#he must show her his true feelings aCK!!!!
reverse-moon · 2 years
How to Feel | Project SEKAI Fic
Main Characters: MafuEmu (leaning more romantic now)
Chapter Summary: Mafuyu is very much not sure what's going on, or why Ichika is up at 1 am.
No Content/Trigger Warnings!
Word Count: 1029
Chapter 1
AO3 Fic Link!
Chapter 2: The Phone Number
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An uncomfortable air settled fast. “Asahina-san, I’d offer you a role in our troupe if I didn’t know you worked with Mizuki and her music group.” A beat before Rui spoke again. “You must be a good actor if you can fool everyone but Emu.”
Mafuyu blinked. How did he- “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I am friends with Mizuki-chan, yes, but I don’t-”
“I’m afraid I’ve heard a bit of your act from Mizuki’s side, Asahina-san.” Mafuyu tensed. “She kept it vague, but… Seeing you and how Emu reacts to the smiles you give… Well, it doesn’t take an Einstein to connect those dots.” Rui explained. He put a hand to his chin. “A friend who struggles with finding themselves…”
Mizuki kept it from being tied to her. As nice as that was if this Rui could figure out that connection just based on her younger schoolmate’s reaction to her smiles and a vague statement… “I… See.” Only dropping the facade a bit, she let the shine of her eyes fade enough to note her change to the male in front of her. “And Mizuki-chan hasn’t said more?”
Rui nodded in confirmation. “Besides she wishes she could help more. Not a peep more about the issues. However, I never meant to be a flaw to your ‘good girl’ act. I apologise.” A bow that was deep enough to note true sincerity made Mafuyu question Emu’s friends more. “I merely did not see the merit in not letting you know I realized.” A hum from him and she raised an eyebrow. “Mizuki let it slip you all would be coming to the show if possible. I hope to see you there.”
“OI, RUI! WE’RE WAITING ON YOU!” Tsukasa, with that sharp, loud voice, called out.
“Til we meet again, Asahina-chan.” Another bow, though this one was much more of a stage bow, she noted. Rui flashed a smile, then got in the truck with the rest.
And… Despite apparently scaring Emu, the pinkette reached half of her body out of the window and waved enthusiastically. “Bye, Asahina-senpai!!! See you Sunday!!!”
Mafuyu felt her cheeks heat up. And for the first time in a long while, she genuinely noticed that she wanted something.
ᅠᅠᅠ...She wanted to see that show on Sunday.
That night was… Distracting, to say the least. “YUKI!”
Mafuyu jumped at Amia — Mizuki — shouting her username.
“Geeze, you turned your camera on like the rest of us did and you keep staring off into your phone like you’re waiting. What’s up?”
Mafuyu rolled her eyes. She wasn’t staring into her phone… was she? “I’m waiting for Hoshino-san to text me back… She texted me before I got on the call, but it is late…” She put her phone down. “She might have fallen asleep.”
Mafuyu never thought she’d hope her acting was enough to fool her groupmates about something like getting a phone number. At least the part about Ichika messaging her first wasn’t a lie…
“Yuki? Are you… Crushing on that Hoshino-san you and K know?” Enanan — Shinonome Ena — asked, making the pale girl blush more.
“You couldn’t be farther off if you were on the opposite side of the universe, Enanan. I don’t have a crush on Hoshino-san.” Not that I know how a crush feels… Mafuyu thought. Mizuki hummed in that playful manner that irked Mafuyu, making her glare at her camera.
“Ack- Listen! I was just thinking!” Amia defended. “It’s super clear you’re distracted, so why don’t we meet up in SEKAI and try and help you out! Sound fair?” She lowered her hands, which she moved up as a sort of extra way of proving her innocence. “Besides… I think K could use a break. She looks like she’s struggling and I think we’ve all known each other long enough to know that if K is struggling on a composition, it means she’s been up for too long~”
The culprit, K — Yoisaki Kanade — looked up in surprise and embarrassment. “A-Amia… Really…?” Softly, K muttered. “It’s that obvious to you guys now…?” She shook her head. “Regardless… I think that’s a good idea. A break and helping Yuki with an issue in SEKAI sounds like a nice small time. Should I bring ramen and water?”
Ena answered faster than Mizuki and Mafuyu could. “YES! Akito ate all my pancakes, so my breakfast wasn’t there! And the place I get them from isn't open until after night classes, so I haven’t eaten.”
After a bit more listening to the other three, Mafuyu clicked on Kuyamu to Kaite Mirai.
She was surprised that she was last in there. More so, she was surprised that all the Virtual Singers were there as well. How long had she sat in silence thinking the others were talking still?
“You are really not doing well, huh…” Mizuki dared to speak first. “This issue must be crazy big.”
Mafuyu moved over as Ena talked. “Just to make sure… This isn’t about your mom or dad, right? Cause, like, I can always let you sleep over and — even if i hate it the idea of it — I can use my dad’s name to get you away from your house for a bit-”
“It’s not my mother. Not yet, anyway…” Mafuyu admitted, a bit colder than she meant to let the words slip. “Hoshino-san texted me about something and I answered. Then I asked her if…” She tried to calm her cheeks a bit. “If she could give me the phone number of another first year. Otori Emu.”
“Oh! I know her! She’s a great model.” Mizuki noted. “Not that I have her number. She kinda just appears around the area I’m in when I’m in a funk and it’s like the world is saying she’s the solution.” She shrugged. Mafuyu decided that was a topic for another time.
“Yes, well… According to your friend, Kamishiro-san, my smile doesn’t fool her.”
“Doesn’t… Fool her?” Kanade asked.
“Correct.” Mafuyu sighed a bit. “It’s strange. But when she waved goodbye today after Cram School…” Mafuyu’s face softened significantly. “...I consciously noticed I wanted to see her show on Sunday.”
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2/5 Mysterious Hunky Transfer Student
Sweet Omega and a certain hottie were supposed to help, but Seraphina suddenly shows up!
Who Is The First Cast Member?
Rozalin: Where did you call the cast candidate to? Around here?
Sweet Omega: Yes! The first is someone I recommend. He is a super-handsome male demon! If he gets a role, girls throughout the Netherworld will fall instantly in love!
Rozalin: G-girls throughout the Netherworld? Instantly in love? It's unlikely, but are you talking about Adell?!
Sweet Omega: No!
Tria: That's just like you, Master! And to fondly mention your love life... You are like a love monster!
Merome Romero: Even the handsome demon that Sweet Omega chose couldn't sway your heart.
Rozalin: Sh-Shut up! I just misunderstood!
Sweet Omega: Hihihi! This love power... We were right to choose you as supervisor, Master! Today is my lucky day! I'm sure it was my cinnamon lucky charm that brought you here, Master! The cast candidates are right over there! I'll definitely draw them in!
Stage 1 - To the Male Cast Candidates
*This Is The Love Event.
Killia: Is the place Sweet Omega said around here?
Sweet Omega: I'm late! I'm late! I'm going to be late for school!
Killia: Ack?!
Sweet Omega: The handsome devil is right in my path! I'm going to run into him!
Killia: I'm late!
Sweet Omega: *BAM*
Killia: I wondered why you came. For a duel? But you haven't trained enough. If it's a secret attack, it shouldn't be so easy to see it coming...
Sweet Omega: That's wrong!!! Whether it's Adell, or you... Why does everyone avoid me?!
Killia: No, you attacked so I just sidestepped you. You have no right to complain about me.
Rozalin: Yeah. You're right.
Merome Romero: Maybe the stronger the demon is, the less your forte works, Sweet Omega.
Tria: In his case, he's not just strong, he may be somewhat preternaturally unaware...
Killia: Judging from that demeanor, you didn't come to fight. I'm sorry, I misunderstood... Huh? Sweet Omega, you...
Sweet Omega: Heh? What? Suddenly staring at me... Perhaps you understand the role...
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Killia: This sweet fragrance tickles my nose... It's venom cinamon, which was harvested from a demonically grown Treant, and which, unless processed properly, will horribly poison you?! Because of its poisonous properties and difficulty of preparation, many chefs call it deadly cinnamon! Was it this that was missing from our new menu item?! I must thank you, Sweet Omega! Who would have thought that you would call me to give me the hint deadly cinnamon...
Sweet Omega: This is not a cooking manga! Please stop!
Stage 2 - Sweet Loses It
The Wandering Transfer Student
Sweet Omega: His kickoff was spoiled, but Killia is the one I've chosen as a new cast candidate!
Killia: C-Cast candidate?
Tria: Killia, you have been chosen for our Love Laboratory's honorable male cast.
Merome Romero: Going forward, you will make women throughout the Netherworld fall in love with you and boost the Love Laboratory.
Killia: Make women fall in love with me? But I...
Sweet Omega: What? um... You're refusing? Even though I gave you the cinnamon hint? You're an awful man... Taking what you want from women and then running away...
Rozalin: You're really into this, Sweet Omega...
Killia: I feel malice in your words... It's true that I haven't thanked you for the cinnamon. Ok, ifit's just for a little bit, I'm in. What do I need to do?
Sweet Omega: You'll play the role of a wandering handsome transfer student. You meet the heroine on your way to school. Your seat happens to be next to hers, so you start paying attention to her.
Tria: This mysterious handsome transfer student chooses the seat next to the girl because they met earlier. The love between the two begins!
`Merome Romero: It's a staple among staples!
Killia: I-I'm not really clear on it, but I'll do what's necessary.
Sweet Omega: Great! Well then, shall we...
Seraphina: Oh-hohohohoho! That won't do!
Stage 3 - The Love Event Begins
Villainous Lady Event
Killia: Seraphina?! What are you doing here?
Seraphina: I followed Sir Killia, of course... Ahem! I heard Sir Killia was school transferring, so I came too!
Sweet Omega: Wh-What! Whoever heard of a sub-heroine transferring with the hero?!
Seraphina: Who are you calling a sub-heroine?! To begin with, leaving me out of a love event with Sir Killia is the height of stupidity! A good personality is all you have. Now, let me, the super pretty queen of the class, teach you what you really are!
Rozalin: This is an incredible turn of events. What should we do about this?
Tria: Battles between women are staples of girls' comics. For now let's just see what happens!
Merome Romero: Hang in there, Sweet Omega!
Killia: Seraphina. Sorry, but...
Seraphina: I understand, Sir Killia. Do you order me to get rid of this fox woman?
Killia: No?!
Seraphina: Prepare yourself, Sweet Omega! Here I will vanquish you, and prove who the main heroine really is!
Sweet Omega: Grr... Love inevitably involves hurt! I will accept it like a heroine!
Stage 4 - The Queen's Servants Stage 5 - Gorgeous Netherworld, Villainous Lady
Boss - Seraphina: I'll show you who the lead heroine is!
My Battle Is Only Beginning
Sweet Omega: That's so like the Villainous Lady of Gorgeous Netherworld! Unless things change, my seat at the heroine's throne will...
Seraphina: Oh-hohohohoho! It looks like you now see who Sir Killia belongs to!
Sweet Omega: I-Ihaven't given up! After this, the hero quietly comes to save the heroine with the wounded heart!
Seraphina: You're wasting your breath. Sir Killia? Leave that hick girl alone and go on an afterschool date with me.
Killia: No, I'm sorry. Both of you. My heart already belongs to someone. I can't betray them.
Both (Seraphina and Sweet) Touché!
Killia: Actually, I must hurry and go get the venom cinnamon!
Tria: Is that storyline still going?!
Killia: For that reason, Sweet Omega. I should be going back.
Sweet Omega: What?! W-Wait, Killia! The event is not over yet?!
Seraphina: Aahhh! I'm not giving up because of this! My battle hasn't even begun!
Rozalin: H-He's already gone.
Sweet Omega: And so the transfer student prematurely leaves the school, and embarks on an adventure to become the greatest chef in the Netherworld...
Merome Romero: It was a cooking manga till the end...
Tria: This couldn't be helped. Let's go on to the next thing.
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skittlewaffle · 5 years
❤️ Pucca’s love letters ❤️
Garu in Pucca Funny love:
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Garu in Pucca Love Recipe:
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Which do you prefer?
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LO$ER=?, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Life is just a path and you walk it. Until Jeon Jungkook. He made you run, sprinting through winding side roads and alleys, fighting, bleeding, losing. Your paths split, but life is made of orbits. Now that they have overlapped once more, his hand is fiercely holding yours and he won't let go again. Nothing matters if he's with you. Thus, you run once more, laughing like you've gone mad.
continuation of 0X1=?, m | jjk – click here to read
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; mentions of sexual assault (not heavily described, however, please note reader is the victim of said assault); actually predominantly fluff; mentions of previous angst; mentions of physical fighting; smut (fem reader, fingering, cowgirl, scratching / marking, penetrative sex); non-idol!BTS - tattooed, previously rich!Jungkook x rebellious!reader (mostly reader's POV, a tiny bit of JK's POV), ft cameo of Kim Taehyung as JK’s best friend and crossover with 'bao, t/m | myg' au
yes, I waited until the TXT's 'LO$ER=LO♡ER' was released to write this XD there's a ton of TXT references as well, enjoy!
now playing – LO$ER=LO♡ER by txt
"Jeon Jungkook! Yah! Jeon Jungkook! Come out of that whore's home!"
You were about to remove the groceries from your front seat, but then you stopped at the shouting, peering up at the second story of the apartment complex to see… ah, yes, a young woman yelling at your front doorstep. One look at the imported, Western, black car with heavily tinted windows and you were well aware that the woman in a matching designer two-piece – a ruffled pink suit jacket and flared skirt – complete with immaculately pulled back hair in a half-ponytail must be...
She turned around, fuming, pretty features twisted in rage, and screamed in frustration.
You quickly jerked your head back out of her line of sight and clicked your tongue.
Your boyfriend's ex-fiancé had some lungs on her.
You waited until she finished shrieking like a banshee and peered out to see her spin on her heel and return to pounding on your apartment door with her small, manicured fists. You spotted her beige, black cap-toed slender heels.
You stayed in your car.
Reached over to your bag and pulled out the single ice cream you bought to share with Jungkook but, at this rate, you would have to buy another. You pulled off the cap and folded it in half, curving it like a spoon, and began to eat the mango sorbet. Hm, well, it was better this way. Jungkook would probably prefer chocolate or straight up diabetes over mango sorbet.
He would eat pretty much anything though.
You scooped up some of the frigid, melting sweet into your mouth and watched his ex-fiancé shout at no one.
True, you could go up there and throw her down the stairs. But there was something hilarious about this, her beating and howling at your apartment door, completely ignoring the fact that no one was answering it and that she was very clearly causing a public disturbance, all because of her own personal problem.
You glanced up to watch her slide down the door, openly crying now. You pressed the button of your car window to roll it down a crack to listen to her sobbing above you.
"–can't believe you would do this to me... you know I need this marriage... my family's company depends on it..."
You slowed, licking off your makeshift spoon.
"I'll be left with nothing... nothing unless I get married..."
Crocodile tears or not, the woes of the rich did not earn much sympathy with you.
You rolled your window back up, leaving your car on idle for the air conditioning.
It was a mix of previously being constantly berated by Jungkook's wealthy parents that now exiled him over a fucking eyebrow piercing and being a member of the working, lower middle class. For some reason, that latter fact was also offensive to Jungkook’s parents. Everyone was accepting until money got involved. You hummed, eating another scoop. You didn’t like it, but you understood that his parents wouldn’t believe that you have no interest in their money. What you didn't understand was why his ex-fiancé was so hellbent on yelling at your door. From what you could tell, she wasn't ugly. Couldn't she find someone else?
You scraped the last of your small ice cream out and ate it up.
You checked your phone.
Jungkook wouldn't be out of work for at least another three hours. You had found him a job at the local bao shop through your own job as an accountant. You assisted the family in sorting the finances for their small business and personal tax forms. The owner had back surgery and so the daughter had been working there by herself with one other employee that delivered the orders. They wanted to hire another to help with cooking and cleaning, perhaps even open up the front counter again to accept pick-up orders instead of only delivery. However, it was hard to find someone trustworthy and reliable. The best way was through word of mouth.
They won't mind my tattoos?
Whenever I drop by, the delivery guy is wearing a leather jacket, ripped jeans, and has a resting bitch face. You'll be fine. Also, I think the daughter and him are dating.
Jungkook had blinked at you.
You know. In case they disappear for ten minutes, unexplained.
You loved Jungkook's laugh.
He didn't complain or whine for some other job. He only asked when he started and how to get there. You bought him a secondhand bicycle and he was off to work, five to six days a week. Sometimes you would drop him off with your car if was too rainy. Occasionally, when he had to stay late for a large order, the delivery guy would drive Jungkook and his bike back home.
That's how it was here, in the world of everyone else, minus the rich.
The fuck is all this?
Manager gave me a bunch of leftovers. She said I'm a fast learner. Did you know Taehyung stops by there? He's never said shit! He said it was his little secret, that ass–
You smiled as you remembered Jungkook's animated face and annoyance at his best friend for not sharing what he thought was crucial information. Jungkook would speak excitedly, hauling a bag of buns and spilling them over your clean kitchen counter, scrambling to catch them as he explained the different ones to you and how they were made, telling you all the things he was learning and funny stories about customers.
You almost forgot this Jungkook.
It was strange, feeling something after such a long time of feeling nothing, strange to find your time occupied once again by him, when at many times you vowed not to get involved with Jungkook anymore, only for him to show up and make you throw your promises to yourself to the wind, recklessly chasing the anger, wondering, hating, loathing how much you still loved him after he left, recalling him standing there, stone silent as his parents' verbal lashes ripped you to shreds.
You turned the car off, pulling the keys out and pocketing them, not wanting to the drain the battery.
Maybe you were stupid for loving him so much.
Maybe you were as pathetic as the woman up there in some ways.
Then again.
Maybe that was just how everyone lived.
You heard a soft tap by your car window.
You jerked your head to see Jeon Jungkook, in the flesh, peering at you through the glass, clutching his bike. You could see half of his head, short black hair and large, curious brown eyes, nose pressed up to the bottom of your car window. He was wearing his work clothes, light wash jeans and an aqua blue t-shirt, lightly dusted in flour. He pointed up and you noticed his ex-fiancé had switched back to yelling at the door, no longer facing the street.
You shooed him back and opened the car door, eyes wide.
"Why are you home?" you whispered, crouching down to speak to him.
He grabbed your hand, gasping as he gripped it. You shivered at the coldness of his fingers, but there was a warmth in between your and his frozen palms, melting each other.
"Oh, shit, your hand is so cold!"
"So is yours!"
"I was biking! My hands get cold from the wind. What's your excuse?"
You held up the empty mango sorbet container in your other hand, shifting your eyes guiltily.
"And you didn't share?!" Jungkook hissed, his windswept hair giving him a fierce appearance, dismay clear in his glistening dark brown orbs despite trying to sound angry.
You spied his other hand on his bike. There was a large, wrapped bandage on his left forearm. You ticked your chin towards it, furrowing your brows. "What happened?"
"Ack, I burned myself and manager-nim told me to go home early. I told her I could still work, but there were only a few hours left and it seemed like she wanted to be alone with Yoongi-hyung..."
You raised your eyebrows.
"What are they gonna do, bonk in the kitchen?"
"You wouldn't want to bonk me in the kitchen?"
You grinned at him and Jungkook grinned back, eyebrow piercing flashing in the sun.
"Oh shit–"
You scrambled out of your car, locking it, slamming the door as the young woman wailed his name and pointed at you and him, furiously wiping her tears.
"You bitch! How dare you take him from me! He was mine! I had him wrapped around my finger!" She hiked up her skirt and swiftly power-walked to the stairs, looking back to yell more at you as Jungkook placed his bicycle down. "He would do anything for me!"
You raised your eyebrows, again.
Jungkook yanked on your t-shirt sleeve, ushering you to get on the bike with him.
"Doesn't seem like it!" you called back casually, chucking your trash at her, causing the empty ice cream container to smack her in the shoulder and roll across the sidewalk.
You cackled and got on the bike, hooking your arms around Jungkook's shoulders and adjusting your feet as she stomped up to you two, conventionally attractive features contorted in rage.
"He was my dog!"
Your eye twitched.
"You were gonna marry a freak who was into bestiality? No wonder you left," you remarked, patting him on the chest as Jungkook burst out laughing, loud and rich, shaking his head.
"You can't do this to me, Jungkook! You can't leave me with that other guy!"
You felt it.
You felt Jungkook stiffen under your hands and you turned yourself, hearing the helpless plea in her voice now, throwing herself to the ground, designer knees in common dirt, anguish on her face, tears streaming down her made-up cheeks, sniffling hard, and, with your breath lodged in your throat, you realized she was restraining her pained sobs, so trained in maintaining appearances that it seemed like she couldn’t even cry properly in front of others.
"You can't... you know how they are... I can't marry him, you saw what kind of man he is... that's the whole reason I tried to find another husband..."
There was no more anger in her voice, only fear and dread, and you didn't understand, and yet you could for some reason, for some reason you could see it as if it was tangible, the realness in her enigmatic words. Jungkook's hands tightened on the handlebars of the bicycle, his knuckles turning white, tense shoulders under your arms, and for a second, a moment, an instant...
You thought he might go back.
"You should run."
The crying woman on the ground lifted her head, hiccupping, cheeks blotchy pink, still somehow beautiful.
Jungkook turned his head and looked down at her. "You should run away, like I did. Find someone who actually loves you. Getting married to me will only make both of us miserable, even if it saves you from that other guy."
She looked from you to him, and you recognized that look in her eyes, jealousy and envy, but not directed at you. It was directed at the warmth between the coldness of his hands and yours, directed at the orbits of his and yours finally overlapping, meeting in the vastness of space once more, his zero and your zero becoming one, not you, but his ability to throw everything away, his wealth, his comfort, the world he knew, all for a feeling she had yet to feel.
"What... what if I can't?" she asked weakly. "What if I can't find what you have?"
Jungkook lifted his foot off the asphalt and placed it on the pedal. He raised his head, and you found his eyes on yours for a brief moment before casting them back down to his ex-fiancé.
"Then keep running. It's better than being married to him, right?"
He began to turn the handles, about to pedal away.
She screamed after him, words choked with agony.
"Love won't solve our problems, Jungkook!"
You held on tight, chest to his back, fingers clutching in Jungkook's shirt, nose in his hair, his warmth under your cold hands.
"It won't!" he yelled over his shoulder, gaining speed with a grin. "But it sure as hell makes the problems worth shouldering!"
“Hey! Get back here!”
You snickered and chucked the plastic bag into the basket connected to the bicycle, jumping on quickly, pedaling away as Jungkook ran after you at top speed, breathless and laughing, his black hair flying back, aqua shirt molding to his muscular chest, long legs sprinting after you and the bike, your grinning face looking back periodically to catch his smile, going not too fast, but still fast enough so he couldn’t quite catch up. Golden hour brought out the tan on his skin and his high cheekbones, both of you tearing out of the gas station at high speed, drawing stares and shaking heads, but neither of you noticed or cared, his booming voice calling your name and you sticking your tongue out at him childishly.
“Watch out!”
You jerked aside and sped past a group of five young men with skateboards, two with shorter black hair, one with long black hair and white highlights, one with ash gray hair, and one platinum blond, all very tall, but you didn’t have time to stop and stare at the impressive height of them, turning into a side alley towards to the creek nearby, avoiding pedestrians, Jungkook following close behind until you got to your destination, grabbing the plastic bag in the basket and throwing the bike down, cackling as Jungkook snatched you from the air, his heart racing against your back as you kicked the air, him still somehow effortlessly carrying you despite sprinting so hard, panting into your hair.
“Get off!”
But instead of letting you go, Jungkook held on tighter, fierce kisses into your neck, wiping his sweat all over you and making you cringe amidst your laughter. It was already late, the sun dipping into the horizon, slowly taking its warmth with it. Water trickled meekly down the creek, barely coating the rock bottom due to the hot summer.
“Stop, stop, the ice cream is melting,” you finally gasped out, shoving Jungkook aside, wiping your neck with the back of your hand, pretending to be disgusted, but Jungkook just grinned and seized your cheeks, pressing his lips against yours.
“I love you,” he breathed.
“Ack, I love you too, fuck, get off–”
You two sat on the swings of the empty playground, watching the sun disappear, eating ice cream with the lids of the containers. As predicted, Jungkook got the chocolate that seemed to have everything in it but the kitchen sink. You, on the other hand, got red bean this time.
“Hey, Jungkook.”
He looked up from his ice cream, shoving a large lidful into his mouth.
It was strange how beautiful he looked, even with his black hair sticking up every which way, his cheeks filled with the frozen sweet, the faint rays of sunlight catching the silver of his jewelry – eyebrow piercing, earrings, silver chain around his neck with the compass star pendant – all paired with his oversized aqua blue t-shirt and baggy jeans, still with bits of flour on his thighs from work.
“What did that man do to her?”
A darkness clouded his features even though he tried to hide it from you with a neutral expression.
“Ah… He just… Just wasn’t really the kind of guy who thought of women as people,” Jungkook finally got out, looking away from you. “You know, the kind of guy you really hate.”
“That’s you,” you joked.
“I know I can’t do anything,” Jungkook continued, ignoring your quip and you suddenly regretted it, seeing the way he lowered his hands, exhaling slowly. “I am not responsible for anyone else’s behavior but my own.”
Come crawling back to me on your knees when she reaffirms to you that I'll be the best fuck you'll ever have.
She'll never make you feel as good as I can make you feel.
Enjoy your piranha.
“I’m sorry.”
Jungkook looked up at your sudden declaration.
“I’m sorry,” you repeated, coughing awkwardly. “I’m sorry for saying the things I said about her.”
He snorted, shaking his head. “Don’t be. Just because she was in a shit situation doesn’t excuse her for being a shit person.” He shoved the lid into the empty ice cream container and rubbed the back of his neck, pushing his hair back with a sigh. “Just like how it doesn’t excuse me from being a shit person for what I did to you.”
His eyes shifted away.
“You don’t have to–”
“Yeah, I do,” he muttered, cutting you off. “I’m a fucking loser.”
The streetlights began to turn on, but no one was in a place like this, two adults in a place for kids, stuck wondering what adulthood was supposed to feel like because it still felt like an endless cycle of forever learning and forever running, wandering to find out what the finish line meant.
“I wasted time you can’t get back and I will spend the rest of my life chasing the time I wasted.”
Jungkook sucked in a shuddering breath, hand falling from his hair, rueful smile on his face.
“I can only hope you can put up with me for so long.”
You blinked slowly.
He turned his head, brown eyes finding yours, those irises catching the streetlights like how his jewelry had caught the sun, proving that Jeon Jungkook was, indeed, already adorned with nature’s very own jewelry.
You scooped out the last of your red bean ice cream and ate it, looking away from him.
“Sounds like forever,” you remarked, feeling the chilled sweet cool your heated cheeks, swallowing slowly, savoring the way the cold warmed you in its own way.
“Sounds like I’m stuck with you forever then,” you said, turning back to him with a smirk. “Kinda sucks.”
He smirked back, cocking an eyebrow. “Yeah. Major suck. Speaking of my dick–”
“Oh, shut up.”
But you said it with a smile and he knew you didn’t mean it.
“Why the fuck do you have that?”
“It’s from work. Gimmie your arm.”
You extended your arm, frowning, stopping under the streetlight, one hand on the bike as Jungkook held the black permanent marker with his right hand. He used two fingers to uncap it and tucked the lid neatly into his palm, spinning the marker with the adjacent two fingers to readjust it so that he could write on your arm.
“Do you wanna get a tattoo with me?”
“Of what?”
You looked down to him scribbling on your skin, his own black tattoos standing out, covering his entire right arm and up to his shoulder. You wondered if he would end up tattooing his back and maybe his other arm – but, then again, he kind of needed money to have pay for such large pieces.
“Couples tattoo.”
You looked down when he drew back, grinning, reading the word upside down.
You raised an eyebrow.
“You want to get ‘lover’ tattooed?” you asked, skeptical, turning your arm this way and that, unsure if you liked the placement on your forearm, near your wrist. “You don’t have any space on your right arm anyway.”
“That’s why I would get it on my left.”
And he curved his wrist to write on the bandage on his left forearm, messily writing on top of it.
Now you raised both eyebrows.
