#he won't even force the few ppl who care about him to stay
mostlikelytofangirl · 10 months
I've read fic where JGY was abusive and found it in character. I don't think 'abusive' and 'not abusive' are two separate categories of people. Under the right circumstances, any person or character can exhibit abusive behaviors and, with a long enough time frame and no interventions, their relationship could certainly become abusive.
If the word 'abuse' seems so incompatible with our beloved villains, can we really say we love them as villains if we can't love and acknowledge their capacity for harm?
-Regular Anon
Oh hi there, anon! Nice to see you again :D. Sorry this took so long in getting answered, I've been having a case of Real Life(tm) recently orz.
Anyways, I'm guessing this is maybe apropos of this other ask? In any case, let me just go part by part starting with the last statement bc I actually agree there with you.
If we claim to like a character, there's really no point in ignoring key elements of their personality, right? If we like villains, we like them bc of the fucked up shit they do and how very sexy of them it was, not in spite of. That's why even when I can indulge myself in the occasional fic with a softer canon WRH (bc food be scarce and every treat is appreciated :'))), I don't fully subscribe to that bc that's just not how he is. Even in AUs there just has to be some of his og assholery or at least make the changes make sense.
But here's where my first caveat comes, and it's something I mentioned in my other reply too. The characters' circumstances.
Now, idk what kind of fic you read, and at the end of the day, if it works for you, that's totally cool! I just would have to assume that JGY's life still had some level of shittery to it, or he was going through someting bc really, this is the character that saved a perfect stranger in the middle of the war without any ulterior motive, nothing to offer, and risking his own safety just bc it was the right thing to do.
The entire point of MY/JGY is that he was "corrupted" by a society that left him with only two options: accept your fate as a bottom feeder, or cheat the system in whatever way you can bc you are always going to be inherently disadvantaged. And here's my second caveat:
JGY doesn't read like a villain to me. An antagonist, maybe, but an actual force of evil in complete oposition to the core values of the heroes and actively trying to hurt/stop them? Not really.
So it's not only that, but also the fact that he's a nurturing person at his core that lead me to disagree with the notion that he would be purposedly abusive towards another person unless there's very pressing circumstances that would make it so that his own well-being actually depends on somehow damaging this other individual.
Sorry, but I just don't see it working in any other way.
That being said, yes, you are right, interpersonal relationships are much more complicated than just abusers and victims (despite what some corners of tiktok and twt might say lol). As I also said in that other ask, at some point in our lives, we are all going to be the assholes and even the villains in someone else's story; we are going to hurt those close to use and we are going to make mistakes bc we are humans. But there's a difference between toxic behavior and being a toxic person. So while being a dick bc you had a bad day or bc there's no good communication going on can totally happen to everyone, that's not the same as intentionally hurting and manipulating someone in a systemic fashion fully designed to keep them trapped with you.
THAT is something ingrained in the person at hand, and while there's an entire conversation to be had about nature vs nurture, in JGY's particular case there has been no examples whatsoever in canon to even suggest that that's the direction his character skews towards. On the contrary, he has sacrificed his own desires and needs for those he cares about: being a model husband to QS and never taking a concubine, helping rebuilt Cloud Recesses and creating the watchtowers even if it was unpopular, going to NHS' aid whenever he called despite it being more work for him, never hurting Madam Jin in spite of how she did hurt him, etc. By the end even, pushing LXC away when the man had clearly accepted death with him.
Again, idk the details of the fic you are refering to, for all I know, it's an entire exploration of JGY spiralling down an even darker and more desperate place than in canon, and him becoming abusive towards someone bc, idk, that's the only way in which he can feel in power when his entire life depends on others is the whole point of the thing. And that's perfectly valid too!! What's fiction for if not to explore and go beyond??
I just felt like I should clarify that, while I agree on principle with the villain statement, I don't think it applies to JGY unless there are specific factors playing along, and if those are not met, I personally wouldn't find an abusive!JGY portrayal accurate or in-character.
But once again, that's just my position and I have my preferences and my biases like any other person.
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WHAT ON EARTH IS UP with the fandom and not understanding friendship bonds? First Wukong and Tripitaka, and now Wukong's relationship with the main gang (not counting Mk) is being seen as Wukong desperately trying to make friends with ppl who don't want to be his friend WHICH IS FALSE ON SO MANY LEVELS THAT IT'S ACTUALLY INSULTING.
I'm THIS close to trapping you all UNDER A MOUNTAIN.
Did Wukong make mistakes? Yes.
Sandy already saw Wukong as a goof friend since the beginning, he made that one clear ever since he fully believed Wukong wouldn't just randomly steal immortal peaches.
Amnesia rules was when Pigsy and Tang had their bonding episode with Wukong, and in the end of it Pigsy said that Wukong isn't a bad mentor for Mk after all and Tang even hugged the monkey with tears in his eyes when they brought back his memories. Sure Pigsy was still distrustful, especially with Wukong talking about the rings, but his comment on Wukong's mentorship hasn't changed.
