#he would've gotten out of the nightmare realm
sneaky-snake-907 Β· 2 months
TBOB spoilers:
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limitlesses Β· 11 days
π“π‡π„π˜ 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐓 π“πŽπ†π„π“π‡π„π‘ π“πŽππˆπ†π‡π“, π‚π‹π”π“π‚π‡πˆππ† 𝐀𝐓 πŽππ„ π€ππŽπ“π‡π„π‘ 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀 π‹πˆπ“π“π‹π„ π“πˆπ†π‡π“π„π‘ 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 ππŽπ‘πŒπ€π‹. Just a few hours earlier, once Shoko had finished with Suguru's healing, a vacant-eyed Satoru had been helped out of his blood-ruined and tattered uniform. There were no wounds to heal, nothing in need of Shoko's attention, though Suguru had been thorough in washing away the blood that dried and stuck itself in a mess across pale skin. Satoru hadn't really fully processed everything yet, his mind still whirring, coming down from the high of death and rebirth, of seeing everything, of feeling such immense power at his fingertips that he was utterly emptied, as though power and emotion couldn't coexist. Or maybe that was just shock, the body of Amanai Riko limp in his arms, the smell of coppery blood, the thunderous applause ----
It had taken the both of them over an hour to actually drift off to sleep after the joint shower, bodies intertwined gently, tentatively almost, as though careful not to break one another. Or something like that. But Satoru's sleep was always on the lighter side, sensitive to every rustle and approaching person his Six Eyes could see through his eyelids, through the hallway, whenever his sleep drifted toward REM. It made for some interesting dreams, the way he'd feel reality bleed into the unconscious realm -- seeing people, shapes, things that weren't there but in actuality were several buildings away.
This time, he was downright certain that his eyes weren't seeing something that was there. Like a creeping shadow, he felt a prickle at the nape of his neck, a shiver ---- bristling, the absence of sensory input and yet alarm bells were ringing; needing to look behind him, the looming sense of killing intent and yet no cursed energy to track, save for the strange worm on his shoulder.
Satoru twitched in his sleep, tensing, absorbed into the belief that Toji was coming to finish him off -- an abrupt flooding of Infinity outward practically shoved Suguru off the bed, away from him, their intertwined bodies forcibly parted due to the blooming force that safeguarded Satoru as easily as one breathed. But he wasn't breathing easy now, dead-caught in the midst of a nightmare, tightly coiled in on himself, labored breaths and -- a choked noise, breathing catching halfway in his throat. He kept trying to swallow past the discomfort, a cold blade lodged in his throat -- and he couldn't ---- he was dying !
Until he wasn't, brightened eyes snapped wide open with a heaved gasping breath, fingers flying up to clutch blearily at his own neck.
Shakily, with labored breathing lingering on with the tremors from his nightmare's residuals, he realized there was nothing wedged in his windpipe, nothing bleeding him out nor was he in any danger at all. He was in bed, and Suguru ... ----
He turned his head toward where he sensed (saw, smelled, felt within his soul) Suguru was, eyes blinking, hiding away any looming spark of panic that could've slipped in through the cracks.
❝ a-ah, Ss... uguru, sorry. ❞ Infinity dissipated once he realized that the other man hadn't been an assailant but his partner cuddled up against him. Infinity dropped away, ceasing its separating force -- which allowed Suguru to approach, to touch, when all attempts prior would've been futile.
Now he felt shitty; Suguru was technically still 'on the mend' with Shoko advising he take things easy for a few days at least. Now here he was getting launched off his own bed because Satoru power-sneezed and lost control. He sat upright, swinging his legs over the edge of their bed, placing his face into a hand with a lengthy wipe of it down over his otherwise uncovered eyes. He must've gotten maybe... thirty minutes of rest? Perhaps this would be a good opportunity to see how well he could use his reverse cursed technique to lessen the ache of needing sleep and being incapable of finding it.
❝ Are you okay? I didn't mean to -- I can go sleep in my own room, instead. ❞
@svgurugeto // within twenty-four hours since the events of Hidden Inventory.
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jtks-gh05t-g1rl Β· 16 hours
My everything.
part two
(also on my Wattpad)
warnings: swear words, mc getting hit on, death(disclaimer before).
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..... I woke up, light peaking through, shining on my face. As I sat up in bed I noticed a note and uniform hung on the closet door.
the note read: "This is your new uniform. Please get dressed and come downstairs to the dining room for breakfast.. If any adjustments need to be made, please inform me or Lord Diavolo, signed, Lucifer."
