#he tend to hesitate a lot because hes scared that he'll hurt them with the spikes or just by squeezing them to hard since hes pretty big
lostsoulau-ask · 1 year
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Fylass: Er... Do you like hugs? Shard or Buddy, it doesn't really matter to me!
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Buddy: W-we are not r-really used to hugs. (B-beside eachother... Y-years alone d-does things to you.) B-but if you want, i-i can give one. J-just be carefull with the spikes. Shard t-tends to easely tense up w-with other peoples h-hugs. I-i gess todays Knight aren't v-very used to this.
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pinejayy · 1 year
╰┈➤Powerful little Human || Yandere Upper Moons
summary: requested by @the-clumsy-clown - they asked for a gn reader with sans ability and how would the upper moons react to them being powerful. they also requested for the upper moon to be a yandere.
a/n: sorry for the long wait, i've been having a lot going on. but thank you for being so patient uwu. also i've never played undertale so I don't know so much about san's powers // I had to ask my boyfriend to explain about his powers and with me being slow I really didn't understand so I hope you enjoy this uwu
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Now he's quite impressed by your power, he didn't know a human could obtain this power. He came across you in the woods and you were messing around with a helpless demon.
And of course he wanted you to himself, he was Upper Moon 1 and he was already so powerful and imagine what a powerful couple you guys would be. So yes he would be selfish and take you away from your life.
He doesn't care if you have a lover, friends or family he will take you away and force his love to you, and if you dare use your powers on him he will snap your neck.
You've tried fighting him to get away from him but it's never really worked, you can't kill him unless you have a special sword so you're stuck with him.
You are always so quick to get away from him, as if you're teleporting. But he always finds a way to grab you and take hold of you. You aren't getting away from so easy.
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Now he's crazy over you, your power is amazing. He loves how quick you are, yet he really doesn't understand how you move so quickly. Are you that quick on your feet or are you teleporting?
But that doesn't matter, Douma will befriend you and at the end he will take you away. Take you away somewhere new, and if dare try to escape him he will do everything in his power to get rid of you. How dare you not love him!
And if dare summon something to hurt him he won't hesitate to summon ice clones so they could kill you.
Douma loves you and he will do anything for you, heck he will even show you off to the other Upper Moons. They wouldn't care so much about you. The only one who would truly feel some kind of pity is Akaza.
He will praise you, and you better accept his sweet comments because if you don't he'll punish you.
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Now he would want to protect you at all cost, to the point where he locks you away, yes he understands that you have powers of your own but still what if you die? He would blame himself..
You hate him, you would kill him but you don't have a sword so you're pretty much screwed over.
There are some times where you try escaping him, and you always depend on your powers to help you out but he knows you so well, so he knows what you will throw at him. But the one thing he does struggle is keeping up with your speed.
He doesn't understand your speed like for example you could be in front of him and all of the sudden you are across the room.
Akaza will keep you locked up, he just wants you safe. What if a Demon Slayer takes you away from him! So he's keeping you away from everyone for your own good.
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He will be afraid of you, he's scared that you would hurt him. So he tends to keep you happy. Because what if he loses you, or what if you run away from him. He can't live without you. But don't underestimate him because he can and will snap back to you. Which is scary because he's always such a coward.
But when you do threaten him he will spit himself off and then the clones will deal with your attitude. And there's nothing you can do, and the clones will most likely be more harsh towards you than him.
Especially Sekido, he will not hesitate to get physical with you. And using your powers on the clones won't do too good, yes you are powerful and all. But you're fighting four powerful demons. You would be overwhelmed.
When Sekido tries getting his hands on you, you dodge his attacks which will make him even more mad.
Hantengu feels awful for sending the clones to you, but you're scary to him.
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Now how can someone like you have these powers, a human with powers. He never knew it was even possible, so when he came across you and discovered your true self he wanted to keep you.
He did what any selfish demon would do, he ripped you away from your peaceful life and he dragged you to his hidden home/cave. And if dare fight him he’ll make sure to punish you.
Gyokko forces you to show off your powers to the other demons, he gets a confidence boost. You’re basically a prize to him.
You’re not too fond with him, so whenever he wants to snuggle you and do couple stuff you teleport away from him but it’s no use, he has pots all over the place so the second you move away from him he’s already next to you. Grabbing you and forcing you into an uncomfortable embrace.
If you were to summon a Gaster Blaster he’ll return his Blood Demon Art on you.
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He would be the ruthless from the Upper Moons, he hates how a human has such powers. Why on earth were you blessed? When he was human he was treated horribly and for that he despises you but yet again you catch his attention.
He doesn’t understand this odd feeling towards you and he hates himself for it. So he basically forces you into a relationship with him, and he was quite aggressive about it too. So you better say yes to him.
He will definitely help you out with your abilities, he wants you to grow stronger. He doesn’t want to date someone who is weak.
He enjoys teaching you combat skills and you dodge his attacks and punches and he gets quite angry but also he’s quite impressed. And your speed is wonderful as well!!
You hope one day you can escape him…one day. But don’t get to hopeful he always has his eyes on you.
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misssakuramochi · 1 year
hi!! can i please get a matchup for one piece? i’m bisexual & use she/her pronouns :)
for my personality, id say im pretty bubbly and excitable. i’m an esfp & cancer, & i try to look on the bright side and try to cheer up people when they’re sad. im very affectionate with the people im close to, and i kinda cling onto my friends arms and hug them a lot. i love anything soft or cute, especially animals!! im kinda scared of bugs though, but i still always try to take them outside, even if i have to go kicking and screaming. i get distracted pretty easily, and have a hard time dealing with change. i tend to be a bit bossy and unreasonable when it comes to something i’m interested in. i also really like going for walks, shopping, yoga, baking, and reading. i like complimenting strangers, and i try to see the best in everything & everyone! though i can’t really tolerate it if somebody is overly cruel or rude to the people i care about, and i won’t hesitate to stand up for someone or myself. i have very much of a do no harm, take no shit mindset ahsjwjjd.
please & thank you!! i hope you have a nice day <3
I match you with...
