#he looks like hes trying to kill me with his mind
theminecraftbee · 1 day
the case of docm77 v zombiecleo: a very incomplete summary of events
i, of course, strongly recommend going to doc's video (or bdubs, cleo, joe, or skizz's, once they exist) and watching the whole thing for yourself i could NOT stop laughing. but for those of you who want a vague summary of some stuff that happens in the courtroom:
bdubs is insisting on being called "your highness" as opposed to "your honor".
we START with bdubs explaining he has set up a dramatic five-strike system; if either side gets five strikes (things that upset bdubs lol) he will "uh, not give them the death penalty, but--"
doc immediately tries to use this to take advantage of the system and get cleo strikes.
he instead accidentally immediately murders his own counsel.
it has been like One Minute.
"just in case anyone dies, there's a jury deliberation room under construction, there's a bed in there"
bdubs is paying everyone a diamond block for showing up if they listen to his judgement. help.
"thrust his sword into said swine" so skizz's opening speech is GREAT.
"wow, that was really good. but the camera is over here, so if you could do that again and look into the camera for me--"
"defense, first off, how do you plead?" (doc, grasping for his vague knowledge of american legal dramas) "i plead the fifth. i plead the fifth. uh. right?"
joe, in his opening speech: "this is esteemed around the world as a place where two adults who act like children can come to have their differences settled by you in the most entertaining manner."
HELP. "cleo is bringing to the court not an affair between two adults with an unsettled matter, but an adult and a large baby."
joe: "you know, cleo has a lot of communication problems." bdubs, with great feeling: "yikes."
cleo, under her breath: "i'm gonna kill him."
"just a minute i'm setting up my lawyer", ren says, carrying the armor stand he had in the stands with him to the bench and putting false's head on it,
ren: "i cannot recall." bdubs: "YOU CAN'T RECALL WHAT HAPPENED?" ren: "i cannot recall if i cannot recall."
why is skizz doing a foghorn leghorn accent now,
skizz, about doc: "this is proof this man likes to intimidate, that he gets off on it." no one comments on this phrasing.
sorry ren making an armor stand falsesymmetry as his lawyer and companion in the stands is so funny.
"this is more evidence cleo is a poor communicator. she can't control her man--"
joe is very clearly just trying to make everyone in the room mad and it's really funny.
anyway it rolls tails so it overrules skizz's objection.
skizz's accent and vocabulary just keeps getting more and more exaggerated i think he's going for approximately benoit blanc,
beef: "he forcefully approached us and said he's the guy who wants all the wood." cleo and doc, snorting and giggling at this as one,
i feel like i should note that bdubs has a fireworks crossbow that he's calling his "whip" and hitting people with when they do something he considers wrong.
this leads me to wonder if bdubs thinks whipping is normal in a courtroom...?
i think its really funny that skizz is actively doing like, correct types and moments to do an objection, and it almost sounds like good lawyering, and then IMMEDIATELY bdubs goes "it's time to HEADS AND TAILS!!!" and breaks that illusion completely.
"well, it's heads, objection sustained, strike that from the record." joe: "well then i guess you'll never know what my point was." beat of silence. bdubs: "never mind, let's just add a strike, and you can say it,"
"i don't know how the esophagus entered this situation at all?" "let's pray it didn't. geez." "i was not thinking of doc's esophagus when i built the giant fish for his hourglass." <- this only barely makes more sense in context,
"no further questions your honor." "seriously???"
every time joe calls doc either a baby or a manchild is SO FUNNY. why is this his argument. it's SO FUNNY.
"but he has not proven mens rhea, which you your highness are very familiar with but for the viewers at home is not a gendered form of diarrhea--"
cleo, to doc: "doc are you sure you want to win this one?" doc, in clear and obvious distress: "i'm not sure of anything anymore man i just, i don't know,"
bdubs then interrupts to do the sponsored segment of court.
"the tall claims court is brought to you by!" bdubs puts a disc in. 13 starts playing. "shoot that's the spooky record. that's the worst one." he continues with his bamboo shop sponsored segment spiel anyway, with 13 continuing to play,
"i'm not going to ask for money, i'm just asking for a simple injunction against doc. he won't be allowed to use diamonds for redstone anymore." "WHAT??? THERE'S LIMITS TO THIS, OKAY????" "calm down doc, we're not gonna--" "WHAT NO WHAT CALM DOWN???"
"cleo i have to say that's way better than anything skizz said. skizz was talking and all i heard was bla bla bla bla bla but that was real heartfelt. if you're thinking about paying him, maybe don't."
doc: "i want to make peace and love that's all i care about i'm just a humble boutiquer"
"i felt like as her friend i needed to teach her what it feels like to lose something" i love how deranged that is doc keep going
"but it happened and i think i'm insane, right," doc says, then nods at joe.
"yeah this is really good" cleo responds, perfectly happy with the idea of doc declaring himself insane for no good reason,
cleo: "doc is just completely unhinged when people mess with his redstone, and i feel like my punishment would take away that emotional bond."
joe: "objection your honor, my client is unhinged in every context."
i like how this is "make fun of doc" day.
bdubs: "i'm going to deliberate quickly then i'll come back with my judgement." (turns around for like five seconds.) "and i'm back!"
AIR JAIL...........
bdubs adjourns court. doc, immediately: "WHAT THE HELL JOE??" "i did my best, man :/"
jevin in the background of doc losing his shit just kinda murdering skizzleman for fun,
doc's main objection to the sky island is "BUT I HAVE THINGS TO DO :(((((("
doc ends the video standing here:
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in conclusion: yeah this seems like a very fair trial with no ridiculous elements at all. very serious and befitting the sanctity of court. yes. you should watch it for a very serious hermitcraft experience,
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jacaerysgf · 2 days
Fighting words
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summary: one of the bracken boys has been hitting on you for days now and youre sick of it. He happens to take it too far with you and your best friend shows you a side of himself you’ve never seen. and you like it. a lot.
Benjicot Blackwood x Fem!Cerwyn!reader | 1.3k wrds
c.w: probably very occ as we dont know like anything abt him in the show 😭😭, slightly smutty, takes place before any battles, not proofread
he wouldn’t leave my mind, so take this 😁
masterlist - requests are open!!
tags: @hxtd
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“No. Leave me alone bracken.” you try to shove him away from you but the bracken boy just grins at you and leans closer into you.
“Oh come on cerwyn, i see how you look at me~” a scoff escapes your lips as you stare at him with disgust. “In your fucking dreams, seriously. Leave me alone.”
You didn’t even know this guys name but he had been bothering you for the last couple days. It had started out small with him trying to invite you to come drink with him and his friends to him offering to carry around your stuff for you when you were walking around.
“theyre arrows bracken.”
“so what? must be heavy for you youre a girl.”
He grossed you out. But didn’t matter even if he didn’t,
“she said no.”
The two of you turn to look at the new voice and a smile creeps up on your face. The bracken boy rolls his eyes as he glares, “the hell do you want blackwood.”
“she said no. Back off.”
youve been friends with the lord of house blackwood for since you were younger and hes always been so kind to you. It seemed to be obvious to everyone other than him that you were madly in love with the young lord but if he did notice he said nothing about it.
You knew of his, angry? or maybe a better word is his more aggressive behavior. You had never even seen it first hand but multiple people have told you first hand accounts of him losing his temper and blowing up, his normal calm and kind demeanor getting lost to rage and blind madness.
You did not know what to think about the rumors then but seeing the way his eyes twitched and his clenched jaw as he stared at the bracken boy the rumors about him became more and more believable.
The bracken boy stands and gets all up in bens face, “What are you gonna do about it huh?”
Ben tilts his head and a look you’ve never seen crosses his eyes as he glares. “Get the fuck out of my sight.” His voice is hard like youve never heard before and it has you holding your breath, waiting for the straining thread to snap.
And the thread snaps the second bracken pushes bens chest and laughs. “what? you upset this ugly bitch wants me more than you-“ It happens before you know it and suddenly the two guys are on the floor and everyone in the room jumps up to look.
you freeze. What in the hells are you supposed to do? so you merely watch as the two boys beat the fuck out of each other. Ben pulls ahead at some point and manages to get a few more punches in after pinning the guy down until the two are pulled apart.
“never talk about her like that, no. never talk to her again or else ill fucking kill you.” He thrashes around in the arms of the two blackwood lads that hold him back as he continues to spit insults at the bracken boy as he gets dragged off and out of the space.
Your legs move before you can even think and your standing in front of him, he freezes and blinks at you rapidly. Hes covered in blood, you cant tell which is his and which is the other guys but he looks badly hurt.
He had done it for you. In your name. And you could barely take how hot you felt but he needed you. “i have supplies in my tent let me fix you up.” the boys oooo’d and ben barely acknowledges them as he nods and allows you to drag him off to your tent.
The boys call after you two with some unsavory choice words but you just turn and flip them off before you continue to help ben to your tent. You place him on your bed cot and try to ignore the racing of your heart as he stays quiet, merely looking at you.
Hes usually quiet but not around you. Its odd to see him like this. So you shakily rummage around with the stuff in your chest as you nervously begin to talk. “thank you for stepping in i was really nervous he wasn’t going to leave me alone, you didn’t meed to-“ you gasp as your spun around and lips lock onto yours with fever.
One of his hands reach behind you and push all your stuff off your table, lifting up you up to sit on it while he kisses you. You gasp against his lips and he takes the opportunity to stick his tongue in your mouth.
Your head is spinning. You can taste the metallic taste of his blood seep into your mouth and it laces its way into your kiss. You fear you’re dreaming. You felt asleep on watch shift again and when you wake this will all just be a dream.
Yet when you grip your hand against his waist he pulls away and winces. You are pulled back to reality and try to pull away to grab your medical supplies that now are all spilled all over the floor but he quickly stops you.
“ben you’re hurt.” “i dont care.” He tries to kiss you again but you dodge it and grip his face in your hands. “ben,” His hand slide around your waist and play with the fabric of your tunic, testing the waters and sliding his hands lower and almost under the tunic you wear. “ben.” you say firmer and he pauses to look at you.
“right now i just need to feel your skin, please.” your heart pounds loudly against your chest and your mouth drops open. “ben,” his name shakily passes your lips and he presses his forehead against yours, his eyes closed. “How dare he talk to you like that. i should have killed him,” his hands slide under your tunic his hot hands run up and down your bare sides slowly. “he should know i take no disrespect to the future lady of blackwood.”
You kiss him unable to take it anymore and he meets your fever eagerly. arms wrapping around you and pulling you so your chest to chest and you can feel him pressing against your trousers.
His lips trail down your jaw as his hands find your breasts and you let out a moan as he squeezes them in his hands. His lips your neck and he sucks at any skin he can get while he grinds his hips against yours. His hands grow more feverish as he uses his teeth to pull down your tunic to expose more of your collarbone and neck, youre sure to be covered in bruises tomorrow but you cant be bothered with that.
One of his hands trails down your stomach and almost gets to reach under your pants until a horn sounds outside and you both look at each other alarmed.
“ugh fuck me.” “wish i could.” you slap him on the chest as he pulls away and he hisses.
“that hurts.” “if you had let me patch you up it wouldn’t be hurting you idiot.” “you certain didn’t look like you were going to complain. not when i was about to-“ “okay! lets go they need us.” you ignore the sound of his laughter as you flap open your tent and rush out leaving him behind, hoping you look presentable enough your men dont ask questions and pray you can continue what you were doing with ben later.
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acid-ixx · 3 days
"hostage situation"
series masterlist
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nightwing, to his siblings: okay, so we have to be real careful because the joker and harley quinn are holding our baby sibling hostage and we can't put them in anymore danger.
nightwing, looks at red robin: i'm sure they have some traps laid around the lair so you'll be disarming it.
red robin, nods:
robin: then me and todd will be handling any spare targets, no?
nightwing: of course. cass, steph and duke will be guarding the entrance. babs?
oracle, speaking in the intercoms: this is the closest point of entry where (name) is being kept hostage.
red robin: security cams suggest there's more than just harley and the joker in the lair. a bunch of their goons are heavily guarding both the entrance and the exit. we should thread carefully.
oracle: there's no camera's where (name) is exactly at, but there's a specific room where it's shown that the two are often visiting.
batman, who had been lurking behind them: this is a priority mission. we can't afford to make mistakes.
robin, eyebrows raised: though, is it necessary to bring the entire family? me and my father could handle this entirely by ourselves.
jason, sighs: don't pretend like you weren't the first to suggest the entire justice league to come searching for them, kid.
batman: enough arguing, (name) needs all the support they could get after this. so on my count, we are to bust open the door.
dick: alright, everybody, prepare.
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*meanwhile, inside the lair, in a makeshift "house"*
(name), sitting on a comfy chair whilst holding a cup of hot chocolate and a book in the other, sneezes: oh— did anyone mention my name?
harley quinn, already on her way to wipe their nose: oh my baby! is our baby sick?!
(name): no, i just suddenly sneezed?
the joker, in another room: i spy with my little eye, a child way past their bedtime~ c'mon babyboo, let's get you to bed!
(name): awe, but it's like, 10pm. i wanna read some more.
harley, about to pick (name) up: then let momma read the book for you in bed, cutesy pie—
*the door to the kitchen slams open*
dick, with his escrima sticks on-hand: surrender (name) to us now or—!
dick, absolutely befuddled: wait, what?!
damian, with bruce in tow: what's the hold up, nightwing?!
damian, about to jump right in front of dick before he was stopped by bruce's hand on his shoulder: what is... this?
bruce: ... explain the meaning of this, harley.
harley, holds (name) closer to her chest as she's equally confused: what do ya mean, bats? ain't it obvious i'm taking care of my child?
(name): uhm...
damian, visibly offended: what do you mean, your child? (name) over there is ours.
the joker, walks over to the room in a hurry: what's with all the commotion over here?! (name) is supposed to be in bed, harle— batman?!
bruce, with squinted eyes: don't act stupid, what is this all about?
nightwing, surveying the room: wait, why is (name) in pajamas?
(name), trying their best to shrug in harley's tight hug: i'm... supposed to go to bed...?
the joker, about to walk over to (name) before he's stopped by a batarang almost hitting the side of his head: hey! what's that for? i'm clearly not trying to attack my own child!
bruce: (name) is my child, not yours.
the joker, glaring at batman: well, it's not my fault they choose me over you!
(name) wayne, interrupting the two: uhm... i did technically disown myself from the family so—
damian: disown yourself?
(name): i have every reason to—
dick: look, baby bird, you don't know what's right for you, these guys are dangerous—
(name): i literally got nearly killed by some nobody criminals if not for harley saving me but okay, nightwing.
bruce, whose attention is now on (name): you almost got what now?
(name), rolling their eyes: i almost died, batman. now if you excuse me, i think i deserve a good night sleep tonight.
