#he was loyal to sellia
depvotee · 1 year
Mmhhhh I think some people forget the fact that Radahn was first and foremost aligned to Sellia and I don't for a second believe he was loyal to the Golden order more as a neutral ally to it, he did admire his father and Godfrey but I haven't seen any indication as to why he'd be aligned to the Golden Order, Morgott himself called him a "willful traitor" As well it seems that he drove him away from Leyndell. I think Radahn was more aligned to The Carians than we think and I mean, it's kind of hard to ask him now.
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magpie-come-east · 2 months
One question, one that I'm sure will cause much discussion: what is your stance on the Miquella and Radahn consent debate?
I lean towards Radahn ultimately backed out of the vow. Unfortunately, nothing in his gear/remembrance points one way or another.
We still know very little about Radahn. But it is clear he halted the stars to save Sellia from some cosmic fate. He idolized Godfrey, and was a great warrior that supposedly venerated war/conflict.
He seems a very strange choice for the Lord of the Age of Compassion on the surface. But that’s beside the point. I don’t really see why Malenia would march down to fight Radahn to the death if this was a mutual ‘honorable fight’. It doesn’t serve Radahn in any way. Why risk his own death if he was going to be Lord? Something he was, supposedly, already gunning for in the Shattering. Why risk Malenia’s life? His ‘fiancés’ sister? Why throw away loyal armies for a war of vanity when they meant to bring about a gentler world? Why risk Sellia being destroyed if he can’t hold the stars anymore?
Honestly I think the Radahn Consort plot is horribly convoluted and unsatisfying. Like they had an ending in mind and forced several characters and plots into the steps needed to accomplish that ending. With all of it hinging on a very very old promise. If Radahn was willing to honor the vow, then I think Miquella, Malenia, and Radahn are all made the more despicable for it. Ranni gets shit for ‘damning’ the Lands Between with Deathblight but those three basically unleashing Rot upon Caelid (and it’s spreading!!) for no discernible reason is horrendous. At least if Radahn refused the vow, then the Battle of Aeonia makes more sense. Even if the outcome was still pointless and tragic.
Also, if Radahn was down to honor the vow then Mohg wouldn’t even need to be involved other than to help get Miquella into the Shadowlands.
And even the bit with Mohg’s body brings into question how exactly Miquella *knew* he’d need to resurrect a Lord to ascend. The secret rite scroll is found in Shadow Keep, and its purpose was probably realized during miquellas journey in the shadowlands. So did he orchestrate this 4D chess move only *after* he’d charmed Mohg to send him to the Shadowlands?
Okay I think I’m getting in the weeds. But tldr: Radahn wasn’t going to honor the vow.
Maybe he changed his mind once he was resurrected and decided being Lord Consort to anyone was better than being Rotted and dead. But that’s whatever.
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slavonicrhapsody · 1 year
One personal theory of mine is that prior to the shattering Radahn and the redmanes lived with Rykard at the volcano manor, from the redmane knight armor description:
"When they were driven to defeat by Malenia's scarlet rot, the Redmane Knights burned the crest on the left breast of their armor to indicate their resolve.
"Alas, dear home, I shan't see you again! For our duty is to remain here, a bulwark against the blight.""
And if Caelid wasn't their original home, than the volcano manor seems like the most likely candidate considering the fire themes, it would also explain the prominently displayed painting of Radahn.
Thinking about Radahn, people tend to assume Radahn is loyal to the golden order and at odds with his carian siblings, mostly because of him stopping the stars and by extension stopping Ranni's fate.
But I think that's missing the very important reason as to why he stopped the stars in the first place, according to a sword monument:
"The Starscourge Conflict
Radahn alone holds Sellia secure
And stands tall, to shatter the stars"
So we know it was done to save Sellia, and if we analyze Sellia a bit, from the eternal darkness spell description:
"Forbidden sorcery of Sellia, Town of Sorcery.
Creates a space of darkness that draws in sorceries and incantations.
This sorcery can be cast while in motion.
