#he will only dumpster dive if he feels like his flat is a little empty and could use an extra thinga-ma-bob or two
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askblueandviolet · 6 months ago
Nice kitchen what secrets does it hold? I honestly didn’t think macaroni could cook enough to have this set up. Mayor yea probably but I would 100% believe it if somebody told me mac gets all his food from dumpster diving. Menace of the Denny’s dumpster or something.
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iwillgodownwithbuddie · 5 years ago
He’s Never Been Like This
Prompt by @theworld-is-out-there: Drunk Carlos waxing poetic about TK to everyone Also on AO3. A/N: Sorry guys for being away so long.  It’s been a chaotic couple of months.  Hope everyone is staying safe out there.  Enjoy!
T.K. was sitting on the sofa flipping though Netflix for something he hadn’t watched yet while on medical leave.  He had finally been cleared to return to work and was getting extra rest before returning to his life of 24-hour shifts.  Carlos and Own both offered to stay in with T.K. that night instead of joining their friends.  However, T.K. convinced them otherwise, reassuring them that he would be just fine sitting on the couch watching television.
He finally settled on a baking show and picked up his phone to scroll through Instagram as the contestants on the screen were being introduced.  His feed on the app was flooded with images from his makeshift family seeming to have the time of their lives at the nearby bar.  Judd and Grace were laughing at a table.  Paul, Marjan, and Mateo were playing darts in the corner.  His dad was showing off his line dancing skills while surrounded by strangers.  Michelle and Carlos were talking at the bar.  T.K. sighed and glanced up at the television screen.  His plan of sitting around and watching Netflix was suddenly abandoned as he stood up.  He quickly flipped off the TV, slipped on his shoes, and headed out the door, grabbing his jacket and keys before pulling the door shut.
Upon entering the bar, T.K. immediately spotted Grace and Judd still sitting at the table, now munching on a basket of complimentary chips.  Grace saw him and waved him over, greeting him with a tight hug before letting him sit down.  
“What are you doing here?” Grace asked cheerfully as she reached out for a chip.  “Your dad said you wanted to rest up some more before heading back to work at the station.”  She looked at T.K. for an answer as she dipped her tortilla chip into the salsa.  
“I did,” T.K. admitted.  “But then I got online and saw how much fun it seemed like you were having.  Felt a little left out.”
“Just make sure you don’t over-do it,” Judd said, pushing the basket of chips in T.K.’s direction.  “The 126 isn’t the same without you.”
“No thanks,” T.K. said in response to Judd’s offer for chips.  “And trust me, I have no desire to do anything that would jeopardize going back to work.”
When T.K. began to look around the bar, Grace smiled knowingly.  “You looking for that handsome man of yours?”
T.K. blushed, having been caught.  “Maybe.”
Pointing towards the opposite side of the bar, Grace said, “He’s over there with Michelle probably going on and on about everything he adores about you.  He always gets pretty sentimental about you whenever he’s had a beer or two.”
T.K. raised his eyebrows, amused.  “Really?”
“Frankly,” Judd interrupted, “he doesn’t shut up about you.”
T.K. chuckled.  “He’s never had a drink when we’ve gone out.  This should be interesting.  Hop you don’t mind me leaving you guys.”
“Not at all,” Grace said.  “We’ll see you around.”
T.K. stood and made his way across the bar.  He waved at his teammates and dad as he walked towards the bar counter where Michelle and Carlos were having an animated discussion.
As T.K. approached the pair, a bright smile spread across his face.  “Hey there, Handsome,” he said, gaining his boyfriend’s attention.  “Having fun?”
At the sudden sound of T.K.’s voice, Carlos nearly dropped his beer.  Michelle stood next to him, shot glass in hand, laughing at her friend’s sudden clumsiness.
“That’s his third one,” the paramedic captain said, pointing to the bottle in Carlos’ hand.  “I’d say he’s having fun.  I’ll see you boys later.”  With that, Michelle rose from her stool and left to join Owen dancing.
Carlos set his beer down on the counter and moved to walk away from the bar.  “Had I known you were coming, I wouldn’t have ordered a drink, or three.”
