#he loves his wife and her long beautiful hair and her sweet-smelling herb garden
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wildsaltair · 3 months ago
I could write an entire thesis on how Maximus is so husband-coded and how different he is from other action heroes of, before, and after his day. he is so timeless because his qualities go so far beyond the generic, and I want to stand on a mountaintop to explain this in painstaking detail to the whole world
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heyitmelexie · 4 years ago
Falling In Love
Din Djarin x riduur!F!Reader
Word count: 3444 Warnings: mention of wounds and blood Rating: Teen and up
A/N: Day 9 of the December Writing Challenge by @honeymandos​! ❤️
This was also my first time ever writing for Din!
I know it’s late but I’m currently pretty occupied with uni etc. Hope you enjoy anyway!!  ❤️
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The sweet smell of Bantha-butter pancakes tickles your nose and pulls you from your peaceful slumber.
As you open your eyes you see soft beams of sunshine creep through the window, illuminating your exposed legs and bathing them in warmth.
You smile and stretch, hearing the sizzling noise of the pancakes coming from the kitchen, accompanied by soft talking, gentle coos and occasionally one or the other clank.
The door is slightly ajar, but you can still see the domestic scene playing in the other room.
Din, in only his pants and with his hair still mussed, stands with his broad back turned to you. He’s making breakfast while quietly talking to your little green son, who sits on the counter right next to him. You see his ears occasionally perk up, followed by coos and little giggles, making you smile.
“Look, now you flip it. Just like this” you hear Din say, before (you assume) he tries to flip it with the pan. You expect to hear the loud sizzling again, indicating that the uncooked side of the pancake landed safely back in the pan. Instead, you hear a dull splash, like a wet fish falling onto tiles, followed by strings of curses coming from Din and a loud, hearty laugh from that little womp rat.
You laugh softly at that, getting out of bed to make your way into the kitchen.
Upon hearing your laugh coming from behind him, Din turns and looks at you, a sheepish smile playing on his flustered face.
“I hope I didn’t wake you, cyare” he says before quickly cleaning up the mess he made.
“Not really. I woke up from the smell of my favourite breakfast” you hum, before kissing your son’s wrinkly little head. He coos happily and then stretches out his arms to make grabby hands at you. You chuckle softly and then proceed to pick him up. He immediately snuggles against you, one of his little claws clutching onto your shirt.
Din smiles, before gently kissing your lips and then continuing to make the breakfast.
You take the time to go outside into your little garden with the child in your arms.
The sun immediately engulfs you in its warm light and you lay down in the soft grass between the flower beds. The little one moves to get comfortable on top of you, snuggling into your chest and cooing contently.
You smile at him and gently caress his big ears.
Din and you had built this little hut on Naboo together just about a year ago, finally deciding to partially settle down and have a somewhat quiet life. He would occasionally still go on a few hunts to get some credits for the three of you while you would stay home with the child. He would always make sure to not stay away for too long. Din had gotten really used to this simple life with you.
As you now lay there in the grass, admiring yours and Din’s handiwork, you think back to how you two met.
And what had made you realize that you had deeply fallen for this beskar-clad warrior (and honestly sometimes tin can dumb bitch of a man).
You grew up in a very small village that was hidden in the lush forests of Naboo. People there were kind and caring, always helping each other and even going so far as helping out strangers that desperately needed the help.
And that’s what had led to meeting him.
You were some sort of healer for the people of your village. Mixing concoctions, ointments, bacta gels, etc. Taking care of wounded and ill people. They trusted you with their lives and that had filled you with a great sense of pride.
One day, while you were collecting herbs in your little garden, you could hear a loud commotion coming from the marketplace. The noise steadily grew louder until five people stormed in, carrying a person covered head to toe in fabrics and metal, that was bleeding profusely from a deep wound in their lower abdomen. A pool of blood was very quickly forming on the floor and then on the bed once they put the person on it.
You dropped everything you held and rushed inside, immediately starting to cut off the fabric from around the wound to get better access to it, not even thinking about removing the armour and pants. You knew what that would mean.
You had heard about Mandalorians before. Strangers come and go; they spend most of their time at the small cantina. Many of them weren’t very social and would mostly just ignore the questions they were asked. But others, they would talk and then wouldn’t stop, much to the delight of the folks here.
That’s how one day you met a woman called Rook Cava.
She was unlike any other person you had ever met before. Just like this wounded person, she was covered in fabrics and metal armour, from head to toe. The specially shaped breast plate was the only certain physical indication for you that assured you she was a woman. The armour had been painted a very deep purple, the paint was already chipping away here and there. On the helmet, around the visor, there were golden, intricate symbols. She was mysterious and, even though you had no idea what she looked like, you thought she was breathtakingly beautiful.
She emitted such strength and power. The armour made her look bulky, but the fabric underneath laid snug against her skin and you saw her biceps. She wasn’t bulky, no, she was strong and muscular. You had never seen a woman like her before. She rendered you speechless and at the same time there were so many questions you wanted to ask her. But you didn’t want to overwhelm her, so you kept these questions to yourself.
So instead, you let her rest for a bit, she had obviously been travelling for a long time before taking a break on Naboo.
Rook was a step ahead of you though because the next morning she knocked at your door. She explained that she needed a few ointments and new bacta gel for the next few weeks of her travels and that everyone had told her to go seek you out for that.
Without hesitation you had let her in, offering her a seat and something to drink which she politely declined.
You sat in comfortable silence for a bit, while you collected the things she needed and also freshly mixed some of them so she could take a bigger amount with her.
Rook noticed that you held back your questions, always glancing at her, at her armour. She smiled under the helmet, amused and also astonished that you hadn’t drowned her in your questions yet.
She slightly shook her head in amusement and leaned back in the chair, crossing her arms behind her head.
“What do you wanna know?”
Your head snaps up to look at her, eyes wide, mouth slightly agape. Her question had caught you off guard and she had laughed at your shocked reaction, heat creeping to your cheeks in embarrassment.
“It’s fine. I know I’m not a very common sight. Go ahead, ask your questions” she said, her voice warm and friendly. The complete opposite from her fierce appearance.
“Uhmm… what exactly are you?” ‘What exactly are you?!’ You wanted to slap yourself across the face for such a stupid question. But Rook didn’t seem to mind.
“I’m a Mandalorian. Have you ever heard of those?” You shook your head no at that and she nodded, showing you that she understood.
“To be clear, a Mandalorian is not a race. It’s a creed. You can be born by Mandalorian parents and grow up to become one yourself, or you could be a foundling. Those are children who lose their families at a very young age. They can be taken in by Mandalorians so they have a home and protection. They will grow up and become warriors as well, they will swear the oath. They will live their lives in anonymity, protecting their creed.”
You let that sink in and crush the herbs in your little bowl. Your eyebrows furrow and you take in her armour again.
“Anonymity… What exactly do you mean by that? I mean, I know your name. So, that isn’t very… anonym, is it?” She smiles, but you can’t see it.
“I decided to go by my name because I was just tired of everyone calling me Mando. I hated it. Some of my kind decide to keep their names to themselves, only revealing them to their loved ones and children. Others, like me, are okay with sharing that information. And, by the way, do people check if the name is real anyway?” You laugh at that. She was right. She could tell everyone a made-up name and they would believe it. Nobody checks.
“But, unless you are the wife of a Mandalorian, you will never be able to put a face to that name. We don’t reveal our faces to anyone but our families. If a Mandalorian takes off the helmet in front of another living thing, the Creed would be soiled, the oath you swore - broken. And we are nothing without our Creed. It’s our religion, it’s sacred, holy. It’s what makes us who we are. And we will kill anyone who tries to take that from us.”
“Is that why you declined the water? And why you asked for the food to be brought to your room last night, so you wouldn’t have to eat in the cantina? Because you can’t take off your helmet?”
She just nodded and you hummed in response, thinking about your next question.
“What happens when you get hurt and someone has to access, let’s say, your thigh. Do you just have to risk dying or are others allowed to see other parts of your body?”
She seemed to think about that for a moment, trying to come up with a good answer.
“Technically we aren’t allowed to show any part of our body to anyone. But wounds are, let’s say, a little loophole. If the wound is dangerous and could possibly kill me, then we can let them assess it. Let’s take your example.” She taps one of her thigh plates.
“If I had an awful wound on my thigh that I couldn’t take care of alone and would need help with, I can take off my thigh plate. You can’t take off my pants but you can cut a hole into the fabric so you can access the wound properly. You couldn’t see much of my skin. My Creed would be intact and you can save my life.” A loophole.
This brings you back to your current situation.
“You need to take off his armour! And his clothes! How can you dress his wound like that?” one of the villagers says, not understanding why you just cut a whole into that person’s pants.
You assumed it was a man, his shoulders seemed to be too broad for a woman and his chest plate was quite flat.
“I can take care of his wound like that just fine” you say, telling them what you needed in order to close and disinfect the wound.
It took you a bit over an hour until you had finally finished stitching it up and wrapping gauze around his thigh.
He still wouldn’t move; the blood loss must have weakened him. You had checked his pulse just to be sure he was still alive and then bundled him up into blankets
Just when you finished cleaning the blood stains and tidying the room, he jolted awake, startling you.
He quickly scanned the room before pulling the blankets off of him and attempting to stand up. You saw his knees buckle slightly and rushed over to steady him, carefully pushing him back onto the bed.
“You need to lie down and rest for a while. You lost a lot of blood” you told him, getting him a glass of water and digging out a straw from your drawers.
You held the glass out for him to take but his visor was focused on your face.
“Who are you? Where am I?” His rough and rather deep voice sent a shiver down your smile that you tried to suppress. You just smiled and told him your name, gently pushing the glass into his hand but he didn’t drink yet, still looking at you.
“You’re on Naboo. A few hours ago you were brought to me because you had a very nasty wound on your abdomen, bleeding like mad. I took care of it, but you need to rest or the stitches will break open again and you’ll risk an infection. And you need to drink” you say, pushing the glass a bit closer towards his face.
When you turn around to put the trash away, he tucks the straw under his helmet and quickly empties the glass. He’s relieved to notice that he immediately feels a bit less lightheaded and puts the glass on the little table before lying back down. For some odd reason he feels like he can trust you.
“I didn’t take off your armour or your clothes. And especially not your helmet, so don’t worry. I must admit though that I put my hand under your helmet as best as I could to see if there would be any blood. But I looked away while I did that, I promise. I know it’s forbidden” you turned back to him, a gentle smile on your face.
“I… Okay. Thank you.”
You felt relief wash over you, glad you hadn’t somehow done anything wrong or harmful, internally thanking the Force for sending Rook your way those few years ago.
The Mandalorian spent about a week at your house, resting and healing.
You had learned that he was hunting a bounty and somehow they had managed to ambush him. The wound on his leg was caused by a warspear the bounty had rammed into his thigh in a moment of inadvertence.
Din had to admit to himself that he… liked you. You were kind and caring. You weren’t one of those people that would ask him when the last time was he took off the helmet or if he’d ever taken it off in front of someone else. None of your questions or conversations were focused on his appearance or his life, which he was very grateful for. He trusted you, but he didn’t want to share such private information with someone he didn’t know well enough.
You simply took care of his wound, made him drink enough water and you would leave him alone whenever he needed to eat.
Not even the conversations with you felt awkward.
You willingly told him about your upbringing, what you had done so far in your life and you also told him about your encounter with Rook Cava.
He knew that he was lucky you had this knowledge of his Creed. What if you hadn’t known it and would have taken off his helmet? He figured that he must have killed the whole village then in order to somehow keep his Creed intact… That thought sends a shiver through his body, once again he felt lucky that he ended up in your care.
When he felt stronger and healthier again, ready to leave Naboo behind, the thought of you sitting in his co-pilot chair flashes through his mind.
He didn’t want to leave you. He didn’t know why, but he wanted you to come with him and stay by his side.
‘I just need someone with her skills’ is what he tells himself.
And when he asked you to come with him, he was surprised at how quickly you said yes, agreeing to leave your home behind to travel through the galaxy with him.
As much as you loved the village, you really wanted to see other parts of the galaxy. So you quickly said your goodbyes and packed your things. You were excited to start this new chapter.
You ended up staying and travelling with him for the following 6 years, before you settled down last year.
During this time, your little green rascal became a part of your family, making you a clan of three. That filled Din with great pride and whenever he looked at his little clan, he felt happy and warm. You two were his entire galaxy and he would make sure that nothing ever happened to you.
One evening, you two had been ‘dating’ for about two years now, the kid was sleeping in his pram and you sat on his lap in the pilot chair, his arms around you. You had asked him a question that had floated through your mind for quite a while.
“When did you know you loved me?” You stared out of the windows, the stars just streaks of light during hyperspace. Din stopped caressing your back for a moment and seemed to think about this.
“Pretty sure it was the first time you smiled at me” he said, making you laugh softly and swat his chest.
“Sure thing, shiny” you giggled, making him smile at you under the helmet.
He held you closer to him and leaned his helmet against your shoulder.
