#he wnsts me bad
hyeinism · 4 months
he wants me bad lol
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b0mblover · 8 months
… or maybe the god’s just stupid.
By: J
(Basically lopt eats tissues and jirou gets drunk)
(idea creds to sho_variable, thank you for the idea bae /p)
(do not eat tissues it can cause issues with digesting) 
today was a rather lively day, after noriko chased him for drinking her nail polish, jirou attempting to calm her down, her in turn punching jirou, him having a panic attack, etc etc. He was rather tired, as much as he liked the feeling, it could be overwhelming, Jirou had been going out with crown for the past several days, he almost was hoping that jirou would stay home so he could bum a smoke off him, ironically for a god, he was mostly broke, and sure he could get a job like a normal person, wheres the fun in that? Jirou did end up going out with crown, to lopts disappointment. He usually would just steal, however the events of today mixed with the fact that jirou would very muchly notice, Jirou would probably have a breakdown, still being very muchly overstimulated, it wasnt the best idea. He decied to just wait until he got back, sitting in his room looking around at anything he could fiddle with, he seen a box of tissues, odd for a god that doesnt cry.
ironically, he did know what they were,  however, his impulsive thoughts got the best of him, or at least what little left there was. He pulled one out of the box, ripped a piece off, and stuck it in his mouth. He thought it didnt taste that bad, ironically out of all the things he ate that he shouldntve, this didnt hurt. He continued pulling pieces off and eating them, until there was nothing left, since it didnt hurt, he decided to eat another, and another, until he had ate 5. it took him around 30 minutes, ripping small pieces off like he was doing wasnt that efficient, before realizing what he was doing and stopped. He got bored of waiting so he decided to lay down and try to sleep, sure he didnt really need to, but it would pass time. Laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, he thought about the past week and how weird it was, first he ate “plates” which are very muchly not supposed to be consumed, then he drank nail polish and nail polish remover, even worse, and now hes ate tissues, sure tissues shouldnt (at least to his knowledge) do much harm to him, but it was still weird. People would probably laugh at him, gods, thinking about it, Noriko and Jirou never laughed at him for it, yet at least, they were concerned, worried, that wasnt something he was used to. If he had anymore tears left to cry from over the past centuries, he would. Not wanting to get emotional, or rather be embarrassed, he decided to grab his phone and listen to music, or something, anything? He just wanted to stop thinking about how people treated him in general, after 7 minutes and desperate attempts of trying to not get out of bed to check, he found his phone, on the otherside of his room, he didnt know how it got there, probably something to do with noriko. He noticrd several messages from “My lovable idiot (02), Jirou, 
(note, 01 is mason bc why not) 
“Auhhgf bae i miss u soonc much” 
“hey do yoh think oti could pick me up”
“wait nevemond”
“ushebd hey do u wnst me to come hone?”
lopt was rather confused at the messages, sure jirou never typed well, but he did make some attempt at making things readable, before figuring out that he was more than likey drunk. He kept reading
“foeskwaa yk i love hoj rivtn?”
“becaus i do lien wlot”
lopt mentally had to repeat what jirou was saying.
“augh bae i miss you so much, hey do you think you could pick me up, wait nevermind, uhgh hey do you want me to come home? auhwaa you know i love you right? because i do like alot” 
he sent a reply, “are you alright? i can come pick you up did something happen?” he waited for some odd time before sitting on the edge of his mattress, “mmhgbfnf nktbing happendd i miss you and in dont drle hood” lopt being a fucking master at translating idiots and drunk idiots, repeated “nothing happened i miss you and i dont feel good” mentally skimming through proper responses, he responded with “why dont you feel good love? and yes of course i can come pick you up” 
(look lopt def writes in a weird proper way dont deny it its either absolutely shit or extremly proper)
“mmsbxn plewsse?” “of course” he contemplated adding a heart but ultimately decided to not. 