“You want to get… ‘loser’ tattooed onto your body?” you snorted disbelievingly.
Jungkook grinned, recapping the black marker with one hand, tapping the dollar sign on the bandage with the marker lid. “Doesn’t it describe me? ‘Cause I had money, and now I don’t.” He pointed to the heart on your skin. “You love me. I love you. A lover with a dollar sign is a loser, right?”
Laughter and skateboards sped past, five blurs of black along the street, spinning around the parked cars, people yelling after them to stop being so reckless, but you were too busy staring at Jungkook to notice the ruckus, too busy staring at that smile and those brown orbs lit up by streetlights.
“Are you stupid?”
Jungkook’s grin widened, mole underneath clearly visible. “Yeah, kind of. Stupidly in love with you.”
You both instantly pretended to gag, trying to mask your smiles, you shoving him and him shoving back, playful and laughing like mad, falling into him, dropping the bike with a loud clang, swept up in his arms and his kiss, your hands hooking behind his neck, love you, love you, love you, not sure about this whole tattoo idea, but, hell, maybe, just maybe if he annoyed you enough about it.
Shit, the groceries...
Are they still good?
The green onions look kind of wilted, but so do you and you're still good... I think.
Shut up.
You didn't need him, but being without him was like being frozen in time.
Not that you had any big dreams or aspirations anyone could be envious about. It always been like that, casually cruising through life, existing for the sake of existing, no real reason needed. It just was, and there was no reason to stop, so you kept going. The path was there, so you kept walking.
But, then.
Jeon Jungkook.
Jungkook made you run.
It's not washing off.
Easy for you to say, you wrote yours on your bandage, 'loser'.
So terrible that you have 'lover' written in you by your lover - hey, pfft, stop! Put the showerhead down!
It was truly by chance to meet him, a moment of terror and then he was there, yelling, get off her, don't fucking touch her, and you didn't understand, didn't understand why some random guy would suddenly intervene between an interaction of two strangers, how could he sense your discomfort and fear, and now he was throwing fists, brawling with not one but three guys, friends of the one who slipped his phone and his hands under your skirt, the stranger smashing the phone with venomous rage, fighting in a dress shirt, slacks, leather loafers, and expensive-looking rings, giving you a chance to escape.
A winner at life.
Not like you, you who let something happen because you froze up in that second, disbelieving that such a thing could happen to you, a nobody, a loser.
He kicked one of them in the knee, growling, a howl followed by the sharp crack during the fight.
You could turn and escape.
You heard sirens.
You grabbed your protector's flying fist and clenched into it tightly, panicking.
This was before the tattoos.
This was before the pain.
This was before the piercing.
Jeon Jungkook had whipped his head around at the foreign touch, in this mess because he had witnessed something disgusting and because he simply wanted to fight, just wanted to beat someone up, wanted to cause real pain to someone because he couldn't control his own life, wanted to fight something.
Needed to fight.
A hand around his hand.
Never once had Jungkook thought about escape.
Not until he saw that face, fear and panic and rage and determination, stunningly beautiful, hand around his hand, not letting go, pulling, sirens screaming in the distance, his legs already moving, following, running, running, running, into the sea of the unknown.
Sinking into it.
Lungs screaming, clumsily flying through alleys, on wings of adrenaline, running after the girl in the white hoodie and red plaid skirt holding his hand, falling, falling, falling, skidding across the concrete, her arms around his, her head buried into his chest, his hands around her head to protect it, hitting a dumpster with a pained wheeze.
The sirens sped past.
He was holding her and she was holding him.
It was chance.
Just chance.
His hands were scraped up, bleeding from the trip and tumble, her white hoodie dirtied and ripped from the fall, scrapes on her legs and knees.
I'm sorry...
It was ridiculous chance.
Just ridiculous.
You clung to this stranger and laughed, laughed like a maniac, laughed like you had gone mad, crying into his dirty navy dress shirt, thank you, thank you, thank you, not knowing you were holding the one who would make you run, not knowing who or how affluent he was, now knowing of how it felt to hold his hand and kiss his lips and hear his laugh, not knowing how you would introduce him to a friend who was a tattoo artist and start his interest in them, not knowing you would sit by him for long hours and watch the art grow on his skin...
Holding him, crying, thank you, thank you, thank you for saving me, leaning against a dumpster as the stranger hugged you tightly, I got you, it's okay, don't cry, don't cry, don’t cry please, rubbing your back.
Not knowing.
Not knowing he would make you zero, not knowing you would be standing there, time and time again, verbally beaten by his own parents as he looked away, unable to fight.
And you would escape.
You would run.
He would come back.
An endless cycle until you broke it.
Then he started the endless cycle again, broken as it was, his whispers to your cheeks, I love you, cheeks that were dried of tears because you were cried out and left with a mechanical heart, I love you, heart to heartless because of wasted time, I love you, time wasted but you still loved him, no matter what you did.
Did that make you pathetic?
Did that make you stupid?
Did that make you the loser?
I love you.
Why did it matter?
Even winners die.
I love you too, Jungkook.
"Get your hands off my tits."
You glared at him. Jungkook grinned and spun you around, hair still a little damp, kisses on your face that made you cringe as your naked bodies tumbled on the bed, him doing it on purpose, your grumble against his kisses, should have known, his smirk against your scowl, thought you knew me well by now, capturing his lips to shut him up, sinking into his arms and the ocean that was Jeon Jungkook, the one who made you want to run through the maze of life instead of aimlessly walk down the path.
His hands on your face, staring into your eyes.
You looked back, into those eyes that once had everything, but you.
And yet, he chose to lose it all and have nothing, but you.
It didn't really make sense, being in love.
You searched for regret, but there was none to be found.
"Am I forever your waste of time?" Jungkook whispered, breath drifting over your lips.
You smirked.
"Always was and always will be."
I know you said I was a waste of time. But I was your waste of time and that was all I ever wanted to be.
"Let me at least..."
"Ah, f-fuck, Jungkook!"
Your hands faltered a little, rolling the condom down while biting your lip, gasping as his two fingers plunged into you, him moaning at the wetness, thrusting slowly and deeply.
"What, you think I can't feel good with only your dick?"
"No," Jungkook snickered, pulling his slick fingers out of your pussy and bringing them to his face, cocking an eyebrow. "Just want a taste."
You rolled your eyes as he shoved his fingers into his mouth, sucking them off, eyelids fluttering.
"You're so annoying."
He grinned around his fingers, slowly pulling them out and tracing his wet lips.
You narrowed your eyes.
You don't have to take me back. I understand now, you know... I get it. Everyone... everyone will tell you you're crazy and to not to take me back.
I'm not taking you anywhere.
I... I wouldn't blame you. I promise.
Jungkook, please, shut the fuck up.
Your hands on his chest, smacking your hips down, his head thrown back on the pillows, breathless moan at your tightness, matching his sound with your own, stretching yourself out and feeling him swell even more at the pulse of your walls wrapped around him, rolling your hips into his, wet, intense smacks, his right hand flying up and wrapping around your left wrist, watching you through his lashes with effort, losing himself in your pace, no need to ask because you could see it in his face, his open mouth and glazed over eyes, fingers slipping down, curling your nails into his skin.
“P… Please…”
Raking your nails down his chest, his back arching and eyes closing, groaning in pleasure and pain, fucking him into your mattress so hard that the bedframe squealed, setting your jaw and closing your eyes too, savoring his fullness and thickness, sinking into the ocean of pleasure that was Jeon Jungkook, the one who made you feel like no one else, the one who could make and unmake your mechanical heart, funny how that worked, your nails in his skin creating crescents of lust, your eyes snapping open as you felt his chest rise, his back arching, his hands flat on the bed and thrusting his hips up into you, one eye partly open, black hair pushed back, open-mouthed smirk on his lips.
That dark brown orb partly obscured by his lashes, but revealing all to you.
You ticked your chin at him.
“Look at me.”
His eyes fully opening, pupils dilated, hazed over with lust and stubborn love.
“Nothing is more important to me than loving you,” he panted before sinking his teeth into his lower lip, mole underneath flashing, smacking his hips up into yours hard and fast, and it took no time at all, staring at his face and the way the moonlight cradled his strong jaw and toned muscle, catching the low light and bringing out the fervor in his gaze, filling you just right, pleasure blossoming from your core and yet concentrated tightly at the same time, moan of his name falling from your lips, spilling out from your lips and in between your legs, covering him with the sweet scent and harsh squeezes of orgasm, even wetter now, his eyes rolling back, cock twitching, satisfied hiss of your name spilling out with spurts of cum filling the condom, his length shivering inside you, your thighs closing in and holding him in the air so you could feel it all.
His pleasure and him.
I won’t make it to heaven. I don’t belong there.
It’s not like I belong there either, Jungkook.
Are you sure? Only an angel would take me back.
I didn’t take you back. Only your body walked away. Your heart never left me, did it?
“You sure you don’t want to get a couples tattoo with me?”
“I’m still trying to wrap my head around how your dumb ass wants to get ‘loser’ tattooed and how you think that’s romantic.”
He pressed his right forearm against your left and grinned, watching you suck in a breath as he pushed into you again, other condom already in the trash, new one on, your right leg against his chest, sandwiched between your bodies.
“But yeah, if you want, I’ll get a ‘lover’ tattoo.”
He paused, blinking rapidly. “Really?”
You raised an eyebrow. “Yeah? Why not?”
“You never wanted a tattoo before.”
Now you raised both eyebrows. “Did you ever ask me before?”
Jungkook looked down at you, hair a mess, smile blossoming on his face, somewhere between giddiness and mania, diving down and showering you with kisses, you smacking his arms and telling him, you’re bending me in half, the fuck are you doing, and he laughed, lifting both your legs now, I’ll show you bent in half, placing them between his arms, leaning down, sinking in as deep as possible, your moan and his moan mixing together.
You’re still here.
Of course, I am, this is my fucking apartment. Ugh, your black eye looks even uglier than before.
You don’t… you don’t want me to leave?
Did I say that? Uh… why are you crying?
F… Forget I said a-anything…
Hey, stop. Don’t cry. Don’t cry, Jungkook, please…
“Fuck, you feel so good, fuck…!”
Your hands in his hair, teasing grin on your face, and he was looking down at you, I love your smug smile, fuck, your fingers combing through his hair, pushing it back and away from his face, letting him see your smug smile without any obstructions, you always fuck me so well, Jungkook, the smile breaking out over his handsome features, breathing erratic and labored, hard and rough and deep, you rising your hips to meet him for every loud smack, exhales and moans blending together, tight, wet, full, your grip on his hair tightening, closer, closer, racing to the edge of the cliff and the edge of the world, Jungkook in your hands, taking him with you, or was he the one who was leading you?
Breathless as if you were running, winded from the pleasure, tightening around him, his head lowering, your name washing over your cheeks in a hot gasp, putting more weight on you, nearly folded in half but it felt better this way, gratifying in how hard he could fuck you in this position, staring into those dark brown orbs, his body on yours, knowing he was yours, always was, always will be, and you were his, always was, always will be.
Head pressing into the pillows, moaning his name again, loud and unashamed, the overwhelming feeling taking over, muscles tense and nerves on fire, pouring it all into the pleasure, pulsing around his jerking length, his moan of your name on your skin, shooting shivering strings of cum into the condom, massaged and milked by the strength of your orgasm, locking him in your embrace and his arms closing in, lips on lips, a fierce kiss dominated by shuddering aftershocks, trembling in each other’s hold and taking the other’s breath away, blazing hot all over even though this frozen world cared about no one.
The kiss lasted a long, long time.
It fell apart slowly, leaving you both lightheaded from the intensity.
“You’re a waste of time, Jungkook,” you whispered, heated. “But you’re my time.”
The side of his lips quirked upward, sweaty, panting, chuckling.
“That’s all I ever wanted to be.”
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sweetchup · 3 years
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an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.
The Most Common Seashell in the Ocean
Vol. 2: Into the Deep // Ch. 6
Type: Poseidon x reader
Word Count: 3,000+
Cold. That’s the only way you could describe the man in front of you.
Cold as in his eyes were like stone. As if they were dead as they stared down at you. Cold as in that you couldn’t read him, at all. Even as he was covered head to toe in blood, you had no clue what he would do next. Cold as in he was intimidating. Way too intimidating. Like a primal feeling in you was screaming danger at you. It made you want to bolt from the spot.
“Tch…” You instantly freeze as Poseidon finally lets out a sound. He glares down at you in disgust as if you were some dirt on his shoe, “My brother must be losing his mind.”
Scared, you let out a small gulp. Your throat all of sudden feels extremely dry. Brother? Was he perhaps referring to Zeus? So, that must mean this was Poseidon. Right…?
“S-So…” You pause for a moment as you decide if you should dare continue, “…Are you Poseidon?”
You shouldn’t have done that. With a loud bang, you slowly turn your head to look at the Trident he cleaved down in the sand next to you. Its harsh throw sending the sand beneath and surrounding you in the air in a huge rumble.
“Ack!” You spit out as Poseidon suddenly grabs your jaw while you are distracted. His harsh grip on you as he turned your face to look at him felt as if he was trying to crush the bone of your jaw underneath. Even though you knew it was useless, you squirm lightly underneath his grip in hopes to lessen his tight grip.
“Pathetic.” He spits out in a grumble as he watches you squirming. Letting out a small huff, he watches you for a couple of more seconds before finally releasing your jaw. A sore feeling begins to replace the pain you had previously felt. “Humans do not address a god by their name. Especially pathetic mortals such as yourself.”
You feel the need to flinch under his harsh words but thankfully stop yourself. Instead choosing to tighten your grip on Triton who still laid unconscious in your arms. You understood that what Poseidon said was partially true. A mortal such as yourself had no chance against a god, nevertheless one of his stature and power. But he still didn’t have to be so blunt about it. Even Zeus held some sort of common courtesy when interacting with you.
“Ugh…” Startled by the sound, you spin your head downwards to look at Triton who was letting out a loud groan. His face scrunched up in pain as he wiggled around in your hold to get up.
Instantly, you put your hand on Triton's chest to stop him. Worried with the amounts of cuts and blood he was covered in that he could possibly have a fatal injury, “Shh. Don’t move, Triton. It’s okay. I got you.”
Triton seems to thankfully listen to your words and stop moving, relaxing back into your arms. Instead using the energy he had left to open his eyes to look up at you. Though, as you stared down at him with concern, you could tell he couldn’t properly see you. His eyes shrinking and dilating in an attempt to see what was in front of him.
“Triton, can you see meeeE—“
Gasping, you instantly pull Triton closer to your body as you are carelessly lifted off the ground by Poseidon. The blonde male with one arm underneath your knees and the other holding your waist behind the small of your back stands up as if you two weighed nothing. Even slightly throwing you up in the air to adjust his grip. You stared confused at Poseidon whose gaze looked away from you for the first time since he arrived. Instead staring out at the waves of the sea.
As the male began to walk towards the water, you wanted to question what he was doing. Wanted to question why in the world he had picked you up and was currently holding you. Why he hadn’t killed you on the spot. Why he was walking towards the water. But chose against saying the thoughts that were present in your mind. Remembering fearfully the sharp gaze he gave when you not only called his name but also spoke out of turn.
However, you soon regret not speaking your thoughts out loud. Or, at the very least, putting up a fight.
“H-Hey! What are you?!” You screech out as Poseidon travels further into the sea. The cold crashing waves now hitting your feet and soon traveling up to the rest of your body as Poseidon continues further in. “Hey! Stop! We’-I’ll Drow—“
“Shut up.” Poseidon barks out. Even though he doesn’t bother to give you a glance, you still hear the venom in his voice and freeze up. You looked worriedly around you as the water got higher and higher, all the way up til your chest and neck.
“A-Ah.” You can’t help but let out as you see Triton’s head starts to sink underneath the water. Quickly, you fix your grip on the boy and lift his head above the water. Even if he was an aquatic god, you still weren’t sure if he could breathe underwater. However, the only problem with lifting Triton above the water is that it pushed you further under. The waves now crashing against your chin instead of your neck.
As you gasped out your last word, your head went under. You struggled slightly as Poseidon continued to trech forward but couldn’t do much as you didn’t want Triton’s head to drop underneath the water. Even if you knew it was fruitless and Triton would eventually go under, You hoped he would wake up and make an escape.
Stupid human.
As Poseidon's head finally goes under the water and he begins to float down, deeper into the sea, he finally turns his head back to stare at you. You really were pathetic and stupid as the other humans. Lifting his son’s, Prince of the sea, head above the water as if he could actually drown. What a joke.
What in the world did his brother see in you? Making a huge show in the courtroom about how you would be the perfect substitute for Amphitrite. How everyone should at least give you the chance to be Triton’s nanny and take care of him. How you would help the child grow and shit. How you would actually pay attention to him.
Poseidon feels himself freeze for a moment before tightening his grip more on you. Your body had already began to grow limp in his arms. If he so pleased, he bet he could just tighten his grip more on your frame and you would shatter in a million pieces.
Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic. Fragile.
Poseidon grunts out in disapproval at the disgusting passing thought in his mind. You were just a pathetic being. One that would pathetically die right here.
Poseidon once again grunts as the feeling of annoyance passes by in his mind. It must have been all those stories Zeus shared at the trial while he secretly observed you two. As a perfect being he shouldn’t be so easily swindled by such thoughts. His son once again was making him weak.
This is why I stayed away in the first place, Poseidon thought as he rolled his eyes.
Slowly, Poseidon trails his hand up from the small of your back to your cheek. He tilts your head that was flopped to the side with his thumb so that you looked at him.
‘The perfect substitute for Amphitrite’. His brother sure was cruel. You were nothing but a small mouse compared to the apex predator that was his, likely, soon to be ex-wife. The minute Amphitrite lays her eyes on you she would surely kill you.
Poseidon gives your cheek a slight stroke around the bruise that was settling there. You really were pathetic, getting a bruise from such a weak grip.
Little by little, Poseidon leaned down closer to your face. His nose grazing yours slightly causes him to pause as he once again observes you. He wondered if what he would do next would end up getting you killed.
You truly were Pathetic after all. Even amongst all the humans he has met over the many millenniums. Though, he couldn’t deny, much better than the venomous Amphitrite.
I’ll just throw you away later when I’m done, Poseidon decides as he finally closes the gap. His lips swallowing yours in a harsh kiss as he brings his palm away from your cheek to wrap around the back of your neck. For once in his life being careful not to snap someone’s spine in half.
That thought once again passes by in Poseidon’s mind as he continues to hold you close to him. Fragile like fine china. Yet also soft…, warm… A contrast to his cold and strong marble like body. The body of a god.
Finally, Poseidon pulls away, scrunching up his nose in distaste. It seems he’ll have to ‘talk’ to his brother about interfering in his personal life again. Though, it’s not like his brother ever listened to begin with.
What a pain.
Were you dead?
No, you were definitely still alive. For your body felt like a ton of bricks. So much so that even lifting a finger exceeded all of your energy available.
But how were you still alive?
Did Poseidon possibly save you in the end? Knowing that asshole it wasn’t likely. Perhaps Zeus swooped in at the end or Triton saved you. A possibility…but also still highly unlikely. You guessed you would have to find out for yourself.
“Ugh…” You groan out as you attempt to open your eyes only to shut them again. The light in the room felt all too blinding. That wouldn't work, you couldn’t see anything in front of you but it wasn’t like you had any other options, you would have to try again. “Shit…”
You once again attempt to open your eyes. Your vision was still hindered by the light this time but it was at the very least bearable.
Ah, that’s painful. You can’t help but hiss out as you attempt to lift your arm to cover the light coming into your eyes.
It seems you would have to wait patiently for your vision to… return…
You feel yourself freeze as something blurry comes into your view. It was blue and shiny, seeming to levitate or float towards your face.
“W-what…?” You can’t help but spit out as you stare at the thing approaching you. Blinking and unblinking as you attempt to make your eyes address what was in front of you, “A-A fish…?”
It was in fact a fish. A giant one at that, if you had to guess it was about the length of your forearm. But, how was it floating there in front of you…? Fish can only exist in wa—
“Hello My Lady!”
The Fish…. Just talked.
You stared in horror at the thing in front of you. You had to be out of it, there was no way that a fish had just talked to you. Nevertheless be actually able to breathe air…
“No way…” You gasped out as you finally drifted your gaze away from the fish. Now that your eyes had finally fully adjusted, you could finally see where you were.
You were…
Specifically you were underwater in a fantasy noble-like bedroom: Ginormous in size, able to fit a huge bed, couch, dressers and, of course, still plenty of space to be able to walk around. The only difference from the fantasy-like bedroom that one would see in novels was that it was clearly flooded with water.
“My lady?” The fish calls once again, “Are you okay?”
“How—how? What— You…” You gasp out in confusion, only to suddenly stop and grab at your throat. How were you breathing underwater to begin with?
“M-My Lady please calm down!” The fish shouts out worriedly as it watches you panic. “I promise I’ll explain everything once you calm down.”
You pause at the fish’s words, he was correct. You had to calm down if you wanted to get to the bottom of what was going on with you. You attempt to take a deep breath to calm yourself but quickly scrap the idea as it felt way too odd to you. Instead choosing to just nod your head to get on with the fish’s explanation, “O-okay…”
“Thank you, My lady.” The fish tells you as it somehow bows, at the least what looks like a bow, “My name is Marine and I’m a Servant at Lord Poseidon’s Palace…”
So, Poseidon must have saved you. But,… why… it didn’t make sense with all he stated on the shore. Zeus or Triton must have made some sort of interference to save you.
“…Please do not worry as you are still alive and well. The reason you are breathing underwater and communicating with me is due to the blessing you gain from Lord Poseidon.”
“B-Blessing..?” You ask a gasp as you look down at yourself. Patting yourself in certain places to make sure you were all well only to let out a small groan. It seemed you were still sore and in pain.
“Please be careful, My Lady.” Marine tells you worriedly as pats you with his fin. Seeming to attempt to push you backwards so you can lay back down. Thankfully, once you comply with Marine’s request, it answers your question, “Gods can usually bestow 3 things on humans: Curses, Blessings and Ambrosia. Though this can differ from god to god based on what they can accomplish. Curses are pretty self explanatory but Blessings and Ambrosia are complicated. Blessings are gifts or abilities that are bestowed upon humans by gods. In Lord Poseidon’s case he bestowed upon you the ability to breathe underwater and communicate with sea life like other aquatic folk.”
“I see…”
“Finally, Ambrosia is what happens when a human consumes the blood of a god. If said human somehow survives the consumption, they are bestowed the gift of being a Demi-god. So far only one human has survived consuming Ambrosia and that is Lord Hercules.”
Dangerous. Not just in the way of how powerful Ambrosia is but in how many times you could have accidentally consumed it from Triton alone. Even though a God’s skin is stronger than a human’s it wasn’t by much as they could still bleed just as easily. The amount of times you had to bandage Triton’s scrapes when he tripped or bumped into something proved that.
“My Lady?”
At Marine’s call, you are startled out of your thoughts, “Ah sorry. I—“
“P-please don't apologize! You are my lady, you have nothing to apologize for.” Marine shouts out as he visibly pales, “I am your servant, it is actually my fault for disturbing you while you were clearly thinking.”
“A-ah I wouldn’t say that…” You murmured out, clearly disagreeing with what Marine was telling you. Though… You find yourself pause as a thought suddenly hits you, “Marine, Why are you calling me ‘My Lady’?”
“Why that’s because you are the new lady of the Manor.”
“T-the manor? What Manor?”
“Southern Manor, Of cours—“ Marine seems to pause at his words as he realizes something. “I sincerely apologize, My Lady. I totally forgot that since you are from the human realm that you have no idea what has happened here.”
Marine looks around the room before finally spotting what he was looking for and swimming over to it. A map…? You sit up slightly as you look over at the giant map that mount the wall above a dresser.
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“At the Palace, there are 5 Manors that make up its body. Pacific Manor, The main Manor that holds the king and queen of the sea. Arctic Manor, which holds and trains the knights that protect Atlantis. Atlantic Manor, Lord Triton’s as well as any future heirs Manor. Indian Manor, which holds Lord Triton’s classes, storage and other needed rooms. And Finally, Southern Manor…., for Lord Poseidon’s Mistresses.”
“M-mistresses?!” You spit out as you shoot up from your spot. You couldn’t believe what you had just heard. In no ways would you bed Poseidon. This wasn’t what you wanted when you accepted to be Triton’s mother. You didn’t want to actually be with his father.
“P-please calm down, My Lady. You aren’t one of Lord Poseidon’s Mistresses. My Lord has never taken a Mistress ever.” At Marine’s explanation, you let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness. “The reason I call you My lady is simply because you are now Lord Triton’s official guardian along with Lord Poseidon after Lady Amphitrite was ruled irresponsible for such duties. Due to Lady Amphitrite still not officially divorced from Lord Poseidon, she still lives in Pacific Manor. So you can not live there as of now and the second best place is here in Southern Manor.”
“O-oh…” You choke out. Though you were happy that you were officially Triton’s guardian and can still stay by the boy’s side, you weren’t sure how long you would last. Especially since you were sure that woman was now going to be out for your throat. “…but couldn’t she just come over to this Manor if she so pleased?”
“Not at all, My lady. Do not worry.” Marine informs you as it points its fin to the cluster of three manors at the top. “The Atlantic Manor, Southern Manor and Indian Manor were all originally designed to hold an intricate sea garden in the middle. This idea was later scrapped by Lady Amphitrite but, by the time she denied it, a tall metal fence had already been put up that surrounded the three buildings to keep unauthorized visitors out from the garden. Under Lord Poseidon’s watch, early this morning a sea witch put up a spell that forbade Lady Amphitrite from entering anywhere in the gated area. So she will not be able to get anywhere near you or Lord Triton.”
“Oh. Thank goodness” You mutter out as you let out a sigh of relief. Finally, you and Triton could live in somewhat peace after—
How could you possibly forget about what happened with Marissa? Was Triton treated for his wounds once he got back?
“My Lady, you can’t get up—“
“Marine. Please take me to see Triton. I need to see him at once!”
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Author Note: Ooooop— We got a little insight on how Poseidon feels about the reader and still what in the world happened to Triton? I’m just glad Vol. 2 is up and I can’t wait for the next chapter. Yet, Triton… I miss you 😢. Come back soon in my writing, bud. We need you to lighten up the atmosphere.
Taglist: @angeli-fucking-cat @marixxhq @sproutcorner @orophaea @anime-lover-forever-1127
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xpao-bearx · 3 years
《This story series is also on my AO3 acc @ Paoloca》
SUMMARY: The bachelors of Selphia conjure up a plan to decide who truly deserves the beautiful princess' heart...if Frey can only choose one of them, that is.
PAIRINGS: Frey x Vishnal, Frey x Kiel, Frey x Doug, Frey x Arthur, Frey x Dylas, Frey x Leon (Polyamorous Ships)
RATING: Mature/18+/Romance & Smut. Please bear these in mind if you are uncomfortable and do NOT report!
NOTE: I have been an avid fan and lover of the Rune Factory series for a looong fooken time now and with RF 5 coming up (who else can't wait?!?!) along with my bursting inspiration, I decided to do something a lil special~ 💖
This story is actually one I wrote--or at least TRIED to write as I didn't finish it--many years ago on my old Wattpad acc (I have a new one now). As such, I'm taking the basic plotline from the original idea I had and simply making it a bit better especially now that I'm older + more mature (pfft yeah sure "mAtUrE" xD).
I sincerely and deeply love ALL of the amazing bachelors on RF 4 and as someone who absolutely ✨A D O R E S✨ reverse harems, I really *personally* don't think that Frey has to choose! And so, here's a naughty + sweet story that'll kinda just delve into my--and I'm sure others'--fantasy ;)
I hope ya lovelies will enjoy this story series and your wonderful support is always very much appreciated! 🥺💕💕 Also, feel free to fangirl/fanboy with me anytime~
P.S. Please forgive mah pathetic ass in advance if I ever portray any of the characters wrong, I promise to do my best!!
"The Princess' Harem"
Part 1: The Game
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Summer 1, the dawn of a sweltering season. But most of all...
Beach Day!
