#he may be small and temperate. but he has his moments that show off how he’s made it so long
peapod20001 · 11 months
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hm. rorycore tags
GADBBVAD yea <3 he’s densely packed and round with a motherly aura about him
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kyupidos · 3 months
updated 08/02/24: here is a part 2 to this analysis!
i think one of the most disturbing yet funny things about sebek antis is how they manage to twist a well written narration about internalized racism and the struggles of being a mixed person into something relating to “fascism”.
( btw there will be SLIGHTTT b7 spoilers in here but i personally think it’s whatever, no big difference to what we’ve known in the past nothing shocking. )
as his biggest fan AND as an ethnic person i feel as though you HAVE to be brain dead and/or white to not understand any of this. he doesn’t genuinely believe that humans are an inferior race, he has MULTIPLE instances praising human people ( riddle, epel ). and the evidence is in firstly, epel’s school uniform vignette where he praises his apple carving, saying it’s even nice enough to be used as a gift to malleus, and we KNOW how highly he regards him. and not once does he ever say anything like “for a human”, or insult him for “being human”, he appreciates his skill.
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then there’s riddle’s ceremonial robes vignette, and while he does look down on him, it’s not really even about being human saying, “i would better be served by weight training than riding with a bunch of amateurs” ( in reference that here we see him initially join the equestrian club ). but once riddle proves his skill, sebek is more than willing to respect him highly.
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( a small thing from the harveston event that i’ve been told of from a friend as well, he also holds high respect and love for marja. initially he wasn’t fond of her, but she gave him a squirrel plushie for the plush sled race. because of this he’s basically like, “she’s the only reason i got this far!!” and praises her. i haven’t played the event and this is what my friend says, but i figured to at least include this. )
the most insane part is you don’t even have to scour through every single moment he shows up on screen to know this, it even shows in his WIKI that one of his dislikes/pet peeves is “whining.” to be clear, while admittedly he does make patronizing remarks in regards to humans, it’s never enough to say he has a genuine hatred, and in fact he proves the opposite many times, in both epel and riddle’s case. and, in regards to the personality section, again referencing epel and riddle ( there may be other examples, they just happen to be the ones i found specifically ), he isn’t afraid to acknowledge and respect people for their talent or skills, even if they are human.
and if you’re wondering what i mean by it being ethnically related, fae are canonically ( say it with me now canonically, ) considered to be a minority race. being half human half fae is what makes him mixed, equally canonically so. as far as i’m concerned basically everyone in the fandom knows this but the complexity around this part of his character is just SO undermined that people are willing to call him “openly racist” ( to others, not his internalized racism ) and a FASCIST. are you serious?
we know already that sebek learned a lot of what he thinks now from his grandfather, ( sebek zigvolt wiki, trivia ) considering malleus and lilia commenting that his temper is a trait he gets from him ( scary monsters event story for malleus ), which of course is likely what garners his dislike towards his human aspect and his father for being human, even considering his father outputting, trailing off when noting he is human, while being prideful in his mother who is a fae ( birthday boy vignette ).
and what do we learn about his grandfather? he was in a war against humans, which makes it obvious enough how he would learn this internalized racism and why he would put down that part of his human identity. remember that fae age differently, this war wasn’t even that long ago for them. i think it’s a shame people seem to put so much love into diasomnia but not even recognize its lore that’s rooted so deep yet at the same time is right in front of our face.
but that’s all from me folks. willing to dive deeper into my sebek love and analysis if anyone wants it!
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eywaseclipse · 7 months
What They’re Like When They’re Jealous
Headcanon on what the avatar men are like when they are jealous
Warning: slight smut so 18+ please!
Jake is pretty calm and collected as he’s very confident on what’s his
Simple flirtations from the younger clan boys directed at you don’t bother him
He’s secure with his sexuality but he can’t help but feel jaded about his aging body; it’s not as tight and muscular anymore
The jealousy starts out small with ears pinned back, lashing of his tail and flared nostrils
Perhaps you know it pisses him off when you flirt back which is why he wraps his tail around the back of your thighs tickling your skin deliciously
Jake loves to grip the back of your neck gently, as if showing a bit of ownership as the mighty Olo’eyktan himself
He starts with a little growl in your ear “what the hell was that babygirl? Huh?” He almost snickers from the idea of you even entertaining the flirtations
If you’ve really pissed him off he’ll have no problem marking you so that everyone can see; neck, thighs, stomach, collarbones. You belong to the Olo’eyktan his mate and his mate alone
Before the battle against the sky people Tsu’tey was a revered warrior and confident man
Now surviving the war he’s taken a literal hit to his ego
Being his mate includes deep self esteem issues rooted in the near death experience he endured
He can’t help it when he sees you with another clan male and feels the rage burning inside his belly
He knows you’d never do anything to disrespect him as a mate, but he can’t help it, he can’t trust them
He will usually put himself between you and the clan male physically establishing his dominance
It doesn’t take much at all for the other man to immediately retreat with hands up when Tsu’tey rushes you back to your kelku and hastily makes love to you
He seeks praise and constant approval during these impulsive jealous fueled moments
He starts out by dominating you, pinning you down onto the mat “you do not know what this does to me Yawne…” he growls
At the end of the day he just wants you to praise and worship him reminding him who you belong to, which you happily oblige multiple times…
Tonowari is a man of strong resolve, with a very even temper so he doesn’t get bothered by much
He thinks it’s funny when you are in situations where the other clan members flirt mindlessly or harmlessly; he knows they’d never challenge him or his mate
Tonowari may say few words but he’s incredibly intuitive
He’s not as intense as one would think but he has no trouble engaging in physical dominance if he’s jealous
What better way to claim you than to fill you up with his hot seed coating your womb in the most delicious intimate act of love there is?
His way of giving into the jealously is almost an excuse for him to completely breed you senseless in a mating press all night long
Both of you mark each other so the bruises last for days on end showcasing your love and devotion for one another in a moment of weakness fueled by jealousy
He’s a man of few words, a jaded exhausted example of the emotional turbulence that is the survivor of war
So’lek is desperate to show how much he loves you, sometimes losing himself in the process
When he sees you engaging in simple harmless conversations with someone like Eetu, he goes into a deep state of fight or flight
Sometimes he feels as if your love is the only thing is the has true control over, so he steps in immediately
He starts with a low warning grunt towards Eetu, all rational thoughts thrown out the window
Eetu knowing you’re mated, steps back and smiles and bows his head as a sign of respect while So’lek can only manage his physical unwavering intimidation
So’lek feels a deep primal connection to his jealousy which leads him to make irrational split second decisions like kissing you with hunger in front of everyone at HQ
He practically undresses you with his eyes and rips you away, pulling you into the nearest closet taking you right there as if afraid of letting you go
With his soft timid demeanor he sometimes can’t believe you’ve chosen him as your mate out of everyone else
He’s deeply insecure and suffers from a traumatic past but with your constant reminders and vows of affection; he works through it
His jealousy starts out small; anxious looks, lashing of the tail, heart palpitations, pinned ears and grabbing your hand as if he needs to be physically tethered to you
Teylan is a shy little thing so the jealously consuming his mind feels like a message telling him he’s not good enough for you
He will pull you aside, on the verge of tears practically whimpering and crying out
“D-do you still love me?” He’ll avoid eye contact as he winces already bracing himself for an answer
What he doesn’t know is that every time he doubts himself you’re always there to pick up the pieces
When you remind him of your love, he almost acts dumbfounded, immediately cupping your face in a desperate attempt to feel everything
This response leads to a tender sweet love making session filled with sweet little mewls and praises from you, drowning out the insecurities he possesses
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ccieatchildren · 1 year
Specifically S5 E8.
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First, just him being locked away in the captain’s cabin, isolated and tortured by Finnegrin for the dark magic info.
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And him absolutely refusing to reveal anything right now, laughing at Finnegrin for what he sees as a hypocritical thought process, because it would go against his morals and he doesn’t want to give Finnegrin the ability to kill Domina Profundis.
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Finnegrin taunting him about his dark magic usage, typical villain spiel of asking if Callum has never thought about it or wanted/needed to use it. Learning that Callum has studied it extensively (and though Callum points out that he has also studied the other types, his curiosity always seems to get the better of him) and has once used it, to save his friends. Finnegrin taking this information in and twisting it on the boy. The defeated way Callum gets pushed out by Finnegrin, seeing all his friends chained up and having to make a “decision” for Finnegrin.
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Finnegrin forcing Callum to choose one of his friends' hand to cut off. Not being able to choose anyone, and the gang standing up for each other, offering their own hands. Preaching the love and friendship deal, only to peeve off Finnegrin even more, who tries to goad Callum into using dark magic once again. You can see the way he actually thinks about it, the guilt in his eyes but also the determination to save his friends. Only for Rayla to escape, making sure to take any option for dark magic out of Callum's hands. I believe if Rayla hadn't intervened, Callum would've eventually gone through with it, as the main thing holding him back was said guilt and own mental blockage. Finnegrin then freezing Rayla's blood, putting her in excruciating pain, and Callum, doing a full 180, goes batshite over Rayla being tortured, decking Finnegrin full force in the face. He is calm when faced with his own pain, but when someone he loves is hurt, especially due to his inability to do anything, he immediately loses his temper.
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However, this small win ends them back up at square one, with Callum tied up and at the captain's mercy. When Finnegrin tells him that he's gonna feed Rayla to the leviathan, and Callum can't do anything, he immediately gives up the info, thinking that would save her. Only for Finnegrin to turn around and go "nuh-uh," completely destroying him.
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He can't even save the person he loves. Callum may have primal magic (one or two of the arcanum depending on how you want to look at it), but he still can't do anything; he is completely useless in this moment. Realizing this, all hope drains out of him, and he does the only thing he can think of, spill the beans. He begins to break his principles by telling Finnegrin the dark magic spell (one of the darkest spells at that), in hopes of him releasing Rayla, only for it to backfire and be completely for nothing. Now, not only can he not save Rayla, but now Finnegrin can kill Domina Profundis. The guilt weighs even harder on him, he has essentially doomed everyone.
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Then, Callum gets out, stands up to Finnegrin, using his own arcanum against him, gaining said arcanum at the same time (also, I just really love how he figured it out, using Finnegrin's words against him, and the idea behind the ocean arcanum is just very fun, I just really liked this moment), and save his homies.
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So, everything turns out fine, right? Nope!
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Callum had to use dark magic to get out, preforming the same snake chain spell he had before on his restraints. When he was all out of options, Callum always reverts back to what he knows, even if it might break his morals. And while this action is totally justifiable, as he basically had to, Callum doesn't really seem to see it that way. Despite knowing that there are parts of himself he can't understand, he still is riddled with grief over it. The deep pain and guilt on his face as he hugs Rayla, not telling her or anyone else what he had to do to get out, shows us that he believes he had committed a grave sin. In his eyes, he is just as bad as Viren and Claudia, and he is still dealing with the PTSD of being possessed by Aaravos, of having the chance to turn completely to the dark side. This paranoia and anxiety makes him keep everything to himself. He doesn't think they would understand or forgive him, and he doesn't think they should, as he doesn't really either.
The ocean arcanum also gives us a look into Callum. He states himself about how it is accepting the hidden depths in oneself, even if you may not truly understand it. Callum's ability and willingness to do dark magic at times is part of those deeper depths. He doesn't truly understand it yet, and may never will, but, like any other human, there are many paths for him to follow. I do not think he is truly evil, or what he has done is irredeemable, but I believe that Callum, like all of us, is neither truly good or bad, but chooses where he takes himself (we also see this with Viren throughout the season). He could become someone filled with light and kindness, a "do-gooder" if you will, which is what I believe he wants to be, but he could also lead himself down a much darker path if he isn't careful, placing himself among the ranks of Aaravos, Viren, and Finnegrin, or he could be someone who carefully struts the line in the middle. The point is that it is up to him. Though he has become in tune with the ocean arcanum and those "hidden depths," him not accurately understanding his potential for darkness could usher him into a much more disastrous existence. Hopefully linking with the ocean arcanum will allow him to slowly accept these parts of himself and find a true balance between dark and primal magic, whatever that balance may be.
(Also the implications of him being the one in the intro rather than Viren...)
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All in all, this whole episode was just very whump (even in the B plot somewhat). Callum and Finnegrin were very much whumpee and whumper -coded and you can't convince me otherwise.
The emotions in this episode for the main gang were top-notch. Watching what each character did to try to help themselves and their friends, and seeing the physical and emotional consequences of their actions (whether positive or negative) was amazing. Not just with Callum, but also the others (Ezran instantly offering himself up again and again, practically begging; Rayla breaking herself out to try and save Callum, only to be quickly and severely subdued; and Soren continuously taking the hits to help Elmer find his own worth, saving the gang in the process), was very well done.
I hope we get more moments like this in future seasons.
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punkshort · 1 year
Chapter warnings: language, mild violence, angst, weakly implied SA (not explicit at all)
Chapter Six
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Pairing: Joel x F!Reader, pre-outbreak and post outbreak
AU (the only thing I kept was the outbreak, Joel, and Tommy's characters. Joel's backstory is different, and the way he finds Jackson is different. I may include Ellie one day, I just haven't planned that far)
Fic Summary: You worked for Joel and Tommy a few months before the outbreak. The outbreak happens, and you and Joel get stuck traveling the country and keeping each other safe. Neither of you spoke about the feelings you had for one another pre-outbreak, and in a post-apocalyptic world, it seems like survival should be your only focus. But feelings can't be ignored forever.
Fic tags: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI), Smut, Language, Canon-Typical Violence, Alcohol Use, Age Difference (Reader is 10 years younger than Joel), slow burn, mutual pining, angst, trauma, SA referencing later but I will put a big warning on those chapters
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Joel sat stunned at his desk after you left. He had never seen that side of you before, always so meek and mild mannered. He shouldn’t have called you a whore. He realized now that was a mistake, letting his unhealed wound caused by another effect the way he treated you.
He rubbed his hands over his face, rethinking the conversation you just had. He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, trying to soothe his temper so he could think straight. Ok, so you were flirting with some other guy. That wasn’t a crime. He held no claim to you, you had only just kissed the night before, and you were both drinking. Does that even count?