He got into “his” car, more or lessly the car everyone used in the revolutionary army (REVARMY CAR REVARMY CAR) he had a good idea as to where jirou was, 3 spots, one. crowns “house” two. bar around a couple of blocks. three. old abandoned building they used to do meetings in. He checked crowns place first, knocking on the door, he waited about 5 minutes before leaving, next going to the abandon building, it was unlikey they went to a bar, they only did that in special occasions, and when something awful happened to numb the pain. he went into the first level of it, and seen jirou sitting on the ground with crown standing half hunched down, patting his head. Jirou stood up, mumbling his good bye to crown and waving, the car ride home was quite, hed ask tomorrow. They both walked into the dark apartment, Jirou immediately getting water out of the tap and some random fruit to eat, it was for the best if he was drunk. Lopt kissed him on the forehead and told him that he loved him, Jirou said the same before walking off to his room. Lopt decided to properly sleep finally, hed live without a smoke for another day.
The next morning, well rather noon, jirou was vaguely awake and talking to noriko about what happened yesterday, apologizing and things, “so how was your day?” noriko asked directing it at lopt, “well uh, i found out that tissues taste pretty good!” he said semi excitedly, Noriko and Jirou sat in shock, “Lopt you… what? why would you even” Jirou started in, Lopt didnt believe he was ever going to get a break.
(this was the worst ive wrote yet im sorry, but theres no real way to stretch lopt eating tissue out that long, or maybe there is idk i might try again someday, as per disclaimer, do not eat tissue, it can lead to intestinal blockage.) 
(im genuinely sorry for how poor this is, im not exaclty focused at the moment, but honestly i cant think of a better way to do this so!) 
(god im so tired, like sleepy, not tired of anyone or smth, i woke up way too early for my own liking)
(this is almost the last one! next will be about lopt eating tic tacs 💀)
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lamonnaie · 11 months
hi!! gmmtv anon again ✨. i’m sorry for disappearing but real life was kicking my ass
the amount of fanmeets a lot of them do in general is insane. i do understand that this is how the company and the actors make a lot of their money, but come on they are overdoing it at this point. they are actors after all and not idols even tho p’tha called them “idols” 🗡️🗡️🗡️
i remember gem saying that he will have two shows next year, but idk if they will pair him up with a girl for the second one or if it will be another show with fourth. tbh before part 1 aired i was so sure they were gonna give winnysatang their own show with gemfourth as a side couple plus their own show as mains lol
i might check out some of joong’s scenes, but since it’s focused on the girls those scenes will very likely always involve film in one way or another. ugh it’s so annoying 😩
oh speaking of joong, a fan asked him at a fansign if he will have a show with dunk next year and he was like “no <3. Or maybe?” (https://x.com/allaboutnia_jd/status/1716433598008684595?s=46). i know they can’t spoil anything but this made me want to fight him hahahahah
so true! i’m glad we got a lot of new faces and that they’re actually giving them lead roles!!! you go gmmtv!!!
yeah mark was doing the most this year, and i love that for us and because i do5 think i would ever get tired of seeing his face. i’m still a bit sad about him having to drop out of cooking crush because getting more of neomark would’ve been epic. but it was also understandable because he had OF promo and shooting for last twilight going on at the same time. anyways, i do hope he will get offered more serious and maybe even lead roles now that he’s established himself an actor who can do more than just play the comic relief.
