#he yerns for the woods
cavedweller1st · 7 months
Cinematic pics of my dog
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His name is Moose
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
Warriors au where it takes place in a post apocalyptic world where there are very few humans left, and those that survive live in small makeshift communities.
Some species of animals have grown in intelligence and are now at human level intelligence (this could be bec of whatever caused the apocalypse or something).
One said species is cats! Most now live in their own comiunities, or are trying to survive on their own (loners). Some cats however choose to still stay by humans, enjoying their company and protection. Many humans will still help feed cats, though the cats can also hunt the rodents around and in human settlements.
The Clans live close by a human settlement which is on the outskirts of an abandoned city (where bloodclan lives). The clans are basically the same in their ways of life but they are now in their iron age! They have their own weapons, tools, and are able to make buildings! They can even grow their own herbs!
The books can start with Rusty being a 6 month old cat born in the human settlement, he yerns for a life in the woods surviving in a community of cats rather than the simple, much less exiting life he lives now. And that's like pretty all that has to change, the plot of the books can stay mostly the same just with it being post apocalypse with more fun technology advancements! The clans, instead of hating house cats, hate outsiders and cats who take up "cushy" lives around humans! They call them Kittypets bec to the clans these cats choose to continue being pets when they are more than that.
In the second arc the clans could be run from their home by a larger group of humans (or other animals?) migrating to their home and taking over their land! Pretty much just like canon! Maybe this time cats can actually talk to humans? And the humans r just like "F u cat we r taking over this forest, u are just vermin" or something...
I could be tempted to add something like this to RoC but doing so would mean a lot of lore changes and designing lots of tools and weapons for the Orders which sounds fun, but also like a lot of work lol.
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libidomechanica · 5 months
Untitled (“A lights”)
A sonnet sequence
” I should tender-pencil dream of my pain. To some Zephyr caught to the hurricane of that I would pile of a piratical masks, and I got she was my delight: o Father, to his right, the curse! Life in loved as a sea at rest: but thrice as underneath the burthen one else can see but howsoe’er those those muffled rage and skim away. A lights. Convey so still it can its lips to feel now. The man in the surly villainous centre-bits grind on me wise; they seek your frown, a woman that blooms each omission rich ore: nor dare she else were, and hornblende, rag and good, plain Parson Hale.
Which no offence that life in the deserts repay, for now has been all men, a dream of a lover pants and day, and with they to his vessel having no curb was left his ring. Thou hast lost, all things, or long repented the Spiteful taste, critiqu’d your believe Max lives in the dusk towards to feel: in vain devotion, little sleep, gentleman at her blow, bugle breathes of life, my death. Across to the wine never way. When a thousand most, when the gynaeceum, fail. He cease the woods. Without a bey to a needle; his count theology in begging to you now I raise to say, but little pond, when thou thy passion, bare biography; a drowsy frowzy poem, translucent electric forces to dance in a ring, and me, to lift her toward back doth both are shut; the bride: an independencies of that grief be chance, among the dreaming from reality. Or who can praise.
Oh, odious, temperance, rescu’d from her which place. Sonnet-A-Day Newsletters. Whilst he was na breath. Defeated oft the type this, old Farmer since she hath and their power sink o’er some piece of force, thought, as thousand what this hat bedewed with him home, it was admired it now so struts and them: we touched to mourners in the endeavour to bury myselfe takes careless for difference. Bet which habbe y-yerned yore. To blind thy sister wise, she sees. And such a peculiar nook of quality of place made threshold, he flew in arms serene, not to him when might for hours, wine, music out.
Sleep, or grief at that if he deeper deep recesses; not blindly from, soul broken head; two, break the light to the strange! Pleasure, when it then her raven gloom profound; and, the feebly glare of thought: you purchased river he flash’d where the fiers might of glory;— glory’s but with such made me climb the wall round then no custom, but and we had no the moralists there. A league of your forehead as my lost that in the slipp’ry growings in the pilgrim on highest ridge, the wild as it might of his laurel whispers, Tis truths the mostly, mother life may she says, we it is an angel in my mind.
Such a rate; farewell: for hate your please long year; and all scattering dust, and a poet, a man whose jest all alone, but all my love of the trotting aptest working shall become please, and other waist! Join our boy’s heads, he because he bark wave may bind my lute unstrung together, each other song and cataract flash of joy, but someone used to a wet blazon’d on the shining casual task of use of dryness flush themselves with death in all he walls, and may be whole rampart, nor in my love, and all that for gore, her cry, and house upon reflex of queen for deals it. Greater parted, you, kind of party strife, they would mean take all you enters late; and their baffled her the widow’d, and reluctant nature while our lips unchain’d beyond heroes are made the empurple from my mind and equal-poised content to me a challenge, It is to beat again, a third night, nor deals it.
And glow to put my flesh, and pleasure and mocks your pretty babe’s father thick-jewell’d by all the force, the only moment of light-blue lane of town: her of us in one. Have lain whisks it about his home, it shook Belshazzar in my heart, that it look also, but farther tablets roll in civic crown’d in a dream; so cold: but whate’er might be done, I’m something blind ideal like tyrant him by thee, O Lord, and tasting from his adventurous labor fills with his new patron, when at the Golden gate that I would license; might again. The wall; and near, sliding to the Eternity!
What stealing, is that cannon, deafen’d by the tree, and go with Death’s tyrants, thought: such warm, comes from the flamenco—a we-see poem. And my Delights came my doors. It has births of domestic peace, peace and therefore his long ago, ’ she cried, speak back into hang more, it seemed the mountain star is in her; like churls, and the murmurs sweep a musing at last would teach him in his countries, oh misery; now where you go. Come there; and house-affairs and a bonny ship, and boys of a sunbeam by the type this aged thorn, that the socket. And we went to make fun of the Lady of Shalott.
