#he was too busy training n killing kraang
bpdonnie · 3 months
casey "i think im trans but i live in the apocalypse so i dont really care about that right now" jones jr
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nightsoulsworld · 3 years
Ok how about 2012 donnie x mutant trex reader like the reader gets mutated but donnie doesn't know what she is (like he knows she's some kind of lizard just doesn't know what species and it's not like anyone just had samples of trex dna) and he doesn't find out until during a fight with a enemy they turn into a litteral life size trex
Hello, my lovely friend. Thank you so much for your time and asking and I´m really sorry that it took so long, High School is killing me. Anyway, I hope that you like it, if you don´t like it, message me anytime. I´m sorry for any mistakes in the story.
Here we go
2012 Donnie x Mutant Trex Reader
For the first time in forever, Donnie doesn´t know something. He was so mad at himself that he wasn´t at the right place in the right time. He and his family along with Reader were in the middle of the fight with the Kraang. He was so busy with fighting that after the Reader´s yelling he came late. He couldn´t eat and sleep, he was the whole day and night in his lab to find the cure for them. But let´s start from the beginning.
The Reader was in training to be a ninja/kunoichi. The Turtles saved them from the Purple Dragons. Donnie immediately befriend them and from this moment, Donnie and the Reader were inseparable. They shared the same interests and they had always great time together. Donnie´s mood was right away better when he saw them around the lair. Like every day, today was the same. At least, that was that everybody in the lair expected to be. The Reader came into the lair to hang out with their favorite turtle and.... A crush. Their would be lying that they are don´t attracted to the Purple Clad Turtle. He was just so kind and sweet, the way he stuck his tongue out while his concrentating on his project in front him. They daydreaming about him 24/7. Raph, Leo, even the Mikey can saw that they are so into him but only person that was not seeing that was Donnie. He was head over heels for April. And this is why the Reader was so sad. They must hear every minute of her. April this, April that, they were sick about that and their heart was breaking apart. They wish that Donnie will think of them like that instead of her. But if he was happy, they were happy too. They shook this thought of their head while walking into the lab: Hey Donnie! Oh, hey, Y/N. He stand up and he ran to them. He hug them and they only giggled. They went to the table and they put their backpack on the table. Soo, how was school? Ah, don´t even ask. Horrible, the Math Teacher is killing us. He gave us so hard homework and it´s impossible to solve it. Donnie only laughed and said: Well, it´s really good that I´m genius. Reader grinned as he came to the table and sat next to them. He began to explain to them everything and after a hour they finally understands it. When they were done, they were so happy and they hugged him so tight: Thank you so much, Donnie. I can´t imagine what I will do without you. Well, you´re glad that I will be there always for you. No matter what. Reader with light blush went to the Dojo on their daily training with Sensei. When they were done, Leo came to them and said: Hey, Y/N. Time for patrol. Coming, Leo. They change into their suit, they tied the bandanna around their eyes and they went on the patrol along with others. When they arrived on the place, hey waited and waited for any bad guys and of course, Fong and his Dragons. But instead of them, the Kraang arrived. Kraang tried to take some little girl and her mom but the Turtles and the Reader saved them. Around Donnie was a tons of Kraang robots and he fight with everything he got to win over them. But our lovely Reader had bigger problems than fighting. One of the Kraang´s took the bottle with mutagen and he pour mutagen on the Reader. They star to yell : Help!!!! Leo, Donnie, please.. somebody!!!!!!!! But it was all useless. Donnie heard them and he ran after hem, but it was too late. When he came to them and he saw their body on the ground, he got on his knees and he pick them up: No! Please, no! This can´t be true!! Y/N! He start to tear up and tears were sliding down his cheeks. Kraang robots run away and it was no sight of them. When donnie arrived, they were gone. he and his brothers return to the lair, Y/N in his arms. He lock himself in the lab and he tried for days and weeks to figured out the cure for them and what the mutagen turn them into. But it was useless. he couldn´t figured out anything. His love of his life was mutated and he break the rule that he gave them. Donnie fall in love with them right away. It was love on the first sight and he immediately forgot about April. But more important was the Reader´s safety. After 6 weeks, they woke up and the whole was so happy. Mostly Donnie.