(name), looks at harley who still hasn't released them from the protective hug: can we?
harley quinn, facepalming in her mind as she stares back at (name): oh, i should've bought you to pam and selina instead.
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ainywanie · 3 days
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synopsis: or, in which a stressed out and overwhelmed kenji sato eats takeout with you and slow burn occurs.
requested by; anon / requests are open!
*⁠・⁠゜゚⁠(⁠^⁠O⁠^⁠)⁠↝ read this as well in ao3
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Baseball. Fatherhood. Ultraman.
What did those three things have in common? Absolutely none. That was the problem. Neither of those three things had any correlation which made it hell to learn how to split them all evenly. Had Kenji Sato found out earlier that his life would involve tons of juggling things around he would've signed up to be a clown instead of a celebrity.
“There ya go.” Kenji whispers, him in his Ultraman form cradled the adorable Emi who chirped and cried and did everything else but fall asleep in his arms. He's been having a long day and truthfully all he wants is to be less miserable than he was now.
He taps the girl’s back, the small Kaiju looking up at him with — which he swears he can practically see— literal stars in her eyes. “Daddy's here.”
Despite how normally he'd find some sense of contentment and probably even relief or satisfaction from finally soothing Emi from her distress, right now all his mind could try to even focus on was baseball and the fact the KDF were after Emi.
And, for a horrible moment, his heart clenches at the very thought of everything in his life just going away. He's already beating himself up with the recent games, he didn't need anything else adding onto that ever growing giant pile of lists on why Kenji Sato wasn't all that he said to be.
So, here he was, ready to just drown himself (and his sorrows) away with a can of unfortunately healthy coconut water. Couldn't a man drink and get drunk? A nice bottle of alcohol and wine would definitely hit just right for him at this moment.
“God damnit— Mina!” He exclaims, sighing and running his hand through his hair while he examines the drink in his hand, placing it down with a rather miserable expression. ‘This thing’s going to kill me before anything else’ He mutters to himself.
“It is best to incorporate a healthy lifestyle, especially with your many responsibilities lately.” Mina appears with her typical monotone and robotic voice.
“I'm as healthy as you can get.” He argues, walking around the rather huge kitchen he's got. Stardom tends to give out a whole heap of money, and that wasn't anything Kenji could just decline.
Mina stares at him —at least— he's sure if she were a real person with an actual human body she'd probably be staring at him with an unimpressed look. And then his mind flashes to his mother who'd also most likely be doing the same.
“I work out,” Kenji starts, deciding to defend his case. “I wake up early,” He adds, looking around the cupboards and making a mental note to get groceries soon. Soon would be way too far in the future. Soon is barely a day close to tomorrow considering he's already got a lot going on.
“I'm a professional athlete.” Kenji scoffs, leaning against the counter.
“Indeed you are. That is why I contacted—”
Just in time, the front door rings. He doesn't hesitate staring at the robot in disbelief and anger at the sudden visitor. As sudden as the visitor came, Mina promptly went away. “You've gotta be kidding,” He mutters, sighing as his hand rubs his temple while he walks over to the front door to see you at the other side.
His face falls, eyes widening in surprise as he didn't expect this whole thing. “What's up?” He asks, doing a 180 and attempting to be his typical suave self, though, internally he's already hitting himself for being so panicked.
What kind of greeting was ‘what’s up’?
“I bought take out.” You say with a smile, bringing up the paper bag filled with food and drinks and instantly it's almost like Kenji was a teenage girl. Nodding his head and promptly moving aside to let you in, he shuts the door behind you and follows after you into the kitchen.
He stares at you, watching as you take out plates and utensils for the two of you. “Seems like you've got this whole place down. I would've thought you owned the place instead.”
“I wish I owned this.” You only laugh, shrugging your shoulders, watching him stare at you and you swore he could melt things with how intense he's looking at you. “Seriously, when are you giving me the ownership of this house?”
He only rolls his eyes, walking over to you and nudging you lightly by the shoulder, helping you set the whole thing before he recognises the familiar look of the meal. It was from that one restaurant he'd promised to bring you but never got to.
“Thank you, by the way,” Kenji says, glancing at you from the corner of his eye with a soft smile. It was really the only thing he can say considering it was his mistake to have put all else before you.
“For the food?”
“For everything.” He corrects just before wincing at how absolutely lame and cheesy it sounded. “It sounded better in my head.” He quickly adds, watching you laugh.
“I'll take it.” You reply, enjoying how sweet he was being at the moment. It wasn't even a rare sight for him to treat you so nicely —he always did— but somehow something about the way he talked and looked at you just felt like something was up.
Kenji clears his throat, insisting you sit down on a chair next to him as you two dig into the food you bought from a restaurant that just opened up that you and him always talked about going to. “Wow, it's really good.” He says, glancing at you with a smile.
“Here, taste.” He holds up his chopsticks, the tempura in between as his other free hand is at the bottom opened up to catch any crumb that falls.
“Tastes good, right?” He asks without letting you get another word out as he eats more. “I should've brought you there— the restaurant. I think it would've been a nice experience for us.” He laments without another thought.
“It's fine. Eating takeout with you right now is the same as eating inside the place.” You assure, taking more bites of the meal. “Anyway, what's up with you lately?”
He raises a brow, turning a bit to the side to look at you as his hand stops midway before he takes another bite of his food. “Excuse me?”
“You know what I mean.”
“Do I really?” He shrugs his shoulders, attempting to push and change the topic. Kenji feels his brows furrow as he pushes the rice in his bowl around with a clear frown.
And god does it drive him crazy when you call him by just that: Ken. Not Sato, Kenji, nor Ultraman. Ken. Which was weird considering you weren't the first nor the only one calling him by that nickname, but all he knew was that the way it rolled off your tongue just melted him and made him feel good in a way.
Ken sighs, groaning somewhat. He knows there's no escaping you when you set your mind full onto something.
“Okay, I've been busy with other things.” He admits.
“You mean baseball?”
He almost corrected you. Almost. Unfortunately he remembered you weren't aware he was Ultraman or that he was technically the father of a huge 20-foot Kaiju that lives in his basement.
Ken sighs, looking at you with a rather sad and clearly exasperated look. It's clear that he's really tired with whatever he's been busy with. And truthfully, you didn't want him to feel like he was being forced to tell you the truth.
“You don't have to tell me.” You whisper, taking a hold of his hand and squeezing it as you look up at him with a smile. “You'll tell me about it anyway in the future. Eventually, at least I hope.”
He smiles, letting out a small chuckle as he looks at you with a certain gleam in his eye, his hand squeezing yours back. “Yeah. I probably will.”
“See? And whatever those ‘other’ things are,” You bring up, attempting to cheer him up. Your fist connects with his shoulder playfully before your hand just naturally rests there. “I'm sure you'll handle them just fine no matter what.”
“Besides, I'm here if you need help.”
“I know.” Ken looked over at you, his hand coming up to hold the one you had on his shoulder. He can't exactly find the words to explain things: whatever he's feeling, whatever this moment meant, or whatever you and him were. Why would he need to ponder on your relationship?
You both just sat there, looking at each other expecting something yet also nothing at the same time. Would he? Would you? Neither one of you had any idea on what to do.
“I could kiss you right now.”
Now it was your turn to look at him in astonishment at his blunt words. You could practically feel your eyes leaving your socket and your jaw falling open. “Excuse me?”
“Platonically.” Ken adds in a panic. He sounds surprised and shocked at what he said as if it wasn't him who literally said it out loud. “Like on the mouth— cheek. On the cheek.” He clears his throat, completely looking away from you now with both shame and horror evident in his expression as his fingers begin to drum on top of the table.
The air is tense. The place was now quiet save for the sound his fingers make as they tap. “I appreciate it,” You awkwardly reply, looking away and it's clear both of you are extremely flustered. “The kiss on the cheek.” You said but was that really all you wanted?
“You would?” Ken raises a brow, managing to find some strength in facing you despite the way his heart started to beat in his chest furiously. “Great. I guess we could.. Do that?” He clears his throat, once more already imagining himself hitting his head from the back with a bat. Why did he have to keep talking?
Despite the tension, whether it be because of the awkwardness or something else entirely neither of you cared as you laughed and ate the food. He told you stories, about his childhood, his work, or whatever he's just been up to in general; and in turn, you told him hilarious and rather stupendous jokes you often hear from your coworkers, but it always makes him laugh so you suppose it does the job.
“— and then I accidentally hit her on the head so you can bet it wasn't nice afterwards.” He told you the story of him teaching Emi baseball, disguising Emi as a girl he babysits ‘on the side’ often whom he also grew pretty fond of watching over. “She's a sweet girl. Needy. But sweet.”
You laugh, enjoying his stories which were never dull and always filled with a sense of amazement every time he tells you one. “Well, what else did you expect from a kid?” You reply with an amused smile.
“I knew what to expect, okay?” He chuckles, shaking his head as his thoughts drift to his times of being with Emi and spending time with her who he practically saw as a daughter. “I just didn't expect things to be hard.”
You send him a raised brow and a playful smile. “If I didn't know any better, I would've thought this Emi was your daughter.” You comment. It wasn't really that hard for you to notice how proud he looked when he told you about this Emi. And frankly, this was even the first time he brought her up so it was a surprise for you to learn he even did babysitting as a side job.
Ken nearly chokes on his food at your words. He couldn't be that terrible at keeping his facts straight and making up a whole cover-up story, could he? He turns to you with a forced chuckle leaving his lips. “That just shows how she means to me now, yeah?” He attempts to reply.
“Guess so,”
Eventually, it was getting late, and not wanting you to travel alone back to your home, Ken had insisted you sleep in his room on his bed which surprises you.
“You've got two beds?” You ask, surprised but you follow him to his room nonetheless. In it, you're not surprised with how minimalistic the whole place is. Though you'd probably also be concerned if it was uncharacteristically decorated and done.
Ken raises a brow at you, gesturing to his single bed in the room. “Just that.” He answers, fixing up the bed for you before grabbing some extra blankets and bedsheets from his closet where he neatly places them on the floor.
“Don't sleep on the floor.” You say, stopping him before he can pull some of the pillows down. “I don't mind sharing.”
And so, now, here you both were. Laying down side by side and staring up at the ceiling as silence is present. You're both beneath the sheets, still somewhat wide awake.
“I really appreciate you coming over.” Ken whispers, shifting a bit so he's on his side and looking at you. “You were just what I needed.”
You smile, shifting as well to face him and so you're both staring at each other with wide grins yet shy looks. He was also what you needed. You could tell both your moods improved with just one dinner despite how uneventful it sounded, it meant a lot.
“Thanks, Ken.”
“For what?”
Baseball. Fatherhood. Ultraman.
Maybe he should seriously start wondering if he should also add love onto the list. But for now, with a quick kiss to your cheek (which takes you by surprise), Ken turns around and closes his eyes and feels himself start to dream.
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jaehymrk · 2 days
tell my girlfriend i love her.
jude bellingham x fem!reader. fluff. jude has something to say to the public, clearly.
The city of Madrid was crying out loud in white and happiness while you were quietly suffering with your thesis paper, the ultimate killer of your life.
Your heart was already sinking, knowing you were not able to go to the stadium to cheer your boyfriend after his first biggest win of the season but Jude was more understanding than anyone as he kept saying it was alright and it just made your day way worse.
("I am so sorry, I wish I could come but this paper . . it is killing me." You muttered through your phone, as the other line heard you in silence.
Jude sighed, and your heart broke a little. It will be his big day, his club's big day, and you, being his girlfriend, could not attend. Your thoughts lingered toward the trolls on the internet who would be after the status of your relationship.
"It is alright, my love. You will call me after we finish the game, innit? I would just love to hear your voice after we win." Jude softly said, in his voice settled a calmness and a sense of assurance.
You nodded furiously. "I will call you, of course, I will. I love you," You sighed in defeat. "I love you so much." You said it once again, more clearly to hear, more firmly to believe. You could just envision Jude sitting on his bed, biting his lips in slight disappointment with his shoulder completely down like a baby.
"I love you too." He chuckled, trying to make you feel better about the whole situation. "Your boyfriend will make you proud."
"My boyfriend always makes me proud.")
So you decided to take a break from the paper and see the live broadcast of Real Madrid through your large television that Jude gifted claiming to watch him play while you do your little assignment. Switching the television on the news was already covering the win of Real Madrid in the Champions League. After his fresh win with his club, you had already called Jude but it was impossible to pick up since he was happily celebrating with his family and his teammates.
And you did not mind.
His bright smile and the happiness that twinkled through his eyes as he proudly showed off his badge and its accomplishment was warming your heart. Proud was an understatement with Jude, but it was all worth it.
Traveling around Madrid with his teammates on the upper deck of the bus. Your eyes lingered on Jude through the live broadcast as he quietly sipped his cup. You shook your head, laughing since his drunk behavior is quite questionable and now he has decided to show off to the world.
This would be fun, you thought.
"Jude, how do you feel about the win in your first season?" The reporter gently forwarded the mic to Jude who had a red cup holding on his hand. He laughed, grabbing the mic.
"Being in Real Madrid was already a great pleasure, but winning with the club and for the people who support Real Madrid was another beautiful moment of my life and I do not think I will ever forget. But I," He caught a breather for a moment, "I honestly do not know but like, I miss my girlfriend." He rambled through his words. You laughed on your couch, confused and slightly nervous about his behavior. "So I do not know, maybe I am happy but I am sad too." He confessed at the end.
With all the fixed pieces of your heart, it broke piece by piece with his confession at the end.
The reporter took the mic from Jude, but he frantically grabbed it back as if he still had something to say. Clearing his throat, he waved the cameraman to come closer, "Please come here. No, please stay back. No need. I have a mic. Please stay back. I need to look presentable." He laughed.
You mentally note to never let his lips touch any form of alcohol whatsoever. Well, his mother will do the part too. "Can you please tell my girlfriend I love her? Oh wait, I have a mic." Jude whispered to the reporter whilst still holding the mic.
You cupped your mouth, not wanting to laugh at him. Your heart clenched out in adoration at the boy standing in front of a sports broadcast confessing out loud that he simply misses his girlfriend.
"Jude, I think you told her that just now." The reporter laughed. The camera shook in a degree noticing that the cameraman was laughing alongside. The heat crept through your neck but your eyes could not leave him, and his expression for the whole nation to see, he furrowed his eyebrows, shaking his head.
"No, I need to tell her properly again." Jude expressed his words through his pouted lips and his eyes darted at the camera.
"We won, baby. I love you, I love you so much, I will call you after this, I promise and I will fly to you and my heart will still be yours." Jude smiled, staring at the camera with his eyes still sad, yet his smile gave enough of how much he simply wanted to be with you right now.
"I love you too." You whispered softly . . for nobody to hear but most likely the ghost, yet it was enough to know he is coming home to you.