Ah, yes, a most wonderful holiday to take a dip in the refreshing water and don the most attractive swimsuits that perfectly hugged one's form! And while it was understandable for the gentlemen to gawk and admire the lovely ladies, it seemed that all the bachelors of Selphia were completely ensnared by one warrior princess in particular...
Frey's tinkly laughter carried in the air as she happily swam around in the lake with the other girls. It was certainly a gorgeous day, yet none could quite rival the turquoise haired beauty's radiant smile.
"Haa... The princess is SO beautiful~" Vishnal sighed dreamily, his violet eyes turning into hearts.
"A goddess among mere mortals!" Kiel piped up cutely.
"You guys are so lame! But, uh... Y-Yeah, I agree, I guess." Doug conceded, face flushing as scarlet as his hair.
"I am a man, after all. Therefore, I must say I agree as well." Arthur cleared his throat, propping his glasses.
"You are all perverts..." Dylas grumbled, though he couldn't help but shyly sneak a peek at Frey.
"My, my~ You're such a bad liar, horsie. Calling us perverts when you, yourself, are one~" Leon chuckled, smirking.
"Who're ya calling horsie?!" Dylas snapped, but couldn't start an argument when all of them heard a splash and saw Frey emerge onto shore.
"Princess!" Vishnal beamed, not wasting a single second as he dashed towards her with a towel much like an excited puppy. "Are you done swimming?"
Frey gratefully took the towel, wiping her drenching body with it. "Yes, I am! And once I change into my clothes, I'm going to be checking the requests."
"You're ever so diligent, Frey. I truly admire that about you." Arthur smiled as he and the rest of the boys approached their beloved girlfriend. Arthur's glasses then flashed as the sun reflected on them, and he quickly grabbed that splendid opportunity for his gaze to drop and hyperfocus on Frey's nearly naked body. He barely managed to suppress it as he almost shamelessly licked his lips, fully taking in and very much appreciating her wet and fit physique.
"Oh, it's nothing! I'm only doing my duties." Frey giggled, embarrassed as her cheeks tinted pink. "But other than that, how come you guys aren't in your swimsuits? It's boiling!" She frowned worriedly.
"Why, is milady that eager to see me in all my glory?" Leon purred, standing in front of her in a flash. His teal eyes sparkled mischievously, as one of his hands reached forward to run his fingers through her long hair. "If you want to see me that badly, I'd rather 'perform' a private show for you tonight~"
Frey became as red as a ruby, opening and closing her mouth repeatedly like a fish out of water. She tried to speak, but no words came out as she could only stare up with eyes as wide as dinner plates at an amused Leon who was enjoying this situation far too much.
"Oi, knock it off!" Dylas growled, wrapping a protective arm around Frey as he glared sharply at Leon. "She's gonna go fishing with me after she's done, anyways!"
"WHAT?! No fair, you can't hog her all to yourself! If you guys are going fishing then I'm going, too!" Doug huffed, snatching Frey away from Dylas.
"No way, you dumbass dwarf! You're not invited!"
"Well, I am now, you fucking nag!"
As the two handsome idiots bickered like an old married couple and fought over Frey, she could only release an exasperated sigh. Honestly, she loved them both, but there was really no use trying to talk any sense into them. The best anyone could do was just wait it out until they inevitably get tired.
But as Doug and Dylas were yanking Frey from one side to another like a ragdoll, they suddenly stopped. It seems that everyone else halted, too, and the air blew bitter cold. Frey, oblivious, could only raise a brow before she finally realized--or more like felt--what all the boys were staring at.
She looked down, Doug and Dylas' hands accidentally cupping each one of Frey's breasts. All of the boys were a thousand shades of crimson, and Vishnal even started to have a nosebleed.
"ACK! S-Sorry..!" Doug and Dylas exclaimed in unison, abruptly pulling their hands away as if they were burned.
"O-Oh, uh, it's f-fine..!" Frey stuttered, not being able to meet anyone's gaze. "I-It was just an accident, after all!"
"Are you sure you're alright, Frey?" Kiel asked, holding her hands into his gently as he studied her face in concern. "These lowlifes didn't hurt you, did they?" It was rare for Kiel to be angry let alone badmouthing anyone, but it was clear from his tone how upset he was. Honestly, Doug and Dylas were a little scared...
"Y-Yes, I'm alright!" Frey nodded vigorously, smiling brightly. "Seriously, guys, don't worry about me! I'll see you all later, okay?" She hurriedly gave each one of them a chaste peck on the cheek before making her way back to the castle.
"So..." Leon began, a fake smile plastered on his lips as his eyes held no emotion. "I wonder who the true perverts are now?"
"H-Hey, it was an accident! Besides, it's all this moron's fault!" Dylas retorted, pointing an accusatory finger at Doug.
"MY fault?! If you just invited me in the first place, none of this would've happened!" Doug shouted furiously.
"You guys...touched...the princess' b-b-breasts..." Vishnal muttered, totally lost in his own world as he was slowly deteriorating from existence.
"Oh, my..." Arthur let out a heavy exhale. "I'm sure you two already know this, but as soon as Frey is done with her tasks then you both must apologize to her again. Accident or not, it is completely unacceptable for a man to touch a woman without her consent."
"Hey, y'know, I've been wondering..." Kiel cut in. "Do you guys ever think if Frey is just being strung along by us?"
"What do you mean?" Doug frowned.
"Like, didn't we confess to Frey at different times? And at every confession, she rejected all of us. And later on, it was only then we found out that we all shared the same feelings for her."
"So, what's your point?" Dylas pressed.
Kiel sighed, staring pointedly at the taller man. "Don't you find it a bit weird that now, we're all in a relationship with her? I know that being in a polyamorous relationship with Frey was something we all consented on from the very beginning, but why the sudden change of heart?"
"Isn't it obvious? Being in a polyamorous relationship means that Frey likes all of us at the same time, which is fine. Maybe she was just too shy at first to admit it." Leon shrugged.
"That may be true, or...what if she's only with us out of pity?" A wave of realization washed through everyone, and a certain pang of sadness settled in their hearts. "Frey is such a nice person, it's possible she only agreed to be with us since she felt bad for rejecting us. And now, she doesn't know how to break up with us for fear of hurting us even more."
"There's also one other possibility..." Arthur spoke up. "What if she actually likes one of us, but can't exclusively date that person?"
Dead silence. Only the faint sounds of the lake thrashing and birds chirping, before Vishnal was the one who first woke up back to reality.
"So... What are we supposed to do?" He questioned softly. "I feel so terrible... If what you're saying is true, then I don't want to continue on like this. I love Frey, but I can't ever bear the thought of hurting her!"
"How about a game?" Leon suggested.
"Now's really not the time, foxy." Doug rolled his eyes.
"No, no. You've misunderstood." Leon shook his head. "I'm talking about a game to see who Frey truly likes or doesn't like. And that way, we won't have to be hurting her and suffering like this anymore."
"Hmm... An interesting proposition." Arthur hummed thoughtfully. "I don't quite like referring to this as a 'game', but colour me intrigued. What's your idea, then?"
"Alright. So, we each get one whole day to spend with Frey. Completely alone, and no one is allowed to bother anyone else. As long as Frey is okay with it, then we can do whatever we want with her. Going on dates, exploring...you get the idea. Finally, by the end of the week, we'll all ask her how she feels and who she had the most fun with. Her answer will then determine what will happen afterwards."
"Hmph. Okay, that sounds good." Dylas nodded, agreeing for once. "How can we settle who goes first and last, though?"
"I think it would only be fair if we go in the order that Frey met us. So it's Vishnal, me, Doug, Arthur, Dylas, and then Leon." Kiel offered.
"All in favour?" Arthur asked, and everyone collectively voiced out their approval. "Good. It's settled, then. May the best man win!"
"Speaking of, I forgot that the castle is undergoing construction! So please excuse me, I'll have to get going now!" Vishnal grinned, disappearing in a blink of an eye.
"Wait... I just visited Ventuswill earlier with Granny Blossom." Doug furrowed his brows before gasping. "That bastard..! He went to go have a headstart with Frey!" He immediately chased after the conniving butler, but not before his shoulder got bumped hard by Dylas.
"If anyone's gonna get a headstart, it's me!"
"Oh, shut the hell up, HORSIE!"
Arthur sighed deeply, rubbing his temples stressfully as Kiel only chuckled sheepishly. Leon simply watched the scene, his fan hiding his smirk.
'There is a saying: Save the best for last~' Leon thought satisfyingly to himself.
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ashrel · 3 years
Qiuyue - Voicelines
Hello: Hello, mortal. I am Qiuyue. Zhongli sent you to fetch me? Tell the old man that if he wants me there, he can do it himself. I am no adeptus, to come and go at his whim like so. Next time he does this, he’s going to find a scorpion in his bed. You want to know my full title? Fine. I am Qiuyue, the Hu Li Shen. You need not know the rest. Is this satisfactory? Good. Run along now, I have much more important business to attend to.
Favorite Food: You want to know my favorite food? Well… I am partial to candied walnuts. Why do you wish to know? You’ve never heard of them? Well, that is to be expected. They are a Liyue-only delicacy, as far as I’m concerned. I’m quite busy now, some fools seem to be causing trouble at one of my shrines. If you need anything else, go ask one of my retainers. Now, leave.
Least Favorite Food: Least favorite food? Why would you need to know that? Well, if you insist. I have lived centuries here in Teyvat, and sampled many types of food. I’d have to say my least favorite are those fruits called grapes. I believe they originated in Natlan, which I’d wager is why you haven’t heard of them, only having been to Mondstadt and Liyue. Anyways, if you come across them, please don’t feed them to any of my subjects. They’re highly poisonous. Oh, wipe that look off your face! They’re only poisonous to the fox species, not you mortals! Hobbies: Oh, you want to know my hobbies? I do enjoy a good prank from time to time. If you see him, ask the old man about what I’ve done. He turns pale and won’t speak for a couple hours, which is a refreshing thing. I enjoy it very much. He needs a reminder now and then that Liyue is not all business. Playing with him like this forces it into his thick skull that there are other things to be had in Liyue.
When it rains: Gah, this stupid rain! It leaves my coat thick with water until I can dry myself off! That stupid old man is taking revenge for that time I left that bucket of water on the doorway! When it snows: Oh, seeing these piles of snow reminds me of a fantastic time I had with the old man. He had invited intruders into my domain, promising tall tales of showing them the inside of the Autumn Palace without my permission. I had let some snow in, for the foxes love it. And as the perfect revenge, I decided to tackle the old man into a tall snow pile, leaving him soaked in snow in front of those guests! They ended up leaving the very same day, for the indignity of mine was a shame to behold.
When the sun is out: Oh, what a glorious day! I would do nothing but bask in these golden rays of the sun, if only my duties would allow for it.
When the wind is blowing: Ack! I got a piece of hair in my mouth, it’s fine. When I see that old man again, I’ll see how he likes having his hair cut off! Good morning: This is quite a fine morning, is it not? I seem more formal? I apologize, the mornings seep through the cracks and take hold sometimes. Good afternoon: You seem tired, would you like me to perk you up with another story of the old man? Why there’s this one I know of, long before the archon war, of him and Guizhong. Just… don’t tell him I told you this, alright? Guizhong is still a festering wound. Good evening: At this time of night, you can see all the stars in the sky. It must remind you of home, right? It does for me...
Good night: I must be getting back to the Autumn Palace now, who knows what sort of trouble the foxes have gotten into without my gaze upon them. Take care.
About Qiuyue - Godhood: You want to know what it is like to be a god? Why, you yourself aren’t that far off, are you not? We gods are not untouchable beings, we can still die, just like you. As an outlander, you must have seen your fair share of beings calling themselves gods, who were not quite there. But as for me it is… lonely, but rewarding. I do find myself seeking company from time to time, only to watch mere years pass, and them to wither and die. However, I myself do not think I would give up my godhood, if only for the fact that I am quite used to it. It has many disadvantages, and many benefits. It is up to you to decide if it is worth it. Is that not how most things are, though? About Qiuyue - Autumn Palace: You question me about my domain? I’m afraid you will never see its insides. No mortal is allowed inside, and no immortal without my permission. At least, no mortal still alive has seen the inside. Ominous? Why, I’m quite sure I don’t know what you mean!
About Qiuyue - Human Form: Oh, you’ve only ever seen me in this form, correct? Strange. I know you know of my main form, the nine-tailed fox, for it is the one depicted in temples. This human one, however, is more for the benefit of the mortals around us. It comforts them to see me as one of them, no matter how strange that sentiment is. I do find myself liking this particular human form the most, however. I suppose it seems odd to you.
About Qiuyue - Title: You wish to keep pestering me about my full title? You know, most mortals who continued down this route ended up as statues in my domain, reduced to decoration. ...I do admire this tenacity, however. I suppose, just this once, I’ll entertain you. I am most commonly known as Qiuyue, and the Hu Li Shen, as you know. However, my main domain is Deception, just as Zhongli’s is contracts. I am the Fox God, One-Who-Betrays-and-Lies, and the God-Who-Wanders. Although that last title isn’t as true now, as it. Zhongli offered me a residence, a shared portion of Liyue, and I couldn’t find it within myself to refuse.
About Ningguang: Ningguang.. The Tianquan is very interesting. I find myself impressed with her, I’ll admit. To pull herself up to a position so high is quite an achievement. Even Zhongli was an old god before his position of power in Liyue. She has an odd fascination with me, going so far as to credit part of her abilities to my power. I have given her omens, as the foxes seem quite taken with her, but it was her skill that allowed her to build her career.
About Zhongli: Zhongli… simply saying the name feels wrong. I much prefer to call him by the title of ‘Old Man’ if I must refer to him in conversation. I do see why I must address him in this fashion, as to the rest of Liyue Morax is dead. However, I do feel his decision lacked foresight. What will he do, when he never grows old alongside his peers? If he travels, eventually, he will have visited every village, and then where will he go? He will become a myth, an immortal wandering figure shrouded in legend. I doubt he wishes for that, if he wants to lead a mortal life. Maybe these are the consequences of such tumultuous times in Liyue... About Venti: Ah, the bard. He is quite a fun person, no? I do enjoy the moments I spend with him, even if our meetings are far and few. Sometimes he will join me for a good laugh over the topic of the old man. Zhongli often protests that although he looks older, Venti and I are just as old, if not older. We pretend not to hear, even if he knows we have. It makes for quite the entertainment. I do think that the bard could stand to be a little more responsible - stop rolling your eyes at me, I do realize I’m being a little bit of a hypocrite. I’ll admit, living for so long in Zhongli’s domain has done something to improve how I behave, particularly seeing as I do have responsibilities to my worshippers. Venti, however, takes and takes, never truly giving back until you arrived. I wonder when it’ll catch up to him. About Levin: Levin is… I wouldn’t dare call him close to me, that’s only asking for trouble as it is. I do find him quite amusing, however. He doesn’t seem to recognize me as who I am, even though the name Qiuyue is one steeped in history, synonymous with the title of Hu Li Shen. It makes for quite the fun conversations when we stop to talk, for the Liyueans do recognize me. Hopefully, he’ll continue to be a source of entertainment. The moment he oversteps his boundaries, however… it would be quite the nuisance to rid themselves of him, but if it must be done, it must be done.
(For context: Levin is my friend's genshin OC.)
About Ganyu: That is Ningguang’s secretary, correct? I see… she is of adeptus descent, and yet she seems to not fully resonate with it. It is a wonder she can keep up with Ningguang’s workload, however, and I do commend her for it. I don’t think I have quite enough experiences with her to form a judgement, but I do trust in Ningguang’s judgement. Once she becomes curious in adepti affairs, I should keep a closer eye on her. Remind me to do so. About Keqing: I do respect Keqing’s opinions on her Archon. They’re a breath of fresh air in Liyue, where the people seem to be mindless sheep. Although, from what I’ve heard about the aftermath of the battle with Osial, they seem to be forming their own opinions as well. Their archon’s death must have really released the fog around their eyes. She seems like one to keep a close eye on, for she is not hesitant in her words about the adepti and gods, although they earn her scorn. About Yanfei: She is a most renowned lawyer in Liyue. Her disposition doesn’t seem quite serious enough for a lawyer, yet she shoulders through. It’s almost a conundrum, the way I see it. She reminds me quite a lot of my own foxes. Sly, clever, but behind a cover of mischief and playfulness. Have you seen her in action with her vision? No wonder Murata granted her it - her passion burns as bright as the flames she wields.
About Baal: The Raiden Shogun… she has certainly changed. I do not concern myself with the affairs of most gods, and yet, she seems to be causing quite the stir within the immortal court. It would be concerning, but I have not yet received any personal disturbance against my domain, so I shall not interfere. Perhaps this is what Zhongli meant when he said that the archons are changing, and Teyvat will soon enter a new period.
About Hu Tao: Hu Tao is quite the fun person! I do visit Zhongli at his work often, so it is natural I’d become acquainted with his newfound ‘boss’. She seems to take inspiration from a number of things, choosing to continue on with her business although it has taken quite the hit to it’s reputation with her eccentric style of advertising. She helps the old man loosen up and enjoy life, and for that I do appreciate her work.
About Xiao: He is quite the unusual adepti. Bound under a contract that limits his suffering, but also his freedom. I did not get to witness his beginnings, and have yet to see what made Mora- Zhongli take him under his wing, but I suppose I must, for once, exercise my patience. Forgive me for the slip in name, it has been difficult adjusting to Zhongli’s new identity. Ah, what’s that look for? I do promise that I am not harboring any other motives for a simple slip in name-
About Vision: A vision? I do not harbor one, why would you ask? I am a god, I have my own special set of skills. After all, visions are for mortals who have been given a chance to ascend to Celestia, and by proxy, godhood. I have no need for one.
More about Qiuyue I: I do one day, wish to explore beyond my self-imposed confines of Liyue. It is almost embarrassing to admit this, but I fear for what awaits me on the horizon of adventure. Silly, isn’t it?
More about Qiuyue II: For one who knows nothing about Teyvat, I’m surprised you haven’t hear it before. An unspoken taboo against killing foxes. You now know why, don’t you? As a fox god, I have a sacred duty to protect my own domain. You’re quite lucky to not have killed any. Some travelers have not been quite as blessed in luck, and have ended up very fine statues.
Qiuyue’s troubles: Hm? Oh, it’s nothing. Well, actually… hey, I promise I won’t make you go on any quests. But it is… annoying, that the old man decided to retire with no prior warning on my part. Now all of Liyue is looking at me as their next Archon, and I have no wish for that. I’m content with leaving them in the hands of someone else, and staying as a minor god in Liyue’s territory. Why won’t they understand that?
Qiuyue’s birthday letter: Today I ventured outside of Liyue, back to Mondstadt. It was refreshing to see old friends again, and I should have done it sooner. I took the liberty of introducing one of my oldest friends to my specialty food, but he disagreed with its taste. The audacity! We ended up playing in the woods together, and I might have done a little damage. No worries, he can fix it! Hopefully… Anyways, have the rest of the food! I thought you might like it.
Received: Candied Walnuts x1, Dandelion Seeds x10. Traveler’s Birthday: Happy Birthday Traveler. I suppose it must mean little to you, as an immortal being like me. The years weigh heavy on a soul who has spent many millennia traveling, only to be tied down with loss. Maybe by your next birthday, I’ll have met your sister. I’m sure she will be just as much of an enigma as you are. To a continued year of existence.
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kessielrg · 3 years
[DA+KH] It Will Get Better
Summary: An experimental fic for @chibi-mushroom‘s Dragon Age AU for the Kingdom Hearts series. Exploring a HumorousHawke!Xion, sedatephobia, mild trauma, bunny children infiltration, and hope. Mild spoilers for after Act 2 of Dragon Age 2. I want to apologize now for how easily startled Xion is, it’s not intentional. ^^;
Rating: K+
Word Count: 2,978 words
If you liked this story, please reblog!
The estate was just too quiet. Of course, anything would seem quiet after the Qunari uprising. A few months after, and life at Kirkwall was back to its usual chaos. And yet, Xion found herself staying at home away from the business of the city. Even more so, it gave her time to think about a lot of things.
The Qun. Her mother. Her siblings. The Fifth Blight. Events and experiences that have passed but still insisted on festering in the darkest part of her mind. Was it all her fault? Did she make any good choices in the past five years?
Silence made it worse. Silence made Xion want to hide in a corner, cover her ears, and scream ‘you can’t find me’ like when she was a child. She couldn’t keep doing this. Today she’d go for a walk. Not a long one, but long enough to redirect her thoughts. At first, just getting out of the house had been the harder part. After that, she just followed her feet. Her mind was numb to her surroundings as she walked. It wasn’t until she reached the edge of Kirkwall  -to where the walls surrounding met the outside leading into the Free Marches- that she stopped.
Run as fast as you can and never turn back.
Xion shook her head. No, there were still things in Kirkwall that needed to be sorted out. She was the city’s champion, after all. She had to stay. If not for the city, then for what family she did have left. Her uncle was debatable, but Cloud? Cloud was… safe. Safer where he was than in being here with her.
But she didn’t want to stay. She wanted to get away from this draining city before it ate her up alive. No, she'd rather die than stay to help the people here. They didn’t need her. Knight-Commander Sephiroth was doing a decent job at keeping peace. Kirkwall didn’t need a champion. It did not need her. If anything, things would probably be a lot more peaceful if she just-!
The sound of a small squeak caught her attention. Blinking (and quickly wiping away a tear from the corner of her eye), Xion looked around for the source of the squeak. She looked down to give a jolt of bewilderment. There, almost at her feet, was a small blue rabbit. The blue creature looked back up at her with wide, almost completely black eyes. Despite its odd appearance (and Xion’s own questioning if it was mortal or not), it didn’t seem to be much of a foe. It just looked at her with its big eyes and wide smile. Nothing else of real note beyond that, really. When it finally decided to bound away from her, Xion jumped back in surprise.
“Wait!” she found herself saying, “Where are you going?”
The blue rabbit paused for a moment before turning back to her. It titled its head from side to side in thought. A grin came across its features again as it waved for her to follow it.
“You’re not serious.”
She was given another grin before the creature started back on its original path again. Xion could feel the hairs on her arm stand up. Something about this wasn’t right -she’d seen too much in Kirkwall for it to be anything but- and yet…
“Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” she mumbled to herself before finally taking the steps outside Kirkwall’s walls.
That little bunny had been very sure that Xion would follow it. It would go a certain distance before pausing, looking back at her (sometimes even jumping to make sure she knew where it was), then starting back on its trail again. Something about this little game felt surreal; like a part of her was just sleepwalking and she was actually back at home, and still in bed.
She didn’t stop following that bunny, though.
The two of them travelled further and further away from Kirkwall. The imposing walls around it fading from view as they went on. They did keep to the established roads, though, so that was worth some amount of hope to work off of. Eventually, they started to see a caravan along the roadside. Seeing it made the little bunny hop faster- Xion was still too numb in her senses to match its speed. Outside of the caravan were more of the blue bunny children; three were playing some card game where one bunny was being absolutely smug about winning, another two were trying to feed the caravan’s horse a carrot, and one other was with a human young man. It was in noticing the young man that Xion paused.
He didn’t look much older than Cloud- maybe a year younger, but not by much. His clothes made her think he was a lesser noble that ran away from home, with his cleaned black jacket, vest, and pants. Not a wrinkle to be seen. Something about him seemed faintly familiar, as if Xion had seen him around Kirkwall, but not for long periods of time. Was it the hat? It certainly was a style all its own, featuring a long white and red feather for accent. The brim was long enough in the front to hide his upper face when needed, and at the moment it was hard to tell just what kind of face he was making as the bunny child vied for his attention.
The bunny child that had been guiding Xion let out a very loud shout of “I’m ba-ack!” that nearly scared Xion out of her wits. The noise also brought about the attention of the young man. He adjusted his hat a bit before giving a wide grin.
“About time.” he replied. “Did you find Sabi or not?”
The blue bunny just let out a happy squeal before continuing to the young man’s side. Xion had started to come forward again, her feet guiding her to be within arm’s distance of the young man. The two looked each other over- the feeling that Xion had seen this young man before was even more prominent than before.
“Well, you’re not my baby sister.” the young man noted, tilting his hat up a bit to get a better look at Xion. To the bunny child, he got down to about its height before saying, “And did you forget what Sabi looked like? Our sis has brown eyes, not blue ones.”
The bunny child looked back up at him, crossing its arms and giving him a stink eye.
“You are a bit too short to notice that, huh?” the young man then mused before ruffling the top of the bunny’s head. “Don’t worry, I still got a treat for you. It’s in the back of the caravan.”
The small creature gave a sound similar to an ecstatic squeal before heading toward the aforementioned caravan. This just left the two humans to themselves -for the most part- and the silence was starting to weigh on Xion again. If it wasn’t for the sounds of the bunny kids in the card game apparently picking a fight, Xion would have backed away from this odd caravan and straight back to Kirkwall. But did she really want to make that walk back up alone?
“Are you looking for someone?” Xion finally asked, if only to distract her own thoughts. “I could help if you really needed it.”
“Nah.” the young man said with a wave of his hand. “If Junior can’t find Sabi, then Sabi doesn’t want to be found right now. She’ll show up in her own time. Always does.”
“And Sabi is…?”
“My baby sis, of course. Don’t worry- she’s human too.”
A moment of confusion hit Xion, but then it rolled over into good humor.
“Oh good,” she mused, “For a moment I thought she was a Behemoth.”
“With that tenacity of hers, it wouldn’t surprise me if she was part darkspawn.” the young man cheerily replied, tipping his hat toward her in goodwill. “But that’s younger siblings for you; get in all the trouble and think us older kids are gonna bail them out. Not that my sister needs the help, truly. But it’s nice to always be there. You know?”
“I wouldn’t know anything about that.” Xion told him with a smirk. “I was the youngest in my family.”
“Pardon if I’ve offended you, then.” the young man replied. “But you know it’s true. I’m sure your older siblings are down right jealous of how often you get away with things.”
Despite herself, Xion let out a small chuckle. “That’s what my brother would say.” she agreed. “Our father was a mage, and my brother was the only one of us siblings that wasn’t, so he didn’t get to spend much time with him.”
After saying this, Xion froze. Maker, being Kirkwall’s Champion or not, she had forgotten that there was a prejudice against mages. The young man didn’t seem to notice her bluff, or even indicated he thought of it as one, instead giving her a light laugh.
“Now I’m jealous.” he said. “Our old man left sometime after my fifth birthday. He probably never even knew my sister existed.”
Still recoiling from her mistake, and realizing that she had not been listening to him, the news gave Xion a small jolt. She fumbled over her words as she mumbled, “Must have been hard for her. Your sister, that is. There are still days when I wish I could have my father by my side.”
And the rest of my family. It’s too quiet. Too lonely. Too… too…
“Mom was sweet on her.” the young man said, taking Xion out of her thoughts for a moment. “Definitely had a solid reason why she gave her a name meaning ‘princess,’ that’s for sure.” But then a frown appeared on his face. “I think she gave her too much affection, actually. Sabrina doesn’t realize that the version of our mom she saw wasn’t the whole thing. She wouldn’t listen even if I did tell her.”
“Why can’t she see it in your mother herself?” Xion wondered, thinking back to her own father and the times he did something slightly worrying her mother didn’t approve of when she found out about it.
The young man’s expression only darkened. “Mom died when Sabrina was 11, and I was 16. How old were you when you started to question the image you had of your parents?”
Admittedly, it took her a moment to consider it.
“It was probably when my sister’s magic started to manifest,” she carefully decided. “We moved to Lothering to protect (or, I guess more accurately, hide) her. I must have been…?” That was when a realization hit her, and she looked back up at the young man in mild surprise. “I wouldn’t have been much older than Sabrina. Maybe even younger.”
“Exactly.” he affirmed. He let out a long, conflicted sigh before giving a small shake of his head. “But where have my manners gone? We’re talking about family, and we don’t even know each other’s names yet.”
The young man adjusted his hat once more, pushed up his sleeves a bit, then held his hand out to her. “The name is Brain, madam.”
For a moment, Xion just blinked. Her thoughts went on pause from this young man’s change of topic.
“Xion.” she carefully agreed. “Xion Hawke.”
“So that’s why you’re familiar.”