β–ͺ︎Leviathan's POVβ–ͺ︎
There she was. Walking down the stairs into the kitchen was the woman of my dreams, literally. Last night, after I showed her the room she's staying in, I went back to my room and fell asleep immediately. That wasn't normal, at least not for me. I always stay up until the early morning playing video games and watching anime, but that night was different. During my slumber, I dreamt about MC. It wasn't a normal one. It was honestly terrifying. More of a nightmare if anything.
(mention of death) °°°°°° there had been loud noises and yelling coming from the front entrance of the house. I assumed it was my brother's fighting again, until I heard Mammon..
Belphie? he's supposed to be in the human realm..
Mammons voice sounded coarse, serious, and tearful.
I blanked out for a moment. Before I knew it, I was watching as Mammon was being held back by Lucifer and Beelzebub.
Mammon became weak and lost balance. He fell to the floor, still screaming. His fall led my eyes to MC laying on the ground, unconscious, bruises on her neck, eyes glazed over.
My stomach dropped. My heart began to palpatate, beating out my chest.
I started to get closer to her body. I got just close enough to see her colorless face.
°°°°°°°° I woke up right when I got a look at her face. The image is engraved in my mind. Every time I blink, I see her.
But here she is, standing in front of me smiling and waving.
"Good morning, MC. How was your first night?"
"Good morning! It was actually pretty good, I wasn't expecting to be able to sleep." "Oh, I do have a question, though."
"What about my family and friends? I'm still not completely sure if I trust everything going on right now. It would help a lot to still have contact with them."
"Ah," "we have sent letters and gotten in contact with your family and school to let them know about all of this." "As for your contact with your family and friends, you should still be able to contact them on your D.D.D. "
"Ok, cool. I would go insane without them." she placed her hand on the chair next to me "Is this seat taken?"
I looked up and shook my head slightly. Why would she want to sit next to me? Maybe she was actually interested in talking about TSL, or maybe she's just going to use me to get closer to my brother's. That's happened a few times, so I wouldn't be surprised.
Mammon sat down next to her, ruining my chances of talking to her. Not that I would've anyway, but it would've been nice to have the option.
Breakfast was served, and everyone was talking and smiling, but I couldn't stop thinking about the dream I had. ..... Why would I have a dream like that? .... I've had nightmares, but never any that bad. ... maybe it's a sign? .. or a warning? . . "psst, Levi, you ok, hun?" asmo broke me out of my thoughts.
"Huh - oh yeah. I'm fine."
"You sure? You looked a little stressed."
"Yes, I'm sure. I'm just thinking about the dream I had last night."
"Oooh, well, what was it?"
"I'll tell you later."
After breakfast, we all started cleaning up.
"Leviathan, You and MC have the same schedules, so you will be showing her to classes."
I nodded and turned back to MC.
"Well, you ready?"
"Yes, sir!" "wanna tell me about TSL now?"
°°°°°°° MC and I made it to RAD with about 10 minutes left to spare until class started.
We were walking in the hallway talking. Another demon came up to us looking smug and confident.
"Hey.Β You'reΒ new, right?" "I thought you were cute and was wondering if you were single?"
he playfully smacked my arm with the back of his hand.
"You don't mind right, man?"Β The crusty demon said. My face was covered in pure disgust.
"She's okay, thanks."
"Yo, help me out here, bro."
"Actually, we're both good." I grabbed MC's arm and began to walk away.
"Wait a second, I want to hear from the lady."Β He looked at MC.
"I'm gonna have to pass on that offer." MC said awkwardly
"Aw, c'mon cutie," "If you're going to say no, you gotta at least give me a reason."
"You want me to be honest?" She looked at him with innocent eyes.
"HitΒ me"
"Well, I would rather have my nails ripped out and shoved into my eyes than date you. Plus, you're pushy." That same look remained on her face.
MC began to walk past him, I followed. She was trying to hold back laughter.
"What a great start to my first day." The girl said, giggling.
"I know, right? In all seriousness, I promise not everyone here is like that."
We made it to our first class. I spent the time trying to help MC figure out school stuff.
(look who finally posted lol)
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aziraphale-is-a-cat Β· 1 year
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Big thanks to @halfagone for teaching me the html wizardry, that was kind of a nightmare.
Using his greasy, ectoplasm stained hand, Danny gently moved the hair out of his face and back up to his small ponytail.
