#he will gladly tell vanitas to fall over and not get up and yet loves him so much
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izuizzy · 5 months ago
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I'm finally posting Jax~ He's Vanitas's s/o hehehe (mainly in good timeline but he's also in the canon) Prns are He/They, he's a tasmanian devil btw if you're wondering
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nobodies-png · 6 years ago
um this request is kinda sensitive in nature so i understand if you won't do it but. my bird passed away today and just. could i have the sora quintet + kairi and riku comforting their partner over the loss of a pet?
aw, i’m sorry for your loss, nonnie ! and sorry for getting to this prompt late too, hope you feel better !
Sora : 
To Sora, pets are way more than that - they’re like family ! So he’d be sad and a bit teary once he gets the news, but he’ll put on a brave face to support you ! He’d stay by your side until you feel better, always touching you in some way : gently rubbing your arm, holding your hand, literally just picking you up etc. 
He absolutely hates seeing you cry because it makes him cry too - but he’d insist that you get everything out of your system in any way that you can, so you can slowly move on from your pet’s death. Cry on his shoulder until you have no more tears left ! Scream your frustration and sadness away ! Be self-indulgent and eat that ice cream while you watch sad movies with him ! 
After that, he’d surround you with love, friends and so much v a l i d a t i o n that you won’t even have time to feel sad anymore. Sad hours are over ! Sora would tell you that your dear pet would want you to remember them with a smile, instead of a frown ! 
Vanitas : 
Vanitas is bad at comforting others, like he has a hard time making sure his voice doesn’t sound angry, stern or condescending, relaxing his face so it doesn’t seem like he’s always frowning… He wants to be gentle with you, but it’s like it’s physically impossible for him to stop that Angry Vibe he always has. The “bad boy” attitude will drop to 0% until you feel better- 
Or til you can reply to his typical sass with your own snarky comments. But until then, he’d be patient and pretty quiet (as to avoid fucking everything up by saying some unnecessary shit). He’s not the type to get attached to pets or casually shed any tears for them, but he knows that animal was important to you.
 And since you’re important to him, he’d respect that. Vanitas would properly dispose of the body himself so you don’t have to and maybe built a little tombstone in the garden ? They’re just a bunch of rocks stacked together with flowers around, but he’s so genuinely proud and eager to put a smile on your face that you can’t critizice or complain.
Ventus : 
Ventus would be very solemn about it. Some people find funerals for pets pretty over the top, but Ventus would gladly hold a little ceremony if you want - it’s the death of a living being that you cherished, after all - even if it’s just the two of you standing in silence at a little makeshift grave. He’d reassure you that your pet is in a better place and that you did your best taking care of them.
The idea of getting a new pet to surprise you would linger in his mind, but maybe that could be a bit r u d e - so instead, Ventus would get you a giant plushie of whatever animal your pet was ! Or the closest thing he could get at the store with the munny he had saved. He’d just show up at your door one day, his entire body blocked by that g i a n t plushie.
Like you can s e e his knees trembling under the weight. The gesture is pretty darn cute, specially knowing that he had to carry that Big Boy by himself all the way to your home. Ventus would tell you to hold on to that plushie whenever you feel lonely and when he can’t be there for you.
Roxas :
Roxas would comfort you to the best of his abilities, but he wouldn’t cry or go as far as Vanitas or Ventus - it was your pet, so he doesn’t want to overstep or intrude. He’d invite you over to do fun things at his place or take a short trip to the beach ! Of course, he’s up for doing anything you might want to do too.
It seems like he’s just kinda ignoring and avoiding the entire subject, but he does have good intentions. It’s easy to be sad in a situation like this - in fact, it’s way too easy to stay sad. So instead of dragging you down even more by constantly talking about it, he’d give you little pushes here and there so that you can get out of that loop.
Roxas would, as usual, get his friends to help him out here. If you’re still sad, he’d get them all to maybe throw a little party/gathering, hang out all together or to make a few colorful and cute cards to cheer you up (the one with the prettiest drawing of your pet is totes Namine’s work, don’t trust Roxas when he claims he drew that.)
Xion :
The first thing she does is give you a long and warm hug. Xion is the opposite of Vanitas, she gets attached and loves pretty easily so even if she didn’t personally knew your pet, she’d still feel pretty sad about it. If you want to just ramble and share any cute stories about your friend, she’s all ears.