Mei and Wukong had a rough start I'll give you that, and it's easy to understand why, but people are forgetting that SHE LITERALLY TOLD HIM THAT HE IS HURTING THE ONES THAT CARE ABOUT HIM MOST. KEYWORD, "CARE ABOUT HIM MOST". Meaning they care A HELLA ALOT ABOUT HIM.
Yes do they call him out sometimes on things? yes. Does that make them any less friends with him? NO, NOT ONE BIT. Being friends doesn't exempt someone from being free from their problems and mistakes, just because you are friends doesn't mean everything gets pushed under the rug. Being friends is knowing about these problems and mistakes, but choosing to stay anyway because you know they are a good person that can slip up sometimes like everyone else, AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THE GANG DOES WITH WUKONG.
Here's a funny lil teeny tiny thing that really makes this interesting is that- THEY LITERALLY WENT TOGETHER TO SAVE WUKONG FROM THE SCROLL. And do you wanna know what happened while they were IN the scroll? Together they established the fact that not only did the past gang see Wukong as a friend, with each giving him a shoulder pat of reassurance, but they also showed how they are not only part of the current current gang, but that the current gang backed up Wukong and stood by his side BECAUSE THEY ARE FRIENDS. And Wukong already has trust issues with making friends already because bro had past terrible relationships until the JTTW gang, and in that moment of reassurance from both his old friends and his new one's Wukong said "I won't let some curse bully me or my friend a second longer!" And that was the first time he really called them friends and they all worked together to stop the ink demon. The beautiful moment established the fact that they are all close friends.
And do you wanna know what sealed the deal on this? The big home run? At the end of the season 4 special, they all celebrated by having a beach party together, and do you know what they did right as Wukong showed? EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM GAVE HIM A SMILE, A GENUINE AND HAPPY SMILE.
Are they all perfect? No. Do they still have some things to work out? Yes. Are they all friends anyway? YES. Actually no, even more than that, THEY ARE *FAMILY*. Families and friendships aren't always going to be perfect, but that doesn't mean the friendship isn't there at all. The gang all sick together despite their flaws and few mistakes made not because they are forced too, but because THEY CARE ABOUT EACHOTHER AS FAMILY.
And THAT is what makes true friendship. That's how the current gang Wukong has befriended are ALL HIS BEST BUDS.
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kisilinramblings · 1 year
do you think derision officially killed any chance of a chloe redemption? additionally, what do you think of her development in s5?
(part 2 of tht chloe ask for derision). And this is also coming from someone who would've liked a redemption arc for her. I feel like ppl are mad that Chloe's abuse is being shown in a more serious light in how badly it affected Marinette to the point of triggering her, as if its not allowed to be shown when we were told but not shown, tht she was horrible to Marinette for years.
Chloé's character herself made it very clear to Adrien, to us and indirectly to Sabrina, that she doesn't want to change, didn't she not? And a character who refuses to change, won't change.
Chloé : What should I care about what Dupain-Cheng feels? Those of her kind are only there to entertain me. What's the point of having power if you cannot use it on those who don't have it?
S4-S5 is Chloé going back to square 1. Some may consider she is even worst than Chloé is S1, but I need to remind them of actions Chloé did take during the first season.
Origins? Chloé forced Marinette to sit elsewhere. Mocks Ivan and calls him a monster. Mocks also Alya who calls her out for her insensitiveness. Puts a gum on Marinette's seat to put her in her place.
Bubbler? Pushed Marinette aside.
Lady Wifi? Threaten the principal to get what she wanted. Same that she did with Soqueline.
Chronogirl? Take and inspect Alix's watch without authorization nor care.
Mr Pigeon? Plays the victim in front of Gabriel Agreste and says Marinette has copied her design.
Evillustrator? Mock Nathaniel's drawing in front of the class.
Rogercop? Make a comment about Marinette's family not being able to afford a bracelet like hers. Accuses Marinette for stealing said bracelet without proof.
Dark Cupid? Breaks Kim's heart along with not only taking of picture of the humiliating position he is in, but also shares it to the Internet.
Horrificator? Mocking Mylène for being scared to the point of making her cry and hide in the restrooms.
Dark Blade? Forced all other students to not even compete to be class representative. Was set to tarnish Marinette's reputation by learning the content of her diary and reveal it to everyone.
Kung Food? Sabotage Marinette's uncle's soup in a culinary competition.
Reflekta? Ensures that Juleka is not on the class picture so she can have her place next to Adrien. Also, spied and was ready to report Marinette's action to Mr. Damocles.
Pixelator? Mess with the class affected roles, putting Alya in charge of sorting thrash at the main dumpster and for Marinette to be a gofer who will run errands for others.
Princess Fragrance? Tears Rose's letter to prince Ali in front of her. Takes away Marinette's "plushie" and try to give it as a present to prince Ali.
Like, Chloé was clearly a Bully™ in S1. She may not have played bad pranks during S1 (aside the gum on the seat), but she mocked and humiliated other classmates many times and particularly aimed her attacks and comments at Marinette whenever she had a chance. However, unlike the previous years before, Marinette now had confidence to fight back and is not an easy target anymore. And the other classmates have also grown to not stay idle to Chloé's bullshit anymore (see Deflagration). And I wrote in previous post why Chloé is more frustrating and frustrated than ever.