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mcu-coworkers · 3 days
A Weeks Time
Summary: The king brings you and Aegon together in hopes to mend his broken family.
Pairings: Aegon Targaryen X Targ. Reader
Notes: Hello everyone! In honor of the House of dragon season 2 I became inspired to write this little series. I hope you all enjoy the journey my mind takes me on.:)
Pt.2 Exploring The Prince
(I do not own this gif all characters are from the series)
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As a child my mother spoke to me of all the things she did in order to proceed as heiress to the crown. Her duty to perform did not come to her so easily but she became used to the attention, the obligations that came with attachment to the crown.
She told me the story of her first marriage to my father and the night of their wedding. In some ways I felt as if she was preparing me for something.
And in this thought I was right.
”When a girl comes of age, she is to be wed to a suitor my darling.” She said, smiling softly, “you have come of age.” She finished barely above a whisper.
With a confused smile I answered, “Yes I believe so mother but, with no suitor in sight.”
Briefly looking at me I notice her smile fade.
”Mother?” I push.
”The King has betrothed you already, you shall marry him at once.” She said rather quickly.
But not quick enough to save your ears.
Your breath hitched in your throat, who could he have chosen for me so quickly?
”At once? To whom?” I was finally able to form words again.
I ’d have felt more at ease if my mother hadn’t struggled so much to come out with the name.
Could he really be that bad? Surely my grandfather wouldn’t marry me off to just anyone.
”Aegon, y/n, You will marry Aegon.” she said, waiting for your reaction.
You thought hearing the news of a betrothed left you speechless but hearing who it’d be left you with your mind running wild yet thoughtless at the same time.
”Aegon? But mother we left for Dragonstone because he and his brother were trying to kill my brothers, now I am expected to marry him?” You all but yelled.
”We must put that past us Y/n” she sighed.
Aegon would not have been her first choice for you, but he was the Kings.
”Past us? Is it past them? Past Aemond?” You already know the answer. They hadn’t. And they never would.
Especially Aemond. He had it out for all of us.
”That I cannot be certain of but this can be a chance to mend that wound, we can be close once again, a family.” My mother said hopeful.
I couldn’t tell if she was trying to convince me or her.
”But why me?” I asked. Helaena was there, her and so many other suitors.
” You are my oldest, your grandfather sees you for your beauty, and it will do Aegon good to have a woman like you by his side, to help him mature.” She said as she took your hand in hers.
Aegon and his brother made countless rumors about your brothers because they did not display the traditional Targaryen look you all did.
Your silver hair is a contrast to the rich chocolate color of theirs.
You had heard things about Aegon, most you overheard and chose not to believe for the sake of your own peace.
The things people described are things you’d never seen personally.
To you Aegon was kind, gentle, and humorous. You’d never seen the man that gets credited for all of the crazy things you hear.
And you’ve heard them all.
”Alright, when shall I be wed?” You asked, ‘at once’ didn’t exactly specify.
”We leave for Kings landing tomorrow, you will wed him in a week's time by the end of the traditions.” She said standing from my bed and leaving the room.
I laid there taking in the news, I was betrothed to Aegon Targaryen.
Closing your eyes nervously for what’s to come, you wondered how he’d reacted to the news.
“Wed? Me? And to what whore did you happen to choose for me?” Aegon screamed in disbelief.
”Watch your tongue boy.” Viserys warned. “You are to be wed to Y/n, she will make a good wife.” He said catching breathe.
Aegon froze in place catching Aemonds eye.
”Father be rational we cannot mix our blood with theirs.” Aemond said, smirking.
”And why not? She is of pure Targaryen blood.” Viserys insisted.
”Is she?” Aemond asked. Pushing his father.
”Watch how you speak of my betrothed brother, she is to be my wife and you will respect her title.” Aegon said not once breaking eye contact.
Viserys smiled, satisfied with his son.
”She will be good for you, Aegon, be good to her, and put an end to this silly quarrel with her brothers.” He said as he began to walk away from his sons.
Once the king was out of sight Aemond was the first to break the silence.
”You can’t seriously be on board with marrying that bastard child?” He asked Aegon once again, this time hoping to get an answer he’d like.
” I warned you once brother, do not make me do it again, she is to be my wife I will not allow you to speak of her this way again.” He said as he walked out of the room and to his own chambers.
Truth be told the time you two spent together was his favorite, he saw your beauty from miles away, but your brothers kept him from ever pursuing you.
But now, nothing stood in his path.
Your brothers wouldn’t dare to challenge the king's decision nor would they want to upset you.
You were to be his and he to be yours.
And with that news Aegon found sleep peacefully eager for the next day to come.
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carmen “carmy” berzatto x fem!reader — fluff
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summary. you surprise carmy with a homemade meal to welcome him home after a long, tiring day at he restaurant. you’re nervous. he’s pleased. you’re tired, and so is he. luckily the couch is calling your names
word count. 834
never wrote him before so im shitting my pants. but he’s been on my mind and needed an outlet. also no s3 spoilers
⎯ ☆ ⎯
Being Carmy's girlfriend isn't always so straightforward. It's great, but it isn't easy. He dislikes the help and aid of others, not because he doesn't like the care or the way it feels, rather, he believes he doesn't deserve it.
So over the past couple of months, you had been subtly increasing the ways you look after him - doing little things to show your love. First, you started small, preparing a water bottle in the fridge overnight, attaching a cute post-it note for him to read as a pick-me-up during service the next day. Then, you moved onto organising his stuff by the front door - lining his clogs and his commuting shoes beside his backpack, placing his coat next to it as an attempt to make his morning easier. You just wanted to help lighten his load, even if that means organising things for him that he’s bound to never forget.
You had been working up to making him dinner. It was an awfully scary thing, not because you were uncertain with your way around the kitchen, but worried in the chance Carmy were to hate it - or make a critique you couldn’t stomach.
You knew he would be tired coming home tonight, a critic in the restaurant will do that to him. You wanted to make him something to eat for when he returns, something homely and welcoming, just something comforting to make up for all of the stresses from today.
You decided on pasta, an all round dish with very little room for error. A jar of sauce would be blasphemy in his apartment, an insult almost, so you made your own simple sauce - placing tomatoes and garlic in a dish, coating it with one of Carmy’s fancy olive oils before throwing it in the oven to roast. It was one you had made a bunch of times for yourself before, so you were fairly confident with it. Sort of.
Remembering little tips he had taught you, you implemented them with everything you cooked - like right now, saving the water from the linguine to incorporate later. And to season throughout, not just at the start or end. You wanted to impress him. You always wanted to impress him.
The key in the door jingles and you rush to add the finishing touches - sprinkling on some chopped herbs, and placing a piece of homemade garlic bread on the side. 
“Hi,” you softly call out, hearing his shoes hit the skirting board - no doubt after he had just kicked them off.
He paces over to you, moving sluggishly as he wraps his arms loosely around your waist, chin hooking over your shoulder. “Hi,” he says back, voice tired against your ear. “Smells great in here.”
“Good. I’m glad you think so,” you smile, pressing a kiss into his temple. “I made you dinner.”
“You uh, you did?” he pulls back, a sheepish smile on his face.
You hum, moving aside to pick up the bowl. “But I can put it in the fridge if you’ve already eaten…”
“No no no,” he shakes his head, reaching to take the bowl from your grasp. “I– I haven’t all day, so uh, so this is perfect,” he nods faintly, reaffirming his words.
Your gaze flickers from the bowl to his eyes, growing antsy. “Please just try it, this is killing me,” you say, scrunching your face from the anticipation. 
He twirls the pasta on his fork and takes a bite, humming in a pleasant tune as he chews.
“Is it good? Is it bad? Too much garlic?” you ramble, nervous from his lack of verbal response. 
“No,” he shakes his head. “It’s uh, it’s tremendous,” he smiles, 
“You’re not just saying that?” you joke. “Not trying to spare my feelings, are you?”
“No,” he chuckles earnestly, shaking his head. “I mean it… it’s almost perfect,” his smile softens as he twirls his fork for another bite. “Did uhm, you use my olive oil?”
“Only a little bit– hope that’s okay.”
“Of course,” he nods once more, chewing his mouthful. “It’s great, I love it,” he grins faintly, leaning in to kiss you. “Thank you.”
With full, happy bellies, each of you lay on your sides on the sofa - snug to one another to share the small space. Carmen props the side of his head in his fist, elbow bent beside your head. 
“How are you feeling?” you ask, referring to the  moment of comfortable almost silence.
You notice him hesitate, and to assure him, you copy his movement - propping your head in your hand, your other reaching to the side of his face. You stroke over his sideburn, fingers grazing back into his messy, unkempt curls.
“Tired,” he exhales, eyes closing from your touch. 
“Me too,” you murmur. You adjust, eyes silently asking him to do the same. Moving forward and twisting, you lay your head on his chest - your arm wrapping around his waist tightly. “Get some sleep,Bear. Busy day tomorrow, you need the rest.”
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this is probs a one time thing btw x
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I Miss You, I’m Sorry.
Armando Aretas x black!female reader
🎧- I miss you, I’m sorry- Gracie Abram’s
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summary: in an attempt to guard his heart, Armando pushes you away. But how far is too far? And will he ever have a chance to tell you his true feelings?
themes: angst and fluff.
warnings: gore and blood, kidnapping and murder mentioned.
authors note: I’m still obsessed with Armando. The more I think of him, the more I wonder how broken he must be and how confused and overwhelmed he might feel. I hope it can be explored more in future films <3
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Hot and iced coffee was passed around to everyone in the compound, everyone but Armando.
You passed them out with a smile, never once looking his way.
The avoidance was purposeful, he could feel it in the way chills spread wide throughout his chest, desperate for the warmth of your gaze.
But you never gave it to him.
And maybe that had something to do with last night.
How he’d gone too far for the last time.
Last night, Armando was in a mood, working late at the compound. You’d found him crushing the weights, pressing out every dreading thought lingering in his head.
Like always, you’d been attempting to talk to him, let him see that he wasn’t alone.
You had approached him just as he was re-racking his weights and heading over to the treadmill.
With a small smile, you handed him a sweat towel. “What’s on your mind?” You asked, gently.
Armando wiped his face with the towel, tossing it to the side. “Nothing.” He grumbled.
You sighed, crossing your arms. “I know you’re lying. You only stay this late and train this hard when somethings bothering you.”
Armando eyed you, the fury of his troubles—his mothers lies and manipulation, all the innocence he’s lost as he killed for her, only for his life and legacy to amount up to nothing—glazing behind his eyes.
“Don’t try your psychologist bullshit on me.” He grumbled.
You swallow. “It is my job.”
“Not with me it’s not,’ he sizes you up with his shirtless frame.
“Armando, that’s not what I’m doing. I’m just checking on you, making sure you’re okay.”
“What do you even know about me?”
You place a hand on his chest, fingers caressing his heart. Armando tries not to melt at the touch, wishing he wasn’t so starved for this kind of affection all his life.
“I know your heart, and I know it’s heavy, because we’re friends.” You say.
Armando grabs your hand, removing it from his chest, before his body decides to suddenly combust.
He lets out a low, resentful chuckle. Armando didn’t have friends. He couldn’t even trust his own blood, let alone some stranger like you.
He didn’t know why you continuously tried to look for the good in him.
There wasn’t any.
He was a cold, hearted killer. And no amount of hugs, smiles, or coffee runs would change that. He wished you’d stop, because he would only hurt you with expectations in the end.
“Who ever said we were friends?” Armando says, coldly.
You frown. “I just thought—,”
Armando presses the treadmills start button, rubber fills the air with a stench.
“I’m surprised you can think, because if you could, you would have notice that our relationship is one sided.”
You frown, clutching at the bottom of your skirt. “Armando, you don’t mean the things you’re saying.” You croak. “I know you don’t.”
Armando takes a step forward, his rising anger pushing you back into a punching bag.
Cornered, Armando leans into. “I mean every, fucking, word.”
You slip past the punching bag, shaking your head. “No.”
Armando can see the tears building in your eyes. His heart burns, but a deep breath snuffs out the flames.
“Yes. Now leave me the fuck alone and get the fuck out before I say something we both regret.”
Armando points to the door.
You bite your lips, salty tears leaking one by one against your warm brown skin.
Armando’s fist shake at his sides, wishing he could punch himself as he watches you leave.
He thought, like many times before you’d be over the spat. But he was wrong, because you still haven’t looked his way.
And he’d kill just to have one last glance at your eyes.
By the time lunch roles around, you and Armando still haven’t talked.
The silence was killing him.
So the moment you hit the corner, walking back from your lunch break, Armando grabs you up, pulling you into a quiet room.
“What the hell,” you push away from him. “Did you just kidnap me?”
“Kidnapping would require me to take you to a second location.”
You roll your eyes, walking towards the door. “Please move. I’m leaving for my prison sessions soon.”
“You still working there part time?” Armando questions. “It’s dangerous.”
You roll your eyes. “Maybe you should come visit for a session one day, considering your mental deficiencies.”
You attempt to leave, but Armando’s hand sticks out, blocking your exit. “You’re not going anywhere, not until you tell me your issue. Are you still mad about what I said last night?”
You pause, folding your arms over your chest. “I thought you wanted me to leave you the fuck alone?”
“So this about last night.’ Armando smacks his lips. “That’s petty.”
“Petty?’ You throw your keys and purse down. “More like downright disrespectful, Armando.”
“Do you want an apology or something?” Armando scoffs.
“No, actually, I came to terms with some things after I left you last night.”
Armando’s eyebrows raise. “Yeah, and what’s that?”
Your smile is crooked, hurt, and so unlike you. “That you were right last night, we aren’t friends.’ You grab your belongings and brush past him. “So let’s continue to act like it, yeah?” You slam the door shut behind yourself, leaving Armando more hallow than before you two had even spoke.
Armando rubs a hand over his face, his hands eventually finding their way to his hips as he lets out a loud sigh.
Had he made the right choice? Had everything he’d said last night been the truth?
Or was he just afraid of the possibility that his mother wasn’t the only one who could betray him? Or that one day you’d go against your gut and see that there was no light in him, at all, and all he’d do is snuff yours out if you got to close.
It wasn’t clear, the truth muddied by desire and fear, but maybe the space was safer for you in the long run. Neither of you could be hurt that way, anyhow.
May he should take you up on your offer and go for a therapy session.
Armando finds his way back inside the compound where he sees the team gathered around one of the large plasma screams, watching a large, bloody fight play out.
“What’s going on?” He asks, catching everyone’s attention.
The footage pauses and everyone remains silent.
Mike swallows, consoling Kelly as she wipes at the tears on her face.
“A riot broke out at the prison.” Dorn swallows hard. “And there’s not doubt that she’s been taken hostage by a patient of hers.”