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○ Your gentle nature and kindness is what makes Brook love you. From the way you radiate and spread your joy and positivity, to the way you save innocent bugs at your own expense, Brook is irrevocably drawn to you
○ Brook loves physical affection; especially from you! He's a little old fashioned and isn't too clingy publicly, but he lowkey adores it when you show off your love for him in front of others. He's blushing red as a tomato! Oh! But he has no skin to blush with! Skull joke!
○ While your intentions are always good you can be a bit... pushy. While Brook is easy going enough to make you happy and go along with most plans, he's not spineless (he's actually mostly spine technically--) and isn't afraid to put his foot down when you're being TOO bossy. He's always so gentle about it though. Hasn't hurt your feelings this way once.
○ Brook, for better or worse, always wants to protect your positivity and optimism. He'll go out of his way to make your dreams reality without question.
○ Brook is not very soft. He loves cuddle time but hesitates sometimes because he's... boney (YOHOHO--) there are two solutions to this. One, he buys you a shit ton of stuffed animals; two, he wears a shit ton of sweaters and soft clothes to smooth out the edges. He's adorable when he's bundled up like a kid in the winter.
○ You both love to make others laugh and will often tag team jokes to cheer up your friends. Brook also doubles down on the skull jokes when you're around, especially if the beginning of your relationship, hoping to impress you. (Lots of you saying you'd die for something and Brook chiming in with a he ready did sorta sotuations)
○ Brook is always your shopping buddy, and insists on carrying all of your bags. He's always the gentleman, and will take any opportunity to prove it to you.
○ Did someone say romantic night walks? Oh right, I did. Because they're a near nightly occurrence when you're stopped on an island, but still just as magical every time. Brook loves to bring out new songs he's written for or about you on those nights, just to make them extra special.
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bravevolunteer · 1 year
𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐋: fox... unsurprisingly— beyond using the mask as a scare tactic, foxy was genuinely his favorite animatronic ( and if i'm self-indulgent, couuulddd have been inspired by him, but- ) and he's always like the animal itself. was probably also that kid who thought wolves were cool as hell ngl HGFHDHG
𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑: i don't even think he knows this but he'd like before the storm irises and bat flowers ( emo ass )
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓: firewood, gasoline, the air after it rains
𝐂𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐄: he's not that picky honestly— will not hesitate to drink black if need be/he just cannot be bothered to do anything else, but he'll usually have it with a simple milk and sugar. will also sometimes just get straight up espresso shots.
𝐓𝐄𝐀: doesn't really drink tea, if he does he'd probably go for something spiced, like a cinnamon type. maybe with honey because it reminds him of what his mom would make when he got sick but that's embarrassing JHDFGHJKK
𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊: ... he was probably an energy drink guy ESPECIALLY in his teens, okay battery acid
𝐀𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐄: again, not picky— he can stomach pretty much anything: beers, shots, mixed drinks, whatever. he can sometimes be put off by the smell of whiskeys, but he can stomach it fine, with that said he was for sure a fireball guy lmao
𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐃: ... so i've already talked about how he doesn't have the BEST diet, it's a good day if he cooks himself a real meal period. definitely gets a lot of takeout, but also he's content if he makes himself a good sandwich... any meals that remind him of better times when he was a kid is when he has a preference for homecooked
𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐓: ... this might be more of a snack but of course my instinct is to say popcorn. it's a comfort after horrible shifts when he can still eat okay HGFKGF he's also a cookie guy i think, cupcakes and ice cream Not Allowed
𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆: when he's younger? for sure his stupid "tank tops" aka shirts with the sleeves he cut off himself— he thought he looked cool. into adulthood he does keep a leather jacket that he really likes. bonus: he ALSO likes his piercings and a couple rings as accessories
𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 𝐎𝐑 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃: left handed, tried to train himself to be ambidextrous as a kid because he got frustrated over smudging paper and failed ( pov william, probably Could teach himself if he hasn't already, finds this really funny )
𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐎𝐑 𝐍𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆: mostly neat! it's not perfect or anything and can be a little scrawly but it's very readable
𝐂𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐍 𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄: messy... always had a pretty messy room as a kid / teenager, and while he DOES try to put some effort in occasionally.... he is depressed AND lives alone ( in complete isolation post scooping ), he doesn't really have much motivating him to keep his place clean. if he's living with someone, he will try more, but old habits die hard
𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐑 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: the thing about this is it's assuming he has a schedule like a normal person LMAO— he does struggle with the drive to do so making that already the first factor to handle. when he doesn't work night shifts, he'd usually shower at night. when he does, his regular system will be get home, either pass out or Sit And Deal With That, and THEN shower bc ew gross yucky restaurant.... so that would make it more like afternoon i guess!
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄: quality time and acts of service— he is so prone to isolation and self sabotage that allowing himself to spend that meaningful time with someone is not only what he needs and won't let himself have, but a display of how much he cares for that person. michael's never been good at verbal communication, so he will tend to show his love through actions: doing things for others, defending/protecting them, helping instead of hurting. as for receiving? of course all options good but he is especially deprived of words of affirmation and physical touch ( though this very much hinges on comfort levels )
𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: no— he has with struggled concepts related to fate and inherent qualities, but that's more in the personal sense, he's not interested in the idea of love at first sight. has everything to do with the fact that the idea of someone seeing the worst parts of him and loving him anyway appeals to him.