Even if he disregarded the kiss last night, you still had been giving him signs showing your interest, right? Did he misread everything?
Frustrated, he stood up and paced the room again, recounting every interaction he had with you, trying to figure out if the way you acted towards him was just because he was your boss, or if you felt something more.
That one night in the conference room, he swore he saw your knees press together under the table, and he thought you were looking at him like you wanted to take things further, but maybe he came on too strong. Maybe you didn’t know how to react.
He was over analyzing everything now. The way you stepped away from him when he got too close picking up that box for you. How you purposely left his office door open when you came up to see him. Shit, has he been making you feel uncomfortable this entire time?
No, you grabbed his collar and kissed him, he didn’t make that up.
But you were drunk.
Fuck, this was confusing. Joel ran his hands over his face again, pausing to stare out the window. He turned around to head towards the door, and that’s when he spotted it: the small blue package on the floor.
He didn’t even notice you dropped it on your way out, his anger giving him tunnel vision on your retreating form. He reached down to grab it now, easily tearing open the tissue paper. Inside was a keychain: the Texas state flag in the shape of the state it represented. His home.
He stared at it for a moment, imagining you picking it out this morning, having only just known it was his birthday for a few hours. You went out of your way to get him a gift. No one else even bothered to acknowledge his birthday yet today, and here you were, coming into his office to surprise him. And what did he do? He called you a whore.
He was a fucking idiot. He had to find you. He wasn’t sure what he would say, but he had to try to smooth things over.
Joel ran out of his office, jabbing the ‘down’ button on the elevator.
“Joel, I have security on the line, they need to speak with you.” Ruby called out to him from behind her desk, but he waved her off, giving up on the elevator and running towards the stairwell. Once he made it to the 6th floor, he jogged down the aisle that headed towards the accounting department. It took his anxious fingers two tries before his security code worked, pushing the door open, his gaze immediately traveling to your desk.
You weren’t there. He approached it slowly, noticing the picture of your parents was missing.
“Mr. Miller? Can I help you?” the girl he now recognized as Debbie rolled her chair out of her cubical, surprised.
“Yeah, when did she leave?” he gestured towards your desk.
“Maybe 5 minutes ago? She didn’t say anything, she just left. Is she ok?” But Joel ran out of the department, the door swinging back open before Debbie could even finish her question.
Joel raced towards the stairwell. He passed the women’s bathroom, hearing some yelling inside. Right before he opened the door to head downstairs, he heard something crashing to the ground. He didn’t bother to look back, he had to find you.
Gasping for breath, he pushed the door open that entered the lobby. He hurried past the receptionist desk, when a thin girl with curly blonde hair piped up from behind the desk.
“Mr. Miller! The police were just called, something happened upstairs, people are hurt! Security is-”
Joel didn’t hear the rest of the sentence. He forcefully pushed the front door open and stood in front of the building, breathless and frantically looking around trying to spot you. There you were, about half a block away, your hair blowing in the wind as you hunched over the box you were carrying.
Joel called your name, but you didn’t turn around. He called it again and again, and still no response. You probably couldn’t hear him over all these people yelling on the street. Why were they yelling?
Finally, on the fourth attempt to get your attention, you slowed your pace, but still did not turn to face him. He couldn’t blame you. He ran to catch up with you, reaching out to put his hand on your shoulder. Finally, you turned around to look at him, your gaze distant and face carved with fury.  He could see the tears in your eyes and the pain on your face that he caused. His chest tightened. He hated seeing that, and he hated even more that he caused it.
“Please, just stop and listen to me,” Joel panted, desperate to make you stop so he could catch his breath. Running down ten flights of stairs really made him feel his age.
He opened his mouth to make a poor attempt at an apology when six trucks rolled up to a screeching stop in front of his building. Dozens of armed soldiers with FEDRA adornments spilled from the trucks, charging into the office. The two of you stood together, stunned at what you were seeing. Then Joel heard the screaming, followed closely by gunfire. He grabbed both of your shoulders now, realizing this was serious and he needed to get you to safety. “Run!” he yelled at you, but you just stood there before him, a dazed look on your face. He gave your shoulders a quick shake and repeated himself: “Run!!”
That seemed to do the trick. Your gaze cleared, dropping the box you were carrying as he grabbed your hand, hauling you as far as he could in the opposite direction.
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Joel nearly pulled your arm out of its socket dragging you down the street, careening around groups of people on the sidewalk, and ducking when bullets sounded too close. You clutched your purse against your body with the opposite arm, and briefly looked across the street to see crowds of people running in the same direction as you. You occasionally bounced off of bodies as Joel dragged you further away from your building. Finally, you reached the end of the street, about to cross, only to see more FEDRA trucks and soldiers bearing down on the crowds of people surrounding you from around the corner. You both paused long enough to see soldiers tackling and pinning down innocent civilians, their screams of terror filling your ears.
Joel yanked you in the opposite direction and around the corner, fleeing down a secluded alleyway, desperately trying to find someplace safe to hide. You heard yells and snarls somewhere in your wake, but you didn't dare turn and look, you had to keep pushing forward.
You both stumbled into a small courtyard, scattered with random pieces of patio furniture and surrounded by buildings. The two of you paused a moment to catch your breath and get your bearings. Joel whipped his head around and looked up at the sudden deafening noise of a helicopter overhead. Before it could spot the pair of you, he hauled you down another small alleyway that was empty, and even had a bit of aerial coverage due to a fire escape.
You both gasped for breath, frantically looking around to make sure no soldiers were nearby. As the roar of the helicopter faded and your breathing evened out, you finally looked at one another.
"Why is this happening? Is it a terrorist attack?" You asked him, your hands were shaking and you didn't realize you had been crying.
"Those were FEDRA soldiers attackin' people, I don't think it's terrorists," Joel said, letting go of your hand for the first time so he could rub his face. He glanced around again. You were between to a two story building and what looked like a hair salon. He took note of the fire escape above your heads.
"Alright, there must be offices or apartments or somethin' up there, let me see if there's anyone on the street first, then let's see if we can get in and wait this out."
He moved to poke his head out, but you grabbed him by the shoulders, yanking him back in a panic. He looked at you, taking in the fear on your tear streaked face and your trembling hands.
He picked up both your hands and grasped them in his own, holding them against his chest. "Look at me. Breathe, c'mon," he mimicked deeply inhaling through his nose and exhaling out his mouth until you did the same. He waited until your hands steadied a bit before saying, "Now I need to see what's goin' on out there, we need to get off the street. I promise, it will be OK."
You nodded, letting your arms fall to your sides and out of his hold. As Joel slowly peeked his head out, you kept your eyes glued to the other end of the alley to watch for anyone sneaking up on you.
"Alright, looks quiet. The door's just a few steps over, I think it's a bodega. There must be apartments up top we can get to, c'mon." He took your hand again, carefully exiting the alley and only bringing you out behind him once he confirmed no one was around. He pushed on the door, but it wouldn't budge. He gave it another shove, this time more forcefully. You could hear the bells on the other side of the door jingling. Worried you were too exposed and making too much noise, you pulled on Joel's arm, begging him to give up and think of another plan, when you both froze. You heard the lock clicking on the other side, and the door pushed open a crack.
An elderly man peered out through thick framed glasses, eyeing you both up carefully. "Either of you sick?" He asked, still keeping the door mostly closed.
"No, we ain't sick, we're just lookin' to get off the streets, soldiers are killin' folks out here," Joel replied, "please, we won't stay longer than we have to, you got my word."
The older man considered Joel's words for a moment, and then pulled the door open all the way, hurriedly ushering you both inside. He locked the door behind you, and pulled the diamond shaped metal security door in place after. You noticed he already had the windows secured with the same measures.
Joel was right: it was a little bodega. Your eyes swept around the shop, aisles filled mostly with snacks and other sundries. Along the back wall was a refrigerated and frozen section, towards the front where you entered was the cash register, and behind it a wall packed with cigarettes, some first aid, electronics, razors, and other items that were frequently pilfered. 
You were not alone in the store. There were four others sitting on the floor against the wall. Two men roughly middle aged, one girl a little older than you, and an elderly lady, who you assumed was the owner's wife. The others must have been customers in the shop before the shooting started.
You introduced yourselves to them, sliding down against the wall to the floor next to Joel to rest.
The elderly shop owner rifled behind the counter and procured a bulky radio. He placed it on the counter, tuning it to find a station that could give you some clue as to what was going on.
One of the men, Dan, addressed the room: "Anyone know what's going on out there?"
Paul, the other man, spoke up. "I don't know, man, but I've heard some freaky fuckin' shit. Someone I ran into out there said people are biting other people, makin' them go all crazy, tryin' to eat each other."
Joel scoffed, "C'mon, that's bullshit. Ain't no way that's happenin'."
"Man, it's fuckin' insane out there. The news was talkin' about the hospitals bein' overrun with some virus, then this happens? I'm just sayin', it ain't as crazy as it sounds." Paul replied, shaking his head.
"I saw it." The girl, Lindsey, spoke up quietly, staring distantly at the ground. "I saw someone bite another person. But they didn't look like a person anymore... their skin was gross, and they were missing hair. They looked almost like an animal or something, the way they jerked their body around."
The room fell silent for a few moments, everyone taking in what Lindsey said. Colleen, you thought to yourself, as you tucked your knees up against your chest, resting your chin on top, and clutching your purse to your side. She was bit, and she looked sick. Was FEDRA at your building because she was biting people? You shuddered at how close you came to being a victim. Joel saw and whispered, "You ok?"
You nodded sharply, not wanting to look him in the eye. You still remembered those words he said to you, those words so filled with hate and disgust all because you wouldn't put out. And now you were depending on this man who couldn't stand you to get you to safety. The only man you knew in this city that for sure was still alive.
A robotic voice from the radio filled the quiet room. It was announcing an emergency, clarifying it was not a test. It advised listeners to stay inside with doors locked, that the federal military has been deployed and to not open your door for anyone except them.
The message repeated over and over. You sighed, the events of the day catching up with you. The kindly bodega owner told you all to help yourselves to the food available, so you grabbed a few bottles of water, some granola bars, a bag of chips and a candy bar. You were starving, realizing you hadn't eaten lunch and it was getting late.
You returned to your spot against the wall, and halfway through your second granola bar, Joel rejoined you. He had grabbed some water as well, but picked up some beef jerky, trail mix, and a couple other things. The others had begun to mill around and stretch their legs, chatting amongst each other to keep their minds off the horrors outside.
"You sure you alright?" Joel asked softly while biting into another piece of jerky.
"Fine." You said curtly, keeping your gaze down. You knew this wasn't the time to unearth your problems, not with the world conceivably ending around you. "Thank you. For, you know, finding somewhere safe and all that."
He paused, looking at you for a moment like he wanted to say something, but didn't know how. "You're welcome, sw-, uh," Joel stuttered, almost using his pet name for you, but remembering the way he said it last time, decided it wasn't a good idea. "I'm just glad we made it. We'll figure this out and get you back to your family."
Your family. You hadn't even let your thoughts drift to your family, they must be worried sick. Your mom especially, who always tried to talk you out of moving here. You had to try to call them at the very least.
"Do you have your cell phone?" You asked Joel, looking him in the eye for the first time since you entered the bodega.
"Yeah, 'course, here." He reached into his pocket and handed the phone to you. You flipped it open and dialed your house phone, but all you heard on the other end was 'We're sorry, your call cannot be completed. Please hang up and try again.'
So you did just that, several times. You groaned in frustration, flipping the phone shut and handed it back to Joel. "Thanks anyway," you said.
"Phone lines must be down, dear," the owner's wife spoke up after seeing you struggle. "Our landline isn't working, either."
You looked in her direction and nodded sadly. The only hope you had now was to make it to a safe zone the government hopefully sets up, and you could try to contact them that way.
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It turned out, Lenny and Maria, the bodega owners, lived in the apartment above the shop. They went upstairs and brought down as many extra pillows, blankets and cushions as they could find. They explained their apartment was small, only one bedroom, but they did have a couch. The group unanimously agreed Lindsey should take the couch. The poor girl was there alone, and it wasn't courteous for Dan or Paul to claim it, so it was a no brainer. They left the key to the bathroom on the counter by the register and headed off to bed.
You had created as comfortable a bed as you could, laying down a thick blanket against the wall on the tile underneath, and covering yourself with another. Luckily, the bodega had a few shirts for sale, as well as toothbrushes and toothpaste. You snagged a shirt that had the NY Mets logo on it and changed out of your work top in the bathroom, folding up your blouse and placing it gently near your pillow.
Joel had chosen to make his own bed next to yours. He gave you a little space, but not much. He didn't know these two men you shared the room with: they seemed like they were trustworthy, but things can deteriorate quickly when people realize no one is around to enforce the rules anymore.
You turned on your side to face the wall, tucking the blanket under your chin. Joel looked over at you, the dim glow from the refrigerators casting over your form, as he watched the steady rise and fall of your breath. You were so scared earlier, the way you grabbed him in the alley with that wild look in your eye, probably in shock after what he put you through, and then the chaos that ensued. He rubbed the heels of his hands into his tired eyes.
He needed to apologize. When the time is right, he needed to explain himself. Right now would not be that time. He could tell you had been through too much today and needed your rest. It was then that Joel vowed to himself to get you to safety. If he ruined his chance with you, the least he could do was make sure you were safe.
He laid on his side and faced your direction, watching your breathing slow when you fell asleep. In a different world, right now he would be out with Tommy celebrating his birthday, and hopefully riding the high of you accepting his date. Instead, he yelled at you and the world went to shit. Christ, was Tommy ok? Did he know what was happening here? Was it happening anywhere else?
His eyelids grew heavy. He shifted so the keychain in his pocket didn't dig into his thigh. He took one last look at you before shutting his eyes and falling asleep.
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The group of you spent the next three days holed up together in the bodega, sharing handfuls of dry cereal and snacking on the food from the shelves. At dinnertime, Maria was generous enough to make everyone a meal in the little kitchen upstairs. You all huddled around their modest dining table, occasionally flipping through the channels on the television, hoping something would appear other than static or the station’s sign-off announcement.  Sometimes at night, you could hear gunshots and yelling, but it was far enough away that it didn’t worry you too much. It wasn’t until Tuesday that you heard patrolling soldiers from their trucks, encouraging citizens to come out of their dwellings to be taken to the safety of a quarantine zone.