Originally a lost sorcery of the Eternal City; the despair that brought about its ruin made manifest. "
And from the fingerslayer blade description:
"The hidden treasure of the Eternal City of Nokron; a blade said to have been born of a corpse.
This blood-drenched fetish is proof of the high treason committed by the Eternal City and symbolizes its downfall."
So Sellia was composed of the survivors of Nokron, a culture that was adamantly opposed to the greater will, and for their "high treason", was destroyed by Astel, a creature from the stars. Possibly sent or lured to them by the greater will, with that part about their proof of treason being a symbol for their downfall
And if the hidden night maiden we fight in Sellia was any indication, then Sellians were not just the descendants of heretics, but descendants that still secretly had ties to their roots.
Now consider that Radahn defended these heretical escapees against another threat from the stars.
It wouldn't even be a stretch to think this new threat was another one set up by the greater will, to finish what it started with the eternal city.
As for this action sealing off Ranni's fate, he might have simply not known that sealing the stars would prevent her fate being fulfilled? Even Ranni herself didn't know killing Radahn was the key until you tell her about it.
And when you're looking for hidden paths to an underground city, it's understandable that "slam a hole into it with a meteor" wouldn't be their first instinct.
The opening of the game also makes it pretty clear that Radahn was on the side besieging Lyendell during the shattering, fighting Morgott.
It's funny to consider that Radahn's tower was the most suspicious and heavily guarded divine tower in the game, even Mohg only sent the omen twins for his tower.
But blackflame monks shared his divine tower alongside redmane knights, with a godskin apostle guarding the old sword of their infamous godslaying queen.
For someone so clearly interested in godslaying, It would be weirder if he wasn't involved in the night of the black knives with his siblings.
It's no wonder that Morgott would lump Radahn as a traitor, all these suspicious or outright hostile activities aside, the only argument I've seen for him being loyal to the golden order is him sealing the stars.
But like I discussed above, his starscourge feat only seems loyal if you ignore all the context that surrounds it, when you take into account everything about Sellia, it's more an act of loyalty to the carians than anything.
Adding to that, one personal theory of mine is that prior to the shattering, Radahn and the redmanes lived with Rykard at the volcano manor, from the redmane knight armor description:
"When they were driven to defeat by Malenia's scarlet rot, the Redmane Knights burned the crest on the left breast of their armor to indicate their resolve.
"Alas, dear home, I shan't see you again! For our duty is to remain here, a bulwark against the blight.""
And if Caelid wasn't their original home, then the volcano manor seem like the most likely candidate considering the fire themes, it would also explain the prominently displayed painting of Radahn there.
I completely agree that people are too quick to assume that Radahn is loyal to the Golden Order (and by extension, that he was acting in opposition to his siblings)! You’ve provided a really great summary of a lot of Radahn’s anti-Golden Order connections, and I think your summary of Sellia is especially spot on.
A crucial point you brought up that I didn’t even realize myself is that Iji does not even consider that Radahn is the obstacle in Ranni’s way until he has to think about it… here is his full dialogue:
“Oh, no, wait... How did I not see it before? I ought to retire as war counsellor for such a gross oversight! Let me explain. The fate of the Carian royal family is guided by the stars. As is the fate of Lady Ranni, first heir in the Carian royal line. But General Radahn is the conqueror of the stars. Who stood up to the swirling constellations, halting their movement in a smashing victory. And so, if General Radahn were defeated, the stars would once again resume their movement. As would Lady Ranni's destiny. Perhaps, even, revealing the elusive path. That leads to Nokron.”
The fact that Iji is just now coming to this realization suggests that there was never any significant feud between the siblings, and that Radahn had other reasons for challenging the stars. If Radahn had acted against Ranni and was a major obstacle in her plans, wouldn’t that problem be more than an afterthought to them?
Regarding Radahn halting the stars, the telescope item description is the main piece of evidence that people cite as evidence for his loyalty to the Golden Order:
“During the age of the Erdtree, Carian astrology withered on the vine. The fate once writ in the night skies had been fettered by the Golden Order.”