TAGGED BY: @moondevours TAGGING: steal from me i am so tired
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soupbabe · 2 years
The Lost Boys with a Werewolf! S/o Headcanons
I personally think there should be more Monster! Reader content, especially for Lost Boys omg
- Surprisingly the most welcoming to the idea of werewolves in Santa Carla
- Doesn't mean he's not going to be an asshole about it though
- His curiosity tends to overtake him a lot, sometimes he'll break silence by asking a lot of questions
- Some more personal and have the vibe of "this could definitely be used to kill me later" but you trust David and tbh he has that effect on everyone
- He finds your more dog side adorable and will tease you to hell and back
- Absolutely loves using lingo typically directed at dogs towards you
- Good boy/girl/dog, dog commands like sit/stay, and calling you puppy are very common
- It never fails to get a shit eating grin out of him and riling you up
- Everything about dating Paul is fun
- You do everything together; from hunting to howling at the moon as you ride on the back of his motorcycle
- Although he was hesitant at first when he met you, he fully embraces and loves the wolf side of you
- He cannot get his hands off of you once you transform, your fur feeling like heaven between his fingers
- He loves the idea of just scaring the shit out of future victims on a full moon <3
- Honestly he acts more like a lost puppy around you the most, always mimicking your actions and begging for attention
- Just like David, he is very prone to using dog-based pet names for you
- I love the idea of werewolf reader absolutely going stupid around Dwayne <33
- Always sitting in his lap like those giant dogs that don't realize they're not the most comfortable size on someone's lap, being overly affectionate, and giving him gifts
- Which are usually dead animals, but Dwayne cherishes it so much
- He skins them himself and uses their bones for jewelry and everything else for fur for other crafting project
- Dwayne tries so hard to treat you normally, but he really can't say no when you ask him to play fetch
- And omg you around Laddie? He swears he could feel his heart beat again
- You're literally the big bad wolf, a children's book's nightmare, and yet here you are letting some 8 year old boop your nose and ride on your back
- Omg y'all are the dumbest together <33
- Marko loves having a nonhuman partner because it just means they're more durable and less likely to get hurt
- So he loves play fighting and wrestling with you !! He literally has no other love language
- He's the kind of guy to pin you down and steal a kiss for his prize <33
- Marko loves your werewolf form out of anyone on this list he thinks it's so hot to see his s/o become a thing of people's nightmares <33
- Will stare at you mauling a man with hearts in his eyes
- He loves cuddling up to you in wolf form its like he has a sentient blanket as a lover
- There's also no doubt he's made room on his jacket for you, sneaking in one of the many pelts you've gave him as a new add-on
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sk2lton · 3 years
Idk if I’m using the right chat thingy if it’s the wrong one I’m sorry. But y’know how trans mascs tend to try to defend trans fems but fail cause they are shorter than the trans fems who can like fully beat someone up easily with their tall gorgeousness? I want something like that but a trans macs MC trying to defend some of the taller characters like the tweels and Malleus (you don’t have to make the characters trans fem btw). I just think it’s be funny have this short Pomeranian-esc trans masc trying to defend the taller characters honor and name lol
short transmasc! mc trying to defend the tweels and malleus.
— warnings: transmasc! reader, none
— characters: floyd, jade + malleus
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✿。 floyd — he finds it funny, not in a ridiculing way! he just thinks it's amusing that despite, your height, you marched right up to somebody who towered over you and began to give them hell for saying something rude about him before he could even process what had happened.
— although the person's statement didn't bother him, he just shrugged it off, he'll act more hurt by it than he actually is to watch as you get increasingly more irritated. honestly, it has the same vibes as "he asked for no pickles!" as floyd just stands behind you, slouched over slightly in order to reach your level. he won’t know when you separate you away from the situation, it won’t even cross his mind, so good luck! 
— next time he ever needs somebody to defend him, he's calling you up! but, he does tease you a little bit after but nonetheless, he appreciated your efforts whether they actually succeeded or not.
✿。 jade — he's so amused. he would encourage you to continue defending him for whatever it is as he sits on the slides, praising your nerve. though, also like his brother, he does find it somewhat humourous too. it was just totally unexpected that when you stepped in to defend him, he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.
— if it escalated to being a physical fight, that's when he's finally stepping in and dragging you away. even if you protest, he'll be dragging you off without hesitation then promptly scolds you while also simultaneously applauding your efforts.
— like floyd, he'll call you up whenever he wants you to step in, mainly for his own entertainment. he finds it very endearing when you step in on his behalf, despite your... well shorter stature.
✿。 malleus — honestly, he's kind of startled. obviously, he appreciates you guarding his honour and defending his name, but it comes off as a shock at first. being a man of importance, he's used to having others defend him but this time, it's a lot more different because firstly, you're just a human, and secondly, the height difference makes it look comical.
— you're just standing in front of a man well over six feet as you raise hell with whomever it is over whatever reason. although malleus was directly behind you, you didn't really shield him that much from the challenger. he'll laugh a little whenever he remembers just being able to directly look at the foe from over your head. he’ll quickly step in and end up being the person to scare whomever it was off. 
— will malleus let this happen again? probably not. he believes he can defend himself, however, the memory will definitely be special for him.
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for the ask thing: 5, 9, and 16 about c!tubbo
fear, childhood, and appearance!