Her “Mom Friend” mode would immediately activate. She’d make sure that you’re eating and sleeping well, because she knows that people tend to get into bad habits after the loss of someone they cherish. You want to sleep for 5 more minutes ? Sure, but no 6 hour naps. Want to eat an entire cake by yourself to drown your sadness ? Sure, but she’ll make you some decent meals after that.
If you’re feeling miserable with that “I don’t feel like doing anything but sleep” attitude, Xion would gladly help you organize your life so you can slowly pick yourself up and move on. Need cuddles and smooches ? Good advice ? A shoulder to cry on ? She’s got you.
Kairi : 
Kairi would sit you down at her place and give you a warm glass of chocolate, letting you explain and ramble your heart out. And if you don’t feel like talking, that’s fine too. She’s had many pets during her life, so she knows how hard can this be - you can take all the time in the world to heal and feel better, she won’t go anywhere !
If you want, she’d take you to the nearest pet store to just play with the kittens and puppies - or any cute baby animal available honestly. Holding a dozen of those cleanses the soul. Kairi doesn’t want you to be sad and close off to the idea of having new future pets, so she’ll subtly hint that m a y b e you could get a new one to keep you company.
Of course, that’s your decision and she’ll support whatever you choose. In the meantime, she’ll try to stay positive and optimistic for your sake, taking you out on dates to distract you and checking in often to make sure you’re okay while she’s not there.
Riku : 
Riku is not the type to immediately shower you with cuddles, but he’ll gladly lend an ear. Riku would call you every night to check on you but you’d insist on talking to him for a bit longer - so you’d end up falling asleep to the sound of his voice.
He would probably send Pluto with you, so you don’t feel lonely after the loss of your pet and because the little dog is just great at cheering others - a thing he has yet to master. You’d just find Pluto at your doorstep every day with letters tied to his collar from Riku himself - inside them there would be little reminders and short cute messages like “Have a good day”, “Remember to have lunch today” “I love you.” and such.
Like it’s a small gesture but it took him a long time to come up with it. And even a longer time to actually go through it because he’s embarrassed about it - b u t he wants to do something nice for you so there.
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a-crack-in-the-universe · 6 years ago
Endless Grief
Mysterious Tower feels like a cage. Aqua paces around the small rounded room (a cell, if she is honest with herself) she has been placed in, longing for Terra, wide-open space where she can roam free, and darkness. She and Ventus had been brought to this place by the light keyblade wielders, after they had ‘rescued’ them days before. Since then, she has chosen to remain in the room they allotted her, refusing to venture out and talk to the wielders. Why should she mingle with the enemy, after all?
Terra… gods, her heart aches for him, though she is loath to admit it, and is filled with a deep terror over what they could be doing to him. She misses him every day—the comfort and familiarity she felt in his presence, the joy and carnal pleasure he brought her. She would give anything to have him with her here now—maybe then she would feel less alone and afraid. At the same time, though, she is angry at him for leaving her like this and would gladly kill him if he were here.
She is painfully aware that she could just leave this place, as she is so powerful that no one could stop her if she chose to do so, but she cannot hurt Ventus like that. It is strange—usually she would not care about anyone else’s feelings, but it makes her uncomfortable to think of him being in pain in any way.  
She knows that she shares a strong bond with Ventus. She felt it when she first saw him when Terra was taken from her. A strange, beautiful pain and joy, as if she were coming face-to-face with something she had not realised she had been missing for all of this time. She does not know what to make of it. Part of her lights up with recognition; another part of her is dismissive of it; and yet another part of her just wants to forget it all and revel in the darkness.  
It is Ventus, come to see her. She looks up as he edges into the bedroom with wide eyes, as if he thinks she will do him harm. Her? It is unbelievable. She would never hurt Ventus. Or would she?
Yes, she would, if it means getting out of this prison and finding Terra again. Nothing is more important than that. Right? Besides, Ventus is scared of her. That is enough to make the anger and hurt rise through her again. Why should he be afraid? What has she done to make him feel that way?  
She fights back the confusion and pain that stabs her heart and says coldly, ‘Yes? What do you want?’
He falters, his face falling as he sees the anger in her eyes. ‘I—Master Yen Sid wants to see you. He wants to talk about what’s been happening. He—’
He stops at the furious look on her face. Thankfully it is not directed at him, but rather at the old retired master. Master Yen Sid had been the one who had forbade Mickey from rescuing her before it was too late. She knows that now, thanks to Ventus. Why should she take the time to talk with someone who had betrayed her so badly? (And besides, she suspects that if she does go and talk with him, she will do something drastic—such as murdering him with the darkness she has at her disposal or throwing him into the Realm of Darkness so that he can see how he likes being stuck there for over twelve years.)      