Though the logic makes sense, that interpretation always felt a little off to me, since the description doesn’t even mention Radahn and it feels like such a nonspecific statement… as if what it means is to make a generalized observation of how the Erdtree’s/Golden Order’s prominence has diminished Caria’s power (which is demonstrably true!). Furthermore, as you say, there aren’t really any other significant pieces of evidence that indicate that Radahn halted the stars out of Golden Order fanaticism. And as I’ve explored in previous asks, Radahn is not so much an Erdtree fanatic as he is a Godfrey fanatic (no tree images anywhere… just lions!).
As you have alluded to, the biggest piece of evidence that Radahn is A) not loyal to the Golden Order, and B) not working against his siblings is that the presence of Abductor Virgins in Caelid and at Redmane Castle means Radahn was almost certainly working with Rykard — the Golden Order’s most prominent traitor and blasphemer, who explicitly intended to destroy the Erdtree! Rykard in turn owns a portrait of his brother above his fireplace, indicating that he loves and respects him and probably has a close relationship with him — if Radahn was a defender of the Erdtree and stood in opposition to Rykard, then one would not expect Rykard to hold his brother’s image in such high regard. The fact that Rykard displays these two paintings in his manor simultaneously is speaking to me…
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This brings me to my personal theory: that Radahn didn’t give a shit about the Erdtree being destroyed, and perhaps even encouraged his siblings’ plans to do so, because he wanted to be able to LARP as Godfrey in the ensuing power vacuum… similar to Godfrey’s string of conquests during the Crucible era. Radahn doesn’t need the Erdtree to play out his Godfrey power fantasies! This would explain why at least he and Rykard seemed to be on good terms during the Shattering.
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fenharael · 1 year
May have just had an Elden Ring lore realization.
There's been a lot of debate on whether Seluvis is Pidia or not, and honestly I think there are strong arguments either way- but I think it's possible he was an assassin targeting Ranni. My reasoning short version:
- (hypothesis) Seluvis and Sellen are Sellian sorcerers still loyal to the Eternal cities. It is why they work together on matters regarding Primeval sorcery and the fate of the Carian's despite seemingly disliking each other.
- (conjecture) The Sellian's as descendants of the Eternal cities hold a grudge against the Carian royal family and wish to see their demise. It is possible the Eternal cities themselves also wish this. Based on Sellen's Questline and assuming she and Sellia are allied.
- in order to free her fate, Ranni must forcibly enter Nokron and steal a sacred relic, if she was allied with the Nox, they would likely just give it to her if they are waiting for her age of stars.
- Radhan arrested the fate of the stars for unknown reasons, but did so after a lifetime of devoted study within Sellia. It could be Radhan was swayed to the cause of the Sellian's, or was manipulated. But choosing the halt the movement of the stars that guide your family is quite a statement and seems almost personal.
- the Black Wolf Mask is found outside of Seluvis's rise. If an assassin took the guise of Blaidd, why not her royal preceptor?
- Seluvis gives you a magic scorpion charm talisman, used by assassins who strike unseen.
- Seluvis's questline revolves around you administering a special potion that renders Ranni essentially dead and fully under his control. Aside from a fetish, what use could a Sellian sorcerer have for the control of the crown princess of Carian royalty, and an Empyrean to boot?
- Sellen's Questline, if you side with her, ends with her assassination of Queen Rennala and the intent to restore Primeval sorcery to the academy. She fails, but if the royal preceptor's are loyal to the Carian's why would Seluvis help?
Unfiltered braindump essentially repeating above below the cut.
Sellian sorcerers were assassins that often hunted their fellows. We learn this from the night sorceries we find in the Witchbane ruins and Sellia. You can find the Black Wolf Mask outside of Seluvis's ride that reads: "Relic of an assassin who assumed the guise of Ranni the Witch's loyal shadow. The likeness is striking."