Armando blinks, shaking his head. “Hostage?” He swallows, his throat drying up. “What the hell do you mean, hostage?”
“I mean the guards can’t find her anywhere in the prison and her office looks like a struggles taken place.’ Dorn sighs, taking a seat. “We can’t even get in contact with her.”
Armando’s fist curl up as he stalks over to Dorn with a fury. “Well you better keep fucking trying geek squad.”
Dorn stands, sizing Armando up. “You don’t think I’m trying. The place is a fucking dead zone right now, no one can get into anything!”
Mike slips between the two, asserting his weight and presence. Armando pushes against him, flashes of what could be your fate play in his mind. “Well try harder, we need her exact location.’ He turns, heading to the armory. “We leave in thirty.”
Kelly stands. “Hold on, leave and go where? We don’t have clearance there.”
Armando slams his hands against the cages guarding the Armory, sending a shock wave through the compound. “Listen here, I don’t give a shit about clearance, and neither should any of y’all. If it was any one of us in that situation, she wouldn’t hesitate, so we should do the same.”
The group is quiet before they join Armando in the armory. They work in heavy silence as they suit up, cleaning and checking their guns.
Armando’s mind reels and slips, imagining what could happen to you. You had no combat or weapons training in the fiel, your specialties lied in communications as a liaison officer for the department. You also oversee some of AMMO’s operations along side Rita.
Going back to school for a PHD in psychology was merely prideful, as you didn’t need too, leading you to work on a thesis in regards to the psychology and reform of prisoners, which is exactly why you were missing now.
If anything happened to you, Armando didn’t think his heart could handle the massive guilt of pushing you away last night and letting you leave today. If someone could grant him one last wish to cling onto you and never let you loose, he’d take it in a heartbeat.
“Armando,’ Mike says, his voice crashing over Armando’s thoughts like a wave. “You ready?”
Armando clocks his gun, shoving a knife into his pants pocket.
“Yeah.” He says.
Mike pats his shoulders. “We’ll bring her home, okay.”
Adrenaline didn’t allow for Armando’s pride to take control, he just nodded, following behind the team as they stepped out and began the pursuit to the hospital.
As the van nears the prison, kelly moves toward the back with an iPad in hand.
“When we get inside, Mike and I will coordinate with the other officers on sight to try and gather as many prisoners as possible. Dorn you’ll be air support with the drowns, and Armando you’ll find—,”
The van comes to a stop and Armando slings his gun around his body, adjusting it in his grip. “I know what I need to do.” He kicks the door open, rushing inside.
Armando slammed through the prison doors, doing a quick sweep of the halls before perusing down them.
The prison smelt of sulfur, gas and water leaking from the ceilings and floors as he walked past. He couldn’t believe this was a place you’d actively chosen to go to, no woman like you deserved to be here.
Armando pushed past a lot of broken cell doors and hiding prisoners, he was just about to turn the corner when a scream erupts from behind him.
Your scream.
His blood freezes over and his fingers clutch and sweat against his guns trigger.
What if he was too late?
What if you were hurt…or worse?
Panic carries him as he bounds down the hall until he reachers the only door.
He sweeps into the room, a large stage front and center, pointing his rifle at the front of the room.
You’re being held hostage by a man whose eyes are darkened and lust field. This must have been your patient.
Armando’s eyes sweep your body. Your cheek is scraped and bleeding blood, along with your forehead, smooshing curls to your face along with sweat and tears.
Your once white pant suit is soiled and bloody and your heels are long gone.
Armando just wants to shoot the man holding you, but he can’t, not without risking your life. The man holds a knife to your neck, pressing in and drawing blood, seeing Armando’s gun, he uses you as a shield.
“Back the fuck up!” He shouts. “Or I slice her open and spray us fucking both with her blood.”
Armando’s heat skips a beat at the thought. His mouth opens, the closes, he knows better than to negotiate as he couldn’t, he was used to just killing for these kinds of threats. But right now this man held the upper hand by holding on to you.
“Armando,’ you said, voicing weak and unsteady. “Leave us, okay.”
Armando shakes his head. “I’m not leaving you, not again.”
You whimper and your eyes shut, leaving tears to spill from them. Your cries alone were enough for Armando to drop a few rounds in this man, but he needed to be strategic. Something like you. He needed to try to use his words because maybe if he had used them earlier or last night he wouldn’t have anything to regret if this was the last time he’d see you alive.
Armando took a few steps forward. “What would make you let her go?”
The man shook, looking around frantically. “A way out of this fucking hell pit.”
Armando shook his head. “What if I said I could you that, off the books.”
The man swallowed, loosening his grip on the knife against your neck. “How? How could you possibly do that when this place is swirling with fucking cops!”
“The way I came in, there’s no cops stationed over there, so let’s make a deal.’ Armando drops his gun, letting it hang at his side. “You let her go and I get you out of here.”
The man narrowed his eyes. “Give me your gun.”
Armando frowned. “Why?”
The knife presses back into your throat and you scream out in searing pain. “So you can’t shoot me fuck head! Now give it to me heart eyes, or I cut her open.”
“Armando! No!”
Armando takes off his gun, placing it on the floor. “It’s okay, el cariño .’ He says. “I’m gonna slide it over at the same time you let her go, okay?”
Armando slides the gun across the room and the man loosens his grip, giving you enough space slip out of his hold.
You limp across the room and fall into Armando’s arms, he catches you with ease, holding you steady.
“¿Estás bien bebé?’ He questions, frantically pushing your curls away from your forehead. “¿Dónde te duele?”
You don’t respond, instead you pass out on his arms. Armando lifts you up bridal style. Heat boils through him at the thought of this man hurting you.
There was no way he was going to let him go now.
“Let’s go,’ the man says, clocking Armando’s gun. “Or it’s her fucking head, then yours.”
Armando walks you and the man towards the exit he came from, hoping to not run into any cops on the way.
His ears were buzzing, he needed a way to dead this situation without jeopardizing your safety anymore than it already was. That’s when he felt something searing in his pocket.
The knife.
Armando sat you down, tucking you against the wall behind a cell door.
“The fuck you doing!” The man shouted, jutting the gun at Armando.
Armando kneels over, pretending to be out of breath. “She’s heavy and I’m tired. I need a break.”
“Nah, muscle-head,’ the man’s says, putting the guns cold muzzle against Armando’s back. “There’s no time to be tired. If she’s too heavy, leave her and come back once you get me out of here.”
Armando smirked.
He’s just where he needed him.
In quick, trained motion, Armando whips his knife out. He turns, slicing the man’s wrist.
The man screams out in paid, dropping the gun. Armando uses his leg and sweeps his feet from under him, casing him to land on his ass.
The man clutches his wrist, crying out in pain. Armando takes no sympathy when he picks up his gun and shoots him thrice in the chest.
Armando scoops you up once more, calling into his coms.
“I’ve got her,’ he breaths. “Get a kit together, she’s pretty bad.”
Armando holds you tight as he walks you down and out of the prison. The warmth of the sun hitting your skin, the glimmer reminding him of just what he’ll never let go of again.
A stir shifts Armando awake.
His eyes open, blurry from the nights sleep before sharpening and focusing on you.
You sit up in your bed, holding your torso and groaning in pain.
Armando sits up, grabbing your arm and helping you reposition.
“How are you?” He asks, stuffing your pillows behind your back.
“Where am I?” You mumble, holding your head. You reach up and touch the bandages on your forehead, feeling a sharp pain spread, causing you to hiss.
“The hospital, you were hurt yesterday in the riot.” Armando says, taking your small hand in his larger one.
You nod, and Armando’s heart sinks when he feels you pull your hand from his.
“So what are you doing here?” You ask.
“I’m here with you.”
“Why?” You turn, glaring at him. “I thought we weren’t friends.”
Armando sighs. “Bebita, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“How else could you mean it, Armando?”
His hearts pace quickens, last time he didn’t use his words, he nearly lost you. He didn’t want to risk it and waste anymore time with you. “I was scared.”
“What?” Your voice cracks.
Armando grabs your hand, squeezing it. “I was scared to loose you. I was afraid you’d see how fucked up I am, and just when I thought I had you, you’ll see the monster I am and push me away.”
You shake your head, squeezing Armando’s hand. “No, listen to me,’ you take his face in your hands. “You’re not a monster. You were lied to and you’re hurting.”
Armando melts into your touch as you stroke his cheeks with your thumbs. “I see the good in you, and I’ll always be there for you. I promise.”
A tear slips from Armando’s eyes, the truth of your words bleeding into him through the warmth of your touch. “I’m sorry,” he says, nuzzling into your touch and kissing your palms. “Cariño, lo siento mucho.”
“It’s okay,’ you sniffle. “Come here.” You pull him towards you.
Armando leans in, the hospital bed groaning under his weight as he takes you into his arms.
Armando takes your face into his hands, titling your head, placing his lips onto yours. You two melt into each other, kissing away the physical and mental pain you both harbor.
“I missed you,’ he moans against your lips, holding you tight. “Te extrañé mucho bebé.”
You slip your hands into his hair, pulling him down and on top of you.
“I missed you too.’ Breathlessly, Armando shivers, pressing himself into you. “So never push me away again.” You say.
Armando sucks in a breath, taking in how breathtaking you look underneath him. “Sí, mamá, lo prometo.”
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okay-babe · 2 days
word count: 1100 (probably too high-)
break me. basically just reader catching human!alastor murder someone and alastor desperately trying to calm his darling down, only to realize that reader isn’t listening as they are way too scared.
tyy!!! :DD
Easy Prey
tags: alastor x reader, established relationship, alastor and reader are married, mild gore, angst, possessive behavior, dark themes, murder, human alastor
The evening air was dreadfully thick as Alastor made his way through the underbrush at his feet, legs carrying him in a manner that suggested he'd walked these woods many times before.
He had to make this quick.
Eyes darting from left to right, the young radio host hummed to himself quietly in an attempt to quell the rushing thoughts within his mind, many of which implored him to turn back the way he'd come.
"She's waiting..." one reasoned.
"He's gone!" another panicked.
"There's no time. Return to her!" a third begged.
Though, notably, others commanded he do otherwise.
"Find him." the first snarled.
"Leave nothing more than a corpse for the dogs to find!" a second raged.
"And when it's done," the loudest coaxed, "return to her."
Eyes glaring as he trekked confidently onward, Alastor couldn't help but give in to the darker demands rattling off inside his brain for what was far from the first time.
It was like this on nearly every occasion that he dared take you with him to visit the cabin located on the hunting grounds he'd purchased a few years back. One of those foolish mutts would catch a glimpse of those pretty doe eyes of yours and begin their wretched hunt early, staring at you as if you were a lamb and they a forgotten god, desperate for a sacrifice.
Staring at you as if you were not his.
And beyond anything else he had ever experienced, Alastor Hartfelt found that infuriating.
And so, as he always did when transgressions like these occurred...
He waited.
And waited.
Until finally, he would catch a glimpse of whichever uncouth wretch had dared gawk at you on that particular occasion as they walked into the woods, defenseless, doubtless scouting out the land for the best spot to hunt grazing doe the following day.
And every single time, Alastor simply glanced down at his watch, waited his customary fifteen minutes, and then walked casually to grab his rifle from the gun cabinet in the mudroom.
Except this time was different.
This time, it had been long past dark when he watched the man who was renting the cabin next door walk silently toward the woods.
This time, he'd had almost no excuse to follow eagerly after him.
This time, you were awake, confused, and waiting back in your shared bed, having asked repeatedly for an explanation that never came as your husband changed from his sleepwear to his hunting clothes before insisting you stay put and stalking out the main entrance, the impact of the gun cabinet slamming shut shaking your dwellings just before the screen door did the same.
Yes, Alastor most certainly needed to make this quick.
The radio host continued onward silently, ears pricked for any kind of sound besides that of the deep and warm waters that made up the nearby bayou, into which he often tossed sacks of bloodied clothing weighed down by rocks, never to be seen again.
At the subtle reminder of his gruesome crimes, Alastor couldn't help but grin wider, his thoughts drifting briefly to all of the evidence lying unknown at the bottom of the nearby body of water.
There had to be relics of nearly ten or more kills in those depths at that point, some of them punishments for an indecent look your way, and others for acts entirely unrelated yet equally as worthy of being dubbed transgressions in the mind of your husband.
Suddenly, Alastor was drawn out of his reverie by the dull snap of a trampled upon stick sounding out from his left. He chuckled eagerly at the noise, readying his rifle and making his presence known as he sauntered in its direction.
"What a shame," He started, grin growing wider as he heard the hunter curse under his breath before scrambling to stand upright once more, no doubt having hoped to hide until his pursuer gave up the chase.
Alastor laughed outright at the ridiculous display of fear playing out just a few yards in front of him, the visage of his target little more than a shadow as he raised his weapon and steadied his eager hands.
"I was really hoping to take my time with you."
There was a mock pout to his tone as he spoke, finger now poised above the trigger.
He sighed,
"Oh well."
You gasped, nearly jumping out of your skin when a gunshot rang out loud and clear from your left, flimsy house shoes almost tripping you up until you had to lean against a tree for purchase.
Fearfully, you clutched your hand against your heart, holding back a whimper of fear at just how close that had sounded, only a hundred yards or so away from the main trail where you stood based on its volume.
Swallowing thickly, you gave your poor heart a few seconds of respite before hiking your nightgown up to your knees and pressing onward through the underbrush, ignoring the stinging pain caused by the thorns that caught you on the way.
In the back of your mind, a voice called out for you to turn back and return to your soft bed and quietly droning radio, but as nice as that may have sounded, you just couldn't bring yourself to do it.
There had been something present in your husband's eyes when he'd told you to stay put, a crazed and concerning joy with an edge of fury to it that made your blood run cold.
You needed to know what was happening, for better or for worse.
So slowly, carefully, you followed the sound of occasional movement and the increasing volume of the nearby bayou that Alastor insisted had gone rotten and putrid until you caught sight of a familiar man, though the vision of what he was doing made you wish he was anything but.
First, you faltered.
Then, you whimpered,
And finally, you screamed.
At the sound of your cries, Alastor's head whipped around, his bloodied hands dropping the warm pair of eyes they'd been holding as he turned to find you standing there, utterly petrified.
Immediately, the man stalked toward you, hands raised as if in surrender, only for him to halt all movement the moment he saw you flinch back in response.
Alastor floundered slightly, sticky fists clenching and unclenching as they fell back down to his sides.
Never once had he lifted a hand to harm you, nor had he ever even truly scared you before. It was almost like you didn't recognize him anymore, tears building in your lower lash line before dribbling in fat droplets down that pretty face he adored so much.
Your husband had never made you cry before, not once.
As if worried that you simply didn't understand who you were truly standing in front of, Alastor called out to you gently, your name a soft and familiar prayer on his lips as he took another few steps closer, cautious.