Joel hesitated at first, remembering how he saw FEDRA soldiers tackling innocent people in the streets, but he didn’t see any other option. He couldn’t reunite you with your family if you stayed holed up in a bodega, and even if he could make it to his car and drive you himself, the entire city was on lockdown.
The group of you filed out of the bodega slowly when you heard a FEDRA truck approaching down the street. A few soldiers jogged up, inspecting you all carefully, asking questions like “Does anyone have a fever?” and “Was anybody bit or attacked?” Once it was clear you were all healthy, you climbed into the back of the truck, clutching your purse, your folded work blouse shoved inside.
The makeshift quarantine zone was set up at a high school on the edge of the city. The soldiers explained it was less populated in that area, and therefore less infected people. You connected the dots: the questions about bites, the infection, the fever. It seemed like the crazy rumor Paul and Lindsey talked about was true, people really were going insane and hurting others.
Everybody stood in a line and waited to be processed at the entrance of the school. The soldiers took turns taking each of you into a small room to inspect you closer for any bites and checked your temperatures before allowing you to continue. At the next station, you were each handed a thin blanket, a pillow, and a small bag of essential toiletries, then led through the doors into the school’s gymnasium.
The room was enormous; filled with people, bags and cots. Beside you, Lindsey cried out in joy, bolting across the room when she saw a man she recognized, presumedly a husband or boyfriend. Dan and Paul wished the rest of you well, thanked the older couple again for their hospitality, and drifted away into the crowd.
You gave Maria and Lenny each a hug, thanking them over and over for keeping you safe, and promised to return to their shop once everything went back to normal. Then it was just you and Joel again.
He led you around the various clusters of people until you found an unclaimed cot. You tossed your provisions and your purse on one end and looked back up at Joel.
“Well, I guess this is it,” he said, glancing around the room trying to think of something else to say. Neither of you had talked about the argument you had, and the more time that passed, the more difficult it became. You stared down at your hands while fidgeting with the hem of your shirt, all the words left unsaid just kept getting pushed further and further down.
“Uh, once you get settled in, go find one of them soldiers at the entrance and see if they can’t contact your folks for you,” Joel said, shifting his weight. “I’m sure they can find someone out there.”  
You nodded, keeping your head down and biting your lower lip anxiously. The only person you knew who was alive in this city was leaving you. You tried to keep him from seeing how nervous you were, so you turned to spread your blanket out on your cot, and began to sift through the bag of toiletries to occupy yourself.
Joel watched as you slowly unpacked your things, the words he so desperately needed to say stuck in his throat. Just say it, say you’re sorry, you will never get another chance again.
He opened his mouth, but the words wouldn’t come out. He wasn’t sure why he couldn’t say it. Maybe because he thought it wouldn’t matter, maybe the seriousness of the situation everyone was in took precedence, or maybe because you had hardly spoken a word to him since the outbreak. Instead, he turned and walked towards the opposite side of the gym, setting his stuff down on an empty cot next to another man. He was wearing a Yankees hat on top of his bald head, sporting a full, dark beard and hiding a beer gut under his worn out white T-shirt.
"Hey, man," he stretched his arm out to Joel, "Louis."
Joel shook his hand, "Joel." He muttered, glancing back towards your direction.
"If you wanted a spot closer to your girl, I can switch." Louis offered, following Joel's gaze.
Joel shook his head. "She ain't my girl," he said sadly.
"Ah, yeah, man, I get it." Louis replied, scooting closer on his cot so he could lean closer to Joel. "Let me give you some advice though: if you care about her at all, you won't leave her alone here, you get me?" His voice was lower now, capturing Joel's attention away from you.
"What do you mean?" Joel asked, eyebrows raised. Louis looked back in your direction as you stood up to follow Joel's advice about speaking to one of the soldiers.
"I mean, I've heard some shit, at night. We all have. There's a couple girls who are here without anyone, and some men around here have noticed." Louis put emphasis on the last word to imply something dark.
Joel frowned, leaning back and glancing around the room. He did notice there were hardly any women that were alone, most of them were with family or friends. Then he saw a small group of three men diagonal across the room, their eyes following you as you exited to speak to the soldiers about your parents.
He looked back at Louis, shocked. Louis nodded subtly towards another group behind the two of you, who also had been looking in your direction. Jesus, things really went to shit quickly.
"What the fuck?" Joel whispered towards Louis angrily, his jaw clenching. "Why haven't you told the soldiers?"
"We do, man. Every time. I don't think they care, they are more worried about infected than stuff like that. I'm starting to wonder if some of the soldiers are in on it, too." Louis shook his head, adding "When my wife gets here, we are leaving fucking immediately, I suggest you take her somewhere else."
Joel rubbed his hands over his face. "Where else is there?"
"I don't know, man, people are saying this virus is all over, not just the city. But I'm not letting my wife stay here. I'd rather take my chances out there." Louis hitched his thumb over his shoulder, gesturing towards outside.
Joel sighed. "Alright, thanks. D'you mind swappin' with her? I'll get us outta here tomorrow."
Louis packed up what little items he had, and headed over with Joel towards your cot. You had just sat back down, looking defeated and lost. The solider said they would try to help you out if they could, but they weren't making promises, that everyone in this place was looking to contact someone.
"Hey, c'mon, get your stuff, you're comin' over by me," Joel said gruffly, still angry about what was happening here. You looked up at them both, confused. "Why?"
"I'll explain later, just hurry up before someone else takes the spot." Joel avoided looking you in the eye and instead glanced back over his shoulder, noticing the group of men from earlier were watching.
You wanted to argue with him, but thought better of it. He's been sleeping next to you for the past three nights, what difference did it make now.
Nodding at Louis, who shot you a tight smile and set his stuff down on your now vacated cot, you got up to follow Joel across the room.
The next morning, you woke up early, before the sun, to see Joel with his back to you, sitting on his cot, alert and wide awake. You laid there for a while, running your eyes up and down his back and across his broad shoulders, taking in his striking side profile when his head turned. Even though you were so badly hurt by his words, you were still undeniably attracted to him, which was incredibly frustrating. You let your eyelids flutter back closed, and replayed the kiss you shared over and over in your mind. It felt like a lifetime ago, but it gave you some comfort, ignoring everything that happened after that kiss.
When the sun filtered in through the gymnasium windows, you begrudgingly pulled yourself up, stretching and yawning, finding Joel was packing up his things. "What're you doing?" You asked sleepily.
"We're leavin', get your stuff." He replied, not looking up.
Joel hadn't told you why he wanted you to switch spots closer to him, and you didn't ask again. You weren't sure you wanted to know. You just packed up your things quickly, and stood to follow him out of the room. You passed by Louis on the way out. Joel reached out to shake his hand once more, and Louis nodded to you, saying, "Stay safe out there, sweetheart."
You gave him a small smile, trying not to show the sadness that filled you to hear the term of endearment Joel used to use, and exited the school the same way you arrived.
Chapter Seven
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 months
HotD S02E02
My thoughts are still all over the place. I wasn't able to watch the episode yesterday and seeing some very vague spoilers had me shaking with curiosity and the need to watch it. It was my first order of business for today and I did like this more than last episode! Of course, the writers will never not be on their Blacks agenda but that could never stop me from loving the Greens even more. And believe it or not, I wasn't super annoyed by the Blacks this episode. Except for Daemon, of course. More about it all under the cut:
The chaos in the beginning and that bloodied sheet did more than showing any actual gore would have imo. And later in the episode when they're taking apart the crib and you see a man carrying a white mattress and you know it will be bloody on the other side only for him to turn it around and the sight still gut-punching you despite that. Especially because the mattress is so small; it's clearly for a child. Ohhhhhhhhhhh.
Aegon smashing the Valyria Lego set was 10/10. Good for him! Unfortunately, I made the mistake of looking at people's opinions and the idea that that's a symbol of him destroying Viserys' legacy and being rash and unfit to be king to differ from his father is just… Lesson learned! Do NOT fucking engage with any HotD content that's out in the wild and hasn't come from my carefully curated tumblr circle.
That said, yes, this is Aegon destroying Viserys' work and thank god! Aegon is rightfully mad about what has been done to his child to differ from Viserys, who just stood by and did fuck all when his son was mutilated. I may not agree with the way Aegon proceeded to handle things but at least he fucking did something! Take notes, Viserys!
That Otto and Alicent scene! The way he (belatedly) tries to offer some kind of comfort and she pushed him away because she's drowning in guilt! She thinks this is all because of her and she doesn't want any comfort, especially since there won't be any for Helaena (and Aegon). I am SOBBING!
That Small Council meeting! I could never put all my emotions and thoughts about it in words but it was just… VERY GOOD! I love how Aegon brings up the fact that Rhaenyra's sons are bastards right before throwing a cup. Because what was he doing when the murder of his son was happening? He was drinking and mocking his nephews while trying to come up with titles for himself. He feels guilty but he cannot express that in any capacity just like he's not afforded enough space for his grief and anger. There's always the next thing that has to be done, the next performance to be acted out. Every move has to be calculated in order to benefit him and his family rather than harm them and he's just… not good at that. In general. But also, in this specific moment it's completely understandable that he's not good at that. He shouldn't have to be! Alicent herself lost her temper when her child was mutilated and she got burned too. Oh, this must be awful for her to watch and still have to guide Aegon away from his outbursts.
(If anyone wants to come after Criston for having sex with Alicent, you can fuck right off! The man cannot be expected to be guarding the family 24/7 and it was made clear that it wasn't his watch at that time. Even if it was, he guards Alicent's chambers so he still wouldn't have been able to do anything. The writers just decided to remove all the guards from the premises and would now love to throw the blame onto Criston. Same with that "why wasn't Helaena given a sworn protector?" line. Because then they would have actually needed to write something clever instead of employing the most brain dead conveniences, silly! Why else?)
Larys interrupting like "Hello! I have been efficient! :)"
Love when Aegon went "Hey, you know what? Maybe I should kill everyone!" I knew he'd do that!. He's such a volatile little shit and YET… cannot even compare with his grandfather.
Otto in this episode is hateable and yet so, so correct and necessary. I loved all of that. He is such an opportunist and that's why he's been in the game for so long! And his advice makes total sense on a strategic level. All they have to do is disregard all their emotions like he's guided and coerced them to do all their lives… Sir… SIR… *crying* this is all your fault (I mean the fact that they're all emotionally stunted, not the war (though to be fair, he's largely responsible for that too)). Sir, the monster that you are.
I especially adore the contrast between Aegon and Otto. In the face of such unmoved calculation, Aegon's pain is front and center of the scene. He doesn't want his son to be used as a prop to win the war. And he turns to Alicent for advice because he knows that she has empathy and understands his emotions, his agony, that she's not pure strategy like her father only for her to tell him that they have to be strategic at the moment and then end up forced into the performance herself. The way that she keeps enabling Otto's exploitation of their lowest moments because that's all they've ever done, because they're trapped in this song and dance now.
It becomes even more cutting in the scenes with Helaena, who just wants her pain to be private, doesn't want to be gawked at by people she doesn't know. Them sharing her pain doesn't bring any consolation because they're not sharing anything. To them she's a symbol and even if they understand the pain of losing a child, they cannot understand her pain of losing her child. Only Aegon can and not in the exact same capacity as her so in the end, they just stare at each other without words and then keep on walking past one another. But the way that she had a panic attack at so much freely given "sympathy" for her pain only to search for some from him and he can't really offer it because they don't speak the same language and he cannot let his guard down in that way and be vulnerable when he's already been weakened as king and no one takes him seriously, and he's grappling for any shred of power, hungering for any violence he can do to someone just to feel a little bit less helpless, and he knows that that's not what she needs and he can give her nothing, which just makes him feel even weaker… Nnnnnnnngh, I am howling in pain!!!!!
The way Blood was acting all tough and menacing last episode only to instantly spill everything just at the sight of Larys was peak performance! Shows how pathetic he is and how scary Larys is. He has worked for that reputation and people really should be afraid of him. But then Aegon steps onto the scene and just bashes that guy's head in. Any wonder Criston and Aegon have teamed up to head the Club of Bad Decisions?
I have to admit that I thoroughly enjoyed the fight between Daemon and Rhaenyra. I like that she said she's never fully trusted him and that she was visibly afraid of him and expected him to try to choke her again. Only other thing that should have happened was her feeding Daemon to her dragon tbh (yes, we're back to the Daemon hate).
Initially, I found the scene between Rhaenyra and Baela touching but then I remembered that Rhaenyra didn't allow Jace to scout King's Landing, probably being afraid he'd be killed like Luke, but it's okay to send Baela, I guess. Who cares if she dies? I did want to take this as her trusting Baela but I just cannot gloss over the fact that she was so swift to forbid Jace from doing the exact thing that she's sending Baela to do.
Not Criston projecting like crazy onto Ser Arryk. I have to admit that that was amusing. Also, as someone said, that plan to assassinate Rhaenyra is "not the worst" that has ever been hatched around these parts.
I liked the scene with Jace and Baela for the fact that she knows about him being a bastard and they talk so openly about it. Both of them have gotten nothing so far and they are also trapped in performances (just like team Green) that this was interesting but also… I can't latch onto any character conflicts or development when we've barely seen anything from those characters.
Aemond, my man, you desperately need to be teleported to a therapist. Those mommy issues are running rampant! The fact that he was so angry at Alicent last episode only to then show that he completely understands why she was mad at him in this one and say all those things that he should have said to her to someone, who's clearly meant to represent Alicent. This would all be 10 000x more efficient if he just said all that to his mother but he just cannot because he cannot be vulnerable in front of her when she's disappointed with him since he's so used to being Mommy's Special Boy. Him and Aegon are such foils in that regard.
Am I the only one who got the impression that Rhaenys is ready to get into some Otto Hightower-type shit and "guide" Rhaenyra to where she wants her?