If you follow his questline, Seluvis will have you administer a special potion made of amber starlight to Ranni, ostensibly to turn her into a lifeless puppet under his control. Outside of this playing into his doll fetish, Lunar Princess Ranni will, effectively, be dead. Not only dead, but her likeness can be controlled.
Now, Seluvis ends up dead no matter what, implying Ranni may have known of his schemes whether you help out or not. But was turning her into a puppet really the end of it? What else do we know about all of the factions at play?
We know the Carian royals have a connection to the Eternal cities in both architecture, musical motif, and through Ranni's use of the Black Knife Assassins to carry out her plot. That being said, the Carian's seem to have distanced themselves in some ways from the Eternal cities. While they still use puppet magic and worship the full moon, they banned the study of Primeval sorcery at the academy and expelled Sellen, and it's stated that the Nox worshipped the "black moon".
Similarly, the sorcerers of Sellia have this connection to the Eternal cities as well. Sellia is constructed more or less right above Nokron (as stated in the sorcery "Night Maiden's Mist"), Radhan was educated in Sellia, and it seems like the research of Peimieval sorcery was centered there- at least Master Lusat's body is strictly guarded by the academy in that place.
Seluvis and Sellen know each other well enough that he helped her escape the academy's persecution, has a new puppet body for her, and will write you an introduction. Additionally Sellen seemingly visited him frequently in the past (despite disliking him) and did research into Nokron at his request. This struck me as somewhat odd. Sure, Seluvis could have been doing research into Nokron to show up Blaidd, having the answer in his back pocket ready to impress Ranni- but that doesn't seem like his intent. He only brings it up after you pester him about it and he seems indifferent to Ranni's plans.
On my first playthrough of ER, I had assumed both Seluvis and Sellen were from Sellia as their names both begin with "Sel". I'm going to include this as one of my points mostly since naming conventions in ER are so important and we have some examples to refer to already with Rennala > Renna, Radagon > Radhan > Ranni, Godfrey > Godwyn > Godrick...etc.
With some of this tedious rehashing g out of the way: We are told that Sellian sorcerers are assassins. We know after his education in Sellia, Radhan challenged the stars to arrest them in their cycles, therefore freezing the fate's of the Carian Royal Family. What drove his to this act is unknown, but it is curious he was so devoted to his beloved Sellia and at least once before challenged the stars on its behalf. We know Sellen has a connection to the town in both name and academic interest, her goal of restoring the Primeval current is centered there. She and Seluvis are close despite not liking each other, and have gone out of the way to be of assistance on matters of arcane importance regarding Primeval sorcery, and the Eternal cities. We know after Ranni's Questline Black Knife Assassins are sent after her vassals and Seluvis's body is left an empty husk.
It's possible Ranni killed him as revenge for his schemes by turning him into a puppet, it's possible she caused the puppet's to kill their master in revenge. Though it's interesting the Black Knives don't go after him at all.
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eldritchtouched · 7 months
Why Malenia went to Caelid
So, there's several theories floating around online and I have thoughts about them.
Theory 1: She was in Caelid to retrieve Miquella after he was taken.
So, people like this theory for two reasons. First is that, if the opening is any indication, Mohg took Miquella after the Shattering, but before Malenia went to Caelid. I'm not disagreeing with this order, actually. Malenia and Radahn clashing and it ending in a stalemate cemented that it was a stalemate. Second is that the Mohgwyn Dynasty grounds are directly below Caelid.
However, I don't think this theory holds water at all for other reasons.
It is heavily implied that it's been a very long time between the stalemate and the player encountering Malenia in the Haligtree. And, of the various Tarnished in-game, our Tarnished and Roderika are very new compared to the rest, like how Rogier and Boggart mention not seeing grace in a long time, or how Gideon acts in relation to our character.
Malenia's dialogue and her armor description both mention waiting for Miquella at the Haligtree. If she was truly trying to get Miquella back while in Caelid, then surely she wouldn't just sit there and expect him to come back on his own? It doesn't really compute with the idea that she felt the need to march an army across the whole damn continent to originally get him back. Especially since that also would necessarily imply she knows where Miquella is already, relatively speaking.