He was in the Keep working on the secondary portal, the ominous red furnishings clashing horribly with the passive green glow of the metal ring. The mechanism was nearly finished, the final touch to push the hole in dimensions out past the Infinite Realms.
All Danny needed to do now was run through the code and hook up the power supply. He may be able to fully power the mortal end of the portal, but trying to take on both of them was pushing it. It's really wasn't like the Justice League would ever be able to access this end of it so the precautions he took on the initial machine weren't really necessary with the secondary.
The halfa was just about to start on the final stretch when his phone rang. Mildly annoyed, he picked it up and answered. "Daniel J Fenton, who is this?"
"This is Nightwing, we need you at the watch tower immediately."
Danny bristled, "I'm sorry, am I some kind of on call nurse?"
"No, but we need to talk as soon as possible."
"I will be there in an hour." His hand tightened around the phone until he heard a creak. In Earth time it was six in the goddamn morning. If it had been anyone else, Danny would've had some empathy for the urgency of his tone, but instead it was some government hero asking the impossible so he was willing to be petty.
The atmosphere in the watchtower was tense, Dr. Fenton's antagonism had really gotten to Nightwing, leaving the vigilante pacing across the main room fuming and obsessively checking his devices.
When the Zeta lit up, announcing an arrival in its monotone voice. "G-09 Daniel Fenton."
"Was the extra hour worth it?" Dick asked, turning to look over his shoulder at Dr. Fenton, who returned his exasperation with a withering glare as he set down his heavy looking tote bag.
"Absolutely, so what's so important that you need me in outer space at seven AM?"
In a flash of red, the flash had stepped between the two, appearing instantaneously from whatever he'd been.
"Change of plans Dan Man, we are now on a time crunch!" Danny cringed away, looking physically pained.
"Don't call me that."
Nightwing sighed and ran a hand down his face, trying his best to pull himself together.
"Flash is right, we've received correspondence indicating that our window of opportunity may be shorter than we initially thought."
The engineer's eyes narrowed, seeming to mull the new information over. "How exactly were your colleagues able to contact you?"
Dick glanced over to the desk he'd set up, eyeing the note that had appeared there an hour earlier. After a moment's concideration he picked it up and handed it to Dr. Fenton.
The note read simply, "Our time is waning, I will not be able to hold out for much longer.", And though it carried no signature, it was undeniably Raven's handiwork.
Danny read the note, seeming distracted running his fingers along the edge of it. "I'll see what I can do." Setting the message down, he picked up his bag and walked to the area leading to his lab.
Flash and Nightwing watched as he left, sharing a look.
"His eyes were glowing." Victor cut in, causing the both of them to jump.
"Fuck, man! You're like 50% metal, how the hell do you sneak up on us like that?!"
Cyborg shot Wally a look, "I've been here the whole time."
Victor groaned, disappointed in the subject change. "Wally, his eyes were glowing when he read the note."
Dick stood straight, alarmed. "Do you think it's magical?"
He hummed, considering it. "I think it may have something more to do with his parents' research. They were notoriously lax about safety measures in their home."
"Were his eyes bright green? That seems to be the color described in their work." Wally asked, scrolling through something on his phone.
"Yes, maybe he experienced overexposure as a kid?"
"I don't know," Dick replied, "If anything I think it'll have more to do with the major medical event he suffered in highschool." He leaned against the desk with a confused look. "But why would a scientific phenomena react to magic? It was definitely the note that triggered it."
"Well," Wally leaned over him with a smirk, "There's a blurry line between magic and science."
Both Victor and Dick groaned.
"Not this speil again."
"I'm serious, the more and more we learn about it, magic seems to follow the same kinds of rules as science! It's not some mystic impossibility, it's just like the laws of physics!"
"Sure Walls, keep on trying to justify your stubbornness. Magic is magic, and science is science."
The note put some things into perspective. The magic Danny had felt seeping from it wasn't dissimilar to the ectosignatures ghosts left around after going all out. A sort of filmy, cosmic timestamp that let anyone with the capacity to sense it know who was responsible.
It wasn't an ectosignature though, it wasn't even related to the Infinite Realms. If he had to guess based on his limited interactions with the extended multiverse, the oily slick feel was the fingerprint of Trigon and his spawn. The evil of Azarath condensed, which was bad fucking news.
Danny had known for a while that one of Trigon's brood had taken up a home in this dimension- the embodiment of Pride, Racheal Roth.
If 'Raven' had been somehow trapped in Azarath it would have to have been by something both motivated and powerful- and most powerful cosmic entities were chronic porch-sitters. So it was probably her dad, bitch-demon-supreme himself, Trigon.