This time, in your haste to move away, you stumbled and fell, head shaking rapidly from side to side and breaths growing panicked as you began to crawl backward away from the man you'd married.
You gasped out in a whisper, chest heaving as your body was wracked with sobs,
You were shouting now, delirious with confusion and fear as you continued to propel yourself away from the radio host standing before you.
Shocked at your reaction, Alastor hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. You had never been afraid of him before, not in all of your years together, and he had no idea how to soothe this type of fear out of your poor, racing heart.
He stared for several seconds, awestruck, before you tilted your head back just enough in your retreat that he caught sight of the way that your tears shimmered in the moonlight, pooling wetly beneath those doe eyes he loved so, the image like a dagger to his chest.
He had to make this better, there had to be a way.
All certainty gone from him now, you watched in terror as your husband stepped forward, his confidence and determination only growing as he got closer.
There was a sickening and almost crazed looking fear in his eyes as he watched you attempt to move further even as your back pressed into a tree, as if you could bore a hole through the center of it with the strength of your terror alone.
"Chere, it's me."
Alastor said pleadingly, his gaze upon you hardened with disbelief and something like anger, though who it was directed at you couldn't guess.
You whimpered, shaking your head more,
"Stay away from me! Idon'tknowyouIdon'tknowyouIdon'tknowyou!!"
Your words were blending together now, hardly even understandable as you struggled to speak between strained sobs, heavy gags, and gasps for air that was suddenly far too stifling, the sensation of it in your lungs oppressive and not unlike choking on thick humid steam.
Your head felt cloudy and full with the weight of what you'd witnessed paired with the burden of what you knew, and as every memory rushed back to you and the entire picture came together, you couldn't stop yourself from leaning into a nearby bush and vomiting up your dinner.
Your husband was a murderer.
The man you loved, whose last name you had taken, and whose children you had so desperately wished to someday have, was killing people left and right wherever you went under the guise of hunting.
You sobbed heavily, spitting up bile into the leaves and whimpering fearfully as Alastor moved to grab your hands, fighting you as you struggled to break free of his grip.
"Let go of me!" You cried, kicking and flailing to no avail as your husband simply watched you with sad, knowing eyes.
"Oh my sweet, foolish doe," He crooned soothingly, the sound low and rumbling inside his chest in a way that would have surely soothed you in the past.
You flinched away from him as he adjusted the positioning of his hands so he could hold both of yours captive in only one of his far larger ones, the other coming up to grab your chin, forcing you to look up at him as he spoke.
"you know I could never do that."
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brainoutofstock · 2 days
Watch your back (Charles Leclerc x MotoGP!reader)
[previously on...]
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yourusername: Nice to have a surprise guest in the paddock this weekend. Happy anniversary to my parents!
yourbrothersusername: Watch your back.
user1: He really does look like he’s about to pounce at her.
ktmfactoryracing: @/charles_leclerc don’t murder her in broad daylight, please. It’s race weekend.
user2: A surprise guest indeed.
user3: Is that @/charles_leclerc lurking in the background?
user4: OMG CHARLES?????
oscarpiastri: Dad?
charles_leclerc: Thought I should give your mom a visit to discuss custody.
oscarpiastri: Not this again. I’m beginning to regret some of my life choices.
charles_leclerc: @/yourusername: Hey, are you reading this? Turn around.
user5: Someone give us an update, the suspense is killing me.
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You didn’t really pay attention to the comments until your brother gave you a call and asked you if you had looked behind you. You didn’t understand at first, you assumed he was trying to pull some prank on you, but when you finally did turn around, you found a familiar face waiting behind you with his arms crossed.
“Took you long enough,” he said with a small smile, deciding it was the perfect moment to approach you.
This wasn’t the first time Charles showed up in the MotoGP paddock, but this happened only a week after the playful banter on Instagram over Oscar’s symbolic adoption. And it’s not like the two of you had interacted that much before, this was probably the first time he truly paid attention to you. There were no cameras around, no reporters who would pry for information about F1 or his intentions behind the visit. He seemed to be just a guy who came to watch a sporting event he liked.
Before you could say anything, your father gently put a hand on your shoulder and said, “I’ll go find your brother.”
When you looked at him, for a moment worried he thought you were planning to ignore him, you saw that he was smiling at you like he knew something you didn’t. This was his knowing look you had seen so many times in the past, and you made a mental note to ask him what it was all about this time. You watched him disappear into the buzzing crowd of the paddock, and only then did you turn back to the Monegasque driver.
“Sorry, I’m not used to people sneaking up on me like that.” Silence fell between you and you but in your lower lip as you watched him. You were nothing more but strangers at this stage, what were you supposed to say? “Congrats, by the way. Great drive last weekend.”
“Thanks. Maybe adopting Oscar confused the curse,” he replied with a short laugh.
“What are you doing here on a slow Thursday? The rest of the weekend is always much more fun.”
Charles nodded, suddenly seeming a little nervous when his eyes fell on his sneakers and he put his weight from one leg to the other. “Actually, I just thought you might have a little more time to chat today. We met before but we never really had the chance to get to know each other,” he said when he looked up.
Suddenly your eyes began to wander and so did your mind. You remembered watching F1 sessions before with all that footage of the drivers while they were waiting in their cars with the helmet on, and there was something no close-up shot could help you understand—his eye color. Now that he was standing right in front of you, you took the liberty to examine his eyes again, hoping daylight could help you come up with a verdict.
You had absolutely no idea what he wanted to know, but at this point you weren’t afraid to ask. So when he let out a laugh and shook his head with that adorable grimace on his face, you took a deep breath and told him you didn’t quite catch what he said. You were making yourself look like an idiot, you knew that, which you truly were sometimes, but he hadn’t known that yet.
“Dinner. Tonight. I know a place,” he told you with a kind smile.
A part of you wanted to say yes, but you knew better than to agree on a race weekend. “It sounds nice but we have to discuss the setups for tomorrow and I’m giving an interview in the evening.”
To your surprise, he was like a dog with a bone, refusing to let go of his plan just yet. “Come on, you have to eat,” Charles tried as he gave you an expectant look, probably being fully aware of how well his puppy eyes worked. You wondered if that was something he learned from Leo.
With a sigh, you put a hand on the back of your neck. “Maybe we could grab a drink. Coffee or something non-alcoholic,” you offered as you were planning to have dinner with your crew chief.
“Perfect. Can you give me your phone for a sec?” You looked down at the device, but soon decided to unlock it for him. He took it from you to quickly type something on the keyboard, pressed a few buttons—which was followed by the sound of a phone’s brief ringtone—then gave it back to you. It was his name and number in the contact list. Nice. “I have your number now so I’ll text you to see when you’re ready.”
You nodded automatically, but within a few seconds your brain flashed a red light for you. “Why do you want to get to know me all of a sudden?” you wondered.
Charles let out a heartfelt laugh before shrugging. “You’ll see.” And with that, he waved goodbye and walked away from you.
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lady-ashfade · 3 days
A Son For A Son
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´*: ・゚⋆˒ Deamons Bastard!Reader x Yan!Team black. Pt.2
╰・゚✧☽ first fic here.
╰・゚✧☽ summary: the queen has given a order, and craving revenge you expect.
╰・゚✧☽ words: 1k
╰・゚✧☽ warnings: blood & gore, murder and death, reader killing, reader being her father, uncanon events, poison, I just needed to make this.
╰・゚✧☽ DONT READ IF YOU WANNA BE SPOILED: reader does in fact kill aemond in this and idk if you are happy about it, I want his head to take to my queen.
“I want Aemond Targaryen.” she stood before the council covered in dirt and who knows what.
It had been two weeks since the letter about the death of Lucaerys had arrived and you all had been the worst for it. and ever since she searched and searched for a sign of truth, desperate to be wrong. that her sweet boy was alive. you knew he was dead and you wanted everyone to pay for taking luke. you wanted aemond targaryen to pay. you took anger out on the ones you could, or roamed the sky’s to get your mind off of things. you would not act without her orders.
The resemblance you shared to daemon was close and terrifying for your foes. just as you had the idea to fulfill her wishes, your father did too.
“I don’t know what you’re planning,” the sound of your voice made his shoulders fall and a smirk appear on his face, one you couldn’t see. a dark cloak draped over his shoulders and matched the same one across your frame. “but I have a better one.”
“No.” you glare at the back of his head. again denied something worth your talents.
“You can’t tell me what do to this time father.” standing your ground as his eyes turn around, a look he uses when he’s serious. and for him it was like looking into a mirror, you carved blood just like he did and loved getting to spill it. even for no reason at all.
“I have waited around for a task, and she has said she wants Aemond. I mourn the loss of my brother too, and you can not keep me from whatever it is that you think you’re protecting me from.”
Hundreds of men died at the end of your blade at night as you slip throughout the shadows. you were a slayer, a assassin who followed your own roles but loved coin and the game. a story to tell children to make them weep and fear the dark. so how could he still think you are not ready.
“I have let you do what you needed, patrol the blockade against my wishes. or fly alone when our enemies wait to make us weaker” he lectures, “and I will not let them take you.” for a moment you saw a regular father begging for his daughter to stay safe. you aren’t just a daughter now but a soldier in war.
“I would never let them take me,” you step closer and give him a smug look, “I am your daughter after all.”
Instead of going himself, daemon sends you, for the head of the copycat prince.
the castle gates are easy to slip passed with the help of a guard who shares your hatred for the hightowers. and many times, you slip into the keep without getting caught.
“Something told me you’d be here,” his eye glanced at you amused from the cough as his fingertips spin a coin. “It’s as if the gods made me stay here.” aemond unfolded his legs and leaned forward on his knees. many years you hated the way he spoke to you like a interest of his to be claimed like his bitch dragon.
“Then the gods agree you’ll die tonight.”
aemond waited for this moment to finally fight you. he wanted to win and keep you forever as a trophy, a wife who was like him and everyone feared without a doubt. he wasn’t a fool, you are a skilled killer and he needed to bring his all. and some skills stayed in the dark.
a slice in his chest, in his leg and cheek aren’t as bad as he thought when he had you pinned down onto the table. the cold feeling of metal as his hands wrapped around your throat was refreshing. you didn’t try and fight back as he took your breath because the fight was won as soon as it started.
And he should have known you couldn’t be this sloppy.
curling lips up into a devil’s smirk, looking into his eye he feels himself weakened and his grip loosen. the power of letting a man win and wiping all power from beneath their feet was riveting and a hobby. Aemond leaned back and placed his weight onto the couch while trying to keep composure. “You honestly think i wouldn’t have a plan? Make my own rules?” you raise a brow and rub the sore skin of your neck, inching closer while standing up yourself.
“Silent reaper is the name they whisper about me, come in quickly without notice. I always kill my enemies without them awake, but you,” you point and lean down as his eyes become bloodshot, “I want to feel the most pain. And I will enjoy it.” within a few minutes his body starts to leak its own blood. he was quickly taken to death of course, you couldn’t hear his pleads but you’ll satisfy with his death.
guards fall silent when they watch you walk through the halls they don’t even announce your name. white locks lace your fingers and the weight of his head was little and you look like your father with the proud eyes of what you did. the sounds of your footsteps cause the council to glance over but stay with shock. non of them expected to see that and much less out of no where. though, your father seemed pleased and chuckled at the sight.
“The head of Prince Aemond Targaryen, your Grace.” Walking past Jace you set the bloody head on the table as people gawk and flinch. “the poison was my idea, hope you don’t mind.” a second later you yawn of exhaustion and boredom. you look at rhaenrya as her eyes glossed with the revenge you took for her.
“If you’ll excuse me, the ride back was tiring and I wish to get back to my book.” bowing down you flash a “polite” smile and walk away to your chambers with pride and a hand rested on your blade. with everyone wondering what else you would do for the queen,
Your mother.
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under pressure
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You were going to kill Richie. Strangle him until he was blue in the face. What sane person would send someone 47 texts while they were at work?
The door to the Bear was locked but you pounded on it until Fak answered it. “(Y/n)! What are you doing here?” He genuinely looked happy to see you.
“Hi Fak. Where the fuck is Richie?” You got straight to the point.
“He’s uh, in the back I think.” Fak knew better than to keep babbling on when you were upset.
You walked across the recently buffed floor to find the tall motherfucker that doesn’t know basic texting etiquette. Once you walked into the kitchen, it was pure chaos. There was shouting (mostly coming from Richie).
“Richie!” You yelled causing everyone to stop in their tracks.
Richie’s eyes widened a little, “Hey-“
You moved towards him and immediately shut him up, “You texted me 47 times! My phone literally froze from all of the texts! What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“What’s wrong with me?! I was textin’ you because your boy is losing his fuckin’ mind!” Richie shouted back.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
Richie grabbed a piece of paper off the counter, “Look at this shit! He’s changing the menu every fuckin’ day and also has this bullshit list of non-negotiables.”
You grabbed the paper from him (more like snatched it) and quickly glanced over it. It did in fact seem like Carmen was losing his mind.
“This doesn’t give you an excuse to text me like I owe you money or something!” You handed him the paper back (more like threw it) and made your way to the back in search of Carmen. He wasn’t in the office or near the lockers. You opened the back door and he was leaning against the wall.
He looked up when he heard the door opening and was surprised to see you. “Hey, I thought you were comin’ later tonight.”
“That was the plan but Richie is a dick.”
Carmen chuckled and reached out for you. You set your bag on a nearby box and let him pull you closer. He rested his head on your shoulder, “I think I’m fuckin’ this up.”
“And by “this” you mean the restaurant?”
He nodded a little against you, “Everything is fucked.”
“It did seem a little chaotic in there today. Richie said you want to change the menu every day?”
“It’s what the best restaurants do. It’s insane, I know but we have to try.”
“Doesn’t it seem a little insane to try that though?”
“It’ll be worth it. I don’t want to let anyone down. Everyone’s countin’ on me. I want to get Syd a star. I want to help Richie and Fak. Tina. And Marcus-“
You placed your hand on the back of his head soothingly. “I know, Carm.”
“I can’t disappoint everyone. I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“Carm, you make me proud each and every day. What you do in that kitchen is magical. Sure, sometimes a little dramatic,” that made him laugh, “but you’re amazing at what you do. This place, it’ll start off bumpy, it wouldn’t be easy. But once you all settle into your groove, people will be fighting to get into this place.”
Carmen tightened his grip on you and took a deep breath. He lifted his head and looked at you. You could see the anxiety practically written on his face. He was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. You wanted so badly to take the burden off of him.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He mumbled before kissing you softly.
“You’d have to deal with Richie’s crazy ass by yourself.”
Carmen laughed again and rested his forehead against yours, “What a nightmare.” You loved looking into his beautiful blue eyes.
“When Sugar is out on maternity leave, I want to step in to help.”
Carmen was a little surprised about what you said, “Really? But- but what about your job?”