T.K. put a hand on Carlos’ shoulder, directing him to sit back down on the barstool.  “Babe, I appreciate you not wanting to drink in front of me, but I'm never going to ask you to not drink when you go out.  If you have a drink or three, I’m not going to mind.”  T.K. sat in Michelle’s abandoned seat and motioned to order a mineral water.
“I won’t do it every time we go out.”
“I wouldn’t mind if you did.”
“I want to be supportive.  I also don’t want you to be the only one not drinking.  Anyway, I thought you were going to stay home and watch Netflix.”
“Changed my mind,” T.K. said softly as he reached for Carlos’ hand, linking their fingers together.  “I’d rather be here with you and the team.  You all looked like you were having fun.  Sorry I broke up your conversation with Michelle, though.”
Carlos smiled as he picked up his beer and took a sip.  “It’s fine.  She was getting bored with me anyway.”
“Really?  How could anyone get bored of you?”
“I’m not the most interesting person to talk to, especially right now.  Seems like everyone is following the rules, which is great, but it makes work boring to talk about.”
“I, personally, thought the call about someone dumpster diving only to find out it was a raccoon was hilarious!”
Carlos chuckled as he finished off his beer.  “Okay, that one was pretty funny, but I can only tell that story so many times before it gets old.”
“You want another one?” T.K. pointing to the empty bottle.  “I’ll drive you home if you do.  I don’t mind.”
“You just want to drive my car.”
“It’s a nice car!”
“It is.  But I think I’ve had enough.  I don’t drink much anymore.”
T.K. dropped his head guiltily.  A few seconds later, he felt a hand lift his chin.  He lifted his eyes to find Carlos looking back at him, eyes filled with care and compassion.
“Tyler,” Carlos said, voice barely above a whisper.  “I’m not going to lie to you.  Yes, I did originally cut back on drinking because of you.  However, because I did that, I found out how much I don’t like the way it feels or the way I act when I’m drunk.  Seriously, look over at Michelle and your dad.”
T.K. chuckled as he looked over to find his dad and Michelle stumbling through line dancing.
“They’re being fools,” Carlos continued.  “Did you know your dad assaulted Iris’ ex once when he was drunk?  And, one time Michelle had to call 9-1-1 because she was drunk off her ass and hit the pavement face first.  Guess which lucky cop got that call?  I don’t want to act like that.  God forbid I end up flat on my face and you end up getting called to that.”
“I would never let you live that one down.”
“See?  That’s exactly what I don’t want.  So please don’t feel guilty about me not drinking.”
“Okay,” T.K. conceded before changing the subject.  “So if work is so boring, what were you and Michelle talking about?”
Carlos ducked his head briefly as he blushed.  “Nothing much.”
“Oh really?” T.K. teased.  “Guess I’ll just go ask her.”
Before Carlos could reach out to stop him, T.K. stood and grinned as he crossed the room to where Michelle and Owen were attempting to line dance.  T.K. reached out and tapped Michelle on the shoulder causing Carlos to groan and set his head down on the counter.
“Oh, hey T.K.!” Michelle smiled as she faced the young firefighter.  
“Hey Michelle!” T.K. responded.  “So Carlos is apparently too embarrassed to tell me what you two were talking about when I interrupted.  I thought maybe you’d tell me.”
Michelle began laughing.  “That’s easy enough.  Anytime you aren’t around, he talks about you!  I’ve heard more about your pretty eyes, your hot and then awkward first hookup, and how head over heels with you my best friend is than I care to admit.  He doesn’t shut up about you.”
T.K. smiled softly as he turned to look back at Carlos whose head was still on the counter.  “He doesn’t?”
Placing a hand on the younger man’s shoulder, Michelle smiled softly.  “Nope.  I’ve never seen him like this with anyone.”
T.K. nodded a silent thanks to Michelle before making his way back to his boyfriend at the bar counter.  He gently placed his hand on Carlos’ back causing him to lift his head from his arms.  
“How bad did she embarrass me?” Carlos asked as T.K. reclaimed his seat.
“Not too bad,” T.K. answered as he chuckled.  “I love you.”