i’m praying for part 2 having even better shows than part 1 and pls it would be so funny if they gave taynew and offgun another show 😭😭😭
Hii!! :) Don't worry about it anon, no pressure at all to reply, life happens sometimes <3
nah the idol thing is so funny actually 😭😭 like some of these people are amazing actors, but extremely mediocre singers/dancers/etc at best hajskdj. i swear as soon as someone is even slightly marketable, off they go. i remember there were a couple markford intl fanmeets, even though i dont think they're gonna pair up again for a show
I definitely was expecting a het show for one or both of gem4th, but since the lineup's in 2 parts, it would make sense to save that for the 2nd installment (can already see the delulu fans not being too keen on it... gemini hung out with bimbeam recently and some people on twitter were.. yeah 😬) hopefully we get my love mix up soon after to kinda calm that 😂 (and then i'm completely wrong and we get another gem4th show 👀 i wouldn't be opposed either)
and another gem4th wnst show sounds so cute actually !!! i was honestly expecting a wnst leads show (not an ensemble), is it bad to still have hope for pt 2 🥺 at the very least, they seem to be going the full established cp route with wnst, they're gonna be in LOL next year + the logo. soooo if not pt 2, at the very least we'll surely get a wnst show in gmm2025 🤞
real, and given how many characters there are in ploy's yearbook, i can't imagine they're all gonna get a lot of screentime anyway. Also i didn't realise joong was paired up with film?? not the biggest fan of film (i'm sure she's lovely, i just don't vibe), sooo not looking too good for me 😅
JOONG WHYY 😭😭 he looks so smug, i dont know what to make of that <//3 ppw essentially spilled everything about their series before pt 1, surely he can give us some crumbs, not cryptic nonsense like that LMAO althoughh we've technically gotten a jd show 2 years in a row so maybe they're giving it a rest??
(also i was so confused by the person repeating himself in the background in english, took me way too long to realise it was dunk 😭😂)
(also anon, my bestie, this is kinda embarassing so keep it a secret for me <3 but i've been watching way too many of those jd tiktok compilations on yt lately 😭😭 i am the fan and i am being serviced 😌😅 hopefully we get another show soon tho)
i'm so glad mark's managing to make that jump!! he's such a good actor, both in comedy and more serious stuff :) i do hope we get more neomark at some point, i wouldnt want them to become a fixed pairing but i do wanna see them act together again
yesss i always see people not too happy about the lineups, maybe my expectations are too low but i'm pretty optimistic for pt 2 !! i rlly loved a lot of the shows in part 1, so hopefully they can match or top that :]
also anon did u see the last twilight trailer getting delayed 😭😭 gmm why (seem to be asking that a lot lately ajskdj) i rlly like jimmysea but i know they aren't as popular as other cps, and this isn't helping :((
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daenrys · 3 years
just saw my first fp at my work feeling: like dying
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Tues[day] 14 October 1834
10 55/..
A tolerable kiss last night  weight of two blankets and quilt rather much she a