“I’ve talked to my boss. I’m going to use some vacation time and then reduce my hours so that I can do both.”
“No, (Y/n). I can’t have you spreadin’ yourself so thin. I don’t want you stressed.”
“I’m going to be fine. I want to be here with you and to help the others.”
“Carmy, I’m not taking no for an answer. Don’t you want me around more? I’ll take some stress off of your plate. I’ll be here late nights with you with no one else around…” you trailed off hoping he’d catch the hint.
He smiled a little bit, “Late nights?”
You nodded, “Yes, late nights.”
“I like the idea of that.”
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lcriedlastnight · 15 hours
Enemies to lovers with Lando: "you want me?" "you know i do"
thank you so much for your request, anon!
tw: fem!reader, swears, wee bit angsty, she's a big one, dickhead!lando. lmk if you want me to add anything.
w/c: 2.8k
this weekend had gone horrible for lando so far, and of course as his assistant you had gotten the brunt of it. on days like this you don't know why you didn't just quit your job. lando clearly didn't like you, in fact you would go as far to say that he hated you and wouldn't everything go much more smoothly if you both liked each other? you lay awake in bed at night - especially after a rough day of running around like a headless chicken after lando - thinking about having a job where your boss didn't curse the ground you walked on.
you had been working overtime this weekend, making sure that lando had everything he needed all weekend for press conferences, meetings with zak and andrea and even when he needed a second alone to himself in his drivers room, you would make sure to tell anyone who was looking for him that he was busy, just so he could get a break. you had decided when lando was in looking at data after both free practise rounds on friday to grab a bite to eat. you hadn't eaten since breakfast, it was now a little past five. it wasn't an exaggeration to say you were starving.
you head towards some tables next to the cafeteria and pull what you had brought for lunch out of your bag. you pull out your phone, scrolling through your texts, one catching your eye. it was the groupchat you had with all your friends, baring in mind there was only four of you.
'it's like a double date but for the four of us!" lara, had said. the other girls seemed to disagree with whatever her idea was. you scroll down further to see the newer messages.
'what if we set her up? i'm sure her boss will give her the saturday off to go on a date with him." again it was lara who suggested it, but it caught your eye because she was talking about you. who was she trying to set you up with and why was she even doing it in the first place? there was also no way lando would be giving you saturday off, never mind during a race weekend.
you tell them so before hearing the distinct voices of lando and zak chatting away as they make their way down the hall. you sigh and pack away your half eaten lunch. you could've finished it, you were sure lando wasn't that much of a dick that he would deny you of food but you didn't want him to hold it over your head. you knew for certain he would do that. you shove the lunch bag into the bigger bag then sling it over your shoulder. your phone pings, a message from the groupchat.
'too late it's already set up, ask your boss and we'll go shopping on monday when you're home.' lara says. you could kill her. you don't respond, just shoving your phone into your pocket and walking over to lando and zak.
"hey, great to see you again!" zak greets you with a cheery smile. it's easy to happy around zak, the only time you've seen him annoyed or upset has been on bad race days. you're sort of surprised he is so because lando has not been performing so far this weekend. you bite your tongue on that one, instead giving him a smile back and returning his polite words.
"well look, as i said before, this is only friday, the only day where what you drive like matters is sunday. that's when we get the points. although i'm sure you will be back on your game tomorrow. we all have off days." zak tells lando, a comforting hand on his shoulder before he walks off in the direction he came in. you spot oscar too, so there is no doubt that it is oscar's turn for his driving this weekend to be analysed. oscar's weekend comapred to lando's has been pretty good.
"that's you for today. nothing else you're needed for." you tell lando, triple checking his calandar, making sure you were looking friday. the time where you were accidentally looking at his saturday schedule instead stays at the forefront of your mind whenever you look at his calandar.
"i know. you told me that before." lando remarks, his voice blunt and a little nasty. its like your presence just pisses lando off. you remember the date your friends set you up with and will courage to fill your veins before asking him.
"what are you still doing standing there?" lando asks, not genuinely asking, just wanting you to leave him alone. he hates seeing you outside of work and although you were in the paddock, he deems this outside of work.
you take a deep breath before just directly asking him. "can i have next saturday off?". lando stops untying his fireproofs. he looks up at you.
"why? why are you making plans on a race weekend?" he condescends, like you were stupid.
"i didn't. my friends set me up on a date without asking." you explain. you hated explaining yourself to him but you knew if there was any chance you were getting saturday off then you had to do what he asked.
lando pauses for a second, staring at you then returns to undoing his fireproofs. "no. i need you here." he declares.
you shouldn't be shocked he said no, you really should have seen it coming but it still surprises you nonetheless.
"you can't go without me for just one day?" you ask, as if you were desperate to go on this date. now it was more about him not giving you the day off than it was about actually going on the date.
lando's brows crinkle. "no. if i give you the saturday off then you'll need the sunday off too as i'm guessing it's not here so unless you're planning on flying over straight after your date?" he spits out the end of the sentence. you had not thought about that. you are quiet as you take in his words.
"that's what i thought. tell your friends to cancel the date, you're coming with me all weekend." lando basically demands.
"i'm not sure why you even want me here. you hate me, i don't know why you haven't just fired me and found a new assistant. this would work a lot better for you if you actually liked the person you need to spend the whole weekend with." you grumble, annoyed at his attitude and how he felt like he could just go around telling you what you could and couldn't do with your life. it seriously felt like you were cutting off you social life for this job. you storm past lando and straight out of the paddock into the uber waiting for you, it stands out against the rich, fancy cars surrounding it in the carpark.
you drive back to the hotel in silence, in one of those moods where everything was annoying you. you hate the fact that you had to stay in the same hotel as him. you had never been this mad at your job before. you try to unwind once you are back at the hotel by jumping into the shower but it does not help.
once you have gotten yourself dry and have gotten changed for bed, you eat the rest of your ruined lunch/dinner and text your friends back letting them know that lando was in fact, not giving you the day off for the date. you then throw yourself into bed. you put the tv on but the only channel that spoke english was the news channel and you seriously couldn't care less about the way people make tea. how did stuff like this even make the news anyway?
you scroll through all your social media apps then decide to download a job app. you enter your qualifications, cv and a description about yourself and your current job. you apply to a few then feel yourself getting tired so you set your alarms and head to sleep, dreading having to see lando tomorrow. you hope he's in a good mood because even though it doesn't matter what mood lando is in, he's still a dick to you, he's a little bit nicer when he's in a better mood.
you go over everything in the morning before you leave, making sure you have everything. as you make your way to the uber waiting outside the hotel, you check the job app but you have no new notifications. you usually only uber back to the hotels and lando drives you there seeing as you both have to arrive at the same time but there was no way you were spending more time than what you had to with him today. you seen him in the hotel carpark getting into his car when your uber was pulling away, so at least you knew he would be on time.
you and lando arrive at the paddock at the same time, you know you would have to wait for him before going in because andrea wanted to have a quick meeting with the three drivers ahead of the practise session and qualifying.
lando sees you waiting and eventually catches up to you. "andrea wants to see you guys before free practise today. i don't know how long for but it might be long 'cause he wants to talk about quali too." you don't look up from your phone as you read out what had been added to his calendar late last night.
"alright." lando replies. there's no nasty comments, no bluntness and no condescension. you are completely shocked but don't let it show on your face as you both walk inside the mclaren motor home together.
you spot oscar in the corner, eating some sort or energy bar? or maybe some kind of breakfast bar. either way it reminded you that lando probably hasn't eaten yet today, so as he and oscar head towards the meeting room you try to find something lando can eat. oscar has told you many times that making sure lando eats is not in the assistants job responsibilities and yet you feel yourself compelled to make sure he is taking care of himself.
you grab a few of the same bars you seen oscar eating earlier before heading towards the meeting room. you hate walking into the meeting room when there was meetings going on so you try your best not to do it. you have only had to do it once and it was the worst thing you've ever had to do. you were so embarrassed.
everyone is surprised at your interruption but you give them a shy smile and head towards lando. you don't say anything just setting the three bars down on the table in front of him. lando locks eyes with you. "thank you." he says.
this time you can't hide your shock as it's written plainly on your face. it's hidden from the others in the room except lando. you only smile in response then rush out the room. what is going on with him today? you sit on the same table you tried to take your break on yesterday as you respond to emails of lando's behalf and it hits you. lando is clearly feeling bad. you'll talk to him before qualifying.
the meeting ends ends and both mclaren boys are quick to get ready for free practise. from the looks of it, zak was right. lando was back in the game today. he came in third on the time sheets. you hoped this would mean a good qualifying, if not for lando and mclaren but for you. this good mood and lando treating you nicer would definitely go down in flames if lando didn't place in the top five for qualifying. you have never been religious, but you prayed then for it to happen.
you stood at the back of the garage, talking to one of lando's engineers when the man himself came over and dragged you away from him. you didn't even get a chance to apologise for lando's rude behaviour before you were both standing in the hallway to the driver rooms.
lando doesn't speak he just leans forward, pressing his lips to yours in a hesitant and light, kiss. when you didn't react he kissed you again with a little more force. every single thing in you was telling you to kiss him back but there was a single thought in your brain that reminded you who he was and how had treated you the past year. you end up pulling away and asking "what are you doing?".
lando looks at you confused. "you know what i'm doing." he utters, voice laced with confusion, like he seriously didn't understand what the problem with kissing you out of nowhere was.
"uh i don't think i do." you cross your arms, waiting for an expantation.
"i want you." lando tried to say confidently, but it comes out a little weaker than what he expected. he puffs out his chest and stands a bit taller, trying to see more confident.
"you want me?" you repeat back to him. surely he wasn't being serious.
"you know i do." lando responds, hand flying up to cup your cheek. you look at him confused. there is no way he has been living the same year that you have. what the fuck does he mean 'i want you'? you have literally never felt more confused in your life.
"do i? last time we spoke you wouldn't let me have a day off?" you remind him. you want to remind him of a lot of things right now, like every single moment he made you go home or even back to your hotel room and cry. his hand moves from your cheek.
"yeah and why do you think that was? because you were going on a date. with some guy. i don't want you going on dates with random guys i want you going on dates with me." lando tries, desperate to explain himself to you.
"i don't think you have a right to tell me who i can and can't go out with, lando." you are seething. who does he think he is messing around in your life like this? "you're abusing your position as my employer."
"fine. you want the weekend off to go on a date? you can have it off then." lando says, firm and a little sad. before you can say anything back to him, he storms away into his drivers room. you don't know why you just did that. you don't even want to go on the date, you would love to go on the date with lando instead, just like he proposed but you were still annoyed at the way he treated you. you know why he did it now but it still doesn't make it right.
you don't see lando for hours until there are people crowding around his driver room telling him it's time to come out for qualifying. you guess from the noise that lando eventually comes out. zak is there telling him information about the car. you suddenly feel that you need to tell him you do like him. right now. you just felt like he had to know. so you squeeze through the people making their way to his car with him. you find lando's hand and give it a tight squeeze to get his attention.
you pull him closer before you whisper into ear, not wanting all the people surrounding him to hear. "i want you too, but you hurt me. apologise and we can maybe work something out." you reveal. lando's eyes widen, with what you can clearly tell is happiness. he doesn't even have any time to answer you so all he gets to do is nod as he's told to get into the car.
you watch the qualifying with eager eyes, this is the fiirst time since you started that you were actually excited to watch lando race, even though it was just qualifying. he really does put the 'flying' into the flying laps. after a very long hour, lando qualifies in second.
"front row for lando!" the garage exclaims in joy. you can't help but join in. you all wait for lando's car to return to the garage before people are patting him on the shoulder in congradualations.
lando speaks to a few people before he spots you through the crowd, he wades through it to get to you. "hi. i'm so fucking sorry for being a dick to you for the past year. i don't know how to cope with my feelings and i ended up turning positive feeling into negative ones and taking it out on you. i'm so fucking sorry, please let me make it up to you." lando begs. you don't know how he knew that you didn't want anything big as an apology, just lando admitting he was wrong was enough for you.
you nod with a smile to his question and lando seals it with a kiss, not caring that the garage was filled with people and most importantly cameras. he could deal with that later. for right now he had you.
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giannaln4 · 5 hours
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lando norris x fem reader
summary: You always had a hard time falling asleep, but it seems like all you need is Lando to give you a little help. (1k words)
warnings: language, fluff
a/n: this is just a little something i wrote when, of course, i couldn't fall asleep. i hope you like it! also, i don't know why these are so short; i'm really trying to write longer fics. anyway, please send some requests!
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You were not sure how long it had been, but it felt like you had been tossing and turning for hours. You opened your eyes for a moment to make sure it was still dark outside, letting out a sigh of relief when you confirmed it was.
You forced your eyes closed again, getting closer to your boyfriend, hoping his warmth would relax you enough to make you fall asleep. But, of course, that wasn’t the case.
It was like this sometimes—actually more often than not. You never had the best relationship with sleep, your mind forcing you to stay wide awake until the sun was peeking through your window.
You opened your eyes again, finding the clock that rested on your nightstand. 2:40 AM. “Fuck,” you thought to yourself. Slowly, you started to kick the covers and get off the bed. You tried to be as quiet as possible, knowing you couldn’t wake up your boyfriend. You knew how exhausting it was to travel as much as he did, as well as how much his job wore him down; he needed to sleep.
You looked back at your bed before carefully opening the door, admiring how peaceful and pretty Lando looked as he slept, his breathing slow and calm. Then, you finally exited the room and closed the door behind you.
A cup of tea always made you feel better, even if it didn't necessarily help you sleep. You hoped it would happen tonight, though.
As you gathered everything you needed for it, your mind started to wander. A lot of things flooded your mind, but mainly what you needed to do before leaving for the next race, mentally making a list of what you had to pack.
You were so distracted that you didn't notice the milk carton falling off the counter until you heard the loud noise it made when it hit the ground. Although the noise wasn't particularly loud, the silence in your shared apartment was so intense that even the sound of a hairpin falling could be deafening. You quickly bent down to pick it up, stopping it from spilling completely.
Before finding something to clean up with, you stayed still for a moment, looking back at the hallway and mentally praying you didn't wake Lando up. When you didn’t hear anything, you proceeded to clean up the mess, relieved that you didn’t disturb his sleep.
You continued preparing your tea, and when you were finally done, you took a sip to make sure it was good enough. It wasn’t, but you didn’t feel like starting from scratch, so you just made your way to the couch. 
A few minutes went by, and you were just scrolling on TikTok, your hand still holding the hot cup of tea as you occasionally took little sips. That was something you were used to doing this late at night, killing time until your body was tired enough to go back to bed. You looked at the time again, sighing loudly at the fact that you weren’t as tired as you hoped you would be.
“Hey,” you heard behind you, pulling your attention away from your phone. You put the mug down and turned around, spotting a sleepy Lando walking towards you, his eyes tired as he yawned.