There's also how Caelid is geographically the furthest location away from the Haligtree in terms of travel time on foot. It's a LOT of effort to go down there.
It's also insanely weird if Malenia were on a march to get Miquella back... but not any of the Haligtree followers, who are so loyal they will literally blow themselves up for him.
Theory 2: She was collecting Great Runes for Miquella.
The theory goes that, because she essentially seemed to abdicate in favor of pushing for Miquella to rule instead, that she would be doing so to gather strength for him so that he could take over as ruling god.
However, I also don't think this holds water given Godrick's whole thing. Godrick himself has a Great Rune and, at some point, she ended up fighting him. He begged for mercy, and she granted it, but he became obsessed with grafting as a means of getting power.
She also, importantly, didn't seize his rune. We can fight Godrick and claim it for ourselves. And, of the various Great Runes, his is actually a solid one. If you were to apply the attribute system used by our character to Miquella, all his physical stats except resistances would probably be hot garbage because of his curse, so having it would probably be very useful!
Theory 3: She was trying to get Radahn to stop holding back the stars/fate/etc.
I think this one holds the most weight. Radahn did a lot of study in Sellia, and at some point, he discovered something that caused him to force a stasis of the stars. A pausing of fate.
Meanwhile, Miquella was trying to do some kind of magic involving an eclipse and the restoration of Godwyn's soul. You find this information in Castle Sol. And that the ritual failed because the eclipse didn't happen. Which makes sense- if the celestial bodies are all frozen, that would include the ability for an eclipse to happen.
I think it's most logical that Malenia went south for this reason. It would also explain why she would fight until she physically couldn't anymore. If Radahn succumbed to the Scarlet Rot, it is entirely logical that he should lose his grasp on the stars because of how Scarlet Rot tends to work. Unfortunately, he maintains his grasp on the movement of celestial bodies until he is properly killed at the Festival.
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space-blue · 2 years
i dont think ranni had something against radahn, jerren serve the carian royal family and he is loyal to radahn to the very end.
accord to sword monument, radahn stoping the constalation was for security of sellia, i dont think he know the side effects:
The Starscourge Conflict
Radahn alone holds Sellia secure
And stands tall, to shatter the stars
Yes Anon I agree!
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There is also this detail :
Starscourge Greatsword Curved greatswords of black steel wielded by General Radahn. A pair of weapons decorated with a lion mane motif. Radahn earned considerable renown as the Starscourge in his youth, and it is said that it was during this time he engraved the gravity crest upon these blades.
And then
Starscourge Heirloom A talisman engraved with a scene from a heroic tale. Raises strength. The mightiest hero of the demigods confronted the falling stars alone—and thus did he crush them, his conquest sealing the very fate of the stars.
It really seems like he went to Sellia to learn gravitational magic, and also learnt about the threats looming in the stars at the same time, probably from his teacher.
I highly doubt Radahn as he was during the Shattering counts as "in his youth". We don't know in what order Rennala and Radagon had their kids (do we?) but if we go with the theory that Ranni is an Empyrean because she is born of Radagon alone, being the child spawned by the great rune of the unborn... then she's most likely the youngest of the three.
Which means that Radahn could well have fought and frozen the stars before Ranni ever cast away her flesh. Heck, we have zero timeline, this could have happened while Rennala and Radagon were still together! Who knows.
I'd like to believe that Radahn, Rykard and Ranni were thick as thieves as kids, before they all went their separate ways...
Radahn as the champion of the golden order, a big fan of the first Elden Lord, Rykard as the power hungry judge and executioner turned blasphemous, and Ranni... distrustful and self centered. Nobody is perfect. I'd like to think Radahn was the sweetest of the three, but I guess we'll never know!
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bl00dblight · 2 years
I adore your OC and their relationship with Radagon so much, I get excited anytime I see any of your content about them! 🙏
As for questions about Dei, I honestly wanna know everything: where's he from, when did he realise he's in love with Radagon, what are his biggest goals and dreams in life... everything really, but those are the first ones that come to mind!
