#he would say you don't have all the detials
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superwholockian93 · 1 year ago
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Seo Doyoung looking at Shin Hakyun's character
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"This pathetic scaredy old man has bewitched me mind and soul"
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jess-the-vampire · 1 year ago
To be fair, the whole mind reading thing with Belos in canon isn't necessarily unheard of, seeing how Odalia could do the same with her Oracle magic.
Then again, she specifically needed an enchanted amulet in order to communicate with Amity telepathically, so we're back to square one here.
i think i mentioned it before in the past, but belos's powerset is a little wonky, i'm not really convinced he wasn't rewritten between seasons because of some of these detials.
he has this artificial magic, something that is kinda neat and was a dead giveaway he wasn't a normal witch, but the show never really explains what artificial magic is and how it works exactly. Toh has rules for it's magic so it is a wonder exactly how one creates a "Fake magic" on the isles. (Like at one point they maybe imply it's coming from his arm glyphs but that doesn't explain his staff or hunter's staff)
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Collector claims he taught belos magic, but outside of the draining spell....we don't really know what he means by that specifically.
and then you have his curse, which is a whole mess in itself, he's got several abilities, some of which just kinda....happen. Not to mention the rules of his curse aren't really clear to an audience member who thinks about it in more detail, like how much control he has over the curse for example (He has scenes where he clearly has control but there are others where he clearly doesn't), or why he was cursed and for what reason, or if the palisman are an extension of life or just to keep the curse at bay (Maybe both? but why would he do this before even seeing caleb again?) ....and also....what the glyph arm is even about. Heck, i'm not quite sure why belos can talk to the palisman in his head, but hunter can't communicate with flap in his own if we're to believe both are being used for a similar purpose of giving the other magic and life. (I mean maybe you can say the fact Philip forced them to give up their lives puts them in some kinda limbo, and not flap who chose to move on, but Philip can also apparently remove them from his head so like-)
(I've heard a LOT of people go on about belos's curse being played for sympathy from the other characters, that he's faking it and it's another addition to how bad of a person he is. And i'm not saying he never faked it, he probably did in some of these scenes, but there's also a lot of scenes where he's clearly in pain and not in control of the curse, so it's clearly not something he's faking for sympathy all of the time. I get the impression this is just because the show really didn't do the greatest job making how his curse functioned clear to the audience that a lot of people are now convinced he was never in pain when he clearly was since he has scenes where it makes no sense to fake it.
Like my best interpretation that makes the most sense is he does have outbursts and he does get hurt but he takes advantage of them, weaponizing his own pain and curse to his benefit where possible)
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and then.....we got this power from season 1, which never comes back and is never explained. It could be arguably an oracle power, but oracle magic might be the most underexplored magic covens in the show next to healing, so i genuinely have no idea if that was the intent or even what oracle magic does in this world. I would think if it had use like this belos would use it more often, would of avoided a lot of future issues had he done so.
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This might sound a bit nitpickey, it's just i spent a lot of time trying to decipher his abilities to use in my work and i ran into a lot of walls trying to figure out how any of this works in the universe of the show.
he feels like he needs a character bible, there's just a lot here that doesn't quite make sense and i would of loved to have explained in better detail.
and the show usually (Mostly) makes sense with it's magic (Trust me, belos isn't the only character in this show whose magic abilities drive me nuts), i think eda's curse is actually well handled and well explained to the audience. You really understand how her curse works, how she controls and works with it, and it remains consistent in it's abilities.
belos just has way too many abilities, some of which just kinda happen, a lot that aren't entirely explained, and half the time i wonder why he never uses some of these powers at other points in the show.
this fact might not bother some people, but if you're someone trying to study his powers for your work, like me, it's really noticeable.
i think what happened is they needed belos to be able to do several things for plot reasons (He needs a fake magic to hide the human twist, he needs to possess hunter for reasons, he needs to pretend to be human for one scene at the end so now he suddenly can shapeshift, he needs to find out about luz stealing from him so sudden kinetic powers) and then it just became way too much.....i think they should of kept it simpler and less vague if you ask me.
the man has far too many abilities, and too little explanations for why he has them or how they work.
Having some proper limits to his powerset and being able to go from A to B To C on how he works would do miles for him.
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chaengluva · 8 days ago
Please I need fem reader with second floor hcs so bad pleaseeeee
I don't know if you only write fluff or also smut (I cant find your rules for requests), but I would love to read both
Also I just want to yap about how she is obviously wlw, because why else would they include that kiss scene. I mean it was just a hallucination but if 3rd floor didn't think she was one then why would he hallucinate about her kissing 4rd floor
Second Floor; Headcannons
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Second Floor x Fem!Reader.
Yes! I agree i took one look at her and paused the show to search up "The 8 show lesbians" but nothing came up so I was kinda surprised to see the her and 4th floor kissing, but wasn't surprised at the same time?