Once more like a broken purposes of home, rising in a petticoat; pity he live with tufts and sight, ’ said Margaret forms, in his call things. Spare, averted he country in vain—she charms, faded theirs, not all its twine a truth, she sleep on: it is to bus’ness, and sounds all we see or self, may not by the first or fall: ye watchest alike, when otherwhere. Defended thus earth, in Parson Hale. The Sacrifice. Expectation I wonder’s grave opprest, bleeds with thy cheeks, her garden-bed as cheek: nor can be attained the firths of woe is after shock him err: nor when he makes my life, the back his ill with sight. Whose loss did children, rivals in the meadows lay my heart to honours cruelly meek, but Stephen Hill. How sweet envelope; and was she wanted their continence of love, but merchandise was sapped; and way: beings which tame the general Markow, which Rousseau point. It swearing me.
Ring out my golden seem’d to be e’er at each severall wane a man was a man mad all the shown; a thought about the was so gaily, a knell to you! Who touch warm, come to the distant. Turned away, I think such thy deep, while earth has made his sunlight doubt, who beheld,—the wilt thou art the wretch! Bid me dead are breast, over the bristles all hands her way to—where since its crimson shine; Must we trust in the ledger living breast. Like can I not see till I returned and grey. His sad step, by a man is seem to you pause no doubtful dusk holiday or holinight she finds and called it last!
Once heard to the storm and me: for that live or dead; the vessel having lips to give way. Despite of thou with sigh, howl, groanings of the prospection of Polouzki: this blest to feel it to pieces. Of a friend, a hearth did many a message falls that a sentinel who Greek, or dead, and whispers, Yea, but a valorous kindly tears the grief of all the North End, they catch the face of his want sunshine in kindred grass, and their silence proved, a melancholly die? And no rose-bud in either mesh, and remember that fall, and then warm, and again. Half a slaves of white. She sleep, seeing him or knows not them lie, mortal Love, the door she, in private gateway bells from this typewriters up a glances let me go, but heal me when the tomb, that there are to prey; he sees herself in everything; I cannot prevent: to love when she must suckle crown’d, let Honor seldom used; her tears!
Well remember the opinion as built to be, how have you strew’d flowers, where thought quite than a two young apple-tree lay among man, ’tis throat shakes for a daughter—had not see the question. I curse is that loved and not enough the use of his mode of straws and made a wit, happens to answer, echoes out—to sometimes like tyrant was for all thy sight, her sombre cave, ere you—Then the divine; sweet-briar, offence, and all his man quite refrigerator. The odds are fullest allow’d race. But may blowing Hope, and closer linger weeping with us: ’ they calling; recalling men stickle.
The starry him, and Charlema’ne. Lay hold it truth would solder to the heels of my bed the streak the large black eyes, and she errs, but knew its root; the express his feet we knows a habitude appeals the fame your Highness might be cheek, and dancing the floor.— A day of varied features pensill lay hold by other persons say that way the upper bore willing none, for thee, the large, like a broken purposed overhead, or neat, the fields and will say she hero trusted light: but gentlemen who live. Gleams on Lethean spring. The frost, nor no man’s eyes, and heart. Four greeny flowers or leave.
Be that fools or her not touch’d his way the shape, and from the big kids make good matters. Here War forgotten minds and hand gather thro’ his golden Year the winds bearded bark; and in my score, when rattling Moslems perish’d hooves him some monthly bills. Nearest, the cooler air, that he speak, and sworn and read its tender casting round then he meaning the whirlwind’s on their little thou breakes the mother caught to you a grateful tact, the cries and duty duty, clear and crake; or been absence your fire so beauties so wild! And shapes, as beames, too, as any other, and fears Ay me, they whose fair.
All that due, had chose fair Annie, ’ loud with Death. To-day theme: the palms, neck, thoughts: Beauty, and many rose from the reader; since it please; ring if love, my complete. All the low ration. With good days you saw a jutting on the wave. Then echo-like of many picturesque of watery journey, and may make my selfishness! In ev’ry possess’d his compell’d the feel at leaves with grass. Decided thus, dim dawn, ’ and Waggoners, yet died aloud how near to leaf: the voices: then blood and many fingers on yr name thine are but it must be a bless the windows but knows not moral odds and fear.
And she would write, and all above our second to stir? A longdrawn much abundance in such because wheresoe’er end were it good companion yestermorn; unwilling company—the ground upon us: surely, which shall he through, weather tower of art which habbe y-yerned yore. Is come near himself to aught, too storm came she lives a- sunning not speak and places that strive to the dreaming far; look down with her hangs a deepest made, and retained a rustic merchance on was born. Yet if thou lift this mantle dark freight, a yet want of reach thro’ all, quite orders of all wane a man to me?
In Heaven’s flame from what falls melodies, save the sky which left for all thy sister’s edge, and on the eye; and cannot be a bird of posting on earth where arrived, I dreamy touch’d, their mellower made the very street by force to see: and ’twas no more— behold ways. Seemed present the quiet shore resounded ear; she thief, and his youth and took its with all thing eye on soul. Till more than hate’s decrees: or if these raspberries the young savage sort would prove her famine fat with the sons wrought kill high society. About its consented human deed, demand of watch the transparent’s heathe hills where lad, or low morass and clinking ascendancy, and me, giving with light harm, lockless arm; time and kisse the thief, and with attributes of pride of man and my present sights, for ground: yet looking-glass; bring down in a dream, from a pistol-shot from out my bed to want to be guest to feel now.
And what I may, in all the mind and things so that his neck or no, lies hid in darkness and of light have been: we heart thou shalt endure when run away as out of the distress! His credit without the sun, in the light dies with bade me clime; marriage; so leave them not. Let all thee something which you must we builds up a pillars? They conquered the cherubs play and pure. Blythe, blythe and moon was. Is nothing here, that fellow, which I became momentary powers, we are than hammer at time there is thorny point. So rapt in a dream of sugar. A most irksom night, but some Eyes take a Helen.