Carlos’ eyes widened.  “Are you sure?  I have no idea what she told you, but I never want you to ever feel pressured.”
“Carlos, calm down.  I don’t feel pressured at all!  You know, most people respond to that a little differently.”
Carlos reached over and laced his fingers together with T.K.’s. "I love you, too." He looked around and suddenly had no desire to sit in the bar any longer. "What do you say we get out of here?"
"Are you sure?" T.K. asked. "I don't want to ruin the night you had planned. That was not the plan when I showed up."
"You think I want to sit here and watch Michelle get drunk after you tell me you love me?"
T.K. shook his head. "No, I guess not."
Carlos smirked at T.K. "So let's get out of here?"
"Lead the way," T.K. said as he and Carlos headed out of the bar.
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buckysforeverprincess · 6 years ago
You Asshole, Bucky Barnes
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 2293
Warnings: Language, and assholery
A/N: This was the very first fic I wrote outside of my first series. It was written for a challenge, and the first time it received a huge response. I went back through and reworked it, and I hope you guys enjoy it more now than when I posted it almost a year ago!
Bucky Barnes is a flat out, asshole! He really didn’t start out that way, honest. In the beginning he was a pretty cool guy and you even kind of like him a little bit. However, the more you got to know him, the more his inner asshole came out and now, you couldn’t stand to be anywhere near the guy.
Bucky's best friend was your roommate, Steve. Had you known they were a package deal when you responded to the web posting, you would’ve kept looking and not ever felt bad about never getting to know these two. Nothing had prepared you for the amount of fuckery you’d have to deal with daily from Bucky “Asshole” Barnes.
“Morning Steve!” You see your roommate in the kitchen pouring himself a bowl of cereal.
“Morning beautiful!” Steve responds, kissing you on the cheek as you grab a bowl of your own.
“Sleep well?”
“Omg, yes! I'm so glad I bought that new mattress! The pillow top feels amazing and I’m pretty sure I slept like a princess last night!”
Steve laughs at how excited you are over your new purchase. You felt like a kid on Christmas when it was delivered yesterday and couldn't wait to go to bed to test it out. Best night of sleep you've had in forever and you can’t wait to crawl back into again and sleep like the dead.
Opening the cupboard, you look around for your box of Cocoa Krispies, but couldn't find it among the others. You just opened the box yesterday and only had one bowl, so you know it should be here. Maybe Steve placed it somewhere else to make room for his own.
“Steve… have you seen my cereal?” You're looking through the rest of the cupboards frantically trying to locate the brown box.
“Uh, no?” His response doesn't sound too positive and comes across as more of a question than an answer.
“Good morning sunshine!” Bucky interrupts and you cringe where you stand.
You quickly look over and see him, hair wet from the shower he obviously took and was covered only with a towel around his waist. Sometimes you wonder why Steve needed a roommate in the first place with the amount of time he spends here. Honestly, Bucky should be paying rent but then you remember, he’s an asshole, so that’s probably the main reason he doesn’t live here in the first place.
Ignoring him, you continue to search through the kitchen looking for your box of cereal.
“Aren't ya’ gonna say hello?” Bucky walks closer to the kitchen, and Steve's still shoving cereal in his mouth.
“Nope.” Where the hell is it? You think as you check everywhere around you.
“Can I help ya’ find something, Doll?”
You look up in annoyance, Bucky making his way into the kitchen, closer to you. “Nope.”
It's then you notice the trash can Bucky's practically standing next to. Sticking out, you see the brown box of Cocoa Krispies totally empty. You grab the empty box and tip it upside down.
“Jez, dumpster dive much?”
Turning your head towards Bucky, you shake the box, signaling its emptiness. “Did you eat my cereal James?” There's murder in your eyes and a sneer on your face.
“Oh, was that box yours? I'm so sorry. You'll be happy to know your money was not wasted. Kellogg's still makes fresh cereal!”
“You piece of shit, why are you here?!” You yelled, throwing the box at him.
“Easy there, killer. Don't wanna hurt yourself!”
You're grabbing anything you can find out in the open and throwing it at him. “I can't fucking believe you ate my food! You don't even live here!”
Bucky ducks the water bottle you threw at him, smiling back at you. “But I love you, honey!”