This new job really did just keep getting better.
He sighed, pulling a breaker panel from his tote bag. He'd been manufacturing custom components in his lab at S.T.A.R., working around the fact that commercial distributers were federally regulated to sell parts only within reasonable amplitude. For the portal though, he'd need far more that 15 or 20 amps, the amount of power required to split the seams of reality far exceeds the amount considered safe by any regulating body.
That being said, the breaker panel wasn't actually rated to the amplitude it would need to power the portal. The circuitry he had created would heat up and trip at a far lower power levels than the portal would actually require, but ectoplasm was an excellent coolant. If Danny were there when the machine was fired up to feed fresh ectoplasm into the breaker panel the machine would run smoothly without tripping.
It was one of his fail-safes, in the case that the Justice League managed to shuffle together an adequate power source for his creation without his input, the breakers would trip every time with no explanation. This would make it look like their power source was too strong and hopefully buy him a little time.
Screwing the breaker panel into his creation, Danny considered the new timeline. Now that he'd finished the secondary he'd be able to dedicate that time to pulling weird overtime hours on the primary portal. He'd originally planned to go back to a healthy sleep schedule after finishing it, the idea that people's lives depended on how fast he could finish the portal had dug its bitter claws into his protective instinct.
It was almost funny, how even after retiring as a hero his innate need to take responsibility for the health and well being of others was still leaving him cranky and sleep-deprived.
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chatmeow9 Β· 1 year
Liveblogging The Owl House finale!
(I'll put a break here, this gets pretty long)
Immediately picking up from the previous episode, everyone gets abducted by ribbons (puppet strings? The Collector does has an affinity for puppets)
King's Dad?!?!
Luz is wearing Belos' Season 2 attire. The palace is similar but instead of a gold/black colour scheme, it's white/silver.
What's up with the giant heart in the throne room? Was that ever explained? Is it the Titan's heart, despite the rest of him being skeletal??
Back-to-back nightmare sequences (presumably) Can the Collector manipulate dreams?
Bill's completely blacked-out eyes are kinda freaking me out.
Witch's Battle! We've come full circle baby!
So they did get collected, and it is a nightmare. Also, weirdly, Hunter didn't have any strings around him like the other three until they all got yoinked away again.
"Get over here you witch." They knew exactly what they were doing with that line
Belos didn't know King is a Titan. I guess there was no way/reason for him to know.
Yep that smile definitely doesn't look completely unhinged.
OOOO psychic battle between Raine and Belos
The puppets! They're alive!!
Pac-man, marbles, and Jenga. how would the Collector know about these very human games? They don't have the excuse of being an extra-dimensional entity, they've been trapped in a disc for thousands of years
Aw, they are trying! In their own sort of twisted way of course.
The Collector's backstory is actually kinda sad. They really are just a child. I feel like if the series hadn't gotten chopped The Archivists could've been a bigger bad than Belos
... what vessel? That's concerning
It IS the Titan's/island's heart! Despite Raine's best efforts Belos barely got through, AGAIN.
Light Glyph. Light Glyph. Light Glyph. Light Glyph. The most pivotal Glyph Luz learned
Collector continues to be unhinged in the most terrifying and hilarious way.
Belos has officially gone full Kaijuu. The spread is different than his usual green goop with eyes it's more... radioactive mutated vegetation?
if the very evil ""man"" could be defeated with the power of fwendship I think that would've happened by now.
Oof. That question about Collector not knowing/understanding mortality comes back huh.
Some of the lights in boxes we've seen in the in-between were people's souls, then?
King's Dad! Also the figure we saw at the beginning of the last episode! A bathrobe, Bad Girl Coven tee (lmao), and pj pants with the glyphs on them
Luz now literally has the blessing of the Titan.
Like mother, like daughter lol
Is Belos pulling a Toffee and draining/corrupting all magic in the realm?
Twinkly magical girl Luz!
I guess not, since glyphs still work
The Collector doing ONE good thing after tormenting the denizens of the Boiling Isles for months
Raine's still alive. I partly would've figured they've gotten grown/gooped over
She couldn't think of anything to say upon her return but monologs as she's ripping Belos out of the heart
She's not buying your shit Phillip
I was kinda hoping Hunter would've got the final blow, catharsis and all that
Bread puns run in King's family
I just noticed that Titan!Luz had a fang on the opposite side as Eda
The Archives kinda look like a crown on top of the Titan's skull
Aww everyone gets their families back, but... Hunter doesn't have a family unless he's adopted by Darius or Eda or someone (It's Darius)
Of COURSE those three would want the throne
Time skip Luz is going to the BI for college (how would that work if she has no magic and glyphs don't work anymore?)