Still, in light of Derision, it is even surprising that the class accepted Chloé to be even present such as during the student film project in Horrificator or the friendly competition between Alix and Kim. Though it is unclear of who invited her. I understand only a very few knew about the prank at the pool, but the cockroaches and other torments Chloé inflicted to Marinette was known. And tbh, while Thomas and Sébastien were there from the beginning as Show Creator and Writing Director respectfully, it is not unbelievable they themselves didn't have a clear idea of the extent of Chloé's bullying then. Even they maybe didn't yet figured what Chloé could be capable of while working on S1. But that is fan speculation. I'm not behind the scenes. At any case, I'm thorned between "part of this episode should have been brought up earlier" yet loving the timing of the discussion between Marinette and Adrien at the end about trauma and healing and the fact they can still date and take the time and it goes so well with the relationship stage they currently are in as it happened during the episode of their first official date.
Anyway, I too was open for Chloé to change slowly by the end of S2 and eventually admit that she was wrong of treating Marinette and the other classmates like dirt, but during S3, I've realized that unlike all them, Chloé was heading in a different direction. Realizing how much of a warning flag Despair Bear was. During S2-S3, Chloé accepted to mellow down and do the minimum required, but only if there was a reward for her at the end. The Bee Miraculous was her sole motivation to be decent. And that only carries on for the time it would last AKA as long as the reward is there and was satisfying. And when Chloé permanently loses her access to the Bee Miraculous, I've written before S4 how it would not be the rock bottom for her yet. That is was just the beginning of the end for her.
Chloé, as a character, is motivated since S1 by status which she associates with power. Since Chloé cannot be a superhero anymore and blames and hates Ladybug for it, I'm interpretating that her character is now more than ever clinging to elite and privileged club she grew up in thanks to her parents as it is still in her reach. She fully embraces the rules and mentality of this privileged elite club.
Still, if you are looking for a character's redemption, Sabrina is starting to engage herself in that trail. She assisted in a lot of Chloé's mischiefs in the past and still is putting with all the crap she still gets in this toxic relationship but it feels like this is about to change. Right now, Sabrina is only in the self-reflection stage, but it is a first step. She obviously didn't like Chloé's answer at the end of Derision. In Perfection, you see that Sabrina is affected upon hearing Chloé said that her best friend position is going to Lila. At least, I think it is worth to keep an eye on Sabrina this season.
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house-of-mirrors · 2 years
Hello! What’s a question about your ocs you wish you got asked more often? aka here’s your excuse to talk about the lore not a lot of ppl ask about! :D
Hi there! I didn't forget about this, I just had to figure out what I wanted to talk about. Tonight, I'm thinking about the dynamic between Samuel and Orsinio, specifically how Samuel is the World's Best Dad.
(Honestly, I think my FL OC design peaked with retired adventure protagonist who now acts as a father figure to the current protagonists while having wacky B-plots. Samuel meets a chaotic young friend, asks "Is anyone gonna adopt them," and doesn't wait for an answer)
I didn't intend for this to get so long, but I am nothing if not verbose. Spoilers for Nemesis under the cut
Samuel is a steady force through challenging times. He's seen it all so can rarely be fazed, and he has the demeanor of someone that anyone can talk to and feel safe with. He is, after all, a bartender. There's no therapy in the Neath, but there is Samuel. Throughout Nemesis, Orsinio is in poor physical and mental health and confides his anxieties in Samuel and no one else. It isn't that he doesn't trust his other friends, but some things, you need a mentor figure for help with.
I have a fic that includes a part of Samuel fussing over him after the Missing Month. Later, a few days after the part with Cardinal's Honey, Orsinio comes to the bar with a bad cough. It was no weak poison. He insists he's fine and doesn't have time to rest, he has much scheming to do, but Samuel won't drop the subject. Samuel contacts his other friends and they have something of an intervention, insisting Orsinio slow down before he gives himself pneumonia. Orsinio agrees that he's been reckless and spends some time on bedrest. Samuel brings lots of soup.
In the immediate aftermath of Nemesis, Orsinio is riddled with guilt for how dark he feels he went, as well as crushed by a wave of grief he can no longer ignore with his mission complete. An itching in his mind calls him to return to Avid Horizon, feeding off his regrets. He's not winning. Samuel tells him to be easier on himself for perceived failings because he wouldn't be so harsh to someone else. Some of the things that plague him are nothing more than bad dreams, and he shouldn't dwell on them. Once, Samuel finds Orsinio sitting next to a well, at his wit's end because he can't make the voice be quiet. Samuel gets him something to eat and walks him home, bringing him down from the ledge. He pulls himself together after this, coming to terms with what Is and finding healthier outlets for processing emotions. The railway proves a nice distraction.