little exhausted and said   ‘it is killing work’  of which I took no notice but seemed
to sleep – at my desk at 8 – h[a]d Pickells to ask to cart a few st[one] fr[om] here
to raise the b[a]ck kitch[e]n shed at Denmark or the roof w[oul]d be too flat – h[a]d Mallinson to
beg to ta[ke] his men off and finish the shoe-black place in a few days – yes!
s[ai]d I, I ha[ve] no object[io]n – b[u]t they will f[i]nd the job done when they co[me] b[a]ck –
I shall cert[ainl]y n[o]t wait – finish[e]d my let[ter] (3 p[ages] and ends the 1st p[age] writ[ten] last
Wed[nesday]) to IN- [Isabella Norcliffe] br[eak]f[a]st at 9 1/2 in 35 min[ute]s – wr[ote] the ab[ov]e of th[i]s p[age] till 10 25/.. when my
a[un]t’s sofa ca[me] fr[om] Greenw[oo]ds – cush[io]n a bad fit – d[o]wnst[ai]rs w[i]th Ch[arle]s H- [Howarth] th[e]n w[i]th my a[un]t
at my desk ag[ai]n at 11 3/4 – k[i]nd let[ter] to IN- [Isabella Norcliffe] daily think[in]g of writ[in]g to h[e]r moth[e]r – she the last
I sh[oul]d neglect to pay ev[er]y attent[io]n to in my pow[e]r – th[an]ks for the br[ace] of pheas[an]ts and br[ace] of part[ridge]
th[a]t arriv[e]d th[i]s dayw[ee]k and for the leveret to my a[un]t 19 June – she d[i]d n[o]t write bec[ause] now ev[e]n
writ[in]g to me is ‘alm[o]st too gr[ea]t an exert[io]n – She s[e]nds h[e]r love, and bids me say, we oft[e]n
‘talk of you – I th[in]k she is, all th[in]gs consid[ere]d, marvelous[l]y well – She suffers a martyrd[o]m;
‘b[u]t h[e]r gen[era]l health rem[ai]ns s[u]ch th[a]t we none of us see an[y] near dang[e]r – my fath[e]r is beco[me] ver[y]
‘feeble; b[u]t it is mere[l]y the feebleness of 82, w[i]thout pain’ – h[a]s just g[o]t a German phaeton
and air[in]g ab[ou]t does h[i]m good – say how busy I am, and co[me] in too tir[e]d ‘to snatch the ti[me] I might
‘ha[ve] bet[ween] din[ner] and go[in]g to my a[un]t – we each of us pay h[e]r a reg[ula]r daily vis[i]t, besides
occas[iona]l poppings-in – She gets out on the terrace on a fine day’ – ask quest[io]ns
for IN- [Isabella Norcliffe] to ans[we]r ab[ou]t th[e]ms[elves] –if go[in]g to Bath, etc – ment[io]n our arriv[in]g at ho[me] on the 30th Aug[u]st
aft[e]r a delightful tour – enjoy[e]d ours[elves] exceed[ingl]y – ‘She’ (A- [Adney]) ‘is a capit[a]l trav[elle]r – we
‘d[i]d a gr[ea]t deal – m[u]ch mo[re] th[a]n man[y] w[oul]d bel[ieve], w[i]thout see[in]g it – Her being s[u]ch a good
‘rider, w[a]s ev[er]yth[in]g for us – oth[er]wise, I mys[elf] sh[oul]d ha[ve] been afr[ai]d for her – our tastes
‘harmonize so well, th[a]t, deo volunte, we shall prob[abl]y be off ag[ai]n as soon as our
‘divers circumst[ance]s permit – we really get on admirab[l]y – one of th[e]se days, you m[u]st
‘co[me] and see – I w[a]s delight[e]d to find my Lond[on] friends think[in]g me ver[y] wise, and to find A-‘s [Adney]
‘shyness wear[in]g off amazing[l]y – In looks she is cert[ainl]y improv[e]d – Howev[e]r, I am ver[y]
‘comf[orta]ble; and ev[er]ybod[y] in the h[ou]se is satisf[ie]d’ – Geo[rge] ver[y] m[u]ch improv[e]d – h[a]d a mule for h[i]m
and took h[i]m ev[ery]where – in gr[ea]t hope he will turn out a Fisher – on[l]y want a Burnett
‘B[u]t A- [Adney] und[er]st[an]ds keep[in]g h[ou]se bet[ter] th[a]n I do, so th[a]t I am bet[ter] off th[a]n form[erl]y’ – ment[io]n
Myers’s job done for ab[ou]t £56 – our new wheels w[oul]d hard[l]y bring us ho[me] – ha[ve] s[e]nt the carr[ia]ge to Baxter