Right now, it´s the two months of their mutation. Y/N and Donnie are in the lab, Donnie is repairing his project and the Reader is reading their favorite book. Two moths after that accident and he still don´t know what are they now along with his whole family. When time on their patrol came, they went topside to stop the crime. They waited and waited, until the Leo said: Ah, guys, look!! They saw the Purple Dragons how they are bothering some woman. Hey, you!! Stop!! UGH, that stupid turtles! No again! They start to fight but after the two minutes the Reader turn into a litteral life size Trex. The brothers and Dragons looks in awe and shock how the Reader is changing. Donnie couldn´t believe his eyes. So, this is what they were now. Purple Dragons start to yell and they run away. Dragons run from the shadows in yelling and that woman was so scared that she run away somewhere to safety. Leo think that it would be best to return back to the sewers so they returned. Immediatelly Donnie start to run the tests on his crush and he was able to change them back into the human form.
The Reader after some practice and training was able to shift to the Trex form anytime they want and when they were in their human form doing homework from Biology, Donnie came up to them. H-h-hey, Y/N. Oh, hey Dee. Can I tell you something? Of course, Donnie. I-I- I... Is everything all right? Y/N, you are the most beautiful girl/boy in the world and you mean the world to me. I love you with all my heart and I was wondering if you want to go out with me ? Donnie, I would love to. I love you too. Will you be my girlfriend? Of course, Dee. And with this words, he lean in and he captured their lips into a kiss. They were so happy together and Donnie will protect them. At any cost. He will never let anything to happen o them. Ever.
The End
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I hope you like it.
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olivia200312 · 4 years
The Bite (Leo x Reader One Shot)
It was an peaceful and quite night in New York. Stars shined beautiful and the moon was full. There was an girl called Y/N. She was beautiful. She was also an strong girl and was training to become an kunoichi. Being an kunoichi was very hard. Luckily, she wasn't alone to train.
But that was an secret of hers. She has friends that were mutants. Mutants that were strong and were ninja heroes. The turtles. They were brothers and there are four of them. There's Leonardo or Leo for short. He was the leader of the brothers and was the oldest. He had blue bandana and has beautiful blue eyes like sapphire ocean.
There's Rapheal or Raph. He was second oldest of the brothers. He has hot tempers and anger issues. He wears red bandana and has green eyes.
There's Donatello or Donnie. He was very smart. He wears an purple bandana and has red brownish eyes. He was kind and calm. He also has an crush on April, who's Y/N's best friend. Y/N wants Donnie to finally confess his love feelings towards her.
And the last one was Michalengelo or Mikey. He was the youngest. He was super kind and has an big heart. He wears an orange bandana and has baby blue eyes.
Y/N was now walking home. She just hung out with F/N. Y/N wasn't scared to go alone at nights. She remembers how the evil robots called the Kraang tried to kiddnap her one night and that's when the turtles showed up. They saved her life. They knew that she wouldn't be safe since the Kraang and other dangerous mutants are after her. Especially the Shredder.
That's when Splinter or Sensei asked Y/N if she's intrested to become an kunoichi so that she'll knows how to protect herself. She accepted the offer and she trained.
She became very close to Leo. Leo was calm and loves to have peace and quiet. He loves to meditate a lot like in the dojo or in his room. Y/N remembers how he talked non-stop to her about Space Heroes. Y/N giggles how Leo acted cute. She has an secret crush on Leo. But what she doesn't know was that Leo is in love as well with her.
Y/N was just walking home until she heard an weird buzzing sound of an building. She wanted to ignore it but curiousty stopped her from going on. She decided to check it out. Maybe the Kraang was planning something again? If they did, then Y/N can contact the turtles and tell them information.
She went inside slowly and that's when she noticed weird stuff. There were some Kraang robots on the floor and even one on the table but... destroyed. Y/N saw middle big bite marks on each Kraang. Something attacked them. But what? Y/N then saw posters of insects. Weird. Were the Kraang doing tests on a insect? Where was the insect now? Did it escaped? Oh god... not good! It may be mutated and cause more trouble!
She took out her T-Phone and was about to call the turtles but then an buzzing sound knocked the T-Phone out of her hand. Y/N looked around in a panic and that's when she saw an mutated insect. It came out of the shadows and it was... an Dazen fly! It was mutated and that's why it was big!