Then comes the narrative arc with Orsinio and Miles opposing each other, Orsinio trying to stop Miles from seeking and Miles intent on breaking him (Clown on Clown violence, I can fix him I can make him worse etc). Samuel remains a solid rock for Orsinio to lean on, even as he isolates himself from the rest of his friends (mail fraud constitutes 75% of the angst in this arc). Samuel doesn't judge no matter how rough things get, he only supports. When Orsinio disappears after a final fight with Miles, Samuel worries about where he might have gone, but when he learns he's in the Royal Beth, he visits immediately. This is one of the key steps in Orsinio recovering: remembering he has friends who care for him despite how much of a mess he's been. In the recovery process, Orsinio still struggles with strong paranoia and spends a few weeks staying at Samuel's place with friends, where he feels safest.
Most recently in their arc: I have not been a fan at all of Evolution but I did imagine Samuel and Orsinio doing it/zeefarer update storylines together. Initially, I imagined that Samuel and Orsinio would butt heads a bit over differing leadership: Samuel can be stubborn, and Orsinio has to earn back trust after succumbing to The Horrors. When the content took a sharp dive into Disturbing, however, that all changed. Orsinio willingly lets Samuel take charge, representing character development that he is asking for help and allowing others in. Samuel goes into full protective Dad mode, doing his best to shield Orsinio from the worst of it in the most recent chapter (big oof). Both of them are rattled, and when they return from zee, they spend a few days together.
In conclusion: Sammy, you're the best dad Sammy
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the-amalgam-house · 2 years
Very sleepy but want to share before I forget. System update stuff.
There's a lot of change happening all at once in the inner world and with a few of the roommates. Don't know if I'm awake enough to properly explain but anyway.
Greyson and I have been far more blendy lately. We had a talk or two about not knowing one's purpose or place in the world and having been forced into unwanted roles and stuff. He's been going through Some Shit mentally and I told him whatever he needs to do, rest for a long time, travel around the Nexus, whatever he can do it. There's no obligations here and plenty of other ppl to help out and he deserves to have a break and be the one being taken care of for a change. I think he wants to experience more of the outer world as well, which is prob why we're so blendy all the time now. He's also getting into upgraded/alternate prosthetics for his legs lately which is pretty cool.
ilo is slowly but surely discovering who she wants to be. She's becoming more elven and more magical and more corporeal, like a slow reincarnation?? Or something like that. She still doesn't want to front but is also slightly warming up to the idea of interacting with the outer world again I think? But milo isn't having it for sure, and since they occupy the same space it's causing a bit of internal conflict. They just want to take care of each other tbh, which is valid.
Noey still hasn't changed in age in a very long time. I don't know if it bothers her or not, she won't really say, but she has been far more talkative than she used to be at her older age. I'm too tired for it rn and would fall asleep in the middle of the convo but reminder to myself to have a chat with her if she's willing.
Oracle has been quiet for a long while. Not to the point of dormancy, I can still sense it around, but it's been very distant and almost solely lives in the tower now. It spends its time looking at the stars as often as possible and I have no idea what it's thinking or what it wants. It also occasionally uses she pronouns when it's feeling a more humanoid corporeal form? I think it's also trying to find and understand itself.
Idric, Frelly, and Belly all seem to be the only unchanging people right now. They seem to be content in themselves atm and I'm glad for that. Feels like even just a small bit of stability. They mostly ask just do their own thing, Belly the only one that stays in the house really cause he's a very small child.
I'm not entirely sure still about what some parts are and aren't, like if they're separate entities from me like my roommates or simply a personified piece directly of me but... Ten has definitely started to feel like a separate entity, and idk if that's cause I did that on purpose to sort of compartmentalize my own self judgement and hatred, or if they've always been there as the persistent negative voice that constantly nags on me since I can remember. Maybe some kind of fragment, not a full on alter? If that makes any sense at all. It does make it a little easier to pull out of negativity spirals to face a separate entity to blame and tell them to shut the fuck up. Kinda like when I actually verbally tell my intrusive thoughts to leave, tho the intrusive thoughts and the self degradation feel like two separate parts themselves.
Bleh bleh bleh all of this is a lot to deal with and I'm too tired to do so right now. Maybe later.
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madchild-dennis · 2 years
Once reminded, or have to sleep and God brings it back up (cause I could care LESS), I am going to cry. Why? Not because of love. THE FUCK NOT. It's the fuckery that came and will come with it because
Like I said BELOW:
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or do anything specific for him
I choose to STOP speaking in tongs nor PRAY in the spirit because right after, God also redirect the source/solution is FUCKING RAHEEM. SO NO. Not even the our father prayer. I was told to pray it a few weeks ago and guess what, God took it as praying in the spirit and once again direct it back to that BITCH.
I started to write a whole post about it and stopped:
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for almost 2 FUCKING YEARS I've:
been hunted
attacked by many (including him and his fucking mother as well)
called mentally ill
bullied by his gf's ppl
nearly raped
probed, medicated and injected
For some promises that include him. I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THAT GOD IS STILL SAYING HIM.
No one understand, no one cares.
