#he looks like a true DRAGONLORD
emrys-merlin · 1 year
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theredneckerchief · 10 months
In which Melrin and the Knights are sitting around the campfire and Sir Percival is in charge of the story telling...
Percival: They call him...Emrys
Lancelot: *glances at Merlin*
Merin: *chokes on his soup*
Arthur: It's alright Merlin no need to be scared, Emrys doesn't actually exist
Percival: The Druids say, he was born from mortals in the time of the great purge, from a dragonlord who saught shelter and from a woman with a heart of gold. A child born from a love that could never be. The tripple goddess took pity on her peoples and gathered the lost magic of the dead felled by the Butcher King -sorry Arthur.
Arthur: *waves his hand for him to continue*
Merlin: *trying to catch Lancelot's eye and get him to change topics*
Lancelot: *looks at Merlin and nods* What happened next Perc?
Merlin: *mouths* traitor
Percival: Well, the babe was born with the lost magic of Albion coursing through his veins. A God in his own right. He can level any kingdom with a thought, create or destroy armies with the snap of his fingers.
Arthur: See Merlin? If he existed, I doubt "The Butcher King's" kingdom would still exist. *satisfied smirk at Merlin's pale face*
Percival: Ah you see Emrys was not born without purpose Arthur. He is the guardian of the Once and Future King. A King destined to usher a golden age of prosperity and unite the land of Albion under a banner of peace.
Gwaine: Sooo how would we know who this Emrys is? What if Arthur is that King?
Arthur: Whilst I appreciate the praise Gwaine, it's a children's story meant to scare people like Merlin. It can't possibly be true.
Percival: Well there is a way to test it... it is said that Emrys will respond to any prayer spoken sincerely by the Once and Future King.
Gwaine: Go on Arthur, try it *winks*
Merlin: I really don't think this is a good idea.
Leon: I agree with Merlin here, summoning a dangerous sorcerer is a bad idea...
Gwaine: We're not summoning him, just pray for something harmless, he can't refuse it right? So why not try? Or are you worried you're not this great King? *wiggles eyebrows*
Arthur: *growls* Fine. *closes eyes* As I sit here now I pray to Emrys to...uh...give Gwaine an apple.
Merlin: *Magics an apple infront of gwaine*
Arthur: *opens eyes* What? Why's everyone looking at me like that? *sees apple*...oh
Leon: Merlin...?
Merlin: *high pitched squeek* yeh?
Percival: I saw it too.
Gwaine: And me.
Arthur: What? What is it? I command you as the King of Camelot to tell me what the bloody hell is going on.
Leon: It's Merlin sire. His eyes... They blazed gold at your prayer...
Arthur: *laughing hysterically* Good one Leon.
Arthur: You're serious? Yo- you mean Mer- *turns to Merlin, eyes fixed on his* As I sit here today, I pray to Emrys to sharpen my sword.
Merlin: *Eyes blaze gold*
*Arthur's sword unsheathes itself and starts sharpening itself mid-air*
Merlin: Um...tada? *jazz hands*
Elyan: *comes back from gathering firewood* So what was Percy's story about today?
(Inspired by this tumblr post:
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dreamlandcreations · 1 year
Twisted fate
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Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader (eventually)
Summary: After the death of her sister, the twin of Daenerys meddles with magic, trying to change the past and ends up in the era of the Dance as Rhaenyra's daughter...
Warnings: this is like a note for the idea of a series (so basically a teaser) 🤷🏻‍♀️, canon-typical stuff, Reader is on a mission, fix it fic?, it's probably a mess as I am... writing at 1-2am with no idea where I wanna go with this
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You were born after the storm... for the first time. While your twin was called Stormborn, you were given the not-so-catchy name of the Flame of Dawn after the red skies that could be seen at the time you had drawn your first breath.
Life was difficult for your sister, it seemed she had to bear all the burdens but you were always eager to learn. Dragons and Valyria being your favourite subjects but as soon as you were free to do so, you started to learn other things too. Your knowledge came useful when the dragons were born but flying them was seemingly not meant for you. You found solace in fighting and learning to use the magic in your blood.
After the war you asked Bran to teach you to see. First, it was just curiosity, as you wanted.. no, needed to see history with your own eyes. However, you soon found out that you can connect and perhaps shape the past through your visions. Bran warned you against it but you didn't listen.
You became obsessed with fixing the events that lead to the demise of your house and family. You have spent a lot of time observing, especially the Dance of the Dragons. Those events were the true end for the House of the Dragon, however, you wanted even more than they had and ventured back to Aegon then tried to see what you were most curious about. Valyria.
As you went further back, you found that some members of your family had stronger magic and could sense your presence. Although none like the dragonlord you came across in your first glimpse of your ancient home.
He lectured you and punished you by trapping you in the past.
You were born during the storm... for the second time.
Your memories of your old life surfaced as you re-learned things. It was a struggle until your adult years, keeping them. The memories and your old self came and went like waves of the ocean your not-blood-related father loved so much.
It didn't take long to realise you were not your father's daughter and that your mother's uncle, who mostly stayed at Driftmark but spent a lot of time with you whenever he could, was the one who fathered you.
When you could surface from the waters of oblivion, you were even prouder than otherwise. As a child, in both lifetimes, you idolized Daemon.
You were still a small child when your memories surfaced for a while, and you started to make plans to somehow avoid the Dance and make your new parents king and queen. In the gardens, you discovered a poisonous flower and decided to eliminate one major key for the war to come. Killing off all your villains was tempting, however, there were several problems with that idea.
You knew that would be too suspicious, even f no one would suspect a child. But for one cleverly timed murder, the innocent look of your current form would be a perfect disguise.
It was also the time your realised Rhaenyra having your Strong brothers was putting everything at risk and you had no good solution for that mess either.
The plan was to destroy the Greens but as you grow the memories of your past life become more like dreams than your reality and slowly, and ironically when they finally seem to settle for good, they don't feel like yours anymore. Of course, it's useful to know all that but you have a different life and you've become a different person too, loving people in this life and fearing losing them.
And that's the problem with the plan. You can't lose them. You can't lose him. Aemond, the only person in your childhood who understood you, besides your father of course. And even after the loss of his eye, and becoming distant, your uncle remained your best friend, who you couldn't give up on, hurt or even betray.
His sister was certainly not to blame for anything and you were fond of her too. After getting to know the Green Queen, you couldn't even blame her at times.
So, you put yourself in an even more difficult position, abandoning the plan and trying to make peace between these idiots of yours.
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coaxed you into paradise - c. 23
Description: The life of Saera Targaryen told in four acts. She was her father's forgotten daughter, cast aside as she looked nothing like her mother. Her younger days were spent beside her uncle. Years following her marriage with Ser Harwin Strong, she catches him in an affair with her older sister. She returns to seek solace in the arms of her uncle, that she's loved all her life.
(Coaxed You Into Paradise and High Infidelity Rewrite.)
masterlist for this series
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Chapter Twenty-Three: Green and White.
Daegon settles beside Helaena, her fingers delicately dancing upon the silken beads of her new creation. “My mother speaks about the marriage between your mother and uncle,” she whispered in her earthly voice. “They were wed, and my father is cross,” he answered. He couldn’t understand his father’s anger - Alyssa told him that their father would never understand them. Harwin was from the Andals, and they were Valryians. Instead, he finds himself understanding his granduncle, Daemon, who has comforted him with every sleepless night. Daemon was his true father, not Harwin. 
“Mother says it isn’t right for a woman to take two husbands.” she mimicked her mother’s rants - he frowns. Queen Alicent was not a Targaryen - she wouldn’t understand them. “It is not wrong, the Seven Gods forbid it - but we are above their customs.” he mumbled, avoiding a conflict of interest with his friend. Helaena hums, and returns her attention to the embroidery. 
She and her siblings were always closer to men than gods. Their voices were hollow and thin, their faces were soft and unstriking. They were not dragons, merely shells of the dragonlords before them. “I suppose, mother rarely makes sense.” she agreed, prickling her finger with a tiny needle. 
