#he matches aragorns kindness and care while still having boromirs dedication
rosefires20 · 3 months
The one thing that gets me about the Lord of the Rings movies is how much they fail Faramir's character but manage to really show Boromir's specifically in the extended cuts.
Faramir gets so little time in the movies compared to how much he gets in the books. He is genuinely such a good character in the books and I adore him so much. He has one of the best lines in the series as well that really captures some of the larger themes of the peace.
"I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend." - Faramir in The Two Towers
He is genuinely such a kind man, and in the books, you see that through his actions but also the actions and words of everyone around him. In the books, you get Beregond and Pippin's interactions and conversations where Beregond talks about how much he admires and loves Faramir as his captain and how much he trusts him. Beregond's love and dedication is part of the reason why Denethor's plan to burn him and Faramir alive gets delayed long enough for Pippin to go and get Gandalf and return with enough time to save Faramir at least.
The movie fails so hard because they have Faramir and his group take Frodo and Sam forcefully to Osgiliath and he has a moment with the ring. In the books, before even knowing for sure that Frodo had the ring, he said he would not take it. When it is revealed, he completely denies it and aids Frodo with food and shelter for a bit. The scene of him rejecting the ring especially with the knowledge that it got to his dearly beloved brother is so good and so core to Faramir's character which drives me nuts with how it went down in the movies.
In the books, you also get most of a chapter dedicated to Eowyn and Faramir and their healing journey. There, you also get to see how kind and loving Faramir is as a person with how he respects and interacts with Eowyn. Just god. He's such a good example of the series's gentle masculinity. He parallels Aragorn a lot in it especially since Aragorn is the one who is meant to be king while Faramir had the hearts of the people.
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guardianofrivendell · 4 years
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Legolas x OC
Requested: Nope
Summary:  Mira. A short and unusual name for a short and unusual Elf. After an audience with Galadriel goes sideways, she leaves her birthplace Lóthlorien and the Elves for good.  That is until a certain Gandalf asks for a favor. Come along on her journey, as she reluctantly agrees to accompany Gandalf on the quest to destroy the One Ring.  She befriends every Fellowship member, except one. Legolas and Mira are water and fire from the very first moment they laid eyes on each other. Will this be an obstacle during the quest or is it going to make everything just a little more interesting?
Warnings: None, other than this is more of a filler chapter so nothing exciting is happening. Sorry! And the usual bickering :)
After about 6 days they reached Eregion. A decision had to be made on the best way to cross the Misty Mountains, so they took a longer break than usual.
Gandalf and Aragorn were sitting on the rocks smoking their pipe, Sam made a fire and was surely planning to cook something soon and Legolas kept watch. Again.
Merry and Boromir were standing in the middle of the clearance. Boromir had promised the Hobbit a few days ago to teach him how to wield a sword - well, dagger in his case. Mira snorted, the image of Merry trying to wield a human sized sword now in her head. Gandalf gave her a questioning look, but she shook her head. The grey wizard was happy to see her smile more often, and was more than relieved that Mira seemed to have found her place within the fellowship.
“Are you ready?” Boromir asked Merry, swords in their hand. He swallowed heavily, but gave a small nod. “Come on, Merry!” Mira cheered him on.
Merry was the first one to make a move, and Boromir easily parred him. She noticed he didn’t use his full force, going easy on the Hobbit. Boromir had surprised her in the last couple of days, he was kinder than she had given him credit for. He may have doubted her in the beginning of the journey, but it seemed that he finally warmed up to the idea of a woman in the fellowship. They had talked a couple of times while crossing the fields, mostly about his brother. He caught her every time she slipped or tripped over her own feet - which was more often than she would have liked - and he was never disrespectful about it. That’s not what she could say about Legolas, hearing him snort or sigh every time Boromir had to grab her waist or arm to prevent her from smacking to the ground.
Merry did his best, but was no match to the experienced warrior. He ducked when Boromir swung his sword at him, and tried to hit him with his dagger. The only thing he cut was a hole in the air.
Aragorn laughed. “Move your feet, Merry!” It was a welcome distraction, after days and days of endless hiking, crossing the plain fields. But they did have something important to discuss.
“If anyone was to ask for my opinion, which they’re not,” Gimli started, “I’d say we are taking the long way around. We should pass through the Mines of Moria, Gandalf. My cousin Balin will give us a royal welcome!”
“No Gimli, I will not take the road through Moria unless there was no other choice,” Gandalf answered him. Mira released her breath in relief. She hated being underground. Elves get restless when they can’t see the sky, and she was no exception. 
She continued to watch Merry and Boromir, and noticed that the warrior of Gondor wasn’t holding back anymore. Mira suspected it was no longer a training session to him, but more some kind of way to show off his skills.
“Hold on,” she interrupted the fight. Boromir watched her walk to Merry. “What’s wrong, my lady?” he asked. She waved at him. “Nothing, don’t worry. I just want to give Merry some pointers.”
Mira crouched down to Merry’s level and lowered her voice to a whisper so no one else could hear them. Well, Legolas probably could but he was still busy staring at their surroundings. He never let his guard down and although she thought he was taking this far too seriously, she also admired his dedication. Wait a minute… Did she just think something nice about him? “My lady?” Merry asked, interrupting her thoughts. “Right! Sorry,” she laughed. “Merry, he’s not fighting fair anymore. So you won’t do that either. Here’s what you are going to do.” She whispered a few things in his ear, and his eyes went wide at first but a wicked grin followed quickly. She gestured at Pippin to come over and did the same with him.