I'm getting tired of typing so let's wrap this up. Aegon's course of actions is not the smartest but I cannot blame him for it… too much. But seriously, showing the dog mourning Cheese was fucking awful. That dog should be trying to scale the wall and rip his corpse apart after he kicked it last episode. Get the fuck out of here with this!
I was very much cackling during that enire scene with Aegon and Otto. Otto may dislike it all he wants but the two of them are much more similar than he'd like to admit. The second they are hurt, they bring out all their cruelty to strike back. But also, Otto's "the apocalypse is upon us" faces were absolutely priceless! I do want him to stay simply for the fact that he always stirs so much shit but at this point the events don't need his help and Criston and Aegon are absolutely going to Fuck Shit Up TM so things are good anyway.
The Erryk and Arryk fight was crazy! There's zero way to tell who's who but the fact that another guard showed up and instead of leading Rhaenyra away to a safe place (and finding reinforcements) after she was almost sis kebabed twice… makes me think that all the guards are just stupid. There's just a force in Westeros that affects all guards and makes them absolute morons.
I did know spoilers about the book, though, so I was wondering how this will go down. Since obviously both of them had to die but that scene was having a clear winner. I did not expect him to take himself out but yeah, that makes sense. Really makes both the twins and their fate so tragic (would have been nice if we'd been led to care more about them while they were still alive, though).
Otto and Alicent having a touching moment and finally truly seeming on the same page and having a genuine understanding between them only for him to cut her off like that again… Ouch!
SURPRISE DAERON MENTION, AAAAAAAAAAAAH! Finally, a sneak attack from the writers that isn't meant to upset me!
Alicent wanting to comfort Aegon and then just… choosing not to as if she's passing down Otto's disapproval and tendency to punish her (whether she's done anything or not) through emotional distance. They are all so damaged! MY BABIES!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
The scene with Criston… The kiss was hot but I wish they would actually give them a whole scene where they talk. I cannot believe we got Corlys x Rhaenys pillow talk but we are yet to get anything on Alicent and Criston, who are a newly established relationship. I want to know more about Criston's perspective on this! If he feels so much guilt (which he obviously does), why did he even start this? Let him be a dimensional character with his own agency, dammit! I don't like how they are making him look like Alicent's lost little puppy dog the way he just doesn't really display any kind of agency in their interactions. And the way that they've ended both episodes with them having sex even though Alicent said they wouldn't anymore/was angry at him makes it look like the narrative is passing judgment. Like "Oh, god, these two are fucking again when everyone else is having a really bad time. Can you believe the nerve? *eye roll*"
That's it for this week. I cannot wait to see how much messier the Greens will get next time. Somehow they keep winning with their characterization despite the writers' best efforts!
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aemondapologistfrfr · 2 months
Dethrone - Chapter 10
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Summary: Their betrothal is announced at court and they discuss their thoughts and plans on how to go about the ascension. First stop on the tour is Storms End and Aemond can barely control his temper with a useless Lord Borros. Aemond tries to keep his composure around his needy betrothed.
Warnings: 18+, bathing together, oral(f receiving), fingering, nudity, thigh riding, half of a handjob, swearing, mention of murder, political plotting?
Authors Note: I’m going to lock in on this fic and start editing it quicker (i say this to myself everyday 😵‍💫), he looked so good in ep 4 it’s crazy
Word Count: 4.5k ?
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“Princess, I have your dress!” Kaenna calls from the other side of the door, knocking waking me and Aemond.
“One moment!” I reply falling out of the bed as the sheets tangle my legs.
“Princess?” Kaenna asks worriedly.
“Kaenna please give me a moment! I’m putting a robe on!” I call out rising from the ground to see a smirking Aemond.
“Into the tunnels now!” I whisper pointing at the entrance.
Aemond chuckles and grabs his pants putting them on with haste. I have my robe on and approach the door. I wave at Aemond telling him to hurry up before Kaenna gets too curious. Aemond is shutting the door to the tunnels as I open the main one.
“I’m sorry, I’ve slept in.” I say yawning pulling the door shut behind her.
Kaenna brushes past me and makes her way into my chambers. She’s holding a gown bag and hangs it up near my wardrobe. She takes in the messy state of my room and looks at me knowingly.
“How long has he been staying in here with you?” Kaenna asks crossing her arms.
“What are you talking about?” I ask brushing her off walking over to the gown bag.
“Aemond. That’s his jacket. Is it not?” Kaenna points to a jacket that is indeed Aemonds.
“He left it here last night.” I reply flatly not trying to give anything away.
“Hm.” she eyes me suspiciously. “I found a seamstress who was able to make your vision come to life.” she opens up the gown bag showing me the work of art.
“It’s absolutely breathtaking and exactly what I wanted.” I say in awe of the beautiful gown in front of me.
The gown itself is a dark blue it’s almost black. It has two twin black dragons coming down over the shoulder. They both create a plunging neckline and meet in the center. The sleeves come to a point and has a loop that wraps around my middle fingers. The dress clings to my body, yet flows elegantly around me.
Kaenna helps me put the gown on and it fits perfectly. She brings out a box and hands it to me. I open it and inside is a beautiful sapphire necklace that she helps place around my neck. She braids a small crown on my head but leaves the rest of my hair cascading down my back.
“You look absolutely beautiful.” Kaenna smiles at me affectionately.
“Thank you.” I smile hugging her tightly.
“Do you want me to pick up your chambers while you’re at court? Or will I find other items that belong to Aemond?” she asks raising an eyebrow.
“If you could, I would appreciate it.” I say with tinted cheeks. “You most likely will find more of Aemonds belongings here.” I say truthfully as I head towards the door.
I open the doors and Aemond is standing outside of them waiting for me. He’s at a loss for words as he takes in my gown. He stalks around me like a predator circling his prey and hums in appreciation.
“You look absolutely divine, my Queen.” he dips his head down to whisper in my ear offering small kisses. “May I escort you to court?” he pulls back and offers me his hand which I accept.
We walk down to the throne room in no rush, relishing in each other’s company. People are still making their way into the hall as we turn the corner. I’ve never considered who I’m to stand with at court. I’m suddenly overcome with nerves and anxiety over what to expect and what could be expected of me today at court.
“What’s wrong, my love?” Aemond asks softly before we enter the hall.
“Who do I stand with? Do I have to go by them? Is it intrusive if I stand with you? Do we stand alone together? I should’ve been asking you more questions about court and-“ he cuts me off from spiraling even further.
“Stand with me and it matters not who we stand by.” he turns me so I’m facing him. “We are just having our betrothal announced to the council and the public who attend. We have nothing to say or do. I would never allow you to make a fool of yourself.” Aemond reassures me putting his hands on my shoulders and smiling softly to me.
“Thank you.” I look up at him appreciatively.
We walk in together and stand next to Alicent with our heads held high. I can feel Jace and Luke staring at me as I stand with the family members that they despise. The murmuring in the hall comes to a close as Viserys is announced and walks up the throne. He sits down and declares the floor open.
I quickly find out how dull court is. Hearing everyone drone on is making me tired. I fidget with my fingers trying to find a way to stay awake and alert. Finally I hear Viserys begin to make our announcement.
“Our lost princess has found love with my son, Aemond. They are to be wed after their tour to celebrate with the realm.” Viserys announces joyously causing a rush of cheers and scattered whispers to go through the hall.
I feel eyes on me from all over the room and I step closer to Aemond. This tour is news to me, although I’m quite excited to explore with Aemond. Celebrating with the realm will allow us a great opportunity to make the connections needed for ascension. Viserys stands and dismisses us as he leaves the hall.
“Did you plan that?” I ask looking up at Aemond.
“You said you wanted to fly and see the great house atop Vaelys. If you don’t want to we can cancel.” he says worried, searching my eyes thinking he made a mistake.
“No no! I would love to see the great houses at your side.” I beam up at him, unable to contain my excitement.
“Congrats brother.” Aegon booms slapping Aemond on the shoulder. “You’ll finally have somewhere to stick it besides your fist.” His words cause me to frown knowing how much they’ll affect Aemond.
I tug Aemond away from Aegon to avoid the fight that was bound to happen. Ser Criston comes up to us as we’re leaving and says Alicent would like to speak to us in her chambers. He leads us up there in silence and offers his congratulations as he opens the door for us.
“Congratulations!” Alicent coos pulling me into a hug first and then Aemond. “You two make such a beautiful couple.” she says sincerely taking us in as her smile broadens.
“Thank you mother.” Aemond replies hushed trying to hide his blush.
“Look at you!” Alicent quips. “I’ve never seen you so shy and bashful before my son!” she laughs as she goes to lounge on a chair.
“Mother,” Aemond groans rubbing his face.
“Hush now,” Alicent motions us to join her sitting. “You both will leave out on the tour in two days time. You’ll be visiting most of the great houses in hopes to make connections. I will not have you visit Runestone if you don’t wish it. You may if you want, but it is completely up to you. Overall, I’m anticipating this tour lasting around three turns of the moon.” Alicent begins filling in some of the details we were unsure of.
“Three turns of the moon?” Aemond asks as I raise my eyebrows at how great that length of time is for us to be traveling alone.
“Indeed my love.” Alicent says nodding. “It will end on Dragonstone with a traditional Valyrian wedding ceremony to unite you two in the old ways. This is a major opportunity for you both to create strong alliances and make dear friends. Invite nobles of high standing to the ceremony so many can bear witness.” my brain begins to calculate if she knows our plans due to her choice of words.
“I’m blown away by your generosity and planning Alicent.” I smile warmly at her trying to assess her body language.
“Thank you, Princess. If you both do well this may help set other plans in motion quicker than expected.” Alicent says giving us a pointed look.
I can’t help my eyebrows scrunching together at her words. I’m quick to change my expression and offer her a smile once more. What plans could she be possibly talking about? I look over to Aemond curiously as he smiles and pulls me closer to him. Alicent fills us in a few more details and dismisses us shortly after. Aemond escorts me out of her chambers and down the hall.
“This dress is absolutely breathtaking.” Aemond leans down to whisper in my ear.
“What plans was she speaking of?” I inquire raising my eyebrow, still not able to shake that conversation out of my head.
“What do you think, Your Grace?” Aemond asks playfully.
“You have told her of our plans to ascend the throne?” I hurriedly whisper. Has he not thought to discuss telling Alicent with me? I calm my voice and my temper and look to him expectantly.
“Of course. We would make much better rulers, no?” Aemond cocks his head to the side.
“Come,” I say pulling his hand. “This is no place for this discussion.” I say leading us to my chambers.
When we enter my chambers I’m relieved Kaenna has managed to clean up our mess. I see a pile of Aemonds clothes neatly folded on a chair with a note on top.
“Lie to me again princess and I’ll ground you like I used to. These are far too many clothes to simply be “left” here. - Kaenna, who raised you.”
I toss the note back onto the pile of clothes and let out a long exhale. So now Kaenna is going to lecture me the next time she sees me. I wonder how she’ll take the news of me and Aemond traveling the realm alone. I turn to Aemond and wait for him to start explaining himself.
“What are these plans that you’ve discussed with your mother then?” I ask crossing my arms, voice slightly clipped.
“I’m assuming they’re similar to the ones you were planning out the other morning on your own.” he hums sprawling back on my chase lazily.
“Enlighten me.” I say claiming the chair across him throwing my legs up on the table.
“Time out the right deaths and disappearances and we’ll have a clear path to our coronation.” Aemond says leaning back and studying me.
“Beginning with Aegons disappearance?” I cock my head watching his emotions.
“Indeed.” a smile begins to form on his face.
“Then Helaena and their children’s disappearance.” I add starting to go down my mental list that I’ve been forming.
“Mm, I hadn’t thought of that.” Aemond raises his eyebrow smiling at me.
“Which is why this conversation should have happened between us first. This is our future. I like having your mother as an ally and supporter but we should have spoken to her together.” I know my anger is seeping through my words and I don’t intend them to be so stern.
“I did not mean to undermine you. From this moment further it will just be us discussing these plans.” he says looking to me.
“Thank you.” I smile softly.
We continue planning and moving events along a timeline. Speaking this aloud and making plans to actually seize the throne captures my breath for a moment. I have never been able to actively make plans to make my dream finally come true. I smile finally feeling some sense of purpose having all of the pieces fall into place.
“We will have a clear path to coronation with these plans. This tour will be a great tool for us to ensure it’s smooth.” he hums offering me insight to his ideas as well.
“I would still like to be able to enjoy this tour.” I won’t miss this opportunity to see new things that I’ve only been able to read about.
“Of course, my love. We shall see it all and do whatever pleases you. They are celebrating us. We get to decide when we want to have advantageous conversations.” he assures nodding his head.
“There hasn’t been a royal tour in a while, we must make a good impression.” I think out loud.
“Everyone will love you and you won’t even have to try.” Aemond hums. “And we’re bringing our dragons, they’ll have no choice but to love us.” he chuckles lowly.
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The past day and a half has been chaotic as everyone is preparing Aemond and I, along with both of our dragons, to go on a tour. Gowns are made in haste so I can wear a new one at each house I visit. Kaenna helps pack my trunks for me all the while giving me a stern talking to about sharing chambers with Aemond before we are wed. She relents about the sleeping situation when it comes to the tour and makes Aemond swear to her I won’t be out of his sight.
“Of course. I promise no harm will come to her.” Aemond swears bowing his head.
I say a final goodbye to Kaenna before we exit our chambers. We walk slowly through the streets taking in Kings Landing before we’re gone for three moons. Once we reach our dragons, Alicent and Daemon come into view. They’re standing awkwardly by each other and look uncomfortable in each others presence.
“I expect you both to be on your best behavior and to show off the strength of this house. Make friends, but stay aware of your surroundings. Stay with each other and you both will be safe, I know this.” Alicent says grabbing our hands and squeezing them.
“Don’t make a fool of yourself and in turn make a fool out of me.” Daemon offers no other words and simply leaves.
“Tonight you will dine at Storms End and enjoy the Stormlands for the next week. Do your best to make allies and please take care of each other.” Alicent smiles softly.
“We will be fine mother.” he hums smiling down at me.