Even the person couldn't believe that it was me and my story God led her to be in a spiritual warfare for. I had to be digging up old messages and shit to show that the girl name is Samantha,. The name God led her to as the source of the witchcraft. As you can see below:
(I don't care if she's clout chasing. I could care less about her actually)
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Someone said when I showed her profile that she's, fat, ugly or sour. I don't watch people's weight nor care about that. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I've never been near her to know if she smells.
I just know we are NOT the same in the simple fact of confidence, charisma, I know how to PROPERLY HANDLE MY SHIT, and the simple fact that I DO NOT CARE. I do NOT CARE what others think of me or how I do things.
In fact I do NOT paint myself as some woman of God. I actually a very tortured woman who feels is WRONGED BY A LYING GOD, but giving him a chance to prove 'him'self.
BUT SHE prides herself in that identity, even IF she dabbles in witch craft (obeah/tying). Which is where God has this unquenchable anger towards her and WILL DESTROY HER AND HER WHOLE FAMILY FOR IT. Especially because it's forcing someone to be with her from her CLEAR obsession, her family's choice to encourage or fuel it, the LIES and trying to hurt/harm/kill me.
You don't have to believe me. Nor the fact that this woman who say she was led by the Holy spirit to speak in tongue, free someone from the demonic ties and heard God say her name. (She doesn't want to make a video with me out of fear of loosing her job. Which is whatever people will still choose NOT to believe even with a video)
Force, convince or do anything to get someone to be with me or stay with me.
I work by this rule: If I have to force theme, to be with me, I will have to keep doing it to keep them. I don't have the time nor energy to do that, PLUS THAT"S SELF-HATE. I LOVE MYSELF TOO MUCH to do that shit. So I will choose to be with someone who wants to freely be with me, and LOVES me like or better than I love me.
THAT BITCH CHOSE AND CONTINUE TO Choose. I DO NOT CARE if he was witch crafted.
That weak ass afraid bitch won't do shit. The same person who did the spiritual warfare said, if he wants to be free, HE HAS TO CHOOSE IT. HE HAS TO FIGHT IT.
Thats why I won't fight or do shit for him.
Till then, that bitch can nyam shit with his bitch.
MY ANGER IS WITH GOD and what He's going to keep doing behind my back.
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bluecookies02 · 4 years
Dom!Twice x Reader
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summary: Jin and you bumped into each other khm, the attraction evident coming from both sides. Despite you being a hero you can't resist him and you end up together in a hotel room.
->While this wasn't a previously discussed dynamic, Twice is just being rough but its consensual nonetheless. Take care of your Doms/Partners on each occasion, even while having one night stands, someone might need you💕
⚠️warnings⚠️ : voyeurism (two people watching and jacking off /it's a dirty hotel room why r u surprised), degradation, spanking, facefuck, female eating out a male, threesome (with a clone), rough to gentle (twice is a sweetheart and needs to be loved), unprotected sex/creampie.
A/N: this was a paid 6k word commission however for a male!reader (during a blm protest) and much more filthy and taboo but taking from the messages and triggered ppl in my asks and on wattpad, some ppl aren't comfortable with extreme topics so i won't be posting the full story (fuck it i added Jin sucking a guy off... i had to) because the "hate" I get makes me rly insecure about some kinks. Also Jin sucks a guys dick here. Be warned. It's wholesome tho.Kinda.
edit:male version here-> http://www.archiveofourown.org/works/25896667?view_adult=true
Sry for the long intro, enjoy.
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
You've been strolling down the streets in hopes of getting back home before the curfew, not having the strength or the luxury to get caught by the cops.
Moving through familiar streets, you found yourself wondering off to today's events, the protests thankfully not becoming too dangerous and hazardous, making your heart flush in small victory.
Your attention was snapped back to reality as you heard a familiar gagging sound, and a loud, angry groan followed after it. Your eyes darted to the source of the filthy sounds, gulping once you managed to make out two bodies in the dark. A blonde-haired man choking on a fat black cock as what's supposedly spurts of cum coated his throat. The semen slowly spilled down the blonde’s lips and the tall man above him pulled the blonde up by his hair. The black man dipped his finger into the blonde’s mouth and glided it on his tongue, smearing the sticky liquid before connecting their lips before disappearing around the block.
His hooded eyes turned to look at you, a satisfied smirk forming on his lips.
Gulping down the cum down his throat, he wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand before slowly walking to your frozen form.
He reached for your hand, smiling brightly before introducing himself to you.
"Name's Jin, It's really nice to meet you," he said, looking you up and down, tongue swiping along his bottom lip.
"Y/N, I'm sorry for interrupting" a chuckle left his lips as he shook your hand.
"Oh none of that, I should be thanking you, it tripled my fun..you here for the protests, right?" you nod, your hand falling back down.
"I am. You support them?"
"In my own way apparently, now let's go, we have 5 minutes, I know a hotel nearby" he rushed out, motioning for you to follow.
You stared in confusion before realization hit you, quickly checking the time before rushing off to catch up with him.
He fumbled with his wallet, going to the register and dumping a few crumbled bills on the counter.
The hotel was dirty and smelly, the furniture in the waiting hall dusty and probably washed a decade ago.