“I’ve seen you in Kirkwall.” he explained, as simple as day. “I used to operate a pop up store in Lowtown, then moved out to the Gallows by request. Well, it wasn’t so much a request than it was to help out a little wallflower. Either way, I come around every now and again. Circuit around Orlais, Ferelden, and the Free Marches to get the word out.”
“I do recognize you, then!” Xion marveled, speaking more of a thought out loud than actually talking to him proper.
“Nice to know I’m recognizable.” Brain mused, tilting his hat toward her. For a split second, he looked like he was going to say something more, but decided against it. Instead, he gave her a soft smile. “Things have gotten a lot better for us since then. Since Mom died, anyway.”
Returning the conversation back to the original topic made Xion’s heart stop for a moment. “They have?” she carefully asked despite this.
Brain gave her a confident nod.
“Sabi won’t admit it, but they have. Months after our mother died, we were adopted by an Orlesian merchant. He and his wife had been trying to have kids for years, but never could. (And it’s particularly hard to tell for how long they’ve been trying, since they’re one of those who are not quite human, but not quite animal. For some reason the Maker decided those folks could outlive us normals for at least a solid age or two.) So now I pay my dues helping him operate the most successful business this side of Thedas. Sabi also has her own little mission to repay the old rabbit. Although I must warn you- if you ever see a pretty girl with a rabbit mask on; run.”
“Noted.” Xion agreed with a little chuckle.
Brain gave a smile of his own before joining in the laughter. The sound echoed through Xion’s heart and filling her with a relief she didn’t know she needed until now.
After awhile, Brain collected himself to gently slide a finger across the brim of his hat.
“Things will get better for you too.” he then carefully told her, jolting Xion out of her joy. Not for the first time, the sudden shock feeling more like a slap to the face. It was rather concerning that this young man had that kind of power. “It might be something small- like buying yourself something nice, or meeting someone new. Maybe it’ll happen ten years from now. Who really knows? It’s hard, but it is possible to focus on the good coming, rather than the bad that’s already happened. It won’t be easy, but you seem the type to never back down.”
“Like your sister?” Xion asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“A lot like my sister, actually.” he laughed in return. His sincere humor toward the topic was enough to send Xion in a light laughter as well. 
Not wanting the small joy to end, Xion let her laugh naturally die down before looking him over again. Brain only stopped laughing because a bunny child was biding for his attention. As he talked to them, Xion further studied the young man. You couldn’t tell it at first glance, but Brain did have a genuine worry for his little sister. He hid it well behind clever remarks and an unbridled confidence. She wondered for a moment if Cloud felt the same way about her. It didn’t cross Xion’s mind that she had been staring for too long until Brain brought his attention to her. He didn’t say anything, but he tipped his hat in goodwill.
“It’s getting late.” Brain noted, taking half a glance up at the sky before looking back at Xion. “Would you like an escort back to Kirkwall?”
Xion smirked. “It would be the smarter choice, wouldn’t it?”
Brain offered back a rather bemused chuckle. He then let out a shrill whistle. Not long after, a blue bunny child came out of the caravan and happily bounded over to them. The bunny kid nuzzled against Brain for a moment as he likewise gave them a pat on the head.
“Junior, do me a favor and take Xion back home.” he said with a smile. “It’s getting late.”
The bunny child looked up at him with a wide grin, nodded in agreement, then happily went to Xion. It happily bounded into her arms, looking up at her with an innocent gleam in its eye. A thought came over Xion- one that she spoke out loud in mild bewilderment.
“That’s… not the same one from before.”
Brain raised an eyebrow in time with tilting his hat forward a bit. “Wow, I’m impressed. How’d you guess?”
“A hunch.” Xion carefully admitted. A comment from before came back to Xion in that moment. Brain had mentioned that his adoptive caretaker was a rabbit, right? And these blue bunnies were likely from him, right? She felt a bit dumb in just now asking the question. “Didn’t you say that your adoptive parents were not able to have children of their own?”
A rather mischievous glint flickered in Brain’s eye for a moment. “That’s still correct.”
“So how’d this little fella come along?”
Brain smirked. “Their luck changed, just like yours will.”
For a moment, Xion didn’t know what to think about that. She idly looked back down at the bunny child. It looked up at her with a wide eyed curiousness that only children knew how to pull off. The raw innocence of the creature almost made her recoil. At the same time, something in her clicked.
There was still hope.
Xion hugged the bunny kid for a second before waving Brain goodbye. The walk back to Kirkwall wasn’t filled with heavy thoughts. If anything, she was almost skipping. Once she and the bunny child got back to Kirkwall’s gates, they waved good bye and Xion made the walk back to Hightown. She saw a lot of blue bunnies on the way there. Each time she saw one, she remembered what Brain told her. When Xion got home, quietly shut the door behind her, and started to make a cup of tea. She slept incredibly well that night. It felt nice.
After that day, Xion started to notice just how many blue bunnies hung around Kirkwall. Each time she would see them, she’d smile and remember Brain’s advice with clarity.
It will get better.
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My notes on Lethal White episode 3
As usual, my poorly sorted and not-really-filtered thoughts on “Lethal White”, episode 3. Continued under the cut because ALL THE SPOILERS!
We’re back with Robin and cling-wrapped Chiswell. Holliday plays Robin’s tenuously controlled panic very well. The subtle trembling, the tears she forces back. She’s so good. 👏🏼
A two-week jump. These always jar me. Did that happen in the book?🤨
Another mention of Strike talking with Wardle, and again we don’t get to see him. Dang. I really miss his leather-jacketed wry humour. 😔
Of course they’re meeting at “The White Horse”. Where else? *Rosmersholm vibes*
The reveal about the bones was a bit anti-climactic, wasn’t it? It had a better effect with the skull, in the book. And how do you “accidentally” shoot a horse, even when it’s a small one? How much more are we supposed to hate Freddie? (This episode is just full of terribly behaving men)
Who are the kids playing with the dog? Pringle and Pong? Were those their ridiculous nicknames?
And here comes the “Knives Out” scene. 🔪The Chiswell family is such a loving bunch. *coughs*
Did you see the playful tension between Raff and Robin? And that little disconcerted look Cormoran casts them? Bit jealous, Corm? 😏
Raff’s sarcastic little throw-in remarks are really making this scene more fun. Gotta give him that: he adds a bit of “black sheep” dash to the family!
“KEYS!” 😁 Cormoran is like the adult stepping between a bunch of fist-throwing kids.
Cormoran and Robin are staring at the Chiswell’s bickering as if waiting for one of them to actually start spitting and biting.
Raff: “I’m sure our charming hostess means to offer you tea at some point.” 🤣
Cormoran: “I’m thinking it might be suicide after all. He couldn’t face another family gathering.” 😂
*grunts* We’ve all been there, haven’t we? (And I don’t even want to start thinking about Cormoran’s family gatherings…)
Hah! 🙋🏻‍♀️ I guessed right from the leaked stills: it is the hospital Billy’s in! (Cookie points for me!)
That staff woman gives off very sensible and caring vibes. They picked the actress well.
And, god, Billy carved the horse into his own chest? 😟 Good god…
Vanessa! And she looks good! And - unlike in the first series - she smiles! And is really NICE! (Wow, what a beautiful woman.) 😍
That little lounge corner in Cormoran’s office is new, isn’t it? Very cozy. ☕️🍪
Goth Robin! She looks awesome! 😍 (Excuse me, but have we traveled back into the 80s? She looks like half the people in my school back then.) And look at Holliday playing her: she even moves differently! This season must have been a lot of fun for her as an actress.
I love the Wiccan shop. I had one of those salt lamps (and a lava lamp too), but don’t tell anybody… ☺️
Cormoran’s FACE when he sees goth Robin! 🥰The double take, the pleased surprise, that touch of awe… He is so proud of her! (What a contrast to Matt the Twat’s derogatory reactions to her disguises).
Cormoran: “You liking Raff then?” Are we a teensy bit jealous again, Corm? ☺️
When he asked Robin what she was doing this evening, I held my breath. WAS HE GOING TO ASK HER OUT? 🤗 He wasn’t. 😔 Everybody calm down. It’s not happening yet. Unfortunately. And probably never will. *very long sigh*
It’s so cute how he can’t stop looking at her! 🥰I love her confidence. And his twinkle-eyed, soft grin that doesn’t seem to want to fade. He truly admires her, for her competence AND for her looks. ASK HER OUT YOU FOOL! *headdesk*
Lorelei. With coffee. Apologizing for saying “I love you”. Ack. And then Corm says “I was gonna call you.” (You weren’t, admit it!). I didn’t know what to feel when seeing this scene for the first time: shocked that they were still together? Sympathy for Lorelei? Mad at Cormoran’s lackluster ‘yeah, alright, whatever’ attitude? Very mixed emotions.
Cormoran following Aamir along the South Bank. Watch me pointing excitedly at the screen because I’ve strolled down that same boardwalk way back when traveling was still a thing. *flails* *misses London*
Aamir’s place. Why is Cormoran talking about food again? Robin hasn’t fed him biscuits today yet, has she?
Cormoran’s always a bit unnerving when interrogating someone. He uses friendly words, but there is that tiny bit of menace about him, an intensity and pressure… SIB Corm. Tom does that so well. 😎
“You gonna butter me?” Smooth moves, ex-Sergeant Strike! 🥋 Oh, I love seeing him in action! 🤗
Robin hides the phone, and I am a nervous wreck worrying someone’s going to call and her phone isn’t in silent mode! (enneagram type 6 here, hello…) 😬
I was waiting for Matt to be an absolute prick when he sees goth Robin, but he’s actually not. And he’s had the Green Dress mended. I like how the show gives him a few shades and doesn’t paint him as outrageously hateful as the book does. (jftr, we all still hate you, Matt!)
But then, the way he rushes at her with his “That’s not true” - why does it somehow feel like a physical threat? And wow, Robin is COLD. Dude, your marriage is over. You just haven’t been notified yet.
So we’re ignoring Lorelei’s calls again, Cormoran? *eyebrow lift* Is that what we do as a gentleman? And then he calls off dinner and has no more than a lame “Sounds good, I’ll call you” when she mentions breakfast? If he’s not invested at the mention of food, something is clearly wrong…
Della Winn, and they picked a blind actress for the role. Good for them! ✔️
So, help me out here, native speakers: Della says she can hear the West Country in Cormoran’s vowels, but to me he doesn’t sound Cornish. Am I wrong? To my ears, Tom is speaking in some sort of self-made accent that I can’t place, but it doesn’t sound anything like the Cornish burr Robert Glenister gives him in the audiobooks. Opinions? 🤔
Rhiannon’s story touched me in the book, and it touches me deeply here. A revenge murder would’ve made perfect sense to me.
The party. We’ve apparently time-traveled again.
“What’s ‘Becca’ short for?” 🙄
Ah! The note was hidden in the maxipads box! I seem to recall that, in the book, Robin hid the Houses of Parliament bugging device in a tampon box. Cool parallel.
The chase. Good thing this goth girl wears sensible shoes! Nice trick with the crouching and tripping. Take THAT, Jimmy! Robin’s learned from past experience, and I love the addition of the chase that wasn’t in the book. Robin’s no longer a helpless victim. She is a FIGHTER! And - BAM! Perfect timing, patrol car! 🚔
Cormoran: “How did you guess where she hid it?” (Because that’s where girls hide stuff, darling. ONE good thing all the menstruating is good for at least.)
Quick shout-out to Tom Burke’s freckles. They really should be credited as supporting actors. 🥰
Btw, the navy jumper is not a jumper but a cardigan! I bet Tom was pleased. (And my shippy brain can imagine him wrapping a freezing Robin in it 💙)
Enter Lorelei. Here be dragons.
“You know, if you want a hot meal and a shag with no human emotions involved, there are restaurants. And brothels.”
Oooohhhh... 😳
Need ointment for that burn, Corm?
And she’s entitled! Cormoran’s old school gallantry seems to have gone MIA when it comes to treating Lorelei with the respect she deserved. Especially since he had his chance at ending it decently and respectfully at their earlier little talk over coffee. I still don’t think he meant to hurt her. It was thoughtlessness. Which is no redeeming factor at all. He deserved this, even in front of Robin. #TeamLorelei
Well, at least he didn’t get smacked with an ashtray this time.
I LOLed when Robin simply went straight back to business without commenting. A real pro. 😎
Cormoran: “That was a bit awkward.” Was it, Corm? We barely noticed. *snorts*
And although Robin defends him a little bit, her suppressed smirk and her work-life balance remark tell us she’s enjoyed this a bit. And not just because Cormoran is single again.
Matthew calls: “Sorry, it’s a work thing.” (NO IT ISN’T AND YOU’RE A LYING, CHEATING [REDACTED] !!!) 🤬
Robin steps on Sarah Shaglock’s earring, and now starts a scene that makes me want to shower Holliday in BAFTAs. 🏆🏆🏆 Heart wrenching, painful, powerful. And Matthew finally shows his true colours. (And Kerr Logan deserves a nod for his acting too).
On a completely irrelevant side note: Matt stole that coat from Darius Tanz, only that Santi looked hot as hell in it whereas Matt just looks like an accountant who pretends to look hot. (Go and watch “Salvation” if you have no clue what I’m talking about)
Robin is so bravely holding it together, and - wow - her coldness towards Matt is pretty impressive, and at the same time she’s forcing herself not to cry and fights down a panic attack. It’s amazing how she puts every emotion and train of thought from the books onto the table and we can read it in her face and in her voice and body language. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼Best scene of the season, if you ask me. (Not that anyone ever asks me, but here it is.)
“I’m not gonna let you fail again!” 😡 Aaaand Matt tries to put her down again. To make her feel weak and in need of help. BUT IT’S NO LONGER WORKING. She’s got this. Oh, she’s got this!
They left out Robin saying that he “doesn’t even have a knife”, and I’m actually glad they did. This didn’t need to be about physical assault again. Matt wouldn’t go that far, and it wasn’t necessary to go there. They clearly showed how manipulative he is and how strong Robin has to be to walk away from him, and that is enough.
The minicab driver. I remember the actress as Mrs. Fitz from “Outlander”, and she’s the perfect motherly tough love type to crack that marriage joke. And to get our girl out of there with no further fuss.
Whoa. I had high expectations. And they were met 10/10.
What did you guys think?
42 notes · View notes
blackcloverdatabase · 5 years
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English Translation of Novel 3: Chapter 4 – The Hero Who Disappeared (Part 2 of 2)
Here’s the second half of the final chapter of the Book of Yuno. In short, this chapter features Yuno and Asta being awesome. There’s also a scene showing William and Patry, more Mereoleona, and, finally, Yuno finds an answer to William’s question.
As a brief recap of part 1 (which you can read here if you missed it), this part picks up after Yuno drops the drawing given to him by a young girl named Silka. After examining the drawing more closely, he makes a realization and asks William to show him what’s in his book pouch.
--- The Hero Who Disappeared: Part 2 ---
A few minutes later, at the reception hall,
“Please help me! I’m being chased by evil mages!”
Another play had just begun on stage. Though the number of children gathered around the stage was overwhelmingly smaller than before, the guest seating was completely filled. The cast was drastically changed so that a major accident due to that last play’s fatal casting error would never occur again. The theater staff advertised that there would be a lot of famous people on stage, and it looked like their strategy worked.
While he was thinking, he walked toward the front row of the audience. He tried going around the venue and touching other Magic Knights, but Yuno would be the best new “host” for him after all. Earlier, everything was so sudden that he took on an appearance that would make it easier to escape from Yuno and the others, but now he’s ready. By simply exposing other people to the Original Sin, he can completely takeover their consciousness.
“……Kishi~ There he is.”
He sneered as he spotted Yuno and Bell. As he thought, Yuno was standing guard right below the stage as he did before. He crept up behind Yuno, carefully closing the distance between them as he concealed his presence. Like the other spectators, Yuno was looking up at the stage, so he was able to shorten the distance between them in no time. Once he was close enough to touch him, he reached for his Original Sin Grimoire, but…
Yuno nimbly turned around and grabbed his arm, then yelled,
“I’ve caught the host of the Original Sin Grimoire! Surround him!”
Suddenly, the audience and performers moved at once, surrounding Yuno and himself in the blink-of-an-eye.
He involuntarily cried out. To think that a few Magic Knights were hidden within the audience…… No, the entire audience was comprised of Magic Knights. Moreover, they were all people he hasn’t seen before. Either he called over new Magic knights or they’ve changed their faces with magic. All the children that were in the audience have disappeared, so they must be using magic. The one who caused all this must be……
Quickly but meticulously assessing the situation, he clicked his tongue. Yuno looked straight at him and said,
“No need for you to pretend to be a kid anymore, Al…… no, avatar of the Original Sin.”
“……You’ve got me. You’re good at sensing magic, so I tried to stay away from you.”
The avatar, Al, looked bored as he responded, seemingly unworried about his current predicament.
“So, how did you figure me out…… Yuno-niichan?”
He innocently giggled as he asked, continuing to maintain his guise as a child. Yuno hid his irritation, daring to glare at him with cold eyes as he answered,
“……It was Silka’s drawing. You had a book pouch in her drawing, but you don’t receive a grimoire until you’re fifteen. A child like you shouldn’t need a book pouch, right?”
All this from a drawing that made him a bit uneasy.
Of course, Al doesn’t have a book pouch right now. That’s why, at first, Yuno thought it was just a mistake Silka made while she was drawing. Still, it worried Yuno because in the drawing Al gave to Vangeance…… he did not draw a book pouch. He thought that maybe Al forgot to draw it, but if he purposefully didn’t draw it, then that would imply something else entirely.
- Al usually wears a book pouch, but he’s hiding it. –
In other words, Silka included something in her drawing that he didn’t want Yuno to see. He felt as if he got a glimpse of Al’s true intentions. Moreover, the reason Yami felt the Ki of the Original Sin from Vangeance is that he had Al’s drawing with him.
“……Hm~ Good for you. To think you’d get this far just from some small……. stupidly trivial detail. It practically a coincidence. Aah~, this sucks.”
Just as the avatar said, his hypothesis was based on something truly, stupidly trivial. Even so, an ordinary organization wouldn’t mobilize over something like that. Right, a normal organization wouldn’t.
“……Yeah, you’re right. Everyone who excels in magic detection was willing to take my absurd hypothesis seriously, and when they gathered together, they were able to sense your mana.”
As a result of that, they were able to sense the Original Sin’s mana from him.
“In order to trap you, so many people gathered here in such a short period of time. Even if you didn’t come here on your own, we prepared a way lure you out.”
Even knights who had just finished their shifts and knights who were off duty that day came to help. They were all more than happy to cooperate with Yuno, rushing to his aid.
“Everyone was willing to mobilize all for the sake of a single Magic Knight. To resolve a single incident, we are all able to act as one…… This is the organization you made an enemy out of.”
Yuno said this as he looked at each of the Magic Knights who had gathered.
“And, the place where you decided to do your evil deeds is the country where this organization’s members risk their lives to protect…… did you really think we’d let you get away with that?”
‘I love the Magic Knights and this country.’
Those words Yuno uttered earlier that day came flooding back into his brain. While amplifying such feelings inside him, that was the forceful declaration he made to Al.
In the face of Yuno’s overwhelming spirit, the avatar turned his gaze away, feeling ever so slightly overwhelmed. However, as if to hide that fact, he said,
“Ah, I see…… Well, it doesn’t matter to me~ I admit that I was careless. I thought I could wear my book pouch in front of Silka because she’s a kid, but look what happened~ Wow, I really goofed up.”
He joked frivolously before the look in his eyes sharpened.
“If I had known this was going to happen, I would’ve killed her…… I really goofed up.”
Hearing him utter such disturbing words strained the nerves of the Magic Knights who surrounded them. Among them, Yuno responded with eyes just as icy as before.
“By the way, the moment you came here, we created a barrier around the reception hall. Nobody can leave, and nobody outside can see what’s going on in here. Even if other people infected by the Original Sin are here, they won’t even notice what’s going on.”
Right. It was possible that there were other people infected with the Original Sin lurking at this event, so they prepared extra safety measures. Moreover, even if they were protected by the barrier, if a battle suddenly let loose in the reception hall, the citizens would panic. To avoid that, they completely isolated the avatar within a physical and visual barrier.
“Even without that barrier, you’re still surrounded. Give up quietly.”
But, in response to Yuno’s words, the avatar simply put his index finger on his mouth and said,
“Hm~ then, conversely, I don’t have to surrender as long as I break through you people and the barrier, right?
“Huuh!? Are you stupid!? There’s no way you could do that!”
Unperturbed by Bell’s jeers, the avatar lightly surveyed his surroundings.
“I wonder about that? I think I can do it if I try…… after all,”
A wicked glint shone in his eyes.
“I’m the “first” Original Sin, so I can do a lot~”
An instant after Yuno stammered,
“Guaaaaaaaaaah……Ah, GAAAAAAAAH!”
All at once, dozens…no, tens of dozens of knights gripped their heads as if they were in pain.
“H-hey! What’s wrong with you! Why’re you suddenly using your magi-ACK!”
“Idiot! Don’t use such large-scale magic in a small place like this!”
Those tens of dozens of knights began attacking their colleagues, as if they lost all sense of self.
The avatar used Yuno’s agitation as a chance to escape his grasp and lightly hopped onto the stage.
“Ki-shi-shi~ I’ve already broken through the first barrier you set! Your encirclement was too easy to escape~”
“You bastard…… what did you do!?”
“It’s just as you see. I’m just remotely letting their personalities and mana run wild. Well, this is magic that only I, the original, can use. It only affects people with the correct wavelength, but there’s even more of them affected by it than I thought there would be.”
Just as the avatar said, about one-third of the knights who were gathered seemed to be affected by his magic, attacking their surroundings indiscriminately. With the remaining knights working to stop them, it looked just like a free-for-all battle.
“Ki-shi~ Thank you for creating an environment where I can best demonstrate my powers.”
As the avatar said this, Yuno could sense invisible tentacles beginning to sprout from his back. They wriggled and writhed like snakes as they grew, swaying eerily as they pointed their heads toward Yuno.
“……Now, become my new host, Yuno-niichan.”
The last battle with the Original Sin had begun.
“Wind Magic: Towering Tornado”
With the activation of Yuno’s magic, he generated a forcefield of wind around the feet of the avatar. From there, a tornado sprung forth into the sky. The avatar leaped to the side to avoid it and sent forth his tentacles from various angles to attack Yuno, but,
At that moment, Asta leaped out from behind Yuno, slashing each of the tentacles that made their way to Yuno. Yuno unleashed a slew of different wind-based spells as Asta used his ability to read Ki to detect and strike the avatar’s invisible tentacles. In the few minutes since the battle had begun, the two were able to hold their ground, but the battle was at a standstill. The other knights were focused on stopping the knights who were rampaging, so Asta and Yuno were the only two who could focus on fighting the avatar…… Moreover, it was impossible to know how long it would take for the others to stop the rampaging knights.
“……What the heck, Asta? Didn’t you transform into an old man?”
To distract himself from such negative thoughts, Yuno joked with Asta as he stood beside him. In response, Asta pointed his sword at the avatar and laughed ferociously.
“I can’t just stay spaced-out in a situation like this! ……. Well, this opponent is gonna be pretty hard to fight.”
As he spoke, sweat dripped from his forehead, as if he were feeling under pressure.
“When I think about how our opponent’s a kid, I feel like I can’t fight at full strength……!”
“……Don’t worry about it. He may look like a kid, but on the inside, he nuts. In that sense, he’s just like you.”
“Are you saying I look like a kid!?”
“So, you’re not going to deny that you’re nuts?”
Their fierce battle with the avatar continued as they bantered. However, as Asta said, he couldn’t help but hold back with each attack, making him unable to land a decisive hit. Yuno, too, only used his weaker spells. Unable to land a decisive blow, they fell into a stalemate. He knew they couldn’t keep on like this. The longer the fight is prolonged, the more casualties will be produced at the hands of the rampaging knights. He understood that, but he couldn’t help but hold back, frustrating Yuno even further.
“Ki-shi-shi~ It looks like you’re getting frustrated there~ ……. Why don’t you take a little break and make a deal with me?”
He said when Yuno and Asta attacked the Original Sin together, stopping their attack dead in its tracks with a single hand. Of course, he was still on high alert, not erasing his tentacles. Yuno also maintained his guard, narrowing his eyes as he asked in turn,
“A deal?”
“Yup. I’ll free all the knights rampaging under my spell right away, and in return…”
As he spoke, he pointed to Yuno and Asta like a kid pointing to the toy they want.
“Give me either your body, Yuno-niichan, or your body, Asta-niichan. In return, I’ll free everyone else here.”
“Are you kidding!? What kind of deal is that!?  Those terms are too unfair!”
Asta shouted in response. However, as he viewed the state of the battle being waged between the audience seats, he replied,
“Really~? If the battle continues to drag on, at this rate, those knights will die, and one of them might use magic powerful enough to break the barrier. If that happens, a lot of the townspeople will die!”
Noting Asta’s silence, the Original Sin giggled cheerfully as he continued,
“But, if either of you hands over your body to me, I’ll let them all go free. Isn’t that great!? And then, all you would need to do is find me again. If things go well for you, you’ll even be able to get your body back! Isn’t this an amazing deal!?”
‘There will surely come a time where you’ll have to make a choice when there is no right answer.’
Yuno could feel Vangeance’s words from earlier reach out from his chest and into his mind. As a Magic Knight, he shouldn’t be making any deals with unfamiliar, dangerous magic tools. He should resume the battle immediately and gallantly stand against him. However, the avatar spoke the truth. If this situation continues, the townspeople are going to get drawn into the battle. Shouldn’t a Magic Knight offer his body to protect the people? He wasn’t sure what the right answer was. Perhaps there would be a clear answer in hindsight, but it’s difficult for anyone to judge what is right when faced with the present. However……
‘Make a decision you can be satisfied with……’
Those words seemed obvious to Yuno. Vangeance, the hero of the Clover Kingdom, imparted such an “obvious” thing onto Yuno as if they were his parting words, as if that was the conclusion he had reached after a long struggle with choices and decisions. In this situation, the choice that would be most satisfying to Yuno would be……
“……I understand. I’ll become your host.”
“Wait! Yuno!? What are you saying!?”
Ignoring Bell’s attempts to restrain him, Yuno stepped forward. The avatar narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
“Hm~, you really plan on giving yourself to me? You didn’t seem all that interested in my deal earlier, though?”
In response, Yuno silently raised his right hand and launch a full-powered “Towering Tornado” toward the sky. This broke through part of the barrier in the sky, forming a hole just large enough for one person to pass through.
“Once you’ve made me your host, escape through there. There are captains outside, but you should be fine if you take a hostage. However, promise me that you will return the hostage unharmed later.”
Bell’s face turned pale as she listened.
‘Is he seriously making a deal with the Original Sin…..?’
“……Hey, Yuno.”
While Bell was frozen in confusion, Asta stared at Yuno’s retreating figure as he spoke.
“Did you come up with an idea?”
Yuno turned his head over his shoulder, pausing briefly before responding.
“I leave the rest to you…… Asta.”
Leaving only those words behind, he slowly walked toward the Original Sin.
“Ki-shi-shi, I don’t really get what happened, but it looks like you’re serious! I’ll be pouring a huge amount of mana into you, so do your best to endure it, ‘kay? It’s going to be so painful, you’ll want to die!”
The tentacles wrapped around Yuno’s defenseless body, and the avatar made a dash toward him. From his chest, he pulled out his white grimoire, the Original Sin, but…
“Just kidding~”
He passed by Yuno, pressing his grimoire onto Asta’s body.
“I decided I don’t want you after all, Yuno-niichan. I’ll use Asta-niichan as my new host instead!”
Having the Original Sin Grimoire pushed into him, Asta screamed as his body convulsed.
“……Hey, this isn’t what we agreed to!”
Yuno desperately shouted while restrained by the tentacles. The Original Sin lightly tilted his head toward Yuno and smiled.
“Don’t give me that. After all, Yuno-niichan was planning to screw me over, right? You were glaring at me the whole time. Plus, I’m the Original Sin. There’s no way I’d believe the words of someone who set such a massive trap for me.”
He snapped back with disdain. Then, he looked at Asta’s two swords, causing him to say with irritation,
“Plus, those swords…… are not something humans such as yourselves should possess. I’ll take them back.”