You've had enough of his shit and are pissed off to no end with this asshole. “Eat my fucking ass, dickbag!” You yelled, before stomping off to your room and slamming your door.
“Gladly!” Bucky smirks and Steve rolls his eyes.
“Why do you insist on messing with her?” Steve asks, putting his bowl in the sink
“She's cute when she's angry. Turns me on!” Steve just glares as Bucky turns around and heads back to the bathroom to get dressed for the day.
Your next interaction with Bucky was no different. It had been a particularly stressful day at work, and you were tired and hungry but had zero motivation to cook anything. A hot shower and take out was in your plans for the evening and nothing was going to stop that from happening.
Opening the door to your apartment, you see Bucky sitting on the couch searching through your Netflix queue. “What the hell are you doing here, Barnes?” You head to the kitchen for a bottle of water, trying not to make eye contact with him.
“Netflix and Chill!”
Your eyebrows raise in question, “Chill? Did you fucking invite someone over here?”
Bucky shakes his head, “relax angel. Just you and me…and by chill, I was thinking actual chill. How ‘bout pizza?”
Hmmm…If you ordered pizza, you'd have plenty of time to take a hot shower before it got here. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea after all. “Pizza is good. Can you order one with no veggies. Just meat? I'll shower and be done by the time it gets here?”
Bucky smiles his famous Barnes smile, “of course sweetheart…anything for you.”
You leave Bucky to order food and make your way to shower. The hot water feels so good, and it helps take away the stresses of the day. So what, if you took up all the hot water in the apartment. It was included in your rent anyway.
Towel drying your hair, you join Bucky in the living room and see the pizza sitting on the table. Opening the first box, you know it’s Bucky's pizza…supreme. He likes meat and veggies. Gross! You open the second box and see, not what you ordered.
“What the hell?! Bucky, where's my pizza?
The man shrugs his shoulders and grins at you, stuffing a bite of pizza in his mouth.
“No need to yell darling, I'm right here.” He smirks at you.
“Where's. My. Pizza?”
Bucky grabs the box and places it on your lap, “Right. Fucking. Here.” Using the same tone and annunciation you had.
“No it’s not! I said all meat. I don't even see any meat on this shit!” You open the box and shove it in his face.
“No, you said no meat. No meat is a garden pizza. That's what this is. You're welcome, Princess.”
“Fix this now, James!” You're glaring daggers at him.
“Ooh, did you first name me? I think somebody's got a frowny face!” Bucky has resorted to teasing now and you're ready to explode.
“I fucking hate you! I have a shit day, you come here uninvited, invade the space I pay money for monthly, order me the wrong food, and for what? Just to see me pissed off? All I wanted was to eat and relax and I can't even do that without Bucky “Asshole” Barnes fucking it up!”
The nods his head and looks dead at you, “pizza?” Holding the box in your face, acting like he didn’t hear a word you just said.
“Go fuck yourself!” You yell at him, before retreating to your room and slamming the door.
“I'd rather fuck you!”
It's been a few days since the pizza incident and you haven't seen hide nor hair of Bucky. Steve said he went to visit his mom cause ‘he's a momma’s boy and he had something important to talk to her about’. Maybe you can have a nice peaceful day off without the stress of Bucky Barnes fucking it up. Was that too much to ask for?
Laying on the couch, you pull up Netflix and decide to watch Stranger Things Season 2. You've just gotten through the first episode when Steve and Bucky make their way into the apartment, breaking up your peaceful day. Guess his visit with his mom is over and he’s back to raise hell on your life.
Steve goes into his room, and Bucky sits down next to you, grabbing the remote and changing it back to regular tv.
“What do you think you're doing?” You say through gritted teeth, glaring at him.
“Changing the channel. Steve and I came back to watch the game.”
You let out a deep breath, taking a second to calm yourself. “I was watching something.”
“And now you’re not. You can watch that stupid shit later…the game is on now!” He changes the channel to ESPN and begins watching the tv.
“Give me back the remote!”
Bucky gives you a devious look, “you want this?” He holds up the remote to you.