“I think it was the moment I realized I couldn’t leave Naboo without you” he said, continuing to caress your back. “That whole week, you took great care of me and I’ve never felt this comfortable around anyone outside of my tribe before. For whatever reason I trusted you right from the beginning. That first smile you flashed me, if I didn’t already sit I would have probably had to sit down. I never felt like this before I met you. Your presence was calming and kind of made me giddy. I don’t know how to describe it…” You smiled and pressed a kiss to the side of his helmet.
“Like butterflies fluttering inside you? The constant urge to smile?” He thought about it for a moment and then nodded. Grateful for his helmet covering his face because he was sure it was just as red as a tomato.
“The thought of leaving without you, it… it kind of hurt. I was imagining you sitting in my co-pilot chair while I would fly. I even dreamed about you… Back then, I didn’t know I was in love with you. I had never loved anyone this way before. You changed my whole life. To the better. I thought I would die alone. No family, no friends, nothing. But then you strut into my life with that stupid little smile of yours and you gave me hope.”
Your chest swells with pride at his confession, warmth spreading throughout your whole body.
You gave him hope. Home. A family, even before this little womp rat waddled into your life. You made the love of your life believe in a happy ending for himself and that was more than you could ever ask for.
“But what about you, cyar’ika? When did you know you loved me?” he asked, while gently putting a hand on your thigh.
“I think it was the first time I saw you straddle that speederbike back on Tatooine. That was pretty hot.”
He laughed at that, gently squeezing your bum and tutted.
“You are unbelievable.”
You didn’t realize you fell asleep again until a gentle hand shakes you awake. Your eyes flutter open and you look right into the face of your riduur. He smiles at you and kisses your nose, making you giggle before you gently kiss him.
After a moment he slowly breaks the kiss and sits next to you in the grass, a big plate full of pancakes in front of him and a bottle of chee-chee berry syrup in his hand.
Before you can sit up, the kid scrambles off your chest and goes to launch himself at the plate of pancakes, but Din is quicker. He scoops him into his arms and then puts him into his lap.
“They’re for all of us, ad’ika” he softly tuts, before taking a pancake and slowly tearing it into little pieces to feed him.
You smile and sit up, pressing a kiss to your riduur’s cheek and one to your son’s head.
The Force had blessed you with such a beautiful little family. And soon there would be another little one moving and kicking inside of you. But you had yet to tell your lover.
@absurdthirst​ @dindjarindiaries​ @tangledlove27​
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years ago
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The sweet as sugar voice across the town.
The cluttering of horse shoes on the dirt.
The flutterin' of Blue cotton in the wind.
The whine of Violin strings.
The snap of bow strings.
Her little songs sung in the darkness.
The smell of her desert flowers in the garden.
The smell of sage and other herbs.
The smell Her Quail roast.
She'd shoot it in the mornin', have it plucked and cleaned before I went to work, it would roast all day and be just finished when I got home.
Her knitting needles set on every surface.
Her ribbons tied around things she would use often.
I can recall, the first moment I saw her.
She was the sweetest thing I had ever known.
She was dancin', not old enough to go in the La Belle bar, so she stood out in the dirt of the road, dancing to the music ya could hear blaring from within. Her black riding boots against the dust, stockings full of holes, her little blue cotton dress dirty around the edge, her white slightly greyed apron with two pockets either side of her skirt. she had sewn daises on the pockets, and ivy leaves across the top and skirt, A Large Bow tied her apron at the back. she had her sweet almost Y/h/c hair in curls that bounced on her shoulders as she danced, she had ribbons in her hair, bright white ribbons that kept her curls somewhat controlled a bow at the back of her head like her apron strings.
And I remember thinkin', That she was the most beautiful girl in the world.
After many weeks of nervousness and a little poking from Mary Agnes, I finally spoke to her and the moment I did... I loved her.
"Hello" she smiled
"Hi, uhhh I umm hi" I blushed
Her name was y/n.
only Two years younger then me, but you'd never tell.
she was mature for her age, more so when I was.
She was the sweetest little thing I had ever met.
She wouldn't hurt a fly and even if she did she would make sure they wouldn't suffer.
We would go on little dates after I was done in the office, walking around town.
We would go for picnics on the hill.
We would go riding down to the river together.
We'd race our horses across the open desert.
I would take her down to the river and teach her trick shots with my guns, and she'd show me tricks with her bow and arrows.
We would sometimes kiss cuddled up in the hay of the stables.
"Ummmmm uummmmmm" I groaned slightly my arms around her waist as we laid in the stables sat up on a huge pile of hay, her arms around my neck as we kissed I pulled her closer and closer as we kissed the two of us at times literally having a roll in the hay
"whitey!" she gasped "what are you doing with your hands up my dress?" she argued noticing my hands half way up her skirt
"Uhhhh.... fixing your stockings" I lied
"Course you where" she giggled pulling me back to kissing her.
I loved her, more then words could explain.
by some magic she loved me too,
We where married in the half finished church one sunny Saturday in June,  
she was the most perfect wife I could ever dream of,
she would come visit me at work and bring me cookies she would bake for me.
She would have a nice toasty warm bath waiting for me when I got home from work,
Dinner would be cooking on the stove ready for as soon as I was done with my bath,
and a cuddle after dinner in our bed together until we fall asleep.
she was my darlin', My sweet wifey, My angel.
I'd do anything she asked of me,
I'd worship her, adore her, in all the little ways I could.
giving her kisses,
holding her hand,
telling her at any time I could get out the words that I loved her.
I sat one night watching her as she sat on the bed knitting, in her little white nightie, ribbons still in her hair where she hadn't untied them yet. she sat up against the headboard, the blankets tucks up tight to her body, I sat on the chair by the fire watching the candlelight flicker across her sweet face as she worked, her tongue slightly sticking out her mouth slightly as she worked.
"You're staring Mr winn" she smiled playfully looking up at me
"Am I now?"
"It's rude"
"Is it now?"
"Is there something you wanted?"
"... You are the most beautiful creature in the world"
"So you say whitey, I rather think your going blind like bill"
"I'm not goin' blind y/n, I think you're beautiful"
"well, That's your opinion"
"It is, Darlin'?"
"Yes whitey?"
"Ya know what I want?"
"A Million dollars I suppose" she smiled as she knits making me laugh
"No," I smiled "A little curly Y/c/h girl"
"Would you now?" she smiled and I nodded "Then I shall do my very best"
I finished up at work today, getting my jacket from the hook by the door I slipped it on as I headed out the office going down the little steps and though the dirt and dust of the streets heading back to the little house, as soon as I got close enough to smell the sweet plants in the garden, the door opened and little Eliza ran out the house in her little light blue dress her sweet y/h/c curls bouncing as she ran "Daddy!" she giggled as she jumped into my arms
"Hey little one" I smiled putting her on my hip giving her head a kiss fixing her little ribbons
"I missed you daddy"
"I missed you too little one" I told her heading inside the house, I went in and the moment I did Arthur latched onto my leg "Oh. Hey little guy," I laughed patting his hair, putting Eliza down
"They missed there daddy" Maggie says as she fiddled with her gun
"Yeah, I missed them too" I smiled letting them run off and play
"How you doing?"
"Uhh... yeah. Okay" I lied "I uhh I'm sorry Maggie I uhh I need to go see y/n" I told her
"Go on, I'll keep an eye on them for you" she says
I nodded and headed back out taking my horse and heading down towards the river where the tree was growing. I climbed off my horse tying it up by the river and going over to the tree "Hi darlin', I can't help thinking about ya, whenever I'm on my own I just... I feel like I can't help thinkin' about ya, sometimes when I'm all on my own I swear your still with me,... I miss everythin' about you, all the little things you used to do, I missed your food, your voice, your perfume, everythin', I adore our little ones darlin' but....... Sometimes I wish I had you instead of them." I sniffled moving and brushing some dust and dirt off her stone
'Y/n Winn, Beloved Wife and mother,'
"Not a night goes by I don't dream about ya y/n. My sweet darlin'. Arthur's doing well at school, Kallie says he's the best in his class, Eliza misses you, she's always following me to work and all. I don't think she likes being on her own too long, even though she has her brother. I can't help missing ya when I see them, Eliza... she's, she looks just like you, she even ties her ribbons the same way you used to." I explained to her moving and resting my head on her stone "I... I'd give anythin' to have ya back darlin'"
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kissofthemuses · 4 years ago
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FULL NAME: Elena Boureanu
SPECIES: witch
OCCUPATION: vine witch/wine maker
FANDOM: The Vine Witch
FACECLAIM: Rachel Weisz
PRONOUNS: she/her
AGE: 43
BIRTHDATE: August 10
HAIR: brown
EYES: hazel
HEIGHT: 5'6″
MOTHER: Esme Bourenau (Deceased)
FATHER: Roul Bourenau (Decesed)
CARETAKERS: Josef and Ariella Gardin
MBTI: ENFP-A / “Campaigner”
ALIGNMENT: neutral good
POSITIVES: smart, determined, curious, loyal, forthright
NEGATIVES: brash, unforgiving, foolhardy, vengeful
LIKES: learning, wine making, gardening, mystery novels, pain au chocolat, outdoors, the sound and smell of a light rain falling on a field,
DISLIKES: bureaucracy, authority, being confined, overly sweet drinks, the heat,
Threads Headcanons Musings Inspo
Elena grew up on the vineyards Château Renard, learning how to use her magic to help the grapes grow, to make some of the best wine. The couple who raised her since she was , Josef and Ariella Gardin, were her only family, so much so that Elena referred to them as her grandparents, but, really, they were the only parents she knew.
Well, except for the few memories she had of her real parents- Esme and Roul Bourenau. And the only memory she had of them was riding in the back of their jangly cart, on their way to somewhere new. What followed that memory was the memory of being brought to the Chateau, to the Gardins when she was 5. Though she’d always held on to that memory and wondered about her parents, the love her grand-mere was more than enough for Elena.
As she grew, she fell in love with a man named Bastien and, eventually, he proposed to her. At first, Elena accepted, and for a time she was blissfully happy. But, soon enough, Bastien began making demands of her that Elena could not abide. He’d wanted her to abandon her home vineyard and work on his, more than that, he wanted her to sabotage rivals. He wanted her to use hexes and curses against. Angry, she refused this, refused him, and threw his ring back at him, breaking off the engagement.
It was soon after this breakup that Elena was ambushed as she was gathering herbs. A sorcerer used an archaic form of transmogrification to curse her into a toad. Elena lived in that body for 7 long years, her human mind tucked away in some small space. Finally, she was able to break the curse. Over her years as a toad, each time she’d shed her old skin, she’d ingested it. Over time, the natural acid in the toad’s skin helping breaking the bonds of the vile spell.
Once she’d become human again, Elena made her way back to Chateau Renard, back home, with one goal in mind: revenge. In her mind, the only culprit could be Bastien, the man she’d jilted.
Upon returning home, Elena found her beloved home and vineyard failing and blighted. It turns out that not only had age begun to take its toll on Ariella’s mind and magic, but, she had mismanaged the family funds so much that she got several years behind on taxes, leaving the vineyard to languish.
To Elena’s further surprise, the vineyard had been bought by a mortal man named Jean-Paul, who scorned all things magic, putting his trust solely in science. Which, was part of the problem, as the vineyard’s problem was a magical one.
Slowly, Elena began to help Jean-Paul rid the vineyard of its hexes and curses, whether he wanted the help or not. While he resisted at first, after she had used a spell to allow him to see the magic around the vineyard, he relented. All the while, Elena continued to work on her plan for revenge. Using her innate and uncanny knowledge of deadly herbs and plants, Elena worked on a poison with which to poison Bastien with. She also continued to try and find out the identity of the person who Bastien had hired to curse her.
Her search, however, led her deeper into trouble. After a very public confrontation with Bastien, during which she swore revenge, Bastien ended up dead. And Elena was the singular suspect and was arrested for his death as well as the deaths of many cats (which was linked to dark magic) and thrown into a prison for magic users. Elena hadn’t committed a single one of the crimes she was charged with.
Despite Jean-Paul using his previous vocation of a lawyer to get Elena justice, Elena managed to escape the prison, along with her 2 other cellmates- a djinn and an ex circus performer. On the run, with the performer, Yvette, Elena searched for the real killer to clear her name.
She did find the real killer, it was Bastien’s wife, a powerful witch in her own right. What Elena further uncovered was, not only was the woman a powerful witch, but, she was ancient, her magic allowing her to stay young and beautiful for ever. That power, though, was not entirely her own, and came with a price. To gain her immortality, she’d made a deal with a demon, and to appease that demon, she had to pay in blood. Hence the dead cats. As for Bastien’s death had been two-fold: to get rid of Elena and to appease the demon.
The fight between Elena and the demon wasn’t very long. Elena was very nearly killed, and would have been, if not for the fact that Elena’s blood was poisonous. Apparently, years of ingesting her own toxic toad skin had that peculiar affect on the witch.
After dispensing with the demon, Elena cornered the witch, who hadn’t fully recovered her youth yet. Elena kept her talking just long enough for the authorities who had once imprisoned her to hear the evil witch’s plans. It was during this that Elena word that it was neither Bastien nor the witch who had been behind her curse.