When she sat back next to Aragorn, he eyed her curiously. “What did you say to them?” Mira shrugged. “Nothing much, just a little something to make the fight fairer.”
Merry got back in position with regained confidence, and gave Mira a wink. She raised her thumb at him.
Everyone was watching the so-called ‘training session’, their discussion about the route they should take completely forgotten. Boromir was a bit hesitant at first, curious about the ‘pointers’ the hooded lady had given his opponent. The fight that followed was nothing like the first few rounds. Merry went full force on Boromir and tried to hit him as many times as he could. Boromir blocked them all with his shield, before he finally raised to his full height and swung his sword at Merry. The Hobbit wasn’t quick enough and the blade hit his arm. Merry cried out in pain and Boromir instantly dropped his shield and sword, making his way over to the Hobbit.
“I’m so sorry,” he gasped, but when he reached Merry, he saw his expression change from a grimace to a full grin.  Before he could do anything, he heard Mira yell: “Now!” and he was thrown to the ground by the two Hobbits.
“For the Shire!” they cried, desperately trying to keep Boromir on the ground. Mira was a bit anxious about the warrior’s reaction, but he took it rather well. More than well, since his laughter could be heard all over the ruïns of Eregion. Most of the fellowship followed his example.
“Aragorn! Help me!” Aragorn put out his pipe and tried to help him to his feet, but soon suffered the same fate. Mira smiled smugly, satisfied that she had succeeded. The confidence of Merry and Pippin got the boost they needed, Boromir had learned his lesson and everyone’s spirits were lifted. “I know what you did,” Gandalf said to her. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Gandalf said something else, but Mira didn’t hear. A sudden uneasy feeling overcame her, and she looked around in an attempt to find the cause.
“What’s that?” Frodo asked, and he went to stand next to Legolas.
Merry and Pippin let go of Boromir and Aragorn, and they all looked at the sky ahead. “It’s just a whiff of cloud,” Gimli grumbles, still angry that Gandalf wouldn’t listen to him.
That is definitely not a cloud, Mira thought. If she wasn’t mistaken, that was Saruman’s Crebain. She couldn’t say anything, and could only hope Legolas would. What good was it that he was the one constantly on watch when he couldn’t see danger when it was right in front of him?
Boromir stood next to her, his eyes on the black ‘cloud’. “It’s moving against the wind,” he noticed. Very clever, Mira thought. Why is it taking them so long?
“Crebain from Dunland!” Legolas yelled, finally realizing what it was.
“Hide!” Mira cried, and grabbed Merry and Pippin by their hand and quickly shoved them under the first protruding rock she saw. It was too small for her, but big enough to hide the two Hobbits. With her vow to protect the Halflings in mind, she looked around for Sam and Frodo but couldn’t spot them anywhere. Hoping they’d found a good hiding spot, she dived between a few skinny bushes. The others could take care of themselves.
Before the Crebain reached them, someone wrapped their arm around her waist and pulled her into a shallow gap in the ground. It was hidden from plain sight because of the overhanging bushes. She yelped in surprise, and a hand covered her mouth.
“Hush! Or do you want them to know we are here?” She rolled her eyes. Of course it was Legolas. She pulled his hand from her mouth and reached for her hood, pulling it even further over her head. To hide her identity, but mostly because she didn’t have to look at him that way.
The crow-like birds flew over them, their horrible squawking noise painful to her ears. Her hands flew over the fabric of her cloak to cover her ears in an attempt to shut out the noise.
She felt her eyes tremble. Not now, she groaned but her vision shifted despite her attempts to suppress it.
The images were clear but changing very fast like they usually did, Mira had to concentrate to keep up with them.
She saw the Crebain in some kind of fiery mine workplace, Saruman, snow, darkness, hundreds of riders on horses, battles and a boat toppling over the edge of a waterfall.
When her vision slowly returned, she felt Legolas’ hands on her shoulder and waist, slightly shaking her.
“Is everything alright?” she heard another voice.
Great, she thought to herself. How am I going to explain this?
She pushed Legolas’ hands off of her and clambered out of the gap, wiping the dust of her legs and arms.
“What happened?” Aragorn asked her. He, Gimli and Boromir stood at the edge of the gap.
“Nothing,” she answered.
“She was not responding to me, her eyes were glazed over,” Legolas said, his cold stare directed at her. It was obvious he didn’t trust her at all.
“Clearly your eyes are failing you, blondie,” she snapped, pointing at her eyes. They had returned to their normal warm brown colour.
“I know what I saw!” he yelled at her.
“This is not the time nor the place to discuss this matter,” Gandalf intervened, coming to her aid.
“What was that, Gandalf?” Sam asked.
“Spies of Saruman! The South Pass is being watched. We must take the Pass of Caradhras,” Gandalf decided.
Everyone gathered their things and started packing for the mountain hike. When Legolas passed Mira, he bumped her shoulder which made her falter. She squinted her eyes at him. “You know,” Gandalf spoke to her. “Kindness does wonders.”
“That goes both ways, Gandalf,” she said, jaw still clenched. “Do I have to tell them about my visions?”
“In due time, my dear. In due time.”
He walked to the others and urged them to follow him. Mira looked towards the snowy mountains and sighed. She hated snow...
Perfect Secrets taglist: @ayo-cowbelly​ @fried-potato-balloon @galileostyles​ @halfangelworld​
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