A gasp escapes her mouth and Daegon takes her finger gently. “Are you alright?” he inquired, wiping the blood away from her bloodied pointer. “Yes,” she replies - and he takes the embroidery away from her lap. “I’ll do it for you, muña and Alyssa taught me.” he offered, navigating the design with ease. 
Finishing the gold and white dragon.
Harwin sits with his legs open, eyes drunkenly staring at his wife. His heart was pounding with betrayal - agony that coursed through his veins. “You have forfeited all rights in being disappointed with me.” she grits her teeth - his eyes were solely focused on her. “Your uncle has lied to you. He wishes to have you, as would any man that has the glory of your presence. There is nothing but respect between me and Rhaenyra.” he lied, pleading his fake innocence. 
She takes a step forward, taller than him by a few inches - as he was sitting down. “Do not lie to me,” she warns. He stands up, his armor clinks - and he stares at her blankly, a hint of desperation in his sad irises. “I have been your dutiful husband. This betrayal is harming me and our children.” he lied, avoiding her eyes. “Our children? Since when have you cared for them?” she antagonized. There was no point in swaying her - not when her decision was already firm. 
“I have loved our children since I first held them in my hands. Two babes that are born because of our love.” he confessed. 
“Rhaenyra’s children are yours, are they not?” she scoffed, his eyes turned to the ground. His lips were pursed, his eyes held nothing but shame. He was silent and sulking - a contract to her body that held nothing but confidence. “I know of the affair between you. I have been idle for all these years because of the vultures that seek my father’s throne. I love my sister, Harwin - and you’ve made it hard to do so.” she explained, fists clenched. 
“I’ve been a horrible husband.” he groans, heart threatening to collapse in his chest. “How can I make it up to you?” he asked, all efforts of reconciliation dying with the flames that came out of Melarys’ mouth. His wife’s anger was dangerous - slow to anger, and slow to forgive. He didn’t want to be at the end of her sword - not when he was still at her mercy. 
“Return to Harrenhal, forget about your life here.” she levied. 
There was a time that she cared for him, but those days were spent - gone with the wind. “You cannot ask me to do that,” he argued. 
“It is what I want,” she interrupted. 
“- I will kill you if you cannot give me that.” 
“Betroth your daughter to my grandson.” Otto opened his mouth, lips pressed into a thin line. It wasn’t a question - it was a demand. “Why should I do that, my lord?” Saera inquired - eyes glaring at his figure. There were lords across the realm aiming for her daughter’s hand, but she wasn’t letting go of Alyssa. 
“War is brewing, you are aware of that.” he pointed, attempting to dominate the conversation. Saera rolls her eyes - he wasn’t smart. “Brewing because?” she interrogated, prepared to bold towards her father’s chambers and accuse his hand of treason. “Aegon is the rightful heir to the iron throne,” Otto began, circling her with confidence. 
“Rhaenyra wishes to be Queen - and you are left defenseless.” he breathed, stating the plain obvious. “Your sister is heir because of decree, and it can be vanquished - because the Lords of Westeros are not in favor of her. Which leaves you where, my lady?” he proposed. 
“Are you suggesting that I help you supplant my sister as heir?” she insinuated, but he shakes his head with a delicate chuckle. 
“I’m merely suggesting a path to safety. We must engage Princess Alyssa to Prince Aemond, it is the only way for peace.” 
The fire had grown too high, and Harwin had just recently awoken. Behind him, he could hear his father's screams as he desperately tried to claw his way out of his room. "Father!" he screams as he takes a crowbar and begins prying the metal doors open.
Lord Lyonel bangs his hands upon the wall, "Harwin, leave!" he commanded but his son would not listen. He could not have his father die — the situation at court was a delusional one, they both had to defend their honors and succeed against The Rogue Prince's elusiveness.
"No," he refused as the fire gently stalked towards his foot. "Harwin, as your father. I command you to leave!" Lord Lyonel exclaims as his son continues banging across the door.
Harwin knew that he was powerful — that he was more than capable of saving his loved one. "And as your son, I apologize!" he yells back as he successfully derails the doorknob.
But by this time, the fire had grown too much to bear. He only realized that his flesh was burning, when the ringing in his ear halted.
He screamed loudly — and was brought back to rumors of Harren's Curse. He falls onto the ground, as his father's screams begin to drown out of his ears.
He desperately tries to extinguish the flame in his forearm. Only to fail, and for the fire to reach his entire body.
He yells in agony, as his flesh falls apart.
And with every last breath of Harwin Strong, he was cruelly reminded that those who try to fight fire are only destined to burn.
“I leave Princess Alyssa to you, Queen Alicent - may you guide her in my absence.” Saera smiles, placing hand on top of her daughter’s head. They were needed in Harrenhal - to guide her eldest son in his new position as lord of his house. “Are you sure that you don’t want to leave with your mother?” Queen Alicent asks the little girl, and she nods. Alyssa didn’t want to step foot inside of Harrenhal - in fear that her father’s ghosts would come to haunt them. 
Saera gently wiped the tears away from her daughter’s eyes. “We will return - for your nameday and all your cousin’s namedays. You can visit us, if you wish.” she explained, wrapping her arms around Alyssa in a deep embrace. 
“I love you, my dear.” she pressed a kiss on her forehead. 
next chapter>>
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taglist: @watercolorskyy @sweetybuzz25 @newtsniffles @loveandlewis-reads @lovecleastrange @julkaamazing @schniiipsel @mirandastuckinthe80s @areaderinlove @i-yam-awesome @ladystardvsts @gracielikegrapes @sweethoneyblossom1 @issybee0611 @tato0od @delaynew @thisbihreadstoomuch @plutoscosmoss @immyowndefender @marvelescvpe @batmans-love @luanasrta @tesha-i-guess @valeridarkness
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calisources · 1 year
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MERLIN TV SHOW SENTENCE QUOTE MEME. all of these are taken from different source pages from the tv show, merlin. change pronouns, names and anything you see fit.
“Look, I’ve told you you’re an ass. I just didn’t realize you were a royal one.”
“How small you are, for such a great destiny.”
“I could take you apart with one blow.”
“If anyone wants to go and kill him they can go ahead. In fact, I’ll give them a hand.”
 ”None of us can choose our destiny, Merlin. And none of us can escape it.”
”I know I’m just a servant and my word doesn’t count for anything. I wouldn’t lie to you.”
“I want you to swear to me, what you’re telling me is true.”
"A half cannot hate what truly makes it whole."
“You’re strange. Uh, I don’t mean that in a nasty way. You’re just… funny. I like that.”
"You are but one side of a coin. Arthur is the other."
"I just want someone to see me for what I am."
“Sometimes you have to do what is right and damn the consequences.”
“I can’t order you to lie to the king, but you’ll be a friend for life if you do.”
"You belong at Arthur’s side. I’ve seen how much he needs you; how much you need him. You're like two sides of the same coin."
 "This is no time to be a hero, Merlin. It really doesn't suit you."
"I'm happy to be your servant, until the day I die."
"Well, I know you. You’re a great warrior. One day, you’ll be a great king."
“I warn you, I’ve been trained to kill since birth.”
“I cannot stay when there’s no longer a use for me.”
“Well, I’m not a knight yet, my lady.”
“The choice was mine. My punishment is mine to bear and mine to bear alone.”
“I am a dragonlord, it is my sacred duty to protect the last of the dragons.”
“There is no evil in sorcery, only in the hearts of men. My request is that you remember this”
"I Was Fearful That I Might Injure You, Sire."
"The King Is Dead. Long Live The Queen!"
"As long as I live, my feelings for you will never fade."
"I would die for you one hundred times over. Live for me, or everything that I am has been for nothing."
"I have thought of you often.Have you thought of me at all? "
"No matter what it takes, I'll find a way to get you out of here."
" I'm not leaving you. No. I will not leave you here to die."