"You can wait here until we prepare the room, with this money, you leave at 6 am sharp." the guy behind the counter rang for the staff, sending them off to unlock the room and change the sheets( at least that will be clean )
Jin and you sat on the dusty couch, him already familiar and comfortable, spreading his legs and laying back.
He fumbled with his lighter and the pack of cigarettes from his pocket.
The crappy hotel was full of people rushing in and out of their rooms, borrowing/stealing stuff from one another, and when you took note of it, it looked more like a homeless shelter.
You wondered how many times did he stay in here, maybe even lived here.
"So...you don't like heroes huh?"
"Pft, I resent all people equally...though I make exceptions for those with a fat ass" he mumbled, straining his neck to look you up.
"And you pass the requirements" he laid back down, choking out the cigarette on the couch.
The maid came back shortly, giving you a key and directing you to a room on one of the top floors.
You pressed the elevator button, Jin following you suit as he stood close to you.
You turned your eyes to the numbers on the elevator suddenly interested in the worn-out digits on the metal buttons.
"You know, now that you're standing in this light, you look tasty all over..." his hot breath ghosted over your neck, his arm slipping down to clutch at your hip, pulling you against him.
"And you're so small I could eat you all up...push you down and pound into that fat pussy of yours."
his hand moved lower, grabbing a handful of your cheeks and kneading them in his palms.
You made no move to stop the man, the thought of the elevator opening as he was about to slip his hand in your pants made you swallow a lump in your throat, your cunt throbbing as you imagined the look on whoever was unlucky enough to stumble upon the two of you.
"You look so committed to your little acts of bravery, let's see how committed you are to sucking a cock" the elevator door opened, the floor you reached empty.
His hand tangled in your locks, pushing you out into the hall and forcing you to your knees.
His musky scent filled your nostrils as he pushed you against his clothed bulge, rubbing your face against a wet spot damping his sweats.
"I'm not gonna teach you how to do it, it's not gonna bite" he snarled, watching the way your hand reached up to pull at his sweatpants.
"That's a smart girl, go ahead" he hummed in approval, his hips jerking forward as you grabbed the front of his sweats, tugging the material along with his boxers.
His length hooked on his clothes, snapping up with a quiet "pop" sound as you finally had the opportunity to see it in all its glory.
From the way his cock bulged in his restraints a second ago, you were already drooling at the imagination of it, the situation you were in also adding to your excitement, thinking if some weird lowlife creep could be watching the two of you from the dark.
You gave a teasing pump, your fist tightening around his shaft as he bucked his hips into your hand.
This man was definitely packing, your thighs clenching at the thought of it plowing in and out of your throat.
He watched you carefully, adoring the way your eyes glistened in hunger. Reaching a hand to hold it around your own that was wrapped at the base of
his cock, he guided his member along your lips, his other hand still keeping your head in place.
His wet cock prodded at your lips, your willing mouth stretching around him as he slowly pushed in all the way, your nose mushing against his navel as he removed both hands from his shaft.
You gagged around him, the urge to cough burning in your chest before he pushed you off to the tip.
Spit piled up in your mouth, slicking up his arousal, making it easier to slip right back in. Your nails dug in his hips, holding onto him as he rocked shallow thrust into your constricting throat. You tried your best to loll your tongue out, gliding it against the ridges of his member making him hum in pleasure. You began bobbing your head on your own, timing it with his thrusts as you tried to hold your breath in for a bit longer.
He pulled you off his cock completely, letting you catch a quick puff of air before sinking back in, continuing his assault on your mouth.
You slurped around him, a mess dripping down your lips and onto the floor as your spit dripped over his balls.
"That's a good cocksleeve...you really want someone to catch us huh...if you don't I advise you to try and keep the slurping down" he warned, rocking into you with more speed.
You only got louder, purposefully gagging and moaning as he fucked your face.
His thrusts were now timed and fast, each time almost pulling out before slamming back in, giving you hardly a second to time your breaths.
He smirked, biting his lip as he watched you gasp for air each time he blessed you with an opportunity.
His pubes were messy and long, tickling your nose as you closed your eyes, trying to focus on not losing too much air, already imagining his heavy taste on your tongue.
Your jaw ached and your throat was starting to go numb, begging in your head for him to cum already.
You whimpered and whined as he squeezed your cheeks around his cock, the additional friction of his fingers dipping into your flesh and rubbing against his member making him throw his head back.
"That's it, that's a good little slut...come one swallow around my cock, I want to feel you clench around it"
You did as you were told, gulping down around him, drinking in his sour precum and strings of heavy saliva.
You spread your knees, sinking lower, your aching pussy rubbing against the dirty hotel carpet, still fully covered by your pants.
"Oh, you get off on this too much you filthy shit...who knows who stepped foot on that disgusting rug..."
he all but whispered, finally stilling your head flush into his pubes, the veins on his cock twitching before warm liquid slid into the back of your throat, making you gush and cough around his length, him not pulling out until his cock stopped throbbing, only pushing deeper against you as you struggled to stay still.