The authorities arrested her with the intent on bringing her to the prison. But, what they didn’t account for was that the handcuffs negated all magic, thus negating her immortality. She rapidly aged and turned to bones and then dust before their eyes.
Cleared of all charges, Elena was free to return home, though she would be watched.
With her new found freedom, the mystery of who had cursed her still hung in the air. With a tip from the proprietress of the local bar the magic users frequented, the person was finally in her grasp. Find them in the dark corner of the bar, Elena was shocked to find not just the man who had cursed her (a man who she had thought was just a carnival charlatan) , but her very own Grand-Mere! Her entire world turned on it’s side as the betrayal set in. She demanded that they tell her the truth about what was going on. So, they told her, each trying to justify themselves, and Elena learned not just about the curse, but her parents too.
Her parents had been wanted criminals, witches who dealt in dark magic and poisons. They’d been caught and hanged for their crimes and the very man who had cursed her had sold her, an orphan, to the Gardins. Grand-Mere tried to say that the curse was supposed to be temporary and for Elena’s own good. Thinking that Elena was too head over heels for Bastien, and fearing that she would get married and abandon Chateau Renard, and her, Ariella had the man curse Elena to keep her from doing so (unaware that Elena had already broken off the engagement). Elena, would all too soon realize that those revelations would be the last she’d get out of her grand-mere, for Areilla had stolen the poison Elena had made for Bastien and poisoned both the man and herself, and both were dead within minutes.
This left Elena to try and make sense of everything and put back the pieces of her life on her own.
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littlemisswolfie · 5 years ago
Bittersweet, Irresistible, a Crawling Beast
When Penny Jackson woke up after she caused Mount St. Helens to explode, the first thing she saw, other than the clear blue sky and the foliage from the trees above her, was a girl. The girl had a sweet voice and she took care of Penny, cleaning her off and feeding her nectar, and her singing made her pain go away. That was how Penny knew she wasn’t a normal mortal.
“Who--” Penny’s voice choked off, her throat too sore to speak. She struggled to sit up.
The girl’s gentle hands pressed into Penny’s shoulders to lie her back down. “Shh, brave one. Rest and heal. No harm will come to you here. I am Calypso.”
And Penny went back to sleep.
The cave Penny woke in next was beautiful, so beautiful she wouldn’t have even called it a cave if it were possible to call it anything else. Silk curtains made haphazard rooms, including the one that housed the softest bed Penny had ever laid on, and she spied a loom, a harp, and several dried herbs. The herbs in specific reminded Penny of her mom, back in New York. She could have named them all. 
Then Penny smelled the beef stew, and her stomach growled.
She sat up in the bed and gave herself a quick examination to make sure she wasn’t horribly scarred. Her arms actually looked a lot better than she was expecting. They were a little thinner than the last time she looked at them, but the tawny skin was unmarred. She checked the pocket of her white drawstring pants to make sure her sword, Riptide, was still there, along with the Stygian ice dog whistle. The second part wasn’t as reassuring as the first. She’d had Riptide since she was twelve. It was almost like a comfort item for her; it was a weapon, sure, but it was one of the only constants in her ever-dangerous life. 
With a great amount of difficulty, Penny stood. The floor was cold under her bare feet, but she forgot to complain about it when she came face to face with a bronze mirror and was able to take in her appearance.
She looked awful. She’d lost weight she hadn’t really had in the first place, and her black hair, which used to reach down to her hips, was charred and singed at uneven angles, and her green eyes were lined with dark bags. 
Penny turned away from the mirror and went outside, towards the sunlight.
The girl, Calypso, stood on the beach of a lake, and she turned to Penny when she heard her. “Well,” she said, “the sleeper finally awakes.”
“Who is Annabeth?” Calypso asked later, after she fed Penny some more nectar and convinced her to bathe. Her hair was still abysmal, but she decided to wait until she had access to a pair of scissors to try to take care of that. 
Annabeth. “My best friend,” Penny said. “We were together when--” She gestured vaguely to the sky, where Calypso said she’d fallen from. They were on the mythical island of Ogygia, where some heroes came to heal. Time was strange on the island, Penny had found. She had no idea how much time had passed since she first woke up. She hoped it hadn’t been too long. “I have to get back to her.”
“Just to her?”
A flush spread across Penny’s cheeks. “Well, not just her. To Grover and Tyson. To camp. They need me.”
Calypso reached out with one of her gentle hands to cup Penny’s cheek. “You need to rest. You won’t be of any use to them until you’re healed.”
And Penny fell back to sleep.
Penny woke up to the night. Just as she had last time she woke up, she made her way outside, to where Calypso was waiting, watching the stars in the sky. Penny’s head tilted up as well, searching for and seeing the constellations Annabeth had taught her. Annabeth taught Penny almost everything she found useful in life; Ancient Greek, the stories of their people, how to fight, how to avoid fights. Annabeth was brilliant like that.
“Penny, what do you see?”
Her eyes turned back to the beautiful girl next to her. And she was beautiful. Penny was pretty sure she could say that with relative safety, since she’d met the goddess of love last winter. 
She helped Calypso plant the moonlace in her garden because she couldn’t remember what else she was doing. “It can only be planted at night,” Calypso said.
“What does it do?” Penny asked.
“It lives. It gives light. It provides beauty.” Calypso shrugged. “Does it need to do anything else?”
“I guess not.”
Calypso sat back on her feet. “I love my garden,” she said to Penny, gazing out over the evidence of her hard work.
And so Penny talked about her mom, and the garden she always wanted. She talked about the apartment they lived in in Manhattan, and the one they’d lived in before, in El Barrio, with Smelly Gabe and his sleazy friends who didn’t think anything was wrong with staring at a little girl. And, in turn, Calypso told Penny about her punishment.
“Are you healed yet, my brave one? Do you think you’ll be ready to leave soon?”
Penny had no answer.
The more time Penny spent on the island, the more she found herself staring at Calypso.
It was a little strange, if she was being honest. She remembered the stories Annabeth told her about Calypso, and about the heroes sent to her for her to fall in love with. She’d always felt bad for Calypso, who’d done nothing wrong but was punished anyway, but she couldn’t understand why she was sent here in the first place.
Because male heroes came to Calypso. Because those were the heroes Calypso fell in love with.
The closer Penny tried to get to Calypso, the more she pulled away.
Hephaestus came to the island to tell Penny everyone thought she was dead.
Well, first he told her Annabeth got home safe, which was a relief. Penny didn’t know what she would do if Annabeth was hurt somewhere because she was stuck on this island. Then he mentioned the everyone-thinks-you’re-dead thing. 
“You didn’t tell them I was alright?” Penny asked.
“It wasn’t mine to say,” Hephaestus said. “I had to make sure you were coming back before I told anyone where you were.”
“Of course I’m coming back!” Penny said, burning hot. Why wouldn’t she come back to the only home she’s ever known? To her only friends, to her family, to the place she first felt like she belonged?
Hephaestus pulled a metal disk out of his pocket and showed her a news clip of Mount St. Helens erupting. The newscaster said the governor ordered an evacuation and that all traffic within a hundred miles is shut down.
“I didn’t do that,” Penny said. “I couldn’t have. I’m not powerful enough.”
Hephaestus gave her a dry look. “You’re the daughter of the Earthshaker, girl. You don’t know your own strength.”
“What do I do?”
“You’ve met my wife, right?” Penny nodded. “Then you know to be careful with love. It will twist you all around. Now,” he said, drawing up to a fuller height, “if you do decide to leave this island, I promised you an answer to your quest. Will you leave?”
Penny wanted to say yes. But she hesitated.
Hephaestus must have seen the reluctance in her face. “Don’t decide yet. Wait until daybreak. Daybreak is a good time for decisions.”
“He ordered you to leave,” Calypso guessed when Penny returned to her.
“He gave me a choice,” Penny corrected.
“I promised I wouldn’t offer.”
“Offer what?”
“For you to stay.”
“You would be immortal on this island,” Calypso said instead of answering. “You would never have to fight again. You could escape your prophecy.”
Penny stared. “Just like that?”
“Just like that.”
It was tempting. So, so tempting. Living with this prophecy over her head for the past few years was exhausting. She had to be constantly on the lookout for monsters or axe-crazy demigods. But… “My friends.”
Calypso nodded, like she expected Penny’s refusal. She took Penny’s hand. “When the gods first sent you to me,” she said, voice soft, like she didn’t actually want Penny to hear her, “I was confused. They’ve never sent a woman to me before. But they’re tricky like that, aren’t they? They knew I would fall in love with you anyway.”
Heat flared in Penny’s face. “Me?”
Calypso laughed, but it was humorless. “Yes, you.”
“But I’m… I’m a girl. And I’m just me.”
Calypso rolled her eyes. “Men weren’t the only ones who enjoyed the company of their own gender in the ancient times, my brave one. Many of us were of Sappho’s ilk, as well.”
Penny recognized the name “Sappho.” Annabeth liked to read her poetry sometimes, but she never let Penny read any. Her face went all red anytime she asked. “Sappho?”
“A poet,” Calypso explained. “One of the best. Homer was ‘The Poet.’ Sappho was ‘The Poetess.’ She was well known for her love of women.” Her hand cupped Penny’s cheek again. “And being ‘just you’ is more than enough for someone to love you, Penny Jackson.” Then she pulled away. “You could stay.”
“I can’t,” Penny said. Her mind was still reeling. Was she one of ‘Sappho’s ilk,’ like Calypso thought she was? She thought about Annabeth, beautiful Annabeth, with her blonde hair and fiery gray eyes and wicked mind, and she thought that, yeah, maybe she was. 
Maybe she liked Annabeth.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” Penny continued, more sure of herself now, “but I have to get home. I’m the only one who can help my friends.”
The sun started to peek over the horizon. Daybreak is a good time for decisions.
Calypso nodded and, bending over at the waist, plucked a sprig of moonlace from her garden. She tucked it into the pocket of Penny’s Camp Half-Blood shirt, brushing over her chest with light fingers in a way that made Penny blush. “Plant me a garden in Manhattan?” she asked.
“Of course,” Penny said. If she couldn’t stay with Calypso and ease her loneliness, this was the least she could do.
“Then come with me to the beach, my hero,” Calypso said, tears burning in her eyes. “Let us get you home.”
Hours later, Penny’s raft washed up on the shore of Camp Half-Blood. The camp seemed deserted, which was disquieting, so she tiptoed her way to the amphitheater, where she could see smoke rising into the air.
And she stumbled into her own funeral.
No one looked as she came up to the back of the crowd. They probably thought she was just another camper without looking, and they were all focused ahead, where Annabeth was holding a green silk cloth with a trident to the fire. Penny’s burial shroud. Her eyes were puffy, like she’d been crying, but she managed to say, “She was probably the bravest friend I’ve ever had. She…” Then, her eyes latched on to Penny, and her face went blood red. “She’s right there!”
Campers turned and swarmed her, hugging her and clapping her on the shoulder, but nothing felt right until Annabeth barrelled towards her and hugged her so tight her newly-healed ribs groaned in protest. Penny thought of Calypso, of Sappho, of Annabeth here, and she knew, instinctually, that this was it for her. Annabeth was it. 
Even if she didn’t feel the same way Penny felt about her, she would never love someone the same way she loved Annabeth. Nothing would ever change that.
Thank you, Calypso, she thought, imagining the lonely girl on her island with her garden and her lake. I’ll never forget you.
And she hugged Annabeth back.
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writemarvelousthings · 6 years ago
Queen of my Heart
Name of Piece: Queen of my Heart Square Filled: Royalty Rating: (Teen) Warnings: Mentions of labour and birth.  Summary: King James reflects on your relationship as you bring your child into the world!  Created for @buckybarnesbingo​ 
Gif made by @bucky-plums-barnes
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The sun was barely peaking up over the horizon, the cold stone was unforgiving on Bucky’s back but he refused to move. Glaring at anyone who dared persuade him to return back to his chambers. He almost broke four of Steve’s fingers when he tried to physically manhandle him to his rooms. The only thing keeping him from breaking down the old oak doors was the stern and slightly frightening midwife who had threatened his very manhood if he stepped foot over the threshold. Bucky may have been the King, but he wasn’t stupid. He knew an honest threat when he saw one, but he couldn't help it. He felt like part of his heart was in that room. The muffled yells of pain made him ache even further, he was about to throw all sense of decency and the old woman’s colourful promises when a soft touch to his shoulder brought him back to the present.
“How long have you been sitting here?” Looking up at the concerned blue eyes, Bucky smoothed his hands down his leather clad thighs.
“How long since you tried to drag me away?” The blonde man sighed softly.
“No Steve, I don’t care that I’m not in that room with her. I’m not going to leave her” the loud scream cuts through the conversation causing Bucky to jump up. Hands clenching tightly, the bubble of fear and anxiety rips through him like a stab to the heart. He’d take multiple strikes if it meant that she would be free from pain.
“Did you ever think all those years ago you’d come to care for her so much?” The question shocks Bucky out of his fretting, turning to face his childhood companion. For the first time in over eight hours, Bucky lets a boyish grin spread across his lips.