‘I do not want to speak with him,’ she says without turning around. ‘You may tell him that.’
‘Go and tell him that and leave me alone.’ Please… She tries to ignore the part of her that urges her to turn and beg him to stay. That part of her is weak. That part of her will only bring pain and loss down on her again. Still, a stray tear streaks down her cheek as Ventus silently leaves her alone.  
She does not know what she is feeling or why. She knows that she loves Ventus like a brother, and longs to mend their relationship to how it was when they were both living in the Land of Departure with Terra and Master Eraqus. But at the same time, part of her is determined to push him away. She is dangerous and filled with darkness—what if she hurts him? She could not bear that. And she also could not bear to see the condemnation on his face when he realises the things she has done—which he would quickly discover just from seeing the truth in her eyes.
She has other visitors aside from Ventus. Almost none of them are welcome. The Mouse comes once, his eyes filled with guilt and sorrow. He tries to explain himself and ask for forgiveness for his role in her corruption, but she is not having any of that. She knows that she will never forgive him for his inaction and abruptly tells him so. It cost her everything and she cannot forget about it so quickly.
Mickey is saddened by her angry admission (for they had been good friends once), but he accepts it and leaves her alone. He does not come to visit her again, much to her relief.    
Sometimes the boy Riku visits her, along with Kairi, the Princess of Heart she met once years ago in Radiant Garden. Kairi is now a keyblade wielder herself, much to her surprise, and is currently training with Merlin and another boy named Lea in Radiant Garden. Riku is now a Keyblade Master, having passed his Mark of Mastery Exam shortly before she joined the Organization. They both hover at her bedside (Riku carefully placing himself slightly in front of Kairi) and look incredibly nervous, as if she could suddenly snap and attack them both.
They are all very wary around her, something which sets her on edge. At least in the Organization it could be used to her advantage. Here they just tip-toe around her as if she could burn them and do not let her behaviour truly affect them.
Sora (the boy with the spiky brown hair) is the only one who does not visit her. Not that she cares. It is because he is too busy travelling with Donald and Goofy in their Gummi Ship, protecting the worlds. Ventus speaks very fondly of Sora, who was after all the person who gave his heart refuge when it needed it most, and also healed it when it was shattered by Master Xehanort long ago. She would be lying if it did not upset her somewhat. Ventus used to act that way toward her, but now all he does is act wary and afraid.
She wonders if it is her fault. She has become something dark, like Vanitas and she does not hate it. She likes the darkness—she likes how it makes her feel powerful and in control. When she had first been brought into the Organization, she had felt so helpless and broken. Then when she had embraced the darkness, it had gone away and she had felt more powerful than she had ever felt before. 
Terra would understand, she knows. He would tell her that she is beautiful, that the darkness in her is beautiful. He would not fear her. He would accept her.
Deep down, she wants to have that same acceptance from Ventus. But she has seen the way Ventus acts around her, and she does not think it likely that he will love her the same way as he did before.
Weeks pass like this, and she begins to wonder why she does not go already. Because of Ventus, she tells herself. But if Ventus will not accept her, why should she stay for him?      
One day, she has had enough. It is time for her to leave this place and these enemies and go and find Terra again. Then they can continue doing what they’d been doing before this mess occurred. She would like to bring Ventus with her, but she knows that is not possible. Ventus fears her. It is clear enough by the way he has been avoiding her. He must hate her for handing him over to Master Xehanort. Why would he want to go anywhere with her? 
He certainly will not want her to stay. And no one else will be upset if she goes away. They must surely think that she is a monster, and that she will destroy them all eventually. Yes, leaving is the best course of action, for everyone involved.  
Unfortunately, when she walks to the end of the staircase, she finds two keyblade wielders waiting there. There to stop her from leaving, she assumes. She crosses her arms in anger as they face her with grim faces.
‘You cannot keep me here against my will,’ she snaps at them. ‘It is not your way.’
‘That’s true.’ Riku steps forward. ‘But it’s also not right to let you go when we know what you’re going to do. We can’t let you cause chaos in the worlds.’
‘What makes you think that I will do that?’
‘The look on your face,’ he says. ‘I know that look. I’ve seen it in the Heartless. You crave darkness and won’t stop yourself from bringing it into the worlds.’    