Then, he turned back toward Yuno with a smirk.
“I was lying when I said I’d let those knights go. You really shouldn’t make important deals with kids, you know?”
With those words, Yuno hung his head down. He made a decision he could be satisfied with. To think that this would be the result of that.
“……This is following my predictions so closely that I’m honestly shocked. Is my plan seriously going that well?”
The avatar stammered at the words Yuno said to himself. At that moment,
“That hurt you bastard! What the hell did you do!?”
After getting through the pain, Asta regained consciousness and yelled.
“……Huh? Wait? .....W-why haven’t you been taken over……GAH!”
The avatar lightly tapped his temple in thought as Asta forcibly pulled the Original Sin grimoire out of his chest,
And used all his might to pierce through the grimoire with his large sword. In that instant, the tentacles which were spread throughout the stage vanished, and the knights who were being controlled lost consciousness and fell to the ground.
“……What? Wait? …... But…… why?”
The avatar, too, fell to the ground, his eyes wide with shock, unable to believe what was unfolding around him.
“Oh, I didn’t tell you?”
Yuno approached his miserable figure, informing him as he ruffled Asta’s hair,
“This guy hasn’t had a single drop of mana in him since he was born, so if you try to take over his body using his mana as an intermediary, then you probably won’t succeed. That said, you’re welcome to keep trying…… Well, I guess I didn’t bother explaining that to you earlier since you’re just a kid.”
“D-don’t screw with…… guh.”
The avatar lost consciousness while he was speaking. Seeing that, Yuno sighed deeply in relief before calling out,
“Mimosa, please heal the avatar…… no, Al. Everyone else should help treat the injured…... we’ve won.”
With those words, everyone cheered in victory. Standing upon the stage, Yuno looked just like a hero who led his troops to victory. He didn’t really want all that attention…… but he was happy that there were no casualties.
“Hey, you handsome bastard!”
Just as Yuno dropped his guard, Asta punched him in the stomach, making Yuno let out a strange noise. Ignoring the noise Yuno let out, Asta energetically drew even closer to Yuno.
“You offered your body to the Original Sin because you knew that was gonna happen, didn’t you!?”
Yuno answered as he gently rubbed his stomach, wondering if Asta meant for his punch to hurt that much.
“Well, I knew that he was a rather contrary person, so if I made him think that I was up to something, I had a hunch that he would go after you rather than me.”
He thought there was a possibility that he would try to take over Asta, who has no magic, and he believed that, if he created a gap that Asta could exploit, he would destroy the Original Sin. He felt bad for inflicting so much pain on Asta, but Asta is used to that kind of thing, so he was able to make such a decision. As a result, they were able to achieve victory, but Asta seemed dissatisfied.
“That’s fine, but what were you planning to do if that guy actually took your body over!?”
“……Well, if he did that, all you would have needed to do is beat him, right?”
With a slight smile on his face, Yuno put his hand on Asta’s head once more.
“Even if he did take over my body, I have no doubt you would have found a way to beat him…… that’s why I said I would leave the rest to you.”
Yuno’s words left Asta in a daze for a moment, but, before long, he had his usual grin on his face before punching Yuno’s stomach one more time.
“Shut up, you handsome bastard! Don’t think you can persuade me with that!”
“I wasn’t trying to. I was just saying. Stop being so violent.”
They started fooling around as they usually do, but then……
“I’m…… not…… done!”
A voice emanated from the Original Sin grimoire that Asta had stabbed,
Suddenly, a golden eye appeared at the center of the grimoire, and it started moving on its own, tearing its own body to escape from Asta’s sword.  It flew up into the sky, followed by a trail of golden light as it headed toward the hole Yuno had opened earlier.
“……Are you kidding me!? I didn’t know it could do that!!”
“Apparently, it can…... but, if it were that easy, it would have done this from the beginning. Most likely, it’s using up the last of its strength, so one more push should defeat it.”
While Yuno and Asta spoke with each other, they followed after the Original Sin using Yuno’s wind magic. As they followed in pursuit, Asta readied his sword, closing his eyes in concentration as he held his sword to his side.
Pitch-dark magic rose from one half of his body until he was clad in black anti-magic. Then, he launched himself toward the Original Sin.
“Hey, bastard!! You probably don’t want to hear this from me, but you really don’t know when to quit, do you!? Just give up! You probably don’t want to hear that from me, though!!”
“Ki shi~…… I’m not trying to…… survive.”
The Original Sin retorted bitterly as it passed through the hole in the barrier. The eye on the grimoire moved about as it looked down on the capital. Then, suddenly, its magical power began to rise.
“But, I refuse to die alone……. I’ll self-destruct and take the entire city with me……!”
“……Don’t screw with me!! What could you possibly gain by doing that!?”
“Don’t bother, Asta…… it’s not a matter of what he will gain or lose. I’m sure he must have his own reasons for making the decision he has made.”
Yuno called out, having followed behind Asta and the Original Sin. The Original Sin opened its eye and bellowed with deep held resentment.
“Shut up….. Shut up shut up shut up! What could you possibly know about me!? You don’t know what I’ve been through, so don’t talk like you understand me!”
“I don’t…… I really don’t, but you’re the same. You don’t know our circumstances, either…… You don’t know what we can never forgive, nor what we must protect.”
As Yuno spoke, he exchanged looks with Bell, and his body began to draw the mana from his surroundings into him. At the same time, his body became wrapped in pale green light. Before long, a wing of ghostly light sprouted from his left side, and the green light wrapped around his left hand into a crown-like ring.
“Spirit Assimilation: Spirit Dive”
Witnessing such tremendous magical power before his eyes, the Original Sin froze in terror. Even the citizens below looked up at the sky, their mouths agape in blank amazement.
‘This is the culmination of Spirit Magic, reached after an unfathomable amount of effort…!’
The magical power which Yuno was clad in was so overwhelming that it forced such thoughts into the minds of all who saw him, but, even so, Yuno’s expression looked a little sorrowful.
“That’s why, this is what I’ve decided to do…... I’m sorry.”
With those words, he pointed his left hand toward the Original Sin.
“Wind Spirit Magic: Spirit Storm”
A vortex of light exploded forth with a roar, overwhelming both the Original Sin’s mana and its screams as it dispersed into the sky of the royal capital.
 ‘……It looks like they were able to resolve everything safely.’
Vangeance walked through the plaza, which had regained its peacefulness and liveliness. He wasn’t patrolling. He was simply taking a stroll, wanting to watch the faces of the townspeople and Magic Knights as they enjoyed themselves. He thought that clearing up the turmoil left behind by the attack and explaining things to the townspeople would be an arduous task, but…… things went a lot more smoothly than he was expecting.  When he explained that the Original Sin had slipped into the venue, there was a considerable amount of panic, but when he explained that it had been defeated, he raised Yuno and Asta up as heroes, telling the townspeople about the “heroes who fought against the dangerous magic weapon”. With that, the townspeople’s anxieties were completely wiped out and replaced with celebration.
Such propaganda… well, it certainly sounds bad when framed like that, was necessary to reduce the public’s unease. As a result, the trust the Magic Knights lost today was completely restored, and, after repairing the reception hall, he continued the event. He thought about discontinuing the festival, but with the public’s support, he decided to continue as planned. Since it was such a special event, Vangeance decided that he wanted to enjoy the atmosphere of the festival a little, too. And so, he began walking around on his own.  
……Well, technically speaking, he wasn’t alone. More precisely, ever since the day he was born, Vangeance has never been alone.
‘So? What are your thoughts after having seen the first Original Sin?’
This question was directed inward toward his other self, Patry, who shared his body.
‘……Hm, it was exactly what I thought it was.’
After a short pause, Patry responded from within Vangeance’s heart. It has been a long time since they became able to communicate through their souls, but it was rare for them to exchange words in public as they were doing now. However, Vangeance wanted to ask Patry as soon as possible.
‘……You mean that it was one of the prototypes of a magic tool you elves made with the humans several hundred years ago?’
Within his heart, he could feel Patry nod his head in silence.
‘……Although, I really couldn’t believe it until I saw it. To think that one of the magic tools we made remained here, completely unbroken. On top of that, it was even revived in modern times…...’
At first, he thought that someone simply made something similar to it and released it into the public. However, as the investigation continued, he noticed more and more similarities between the ancient magic tool they had built and the Original Sin. Moreover, a few days ago, when Charlotte spoke with one of its avatars, that suspicion turned into conviction.
The person who manifested as the avatar of the Original Sin highly resembled Dordt, a younger elf who was involved in the creation of the magic tool. However, Dordt’s soul did not enter the Original Sin. Rather, it seems that his residual thoughts were dwelling within it. At any rate, there was definitively a connection between the two.
Vangeance asked Patry,
‘I just want to verify what I heard before, but, originally, the Original Sin was developed for peaceful purposes, made to increase its owner’s magical power by a small amount, right? I’m sure its original name was also different.’
‘Yeah. Although….’
Vangeance could feel a deep loathing and desire to kill within Patry’s words.
‘Five hundred years ago……we elves were trapped, toyed with, and killed by the humans. Those feelings of rage and anguish from that day must have mixed in with Dordt-san’s other residual thoughts, replacing the intentions that machine was originally built with into something far more vicious. It seems that it took quite a long time.’
He flared with rage before taking a brief moment to think.
‘However…... I don’t know how or why it had revived. It probably reacted to the mana emitted by the reincarnation of myself and the other elves…… At any rate, it certainly wasn’t my intent to revive it.’
‘I understand. That’s why you cooperated with me, right?’
Vangeance understood that the Original Sin was something created by the elves. Recognizing how dangerous it was, he decided to take immediate action, even receiving information about it from Patry. One of the measures he took against it was the creation of this festival. The Original Sin was constantly seeking the strong to use as a host. He judged that, if he created a chance for the Original Sin to come in contact with the Magic Knights, the strongest people in the country, then it would surely make a move. Though, if all he wanted to do was capture it, then it wouldn’t have been necessary to do things in such a roundabout way……
In any case, Vangeance sent words of gratitude into his heart.
‘Thank you for all your help, Patry. You also told me that if the first Original Sin is destroyed, then all its copies, the manuscripts, should disappear… I think we’ll continue the investigation to confirm that, though.’
‘Yeah. Well, that’s also just speculation on my part. I think everything should be fine now, but…...’
Pitch-black emotions began to flow into Patry’s words again.
‘The day when our longstanding desire is fulfilled draws near. Before that day comes, I want any irregularities to be eliminated…… I’m counting on you.’
‘……Yeah, I know.’
With his brief reply, Vangeance felt Patry’s consciousness melt into his heart. He touched his hand to his chest, gently curling his fingers into a fist.
‘The day when our longstanding desire is fulfilled draws near.’
Which means……
“Ah, Captain Vangeance. Thank you for your hard work today.”
Just as dark thoughts threatened to absorb him, he heard someone call out to him from the side. When he turned around, he saw Yuno, Asta, and Bell coming closer to him. He noticed that they were carrying paint brushes. It seemed that Yami’s drawing class was reopened, and they were helping out there. Before he could reply, Yuno began to speak.
“You may have already heard, but Silka was walking through the venue on her own. She is being safeguarded now. Al has also regained consciousness. Apparently, the last thing he remembers is picking up the Original Sin Grimoire in the woods a few weeks ago. Since that moment, his consciousness has been hijacked this entire time.”
“Yes, I’ve heard. They may need psychological care after all that has happened, so I’ve left detailed instructions so that they can be fully supported.”
Hearing this, Bell shouted in admiration.
“As one would expect from Vangeance! You sure work quickly~! By the way, Yuno and I want to go on a date after this, so exempt us from writing this incident’s report! Asta said he’ll write it for us!”
“I never said that! I definitely wouldn’t for a reason like that! And anyway, what the heck is a date!? Would somebody tell me already!?”
Asta hurled back at Bell without a moment’s delay. And so, the four continued their lively exchange for some time. Vangeance watched the other three with a smile as his thoughts from earlier resumed. The reason he lured in the Original Sin the way he did was to stimulate their growth…… especially Yuno’s. He knew the Original Sin was using Al as a host, but he let him go free so that Yuno could catch him. Even he thinks what he did was dangerous. Of course, he kept an eye on things to ensure that no harm would come to the townspeople, but he couldn’t guarantee that no injuries would occur.
However, Vangeance did not have a lot of time left. With the limited amount of time remaining for him, with all the things he still needed to teach Yuno, he had no choice but to make use of this chance. What could be gained by taking this risk was just too great. By resolving this incident, Yuno has become even stronger, and he has garnered even more support from the people.
And, Vangeance was able to entrust to Yuno the thing he couldn’t do. From time to time, a person will need to make a decision they can be satisfied with. It’s truly an obvious thing. It’s not something one usually needs to persuade someone else to do, but……
Even until the very end, Vangeance couldn’t do it.
Patry, the one who has lived together with him since birth, or Julius, the man who showed him how to live his life. He couldn’t decide which one he should choose. Even worse, he’s going to leave the answer to the two of them. He considered himself the worst kind of man there is. That was why he didn’t want Yuno, the squad member who held his highest of hopes, to ever go through this. He wanted Yuno to live his life in a future of his choice, without regret.
That was why, to convey the importance of those words, he told Yuno such an obvious thing. He was a little worried about whether he was able to transmit his feelings to Yuno properly, but……
“……Yuno, now that I think about it, I haven’t told you yet. You did a great job today. I saw how the battle went using Marx’s communication magic. You did a truly magnificent job.”
These words came from the bottom of his heart. He could tell when he watched Yuno battle today. Yuno understood what he wanted to say, and he put it into practice. He was able to make choice after choice without regret and led the way to victory in such a desperate battle.
“I look forward to your future successes…… yes, truly.”
Witnessing Yuno as he was today filled Vangenace with relief, while, at the same time, it made him have selfish expectations for him. Perhaps, no matter how hard things might be in the future, he will lead the world in a positive direction. Perhaps he will be able to bring about the future Vangeance wanted to make, but couldn’t. He wanted to entrust Yuno with such selfish wishes.
“Thank you very much. It’s all thanks to what you told me, Captain.”
Yuno said with a small smile on his face. He was about to elaborate further, but,
“Oh, Asta. Isn’t it almost time for the rehearsal?”
Noelle called out to Asta, interrupting their conversation.
‘Wait, they still plan to continue that play……?’ Yuno thought, with all kinds of implications left unexpressed. Beside him, Asta screamed,
“It’s already time!?”
And hurriedly put the parchment and brush he was holding back on the desk.
“That’s right! Yuno! You’re coming, too! You might be able to land some kind of role if you come right now!”
“No way. I’m heading back to headquarters. I have to write my report and prepare for the next mission.”
“……Oh, really?”
Asta replied with a bit of disappointment in his voice. Yuno wanted to hang around a little longer, too, but there was a mountain of things he had to do. He won’t procrastinate on his duties for personal reasons.
“What, Asta? Are you disappointed?”
“H-huh!? Why would I be…… oh?”
With a provoking smile, Yuno continued,
“Don’t look so down…… we’re both running down the same road, so we’ll see each other soon.”
Both were competing to see who would become the Wizard King. As long as they stay true to their promise, Asta and Yuno will meet again and again. And, each time, they’ll be able to feel each other’s growth, which will inspire them to grow even stronger. Yuno and Asta have come this far by continuously repeating this process. From now on, as well, they will continue to lift each other up in this way.
“……Well, I’ve run way ahead of you, though.”
‘And, someday……’
With such powerful feelings, Yuno said forcefully,
“The one who becomes the Wizard King will be me!”
Provoked by Yuno’s words, Asta cracked a brave smile and bumped fists with him.
“Huh!? Like I said, I wasn’t all that disappointed, and it’s obvious that I’m the one who will become the Wizard King! No matter how far ahead of me you are, I’ll be going beyond my limits and follow behind you, so you better be prepared!
“If all you do is follow behind me, how are you supposed to get ahead of me? As I thought, you’re hopeless. Just aim to be the King of Disappointment instead.”
“The King of Disappointment!?”
When the two started their usual nonsensical banter, Noelle looked a little annoyed, but that was soon followed by a relieved smile as she poked Asta.
“……Hey, let’s go. We’re going to get scolded by Captain Mereoleona if you keep this up.”
“Right! See ya, Yuno!”
With cheerful words and a full smile, Asta ran ahead of Yuno. Yuno smiled a little, too, as he lowered his chin. He thought about saying goodbye to Asta, but……
“ASTAAAAAAA! You were loafing about in a place like this, huh!?”
A lioness stomped forward with each step leaving destruction in its wake. Imitating a lion’s paw, her flame magic took hold of Asta’s head.
“O-ouch! Wait, Ca-captain Mereleona! I think you’re using too much strength! This is the amount of strength you would use if you wanted to crush someone’s head!”
“I’m using just as much strength as I want! For people who don’t show up on time, this amount of strength is just right!”
Mereoleona yelled before gritting her teeth.
“Moreover, what was with that battle earlier!? It’s true that the Original Sin had taken the form of a young child…… but everyone, including you, was far too cowardly! We’re about to launch a surprise attack on the Eye of the Midnight Sun’s hideout, but I can already see it’s going to be rough with you lot!”
“That’s not true, Captain Mereoleona! Asta, well…… he-he did his best!”
Noelle sputtered, practically in a whisper. In response, Mereoleona glared at her and shouted,
“How so!? Especially in the final stages, when he pointlessly activated his anti-magic state, he was totally useless! I bet this is why he lost during the Selection Exam, am I wrong!?”
Something snapped inside of Asta. Most likely, Mereoleona’s words broke Asta’s heart once more. Before long, he was back to acting like a senile old man again, a look of blankness returning to his face.
“……Ah, that’s right…… I…… didn’t get to fight Yuno during the Selection Exam……”
Seeing him like this once again, Noelle began to protest at Mereoleona with tears in her eyes.
“Look! You broke his heart again! What do you plan to do with that!?”
“Wa ha ha!  Perfect! After this event is over, I planned on temporarily reopening my hot spring camp, so I’ll take him along, too! Let’s re-forge the spirit of this pathetic greenhorn!”  
With the end of that far from quiet conversation, the three of them walked off into the distance. His smile stiff from watching them, Vangeance cracked his mouth open and said with a heavy voice,  
“……Is he going to be okay? It looks like he’s about to suffer quite a bit, so is it really alright if we don’t help him?”
“He’ll be okay. Even though he’s like that, he’s still my rival. He’ll be able to overcome any difficulties that stand in his way. “
Yuno spoke without a moment’s hesitation. He would never use the word “rival” unless he meant it, so there was no need to get involved in Asta’s messes.
“……I see, then I guess it’s fine.”
Seeing how Yuno felt, Vangeance had only that to say, though he could sympathize with the conflicting emotions Yuno must be experiencing. Then, he remembered to ask Yuno.
“Come to think of it, they interrupted our conversation earlier, didn’t they? Earlier…... before that young girl from the Black Bulls began speaking to your childhood friend, wasn’t there something you wanted to tell me?"
“Ah, that’s true….”
Yuno’s expression suddenly became serious as he looked Vangeance in the eye.
“I have an answer to your question from earlier…… when you asked whether I would sacrifice my life or the life of another to become the Wizard King.”
“Ah, that was just a hypothetical question, so you don’t really have to-
“I thought about it a lot, and, in the end, I’ve decided that I would sacrifice neither of them.”
Yuno answered, interrupting Vangeance’s words.
‘Come to think of it, he really hates losing,’ Vangeance thought as he questioned Yuno further.
“Okay. Then, what happens next? Would you give up on becoming the Wizard King?”
Yuno’s reply was immediate, speaking clearly as he continued to look into Vangeance’s eyes.
“I would find a way to become Wizard King without sacrificing anyone.”
The fact that Yuno’s answer completely ignores the point of the question left Vangeance speechless. He wasn’t surprised, per se. Rather, he simply wasn’t expecting to hear such an answer from someone so levelheaded. However……
“……I see. That’s your ‘decision that you can be satisfied with’, right?”
“Understood. If that’s your answer, then I hope you’ll stand by it…… I’ll be rooting for you.”
As Vangeance responded, he quietly thought to himself,
‘For the sake of his dream, he’s prepared to conjure up a new choice if doesn’t like any of his options, and he has a reliable strength to make that possible. He has shown this time and time again with both his words and his actions. Maybe he truly will be able to build a world…… where everyone can live with a smile on their face.’
However, he knew that entrusting his wishes to Yuno would be too selfish of him. Vangeance was a man who couldn’t make a decision. Without making his choice, he’s going to leave countless debts unpaid and disappear from the world. That’s why he was not in a position to entrust anything to him.
However…… no, that’s precisely why,
‘Am I permitted to pray, at least?’
As he dreamed that the future Yuno would forge would overlap with his own ideal world, the disappearing hero raised a question with no answer.
--- The Hero Who Disappeared: The End ---
I’m happy to get a little more information on the whole ‘two souls in one body’ thing. I thought it was especially interesting when the novel described how William could “feel” Patry’s emotions as they fluctuated. Between the dreams of Patry’s memories he would experience as a child and being able to feel Patry’s undoubtedly heavy emotions, it’s amazing he could maintain his own sense of identity. It sounds like the sort of thing that could drive a person insane.
I didn’t realize it when I watched the anime, but it seems he was certain he was going to die. I guess that makes sense. Patry’s victory was supposed to guarantee his death, and unless Julius could find a way to capture Patry safely, he probably thought he would die with Patry if Julius won.
There Yuno goes again, waxing poetic about Asta for a full paragraph. And come back Mereoleona! I’m glad she finally appears in novel 3, but she’s only in this chapter and one other ;A; Hopefully, there’s more of her in novel 4 (whenever that gets announced). Then, Fuegoleon will actually be awake, too. I think we’re due for a chapter, or perhaps even a full novel, featuring the Vermillions!
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cookiehusky799 · 4 years
                                  The Aftermath
Takes place in Cassandra’s Revenge, when the gang got back to the castle with Varian. Hope you enjoy!
         The princess watched as Lance set Varian down on the bed. The group were in a guest room. The alchemist had passed out when Rapunzel and Eugene met up with Lance, the girls, and Maximus.
“Is he going to be ok?” asked Catalina in a trembling voice.
Lance smiled at her. “I’m sure he’s going to be right as rain tomorrow. Don’t worry.”
Eugene cleared his throat. “Hey, Lance? Would you mind if...” he trailed off still a bit shaken up about what happened with Cassandra.
Thankfully, Lance got the hint and quietly lead the girls plus Max out the room. Rapunzel went over to the bed. She gently shook him awake. “Varian? Varian, wake up.”
Pascal got off her shoulder, walking to where Varian’s ear is and stuck his tongue in it.
That woke him up.
“Ack! Ahh! Don’t eat me!”
Rapunzel shushed him. “Calm down, Varian. It’s just us.”
Varian stared blankly at the couple, waiting for his eyes to adjust. When he saw it was them, he relaxed. 
He chuckled nervously. “ Oh. Hey. I-I must of went to sleep there. Sorry about that.”
Eugene sat down at the foot of the bed beside Varian. “Are you ok, kid?”
“I’m..ngh.. really shaken up from what happened in the tower.”
Rapunzel raised an eyebrow, puzzled. His answer came out rather quickly. 
“What’s going on?” she asked him. 
Before the alchemist could respond, Eugene piped up. He covered Varian’s mouth as he replied, “Cass-an-dra had drugged him with his own truth serum in order to tell her the third incantation. Also, he’s compel to answer any questions you ask him.”
Rapunzel was horrified. She can’t believe Cass drugged Varain and then put him in a cage. “No...Is...Is that true?” She looked into the terrified blue eyes of the alchemist. Eugene removed his hand so he can answer. Varian winced in pain of the serum. “Agh! Y-Yes.”
He slumped forword causing Eugene to grabbed him before he fell off the bed. While Eugene explained to the princess, Varian answered automatically which exhausted him. Rapunzel took her place on the other side of Varian on the bed. She placed her hand on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Varian.”
Varian sighed. “It’s okay, Rapunzel. You didn’t know Cass kidnapped me.There was a lot going on back at the Demantius Chamber.”
“He has a point, Blondie.” said Eugene.
Rapunzel grabbed Varian’s backpack, wanting to cure the alchemist. She opened it and started rummaging through it finding an antidote. Rapunzel pulled out small bottle that is labeled “truth serum antidote.”
“Here’s the cure, Varian.” She opened the bottle, held it out in Varian’s direction.
“Say Ahh.”
“Ahh.” The alchemist open his mouth so Rapunzel could pour the antidote in.
Varian swallowed the stuff, feeling better already. He was glad he made a cure for the truth serum. The princess put the backpack aside. “Ok..” she began, testing to see if it worked. “How are you feeling?” Eugene and Pascal nervously waited for Varian to respond. The alchemist’s face did not show any signs of pain whenever he felt the truth serum kicked in.
Varian sighed in relief. He was cured.
“Well, I’m fine now. Thank you, Rapunzel!” he hugged her, letting out a joyful laugh.
Rapunzel laughed along with him, returning the hug.
“Soooo what happened after that tower...uh, got build?” Eugene asked.
Rapunzel pulled away from the alchemist. She wanted to know too, but judging how Varian bit his lip nervously it was probably not the time. “Eugene, Varian has been through a lot today. Maybe we should let him rest first.” she suggested.
Varian suddenly grabbed Rapunzel by the shoulders, startling her in the process. “No! I...have to tell you now.” he said, replaying the whole ordeal in his head. Rapunzel didn’t say anything. She motioned him to go on with her hand.
Varian breathed in sharply before taking his hands off the princess and got his backpack. Brows furrowed, he held it tightly against his chest.
Eugene started to comfort Varian by rubbing his back in repeated soothing circles. “It’s okay, Varian. Take your time.” The man told him.
Varian looked between Eugene and Rapunzel, mouth visible by the backpack. The princess gave him a warm smile as Pascal climbed back on her shoulder. 
Varian finally calmed down and began to tell what happened.
“Cass put hand cuffs on me with her powers, then she took me in the tower. As we were going up the stairs, she....started talking to herself...but it wasn’t herself.”
Rapunzel narrowed her eyes. “She did that back at the Demanitus Chamber.” The princess pointed out.
Eugene groaned. “Oh, great. She’s gone completely insane. Well, not as insane as before, but this is a whole different level!”
Varian went on. “It was really weird. It’s like she’s having a conversation with someone she can see. When we got to the um, top, Cass said that I wasn’t part of this, she didn’t want to hurt me. Cass took the hand cuff off me.”
The alchemist was looking at Rapunzel, his expression sorrowful. “I tried to talk her out of what she’s doing, Rapunzel. She is on the same path I’ve been! I-I really didn’t want to see her go through that route. But...it wasn’t enough. And that’s when she put me in that cage.”
Varian hung his head. “I failed getting through her.”
Rapunzel exchanged a concerned look with Eugene before placing her hand on his shoulder.
“Varian, I appreciate you trying to convince Cass. It shows how far you come. You know how it feels to be on the dark path that you want her to not go the same way.”
Varian lifted his head back up, his gaze downcast. “It’s a horrible way to handle anger. It twists your mind until you can’t think straight.”
He shivered. “One of my biggest regrets of my life.”
Eugene gave him a gentle nudge. “We’re proud of you for trying though.” he said grinning.
Varian stared at him in surprise. “R-Really?”
Eugene nodded.
Varian rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Gosh. I don’t know what to say.”
“Well, you could say thank you.”
“Um...thank you, Eugene. heh.”
They both shared a laugh.
Varian started to remember how threatening Cass was when she pulled him and Eugene back in the tower. She never looked more like a villain than the alchemist has ever seen. “Varian? What’s wrong?” Rapunzel asked, noticing him tense up again.
Eugen felt the alchemist trembling slightly. “She scared you, huh?” he said in a gentle voice. The man wasn’t teasing him, Eugene was worried about Varian.
“Yeah.” The alchemist admitted, bringing the backpack closer to his body.
Varian sniffled, a tear rolled down his cheek. “Cassandra...”
Rapunzel offered him a hug which he took, sobbing uncontrollably. Eugene held his backpack for him. The princess comfort him like a sister to her little brother. She was glad Varian is safe now. Rapunzel considers making him stay for the night so he can recover.
“Don’t worry, Varian. We’re not going to give up on her.”