The man chuckles at your childlike response and has an even bigger assholish come back to go with it. “Come get it…” and he shoves the remote in his pants, possibly his underwear, daring you to go after it.
Steve had already come back out from his room and saw the remote go into Bucky's jeans. “I'm not going after that!” He says and looks at you.
“And you think I am?”
Steve just shrugs at you and grins at you.
“Well someone has too. I nominate Y/N as tribune!” Steve laughs at Bucky's joke, and you look at him with your best resting bitch face.
“You are absolutely disgusting! I hate you and your fucking dick face!” Your face is now red from yelling.
“Aww…but me and my dick face love you so much Princess.”
Something about the way he said ‘princess’ set you off, and before you knew it you were swinging your hand, slapping him in the face. “Don't you dare call me princess, asshole!”
Even being smacked Bucky was still an arrogant ass. “Yes mistress, I won't do it again!” And he blows a kiss in your direction.
Fuming, you get up and stomp to your room. “Fuck you, Bucky Barnes!” You yell, before once again slamming the door behind you.
“I'll be in later to do just that, sweetheart!” He yells back at your closed door.
“Why do you constantly antagonize her?” Steve asks, taking your place on the couch.
“Think she likes me?”
Steve rolls his eyes at his best friend, “no…I don't!”
It's after midnight and you had just turned out your light, when you hear the door open and a see a shadowy figure slip in. The person walks up to your nightstand and turns the light back on and stares down at you.
“Got room in this new bed for your husband?” Bucky asks you with a smile.
“I don't know if my husband deserves to share this bed tonight. He's been an exceptional asshole lately!”
You throw back the covers and Bucky climbs in bed next to you. Reaching over, you shut the light off and scoot closer to your husband. He snuggles up behind you, making you the little spoon, and you begin to relax in his arms.
“I'm sorry, but I thought we weren't telling Steve or anyone yet! We're supposed to make it believable. Trust me, my face believed it!”
Bucky and you had been dating secretly behind everyone's backs for a year. They all thought you hated each other, so you guys kept up the act. Two months ago, he proposed and one month ago you were married in a private ceremony at the courthouse. No one knew or suspected...at least that’s what you thought anyway.
“Baby…you ate my cereal, intentionally ordered the wrong pizza, and told me to go fish for the remote in your pants! You deserved that smack and more if I’m being honest here!” You chuckled at the list of antics.
“And I replaced your cereal, surprised you with take out from your favorite Thai restaurant, included a bottle of wine, and a full body massage. I think I'm a pretty good husband, actually.” Bucky places a soft kiss to the back of your neck.
“Well… you still owe me for today's assholery.”
“I can think of a way to make that up to you Mrs. Barnes.”
You turn to face him now, “How's that Mr. Barnes?” Questioning his change in mood.
Bucky kisses your lips softly, and you melt into the kiss. “It's time I show my wife some extra special attention.” And he starts moving himself down the bed to the area between your legs. You let out a moan at the first touch of his hand to your legs and Bucky stops and looks up at you. “Baby...you have to stay quiet. You'll wake up Steve.”
You nodded and spent the rest of the night in ecstasy as your husband tore you apart.
Little did you know, Steve was on the other side of your door listening in to your conversation. He walks away from the door and pulls out his cell phone, dials a number, and anxiously waits for the other party to answer.
“Steve…its ass early in the morning or late in the evening depending on how you look at it…this better be good.” The female voice says sounding like she had been woken from her sleep.
“You owe me fifty dollars. I told you they were married, Nat. I'm also pretty sure that’s why he went to see his mom…had to tell momma Barnes he's a married man now!”
“Fuck those two!” She yells at the phone.
“They're already doing that themselves. I'll see you tomorrow to collect. Goodnight, Nat.” Steve says, hanging up the phone and walking away to his room with a smile. Never in a million years did he think you’d actually fall for Bucky Barnes’ assholish ways.
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my-love-peterp · 6 years ago
Mistaken Chapter One
Fic Summary: Peter Parker has been given the responsibility of bringing in a new recruit. Now, as an adult, he realizes that none of the trashy YA novels he read in high school could have prepared him for this. There was a storm on the horizon, and all they could do from the Tower is watch.