Finally, he realizes his grip from your locks, letting you detach from his cock with a disgusting mix of a gag and groan. He cupped your chin with his palm, collecting anything that escaped your mouth and pushing in right back in, watching it dance on your tongue as he kept your mouth open.
"Really...I give you my cum and you have the guts to spit it out...what a shame." he roared, collecting some spit in his mouth before adding it to the mix in your own.
"Swallow." And you did, your sore throat hurting from the large gulp you took in.
"I'm gonna fuck you real good...you seem to like that carpet a lot..." he hooked his arms around you, spinning you and then throwing you face-first into the floor.
Your pants and panties are pulled down to your knees, your legs tied together as you brace yourself on your elbows.
"What, Jin? Is my pussy that-" you're tumbling forwards on your cheeks, the rug burning your chin as Twice slaps your ass.
"I don't like it when you talk, toys don't talk" with that he spat at your hole, prodding two of his fingers making your scream in pain, feeling like losing consciousness before coming back to your senses once you feel a weight on your face.
Jin's foot is pressing you down on the floor, his dirty boot mushing your face as he fingers you.
What you don't see is the two dudes on the far end of the hall watching the way your squirm for his cock.
Jin takes note of them, sending them a threatening but a teasing look, purposefully pushing his knuckles deep in your cunt. Your groan out, rutting your hips in his hold as you beg for him to give you more, finally used to the sudden stretch.
"Oh they sure are jealous of me don't ya think?" you struggled to snap your head back and see who he's talking about, the heel of his shoes pushing even harder against your skull. You grind your ass back, giving it a meaningful wiggle to show off to whoever he's talking about.
"C'mon Jin, don't let them wait, they'll think you don't know how to actually fuck" your cunt is filled with one well snap of his hips, not letting you comprehend how fast his fingers left your body or how fast was his hand now wrapped around your neck, both of his knees now settled between your thighs, pushing them further apart so your back arches down, your pants thrown off of your ankles somewhere around the hall.
You hiss at the roughness of his thrusts as you feel a hand covering your mouth.
"As much as I want to hear you scream and beg, you have too much of a bratty mouth to be left alone".  One of his fingers dipped between your lips, letting you bite down on it as he pounded into you, his face never leaving the two intruders as he watched them rub their cocks over their pants.
They don't have the guts. They could never make you feel so good and wanted. They wouldn't know what to do if a delicious pussy like yours hit them in the face.
Both of his hands are on your head as he plows in and out of you, his hips slapping against your thighs, making perfect leverage to bounce against you.
You're trying your best to keep up, your arm reaching beneath youto flick at your clit.
Jin's kinda lost in the way your hips bounce, losing himself in the rhythm as you hear him mumbling incoherent words into his chin.
You don't have the time to pay attention to it, too lost in the way your pussy is being stretched and used.
You heard a snicker from the far end of the hall, a line of disgusting remarks as they whispered about recognizing Jin from the news, apparently "recognizing his disgusting stitched up forehead" comparing him to Frankenstein and other monstrous creatures.
You knew they were just boiling with jealousy, unable to get any as they were left to only masturbate as the two of you literally couldn't wait to enter your room that was only a few meters away.
"Oh I'm fucking you so good, you look really pretty with my cock in your cunt" "I'm so fucking disgusting, they should lock me up and leave me to rot"
He's not looking at those creeps anymore, his mind struggling as his hold on you loosens.
His thrusts are slowing down, your knees trembling as you have to come back down from the intense pace from seconds ago.
You pick yourself up, looking at Jin as he hides his head into his hand.
This must've been what he thought about when he talked about people not helping him fight his fights, judging and mocking even in these absurd situations, not even letting the man fuck in peace.
You reached for his hand, him flinching on instinct when your fingers tangle with his.
His eyes hold panic in them, aimlessly looking around as he bites his lip in order to stop words coming from his mouth.
While you loved being manhandled, what you loved even more is making people feel safe, so you wasted no time in picking up the keys and your clothes, sending a wink at those jerks as you pulled Jim into the room.
"My face, cover my face...it's gonna-" you closed the door behind you, sitting Jin onto the bed as you tried to see what's going on with him.
You sat yourself on his lower belly, leaning down to cup his face in your hands, leaning your forehead against his.
"Sorry handsome, but if anyone stormed in and saw me putting a pillowcase over your face, I don't think they would hold back on calling the cops..."
His eyes struggled to stay closed, his breaths deep and pained. You didn't know this man for long, but there was something really fucked up going on with his head. Your lips caught his, pushing your tongue in his mouth as you wrapped your legs around his back.
"That's good, you're a really tough guy c'mon...open your eyes for me." He did, his pupils trying to adjust to the pitch-black room.
"I know I might be butt ass naked and you literally have your cock out, but I'm willing to listen "
And you do...listening to him remble out all of the self-hatred he feels, degrading himself as he struggles to make sense of the biased sentences pouring out of his mouth.
"I'm only good for a quick fuck, that's the only thing I can somewhat do right" while indeed you really looked forward to getting your guts rearranged, you found yourself involved in this man, deciding to be the first person to show him kindness and passion.