‘Master Aqua, please listen to us,’ Kairi begs. ‘You’re sick. You need help. You can’t just leave!’  
‘You do not know anything about me, or what I have been through,’ she snarls. ‘Nothing at all. You cannot tell me what to do!’
(Truthfully, she is not sure that she knows anything about herself anymore, either. All she knows is that she has become something dark and dangerous. Something they would not understand or tolerate.)  
‘Trust us,’ Riku says. ‘Let us help you.’
‘I do not trust any of you,’ she says coldly. ‘You abandoned me in the Realm of Darkness; when I called for aid you ignored me and let me be tortured by Xemnas. I would rather go back to the Organization than spend another minute longer here.’
She turns to leave. No one stops her. Except—
‘Aqua, wait! Don’t go!’
She turns her head to see Ventus—or someone who appears to be Ventus—coming to a halt in front of her. His hand reaches out pleadingly to her.
Foolish boy. Does he truly think he has a chance of stopping her?
She scoffs at him. ‘Why? There is nothing for me here. What do you think—’
‘Because…�� He takes a deep breath. ‘I want you to stay.’
To her surprise, he grips her wrist with his hand and places a trinket in her palm, before backing away from her. It’s made of green glass and shaped like a star. No—a wayfinder.
‘See this?’ he says. ‘You made one for each of us, as a symbol of our friendship. You said that they represented an unbreakable connection and if we had one of these we would never be torn apart.’
An unbreakable connection…
‘You promised us we’d always be together. Don’t you remember?’
She stares at the trinket mutely, and all she can see is the jagged pieces of her own falling into the sand. It makes her want to weep. Before she knows it, she is clutching it to her chest, feeling as minuscule and worthless as she did in the Dark Margin. 
Her entire body trembles with emotion. Ventus takes a careful step toward her, and then another. She does not try to stop him, can only stand frozen as he comes to a halt inches away from her.
‘Listen,’ he says desperately. ‘I don’t care if you’re like this now. I don’t care if Terra is like this. I’ve missed you so much--I--I just want my friends back.’
That’s when the dam breaks.
‘Oh, Ven…’ 
Suddenly she is crying deep, wracking sobs that reverberate through her entire body.
The other keyblade wielders quietly leave the room to give the two friends some privacy as they cling to each other with thirteen years of grief spilling down their faces.  
She does not know how long they stand like that, clinging to one another. Minutes? Hours? She only knows that time fades away around them until they can only sense each other and nothing else. She can hear herself crying as she clutches Ventus to her chest with her entire being. Strange… It feels so strange. She has not cried in a very long time. Not since Xemnas had found her at the Dark Margin and turned her into a creature of the darkness. It… feels good. Like something has been released inside of herself.
Ventus does not react badly to her strong grip; in fact, he burrows his head into her chest.
Finally, the sobs die down, and they both draw away, though they do not let go of one another. They just gaze at one another silently, daring the other to speak first.    
‘I—I know you’re hurting,’ Ventus finally says. ‘I’m hurting too. But—don’t shut us out. Riku and the rest—they’re not our enemies. They don’t want to hurt us. They want to help us. Please give them a chance.’
She cannot believe that, even now. No matter what she does, she will never forget the worst moment of her life, which only occurred because they did not help her. For so long, it has been drilled into her that they are the enemy; she will not change her opinion of them so quickly. But she can see that it means a lot to Ventus, as she sees the desperate look in his eyes, and so she reluctantly gives in.
‘I… All right.’
Ventus’ face lights up at her words; he hugs her tightly, not noticing her flinch at the gesture.
‘But I still do not trust them,’ she tells him. ‘What if they stab us in the back?’
‘Don’t worry,’ he tells her. ‘They can help us get Terra back. They won’t hurt us. They need us.’
‘I have no interest in their war,’ she retorts coldly. She just wants Terra, and Ventus. Nothing else matters to her but them. She has had enough of being used by other people for their own gain and wants nothing more than to pursue her own goals, wherever it may lead her.
‘It doesn’t matter,’ Ventus says. ‘They’ll help us anyway, even if we don’t fight. It’s the best chance we have.’
He is right about that, unfortunately. They cannot rescue Terra by themselves, however much she wants to. Reluctantly, she nods at him. He smiles again in relief and hugs her. ‘Thanks, Aqua. I swear you won’t regret it.’
She hopes she will not—or else she does not know what she will do.      
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