First of all, oh my GOODNESS thank you so much!! That genuinely means the world to hear. 💖💖 I will absolutely have more content of the duo soon enough - both in art AND writing (I would love to write more in-depth about how many stages of emotion that Dei went through when meeting Radagon for the first time).
Secondly, I hope you like long rambling! Because that is what's in store! I'll start from the top!
No matter how far he climbed, they never were happy. Dei kept going nonetheless and graduated at the Academy with the highest honors. This was right before the war between the Golden Order and House of the Moon. Of course, we all know how that ended! Happy times all around, though there were still a few casualties in the short war - some including Dei's parents. They had training experience as Glintstone Knights, so they were sent into the battle. And, of course, they'd just be reborn eventually like all things in the Lands Between, but in the time that they were deceased and peace reigned is when Dei felt most free. He held his Academy Glintstone Staff he was bequeathed proudly and was just happy to know that he made his peers - including Rennala - so honored. He never knew much about Rennala and Radagon's relationship, they kept that all under strict privacy, but he did manage to befriend Radagon's red wolf that guarded the Grand Library where Dei still studied occasionally. A small detail, but obviously important for his journey to Elden Lord later.
Dei was an Astrologer at the Raya Lucaria Academy, born before the span of peace between Erdtree and Moon. He was born from a long line of strict and uptight master Glintstone Sorcerers and Glintstone Knights (one line descended from an Onyx Lord, and the other line an Alabaster Lord- which comes into play later) who also read the stars for fate and what the future had in store. His parents were told by the stars they were to be blessed with twins, but only Dei came out (a chimera! When two embryos fuse together in the womb) much to their disappointment. He went against what fate had told his parents, after all. He felt like a portent of disaster to them and they shunned him most of his life - this lead to him wanting nothing to do with his family and finding solace in his peers at the Academy. Including Queen Rennala herself. Being from a line of masterful Sorcerers, he was able to learn more advanced types of sorceries from her after hours where they would also vent lightly about how he felt that his parents wouldn't like him unless he was "perfect" and sought to become a master Glintstone Sorcerer like they were to try and regain their attention. However, it would never really happen.
He took up a few apprentices during the age of peace and even started to be loyal to the Golden Order alongside the Moon and Stars. He taught younger Sorcerers how to read the stars and many wondrous Glintstone spells to pass on his legacy now that he no longer had to care for his parents' judgeful hold. In fact, he briefly helped train Radahn in Gravity magic alongside an Alabaster Lord in Sellia since he was trusted enough by Rennala and was keen on those kinds of spells due to his heritage! While training apprentices, however, Dei also read in the fate that a great "betrayal" was to come. It terrified him, never really received a message like that before, but of course, he'd eventually learn just what it meant.
At the drop of a dime, the first Elden Lord, Godfrey, was exiled. His Grace was stripped of him. Even more shockingly, Radagon suddenly left Rennala and the Academy flew into chaos. So this is the betrayal, was it? Dei felt his passion for life fade as he lost faith in the Erdtree AND the Moon - not because of Rennala, but because of how the Academy reacted towards her. He lost his purpose. And for that, his Grace faded too. He was sent out of the Academy by the, now rogue, Glintstone Sorcerers and exiled from the Lands Between as a "Tarnished" alongside many others who shared his fate. The fate the stars told about. In reality, it wasn't Radagon leaving that was the specific betrayal (he had no choice), but the Greater Will's betrayal and the Academy's betrayal of Rennala. Dei didn't know that completely, so for the longest time, he held a burning desire to make King Radagon pay for what Dei saw as transgressions. Dei died, just as all other Tarnished eventually did, fighting at the jaws of Glintstone Dragon Smarag.