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lovebotomy · 2 months
lamia to me remains the most underused and misunderstood episode. I don't at all see it as 'merlin gets abused angst' as he.. truly doesn't look scared of the knights at all. Just bothered, angry, frustrated. he tolerates the behavior because he doesn't want them to die and wants to figure lamia out, and when pushed around and threatened his frame cowers but eyes remain strong and there's promise behind them. he may not be able to physically overpower them but he's always been the most powerful person in the room make no mistake.
and then there's the tension between merlin and lamia that feels stronger than other beings of magic. merlin is a dragonlord, a dragon man. standing against serpent woman. the high priestesses are still women, but merlin is a true being of magic unlike the other strongest magic users shown.
I need more exploration of merlin becoming almost territorial when lamia shows up. his friends may act enchanted but they are under the dragon's protection and no serpent is going to threaten them. lamia stares at him like he's the enemy and he stares hatered at her right back.
his reaction to gwaine being enchanted should've also been different to the others. he's not knight, he's His knight. I don't think merlin even was actual friends with the others lol. but even then, his friendship with gwaine detoriated sadly by season 4.
but season 3 gwaine getting enchanted? or arthur? or lancelot? merlin would deserve to fucking growl or make other threatening reptile noises let him show his not-fully-human side more often let him act like creachurre
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vassia-sparta · 2 years
Daemon Targaryen x OC Soulmate AU - Part 2
So, I received a request after I posted my last fic, and this one was created. In this, the bond between Daemon and his wife is explored a little bit more.
Trigger warnings: mentions of violence, child abuse
Part one here
Daemon was never known for his calm demeanor, that much was true. Most of those at court knew not to rile him up, lest they wake the dragon. Much like his Red Wyrm, once angered, Daemon could not be tamed or reasoned with. Yet there was always someone who tried his very best to drive him to his very limits, maybe even over them.
There was no love lost between Daemon and Otto Hightower, the King’s Hand. From the very first moment those two met, you could feel the hostility, the anger gathering in the room like a poisonous smoke. Otto always did everything he could to bring up the volatile and rogue nature of the Targaryen Prince, advising the King to remove him from court, for the good of the realm. Daemon, on the other hand, never lost the chance to tease and taunt his adversary, either through his weak spots, or simply ignoring everything the other man said and doing as he thought best. And in the middle of it all the King and the rest of the small council, trying to keep things from going out of hand.
Today was just one such day, only the scene was unfolding in front of the entire court. The two men were arguing about another bout of harsh punishments Daemon had delivered throughout the city. From what the rumors spoke of, he had maimed or killed at least 30 people, delivering each punishment himself, personally.
“Your Grace, this unchecked behavior of the prince cannot go any further. Reports show that him and his gold-cloaked thugs made a festival of the slaughter, teasing those about to be punished with sneers and jests. There were even some who claimed that one of the soldiers dismembered a man down at the docks, while the prince watched and drank wine with his friends.”
Everyone in the room stood aghast of such a revelation, and you tried your very best not to stumble when the wave of absolute fury hit you like a wall.
Lord Otto ignored the whispers coming from the crowd gathered to hear today’s proceedings, and turned towards the King sitting on the Iron Throne.
“Are we really supposed to let a wild animal like him roam free through the city, doing what he wants to the innocent people of King’s Landing without getting punished for it? Already there are several merchants and tradesmen complaining about the damages done to their shops during the raid. If we let this go on, we will have a riot in our hands.”
Several courtiers agreed with the Hand, while you kept your eyes on your husband. He looked absolutely murderous, his hand twitching on the handle of his Valyrian sword. You knew that, if this went on any further, Daemon would draw his sword, and things would go downhill from then on.
You stood near the front of the crowd, your mind reeling, trying to find a way to ease the tension. It seemed impossible, Daemon was one word away from turning his enemy into pieces before the entire court, and the smug expression on lord Otto’s face didn’t help with the matter.
Then you remembered something you had read in that book from Old Valyria about the magic of the soulmate bond. It was observed among soulmates that, when one of them were in some sort of distress, the other could have a calming effect on them if they could focus on it. You had read about a young dragonlord who had managed to calm down his wife during her labor. The child was descending feet first, causing so much pain to its mother that she had seized the healer’s knife and tried to cut through her belly to get the baby out. The young lord had managed to stop her and held her in her arms, whispering soothing words to her as the midwife tried her best to turn the baby around and deliver it safely. He had been successful, and both the mother and her child had made it through the ordeal.
You knew that you couldn’t just go and hug your husband in order to do the same, but you could at least try to use the bond to somehow ease his anger. You took a few deep breaths, letting everything else around you fade and focus on your connection. The fiery waves of anger still came through, one stronger than the other. You closed your eyes, bringing to mind one of the most treasured memories you shared with your husband.
A few months into your marriage, Daemon had taken you for your first flight on his dragon. Caraxes had taken quite a liking to you, and the two of you had flown on his back all over Blackwater Bay, before landing on a small island within sight of Dragonstone. Daemon told you that he used to come here as a kid after his parents died, to escape the tediousness of court life and the many women who wanted him for their husband.
“It’s my resting place, the one place I can be myself, without anyone judging me or glaring at me,” your husband had whispered as you both lay on the grass staring at the clouds passing over you. It really was a small paradise, with a small patch of trees to the south, some rocky hills with caves under them, and a small beach with white sand and small seashells spread all over it. You really could see yourself living here for the rest of your life, just you, Daemon and all the children you would have. No courtiers, no fights with devious men who sought to hurt your husband, only peace, clear skies and the endless sea surrounding your home.
You felt the anger slowly fading away, a sense of calmness and peace replacing it. It was as if a gentle sea wave washed over you, putting out the fire, leaving you cool and refreshed. You opened your eyes and looked at your husband. He looked calm, but also surprised. He glanced at you, and you gave him an encouraging smile. His eyes shined with joy, a small smile gracing his face.
Then he turned to his adversary, but there was no anger this time. Instead, the sense of calm was reinforced somehow, stabilizing it.
“I think you are missing a few key pieces of information my lord Hand, allow me to enlighten you,” Daemon simply stated, his voice steady.
Otto Hightower looked at him with distrust, but said nothing.
“The raid I conducted last night was not like the one I led some years ago. That time I had punished all the criminals I could find, yes, but last night has specific targets.”
“And what targets were those?” the lord Hand questioned.
“Ever since I returned from the Stepstones, I have been trying to restore the Watch back to the standards I set when I was in charge. Though most of the men are honorable, dedicated to their duty, there are some among them who have been corrupted by bribes, paid to look the other way so criminals can continue conducting their business without interruption. One such criminal is a man named Timeon Black, so nicknamed for his rotten heart. He was one of the last men I arrested last night, and the only one I left for the King to decide his fate.”
“And what has that man done to deserve punishment?” the King asked his brother.
“He is the leader of a pack of thugs who have been trying to rule over most of Flea Bottom, one way or another. Some are paid by the traders to make sure their shops are not damaged, others kidnap people to enslave, including girls to be sold to the Street of Silk, as well as orphans from the motherhouses, to be trained and used as fighters in fighting pits, either against animals or each other.”
“Gods be good,” the King gasped, as did several of those amongst the crowd.
“After I made sure the goldcloaks in league with that monster were detained and locked up in the Black Cells, me and ser Harwin took 100 of our best men and hunted down each and every one of Black’s men, delivering to each of them the punishment they deserved for their crimes. Yes, if you don’t know what those men did, the punishments I delivered sound harsh. What do you think now that you know the entire story?”
Lord Otto stood speechless, his lips pressed together tightly.
“As for the man we dismembered, he was the gatekeeper of the fighting pits, in charge of keeping the children fighters locked in their cages, like wild animals. When we burst into the building, he had been beating a 10 year-old girl with a walking stick for losing him a lot of money. When he saw us he just smiled, kicking her back in her cage before he tried to attack my men. I ask you, what would you have done, give him a slap on the wrist?”
The Hand had absolutely nothing to say. You could feel the glee enveloping your mate, bright and sparkling.
“You have performed your duties with excellence,” the King glanced at his brother, his gaze full of pride. “I do recognize that such acts of violence may sound cruel, but against such heinous criminals, it was exactly what should have been done. Continue to perform your duties as you see fit, and I will see to it personally that the men that assisted you to this raid are given rewards for their actions. My lord Hand,” he turned to the other man, “perhaps you should make sure you have all the information before you start making accusations. Your relentless campaign to sully my opinion of my brother is becoming tiresome.”