"Hi, baby,” you whispered, as if speaking any louder would scare away the sleep he still had. “I’m sorry, did I wake you?” “No, you didn’t. I just… I tried to reach for you, but you weren’t there.”
“Oh… I’m sorry, love.”
“It’s okay,” he smiled softly at you, sitting next to you and making you scoot over. He was aware of your sleeping issues, so he knew what this was about. “Can’t sleep?” You shook your head as you remembered the endless tossing and turning before getting up. “No, it’s one of those nights again.”
“Everything okay?” He asked, concern evident in his voice.
“Yeah, I just can’t seem to fall asleep... I don’t know; I guess I was hoping the tea would help,” you answered, signalling the mug now resting on the coffee table.
“Can I?” He asked as he reached for it, but you quickly shook your head.
“It’s not very good.” Giggling a little, he took it anyway and took a small sip. He didn’t want to make you feel bad about your tea skills, but his face gave it away. “Told you.”
He laughed again, making you smile “I’ve had worse.”
“I really doubt it.” 
“Oh, believe me, you’ve gotten better.” 
You paid attention to how he leaned back on the couch, his hands pulling you to his lap and embracing you. You relaxed into his arms, feeling at ease for the first time that night.
“You need to sleep.”
“I know, but so do you.” He just hummed in response as he caressed your back. “I’m serious, Lando; you need to rest as much as you can before going to Silverstone. I’ll be okay.”
“I care more about you getting enough rest.” His words warmed your heart, but you really needed him to go back to sleep.
“Why don’t you go back to bed, and I’ll join you as soon as I’m done here?”
“I’m comfortable here.”
“Lando-” You started, but he interrupted you.
“Let’s just stay here for a bit, yeah?” You knew there was no point in arguing with him, so you just nodded and hugged him back. Your head was on his chest, allowing you to listen to his heartbeat; your mind focused on it as if it were your favourite sound in the world.
You didn’t notice at first, but the way your breathing was syncing with his made you fall into a much calmer state. So much so that you started to fall asleep in his arms. He, however, was well aware of this. His hands kept soothing the skin under your sleeping shirt until he felt you completely drift off into a peaceful sleep, finally.
He waited just a few more minutes until he was sure he wouldn't wake you up. Slowly, he started getting up, trying to be as careful as he could as he carried you to your room.
Once he got there, he laid you down in bed, happy that his plan had worked. He laid next to you and pulled you into him again, kissing your temple softly with a smile. “Good night, baby,” he whispered, falling asleep almost immediately.
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captainkirkk · 2 days
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
midnight sun by merils
Who would win: four men with guns who just happened to get Red Robin to walk into a trap, or one royally-pissed Kryptonian juggernaut?
Yeah, it's not even a contest.
reasons are better than rules by destiny919
"No one will actually explain Father's rules to me," Damian blurts out. "They tell me we don't kill, and killing is wrong, and Father would never do it, but no one ever actually says why! As if repeating the rule is the same as explaining it! As if I am supposed to just know, when I do not!"
Drake is quiet, eyes on something in the distance that Damian cannot see. "Damian, may I tell you a secret?"
Thirty Hours by polaroid15
The sun sets. Peter breaks three toes and hits his head hard against concrete. There’s a steadily bleeding wound in his side that he’s staunched with his webbing and tries not to acknowledge it when it burns. He can still walk in a straight line, which is good. He’s starving and tired and cold. It’s been fifteen hours.
Or, Peter doesn't take any breaks during a lengthy fight with the Avengers. The mind-melting fever that follows really should have been expected.
Clone Wars
An Hourglass In Hand by ecarian
“I thought daemons didn’t eat,” Rex noted once, during a celebration feast, as he and Cody watched Boga devour her meal with some fascination. Varactyl she may be, but she was a tiny one. There wasn't much interior space for the truly momentous amount of meat she was ripping into.
Boga daintily rubbed her beak against a folded serviette that looked kind of like a bird, and said, prim, “I can do anything a human can do.”
“Oh?” Obi-Wan said mildly, from where he’d been tapping at a datapad. “Shall I save you a portion of these reports then?”
Set My Mind at Ease by Eightbitpale
Marshal Commander Cody - clone commanding officer of the 7th Sky Corps, second in command of the 212th attack battalion and, currently, the proud caretaker of one still-warm lightsaber - was having a very long day.
Actually, fuck that. It had been more than a long day. Long days were Cody’s bread and butter, practically his comfort zone. Marshall Commander Cody ate stim shots for breakfast and every shiny this side of Coruscant knew it. Long days were his bitch.
No, this had been more than a long day. Today had been a bad day.
The one where Cody and his general try their best to tell each other that they care. At least they’re trying.
Your Smile In Stone by ecarian
Wooley: can we arrest people for yelling this early?
There were two figures standing at the foot of General Kenobi's statue with their backs to Wooley, an adult with a hood, and a child with light hair. The child was pointing at a puddle of Temple tookas who were curled up in General Kenobi’s lap, lounging in the stone folds of his robes, the bend of his knee.
Wooley: belay that. Child nuisance.
The Goblin Emperor
Sweet Hope by baladric
Maia Drazhar arranges a festival, meets his gay aunt, falls in love with his secretary, and misses his mom through it all.
"In the way of true stories, there was no discernible beginning. Perhaps it had begun that first day, in the shabby receiving room at Edonomee; in the cockpit of the Radiance of Cairado; at the mooring mast of the Untheileneise Court, with that first smile.
The pith of the matter was that Maia Drazhar was wildly, tremulously in love, and love had made fools of much wiser men than he."
In All Its Forms by Anonymous
Before his father ruined everything, Nurevis Chavar only thought to introduce the new emperor to all the most beautiful things life could offer.
When he found himself free from relegation again after his father's death, would the emperor whose friendship he had sought so long ago wish his presence at court? And, if he could return to court, would his emperor wish his friendship again?
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worldofkuro · 3 days
Painted Smile
Painted Smile XXXI
<- Previous Chapter I
Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: Aah… Those chapters are getting more and more enjoyable for me to write. I hope you will enjoy this once as well. Please, do give me your thoughts. Oh, also, congratulation.
You woke up with a gasp, soaked in sweat. You sat up, hiding your face in your hand, trying to calm your breathing. Once again, you had that dream… You looked at the afternoon’s sunlight shining through your window.
It’s been a few months since Alice’s passing. Her funeral was beautiful but so.. heartbreaking.  You could still hear her father’s sobbing as he did his speech, talking about his daughter like she was still a little girl.  When you walked toward her coffin to see her one last time, you tried so hard not to break down, not when Trey was sitting not too far away from the scene.
Thank God Alastor stayed with you. He gave a speech that made you smile a little. He talked about Alice, saying she was like an annoying little sister he wished she could keep on annoying him. 
Then of course, came Alyzée. You didn’t tell her that Trey was the one who took Alice from her. You couldn’t. Not yet. She looked at Alice before turning her head toward the rest of the people, smiling even if tears were streaming down her face. She only said one sentence.
“ Alice won’t let her killer rest, she will make his life a living hell.”
She then stared at you and you could almost hear her, pleading for you to do justice. You knew Alice never told a soul about your killing’s hobbit, you knew that, she would never. But at that moment, you felt like you were alone with Alyzée, and Alice’s spirit, smiling at the both of you, like she was asking you to help each other to take revenge on her killer.
You hugged Alyzée as they lowered Alice in the ground, you shall never see her face again but in the picture you have taken.  She was sobbing against your chest but you were looking at Trey that was wiping his tears. That bastard was crying, he was crying even though he was the one who created this moment. He worked for it since you were a teenager, since you were fifteen years old
You felt Alastor’s hand on your eyes, whispering in your ears.
“ Don’t show darling. Not yet.” You nodded at his words, knowing your eyes were burning red. If you could, you would scream at everyone the murderer was crying on the grave he dug for his wife.
John gave a speech too. He seemed really sincere but you couldn’t trust your instinct right now. You never felt like Trey was a bad person, a monster. How could you trust your instincts now?
After the funeral, Alastor drove you home and your usual three spirits were waiting for you.
“ Little lady… I’m really sorry.” uttered Papa Legba, his usual warm smile no longer on his face. Your eyes welled up again but you just nodded toward him. Legba tried to help you against Trey, you were thankful for that. You looked at your shadow and Alastor’s as they were looking at you, clearly worried about you. 
“ Were you… the one making me.. levitating?” you asked, as Alastor made you sit on the sofa and went to make you a hot chocolate while listening to the conversation. 
“ As Alastor is  getting stronger, your power also goes up. Not as powerful as Alstor, but still impressive for you. Levitation is a new skill of yours. I did help you. I didn’t want you to use too much energy and pass out with this new power of yours.”
Alastor sat next to you, placing his hand on your knees, his eyes never leaving your form. You could hear him talking in your mind but you couldn’t understand anything he was saying. You just wanted to close your eyes and sleep.
But for Alice, you would stay strong, she was killed alone, scared, you couldn’t be this weak right now. You concentrated on Alastor’s voice in your mind.
‘Please, look at me…’
You turned your face toward your husband whose body relaxed when he saw your eyes on him. You knew Alastor was worrying about you and that made you feel bad. You smiled at him, it wasn’t your usual beaming smile but this smile was meant to say you were doing… okay. 
“ That was impressive, little missy. I thought you were going to kill this man.” laughed Kalfu, sitting on one of your chairs.
You clenched your fist when you heard Kalfu’s voice. You wondered if he knew that it was going to happen..?  You looked at Baron Samedi who was staying strangely quiet since you came back home.
“ Did you know..? Did you know about Trey?”
“ No.”
“ Would you have told me if you did?”
“ You aren’t my protégée…” said the spirit.
You nodded. You should feel angry but in a way… You could understand. you looked at Legba, already ready to ask the same question.
“ I didn’t know. My priority is your safety. When I’m in the spirit realm, I don’t care about what is going on, on earth.”
You nodded and then looked at Kalfu who was smirking at you, waiting for you to ask the question.
“ I know you wouldn’t have said anything.” you spat at him, Alastor squeezing your knees, making you calm down after your words.
“ I wouldn’t have even breathed a word, little missy.”
You leaned against Alastor, stroking both his shadow and yours. You could see they were worried and … sad? You looked as your shadow touched your belly with a worried frown. You gasped before holding your belly, making every head turn your way.
“ My… My baby..?”
“ It is safe.” Baron Samedi said, confident with a small smile. “ I healed it.”
Both you and Alastor looked at Baron Samedi, surprised. Well, you were surprised while you could see Alastor smirking like he knew it was going to happen, he seemed satisfied. Well, you weren’t surprised, Alastor always knew things before you even saw it. 
You made a deal with Baron Samedi for his powers, but unlike Papa Legba, you didn’t really have a close relationship… So why? Why did he save your baby? Did he want something in return?
“ I told you, didn’t I? I don’t like children dying. They should live for as long as they can. I won’t ask anything in return, it was a selfish wish.” 
“ And Alice’s baby..?”
Baron Samedi sat on the floor, smoking his cigar. You knew you were looking at him like it was his fault, and you knew that he knew what you were thinking. He was the spirit that was handling the dead, he was the one saying that this person could die, or this person should stay on earth. So why? Why did Alice and her baby have to die?
“ Because her soul wasn’t mine to collect.” Baron Samedi sighed. “ The baby and.. Alice’s soul has been used for a ritual. That’s what I felt. Trey earned more power by this kill… Even if I think he only wished for the child’s death.”
“ And you can’t do anything about it?” Asked Alastor.
“ I could. We all can. But this is a silent law, if a soul is spoken for, you don’t touch it. The soul has to reach for you for us to be able to do something.” Baron Samedi sighed. “ I don’t even think Samael knows he has souls that are spoken on his name…” 
You frowned, did that mean Alice belonged to the devil? How terrified she must feel !
“ Can we save her soul?” you asked, a new fire burning inside of you.
“ Haha! Go to hell, little missy. Maybe you will be able to do something against Lucifer.” Kalfu laughed mockingly. You wondered how you didn’t jump at the spirit to strangle him… Maybe because Alastor's hand was still stroking your leg, keeping you attached to him.
“ But…”
“ I’m sorry, little lady. Alice’s life was meant to end sooner than she expected. She lived well,even if her love for this dame, Alyzée, was just like a spring flower, attached to the ground,  who wished to love a leaf attached to a tree’s branches. They both loved each other unconditionally, but winter came. The flower died, but the leaf still weakly attached to the tree shall stay strong before meeting the flower in death.”
You didn’t realize you were crying until Legba’s gentle hand stroked your cheek. His warm smile was once more on his lips.
“ You don’t have to feel guilty. Alice was a beautiful flower.”
You cried in Legba’s arms, and you were quite surprised that Alastor didn’t stop Legba from touching you. But then, Papa Legba’s had always been like a grandfather to you, he helped you, even when you didn’t ask for it,he  listened to your worries and protected you…Hearing his gentle words about your friend healed something inside you.
He then took a step back and you watched as the three spirits were standing in front of you and Alastor, they seemed powerful, menacing for some, welcome for others.
“ No matter what way you are choosing, we shall help you.” 
When they vanished, Alastor and you took a warm bath. Alastor asked you if you wanted him to stay with you, if he should take a break from work but you kissed him, saying you shouldn’t show any kind of weakness about Trey. He stared at you before smiling at you.
“ Let me handle it. At least, let me do my hunt alone.” He whispered against your naked skin. You closed your eyes before nodding, you knew he would find any information about Trey before coming to you with a plan to dispose of him.
And this is where you were now, months after this nightmare. Your belly had grown bigger, and you felt your baby move inside of you. The first time it happened, you screamed so loudly that Alastor almost tripped as he ran toward you. His shadow was already at your side, snarling at everything and anything. 
His eyes were burning red as he entered your room and you gestured him to come closer, placing his hand on your belly. He seemed confused, still smiling, but when he felt your baby kick, he gasped, taking back his hand. His shadow, though, was eagerly touching your stomach, with childish curiosity.
Alastor’s eyes were wide, his stare not leaving your belly. You giggled as he touched your belly once more. He seemed so lost, like he was finally understanding that he was going to be a father, that you both created something that was living.
Baron Samedi stayed with you a lot during your pregnancy, when you asked him why, he would always tell you he loved seeing pregnant women. For him, it was the most beautiful faith in humanity: Creating life.
You kept Eamon by your side, always hugging it against your chest. It would help with your emotional burst sometimes. Alastor had to go to work of course, and you enjoyed listening to his voice through the radio.
Alyzée would come, in the beginning you were both seeing each other to grieve Alice, now, even if Alice’s death was looming above your head, you were able to talk about simple things without bursting into tears. 