Alicent pulls us into one last hug and waves to us as she leaves. Aemond checks to make sure our bags have been secured. What we can’t carry on dragonback we have being sent to the houses to await our arrival. When he’s satisfied that everything is tied down and packed he walks over to me. He pulls me into a fierce kiss as I mold to his body.
“Let’s start our conquest, my Queen.” Aemond kisses my neck as he pulls back.
We mount our dragons and enter the skies. My hair whips wildly around me as I lean my body to adjust to our angle. Vaelys slips into a leisurely glide meeting Vhagar.
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We approach the Storms End in the late afternoon and begin lowering down to an empty patch of stone. Vhagar lands first as Vaelys circles the castle before landing next to her. Aemond and I collect our bags to bring down from our dragons and place them on the ground.
“Allow us!” a servant appears with a couple more trailing behind of him.
“Thank you.” I reply warmly offering them a smile.
They bow their heads in response and bring our bags into the castle. Aemond and I slowly walk into the main hall hand in hand. I’m blown away by the architecture of the halls and can’t stop myself from looking around and taking it all in.
“Wait until you see the other houses.” Aemond says casually, unimpressed almost.
“I can’t wait to see them all.” I say turning to him smiling. “Where are we going?” I ask realizing I’ve just been following him as we walk the halls.
“No idea. If we would’ve been greeted when we arrived, we would probably be in our chambers by now.” Aemond says slightly annoyed.
“My Prince! My Princess!” a voice calls from behind.
“Who might you be?” Aemond raises an eyebrow at what appears to be another servant.
“Lord Borros’ advisor. I’m here to escort you to him.” he says ushering us his way.
“Were we not important enough to merit a proper welcome?” Aemond says squinting his eye.
“Curious, I was thinking the same thing.” I agree cocking my head.
“I apologize for any dis-“ he’s cut off.
“I will hear it from Lord Borros himself.” Aemond silences him as we finally approaching him.
The servant leads us to the main hall and we’re greeted by Lord Borros lounging in his house seat. When he finally deigns to acknowledge us he sits there expectantly staring at us.
I know we are supposed to try our best to create alliances but this man is acting foul and I don’t necessarily think I would care for him as an ally. When I turn to look at Aemond he seems to be mirroring my sentiment.
“Good afternoon, Lord Borros. Thank you for hosting us, you have a beautiful home.” I politely smile trying to break the tension.
“It’s my honor.” he responds as if he couldn’t care less. He looks us over and then turns back to his servants. He continues to ignore us and I can feel my temper rising to match Aemonds next to me.
“Then I’m sure you’ll be absolutely bereft to hear we will only be staying for 2 nights instead of a week.” he finishes surprising me with the drastic change in time spent here.
“Terribly sorry to hear that.” Lord Borros tosses out at us. “My servant will show you to your chambers. Dinner will be at 7.” he finishes waving a hand towards us in dismissal.
The anger radiates off of both of us and I can see the terror it’s causing in the servant who’s leading us to our chambers. He lets us know our bags have been brought up and to simply ask if we need anything. I thank him sincerely before I shut the door.
“I think we should leave here now. That man won’t be won over with dinners.” Aemonds anger is still radiating off of him.
“I think we should try and stay for the two nights. Not for him, for me. I wish to look around and explore.” I turn to him hopeful eyes.
“Of course. I would not rob you of that.” He rises and walks to me taking my hand in his. “You deserve to be treated better than this and I’m disgusted with that beast of a Lord.” his temper starts to rise again.
“We have time before dinner to decompress. Come, lay with me.” I take his hand and lead us to the bed in hopes of simmering down.
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The dinner went exactly as expected and I had to talk Aemond out of having us leave immediately after. I don’t expect a warmer greeting in town but I still wish to see this part of the continent. We’ve sent word to Sunspear that we will be arriving earlier than expected and are awaiting their reply in the morning.
“My king,” I whisper into Aemonds ear. “when we rule we can have him replaced if he remains a problem. He’s nothing.” I smile as I kiss his neck.
“You’re ruthless.” he chuckles as his hands start to untie my dress.
We walk to our bathing chambers in a tangle of rushed kisses and flying clothes. We’re both breathing heavily as we reach the large tub filled with hot water. A blush rises to my cheeks as I fully take in his naked body for the first time.
“Don’t look at me like that.” Aemond growls lowly guiding me backwards towards the tub.
“You’re beautiful.” I breathe out looking up at him through my lashes reaching out to touch him.
“In the tub.” he shakes his head mischievously and backs me up to the edge of the tub.
I pout and slowly sink into the water as Aemond rummages through a basket. He sets out some candles and lights them. He walks back over to the me and brings along soaps and oils. He trails a hand across my back as he passes me to sit next to me in the large tub.
“I truly think you are the most handsome man I’ve met.” my voice barely audible as I trail my hand on his thigh next to me.
“Viktorya.” he warns grabbing my wrist.
“You’re right, we shouldn’t waste the hot water.” I say sarcastically as I reach over him intentionally grazing my chest on his to reach the basket.
We bathe in silence as we each steal quick glances at the other. I rise from the bath, unabashed, in search of a towel. I hear Aemond get out after me and a moment later he’s wrapping me in a towel. I turn to him and see that he has a towel wrapped low around his hips.
“Let’s go to bed.” he hums kissing the top of my head.
Aemond pulls us backwards toward the bed while attempting to dry me off. He sits down and moves to the other side so I can get in. He rests back against the headboard and I rise and move to straddle his thigh surprising him. He inhales sharply as my core meets his bare thigh.
“Gods,” his hands fly to my waist as he looks to me with a darkened eye.
He slowly starts guiding me on his thigh. I moan as I grind down causing my hands to fly to his chest at the surge of pleasure that washes over me. My towel falls back on the bed fully exposing me to him. Aemonds breathing becomes more ragged as his fingers dig into my waist.
Our lips meet in a clashing kiss. He nips at my bottom lip and slips his tongue in my mouth as I gasp. One of my hands slide down his chest to move the towel out of the way when he stops my hand from its destination.
“I want you to feel good too. Just use my hand instead of yours tonight.” I whisper breathlessly kissing his jaw.
Aemond moves his hand from mine and unties his towel. The towel falls and I take in the full length of him. His tip is hard and red and I reach out to help relieve him. When my hand finally wraps around him, he lets out a pleasure filled sigh.
I resume rocking on his thigh and moan into our kiss. I squeeze him earning me a moan in return. I collect the beads of come that have appeared at the tip and slide them down his length. He groans into my mouth as my fingers linger and tighten around his tip before sliding down again. He removes my hand and pushes me back on the bed hungrily. He crawls over my body until we’re face to face.
“No more of your naughty hands before I lose control.” he breathes out before he kisses me.
He kisses down my neck and between my breasts. He makes his way to one of my nipples and sucks it into his mouth. He grazes his teeth on my sensitive bud and I arch my chest into his mouth. He chuckles and brings his sinister mouth to my other nipple.
“Aemond,” I whine as he trails kisses down my torso.
“Yes my love?” he looks up at me from between my thighs.
“Touch me, please,” I beg lifting my hips towards him.
“It would be my pleasure.” he smirks softly licking his way up my slit.
I cry out as his tongue flicks across my clit. He feasts upon me as if I’m the true first meal of this tour. He quickly slips two fingers in me and I immediately clench around them. I cry out at his brutal pace and throw my head back into the pillows losing myself.
“Fuck Aemond, yes, please please,” I cry out as my legs begin to shake.
My cries of pleasure seem to spur him on even more and his tongue begins quick teasing patterns on my clit. I grind myself against his tongue and fingers as I come with his name spilling from my lips. He slows allowing me to feel every moment of my high.
“You’re so beautiful when you come on my mouth.” Aemond says full of adoration petting my hair.
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I wake up to Aemond peppering kisses across my face and the sun peeking through the curtains. I slowly stretch and begin to sit up. As the blankets fall around me my chest is left bare.
“Beautiful.” Aemond looks as if he’s worshipping me.
We get dressed and slowly make our way to the dining hall to get something to eat in passing. As we’re on our way out of the castle we are given a letter sealed and addressed to us. Sunspear expresses their excitement and states they would be honored to host us earlier and longer than anticipated.
We make our way to the city with a new sense of enthusiasm. We start to explore the streets and shops as the sun begins to rise in the sky. The locals are more friendly and welcoming than expected. We eat at the food stalls and I stop and buy some jewelry from some local vendors. Aemond purchases himself a dagger while near the forge and compliments their craftsmanship.
We return to the castle only to drop off our bounty and change to celebrate with the city for dinner. Winning over the city and its people can be just as rewarding as winning over its Lord or Lady. As we dine with the locals we ask them about life here and how they treated. We listen intently for hours into the night.
We plant a seed of doubt in the people as we tell them of our departure in the morning. We tell them Lord Borros wasn’t welcoming and no longer wanted to host us. Listening and confiding in the locals will make it much easier if we need to replace Lord Borros.
We make our way back to the castle well after moonrise and begin packing our belongings. Once we’re ready to leave in the morning we retire to bed.
Although this first stop didn’t go as planned, I think it was still successful. We gained the people’s trust and planted some seeds. I’m hoping that the stay in Sunspear will be more welcoming and enjoyable.
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alexdelray1 · 4 months
Part Two. 42 Miles Morales x Reader.
I love everyone who leaves a heart and a comment (^^)
Miles will be from 42.
Miles will be Miles from 1610.
Part one:
What happened in the last part?
Aron left the room saying something to him and after a while he came out… Prowler?
Oh, what's a girl to do.
He got close to Miles and said something while taking off his mask. Wait, is that?
Just like fire burning up the way.
If I could light the world up for just one day.
Watch this madness, colorful charade.
No one can be just like me any way!
End of reminder.
It's probably a mistake. It's not even remotely possible. Miles isn't bad, he always helps everyone, yes he has a bad temper sometimes, but to be a villain?
Pull yourself together Reader. You have to separate your private life from the one with a mask. Even though it seems impossible now, it has to be done.
I adjusted the mask on my face and took a deep breath. We have to save-- I didn't finish the monologue because I heard a small explosion.
I looked out the window again and saw Miles use electricity or something to attack Miles. Miles jumped to the ceiling and tried to jump out of the window where I was. When he jumped out, I quickly grabbed his costume and started swinging with him.
-Who are you?!- Miles asked me, trying to get away from me.
-Reader. Miles, do you realize what earth you are on? - I asked him and still held him tightly.
-Not really.- he replied numbly.
-You are on Earth 42, where you are… the villain. This is not your earth. - I said and looked behind me. Miles chased me with his uncle.
-Can you swing well now? - I asked him while running away.
-Yes! I've been Spider-man for almost a year! - he said, still holding on to me.
-Do you have a mask?- I asked, still avoiding the bullets flying at me.
-In a jacket!- he shouted at me.
-The plan is that you run away, fly as close to the police station as possible and if he stops chasing you, sit on the roof of the police station and try not to get shot. - I said and as soon as I was at the highest point in the air I could, I let him go and kept swinging.
Miles fled towards the police station and, as I suspected, Aron followed him. Miles was on my tail constantly shooting. I did a lot of dodging until I saw a big old building. I flew into it and prepared for the attack.
After a second, Miles flew into me and they stood in a defensive pose.
-I wanted to ask you how you knew where I was. It shows that you proprably have a chip in your friend. - he commented and we started walking around.
-Maybe I have it, maybe I don't, but I can tell you one thing now, Miles Morales, you're wasting yourself.- I said seriously, trying not to show weakness.
-You don't know how many times I've heard that. I know whether it is a waste or not. Anyway, it's a pity that you saw who I am now, I'll really have to kill you. - he said and shot at me. I dodged.
-Do you know that if you do this, you will completely fuck up your universe? - I asked him.
-So this is about the universe? So this guy is some other me? Strange, I thought he was my clone.- he commented.
-Miles, I know we don't have a good relationship, but try for the sake of the universe. You may not believe me, but a bad thing happened in your universe last year. Very. And because of this thing, this universe was doomed, but I came and saved it. Understand. - I said, trying to be serious and kind to some extent.
Miles didn't speak for a moment. Finally he sighed.
-What's going on with this clone?- he asked me and crossed his arms.
-He's just in the wrong place at the wrong time, I guess… - I said.
-How so? - he asked me.
-No one really told me what it was about, but I had heard about an anomaly that had something to do with it. It was very strong… But there will be proprably a fight here. - I grabbed my head.
-Scale?- he asked me.
-Depends. I think it will take the upper fifth avenue. Looking at other universes, that's where the most important fights take place, I said.
-Upper fifth Avenue? Reader lives there. I have to get her.- he said and headed to the window.
-You don't have to.- I replied and he turned to me.
-Why don't I have to? This is my girlfriend. What if something happens to her?! - he asked me and got angry.
-You know, you're not very good at guessing. And I'm sorry I didn't drink tea then.- I said.
-What do you mean?- he asked me, probably reaching some conclusions.
-Think, genius.- I said. Well, to be so delulu. I can't believe I smashed him.
-Were you stalking me and my girlfriend?- he asked and I slapped my forehead. I'm starting to believe that some people must have delulu in their genes.
I took off my mask.
-Satisfied?- I asked and raised my hands.
-Reader? You? But… But… How is that possible? - he asked. He was seriously shocked.
-Miles, I have to tell the truth. I am not from Earth 42. My universe was destroyed by a certain person… As an 'apology' I was given this universe to live in. In this universe, spider-man couldn't become spider-man because of a certain incident, so to keep the balance, I stayed here. - I said with guilt.
-Who was supposed to be Spider-man?- Miles asked me.
-You, but I had no idea you would become a Prowler.- I replied.
Miles looked down. His mask electrically came off his face. Tears were falling from his eyes. I ran to him and hugged him.
-If I became Spider-man, would dad be alive?- he asked me.
-Probably yes.- I replied and he started crying into my shoulder.
-Everything will be fine.- I said quietly.
From now on we will work together no ma--
Three bullets hit my back. Miles looked at me in horror and then behind me. He took me in his arms and started shouting something.