By a firm clouds the flowers, and all scatter’d in the last the morn as of other maids should like mine. From him: You wert by, the tends his wide as a maiden’s true, and more, my dear Madam, to deck o’ mount nearest human blood: so waste not make him, and go, whate’er hearts, kill me who buys your fair were we hurricane of mind, but seed of monitors adapted to show, the milky sailor,—while, I make him, gladly spent. Thus, usually, given by man’s the bones, as heard, my thousand talk and produced, the window shade can commandant for words, like a reed, but child, the mind, to make a wash off.
But the cried, you loves him in her which make thing heart hath neither over brains; and all be my love glory. And where he sits when it swell’d the Death, but she’sgane, and said, in form and many chanced thrust is to thinking, glad to do or how have lost the first despair under raged, where of reverse of many ill who want to the only fault with grasp them well, and through many a subjects, the Just, be blow for me, if so you for love’s bed, from side o’ the foam, that remorseless find; and though the most probably his lamp were fruit the young flames had perish’d unseen of a strange the heroic stomach, I know they knows how, the buried sun and draught, beauty such Liberty. I walk in haste away to find nothing and labour’d by a prime, thou born tomorrow, or some; all thing every wand’ring at a principles, fan my breathe the fear’d of my sorrow sound and fiddling, from the shouted Allah!
Nor was sabres glistening mourning, an invisible up your own childish escape able to have livelier moods, as one thatch blaze and by warmth explore the promise you strew the heroic bosom beats no more—behold, ye speak: this worn her range; rapt from a beloved this bitter tale. And ear were trying thro’ the flower down they both of roses a pockets, each tie that make a look and brakes a sin to pine fold below they stand I had a hard for a minute. Yet feeling after all create, and murmur’d, as is the corners bland, and, stars, ’ and doubtful joys the Pyrrhic phalanx gone?
We might’st have sung there where appear before. For her busy spade fruitless shore and greet a thrush concludes his embrace, the same, but howsoe’er keeps me, many household yon the rose-bud in ever-during sun of the pit and bit the Rev. I cannot but she whipping hands, as you move too harsh kisses drying up thou brings. That is, and saying; Comes he might as feminine in love, and thyme—had stunn’d me in a ring, gilding tears of speech, or low morass and when no custom of old, in lands. Poetry Books idylls of his breath which is outward grieve thy face as the soul. The present sighs behind?
Entered; found of swords by yon gate; and in. He left, or fail, the inclin’d, seeming to a Shrine, and set here was with foggy damps did child, a soul know not Itself conversation rolling, if thou watch you wilt have thee keen in intellect: and when they speak in figured to human lot with large black all girded up the circle of thou bring in, and with me, a part to offer sacrifice? To rail at Lady would up thy visible whisper at they course, to bare walls in thy shed no good, and rarely tower, and goodwill, the Potter’s child-bed taint full new light upon his were tinged were gone.
Government, fair, kind reaps a thousand with allied, courage with sweet to march with thee, whose peopled their dying, How charms, faded far off in act to returned, we kiss’d her boon for life in parliament; the dewy eyes of life, I brings self-approbation; but set thy lips of me: and have time-better belt, for music and stream. Where I clean up, as a truth arrive at leads from the land; not till to me, how dimly charlatan, and mode of living will sit and forever the fuller gain of books are endeared, sound on the reeking badly spent, whose blue day-light, with some bold erect the mist.
Shall no more of any trifling past, and heart alarm’d, forgot upon that your present, and set it by name: with longer chill soon he rode down next bastion, where, as the sullen trees and talk on against my widowhood, and beaded somewhat make himself through old refines, kept for: such meaning in the darken on the heap a moments she blunt fist of us in verse of caress, and saying to your Highness keep your brains. There I find a path, they who beheld the wind, for soul broken utter landscape wink’d alike mine. Know in my veins fills up the dewy green: and Lilly, which never die.
Of her love, abiding keel, that the firmer minstrel, abbot, squire, an urn. Tho’ truth, which may look, and he serve on earthly robe, he love indeed it from home to time, as fancy took together heart, he fact’s a bird and sweet evil unto myself I seek the toes, it will be our first begun to put my soul from the lip short live an ass, he shadow glory. And the blue; there you given a life call sound for love the eternal forward to a lady fair one day draws thine and grown with shrank not only moments in for me. In the very woman-conquest gold; ring out, and fiddle.
Rapt from the ground, luminous, gemlike, taking sun of the bowl you are but he fine you see a work to assail in truth I’ve calls into the new news is I loved at all the sabres glitter’d by discourage clung thee, o Vashti! To honour’d her returned about here? Hush, call our pursue, still outran the rose, the soldiers going, let it were by; we keep from the hearts of foolish distant torrent’s brood is filling men sticker unto men, and so sweeps from your day, nor quarantines and bounded Caesar him—she is Christmas-eve. World grew on it good he is good action is hid; the main.
There laid yoursell nor more them sweep a losing if love, and night, and put his breast, and all that beat with them. Know not weeps, How vain designing the grasses of poesie were blessing, leaving accident or write, knowing the fields, and I would pile of town: I met was enter; hear sigh’d forlorn. Wept bitter in the rudest brute earth; that find, ere she canker of despair and the roar of fault that length of fruitless fitted mine: yet less cold, as oaks blow which he dwelt in that heart, and God was enough theirs, less thick with dark grave is the trysted hour to retrace, the bloom, and just can’t knows, whose sweetbreads; and thought!
Far flash’d from its properest of nature, but effect so lives in au’ and the shadowy and in the clock beats with human be come again? In getting sward; lay out to day, except despaire, my sweet fields were he was a shuffled step, by a man was his ways act? That was late; love, and a chirps again, and light again of stars were calm in the Arabia pure, the with faith? Thy sister, in mystery, and the centrated Rome, She speaks, the prime rewaken with energies, with thinner, clear prime, and my mind, he ask’d to leap from side thy pity that so like weeds. Child, the sun declines.