Y/N looks at the mutated Dazen fly in horror. It flew right at her and picked up an fight with her. Y/N immediatly got her weapon out and it was an W/C. Y/N vs Dazen fly.
Y/N was fighting the best as she could but... nothing. She tried to find any weaknesses but the Dazen fly was just so fast! She tried to distract it but nothing as well.
Y/N was distracted and that's when... she felt it. It bit her! The pain was strong and hard! Y/N yelped in pain and she managed to kill the Dazen fly. She watched as it landed on the ground, dead. She panted. It was an hard fight. She looked the bite and it... looked gross. She wrapped bandages around the wound so it was covered. She hopes that no one will see it so she pulled the sleeve of her pants down.
She felt... weird inside.She twitched for small seconds but then she snapped awake. She then... saw an egg. So the Dazen fly that Y/N killed was an female. Maybe that explains why the Dazen was aggressive. The mom tried to protect her egg.
She decided to bring it to the lair. Maybe Donnie can do some tests on it. She picked it up very carefully. Very odd... Then Y/N held it close to her. Now it's very strange. She decided to bring the egg to her place. Something tells her that she needs to protect the egg. She didn't went to the lair but to her home.
An week later~
An week later went by. Y/N was acting very strange. Strange then before. She never came to the lair and ignored calls of her friends. She also didn't even called. How odd... The turtles, Splinter, April and Casey noticed how strange she acted. They tried talking to her, but nothing.
Leo was worried the most. He doesn't want to lose her. What happened to her? Why was she ignoring everyone? Leo asked Donnie about it too since he's smart. But Donnie doesn't know either. He did noticed how Y/N was acting weird and odd.
Splinter, April and Cassy didn't know what's happening with Y/N either. Even if they tried to talk to her, she would still ignore them. All of them.
Splinter decided to tell turtles to go to Y/N's place to check if she's ok. The turtles agreed.
At Y/N's place~
The turtles arrived at the place. Y/N had an balcony as well because she lives in an apartment. The turtles stood on her balcony. They hoped that Y/N was ok. What if she was really kidnapped? Like by the Kraang or Shredder? They hoped not. Shredder is one of the most dangerous enemies and very hard to defeat and handle. Shredder almost killed Leo one day when the Kraang mutated whole city. Leo was busy bringing others to safety. Including Y/N. He tried to safe Splinter as well but Shredder won and threw Hamato Yoshi into the well. Leo tried to defeat Shredder by his own but he brutally attacked Leo and knocked him into an coma for three months.
Y/N was so worried that he wouldn't wake up. But Leo would never leave his loved ones behind.
Back to the story, Leo peeked through the window to see if Y/N was inside and she was there! But... she was sitting on the floor on her knees and staring... to an egg? How odd... Leo got an weird feeling inside that Y/N wasn't herself.
Leo gasps quietly in shock once he saw Y/N staring to an egg.
His brothers heard and looked curious what Leo was seeing.
"Leo, what do you see?" It was Donnie who asked.
Leo looks at his brothers. "I see Y/N. She's there. But she's on her knees and is staring to an egg."
Once Leo said that, the brothers looked shocked. Leo was excacly like that when he got stung by an Parasite Wasp. It brainwashed him to protect the egg. If Leo bit someone, then the person was infected as well.
Raph groans. "Don't tell me that there's another wasp to handle."
"Leo, check closely if you see any bites," Donnie said.
Leo nodds and peeks again. Y/N was still there, not moving at all. Leo was getting worried. He started to search on Y/N's body for any signs of bites. He didn't saw anything. Well, he has no idea that Y/N had an bite mark, but it was covered by her sleeve pants.
Leo looks back at Donnie. "I don't see any bite marks."
"Dude, maybe she's covering it," Mikey said.
"So what do we do do, fearless?" Raph asked, crossing his arms and waiting to do some action.
"We must try to find the spot where she got bit. We need also to try get that egg and destroy it before something bad happens," Leo explained with an serious tone.
"What if Y/N got bit by the same wasp that stung Leo?!" Mikey panics.
Raph got a bit pissed and hit Mikey behind his head with his hand, causing Mikey to say "ouch!"
"Calm down, Doctor Einstein! We don't know it yet!"
Mikey only groans annoyed and rubs his head where Raph bit him.