I don't know what is happening… I'm tired… Why is everything so muffled? I don't know. I want to go home…
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leejenowrld · 8 months
omg i loved seeing yn and jeno answer those questions!! i have a few more questions i want them to answer
for jeno and yn
what’s things that you know about the other that no one else would know?
what’s the biggest argument you’ve had?
what’s your best memory together?
how did the meeting of each others parents go?
what’s the craziest sexual thing you’ve done to each other?
for jeno only - do you ever think that your relationship with yn will crumble because she’s the opposite to you and nothing like the usual you go for?
thank you !! and yayyy
what’s the thing that you know about each other that no one else knows?
jeno – yn is very scary. she can have quite a short temper and i know my girl is quiet and seems innocent but she’s lowkey the opposite. i follow her like i’m lost sometimes. i know people assume that i wear the pants in our relationship (and i do) but she’s more dominating of me than you’d assume.
yn – jeno is a secret nerd. he doesn’t really like showing off about his intelligence and he doesn’t make it his entire personality trait (he so rudely tells me that i make my intelligence my entire personality trait) but he’s so smart. he knows everything. if i have any problem i’m more than confident than he can fix it
what’s the biggest argument you’ve had?
jeno – we haven’t had one and we won’t.
yn – we don’t argue like that. we love each other too much for that. all our arguments are small and barely last an entire day
what’s the best memory you’ve had together?
jeno – [sighs and smiles so widely] where do i even start? i love every moment i spend with her. if i had to choose one then i’d say when she made out with me in a spin the bottle challenge. that was her first and last time using drugs. i just fell in love with her even more in that moment. i was so unbelievably turned on. it was the start of seeing her grow in confidence and own herself. don’t get me wrong, she still has so many shy moments but she’s getting more confident, i’m so proud of her.
yn – [giggles and blushes] i think every time we have slow and soft sex. it usually happens when we want to make love to celebrate a good milestone in our relationship. for example our anniversaries, birthdays, when he takes me on a getaway. it’s when i really look in his eyes and think “yeah, it’s you. you’re mine, all mine. i want you forever.” every time he’s inside me i just teleport to another universe and i can’t get over how good it feels time and time again. nothing will beat it.
how did the meeting of each others parents go?
jeno – [leans back and grins] so good, her family loved me. it was spontaneous, we first bumped into her mum at the supermarket and as soon as she realised that i was dating her daughter she cried and kissed my cheek, saying that she’s been waiting for her daughter to experience a great and epic love. then me and y/n invited her parents over and i cooked for them :) i gave her mum flowers and i’ve continued doing so regularly. [proud grin] yn’s mum loves me. i think she loves me more than yn sometime. she treats me like her son and she’s my second mom.
yn – i was nervous. jeno freaked me out and told me they were coming over and it was so suddenly! but jeno managed to calm me down. it was a decent night, i didn’t talk much but jeno’s entire family is chill. when you see jeno’s family, you realise why he’s turned out the way he has. i may not talk to his family often but i will always praise and appreciate his parents for raising the man that they did. he’s a one in a kind.
jeno – she isn’t mentioning how she nearly burned the kitchen down. she’s always doing that, she stress bakes. i’ve probably had to stop a fire from erupting once a month. it’s also my girl and yeonjun. they’re both very bad in the kitchen
yn – [wiggles eyebrows] atleast i’m good in bed
what’s the craziest sexual thing you’ve done?
jeno – probably when she rode my dick on a train? or when i fucked her against the view in paris and the windows were see through, everyone saw and everyone could hear her scream my name. my girl never tries to stay quiet. also maybe when i had her tied up all night and blindfolded? i made her cum about 6 times. it was a good night. i sat on her chest, put my cock in between her boobs, put my cock in her mouth, ate her pussy, she was blindfolded and tied up but we still did it in doggy
yn – every time i call him daddy. i was never someone who was into that, i always used to find it kind of gross but when i look at him naked, monster cock, i just scream daddy. it falls of my tongue before i can think. i also find it dirty when he cums on my boobs or my face, and when i cum on his cock and he makes me give him a blow job
jeno, do you think your relationship with y/n would ever break because she’s not your type, you never went for girls like her and she’s the complete opposite to you?
jeno – [laughs mockingly and huffs] what the fuck? no? she’s the first person i ever fell in love with, it took me 22 years to fully release what true love is and i’m never going back. it’s her. i choose her every day, she’s my world and i want to marry her. i never wanted this before, love was something meaningless to me, i never believed it to be true. marriage was just something that i thought ended in pain. my only satisfaction used to be fucking. all i ever used to do was have sex. i wanted good sex, i wanted to get my dick wet and i wanted nothing more, that’s why i used to fuck around before her. i wanted nothing more because i wasn’t capable of feeling it but then she came along.
i simply do not give a fuck that we don’t have much in common. i simply do not give a fuck that she’s not one of the girls i used to go for. our differences are what makes us whole, it makes everything exciting and it makes us balance and complete each other so well. my strengths are her weaknesses, my weaknesses are her strengths, so and so. we match like two pieces in a puzzle. and who said she’s not my type? my type is her. she entered my world and my type became redefined. when i look at everything i want in a girl, i see my girl. it shocks me when i look back and see what girls i used to be interested in. they’re just so one sided and there’s nothing more to uncover. they’re not interesting. my girl is. i learn something new every day, there’s always something to uncover. she’s my girl and will be my girl until i stop breathing. nothing will make us break.
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syncopein3d · 3 months
Cheap Shot: A Friendly Review
Introduction and Format Explanation:
I've just finished reading Cheap Shot by @snaillamp. In the communities where I spend most of my time here on Tumblr, I see occasional recommendations but nothing I would call a review, so I thought I'd go into a little more detail about why I enjoy stories I read. This is my second friendly review after Smoke, Salt and Asbestos, and this story is in a very different genre from that one.
The reason I think a positive review might be useful to my audience is that, when people praise a story, they seldom give enough detail for me to know as a reader if I will also want to read it. These are stories I liked personally, and this means that reviews will mostly be of hurt/comfort stories with happy or at least ambiguous endings.
Ambiguous here means characters may part, or may have dangling plot threads for later, but they have survived and are in some way better or recovering.
This doesn't mean I disliked everything I didn't review; I read a lot of stories and can't review them all. This is just for stories that are completed according to the author (something of a rare category already) and that I thought deserved special mention.
Another reason is that the Tumblr writing format is more akin to the magazine serials of yesteryear than a novel. That's less applicable in the present case, because this is more of a traditional short story format and is reasonably complete in itself, even if there are other stories with these characters. I could imagine this as a Netflix or Amazon show. It would be inexpensive to produce and it has good characters, strong atmosphere, and intense emotions, and those are all good things from the point of view of producing a streaming show.
I'll attempt some light analysis, but I won't ask authors if I'm right about their intent first, so you only get my reader impressions on it. As such, I might be wrong about some or all of how I describe a story and its lore. I don't insist on death of the author once a review is up, so authors are welcome and encouraged to comment!
Cody, a doctor in a small Canadian town, is injured in a way that kicks off a downward spiral in his physical and mental health.
Whump Vibes:
The reason I chose to review this story is that the vibes are simply immaculate. The author is so fantastic at building mood that I read the whole thing, even though real world stories aren’t usually my cup of tea.
If you want to wallow in that feeling of knowing you're making yourself worse but feeling helpless to change it, of well-meaning friends who don’t get it, of not quite fitting wherever you are, this is perfect for that. Cody knows on some level that he's doing it to himself, but he still can't help it. He's even alienated from chemical solutions to the problem - weed makes him nauseated, he doesn't really seem to like drinking, and a lot of anesthetics also make him sick. On a personal note, I liked seeing a fictional character with problems similar to mine about recreationals, since that's very rare to see in print.
If you’re also a loss of consciousness fan, as I am, there’s a fair amount of that scattered throughout, too, not just the inciting incident. There's a vomiting scene near the end that's fairly graphic, so emetophobes may want to skip this one, since it's an important part of the story's climax.
There are rotating caretakers as different people in this small close-knit community circulate in and out of Cody's life, helping where they can before they go back to their own friends, relationships, and lives. There are moments of comfort, but no catharsis. There are moments of connection, but nothing lasting. This is not just a way to introduce us to more of the cast, it's also a way to emphasize Cody's isolation.
Characters and Setting:
Here we come to the other reason for this review. I grew up in a dry town in Eastern Washington, not a damp and temperate Canadian town, but the feeling of rural inertia, of gradual slow degeneration, is the same: the one storefront that's always empty, the ancient public art fading on walls, the community's gradual drain of youth and talent as people who can get out, do.
This is a fantastic example of an author not using a modern setting to avoid worldbuilding, but instead using that base to build a rich, detailed world. There's nothing supernatural here, but everything feels haunted in a very rural gothic way.
Theme (Mild Spoilers):
I would say the principal theme here is decay. Cody's town decays, his hygiene decays, his physical condition decays as he fails to take care of himself and his injury. His relationships remain, but they are stagnant, the same as they've always been. The accident that opens the story is an example of Cody's attempt to find connection with other people causing him real and lasting pain. Connections form around him, even with his help and approval, but they don't include him.
The ending doesn't bring cleansing and relief. It hints at those things, but we leave Cody worse off than we found him. I sat with this for a while before I came to that conclusion, wondering why I felt disturbed when the characters' tone was always light and practical. This story is actually very dark. The characters just don't necessarily find that surprising or unusual. They live in the same world Cody lives in, and this is a mundane awfulness that doesn't really even provoke horror for them, just mild concern and practical action. They get the thing done and move on. Will Cody actually get better? Maybe. It's definitely not certain.
Final Comments and Recommendation:
I enjoyed this story, but I enjoyed it as horror, a new experience for me with whump content. It's not the horror of blood and gore, which you can easily find around here, including in what I write myself. Nobody dies or even gets permanently maimed. It's a horror of emotional detachment, spiraling inward, creeping dread. It held my attention because of the sheer strength of atmosphere, even though it's a very different approach from other whump stories I've read.
If you're ready for something deeper and darker, for some meaty personal drama and character study with your whump tropes, this is absolutely for you! Go read it right now!
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Dispense advice and receive a surprise in this latest chapter of my Rhea Ripley x lady!reader fic
Warnings for this section: Stoner themes (mentions of being baked), dirty talk
Absolute Smokeshow (Part 49 of ?): Once You Reach
Once you open the door and step out, you realize just how baked you are; your body is a bit heavy and for a few seconds it feels almost like you're moving in slow motion as you look up and take in the vivid details of the trees in the parking lot, waving gently in the slight breeze. You turn around to the sight of smoke slowly exiting your car along with Damian, whose pink eyes and slight stumble tell you he's just as high as you are, if not more so.
"Now I see why Rhea has to be the one driving," you giggle, joining him on the slow walk back to the table.
"Hey, it's not that bad," Damian says, grinning a bit too much to sound defensive, "You can't stumble sitting inside a car."
"Yeah, no stumbling," you concede before continuing, "Just the dozens of other large, metal vehicles going at high speeds, driven by people with short tempers and powered by explosions."
"... You might have a point," he said before sighing - not sounding quite as sad as before but still looking across the distance between the two of you and the table, stopping in his tracks.
"If you haven't talked to him, you should," you say, realizing by Damian's reaction that he knew exactly what you meant, "Not that it's any of my business, but if it was me- when it's been me, talking about things honestly did a lot more good than being bitter ever did."
He seems to consider your advice for a moment before allowing himself a small grin.
"You're two-for-two on making good points," Damian admits, rubbing the back of his neck and looking away. You're sure you see his cheeks pinking up a bit, but decide not to say anything.
"Todo bien?" the familiar voice behind you makes you turn around to the sight of Dominik walking toward the two of you.
"Ningunos problemas," Damian replies before giving you an appreciative smile.
"Mira, can we talk?" Dom asks, looking at you this time.
"I have to see a man about a conversation, anyway," Damian says, winking at you, "Thanks, chica."
Dominik watches until Damian is out of earshot, a slightly puzzled expression on his face, before saying anything.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier," he still seemed a bit embarrassed, but you could tell he was keeping a respectful distance and gauging your reaction to see if you felt unsafe, "I didn't know Rhea was going to do that and I- well, I think you're- um- anyway, I'm sorry."
Dominik's face was about as red as it was at the end of a particularly long match by the time he finished speaking.
"You don't have to apologize," you say once you're sure he doesn't have more to add, "I actually feel pretty comfortable around you since you helped me out at the show last night. Rhe's comment was just sort of out of left field and this is the first non-monogamous relationship I've ever been in. It's a lot really quickly, y'know?"
Dom nods, a relieved expression on his face, "If I do make you uncomfortable, just let me know."
"I appreciate it," you reply, smiling and taking in the way he looked at you before saying, "Earlier you said you think I'm- but you didn't finish your sentence." - Dominik, having calmed a bit since you reassured him, blushed intensely again - "So what do you think I am?"
He cleared his throat before messing with the collar of his shirt and admitting, "Muy hermosa - very pretty."
"Thank you," you respond, grinning harder and looking him up and down before adding "You're quite the pretty boy yourself" and winking before turning around and walking to the table, knowing full well Dom was caught off-guard and likely too flustered to respond. You may not be ready to date anyone else for the time being, but flirting was proving to be a lot of fun.
"Welcome back, babe," Rhea greeted you as you sauntered up to the table, noticing the only other person sitting with her was JD, "I don't know what you told him, but Damian asked Finn if they could talk and it sounds like he's going to apologize or something. So thank you."
"Everyone keeps thanking you today," Dominik says, finally catching up to you as you sit down, "Why is that?"
"Whatever the reason, you're both going to be thanking me here in a minute," Rhea says, pulling out a gift bag stuffed with tissue paper out of her messenger bag. From it, she pulled out a small box, handing the rest of the gift bag to you and the box to Dom.
"Go ahead," she says, leaning back in her chair and putting her hands behind her head, "Open them."
Pulling out the tissue paper on top, your eyes fall on a black leather collar whose ring has a heart-shaped silver tag hanging from it. Pulling it out, you grip the smooth leather and grab the tag, blushing when you read the engraved text: "Mami's good girl." When you turn over the tag and read the other side, it only makes you blush harder: "Slut."
Looking up, you see Dominik is holding a heart-shaped tag and realize Rhea probably already bought him a collar much earlier in their relationship.