"Luz, you saw them last week" lmao
Vee's still living with Camilla even though it technically is safe for her to return?
Ah, the kid's hideout has been made into a permanent portal
Awww they made a grave marker for Flapjack!
Marthamule has an actual mustache now
Lilith has control of her curse and can do a harpy thing like Eda
Amity's got a pirate look going on now
They removed the Coven sigils! Darius is both super excited and also trying to play it cool
Oh, that's what Raine's palasman is, I don't think we've seen it before.
University of Wild Magic and Eda's headmistress
It's wholesome in it's own Boiling Isles way
King can do glyphs!
Last minute forth wall break?
(I accidentally placed a poll here so I'm just rolling with it)
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kunikinnie Β· 2 years
Hiii! I've been reading your master list, and I loved your "swapping bodies with their s/o" HCs with Ranpo, Akutagawa, etc. So if it's okay, can I request the samething but with Atsushi and Dazai? Fem reader or GN reader. Whichever one you're okay with
a/n: thank you for sending in your request! i did a GN!Reader since i think the stuff here can apply to non-female bodies as well. hope that's okay with you!
taglist: @irethepotato, @kisara-16reblogs, @thatdazaikin, @dazaee
warning: mentions of suicide
swapping bodies with their s/o part 2
featuring: Atsushi, Dazai x GN!Reader
Nakajima Atsushi
He panics out of embarrassment. What if he does something inappropriate to your precious body? He blushes so much you wonder if he'll manage to bathe and change clothes.
But it's not the same for you being in his. He's actually quite trusting and confident you won't do anything stupid (unless you're that type of person... then he might be a liiiittle worried).
What DOES worry him is his mentor's behavior toward you in his body. The chance of Dazai pulling pranks on you or taking advantage of the situation is close to a hundred percent. Atsushi will get mad at him for you dw
Now as much as he loves you and respects your body, it's going to be a pain to make sure he follows any regiment you have. He's used to taking care of himself below the bare minimum so it might take some special effort for him to adjust.
It's definitely a learning experience for him. He understands a bit better your preferences in clothes, products, and routines, so he'll definitely make use ofnthat information once you're back in your own bodies.
Dazai Osamu
Like that one Wan chapter/skit, the only way this will happen is by some unknown force beyond the realm of physics.
Similar to Ranpo, he'll be quite excited. Tries on clothes, accessories, and ofc your abilty (if you have one).
He'll also definitely flirt with people in your body. You're worried that at that rate he would've gotten "you" laid.
This is also an opportunity for you to prank people, especially those from the Port Mafia (ex. Chuuya) and Kunikida. Nice and hardworking Dazai is both their best dream and worst nightmare
Unlike in the Wan chapter/skit, Dazai won't think of committing suicide in your body. He might joke about it depending on your personality (ex. we can finally commit a double suicide!), but otherwise he'd rather joke with you happy and alive in your own skin.
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naughtynanzhu Β· 2 years
okay I said I would get some thoughts together about danyin and changheng in the mortal realm
obsessed with they way qu shui and xiao run are essentially opposite yet.... so very much the same... obviously you've got xiao run who's still got the same pure heart as changheng, but he gets to be chaotic and carefree when not under his brothers thumb. he's still from an important, rich family, but gets to be a spoiled brat, which I love... BUT this isn't about him.
what I actually want to talk about is qu shui... spoiled daddy's girl danyin turning into poor orphan qu shui... noble and elegant danyin now an awkward little sidekick... but here's the thing, whether it's romantic or not, qu shui is very much in love with xiao run... even in the mortal realm, danyins feelings are still SO strong
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qu shui's always so close, he's always within reach, and xiao run always has 100% of his attention. he hangs on every word. he stands up for him to his dad, he lends him his money, he helps him run off with his jade, (he even dies trying to warn him about what he overheard). he would do anything for xiao run.