When he awoke in the Church of Anticipation, it was shocking, to say the least. He eventually became fearful if he turned his back on the Golden Order again he'd lose his Grace once more and fall into obscurity. However, he also had to learn about EVERYTHING that happened while he was, ya know, dead. He learned about The Shattering and heard the voice calling him to be Elden Lord. And you know what? He'd be sure to do so. Perhaps it was fate.
Dei didn't really win, though. He was struck down after proclaiming his desire to restore the Golden Order, right to the face of the one he once despised for "betraying" Rennala, and in that moment he was also spared. Radagon let him get up again, ceasing his relentless hammer swings and lightning to lay out a deal for Dei through strained sentences (hard to talk with half of one's body shattered): Dei would become King Radagon's consort, Elden Lord, and the two would restore the Golden Order as well as they could using the Great Runes that Dei had collected. They could sort out further details later, as Dei agreed on the spot and the two immediately decided to elope upon what was once a battlefield for them. A surprisingly familiar tale. Dei didn't know if he really loved Radagon at first, still wary after witnessing how quickly he was made change his mind because of the Greater Will, but as long as he stuck to what Greater Will called upon him for as Elden Lord and consort to Order itself, there would be no breaking of their bond. In a way, they were both held under the Greater Will's thumb. Speaking of which, it even saw no further use for Queen Marika after Dei and Radagon became consorted and she has seemingly gone dormant. They wouldn't recognize the Greater Will's influence as negative at first...it was a main aspect of the Golden Order, what the duo upheld, but perhaps eventually a mutual realization is what's needed. There was a lot for Radagon and Dei to sort out - like Dei learning the true story of Radagon leaving Rennala. Radagon learning how Dei had to strike down a few of his children in battles, but also learning how Dei had returned Miquella to the Haligtree. The two saw many similarities in each other and their morals, and eventually the love was cemented in a, surprisingly to Dei, rather soft relationship. Yes, Lord Dei was a heretic in many ways, but if it was for restoring the Elden Ring and Golden Order, then it was fine, right? The Erdtree would regrow, Dei shed the title of Tarnished upon becoming Elden Lord, and he finally stopped eating dragon hearts 😂.
Through his whole journey, he learned so much. He learned where his ambitions lay, in becoming Elden Lord and restoring the Golden Order, and learned about so many people he had known before...everything. He sought power in the form of dragon hearts, perhaps a bad idea in the long-run, and blood incantations; turned away from sorceries completely. He felled powerful foes and Demigods, putting some out of their misery and others for their unforgivable crimes (Mohg). He became the new Lord of Blood, a few still-loyal Sanguine Nobles helping him to climb further to Elden Lord. He managed to spare Morgott thanks to one of his allies forming a close bond with the Omen.
And, eventually, Dei also fell in love with the one he once swore to make pay. After learning so much about him, Dei recognized he was only doing what the call of the Greater Will told him to do. He was a loyal, powerful man devoted endlessly to keeping Order. And with the Elden Ring, himself, shattered, Order fragmented, and a cardinal sin committed on Dei's behalf; the two battled.
There's SO many more layers to him and Radagon, but this is the main gist in as few words as I could manage!! Dei was very conflicted at first, but he is happier than ever now. One can only hope they both can eventually realize what the Greater Will is doing: being the greatest manipulator in all of the Lands Between...
Dei's dreams have always been to make a name for himself in some way. He was able to in the Academy, but after it fell into chaos he obviously lost that. As Elden Lord, now everyone knows of him and his triumph. It makes him happy he has a legacy and he wants to continue it onwards. The stars no longer tell fate, but he knows that, in the end, fate guided him where he needed to be. There was no predicting it, he just had to go with it, and he's very pleased that he did so. Lord Dei is overjoyed to have the support of Radagon and all the others loyal to him, especially his close friend Vino (who is my friend's Tarnished OC that is very involved in Dei's story). Most of his hopes were fulfilled upon becoming Elden Lord, able to slowly repair the fragmented expanse of the Lands Between and restore life to how it was when he was happiest. As for future dreams, he simply wishes to remain by Radagon's side and continue the legacy of the Age of Restoration.
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