort of dressing on the deep sores framing Nico's face eventually. Grimacing, Evan turned back to Brian and placed a thin hand against his shoulder to stop the frantic scrubbing of bloody instruments that had commenced.
Brian stopped slowly and turned to Evan. His eyes were distant, barely registering Evan as they looked towards him. Bloody soap trickled from his fingers. He gave the younger man a thin smile and pulled him forward, wrapping slender arms around the half siren. “It’s all right.”
There was a wet huff of air against his shoulder before Brian sobbed, bringing his wet hands around to cling to Evans thin shirt. “It’s not... I didn’t... I should have...” The boy's voice was thick, and he shuddered as he sobbed, pressing his forehead against Evan’s neck.
“It’s okay... it’s all right... this isn’t your fault...” Evan rubbed a clean hand through Brian’s thick hair, scratching at his scalp for a moment. “You did good. Thanks for being my assistant, huh? I know you’re not used to this stuff.”
Brian shook his head roughly, sniffling into Evan's shoulder. “I.. I just thought he’d dropped out... or decided to move and not tell anyone. He’s so private... I didn’t even imagine something like this...” He lifted his tear stained face, wiping at his eyes with a thick wrist. “Who would do something like this?” Evan stares into the wide, innocent eyes grimly, debating his answer.
He worried at his lip, looking back towards Nico. “No one good.” He patted Brian’s arm gently. “Go call Martin, see where he’s at.”
Leaving Brian to his task, Evan crept back into the surgical room with the blood pressure cuff. There was a thick growl from the table and he huffed reproachfully. “You’re not going to be able to keep me away, Clint.”
“Hmmm??? I’m sorry...” Clint looked up at Evan slowly, yellow eyes dazed. “I didn’t mean to, it just came out.”
Humming noncommittally, he approached the table, snapping on fresh gloves. “You back with us? You looked a little zoned in a minute ago.”
Clint’s cheeks pinked, ducking his head until his forehead met Nico’s cheek. “Yeah....The bond's stronger, easier to sense...Kind of overwhelming.” Clint swayed slightly as he spoke, words slurred and lax. Almost as if he was drugged. “I can feel him... his emotions...his spirit and my wolf connected.... my wolf likes it....” Clint looked up, giving Evan a dopey grin. It slipped from his face quickly, replaced by fear. “He’s gotta be okay, Evan.” As he watched the wolf’s eyes flickered between green and yellow, pain obvious in the eyes.
Before Evan could respond the door opened, banging against the far wall. Clint tensed, half standing from his chair. Another growl rumbled through the room. It halted as Kristy peeked around the corner, hands full. “Oops.” She grimaced as she walked forward, cradling a steel saucepan, a mug, and an old fashioned pour over he used for coffee.
There was a small grumble as Clint settled back in his seat, and Evan slotted the blood pressure cuff onto Nico’s arm, hoping it wouldn’t damage the shoulder more.
“Illyn gave me to Markus, instead. Said that she’s only the apprentice or something. I don’t know, either way, I’ve got something Markus thought would help. Evan had most of the ingredients in his office, oddly enough, Markus let me know where the stash was kept. You keep a lot of weird animal parts, you know that?” Kristy glanced at Evan reproachfully over the pan of boiled animal parts she’d placed on the counter, and he shrugged. There were some benefits to being a Beast Master since people from all over the world brought him their exotic creatures. So what if he kept some pieces?
“Anyway, I’m missing two ingredients, blood from the intended recipient—” she arched a brow towards Nico, “— and something called little hogweed? I couldn’t find anything like what Markus was describing in your herb cabinet.”
“You wouldn’t,” Evan grimaced as the blood pressure cuff showed Nico’s pressure. 88/46. Not good. “It’s a weed, a prolific weed, you can find it pretty much anywhere. It’s also known as purslane.” Evan rubbed at the tape holding his only venous access in place, the worried furrow on his brow growing deeper when the tape was saturated with fluid weeping from the boy’s ulcerated neck. He pulled at it carefully, “I think there’s some growing by the air conditioner out back.”
He guided Clint’s hand away from Nico’s cheek and onto the catheter. "Hold that.” Evan peeled a generous amount of fresh tape before tearing it into strips and calling to her retreating figure, “You’d better wash it too! I let the dogs out back there.”
“Wait, what?” Brian’s confused face peered into the room.
“Doesn’t matter. Where’s Martin?” The look on Brian’s face wasn’t comforting, “B’. Where is he?”
“He said he got caught up in the class he was teaching; he’ll be here in ten minutes.” Brian’s face was troubled, and Evan understood the feeling. Martin had been distant—for a while. The mage had gotten caught up in a new crowd when he started researching for a new doctorate. He’d neglected pack meetings but been particularly involved with the younger pack members. It didn’t set well with him. Evan hummed unhappily as he retaped the catheter. Maybe he doesn’t know how serious this is.
Evan shook his head and turned back to his patient. He wished his patient were more responsive. He might be able to help more. Nico’s breathing was audible in the quiet room, crackling against the plastic mask. But his nose and lips had lost their purple hue. He felt at Nico’s abused throat, the strained pulse barely palpable and still too fast. He thumbed open Nico’s eyes, troubled. The pupils were large against the bright room and he quickly released them. Clint’s knuckles cracked as Evan pulled away but he ignored the wolf.