5: tubbo doesnt have fight or flight, he has fawn. its an obvious remnant of his time under schlatt, but it also means that when hes scared and especially when he's triggered, most people dont notice. tommys never really picked up on it because tubbos never really been scared of tommy before, and even quackity, who was there while it developed, never figured it out until a little into nlm. ranboo put it together eventually, but it was a little hard for him to understand, because when they disagreed tubbo argued until he ran out of breath, and whenever he fought someone he never hesitated to use every weapon in his arsenal -- actual threats to his life were always responded with in kind. but in more personal situations, when he's put back in that mindset he had as a spy, where he thinks theres no way out, he's just going to do his best to please and pray that you dont hurt him. basically, if you pull out a gun, he'll pull out his own, but if you broke a bottle on his head he'd ask where the paper towels were.
9: this one is a little complicated, because it tends to change a lot based on what i'm writing, but i really like the idea of tubbo being from 2b2t. its why he thinks anarchy doesnt work and how he learned what nuclear weapons are. tubbo is hopeful about human nature, although one would not go nearly so far as to call him an optimist. he believes that people are inherently good, and that they do want the best for those around them as a general rule. but he also believes that humans are a product of their environment and that without proper guidance and enforcement of rules from something like a government, they will turn to violence because it's how they have to survive.
16: I HAVE SO MANY GET READY. okay so let's start with clothing/deliberate presentation: he got a shit ton of medals. lots of ones for bravery and good leadership after the battle at the jungle base especially, because in my version of the war that was a really big deal (they got ambushed while doing reconnaissance and tubbo managed to trick the greater smp leaders and got most of his troops out alive). he wore them on his military uniform which was, of course, part of the white house attire, since all their members were some form of military. then schlatt came into power and, since he wasnt military and that made him look less experienced, he wanted to kind of scrub away evidence of it, and no one was allowed to wear their medals or uniforms anymore. tubbo realised pretty early into the administration that the best way to get by was to make sure he wasnt seen as a threat. when he was ordered to get a suit, he made it a little too big -- not enough to be remarked upon, but enough to make him seem smaller, more childish, a little more ineffectual. he messed up his hair in the morning and, when that was called unprofessional, he pushed it up with too much gel, left it a little clumpy and unflattering, enough to imply youth and, crucially, inexperience. speaking of hair: obviously it was in a military buzz cut for lice prevention during the war, but he had grown it out by schlatts administration, so it was about the same as cctubbos. then the festival happened, and quite a bit, especially on one side of his hairline, was burned off, so it was just shaved down for easier access to the burns. after the festival, he realized that his efforts didnt work the way he wanted them to. because, when someone already suspects you, looking weak doesnt mean you look non-threatening -- it just means you look easy to hurt. so he kept his hair short, even though it made him feel insecure about his scars, even after it started going grey at the temples. after tommys reported death, he stopped cutting it regularly, so it was grown out a little by doomsday, and afterwards he gave up entirely for a while. it was only a while after adopting michael that tubbo commented he should probably cut it again. ranboo had frowned, brushed a strand out of his face, and said he thought it looked nice. and tubbo was kind of baffled, because it had been a very very long time since someone had ever said he looked anything close to nice. and he had almost argued that it drew more attention to his uneven, burned hairline, or that it made the grey even more obvious, or that the way it framed the crows feet by his eyes made them more pronounced. but, for reasons he didnt quite know, he didn't say any of that. instead, he'd just set down the scissors, and that was that.
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brainrot-the-frog · 4 years
Arguments with the Hashira
《I only did *some* of the Pillars!》
《The Pillars x S/O HCs | Arguing》
《Giyuu Tomioka》
— Giyuu is not going to know how to act when you two have a genuine heated argument, if he's angry he's going to try his best to conceal his feelings which makes the situation much worse as you two continue on. He'd probably snap depending on how serious the conversation is.
— Now here's the thing, if you were the one in the right it's going to take a while for him to admit and apologize, however if you two stop talking you'll catch him staring at you like a lost puppy. He doesn't know how to convey his feelings and opinions very well but he'll sure as hell try if you two haven't talked in days.
— "I'm sorry for what I said.. I shouldn't have yelled like that..."
— Now if he was the one in the right then this is going to go very differently, he'll wait for you to apologize to him. Often giving you the cold shoulder and waiting for you to be vocal, you were the one in the wrong- he shouldn't be the first to apologize after your argument, he'll still say sorry for getting vocal though.
— "I forgive you.. I'm sorry as well."
— If you both were in the wrong he'd actually bring it up rather fast. He wants this to be resolved as quickly as possible.
— "We should move on from this.. please."
— when you two make up he's much happier, he'll hold your hand more often and give you more physical affection if need be. 
《Shinobu Kocho》
— Shinobu has you wrapped around a finger, whatever insult you throw at her due to your anger, or whatever thing you have to say to the point where you're yelling, she'll reply with a refute at every given chance. She's going to try and deal with the argument calmly albeit if you anger her she's going to reply much colder, she won't really yell but she will be spiteful in a way. You can already see the veins and her twisted smile beginning to show. It gets so scary if you argue for a while. She doesn't need to shout to get her point across.
— The sisters are gonna be sad when you two argue :(
— If you were right, Shinobu wouldn't wait around for so long, she'd want to apologize when you've calmed down and she's managed her feelings and has them in check. She'd approach you with a calm demeanor and wouldn't fake up a grin, she's wearing a serious expression on her face. She'd grab your hands and kiss your knuckles, then smile at you sweetly.
— "I'm sorry for angering you Love, I was wrong for what I said.. please forgive me."
— If you're wrong she's going to mock you a little bit, but then eventually demand an apology from you. She is NOT going to wait longer than a day or two, it'd irritate her to no end if you didn't apologize for longer than that. You'd have to muster up a damn good apology and give her an immense amount of affection to ease her mood. When you do she's all smiles and laughter and immediately goes back to teasing you.
— "Fine! I forgive you.. couldn't stay away could you?"