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sonicringbond · 4 years
Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey - Scene 51
Well, a lot happens in this scene, though it took me forever to put it together due to all sorts of problems on my end. Unfortunately I’m a horrible proof reader so I hope the events flow and don’t feel wasted. So, instead of panicking and throwing a fit about it, I’ll let everyone dive right into...
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    The hanger doors folded out and a chill wind rushed into the belly of the Skyskipper, Zooey’s coral red airship. Normally it served as home for Zooey, Tails, and Rosy, but when they first found a red star ring it became their base of operations, including for Sonic and Mighty. As Claymore’s Banquet unfolded below, it also served as an observation platform for the Engineers, who Zooey had forged a strong alliance with while sky racing using Sonic and Tails’ planes; the Tornado and X-Tornado. Today though, it was Sonic at the controls of the Tornado, with Rosy blissfully on his lap in the now cramped cockpit.
    “I kind of feel like I should have taken Tails’ plane.”
    “Don’t be like that, Sonic~♥,” Rosy giggled and Sonic rolled his eyes before looking out at Zooey who was preparing to man the deployment arm for the plane.
    “You ready to bail if things go sideways?”
    “Not too far. Besides, the Ring Gate Beacon is working perfectly. You shouldn’t have any trouble getting back here.”
    “Then we’re off!” Rosy shouted excitedly and thrust a fist cheerfully in the air.
    Sonic smirked as he dodged Rosy’s enthusiasm and began throwing switches as he started up the silver-winged, red biplane. With Rosy’s arm up in the air though, he noticed a light blinking from under the cuff of Rosy’s glove. “We got a call, kid. How about you say hi to Tails while we head out.”
    Bringing her arm down and trying not to get in Sonic’s way, Rosy depressed a button on the wrist device she wore. “So, is this Mighty or Tails!~♥”
    -Oh~! This technology is amazing! It’s a lot more advanced than what we installed on my ship.-
    “Blister?” Rosy asked confused. “Why do you have–”
    -Don’t worry about it Rosy-lass,- Gill’s voice came across the wrist radio next He also seemed to quickly change his mind. -No. Definitely worry about it, Rosy-lass. That knight is more trouble than we realized. But we got in contact with Tails, Mighty, and the koala before he took them out of here. Tails insisted that we get their stuff and meet you at the stage. He’s worried Rosy-lass. Real worried, especially after I told him that Claymore sent most of his autogolems into the catacombs. He insists that your lad is going to need to stop someone. We don’t know who, but Claymore called him a Ring Mage.-
    “Ix!” Rosy declared with surprise.
    “You don’t know that,” Sonic countered, but Rosy did not even puff up her cheeks as she countered him. She attempted to wear a smile for him though.
    “Just call it my girlish intuition.”
    “Right,” Sonic replied offering her a more comforting smile before flashing Zooey a thumbs up. “We’re good to go, Zooey. Send us on our way.”
    “Just come back please. Sonic, Rosy. And make sure you bring Tails and Mighty with you.”
    “You got it!” Sonic promised Zooey as she activated the launch arm, and the Tornado was lifted out of the airship.
    “We’ll bring our new friends too,” Rosy cried out as the Tornado was released and fell away from the airship. “You’ll love them!”
    ~Normally I would love flying sitting in Sonic’s lap while he pilots his plane. Tee-hee~♥ This might be my first time. I don’t think we ever have. But the thing is… Well, something isn’t right.
    ~I know Sonic doesn’t believe in destiny. He believes in forging his own path. But the gods are real. I don’t remember, but Sonic I’m sure does. The Rings will always remember, and he can create Ring Bonds, so he surely does. I know we must have met a few. And this scene as we fly past the other airships and towards the main cathedral, it looks like something they would do.~
    The scene before Rosy was ominous, even as it was beautiful. From the complex of towers that made up the main cathedral of Tower Point, the spire of the main one was aimed straight at Yoluku above. Behind it, the sun rose into the morning sky, and began to set behind Yoluku. An upside-down sunset and the spreading of an ominous smile.
    Beyond the clouds that adorned the blue sky, an eclipse night began to fall, and the stars came out to watch the banquet below, the red crack in the sky splitting their number.
    It was a sight that many below marked as the beginning of the end of the world. Claymore the Purple however would not stand to let Yoluku win. With Tails, Mighty, and Draw with Mote hiding in his coat, trailing him, Claymore descended a massive stairwell that took him and his contingent of autogolems onto the stage that overlooked the main plaza. Compared to the three-meter-tall suit of armor, the stage looked small. Looking up as he did past the tower and to where Yoluku mockingly watched the festivities, it was Claymore who looked small.
    “Ho!” Claymore shouted out in victorious triumph, challenging the small planet in the sky to face him. “This is why we host this Banquet my good people! To show you that as long as even one Knight of the Order of the Sword stands, foul Yoluku is but a harmless bauble in the sky. It is only those that would carry out Yoluku’s will that you need fear. And one comes to us now!”
    Turning his attention, and in turn that of the gathered masses to the skies, Claymore eyed the Tornado as it weaved through the airships.
    ~I bet the scene from the stage is amazing! But it’s getting hard for me to pay attention. The Gear Star Ring that sometimes replaces my left iris is back, and it hurts so much. I guess that means the gear is turning, so something big is about to happen. Or maybe Saber the Red is here.
    ~It’s really hard to say what is going on though. I just hope it isn’t as bad as it sounds like Tails thinks it is.~
    “Hey kid, are you okay?” Sonic asked noticing Rosy clutch at her shoulder, and her cards within the shoulder puff of her leotard.
    Rosy didn’t hear him though. Her cards were freezing, and there was a voice creeping through her skin whispering in her ears.
    It’s alright. You can still have fun. There is yet still plenty of fun to be had…
    “Amy!” Sonic yelled and shook Rosy from her stupor.
    “Oops!” Rosy apologized and stuck her tongue out. “Sorry. I think something was trying to talk to me. But I’m here!”
    “And so are we,” Sonic let Rosy know that they had landed.
    “Aw~! I missed you do a flyover didn’t I!” Rosy whined as Sonic playfully chucked her from the cockpit. “Ack! What was that for!”
    “You were taking too long, and got a little distracted,” Sonic smirked as he flung himself from the cockpit and glared across the stage. “And I don’t think our host is willing to wait much longer.”
    “Ho!” Claymore shouted and looked taken aback as Rosy took Sonic’s offered hand and helped herself up. “You would treat the medium under your care so carelessly. You are no knight Ring Mage!”
    “And what about you, Sir Buckethead,” Sonic countered. “Attacking people out of the blue to kidnap little girls–”
    “I’m not a little girl!”
    “–and kidnapping her friends when that fails,” Sonic continued ignoring Rosy’s rebuttal. “That doesn’t sound much like a knight either. Or maybe I’m just out of the loop and you guys don’t put much stock in being honorable anymore.”
    Pulling free the finger he had started scratching at the inside of his ear with, Sonic looked at it a moment before blowing on it and walking away from Rosy. She didn’t wait at the plane and took up pace behind Sonic as he approached the towering autogolem.
    “You would challenge my honor? Ho!” Claymore laughed. “You are brave Ring Mage, but your friends remain unharmed.”
    Motioning out with a hand, Claymore displayed where Tails, Mighty, and Draw were in shackles under autogolem watch. Mighty offered Sonic a shrug as Sonic’s look begged to know why he hadn’t broken free. Draw just looked irritable, which was almost expected of the young koala. He knew he was in trouble, but there were some naiveties that he still possessed that kept him from panicking. Tails was not so fortunate.
    “Tails!” Rosy cried out, the obvious fear and dread on her best friend’s face tearing at her heart. “Just wait right there! Sonic will have this cleaned up in no time!”
    “There’s no time to wait!” Tails yelled back. “I’ve been reading since I got here, and if what I’ve read is true, if we don’t stop the Ring Mage in the catacombs below the city, the Near Lands will be blown apart and absorbed into the Far Lands! Rosy! The whole Near Lands are a Red Star Ring!”
    “What…?” Rosy asked confused, but still trembled at the implications of Tails’ words.
    The statement even gave Sonic pause and he looked out at Tails questioningly. “Are you sure about that Tails? I’ve already used two of them. I would think I would have noticed.”
    “How would he have found that out from books in the cathedral?” Claymore’s stunned question answered Sonic’s question and he turned an angry glare back onto the knight.
    “You had a problem like this stirring, and you came to pick up our fight,” Sonic nearly snarled.” I don’t think you have your priorities in order, Sir Buckethead.”
    “You underestimate the armies of the Preservers,” Claymore countered and drew his sword. “A Ring Mage who would challenge me to battle and is in possession of a medium is a far greater threat!”
    “Your wrong!” Rosy interrupted and held a hand to her heart. “Sonic doesn’t hurt people unless they’re already hurting others. You took our friends because you wanted to take me. You wanted to know if I could hear Yolk saying something. You obviously want to protect this beautiful world. That makes you like Sonic and all of us then. Ix though… Ix won’t stop. He told me the world has to be righted. That he has to find to his friend no matter what. That once he does that the world will be returned to how it should be. If he’s here and he can affect everywhere and the Red Star Ring these lands are built on, everyone’s homes… then you have to let us stop him!”
    “And how can I know you can be trusted, Lady Medium?” Claymore challenged Rosy’s pleas. “Do you think me blind to the Yoluku Device in your eye? Even now Yoluku could be whispering in your ear–”
    “If that’s Yolk then please tell them to get out of my head!” Rosy yelled as she squeezed her hand tightly around her shoulder.
    “Rosy! Don’t tell me…?” Tails’ panic shifted as he saw the pain clear as day on Rosy’s smiling face, as well as her trembling knees and the water vapor that flowed out of her sleeve. “Rosy! You have to put your cards down, or at least give them to someone else!”
    “You remember that too, huh, Tails?” Sonic remarked and surprised Rosy.
    “Sonic? What are you talking about?”
    “This isn’t the first time you’ve had a god messing with you through your cards, kid,” Sonic spoke, fighting to keep his anger in check. To help, he turned again towards Claymore, a ready recipient of his ire.
    “I wanted to wreck that tin can you’re wearing and reveal the fairy I’m pretty sure is hiding inside,” Sonic began before turning his back on Claymore and walking away, a guiding and protective hand on Rosy. Looking back as he returned towards the Tornado, he continued with cocky anger, “but it looks like you’re getting my help whether you want it or not.”
    “I will not accept the aid of a puppet of Yoluku,” Claymore countered and took a step towards Sonic and Rosy, reaching for them with his empty hand.
    “I figured you’d say that,” Sonic shrugged as he tossed Rosy into the cockpit. “But fortunately, I’ve already planned for it.”
    Sticking his fingers in his mouth, Sonic whistled and made quite the show of the signal to action. Looking back at Claymore one last time, he smirked and wagged a finger. “And I’m no one’s puppet. My only master is the wind that blows free!”
And we survived XD I hope the scene flowed well, and I’ll do my best to make sure the rest of the Season 1 finale is good. As you can probably guess by this text, at the time of this commentary I haven’t written it yet. Things have been pretty crazy, and hopefully are less crazy when this posts. Still, I’m really hoping I have a great finish in store for everyone! Wish me luck!
Scene 51 · CLEARED Party Crashing, to be continued
Special Thanks to Cutegirlmayra Story by @JoshTarwater/SonicFanJ Inspiring Song – Insatiable (From “Final Fantasy XIV”) - Vocaloid Version – Azina, Masayoshi Soken – Insatiable (From “Final Fantasy XIV”)
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Sonic the Hedgehog and all affiliated characters and logos are the express property and Copyright© of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS used without permission under Title 17 U.S.C Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 in which allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. “Fair use” is use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be considered copyright infringement. The Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey alternate universe (AU) consumer written work of fiction is a non-profit transformative work primarily for personal use and can and will be taken down without warning or prior notice at the request of the copyright holder(s) should it not be recognized under “fair use”.
*Sonic Ring Bond logo created by DEE Art – twitter.com/daryliscute.
Sonic Ring Bond AU and Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey are the creation of Joshua David Tarwater/ynymbus/sonicfanj/@Joshtarwater and is to be, including all contents herein considered for all legal purposes the property of the Sonic the Hedgehog intellectual property (IP) and copyright owners, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS. All story contributors via prompt, suggestion, written scene, art, and all and every other contribution acknowledge that all contributed material is forfeit for legal purposes to SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS upon official request from SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.
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charmingmarchioness · 4 years
Cherishing the LOVE
The land of Leidenscaftlic is always the liveliest and the busiest among the continent. Joyful chatterings and laughters filled the slightly dim sky and crowds are gathering from store to store. It wasn't an unusual sight to see but among those crowds who were patiently waiting for the intercontinental train to arrive lies a man named Gilbert Bougainvillea.
From the way he looks, it seems like he just got free from doing bunch of works in the military headquarters. He was actually the one who dazzlingly stood out the most, not because of the fact that it was a rare sight to see a busy man like him go out in such an early hour, but because of what he is currently holding. It was a bouquet of Violet flowers. The crowds easily understood that he was there to wait for his beloved sweetheart.
After minutes of waiting, the train have finally arrived. A woman with a hypnotizing angelic beauty came out from it. It was Violet Evergarden, a well renowned celebrity in the auto memories doll service. She searched the whole place until she spotted who she was looking for. Blue orbs and emerald are locked to each other once again. Out of excitement and longing, Violet and Gilbert ran to each other's arm and hugged deeply, obviously not caring for the people who were staring at them.
Once they were satisfied feeling each other's warmth, they broke away the hug. A lovely blushing smile crept to Violet's face when Gilbert kissed her gloved prosthetic hand once again. The reaction that she showed him now is a pleased one. It was different from the time where she shed tears out of happiness. Gilbert also treasured that day, because that was the day where Violet finally understood and accepted his love for her.
Gilbert adored the figure of his lover. Just uttering the word 'Lover' makes his heart burst in so much love for her. Finally. It wasn't a one sided love anymore. The two was finally able to have a strong and deep connection called 'Love'.
"I miss you, Major. Do you...miss me too?" Violet uttered shyly and it made Gilbert chuckled a little because of her cute remark.
"Always, Violet. I miss you terribly."
He clutched her fingers with his as he honestly stared into her eyes. Gilbert affectionately offered her the bouquet of flowers that he almost forgot to give. He merely rejoiced when she gladly accepted it.
"Welcome back, my love."
A boisterous red haired man named Hodgins was currently scouting an entire town to find a good place to eat along with Lux, Cattleya, and Benedict.
Today is a wondrous day to be free from the tiresome reality of being a working adult. A beautiful festivity was currently being held at a certain part of Leiden and it was to commemorate the unwavering bravery of those people who fought their love against the odds. There was once a tell tale story that illustrated the forbidden love between a lost human and a fallen goddess. In short, it was a festivity of a bond called LOVE.
"Old man! Just where the hell are you taking us? We've been walking for hours already!" Benedict shouted as he was unable to calm his irritated self  anymore.
"I agree. If this is a silly prank or just a revenge for not siding with your wrongdoings, then, I suggest that you stop being involved in a scandal." Lux retorted tiredly.
"President~ Let's go there! There! And there! Whoa, there too! Come on~" Cattleya said while tugging his shirt with brutal force.
"Wait Cattleya! Ack- Don't pull too hard! And ya' rude boy! Just be patient. We are almost there. Ah, little lux, don't give me such a scary expression, your cute features is getting uglier."
"YOU STUPID OLD M--mmm!!!" Hodgins immediately covered Benedict's mouth when he spotted an unexpected figure that is a little far away from them. As he keeps on struggling, Hodgins let out a sigh and uttered a "Sshhh", pointed his finger at two people who is blissfully dancing among the other lively pairs.
"Is that Violet? I thought she'll be returning tomorrow? Hmm...and the man beside her is-"
"Kyaa~ are they having a date? Oh, how romantic!~" clutching her chest dreamily.
"---a hell! Why's there another old man! I must save Vi! V--mmm" Hodgins covered his mouth once again and forcefully dragged him along the way.
"Alright! There's our destination! You can all choose the food ya all wanna eat. It's my treat!" Hodgins declared with glee as he was now extremely happy because of what he witnessed.
'You fool. You hid the fact that you're already dating my adorable little Violet. How cute! Kuku." He thought as he watched the two beautiful creatures from afar.
As the two reunited once again, they firstly went to the Ever garden house to greet her foster family, dropped her luggage and lovingly put the scented Violet flowers in the vase.
'A person that fits her name.' She thought before the picking the last flower in the bouquet. The figure of the person who gave her a name that  day overlaps to the man who is proudly standing beside her right now. Even if his appearance has changed, the purenes and carefree love that she vividly saw that day still reflected into his beautiful emerald eyes.
She smiled as Gilbert called her name. The way he called her is like a prayer of promise, making her heart palpitate to the point like it's hard to breathe.
"Is it okay if I didn't change my clothes? I...wanted to be more presentable...for major."
Violet once again uttered a word that feels like a borrowed sentence. She too, was surprised as to when did she become self conscious when she's with the other people. But, the major isn't part of people who she categorized as 'others', Gilbert Bougainvillea is her 'Irreplaceable Treasure'.
"You don't have to. Violet, you are the most beautiful woman in my eyes. It cannot be compared to anyone else because my heart only yearns for you."
As Violet is still not used of this romantic side of Gilbert, she wound up turning away her gaze while pretended to smell the flower that she is holding. However, the feelings that she is trying to supress betrayed her greatly, making her blush adorably.
At that moment, Gilbert cannot help but hug her automaticly as she trembled like a cat, being enclosed with his comfortable warmth once again. He chuckled at her cute reaction. He wanted to tease his Violet more but decided not to do it as he ruffled her untangled golden hair.
"I love you, Violet."
The two walked side by side in the middle of the town and there, they found countless of people having fun. Gilbert found something that caught his eye. He smiled sheepishly and offered his hand to Violet, posing like a noble gentleman.
"May I have this dance, Miss Evergarden?"
"The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Bougainvillea." As she gracefully bowed like a noble princess.
The two mostly spent their day through dancing, praising each other's dancing skills, and voicing out their heartfelt love for one another. They danced, danced, and danced, as the beat red orange sun highlighted the mesmerizing figure of the two lovers who was completely drowned in happiness.
The crowd around them cannot help but watch the lovely scene before them. It was like...this festival was made for them. As the autumn leaves began to sway in the cool windy breeze, the lustrous golden hair of that  woman began to flow shiningly, as her dress also began to flutter like a raging wave in the ocean.
"I didn't know the Colonel could dance. It feels like I'm seeing an illusion."
"It is much more surprising that he could smile like that. It's unbelievable!"
"I see. Now I understand why the Colonel was too eager to leave early HAHAHAHA the mighty sure have fallen...HARD!"
Among the watchers are Gilbert's subordinates who have just finished all the heavy work.
Not so far away from the said men, lies a man named, Dietfried who was silently watching his younger brother and his former tool with a furrowed brows.
"It was a beautiful sight, right? Future brother in law." The man who suddenly spoke to him is Laurus, still in his military uniform.
"More like a pair of fools."
He naturally walked away from him, and from that place. Once the people is out of his sight, he let out a true genuine smile and said,
"It was beautiful."
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realtacuardach · 4 years
Sunsets Suit You
Thanks to bubblesthemonsterartist for the beta!
Shirayuki squinted against the bright hues of sunset as she tilted her head to one side and looked up at the fortress’ tower. The stones of the tower were craggy and gray, an intimidating sight to those who would attempt to storm the walls, and so the bright splash of color stood out clearly as it waved with the wind.
Most people would simply smile at the bright blossom and go with their day, but Shirayuki wasn’t most people. She smiled and then immediately began devising plans.
I’ve never seen it out in the wild, she thought as she rolled up her sleeves, and it’s been nearly impossible to cultivate in our greenhouses because none of the specimens we gathered had intact roots.
If she squinted just right, the dull brown-green of the roots glinted against the stone, at that moment more beautiful than the bright red of the flower - certainly more precious.
She needed that root - and the flower, of course. To be able to cultivate a more hardy strain of the flower was an opportunity she could not pass up. Unfortunately, the bloom was far up the tower, waving its petals cheerily above a small ledge that was probably attached to some courier’s room. If she’d known who stayed there, she could just lean out the window and carefully harvest it - but she didn’t.
Well, there was nothing for it.
Shirayuki shrugged off her lab coat and folded it before carefully removing her satchel and placing it on top of the coat. She rubbed her hands together to dry them before reaching to the stones just above her shoulder and gripping hard.
She would just have to climb to get it.
With time, the stones of the tower had shifted, leaving grooves between them that, while not enormous, were wide enough that she could slide her feet into them and curl her fingers around the crevasses. She boosted herself with one foot while the other found purchase as her hands cautiously reached for the next viable spot. Once her hands felt secure, she pulled, already feeling beads of sweat dampening the hair behind her ears.
Boost, step, grab, grab, pull.
Shirayuki was slight, but she had built up a fair bit of muscle in her arms from years of repetitive weeding, pruning, and harvesting, not to mention the bags of soil and fertilizer and pails of water she’d had to lug around. Even when Obi was around and doing more than his share, it was a lot of lifting. She should have no trouble climbing a wall.
Boost, step, grab, grab, pull.
Shirayuki gasped to catch her breath, leaning forward to rub her sweating forehead against her sleeve. She looked down to see her progress to bolster her spirits and groaned. She was only about two feet off the ground. How does Obi make this look so easy?
As though he could be summoned by thought alone, Obi’s upside-down face came into view. “Hey, Miss.”
Shirayuki was used to him popping up out of nowhere, so her only reaction was for her hands to twitch in surprise. However, in her tenuous position, that was enough to send her falling backwards. “Ack!”
There was a heart-stopping moment of free fall before she felt a familiar arm across her back and a comfortable warmth bracing against her. Obi grinned down at her, his eyes glinting with mischief and curiosity.
“Falling for me, Miss?”
“Obi!” She laughed, smacking at his arm, “thanks for catching me.”
“I’ll always catch you,” he said, and something about his voice made her breath catch for a moment. He cleared his throat almost awkwardly. “Besides, you wouldn’t have had far to fall even if I wasn’t here.”
She splayed one hand across her face, the heat from her burning cheeks seeping into her fingers. “Oh, wow.”
He arched a brow as he looked down at her and really, it wasn’t fair that he looked so smooth in his knight’s attire, unruffled even after hanging upside down, while she probably looked a proper mess after failing to climb more than two feet. “What were you doing? If you wanted to go climbing, there are several other places I could show you.”
“Oh,” Shirayuki perked up, “that would be nice. But I actually was looking for a plant, not exercise.” She reached upward with a sore arm and pointed at the flower. “See?”
The corner of Obi’s mouth quirked with a grin. “Pretty.”
“It’s not just pretty,” Shirayuki explained, “it’s gloxinia with the roots intact. We’ve been trying to grow it without much luck, but if we have viable roots - “
“Say no more.” Obi said, shucking off his cape and draping it over her satchel. He cracked his knuckles, popped his neck, and then leapt at the tower.
Her breath caught again.
Obi made a striking sight against the stone, climbing like a cat, silent as a shadow. It looked so effortless and easy the way he did it, it was frustrating. And yet, she felt she could spend her time quite happily just watching him move for a while.
Her cheeks burned hotter.
Obi arrived at the right spot far too soon, and without a moment’s hesitation began smoothly and delicately working the roots loose with an ease honed from years squatting beside her in the dirt, lending a hand and learning the tricks of her trade.
“Be careful!” She called out before she could stop herself.
Obi’s laughter floated down from his perch. “Don’t worry, Miss. I’ve been around you long enough to know how to be careful with roots.”
I meant I was worried about you, Shirayuki thought, but didn’t voice out loud. It would just embarrass him.
“Success!” He crowed, waving his prize triumphantly even as he protectively cupped the roots in his palm. Obi released his grip on the wall and landed, light and cat-like, onto the small ledge.
“That’s great, Obi!” Shirayuki called back, beaming.
Later, she would blame several things for what happened next. She had some slight adrenaline threading through her heart from the fall. It had been a late day of work and had started earlier than usual, and her brain felt languid from fatigue. She was elated about going to the lab and showing Ryuu the flower and roots, and maybe going out to celebrate.
All of these things must have had an impact on what happened next, but not as much as the image of Obi silhouetted by the warm reds and yellows of the fading sunset.
“Sunsets suit you, my dashing knight,” she breathed, and then her cheeks flamed again as she fought the urge to cover her mouth.
If it had been anyone else but Obi, she could have sworn he stumbled. When he looked down at her, he gave his usual smirk. “Dashing, Miss?”
“I’d think more tall, dark, and mysterious.” He remarked downwards. “Dashing is more of a pr-” He coughed and caught himself.
Shirayuki glared up at him. She was only telling the truth. “Obi - you look dashing.”
Obi coughed, and she could have sworn the sunset was giving his cheeks a pinkish tint. “Be careful, Miss - you’ll turn a man’s head.”
Shirayuki knew exactly what spurred on what happened next - her absolute frustration at how Obi, who had made great strides in feelings of self-worth but was not there yet, thought she wasn’t serious. That he continued to not believe he was worth all the true compliments she could give him. “If only it would help you to listen! You are dashing, and clever, and always there for me. I can’t imagine a life without you, and if it takes the rest of my life, I will make you understand me.”
Shirayuki gasped from the exertion, her breaths fogging in front of her. Obi looked gobsmacked.
“Wow,” he coughed, “that was - huh.” He rubbed the back of his head with his free hand.
Shirayuki smiled nervously. “I meant every word.”
“It’s just -” Obi coughed again, “that sounded like a proposal, Miss.”
“I would’ve thought you would have been the one on the balcony when  -”
“Obi -”
“What would the Master think?”
He stopped rambling, and she took a deep breath. “Every. Word.”
“Oh.” Obi stood still as a statue for a moment before springing into action. He leapt from the balcony, one hand gripping the banister as he swung over the side. He landed smoothly next to her and held out the plant.
Shirayuki’s breath caught again.
Shirayuki came back to herself. “Come on,” she exclaimed, grabbing his shirt sleeve and starting to haul him along with her, “we’ve got to show Ryuu!”
As she felt the warmth of his arm against her hand, she was glad he couldn’t see the huge blush on her face.
But if she had looked back, she would have seen he had one, too.
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bluepenguinstories · 4 years
Remoras Full Chapter XXI: Sunny Side Up
Everyone was to meet up by the end and make our trip back home. Earlier in the morning, the cubes with the tents were placed in Ray’s pocket. He and Tigershark would at least be fine, at the very least. Those two got their head start. As for me…
I thought we’d make it out all together. We had won, hadn’t we?
“Come on, you two! Let’s go! For real this time!” I called to Demetria and Remora. D&R, like ‘doctor’, which was something I was sure we all needed. There I went, going on about names and acronyms like I was delirious. Then again, I probably was.
After all, I walked ahead of them. I must have figured that they would follow behind, if they weren’t following behind already. But I must have been halfway in, my mind so focused on returning to Ray and Tigershark, when I looked behind and couldn’t see them. At one point, I thought I heard Demetria call out to me, but it was faint, and I couldn’t be sure. Fuck it. Being sure had nothing to do with it. If there was some reason why they weren’t following behind, I had to know what that reason was.
I tried to run back toward them, but the ceiling above began to crumble and it came crashing down ahead of me.
Maybe with my trusty brass knuckles I can break through the rocks and save them…
It was wishful thinking. Granted, that was the best kind of thinking. Much better than wistful thinking, which still had its time and place. All that rubble beaten and broken through, and there was still more. I wanted to keep going, not give up, but the ceiling continued to fall around me. Stone fell over me and scratched my arms and legs. I jumped back, then ran off.
Cowardice. If I didn’t run out of there, I would have been trapped as well. As well? No. I don’t want to believe they’re trapped in there. There has to be another way out.
Once I made it out, I leaned over to catch my breath. When I looked back, the cave had collapsed and I gasped.
No. By some miracle, or whatever, they must have made it out. I don’t want it to be like when I first came back after almost a year away and assume they died.
When I looked forward, I had trouble seeing anything. Winds swept the landscape and made it near-impossible to see just about anything around me.
“Ray!” I cupped my hands and yelled out into the air. “Tigershark!”