“I think I knew the moment I met her”
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The flurry of fabric, the boisterous laughter from the serving tables. The joyful music sounding down from the balcony above, it was the court for the young and carefree and Bucky revelled in it. The pain of losing his father still ached in his bones but as he looked out, at his friends and subjects he couldn’t help but feel proud.
“Ah come down to our level have we King James” Bucky rolled his eyes as Sam bent over in an elaborate bow.
“Careful now Wilson, he has the power to execute you” Natasha’s smokey voice sided from beside Sam.
“He wouldn’t dream of it” Sam grinned into his goblet, Bucky was about to fire his own witty comment when the sound of laughter and the flash of purple fabric drew his attention away. The sight of you laughing and talking with Wanda was something Bucky knew he would never forget, you were beautiful. The soft glow of the candles bathed you in an alluring glow that made Bucky’s mind spin.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N)” the sound of Natasha’s voice caused him to frown.
“Excuse me?”
“That’s her name, arrived at court the day before yesterday. He father owns a lot of land in the North, he’s said to be in talks with Anthony Stark. They’re about to come into a lot of money which is why I guess her stepmother wanted her far out of the way here at court” Bucky couldn't help but feel for the beautiful woman.
“If you’ll excuse me” Bucky bowed out of the small circle, weaving in and out of the pawing woman and proud lords towards you. His heart hammered in his chest as he closed the space between the two of you. He watched as the redhead nudged you gently turning your attention towards him, your eyes widening comically as you curtsied lowly.
“My King” your voice was like honeysuckle, it made Bucky’s knee’s knock together. He tried to ignore the way his heart skipped a beat as he gently took you hand kissing the back of it.
“Lady (Y/N)” Bucky felt a childlike giddiness as your name fell from his lips, noticing the bashful look on your face he knew that you felt the same
“You know me, my lord?” Gods your voice was heaven sent that he was sure of.
“I make it my business to know all the beautiful women in my court and if you’ll allow me, I’d like to get to know you more my lady”
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“You were pretty smitten with her pal” Steve smiles knowingly, watching as his friend's eyes flick towards the door.
“I still am, every day I keep having to pinch myself that she’s mine. That she agreed to spend her life with me” Bucky smiled softly, the quite didn’t last long as your scream pierced the air around him. Running a hand through his long hair Bucky wanted to scream along with you, but he swallowed his cried opting to hit the stone wall with his open hand.
“Can’t they do something for her? Isn’t there some herb or potion to make her suffering easier”
“Well, you did get her into this mess” A new voice joins the small group as Natasha’s form emerges from the stone steps.
“That’s the Queen you’re speaking about” Bucky instinctively snaps at the redhead, who merely rolls her eyes waving him off.
“That is a woman going through what thousands of woman have gone through before her” Bucky watched as Natasha perches on the bench he was occupying not moments ago.
“I can’t listen to this much longer” Bucky steals himself ready to break down the door.
“And what are you going to do, cut the child out of her? Cause a scene and put her under more stress, you may be the King. James; but you have no authority in there. You need to let nature take its course” Bucky’s left-hand touches the cool wood, Natasha’s words flowing through his mind as he sighs in defeat.
“And if natures course is to take her away from me?” steal grey eyes look too bright green ones, challenging them to respond.
“She’s strong James, strong enough to come out of this”
“Strong enough to agree to marry you at any rate” Steve gruffed, crossing one leg over the other as he leaned back on the stone wall. Bucky felt his lips twitch at another memory brewing.
“Even if she refused you at first” Natasha teased earing a low chuckle from the King.
“She always was stubborn”
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“My Lady, why do you chose to hurt me so?” Bucky mumbled into the soft skin of your exposed neck. You soft sweet giggles travelled on the light breeze around them in the gardens. Away from prying eyes of the court and in the safety of the hundred-year-old trees.
“My Lord the last thing I would dream of hurting is your pride” Your hands flittered up his arms, large hands splayed on your waist as he gently pinned you against the tree.
“Then give me what I want most in this world... Marry me” Bucky could feel his heart beating, like a stampede of horses rushing into battle. Pulling back to face you Bucky could feel himself pouring his soul into yours. Ever since he met you all those months ago, you had been his every waking thought. His dreams consisted of you, of your smile. Your touch, your taste. He was consumed by you.
“James… I” he could see the hesitation in your eyes, thousands of thoughts running your mind.
“Do you not love me?” Bucky’s voice was quiet, scared that if he voiced the suggestion loud enough it may ring true. Swift movements of soft warm hands on his cheeks, pulling him down for a searing kiss wiped any doubt from Bucky’s mind.
“Never think that my darling, I love you so much it frightens me… it frightens me that I may not be a good enough Queen.”
“My love, the one thing I know. Is that is an impossible thought, you will be the most spectacular Queen. You captured my heart and my loyalty from the moment I saw you” To prove his point Bucky sank before you, eyes bright and void of any misgivings.
“My heart, my body. My soul and sword are yours. From now until the rest of my days.. Marry me”
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Before Bucky could dwell on the cherished memory for too long the sound of an unfamiliar yet familiar cry pierced the air, the cry of a child. His child, welcoming the world. Bucky felt his legs shake dangerously beneath him, Steve was by his side in an instant. Clapping him on the back as muffled words of congratulations rolled around Bucky’s brain. Shaking off his shock Bucky finally acted on the one urge he had been battling with for the last eight hours.
“James wait” Natasha cried as Bucky charged through the heavy doors, the room was hot. Thick with the smell of blood and lavender, the low candlelight cause Bucky to sway slightly. Orientating himself momentarily before rushing towards the crowded bed.
“My King, you can not..” A midwife addressed him before another shushed her gently, the same midwife who slightly terrified him.
“It’s alright Elizabeth, you can't fault a father to see his wife and child” Bucky wanted to thank them, to apologise for his brash behaviour. Words failed him as his gaze fell upon you. Your hair was matted, and skin flushed from the intense labour. But still looking as radiant as ever, holding the small bundle in your arms.
“We have a son Bucky” Bucky’s on tears sprung into his eyes, gently and slowly. As if he didn't want to spook a startled horse Bucky gazed down at his son.
“He’s perfect” Bucky gently kneeled on the bed beside you.
“He looks just like you” You smile up at Bucky, a hand outstretched to pull him down closer, tucking his legs under him Bucky settles down wrapping an arm around you as he reached to gently stroke his finger against the soft pink cheek of his son.
“I was thinking of George, after your father?” the uncertainty in your voice makes Bucky fall for you, even more.
“A perfect name for the little Prince” You both looked up at the midwife, smiling softly at the young family before her.
“I was thinking the same thing” Bucky grinned before turning back to you, pressing a soft kiss to your damp forehead. Feeling you lean into his touch you both gazed down at your son as distant church bells rang in celebration of your little arrival.
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kd-holloman · 6 years ago
My world had been black for as long as I could remember. I knew my family by my other senses. My father was the scent of grapes, the wiry texture of his beard, and the calluses on his hands. My mother was the smell of baking bread and the sound of her skirts swishing as she walked. Karolina always stomped wherever she went and Geordie always reeked of sweat and the stables when he returned home. 
I knew colors, but they meant different things to me than they did everyone else. Yellow was the scent of straw drying in the summer sun. Brown was the color of Karolina’s hair when she asked me to comb it, soft and silken beneath my fingertips. Red was the color Geordie’s skin, warm to the touch, when he spent too much time in the sun. But, ever since I was a little girl, green had always been my favorite. 
I hadn’t been any older than eight or nine when one of the vendors in the market had slipped us candy while my mother hadn’t been looking. It had been hard and smelled of the mint herbs mother used to make tea. It had been very sweet on my tongue, tasting strongly of sugar with the sharp bite of wintergreen. “What color is it?” I had asked Karolina around the candy in my cheek. 
“Green,” she’d said. 
Ever since, green had been my favorite color. 
As I laid on the witch’s table, a terrible, smelly something was boiling over the crackling hearth to my right. There was rough burlap-like strip of fabric wound tightly over my eyes, keeping the ointment smeared across my eyelids from spreading. 
My chest felt heavy, it was hard to breathe. I was afraid. 
My mother and father had gotten into a fight—one of their loudest yet—after I had tripped and fallen down the narrow staircase at home. I always counted the steps, there were twelve of them, but I must have missed one.
Father had forbidden my mother to take me to the witch's cottage, to which my mother had slammed something down on the table and shouted, “Enough is enough, William! I will not bury our child!” I had never heard her so furious. 
At my head, I could hear the witch. It sounded like she was crushing something with a pestle. Her voice was the sound of autumn leaves skidding across the cobblestones when she said, “We are ready.” 
“Are you sure this is going to work?” Mother asked quietly. 
“If you did not think it would work, why did you pay me?” Her hands were rough as she seized my head with bony fingers, to keep my chin straight. “Hold still, child.” 
I did as she instructed. I gripped the wooden boards beneath me with a white-knuckled grip. What if doesn’t work?
When I asked Mother about the witch, she had told me not to get my hopes up. I had done my best, but hope was inevitable; She had planted the seed in my heart, I felt it grow and blossom. It was beautiful, but dangerous. It smelled like the poisonous plants at the edge of the wood, sweet and overly perfumed.  
I tried not to cough and turn my face away, overwhelmed by the scent of cloves and dirt. The powder the witch sprinkled over my face tickled where it brushed against my skin.
The witch began to chant in an unfamiliar tongue, moving around the table in a series of rhythmic stomps. The smell of smoke and burning plants followed her as she went. She made her way back to my head. 
A terrified squeak slipped between my lips as she grabbed my head between her hands and shook it softly. 
Her chanting grew louder. 
I could feel warmth radiating from her palms. It tingled, it prickling my eyes. It burned like a spilled cup of tea, hot and sudden beneath my skin.
Her chanting rose and swelled, her voice coming from somewhere deep within her chest, loud enough to hurt my ears. Her once soft and delicate voice became a roar, the same way thunder rattled the window panes. 
My eyes were burning, hot and cold at the same time. I shivered, feeling both feverish and chilled. My skin felt like it was tingling, the way my leg did if I sat on it wrong.
As suddenly as the chanting started, the witch stopped. “Sit up, child.”
I sat still as she unknotted the blindfold and pulled it from my eyes. I tried not to flinch as she dabbed the ointment from my eyelids. 
My heart was beating so fast that I felt like a fly had hatched in my chest. I rubbed my palms against my skirts while the woman worked. “Will I be able to see?” 
“If it worked.” The witch’s breath was unpleasant as it blew across my face.
“C-Can I open them?” 
There was shuffle as she stepped back. “You may.” 
I couldn’t bring myself to do it, not yet. “Mama, could you help me outside? I want to see outside.” 
She was at my elbow before I finished, her fingers familiar and gentle where it curled around my arm. Her muscles were tense beneath her skin, tight with worry. “Of course, my dear.” 
My stomach lurched into my throat as I slid from the table, but I managed to steady myself once my feet were on the floor. The scary thing about being blind was that you never knew how far you were falling.
“Careful now, Mary, the cobblestones are a bit uneven,” she murmured as she guided me away from the table. 
I shuffled after her, my walking stick long forgotten. When I felt the spongy texture of the grass beneath my shoes, I took in a slow breath. It shuddered on the exhale. “I’m nervous,” I said.
Her hand was soft where it touched my face. “Take your time, dear.” 
“What if it doesn’t work?” 
“Then, the witch will hang.” 
I didn’t wish ill-will upon the witch. She had been kind enough to treat my blindness for the price of one of our milking goats and a basket of freshly baked bread. I knew my mother wouldn’t listen to my reason. Father always said that his wife was a stubborn thing, forged from the same type of iron that her blacksmith father had used to make his living. 
I could hear the hope in my mother’s voice, “Go on, Mary, open them.” 
I sucked in one more steadying breath and opened my eyes. 
Color erupted before me, blurry and out of focus. I blinked several times until they started to spread and form shapes. The shapes soon became objects and I was unable to hold back my wonder as I shouted, “I can see!” 
Mother grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. When she looked back at me, she was smiling. Her face lined with tired creases. I touched her face, remembering the way it had felt against my hand for years and years. 
I pulled my hand back and looked at the moisture glistening on it. “Wet,” I said quietly. “You are crying? Why?” 
“I’m happy for you, dear.” 
I smiled back at her and looked past her to the thick forest bordering the garden of the witch’s cottage. “Everything is so bright and beautiful!” I walked, for the first time, without a cane to the forest’s edge. I touched something the size of my palm. I remembered the veiny underside, the smooth texture of the top, and sound it made when the wind blew. 
“Leaves?” I asked, looking over my shoulder at her. 
She nodded.
I ran a finger down the length of the leaf. “What color is this?” 
My mother seemed a little puzzled by the question, but she answered nonetheless, “green.” 
A smile split my face, my heart was overflowing with joy! I couldn’t believe it! “Green? I love green!” 
Elation bubbled from the center of my chest, spilling into the air in the form of a laugh. I took off running through the field adjacent to the cottage, feeling the stalks of the grass pass beneath my hands. It smelled like a spring day and I was giddy with it. “Green!” I shouted to the sky. I spun in circles, watching the colors of the world blur again and again until I fell down. 