Chapter Summary: A new recruit is brought into the fold and is more than a handful.
Warnings: language, mentions of injury, non-graphic violence (brief)
A/N:  You may have seen me over @fabtasticass which is my main blog. So this is my first fanfic and it's going to be a big one. It is a Soulmates AU but not in the traditional way. That won't show up until later chapters. I'm going to try to keep endgame a secret the best I can. I have some very angsty ups and downs planned but I'm trying to hold back. So I’ll tag each chapter with what pairing might be in that chapter in the official Tumblr tags but never at the beginning.
I ran, dodging rats, and clumps of unidentified garbage that lay literal feet from a plethora of garbage cans and dumpsters. God, I hated this city.
I especially hated this city in the rain, dashing through back alleys of Queens with all of my belongings in tow.
Rolling in and out of huge asphalt craters, my suitcases jostled my already pained arm. It had only been three or so hours since I’d reset the dislocated joint against my fire escape.
Blood dripped from a split along my hairline, mingling with sweat and city rainwater. At this point, I felt like a drowned cat and probably smelled like a wet dog. Super, awesomely attractive, right?
Bracing myself against the wall of the nearest building, I pulled a flask out of the interior pocket of my jacket and took a swig. The flask was light pink with the words “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” emblazoned on the side. It filled me with a dark sense of glee and irony every time I used it. I nicked it from one of those chain party supply stores a few months back, which I supposed could be my version of fun.
The whiskey burned as it went down but as it hit my stomach it helped to warm my rain-soaked bones.
I began moving again. As I wove in and out of the misshapen piles in the alleyway, I felt the hair prickle on the back of my neck. It felt like I had a curious pair of eyes, tracking my every move and staring me down. I ignored my most basic instinct to turn around and investigate and my training kicked in instead. My eyes swept the alleyway ahead of me, monitoring the shadows, ears open and head down. I checked every shiny surface to see the reflection behind me. Empty alleyways are all that I was shown. So I shoved aside my intrusive paranoia and started whistling tunelessly as I moved. I’d felt that prickle for days and nothing had come of it.
In front of me, business lights filtered through the rain, casting a glow over the stone walls. Wet, sputtering and a little drunk, it only made sense that I was the target of some less friendly men who had stationed themselves outside of a local dive bar. They jeered and reached out at me. “Piss off you assholes, I’m not in the mood.”
Their demented shouts ranged from demands that I take off my clothes, false coos asking me if I needed their help to warm up and jokes about them being so good in bed women were jumping at the chance and willing to move in with them immediately to lock it down.
The rain got harder as I clenched my fist, glaring daggers at them and trying to subtly move faster. Everything about my body language screamed 'don't fuck with me', but it's hard to be intimidating when you're a generous 5'3. They advanced anyways and with a woosh, they all got tossed back into the brick wall, hard. The crack of a few skulls echoed down the empty alley, interrupted only by their groans as a few immediately came to.
The tingling on the back of my neck got more intense, this time joined by a fuzzy feeling alarm in the back of my brain. I hustled along, eager to get the hell out of Queens. I hadn't taken more than three steps when I heard him. “Woah, what was that? I webbed up those guys back there, they won't be able to move for a few hours. What was that though, can you like manipulate energy or is this outside the realm of earthly physics? Are you an alien? Or a mutant maybe? Or..."
Without looking up I sent another blast towards the overly excited voice and immediately heard an oomph followed by the sound of a body rushing towards the pavement. Or, rather, a dumpster.
“Hey not cool,” said the guy, poking his head up and out of the dumpster.
I groaned, immediately recognizing the mask, despite it being covered in what looked a lot like smashed avocado on the left side of the heroes head. Spider-Man.
Pushing my bags together, around my feet, I bound them to myself and alighted on the nearest rooftop, gently floating upward. I figured the enhanced cat was already out of the bag with the current company, so to speak. I ran along the flat roofs of the decrepit, abandoned buildings with still no destination in mind but out.
“Wait up, where are you going, stop! We're friends now right? It's rude to ignore your friends, and I'm the friendliest of friends, you know. Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and all...” he babbled on lamely, his voice fading in and out as he swung between buildings, keeping up as I hopped from roof to roof.