Daemon bowed to his brother, then turned to leave, not even glancing at Otto Hightower. The Hand bowed to the King as well, then disappeared through a back door, ignoring the whispers of everyone around him.
Your husband approached you, his eyes shining. You could feel the happiness filling him, and that in turn made you happy.
“May we take a walk in the gardens my lady?” he enquired, offering his arm.
“Of course my dear husband,” you nodded, taking his arm and letting him walk you out of the throne room.
He led you to a secluded spot in the gardens, away from prying eyes and ears.
“What did you do to me?” he asked when you both sat on a stone bench near a rose bush.
“I tried to calm you down,” you shrugged, smiling softly at him.
“But how?”
“You were about to attack that bitter excuse of a man, and I was not going to let him take advantage of your temper. You might be a monster to him, but to me you are my hero, my dragon knight. I simply used our bond to ease your anger and help you think more clearly.”
Your mate took your face in his hands and kissed you softly, filling you with warmth and joy.
“What have I done to deserve you?” he whispered, his violet eyes staring into your very soul.
“You are an honorable man with a good heart my love, and don’t you forget it. Now, let us put the events of this day behind us. How about we go take Caraxes for a flight, maybe visit Driftmark?”
“That sounds lovely,” Daemon smiled.
Hope you enjoyed it!
Taglist: @alexandra-001, @the-mechanical-angel
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jedimaesteryoda · 10 months
Arianne's first chapter in The Winds of Winter has her traveling to meet Aegon. Look close and it is basically full of passages pointing to where her story goes and her future with Aegon.
Spoilers for The Winds of Winter below
Poison, thought Arianne. Yes. Pretty poison, though. That was how he’d fooled her. Gerold Dayne was hard and cruel, but so fair to look upon that the princess had not believed half the tales she’d heard of him. Pretty boys had ever been her weakness, particularly the ones who were dark and dangerous as well. That was before, when I was just a girl, she told herself. I am a woman now, my father’s daughter. I have learned that lesson.
Arianne admits a weakness for handsome boys, especially Gerold Dayne with his quasi-Valyrian features that her thinking her "children would be as beautiful as dragonlords."
She also said that she is her father's daughter now. However, one must note that Doran has two distinctions. First is making plans that end up being "smashed to pieces" with his plans to marry his kids to Targaryens and get them crowned like Arianne's betrothal to Viserys and Quentyn's quest to marry Daenerys. Arianne already has that trait when her ill-advised plot to crown Myrcella went predictably sideways. The second is the that his marriage was "the only rash thing he ever did," marrying someone from Essos who was much younger (like Aegon) only for that to turn out poorly.
That was troubling too. Ser Arys Oakheart had broken his vows for her, but it did not sound as if Jon Connington could be similarly swayed. Can I match such a man with words alone?
However, she still hasn't entirely learned from her failed plot to crown Myrcella. She still uses seduction to manipulate men into achieving her political goals. Whenever Cersei did it, also a firstborn duaghter trying to prove herself worthy of her father's legacy, it always ended up backfiring on her. Lancel ended up confessing to both High Septons. She slept with all three Kettleblacks, and used it to get Osney to false confess sleeping with Margaery to the High Septon only for the latter to catch on, and find out about Cersei's adultery through torturing Osney. She slept with Jaime, and it results in her three children that causes the War of Five Kings.
While Connington clearly won't be swayed by Arianne's charms, there is someone who might. Why sway the Hand when you can sway the king? Aegon is described by Tyrion as "half a boy" as Ser Arys was, and he is still very much a child, a teenager who is very inexperienced even compared to Jon and Danaerys who are around his age. Aegon has also shown himself to be easily influenced by others as when Tyrion influenced his decision to sail west without Daenerys. Arianne could possibly seduce the young Aegon.
It was true, she had resented Quentyn for all those years that she had thought their father meant to name him as his heir in place of her, but that had turned out to be just a misunderstanding. She was the heir to Dorne, she had her father’s word on that. Quentyn would have his dragon queen, Daenerys.
In Sunspear hung a portrait of the Princess Daenerys who had come to Dorne to marry one of Arianne’s forebears. In her younger days Arianne had spent hours gazing at it, back when she was just a pudgy flat-chested girl on the cusp of maidenhood who prayed every night for the gods to make her pretty. A hundred years ago, Daenerys Targaryen came to Dorne to make a peace. Now another comes to make a war, and my brother will be her king and consort. King Quentyn. Why did that sound so silly?
Almost as silly as Quentyn riding on a dragon. Her brother was an earnest boy, well-behaved and dutiful, but dull. And plain, so plain. The gods had given Arianne the beauty she had prayed for, but Quentyn must have prayed for something else. His head was overlarge and sort of square, his hair the color of dried mud. His shoulders slumped as well, and he was too thick about the middle.
Arianne's thoughts on Quentyn reveal that despite her claiming that she put her resentment towards Quentyn behind her, she still does harbor an internal rivalry with her brother. She finds the idea of him as King silly, and compares herself to him in physical appearance with her describing him as plain and unattractive while she herself is beautiful.
She also mentions her forebear princess Daenerys whom it is clear she aspired to in terms of beauty. Though Daenerys married Maron Martell to make a peace, it was said that it was also a major reason for the bastard Daemon I Blackfyre to launch his rebellion. Rather than peace, Dorne ended up getting involved in the war between the black and red dragons. Arianne herself is a parallel to Daeneyrs: a princess who has a love interest who still pines for her in the form of the prodigious knight who also happens to be a bastard named Daemon. If she marries a prince as well, Aegon, she will involve Dorne in his war when House Blackfyre fights House Targaryen.
"They were dancing. In my dream. And everywhere the dragons danced the people died."
Teora being the Cassandra, the red-headed seeress whose prophecies go unheeded and scorned gives a prophetic warning to Arianne. Cassandra warned Paris not to go to Sparta just as Teora's dream warns about what will happen should Arianne go to Aegon, but like Paris, ignores it as she later does Daemon's warnings.
Paris goes to Sparta and elopes with Helen, resulting in the Trojan War that brought about Troy's destruction. Arianne goes to meet Aegon, and should she marry him, she will bring about her Dornish kingdom's destruction, the one thing her father tried to avoid his whole life.
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merlinfic · 2 years
i've been waiting SO long to catch you with an ask omg i'm so happy!!! okay so i have a few requests
1. okay so what if.what if like arthur hears rumours that merlin's sleeping around or maybe even catches him in bed w someone or sees like a mark or smth and then it bothers him just a bit too much. like he can't get it out of his head, starts seeing merlin in THAT context. maybe he gets a bit jealous. this is so specific i couldn't find anything like that😕
2. it's okay if you can't find this one bc i could not for the life of me. i read this specific fic on ao3 a while ago where merlin arthur and the knights have to pass through some sort of magical gate? and some magical creature is guarding it and in order to pass through they have to state their titles(?) and merlin is like oh shit but there's no way out other than forward and he starts listing all those things like last dragonlord, greatest warlock to ever walk the earth so on and everyone else is like 😯. i just thought it was cool and would love to reread it.
thanks in advance!!
Hey there!
For your first request:
Truth Is a Whisper
Jealous, Sire?
Word of Mouth
Be My Mistake
The Man From Denaria
You can also find more in our Jealous!Arthur tag.
For your second request:
You’re probably looking for In A Name by StarlightInHerEyes22!
Summary: In the middle of some quest or another, Merlin, Arthur and the knights find themselves stuck in the middle of a shrine being told that, if they wish to proceed unharmed, they need only speak their true names and titles. Straight-forward enough, right?Wrong. Merlin really hates the Old Religion sometimes.
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the way I never noticed that, the dragon sculpture Balinor gives to Merlin:
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looks a lot like baby Aithusa!
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in ‘Aithusa’, part of the reason why Merlin tries so hard to save the egg, is because being a DragonLord is a legacy he must protect.