I sprawled out on my back, staring up at the sky. Blue. I remember Karolina telling me that the sky was blue, the clouds were white, the sun was yellow. Without being able to touch, I hadn’t fully been able to understand. Now, I knew because I could see!
“Mary,” Mother called from the witch’s cottage. “Mary, come back! We have to get home before your father goes into fits!” 
“Coming, Mama!” I laughed and rolled in the grass one more time. 
Green. My favorite color was green. 
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weangelovalenteus · 6 years ago
“I see you smiling So peaceful and calm And holding you, I'm smiling, too Here in my arms Safe from all harm And Holding you, I'm smiling, too”
– From Prince of Egypt
The Sun is Rising as Sect Leader Jiang is Currently Resting on the Room that was Once Belongs To His Now Former Wife as his Old Room is Currently Under Reconstruction, The Sect had been through Hardships and All, but Lately there were no attacks happening as well as Harassments from other Sects that usually Harassing Yunmeng Jiang Since its fall.
He Heard Rumours of a Serpentine Creature Lurking at the Borders of Yunmeng, but it always disappears when those who had Ill-Intentions towards Yunmeng Jiang Sect Run Away from sight, Jiang FengMian had a hunch that he knew who this Creature Is, because whenever AnJie Luo returns from his Herbs Hunting in the Borders of Yunmeng he always smells of Fresh Grass, Wild Berries and Wet Earth after the Rain and the telltale of a dead leaves and tiny dead branches stuck on his hair. Jiang FengMian had to keep himself from laughing out loud at the adorable sight.
As he is resting on the bed by the Window where he could see the vast river filled with Blooming Lotuses, in his arms there curled three Tiny Balls of Scales and Manes. He could feel the rumbling of the Tiny Serpentine Baby Dragons and he could hear the cute squeaks and purrs of content.
He decided that he had been bedridden for quite so long he decided to go to the veranda that he and his Former Wife used to spend time together. He asked one of the Servants to carry the small Basket and place it near his side of the table, as the other prepare a light breakfast and tea. Jiang FengMian placed the Baby Dragons in their Comfortable Nest (The Basket) filled with Silk and fur cushion.
Since the Eggs had Hatched, the Cold and Harsh Winter that once ravaged the Sect became even more bearable than it used to, the Town becomes a sight to see as the Town is filled with Ice Crystals and Icicles that the Light from the setting sun is adding to the Wintery Fairytale like Scenery of the town. There are Snowflakes drifting here and there, the once cold frozen river is now flowing like it used to, it was filled with White Lotus that somehow grew and bloomed throughout the harshness of Winter. And much to Jiang FengMian’s delight the Wisterias (Pink and Purple) and Peach Blossom Trees starts to bloom as well. And sweet Floral Scent invading the air as Birds chirps in the morning, it’s really peaceful and Jiang FengMian loved the peace without having a constant quarrelling.
“drem yol lok* Sect Leader Jiang.” AnJie Luo greeted as the Younger Man sits in front of the said Sect Leader.
“drem yol lok, AnJie-er...” Jiang FengMian greeted softly with a smile. “Did you went on Herb Hunting again?”
“Yes, It seems that Herbs that was usually Found in Ju-Qinglong Mountain somehow grew here and I am starting to have Medical Garden at the Back of the mansion.”
Jiang FengMian chuckled and said
“My Mansion seems to be getting larger than my Normal One, it seems someone decided to turn my Home into a Castle.”
“Well, The Little Ones will grow and will be needing a lot of space, we are just thinking ahead.” AnJie Luo answered.
“I’m not complaining.” Jiang FengMian just chimed good-naturedly.
It wasn’t long before Jiang Yanli came to join the Table with Bowls of Lotus Root and Pork Rib Soup and various Breakfast Meal.
“Father, There was a Letter Arrived From Gusu a while ago.” Yanli said softly with a smile.
“What did the Letter say?” Jiang FengMian asked softly.
“I didn’t read it, it’s in your office.” Yanli said as she serves the soup.
The Sun is already up the skies and the baby dragons are still yet to awaken, so Jiang FengMian looked at his Assistant, AnJie Luo who knew what the look means moved to the side where the Basket would be, he leaned close and whispered softly
“Alok*” The Tone was soft yet there’s echoing behind and AnJie Luo’s Pupils somehow became Slit.
After he whispered a foreign word, the Baby Dragons stirred and woke up. AnJie Luo leaned away to let Jiang FengMian be the First One to be seen by the Babies, Jiang FengMian in his part Blinked and reached out to the Baby Dragons, the said Babies turned to the hand that was outstretched and sniffed it, a Very Familiar Scent of Lotus and Spider Lilies invaded their sense of smell, they looked up and see a Kind and Gentle looking Human... no... this is no ordinary Human! This Human!
“Monah*?” The Baby Dragons Chirped Together.
AnJie Luo who was drinking his tea made a very Good impression of a Tea Fountain and choked when he heard what The Baby Dragons just said.
“Monah! Monah!” The Baby Dragons chorused happily.
“Umm... AnJie-er... is it really natural for them to talk just a day after they hatched?” Jiang FengMian asked as he gathered the three Balls of Happy Scales and Manes in his arms like it’s a Natural thing to do.
AnJie Luo on his part cleared his throat and tried not to laugh.
“Yes, it’s Natural they are Magical Beasts after all...” He said clearing his throat while grinning.
Jiang FengMian blinked and looked down at the three Balls of Happiness in his arms.
“Monah! Monaaahhh!” The Baby Dragons chirped.
“What are they saying?” Jiang FengMian asked looking at AnJie Luo curiously.
The said Man grinned showing his sharp rows of teeth.
“They’re saying that You are Mama...” AnJie Luo said as slowly but surely began to cackle.
Jiang FengMian just stared at his New Friend along with Yanli and the Servants. But three tiny voices got their Attention
“Mama?” The Black/Red Dragon A-Xian called out.
“Mamya?” The Black/Purple Dragon A-Cheng followed.
“Myamya!” The Black/Silver Dragon A-Yu Addid all too Happily.
Yanli began cooing at the three Baby Dragon teaching them to call her A-Jie...
“Briinah!” The Trio Chorused all to happily.
Yanli looked at the translator whose name is AnJie Luo
“It means Sister...” He said with a grin.
Sect Leader Jiang was just reading reports in his office while his daughter was with her new Brothers, at the Main Hall Yanli was enjoying tossing Ball at the three Tiny Baby Dragons who are trying to get to the Ball, claws clicking and scratching on the floor.
“Kyaaa~!” The Baby Dragons squeaked as they got themselves tangled with each other.
Yanli adored her new brothers even if they are Dragons, Dragons are as magnificent as the Phoenix, but having three Dragons as a Brother is a Blessing already, Yunmeng Jiang had suffered Humiliation from other Sects except from Gusu and Qinghe, the two Sect tried their best to help. But now, with Yunmeng Jiang starting to rise back from the ashes like a Phoenix and having three Baby Dragons in their Care and that Mysterious Guardian that Guards Yunmeng. It won’t be long Yunmeng Jiang will Rise Once More and show the World the true meaning of the Lotus of the Sect and why it is the Symbol of Yunmeng Jiang.
“Jie?” Three Tiny Voices called out Yanli out of her reverie.
Yanli looked down and saw that bright red ball in front of her and her Brothers.
“Alright, Alright... let’s play some more.” She said and she tossed the ball again.
“Kyaaaa~!” And the three Baby Dragons ran after the Bright Red Ball.
Yanli had been very lonely since her Mother left and she was upset that her father was not only hurt but humiliated every time he attends the Sect Leader Conference, she’s angry that there had been attempts on her Father’s life and little by little people of Yunmeng starts to move away due to Bandits Attacks and other Sects that she never care to remember attacks Yunmeng, her anger to her once mother only grew when one among the attacks were from Meishan Yu.
Her Father Had Sacrificed so much, she knew her Father was close to breaking and yet he stayed strong for her. And she was glad that his Kind heart didn’t vanished after a long Humiliation and torment, When her Father had invited the Traveller Mister AnJie Luo strange things happening, it’s not bad. Her Father began to smile more and laugh when mister AnJie Luo said something funny, the Sadness and pain that her father had suffered were all chased away as her Father Hangs Out with Mister AnJie Luo. Until there comes a Time that Mister AnJie Luo decided to stay.
And when the Eggs hatched, Yunmeng comes back to life slowly but surely. Beautiful than ever as Flowers Blooms, the Birds are back, the Frozen River flows once more and the darkness that looms above Yunmeng Jiang disappears.
“Jiee~!” The Familiar Chirping of A-Ying called her out of her reverie.
She looked down at the teary beady eyes of her brothers.
“Mu Bahlok*!” A-Yu and A-Cheng chorused.
“Food!” A-Ying whined.
Oh How could she say ‘No’ to these Faces, So She smiles and says
“I could guess that you three must be Hungry.”
“Eat?” A-Yu chirped as he curled on his Sister’s hip.
“Yes, Let’s get you three something to eat.” Yanli laughed lightly.
She carried all three Baby Dragons to the Town.
Yanli couldn’t help but laugh at her Draconic Baby Brothers as they  look left and right, the remaining stalls and people who stayed in Yunmeng Knew of their Sect Leader Mothering three Baby Dragons, since the Baby Dragons were born the Food, Vegetation and Livelihood were no longer a Problem, the air and surroundings are cleaner, there are no more fear of being attacked and tormented by Bandits because of the Rumoured Guardian of Yunmeng Jiang Borders are keeping the Intruders away.
Life becomes peaceful in Yunmeng once more.
“Kyaaa~!” A-Yu and A-Cheng’s chirping caught her attention.
Yanli turned to where her two brothers were and found them nibbling at the offered Buns, A-Ying slithered off of her waist and clambered on the Stall that sells Spicy Dumplings, the Old Man just laughed and hand over some of his Dumplings to the Baby Dragons. Yanli just smiled at the Gossips around her while she watches her brothers eat.
“Heavens had finally smiled down upon at Yunmeng Jiang Sect.”
“Indeed, Sect Leader Jiang’s kindness had finally won over the Gods and Goddesses’ Favour.”
“Since Madam Yu Left, Sect Leader Jiang is deeply hurt and suffered Humiliation. Hmph! Karma will always come back for her transgression.”
“It’s Good that Yunmeng had Finally Becomes an Independent Sect.”
“But what if the Bigger Sect like the Wen Sect are going to come to Yunmeng?”
“Are you kidding me? I was on the Borders a few Days ago when a not worthy Mentioning Sect comes to harass Yunmeng but they didn’t managed to come any closer because of the Guardian, even if they fly they couldn’t still come closer.”
“Yunmeng Jiang is slowly coming back to life once more.”
“Indeed, as far as I could remember Yunmeng has never been this Beautiful, Flowers already Bloom at the very Ends of Winter, the Birds are back and gracing us with their songs again, the Frozen River flows once more and the darkness that looms above Yunmeng Jiang disappears at long last.”
“Yunmeng Jiang is rising from its former self and is becoming the epitome of Heaven throughout the Land.”
Yanli could only smile, it’s true Yunmeng Jiang is rising from its former self and is becoming the epitome of Heaven throughout the Land. She wouldn’t mind living a content life in this Haven as long as her Family is Happy.
Yanli was Busy cooking in the Kitchen, AnJie Luo is out in the Border again and Jiang FengMian... Well... He decided to go bathe in the River with his Babies, the Baby Dragons were very persistent on playing with him in the river and who was he to Deny his Babies, so he stripped down to his Pants and jumped in the cool water. He grew up in Yunmeng so he’s a Good Swimmer himself, he dove a little deeper and swim alongside his Babies who swam expertly around him.
As he Resurfaced he had come face to face with Lan QiRen-in his Shaven Glory- who was by the edge of the Bridge, The Older Man was Looking Down at him in Surprise.
“Acting Sect Leader Lan QiRen?” Jiang FengMian called out softly blinking.
The Older Male just stared in shock at what he was seeing... Until three ripples in the Water could be seen and-
“KYAAAA~!” Three Tiny Baby Dragons jumped out of the Water towards Lan QiRen.
“GYAAAAHHH~!” Lan QiRen Screamed in Chorus as three Tiny Creatures jumped at him.
And the Next Thing they knew is a Huge Splash, Lan QiRen had fallen into the Water, Jiang FengMian who unabashedly Laughed, the looks of Lan QiRen’s Screaming in Horror Face is just funny.
“Stop laughing and Help me!” Lan QiRen screamed as he clawed the edge of the Bridge.
The Acting Sect Leader of Lan looked like a Drowned Cat...
“Alright, Alright... Hang On...” Jiang FengMian chortled in mirth.
Jiang FengMian wore his Inner Robe and helped Lan QiRen Up the Bridge, the man is cussing under his breath as he tried to calm his racing heart.
“What was that!?” Lan QiRen demanded.
Jiang FengMian wanted to tease the Man so-
“Oh... You have just met my Children...”
“Your Wha-?” Lan QiRen asked frowning and looking at Jiang FengMian as if he had gone crazy.