(Long Acre) to be done as per up est[a]te £150 – ‘my love to all at the Rectory’ writ[ten]
und[e]r the seal – r[ea]d a lit[tle] th[e]n w[i]th A- [Adney] till aft[e]r 3 – off w[i]th her to H- [Halifax] at 3 20/.. – bef[ore] gett[in]g
to the top of the bank a few dr[ops] of rain made us turn b[a]ck – left A- [Adney] at ho[me] and off ag[ai]n alone at 3 3/4 d[o]wn
the o[ld] b[ank] to Mr. Park[e]rs’ off[i]ce – left a mess[age] for Mr. Adam (Mr. P- [Parker] fr[om] ho[me]) to co[me] at 10 a.m. tomor[row]
w[e]nt to Greenw[oo]ds’ to f[i]nd fault ab[ou]t my a[un]ts’ sofa cush[io]n (vid[ere] line 9 of today) – put int[o] the
post my let[ter] to ‘Miss Norcliffe, Langton hall, Malton’ – so[me] whi[le] at Whitley and Booths’ –
b[ou]ght and br[ou]ght away Rennies’ catechism of nat[ura]l theol[og]y and n°1 pub[lishe]d th[i]s m[on]th of Millars Gard[ne]rs’ dict[ionary]
[octavo] new improve[e]d ed[itio]n and ord[ere]d my na[me] putt[in]g d[o]wn as a subscrib[e]r – ho[me] at 5 1/2 – din[ner] at
6 – coff[ee] – A- [Adney] won 3 hits and a gamm[o]n to my gamm[o]n – w[i]th my a[un]t 20 min[ute]s till 9 3/4 –th[e]n rubb[e]d
A-‘s [Adney] b[a]ck of neck w[i]th brandy 23 min[ute]s – fine day, and ev[enin]g – the dr[op] or 2 of r[ai]n (line 8 ab[ov]e)
held off – Midgley and anoth[e]r mason and 1 lad at Geo[rge]’s shoe-bl[a]ck-place, beg[a]n wall[in]g
it off – Ch[arle]s and Ja[me]s H- [Howarth] at door closet bet[ween] lib[rar]y and blue r[oo]m clos[e]t and Ch[arle]s go[in]g to H[alifa]x ab[ou]t locks
F[ahrenheit] 54° at 10 35/.. p.m.
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years
1834 May Monday 12th (part one)
AL spends the afternoon writing to Mariana a lot.
9 1/4
11 3/4
incurr[e]d a cross think[in]g of miss W just before nine - fine b[u]t dullish morn[in]g - dress[e]d and d[o]wnst[ai]rs in 40 min[ute]s to speak to Mr Shaw the plast[ere]r who h[a]d wait[e]d 1/2 h[ou]r - to get lime and sand on Wed[nesday] for h[i]m - his men to begin point[in]g west side of h[ou]se on Monday and do ov[e]r the north ch[ambe]r gable-end in a fortn[i]ght or 3 weeks when the lime h[a]d stood long en[ou]gh n[o]t to blist[e]r - then w[i]th Pickels and his 2 men Dick and John Ombler who beg[a]n sett[in]g the stone-posts and rail[in]g at the bot[tom] of the Hall croft this morn[in]g – Ch[arle]s and Ja[me]s How[ar]th help[in]g John Booth to get the stuff d[o]wn and Ch[arle]s How[ar]th’s nephew Carter prepar[in]g rail[in]gs –
br[ea]kf[a]st at 11 and ca[me] to mend a tear in my pelisse and st[ai]d talk[in]g till 12 20/60 about her liv[in]g w[i]th Miss Mosey I recommending it rather than marrying Mr Abbott
out at 12 20/60 till ca[me] b[a]ck and saw my a[un]ts ankle dress[e]d a lit[tle] aft[er] 1 - then out ag[ai]n pull[in]g up old hedge at the bot[tom] of Hall croft and w[i]th John at it and h[a]d the horses and cart[e]d the old bits of wall[in]g int[o] a lump near till 5 wh[e]n ca[me] ho[me] to Washingt[o]n -
He p[ai]d me Miss W-[Walker]’s theat[re] div[iden]d £21.13.10 1/2 (Mrs Sutherland hav[in]g the sa[me]) - speak[in]g of Lidg[a]te I at last s[ai]d it w[oul]d be let - he val[ue]d it at £65 p[e]r annum h[ou]se and 32 D[ays] W[ork] – the 2 large f[iel]ds behind the barn ver[y] bad - stiff clay - s[ai]d I val[ue]d it at £80 p[e]r ann[um] - he s[ai]d that rent c[oul]d n[o]t be g[o]t - Lightcliffe a ver[y] dull pl[a]ce now s[in]ce the Walkers trade w[a]s giv[e]n up -