Even Kilgarrah tells him,
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Aithusa being wrested away from Merlin, trapped underground for 2 years and finding companionship in Morgana goes against Merlin’s struggle to raise a new dragon as a tribute to his father…
It also brings up more questions about what Aithusa’s birth really meant for the future of Albion, was the dragon’s life a ‘summary’ of what happened to Albion so far? (The Great Purge/ Magic going underground, and Magic then finding a new champion in Morgana and distrusting it’s true Savior: Emrys)
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A lot of questions on meta! Lol
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thaliajoy-blog · 11 months
Valyrians // Iron Islanders parallel I found interesting 🤔 and leads me to some conclusions about Valyrians (it's just my opinion though) since we know little about them ultimately
- Obviously, the both of them practiced/ still practice some form of slavery.
- Valyria was a powerful, brutal empire looking to always expand it's territories, and was feared by all ; and while a lot milder the Targaryen dynasty springs from "the Conqueror" (and several Dornish wars show that continued ambition). All the while not only did the Ironborn once conquer a sizeable part of Westeros and subjected it to their dreadful rule under house Hoare (Harren the Black), but in the current asoiaf timeline they also have conquered parts of the North, and Euron has even bigger plans. So in both cases, a big tendency to expansionism.
- They both practice polygamy to some extent. Ironborn have one "rock wife", a legal wife, and "salt wives", who are captive concubines. We've not that many info on whether or not the Valyrians valued some wives above others, since the two cases we have real info on are entirely different. But like the Ironborn Valyrian polygamy seems to be only polygyny, a marriage of one man to several women.
- So, info we've got on individual characters can imply many things for the Valyrians, especially how their society works (social strata) and their values. Some theories have it that Valyrians treated their women much better & gave them quasi-equality to men, but I kind of think the cases of Visenya & Rhaenys (and some possible cases among some previous Valyrian women like Janaera Baelaerys or the Elaena who "ruled with her brother") in the eye of the comparison with the Ironborn, kind of look like Asha's situation. Especially with Visenya. They are both women with unusual positions & who are closely associated to power by their male relative ; they are both warriors and they fight for their family, and are respected as such. Despite the Iron Islands having a pretty misogynistic culture, Asha manages to fit right in and be considered practically as her father's heir and a possible contender for the salt throne, while Visenya was an advisor for Aegon & sat the Iron throne in his absence with her sister Rhaenys. And even if Rhaenys embodied more feminine qualities and wasn't a "true warrior", she could still fly her dragon into battle with her siblings. It's possible that dragons elevated Valyrian women & their place in society, like being a warrior, a sailor & a captain did for Asha in the Ironborn society. They are useful in the same way men are, are more or less able to do the same things.
- To develop the comparison, if we look at Maegor, who was raised by Visenya, the embodiment of Valyrian female autonomy & power in a sense, it kind of is strange that he became a man who didn't respect women all that much. He abandoned his first wife because she couldn't give him children, and treated most of his other brides as potential broodmares. In both instances in the text he affirms that what he wants from his wives isn't just "a child", but "a son". How does that make sense for Visenya's son, raised by her, except if Valyrians were patriarchal but sometimes allowed women (dragonriders) to hold some power and could on an individual level be lead to see them as equals of sorts (like Balon with Asha) ? While still really valuing men first, ultimately - which is why Aegon (the Uncrowned) was made prince of Dragonstone, and not Rhaena, who was older but female. It's a culture that cares about sex & does discriminate to some extent, but cares more about strength in some way, and so gives some equality to powerful women.
- So, this lead me to tentatively infer that dragonlords possibly did "rank" their wives, and if they had dragonrider (sister) wives and non-dragonrider wives, put the first above the second in some way. (Edit : they apparently sort of did, as they could have wives and concubines, like Aenar the Exile had)
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liroyalty · 8 months
Dracondia Srce's Royal Family & their Dragons
The royal od Kronascre family are one of the last remains of their homeland of Old Dracondia, which it & all of it's people were destroyed in a great calamity dozens of centuries ago. They came to the far western continent on dragonback, & proceeded to conqueror the small landmass & make it their own. They then named the western continent in honor of their pervious home, naming their destoried home 'Old Dracondia' & the far west continent, 'New Dracondia', & as thus, also naming their empire 'Dracondia Scre'; which shares the last four letter of the royal family's last name.
Also carried on from Old Dracondia with the od Kronascres, is the language of High Dracondian & the titles of Old Dracondian royalty. the Ruler of Dracondia Scre is also called 'The Dragonlord', seen as 'The One directly below Zmajev Bog'. This title never changes regardless of the gender of the ruler. The heir to the throne is the Crown Prince/Crown Princess, & they are called 'The Dragon Heir/The Dragon Heiress'.
Aside from their dragons, the od Kronascres are known for their pale hair & striking eyes. White, silver & pale blonde hair are the most common traits of the royal family, & while their eye colors range more varyingly, to have purple, red or yellow eyes are the most preferred of colors.
King Dalibor Trdnjavabull od Kronascre IX, the Dragonlord
Dalibor T. od Kronascre, the ruler of Dracondia Scre, a man of silver hair & red eyes, he is incredibly tall & large, nearing giantism, making him an intimidating presence to behold. During the course of his reign, Dalibor encountered revolts from his younger brother, the former spare Prince Mojmír M. od Kronascre, & lesser lords of his empire. Dalibor was known to fly personally into battle on the back of his dragon, Rdečlord, burning down his enemies with little remorse, which would eventually include his own little brother & his bonded dragon. After killing his brother & his dragon, he was known for his vicious brutality & harsh ways of ruling, so many were surprised when he took a gentle & kind commoner woman as his wife, & even more surprised when the Dragonlord took no lovers. Dalibor & his wife completed their marital duties & bore two children, however, he seemed disappointed that both of his children were daughters. He seems to prefer his eldest daughter, not just because she is the Dragon Heiress, but because she looks more like his wife.
Rdečlord, the Red Lord, King Dalibor's Dragon
Rdečlord was the dragon that hatched beside a newborn Dalibor. Back then he was regarded as being surprisingly large for a newly hatched dragonet, as he was 'bigger then the size of baby Dalibor's head', & today he has grown into one of the 5 largest dragons in Dracondia Scre's history. Rdečlord name is a combination of the High Dracondian language & english, translating into 'Redlord', befitting of his appearance, as he is a large red scaled dragon. His wing membranes appear a lighter red then his dark red scales, his eyes are a yellow-orange coloration, he has horns on the top of his head that point backwards & are colored black apposed to the rest of him, as well as a bread of horns of a similar black color. One of Rdečlord's eggs were given to the Crown Princess to hatch.
Queen Nataša od Kronascre, the Gentle
Nataša was a commoner woman who lived a humble lifestyle as a farmer, before she was selected by the King Dalibor out of a lineup of possible brides. A woman of blonde & faded purple eyes, the Queen was not granted a dragon, as she was not true royalty, but took frequent rides on the back of Rdečlord with her husband. So beloved did Rdečlord become to her through these rides, the queen asked the king to promise her to give their firstborn one of Rdečlord's eggs, to which the king agreed. She then bore the King the usual two children expected for the royal family, the heir & the spare, both daughters. While the king was upset at not having a son, Nataša delighted in her two daughters. She adored & spoiled her children, raising them herself while her husband ran the kingdom, until eight years ago, where a deadly illness took her life.
Crown Princess Suzana Sončniogenj od Kronascre, The Dragon Heiress
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Suzana S. od Kronascre is also most often referred to as 'Sue', is the heir to the throne of Dracondia Scre. She has her father's red eyes, but the rest of her mother's gentle features, including her blonde hair; made paler by her of Kronascre genes. When she was a newborn, her father placed the egg of his own dragon, Rdečlord, into her crib, as Dalibor promised his wife Nataša. Suzana then successfully managed to hatch the egg, & create a bond with the dragonet, whom she would later name Xokat. Being the firstborn, Suzana was treated better by their father, who only wanted a son to bond with, as Suzana proved to have more boy-ish traits. She spend her youth playing & learning swords, the arts of war, politics & bonding with Xokat. She seems to be very close with her dragon, to the point where the crown princess would often sleep beside Xokat in the Dragon den after argument with her father, it's even believed they both feel each other's pain. The Crown Princess is praised as a great beauty in the empire, & many have tried for her hand, but she has taken no lovers or marriage offers, much to the anger of her father. Suzana is sure & confident in herself as heiress, & is determined to become a better ruler then her father.