“Hey—” Kristy stomped back into the room, holding a small handful of green weed, “—is this right?” Peeling the used gloves from his hands, Evan peered at the small clump before nodding. Stripping the leaves from the thick stem, she stirred them into the pan before turning back to Evan. “How do I get his blood?” The question was callous, and Evan grimaced when Clint snarled and caused Kristy to flinch.
“Stop.” The command was weak, but Clint squeezed his eyes shut and stopped growling. Evan plucked at the bandages at Nico’s wrist, exposing a deep wound. He scraped a nearby needle through it. Damaged fingers twitched in protest. A small amount of blood swelled to the surface, and he motioned at Kristy to bring the pan over before tilting the wrist towards it.
Kristy stirred the mixture before pouring it into the pour over and pressing until a thin liquid dripped through the filter. It looked.... gross.
“Is he supposed to drink that?” Brian’s tone was disgusted, and Evan shared the sentiment. There was another more immediate problem. He doubted that the boy could swallow it. Nico was barely breathing, let alone swallowing. Evan was surprised he hadn’t choked on the fluid in his lungs.
“Markus said it’s a fortification potion, it should help Clint’s blood and whatever Martin does work more efficiently.” Earnestly, she pushed the glass towards Evan.
“He also had me put something in there that might help with pain. He gave me two more potion recipes that should help with his lungs and a recipe for a salve for his face and hands.” Kristy nervously picked her own hands, rubbing at the wet skin. She gave him a deprecating smile. “He also said it wouldn’t work as well because I don’t have true magic, just my succubus thing. But he said it would still work.”
“But is it supposed to look like that?” Brian looked green, mouth covered with a fist.
Kristy’s face scrunched, troubled, as she peered into the mug. “Umm… I think so?”
Clint reached towards the small mug, placing a large hand against Kristy's petite one. “Thank you, Kristy.”
Taking the mug, he leaned over Nico’s pale face. Cradling the lax head in a meaty palm, he rubbed at Nico’s temple. “C’mon Sugar, I need you to take some medicine.”
Clint’s yellow eyes shone against his suntanned skin, and Evan was surprised when Nico’s eyes fluttered against his cheeks. He could have sworn the boy hadn’t been that responsive. Clint pulled the plastic mask from Nico’s face before pressing the mug gently against his cracked lips. “There ya go, little at a time, huh?” The thin liquid trickled into Nico’s mouth, and the boy coughed weakly. There was a soundless gasp of protest from Nico as Clint pressed the mug back to his lips to pour more in.
“I know, Baby, I’m sorry... this’ll help, I promise.” The icy blue of Nico’s eyes was briefly visible, betrayal staining them. Clint caressed Nico’s eye socket gently before tipping the remaining liquid into his mouth.
Nico struggled briefly before swallowing, a small sob leaving his mouth. He shook his head weakly as a wet cough tore from his throat. “Easy... easy... it’s okay.” Clint shushed him, and Evan pushed forward, helping Clint sit Nico up further.
Nico’s unfocused eyes opened briefly, gliding past Clint’s face, before closing again.
“Should I be concerned about the number of supernatural creatures huddled over a half dead human, or is this what you wanted my help with?”
There was a collective gasp of surprise from the room and Clint snarled before curling protectively over Nico, whose breathing had turned quick and strained.
“Calm down Fido, I’m here to help.” Martin leaned nonchalantly against the door frame, suit jacket slung over one shoulder. His brown eyes studied the room briefly before settling on Nico, a small furrow gracing the man's brow. Fat tears had started to fall down Nico’s face, and one of his hands had found Clint’s shirt. He clung to it weakly, pulling at the fabric.
Martin studied the motion, pushing away from the frame. Leather shoes clicked along the linoleum as he approached the table. Clint continued to growl, the sound quiet in the tense room.
“Martin.” Evan nodded at the middle aged man stiffly, hard pressed not to interrogate him. “Glad to see you could make it.”
Martin met his eyes briefly, clicking his tongue and giving a rueful shake of his head, before turning back to Nico. “Oh, you know, anything for old friends. He looks kind of rough.” He strode around the surgical table, putting it between himself and Clint.
“What exactly are you wanting me to do for him? I’m not a priest, it looks like that might be what you need. Or a necromancer.” Martin gave a hollow laugh, and Clint’s growl made the table rumble. “Bit on the darker side of what I do but it might be more appropriate.”
“Fuck Martin, what the hell is your problem?” Kristy's voice cut through the tension in the air, and Martin pursed his lips.
“You're right. Not the time for dark humor.” He tossed his jacket towards Brian before holding out a manicured hand to Clint. “Now, are you going to let me work on your human or are you going to bite me?”
Clint snarled, pulling Nico’s trembling frame closer. Evan grimaced at the reaction, they needed Martin’s help. Even if he is a dick.
“Clint. Stop. Back away.” Evan pushed at the command, vision flickering red. The wolf resisted, clinging to Nico. “I said back away.”
Clint’s face elongated, thick fangs pressing into his lips before he took a single step back. “If you hurt him I will tear your heart from your chest.” The words reverberated through the room. Clint’s yellow eyes bore into the mage’s, and Martin gave a small smile.
“Now, I wouldn’t dream of that.”
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