#he talks like a main character honestly but that’s kobayashi yuusuke’s fault!!!
hirayaea · 5 months
I’ve been seeing posts that xavier has “changed personalities”
—he hasn’t. this is how he has always been. he’s the most consistent actually out of the three because he’s the same xavier every time
how do I begin to explain that in the jp dub he’s always been this kinda overconfident aloof pouty jealous mf — ITS JUST THAT, all these are tied together by the grace he has as a prince + his natural kindness so I think in the en dub it seems to be toned down a lot
but he has never been “soft” so to speak in the jp dub
like. ever
he’s not even polite… like… his language is so casual and commanding… also he uses “ore” which says a lot
it just bothers me that some are thinking he has a different personality now because he’s been very consistent in the jp version
I imagine it’s because it’s hard to portray his trope in en though because he may just end up sounding like an asshole haha
I love en xav though just wanted to point this out from someone who mainly plays in a different language!
would love to hear other thoughts about it too!
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