You made him lay on his back, seating yourself between his legs as he covered his face with a pillow, his ramblings never coming to a stop.
"Hey...You're not gonna split, see... I'm right here" you said reaching your arms to place on each side of his hips.
"Have you ever tried doing something that feels good for you...apart from literally fucking my throat...but you know...letting someone treat you?” you asked, kissing along his chest as you awaited his response.
He shook his head no, head poking over the pillow, his mind focusing on your moves.
You nodded, leaving light kisses along his salty skin.
"The reason those assholes kept talking must've been because they were jealous of your ass, I'm sure of it" you stated matter of factly before dipping your head to kiss at his thighs.
"I don't think that's-" "Fuck yeah, I'd eat it myself if I had the chance" you chuckled at his response, wrapping your hand around his length as you dipped your tongue down his balls.
"Yeah...I'll have to agree with the second one...everyone would, if given the chance, how convenient" your wet tongue prodded at his hole, dipping in only slightly before coming back up to his cock, licking up a heavy strip along his veins as you heard him swallow.
You slammed your face back into his ass, moving your hands from spreading his cheeks further apart to grabbing his hips as you pulled yourself into him. Sticking your tongue out you began licking up and down his hole as you continued to grind your face against his backside, reveling in the smell and taste of it.
"Yeah, lick that ass you whore, you take it so well..." his hand covered his mouth in surprise, eyes wide as you looked up.
You were breathing in deep, licking hungrily, everywhere, every inch of his exposed puckered skin, your hand now giving lazy strokes to his cock.
You close your eyes, enjoying the rhythm his body swayed in against you, all but riding your face as he struggled not to speak.
You continue applying pressure with your tongue, getting deeper, centimeter by centimeter. As you are applying pressure with your tongue you press your lips around his ass and make open-mouthed kissing motions, effectively massaging the area around his hole with your full lips.
The pleasure he felt made him feel all that more guilty, eyes squinting as he tried to think.
Maybe he could do it, he's just gonna make one... He won't get lost...he knows who he is...you know who the real Jin is, you have to know.
You feel a light push at your hole, struggling to look back as Jin's hand keeps you squashed against his hairy hole.
"Clones, I make clones" he tries to explain in a hurry, his head buzzing up again once you hum against his crack.
"Ooh that's a pretty little hole, you sure that's for me boss?" a voice quite similar to Jin's sound from being you, rubbing the tip of his flush cock against you.
As Jin doesn't respond, your balance is interrupted, your face suffocating between his thighs.
"Oh she's so tight boss, you sure you don't want some of this?" the clone asks mockingly, his hips snapping forwards with great force, each thrust feeling like a completely new one as he pulls all the way out, making irregular pauses to keep you guessing about when will you get his cock again.
You try to snicker a bratty remark but you don't manage to detach from Jin as the clone begins to shove his heavy cock in and out of you.
"Disgusting little cunt do you have here...it's making a mess of my pretty cock...how filthy" he scolds, his palm meeting with your flesh, stinging sensation burning up through your body.
One of your fingers slips pass your tongue, making Jin's soft walls twitch as you pump the digit slowly.
"Damn boss, you let her play you like that?" the clone mocks, grinding your ass against his dick.
Jin doesn't respond as you push more fingers in, stretching him open as you bounce against the clones cock, your clit pink and puffy since you still didn't get to cum.
Jin's close, his breath hitching in his throat as you abuse the soft patch of flesh in his ass, your tongue still silking up the fingers plowing into him.
Your hand speeds up on his cock, small pumps focusing on his tip as you urge for him to release.
His clone is now still inside you as he looks at Jin, smirking once he sees him spurting ropes of cum into your hand, white liquid pooling in your fist as you continue to stroke him, your fingers pressed snuggly in his hole.
Jin takes a moment to catch his breath, his copy waiting for his orders as he takes your hands away from him.
He finds his place beside you, reaching his hand to flick at your clit.
The clone sets a brutal pace, Jin's palm securing against your clit as you rut into it.
"Yeah, make me cum, make me cream all over, c'mon" you spur them on, fisting the sheets as the bed creeks from the three of you.
Jin watches in aww as you lose yourself on the clone's cock, violently meeting the thrusts and chasing Jin's fingers.
"Good slut, you're gonna cum when I fill up your ass c'mon"
The clone goes feral, his hands kneading and digging into your fat, groaning and praising the way your ass sucks him up, his thrusts sloppy and uneven as he chases his release.
Just as the first wave of warm liquid fills your pussy up, you're clenching down on his cock, Jin's hand flicking in a hurry as he stares at your blessed out face. Your hips are jerking and trashing as the final throb of your cunt ruins the sheets, the clones cock slipping out to stare at your contracting hole, the soft flesh spasming around nothing.
Jin eventually lays down, pulling your body next to his as the clone leaves, rubbing your back in soothing circles.
"I...thanks" he whispers in your hair, reaching for the covers as he drapes them over both of you.
He'll be seeing you again.
i remember telling someone i won't be doing twice soon but...commission is a commission and the idea also caught my attention
commission:open (1 slot)
Ko-fi link is in my bio💕
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