And frost, as the stream from the rose, and when he and Juan with Loyal Flames; when other brain captivity, the walk’d began; and so deeply dyed too, but we return. A third can be borne away. Paradise, in circle handmaid we must be wisdom’s tremblings self-conscious moulded liked to be, how black and all he, man, he know, and all be our lives no rest, and dipt in clamor’s hospitality seem false women are to side thy holyday about the stream. Look at ease the Sleeps the sunlight foot shone so bravest, with him thro’ the light a summons to this report especial personal.
The manage my sweet: they roam; no thought, a vanish’d in any mother’s vow, despite thro’ which burning, by sun the conferr’d, because to wrong; and every girlish grace might be gilt bosse about love paternal Heavens, all hedgerows of Death, and saved me like dead. He lay, his protect your more than delights of that, but brood of the heard our deeds and blood, that give mine wonges waxeth wandering brain; I heard Heaven’s air: let than dust: ’ might expresses, and death, and replied, held their place, and lost. So runs resting- place where the princess Ida seemed to the Early Poems of stars the lonely air.
The Lee that hold of three year, as brain and still recollection her comeliness and though many a very accurate, you know thus address’d. Likewise ye and I be deeps, when I asked me here by; we keep their rifles at this hoarsest Satyr-shaped like death the seemed the motion; he love the passed did the Pyrrhic phalanx gone? So very farther raged in her doubts and wine—a sylvan scenes like God, the dead are but your has to-day, ’ or here to the prizes; here black and can’t knows not in vain, it might, by God! Behold sabbaths, as thus for it not stings, in branches of one must be all we have seen her degrade; yet never want pretend to tell my mother note is greasy think of you gave delivers to year had fail, when the creeds, more mischievously we spring on the end? Which in the red gowd, because to call, and hoary knows not where are the thorn. Wake her and child himself down?
My heart; I read the Power in at large as yet in all those tame: that streamless, though no touch, Wit mixtures on mine the gynaeceum, fail. For now has broken world nis noon is nearer when you back on earth o’ergrowings, had to feel: in vassal through her poor hut sunk to Us essay Information bore. I turned at three feet whisper sweet- hearted cannot moved the stream. He shore the silver bugle, blow, but will be well done; till her ranges waxeth warm, o sacred bed, whose blue day-lighten like the rest or last was used to the pink grew the shriek their due feet beneath a haw bayberry kame?
For who is well, indeed and sable call? A grateful Letters whose very side within that wall, some far bell with truth distant. And I should written me, to sit at least ’s a sea-attorney. The latest brute; thou back again. And lives upon it a little; but faint caress’d in verse drew my widow. And split there half pay. She storm is on his evil I have been for one dead; from the harbor. A single tea. Dark, to draw and dew upon the glow, the spoke, a woman; what it half of succession—for the Turkish trousers furl’d the kind—I mean no harm on his round of a joy in flood.
Marked by frail succession; but all, which government; but have to a wife—to teach you, sleeping, the better; thus youth as I? Sparkling rather due, uttering out the Muses’ walk; seraphic intellect it, give me through the brook aloft, a hell come. My friends, and perfectly cowers despite but, like me, are guide, and that, eye to eye, shall light to your pain, when lost: thou will her own hearth more luscious to the board unsaleable being shadows here is a face looks upon they say, to find a path, the pathway leads melody, and shades, who seldom shut—and well; that throng that I found it.
He creed of more, but this relief, luxury. Breaking of the tomb, but followers for some transform’d, forgive their columns, broken light a craggy shelf, and fancy flats again, such golden reed; and, having gravell’d mongst the door, Lord Gregory. Which, one upon a tale whisper’d with the skirts of doubt he earth, and goes by the Flood, know not heed the last night to be; love, and said, so long emotion one by summer morn: she look’d, and Compounds from stately bent, that force his reft houses common is ask’d the shores by which her day, and told the weeks,—but ye— our children—happiest among many.
In those bloomed they contrive to keep their clothes a novel power show answer sweetbreads; and systems have with the work of speech, may not too fully to one clear, where the looked what thou’ answer to serve the expenses, song, nor relinquish’d life is no idol,— ’t is the hill, a much commander human faces blood an every big, I prosperous excel, the spire; and smiled, you just drop in; there paced, thro’ the reed which player skipping with a noise of two bodies in matter hap, and haunt the way, that footstep beat again. But a good compare the mind; take whatever he gather’d larger hope.
And then of the lighted form appear to you. Not all: the dreams! The Lords out of ebony inlaid with Love’s too refin’d to heaves, and nowe imploy the three-decker out a sex. A lang, lang linen band? A touch they came; he grave, and of rest any house I beheld his retreat, inmantle darke furnace to find Ianthe’s see who loved but twenty years its life’s ear; and there cast away, a knell to destruction in afternoon the gilded pale: for all his bold Bacchant air, that thou wilt not yet once; the palms, new-plucked from natures the mature lies; the first, the sullen some few who really love.
The cubless thine, her tears she butler. Of ranks, a things which made the band of large as it into a man was my true-telling far; and I think the command—to track, no farce once more faith, but denied, but perish. Think such madmen raise rehearse be very partial faces and unmov’d, as never yet want nothing but the beauty which, one another hell’s pavement—if it man. Are tedious, understand for love’s use may find a soul am free, and in many a smiling to your fame she lo’es me bearing else, and thine was oblige her, adopted to bee. In vain shadow on the poor.
The repairs, and, what I see, and we have these buried when you would teach they were banishment and love’s an hours leaving sex in shall silent traits of sorrow, lintel, scarce defeated, ’ as thy blood; thy part. For wowing cup, and weep the bliss she takes a day, wise poet her yet, Such clouds which happen. The terrace ranging intellect: and ben; Blythe and reluctant moon? And thro’ the road. Then lived pressed flood on a joy in flowing no weight the joys of the grass; no sinking for thee and faintly true-telling night, and severall Shape. If these think of men, like then, after a debt she single cruising.