No answer. None at first. All I could do was move forward, even though I didn’t know where ‘forward’ was. Soon, I heard a voice in the distance to my left.
“Hun?” It was that same wispy and soft, plain as day voice that I knew so well; that Ray of Sunshine. I ran over and saw him and Tigershark, seated together next to a tent. That emotion of seeing something so familiar and so dear overtook me and I couldn’t help myself as I tackled him to the ground and wrapped my arms around him.
“Ack. Careful. I’m supposed to be dead,” he groaned. I released him from my grip and sat next to him. Tigershark then went for the tackle, herself. I welcomed it, hell, even staggered back in surprise of her strength.
“It’s so hard to see! It’s scary!” Tigershark exclaimed. I nodded.
“It certainly gives off a feeling, doesn’t it. But there’s a comfort in it, don’t you think? The mysterious? Despite the current state of the weather, it doesn’t seem to bring us any harm. Rather, even if it’s something to be cautious around...it feels right. Natural, even.”
“Uh…” Tigershark looked away. “It’s still scary, though.”
I hope she’s not reminded of the blizzard, I thought, remembering what was said about Tigershark’s parents. To think that the thing that took them was a deliberate manipulation, even if I didn’t fully understand it. Some kind of power to control the environment, create temporary blizzards at any time...was there any sort of explanation that could be made for such a thing?
“I know how this day must have been a frightening experience for you,” I gave her a nod. “But we’re safe now. We have shelter.”
“I’m not saying I’m scared! I’m just saying it’s scary!” She stood up and put her hands on her hips as she declared.
As much as I still had my worries about the two missing from our group, I couldn’t help but let out a laugh.
“Sure. You are a brave one. Strong, too.”
Hearing those words, she grinned. I was glad to see such a smile. My thoughts drifted once more to the two I became separated from, however, and I looked away from the two I was reunited with.
“Where is Remora and Demetria, by the way?” Ray asked. He must have seen through me. If there was one fault with either of us in relation to each other, it was that neither of us could get anything past the other.
“I walked ahead of them. I thought they would follow behind. I went a long way before looking back, and I know that was a bad call, but maybe I felt overconfident, sure they were close…” My voice trailed off. I had to clear my throat before I spoke up again. “There was a cave in. As far as I knew, there was only one way out of there.”
I looked down. Through my peripheral, I could see Ray nod.
“You think they didn’t make it?” He inquired.
I shook my head.
“No, I have to believe they did,” I concluded. It was a selfish thought, almost as selfish as believing that I had left them behind. But nonetheless, it felt like the right line of thinking to have.
“But it’s very likely they couldn’t have, right? Not if there was only one way out. No matter how strong they are, both of them are only human, right?” He continued to ask. Maybe he wanted to test my resolve. Hell, I wouldn’t have blamed him. But again, I shook my head.
“We’re talking about someone who not only survived a monster, a burning building, and a forest fire, and still managed to walk all the way back here on her own. I assumed she died, and at the time, I had good reason to believe so. Then there’s Remora. We both know she’s a different beast entirely. True, she’s human, but if she wanted to, I’m sure she’d find a way to survive. Even though there’s a chance they didn’t make it, I have to believe otherwise, not because I prefer to be optimistic, but because I need to have faith in them.”
“I see. I hope you’re right,” he looked up. He let slip a smile, then continued. “As much as I like it being just the three of us, I do find the dynamic when we’re all together to be quite amusing.”
Such a thought on the fun we all had together resonated with me and I sat closer to Ray and placed my hand over his as I looked up as well. He locked his fingers in with mine.
“...And if they did die, I’d be real mad!” Tigershark chimed in. “I’d go find their corpses and yell at them!”
Now that I had no doubt about.
When the sky cleared up, we made our trek back down to where we believed the diner to be. Still no sign of those two. We set up camp once it grew dark, all three of us hungry and huddled together in one tent. The next day, we continued down and reached the diner in the afternoon. We all scrambled to the heat and wrapped ourselves in blankets. Ray didn’t take long to warm up and he decided to take it upon himself to fix us some soup. Tigershark got up and ran into the kitchen, as I suppose she felt well enough to help. Rather, she may have thought that Ray wouldn’t be able to handle it well as he was still taking some time to get used to things. In any case, I’m sure he appreciated it.
I continued to look out the window. If they didn’t show up sooner or later, I swore that I would go out and search for them. Whatever the outcome, I needed to know for sure. If that meant searching, I would.
Silence. Time slipped by. Darker.
Evening came and I was so sure I would continue to see no sign of them. But it was just as my eyes began to flutter down and my head bobbed, ready to drift off into dreamland that the front door slammed against the walls and jolted me wide awake. I steered myself in the direction of the door and my body must have been confused as to whether to grin or gasp because my mouth went to form a grin and instead I hiccuped.
There they stood, huddled together, both blue in the face. For once, even if it was for such a painful moment, they were totally in sync with each other. Their hair both a total mess, along with their clothes, as they were both torn and dirty. Together, they shivered and staggered over to the nearest booths.
“Guys?!” Startled, yet relieved, I stood and hurried up to them. “Are you alright?!”
“Take-a-wild-ass-guess,” Demetria rasped through chattered teeth and short breaths.
“No,” Remora turned to me, her cheeks looked locked in place and her mouth opened just a crack, like a window begging for fresh air.
At least she can answer. That’s something.
Both of them looked worse for wear, frostbitten, even. But alive. That was a good place to start, at least.
“Ray! Tigershark!” I cupped my hands and yelled to the kitchen. “Prepare some miso soup and elk stew! Stat!”
They sat next to each other, a sight I wasn’t yet used to, even if they had already done so in some capacity during the camping trip. In unison, their heads fell onto the table and the shivering festival continued.
“We could have had a puppy…” Demetria whined. Okay, maybe she was in better shape than I thought, if she was able to whine. Though whatever she was on about, I had no fuckin’ clue.
“Will you stop going on about that? If Tigershark hears, she’s going to get ideas,” hissed Remora through shivers and little twitches.
“Seems you two are recovering already,” I remarked, trying to offer words of comfort.
“No. I’m just used to this,” Remora muttered.
Demetria lifted her head up little by little as if her head had become a boulder. She glared at Remora.
“Sh-sh-sh-show off,” she struggled to get the words out as she continued to shiver uncontrollably.
“How am I showing off? Just because I’m used to it doesn’t mean I’m comfortable with it.”
Against all odds (and logic) they continued to banter like that and I gave a blank stare as I tried to take it all in.
Is it wrong to think that they act like an old married couple? Yeah, probably. I won’t say anything.
“Well, sit tight, I’ll get you guys both some blankets. Ray and Tigershark are making you guys food,” I assured them. That prompted Remora to look up at me with a dead expression on her face.
“I can’t pay,” she replied, flat and monotone. Say what you will, but I rather missed the lack of expression in her voice. It was something familiar. As for the reply...I was confused. Maybe just a tad.
“You don’t have to. You’re not a customer, you’re…” Family? A friend? I wasn’t sure what I wanted to say. At last, I found a word to settle on. “Special.”
“Why?” She asked.
Numerous reasons, silly. Such as…
Instead of listing reasons why, as I found I lacked a proper answer, I instead smiled real wide and said, “I don’t know. Isn’t it better just to be for its own sake?”
No. That wasn’t a good answer. It was for me, but for her, that wouldn’t have satisfied. By now I knew that she needed a concrete answer, and one that made sense to her. I just couldn’t be the one to satisfy, as I didn’t have a concrete answer to give.
To her credit, she said nothing in response and lowered her head back onto the table. Dissatisfied or otherwise, it would seem that she too was at a loss for any real response.
I motioned over to the little window behind the counter that overlooked the kitchen. I leaned up to it and told Ray, “those aren’t customers. This meal’s on the house.”
“Yeah, I saw,” he let out a sigh. “Here I was hoping I could get some money out of people.”
I wanted to elbow him but he was just out of reach.
“C’mon! Aren’t you happy to see that they’re back?”
“Happy? I’m not sure. Relieved? Most definitely. It warms my heart, or at least as much as it can at this point,” his voice was had some grit to it and yet I understood that he spoke in earnest. It seemed I needed to “speak his language,” so to speak.
“This place really can be harsh, can’t it? It’s not easy to keep a positive attitude in a place like this,” I shook my head and smiled as I spoke such words.
“Yes, but it can be a beautiful place as well, full of wonder,” he replied, his voice softening. “Joy and comfort can be found even in a place like this.”
Sometimes it seemed in order to help the both of us, we needed to sort of “swap” with each other. After we traded off energies, then we could level out and continue on.
“That reminds me,” he added. “After their meal, I’d like to make myself a hot cup of chamomile tea to soothe my tired soul.”
“I second that motion,” I nodded, then made my way to the back and grabbed a blanket for the two. Once I returned to the dining hall, two bowls of soup were situated at the table and both recipients had already begun to dig in. As I approached them, I noticed they were in the middle of a conversation:
“What if I had a different name?” Remora asked.
“Then I’d think of you the same. I thought that was obvious,” Demetria replied without so much of a second thought.
“I see. Say, if there was an alternate version of yourself, what kind of life would you like to live?” Remora quizzed Demetria again. I didn’t know what prompted such a discussion, or if it was some oddly specific game of 20 questions.
“I don’t know,” Demetria shrugged. “That’s a rather broad question. I mean, if there’s a limitless amount of universes and there’s the potential for a limitless different versions of me, then I could do anything.”
“But if there was an alternate path your life led, what kind of life would you like to lead?”
“I don’t know. Maybe an assassin? What about you?”
“I think I’d like to be a school teacher,” Remora answered, something which surprised me.
“You, a school teacher?”
“What? If I had a choice, why not?”
While I still didn’t know what prompted such a discussion, nor why she would choose that of all things, I found it interesting nonetheless.
“Here’s your blanket, you guys,” I greeted them as I passed them a thick blanket. To think just a little over a week ago there was another two seated who had been stranded out in the cold and needed a blanket.
“Thank you,” Remora looked up and told me with her dull voice. I couldn’t help but grin.
I turned my attention toward the empty seat across from the two.
“Mind if I sit?” I asked them. They both shrugged. As I took my seat, I took note of the two; there was a slight bit of distance between the two. If Tigershark were to crawl under the table, she could’ve squeezed in between them. Their heads were both focused more on their respective meals than each other. Of course, that was all too understandable. Still, the question cropped up in my mind, what thoughts stir through the ripples of their soup?
“So what happened to you guys?” I questioned them. As glad as I was to see them back, there was still the slightest bit of concern which hung from the edges of my mind.
“Remora suffered some injuries and I wasn’t just going to leave her behind. I tried to call out to you to help, but you must not have heard, so I tried to take it upon myself. We just barely made it out and the whole thing collapsed after that,” Demetria explained to me. I was a little astonished to hear such things, not just because of how impressive such a feat was, but the fact that they had made it out at all when from my end, it had caved in.
“I heard, actually,” I replied, a sour taste in my mouth as I did so. “I tried to make it back to you guys, but I was blocked. You must have come out from a different end, if there even was one,” I then suggested.
“That could have been it,” Remora seemed to agree. “In any case, we all made it back. What’s done is done.”
“Still, you guys don’t look in very good shape,” I pointed out. Considering the whole ordeal with Ray, I wasn’t about to let something like that go.
“I’d have been just fine going out on my own, but she insisted on staying behind with me,” Remora dismissed my concerns.
“You were so convinced you were going to die. I couldn’t just let that happen,” Demetria argued.
“Yeah. What do you think I meant by ‘going out on my own’?”
Demetria fell silent, opting instead to look away. I gulped, not realizing that I would dredge up some kind of tension.
Big oopsie.
“I don’t think you should talk that way…” Demetria then muttered as she continued to look away.
I felt like butting in, going “so guys, how’s the soup?” But I resisted.
“Because I care about you,” she answered, her words dry and strained.
“Wh – I see. Thank you.”
I began to whistle, as I really wasn’t good at moments like those. Especially when I wasn’t involved with them.
“Stop making noises. It’s distracting me from eating,” Remora scolded. I piped down. Really, it was fine just to watch them. Did I need anything else? I didn’t think so.
Not long after the quiet set in, it was taken over by Ray and Tigershark’s presence as they both approached the table. Tigershark lunged out and plopped down on Remora’s lap. Remora made an audible “oof” sound, but allowed it. Now that I thought of it, both Remora and Demetria must’ve been sore and in a great deal of pain. Though I could imagine Remora was more used to it.
“You know, it really is good to see you two again,” Ray greeted. “It just feels complete.”
“Yes,” Remora looked up and added. What ever happened to ‘let me eat soup’?
“At the same time, it does feel weird to think that it’s all over now. We don’t have to worry about any more attacks, there’s no more mystery to solve. Now we might finally see people return, or at the very least be at peace. But it goes without saying, where do we go from here?” Ray mused...no, that may have been the way he talked in the past, but there was now an earnest uncertainty.
“Well, you’re in luck, then. I don’t think our problems are over. Only delayed. That monster in the mansion, there being attacks up here from one man with little note or explanation, neither of those are a coincidence. When I faced that guy after you fled, he mentioned working for, or with, someone. I think the motivation for this person, or group of people, is based partly on a desire for revenge. But the fact that they’d kill others, just for being around, tells me that it’s more than personal – they just want to kill. No matter how complex they may see themselves, I can’t help but think their reasoning is anything other than shallow.”
“I see. So you’re saying our accomplishment was pointless?”
“No, not pointless. It needed to happen, just as that mansion needed to burn down. It removes one obstacle, and things may die down for a while, but I would expect something else to crop up, and probably from the same person or group of people.”
“It’s just a little bitter how there’s been so many attacks and deaths and all we’ve done is chip away at something we still don’t understand.”
“Even so, I don’t think I could have done this trip without you guys. For that, thank you. However…” She cupped her palms over her forehead and looked down, almost like she was ashamed at what she was going to say next. “I still tricked you guys.”
“How so? We were all in on it. Well, there was Demetria, but other than that –” Ray began, before being interrupted.
“No, that’s not what I mean. I told you guys that upon successful completion of this, I would split all the money I had between you guys. Well, all the money I have is...no money. See, a while back, my house was burned down. I presume from the same guy who was responsible for those attacks. Along with my house and the money I had stored, several of my possessions, including my teleportation device, barrier projectors, as well as other tools were destroyed. I’ve known this for some time now and stayed here, not wishing to tell anyone.”
She talked like she expected some big shock amongst ourselves. Perhaps if we were all a different group, we would have been appalled, but instead, I waved it off.
“Oh well, it’s not like Ray or I needed the money. Besides, it’s the journey, not the destination, isn’t it?” I smiled and reassured her.
“I could’ve used the money…” Demetria muttered. Ray concurred, even if he took it a little more seriously than I had.
“This affected all of us,” he informed Remora. “We would have helped regardless. I’m more concerned that you felt you needed to trick us in order to receive help.”
Upon hearing this, she wasn’t much reassured, but hung her head lower.
“Yes, I realize that in all likelihood, making such empty promises were unnecessary. I should know you all better by now and trust you all. Maybe I’m just so fixed on what’s worked before for me, so it makes sense for me to act that way. But I know if it was someone else who did that, I would have told them off. That’s the thing...I can tell all the flaws of others and call them out, yet am prone to the same mistakes. I say I value honesty, but am dishonest.”
“Well, I can understand that in certain situations, it may be necessary,” Ray empathized. “To you, it may seem that you only do what you believe is necessary or justified. I won’t fault that line of thinking.”
“Indeed. I will strive to be more open with all of you.”
“Remora, you can stay here as long as you need to, you know,” I tried to assure her once more.
She shook her head.
“I’ve never needed a home in the first place. So it’s not a huge loss for me.”
Even if that much was true, or what she believed, it must have affected her in some way. In her old life she had what I imagine was a great deal of money at her disposal and whenever she wanted, she could just warp to wherever she wanted. Whether she realized it or not, things would be different for her. If being around people was already a great adjustment for her, being without many of her resources was going to be even more of one.
“I agree with my wife. We’re happy to help in any way we can. You’ve got friends here.”
She looked up now, her eyes wide and mouth ajar, like she was shaken by a great revelation.
“What? Since whe –” She began, before cutting herself off and retracting. “Thank you. I don’t understand, but I appreciate it.”
Ray smiled. “It’s good to have you back.”
He went on about his way, perhaps to make that cup of tea he so wanted. Tigershark also jumped down and went off to the back of the diner. Soon after, both of the two ladies next to me finished their bowls and I took them. Any other time, that would’ve been Demetria’s job, but I figured she had been through enough and needed to relax a little. When I returned from placing the bowls in the kitchen sink, there was only Demetria. Remora must’ve gone back to her room, but she stayed where she was, for whatever reason.
“Hey hun, what’cha doin’ all by yourself?” I checked up on her. Her face was fixated on the window, but it didn’t look like she was looking out, and just wanted to look away.
“I was hoping I could talk to you,” she replied. “Alone.”
“Oh?” I sat down and figured I was in for something. Some kind of heart-to-heart.
“You know as well as I do that I first came here for shallow reasons,” she began, still facing away.
“Well, I’m not sure if I’d call it shallow...even a swimming pool has substances at the bottom of it.”
First came a heavy sigh, then, “look, I’m not good with metaphors, Sunny.”
Oh wow. She said my name. This must be serious.
“It’s obvious that I came here because of my crush on Remora,” she continued.
“Yeah, and I think that’s beautiful,” I countered. She glared and that was my cue to just let her talk.
“Back then, I hate to admit this, but I don’t think I really saw her as a person. I idolized her and thought of her as this larger than life figure. No doubt, she is beautiful, but thinking back, it was more like I thought of her as a fictional character. Just something straight out of a comic book. Maybe this way you can understand it – I didn’t know what kind of life she led, but I figured if I followed her, I would be dropped into a world of action and excitement. It certainly has been that, too, but the longer time has went on, the more clear it is that she’s a person.”
I wonder if Remora herself would’ve liked to hear that seeing as she at times had trouble seeing herself as a person, what with struggling to understand others.
“What I’m saying is, I don’t think it’s a crush anymore, and I don’t know what I feel,” she included.
“How do you figure that?” I asked.
“Well, for starters, I just said I see her now as more of a person. I also care about her. People with crushes don’t care about the person they have a crush on, do they?”
“I mean...the two aren’t mutually exclusive. You totally can.”
“Huh,” she replied, although if she were surprised, she kept focus on where her thoughts were instead. “There’s something there, that much I know. I’ve told you how it was meeting her at the aquarium, my impression of her, not wanting to be ordinary. How I made her into my motivation for anything. If there’s one thing I fear, it’s losing interest in her, but at the same time, I think my interest has already shifted. At least in the sense that I don’t see her the same way.”
“That doesn’t have to be a bad thing though, right?”
“No, but...I just don’t know how to place how I feel anymore. It was easier when I was more...that. But now it’s like she’s still important to me, but it’s different. I was thinking you could help me out with that.”
Man, I recalled how things were on our adventure, but I really wasn’t good with things like that. If only she had gone to Ray. But maybe she just related more to me because of the adventure…
“I appreciate you coming to me,” I cleared my throat as I told her. “But I don’t really know what to tell you. It’s probably not what you want to hear, but I can’t really say where your feelings lie. It’s really up to you. I’ve always just let my feelings take me wherever and worried later. Seems like the better option, anyway.”
She slumped down. Her face hadn’t brightened at all. I really wished I had been of more help.
“I thought you’d have some kind of answer for me…” She rasped.
“I’m not really sure, and that would be wonderful if I was, wouldn’t it? But that said, however you feel, I don’t think it’s a bad thing.”
“I hope not. I just wish I had words I could put for it.”
“Hey,” I stuck my thumb up. “Just take some time here and there to think about it. You might just be pleased with whatever conclusion you come to. If nothing else, I think it’s a good sign that you care about her!”
I left her with that, unsure where else to go. If I was better with such things I could have been ‘it’s love’ or ‘it’s friendship’ but instead I was just like ‘thank you, but hell if I know.’
Maybe that was just the sign I needed. I’ve spent a while back at home really getting to know and spend time with everyone, but with things calming down and Ray recovered, I felt it was due time to head off once again and embark on another adventure.
Even though that itch had return, I had to rein it in. There wasn’t any word of treasure to find or any destination in mind. Nothing slated in the works. Ah, but I knew what the solution was. First, a good night’s rest was in order. Then I would explore my options.
Oh boy!
Once morning came around and I had myself a hearty breakfast consisting of an omelet with bacon, sausage, five different kinds of cheeses (cheddar, pepper jack, gouda, feta, and gorgonzola), pickles, onions (red, green, white), spinach, olives, and last but not least, salmon, I was ready and raring to go.
“Hey Ray! What kinda requests we got?” I charged through the back door and slammed it against the wall as I announced my presence. He looked up.
“Please be more gentle with our home,” he stated before he looked back down at his desk and grabbed the stack of papers. He held it out and I snatched them from him as I shuffled through one by one. He leaned over and I caught his gaze.
“Does this mean we’re back on for doing this? Missions and what not?”
“It is if I can find something good!” I couldn’t stress that enough. Many of them I skipped through while looking and hoping for inspiration until at last I found one that interested me. It wasn’t even one that suited me (it might have been more suited for Remora) but it was the closest I could find to one that piqued my interest. It read:
There have been reports of unexplained killings happening in Chicago, Illinois. Sightings of a tall figure basked in the darkness of night carrying large bladed weapons might be suspect. Other signs point to a blue-tinted hair without a match to anyone in the city’s database. Upon successful identification and elimination of the killer, a lump sum of $100,000 will be mailed.
“Wow. Short,” I commented. No details on the bodies? Not who had been killed or possible reasons why? Some help that was. Still, if it meant exploring and uncovering a mystery, I was game.
“What is it?” Ray asked. I handed the request to him and he scanned through, then shook his head. “Reads like a police report. Was never a fan of those guys.”
“Obviously I’m right there with you, but still, this is something! This could be fun!”
“What? Murder?”
I shook my head with such vigor it was a miracle it didn’t fall off.
“No! Mystery solving! And then murder, I guess. But I mean, if it’s someone who’s already going around killing others, they’re probably bad, anyway, right? So I’d just be killing a killer.”
“If you want to, be my guest. You just don’t strike me as the kind of person into that kind of work,” he argued.
I thought it over. Yeah, he was right. Exploring? Yes. Some mystery? Yes. But taking a life? Hmm…
“Well, it’s not like we need the money, I just wanna go out. Besides, what if it turns out that upon finding this person, they’ve got a pretty good reason and instead I convince them to come to our diner?”
He laughed.
“That sounds like a me thing. But do as you will, just try and be careful. As long as you’re having fun, I can’t complain,” he relented, then scratched his chin. “There’s little I can argue against when it comes to your happiness. I’ll go ahead and give Cybele a call, let her know where you’ll be heading.”
“Thanks hun! I’ll try not to be gone too long, but you know how I can be when I get distracted!” My excitement was too great for any reassurances. But just to top it all off, I leaned over and kissed his forehead.
Right as I was about to run out, Demetria came out of her room and she must’ve overheard the commotion.
“What are you up to?” She demanded to know. I pointed to the paper in hand before explaining:
“I’m off to go find and kill someone.”
She gave off an incredulous look, then scoffed.
“I get that you’re all tough and stuff, but have you ever taken a life before?” She questioned.
“Let’s just put it this way: you know how when I go on adventures there’ll be bad guys shooting at me on bridges, and I use my wit to make those bridges fall? Well, often times, I’m pretty sure those guys don’t have fall with a smooth landing.”
She stared once again, though rather than incredulous, she looked just a tad disgusted.
“Uhh...okay then.”
“I’ll be fine, really!” I pushed past any concern she may have had and ran off, ready to set foot in the windy city.
Once the plane landed down on a rooftop, I jumped out, then waved bye to Cybele.
“I’ll call you when I’m done!” I yelled to her.
She yelled back, but I didn’t catch what she said. At least I was sure she didn’t catch what I said, either, so no big deal.
From the rooftop, I scaled down from the ledge and descended little by little until I made it to the sidewalk where I plopped down. As far as I could tell, no one batted an eyelash, so it must not have been all that out of the ordinary.
“Wow,” I mouthed the words as the crisp air drifted along. Oh, sure, crisp, but nothing quite as bone-chilling as where I was from. It felt more like a gentle breeze, instead. While I watched small crowds go by and the smell of food carts and restaurants nearby mingled with musty odors of trash bins scattered about the sidewalk, I felt a shove against my shoulder. I turned and someone walked past, hands in their pocket and grumbling about how I wouldn’t move over.
“Oh yeah,” I commented. “That’s why I don’t go to cities often.”
As I stomped along at a roadrunner’s pace against the crowded sidewalks, I thought of what little I knew.
So night is the most likely time I would find this person. Right now it’s a bright and cloudy day. Goals right there. Though the cloudy day is a little overshadowed by the skyscrapers muddying everything out. Not so goals.
There weren’t huge crowds, just swathes of people in drips and drabs. Some in small groups, some going on about their business. As much as there was a steady stream of people, it wasn’t a large mass with no room to breathe. There were gaps in between. Similar were the traffic. Little groups at all times, but no long lines waiting to go.
I checked my phone. It was a little before the evening, an hour or so before sunset. Just after rush hour must have ended.
Since I had no clues and ‘large bladed weapons’ along with ‘blue-tinted hair’ was far too vague, I decided to enjoy myself a bit; ferry tours, stops at pizza shops, and listening to jazz bands at a nearby bar. While listening along and shoving a slice of a deep dish pizza as far into my mouth as I could, I turned the bartender and swallowed.
“Hear any rumors as of late?” I tried to nudge the bartender’s beefy tattooed shoulders, but the counter was too wide. She leaned in while polishing a glass.
“What do you wanna know?” She inquired, a sharp smile on her face. It reminded me so much of Ray’s whole persona. However, this person was younger and looked to be entwined with the city’s culture.
I almost asked “Anyone tall with colored hair?” Until I realized that didn’t really narrow it down much.
Instead, a smile spread across my face as I thought of what I wanted to ask.
“Like any abandoned places around here? I’m somewhat of an urban explorer and looking for my next fix.”
She placed her finger on her chin and tapped her foot. I took another chomp at my pizza. Such gooey pepperoni, anchovy, and pineapple goodness, all in a thick layer.
“There’s this office building at the docks that’s been sitting around for lord knows how long. Couple’a folks I know say they’ve passed by and expressed interest in breaking in, but you know…” She trailed off, as if I was supposed to catch her drift.
“Nah, I don’t. What?”
“Oh c’mon, are you a cop?”
Upon hearing that, a couple of sardonic thoughts on what to say played through my head: 1) Sis, my husband’s got ties with time traveling mobsters and likes to cheat billionaires out of their money just for fun. 2) Wanna feel under my shirt for wires? Shit, I don’t even have a gun. All’s I got is a lasso and some brass knuckles.
Instead I did the least convincing thing I could have done: shoved the rest of my pizza into my mouth and told her (while my mouth was full of food), “I’m just ignorant.”
I swallowed then took a big gulp of water.
“Sorry ‘bout that. Anyway, no need to worry about me. Now, I’m guessing there’s gangs and homeless people who like to hang about, then there’s teenagers who’ve already broken in before?” I suggested.
“Mm-hmm. Pretty much. Though I dunno about the dumb kids part. Mostly the folks I’ve talked to said they’ve seen lights turn off and on in different parts of the building. No shadow or sign of anyone, though.”
Huh. So maybe it was a ghost.
“Oh, and just a fair warning: there’s been rumors of this shadowy figure roaming about around those parts. Some say that same figure’s also the one responsible for some killings as of late.”
“Oh? Like what?” My interest was piqued. In such a big city and I already had my lead.
“No one important. Just a few cops and a landlord. Oh, and I think the CEO of a construction company. But that’s it. I’m sure give it a few days and more deaths will be attributed to this mysterious person. Give it another day and people will have moved on. I’m betting whoever this person is, they don’t even have anything to do with these deaths.”
Even if that does turn out to be the case, I have to know for sure, I mulled it over, and decided to listen to a few of the jazz performers, but vowed to investigate the building as soon as closing time came around.
By the time I left that bar, however, I had forgotten all about the mission.
“Man, I could listen to those saxophones all week!” I cackled as I exited. “I’ve gotta bring home a saxophone when all this is said and done!”