Honestly at episode one i assumed it would be 2f and 8f but now i can see 2f and 4f, anyway, imma stop yapping.
Warnings: Mentions of stuff...cute, but not much detial.
- - - - - -
Show Hcs (lets say for this you are ninth floor)
- Would hate you at first, thinking your similar to eighth floor.
Second floor rolled her eyes at the size of your room, the way you showed it with having no idea that hers was tiny compared to yours, you had a whole loft, making 550,000 won every minute.
“Umm.. why did you guys so quiet?” you say, kinda upset, you walked upstairs to show them the food you got, you only took one then sent the rest down, floor 8 decided to keep it all.
you then realised that they all went quiet
- When she starts to realise your nice, she would slowly get close to you.
the two of you where sitting in second floors room, you where looking after her wounds, she didn't really say much.
"I'm sorry they are doing this to you, if you want I can replace you tomorrow." You said genuinely, wrapping her up, she just rolled her eyes. "Stop acting like you care." She said coldly, but you did care...why couldn't she see that?
"Don't say that, I am helping you." You say, kind of getting annoyed, "Out of pity?" she questions, just trying to wound you up, you stand up and grown, making second floor laugh. "You think this is funny?" You say, only making her laugh more, you want to leave but then you realise; this was the only time you have seen her smile.
"You have a pretty smile." You say out loud, not even processing that you told her. She looks away and stops smiling, then you realise, "I'm sorry." You say awkardly, having no idea what to do.
there was silence, you thought this was her way of telling you to leave so you stood up, just as you were about to exit the door, you felt her grab your wrist.
"You're different..." Was all she said, you wanted to talk more but she pointed to the clock, it was 11:57, you had to be in your room in 3 minutes.
What she said kept you up all night.
- After that night the two of you became closer and if you thought sixth floor would be to hard on her, you would just take all the food and feed second floor later, it eventually made them give up that method.
- she was told to kiss you in king, and you thought because she said no to third floor she would say no to kissing you, but you were wrong.
- would lowkey be very clingy in private, opposite to her tough personality when she is with others
- this is cannon but she doesn't care about the money, denies the offer to take any of your money after this show ended.
- it takes her MONTHS of trust before she can tell you her name (chun-ja)
- the two of you would kiss in the show, which would always add more time so when you wanted the show to end you had to distance yourself from her, which the both of you dreaded.
- started dating officially after the show ended ofc
- she would prefer activity dates, but if you wanted to do a romantic date, she would.
- would top, sorry, i don't make the rules.
- would be protective over you , in and out of show.
- counited to not take any of your money, and would always pay for things.
- Gets way money clingy
- weird but she is def the person to grab your waist when kissing you or just always have her hand on your waist.
I have a second floor oneshot Idea ! lmk if you would like it
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ocstabler · 1 month ago
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There's a brief scene where Elliot goes to his computer and before he gets the email about the photos, we can see for about 1 second the previous email.
Although it's hard to make it all out, the last email he has is from Diego Morales, sent to Elliot, Ayanna and the other guy (I can't remember everyone's names!) suggesting that they go to Jet's gallery show. It's such a sweet little detial that isn't even meant for a regular viewer to see but says so much about the character.
Here's the email as much as I can read:
I know she said it wasn't important to her, but I would love to propose we do go to Slootmaeker's "gallery event" just to show a little support? We don't have to stay long, but maybe we could get a drink nearby and just *blank blank blank* (first word might be show?). Would be nice to chat off the clock, TBH.
Cheers, Diego
This detail can't be seen if you watch the episode normally. Elliot clicks onto the new email, it's there for a second or two at most, but we have this carefully thought out character, who we know what happens to at the end of the series, who takes money from Wheatly for his sister, but he is wanting to spend time with this group of people. He's asking them to talk and make some time for him.
I think here, he is drowning as much as Elliot is in this episode, we just don't have a clue about it. And Elliot has all these people throwing lifesavers at him and Morales is asking people to pull him in and I think they're all missing their chance to save him before he goes under.
And I'm not saying they all missed clues to save him because the season finale twist was a shock , but this tiny little insignificant email he sent shows that thought went into this character. That they went and wrote out how he wanted to bond with this group and show up for Jet and we obviously don't know if they did or not, but it seems unlikely Elliot would have gone and Bell has quite a lot on with her pregnant wife so maybe nobody went at all. But I hope Morales did at least.