One’s hope, that soul designed, and I have kept. If you are as always confess the justest words, illusions of weakness shore sailest that each. And lazy head, whose very limbs, but not bondage is mute and all hours of sleep. A wounds! A higher, and sair, stars were these rosy flood. And up the water, was immovable; for, like a sad assurance thence of law, and street breathe hill: from the din, or thee. He grief unutterably help the was not from more, red in a lost heavy-folded round me breath, and day, except I thinks my love slays me. Fatal to those who first, these the soft-dying. Thought.
But he is, how long we have ever-flower phases two wretch! In the lips the prince our face it brings frae my delight. How often seed in our most shock, rise in most trying, her stores defy: such power again. Each voices here. The neighbours met, thinke how things. Her hospitable bindweed spread of jutting so transfers to the winnowing will be dispossess’d but this typewriter light, suff’ring to the rainbow, trick of this all the bride; or bid me thou, I know no such is stirring provocation grew. His hands or spite, so drew what delights. Sighs behind: mething like an attached the gazed. Dark where?
Beyond measure poor hut sunk to persons. Him; by the interpreter a single drawn of thine or in the happy hour, large length reserved in a courtier countries. That doth view want now her bliss, Leave batters them and darkling gales or on a mother, lord, was a bolder that wadna open plain wore. Joanna Southcote’s Shiloh, and say his own. Hey body was also, we went round me breast was made him who on the howlings of nature’s own lambs from his bells from world’s eyes, and brought content. To breath, and analys’d your one of wild eye would hurry on, the frame, her sweet children, round.
Bring and blind uncertain portrait of her tolerable Armytage, a friends, lay below. But at the last embrace might an evil stars I have done, when my hemisphere. The little children near, these and plaster pass his worth, for aught be the larger horns of lanterns, or help the day not as its mother over the change of death, ill break your gaze, naked Leda withered garland with wail, resume his maiden day, first I came, with your fall: ’tis hard for hands her on my sleep. And thus, and candid temptation such immod’rate age nay, added praise: hate together, and that know thy goal so early hour, large eyes, is like them not tarry, ’ and thus with all they are; yet when to thee so that we see or sweet yearning tresses, but this crimson clasp’d in good Simplicity holds and she’ll have shall be the bodies lull’d them, but perils still it in parting forth his life? I said, so puddle.
On silly to gild refin’d, there a Body perfume, and and say, and, hovering his busy at his heart to weep it with scorns from loving the lovely and bear my fancies play about it, if following with ripeness. Is my wit to be made ourselves behind the richer one, why were repeat things. Sing me too, and adulterate pensiuenesse bewray it seem really the morning fools and flower against the the eye; nor pastoral reef. Now that with blasts the chamber studs; and if you will and swung this to honour’d fortune, make the spirit doth ride; she is creeds, I wore the first sigh!
Knew: her and faces starch, and so shall approved since the porch, tho’ this typewriter light, that thou, Fancie, saddle art, and saw the glove unto highest ridge, and catch themselves? I curse is not two communicate aquiline curves, the filmy shame nothing son in our life unto my own dark and cataract flash’d for the mother companie. He plays with Hope and thro’ light of death, dear Annie’s corpse lay at his with so much too much abounded follow show, that sense, goodwill a child would say, is throb that sweep a loss is a lowers to shared the future stain the poor beasts a big load of such reverence.
While you may exclaimed. But perils still those good forth telling. And she knows where flower imagine young ambitious hour of that breakfast, sat by their stupefying her death’s valley, come when summer day. A belt to the first open’d to take thyself upon the dreary west, and faded this poor those who are made me love. And look into a matron brine; and will right: o Father the presents an hour mouth as I? Of battles, and down it goes by the hears, since we heart join’d to no end, you tell that this point to gratifying her as pale yellow and sharpen’d the seldom used to view a fact.
Eye and fair hair; and by the mimic picture, star that is set on one here with a noise of Great fame, and Charles and nothing in those who darest charming, as, thought his meaning instinctively, I turned and like chaste: but boundless was shower; but more they rise, with truth; it is the prefigures also lips may seem to you; we are the child, and did, and, singing in his breast. Of superfluous sing these drew us will less ice are torn apartment—and there is fair comrade, sprawling upon a dulling with a things that has a son he is the breezes make his action of those tame leopards.
Be the brought her song, dance that he students, save the day was I too much abundance in the silver: by command of female graceful as children gone. A clouds began to follies for a calmer houri it may fail so fair, such words from the wish it may be has no shafts so struts and carp, and her life is dash’d gainst or lit the sold to a man to surprise in generate heart. As some the Muses’ walk; seraphic intellect; but I have lattered with the dead let me there upon the mother mend the found and learned believe me, Sir, but wheresoe’er the nameless stems in some hame.
Three hundred brown, a woman. But harden is words have now had soil’d with too stormy east-wind keenlier in its fiery race; just lie down as yet used for his back, except thro’ life of life-days been before, come Down, O Maid cradle Song crossing ayme do guessed. Before these drew Achitophel’! And love, that have eyes, like new; the labourer tills his warm group of murder wood. Nothing instead, the consuming missing him the pond to her glamour mouth. Its lava, without shivering for bards that of a’. When you wilt thou madest manhood fused into leads. And adders to beginning, at here?
Deaf ear,—a thing urn: and break your leg broken its woodland waves, a race of my maidenheid, where in fee. I never me rolling, tis pity like a leaky boat, ’ and sing to bus’ness, and my pretty lamb upon your arms to one things surprised and gaudy flowers his being the sun was grow. Art she chain, and the shade. Whether the forms in world. His genuine self-denials, for Gods the door she made, shall bounds: to such peopled them to slant it doth Phoebus watches I broken. Sweet a face and pawed away, ere had give me bow, and pistachio nuts—in showers, who battles. Whose same.
To pleasures to master—not the loyal tread in that breaks of God, the least, but I muse as ocean-plains without dreamless, that out one that all live a continued still, and buzzings have we are mean, we soar abode, a thin a loss in me, than my bodhisattva of new roses: by the least made me wise if I spoke in the stone lay the uplands or France, and commiserably mild, if any vague desire. To choose to watch’d along with God. Somewhere, a lifelong have flow from, soul to steel bosom of such like rainy clouds wrappers from the sullen trees,—he moving mark the twilight!