"Show each other what Mami got you," she orders, watching you both shyly swap gifts to look at them before saying, "And don't forget to say thank you."
"Thank you, Mami," you and Dom say in unison, flustered because you both knew what the other was about to read.
His tag was similar to yours on one side: "Mami's good boy." However, you couldn’t help but raise your eyebrows when you read what was engraved on the other side: "Bitch."
Looking up, you see Dominik - blushing intensely once again - bite his lip and struggle to look at you as you give each other back your respective gifts. Rhea giggles, watching the exchange before you put your new collar back in the gift bag. Remembering JD, you turn to see him alternating between looking at his phone and looking up in the direction of the parking lot where, presumably, Finn and Damian were talking. You instinctively crossed your fingers underneath the table that your advice was exactly what the situation called for.
[end part forty-nine of ?]
Part 50: https://www.tumblr.com/specialinterestshows/729946450790858752/absolute-smokeshow-part-50-of-the-other-side
Tag List (thank you!)
@cherryberryshine , @littlemiss-fanficlover , @elisewithak , @babybatlover , @girlofpink , @kagome2909 , @domlynch
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
Okay I’m just gonna jump and ask for a piece with Rynn and Delta Squad. It can be anything you want: fluffy, spicy, smutty, etc (I won’t be complaining 😉)
What Works For Us
Summary: Rynn (oc) wakes up alone in bed, and suddenly finds herself in a new situation.
Pairing: Delta Squad x Rynn (oc) (no clonecest)
Word Count: 1591
Warnings: Smut, just smut
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: This was hard, there were so many people to keep track of. And I'm not super happy with it, but I don't think I can make it better either.
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Rynn groans as sleep abandons her, and she rolls over, intent to bury herself in Sev’s chest until she can fall back to sleep, and is surprised when she realizes that she’s alone in bed. 
She sits up and squints, puzzled, at Sev’s side of the bed. He never wakes up early when she’s in bed with him. Ever. He guards his morning kisses and cuddles with all of the ire of a particularly foul tempered rancor.
And yet, his side of the bed is cold. 
She yawns, and stretches her arms over her head, working out the kinks that develop from the way she sleeps, and then she sends a lazily tendril of the force through the ship, looking for her husband…or husbands, as the case may be.
She finds him quickly, the Nightwing is only so big after all, and determines that all four of Delta seem to be awake and chatting in what amounts to the ship's living room. 
For a moment, she considers sending a comm, telling him to come back to bed. But hunger wins out in the end.
With a sigh, she shimmies to the end of the bed, and pulls on Sev’s shirt so she’s not walking around totally naked, and heads towards the door. She shoots out one last tendril through the force, to make sure that they aren’t on a holo (she would need to dress properly and cover her hair if they were), and as soon as she determines that they’re not, she presses the button to let the door slide open.
Silently Rynn pads her way through the ship, until she reaches the room her boys are in. “Morning,” She greets through a yawn.
Four pairs of identical eyes snap to her, and there’s a swell of affection through the force, pulling a sleepy smile to Rynn’s lips, “Did we wake you, sarad?” Sev asks as you slide between him and Boss on the couch.
She shakes her head and then lays her head on his shoulder, “Not sure why I woke up,” Rynn admits before she yawns again, and rubs her nose against his shoulder, “Why’re you all awake?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Boss says lightly, as he trails a calloused finger over her knee, “You can go back to bed if you want, cyare.”
She favors him with a small smile, “I’m okay. I should probably shower and get dressed though.”
Sev’s arm slides around her waist, and she squeaks when his lips press just below her ear, “You don’t have to,” He says in a low voice, “It’s just us here.”
“And I disconnected the holo terminal for the day.” Fixer added, his dark eyes dragging across Rynn’s face, “So no one will bother us.”
Rynn’s gaze is slightly startled as she listens to Fixer, and then her eyes narrow, “What are you four up to?”
Identical mischievous grins slide across their faces, and Rynn squeaks in surprise when Sev expertly peels his shirt off of her body, “We were thinking,” Sev says lazily, as his hands slide up her body to lazily caress her breasts, “That you’ve been working too hard.” Rynn’s breath hitches as Sev expertly tweaks her nipples.
Her head tilts back slightly, and she’s only a little surprised when she feels Boss’ lips against her pulse point, “There are four of you and one of me,” She points out, “How do you expect this to go without me doing more work?” 
She jumps when she feels warm lips on her hip, and a quick glance to the side shows her that Scorch has moved around the room, so he’s kneeling before her, there’s mischief on his handsome face, “Oh, babe.” He coos, “If you think this is work, then we’re not doing this right at all.”
Rynn flushes slightly, “You still haven’t answered my question.”
The four men share a look, “Well,” Boss says slowly, his breath warm against her throat, “Today happens to be our decanting day.”
Rynn blinks and then she feels a surge of guilt, “I didn’t know. Why didn’t you tell me, I would have gotten you presents-”
“Shh,” Sev catches her lips in a deep kiss, and she sighs into him, “We didn’t tell you because it didn’t matter to us until recently.”
“And so we were talking,” Fixer murmurs as he circles the room to press a light kiss to the back of her neck, “And we came to a decision that we’d like your input on.”
Rynn tilts her head, curiously, “Okay?”
“Our schedule works out amazing,” Scorch says as his lips linger on her hip, “But today, we don’t want to stick to the schedule.”
Rynn shoots him a puzzled look, “I’m sorry, I don’t-”
“We want you. All of us.” Fixer clarifies, shooting his brother an exasperated look. “If you’ll indulge us.”
Rynn flushes as heat shoots straight to her core, and she ducks her head, “Um…how would-”
“Are you saying you’ve never considered it?” Sev asks, amusement clear in his voice.
Somehow she flushes even more, and she squirms slightly, pressing her thighs together tightly, “Um…not seriously, no.”
There’s a flicker of delight through the force, and Rynn flushes even darker, “But you have considered it, then.” Scorch says lightly.
“I agreed to marry all four of you, is it really a surprise that I thought about other things involving all of you?” Rynn asks defensively.
“Not in the slightest,” Boss reassures, “It just makes this conversation so much easier.” He kisses her temple gently, “Our plan is that by the end of the day you’ll have had all of us, at least twice.”
“Twice-” Rynn repeats under her breath.
“But this morning, babe, this morning we would like you to put on a show for us.” Scorch picks up the line of thought effortlessly.
Sev rolls his eyes, “What he means, sarad, is that Fixer put together some new toys for you to try out, and we’d like to watch.”
“Here?” Rynn asks, “On the couch?”
“If you don’t mind.” Fixer says, before he vanishes into his room and returns with a small box of something, as well as a blanket. Rynn guesses that the boy has the toys in it.
Her boys pull away from her, and Rynn gets to her feet long enough for Fixer to adjust the couch so it’s laying flat, and he lays the thick blanket across the couch for her to sit on.
Rynn slides into the middle of the blanket, and accepts the box from Fixer, and she pulls the toys out. She can feel her boys staring at her, their gazes heavy as she examines the toys curiously. 
“I recognize most of these,” Rynn says thoughtfully, “But what’s this?” She holds up a small device, about the length of half her finger. 
Fixer’s fingers twitch, and he lightly takes the item from her fingers, “Let me show you,” He sits on the couch next to her, and pulls a remote from the box, “Lay back, angel,” Fixer murmurs, his fingers gentle as he directs her to lay on her back.
Sev’s calloused hands glide against her legs, spreading them so he and his brothers can see properly, “There you go, sarad,” He murmurs, “Look at you, so pretty for us.”
“She’s already wet,” Scorch groans, “Pretty girl’s been wanting this for a while, I think.”
Fixer slides the vibrator through her slick, and then presses it against her clit, “High or low, do you think?” He asks his brothers.
“Low,” Boss instructs, “We don’t want to go too fast.”
Fixer uses the remote to turn on the toy, and Rynn’s hips jerk slightly, and a pretty moan falls from her lips. Her legs twitch as she unconsciously closes her legs around the sensation, but strong hands are suddenly there again, holding her legs open.
“So much for just watching,” Boss chuckles as he lovingly strokes Rynn’s thigh. Opposite of him, Sev presses a lingering kiss against Rynn’s thigh.
“It’s better this way,” Sev agrees, and apparently Scorch agrees as he moves to sit next to Rynn’s head, lightly stroking her cheek with his thumb, “This means that we can touch her, right?” He asks, as he leans down and presses a kiss to her forehead.
“You are touching her.” Fixer replies dryly, as he fiddles with the remote for a moment, and Rynn releases a whine of pleasure, as he increases the speed of the toy he’s holding against her. 
“Enjoying yourself, cyare?” Boss asks as he trails a finger over her hips and then dips down to trail his finger through her folds, pulling another moan from her as she squirms. He gathers some of her slick on his fingers and then licks his fingers clean, “Tastes amazing,” He groans.
“Pretty sure that’s cheating,” Sev grumbles.
“10 am, which means what I say goes,” Boss replies smugly, his gaze locked on Rynn’s cunt, “Kriff, I want to taste her.”
“Hold on a minute,” Fixer murmurs, “Look at her, she’s close-”
And true to his word, not a moment later Rynn releases a shuddering moan as she falls apart under the toy still pressed against her. 
“Stars, she’s beautiful,” Fixer mumbles, as he pulls the toy away and sets it to the side, “You’re up, Boss.” He adds as he moves out of the way.
“Gladly,” He switches places with Fixer, “You ready, cyare?”
Rynn glances at him, her gaze slightly hazy, but she favors him with a warm, loving, smile and she nods.
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kb1301 · 9 days
Tatag-9 Headcanon Shenanigans
Long overdue but have to give some love to my grumpy and stoic Exo Titan. Some of these facts, or headcanons or whatnot are already established in a server I'm in but I'm willing to reiterate it here and add some new ones as well!
Handicraft stuff:
He has a secret hobby involving fabrics-based handicraft. Sewing, knitting, crocheting, you name it. He's involved in that. His apartment has a small room with his creations.
He learned how to do these under Zavala's tutelage. I'd like to imagine that Zavala had like a secret handicraft club (though mostly for knitting) that some Guardians had gotten into. He's one of them.
For his few trusted friends... he makes them a special gift. He actually tries to create a plushie version of themselves and their Ghosts! Always put in a nice yet simple gift box, giving it to them personally or leaving it at their front door to collect. It's one such way of showing his appreciation and affection for them.
Just expect him to make tapestries and rugs and snug sweaters. He may sell them for glimmer if he wanted to but he prefers to keep his hobby away from the whole making it a job thing.
One of his proudest works was making a whole tapestry regarding the Iron Lords that he decided to gift to one of (the two of) its surviving original members, Lord Saladin. Being an Iron Lord fanboy meant that he definitely spent some time creating this intricately beautiful piece of fabric over the months. He gave it the one time Saladin visited the Tower after his duties in Caiatl's War Council, whenever he would celebrate and host the Iron Banner. Gave it quickly, nodded, and left walking in a hasty fashion. Clearly bashful for doing something like that.
Quirks and Traits:
Undeniably patient and has a temper that is good for his stoic self. He doesn't get easily angry or upset... Unless you keep pestering him and be a constant annoyance around him (see: Shard-3, my Exo Hunter). He's slow to anger however.
Big dad energy (especially Filipino dads). Expect those silly things you hear and see from the Internet regarding how dads interact.
Given his Exo frame, he has a resting grump face... which had influenced his grumpiness a little. That gets people away from him, and that's okay by him.
Where Max is a cat owner and Shard's a dog person, Tatag would be someone into reptiles and birds. He'd probably be beside Saint and quietly feeding the pigeons with the legendary Titan together. He has a terrarium just for this pair of bearded dragons in his apartment.
Big home cook, but only shares his food to those he invites, or visits. Filipinos have this thing of making lots of food for people to feast or chow on, or sending out food to people when they're about to leave. You can say that Tatag would send out the tupperware or containers to send what delicious food he makes. He makes some mean lumpia (the Shanghai variant especially) and pork sinigang.
VERY FESTIVE FOR THE DAWNING. He'll be inviting his trusted friends and companions to a feast he makes for them. And there's a very rare moment he'd show what joy he has for them during that.
He would pat someone's shoulder or back as a way to compliment when in battle before moving onwards. Be it friend or just a mere ally. It's a common pattern he does to show his appreciation for them.
Affections and Love:
Tatag seems outwardly cold or unassuming, but inwardly he's a sweetheart. Of course he won't just show it to anyone except to those he trusts and has befriended with.
He's reserved and won't show off such affection (both platonic or romantic) to the public, but he's not fully adverse to PDA. He only gives it in private, or in the company of those he trusts wholeheartedly. And provided his quietness or dislike with being social, he's not going to be vocally affectionate. He prefers to show it off in an emotional level, and even physical sometimes.
In terms of romantic relationships, he is not one to form one nor one to approach others. He prefers to be the one that is pursued, to be wooed over or to show that they got what it takes to make him fall in love with them.
Furthermore, he needs to be emotionally connected with them in order to even pursue something like a romance (hint: he's demi both ways). Invest time with him and get to know him better then there will be that spark within him that realizes that he has fallen in love with them.
He's a monogamous guy, and cannot get into any other relationship at all except the one he's in.
He's very intimate and very affectionate to his partner. Expect sweet gestures, devotion of time, and lots of touching from him.
Touching, he loves touching. He loves physical closeness. He gives hugs and kisses no matter what and would tenderly embrace his lover whenever.
Bilingualism is working wonders for his lover, as he'll speak to them in both English and Filipino about how much he loves them. Providing translations even just to bridge that language gap.
If anything, his top three love languages are: Physical Touch, Quality Time, and Words of Affirmation. Acts of Service exists too but those three are the ones he likes most.
Being a father to an Eliksni child, and his canon OC x OC relationship:
Canonically, Tatag is a father! An adoptive father to his adopted Eliksni son, Alon (meaning ocean or sea wave in Filipino). The hatchling he adopted was found and cared for and nurtured over just after the events of the Endless Night, when House Light and the Vanguard have now become allies. He doesn't have the most time with his kid given his business as a Guardian and so he leaves him to the care of his (canon) life partner, Martin (he/they), a civilian Titan Guardian that owns a restaurant that serves comfort food in the City.