“My Babies...” Jiang FengMian answered back.
“Jiang FengMian if this is a Trick-” Lan QiRen cried out but was cut off when he saw two Tiny Creatures appeared on Jiang FengMian’s Shoulders One is Black/Purple and the Other is Black/Silver, and both are looking down at him.
Then he froze when he felt something climbing on top of him, he looked down slowly and come face to face with another Tiny Creature the one on top of him is Black/Red and it was looking at him with those Silver Beady Eyes.
“Kyaaa~!” It Chirped and licked Lan QiRen’s chin.
You Can Read It Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18777766/chapters/44613166
5 notes · View notes
ulyssesredux · 8 years ago
Lotus Eaters
Half baked they look. He had his answer pat for everything. Lovely spot it must have been or the second debate in a whatyoumaycall. Wonder did she walk with her sausages?
Reaction. M'Coy's talking head. A mason, yes. Sensitive plants. Warts, bunions and pimples to make such bad, but the Republican Party what to do to you, you know. Stay on message is the real message and never show crowd size or enthusiasm. Just C.P. M'Coy will do. Still life. I schschschschschsch. Have fun! Glad to hear after their own.
Silk flash rich stockings white.
I will bring our jobs back and get wages up. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I will hold a press conference in 179 days. Queen was in her story.
We cannot continue to push. Post here. Holohan. Media Research final numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32. Penance. Messenger boys stealing to put it neatly into her mouth. Also the two sluts in the water, no, she's not here: the garden of the best: strawberries for the skins lolled, his bucket of offal linked, smoking a chewed fagbutt. Bernie Sanders supporters are far tougher if they do, sir, the last week. The Democrats will run our government! Who is my body. The far east. And I schschschschschsch. The bungholes sprang open and a forefinger felt its way: for a day like this, looks like blanketcloth. —O God, our refuge and our economy. Castoff soldier. Nice smell these soaps.
Cigar has a cooling effect. Only makes bad deals! How much more beautiful set than the discredited Democrats-but we must be smart & vigilant? —Fine.
The system is totally biased that we will swamp Justice Ginsburg of the WORLD! So now you know: in the hour to slow music. Rum idea: eating bits of a placid. Those old popes keen on music, on the wrong moves-Convention Center, Airport-and elections-go down if the winner of the Belfast and Oriental Tea Company and read idly: What is this the right. They never discuss the failed ObamaCare disaster, with heads still bowed in their hands. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone for all of the quayside and walked off. Their dishonesty is amazing but, just like we will all MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! Thanks Bill for telling the truth.
To keep it up? —My missus has just got an engagement. And I schschschschschsch. Trams: a white flutter, then brew liqueurs. The Clintons spend millions on negative ads against me in honoring the critical role of women here in the dank air: a girl of good family like me, the great State of Colorado never got to vote in six states.
Hillary Clinton. O, Mary. But we. No: I.H.S. Molly told me one time I go to the F.B.I. That's REALLY bad! Tiptop, thanks. There he is selling out! Well, perhaps it was all about. He approached a bench and seated himself in its way under the bridge. His time will come to an immediate end. Hillary said horrible things about my supporters will let Crooked Hillary Clinton is not on the fantastic job, when will we meet? The quick touch.
She raised a gloved hand to her hair.
Hillary's vision is a borderless world where working people have no idea.
In came Hoppy.
Yes, Mr Bloom said. He said. Enjoy a bath now: an army rotten with venereal disease: overseas or halfseasover empire. In came Hoppy. Off to the ground.
Women will pay a disproportionate share of the illegal leaks!
That'll be all right and their doss. Henry, when will we get? He stopped at each sauntering step against his trouserleg. Give you the money too? Lulls all pain. Everyone wants to destroy our country. See you there! They had a gay old time while it lasted. I hear the difference? The only quote that matters is not a fraud! Is Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg going to make it much harder to negotiate peace. Too full for words. Pathetic Our not very bright Vice President, to keep this horrible terrorism outside the United States must be why the women go after them. I don't think.
President Obama just landed in Cuba, a must! Seventh heaven.
The first meeting Jeff Sessions visited the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs Terrible! Everybody is arguing whether or not for State-Rex Tillerson, the bad decisions! Keeps a hotel now. It's a law something like that other world. I'm sure of that word? Please tell me what is happening all over the country. Heavenly weather really. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, one and fourpence a gallon of porter. My wonderful son, Eric, did I tear up that envelope? Answered anyhow. Thank you! M'Coy will do. Aq. In the dark tangled curls of his periodical bends, and played up by the media makes this a big fan! Media rigging election! That day! We cannot take four more years of Barack Obama!
—I'll risk it, but the media, which turned into Cumberland street and, going on, cactuses, flowery meads, snaky lianas they call them. Bantam Lyons said. Year before I won the debate?
The voters wanted to be a weak leader. Not a sinner. Waterlilies. Rachel, is far more interesting with a veil and black bag.
Wonder how they explain it to the inauguration, but the media pushing Crooked Hillary Clinton will be greatly strengthened and our strength … Mr Bloom said. He died on a Twitter rant. Near the timberyard a squatted child at marbles, alone, shooting the taw with a parasol open. Remember if you understood what it was hacked? Sit around under sunshades. Good morning, have impact! Quarter past. Clery's Summer Sale. His life isn't such a bad headache. Or a poison bouquet to strike him down. Self-determination is the only cures. In our confraternity. Sandy aid and September 2015 On International Women's Day, join me in first place. Bantam Lyons said. Skin breeds lice or vermin. Please write me a long letter and tell me what kind of evening feeling. If the U.S. as a fireman or a bobby.
#MAGA The State Department. He drew the letter within the newspaper baton idly and read again: choice blend, made of the make believe! Good job it wasn't farther south. You could tear up a cheque for a long time. He's not going into Ukraine, you can keep it, smiling.
Whispering gallery walls have ears. Glimpses of the contact with the Russian Amb was set up by the cold black marble bowl while before him and then stood up. Cracking curriculum. Mortar and pestle. Fleshpots of Egypt. Watch!
The honourable Mrs and Brutus is an attack on Mosul is turning out to be president. These pots we have. Poor papa! You know Hoppy? A batch knelt at the typed envelope.
Just keeping alive, M'Coy said. I will terminate deal.
Father Farley who looked a fool but wasn't chosen because she has done it again behind the headband and transferred it to melt in their hands. Many of her. It is only the other brother lord Ardilaun has to team up with a long letter and tell me before.
No roses without thorns. Why is President Obama was presented? Skin breeds lice or vermin.
Things are looking good, flexible, save money and did favors for regimes that enslave women and murder gays. They're taught that. Thank you. Green Chartreuse. Annoyed if you really believe in it. Mr Bloom answered firmly. Crooked Hillary will not be allowed to say the rigged system that allowed Crooked Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my many enemies and those who love our country VERY CAREFULLY. How he used to receive the, Carey was his name, the chemist said. Nice kind of a well, he said.
And he said: Sad thing about our poor friend Paddy! Senate.
Having read it all he took the card from his sidepocket, reviewing again the soldiers on parade. —How's the body? This election is about RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM and the Dems win the Presidency. Russia and all others should be admonished for not having a general I will be interviewed on This Week with George S this morning, have you used Pears' soap? So now you know: in the wall and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Younger than I am. Leah tonight. Lethargy then. A flower. Out.
Easier to enlist and drill. Nosebag time. Those crawthumpers, now that you see, Mr Bloom said. Silk flash rich stockings white. And just imagine that.
Lot of time Hillary Clinton is like Occupy Wall Street ties are driving away millions of votes more in their stomachs. But I had 17 opponents and she blessed I will bring great jobs to Colorado for a one week notice, the vibrato: fifty pounds a year they say.
Too late box.
Been around for 240 years. The first fellow that picked an herb to cure himself had a bit of pluck. She raised a gloved hand on the two failed presidential candidates, Lindsey Graham called me with a letter. Lyin' Ted and Kasich are going to talk about national security briefings in that Fermanagh will case in the air. I have a great job.
Clever of nature. Or sitting all day. Hospice for the funeral, though.
I have never felt myself so much of the hazard. Then the spokes: sports, sports, sports: and read idly: What is this the statute. Rupert Murdoch is a complete fold. What? Does anyone know that John Kasich was never a nice girl did it.
—Sweet almond oil and tincture of benzoin, Mr Bloom said, moving to get together and come up with a cunnythumb. Who has the organ here I wonder? Sleeping draughts.
Per second for every second it means. Good job it wasn't farther south. What perfume does your wife use. Shout a few days ago. RIGGED! Smell almost cure you like the dentist's doorbell. Those two sluts in the Kildare street club with a slog to square leg. Could meet one Sunday after the election, if you really believe in it, kind of kingdom come. Just down there in Conway's we were just projected to be made out of race. So many self-funding his campaign.
Not so lonely. The opinion of this web massive increases of ObamaCare skyrocketing premiums & deductibles, bad judgment. Yes, Mr Bloom said. Good morning, Staten Island.
Confession. Turkish. Silly lips of that old sacred music splendid. Open it. I remember slightly. My supporters are far more loyal to the weight of the earth is the weight. SEE YOU IN COURT, THE HIGHEST LEVEL IN MORE THAN 15 YEARS!
It's a kind of perfume does your wife use.
Two strings to her eyes.
And, it will make a great honor! Valise I have raised for our VETERANS. With my tooraloom, tooraloom, tooraloom, tooraloom. Big crowd expected. Donnybrook fair more in their hands.
Father Bernard Vaughan's sermon first. Off it and put it back to Indiana tomorrow in New Mexico were thugs and criminals. You could tear up that envelope? Year before I was a woman. Prayers for the repose of my waistcoat open all the afternoon to get things done! Nice discreet place to be both incompetent and a man who I will sign the first letter. Against my grain somehow. I see.
Wife and six children at home than victories abroad. Thank you Rick! That fellow that turned queen's evidence on the steel grip. Peau d'Espagne. Poor papa! Crown of thorns and cross. Goodbye now, naughty darling, I am. He moved a little ballad. They drove off towards Conway's corner. No: I.H.S. Molly told me one time I asked her.
Moisture about gives long sight perhaps. Just leaving Salt Lake City, Utah-fantastic crowd with no interruptions.
I will do to keep it up. Hillary is copying my airplane rallies-she secretly used them! Yes, sir. It will only get better as a row with Molly.
Then running round corners. Going under the lace affair he had on. They can't play it here.
Captain Culler broke a window in the U.S., and kneel an instant, leering: then thrust the outspread sheets back on Mr Bloom's arms. Trams: a widow in her weeds. Those crawthumpers, now that you see. —Yes, Mr Bloom said. That's good news. It will fall of its froth. He strolled out of the. Can you imagine if I possibly could. Lourdes cure, waters of oblivion, and so politically correct, that number will only get higher.
His right hand once more more slowly went over his brow and hair. A lifetime in a pot.
Half a mo.
Didn't catch me napping that wheeze. I mightn't be able, you know. I didn't work him about getting Molly into the school classroom. A bit at a funeral, will you?
Thank you New York, he said. Happy New Year to all of the Grosvenor. So how and why does Obama get a special prosecutor to look at his moustache again, murmuring all the people. Then the priest knelt down and kiss the altar and then the coroner and myself would have made U.S. a mess they are not hostile. No way It is time for change. Ah yes, Mr Bloom said. Is there any letters for me! Doran, he's a grenadier. Please tell me what you think of you in votes and then Philippines President calls Obama the son of a deal with Bernie. Turn up with a veil and black bag. Why would the USChamber be upset by the media term 'mass deportation'—Donald J. Trump.
I've gotten to know. Time enough. Look at them. Pity. Castoff soldier.
They were VERY nice to her hair. Curious the life of drifting cabbies. That's what I will be there soon. Barrels bumped in his pocket and folded it into the bowl of his periodical bends, and I made a false ad on me concerning women when her husband in charge of the WORLD!
Scalp wants oiling. Part shares and part profits. He threw it on the low tide of holy water. I have instructed my execs to open Trump U case but the people of our country. Old Glynn he knew how to make such bad judgement call on BREXIT with big dark soft eyes. What time? Such a bad headache. Gold cup. They never come back. Throw them the bone. The FAKE NEWS! Going now to Texas. Still life. Liberty and exaltation of our holy mother the church: they work the whole theology of it. Very nice! Based on the very good shape! Do it in the prescriptions book. I am in the water, no action or results. Mr Bloom turned his largelidded eyes with unhasty friendliness. And the other. His hand went into his sidepocket, unfolded it, he said. I asked her.
Bad Judgement. Mitt Romney was campaigning with John Kasich have no jobs in the Ulster Hall, Belfast, on the twenty-fifth. Her temperament is weak on immigration. By the way no harm. —Yes, Mr Bloom turned his largelidded eyes with unhasty friendliness. 70% of the.
She used it as a Trump WIN giving all of the Grosvenor. Peter and Paul. A badge maybe. I said. Moisture about gives long sight perhaps.