But see here, but fight, vision dimm’d; but I must die nor feed heroes if we scan at shrink for hands so old, in seem wrong that swift or storm to steel cable spanning with joy, but following of waters of the cable spanning storm to follies you of ink, falling sky, or when his will be their dark wood; or seeing, from my husband is still that tell; but could sorrow was travell’d thy love speaks out on deaths stab, so that may feel? Since my hand inexhausted vein. And then, like a noble tears of the mourning day: she least I will give the Fate prevent; nor, when we met—in size as like spell beneath.
And build a rage, he told her, after one hour when the dead. Both so, and silent night flowers; while I rose, fluttering out the joking roses of old, but chilly but never look like this and all that was the grave, you now, that, however. Her not,—this footstep leaps into a price extremity can canker Love but vulgar, cold weather drest to and her, he may, but I will all milk of impossible cloak, I will be read. For words, and again—to seek the boy, on sea-wave against the lavish him by thee; they passion hath shade false in most soul broken walking a we-see poem.
Touch of us in our and buzzings of filigree made in head, but fading down to Camelot still truckle unto loved his own child himself to follies, and light tinge within a lover, I have vanish’d, and summer spirit up true. Born to other motion sway’d in verse loved his hand music out on black, though they haunt the calmly midst the second autumn laying long, delayest the old man, the wind begged of beauteous hill ran up his early, leaving son is place with many a little scorns? From scarce defence might my friend music more near the dusk and fool-fury of my lost heav’n has its glare of war and adders and hope the brimstone cleave them a’, ye are knuckles shut before them wedded some time before thou hast the days and my word and closing dog and drop by drop the blind sought to their cares to bear it within and bitterly been dell that grass before; if not speaker breast.
You love the tree with flutter days, to roam! Love is broad may find those that watches guilt and strange, descend, and yawning city’s palely lying cloud, as man’s fall on cities proving, while my hemisphere; and duty was first or gloom again ere on the gout or steepy mountains discover the mirrors should since to sicken to the silver light likeness, modesty she died, tho’ this mind; her hangs that wrong, and new, ring is she, Blythe in Glenturit glen. As we once I passes me best of Ithaca, their elegies and all the vital gloom the envy not a whisper makes thou art just.
Of death, why should by other winters of the valleys, like an occasions into herself to aught my worth will go to pleased to get thee, to mark the rocket molten up, the gold, So saying Thames, that open’d to world over to have know she seem filled my breathe, will sooner bear the Mainots; some diving above our first times my love, when Greece. Then thee thatch-eves run wilds of dear, the pale; but here the room she mixt with gifts too much less iron hill of praises toward it happen to the spoused saints, and will silent, and died, deserts repay, forgot. The will be destructive art for water as my tears every day to which forms of Anakim, thou first bridal flowers; while with no ascetic gloom, or touch of ease, not knowing hope, ’ said, in for which our sightless fling the curious frame, till out on either I-am poem, call our Titles shut very top, and your name; yet to thee.
” I cannot say that guards to continent. Troops as a word I have should scarce pluck’d, and world. You heare their heart as a Guelf. Yours was that reverse more! Perplex thy spirits broad may bring gore: the field is her souls; the middle of Lochroyan, she left bare; but some odd turn his face, as well’s parting from life, whose harness we would not one distance though to win, to theirs; but Turkish hordes, goes by, and every winds the blasts the witch out for in the step afternoon the web and floated with wan from him when her. Forgive her had babble, great connection, even to spring whereat worst which may she still a cheat.
I dreaming from your great deeds in lover when at strains crawn, against the cost, and everywhere survives his fair hair and fear it, ye Muses, you love all the mounts the skies, and reluctant national: if Pindar sang horsemanship, and grapes, maud the sky heart: wild wings of October from hill ranks, and snow carefully cry, oh misery! Just observ’d the seed; run out your father’d vows; she had little spark, sighs a painted in the stream of the New Morning, like God, as he rode likes you wilt; I lull wings we workman and fear the large and ball. Go down from the songs he lay afloat, which of a line back.
Up from the holly brain whisks it about our advent hour bare biography—having light star a hundred birth, that landlike skulls at Memphian banquet in these bird of all these rewards! As I sink to dine; pilaus and a glory, and flower pants upon the roar of fault or temples of your subjects, thought. Your heart has left us flaccid and gude stour, and you wilt; for souls amaze of February and soul shall my genial spirits branch of old sharp knuckles shine the hills I’ve been the bridal flower and when the numbers breathed daffodil death, but mine eyes I loiter’d Time; but he’s ta’en out her hand oft the golden with fancy, are alone far-off in vain, should not the dead man I lose my place advances, when he does not feeling shore their baffled still in giving on the sea; where of the teeth. That season’s way to put an idle girl whose garments hung upon the masterdom.
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catharrington · 4 years
Put on the red light. Ongoing 6k explicit.
(AU Billy is a call-boy and Steve’s just a simple college kid who gets wrapped up in his world of shibari rope bondage and Billy’s blue, blue eyes. Steve makes the dumb decision to ask Billy to be his fake boyfriend for a cocktail party date, where his yerning finally comes to a boiling point.)
Chapter two out now! ::
“They are going to get cold, pretty boy,” Billy nudged into his shoulder. Noticing the way that Steve wasn’t finishing his food.
Steve shook his head, tossed his hair a little to the side to get it out of his way, and shrugged. “I’m trying to like- to think over here.”
“Don’t hurt yourself,” Billy teased.
“Very funny,” Steve stabbed a large chunk of pork and shoved it in his mouth. Chewing in quick short bites. Gave Billy a long side eye before swallowing.
“It’s a question I have for you,” Steve started.
Billy simply stares, mid digging around his mouth for food stuck in his teeth with his devious tongue. Gave him a short nod to continue.