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when xiao run is going on about finding xiao lanhua, there's a mixture of feelings coming from qu shui. on one hand, some concern (xiao run is losing his g*ddamn mind huh), maybe some doubt/skepticism (there's always some girl), and maybe a little jealousy (he wants his attention)
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xiao run isn't ignoring him as he goes on about xiao lanhua but he's definitely not giving him his full attention and doesn't listen when he tries to coax him away from his painting, and when he realizes how obsessed xiao run is being, he excuses himself and slinks away... it's obvious he's got some weird conflicting feelings in this scene. he cares so much about xiao run and wants him to be reasonable and doesn't want him to get his feelings hurt and wants him to pay attention to HIM.
after their encounter with dongfang qingcang, qu shui is SO much more concerned with xiao run than himself. yes, he's a servant and should put xiao run ahead of himself, but that's not what's going on here.
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the way he's so attentive to xiao run... the very firm but tender way he touches him... the way he doesn't STOP touching him... he could've easily hit him a couple times to wake him up, but instead... this. and the way they're sure to showcase those touches... that's on purpose.
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qu shui has his hands on him for this whole interaction. I would love to straight up say that he's in love with xiao run just as she was with changheng. that would be very fun for me. it would be so tasty.
but at the very least I think its a lot of danyins affection showing through. in the heavenly realm, not only are they separated (a little) by status, but danyin being a girl... and him already being engaged... any type of physical affection would be a nightmare of an idea. not only would it not be allowed, it wouldn't be reciprocated. changheng wouldn't let her get this close but she's in love with him! you know she aches to touch and hold him!
but in the mortal realm, even though they're still separated by status, they're allowed to be much closer. it's not weird or frowned upon for them to be physically affectionate!! and I think if qu shui had been just some guy, it would've been different. it's danyins overwhelming feelings for changheng overflowing into their mortal lives.
I haven't gotten to 22 again on my rewatch so I don't have specific details, but the way they convince him to take down the giant painting by saying how bad it would look on him... he would do anything for xiao run. he'd be mad to find out qu shui took the painting down, but he cared more about his reputation and well-being... he just wants to take care of him and watch out for him...
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luckhissoul Β· 2 years
night terrors .
❛  Β night terrors .Β  Β holdΒ  myΒ  museΒ  afterΒ  theyΒ  wakeΒ  upΒ  fromΒ  aΒ  nightmare . / @agoldenlily / meme / no longer accepting
he's not expecting the sound of her voice. it hits him in a funny sort of way. the soft sound, like a song. breaking through images and sounds that he would've rather put out of his mind a long time ago. her soft voice, her soft hands. has anyone ever said his name that tenderly? in the moment between waking and sleep the thought escapes scrutiny. he won't have to think of it later. he will think of it later. his eye opens slowly and instead of those bloody snake creatures he sees her face there. surrounded by all those sun colored curls, her wide blues eyes filled with - light, was that worry? concern? a softness he couldn't get his head around. there's a crease between her brows, a slight downturn to her full mouth. burn me, he thought, all that worry can't just be for me. the searing hot pain in his head is gone now, instead there's just nothing. but he's gotten used to nothing where his left eye should be. she starts twice before stopping. he's aware then of her hand toying with the end of his scarf. he thinks of something to say, a smile to give, something that might make her laugh. but where he starts he stops also. and then she blurts out that he was talking in his sleep. the way she seemed to carefully construct that sentence tells him that she meant something else. and from foggy memory he thinks he almost could hear himself, light., but he hadn't been crying out, had he? that was bloody ridiculous. she had said he was talking. just talking.
he shifts a little on the couch he was laying on. he must've fallen asleep waiting for her. he had only come earlier than expected because he had nothing else to do. he wasn't nervous, he wasn't a flaming idiot. why would he get nervous to meet with her like they regularly did? there wasn't any reason. he had nothing at all to do he had come early enough to fall asleep here. but light, how long had he been sleeping? there's a few opened books on the table that hadn't been there when he had arrived. how long had she sat there and just waited? he shakes the thought from his head. "sorry...i fell asleep." he hates how quiet his voice is. she moves her skirts, making room to sit there beside him. she shakes off his apologies, saying something about keeping herself busy. her hands are still toying with the scarf, the embroidery on his coat. had his time back in that realm cut off the connection? were those bloody things still rummaging around in his head? could they see her now? see him being - blood and ashes, he didn't want to think of it anymore. and then he realizes how far off he's strayed when she touches his face, saying his name softly. he swallows harshly, dragging his gaze back to her. he tries to say something. but little good that would do. the words won't come out. sometimes it's hard to look at her and lie to her. there's little defense against a soft blue eyed gaze. he's tries at sitting up and then she's helping him, only to pull him forward. his forehead to her shoulder. she brushes back some of his hair and she says a funny little thing. if he hadn't been half asleep still he might've laughed. she says he's safe.
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