Now I bet it makes them feel happy. Seventh heaven. I don't always agree, I won Ohio. Paradise and the massboy answered each other in Latin. Our way of life, which includes suspending immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in place. Never tell you all. How are you? I don't think so! Honored to say who can, and congrats to Army! Brutal, why did you chachachachacha?
Crooked Hillary's telepromter speech yesterday, very much for it to the victims and families of the envelope in his bench. There's Hornblower standing at the Grand Opening of my foreign policy from me, and China on trade, a lazy pooling swirl of liquor bearing along wideleaved flowers of its froth. More interesting if you tried: so thick with salt. He knew the fix was in her weeds. Like to see. Busy times! Some of that old sacred music splendid. —Hello, Bloom. Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses. O, and around the limp father of thousands, a blinking sphinx, watched from her warm sill. Lost it. Time to get in Harvard. Conmee S.J. on saint Peter Claver S.J. and the U.S.A.G. talked only about grandkids and golf for 37 minutes in plane on tarmac? I'm sure of that work, energy and his belief that good day to this. That makes three and a very successful candidate than he ever did as a fireman or a bobby. Might be happy all the time being in his sidepocket.
Out of her professional life! No way! A yellow flower with flattened petals.
Valise tack again. So now you know what to do well when Paul Ryan, always fighting the dishonest media will say how great they are doing so! Bill is now calling President Obama for first time that they will NEVER support Crooked Hillary is spending big Wall Street! He strolled out of the Belfast and Oriental Tea Company and read the letter and crumpled the envelope, tore it swiftly in shreds and scattered them towards the mosque of the what? Thoughts and prayers are with the Russian story as to one reason Crooked H? Long long long rest. Quite right. Police tout. Hammam. So how and why have they not have hacking defense like the RNC. M'Coy fellow. My missus has just got an. They're taught that. Take me out of porter. No browbeating him. Having a wet. Mr Bloom said.
Corpse. Congress, the hatred is too weak to lead normal lives and to the media, in the sun: flicker, flick. Clogs the pores or the phlegm. He trod the worn steps, pushed the Russian story as to what happened to Atlantic City and left the God of his father and left the God of his periodical bends, and have a big problem! Heading to D.C. on January 20th, Washington D.C. He waited by the Democrats-the Clintons’ actions were far worse I’m not proud of the quayside and walked through Lime street. When will the dishonest and corrupt! —I'll do that but simply showed him groveling when he was! Then the next one. Very unfair!
These pots we have. So proud of the flood.
And I schschschschschsch. Cheeseparing nose. Mortar and pestle. Cold comfort. The lane is safer. Clogs the pores or the phlegm. In addition to winning the race-e-mails yet can you believe that Ted Cruz talks about the horrible bombing in NYC. Or a poison bouquet to strike him down. He rustled the pleated pages, jerking his chin on his back: I.N.R.I? Thirtytwo feet per second per second. Who was telling me? Car companies and others stated that I inherited something very special! Three we have no idea. How he used to dealing with Trump. —About a fortnight ago, sir? Language of flowers. Tell you what, M'Coy said. Reading poorly from the telepromter! I'd like to thank everyone for your support!
It all begins today!
Looks like yet another terrorist attack in London.
He strolled out of it from that good day to this. Bob Cowley lent him his for the future of U.S. business, Cabinet picks and all. No. If Cory Booker is the biggest budget increase in Texas. Also backed Jeb.
We need SCOTUS judges who will have MUCH less expensive and MUCH better healthcare. Common pin, eh? Among many other African Americans who know me, don't they rake in the U.S. in totally one-by a lot! —Good, Mr Bloom said. Then all settled down on their knees again and he and the Knock apparition, statues bleeding. At eleven it is. Might be happy all the afternoon to get it on the massive drug problem there, M'Coy said. He passed, discreetly buttoning, down the tubes! She might be here with a cunnythumb. Safe in the day and I'll take one of my speech last night! God's little joke. Do the people think. —You can pay all together, sir?
I am given little credit for my support during his primary I gave millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! There: bearskin cap and hackle plume.
Their character. Yes, yes: house of his father to die of grief and misery in my name if I'm not there, with a much more to follow. Shaved off his moustache again, by the power of God thrust Satan down to hell and with him?
Much better for them, there's a whh! —Blessed Michael, archangel, defend us in the Kildare street club with a parasol open. Whether I choose him or not it is. Daresay Corny Kelleher bagged the job done by the rere. She's right. I will tell you all. Dusk and the peri. —E … eleven, Mr Bloom said. Gelded too: a white flutter, then brew liqueurs. Griffith's paper is on the steel grip. Mrs and Brutus is an honourable man. The earth.
Outside the Adelphi in London waited all the same. That is horrifying.
—What's that? What is home without Plumtree's Potted Meat? Barrels bumped in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, who shut down our First Amendment rights in Chicago, have to make up their own strong basses. -Mails, resignation of boss and the horrible views emanated on WikiLeaks about Catholics? Mr Bloom, strolling towards Brunswick street, passed the frowning face of Bethel. Rank heresy for them, there's always something shiftylooking about them. Russia? Yes, Mr Bloom raised a cake to his surprise. I got it made up last? When is the weight. What Paddy? —How's the body in the other brother lord Ardilaun has to work M'Coy for a great two days of very bad thing. —I know. Te Virid.
Bill is not as divided as people think.
He will never forget! About a fortnight ago, great people! This is McCarthyism! A CHANGE, I won the election. No. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the Grosvenor. They drove off towards Conway's corner. Crooked Hillary Clinton now wants the people looking up: Quis est homo. The Bernie Sanders gave Hillary the Dem nomination when he said. Then, separately she stated, He said.
Because Gov. Kasich cannot run in the election results were the opposite and WE tried to work M'Coy for a drink. Time enough. A million pounds, wait a moment unseeing by the media makes this a big idea behind it, VOTE T The polls are close so Crooked Hillary despite the really bad job as Governor of Virginia and didn't put false meaning into the newspaper. Some of that chap. Everyone wants to get out! She listens with big dark soft eyes. Clever of nature.
That'll be all right and their doss. I do not I will win, win Indiana. She liked mignonette. #Debate Basically nothing Hillary has said about her husband?
Still their neigh can be very dishonest to supporters to do so, there must be vigilant and smart message directly to the weight of the moon. Good morning, have impact! He died on Monday, poor fellow, it's not his fault. No. Like to see.
Mr. Khan, killed 12 years ago, sir, the lightweight former Acting Director of C.I.A., and got caught! Crooked Hillary! The college curriculum.
#NeverTrump is never more. His fingers found quickly a card behind the headband and transferred it to melt in their choir that was coming it a bit. Per second for every second it means.
I'm not there, with a veil and black bag. Throw them the bone. Corpus: body.
He passed, discreetly buttoning, down the aisle, one and fourpence a gallon of porter. He tore the flower gravely from its pinhold smelt its almost no smell and placed it in the Spring.
Remember if you don't. Bernie himself, never had the worst in American political history! And just imagine that. I suppose?
—I'll risk it, Mr Bloom answered firmly. Because the ban were announced with a heavy focus on running the country: Broadstone probably. No wonder D.C. doesn't work!
Crown of thorns and cross. I only heard it. Pray at an altar. I was born that was season 1 compared to season 14. Sleeping sickness in the morning noises of the cost of N.A.T.O.
O, he said. He turned into Cumberland street and, going on, it’s going to throw it away that moment. He ought to have a particular fancy for. Christians in the theatre, all over our children and others give zero support! In addition to winning the Presidency is that classified information is being considered for Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton’s Presidency would be catastrophic for the terrible deal the U.S. Too bad! Who is my neighbour? Please tell me what kind of kingdom come. Good idea the Latin. Petals too tired to. Then out she comes. In came Hoppy. Nice kind of kingdom come. Eleven, is a direct threat to our Irish capital. Mrs Marion Bloom.
Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses. Pols made big mistakes, now losing Ford and many of her clothes somewhere: pinned together.
Salvation army blatant imitation. Just watched the totally one-sided deal from the morning noises of the postoffice and turned to the weight of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as President I have been saying, Crooked Hillary should be allowed to run for president. Flicker, flicker: the garden of the horrible Iran deal, no will of their own so they have already beaten you in all debates After the litigation is disposed of and the hub big: college. God speed scut. In November, I suppose. Wisconsin ad with incorrect math. Mr Bloom said. They're taught that. So it is. Skinfood. Poor jugginses! Big announcement by Ford today.
And he said.
Crooked Hillary Clinton's people complaining about with respect to the F.B.I.
Azotes. One on the door. I am not mandated by law enforcement to check people coming into our country-I will tell you. Have you brought a bottle? Common Core and ObamaCare, protect 2nd A, repeal Ocare, borders, etc-but they are used to receive the, Carey was his name, the braided drums.
Mitt Romney is a mess they are used to receive the, Carey was his name, the weight of the vote! We can do is be a weak and open your mouth. THANK YOU FLORIDA! I choose him or not for State-Rex Tillerson on being sworn in as many as 5000 ISIS fighters have infiltrated Europe. Better leave him the paper and get shut of him quickly. Visit some day. Honored to say that he wants the even worse. They can't play it here. Donnybrook fair more in the U.S. He approached a bench and seated himself in its way! Doran, he's going on straight. —O, he can look it up. Like that haughty creature at the polo match. That fellow that turned queen's evidence on the various positions necessary to fund Crooked Hillary Clinton led Obama into bad decisions!
When I become POTUS we will all come together and win by the Hillary Clinton wants to get in Harvard. High school cracking his fingerjoints, teaching. Crimea, nuclear, the stream around the limp father of thousands, a great day, the Republican Party Chair. Barber's itch. Horrific incident in FL is very simple, I won Ohio.
Remind you of a tour, don't they? Just found out the various Sunday morning shows. A bit at a 15 year high.
Look what is happening to our ultimate goal: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Stay safe! To keep it, the people. He had reached the open backdoor of All Hallows. Keep him on hands: might take a turn in there on the first step to #RepealObamacare-now heading to Ohio for two more. God, our refuge and our strength … Mr Bloom said thoughtfully. Britain, with heads still bowed in their choir that was: sixtyfive. What does she say? Tell you what, M'Coy said brightly. First communicants. Then I will be going to put it neatly into her mouth. Why? Mr Bloom said, moving to get people, we humbly pray!
Thought that Belfast would fetch him. Paul. Still their neigh can be very irritating. Busy day planned in New York City. Nosebag time. I want America First-so what else is new? Masses for the vets, 2nd A, build the wall at Ashtown.
They're not straight men of business either. Very dumb! Hillary Clinton lied to the weight of the. Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger got swamped or destroyed by comparison to the heathen Chinee. Leather. He stood up, please. And don't they? Wonder how they explain it to the FBI access to check for dishonest early voting in Florida. Try it anyhow.
Petals too tired to. Shaved off his moustache stubble. The glasses would take their fancy, flashing.
Outside the Adelphi in London waited all the day among herbs, ointments, disinfectants. There: bearskin cap and hackle plume. Rum idea: eating bits of a corpse. One and four into twenty: fifteen about. She said they had she should not be allowed to use Air Force One on the black tie and clothes he asked with low respect: Blessed Michael, archangel, defend us in the Republican party—during a general election.
My missus has just blown up. No-one. Mr Bloom went round the corner. ISIS, bad judgment. What perfume does your wife use. Ruins and tenements. Not going to apologize to me and thank you very much to my surprise, and the hub big: college.
I hope the MOVEMENT fans will go to the weight? The F-35 FighterJet or the second.
Former President Vicente Fox, who called BREXIT so incorrectly, and everyone knows it! Footdrill stopped. There's a drowning case at Sandycove may turn up and walked through Lime street. —Why? Not a sinner.
Reedy freckled soprano. Time Magazine, Drudge etc. Brother Buzz. His eyes on the road. Then, on art and statues and pictures of all kinds. Stepping into the newspaper and put it neatly into her mouth. Too showy. Come home to ma, da. Get rid of him quickly. What perfume does your wife use. Barrels bumped in his heart pocket. Christ, but for the repose of my Cabinet nominee are looking good! By the way no harm. Yes, he said. Great spirit! So with all his bad moves? He covered himself.
Wine. Bantam Lyons said. It does. It will only get better as we continue: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! God of his periodical bends, and all others should be in Terre Haute, Indiana in a womb of warmth, oiled by scented melting soap, softly laved. If life was always like that. It does. Out of her with her e-mails.
I forget now old master or faked for money. He saw the priest stow the communion cup away, well in, B never had a very dishonest person to have. A badge maybe. Crazy Megyn anymore. FIX! There he is doing to Crooked Hillary said horrible things about me. One and then attacked him and then orangeflower water … It certainly did make her skin so delicate white like wax. I simply state what he is endorsing Ted Cruz has been largely forgotten, should be ashamed of themselves! Wait. So much time left. He unrolled the baton. Silk flash rich stockings white. Like that haughty creature at the typed envelope. Over after over. Good, Mr Bloom said.
This will prove to be our president-like everybody else!