When I looked into the sky and saw a pale moon obscured by a thin layer of gray clouds, I drew a breath of air and the cloud that formed from my breath was a lighter shade than the ones in the sky.
What am I doing again? I went to get a bite to eat, and now I’m a little buzzed and hazy. Should I go to a motel? Or...well, there was that abandoned office building the bartender told me about. Good enough place to sleep as any, right?
Then it clicked: that was the place I needed to check out, anyway.
Excited, I rubbed my hands together and ran down the street and headed for the office building. For how long I ran, I didn’t know, as I was lost in the trance of the night. Every action was an after thought from the initial run down to me taking a leap over the fence.
When I made it over, I stopped and the world had caught up with me as I felt its stillness take over. Everything from then on was more clear: I stood in the dark of the night in front of a tall building while people lay scattered around, some huddled in sleeping bags, others in tents. Some close together. Off to my left was the smoke from a makeshift fire. There were a few folks who paced about or went on about their business, making conversation with or propositioning others.
None of them seemed to notice me. I motioned closer to the building as I inspected the windows and doors; all boarded up, no sign of entry.
How did the bartender’s friends see anything through the windows if they’re all boarded up? Unless they were only recently boarded up.
Right when I made my way to circle around in order to find a way in, I was stopped.
“Hey lady. What are you doin’ here?” I heard the gruff voice of a man with curly white hair and a brown leather cap. half-tired was his voice, weary, with just a bit of grit.
“Trying to get in here,” I replied and figured I had nothing to lose by being honest.
“What do you want in there for?”
I reached to my hip where I kept a rope and hook fastened. Beats me why I didn’t think to do so sooner.
“Hey!” Alarmed, he took a step back. “What you reachin’ for?”
“Relax. Just some rope,” I replied, then held the hook in my hand, ready to throw it up to the roof so I could pull myself up. “As for why I want in, mostly just to see what I can find.”
In the corner of my eye, I could see him shake his head.
“There’s nothin’ of value you’ll find there,” he grunted. That was a response I couldn’t help but find odd.
“Who says there’s not value in seeing for myself?” I flashed him a grin, then threw the hook and watched as it landed on the roof. If there was no way in, I’d make a way, and what better way in than down?
Once I pulled myself up, I saw a door that hadn’t been boarded.
“Ah, so this must be how this person’s getting in,” I muttered. Although I must have made all sorts of noise climbing up, now that I was up, I wanted to be as silent as possible.
When I turned to open the door, I found that it was locked. Without further delay, I fished out a hairclip and jostled it in the keyhole. After I heard a click, I turned the handle and was met with...a brick wall.
You’ve got to be kidding me. Sealed out?
I shook my head. It was as if I had been put in some elaborate prank, except no one popped out to announce “you’ve been punk’d!”
I paced about and tapped my foot against the concrete floor. One spot in particular felt weaker than the other.
I’d like to think my legs are strong as well, but I’d hate to kick down and crash all the way to the bottom.
I fastened my brass knuckles on each hand and knelt beside the weakened concrete. Then, with a raised fist and a swift punch to the floor, a crack formed. One more punch, then the floor collapsed next to me and I heard the crash as the concrete collided with the next floor below. It seemed to stop before it got too far, as I didn’t hear such a long series of crashes. With a sigh of relief, I clicked a small flashlight and saw the outline of a hallway along with the hole in the floor that I had caused.
After dropping below, I pointed the flashlight as I scanned around the area. Doors, which when opened, held empty rooms. Some held filing cabinets with empty drawers. Some had desks and chairs, but nothing within or on either. Through the empty halls, I traced each pace with careful movements, every footstep a crawl’s pace.
At the end of the hallway was a rundown elevator. I thought that I could use it to reach the lower floors, but I couldn’t pry the elevator doors open, so after a good struggle and no budge, I left it alone and headed back where the hole in the floor lay. I dropped down and as I did so heard what sounded like crackling electricity in the distance. Like wires broken, but with a charge.
I preferred the silence.
I kept close to the wall and approached the sound. Since my descent, there had been no indication of any traps to avoid. Just the thought made me miss my trips to ancient temples. Soon, the hallway opened up into a large space with carpeted floor and many doors against the walls. At one point in time, I could picture a series of cubicles. Through those doors were offices. This building had a history and although such a history was unknown to me, the pieces to its story was there.
All movement from me had ceased. My flashlight dropped upon seeing someone crouched down against a panel on the far end of the wall, their back turned to me. The drop of my flashlight echoed throughout the halls. I couldn’t make out many of their features, save for their height and dark clothing, along with a helmet over their head.
I don’t think I’m seeing a ghost. Not only that, but this person must have noticed me. Any chance of sneaking has gone out the window. Oh, who am I kidding? The crash of the ceiling should have given me away before I even entered.
Since there was little else I could do, any movement would have given me more away whether forward or back, I watched; a spark of light displayed their hands, gloved, and nearby, a light turned on in one of the rooms. Then another light. No other lights turned on and at last, the person spoke:
“Damn. Still not enough,” cursed the figure in a harsh, yet wispy voice. Almost like a breeze, but less gentle and more brisk.
“What are you doing?” My words forced themselves out in a hoarse, reluctant question. Sure, I was curious, but if this was the person I needed to kill, then I had to get right into the action.
“Trying to bring power to this place. Electricity can provide light. Heat. Power,” came the reply, a breathy one at that. In spite of its seriousness, their pitch was on the higher end.
“Renovation?” I suggested.
Without so much as turning to me, the figure replied with a nod.
“There are many rooms here. It can provide shelter to many. It’s illegal to use electricity without paying the electric company. It’s also illegal to enter abandoned and unused property. But then again, it’s also illegal to be homeless. Some crimes cannot be helped.”
“Indeed,” I agreed, then added to it, “so is murder.”
To that, the figure stopped what they were doing and got up. I heard the clang as their helmet fell to the floor. Its metallic features and shape became illuminated by the small amount of light brought on by my dropped flashlight. Also illuminated were the figure’s legs, both bulky and well-toned muscles.
Muscular. I can respect that, at least.
While I could tell their stature from what little light there was, their face remained obscured by the darkness.
“As I said: some crimes cannot be helped,” tight spoken words, a hint of anger.
I took a step back and got into a fighting stance. That all but confirmed that I had found the killer.
“Are you the shadowy figure who’s been murdering people?” I raised my voice, not out of anger, but just to make sure we were both on the same page.
“I am, and I take it that you’re someone of authority, come to bring me to justice?”
“Close,” my smile widened. No sound of weapons drawn, but I needed to be ready, nonetheless. “But I’m just doing this because I want to.”
I charged in, fist raised, and threw it forward, only for figure to swerve out of the way. So I elbowed back and felt their grip against my arm squeeze in.
Such a tight grip, holy hell.
Although I struggled, I managed to push back and spun back. They had let go and I heard their footstep take a skip back.
“See, that’s just not a good reason,” returned their voice, more pronounced now. Rather than the breezy voice before, it was more husky in tone and carried a bite to it.
I reached for the rope and hook once more and spun it around, then flung it forward. Whether I would miss or hit, what I didn’t expect was to feel a tug against the hook and the rope cut from it. Then, footsteps tapped at an alarming speed, and although I managed move out of the way, the hook slashed across and made cuts against my arm.
“I would say you’re foolish, but no: you’re just impulsive,” they spoke again, almost analytical in tone now.
Another slash soon came, and I heard the blow of the swing in time for me to move, then I reached for the other side of my hip from where the rope had been and pulled out a whip, then crackled it against my enemy’s hand as the hook they had taken from me fell out and I heard a grunt in pain. While disarmed, I thought I could throw a punch in, but my fist was caught with their palm, and the grip tightened in.
I can’t let them have their hands free, I then threw my other fist in and we were both locked in now. Our strengths seemed a near match as we kept pushing each other back and forth, a tug-of-war with our respective strengths. Then, as I pushed forward, I managed to push them far enough back that the sparks from the open panel they had been at illuminated their face. No, her face.
An audible gasp escaped me. There it was, the blue-tinted hair, with a matchstick in her mouth.
“Rhea? Is that you?” I uttered in shock, the resemblance, with what little light I could tell, was uncanny. Her smile spread, then gave her reply.
“Heh. Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in years.”
She then raised her knee and kicked me away. I fell back. Next to me was my hook from the rope. Well, I could undo the knot in my lasso and use that as a replacement. Damn, maybe I really did have a thing for ropes and whips.
I grabbed the hook and picked myself up, ready to strike. Even if she was this person who...who I thought had died, or who I thought Remora was, well...I still had a job to do.
“There was a request for your death,” I explained.
“So you fancy yourself some kind of bounty hunter, then?” She mused, almost as playful as I.
I nodded, then slashed across with the hook, but she jumped back. She then grabbed the wires and plunged them against my wrist. The shock coursed through me and I fell back.
Although my heart was in a rush, I still had plenty of wind left in me. As I struggled up, she slid a long sword from a sheath and held it out, pointed at me.
“Don’t move a muscle. I could kill you right now,” that playful, but icy voice rang through my ears. It lingered and created goosebumps against my shoulders and the voice carried like an aftertaste. Rather than do what she could have done, she sheathed her blade.
I drew a breath and tried to pick myself up, but then she grabbed me by my neck. Only inches in the air, I was still surprised to be lifted at all as she looked me in the eyes and flashed a toothy grin.
“I could kill you, but instead, I think I’ll give you just enough strength to go back wherever you came from as a warning.”
Fair deal. It’s just too bad I don’t go down that easily.
I swung myself forward and hoped to kick her so I could be released, but it took her no time at all to catch on to what I tried and she unsheathed her sword once more and plunged it into my kneecap. Just as fast as she had done so, she pulled it out and held her blade close to her. I let out a piercing cry of pain as I knelt down, blood trickling down my jeans and onto the floor.
“I’m allowing you to walk away. How are you going to do that if you don’t walk?” She asked and sounded too bored to know the answer to such a question.
Although I struggled, I leaned against the wall and tried to move closer to her. Even as I limped, I wasn’t ready to give up. I’d throw every last punch I could. Rather than give me such a chance, she took her sword and rather than stab me once again, held it back and pushed the hilt against my shoulder. I fell back once more.
“Now. I won’t doubt that you could have put up more of a fight, but you’re at a disadvantage. You can hardly see. You’ve already taken some serious injuries. You didn’t know who you were up against.”
“Heh. No pain no gain,” I rasped out the words. Already lightheaded, I felt myself soon to lose consciousness.
“Yes. But something tells me you’ll need a break.”
Damn. Yeah. A nice bath, some patching up, a few days and I’d be back at it for another fight, and then I’d be more prepared. There wasn’t any reason to give up…
“Here’s what will happen next: I will take you back to the rooftop, you will make whatever call you need to, and then you will leave so that you may tell whoever you need to not to come here. Understand?”
I was in no position to object. Rather, the only oddness I found was that for a killer, she sure seemed generous. Ugh, but it sure was a blow to the ego to have to return home. Still...Ray and the others needed to hear about it, so I tried to take it in stride.
When Cybele found me on my back and a bloody mess, she fell into a panic. I had to be the calm one and reassure her that yes, I’d survive, and I’ve had worse injuries in the past. Despite such words, she continued to fret through the ride home and I walked her through how to treat such injuries as best as she could with what was available. Poor girl still had trouble calming herself down even when I told her that she did a fine job and that I would be fine.
Once I arrived home, it was about midday the next day and I was in good enough of a state to limp through the door and into the back.
If Cybele wasn’t bad enough, everyone else gave me frightful looks. Less so with Remora, but she looked like she didn’t know what kind of look to give.
I winced, but managed a smile as I sunk into a chair and leaned back. Ray, at his desk, got up.
“Honey, what happened?” He urged for my answer, a profound upset reverberated.
I just got carried away. That’s all.
“I saw...I saw…” I heaved and stuttered out the words, surprised by my own shock. At last, I told them, “I saw Rhea.”
“What? How is that possible?”
“Uh, didn’t she die? Also, we’re really doing this again, after the whole thing with the cave just the other day,” Demetria added in her own two cents. At least the place was lively.
“She had blueish hair and a matchstick in her mouth. Similar build. I…” Really, I didn’t understand what I saw any better than I could describe it.
“What shade?” Remora asked at last, and it was her input I was most interested in. “Also, did she shiver? What was her fighting style?”
So many questions…
“I couldn’t tell. It was dark. No shiver. And...she had a sword.”
Remora leaned her head back and her eyes widened. She turned her head just as I noticed her face tightened, then she muttered, “that wasn’t Rhea.”
“Who was it, then?” I asked her.
“I don’t know, but Rhea didn’t use swords. Anyway, just leave that person alone. They’re no one important and there’s nothing to worry about. Probably.”
“You know something, don’t you?” I pressed.
“I just know who it isn’t, and so it’s probably nothing. Just forget about it.”
Demetria’s face grew serious, a scowl formed. She turned to Ray.
“Do I have permission to get a plane ride there?” It wasn’t a beg, nor a plead, just a confirmation, as if she were already set.
“If you wish,” Ray replied, despite the concern he had displayed.
“Why? What is for you there?” Remora interrogated. “Money? Curiosity? Violence?”
“I just need to know,” Demetria replied before taking off. Remora didn’t try to stop her or press further, it was a surprise at all that she showed any sign of objection.
As Demetria took off, Ray faced Remora.
“What about being more open with us?” He echoed her earlier words. “If you know something, you should tell us.”
Remora lowed her head further and replied:
“I don’t know anything for certain and it sounds like nothing important. So we can move on from this.”
She then strode over to her room and I blinked.
“What about you?” Ray inquired.
“I’ll be fine. Just gimme a few days and I’ll go on another adventure.”
“Please rest longer if you need to,” he added.
“I’ll do my best,” I assured him.
As I continued to sit in that chair, my thoughts stewed on how unusual everything was. How unusual that person had been. How unusual Remora’s reaction was. How unusual Demetria’s reaction was as well. There were so many questions and no conclusion came to mind. Most of all, what I wanted to know was whether I still had it in me to do those dangerous adventures and come out on top or if time had begun to catch up with me.
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Queer Eye for the Cap Guy ~ Part 8
A/N: Hi my lovelies. Happy Valentine’s Day! So we’ve reached the end of this story. I have two more bonus scenes coming at some point but I’m not sure when. But this is the end of the main story. Thank you all for all of your support during this story. I can’t wait to share more stories with you! 
Summary:  The Fab Five watch Steve’s dinner party and retirement party. 
Rating: T
Warnings; Language, feels, not much else 
Word Count: 2763 
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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(image from google) 
Carpe Posterum ~ Seize the Future 
“Antoni, henny, what delicious treat did you make for us today?” Jonathan asked as he leaned on the counter in the loft.  
“Chocolate mousse with chocolate from the best shop in Brooklyn with fresh whipped cream.”
“It’s time to check in with our favorite Avenger,” Bobby announced excitedly.  
“Are we ready?” Karamo asked as he grabbed the remote.
They settled themselves on the couch and started Steve’s reveal.
Steve stood in front of his mirror still in the white Henley, pondering what to wear.
“He is so gorgeous,” Jonathan gushed.
“Oh my gosh, yes,” Karamo agreed.
Steve finally settled on a light blue Henley over dark jeans, with a pair of brown boots.
“Tan, do you approve?”
“It’s a bit more casual than I’d want, but honestly this is such a huge step up from what he was doing. I’m happy.”
“Plus these are like his closest friends. I think he looks comfortable,” Bobby added.
Steve pulled the iron man apron over his head with a chuckle and tossed a tea towel over his shoulder as he prepared the lasagna.
Everything was ready only moments before his doorbell rang.
“Oh. My. God.”
Y/n was the first to react, jaw dropping to the floor as she scanned him up and down, settling on his neatly trimmed beard.
“You look amazing.”
“Come on in. Take a good look at the Fab Five’s handiwork.”
“Holy shit,” Bucky swore as they piled into the building. “You almost look presentable.”
Despite the jab, Bucky was beaming at his best friend.
“You look great, man.”
“Come on, give us a twirl.”
Steve did a slow turn with his arms out so they could see the whole look.
“Umm, y/n definitely just checked out his butt.”
“Who could blame her, henny?”          
They each hugged him in turn, but Steve didn’t let go of y/n. Opting instead to keep her tucked into his side. She didn’t mind in the least.
“Are you ready to see the place?”
“Hell yes!”
As expected, Sam and Bucky were immediately enthralled with garage and the state of the art home gym. Y/n, however, was much more taken with the first floor of the living space.
“It’s so light and open. I love it.”
“I do too.”
Bucky gave Steve a watery smile when he sat in the wingback chair.
“Thank you for that by the way.”
“My pleasure. But I don’t think we’ll both fit anymore.”
“No, I don’t think so,” Steve hummed. “But that’s why we have this great sectional.”
“Can we just talk about the fact that he has not let go of Y/n once since she came in.”
“I’m sensing a love connection.”
“It seems reciprocated at least.”
“Oh 100%. She is so sweet. And you can tell how much she cares about him.”
“Same with him. He would go completely soft talking about her. He always smiled when he talked about her.”
“Hopefully, he’ll make a move.”
 “How did the week go?” Natasha asked as she perched on the back of the sectional after they’d finished the quick tour of the upstairs.
“It was different than what I expected,” Steve admitted.
“What did you expect?” Bucky asked.  
“I guess I thought it would be more of a passive experience. Like I thought they would just tell me what to wear, or how I should style my hair. I didn’t expect it to be a conversation. That was really nice.”
“So you feel like you had a say in all of the decisions?”
He nodded his agreement.
“Definitely. And I haven’t felt this in control of my life in probably ever. And now it feels like I can, you know, maybe enjoy retirement.”
They all smiled, and y/n patted his thigh.
“We’re so happy to hear you say that.”
“Does that mean we’re forgiven for nominating you for the show?” Sam joked.
“I was never all that mad, so I’m not sure forgiveness is necessary, but my gratitude certainly is. Thank you. All of you for caring enough to do this. I love you all, and I haven't told you that nearly enough.”
“We love you too, punk.” Bucky clapped him on the shoulder and pulled him into him.
“So Antoni actually managed to teach you how to cook?” Natasha asked, warily eyeing the lasagna which looked too good to be true.
“Yes, he did.”
“But he didn’t help you make this?” Sam clarified.
“Nope. Did it all my own.”
“Yeah, you did! Like a champ,” Antoni cheered.
Y/n quickly cut a bite and forked it into her mouth to shut them up, burning her tongue in the process.
“Ouch.” She muffled a curse in her water glass.
“You okay, doll?”
She coughed, thumping her chest.
“Yeah, I’m good. It’s just very hot. It’s delicious though. Antoni taught you well.”
Steve preened.
“Look how proud he is!”
“Well it helps that it’s coming from her too.”
“She really is so lovely.”
As the others dug in, adding their surprised by honest praise, Steve and Y/n shared a look.
“Ack. Look at the secret smile!”
After dinner, Sam and Bucky raced to the basketball court to settle their latest ridiculous argument and Natasha busied herself with the dartboard. Steve knew they were trying to help him out subtly – well not so subtly – since all of them winked super exaggeratedly.
“That is how you wingman,” Karamo announced.
“I can take care of those, y/n,” Steve argued as y/n started soaping up the dishes.
“Please,” she waved him off. “You cooked. I can clean up. Dinner was delicious by the way, Steve. Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome. But seriously, just let those soak,” he insisted, reaching around her at the sink to turn off the water. “I have a surprise for you.”
Her voice rose in excitement as she turned, still trapped between him and the sink (not that she was complaining). He grinned down at her.
“The tension is seriously killing me.”
“I have not rooted for two people to kiss so much since Mia Thermopolis was about to be crowned Queen of Genovia and totally didn’t need a husband, but had that hunky Chris Pine ready to be her prince. And let’s be real, who doesn’t want to kiss Chris Pine.”
“My thoughts exactly,” Tan teased as Jonathan sat back pleased with his reference.
“Yep, I made a special dessert all for you.”
“Really?” Her eyes lit up at the prospect.
“Yeah, Antoni taught me. Gave me a foolproof recipe for your favorite. It’s only got two ingredients and none of the equipment plugs in.”
“Steve, did you make me chocolate mousse?”
He shrugged and gestured toward the island.
“Have a seat.”
She hopped onto the comfortable bar stool, crossing her legs as she watched him rummage around in the fridge.
 “She looks like she wants to eat him up,” Jonathan guffawed.
“The quickest way to my heart is through food, so I’m not surprised.”
“Get it, girl.”
 Steve emerged victorious with two extra large martini glasses filled with chocolate mousse and a canister of fresh whipped cream.
 “Umm, bonus points for presentation!” Antoni cheered, bouncing up and down on the couch.
“Wait you didn’t tell him to do that?” Karamo asked.
“No. I just taught him how to make it.”
Karamo was visibly impressed as were the others.
“You go, Steven! Slay that presentation.”
 “Well it certainly looks nice. Here’s hoping it’s edible,” she teased, taking the spoon he offered her.
He waited impatiently for her to taste it, and when her eyes slid shut he lit up.
“Oh my god, this is amazing. It tastes like those little elephant chocolates you get for me every Christmas. Only like it’s a cloud. Is this really only two ingredients?”
“What are they chocolate and magic?” she giggled.
“Something like that. So you like?”
“Delicious.” She reached for him, pulling him to her side of the island leaving her hand in his. “And it’s really sweet that you learned to make it just for me. You know this may earn you the title of favorite super soldier.”
“You mean that’s not already a given? I’m wounded.”
“Don’t be annoying,” she glared up at him.  
He pretended to zip his lips and throw away the key.
“Much better.”
They enjoyed their mousse in a comfortable silence, which she finally broke a few minutes later.
“I’m really proud of you for doing this you know. It was really brave.”
“I would never have done it without you guys nominating me,” he admitted in a quiet voice.
Y/n reached out for both of his hands, pulling him to stand directly in front of her.
“That may be true, but you are the most stubborn person I know.”
His brow furrowed in confusion.
“Thank you?”
“My point,” she giggled, “Is that if you really didn’t want this, it wouldn’t have mattered how we begged or pleaded with you. You would not have done it, or you would have stonewalled them. The fact that you opened up, means you put in the work. You chose to be happy. And I’m so proud of you.”
His cheeks tinged pink ever so slightly.
“Thank you for everything, y/n. You’ve always been there for me. When I came out of the ice. When I was looking for Bucky and throughout the Accords debacle. I don’t know where I’d be without you.”
“The feeling is mutual.”
“And Bobby told me about you getting the photos from the Smithsonian. That must have taken you ages.”
She dropped her eyes to their intertwined hands.  
“It was nothing.”
He let go of one of her hands so he could lift her chin.
“It is everything,” he murmured, cupping her cheek.
Leaning down, he gently kissed her, fully intending to pull back after a moment. He was not expecting her to wrap an arm around his neck and pull him closer.  
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The Fab five quickly paused the video and celebrated.
“Well done, Steven.”
When they continued, the edit politely cut away from the couple and directly to the next day. Steve was once again in his room getting ready, only this time his outfit was the tux.
“Tan, I am completely in love with that tuxedo.”
“It’s the perfect color for him.”
“His eyes are so blue. Oh I could just lose myself all day in those oceans.”
“He looks so sharp. And you know he’s going to stand out.”
“And he should. This night is all about him.”
The cheer from the crowd was deafening when he stepped off the elevator. Steve’s cheeks tinged pink, but his confident gait didn’t falter.
“Looking good, Rogers. You might even be able to get the girl after all of this,” Tony smirked, eyeing Y/n who was waiting patiently by the bar.
“Maybe I will,” Steve smirked.
“You look happy, Cap. I’m glad,” he added in a more serious tone.
The two men hugged, and Steve continued his circuit of the room.
Thor complimented his hair and beard, and Bruce loved his tuxedo. The rest of the guests clamored for their moment to speak with him. Finally, Natasha was able to cut in and lead him to the one place he’d been trying to get to all night. Y/n.
“Hey, handsome.”
“Hi, beautiful.”
He leaned down for a lingering kiss before leaning on the bar next to her.
“How are you doing?”
He took a deep breath and swayed his head side to side.
“Pretty good. This is pretty tame for Tony.”
“Nat and I had final say on the guest list,” Y/n reported proudly.  
“You’re welcome by the way,” Nat smirked at him.
“Thank you, both.”
Bucky and Sam were practically falling over themselves laughing as they joined them.
“What trouble are you getting up too?”  
“Nothing, doll,” Bucky promised.
“We just saw Tony sputtering because he saw you two kiss.”
“He did tell me I might get the girl at the end of the night.”
“Little did he know,” Sam grinned.
Steve bounced back and forth between different groups for much of the evening. Often Y/n would accompany him, but sometimes she would sit back and watch.
“They’re such a pretty couple.”
“I love them.”
About halfway through the party, Tony took the stage.
“Good evening, everyone. Thank you so much for coming out tonight to celebrate the retirement of the one and only Captain America. Steve Rogers. Now, before we hear from the man himself, I’d like to say a few words. Steve, I know that we didn’t get off to the best of starts, but throughout our ups and downs you have never wavered in your commitment to helping people. The world is a much safer and better place because of you. You may be moving on from the Avengers, but you’ll always have a home here. Thank you for your service. And happy retirement. Everyone please raise your glass, to Steve Rogers.”
The room raised their glasses and toasted him, and Steve teared up.
“Now, I think we would all like to hear from Steve. So, Captain Rogers, please come on up.”
Y/n squeezed his hand as he approached the stage, hugging Tony tightly.
“Thank you, Tony.”
“You’re welcome, Capsicle.”
Steve snorted and clapped him on the back as they traded places. He took a deep breath before starting.
“Hi, everyone. Thank you all for coming. And thank you, Tony for hosting this retirement party. I don’t think it will come as a surprise to many people here that I didn’t really ever think that something like this was in my future. But while I will always be here to fight when I’m needed, it’s time for me to lay down the shield.”
The room was silent as he spoke. Plenty of people in the room had been on the receiving end of Steve’s motivational speeches, but few had ever heard him talk about himself.
“He is so composed,” Karamo complimented as Steve continued his speech.
“This was not an easy decision. And part of the reason for that is because I felt like I was failing everyone by giving up the shield. And to be honest, I had no idea what to do with myself if I wasn’t fighting. But I’ve spent this past week with five fabulous men who have helped me find a future. They also showed me that I am more the Captain America. But I’ve also realized that Captain America is bigger than I am. The world deserves and needs a symbol of hop. And I’m so very proud to say that that is exactly what will be happening. I am officially passing my shield onto the only man who could take it on. Sam Wilson. Sam, please come up here.”
The room erupted in shock both on the television and in the loft.
“Oh my God.”
“Did anyone know he was planning this?” Antoni asked.  
“No.” They all chorused.
Sam approached the stage with his head held high as the others overcame their shock and started cheering. Steve held out a hand to help him up, and Sam couldn’t help but smile as he remembered the first day they met.
“The floor is yours, Captain.”
They hugged fiercely before Steve stepped back, literally and figuratively.
“Hi, everyone. I’m going to keep this short. Steve, I just want to say thank you for trusting me. The shield has absolutely been a symbol of hope for me. But the shield would be nothing without your heart and your goodness. I will do my very best to carry on your legacy. Thank you.”
“Let’s hear it for Captain America,” Bucky yelled from the back of the room, grinning like a fool.
Everyone cheered as Sam and Steve came down off the stage, and Sam was engulfed by well-wishers.
Steve was beaming as he made his way to Y/n, Bucky, and Natasha.
“When did you make that decision?” Natasha asked as he grabbed a beer.
“It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while, but talking to Karamo made me realize that it wasn’t I was Captain America or there was no Captain America. There was another option.”  
 Eventually the party goers wandered out and only the team was left. Steve smiled as he held his hand out for Y/n, leading her to the dance floor where they lost themselves in each other, swaying to the soft music.
“Aww yay.”
“He looks so happy.”
“Uggh. Can we toast our Steve?”
“To Steve Rogers.”
“And his future.”
The Fab Five raised their glasses.
A/n:  So that’s it. I hope you enjoyed this story. I really loved being able to delve into Steve’s character. As I said there’s two more short things coming eventually. So keep an eye out. And stay tuned for updates to other WIPs and some new content! 
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