Din[ner] at 6 1/4 then coff[ee] in an h[ou]r - long in teach[in]g Joseph how to wait – ret[urn] to my desk at 7 1/2 wr[ote] the ab[ov]e of today and foll[owin]g
‘Shibden Hall – Sun[day] even[in]g 11 May 1834. My d[ea]r[e]st Mary - I mean n[o]t alw[a]ys to be so long, and, I hope, I shall rarely, if ev[e]r, be long[e]r than a week, in answ[erin]g your let[ter]s - the last reach[e]d me on Tues[day] ev[enin]g - I w[a]s beginn[in]g to fancy, it m[i]ght be the intent[io]n to rein me grad[uall]y fr[om] expect[in]g to hear from you so oft[e]n as I ha[ve] done, ev[e]n the last 2 y[ea]rs - you ha[ve] so long and so effect[ivel]y taught me to yield to your decis[io]ns I w[a]s prepar[in]g to resign mys[elf] once mo[re], when your affect[iona]te pages ca[me] to gi[ve] me hope, that perh[aps] my fear w[a]s groundless - surely, I ha[ve] in no deg[ree] deserv[e]d to forfeit your esteem[e]d – why then sh[oul]d there be an[y] interrupt[io]n to that friendship w[hi]ch h[a]s already[y] last[e]d two-and-twenty y[ea]rs and may last; to gr[ea]t comf[or]t of us both, at least, so long as you ha[ve] no gr[ea]t[e]r fault to find w[i]th then at pres[en]t - Be our partic[ula]r circumst[ance]s wh[a]t they may, y[ou]rs w[a]s the infl[uen]ce that mould[e]d them to their pres[en]t shape and, if one shadow of regret h[a]s ev[e]r flitt[e]d across your path, rememb[e]r, you nev[e]r whisper[e]d it to me, till time and deeply wound[e]d feel[in]g h[a]d made that whisper co[me] too late’
Fret not her justifications for behaviour continue...
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diabeticdolly · 7 years
My heads so fucked up, I ruined the best part of my life bc of my past. I let my head control my actions and I let things go bc I was too scared to help myself. I didn't let myself be happy bc I thought I couldn't be o wanted him that's sll I've evevr wanted in my life was this guy to do what he did to my heart and head and I let the bad take over I wnst him to have the world I want him to get what he deserve I want him happy even if it's not me that's doing it. I love this guy wiht everything. He's so supporting and accepting and loving with evevryhring he was the guy I knew I need to be wiht to have my life to be hapoy the way j needed it to be and I let the bad parts take me down. I'm so in love wiht this guy I've never felt this way wiht someone before...I keep over thinking my head I don't even care if I'm alone I just want him to be hapoy and have what he deserve in his life...I'll never forget him...I'll keep that pin with me at all times no matter where I am or you are...I'll feel less alone knowing you were here. I'm sorry I messed up what we had bc of my fears it eat so much to me for all we did together ecen whne I live so far. That pin will never leave my side
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
1834 Oct[obe]r Wed[nesday] 1
7 1/2
12 5/..
pretty good one last night settl[in]g wash[in]g acc[oun]ts – out a lit[tle] whi[le] - br[eak]f[a]st at 9 1/4 - Mallins[o]n beg[a]n
reop[enin]g place for wind[ow] int[o] Hall ch[ambe]r to be call[e]d lin[e]n clos[e]t - g[o]t my gr[ea]t canteen (the fut[ure] lin[e]n chest)