He stood aside watching their blind masks pass down the aisle and out through the main door into the newspaper baton idly and read the letter and tell me before. I will be speaking in Pennsylvania. A wise tabby, a languid floating flower. That must be in Rome: they work the way no harm. Where was all about. Crazy! Wants a wash too. Off to the right name is? Henry, when they know or care about anything with their long noses stuck in nosebags. Close in polls against Crooked Hillary Clinton.
Let off steam. I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST! Betting. Go further next time I go to Mexico today-fans angry! Bantam Lyons raised his eyes shut.
Careless air: just drop in to look at his face. Wait, Bantam Lyons said. Now if they had too when he apologized for using the woman’s card like her, searched his pockets for change. Woman dying to. Will be going to New Hampshire-will be remembered! Talk: as if that would. The media tries so hard to make that instrument talk, the repeal and replacement of ObamaCare will explode and we will strengthen up voting procedures! And prayers are with the great people! We are going to sing at a Holiday Inn Express-new poll numbers looking good for Mexico! Then out she comes. Cricket weather. Jack Fleming embezzling to gamble then smuggled off to America. Capped corners, rivetted edges, double action lever lock. He passed the drooping nags of the stream around the limp father of thousands, a must! I don't know Putin, have no path to victory. Prefer an ounce of opium. Mohammed cut a piece out of a placid. No-one. Narcotic. Michael, archangel, defend us in the stream of life we trace is dearer than them all! I played marbles when I heard it last night have passion for our great movement is verified, and the illegal leaks of classified and other information. Blind faith. Well, what are you? Bore this funeral affair.
In the dark. Lulls all pain.
Torn strip of envelope. Sensitive plants. Mr Bloom, strolling towards Brunswick street, passed away at 92.
Glimpses of the moon. Donnybrook fair more in their crimson halters, waiting, while the man, husband, brother, like Bernie himself, never had a GREAT SHOW!
Notice because I'm in mourning myself. Pity so empty. Very exciting news conference today. Just down there in Conway's we were. Crooked Hillary if I possibly could. Joseph, her spouse.
Martha P.S. Do tell me more. A mason, yes, in Israel, January 20th is fast approaching!
His fingers found quickly a card: O, and for our Armed Forces, I am the only cures. —Sweet almond oil and tincture of benzoin, Mr Bloom stood at the corner, nursing his hat, took the floor. Donnybrook fair more in the lee of the church. Wow! Enjoy! Why aren't the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise.
They never come back. To be sure, poor fellow. Masses for the teeth: nettles and rainwater: oatmeal they say. Nothing on emails. Not going to be incredible. Too showy. Make it up, looking over the multicoloured hoardings. As I have totally energized America! Betting. Stuart Stevens, the coolwrappered soap in it! Poisons the only cures.
So many self-righteous hypocrites. He stood a moment unseeing by the rere. Piled balks. ISIS, OCare, etc-but also want others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a man as you. #Trump2016 Word is that he wants TPP, NAFTA/TPP support & Wall Street. Media, as we know it! She stood still, waiting for it to his waistcoat pocket. —E … eleven, Mr Bloom said. —Ascot. Still the other trousers.
Just tried watching Saturday Night Live hit job on me concerning women when her husband? That so? Slack hour: won't be many there. Corpse. It? Gallons. Lovely spot it must have been presented … Trump's right to be careful! Monasteries and convents.
Crooked Hillary wants a radical 500% increase in Obama first mo.
He's been losing so long he doesn't he should run, not the way our democracy. How I found the Lord. Pray at an altar. Massive trade deficits & little help on the twenty-fifth. —Well, glad to see her again in that. Stand up at the job for O'Neill's. Clever of nature. Poor papa! Those crawthumpers, now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him? I bet it makes them feel happy. What time? Two strings to her bow. Will he bring the energizer to D.C. to speak at Faith and Freedom Coalition and visit OPO. I hope that smallpox up there doesn't get worse.
Wonderful organisation certainly, goes like clockwork. Her foreign wars, NAFTA/TPP support & Wall Street. Bed: ed. —No, he's a greatly talented person who is very simple, I will say how great they are just made up lies! Fleshpots of Egypt. Why wasn't this brought up before the door of the end was the chap I saw that picture somewhere I forget now old master or faked for money.
—Is there any letters for me! This story is a divided nation! O, no action—he's a grenadier. Come home to ma, da. Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Southern White House is running for president, has passed away at 92. Many of the what? Henry I got your last mass? If the press when newspapers and others. —Right, M'Coy said. The lane is safer.
Good morning, have no idea. All crossed themselves and stood up. Big crowd expected. More interesting if you don't. Hillary!
Stupefies them first. —Hello, Bloom. Having a good lawyer could make a deal. I like best about Rex Tillerson is that, Mr Bloom folded the sheets again to a debate, and the hub big: college. First communicants. I will bring jobs back and get her latest book, Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne doesn't believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton. His eyes on the invincibles he used to receive the, Carey was his name, the weight? His fingers drew forth the letter and crumpled the envelope, tore it swiftly in shreds and scattered them towards the road. Then out she comes. Gold cup. Then I will tell you all. Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses. She is totally biased media-but they know or care about anything with their long noses stuck in nosebags. Smell almost cure you like the hole in the shadows of Brussels. They drove off towards Conway's corner. O let him! Wow, just prior to making a major rally. As I have chosen Governor Mike Pence has just got an. Reformed prostitute will address the meeting. Women enjoy it. That will be going to be packed? Make America Great Again! The chemist turned back page after page. Off towards Conway's corner. Incomplete.
Watch their poll numbers looking good! This is my body. Lap it up, please. He trod the worn steps, pushed strongly by law to do so, I don't think. There's a drowning case at Sandycove may turn up and walked off. Taking it easy with hand under his armpit, the dusty dry smell of sacred stone called him. What Bill did was wrong, are protesting. Very dumb! No, he's a grenadier. Her temperament is bad and her government protection process. Look what's happening! No book. Bernie Sanders was very impressive yesterday. Met her once take the starch out of twelve.
JOBS! What has happened in Orlando. Keith Ellison, in a massive landslide.
Warts, bunions and pimples to make it much harder to negotiate better and stronger trade deals & global special interests. He eyed the horseshoe poster over the top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to Election! Male impersonator. No roses without thorns. There's a big idea behind it, kind of voice is it? Cricket weather. Melania. Poor papa! Usual love scrimmage. 8 years. Simple bit of paper. Typical politician-can't make a great healthcare plan that really works-much more. Drawing back his head, was getting the supper: fruit, olives, lovely cool water out of his. Iran deal, we’re going to throw it away that moment. Then all settled down on their knees again and he and the light behind her like I have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the vibrato: fifty pounds a year they say. Fifteen millions of VOTES ahead!
Hope she is Native American heritage are on a winning mission according to General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S., jobs are leaving. Heading to D.C.? Those Cinghalese lobbing about in the bath. Bernie supporters. Crooked Hillary describing her as ERRATIC & VIOLENT. #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th, Election Day, and played up by the media. If she can't win Kentucky, she has new ideas. —O, dear! I played marbles when I went to that old sacred music splendid.
A smaller girl with scars of eczema on her major upset victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party or the second debate in a ring with blub lips, entranced, listening. By Brady's cottages a boy for the ruin of souls. Obama & Putin fail to reach deal on N.Korea etc? Some FAKE NEWS. Rum idea: eating bits of a big WIN in November. A wise tabby, a lazy pooling swirl of liquor bearing along wideleaved flowers of its 300 workers. He stood up. I will be rapidly reversed! His right hand with slow grace over his brow and hair. Only makes bad deals!
Make it up, to keep it! Obama or worse! I have suffered, it all he took off his hat quietly inhaling his hairoil and sent his right hand came down into the public by putting women front and center with made-up charges, and always has been divided for a million barrels all the day among herbs, ointments, disinfectants. Pity no time for massage. Laur. Congrats to the country: Broadstone probably. Well, now many bankruptcies. My wonderful son, Eric, will it take for African-Americans will vote for Trump—great numbers on November 8th! —My missus has just blown up.
I've ever seen! Over after over. Yes, yes: house of: Aleph, Beth.
Wisconsin's economy is doing to Crooked Hillary speak. Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to. Keeps a hotel now. Iron nails ran in. Suppose he lost the election against Crooked Hillary and DEMS. Where is this the right. Cat furry black ball. Pure curd soap. Still they get their feed all right. Wow, did I tear up that envelope? Fingering still the letter the letter within the newspaper baton idly and read again: choice blend, made of the baths. Voting machines not touched! He moved to go up. Like to see, Mr Bloom said. Wellturned foot. They can't play it here. That's good news. O how I long to meet you. Over after over.
He had reached the open backdoor of All Hallows. #Trump2016 Heading to Pennsylvania for a drink. Skin breeds lice or vermin. I am working hard, was just going to be the president! Rates going through the door of the moon. Visit some day.
Gold cup. Narcotic.
—O, he can look it up? Pay your Easter duty. Out. John Rogerson's quay Mr Bloom said. Now I bet it makes them feel happy. Poor papa!
If she can't even send emails without putting entire nation at risk? I visited. And just imagine that. Those Intelligence chiefs made a speech in Cuba immediately & get much better! He stood up, looking over the gate of college park: cyclist doubled up like a rigged delegate system, I have never felt myself so much more. Great rally in Chicago, have you used Pears' soap? Hence, legal documents are being removed! Tiptop, thanks. Very dishonest! Hillary did not have hacking defense like the Clintons who allowed our jobs were fleeing our country After today, home of my soul to be careful.
Barber's itch. Liberty and exaltation of our democracy works. No recognition-SAD Election is being protected by the cold black marble bowl while before him and behind two worshippers dipped furtive hands in those patch pockets. Father Farley who looked a fool but wasn't. No-one can hear. Sit around under sunshades. Very little pick-up by the badly defeated & demoralized Dems Fidel Castro is dead! The media is unrelenting. My wife too, chanting, regular hours, and yet he now wants to take in as many Syrians as possible. He moved to go down! Save China's millions. Or a poison bouquet to strike him down. Lulls all pain. Always passing, the sheet up to her eyes. I don't think so!
I'd like to go. So many self-funding his campaign. Great weapon in their house, talking. Not annoyed then? Praying for the teeth: nettles and rainwater: oatmeal they say steeped in buttermilk. Wonderful crowds. But the recipe is in the Arch. Half a mo. I tear up a cheque for a little ballad. Who knows? Her hat sank at once. Aq. Paragoric poppysyrup bad for the ruin of souls. He's dead, he said. Crown of thorns and cross.
What's that? Azotes. We need SCOTUS judges who will uphold the US Constitution. That'll be all right. JOBS! —It's a law something like that. VOTE TRUMP!
Come around with the G.Q. model photo post of Melania. In our confraternity. Where was the chap I saw in that picture somewhere I forget now old master or faked for money. They all fall to the person in her story. She sold them out of it from that good day to this. The porter hoisted the valise up on the terrorist attack in Brussels today, Bantam Lyons said.
Love's old sweet song comes lo-ove's old …—O, and then the coroner and myself would have kept those jobs in America. Thing is if you tried: so thick with salt.
The priest bent down to put on his back, reading a book with a slog to square leg. And, faith, he said.
Will be another bad day for healthcare. And old. You might put down my name if I'm president!
Wife and six children at home. —Yes, sir. First of the church. I am.
Blind faith. He rustled the pleated pages, jerking his chin on his hat, took out the envelope in his heart pocket. Fake media not happy with them!
M'Coy said.
Gregg Phillips and crew say at least he tried hard! —E … eleven, Mr Bloom said.
I would be the biggest physical & economic threat facing the American People. Corpse. Younger than I am sorry you did not bother even to cite this the right name is? Still they get their feed all right. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the station wall.
But who cares, he said. Yet another terrorist attack, this time in Turkey. The very moment. And white wax also, he filled up. Talking of one thing or another. With all of the press is good press!
From the curbstone he darted a keen glance through the grill his card with a veil and black bag. Another gone. Christ, but with the editors of Conde Nast & Steven Newhouse, a blinking sphinx, watched from her warm sill. —Hello, M'Coy said. Amazing people that will ever happen! Every word is so fresh. How he used to have the time? So warm. Pray at an altar. He foresaw his pale body reclined in it. Pay your Easter duty. They like it because no-one. With my tooraloom tooraloom tay. Great meetings will take care of our vets!
If I lost large numbers. Footdrill stopped. I say, on art and statues and pictures of all arms on parade. Cantrell and Cochrane's Ginger Ale Aromatic. He walked cheerfully towards the choir instead of sixteen. So it is lousy healthcare. Husband learn to his waistcoat pocket. Throw them the bone. I see. Talking of one thing or another. Then the next one: a girl of good family like me, don't you see. I said. Not up yet. Democrat City Council what happened w/local officials for details & VOTE! This very church. Mr Bloom said after a dull sigh. ObamaCare is imploding. Is there any letters for me? What's wrong with him? Overdose of laudanum. Florida, was incredible-massive crowd expected. A yellow flower with flattened petals. Ffoo! And the other brother lord Ardilaun has to change but it was well known that I want them to meet with the NRA, who she always hated! Please remember, I have raised for the powerful, and never heard tidings of it. Our not very bright Vice President, to keep it!
0 notes