Xokat, the Serpent, Crown Princess Suzana's Dragon
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The dragon hatched by the Crown Princess as a newborn, Xokat is of the dragon Rdečlord's brood, & was named after a lesser dragon deity of Old Dracondia, Xokatoryd. He shares in he's father's coloration of red scales, yellow eyes, & having a bread of horns, separate from his father, his horn beard is not black but remains red, his wing-membranes are a deep orange. He also has extra wing-like membranes on his legs to support the aerodynamics of his body, namely his long & serpentine neck, which was considered to be strange or even a 'deformity' among dragonkind; for that 'deformity' he is referred to as 'The Serpent'. Xokat is also a very large dragon, in spite of his form, & many believe that Xokat will surpass he's father's size by the time Suzana is crown Queen. Xokat had a deep attachment to his rider Suzana very early on, which only grew deeper at the two aged & spent more time together. With his rider, Xokat can be compared to an affectionate dog. He thrives under his rider's attention, & the two often take to the skies together.
Princess Anamarija Občutljiv od Kronascre, The Forgotten
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Anamarija O. od Kronacre is also simply called 'Ana', she is the secondborn & the emergency spare to the throne should something happen to her older sister. She has her mother's faded purple eyes, but the rest of her father's features, including his silver hair. As the secondborn, she is an after thought in the mind of her father, doubly so because she is not the son he wanted. Her oldest sister loved her none-the-less & her mother would often try to make up for the lack of affection by doubling her own, but that soon came to an end eight year ago when an illness struck the queen down. Anamarija was soon left to fend for herself, as her father paid her no mind, & Suzana soon became busy as the future ruler of Dracondia Scre. Her only friend has been her Dragon, Misya. Despite this, Ana tries to be a kind soul, & wants to prove herself useful to the empire, but has difficultly talking to others.
Misya, Bluefyre, Princess Anamarija's Dragon
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Misya was the dragon hatched by Princess Anamarija as a newborn, the newest hatch from a long-line of she-dragons. Misya scales are a mixed coloration of a deep purple outline on the out edges & limbs of her body, & a lighter purple on the inner lines of her body, a pink-ish color appears on her wing membranes. She has horns on her head that curve & point backwards, with a few small horns along her neck & tail, pointed claws at the crown of her wings. Her eyes are a teal color & her form is very slender with large wings, making her an swift & fast flyer. Misya is not a very large dragon, unlike her sister & father's dragon, she is however, one of the very few dragons throughout Dracondia Scre's history to breath blue fire, making it much hotter then typical dragon fire. For this, she has the secondary name of Bluefyre. Misya has a close connection to Anamarija, being the one creature the princess considers her friend, the two often disappear from the royal family's castle for days on end, flying towards the empire's coasts most often, where the two make home in a local cave & live like commoners, fishing for their meals.
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procrastinatorrex · 1 year
Robed in black, the figure was a disembodied shadow standing alone amidst the golden heat of the feast. “I’ve had a lot of time to think,” the voice was horribly familiar. When the hood fell back to reveal Morgana’s lovely face, gone thin and far too pale, a gasp rippled through the court. Her eyes were bright and golden, making her look like a hawk. She stared only at Uther, unblinking. “I have decided you’re right, father.” 
The king snarled, “I am no father to you, witch.” 
Morgana smiled, slowly. “I suppose that’s true. Nevertheless, I have decided to help you achieve your dream.” 
“What dream?” Arthur moved to stand between the pair, Merlin on his heels, another shadow in his dark jacket. Arthur’s hand was on his sword, Merlin’s eyes glinted like coins over his shoulder, both waiting. 
“Why, purging all the magic from Camelot, little brother.”  Her voice was dripping honey. “What else?” 
She raised her hands, and the golden light in her eyes flared bright, twin candles fanned by unnatural wind. The walls of the great hall quaked, knights and nobles jumped to their feet as huge cracks opened in the mortar and the flagstone floor began to break apart. Golden light poured from the cracks like blood. 
Arthur seized Merlin when the dragonlord stumbled, hauled him back upright. “What’s she doing?” He had to shout over the crashing of Camelot falling to pieces. 
“What she said,” Merlin spoke to him with magic, for his ears alone. “Camelot Castle was built with magic. She’s purging it.”
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crazyfoxfur16 · 1 year
Do You Believe in the Paranormal (Pt. 2)
Rhaenyra was sleeping in her bed, alone because Daemon was away on business, when the door to her bed chamber burst open. She shot up in bed, fully awake and grabbed the dagger from under her pillow. She let her hand fall to the bed when she saw her half-brother standing there.
“Aegon, what are you doing here?” She demanded.
“I need to talk to you.” He said.
“That is not what I asked. I asked what you are doing here, on Dragonstone?” She said.
“Not important, what is important is me talking to you.” Aegon answered.
Rhaenyra sighed, “About what?”
Aegon’s face went pale, “I-”
Rhaenyra raises a brow, waiting, “Well, get on with it.”
“I-I-” Aegon looked like he was going to have a mental breakdown, “It’s about the succession!” 
Rhaenyra froze, staring at her half-brother. The succession? But that was already decided, she was the heir to the Iron Throne. Why would Aegon need to talk about the succession?
“The succession? Aegon we both know that the succession is settled.”
Aegon looked at her and sighed, defeated, “I know, it’s just-” He walked over to her bed and sat down, “There’s something else about it, something I just found out tonight.”
Rhaenyra could see the terror in his eyes and that he was shaking. She placed a hand on his, “What is it, Aegon, tell me.” She gently pushed.
“As you know, my mother is still saying that I’m the true heir. Well, tonight I was woken up by a presence in my chambers. It was a woman staring at me then she just disappeared in a cloud of red smoke.” Aegon looked down at the floor, “I flew here, to Dragonstone, to find out who she was. When I got here, Jace found me and I told him everything. He took me to the temple of the Fourteen Flames where we spoke with Lord Vhagar who told us that the woman I saw was the goddess, Iraxes, and that her presence was not a good one.” 
Rhaenyra stared at her half-brother. The goddess Iraxes, she’s never heard of her before. 
“Then what happened?”
“Lord Vhagar spent us to Lady Viserion,” Aegon started to twist the ring on his finger, “She told us our future. She said that when father dies, mother will usurp the throne and put me on it, starting a civil war between you and me, killing almost every Targaryen and almost every dragon. I don’t want that to happen, so I’m telling you in hopes that I can change that fate.” 
Rhaenyra blinked at Aegon for a moment, “What?”
Aegon nodded his head, “I get it if you don’t believe me.”
“No I don’t believe you,” She said, “On the part that it will be Alicent that usurps the throne. It will be Otto Hightower.” 
Aegon looked at Rhaenyra shocked, “Wait! So you believe me?”
“Yes, I do” Rhaenyra said, nodding her head. 
“But what I need to understand is why you are telling me.” She said.
Aegon looked at his lap, “Because you’re my older sister and the heir to the throne and you should know.” 
Rhaenyra shook her head, “No, I don’t think that’s it, there’s more to it than that.”
“Because you’re my sister and I don’t want you to hate me and think I’m weak.” He said, looking as if he was going to cry. 
Rhaenyra frowned. Is that what her brother really thought about her? What has Alicent been filling his head with? She gently gripped his shoulder and had him look at her, “I don’t hate you and I don’t think you’re weak.”
“Really?” Aegon asked.
Rhaenyra nodded, “Can I tell you a story?”
Aegon nodded.