int[o] it – A- [Adney] fill[e]d it w[i]th h[e]r tab[le] and bed lin[e]n - Ch[arle]s and Ja[me]s mov[e]d A-‘s [Adney] mahog[an]y wardrobe and my large mahog[an]y chest
draw[e]rs int[o] tent r[oo]m as als[o] my pap[e]r-draw[e]r and oak cupb[ora]d - mov[e]d A-‘s [Adney] 2 mahog[an]y bureaus int[o] the
north parl[ou]r (n[or]th din[in]g r[oo]m) – busy w[i]th the mov[in]g till 12 50/.. - h[a]d w[i]th gr[ea]t diffic[ult]y g[o]t the new sofa
int[o] my a[un]t’s r[oo]m – she d[i]d n[o]t like it – so h[a]d it put in the blue r[oo]m th[e]re to rem[ai]n – at
my desk at 12 50/.. sleep[in]g and dawd[lin]g and d[o]wnst[ai]rs w[i]th A- [Adney] till 2 3/4 - th[e]n till 4 5/.. dawd[lin]g and writ[in]g
cop[y] of let[ter] to Pearce and Baxter ab[ou]t the carr[ia]ge - aft[er]w[ar]ds till 5 1/4 wr[ote] (and s[e]nt bet[ween] 6 and 7 by John) wr[ote] to
‘Mr. Hutton Tailor 113 Park st[ree]t Grosvenor sq[ua]re Lond[on] P[ost]P[ai]d’ to say the pelisse w[a]s duly rec[eive]d
and fits ver[y] well, and subjoin[in]g ord[e]r up[on] Hammersleys’ for £8 - wr[ote] als[o] to ‘Mess[ieu]rs Pearce
Baxter and Pearce coachmakers 103 Long Acre Lond[on] P[ost]P[ai]d’ – 1 p[age] ord[erin]g the addit[io]ns for inside
of carr[ia]ge and new drag chain and shoe, amount[in]g to 7 or 8 guin[ea]s - ask[in]g for dimens[io]ns of top of front
boot and wh[a]t depth of imper[ia]l it w[oul]d ta[ke] think[in]g the boot imper[ia]l of my oth[e]r carr[ia]ge w[oul]d
prob[abl]y do ver[y] well – wish to kno[w] bef[ore] determ[inin]g ab[ou]t pat[en]t axles if they h[a]d put th[e]m
on man[y] carr[ia]ges for abr[oa]d and if all th[in]gs consid[ere]d they h[a]d been f[ou]nd to ans[we]r – my on[l]y fear
being th[a]t if an[y] accid[en]t occurr[e]d it w[oul]d be diffic[ul]t to get it repair[e]d on the cont[inen]t – ask
how long I might reason[abl]y expect th[ei]r new wheels w[i]th pat[en]t axles to run, mak[in]g allow[an]ce
for bad r[oa]ds – ask th[ei]r adv[i]ce ab[ou]t mail c[oa]ch lamps - obs[ervin]g they seem to shed a stronger light
and be less liab[le] to blow out th[a]n the others – say Mess[ieu]rs P- B- and P- [Pearce Baxter and Pearce] may keep the carr[ia]ge 4
m[on]ths - din[ner] at 6 3/4 - coff[ee] - h[a]d Mark Town – wants me to build for him, and to let
h[i]m sell off his oat straw, ab[ou]t 100 st[ock] of it – no object[io]n if he w[oul]d cart on an
equival[en]t of rotten manure – of w[hi]ch Washingt[o]n to be judge – W- [Washington] to settle and look
aft[e]r th[i]s matt[e]r - b[u]th th[ou]ght Mark might ma[ke] manure as cheap as buy it - s[ai]d I h[a]d told
h[i]m bef[ore] th[a]t when he chang[e]d his mind and ga[ve] up wish[in]g me to build for him just bef[ore]
I left ho[me], I h[a]d made up my mind n[o]t to do it – and I h[a]d no th[ou]ght of build[in]g for him –
w[oul]d n[o]t say I w[oul]d nev[e]r do it - b[u]t h[a]d no th[ou]ght of it at pres[en]t - d[i]d n[o]t mean to do it at
pres[en]t – he bet[te]r provide hims[elf] w[i]th a h[ou]se – an h[ou]r w[i]th my fath[e]r and aft[er]w[ar]ds shew[in]g Mar[ia]n
the tent r[oo]m and explain[in]g how h[e]r own r[oo]m w[a]s to be done - th[e]n 1/2 h[ou]r w[i]th my a[un]t till 10 10/.. –
wr[ote] the last 21 lines – fine day - F[ahrenheit] 60° now at 10 50/.. p.m. – till 11 1/4 – (A- [Adney] sitt[in]g by me
writ[in]g to h[e]r sist[e]r) read fr[om] p[age] 269 to 283 Boase’s prim[ar]y geol[og]y –
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