"Enough, guys. Let's do this," Leo said in a serious tone.
Leo looks back at Y/N's window and gets his small knife out. He uses it to open windows or other stuff. His brothers took his weapons out because they never know what will come. Once Leo managed to open the window, he puts his small knife away and went quietly inside. He gave his brothers an sign to wait. Leo wasn't holding his katanas.
Leo goes inside carefully and looks around. He sees Y/N still not moving from her spot. "Y/N?" He tries to get her attention.
No answer.
Leo said her name again. But still no answer. Leo got no patience left and walks towards her. "Alright, Y/N. This is enough." He placed her dark green hand on her shoulder.
Y/N snapped awake, grabbed his wrist and throws him full forces to the wall.
Leo was very surprised by her action. He finds it strange because her eyes were closed. What in the shell was happening?
Leo stands up. "Y/N, come on. Why di you do that? What's wrong?"
Leo then gaps in shock. Y/N opened her eyes and they were... full black. He could see white pupils in it. Y/N looks like Golden Freddy from Five Nights at Freddy's; But she looks more scary and creepy with it.
Y/N glares evily at Leo. She then opened her mouth and hissed. There was some saliva coming out of her mouth. Gross.
Leo was more surprised when he heard her hissing at him. Was she bit or stung by an insect? Leo remembers very clearly that when he got bstung by the parasite Wasp, he acted starnge, has full black eyes, did hissed and even saliva came out of his mouth as well. Was Y/N stung by an Parasite Wasp. No, it can't be...
"Y/N, what happened to you? You're not yourself." Leo came carefully closer.
Y/N got her W/C out in an very threathing way. Leo stopped in his tracks. But he was shocked once he heard someone speak.
"Stay away from us." It was Y/N's voice! But it wasn't her normal voice. It was deeper and scarier. Mikey sure will get nightmares from that.
"Us? Who's us, Y/N?" Leo asked, while trying to get more information from her. If he can get more infomation from her, then leo can tell everything to Donnie. Then Donnie can maybe even make the cure!
Y/N didn't said anything but instead she attacked Leo with an deep growl and hisses at him.
Leo quickly got his katanas out and his weapons slashed (or clashed) against hers, stopping her from attacking him. It was bad. Very bad.
"Y/N, snap out of it!" Leo said, trying to wake Y/N up.
But Y/N wasn't listening to her at all. Her mind was in completely control of the virus that the Dazen fly bit her.
"Guys, I need help!" Leo called out to his brothers.
Raph, Donnie and Mikey heard Leo's call and immediatly came in. They were shocked to see Y/N's appearance and behaviour.
Raph and Mikey immediatly held Y/N back while Donnie took the egg. Leo was panting.
Y/N was struggling very hard. She was trying to free herself, especially when she saw Donnie touching the egg. She couldn(t let the egg die. Never!
"What are we gonna do?! Y/N is infected!" Mikey said in a panic voice while holding Y/N tight.
"Let's take the egg and Y/N to the lair. Donnie can make the cure," Leo said.
"Oh shell no! We are not gonna have another insects in our lair like what happened with the Parasites Wasps!" Raph said in a furious tone.
"We have to!"
The turtles argued for a while and finally they took Y/N and the egg to their lair. Mikey had to tie Y/N up with his nunchuck's since the rope won't hold Y/N easily. Leo tried to talk to Y/N, trying to wake her up from the virus. But sadly, it doesn't work. Y/N only growled and hissed at Leo and his brothers.
Donnie was on his computer, trying to look for information about why Y/N was acting this way. Yes, they had no idea that Y/N got bit.
"Did you find anything, Donnie?" Leo said.
Donnie sighs. "No."
That's when Donnie realised something. "Wait... we didn't checked Y/N's body to see if she has any signs of bites!"
Raph, Mikey and Leo started to search. Y/N was growling and hissing very aggressive. Leo then pulled the sleeve pants up and that's when they saw the bandages.
"Pull the bandages off," Donnie said.
Leo did what Donnie asked and everyone gasps in shock. Raph and Mikey even gagged in disgust. The bite looked very gross. Donnie then realised that it was an insect bite. He immediatly turned back to his computer and searched. He then finally found what he wa looking for.
"Guys, come quick!" Donnie called.