“It is said that long ago, when Old Valyria was nearing its end. That there was a war. Now the war was between two siblings, who very much like us, had the same father, but a different mother. They were brother and sister and they were both dragonlords, said to be one of the very first dragonlords. The sister, who was the oldest, was called Daenora and her dragon was a large, beautiful white and black she-dragon named Silverfyre,” Rhaenyra pulled the blankets over Aegon as she continued, “The bother, who was the younger, was called Valerion and his dragon was a large creme and pale red-orange he-dragon called Valíria.” 
“When Daenora was just a little girl, her father, before he remarried, named her his heir. But then he remarried and had four children with his second wife. Valerion was the oldest and his mother pushed his father to name him his heir instead of his daughter Daenora, but he refused and Valerion grew bitter over his sister.” 
“They sound like you and me.” Aegon said.
“Yes they do. But heres the kicker, when they were young, Daenora and Valerion were the best of friends, but as time went on they began to drift apart until the love they had for one another was replaced by cold, dark hatred for one another. When their father died, Valerion took their father’s lands and titles away from Daenora and she was furious.” 
“And to make the usurpation even worse, Daenora was 7 moons pregnant when it happened. When Daenora found out what her brother had done she went into a black fury and the babe within her became angry as well. For three days the screams of Daenora was heard though the castle as she went through a grueling labor. When the babe was born, it was dead and a girl. Darnora swore vengeance on Valerion saying that he took her land, her titles, and that he killed her little girl.”
Aegon looked shocked, “That sounds awful!”
Rhaenyra nodded, “It was and the war that followed was even worse. So many people and dragons died fighting one another, including Valerion and Daenora’s siblings. The war went on for half a year, until one fateful day. Valerion and Valíria met Daenora and Silverfyre over one of the fourteen volcanos of Valyria. They say that when Daenora saw Valerion she called him a thief and a traitor. To which Valerion called her a whore and a false lord. Then it went quiet, until Valíria and Silverfyre let out roars so loud the ground shock and jumped into the air.” 
“They say the fight that followed by a horrifying one. Each dragon tore and bit the other, ripping chunks of flesh and wing off of each other. No one knew who had the upper hand, until Valíria snapped his jaws around Silverfyre’s neck and his claws tore through her belly. Silverfyre managed to bite Valíria’s left wing and her claws managed to rip off the right. Both dragons fell from the sky and crashed to the ground, alive.” 
Aegon gasped and leaned closer.
“But sadly, Silverfyre didn’t live long. After making sure her rider wasn’t hurt the mighty she-dragon took her last breath and died. It was said that Daenora, mad with grief, screaming and roared for her dragon just as Valerion drove his sword through her stomach.” Rhaenyra poked her finger against Aegon’s stomach as she spoke, “With her dying breath, Daenora demanded that her brother name his first-born daughter after her beloved Silverfyre, just as she had named her first-born son Valarr after Valíria and then she died just like her dragon. With that demand, Valerion remembered the friendship his sister and him had shared. It is said that he cried and sat vigil for his sister and her dragon all through the night and in the morning, Valíria took his last breath and died. From that day forth, Valerion was completely swallowed in grief over the friendship of his sister and him and for their dragons, but he did do as his sister demanded and named his first-born daughter Saera after Silverfyre.” 
Aegon looked at Rhaenyra, “That is an awful story, you are really bad at story-telling.”
Rhaenyra laughed, “Yes, it is an awful story, but there is meaning behind. That the love you have for your sibling never truly dies.” 
Aegon smiled, “I think i get want you’re trying to say. That no matter what happens I’m still your brother and you love me either way.”
“Exactly,” Rhaenyra said smiling.
Later when Aegon met up with Jacaerys before leaving, Jacaerys pulled him aside and said, “To answer you’re question from earlier, yes, I do believe in the paranormal.”
Aegon smiled and said, “Yeah, I know.”
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bangtanloverboys · 8 months
the last of us all // jjk
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summary - after nearing a hundred years of persecution, dragons and dragonlords alike are near extinction. except you, the last dragonlord, hiding away from the humans who would execute you. there you stay in your solitude, until you come upon rumors of a dragon egg locked away in a far away fortress. you know as a dragonlord, it’s your duty to save the species. although you should have expected you wouldn’t be the only one to go after it
pairing - dragon!jungkook x dragonlord female!reader
genre - drama, angst, fluff; dragon au
author’s note - this one was inspired by a particular episode of bbc merlin; i really just liked the idea of dragons and dragonlords needing each other, but reluctant to work together. as well as like accidental baby acquasition.
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jk is one of the last dragons on earth 
yn is last dragon lord (dragon lord magic is passed from first born to first born, so they were wiped out, but her family managed to flee the execution) 
kinda offensive to each other at first because dragons believe that dragon lords gave them up to the humans. There’s very little dragons left in the world
dragon lords said that they never gave up the dragons to the humans, that they’ve been just a persecuted as the dragons for being magical beings
(in reality, it was one rouge sorcerer who believed that bringing the dragons to the king would be in peace)
both yn and jungkook are like…23?? they don’t know each other, grew up on opposite ends of the kingdom. Both are solitary and remain to themselves, away from humans
dragons have two forms, their true form and a human form. human form has horns, some scales along joints?? immune to fire bc duh this is a dragon au
dragon lords are indistinguishable to humans; only dragons are able to tell the difference via scent
PLOT: there’s rumor of a dragon egg hidden in a tomb and they both go after it 
they not only have to fight each other off for the dragon, but the rumors have also reached human ears and the king has gathered together a small hunting party to destroy the egg
when jk and yn meet they’re like conflicted bc instincts of kin, but the way they were raised has them furious at one another. They taunt each other and it’s Not friendly
Jungkook beats her to the egg, taking it away just in time as the humans catch up. They capture yn, upon realizing she’s a dragon lord “may not have destroyed the egg, but at least we’ve got ourselves a dragon lord!”
A few days pass, yn has been brutalized and beaten and that’s when jungkook comes and saves her. But its not out of the goodness of his heart 
He drags her, not even bothering to free her of her bounds and takes her to where he stashed the egg
“Hatch it”
“I beg your pardon?”
“I thought. . . i thought the stories of dragon eggs being only hatched by a dragon lord were false. But i’ve given it a thousand names and it doesn’t hatch so hatch it”
She looks at the egg long and hard and the name azo alls from her lips, and the egg begins to hatch
Jungkook heard rumors of dragons gathering in the west, wants to bring azo there. He has no choice but to take yn with him as hatchlings get very attached to the first person they see (i.e. the dragon lord) until their grown
As they make their way west they slowly fall in love and become co-parents of the itty bitty baby azo
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quinntamsin · 2 years
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Her wife faced her, the woman from Dorne was a stranger in the far north, but they loved each other. An Yronwood by blood, her dark skin stood out against the snows of late summer. And yet, the two of them loved the far north. Smiling, the heir of Wolf's Tooth walked the edge of the massive blackwater fjord of her home. In full leather armor and with the sable fur around her shoulders she was a far different sight than her Dornish bride. "I am still unsure in this new land, " Lady Denna spoke, they had know each other for years, and still the marriage was new. Qwynn let out a chuckle, "when we finish our fleet and sail to the far west things will change." "I would make a very fitting next Sea Snake," Denna replied.