— If the two of you are both in the wrong she's going to turn the argument into a joke and call you as well as herself out on it. Would probably resort to teasing you and kissing you to change the atmosphere. Commence smooth talking and her beginning to flirt with you.
— "We're both wrong silly, lets move on please. I love you~"
《Kyojurou Rengoku》
— I mean– Kyojurou yells regardless? He'd yell at you but you can tell his tone of voice is calm, and still holds lots of enthusiasm depite the situation. Either he ends the argument himself, or you end it because you get tired of his hard-headedness. I don't think he has it in him to get genuinely mad at you, he just hopes he can get his point across without resorting to anger or snarky comments and insults. (Not like he has any of that- he's far too wholesome.)
— If you were right then he'll probably apologize on the spot, there's no doubt in my mind that Kyojurou would apologize first and without hesitance. If he's wrong then he's wrong, he isn't waiting around and will initiate a conversation with you the moment he wants to speak his feelings. He can't handle not talking to you for longer than a day.
— He'd miss you so much :(
— "I'm so sorry my Dear! I was wrong and I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me! I love you so much!" 
— He's saying that with such a warm smile, he takes you in a needy hug and cuddles you without even hearing your response. He just wants to be near you and have you stroke his hair. 
— If you were wrong he's telling you on the spot, "YOU'RE WRONG BUT I STILL LOVE YOU–" 
— He'd wait so calmly for you to apologize, you'd often catch him with his arms folded and his foot tapping the floor, he's beaming his signature smile and patiently waits for you to approach him. He looks like a golden retriever with the way he acts. If you're still upset with him and avoid him he's going to be hurt!
— "Haha! It's alright my Love! I forgave you a long time ago!"
— He's just excited to have you back, he takes you out that day, he takes you to dinner and constantly shows you off to any bystander the two of you come in contact with. He'll be locking arms with you and compliments you the entire trip.
— If you're both wrong he's going to be like Shinobu and attempt to ease the mood, he'd nod along and eventually hug you.
— "What were we even fighting for?! We're better than this!"
《Mitsuri Kanroji》
— STOP. YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE THE BABY CRY. I believe Mitsuri would tear up and try and talk back through her sobs, a heated argument isn't going to last long with her because you're going to be left comforting her or watching her walk out, holding herself. She'd be left in her estate, crying in her room until she had to leave. She's not even mad at you, the entire time all she wanted to do was kiss your lips and ask for you to tell her everything calmly. She actually didn't know what you were getting mad for.
— If she were to be mad she could man handle you so easily lmao
— Iguro HATES you if you make her cry, he'd try and throw hands SO quick! It'd be Mitsuri that would stop him despite the fact she's still sad. Even if the two of you aren't speaking she'd still make sure Iguro left you alone and gave you space.
— If you were right she's apologizing then and there, enveloping you in a tight warm hug as she cries on your chest. She wouldn't let go until you accept her apology and hug her back. If you don't accept her apology she's going to get so sad and walk out. If you do then she's kissing you for a good minute or two, she was so scared!
— "I'm so sorry for what I did! I won't do it again I promise!"
— Immediately wants to have a nap with you and cuddle! She's just so happy she can be in your arms again, expect her to whisper sweet nothings in your ear and pepper your neck with kisses.
— If you were wrong she's going to tell you and explain to you as eloquently as possible, no doubt she'd probably stutter once or twice but it's the effort that matters most! Again, I can't imagine her being extremely angry, she just wants this nightmare to end. She'd be impatient for an apology, constantly waiting for you to go up to her and just say sorry.
— "It's okay! I'll love you no matter what! You just get upset sometimes and that's okay."
— You'd probably be the one to realize if you're both wrong, she's quick to apologize but would deeply appreciate if the two of you discussed and settled your differences.
— "I'm so glad we made up! It felt like a fever dream!"
《Muichiro Tokito》
— Starting an argument with Muichiro is not going to work out in your favor, Muichiro can barely remember what bird just flew by, he's definitely not going to be very good at focusing on what you're saying when his head is too busy in the clouds. However if you do manage to get him to focus he's going to be anything but happy. He's actually rather serious and cold in response if you're shouting at him. He wouldn't exactly shout but he would curse a bit.
— If you're the one at fault, he's going to tell you right away, he's forward with what he says and how he says it, you can notice the subtle fumes of rage in his tone of voice. He doesn't really care for an apology, he just wants you to acknowledge what you said was wrong of you and go on with his day. He sees no reason in dragging anything out so when he speaks his mind he's walking away so you can process everything.
— "You need to sort yourself out.. I know you're upset but so am I."
— Now if he was the one at fault, you'd have to tell him and explain to him why that is. And when he realizes, he's not really apologizing but more so promising you that he'll never say or do the thing that upset you in the first place. He IS sorry though but expresses himself differently. He's trying.
— "I realize what I said was insensitive... I promise I won't speak that way again.."
— If you're both in the wrong you'd be the one to tell him that, it's not as if he thinks he's always right, he just disagrees with some things which sometimes can't be helped. He means well but can't show it half the time. 
— "Let's not fight anymore okay?"
《Tengen Uzui, Makio, Suma, Hinatsuru》
— It's not everyday you have an argument that reaches everybody, it would be so tense you'd catch yourself holding in the air within your lungs, scared at the idea of exhaling being your downfall. Tengen never wants to raise his voice at you, but sometimes even his emotions get the better of him and he can't help it. He cares so much about you but arguments tend to leave everything messy.
— Suma is tearing up when the argument starts, she holds onto you and whispers softly in your ear, begging you to calm down and not yell. Telling you that everyone was getting upset. She didn't want a bigger fight to start, she just wanted everyone to get along.