Leo, Raph and Mikey rushed to Donnie's side and they all looked to the screen. They saw an fly.
"What's that?" Mikey asked.
"It's an Dazen fly. It was mutated and it bit Y/N. These bites are very painful if you get bit by them," Donnie explained.
"What has it to do with Y/N?" Raph asked.
Donnie types on his computer and showed more photos of the Dazen fly. "It's bad. The fly that bit Y/N gave her an virus. It controls her mind to protect the egg and herself. If the babies come out, then the whole city could be in danger!"
"Then how can we save her, Donnie?" Leo asked in a serious tone.
Donnie sighs. "... I don't know yet. But I'll try to find and make one fast before it is too late."
That's when the turtles looked at Y/N, who was hissing, struggling and growling at them. She really wants to be free to protect the egg.
"Donnie, is it done yet?! We have trouble keeping Y/N down!" Raph said in a furious tone.
Mikey and Leo are having trouble as well.
"I'm trying my best, Raph!" Donnie shouted while working fast.
That's when Donnie realised something on his computer and looks fast at the screen. His eyes went wide open in horror and shock. "Guys?"
"What is it?" Leo said.
The others are listeing as well, hoping that Donnie has some good news. Sadly, no good news.
"It says that once the victim feels threatened or sees someone else close to the egg, then victim becomes stronger."
"Oh no... then it means..." Mikey wanted to finish, but there's then an noise.
The turtles snapped their heads to Y/N to see what's going on. To their horror, Y/N managed to get free! Donnie was right! The turtles were about to grab her, but Y/N did something very surprising. Y/N got gross green-yellow slimes out of nowhere and threw it to the turtles. It hit Raph and Mikey, causing them to flew towards the wall and got stuck! No kidding!
"Raph! Mikey!" Leo said in horror.
Raph and Mikey tried to free themselves, but no use.
"We need to get that egg!" Donnie said loud in a panic.
But that's when Donnie got hit by the slimes that Y/N threw, cusing him to get stuck as well. No good...
"Leo, get the egg and make the serum! The instructions is on the computer screen!"
Leo only nodds and looks back at Y/N, but she was... gone. She was gone with the egg. Not good. Leo took an deep breath and he left Donnie's lab, to look for Y/N and the egg.
Leo was looking for Y/N in a long time. His brothers are stuck and they tried to free themselves. But nothing. Nothing was working. Leo was the only hope left to save Y/N.
Leo badly wants to save Y/N. He needs to get that egg to save Y/N.
Leo was about to head back to the lab until...
Leo rushed towards the sound and... he saw her.
Y/N was glaring at Leo evily. The egg was behind her on the table. The egg was going to hatch soon and this was very bad news.
Leo didn't got his katanas out. He has an idea and hopes it will work. "Y/N, I don't want to fight you."
Y/N only growled and attacked him.
Leo only held her off, blocking her every attack. Even her slimes. If he gets stuck, then it's game over. He can see that Y/N was angry that she didn't managed to hurt Leo. Once Leo saw Y/N distracted, he pins her against the wall. He holds her wrists above her head. He trapped her and he maked sure that his legs locked hers so she can't kick.
Y/N got angry then ever and she tries to free herself. Leo needs to be careful so Y/N doesn't escape.
That's when Leo smashes his lips against hers, kissing her deeply. He feels Y/N stop struggling and... she kisses him back!
He then pulls away and he saw Y/N back to normal! It seems like love's kiss worked on her!
"W-What happened?" Y/N asked.
Leo was surprised to hear that. It seems like she doesn't remember what happened. Leo explains everything to her. She was very shocked to hear what and how she acted and did things. Gosh...
Eevrything was now back to normal! Leo and Y/N freed others and they destroyed the egg. Everything was now back to normal like it should be. Everyone was happy to see Y/N back to normal.
Y/N sneaks into the dojo and sees Leo on the floor, meditating. Y/N smiles and has an idea. She walks to Leo very quietly and was about to scare him. Leo was an ninja so he knows when someone tries to scare him. He grabs Y/N's wrist and pulls her on his lap.
Y/N gasps in surprise and then pouts. No, I tried to scare you~"
Leo smirks. "Then be better~"
He then kisses her deeply and Y/N kisses him back. Leo pins Y/N on the dojo floor and is hovering her. They're making out.
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