House of the Dragon S1SE6, "The Princess and The Queen", at least ten to five and ten years have passed. Rhaenys now lives as the heir to the realm and ALicent a Queen properly. A dynamic which will form the Black and Green Council, the competing factions to the Lancasters and Yorks of the War of the Roses. We open again as the blood of the Targaryen Dynasty, their rises and fall before us in the opening. The literal blood of Dragons as the last Dragonlord House fights itself. Quite poetic, which reminds me I need to get Fire & Blood, so I know this story better! "By Fire and Blood." From a black screen we hear the groaning of a woman in childbirth. Rhae has given birth to her third child it appears (yes I researched the timeskip to get it accurate). Almost like Aemma the new actress brings new life into this world which brings Aemma's words to her daughter in episode 1 all more real. A beautiful strong baby to join the Dance later on. We fin dout that the Queen has called for the new baby so like the proper petty bitch she is Rhae does it herself. Seriously, ALicent and Rhae are rightfully petty to each other. What fucking clout and pettines do you have to have to walk POST BIRTH to deliver your baby to a petty ass noble. Seriously, this girl has fucking strength! Laenor pops up happy for a healthy baby and we can see he is a caring husband. And he asks the stupid question if fucking childbirth is painful. I love how she's a stubborn ass about doing it herself. She is shaming everyone for letting this happen. SHe' the fucking Crown Princess and yet they are letting the Queen do this. Cole pops up at the door being a fuckboy, and we get to see the modern Alicent, which is different. I'm still use to the younger actresses, but I do like Viserys comes out happy to see his. Both the Queen and the King seemingly ignore the Princess and just take the baby. Which is kind of messed up. And, of course, the Queen gets a jab in how the baby doesn't look like him. Laenor just naming the Kid Joffrey has brought a problem. And we see that Harwin has fathered the Queen's sons. Dammit, these Strongs have really got their hands into the Kingdom. Larys sits as the Master of Whispers and LIonel was fucking Hand. A young dragonling is brought before the Targaryen kids. We see the White Hair Aegon II and Helaeno along with Prince Jaecerys. And oh shit it's Aemond not Helaena.  They bring a pig out for Aemond which is stupid, since the boy will ride Vhagar. The fact that the two Aegons are fucking with young Aemond shoes how sad it will be when they kill each other. And, the foolish child decides he's going to delve into the fucking Dragon pit. Note dragons CAN CARVE through stone to make tunnels. So this is beyond foolish. He ventures inside and out comes a fairly large Dragon, its mouth filled with flame. He runs in fear and we switch to Alicent speaking to her daughter? It does appear to be Helaena, the tragic future queen. She has a fascination with bugs which is a nice little quirk. "He'll have to close an eye." So Helaena likely has the dragondreamer power, since Aemond will lose his eye in the Dance. The queen brings Viserys up the fact that none of the kids Rhae has had is a Velaryon. None of them are true, but I want to point out, that it doesn't matter. They have the blood of the Dragon, does it matter? Criston decides to listen to the Queen and we all know he's just a spurned lover. We can see here that really Alicent resents Rhae, who flaunts her sexuality like mother fucking Daemon. And then we get a scene with Aegon fapping out a window to his mom popping up. Yeah, she's definitely so fucking fixated on this, on how Rhae will spite them. Well, it could happen, because Viserys and Otto handled this all VERY FUCKING BADLY. We split to Caraxes flying above what appears to be Dragon Stone, as massive Dragon flies over him. Vhagar, the future dragon of Aemond. Seems that Daemon and his family has come Pentos. To be offered a separate land for themselves. A place where they could be away from the Velaryons and Westeros. It would be smart to set apart, a way be free of them. Laea doesn't want it, but we can see Daemon is considering it. It does seem they do keep counsel with each other. Seems Daemon has yet to really mature, he's still a fuck boy. Back in Westeros in the Redkeep we see Aemond and Jaecerys training. Cole is the one doing the training and we see how he is foolishly. Aegon eyes a servant girl, ah great another Daemon, as Harwin strong comes out to watch his kids. Yeah, Lyonel has done really well for his family. Watching, we see Cirston pitting Aegon against Jacaerys, which he will do later on. Aegon quickly over powers Jacerys since he's a fucking boy. Jace comes back him with fury swinging wildly, but his fury seems to easily overraw the Prince. We can see that they are accusing Harwin of adultery and he decides to punch the shit out of Cole. Who deserves it like the little whiny spurned bitch he is. So he's the Incel Knight, and as Rhae comes to see Harwin she hears how Lionel is aware of it all. You can tell she is emotional and is aware something is about to change. As she tries to rest Rhaenor and Laenor bursts in with some dude named Qarl. We can tell that she's trying to listen to him. HIs story has him wanting to head off to war again. She calls on him on his actions and they begin to argue. She talks bout how those are his sons and he calls her out. It appears their sham of a marriage appears to be over since they cannot keep the rumors at bay for long. ANd suddenly we go to Rhaena (SO MANY RHAES IN THIS SERIES) besotted that she doesn't have a dragon. Laena tries to calm her and goes out to a lonely Daemon and they talk about the Princess' offer. WE can see that Laena really wants to be with him. THe man is obviously unsure, and desperately wants to head back to Westeros. We switch back to Rhae who is listening to the small council discuss the Brack and Blackwood feud. We here how the Triarchy is rearing its head again and we can obviously see that Rhaenyra isn't happy. She offers a dragon egg to Alicent after an apology and of course she lactates through her shirt. Alicent has reserved herself to the foolish notion that she cannot cool this problem. Honestly, if both of the women talked about I could see her being honest about how she feels saddled with the King. Lord Lyonel enters to speak to the King to resign and we can see the King does not want the Hand to quit. Lyon speaks of a Shadow, and he admits he cannot speak of the Shadow. Harwin is to be taken from COurt and we can see the QUeen wants it to be known. That her old friend has been having "Bastards" and her children should reign above. Heading back to her chambers she takes Counsel with Larys strong about what is going on. It is a tad strange the Queen is sitting with the Master of Whispers. This is obviously the action that has been building the so called "Green Council" faction which will stand against Rhae. He starts to discuss everything before smartly ending his words as a servant appears. This makes me think that Lyonel has some unseen contempt with his own father. The Queen speaks of how her father would have been in her corner. We bear down into what appears to be a gaol and it seems that the Lord of Whispers wants a favor as he names the various men and we see a very graphic scene of a man's tongue being cut open. In Pentos Laena is about to give birth to her baby, Baela, Daemon hovers nearby indifferent. This makes me wonder how are the two feeling. THe doctor speaks to the Prince if he'd consider a c-section. Daemon does not want it, and we see Laena wander outside later to Vhagar. She calls for Dcracrys as the massive Dragon actively refuses to follow the command.  He then burns her alive in front of Vhagar who has demanded it. It kills me, another woman killed to further the story of how women are treated terribly in WESTEROS. Now, we find Harwin speaking to his son and the Princess waches. Switching back to Laenor sparring in the yar with Qarl. The Princess tells Laenor to bring the man along. They are leaving for Dragonstone, the Queen is set on undermining the Princess' status. The Sons of Viserys seemingly stand against her own children. Meanwhile, as Lyonel takes Harwin back to Harrenhal we see that the tongue-cut have come for House Strong. THeir doors are locked and a massive fire breaks out as both men die in the last burning of Harrenhal. Another Great House taken as the cadet line of House Targaryen flees. We hear Larys calling children a weakness. Viserys stares at his fingers as rats have popped into his room. His own illness seemingly coming from the shadows to take him. Larys continues his narration as people claw at the ashen remains of Harrenhal. The tongue-cut flee into the shadows like the rat does. We then find ourselves seeing the burning form of Laenor as Baela and Rhaena sob. Their father walks away in shame and sorrow. We switch back to Larys s he speaks to the Queen. This man is more deadly than LIttlefinger it seems, and just as treacherous as he feeds the Queen's paranoia. She tells him she didn't want it, but she can tell Larys did it as leverage against her. This man shows his dangerous nature to gain power in the throne. A Kinslayer walks the halls of the Red Keep. Gay Canon I'd really like to seem some great stories with Alicent topping Rhae, just cuz that's what's in my head. I have ises more for a Dragonrider Alicent story using some GEMD theories from Lightbringer. Hottakes
Knights of the Incel Guard.
The King is obviously TRYING to keep his shit.
Aegon is a fucking prat and him fapping out a window is disgusting.
Larys is obviously feeding the Queen's paranoia so he can form a power bloc with Lord Otto.
Seriously, FUCK Criston for attacking a child.
Harwin beating the Incel KNight was the best part of this season.
Fuck Larys and Alicent for killing the Strongs, Lyonel was a master Hand.
I wanna say that Laenor getting to fuck about with Qarl is a nice change of page.
This series really pushes how WEsteros considers women to be fucking disposable.
Queen Alysanne would be appalled at what has become of her family at seeing what her husband decided.
Laena's story was -appalling-, but less appalling than what happened in the books.
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