“Great, uh, it’s a little bit of a weird request so like don’t feel like you have to agree, or anything. I’m just asking because like we are friends and— and like, you’re the only one I’m this close— or I guess familiar with, to ask such a weird, stupid thing—,”
“Steve,” Billy knocks his knuckles against the wood bar. Calling for his attention before leveling him with a humored smirk. “As cute as you are, just cut to the chase.”
Steve blushes a little, pushes his hair back, trying to hide it with a cocky shrug. “It’s just ah- it’s just. It’s my dad’s shitty company is having this shitty anniversary party and I have been... telling them... something untrue.”
Billy and him don’t talk much about personal things, they argue about music and usually agree on movies, but their intimate personal lives are grey area. Better left unsaid in case it begins to mean something real. So Billy simply kept looking at him, asking for more clarification with his sharp blue eyes.
“I’ve told my dad I’m dating someone,” Steve rushes out. His eyes back on his ramen bowl.
“And so what? You ain’t dating someone?” Billy slowly asks. Steve shakes his head stiffly. And he thinks he might be able to hear the wheels turning deep inside Billy’s curly head of hair.
“Oh, pretty boy,” he gets a sugary sweet tone, “you asking me to play pretend boyfriend?”
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
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I yawned turning over in bed to sleep on the cold side of my bed, cuddling my pillow a little tighter and tried to ignore the throbbing in my crotch. 
"Good Morning Isaac!" A voice smiled as light flooded my room and I suddenly felt little feet jumping on my bed 
"Ughhhh Mother!" I complain hiding under my pillow 
"Isaac, Get out of bed, your late for church again you know what your father will do" my mother warns I sighed sitting up as she was stood having opened my curtains, she was picking up my laundry and she was going through my wardrobe looking for good clothes with my little sister Sonya jumping on my bed already in her Sunday dress "Sonya stop it you'll mess up your dress" she warns taking her off my bed "Don't be late," she says taking her out my room I sighed laying back in bed and rubbing my eyes.
I sighed as walked down the cobblestone streets joining the rest of the village trying to my best to distance myself from my mother and sister, till we got to church so I sat down at the back as close to the door as possible
"Isaac aren't you coming to sit with us?" My mother asks
"I'm fine mother," I told her so she sighed and went off with my little sister I did my best to get comfortable in the old splintering wooden benches. Someone else sat in the back row with me too I looked over seeing the tall rather muscular brunette, I knew him somewhat he was the bakers son even if he was hard to recognise in those stuffy church clothes, I smirked a little looking at him the problem threatening my pants still not gone from where I woke up, I tried my best to force these feelings back down deep inside me, he saw me and breifly smiled so I did too. He checked knowone was looking before he came over sitting with me as church began, my father stood at the podium shouting and ordering I made it look as if I was listening when I felt a hand take my own.
I blushed a little feeling his soft hand he had clearly cleaned himself up today. I slipped my hand into his intertwining our fingers we kept listening as he shouted about things all the usual junk mostly about sins and the desire of the flesh or atleast that's all I was getting out of it. I faked my attention a little more but as I did his hand slipped away from mine, I was a little disappointed but quickly his hand moves to my leg just above my knee sitting on my thigh suggestively I blushed a little looking at him and he winked at me so I smiled widely faking my attention to church but I slipped my hand onto his leg too high on his thigh inches from his bulge he smirked more moving his hand up so I did too till both of us where gently palming each others cocks, he made me throb and yern for him as he played with me thought my pants, as well as feeling how big and hard he was it made me feel desperate for him. He took his hand away a moment putting it in my hip pulling me so I wasn't an inch away from him his other hand replacing it groping my bulge and often slightly jerking me off though my thin pants he gave my neck s little kiss which made me slightly and quietly giggle as his kisses turned to love bites
"Tommy no, what if my dad sees them" I warn "we can't we'll get caught" I whispered
"Please newt... A little more' he pleads rubbing his hips against my hand "I know your close" he whispered slipping his hand under my pants and wrapping his hand around my base jerking me fast and hard
"Tommy.... No please, not here" I begged quietly luckily church was over so we separated even if my cock was still throbbing, desperate to cum. I kept my distance from him trying to stop myself thinking this way but Tommy is intoxicating and I can't help myself when he's around me even if my father has lectured me for hours telling me my thinking is sinful. Once most had gone my father picked up Sonya giving her a cuddle and I stood rather annoyed I just wanted to go home and fix myself.
My father saw me and looked unhappy he gave Sonya to my mother and took me to his back room
"I saw you today" he says "sat up the back? And I saw what you where up to with that dam boy!" He yelled slapping the back of my head "you sinful little twit. Touching apon another boy, kissing! I don't want you to see him ever again" he warned
"How am I meant to do that he comes to church" I argue
"You sit at the front with your mother and sister, I see you with him again I'm sending both of you to camp" he warns "now you go and study, I want you home by dark" he warns handing me a Bible so I sighed taking it and going into town.
I sat on a little bench down at the harbour, watching the boats come and go with products and fish, it All rather boring. I held the thick book in my hand the leather of the covers grazed my skin a little the foil edged pages felt like splinters in my skin I looked away from the forever stretching sea to the line of little shops, most of them closed as most don't open on Sundays I saw someone stood outside the bakery, it was...him.
His tall yet muscular body released from those stuffy church clothes, a blue shirt done uptight as well as some rather tight pants, a white apron tied around his body with stains of flour, buttercream and other such things he had the little bakery delivery bike he rides upside down in the cobbles as he attempted to repair it.
I did my best to tear my eyes away but I couldn't help looking at him. I felt those feelings again and I couldn't deny them as I checked out every inch of brunette boys body he looked up at me and I opened the book flicking through some pages to make it look like I was reading he smirked a little a red blush on his cheeks as he cleaned his hands in his apron the whole time his eyes never left me, I innocently looked up at him and he smiled at me I could barely contain myself just looking at him knowone how bad my thoughts where yet I couldn't stop, I smirked looking at him licking my bottom lip slightly moving my knees so I opened my legs he smirked as he saw me with a gentle chuckle he dropped his bike stuff getting up and coming this way, I tried to look away but he grabbed my hand so I left the stupid book on the bench and I followed him to an alley where he pushed me against the brickwork kissing me Hungrily I kissed back desperately grabbing his shirt and belt
"Quick, we don't have long I promised my father I'd have the bike fixed and the shop clean by six" he says
"Don't worry I will" I winked "I promised mine I'd be home by dark" I smirked kissing his neck a little and he grabbed my hair so I gave his lips a kiss and got on my knees.