— Hinatsuru treats this argument as something that will eventually pass, she is so confident that this argument will be settled within the week. However this doesn't stop her from trying to calm you and everyone else down, she's the calmest one in the situation and would rather speak about your problems without the use of shouting or getting angry.
— Makio on the other hand, wants to hit you so bad for even starting an argument, this indeed worsens the matter terribly, Hinatsuru and Suma would hold Makio back so she didn't attack you. She loves you deeply, but this behaviour could wreck your relationship and that leaves her so scared. And the fact she was having those thoughts didn't sit right with her, more than ever she really just wants to hold you securely and fix this with a kiss.
— If you're the one in the wrong- welp, they are going to tell you without a moment of hesitation. You can't get away either as they'd sit you down until you apologize and tell them what's wrong without having to start fights.
— Makio is gonna slap you but make up for it later 
— "It's alright my girl- it happens to the best of us." Tengen rubs circles on your hands. Happy to have resolved the issue.
— Hinatsuru kisses your cheek and rubs your back, she's so proud of you for admitting your fault and being clear with everybody. "You're doing so well Baby, I'm so proud of you."
— Suma gets so soft, she'll give you lots of affection and will hug you for a while. She's glad you and Makio didn't harm one another and just wants to bask in the comfort of your embrace. 
— "Well- I'm sorry too.. I was just upset.." Makio turns away for a moment before she reaches her hand out and holds yours. She admits to being quite brash about the whole thing, she cares but has a different way of showing it is all! They all want to kiss you so bad.
— Now, if you were the one in the right, they're going to make up for it in a flash. Starting with Suma who gets teary eyed whilst bowing in shame, she's holding onto the hem of Tengen's clothes for a sense of comfort. Tengen is bowing also, with flowers in his hand.
— Hinatsuru is lowkey holding down Makio so she's bowing as well, however in her free hand Hinatsuru has a plate of your favorite treat "Please forgive us for not listening to everything you had to say, we're sorry."
— Makio brought nothing lmao- in the end though she goes out of her way to buy you a new blade. "I'm sorry for hitting you..."
— When you're ALL in the wrong Tengen is the one to bring up how lame it is you're all fighting in the first place. 
— "My girls.. this isn't FLAMBOYANT! We have to get over this!"
— When you all settle your differences you have a night out eating dinner and having fun in each others company. You're at peace..
— They're probably gonna bed you when you get home
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sleepysloth99 · 3 years
A/N: Hello babies! I'm doing a part one of (something, idk I haven't decided yet) of Sweet Home characters caring for you on your period! Why? Because I kinda just finished mine and it was awful! Anyways here!
`•.,¸¸,.•´¯ 🎀 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐤 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝:🎀 ¯´•.,¸¸,.•`
•When I tell you he has no clue what to do I mean it.
•One day he walks in to get something from the bathroom and finds a bunch of blood in the toilet and the trash and he screamed so loud.
•You run in asking what's wrong and he tries to pick you up yelling "WE GOTTA GO TO THE HOSPITAL HURRY HURRY!"
•You're completely confused. Asking what's the emergency.
•At that moment you couldn't help but laugh at him.
•Now he's confused.
•"Why are you laughing?! You're bleeding!"
•You then told him to calm down and that it happens every month.
•"Every month?! That's all the more reason to go to the hospital!"
•You shook your head. And explained what a period is.
•By that point he calmed down a ton. He never really heard or learned about it. I mean sure he had a little sister but he wasn't really... around.
•He did get grossed out hearing about all the things periods come with. And he got freaked out hearing the fact that women have to bleed out unfertilized eggs.
•As squeamish as it made him, he did everything he could to care for you.
•He went out to the store to buy pads (or tampons, depends on your preference my dear reader) but wasn't sure what to get so he just bought you 10 different ones. Even panty liners.
•He noticed how you were craving lots of things so he bought some snacks for you.
•He also bought Hydrogen peroxide to clean your clothes in case you get blood on them.
•Every second he spent with you he felt anxious because he never dealt with any of this stuff.
•He will get annoyed if you get grumpy with him but puts up with it.
•He may say something alone the lines of "quit being so grumpy".
•If that made you cry, he'll feel terrible and apologize. He may or may not hug you since he doesn't want to upset you more but he also doesn't know what to do.
•If that made you even more grumpy, he'll just leave you be and apologize later.
•Whether it made you cry or get more angry at him, either way later on a plush will magically manifest into your bed. He'll deny it saying he didn't buy it, but you know he did.
•He'll just try to make you the least miserable as possible.
•He apologizes for being such a jerk about it.
•He'll cuddle you and tell you you look beautiful, even if you probably don't feel like it.
•He'll ask you if you want to watch anime or want to play video games.
•He'll watch animes or play games that he hates if it makes you feel better.
•He knows he isn't the best with people after everything he's been through but he's not gonna let his poor people skills stop him from caring for you while you're on your period.
•Hyuk lives with his little sister so believe me he knows all about it.
•He'll make you ginger tea to help with cramps.
•He'll buy the right pads, (or tampons), panty liners, snacks, and a bottle or two of hydrogen peroxide. He even bought a toothbrush so you can scrub out more blood from your clothes.
•He'll cuddle you, give you headpats, kiss you, (unless you don't want any of that, in that case he'll leave you alone)
•He's used to Eun taking out her PMS anger out on him so he'll be very patient with you if you use him as a verbal punching bag.
•He'll knead at your stomach if you start getting cramps.
•If you're prone to crying a lot on your period... that's when he gets a little awkward.
•Eun never really cries on her period. At least not around him.
•So he'll be slightly more hesitant compared to dealing with your other episodes.
•But he'll still care for you. He'll ask you what's wrong and listen. Even if your reason is stupid he will still listen because he understands that you're already in pain.