“Buzz off buggy”, I grumbled before sending another shot his way.
“You’re really bad at paying attention to where I am, aren’t you” Spidey suddenly whispered in my ear. I shrieked and came to a halt, dropping my luggage next to me as I sat to dangle my feet off the ledge of whatever shitty building I was on now. As expected, that lanky ass fool sat down right next to me.
“So, where are you going, miss uh… strange power lady?”
“I don’t kno-” I cut myself off and looked at him strangely. “Wait, why are you even here?”
“Well funny story," he huffed out, looking over at me. His masked eyes contracted as he continued to just look at me in silence for several minutes. I was seconds away from physically shoving him off of the building. For someone who apparently couldn't keep his mouth shut when I wanted him to, he was as silent and one of those monks now when I actually wanted to hear his whiny voice. Then, just as I was about to snap, he lifted his chin and squared his shoulders.
"Have you ever heard of the Avengers?”
Like any normal person on the planet, I obviously had. I may not have been in New York while it was being leveled by aliens over a decade ago, but a person would have to be seriously deprived of outside stimuli to not know who the Avengers were.
Instead of speaking to the impertinent, entirely too perky Avenger at my side, I just glared, sending a message loud enough that even the most inept individual would comprehend me.
“Woah, woah, don’t shoot! You could be like, a really weird and reclusive alien for all I know at this point. The boss didn’t exactly give me all the details when he sent me out to trail you. I don’t even know your name, which tells me that we actually don’t know a whole lot about you…,” he trailed off his rambling as he finally realized I was now staring at him expectantly, waiting to get a word in edgewise.
“My name is Kaida, and I’m not a good person. Also, thanks for the invitation to join your little cult, but I’m going to have to pass.” I stood to leave and find shelter for tonight when all of a sudden a schnick sounded and webbing surrounded my foot, holding me in place.
That sneaky little son of a bitch.
“No can do, we’re going to talk this one out. Either you agree to come in and meet the team or you get to sit here all night and listen to me ramble about them and what ridiculously stupid things we’ve all been up to in the past few months. Your call… Kaida.” He said my name as though it could take form, leap up and bite him.
“Okay Spider, I see you want to play hardball. You take that mask off and I’ll come with you to ‘meet the team’ or whatever touchy-feely bullshit y’all are into over there. But I’m not agreeing without some kind of skin in the game other than my own.” I lifted my chin, triumphantly, secure in the knowledge that he would never reveal his identity to a complete stranger, especially while various factions of the government and private entities were trying to round up enhanced individuals.
Spidey scoffed. “That’s it? It’s not like I was going to leave it on once we got to the tower anyways so, here you go I guess,” and he ripped away his mask as though it didn’t faze him in the slightest.
He was… younger than I had expected. Cute, in a safe, boring schoolboy kind of way.
“What are you, twelve??” I all but shouted at him. There’s no way this kid was the real deal, a bona fide Avenger that had helped save numerous lives, my own included if you count what happened just a few years back.
“I’m twenty-two, thanks though. If I’m twelve, I’ve gotta say you’re a toddler. Granted, a toddler with wicked skills but it’s not like you’re even really an adult at this point, are you? Why aren’t you with your pare-.”
“For one thing, they’re dead. Secondly, I’m twenty but I guarantee you I’ve seen shit that you can’t really even comprehend. Even outside of all the crazy whack alien bullshit you all seem to be attracting. It really ages a person, or so I’ve heard.”
“Oh look at you, pulling the big bad ‘I’m so tough because I’m an orphan and my life wasn’t sunshine and roses’ act. Literally, everyone has bad shit happen to them. From what I’ve just seen and from what we’ve caught on security monitors, you’re wickedly talented and could actually use your powers to help others. Unless you’re too much of a coward, I know we do deal with ‘crazy whack aliens’ and all, but it shouldn’t be hard for a big kid like yourself, huh?”