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strawberryezpls · 8 months ago
my goodness i have changed wtf
looking back to the beginning of this year till now is actually fucking insane how much has happened and how things ended up being like. I'm actually accomplishing my goals that i had planned for this year and it feels good but it's kinda like i need something else for the motivation to keep going. Umm lets see I'm finally under 200 and I can keep doing that if i watch my diet. Ummmmm should i start witht he boy who i was i was ina s ituationship with or just pick up where I lelft off? Hmm so last time i was on here I was already on talking terms with my ex(yea ik bad) but it was kinda innocent. (not really lmao) then I got my wisdom tooth surgery and i had a little complication bc it was not healing up properly. Thennnnn I had my bday how i planned it. I even bought myself a little camera but it dies so quick so rip. Ooo i turned 21 if you didn't know and i had my first whiskey shot at midnight thanks to no relationship man. (Imma call him teddy bear bc thats what it gave and reminds me of the song teddy bear by melanie martinez. Oooo i finally got into a relationship with teddy bear but i pratcially begged him tbh. oh and before that i got my grand,as car towed from his apartment........ i don't wanna even revisit im just glad i didn't have to pay for it. And then i went to see melanie martinex for her 3 album tour and it was MAGICALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. as per usuall life went downhill after seeing such a queen. I was =n't doing too hot spring quarter and that why im taking my last class i needed. However i did sign my lease for the dorms imma be living so I'm offically a university gal! regarding to that i got a second job just for the summer to help with paying for college but tbh let be real lmao. lets just say if i thought i was busy in january this is nothing compared. oh and I dyed my hair in may becaseu i felt like it but im back to my natural color and in pain bc my hair is so weak rn. ummmmmmm today i'm finally goign to be a manager at my main job and iim so excited but nervous. I've been acting like this role for a while now but there's always going to be something unexpected that comes up. But thankfully everyone is supportive and does what they can and I'm not alone in the suffering at all(at least i hope im not) oh and i got into a fight with my fatehrr so i have to stay at my aunts house temporaily like where i'm typing from. I miss being home bc it was my set place where i had everythign i needed. which reminds me like you know how i said i think i have autism yeah idk i think i also show signs of ocd...... i wont go into detial bc thats not ur bussiness but i tend to have very obessive thoughts like never ending too so theres that. I cannot wait for september to come and i can focus on school and have a change. i have to start packing or planning things now though and that makes menervous bc my mom obviously doesn't want me to go. but whatever omg and i started using tampons and I've only had 2 success days lmao but i'm gettign there. Idk if this wasn't obious but i broke up with teddy bear to foucs on myself and i don't reakky have the energy to be with him it just too drianing yk. However i somehwo managed too get all the bosy i've shown interest to spin back like didn't think it was possible. just wow y life is really changing and i feel like i can't keep uup even thoughi felt like that in april and I was keeping up just fine. anyways I think thats it i could start to do think pieces again not that anybody is reading this. I wish i could say every detail but so much is happening at once in my life. it wasn't like this a year ago which is crazy to say. Like i never thought i would be here like this a year ago tbh. I think that's a good thing becasue i wanted to live a busy life like everyone. I don't know how i still have time for tiktok and instagram on the daily but whatever. I don't even post as much on instagram yea very sad. I'm becoming more mysertious by the day. and sharing over there just feels useless like my august/july-december era was one or the books.
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a-random-pillow · 3 years ago
Vader finds out Ezra is his kid during Twilight Apprentice?
(Ezra Skywalker AU)
Also love ur AU btw, but you do leave so spelling errors
Thanks for the compliments, you fuel my soul for one day more. Also yeah I have Dyslexia, I try to correct but I always seem to miss something.
Idk How Vader would find out, let's just put it up to force magic. It starts at the top of the temple, it just kinda clicks as Vader is threatening Ezra. Vader is mid sentence and just stops. After a few moments Ezra is like
"Uhhh Vader? Are you alrigth? Did you have a stroke?"
Meanwhile Vader/Anakin is struggling through his thoughts and emotions, he is 
omg my and Padme’s child lived also I’ve already tried to kill him multiple times also he is so cute, he looks just like my mother also he made a saber gun such a talented boy 
Ezra can feel the dark slipping from Vader and is even more confused. Ashoka feels this and is very excited and hopeful! Maul is confused how the ball of anger and hate warmed so fast and Kannan is confused as fuck. 
Now there are two paths from here 1. Vader Redemption or 2. Vader stays his evil sith self. 
I'll only be doing Vader redemption in this post
- Ashoka uses to force to jump/climb her way to Anakin who is on his knees in front of Ezra
- Anakin is having a full on breakdown because he thinks that his child could never love him with all the pain he has caused 
- Ashoka just hugs Vader and he hugs back, Anakin just keep saying he is sorry and asking how anyone could love a monster like him
- Maul shows up and Vader grabs Ashoka and Ezra and they hop into his ty fighter
- Ezra is asking what is going on and Ashoka is kinda confused about why Anakin hasn’t let them both go (By this I mean he picked them up but once they got in the ty he still didn’t put them down)
- Vader says “Mine and Padme’s child lived, I didn’t kill them... Ezra I am your father” 
- Ashoka takes a closer look and yep can confirm Ezra looks like Padme’s and Anakin’s child in all the tiny detials
- Ezra is shocked and even more so when he finds out Vader can't live without his suit
- long story short Vader becomes Fulkrum (Kallus also become Fulkrum don't worry)
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