•Knowing himself well, he knows he could easily make you upset with how blunt he is.
•So whenever you're on your period he gets very quiet. As he doesn't want to upset you.
•If he does talk to you, he will pay very close attention to you. If he sees you look even slightly annoyed then he'll make up an excuse to leave you alone or stay by your side but end the conversation.
•He'll do everything he can to make you as comfortable as possible.
•If you guys go anywhere and someone starts making you annoyed or upset in any way, he will gladly annoy them for your entertainment.
•When you guys cuddle he won't do it on your stomach. He doesn't want to hurt you.
•He won't mess with any of your stuff. He really seriously doesn't want to upset you. Plus he knows how annoying that is.
•He googled how periods work and what other symptoms can occur during it. What is normal and what is not.
•He bought some tylenol (the one with the drilled holes so the pain relief is faster)
•He checks on you constantly.
•It really hurts him hearing you groan or cry because of the pain.
•One time he asked you what it was like getting it.
•He really regrets asking.
•He reminds you constantly that you still look beautiful even though he knows you don't feel like it at all.
•He's truly amazed that women can put up with all that pain.
•He's trying his best.
•You are his first girlfriend. So as much as he has had a bit of experience with this sort of thing thanks to Eun, he's still a bit awkward with all of it. Plus he has to care for you and then tend to Eun's needs.
•But the way he sees it is if he isn't capable of caring for you while you're on your period, how will he care for you when you guys get married?
•Course he'll never really admit such a thought to you. He's scared you'll make fun of him for having such a "girly" thought.
A/N: Okay! What did you guys think? I'm still thinking of how many parts I should make and what characters to use. You can request who the next characters can be! Adios!💕
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twinvictim · 3 years
3, 4, 10 - travis. vincent
Travis does NOT drink, he's had a beer or two before but he really doesn't like it and is sort of afraid of being too intoxicated in any way subsequently he's never tried any drugs. Doesn't disparage people who do, but does get really irritated if anyone tries to push him about it. He just doesn't like it.
He doesn't get angry easily, but he does know how to use the idea that he's angry to get people to talk when need be. Comes with talking just a little too loud when he does talk and just kinda looking mad. He does get legit mad at people hurting animals for fun, you never thoughts a 5'3 trucker could scare the piss out of somebody but go ahead and kick that dog and see what happens to you. He's not violent, but he won't hesitate to scare people off if he thinks something fishy/bad is going on.
You'd never figure but driving so much tires you out, so usually, once he's stopped for the night and settled in, Travis is out cold, even with those nightmares he has. It's harder for him to fall asleep whrn he has time off though, can never seem to find anything to tire him out enough, so he usually just watches old TV shows until finally dozes off
Vincent is probably one of the only really dedicated members of the Order with a drinking problem I'll tell you that much for free. It's obvious enough but people don't tend to give a shit, or dont want to question it. It's not constant, man's isn't always sauced to shit but he definitely has more than he should, doesnt help him smell better. does he just like it? Is that how he deals with shit? Unclear, but to be clear he's not more of an asshole drunk, he's just clumsier.
So much sets this guy off, and so much of his anger is so fucking petty it would be funny if it weren't annoying as shit. He'll usually get into arguments if he thinks the person is equal or beneath him, but if he's afraid of them He'll usually plot some nasty little scheme to get back at them, finding some satisfaction in pulling mean pranks or spreading rumors. He's known to be smarmy and smug but it really doesn't take more than a jab at some insecurity or dismissing him or any kind of blowing him off to make that persona crumble and turn him into a toddler throwing a tantrum. He does not forget, and he does not forgive, but he's hardly threatening.
Yet another silent hill character that doesn't sleep much but for his case while sometimes it's because he's plotting or sneaking around, a lot of the time it comes from him just wanting to actually relax, read, maybe even pray or meditate. He gets absorbed in something and doesn't bother sleeping, or he falls asleep at his desk, and then wakes up to resume what he's doing
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saksukei · 4 years
alucard bf hcs
if you caught his eye, believe me, this vampire would not leave you alone,, he'd follow you around every where, giving you occasional jump scares, just so he can laugh at your reactions,, you’re so adorable to him!! I think at one point you’ll just become numb to it lol
he’d give you so many nicknames!! “darling” “beautiful” “sunshine” “lovely” with that killer smile on his face,, he will never use your real name now
he watches you sleep [I don't mean it in a weird way or something],, he loves how peaceful you are and it just reminds him of the times he was human,, plus he puts his coat on you to keep you warm:(
if you ever wear his coat,, oh GOD he will not stop blushing and won't be able to keep the smile off his face,, you won't be able to escape his embrace,,
he constantly trains you,, he wants you to be able to protect yourself because whether you like or not, alucard's second name is danger. people will try to use you as leverage to get to him and the last thing he wants is for you to get hurt as collateral
but if someone laid a hand on you, his favorite pretty thing, he would not hesitate to fuck them up,, after he'd tend to you, he'd not even have that playful smile on his face, like he usually does before he kills someone. he'd be ruthless, ready to kill, with no mercy.
he’d love it if you and seras got along because he trusts her a lot,, if alucard was in trouble,, he’d leave you in seras’s care!!
he'd melt on the inside if you ever pat his head,,, because he's very tall and nobody has ever had the guts to do that. It makes him feel accepted,, honestly,, he really needs appreciating,,
he secretly protects you from everything,, be it people that give off bad vibes, be it something you dislike or something he dislikes lmao
when you're in a bad mood, he comes in his dog form, so that he can cheer you up more,,
fights do happen!! probably because sometimes alucard crosses a line when he's either joking or being too overprotective,,
but alucard without a doubt apologizes first,, he cannot hurt you for the life of him,, if he ever made you cry, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself,, he’d ask you to hit him or yell at him,,
which also means that he HATES the silent treatment. he’ll do anything he can to get you to talk to him.