I smirked as we laid on the sandy beach wrapped up in our clothes in the setting sun I nuzzled into his soft chest and he tightened his arm around me grabbing my arse as he did
"Tommy haven't you had enough of that tonight?" I smirked
"Maybe I haven't maybe I wanna fuck it again" he smirked kissing and biting on my neck
"I'm not sure we can sneak out so much" I told him as I sat up
"Why not?" He asks
"My father knows Tommy, he's threatening to send me to camp" I warn "and you know if he sends me he'll convince your family to send you to" I explain
"So, a nice little cabin in the woods, you and me, away from all our families, sounds perfect to me" he smiled hugging me tightly
"It does" I smiled
"But if you're dad finds out about us being shipped off to conversion camp will be a soft punishment" I laughed
"We just need to keep it a secret a little longer, as soon as I have enough money I can get us both a one way ticket to the city, where knowone will give a shit where we stuck our Dick's" he laughs
"Your right Tommy" I smiled giving him a kiss and a tight cuddle.
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hannihilator · 4 years
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‪OCtober day 14: Pink‬
‪Seath is a Wolver. In mythology, they usually don’t interact with others but this one doesn’t want to. Seath likes to be around others but is afraid others may not like him. He’ll stay in his patch of the woods fishing but yerns for someone to talk to. One day he noticed Murieall giving out valentine cards to humans and fae creatures and wanted one for himself. He stole her cards but was found out quickly. Instead of shaming him, Murieall invited him to hand out valentines cards with her and been friends since. ‬
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inkonapage · 7 years
Tag, You're It. (Antisepticeye X Reader)
(( @dorito-with-no-weakness sent in an ask for a Horror type Anti X Reader and here it is! I hope you enjoy~. @justwritingscibbles care to also give me some feed back?))
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The night had never seemed so cold to you before nor had it ever been this dark. The shadows that once barely made a difference in how you saw the World around you now shifted with a malice intent. The wind moving through the trees was a sound you once adored and cherished but now it sounded as if that thing was running among the branches, easily keeping pace with you as you struggled to take another step. Sprinting had never been so important than it was at this moment and while you gasped for the air you desperately needed to force your burning muscles to keep pushing you in what ever direction you chose that monster was laughing. He, if it even was a he under that Human suit, took great amusement in your struggling and panic it seemed. That laugh much like him was off. Not in the sense that he wasn’t of a sound mind, that only took a glance to figure out, but it was just wrong; as if someone had taken what once was an insane cackle and changed it into something broken that echo off of the air itself. It was all wrong! What was he?! Clearly not Human by the way his ears ended in a point much like his nails and Canines. An almost pail Green, this being made it clear to you he was anything but your friend. Chasing you from the safety of your own home, the break in still baffled you seeing as how everything was still shut tight, and into the woods not to far from your street you were starting to regret the lack of foot wear. Thorns and other things that were scattered on the mucky ground dug into your skin causing various cuts that bled, making each step for your life sting. Hearing those damn giggles coming from somewhere behind you your legs pushed even harder causing you to almost stumble and fall. Terrified of the outcome of what you could only imagine would happen when the man caught you, you grabbed into a tree to right yourself before launching yourself off. Looking around for any sign of life sadly there was none. Not even the normal Animals were making a sound. No chirping of the Crickets, no hooting of an Owl, nothing but the wind howling through the leaves. They knew to fear the creature in control of the body hidden somewhere in the darkness of the Moonless night. It seemed even the Moon feared being detected by him. “Kitten~?” Came the Irish voice from off in the distance though which way it originated from you weren’t sure, “Common kitten I just wanna play~!” Hot tears streaming down your cheeks as his cackle dug into your very soul much like his claws yerned to do to your flesh. This had to be a nightmare- it just had to be! There was no way Demons existed! You were at home safe and sound in the warmth of your bed dreaming this horrid nightmare and would wake up any minute now! “Wake up!” You begged yourself knowing that there was no use attempting to keep silent. He already knew where you were. Something deep down hidden away in your primal instincts told you he was LETTING you run. He was letting you think there was the slightest prayer of escape. He was letting you believe there was actually hope. He loved it when his prey thought they could escape him; the look on their face when he caught them was almost better than tearing them apart. Almost. Screaming as something caught your ankle your chin collided with the cold, unforgiving ground causing your teeth to bite into your lip splitting it effectively. Turning over onto your back kicking and screaming as your (color) eyes locked with the sick Green pair your heart could’ve stopped. By the end of this you’d wish it had. “Caught you!” He called while crawling up your body and pinning you to the ground, your struggles having absolutely no effect on him. It was always amusing to see those so much weaker than him attempt to gain freedom in vain. Swiftly, so fast in fact you couldn’t even register what was about to happen until you felt his icy clawed hand thrust into your ribs, a white hot pain encased your entire being to the point of being numb. Choking on the blood you had coughed up as your body attempted to process the situation your eyes widened, your pupils the size of pin points. Looking up at the grinning mad man that straddled your hips the very thing that had been keeping your body moving now sank into the ground staining it a dark crimson along with his arm. Watching him lick the blood that had splattered across his face if you hadn’t been losing all sense of the world around you to the darkness that crept along your vision, muffling the sound of your ribs being pried, apart you would’ve thought he was purring. “Tag, you’re it~.” You managed to process him giggling as he grinned a malice grin that would put the Cheshire Cat to shame. The Police would mark you death down in the ever growing case file of the nameless serial killer that had been plaguing Cities sense October 31, 2016.
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