I had half a mind to blow him off the roof right then and there. Rage swirled in the pit of my gut so violently, I might have vomited had I eaten at all in the past day or so. The wind picked up and began buffeting around the Spider guy and myself, throwing debris from decrepit roof and buildings towards us. All of the shrapnel conveniently avoided my person, but Spidey was dancing back and forth like a puppet on a string.
Deep breaths Kaida, deep breaths. We wouldn’t want another Wizard of Oz-esque incident. Again. I often found myself talking to myself in different perspectives to calm down. Anger, improperly channeled was a very dangerous thing for me, and honestly, I was being a brat just like he was. No need to level an entire city block just for this one intrusive, presumptuous asshat who dressed up like a fucking spider. I wasn’t about to tell him that though.
The wind died down almost immediately. Until it didn’t.
Not a minute later, the biggest bolt of lightning I’d ever seen struck a building a block or so away, no doubt short-circuiting every device plugged in at that residence. Two seconds later there was a solid thunk and next to Spider-Man loomed perhaps the most handsome being in the known universe, Thor. King of Asgard.
“You hit your panic button Man of Spiders. Are you in need of assistance… carrying bags?” Thor looked at you, tied down, and your bags tossed askew, then back at Spidey. Quizzically, he opened his palm and sent a burst of lightning up into the sky, as if looking for something. “All seems to be in perfectly good spirits here, no strange magics… so.”
“Listen, man, two minutes ago she was literally shaking the building so hard I thought we were all going down. I just don’t know how… all I did was ask her some questions, maybe play hardball with her a little,” he just shrugged at the god apologetically.
“Hi, I exist too, and I can speak for myself,” I asserted, repositioning my body so I wasn’t standing quite so hunched over. “We,” I continued, looking at Spidey, “would love your assistance in getting my bags back to wherever this team inspection or meeting is supposed to happen.” Anything to get inside and secure, before I lost it completely.
“As you wish, Lady of the Winds,” Thor almost yelled, thrusting a cane into the sky.
“No, Thor wai-.”
Before the insect could finish whatever he was trying to say, we were engulfed in a kaleidoscope of bright colors and rushed away in the blink of an eye.
So much for having a normal, Wednesday evening.
If you’d like to be tagged in future chapters (I have 28 written) drop me a message or reblog this!! As always, reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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collieredwing · 4 years ago
Collie has always felt freest soaring high up in the sky with only clouds as his companions. As the ground spirals further and further away underneath him all his worries and fears begin to seem as small as the people and buildings growing tinier and tinier down below.
This is where he feels most alive, where he feels like he belongs; here with the sun on his back and the wind in his feathers and everything else so far away. How strange that these broad crimson wings that mark him as an outsider, that he had hated and wanted gone for so long are his lifeline now. He feels as if they are all the good he has left in him these days.
But every bird must return to the ground eventually, and as he glides back down with eyes sharp for a landing spot where he won’t draw too much attention anxiety begins to creep back up his spine with sharp, frozen fingers.
Real or imagined eyes peering from the windows of the surrounding apartment buildings make his skin prickle as Collie comes to a clumsy, skidding landing in an alleyway. He gives his wings a final few flaps in a vain attempt to shake the gathering tension out of his body, the stirred up air sending an empty plastic bag floating away with a soft rustling sound.
His familiar dishonestly cheerful grin peels his lips apart as he hops up the front steps of one of the buildings, the long display feathers between his wings pulling in flat and tight as a couple of unsavory types loitering on the stoop give him a once over.
Even without taking the elevator, which are always too small and make him feel trapped, claustrophobia begins to set in as he heads inside and starts climbing the first flight of stairs. The walls and ceiling are too close and he hates not being able to see the sky.
Still, he chatters away like an excited parrot when the recipient of the package he’s been sent to deliver answers the door and takes the thick brown envelope from him, a small, squinting woman with greasy hair that answers his little quips and jokes only minimally and shuts the door in his face after pushing a wad of bills into his hands.
Collie stuffs the money into one of the inside pockets of his jacket as he takes the remaining stairs to the roof two at a time. He hadn’t known what was in the envelope and hadn’t particularly cared; the cash will pay for a direly necessary trip to the laundromat, new socks and underwear, and, best of all, a hot meal. No dumpster diving for this dirty street pigeon tonight!
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