#he was one of the experimentees that got injured but never contracted the Solver
shinxeysartgallery · 10 months
I saw your reblog where you said that its your headcanon where not all the drones in the labs contracted the solver. Isn't that literally why the drones were in the labs to begin with though? They either already had the solver or they were given it by the human scientists. Can I ask where you got the idea that it's not so from?
We know that for sure Nori and Yeva in particular had the Solver, but we don't really know about the other drones who were in the labs. Alice doesn't seem to have it, considering she didn't regenerate her wounds and she referred to Uzi as a "witch" when she used the Solver to try to escape. If she also had the Solver, why didn't she regenerate? Regeneration seems involuntary, considering what happened with N in the pilot episode (I doubt he could consciously regenerate himself with no head) and J in Heartbeat (she was DEAD, dead, and the Solver possessing her body seemed to imply it's involuntary on the drones' part), so I don't think it's a case of her just saying "no" to the Solver and not doing it. And why would she call Uzi a witch?
We're given the implication that the drones within the labs were being experimented on, likely having something to do with the Solver. From a scientific standpoint, it wouldn't make a lot of sense to have EVERYONE there have the Solver, if they're researching how it works, spreads, gets contracted, etc.; there also needs to be a control group.
So it's my theory that not all of the drones that were being experimented on had the Solver. They probably kept some around that they left alone for the most part to see if it was contagious like a virus or if there were other ways the Solver could manifest in their bodies. Since we know the Solver is spread through damaged AI, the drones from that group would likely never contract the Solver because they were never injured/damaged. On the other end were drones that got purposefully injured/damaged to see what type of damage could cause the Solver to manifest. I imagine that, despite being harmed and thus, being susceptible to contracting the Solver, some of those drones still did not contract it. We've seen a few drones like Thad and Khan get non-lethally injured in the show and (as far as we know) never contracted the Solver virus, despite their injuries. The injured drones who contracted the Solver (assuming Nori and Yeva were in this group) were further experimented on to see what the Solver was capable of and likely ways to counteract it/shut it down. What makes them special? Why were they the ones that contracted it and others not? Was there a specific injury or level of damage that they sustained that they have in common that the others do not? This might even include drones that were injured/damaged to the point of death, since we know that if they're improperly disposed of, sometimes they can wake back up ("zombie drones", as they're called). Cyn is the only one we know of for sure to be a "zombie drone" and she has the Solver. Might be another point of study. Do all zombie drones contract the Solver? Is the Solver what causes them to wake back up? The injured drones who did not contract the Solver (Alice is likely a part of this group) were also likely further studied, them to figure out why they didn't contract it. Did they have some sort of immunity to the Solver, and if so what? Were their bodies just not compatible with the virus, and if so why?
Think of it like humans getting sick with the flu. There will be some that don't have the flu and some that do. The ones that don't and are never exposed to the ones who do will never get sick with the flu. Of the healthy ones who are exposed to the sick ones, only some of them will also catch the flu and get sick as well. The Solver acts sort of like a virus in this manner, so it's a very similar analogy.
I imagine some of the "healthy" drones were exposed to those that had the Solver to see if/how it would spread. Is it literally like catching a bug from a sick person, or is there more to it? We know that it seems to spread through the robot equivalent of a bloodline, considering Uzi and Doll both got the Solver from their mothers. Did the humans realize that, though? If they did, that was also probably being studied. Unless you count knowing that all Disassembly Drones have the Solver dormant in their systems ("blocked by Admin Cyn" moment), all of the Drones we've seen so far with the Solver have been female. Is this something that passes through the mother? And if we take it as this being fact, why is it that it only manifests in female drones? That'd be another point that would likely get looked into.
I'd say this makes the most logical sense regarding the drones in the labs, imo.
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