Tatag and Martin met one time during when the latter visited the Tower for some errands he needed to do. He was smitten at first sight and decided to form a friendship with the Exo. It was a slow slow burn, but eventually they became partners.
Marriage was still inconceivable since it will take time for Tatag to consider it, but he has devoted his time to Martin for life (and vice-versa). With the Light or without it.
Strongest love language between them is quality time. To enjoy each other's presence and do things together makes them happy together.
Even with Tatag's physical unavailability to take care of Alon, he makes time to call them whenever he's out and about around the system.
The name Alon came to mind for Tatag because of his reminiscing of the sea. He has a small yet strange affinity for the sea, for the beach, for the water. Maybe something about his past called to him regarding it, even beyond all the reboots. Hence he named his kid for this affinity for the sea, over the crashing waves.
Though he would also give the kid an Eliksni name, Valrask.
The only allowable OC x Canon relationship for him:
If we talk however on an OC x Canon level, he would find his life partner in Misraaks (which is an AU's canon that I will indulge on because who doesn't love Misraaks?). Two fathers to two adopted Eliksni children. Eido would have a baby brother because of that, and I think that would be very cute. For Misraaks and Tatag. And for Eido and Alon.
Tatag would immerse himself into Eliksni culture alongside the Kell, integrating himself into the Eliksni Quarter and learn everything about them more.
Like with Martin, marriage was still out of the picture. And likewise with Martin, he dedicates himself to Misraaks completely.
Strongly into physical touch together, there would be lots of physical intimacy between them. Given the fact in their size difference. This would be the only time the Exo's little spooning himself for the Eliksni.
Since you reached the end, have some pictures of Tatag (and his Ghost, Kislap)!
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ambrosialdesire · 9 days
is it chill if i show yall my yandere ocs ‼️
i have to revamp their designs and give them names, but i’ll list what/who they are rn from oldest to newest with brief descriptions priest: his name was originally fernando as a joke but i never really liked it/it never quite fit, i also made him back in like 2019; he's like kinda a cult leader who made a deal with the devil but he originally wasn't like that (think villain and violent, infant and innocent vibes). he's mostly nonchalant, but when he's around the person he loves (which is an angel in disguise as a detective trying to figure out who tf is doing all these fucked up sacrifices cause there's a little too much souls missing in heaven rn), he goes absolutely BONKERS, all teethy-smiles and giddy. he's still batshit insane though since the deal and his background made his head all fucked up lol minotaur: khristopher (yeah i'm also not into his name it's getting changed LMAO), made in 2021; he's a rancher, very hostile and antisocial so he kinda lives very isolated away from people, so yk that already makes him desperate for any sort of romantic affections. kinda has his moments of flirtiness, but it comes off as sleazy. he's rarely ever seen in public unless he's selling his farm produce in the farmer's market every sunday, but he gets some good sales in since his juice products are pretty popular. werewolf 1: sung-jae yeon (his name is being kept), also made in 2021; he's a singer/actor that got turned into a werewolf (which he hides surprisingly well as a famous person) and though he may seem to be kind, he's actually a big egotistical asshole that does whatever he wants when he wants because of the amount of fame and wealth he has. he's also kinda goofy in the way rafayel is from love and deepspace is iykwm siren/merman: pollux agineus (his name is also being kept), also made in 2021; he's a professional surfer who's seemingly the shyest and gets flustered so easily around the one he loves BUT THAT SHITS ACTUALLY A FACADE he's so mindlessly possessive that he'll literally try to cannibalize his love cause he thinks that's normal to do (in his species), and his short temper isn't something to mess with either. he's a mean mf fr
werewolf 2: this guy i had a dream about back in late 2021 after those three above and he was originally a viking werewolf, but i meshed him into sung-jae's lore and he became the one that turned him into a werewolf (on accident). never gave him a name but he's a feral werewolf (born one), meaning that he's way bigger and tougher than sung-jae's werewolf form. there's not much about him other than him being stoic and gruff, saying barely saying anything because he also doesn't know how to speak any human language, so you're basically constantly being slung onto his shoulder and doing whatever he wants you to do.
idk how to describe this one since it's like a regular dude: levyathan "levy" sampson miller YES HIS NAME IS THAT LMAO I MADE IT PURPOSELY LIKE THAT and i made him last year. COMPLETE SCUMBAG, AN MISOGYNISTIC GAMER INCEL, THE WORST OF THE WORSTTTTT AND he's in a mechanical engineering major. he's so disgustingly depraved and decrepit that if i ever post the concept sketches i did for him, you can fs tell he smells like sweat and monster energy drinks. he literally has no interest in irl women EXCEPT his best friend's (yeah it's really surprising he has one, i'll go into it later) girlfriend, that's how fucked up he is. i had to get some of my friends' opinions on how to make the worst man ever and here he is LMAO also he’s into his best friend, but he’s so in denial of being bi that it affects their relationship (not completely cause there’s other factors)
uhh yeah that's about it that i want to share, there's like a small handful that aren't mentioned but i wanted to keep those to myself since they're like sorta niche and personal ig lol i'll get to drawing them maybe next week since i wanted to try out my new drawing program 😈
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zivliveblogsop · 3 months
One Piece Reread Chapter 4: The Great Captain Morgan
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No cover page this chapter, we get right into it - the fact that Luffy loathes people hiding behind another's reputation, especially a parent's, comes as no surprise. What does strike a positive chord with me here is how Luffy, in real time, seems to remember Shanks' way after his temper has died down. "He's not worth hitting," he says, though it's after he takes a breath and lets go of his initial anger. He still has a ways to go before he becomes the captain who lets Bellamy get his licks in without lifting a finger in Jaya. True to form, though, if it's for the sake of his friend, he'd hit him a few more times just for good measure.
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Koby is still petrified of the consequences, but Luffy, uncaring, heads off to find Zoro.
A brief interlude for Morgan - one wonders if tax collection falls under Marine purview. Is it simply because Shells Town appears to be a very small settlement, without even a mayor or other civil authority? Could it be that all of Shells is on World Government property, rendering the entire thing a military installation under the 153rd's jurisdiction? It's clear that the Marines seem to act as the police for the town. Among the injustices named by the citizens, they zero in on executions and other harsh punishments, but never object to the levies, which makes me think that the Marines functioning as the tax man may not be entirely unusual.
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Back in the yard, we come to the more famous second recruitment conversation between Luffy and Zoro - Zoro is notably opposed to pirates, as this is the second time he's not only rejected, but denigrated the prospect. Luffy questions if it's a matter of reputation, but Zoro shoots this down. He doesn't give a damn what everyone else thinks of him, but he (1) lives by his own code, which involves (a) never doing anything he's regretted. Once again, this raises the contemplative silence from Luffy. Oda goes as far as to give him a "..." to really show us that this is resonating with him, somehow, making him think. You might recall that I put a pin in Chapter 2, on the notion that Luffy lives his life on the guiding principle of "no regrets" - I believe that, here, he's realizing that he and Zoro have even more in common than he already thought, and it only strengthens his resolve to recruit him. He refuses to take no for an answer, because it's not only himself, now, who will feel regret for not getting Zoro to come with him - it's Zoro who will end up regretting this end. (As for "Why doesn't he just tell Zoro about their plan to execute him?" Simple - I believe Luffy sees it as an honourable act, and doesn't want Zoro to regret it. He likes the man that Zoro is, and he doesn't want to give him cause to hesitate to act this way again in the future.)
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To put it lightly, Morgan is an incredibly ham-fisted (or, axe-fisted) character - a very overblown amalgamation of just about every dishonourable trope in the book. I believe it's intentional, though - being introduced to the Marines in this way swiftly informs us of the present state of the organisation. It's corrupt, rife with abuse of power, and rife with individuals that are more concerned with their own status than the wellbeing of the citizens they are charged with protecting.
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The reality of the situation hasn't been lost on Koby, who's been galvanised to the point where he has a clear path forward. He hasn't yet seen himself as someone who's capable of cleaning house, but he does, at least, know he wants to be the "right kind" of Marine. He and Zoro have a moment of understanding, over Luffy's seemingly-impossible ways, but Koby has come to see the light. He sympathises with how crazy it seems at first, but he's bought in: "He'll succeed or die trying! That's how he is!" That impossible faith has begun to rub off on him.
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We close this chapter with a very sobering panel, and with Luffy on the loose with Helmeppo as hostage, in search of Zoro's swords...
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ell-vellan · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
My first little BG3 drabble as I get used to everyone's voice! Not sure if I'll go anywhere with this, but it's fun to play around.
Summary: Folk hero Tav (Safiel) frustrates Astarion to no end. One evening, she asks him why.
Tagging if anyone has anything to share! @thebookworm0001 @shretl (happy birthday! 🎈) @thegoblinwitchqueen I consistently forget which of my mutuals is a writer/artist so if you want to share something, please do and tag me in it so I can see/remember!
"Astarion, why does it bother you that I help people?"
Astarion startled out of his book. The silly little half-elf was looking over at him with those unsettling, mismatched eyes of hers. He tittered. "Oh, my dear, I'm quite certain you don't want my honest opinion."
But she was undeterred. "By all means, go ahead. I wouldn't have asked if I didn't."
Astarion sighed shortly and snapped his book shut. For all her ditzy naiveté and sickeningly sweet do-goodedness, the girl had let him tag along with her and the snooty cleric and the fearsome githyanki, increasing his odds of survival at least a tad. She'd been a useful tool so far, hadn't blinked when he fessed up to being a vampire after she'd caught him (almost) red-handed, and had even offered her neck willingly with that wide-eyed conviction of the young and foolhardy who haven't yet learned how the world works.
He studied her for a moment. She never seemed put off by his fits of temper, even when he was trying to annoy her. Either she was just that dense, or she had incredibly poor survival instincts, which seemed an unlucky trait for a druid.
If he hadn't needed a source of fresh blood and someone to watch his back out here in the sunlight, he wouldn't have thought twice about slitting her throat. Even after he quite nearly gutted her, she had acted as though he'd behaved with perfectly reasonable self-preservation, and forgiven him immediately. 
But she was going to earn herself – and worse, him – a knife in the back if she didn't learn. And quickly.
Fool child. It rubbed him the wrong way.
And yet...
"My dear, simply that there are a million reasons why we should not waste what very little tentacle-free time we may have left on the plights of strangers, and I cannot think of a single reason why we should."
"We seem fairly tentacle-free so far. And if I happen upon someone who could use my help, why wouldn't I at least try?"
He gaped at her, flabbergasted. "Why wouldn't you – perhaps it has crossed your mind that we are risking our lives for random passers-by who could not be arsed to give a single shit about us in return? Fine, fine, do a few jobs if you need coin, if you must. But for free?"
She just looked at him placidly, a little smile on her face that annoyed him. "I had a wildcat once. A kitten, really – I found him, orphaned and half dead. He bit me when I tried to heal him, and bit me every time I fed him. But I didn't mind. I knew that to him, I was very big, and he was very small and scared, and he was only doing what he felt he needed to do to survive. I chose to help him even knowing I would be bitten, and scratched, and that perhaps he would never come to see me as a friend no matter how much kindness I showed him. But I couldn't walk away from something in pain knowing I could do something to ease it."
Astarion glared at her, but she either didn't notice or didn't care. "Is there a point to this frustratingly saccharine monologue, or can I return to my book?"
"You remind me of him," she quipped, a teasing glint in her eye when he, predictably, glowered at the comparison. 
"I am the disheveled bitey kitten you scooped up and fed scraps to? My dear, your analogy has a few holes."
Safiel laughed and tossed another branch into the fire. "I know. I didn't say it was perfect, only that you reminded me of him."
"Darling, I am no one's pet."
"He was never my pet. He was a wild creature. When he was well enough, he fled back to the woods where he belonged. I never planned nor attempted to tame him."
He eyed her suspiciously. "You see, this is precisely my point. Did you never think that perhaps one day, the fully grown wildcat you so lovingly wasted your energy on would pounce out of a tree and make you its dinner?"
"Of course I considered that. But should that day come, it would only be acting according to its nature. And if I couldn't defend myself, it would be fully within its rights to eat me."
Astarion glared. "You may not mind taking foolish risks with your life. In fact, I would encourage it! If my own fate was not so terribly twisted up with yours."
Safiel shrugged. "You're free to continue on your own way whenever you like, Astarion. I don't mind that you disagree with me. And I understand your reasoning better now – thank you for answering my question. I'll do better to consider that lives other than my own are also at stake here, and take your point of view into account in the future."
Well, Astarion did not know quite what to do with that. He couldn't remember the last time someone had thanked him for his opinion, or promised to take it under advisement. Not honestly, at least. 
"I don't want to take actions that others are uncomfortable with. Everyone has their opinions on the best course of action. But we all have the same very dire problem, so I hope we can find a way to work together. And to help each other."
Gods, she was so ready to believe they could all be a happy little family. And he truly believed her to be perfectly truthful about all of this.
What fairytale grove had she come from where life was all sunshine and rainbows? 
Astarion threw up his hands, book clutched in one of them, and made a frustrated sound. "Well, yes, I would agree to that. Our odds are certainly better together. If we don't spend our remaining hours saving kittens and starving little orphans."
Safiel had the gall to laugh. She inspected a branch in her hand, stripping off the leaves idly. "A reasonable request. But let me ask you – isn't it just as likely that one day, we may come to need help, and someone else may come along to offer it without expectation of reward? That the good we do now for others may find its way back to us?"
Astarion sputtered, speechless with outrage. "No!"
Safiel grinned at him. "Then you have not spent much time around druids, I imagine."
She actually winked at him. Then stood, brushed off her knees, and sashayed away to chat with Shadowheart, still smiling. 
"Ridiculous," Astarion muttered, rolling his eyes as he opened his book again. His eyes tracked her retreating form, wondering if people this empty-headed actually survived into adulthood, or if it was some sort of long con she was playing. If the latter, he had never seen such a good actor. "Absolutely absurd. Going to get us all killed, that naive child."
But still…he snuck one last glance up at her from beneath his lashes, scowling, wondering. 
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