he's so whipped for you and he knows it,, and he's glad you don't take advantage of it,,
he loves making you sit on his lap, as he kisses your hands and listens to you talk about your day,, you’re the only one allowed to be this intimate with him,,
also,, did I mention how cheesy he'll become?? like pick-up lines will be a constant in your relationship and HE will use the dirtiest pick up lines POSSIBLE HE DOES NOT CARE “is there a seat here?” you ask him,, “yes there is” *points to his face and grins*
he asks Walter to buy you clothes and put them in your cupboard,, seriously,, you name it and he'll buy it,,
he'll take a while to open up and when he accidentally let's his old name vladimir slip, he thinks you might dislike him,, his past is one that he's judged on a lot,,
but he's surprised to find out that it makes you love him more, so he’ll slowly start sharing more stuff,, such as humming old songs from his time,, stories of his childhood,,
he respects it if you don't want to be a vampire,, actually, he doesn't want you to become one either. He wants you to live life fully, to every moment. it doesn't matter if he's upset that you'll eventually grow old and die, he's going to have immense respect for you.
if you ever want to turn into one,, your boyfriend might be a little too excited
but please love him,, he's going to tease you relentlessly but he does love you a lot and this is his first shot at a stable relationship in 500 years.
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iloveslasher · 3 years
Okay....so feel free to ignore this..but if you get the time...could I possibly get a Slasher and Re8 match-up? Sorry I had to ask because the first match-up you gave me was so good! But like I said feel free to ignore this (Also I do match-ups too so if you'd like one feel free to ask for any of the fandoms I do!) But anyways TYSM if you do decide to do it and I hope you have a great day! :D
So I'm straight (might be bi) but for now I'm gonna go with straight. I use she/her pronouns, my top 3 zodiacs are Leo sun, Aries moon, and Leo rising. And I'm a ENTP.
So I'm kinda short I'm 5'4, super skinny and petite, I don't weigh a lot and I get made fun of a lot for it, and I have pale skin and freckles all over my face and body. I have brown thick hair that goes down to my mid back and brown eyes! I'm not very curvy I have the body of a cereal box but hey I have some nice hips and thighs I guess?
When people first see me I look intimidating due to my resting bitch face but if you talk to me I'm pretty nice and warm! Once you get to know me better I can be very sarcastic well no actually about 99% of everything that comes out of my mouth is sarcastic but hey I just love some good sarcasm! And I can be very reckless and goofy! I'm also very feisty and if someone even looks at me wrong then it's on....like I will not hesitate to put you in your place. I can be very stubborn and competitive as well. I also live by the saying "Fake it till you make it". Because thats literally what I do lol.
The other side of me is basically really bitchy and cold I kinda have trouble with feeling empathy torwards people sometimes and I tend to shut people out and isolate myself. I hate talking about my feelings and I cover those up too and I act fine but usually I'm not. Also anxiety sucks......and I have that really bad. I also push myself really hard with certain things to the point where it's just unhealthy and I can't stop myself usually other people have to step in and make me take a break for a while when that happens.
I love dry and dark humor that cracks me up a lot. And dad jokes too....I make a lot of those! I loves 90's and 80's rock but 90's is the best and grunge music is just immaculate ✋😩. But I love anything under the rock genre basically. (Honestly I wish I lived in the 90's) I also have a grunge style like I love flannels, band t-shirts, combat boots etc.
I hate spiders I have a phobia of them and will literally die if I see one. And I love horror movies
This was a though one but after 2 days of pondering I have decided with...
Michael myers
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He loves the way you can just adapt to your surroundings. Because you will need to with him probably taking you to his house to live.
He might not seem like he wants to hear you blabber about tour ideas & theories but he secretly likes them.
He thinks it's cute that you're smaller than him that means he can tower over you.
(me: you better not talk about yourself that way) he doesn't care about curves but when it's time for sexy time. He will have a vice grip on your thighs. Also he will hurt the people who make fun of you.
He himself kind of has an resting bitch face but that's because he is an asshole in general!
He thinks your hot with you being so fierce he is scared you'll hurt yourself tho so don't be to reckless!
You are fighting fire with fire when you try to put him in his place.
Like I said you're fighting fire with fire when you are being a lil to but y towards him.
He will try to help you out with your anxiety.
He lives for your dry and dark humor he let's you listen to your music.
You better not show to much skin because this man will become feral.
He might call asa and torture you with spider(asshole). He's an asshole so it shouldn't suprise you. He'll watch movies with you.
Salvatore moreau
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It's probably best that you adapt to your surroundings here because he litteraly lives in a sort of swamp!
He will want to hear your ideas and theories! He lives for them to be honest
He also thinks you're cute, he kind of towers over you and that means he will pick you up and carry you everywhere.
He can't really do much about the people who make fun of you but he can cheer you up. He loves your body he doesn't like his very much but don't you dare try to talk about yourself that way.
He loves your face but on the first meeting with you he was scared to approach you say be gentle with him.
He also likes your sarcasm towards heisenberg and alcina. They can be mean towards him so he feels protected when you talk them down. But he will be worried that you will die because you are so reckless.
He will listen to you just don't hurt him. Because there is no need to put him in his place. He is never bad.
Just don't hurt him please he's soft boii.
He shall help you with your anxiety the best he can.
He might not understand your dad jokes but just be patient and explain to him.
He will listen to anything you listen to.
He loves your style.
He will get rid of the spiders for you. He will try to watch movies with you because he's not living anywhere where there is a TV or Internet but hell try.
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