You left the bed, taking Eamon with you and smiled as your shadow followed you quickly, looking at your belly. You walked down the stairs, Alastor’s shadow touching you to stop you if you were to fall. Because yes, Alastor said he would keep working but his shadow shall stay with you until your pregnancy was over.
You thanked it before walking into the living room. Your back was hurting, so you laid down on the couch. You couldn’t wait for Alastor to come back home and massage your legs, your back and your feet. You closed your eyes, ready to sleep some more before you heard someone knocking. You opened one eye, was Alyzée already there?
You stood up and walked toward the door and opened it before slamming it closed.
John was here.
Should you kill him?
“ Please… I.. I want to ask you  questions about my cousin.”
You peeked at your shadow and Alastor’s were ready to throw themselves to the man but you stopped them with your hand. You closed your eyes before opening the door once again. You knew John would never hurt you, so you shall fetch some information.
“ Come in.” You said, holding Eamon against you before walking into the living room. you wouldn’t give him coffee or things to eat, he could chock, you didn’t care.
“ I see you still have that plushie… It still looks great.” John said, trying to look calm but you could almost smell how nervous he was. You sat on your rocking chair, staring at him as he stayed standing in the middle of the living room. “ I.. I.. Can I sit?”
You scoffed before gesturing to him to sit on the sofa. You would have to clean it as soon as he left.
“How is your pregnancy going? From what your father said, it's almost time…” He observed, smiling at you even if you could see it was a little strained. You rolled your eyes at him.
“ Talk, what are you here for?”
“ I.. Okay. As you know, I have taken Alice’s case,” you flinched when you heard his voice saying your friend’s name, “ but.. I have nothing. It’s like the killer walked into the place, like they owned it, killed Alice and then left.” You looked at him like he was the dirt under your heels. “ I know, you must think: Ask her husband. But… He can’t have done that–”
“ If you don’t believe me, then leave.”
“ Please, wait! It’s just… My cousin– Trey Felleur was seen in Terrytown with his coworkers. He has an alibi. So… After looking for any other suspects… it leaves me with.. you.” He winced when he saw your expression turn from confused to angry. Wait, wait… Trey was seen somewhere else the night of the murder..? Wait, did John just said–
“ Are you telling me you are suspecting me… to have killed Alice?” You asked, as calmly as you could.
“ You knew the house like it was yours! You were at the murder scene before my cousin according to what he said.  And I’m sure Alice knew that Alastor was a murderer.” John spat staring at you.
You stayed composed. You didn't know if John had real clues against Alastor or it was his obsession with you and your husband that drove him to this conclusion.
“ Clue, John. Give me clues and Maybe I shall listen to your nonsense.”
“ I went to his old house in the forest. I dig once more where you stopped me once. Under the deer bones, there were human’s bones. I’m sure it’s his fathers. He killed him and then buried him, here!” He said with a big smile, like this would make you believe him.
“ Why didn’t you go to the police then?” You asked before smirking when you saw him looking away. “ Because you knew you trespassed again. You knew no one would listen to you.”
“ But you… You want to know the truth, right…?” He stared at you. “ So you will help me. We will make it seem like you found the corpse and you came to me because we used to be friends and then we can lock down Alastor for good.”
You tried to keep yourself from laughing. It was almost cute… 
“ What if I don’t?”
“ Then, I’ll think you killed Alice with Alastor and you tried to protect him.” He spat. You frowned, you didn’t know if John could have you arrested because of that… Would he? You bit your lips, damn it! How were you supposed to play?
“What do you say, Mrs Sanglar?” he asked.
“ I say you should leave my dear daughter in law alone.”
You both turned your head toward Marie who was standing near the door of the living room, looking at John with a frown.
“ Mister John Felleur, was it ? I think this is not the first time I hear you trespassing on my property. I shall ask my dear daughter's father for help.” 
You smiled at Marie as John’s face fell. He grimaced before standing for the sofa, took his hat before leaving, saying his offer was still opened for you. Marie stared at him until he closed the door and went quickly toward you as you sighed.
“Are you okay, sweetie?”
“ I’m okay Marie, he just… upset me.”
“ Well, I can understand. From what I hear, he was quite an impolite man!” She said, frowning. You smiled at her, you were thankful for Marie. She and your mother always came to check on you when you didn’t feel like leaving your house. Marie talked with you, and even told you she began to work with spirit since you told her Trey was the killer. She said you needed protection so she asked the spirit to protect you if you were to be in danger in the forest. That warmed your heart.
You both talked, sitting under the porch, until you saw Alastor’s car coming. You sighed in relief as your husband stopped the car and walked toward you. He hugged his mother before kissing your forehead.  Marie didn’t stay for dinner, she already agreed to dine with your mother. She kissed your cheeks, like she used to do when you were just a child before Alastor drove her toward her destination.
You walked inside your home and decided to do something light for dinner. You stroke your belly with a small smile.
“ What should we prepare for Daddy, huh?”
You felt your baby kick you and you laughed, caressing the spot where you felt its foot. Maybe you should do a salade de fruit. It would be fresh and you had enough ingredients to make a lot of it. And you craved it so bad you might eat it all, then cry and Alastor would have to comfort you, saying he didn’t want a Salade de fruit so you could eat his part. 
You began to cut the fruit, Alastor’s shadow helping you while your shadow was caressing your baby, trying to smooth it. You didn’t know why but it seemed like your child was reckless today.
You lifted your head when you heard Alastor coming home. He walked toward you and hugged you from behind, kissing your neck before lifting slightly your belly. You moaned when you felt the weight being taken away from you. You almost cry because of the sensation. Where did Alastor learn that..?
You turned your head toward him to ask him but he kissed you. A kiss so gentle you felt like you were walking on clouds. You turned around and crapped your arms around his shoulder, kissing him back with the same gentleness he was giving you. You almost whined when you felt him step back.
“ Mhn?” He looked at his shadow. “ John was here?”
“ Oh, yes… Let me tell you.”
You both sat on the sofa in the living room, eating your salade de fruit, Alastor already giving up his bowl to you as you already finished your second bowl while telling him what happened. You smiled as he made a face so fakely shocked that you couldn’t help but laugh.
“ He didn’t. How could he think I did this all alone? I was helped by an angel.” He said, smiling as he kissed the back of your hand. You giggled as he began to talk about you like you were the strongest person that managed to take down all of your foes. 
“ An angel, huh?” you smirked as you ate from Alastor’s bowl.
“ A fallen angel then. I saw you flying high in the sky… you seemed so out of reach, you seemed to enjoy yourself..” you looked at him as he seemed lost in his own thoughts. “ So of course, I had to drag you down to me so I could admire you closer.” He smirked down at you. “ You didn't really try to run away, dearest…”
“ Well, maybe it was because I saw you down there. I was curious, you looked almost as proud as if you could fly yourself. So when you decided to take me, I accepted because I didn’t want to fly in a sky where you weren’t.” You smiled at him.
You saw his pupils dilate before he squeezed you in his arms, being mindful of your belly. You laughed as he bit your shoulder and your neck. You knew he liked to do that when you overwhelmed him with your words or your actions.
“ Alastor… How is our child going to be? I wondered…” You looked at the ceiling as you felt your husband’s hand on your belly.
“ Mhn… Let's say. for their own good, they should have your innocent face so they can easily trick people. They should have my way with words. Darling, you are too emotional sometimes, so they should have my patience…” He mused as he looked at you.
“ Mhn… Are we going to show them Voodoo..?”
Alastor stayed silent for some minutes, which gave you time to  nuzzle against him, waiting for his answer. You wished for your child to know about Voodoo, it was Alastor’s culture and… You would be kind of sad if your baby couldn’t interact with Papa Legba or your shadow…
“ Mhn… I… Would you?” He asked you, his voice a soft whisper. You smiled, you didn't know Alastor was still unsure about how you would perceive him depending on his answers…
“I would.”
“ Well, that’s perfect! Because I think they should work with Kalfu because–”
“ No way Alastor, our baby isn’t going to work with Kalfu.” you said, looking at him in the eyes. He almost pouted which almost mad you grin.
“ But, they would work with a powerful spirit,” he mumbled. “ don’t you think? For their security?”
“ They could work with Papa Legba.” You said, with a happy grin. Alastor rolled his eyes at you, making you laugh. You kissed his cheek and you both kept talking about your child’s future until it was time to go to bed. You took Eamon with you and walked toward your bedroom.
You changed into your nightclothes and then you went under the cover, laying on your back. You couldn’t wait to lay on your belly once again… You turned your head toward Alastor who laid next to you with a book in his hand, reading. You closed your eyes and fell asleep with a little smile.
You woke up with a gasp, soaked in sweat. You sat up as you groaned in pain. Damn it, maybe eating so much fruit was a mistake…
“ Darling?”
You looked next to you and find Alastor, still reading his book. How much did you sleep? You groaned as you felt pain in your stomach once more. You took the blanket off you, you needed to go to the bathroom.
“ Fuck…”
You looked at Alastor, surprised. He wasn’t the man to use bad words like this. You almost laughed but you were soaking wet, you needed a shower… and the bathroom. But as you tried to stand up you froze when you saw the mess between your legs.
It felt like time froze, nor you or Alastor was moving, you could only hear the noise from the clock.
Tic-tac tic-tac…
“ Water, my Alastor broke!” you screamed, completely scared out of your mind. You didn’t know what to do, how to do it ? You heard Alastor stumbling out of bed before ordering his shadow to take your things as he kneeled next to you.
“ Alright darling, breathe with me okay? You are okay, you are splendid.”
“ Alastor!” You screamed in pain.
“ Of course.” He stood up and carried you in his arms, running toward his car, being mindful of your shaking form. You could see his shadow moving around the wall and taking everything it deemed necessary for you. Did it just take a candle--? 
You screamed in pain once more. Damn it, being almost slashed was less painful ! Alastor placed you in the car and drove to the nearest hospital while trying to calm you. You looked at his shadow which gave you Eamon as you screamed in the car. The shadow looked so scared, it was cute. You wanted to smile at him as you took Eamon but another contraction made you scream.
Damn it!
You tried to breathe like Alastor was telling you but then you didn’t know why you felt panic. Where was your shadow? You haven't seen it since the pain began? Where was it ? 
“ Where is it?” you shouted.
“ What? What is where?” asked Alastor as he kept a hand on your knee and the other one on the steering wheel. 
“ My shadow !” You cried, squeezing Eamon against you so hard you were almost afraid to hurt it.
“ It’s not important right now, darling.” said Alastor, his smile strained.
“ I want my shadow!” You hollered not even caring that you were making a tantrum about your shadow while your baby was literally on its way.
Alastor stopped in front of the hospital, left the car before taking you in his arms and running inside the building. You didn’t really know what happened, you could hear shouts and sweet words as you were being taken into a room too white for its own good. You could feel people spreading your legs, touching you, what was going on? Where was Alastor ?
“ Where is my husband?” You yelled. A nurse told you they made him wait in the corridor. “ Bring him here!” you grabbed her collar before letting her go look for your husband. You cried as your head hit the pillow , when were you put into a bed? You wanted this pain to end.
You then felt a hand on your skin and you knew who it belonged to. You opened your eyes and smiled weakly at Alastor, he was smiling but it seemed like it was taking everything out of him to keep this facade.
“ Alastor..!” You cried as he kissed you multiple times before kissing your hand.
“ Darling, no matter what happened… Stay here for me.” He pleaded with his eyes and then you realize… Alastor was scared that you wouldn’t make it. That you would die during childbirth. You grabbed his hand with your, smiling at him with a new fire burning inside of you.
“ I will stay…” You choked out those words.” I won’t leave you..” You screamed as pain was too intolerable. You heard a nurse ordering you to push but damn it you couldn’t even feel your legs…!
You would stay..
‘ You will be by my side.’
I will stay, nothing will separate us.
You pushed each time the nurses were telling you to do it. But it was getting harder and harder and you were getting more tired as time was passing.. You felt like you weren’t in your body anymore… You felt so tired…
“ She is bleeding too much, call the doctors!”
‘  Nothing can tear us apart. I dragged you on earth with me. You are my only light. You are my sanity.’
“ Miss, please just a little more! Don’t give up!”
I joined you… Because I wanted to live this life with you… And the next one too…
‘ Darling..?’
You could hear cries.
You turned your head weakly toward Alastor that was grabbing your hand so hard it was shaking. His head was down, his forehead against yours hands. He didn’t seem to be the one crying…
“ Congratulations, Mrs and Mr Sanglar! You are the parent to a healthy and lovely girl!”
A girl..?
You turned your head toward the nurse that was cradling something in her arms..
A girl..
Your eyes widened sighly.
Your baby girl.
 You took your baby that was crying against your chest and you couldn’t help but cry too. You did it… You made it.. You looked at Alastor who hadn't moved one bit. You couldn’t talk, you were crying but you were too tired to make any other noises.
Alastor… We have a girl…
Alastor’s head jerked up and he stared at you with his eyes wide open. He stared at you and only you. You smiled at him as you closed one eye, trying to reassure him. You were not gone. You saw his body relaxed and he kissed your forehead, pushing his lips hard against your skin.
You looked at your baby girl who stopped crying. You looked at her with so much pride. She opened her eyes, and you saw her beautiful eyes.
“ She has my eyes…” Alastor whispered, astonished. You looked at him, tears in your eyes. 
“ You seem surprised…” you whispered, your voice hoarse from your screaming.
“ No… it’s just…I mean.. The way they shine… It’s definitely from you. “ You watched as your husband looked at your daughter. She was looking at you both, recognizing your voices. You kissed your baby with a shaking sigh. She was here… Finally…
You looked around as the nurses were busy with you didn’t know what. You smiled a little as you saw Papa Legba, on the corner of the room, looking at you with pride. You watched as Baron Samedi smiled widely at you, giving you a nod of appreciation. Kalfu smirked and winked at you, making you chuckle. They vanished when the nurse came to you.
“ She is beautiful, how should you name her?”
You looked at Alastor who was staring at you. You both have talked about multiple names depending on the gender of your baby. And now, as your baby was looking at you and Alastor, you were sure of yourself.
“ Yes… she shall be named…
Tag List: @lukneetoonz @martinys-world @littlepoetnova @sirens-and-moonflowers @eris-norwega @tiredflame132 @mo-0-o @vvollerie @sodavizz @boogiemansbitch @tessemerick @slytherin4ever @kammsinn @alastorssimp @t0xic1vi @diamond-almond @fangirlbitch02 @saccharine-nectarine @thenorthnightingale @bibliophile-yomna @itzjustj-1000 @mothraantics @yourdoorisunlocked @phamtasic @karmakillz @holographicage @sarcastic-sourwolf @akuraluna2468 @everwolf-20 @thesunandmoons-blog @songbrita @noraunor @fandomsbookclub @hokkaido97 @catticora @gasiacos @charlottemorningstarsdarling @nekee-lilac02
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